Exposed neck of the tooth. The roots of the teeth are exposed, what to do.

Teeth are exposed at the roots, what to do, reasons

Well-groomed teeth are not only a sign of beauty, but also of oral health. To maintain these organs in good condition until old age, it is necessary proper care, prevention of caries and examination by a dentist to identify possible violations.

Teeth are involved in the initial process of digestion, performing the function of primary food processing. Despite the strength of the tissues of which the tooth itself consists, they can be destroyed under the influence of various factors. Patients often come to the dental office complaining of exposed teeth at the roots. Many people are concerned about why their teeth are exposed, what to do, why exactly this happened to them...

This process indicates the presence of a disease - periodontitis. If treatment is not timely or if it is refused, there may be serious complications– periodontal disease, partial and total loss teeth.

Why does root exposure occur?

The anatomical structure of the tooth is divided into root, neck and crown. If a person’s tooth is healthy, then only its protruding part – the crown – is visible. The neck is covered by gum tissue, and the root is deep in it. With the development of periodontitis, not only the neck, but also the root is exposed. A pocket forms between the tooth and gum.

Symptoms of periodontitis

Painful sensations in the area of ​​the tooth root
• Swelling and redness of the gums
• Discomfort while eating
• Bleeding

At this stage, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment. Otherwise, the symptoms become more complicated, and bad smell in the mouth inflammatory process, loosening of teeth and their further loss.

The reasons for tooth exposure are varied.. Also, the disease can occur in people of different ages.

* The first reason is injury. It occurs due to malocclusion. The gums are constantly injured and its tissues are destroyed. Damage soft shell maybe chosen incorrectly toothbrush. Too hard bristles or intensive cleansing provokes gum destruction.

* The second reason is the inflammatory process, which begins with plaque on the enamel. Gradually it turns into tartar. Connective tissues roots are damaged and exposed. Bacteria multiply intensively in the pocket cavity, which leads to the progression of the disease. The pocket becomes wider and bone tissue gradually gives way to epithelial cells that cannot support the body of the tooth. The gums recede even more, and the patient loses the tooth forever.


First of all, it is necessary to diagnose and identify the cause of periodontitis.

* If this is due to tartar, then you should get rid of them as soon as possible. After removal at an early stage, the gums begin to recover quickly. In older people, healing often does not occur, but the inflammatory process stops.

* If periodontitis develops from improper oral care, then the dentist conducts a course of treatment and gives recommendations on teeth brushing techniques. It is necessary to clean not only the enamel, but also remove plaque from the tongue and buccal mucosa. After each cleaning, new plaque forms quite quickly, so food debris should be removed after each meal. In case of malocclusion, braces are installed. Modern technologies in dentistry they allow you to correct this defect efficiently, painlessly and quickly.

Therapeutic methods for treating exposed teeth

1. Initial therapy. Includes professional oral cleaning. Without surgical intervention remove stones and plaque.

2. Orthopedic selective grinding. Grinding down areas of hard dental tissue.

3. Filling. Covering exposed roots with fillings by perforating the tooth root.

4. Removing overhanging edges of fillings. Additional processing of the filling along the contour and its grinding is carried out. In some cases, the filling is replaced completely.

Surgical methods for eliminating periodontal disease

If periodontitis is in an advanced stage, and the patient’s risk of tooth loss is high, then the dentist performs plastic surgery or flap surgery of the gums. During the operation, the exposed root is covered by nearby tissues. In particularly severe cases, the root is removed and a prosthesis is inserted.

If all the symptoms indicate the onset of periodontitis, it is recommended to immediately contact dental center. The doctor will carry out treatment aimed at saving the tooth.

Exposure of teeth is a common problem, mostly affecting people over 40, but there are exceptions. Dental exposure is the displacement of the gum edge for no apparent reason, resulting in the exposure of the neck and root of the tooth. IN dental practice This phenomenon is called gum recession.

  1. Oral hygiene. If you neglect to brush your teeth, diseases may arise that will cause the tooth to become exposed. The main ones are:
    1. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that occurs as a result of a large number of microbes in oral cavity. It manifests itself as inflammation, bleeding and pain. There are two types of gingivitis:

i.Hypertrophic. It is characterized by swelling of the gum to such an extent that it hangs over the tooth. This type of gingivitis cannot cause exposed teeth.

ii.Atrophic. It is characterized by shrinkage of the gums, resulting in exposed teeth.

