Pain in the left side of the back under the shoulder blade. What to do when your back hurts in the shoulder blade area? Causes of pain associated with heart pathologies

Orthopedic traumatologist of the first category, surgeon. Adult and children's specialist, Mgmu, 2006

Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back is a serious nuisance, in which the ability to move will inevitably be impaired and the person experiences severe discomfort. With certain pathologies, even at rest the patient experiences unpleasant sensations.

But it is worth noting that pain under the left shoulder blade does not always indicate the presence complex pathology. Sometimes it can appear due to staying in the same unnatural position for a long time.

If you look at the human back, you will notice that the left shoulder blade is attached to the ribs that make up the rib cage. Nerves and blood vessels are located between them in recesses. The ribs are connected by ligaments and muscles.

The spine, containing the spinal cord, is located in the center of the back, and the shoulder blades are on either side of it. Nerves extend from the spinal column. The scapula is surrounded by well-developed dorsal muscles.

The purpose of the bone is to provide protection to the lung, spleen, stomach and heart, part of the aorta located in the chest.

Why does discomfort occur in the subscapular region?

Pain in the left shoulder blade is often caused by the following factors:

  • Gastric ulcer. With this disorder, back pain often becomes increasingly severe. It often appears after the next meal, but decreases if the patient vomits. To find out whether the pain really arose due to an ulcer, you need to monitor the presence of attacks of heartburn and belching. Unpleasant sensations and pain may begin in subscapular region on the left side or radiate into the sternum. The sick person loses the ability not only to move freely, but also to breathe deeply. Inhalations are complicated by the discomfort that a person experiences when trying to relax. Due to such difficulties, other functional disorders and malfunctions may occur. nervous system. If the pain under the left shoulder blade is sharp and appears unexpectedly, it is worth calling a medical team for help;

  • Acute pancreatitis is a disorder of the body that can cause severe pain under the shoulder blade on the left side. Discomfortable sensations always have a certain character, with this ailment the pain appears as sudden, encircling;
  • Vegetative crises. Symptoms appear vividly and complicate the patient’s life. In addition to irritating pain in the back of the left shoulder blade, a feeling of chest tightness may begin, the patient notes fever there, but it is not possible to accurately identify the problem area. Due to breathing problems, the patient often feels fear, anxiety, suffocation gradually appears, and a feeling of a lump in the throat. Discomfort can also be felt in other parts of the body;
  • Sometimes it hurts under the left shoulder blade at the back due to myocardial infarction. This condition is considered life-threatening in most cases. The sooner it is recognized, the more effective the treatment will be. The patient feels a burning sensation in the problem area and is unable to breathe deeply. The pain in the left shoulder blade is quite intense, there is no reaction to the drug nitroglycerin, this condition can last about 10 minutes. The disease is characterized by numbness of the hand during each attack;

  • Angina pectoris. A pathological condition in which there is also often pain on the left side under the shoulder blade. The sensations are extremely unpleasant and sharp, which seem to compress the chest. Reason unpleasant condition there is a change in the size of the lumens blood vessels. Attacks can be triggered by significant physical exertion, alcoholism, or hypothermia. In order to ease the attack, you can use nitroglycerin;
  • Pathological conditions respiratory organs. If you often feel pain under your left shoulder blade, the cause may be dry pleurisy or pneumonia. Discomfort will be felt every time you try to cough, sneeze, and even take deep breaths. The direction of pain always rushes towards the affected area lung disease. The character can change depending on the person’s condition - pain sensations can be insignificant, and as if cutting and even piercing;
  • Aortic aneurysm – characterized by increased load on heart valve. After this, the heart ceases to fully perform its functions. Because of this, the lungs begin to stagnate. venous blood, swelling develops. Where the aneurysm attaches to the vessel, the wall becomes thinner - it can rupture at any time and cause bleeding into the abdominal cavity;
  • When there is pain under the left shoulder blade at the back, the cause may be a biphasic rupture of the spleen. This case belongs to the category of the rarest. The damage provokes the onset of abdominal bleeding, which cannot be stopped. The disease requires immediate treatment surgery, especially if the pain under the shoulder blade on the left side is of great intensity.

Pathologies of this kind must be recognized as soon as possible. The sooner treatment is prescribed, the more effective fight with illness.

