Begonia for allergy sufferers. Which indoor flowers that cause allergies should not be kept at home?

May is a wonderful time when everything blooms and smells. Blooming gardens fill you with emotion and bring tears of joy... as well as sneezing and runny nose? There are tears of joy, but sneezing of joy and snot of joy have not yet been invented. It seems that all these are symptoms not of happiness, but of allergies.

Remembering the doctor’s advice, you stock up on antihistamines and go straight home from the pharmacy. Take a shower so that pollen carried on clothes and hair does not scatter throughout the apartment. Close the windows. Turn on the humidifier. However, nothing helps, and the disease even progresses?

Ours may be to blame for this indoor plants.
What flowers are not recommended to be kept in the house? The insidious nature has rewarded with stunning beauty some not just harmful, but poisonous plants, the flowering of which can provoke not only headaches, but also coughing, tears and attacks of suffocation.

It is important to remember: if you feel unwell during the flowering period of indoor plants, immediately consult a doctor and remove the flowers from the room.

For asthmatics, there is a main rule - to start flowers in the house only after consulting a doctor. And it’s better not to visit enthusiastic biologists, especially in the spring. Many novice botanists get burned by the Euphorbiaceae family. Experts advise handling these plants with gloves so as not to get a burn on the skin of your hands.

If you have children, doctors advise giving up your favorite alocasia and aglaonema. little child who puts everything into his mouth can become poisoned.

Everyone's favorite begonia, it turns out, can cause hives due to the content of insoluble salts of oxalic acid in the leaves; begonia tubers are the most toxic.

An evergreen exotic plant that is popular in our homes is Ficus Benjamin. Not everyone knows that its cell sap contains latex, evaporating its particles with moisture through the leaves.

Oleander is a fastidious poisonous plant. You should not smell it, otherwise you may feel dizzy and even faint.

In addition, people with allergies should be afraid of ferns. During flowering, it releases spores that are very dangerous for allergy sufferers. However, this plant humidifies the air well, so if you are not allergic to plants, then the fern will fill the house with pure oxygen.

Don't want to get a cold? Have eucalyptus in your home. Eucalyptus, lemon balm, rosemary, mint are not contraindicated for adults and are harmless for children. Their phytoncidal properties kill viruses and bacteria.

Useful indoor plants include sansevieria - it absorbs all the chemical emissions that are probably in every home from modern furniture or building materials, and chlorophytum is a strong absorber of carbon dioxide, therefore, like Tradescantia, it is indispensable in the kitchen. Aloe is a medicinal plant that does not require special care. These house plants, which do not cause allergic reactions, can often be seen on windowsills.

Coziness and comfort in the home is often associated not only with upholstered furniture, modern household appliances and beautiful finishing materials, but also with indoor flowers.

Green “favorites” not only decorate the room, but also fill it with oxygen, humidify the air, purify it toxic substances. And this can be said about almost every plant. However, some of them, except useful properties, can also cause harm.

So, for example, the juice of some indoor flowers is very poisonous and, if ingested, causes burns or poisoning. Even touching certain exotics can cause irritation and dermatitis. Not to mention contact with juice, which is simply possible when cutting twigs or leaves.

The scent of some flowers can be very strong, causing allergic reactions.

It is especially important to know about the characteristics of your indoor plants for those who have children, pets, or who suffer from allergies.

Therefore, when buying another green “friend”, you need to find out if it is poisonous?

In the article you will learn which plants should not be kept at home and why, as well as which indoor flowers you may be allergic to.

Poisonous flowers

Indoor flowers allergens

Mostly allergic reactions are caused by plants containing volatile essential oils either biologically active substances(alkaloids, saponins).

It is important to consider that the presence or absence of an allergy to a specific plant is an individual phenomenon.. It depends on a person’s personal intolerance or tolerance to the secretions of a certain type of flower.

Indoor flowers and plants, causing allergies:

So, when choosing a houseplant, it is important not only to find out about its decorative properties, but also whether it is dangerous for humans. Which indoor plants and flowers cause your allergies can be determined with a dermatologist.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui – Chinese teaching about the organization of human living space. In it, indoor plants have a special place. It is believed that many plants are able to bring their own special energy into a person’s home. And it is not always favorable for the people living there. That is why many of our popular indoor plants cannot be kept at home according to this teaching.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, plants with sharp needles and pointed leaves should not be kept in the house.. These are: cacti, sansevieria, spurge and many others. It is believed that such flowers can sow seeds of discord in the family, which will disrupt the calm flow of people's lives.

But if such plants are already present in the house, they should not be thrown away. They just can’t be placed close to rest areas or in children’s rooms. Such flowers have a place in the office, as sharp needles and leaves stimulate mental activity.

Feng Shui does not favor climbing plants. It is believed that all these species have very heavy negative energy, the manifestation of which is unacceptable in people’s homes. Many of these plants are called energy vampires, which live at the expense of other beings and weaken them.