  1. Periodontitis. With this disease, periodontal tissue becomes inflamed. The retaining apparatus of the teeth becomes loosened, resulting in gum bleeding and inflammation. Plaque begins to accumulate in periodontal pockets, which leads to the formation of tartar. As a result, gum destruction occurs.
  1. Improper brushing of teeth. It's about about cleaning techniques. Perhaps the brush is too stiff or, when brushing your teeth, there is uneven pressure on the brush, as a result of which the gums can be damaged.
  2. Malocclusion. Due to an incorrect bite, teeth that are not positioned correctly can damage the gums, which over time can lead to displacement of the gums and exposure of the tooth.
  3. Increased acidity in the oral cavity. Acid can destroy enamel, as a result, the gums are damaged, and the neck and root of the tooth are exposed.

Symptoms of exposed teeth

Treatment with folk remedies

If for some reason a trip to the dentist cannot take place, then everyone resorts to self-treatment. Exists large number folk ways.

  • Massage. Gums also need therapeutic massage. It should consist of stroking and lightly pressing on them. Massage is best done with a special massage brush. Failing that, such a massage is done with a finger. To improve blood supply to the gums, you can use mint oil during massage.
  • Compresses. Use warm compresses once a week.
  • Rinsing. Mouth rinse is very effective remedy in the fight against exposed teeth. For rinsing, tinctures of oak bark or St. John's wort are suitable. To prepare the tincture, you need to take oak bark and St. John's wort, having previously cleaned it. Place in a pan of water and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes, then let cool. The medicine is ready for use.
  • Plantain. No wonder they say that plantain is a cure for all diseases. It can also be used for dental treatment. Soak plantain leaves for an hour cold water. This is done so that everyone harmful substances contained in the leaves have disappeared. Then we divide the finished leaves into medium pieces and chew for 15 minutes. This procedure must be done once every two days.
  • Salt and banana peel. Take 2-3 tablespoons of salt and dried banana peel. Mix until smooth, for easy use, take olive oil and use it to bring the mixture to a creamy consistency. Rub this mixture into your gums morning and evening. The mixture must remain on the gums for at least 10 minutes, otherwise there will be no effect.
  • Air. Unique plant. But it should be used not for treatment, but to eliminate pain in the teeth. To prepare a tincture of calamus roots, take calamus roots and a glass of vodka. Let it brew for 10 hours. Rinse your mouth with this tincture if you experience pain in your teeth. It is recommended to use no more than once a day.
  • Sugar beet. Beets can completely cure periodontal disease, which, if left untreated, leads to exposed teeth and even tooth loss. Apply grated beets to your gums for half an hour. The procedure is only effective if performed frequently. You choose the amount per day yourself. In two weeks your teeth will be healthy.
  • Collection of herbs. Pharmacies sell ointments for teeth, which include a collection of certain herbs. Using this ointment, you will relieve inflammation of the gums, and they will bleed less.

Folk advice is supportive therapy and cannot replace drug treatment. Before we start home treatment, you need to make sure there is no food allergies for products. Allergies will only worsen the underlying dental disease.

If traditional methods If the treatment does not help you, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. None folk method treatment is not a substitute for treatment at the dentist. Stay healthy.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you need to radically change your oral care.

To get started, you need to take 3 steps:

  1. It's better to change the usual one toothpaste to a desensitizing brush, and a brush for professional cleaning.
  2. You should brush off all plaque from your teeth several times a day, even if it’s just a little bit.
  3. You should also rinse your mouth with anti-inflammatory solutions.

But more often, when you discover an exposed tooth neck, it is too late to use these tips; you can turn not only to traditional medicine, but also to resort to surgery, medicines, filling, remineralization, fluoridation, installation or crowns, and also use plastic surgery.