Without receiving proper assistance from medical workers at the right time, the patient will only progress the disease, and the outcome can be fatal.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system causing discomfort

Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back can be caused by problems with the spine or other skeletal parts. Treatment will be determined after diagnosis. Discomfort sometimes occurs for the following reasons:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis. In the first stages of the disease, sensations of discomfort are muted, and the patient is not always able to clearly explain where exactly the discomfort is. In this case, the most vivid sensations are in the area of ​​the damaged nerve roots. Painful attacks can begin suddenly, they are dragging and lose intensity if the patient spends some time in warm bath. In the area cervical spine then blood vessels and nerves may become pinched, which is quite painful. The course of the disease is complemented by pain radiating to the arm. Cervical osteochondrosis mainly develops in people who lead sedentary lifestyle life. Pain in the left shoulder blade may be stabbing or aching;
  • Intercostal nerves may be affected. This condition is called the main cause of back pain on the left under the shoulder blade. They can be aggravated by coughing, deep sighs, and even bending the body to the left. They are very strong, sharp, and often shoot. As the disease progresses, pain in the left shoulder blade can become burning;
  • Scapular-costal syndrome - characterized by aching or pulling sensations. The localization of discomfort is usually below the shoulders, above and below the shoulder blades. The main feature of the pathology is that a crunching sound is heard when moving the shoulders and arms. The cause of the disease is serious physical stress or injury to the hand, and sometimes severe hypothermia;
  • Skeleton can hit malignant tumor, which causes discomfort. In such cases, a tumor or formed metastases are localized on the scapula;
  • Crunching in the area of ​​the shoulder blade. This disease is classified as quite rare. The pain under the left shoulder blade in this case is not severe, but when moving in the area of ​​the upper back there is a distinct crunch;
  • Sometimes the left shoulder blade hurts due to osteomyelitis received after a specific injury. For example, the cause may be injury resulting from the use of a weapon;
  • Periarthritis of the humeroscapula. With a simple form of development, the sensations are not particularly vivid - usually manifestations of the disease occur as a result of movements. Pathology taking acute stage development, may manifest itself as an increase in symptoms, which tend to worsen at night. During this period, mobility in the shoulder is limited, basal temperature rises, and muscle spasms are noted.

Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back may indicate severe pathological conditions, special suspicion arises in cases where their character is burning, stabbing.

Even as a result of pregnancy, this condition can manifest itself due to increased stress.

Attacks when the shoulder blade hurts on the left back can be triggered by injuries - such as fractures or cracks. Discomfort in this case is expressed as aching pain under the left shoulder blade; any awkward movement can intensify it.

Significant emotional stress can provoke sensations, psychological nature, which the body could not cope with. If the patient treats the symptoms with disdain, the severity of the condition may worsen.

Before starting to treat the pathology, it is necessary to determine the reason why the painful condition arose. Important for correct diagnosis clarify the character pain syndrome.

The possible options are:

  1. Girdle pain, in which discomfort is localized in only one place. A person can feel it constantly, the pain may intensify when inhaling. The patient's condition is aggravated by sudden movements and coughing. The reason is the passage of a nerve impulse between the ribs;
  2. A burning sensation under the left shoulder blade from the back, tingling, numbness in certain areas;
  3. Pain caused by increased tone shoulder and back muscles;
  4. Acute pain - can lead to the fact that the patient is unable to take a breath, movements are difficult, and it becomes impossible to lie on the left side;
  5. Cutting pain can be localized on the left, then goes to the center;
  6. An aching, dull pain under the left shoulder blade from behind from the back occurs, as a rule, when raising the arms;
  7. Sharp, severe pain under the left shoulder blade;
  8. Drawing sensations spreading from the shoulder blade to the lumbar region;
  9. The pain can be constant, which does not allow you to lie quietly, move, or breathe.

Since the types of sensations during various diseases may differ, it is unlikely that you will be able to accurately determine the cause yourself.

If pain is severe, you should consult a doctor for examination.

Diagnostic methods

When your back hurts on the left under the shoulder blade, aching sensations appear, you have to start treatment with full examination body. The following procedures are used for diagnosis:

  • X-ray of the spine in different projections. The image can simultaneously help identify problems with the lungs;
  • MRI, CT;
  • ECG examination - if appropriate symptoms are present;
  • Ultrasound examination of organs;
  • Blood test - general, biochemistry;
  • Assessment of blood pressure, pulse.

When the patient is examined and the cause of the pathology is established, therapeutic measures are selected. Additional consultation with specialists may be required.

How is the disease treated?

When it has been established exactly why there is pain under the left shoulder blade from the back, and the patient cannot take a deep breath, it is time to begin treatment. Methods for eliminating discomfort are determined depending on the factors that caused the development of the pathology. Simply eliminating the symptoms is not enough - they will soon reappear.

Each disease is characterized individual symptoms, depending on them, a treatment regimen is selected. Each includes recommendations on choosing a diet and maintaining a daily routine; if the pain is dull, treatment is carried out with the help of medications.

Application conservative therapy may not bring positive dynamics - in this case the patient requires surgery. With the help of surgery, it is possible to treat a fairly large hernia, correct the situation with a ruptured spleen, and cure a stomach ulcer.

You should immediately go to the hospital if the patient notices severe pain and burning under the left shoulder blade, constant discomfort, which intensifies with deep breathing. First, you should contact a therapist - he will decide which specialist to refer the patient to depending on the symptoms present.