That is why flowers such as ivy, monstera, and waxweed have no place inside the house. But ivy is often planted at the entrance to the house. He protects people’s homes and does not allow the evil energy of envious people to pass through. And gazebos entwined with ivy are good at absorbing the negative energy accumulated during the day.

Now you know which indoor plants should not be kept at home according to Feng Shui.

Folk signs and superstitions

Consider which plants cannot be kept at home according to signs. According to our folk traditions, one cannot keep much more plants in the house than according to Feng Shui. Superstitions have not escaped not only cacti, sansevieria and various types ivy, but also palm trees, ficus, spathiphyllum, hibiscus, calla lilies and even orchids.

Numerous folk signs talk about harm palm trees in the apartment. It cannot be brought into the house, as it attracts misfortune. The owner of the palm tree will certainly suffer great grief.

Ficus in many countries it is considered a very useful and cozy plant. But our signs say the opposite. It negatively affects reproductive function. A woman who has a ficus growing in her house will not have children.

For spathiphyllum The name “muzhegon” was firmly established. Women or young girls should not get this flower. The flower will not allow you to create a family or will destroy an existing one.

True, not everything is clear with this plant. It also has another name - “female happiness”. Apparently, the flower still helps some women find family well-being.

Hibiscus considered a dangerous plant that attracts trouble. People believe that the “Chinese rose” blooms shortly before the death of one of the family members.

Calla lilies– unusual and beautiful flowers, but they have long been considered unlucky. They are very often brought to funerals, which is probably why they are called grave flowers and are not recommended to be kept in the house. If calla lilies bloom, expect the death of a loved one.

A orchid became famous as strong energy vampire. She takes away a person's strength if she is nearby. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep it in the bedroom or children's room.

Myths and reality of allergies to houseplants

Allergies do not occur in all people, but only in those who have genetic predisposition to the disease. The list of particularly dangerous plants for allergy sufferers has long been known, but you should not immediately get rid of your home flowers. Green flowers are no more dangerous to our body than household chemicals And medications. An allergy to flowers is unlikely to occur unless you decide to ingest the flowers (or their juice).

There are some types of indoor plants whose allergens are found in their poisonous sap and these products should be used in folk medicine or food is not allowed. There are also frequent cases when the cause of allergies is not the flowers, but the soil on which the plant grows.

If you are going to transplant a seedling, do it with gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after the procedure. Because soil or plant residues can get into the mucous membranes and thereby cause an allergic reaction in the body.

During flowering periods, thoroughly ventilate the room, since the release of substances and pollen into the air at high concentrations can have negative impact on the human body. In any case, if suspicion feeling unwell fell on indoor plants, we advise you to carefully study the symptoms and, if you find them in yourself, immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of allergies to indoor flowers

Plants are living organisms that have their own life processes. It is these processes that contain indoor plant allergens, and a person may have an allergic reaction to them. The main reason for the development of reactions is pollen, which appears during flowering. Also, if you don't take proper care of your flowers, they turn into dust collectors. Subsequently, this can cause disease in humans and also harm flowers. An allergy to indoor plants can also arise from the plant itself, for no apparent reason. Let's look at some basic rules for caring for plants:

  • Water on time (depending on the type);
  • Regularly remove dust from leaves. For this you will need a dry towel or napkin. This procedure will help maintain the health of the plant and prevent the occurrence of allergies to dust in humans;
  • Irrigate the leaves with water (about once a week in the hot season and once every two weeks in the cold). This procedure will help retain moisture and give additional care plant. To carry out the manipulation, you must have a container with a spray bottle;
  • Select the right pot depending on the size and characteristics of the flowers, and also replant in time;
  • Remove dried and faded parts of green crops.

Such simple manipulations will help keep the flowers in good shape, as well as reduce the possibility of allergies to a minimum.

Another cause of allergies to indoor flowers can be fertilizers. No matter how the sellers of “flower food” assure you of its naturalness, remember that one way or another it contains an impressive amount chemicals, which are not always beneficial for both plants and people.

Houseplant allergens: list of the most popular

What indoor flowers cause allergies? This question is probably asked by many people who know about this type of allergy. Of course, there are indoor flowers that cause allergies in people, and here are some of them:

  • Azalea;
  • Hydrangea;
  • Philodendron;
  • Adenium;
  • Mandeville;
  • Carissa;
  • Primrose;
  • Geranium;
  • Fern.

When asked what indoor flowers you may be allergic to, remember this list. The list is not complete, however, these are the most common allergens for our area.

You have found out which indoor flowers cause allergies, and now you can easily choose the plant you need. If you are hesitant about choosing a flower to create coziness, then here is a list of indoor plants that do not cause allergies:

  • Begonia;
  • Homemade pineapples;
  • Heather;
  • Palm-like plants.

Here are some allergy-friendly flowers that will help you avoid unpleasant allergic sensations and also create a green corner in your home.

Allergy to flowers - symptoms

It is quite difficult to identify allergies, because if you have not encountered this disease before, its symptoms will be incomprehensible to you. Most often, symptoms are attributed to diseases such as colds, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. An advanced allergy can cause the development of pathologies that are dangerous to human health and life.