What to do if the necks of the teeth are exposed, step by step instructions:

  1. First, you should contact your dentist, since exposure of the necks of the tooth is most likely accompanying symptom, already developed, more serious illness.
  2. You need to not only start keeping your teeth clean and keeping them fresh, but also make sure that the oral cavity is not dry; if you feel that your throat is often dry, then a lack of moisture usually leads to such consequences.
  3. After visiting the dentist, the patient will be offered one of the methods to solve the problem, some of which will be recommended by the specialist himself, since treatment partly depends on the source of the disease.
  4. It is important to remember that treatment early stages almost painless and will not require large financial costs , so you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment options

Modern medicine may offer one of 6 treatment methods or a combination of them to achieve best result in the fight against the disease.

Emax veneers

The treatment method is ultimately determined by the patient himself, of course, but the dentist will indicate the most appropriate procedure in this case:

  1. Filling. This method of treatment is used by dentists if a wedge-shaped defect has not formed or its stage is at the initial level and will not pose a threat. In more advanced situations, filling will not make sense, since the fillings will constantly fall out and in their place, sooner or later, inclusions will appear that will affect the teeth very quickly due to the proximity of the infection to the root.
  2. Remineralization. This is the most painless procedure of all and also very simple. The patient is applied thin layer a gel containing calcium is applied to the surface of the tooth; after hardening, and this happens within 7-10 minutes, the calcium linings become one with the tooth. For a noticeable effect, you need to take a course of this type of procedure.
  3. Fluoridation. Fluoridation, like remineralization, is carried out according to a general and very similar method. A varnish containing calcium is also applied to the teeth, but there are two types of varnish. Deep (involves penetration into the pores of the tooth) and superficial (action on the surface), combining these 2 types, the enamel comes to life again and returns to the positions from which it once slipped. Also being restored normal sensations when consuming hot and cold food.
  4. Veneers. Veneers are commonly used to correct teeth with fillings or to enhance the appearance of lightness. Veneers are a thin plate that is placed on a tooth, adjusted and adjusted to the shape of the tooth, under the influence of ultraviolet lamp, the onlays are secured to the tooth. To install them, you need to cut off part of the enamel coating in order to ensure high-quality fastening. In the case of exposure of the neck of the tooth, veneers cover all the resulting defects.

If none of the above remedies have any effect, the dentist is forced to stop the recession with the help of crowns.

It is itself installed on the patient’s tooth using (a filling is poured into the tooth scraped from the inside along with pre-inserted pins in the roots of the tooth) or (the inlay is made in laboratories and is individual for each patient), both processes are very difficult to install, expensive in price, and also quite painful.

Therefore, such measures are used strictly in extreme needs.


Surgical intervention, despite its high cost, is becoming increasingly popular among poor people with oral problems. Before the mini-surgery itself, the oral cavity is thoroughly cleaned to prevent infection.

Before and after gum surgery

Preparatory measures last up to 2 weeks, and if necessary longer, after preparation, the doctor uses one of several treatment methods:

  1. Lateral flap (used if the affected area has not spread too widely and there is a sufficient supply of donor material).
  2. Trapezoidal flap (used if the problem has already become local and the formation of generalized lesions has begun; donor material is also required during the operation).
  3. A graft from the mucosa (tissue to cover the exposed roots is taken from upper sky, which is quite painful, and the operation itself is performed very similar to the two interventions listed above).
  4. Coronary transplantation (material is taken from the donor and, if there is insufficient material, from the patient himself).

Conducted surgery under local anesthesia, in case of complications or falling into pain shock, under general.

Traditional medicine

People have come up with a lot of ways to treat bare necks at home; their main disadvantage is that they are not suitable for all cases:

  1. Gum massage. For massage you will need the hard side of the brush, with which you should first rub the gums lightly, then press sharply and firmly, release after a few seconds and then repeat the procedure for at least 10 minutes a day. If it is not convenient to use a brush in your mouth, you can use your fingers.
  2. Rinse. Decoctions are made from St. John's wort or oak bark. For 300 ml. water, you need at least 4 tablespoons of crushed, dried St. John's wort tops, after bringing the decoction to a boil, it should be cooled and rinsed while warm. If oak bark is used instead of St. John's wort, then it should be at least 50 grams per 300 ml. water, the bark should not be too dry and flabby.
  3. Plantain. The plantain should be thoroughly rinsed under cold water, then cut into pieces and chewed for 20 minutes. Also, the leaves can be grated and the resulting salad can be placed around the entire perimeter of the gums. This procedure is carried out once every 2 days.
  4. Banana peel. Grind the dried banana peel and add 2 teaspoons of salt. Then you need to add to this mixture olive oil until a creamy solution is obtained. Keep this mixture (the taste will be terrible) for at least 10 minutes, 4 times a week.
  5. Beet. You can also use beets, which are grated and applied to the gums; this coating is done 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Causes of the problem

The most common cause of exposed tooth necks is poor hygiene, which in turn forms, becoming a breeding ground for bacteria that destroys the enamel and surface of the gums.