It is not possible to completely protect yourself from all existing diseases, but you can try to comply with some preventive measures. Be more attentive to the selection of your diet, and do warm-up exercises daily.

If you find out why it hurts in the back left under the shoulder blade, it’s time to start treatment. Not all pathologies can be completely defeated, but in this case it is possible to influence them to slow down the progress of the disease.

Pain is an extremely unpleasant thing, especially if it is in the muscles and bones. Pain in the left shoulder blade area very insidious because it may be a symptom of a more serious health problem or disease.

If unpleasant sensations appear, you need to very carefully analyze all visible changes in the body that appear in addition to pain.

But first, let's figure out what may be hidden behind simple pain in the sternum or shoulder blade.

Possible causes and pathologies

Of course, any pain may be a sign of some disease. And you need to try to quickly find out what exactly is the reason. This may be damage to bones, joints, or damage to blood vessels. Sometimes it happens that pain becomes a symptom of severe and emergency conditions, for example, such as myocardial infarction. Below will be described probable reasons back pain.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State University medical university them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

Office workers are most often susceptible to this disease. They keep their heads down and slouch at their office desks all day long. Also, the “oppression” of life greatly affects posture, thereby curving the spinal column.
If osteochondrosis of the cervical spine occurs, the patient feels constant dull pain. It is able to move towards the arm or shoulder blade.

The pain may increase sharply when turning the head or putting strain on the neck.

When discussing such a disease, it should be noted that the pain will be severe and constant. As is already clear, pain is mostly localized in the left side of the sternum and back. From mechanical actions the whole body will suffer because burning pain, with a feeling of tension, will torment you with any turn or tilt.

Traumatic injury to the scapula

Nerves are very annoying important role V general work our body, and the slightest violation can lead to not very positive consequences. This happens, for example, when mechanical damage– compression of the suprascapular nerve. The pain may radiate to the arm or shoulder blade.

Often such consequences occur after a minor injury or specific overload of the shoulders.

Rib fracture

Obviously, you will immediately notice any fracture and the pain will happen instantly. Most often a fracture occurs as a result of direct rather severe trauma. Increased pain may be felt when breathing or performing mechanical actions. And only in case of complete rest can the pain subside slightly. With such an injury, it is difficult for a person to breathe and upon palpation, damage to the rib is immediately noticeable. Therefore, diagnosis does not take much time. But the treatment will last quite a long time, and in complete peace.

Sprengel's disease (scapula alata)

Another name (more popularly known) is pterygoid scapula. It is characterized by the fact that the shoulder blade is located above its usual location by 6 or more (up to 12) cm. It noticeably decreases in length and increases in width. Thus it justifies its name. There are two forms of the disease, muscle and bone. Both can be treated surgically.
The symptoms in this case are quite obvious.

If, in addition to scapular pathology, cervical ribs are also detected, noticeable muscle weakness may be felt (in addition to external signs).

Myofascial syndrome

Disease appears in the muscles and gradually turns into noticeable compactions, which subsequently begin to hurt. Experts call these same seals “trigger points.” Therefore, such phenomena are already a unique symptom by which the disease can be identified.
The peculiarity of the diagnosis is that the pain is not localized where the points themselves are located. Sometimes the manifestation of pain is compared to the reflection of sunbeams.

That is, the pain is somewhere far away and is just an echo of the real pain that a person is currently experiencing.

Left-sided pneumonia

Exists two types of pneumonia, according to the sides: left-handed and right-handed. Both differ from each other in the frequency of cases of the disease and the course of the disease itself. Left-handed is more dangerous. Most often it is caused by harmful microorganisms such as pneumococcus, staphylococcus or Haemophilus influenzae.

This usually occurs due to weakened immunity and poor blood supply to the bronchi.

This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Fever;
  2. Cough;
  3. Sweating and muscle weakness;
  4. Copious sputum production;
  5. Blueness of lips;
  6. Difficulty breathing;
  7. Pain between the shoulder blade and the spine on the left.


Just like pneumonia, they are divided into left-handed and right-handed. The disease itself is not very dangerous, but most often it is a sign of more serious, and even fatal, problems, such as myocardial infarction or latent tuberculosis.
Dry left-sided pleurisy appears due to inflammation of the pariental and visceral leaves pleura. Swelling and enlargement of the pleura occurs, thereby causing pain. Pain may also migrate to one side chest, shoulder or stomach.

Sometimes shortness of breath may be a concomitant phenomenon.

Tracheobronchitis and acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis – extremely unpleasant disease caused by viruses and bacteria. From the beginning it may seem that this common cold, however, the further, the worse. Within a few days, chest pain, dry cough, weakness and high temperature. At acute form illness, the temperature can remain high for several days, as well as a painful general health condition.

After 3-4 days, or maybe a week, the symptoms subside, subject to proper treatment. If the disease is neglected, a chronic form is possible.