We figured out which indoor plants cause allergies, let's now look at the main symptoms of an allergic reaction in humans:

  • The appearance of signs of hay fever. Characterized by increased tearing, swelling, copious discharge mucus from the nose, swelling in the eyelids, excessively frequent sneezing, dry, prolonged and irritating cough, as well as respiratory allergies;
  • Eating disorders more often appear in people with weak stomachs and young children - vomiting and nausea are possible;
  • Somatic reactions of the body occur. Appears severe itching which leads to scratching of the skin surface, dryness and inflammation;
  • Skin manifestations include urticaria, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Dermatitis occurs in various forms(erythematous-squamous, exudative, lichenoid or prurigo-like). There is a violation of skin pigmentation, inflammation, and erosion. Damaged areas of the skin become covered with scales and ulcers.

If you find these manifestations in yourself, we recommend that you consult your doctor. He will hold necessary diagnostics, will advise you and prescribe appropriate treatment. If this disease is ignored, it can become chronic and constantly remind itself.

Allergy to houseplants - treatment

Treatment for this allergy is standard and does not have any special features. Your doctor will prescribe you antihistamines, which will help you get rid of allergy symptoms, and also advise you to remove plants containing allergens from your environment. As additional measures, immunostimulants and therapeutic techniques such as massage or acupuncture may be prescribed.

Carry out treatment folk remedies We don't recommend it. Because this method can develop an allergic reaction and worsen your condition. In order to use traditional medicine you must

To use traditional medicine, you must consult a doctor, who will help you pay attention to this or that decoction or completely exclude this method from treatment.

What indoor plants should you not keep at home?

The simplest safety rules are to use garden or regular latex gloves when in contact with green inhabitants. If you are pruning or removing branches and foliage, use a special knife. The tools you use in the kitchen should not come into contact with plants. Hands, as well as all cutting or auxiliary objects, should be thoroughly washed upon completion of maintenance work. Remember that individual flowers can actively highlight toxic substances during irrigation or watering.

Indoor poisonous plants - photos and names

Oleander is very beautiful when in flower, but its aroma can cause dizziness, nausea or even fainting. The juice of leaves and stems can cause allergies or burns to the skin. Do not allow oleander juice to come into contact with your eyes - the consequences can be very dire, including loss of vision.

Potted spurge looks very exotic, thanks to its large, rich green leaves. In fact, the Euphorbiaceae family has many varieties: some resemble cacti, others resemble miniature palms. Selected species milkweed have spines, the prick of which poses a threat to the body, as they are very poisonous. The foliage and stems of milkweed contain juice, which, if it enters the esophagus, causes severe poisoning, and upon contact with skin or mucous membranes leads to burns and irritation.


Dieffenbachia attracts the eye with its large decorative leaves with a variegated pattern. Its milky juice is very dangerous for the eyes; upon contact with the skin it causes burns, redness, and itching. If it gets into the mouth or esophagus, it causes severe burns of the mucous membranes and poisoning. If you have small children or animals at home, it is better not to get this plant!

Dieffenbachia, photo:


Alocasia – decorative foliage plant, which is very poisonous. Any work with it should be carried out wearing protective gloves, and not only the juice, but even the fumes from the roots are poisonous. On all thematic forums, experienced flower growers strongly recommend using protection when transplanting alocasia. If you disturb the root (for example, cut it), you can smell a distinct cyanide odor, which is not recommended for even prolonged inhalation. If it comes into contact with the eyes, alocasia juice can cause loss of vision, even if a child or animal inadvertently licks a small drop of juice, long-term illness is guaranteed. All parts of alocasia are poisonous: they contain hydrocyanic acid, mercury, and sublimate.


Croton has very beautiful densely growing leaves, appearance it resembles a small tree. It blooms very rarely at home, but is often purchased precisely because of its attractive foliage. Croton is also very poisonous; if under some circumstances its juice gets into the blood (through a wound or cut when working with it), then even death is possible. In case of contact with skin, immediately wash the area with soap and water several times.


Azalea is very loved by many gardeners, it is simply luxurious, the flowers have a wide palette of shades, it is often used to create bonsai. It is poisonous, its foliage contains glycoside and andromedotoxin, which, when ingested by a person or animal, cause poisoning, nausea, and convulsions. The most poisonous is the Sims or Indian Azalea.


Evergreen ivy from the Araliaceae family is poisonous in its entirety - the berries, foliage, and stems can be fatal to humans and animals. This vine-like plant is very attractive to cats, and they suffer from it more than others. It also poses a serious danger to people.

Evergreen ivy, photo:

Ivy evergreen

Cyclamen is another one pet with decorative flowers unusual shape. Its leaves look very attractive, but are also toxic. Particularly dangerous are cyclamen tubers, which contain a strong poison, similar in strength to the poison of curare. When ingested, it causes a sharp deterioration in health, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.