Another reason could be malocclusion jaws. People suffering from this disease find it more difficult than others to take care of their teeth; many places remain uncleaned.

Also, lovers of nuts and seeds, whose shells form microcracks in the enamel, provide new habitats for bacteria that destroy not only the tooth, but also prevent proper wetting of the gum mucosa.

The main reasons are:

  • enamel cracks;
  • mechanical damage teeth;
  • attacks of heartburn;
  • habit of biting nails;
  • stomatitis;
  • diseases of the digestive tract, ulcers and work disorders thyroid gland;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • not on the menu fresh vegetables and fruits;

“My gums are receding from me. Slowly but surely. The top one crawls higher and higher, and the bottom one slides lower. The necks of the teeth are already visible. And I don't want to see them. I don’t want to see my roots even more.”

With such emotional reaction A patient once came to see me with the necks of her teeth exposed. This problem is quite common. Let's try to understand the reasons and consider methods of treating exposed tooth necks.

Gum loss is a serious threat to oral health as it can lead to weakening of the teeth in the jaw and eventually tooth loss.

The causes of exposed necks of teeth are:

  • atrophic gingivitis
  • periodontitis
  • periodontal disease

In addition to reasons related to general diseases body, gingivitis occurs due to poor hygiene. If the disease is not treated in time, it turns into periodontitis.

Treatment periodontitis and gingivitis begins with professional teeth cleaning. After the course antiviral therapy Gingivitis usually goes away. Periodontitis takes longer to cure. Cleaning of periodontal pockets is required, which is called curettage. It can be closed (cleaning with special tools) and open, when the gums are cut to remove deep tartar. A course of antibiotics is required. In addition, the patient’s hygiene skills are adjusted, since it is insufficient teeth cleaning that provokes the risk of both gingivitis and periodontitis.

Treatment both periodontal disease and accompanying wedge-shaped defects are effective in the early stages.

It is important to remember that periodontal disease cannot be cured, but with constant careful monitoring by a specialist, it is possible to maintain good condition of teeth and gums with this disease.

The most effective recommendation for patients suffering from exposed necks of teeth can be only one: after finishing reading, call dental clinic and agree on a time for your visit. Timely contact with a specialist will allow you for many years enjoy the presence of your own teeth in your mouth.

The article was prepared specifically for the magazine “4 Ages” healthy teeth» dentist-therapist Elena Sergeevna Voylokova.

If you have questions for Elena Sergeevna Voylokova, you can ask them at her

If your teeth have become too sensitive, you can't safely drink hot drinks or eat ice cream, and your gums bleed when brushing your teeth, the problem may be that the neck of the tooth is exposed. Healthy teeth are strong and white, firmly “sit” in the gums, only the crown of the tooth remains outside, and the neck and root should be hidden deep in the gums, but sometimes the neck of the teeth begins to become exposed, and the edge of the gum moves away. This can cause a number of dental diseases and even lead to loss healthy tooth, therefore, everyone needs to know why the neck of the tooth is exposed and how to deal with it.

The neck of the tooth is exposed - symptoms and signs

The process of exposing the neck of the teeth occurs very slowly, most often the patient cannot say when the first signs of the disease appeared, and he is forced to see a doctor either by a cosmetic defect that someone else noticed or problems with teeth that arise due to the exposure of the neck . Most often, this pathology occurs in people over 40 years of age who do not pay due attention to the condition of their oral cavity and greatly trigger the disease. It is quite difficult to notice the gradual exposure of the neck of a tooth, but the disease can be diagnosed by the following signs:
- increased sensitivity of teeth - teeth begin to react to too cold, hot, sour or sweet food. This is due to the fact that the cement covering the neck of the gums is much more sensitive than enamel tooth crowns;
- bleeding and swelling of the gums is another characteristic feature- the appearance of blood when brushing your teeth, bloody “prints” on a bitten apple and the inability to eat something hard without pain in the gums;
- discoloration of teeth - due to the difference in color between the white enamel of the crowns and the yellowish cement of the necks of the teeth, the teeth appear darker;
- visual increase in interdental spaces - exposed necks of the teeth create the illusion that the distance between the teeth has become larger;
- teeth become visually larger, and gums move back.