Left lung abscess

The pain comes unexpectedly and hits very sharply. Localization, to a greater extent, is the scapula, hypochondrium and shoulder. When you inhale and with other small activities, the pain may intensify and the temperature may rise.

Coronary heart disease

Symptoms divided into two categories: primary and secondary, in accordance with the stage of the disease. First, pain appears in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and sternum, fever and dry cough. With the transition to the second period, the symptoms intensify and other, more serious ones are added: loss of appetite, nausea, malaise, etc.
Upon examination, the doctor may notice that the affected (left) lung may lag behind during inhalations and exhalations.

This is a clear sign illness, especially if symptoms begin to increase in intensity.

Myocardial infarction

A very serious illness that requires immediate hospitalization and care. If you do not help the patient in the first 2 hours, then death is quite possible. Therefore, you need to notice the symptoms in time:

  • Pain behind the sternum (radiates to the left arm);
  • Tingling in the hand, fingers;
  • The pain radiates to the neck, shoulder girdle and jaw.

All pain is localized mostly on the left, where the heart is.

Therefore, if you notice such manifestations, immediately call an ambulance.


By itself often is accompanying symptom more serious illness, and also appears as a complication of pathology internal organs. Sometimes there are cases when pericarditis becomes the main problem. The pain is pressing and “fills the space” of the sternum, caused by the dilation of blood vessels and adhesive processes, squeezing the heart.

Angina pectoris

Stable angina is characterized by the fact that attacks occur no more than once a month. Attacks occur periodically with the same type physical activity. The pain in such cases is similar. The pain can be tolerated, so a person can calmly withstand such attacks without limiting his life activities.
Unstable angina is more dangerous in terms of the high risk of myocardial infarction. This is associated with a greater likelihood of complications. Characterized by the following symptoms:
Initial angina pectoris, no more than a month old;
Sudden increase in the frequency of attacks and type of pain;

Signs feel similar to myocardial infarction.

Mitral valve prolapse

It is a protrusion of one of the heart valve leaflets. It often occurs on the left side. The symptoms are:

  1. Emotional experiences and general malaise;
  2. Mild but prolonged pain;
  3. Anxiety and rapid heartbeat;
  4. Malfunctions of the heart.

Aortic aneurysm

Quite rare
, but nevertheless is quite dangerous disease. The bottom line is that when the fibers in the middle lining of the aorta are destroyed, the diameter of the vessel increases. Thus, the pressure in the wall increases, and an aortic aneurysm occurs.
The pain is felt where the aorta goes down (in the thoracic region). Character – pulsating, aching.

Back pain and shortness of breath with cough are quite possible.

Yabzh (Ulcus gastrica)

At peptic ulcer stomach pain occurs after eating. The patient’s well-being is directly proportional to the general condition of the body. There are three types of pain: hungry, late and early pain. Your doctor will tell you in more detail if you suspect a gastric ulcer.

Duodenal ulcer

The disease itself is caused by a bacterium Helicobacter pylori. The pain is localized under the shoulder blades. Most often, pain increases after a meal. There may also be other symptoms:

  • Lack of saturation;
  • Bloating;
  • Nausea;
  • Flatulence;
  • Severe sharp pain.

Esophageal spasm

From the name you can already understand that the disease is associated with dysfunction of the esophagus, namely the muscles. The main symptom, spasm, is accompanied by the following phenomena:

  • Pain behind the sternum, right between the shoulder blades;
  • Difficulty swallowing;
  • Pain in the back, ears, jaw and arms;
  • Constrictive pain in the chest.

GERD – gasesophageal reflux disease

In this category includes all diseases associated with the unnatural reflux of stomach contents directly into the esophagus. Patients most often talk about pain in the sternum and behind it, the spread of pain in the neck, lower jaw, left shoulder and arm.

If the pain moves to the left shoulder blade, it would not be superfluous to conduct a diagnosis coronary disease hearts.

Exacerbation of pancreatitis

The main symptom is pain in the left hypochondrium and severe vomiting along with a rise in temperature. In this case, periodic exacerbations occur with a deterioration in the general condition of the patient.

Psychogenic factor

VSD is a disease that itself is not fully understood and manifests itself differently in all patients. However, there is one phenomenon that relates to this topic - a cardiovascular symptom complex. Characterized by heart rhythm disturbances, lability blood pressure and other pathological reactions of the body.

Also appear stabbing pain under the left shoulder blade and a burning sensation in the precordial part.

Situational origins: when breathing and taking a deep breath

This phenomenon may indicate several problems:

  • Dry pleurisy;
  • Pericarditis;
  • Gallbladder problems, spasms, colic and other diseases depending on the respiratory system;
  • Renal colic.

When coughing

When you cough, the muscles of the bronchi work, changes in pressure in the sternum occur, so a kind of spasm occurs in the back, which can become a source of unexpected pain.