Adenium attracts flower growers with its exotic look, which is given to it by thick aerial roots. On top it is decorated with numerous flowers of bright colors, different forms. Adenium is very poisonous, its juice provokes poisoning and causes burns upon contact with the skin. It should be borne in mind that all its parts contain toxins; this plant is especially harmful for asthmatics. The milky juice of adenium is able to penetrate into the blood through skin, so think more than once before bringing it into your home.


Monstera can most often be found in offices, public institutions, but flower growers often place it at home. It looks very impressive, grows to impressive sizes, and has large carved leaves. Monstera juice is very toxic; if it comes into contact with the skin, it causes a burn and severe itching. If it gets into your eyes, it can significantly damage your vision. If a child or animal eats at least a small part leaf, poisoning or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is inevitable.


Brovallia is very attractive, it is not for nothing that its full name is Brovallia the Beautiful. This small bush produces flowers of all shades of blue, lilac, and white. Alas, all parts of Brovallia are poisonous, so its contact with the skin or mucous membranes must be avoided. This flower attracts pets, but its juice is very dangerous for them.

Browallia, photo:


Aglaonema amazes with the beauty of its leaves; they are large, dense, with an incredible pattern of diversity. Despite the fact that it has a positive effect on the air in the apartment, cleans and disinfects it, it is still poisonous. The juice is the main danger to people and animals, although the berries are also toxic. If the flower is even slightly damaged (for example, a leaf is broken off or scratched during replanting), the juice will be released immediately. When performing any planting or care work with aglaonema, you should wear protective gloves.

Aglaonema, photo:


Primrose flowers have a wide range of shades, and the leaves also look cute - round, textured, covered with small fibers. Contact with these villi can cause a severe allergic reaction (burning, itching), and when primrose flowers bloom, dizziness and nausea can occur even in healthy people. strong people(it releases alkaloids). You should know that bright decorative primrose is poisonous, all its parts are toxic and pose a threat to your health.


Gloriosa is an exotic, truly luxurious specimen. Its unusual flowers are able to change their shade during flowering. This attractive representative is one of the most toxic among house plants; all its parts contain poison. If you have children or animals at home, you will have to give up having gloriosa. If it enters the body, it causes severe poisoning, including kidney failure.


Can indoor plants cause allergies? The answer will be positive - yes, they can. Representatives of the family Euphorbiaceae, Solanaceae, Aroidaceae, and Cutroaceae pose a particular threat. You should handle them very carefully and think more than once before bringing them into your home. Kutrovye are the most dangerous; the especially revered adenium, plumeria, carissa, and dipladenia can cause significant harm to the health of your loved ones, as well as pets.


Remember that even pollen flying in the air can trigger an allergic attack. Almost all domestic flowers emit spores, essential oils, and pollen during flowering, and in particularly toxic varieties, all the released elements will also be by no means useful. Severe allergies can be caused by geranium and fern crops.

Don’t forget about protection if you decide to house one of them. Representatives of the aroid family also require increased attention and isolation from children and pets. Syngonium, a favorite of many, philodendron, contains poisonous components in its juice.


Be careful with euphorbia plants, each of them contains the toxin euphorin, which can cause allergies, skin inflammation, itching, and burns. Wash your hands with soap, use gloves, or better yet, replace them with safer green ones. The world of flowers is diverse and amazing; among the many options, you can always choose a favorite that will not only be safe for health, but also useful.

What indoor plants are good for the home?

Some of them have been known to many since childhood, such as aloe and Kalanchoe, which our mothers and grandmothers used to treat us for runny noses or colds. The plants listed below are home healers: they purify the air, they can be used for traditional medicine recipes, and they release components into the atmosphere that normalize the emotional background.

Indoor plants useful for the home

Lemon is very decorative - a small tree with bright fruits looks simply charming, plus it is very useful. ABOUT healing properties I think everyone knows the fruit of lemon, but its leaves are capable of releasing beneficial phytoncides and volatile essential oils. Where there is a lemon tree, you can breathe easier, your mood improves, and your brain activity activates.

Lemon with fruits

The well-known aloe is incredibly useful, has a wide range of applications in medicinal purposes. Aloe is undemanding to care, easily tolerates long breaks between waterings, and grows quickly. The juice and pulp of its leaves are a real immunomodulator for our body. Aloe has a powerful bactericidal, healing effect, and can suppress growth cancer cells, activates vitality body. The most common “medicinal” variety is tree aloe, but striped aloe and fearsome aloe are poisonous. Plants that are already 3 years old contain the most useful components.

Tree aloe (Aloe arborescens Miller) or agave
Aloe vera (A. vera L)

Pelargonium is a close relative of geranium, they are often confused, although geranium is more of a garden species, and pelargonium is closer to domestic ones. One way or another, most often all types of pelargonium are called geranium. This flower is very popular, which encourages breeders to develop many new varieties. You should be aware that some varieties of pelargonium can be poisonous! Therefore, for home breeding, choose safe varieties (hybrids, zonal pelargonium, large-flowered), which refresh, cleanse the atmosphere, destroy pathogenic bacteria. Moths, mosquitoes, and flies really don’t like pelargonium and “flee” from the room where it is located. If we consider indoor plants and the signs associated with them, then pink pelargonium can be considered a magnet for love relationship. White pelargonium is recommended for those who dream of a child.