It is not difficult for dentists to diagnose an exposed tooth neck; a simple examination of the oral cavity is sufficient. But determining the cause of the onset of the disease and choosing the appropriate treatment is much more difficult.

Reasons for exposure of the neck of the tooth

Exposure of the neck of a tooth can occur for a variety of reasons:
1. Insufficient oral care, poor nutrition And bad habits– improper care of teeth and gums, rare visits to the dentist, abuse of sweets, carbonated drinks and smoking causes the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity, gradually plaque turns into tartar, teeth begin to decay, and the neck of the teeth becomes exposed. This is the most common reason similar pathology in older people.
2. Excessive passion cosmetic procedures – too intensive brushing of teeth, frequent whitening and tartar removal dental procedures can also negatively affect the health of gums and tooth enamel. Constant injury to the gums leads to the fact that the edge simply “erases away,” exposing the neck of the tooth.
3. Anatomical features structure of the oral cavity - malocclusion, short bridle and other structural features of the oral cavity, not corrected in time, cause the development of gingivitis, periodontitis and, as a result, exposure of the neck of the tooth.
4. Carious cavities – untreated carious teeth turn into a constant source of infection in the oral cavity; due to the accumulation of bacteria, the risk of developing periodontitis and gingivitis increases, which can expose the neck of the tooth.
5. Chronic diseases internal organs– diseases gastrointestinal tract and endocrine pathologies such as diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism, cause metabolic disorders, which causes oral dysbiosis and various dental problems.
6. Stress, chronic fatigue and vitamin deficiency - constant irritation, lack of sleep and decreased immunity causes many diseases, including diseases of the oral cavity.

Exposure of the neck of the tooth: treatment

Modern dentistry makes it possible to stop pathological process exposure of the neck of the tooth at almost any stage of the disease. Great value has a determination of the exact cause of the disease, since without eliminating it, the effect of therapy will be temporary.

If the patient has not yet formed a large wedge-shaped defect, that is, the neck of the tooth is not completely exposed, he is prescribed a number of therapeutic measures:
- thorough cleaning of the oral cavity;
— use of special medicinal desensitizing pastes and professional toothbrushes;
- rinsing the mouth with anti-inflammatory solutions.

Treatment is required concomitant diseases: periodontal disease and gingivitis. The tartar is cleaned and full treatment everyone carious teeth in the oral cavity. If necessary, malocclusion or short frenulum is corrected.

If all of the above treatment measures are not enough, use special methods:
- remineralization of enamel - the surface of the teeth is treated with special fluoride-containing preparations, due to which mineral composition tooth enamel is restored and teeth become less sensitive. The procedure is considered one of the safest and most painless - a special gel or other medicine;
- fluoridation of enamel - the procedure resembles the previous one, but affects the deeper layers of tooth enamel;
— laser cleaning – allows you to get rid of tartar, helps with minor defects gum tissue;
— filling of a wedge-shaped defect is sufficient the hard way treatment, because due to specific shape It can be very difficult to fill an exposed tooth neck;
— installation of veneer is one of the most effective, but expensive methods. A veneer is a ceramic coating that completely hides the front surface of the tooth and the wedge-shaped defect, leaving the teeth looking straight, white and healthy. By installing veneers, the chewing load on the teeth is reduced, but due to the fragility of the coating itself, they have to be changed quite often and new ones installed;
- installation of an artificial crown - just like veneers, completely hides the tooth defect and is the most effective method treatment neglected cases exposure of the neck of the tooth. The only drawback of the procedure, besides the price, is that installing a crown damages healthy tooth tissue, which can be destroyed as a result of the procedure.

Exposure of the neck of the tooth in the early stages can be cured without any problems, so you should pay attention to the condition of your teeth and gums and do not forget about preventive visits to the dentist.