It is important in any case to discover the cause similar phenomenon, and only a doctor can do this.

Sources of pain by nature

Severe pain may indicate the following diseases:

  • Dagger-like pain symptoms mean pneumothorax;
  • Severe pain under the shoulder blade – exacerbation of osteochondrosis;
  • Purulent processes manifest themselves through sharp pain;
  • Aching pain is evidence of a chronic disease.

In what case should you immediately consult a doctor?

If you suspect phenomena that are not typical for your body in everyday life, you need to contact a specialist. If you are surprised by sudden pain or acute symptoms, which were mentioned earlier, then you need to call ambulance. Especially if the symptoms indicate an emergency.

In any case, the sooner you see a doctor, the sooner he will make a diagnosis, and the faster you will recover.

How to relieve pain yourself?

First of all, to relieve pain, you need to eliminate the cause. And since you cannot do this on your own, the item is postponed until a qualified examination by a doctor.

All you can do is drink a light analgesic and take a resting position that is comfortable for you, in which the damaged area will hurt less.

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It follows from this

  1. Pain under the left shoulder blade can be associated not only with progressive osteochondrosis, but also with acute heart failure.
  2. Pain that intensifies with inspiration indicates lung pathologies, as well as the progression of intercostal neuralgia.
  3. Stomach ulcer and other pathologies digestive system may cause pain radiating to the left shoulder blade.
  4. Treatment depends on the cause of the pain. Diagnostics will allow you to make a correct diagnosis, and the doctor will advise you on treatment.

To understand what pathology has overtaken your body, you need to accurately describe the symptoms. Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back is a common sign indicating serious health problems. The difficulty in determining a specific disease is that pain in this area of ​​the back can manifest itself when various pathologies. From vascular lesions, to pathologies of the nervous system.

Types of painful sensations

When pain appears on the left under the shoulder blade, you need to understand what nature it is. Several types of pain are known:

  1. The pain under the left shoulder blade of a girdle nature lasts for a long time, the discomfort covers one area of ​​the back. During a painful attack, a feeling of lack of air appears, coughing and shortness of breath appear. The situation is connected with the fact that nerve pulsation occurs in the intercostal space.
  2. The burning sensation is accompanied by numbness of part of the skin. The patient feels a tingling sensation that spreads throughout the body.
  3. Growing character. The peculiarity of this species is that the entire left hand, causing an increase in muscle tone. Moving your hand becomes unbearable.
  4. Spicy intense. A person loses the ability to take a lying position on his left side. There is shortness of breath with difficulty breathing. Movement increases the pain, then it becomes difficult to move.
  5. A discomforting sensation in the back of the scapula, characterized by displacement. A cutting pain occurs in the left shoulder blade, then is localized in the center along the spinal column. The patient has an audible sigh.
  6. Dull and aching, one might say, is the mildest manifestation of those previously listed. Aching in the area of ​​the shoulder blade will occur only when the person moves and raises the sore arm.
  7. Pulling syndrome will appear in the upper back, going down the spinal column to the lumbar region.
  8. And another look - a sharp character.

The list is not limited to the listed types of pain symptoms. There is pressing pain and tingling, which cannot be confused with other manifestations.

You should pay attention to the nature of the pain syndrome. To a medical specialist It will be easier to determine the pathology you have.

What causes the syndrome to appear?

Why does discomfort appear under the shoulder blade? The appearance of pain under the shoulder blade can be explained by human anatomy. Often one area of ​​the body is affected, and the unpleasant sensation from it spreads along the nerve trunks to other organs.The left shoulder blade “lies” on the costal arches, which together form the chest. With the help of ligaments and intercostal muscles, the costal arches are connected to each other.

Under each rib there are vessels and nerves that extend from spinal cord, from the spinal column. The complex of ribs and left scapula bears protective function. They limit internal organs from any kind of damage: heart, left lung, stomach, spleen, pancreas and aorta.

As a result of the anatomical location of the scapula, the cause of pain can be two large groups:

  1. Caused by disorders of the musculoskeletal system. This also includes muscle pain syndrome.
  2. Sensations caused by dysfunction of internal organs.


To determine the cause of pain and diagnose correct diagnosis, he is prescribed the following types diagnostics:

  • X-ray examination of the spinal column.
  • Gastroscopy.
  • CT, MRI.
  • ECG.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  • OAK, BAK.

Depending on the factor of damage, the specialist will prescribe treatment.

What is it associated with?

If it hurts from behind, the sensation is localized under the left shoulder blade - usually associated with one of the disorders:

  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Diseases of a cardiac nature;
  • Diseases of the bronchopulmonary sphere;
  • Digestive tract dysfunction.

Musculoskeletal disorders

There are cases when manifestations of painful sensations arise as a result of destruction of the skeleton. Patients suffering from osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, spondyloarthrosis, hernia and other disorders feel pain on the left under the scapula. The symptom has two types.