Pelargonium, photo:

Pelargonium (geranium)

Spathiphyllum is an elegant, sophisticated flower that brings happiness, helping women meet their love; it is popularly called “women’s happiness.” It purifies the air at home, suppresses harmful bacteria, has a detrimental effect on mold spores, if such a problem exists. Spathiphyllum actively releases oxygen with the arrival of night. The genus Spathiphyllum is an indoor plant that brings love and family happiness.

Spathiphyllum, photo:


Nephrolepis is one of the most attractive house ferns; it also has air-purifying properties and “absorbs” radiation from a TV or computer. Nephrolepis releases oxygen and biologically active compounds, making it easier to breathe indoors and elevating your mood.

Nephrolepis, photo:


Kalanchoe is another one home healer, which is called indoor ginseng or tree of life. It is unpretentious, with the onset of summer it is recommended to take it outside more often. fresh air. Scope of application ( medicines based on it) Kalanchoe is incredibly wide - dentistry, surgery, gynecology, etc. Kalanchoe has a hemostatic, wound-healing, anti-burn, antimicrobial, and antiviral effect.


Begonia is useful, namely a decorative leafy group of plants that saturate the atmosphere with phytoncides, moisturize the air, and protect it from dust. Please note that the Begonia Everbloom variety is toxic, as are its hybrids. Other indoor begonias are capable of suppressing staphylococcus and streptococcus bacilli and various chemical components of the air. Decorative foliage begonia species are indoor plants that purify the air.


Chlorophytum is unpretentious, grows and develops in any light, loves moisture. It also has powerful air-purifying properties, and if, when replanting, you add to its soil mixture activated carbon, That useful qualities this green resident will only become stronger. This home flower capable of stopping toxic emissions of combustion products. Types of chlorophytum, such as indoor cape, crested, variety "Bonnie", winged - these are the best air-purifying indoor flowers.

Chlorophytum, photo:


In addition to their medicinal and decorative qualities, many indoor flowers carry a certain energetic message, at least that’s what many people think. Numerous signs have come to us from time immemorial; believing them or not is our personal choice, but it’s worth paying attention to.

What indoor plants can be kept in the bedroom or nursery?

Your sleep, well-being and, finally, family relationships depend on the atmosphere in your bedroom. You should not place poisonous representatives in the bedroom - those that emit toxic spores into the air or provoke allergies.

Opt for chlorophytum, laurel, potted rosemary or lavender.

Geranium, camellias, spathiphyllum, begonia, Kalanchoe, aloe, and Uzambara violets purify the air and release oxygen. These indoor plants for the bedroom can really relieve stress after... working day, relieve insomnia, calm the nervous system.

But monstera, ferns, ficuses, strong-smelling lilies, gardenias, and oleanders should not be planted where you sleep.

have too much flower pots It is also not recommended in one room - in a humid environment (soil) all kinds of fungi grow faster.

If people suffer from asthma or allergies, then, of course, it is better not to place flowers in the bedroom at all.

Indoor plants for a children's room are the same phytoncides that release useful components, purifying the air, having a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses. For a nursery, it is better to choose unpretentious flowers that are resistant to “trauma” (tearing off leaves, breaking stems). Children, as you know, are also fidgety, so some complex or capricious flower is unlikely to take root if it becomes an object close attention young researchers.

Hibiscus, lemon, myrtle, chlorophyllum, mandarin, balsam, hippeastrum, eucalyptus, phalaenopsis are perfect for a children's room. These green inhabitants perfectly purify the air, produce oxygen, and fight toxins and all kinds of bacteria.

Waler's balsam Myrtle

Houseplants and signs associated with them

For some, green residents are a favorite hobby or just interior decor. However, along with this, many flower growers pay attention to signs and study the influence of flowers on our lives. A pet can easily become a kind of talisman, a guardian of happiness, a magnet for positive events. For example, you only have to look at oxalis to notice its incredible resemblance to four-leaf clover, an ancient, powerful symbol that attracts good luck.

Oxalis (Oxalis)

The same chlorophytum mentioned above is considered the patron saint of happy family life.

Strict calathea has long been considered a guardian family relations, contributed to a long, happy family life. By the way, if you provide her comfortable conditions, she will live an incredibly long time, decades.

Aichrizon, whose leaves are somewhat similar to hearts, is considered the “tree of love.”

The money tree (crassula) is a favorite “amulet” that promotes the accumulation of material wealth.

Fragrant myrtle is often given as a wedding gift because it promotes family happiness and mutual understanding between spouses.

Incredibly beautiful hoya, which blooms with snow-white or pinkish “balls”, is recommended for placement in matrimonial bedrooms. This flower is the patron of lovers, helps to maintain fidelity, and gives mutual understanding to couples.


Beloved by many, violets are a symbol of comfort and home, and spathiphyllum is generally the “happiest” flower (according to the majority). It is called “women’s happiness”, it helps single people to meet their happy destiny, married people - to strengthen existing relationships, the childless it gives the joy of motherhood, and those with many children - harmony, peace in the house, mutual understanding between loved ones. If spathiphyllum has bloomed in your home, then rest assured that happiness is already on the doorstep!

There are also indoor plants and the signs associated with them are not very positive - here it is definitely worth giving primacy to vines. If you keep climbing vines at home, the male sex will avoid the women or girls living in it.

Ivy, tradescantia, roisissus (birch), hanging zebra, campelia are the most active “husband-growers”.

Donated palm trees should also not be placed in an apartment.

The poor cacti got it - according to folk beliefs they encourage the residents of the house to drink. It is also not recommended for unmarried virgins to get involved in growing cacti.

Ferns, philodendrons, along with monstera, are considered absorbers of positive energy and vitality.

Geranium, yucca, neoregelia, sansevieria are also considered energy “vampires”.

Be that as it may, practice shows that those who take all negative prophecies to heart attract problems to themselves. He who seeks finds, says ancient wisdom. There are many happy families and the successful destinies of people who keep ferns, ivy, and cacti in their homes. So grow your favorite flowers at home, enjoy life, but be on the lookout for poisonous representatives!

The choice of green pets directly depends on your preferences; follow safety measures when caring for them, protect any flowers from contact with animals or small children. Be careful about your choice; if you are in doubt, you can always consult an experienced florist or address your question to the appropriate flower forum.

In addition to external beauty, there are indoor plants that cannot be kept at home - I described the photos and names of the most frequently purchased representatives in this article. Hope, this information will help you do right choice, create a cozy interior that will be aesthetically attractive and safe for you and your loved ones.

Man has been striving to decorate his home and make it more comfortable since ancient times. Plants are often used for this purpose: green corners, or window sills buried in flowers - this is not only beautiful, but also useful. Plants purify the air by releasing oxygen, and many of them not only bloom beautifully, but also smell pleasant. However, every coin has two sides: any plant requires specialized care and comfortable conditions for growth and flowering, as well as an unpleasant surprise You may become allergic to indoor plants.

Why does allergy occur and how does it manifest itself?

When choosing a flower in a specialized store, few people think about what this flower can cause unpleasant symptoms, or generally endanger the health of family members. Often, an allergy to plants comes as a surprise: before, a person did not have any manifestations of allergies, but suddenly there is sneezing, a runny nose, dizziness, and other unpleasant things.

An allergic reaction occurs when a person’s immune system is unable to cope with the irritant on its own. And symptoms such as a runny nose and sneezing are very mild and harmless manifestations; everything can end much more sadly, for example, Quincke's edema, or even coma.

That is why you should not neglect your feelings: if you brought home a flower, and after some time you or your family members feel unwell (symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, runny nose, sneezing, headache, inability to take a deep breath, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, swelling of the face and limbs), it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and limit the patient’s contact with the irritant - this could be a cold or poisoning, or an allergy.

It is better to put the flower in a room where people will not have contact with it, or even temporarily give it to neighbors.

Houseplants can cause respiratory and other allergies even when they are not in bloom: allergenic essential oils can be released from the leaves and trunk.

How to avoid allergies?

Unfortunately, if your body reacts sharply to any allergen, you won’t be able to cope with it without pills. To avoid a recurrence of the allergic reaction, it is recommended to completely eliminate the possibility of contact with the allergen, that is, in this case, get rid of the flower. However, if you are allergic to one plant, this does not mean that absolutely all house plants are contraindicated for you. You can easily choose a flower that will not cause you any unpleasant symptoms and will be pleasing to the eye without threatening your health and the health of your family.

To do this, it is worth studying in more detail what kinds of plants there are that cause allergies in many people and try not to encounter them in enclosed spaces.

Plants that are known to be strong allergens

It is worth noting that indoor plants that cause allergies do not affect all people. There is a certain percentage of people who are absolutely not prone to allergic reactions, as well as people with food allergies Respiratory allergies do not occur very often.

But still, there are certain plants that cause allergies more often than others. These colors include:

  1. , also known as "". Its leaves contain large number essential oils, which are the cause of the well-known smell. But if for some the smell of geranium leaves is the smell of childhood, reminiscent of grandmother or kindergarten, then for many it is “an unbearable smell that suffocates.”
  2. . Despite the legends, this plant does not bloom, never at all, but this does not mean that it cannot be dangerous for allergy sufferers. It reproduces by spores, which, to cover a larger area, fly through the air and end up in respiratory tract person.
  3. Catharanthus, or alamandu. Very often, he learns that someone is allergic to plants after coming into contact with this dangerous flower. During the period of active flowering, this plant releases into the environment a huge amount of substances with a cloying odor, which provokes symptoms such as obsessive headaches, difficulty breathing, and nausea.
  4. Philodendron, or. Unlike the above plants, which for the most part cause respiratory allergic reactions (that is, those associated with the respiratory system), this flower is dangerous due to its juice. Its leaves and stems should never be eaten, and when replanting, you must protect your hands with rubber gloves. Its juice can cause chemical burns to the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. or euphorbia. Just like philodendron, this plant can be extremely dangerous when transplanted: its juice, similar to viscous milk, is very dangerous. If such plants are placed in public places(in kindergartens, schools, hospitals), it is customary to place them in the farthest corner behind all other flowers, so that those unaware of these dangerous properties people did not accidentally harm themselves. Chemical burn from such plants it is not really an allergy to flowers, because It manifests itself not only in allergy sufferers, but in everyone in general, however, in allergy sufferers, interaction with such plants, in addition to burns, can also cause swelling.
  6. , or butterwort. Its juice is considered medicinal and is used in folk medicine to heal small wounds, but in allergy sufferers it can cause a severe respiratory reaction, even angioedema, so it is better to leave folk recipes in the past, and heal wounds with ointments and plaster: stop laryngeal edema without help It is very difficult for health workers, and seconds can count.