  • The first is that pain and aches are associated with chest diseases. The character is aching, restricts movement, and prevents you from taking a deep breath.
  • Another type makes itself felt in the form of intense colic.

Humeroscapular periarthritis – inflammatory disease shoulder structure. Referring pain occurs in the left arm, the left half of the back, which causes stiffness and pain in movements.

Sprengel syndrome is the presence of a pterygoid scapula in a patient, congenital or resulting from a disease. Characterized by prolonged, tingling pain.

Pathologies associated with the heart and blood vessels

Acute ischemia of the heart muscle - myocardial infarction. A heart attack is characterized by compression in the thoracic region. It spreads from the heart to the left shoulder blade, arm and lower back. This condition can lead to fatal outcome, if not provided medical care. Characterized by a pronounced burning sensation and severe pain under the left shoulder blade, which prevents normal inhalation and exhalation.

The difference between myocardial infarction is that it cannot be stopped by taking nitroglycerin; the attack lasts more than 15 minutes. Numbness in the hand often occurs. When the condition develops, you cannot hesitate.

A disease of the cardiological sphere, manifested by acute pain in the heart with irradiation under the left shoulder blade - an attack of angina pectoris. Primary manifestations- compression in the heart area spreads along the left side. Cardialgia is compressive and sharp, and may intensify with movement.

The difference between angina and a heart attack is that an attack of angina can be stopped by taking nitroglycerin or physical and psychological rest. The cause of the attack is atherosclerosis of the heart (coronary) arteries. Provoking factors: hypothermia or overheating, alcohol abuse, large meals.

Vegetative crisis is a condition similar to the manifestations of angina attacks or heart attacks. Heaviness and compression appears under the left shoulder blade and in the sternum area. Spreads over the left shoulder, forearm, reaches distal phalanges fingers. Irradiates to left side jaws and in the area between the shoulder blades.

The pathology is characterized by chills, inspiratory shortness of breath, chest tightness and lack of air. The syndrome is short-term in nature and spreads to the epigastric region and neck. By taking sedatives and tranquilizers, a vegetative crisis can be stopped.

Bronchopulmonary diseases

Respiratory diseases are also the cause of discomfort in the left back area. The main place is occupied by pneumonia or pleurisy, if at least one lung is affected. The pain syndrome is accompanied by coughing, sneezing and increased pain when taking a deep breath. Characterized by increased temperature, decreased weight, and wheezing in the lungs on auscultation. It's very difficult to breathe. The type of pain is cutting.

Disorders of the digestive system

Increasing pain is characteristic of a stomach ulcer. It is associated with eating food; after vomiting, the pain subsides. The stomach area begins to pull. A reliable sign that this is a peptic ulcer is heartburn. It is painful not only in the subscapularis, but also on the left side of the chest. The process is accompanied muscle tension, difficulty breathing.

If the pain syndrome occurs suddenly and manifests itself in sharp impulses, it is necessary to urgently contact an ambulance.Acute pancreatitis can cause severe discomfort. The sensations are girdling in nature, the attack develops suddenly.A rare cause may be a ruptured spleen. When the splenic tissue is injured, bleeding appears, which is almost impossible to stop. Emergency surgery is required.

Damage to the scapular region

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis.
  2. Violation of the walls of the intercostal nerves.
  3. Scapular-costal syndrome (occurs due to physical overexertion, injury, and can also pass through and become the cause of this syndrome).
  4. Malignant neoplasm of the skeleton.
  5. Osteomyelitis (possibly occurring after a gunshot wound)
  6. Damage to the subscapularis bursa.
  7. Humeroscapular periarthritis.


There are cases when painful sensations on the left arise from psychological pathologies or strong psycho-emotional stress. The reason for the appearance of pain syndrome is clear to everyone; it is provoked by stress and emotional stress. Psychosomatic diseases accompanied by pain in the scapula area, somatic disorders are noted. These include:

  1. Temperature rises to high levels.
  2. Compression, burning in the sternum.
  3. Lump in throat.
  4. Feeling of lack of air.

Who to contact

Considering the intensity and nature of the pain under the shoulder blade, you can seek help from the following specialists:

  • Calling an ambulance is required in case of sudden symptoms with increasing pain and deterioration in well-being.
  • In case of injury, which results in unpleasant sensations (straining, heavy lifting), consult a traumatologist.
  • Difficulty breathing, bluish tint of the skin, tingling in the chest area should be the impetus for contacting a cardiologist.
  • You should contact a neurologist or orthopedist if you have pain that intensifies with manual exercises, physical activity, or with known disorders of the spinal column.