Safe plants

If there are plants that provoke allergies, then there must be domestic flowers that do not pose a danger to those who are allergic to plants. What indoor flowers can be safely classified as safe?

Various palm trees, heather and many other plants are considered safe even for allergy sufferers. Sure, they can be dangerous for those who have an allergic reaction to a particular plant, but for most people they pose no threat.

When choosing houseplants, if you don't know if you have a flower allergy, remember what symptoms to look out for increased attention. If you do not notice any unpleasant symptoms when you come into contact with a flower, most likely this plant is safe for you.

Remember about safety precautions and the conditions necessary for the growth and flowering of each specific plant, and then your home garden will delight you and your family for many years.

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Our environment is not only nature and globe in a global sense.
The environment is the home conditions in our apartments, as well as the conditions of various institutions, offices, workshops and other industrial premises.
People everywhere strive to create comfortable living conditions and give the premises an aesthetic appearance. It is always important for a person that the space around him be enlivened by at least one plant. And if conditions allow and there is such a desire, a person grows many favorite plants at home and at work.

When choosing plant species for indoor landscaping, gardeners most often focus only on their external signs and characteristics: decorativeness, size and growth rate of plants, size and shape of leaves, characteristics of flowering (abundance, frequency, duration). Also, flower growers are usually interested in the ease of caring for plants indoors.
However, it must be taken into account that each type of plant requires certain indoor conditions.
Therefore, when creating a winter garden or phytorecreation (a recreation room filled with living plants), you first need to rely on the basic characteristics of the room (lighting, temperature, air humidity, drafts, etc.) in order to create an assortment of suitable plants.

Causes of allergies from plants

Natural plants, contact with which can result in an allergic reaction, are known quite widely. This different types Zlakov , Wormwood And Ambrosia(pollen during flowering period), Nettle, Hop, leaves Raspberries And Cherries (Cherries), Chubushnik or garden Jasmine, Amaranth(when touched).
Plants with hard and rough leaves covered with small break-off hairs can also cause allergies.
A number of plant species containing photodynamically active coumarins and other biologically active substances are also allergic - Hog parsnip, Ferula, Ruta , Ammi, Skumpia, Russ, Fraxinella or Dictamnus (Burning bush) and many others.

As a rule, we are not ready for such things allergic manifestations from indoor plants that live in close proximity to us - growing in rooms for various purposes.

When choosing plants for landscaping premises, we usually do not think about how the body (ours, or the body of other people who come here) will react to this or that plant chosen for interior decoration.
However, volatile substances released by indoor plants can cause any allergic reaction in humans.
After all, a plant is a living organism that breathes and, naturally, releases metabolic and respiration products. The plant secretes substances formed during its vital activity (alkaloids, enzymes, essential oils, etc.). The presence of these components in the air, even in small quantities, can provoke an allergic reaction in a person.
We must not forget that allergies can be caused by pollen from flowering plants and flying mature spores of ferns.
Allergenic is also trivial dust, which gradually accumulates on the leaves of living plants and on beautiful dry bouquets or herbal compositions placed on the walls of the room or on tables or vases.
Small and easily broken off plant hairs, like pet hair, can also be strong allergens.

Manifestations of allergic reactions

Sometimes we are very surprised that in the rhythm of our everyday life we suddenly begin to suffer from a dry, irritating cough, or an unreasonable cough appears frequent runny nose, or the skin begins to itch and the eyes water. Other symptoms characteristic of an allergic reaction may also appear.
Often we do not pay attention to these symptoms and do not look for the cause of their appearance. But in vain!
An allergic reaction can sometimes simply cause inconvenience (quickly passing or long-lasting); in the worst case, it can cause a sharp short-term deterioration our general condition body. But sometimes, based on advanced allergies, other pathologies (in particular, asthma) can develop.

Respiratory allergies- the most common form of allergy, including a group of diseases with allergic damage to various parts of the respiratory tract. The etiology and pathogenesis are based on immediate and delayed allergic reactions.
The entire respiratory tract or its individual sections may be affected, which determines the form of allergosis. Most often there are three types.

1. Allergic rhinosinusitis :
- seasonal- hay fever;
- hay fever- forms of allergies that are provoked: either by the plants themselves; or dust found on plants; or dust generated by rubbing dry parts of plants; or plant pollen;
- infectious-allergic(mixed form).
The manifestation of these types of allergies is as follows: clinical picture: itching and burning in the nose, sneezing attacks, copious liquid discharge from the nose, swelling of the nasal mucosa and soft palate, phenomena of eustachitis, swelling of the eyelids, sensation foreign body in the eye.
With seasonal rhinosinusitis, there is often general malaise, headache, drowsiness, a possible rise in body temperature to low-grade levels, and irritability.
Quite often, allergic rhinosinusitis precedes the development of bronchial asthma.

2. Allergic laryngitis - develops most often at night and is manifested by Croup syndromes - restlessness, difficulty breathing, barking cough, cyanosis of the lips and nasolabial triangle.

3. Allergic tracheobronchitis– manifests itself in attacks of dry hacking cough, often at night. The disease progresses in waves and lasts for a long time.

Plants - potential allergens

Among the plants that can cause an allergic reaction in humans, those that contain essential oils are most often noted. The reason for their allergic effect is that constituent components essential oils are easily volatile. Therefore, they quickly enter the cavities of the respiratory organs, come into contact with the mucous membranes - swelling of the mucous membranes and other unpleasant symptoms appear.
But this is typical not only for essential oil plants. Plants containing biologically active substances (saponins, alkaloids, etc.) can also cause the body's reaction characteristic of allergies.
Plant species that could potentially be allergens are mentioned in reference books on poisonous and/or medicinal plants, including tropical and subtropical plants, which are often grown indoors.

Among the large number of plant species cultivated in the home, some may cause allergic reactions. For example, this includes the following species and groups of plants (this is not a complete list of plants that can cause allergies).
Often, the manifestation of an allergic reaction depends only on the individual tolerance (or intolerance) of each individual person to the secretions of a particular plant species.

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Previously, almost every house had geranium (pelargonium). Many heart patients like its smell; it is medicine for them. The leaves of the plant contain a lot of essential oil, which has a beneficial effect on the heart and disinfects the air. But it can cause severe allergic reactions. Like the no less famous primrose.

It is not safe to have azaleas and other rhododendrons at home. During flowering, they saturate the air with a strong and very persistent smell. Because of it, the head can ache for a long time, and the skin can be “decorated” with painful rashes.

When the oleander blooms, the room fills up incredibly. fragrant aroma. This aroma is possessed by substances that the plant releases in huge quantities into the air. Because of them, the heart can beat faster, the head will ache and even suffocate. Relatives of oleander in the Kutrov family are catharanthus and alamanda.

Blooming amaryllis also exude a dizzying aroma: eucharis, crinum. Their essential oils are also powerful allergens.

Although Kirkazon is a medicinal plant, its flowers contain many poisonous alkaloids. Therefore, it is better not to inhale the smell of Kirkazonaceae and not to keep these plants in the apartment.

In many houses you can see the beautiful Dieffenbachia. If its juice gets on the skin or mucous membranes, severe irritation can occur, including deep burns. This distinguishes the entire family of araceae, to which arma (alocasia), philodendron, and aglaonema belong.

Similar reactions can also be caused by all euphorbias, including such popular ones as euphorbia, acalypha, and croton.
And Benjamin's ficus, even if it does not bloom, secretes particles of milky juice through its pores.

By the way, some ficus trees, as well as citrus fruits, are very insidious. Due to direct contact with them, the skin does not become inflamed. However, its sensitivity to light increases, and during even a short stay in the sun you can get a severe burn.

A potential threat also comes from. Severe burns occur when its juice gets on the mucous membranes. In general, it is better to have minimal contact with plants that secrete milky sap. And they need to be placed in remote, hard-to-reach places, especially.

All ferns are powerful allergens because when they reproduce, their spores are scattered far and wide. Once in the respiratory tract, these spores can make breathing difficult and cause severe suffocation.

Kalanchoe, sedum, () - wonderful medicinal plants with healing properties. However, when used externally, they can cause allergic skin reactions, and their juices, taken orally, can cause prolonged swelling of the bronchi.

Please note

Many indoor flowers like to be sprayed, especially if the air in the house is dry. This is useful for both plants and their owners - in humid air it is easier to breathe and pollen spreads less easily.

Allergic reactions occur not to indoor flowers themselves, but to the fungus aspergillus, which is often found in potting soil. You can try growing hydroponically, for example, asparagus, begonia, cacti, cissus, ivy, hibiscus, schefflera or tradescantia.

Useful advice

Among related plants, it is better to choose specimens with double flowers - they practically do not emit pollen.

Begonia, balsam, golden mustache, tradescantia, double rose, heather, orchids, and bromeliads usually do not cause allergies.

When working with plants, especially unfamiliar ones, it is better to always wear rubber gloves.


  • Website flowers should not be kept at home
  • Website to houseplants
  • Video: Dangerous indoor plants