  • The appearance of pain after eating, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, etc.) is a reason to visit a gastroenterologist.
  • Contact a pulmonologist if your back hurts, especially on the left side under the shoulder blade, accompanied by cough and shortness of breath.
  • When pain is permanent or temporary, appears for no apparent reason, consult a therapist. After a thorough examination and diagnosis, the therapist refers the patient to a specialist.
  • If as a result instrumental methods examinations failed to establish the cause of the symptoms, with frequent stress, psycho-emotional stress, you need to consult a psychologist and psychiatrist.

Therapy for pain syndrome in the subscapular region

There is no general therapeutic plan for the management of patients suffering from pain in the upper back. Therapy is carried out taking into account the etiology of the disease. For symptoms associated with musculoskeletal disorders, treatment is carried out according to the following protocol:

It is necessary to provide the patient with a special regime.

  • Provide peace. There are times when sufficient rest eliminates muscle strain, restores functioning and relieves pain.
  • Drug treatment is used for inflammatory processes. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are prescribed - Ibuprofen, Voltaren or Diclofenac.
  • For long-standing, chronic pain, antidepressants are prescribed.
  • For muscle spasms, muscle relaxants are administered. A common medicine that is harmless to the body is Mydocalm. To achieve maximum effect, the drug is often prescribed in combination with NSAIDs, analgesic drugs, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures, and exercise therapy.
  • Prescribing massage courses has a beneficial effect on the condition of the muscles. Helps to remove muscle spasm, relieve pain, improve blood circulation and well-being.
  • For recovery nerve conduction, elimination painful symptoms acupuncture is used.

The therapy method is prescribed for bronchopulmonary, cardiac and gastrointestinal diseases individually. Are being selected essential vitamins, antibacterial drugs, analgesics and NSAIDs.

Patients with symptoms of heart attack and angina are subject to emergency hospitalization.

When diagnosing an aneurysm and severe pathologies, they resort to surgical intervention.


  1. Daily training, gymnastics. Hiking for half an hour.
  2. Complete balanced nutrition.
  3. Prevent injury to joints and bones.

What doctors say

Medical experts recommend that patients who have suffered an attack of angina or heart attack regularly take prescribed medications, follow a diet and avoid stress. Spinal disease involves long-term therapy with NSAIDs and exercise therapy. Gastrointestinal pathologies are relieved by the use of special medicines and dieting.

Doctors advise sticking to healthy image life, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.


If you know exactly the cause of the discomfort under your left shoulder blade, you can begin treatment faster. It is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the discomfort. As soon as you develop symptoms of any of the pathologies discussed, consult a doctor immediately. Be healthy!

Any suspicious symptoms suggest that it is time to visit a doctor.

For example, if a person feels pain under the left shoulder blade, this may indicate the development of a serious illness. A lot here depends on the type of pain and its location, so you shouldn’t diagnose yourself; it’s better to entrust this work to a professional. It must be remembered that pain is a signal of the development of an illness that has arisen in the body and requires treatment. It is quite possible that the unpleasant sensation in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade is a cardiac problem or a pathology associated with gastrointestinal tract.

Why does pain occur under the shoulder blades?

As mentioned above, it is impossible to immediately determine what is causing the unpleasant sensation. Most often, pain is caused by problems with the stomach and intestines, with the spine or heart. Sometimes this is a symptom of cervical osteochondrosis, neuralgia in the intercostal area, injury to the scapula with a pinched nerve, rib fracture, bronchial diseases, unilateral pneumonia localized in the left region, pleurisy, tracheobronchitis, pulmonary abscess, coronary artery disease, heart attack, angina, aortic aneurysm, gastric or intestinal ulcers, esophageal spasm and exacerbation of pancreatitis. In some cases, pain in the area right scapula occurs due to a psychogenic factor that provokes vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The most common cause painful sensation in the upper back becomes the thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, the pain will be aching and intensify with strong head movements. In this case, the patient experiences dizziness and a feeling of numbness in some parts of the body, especially the arms and hands.

The second most rated disease common reasons back pain under the left shoulder blade is intercostal neuralgia, which can develop against the background of the same osteochondrosis, but the symptoms here will be different. Neuralgia is manifested by severe shooting pain, which can radiate to the area of ​​the left shoulder blade.

With a stomach ulcer, a symptom such as an unpleasant sensation in the area of ​​the shoulder blade is also often encountered. More often this sign associated with seasonal exacerbations, as well as the patient’s food intake. Sometimes pain occurs about six hours after eating, but it also happens that only 10-15 minutes pass after eating. At night, the symptom is characterized by radiating pain under the scapula. The unpleasant sensation goes away completely after taking medications or emptying the stomach of food.

The most dangerous illness, which causes pain under the left shoulder blade at the back, is myocardial infarction. This disease is a threat human life, so you need to act very quickly here. The pain is of a pressing nature. It's like she's squeezing my heart. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

What kind of pain can there be in the left side of the back?

Depending on why it hurts under the shoulder blade on the left side, that is, what caused the discomfort, the type of pain will differ significantly. With girdling pain, which is localized in one side, the unpleasant feeling will be constant. It is very rare for this type of pain to occur in attacks. This is especially noticeable when taking a deep breath or coughing.

Also, unpleasant sensations can be burning or increasing, they range from aching to sharp cutting. It all depends solely on the underlying disease, which caused the pain under the left shoulder blade.

Most often, patients complain of acute pain, which becomes increasingly stronger with a sharp turn of the body. There may be a cutting sensation radiating to the area between the shoulder blades.

If the pain is aching and dull, it will intensify after raising your arm up. Often the unpleasant sensation is associated with body position. Often nagging pain pass to the lumbar region.

Sharp pain in most cases goes away after vomiting. Basically, this occurs with major problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes pain intensifies if a person is in a reclining position and with his head raised.

Pain in various diseases

If we are talking about ailments associated with cardiology, that is, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris or heart attack, the discomfort begins in the middle of the back, and then moves to left side. In this case, there is pain under the left shoulder blade, and discomfort is also felt in the arm, jaw and back. In this case, everything is accompanied by a burning sensation and a feeling of compression.

With an aortic aneurysm, the pain symptoms are mostly increasing, which then become permanent. Often everything is accompanied by a sharp shooting pain. All symptoms of an aneurysm develop very quickly. The disease is a threat to human life, so action must be taken immediately.

With pleurisy, the pain will be sharp and stabbing. Its intensity directly depends on the depth of breathing. If the body is at rest, the discomfort may not be particularly noticeable, but a deep breath will be reflected in piercing pain.

Unilateral pneumonia, which is localized on the left side of the organ, will be marked by a symptom such as intense and aching pain. With strong inhalations, the pain under the shoulder blade on the left side will intensify.

Cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis has a symptom such as a nagging, aching pain. The sensation may become much stronger when long stay body in one position, as well as after significant physical exertion. Some people confuse this sign of osteochondrosis with cardiac manifestations. The main difference is that with neck disease, the pain does not go away after taking special medications.

The most pronounced pain will be with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If the patient has an ulcer, the sensation will be unbearable and burning. On initial stage illness, the pain may go away immediately after emptying the stomach of food.

Constant pain in the left side of the back

This symptom occurs much less frequently than all other types of pain. However, a disease that is characterized by a similar symptom can be very serious and life-threatening.

If the left shoulder blade hurts constantly, and the pain intensifies with deep sighs, coughing or sneezing, this may be a symptom of the onset of dry pleurisy or left-sided pneumonia. Subject to availability similar sign, you need to urgently contact a professional and examine respiratory system. Often the pain becomes less pronounced if the person takes a horizontal position.

Constant pain in the left shoulder blade may be an indicator of cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis. In this case, the pain becomes chronic, but periodically intensifies, as with pneumonia, that is, when coughing or sighing. In this case, only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after thorough examination and carrying out all necessary diagnostic procedures.

Pulsating pain

When such a symptom occurs, in most cases it is a herniated disc. In this situation, pain in the back under the left shoulder blade will definitely be felt. In addition, the patient experiences a migraine, blood pressure becomes unstable, dizziness and paresthesia of the left arm appear.

At intervertebral hernia pain can be noted not only in the left side of the shoulder blades, but also spread to the entire back. The problem is identified through magnetic resonance imaging and x-rays.

IN in rare cases throbbing pain occurs with aortic dissection. An aneurysm is serious illness, which requires quick and proper treatment.

Diagnostic procedures

Considering that a symptom such as pain in the left side of the shoulder blades is quite common and can be attributed to several diseases, differentiation of symptoms is extremely difficult. This is especially true when we are talking about non-specific sensations. In some cases, the same pain sensations may be a sign of severe fatigue and excessive physical activity, and illnesses that threaten the patient’s life.

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a number of procedures and use several methods at once to determine the nature of the disease. Complex measures are carried out if there are no symptoms that would indicate a health-threatening condition. We are talking about peptic ulcer disease, severe attack angina pectoris, pre-infarction and rupture of aortic dissection.

Diagnostic procedures primarily involve interviewing the patient and collecting anamnesis. In this case, the specialist must find out exactly how the pain manifests itself, after which it subsides or intensifies. Next, the doctor moves on to external inspection, palpating the area of ​​concern and listening. IN mandatory Pulse and blood pressure are measured. Body temperature is often included here.

Next, the doctor prescribes an examination using X-rays, an electrocardiogram, and, if necessary, an MRI and CT scan. With the help computed tomography it is possible to specify the disease in cases where x-rays did not cope with this task.

If there is a suspicion of problems with the stomach or intestines, the doctor may prescribe an FGDS. To determine any type of illness, a blood and urine test is performed.

How to cure pain

Depending on the diagnosis given to the patient, appropriate treatment is prescribed. At the same time, it is important not only to stop unpleasant symptom, but also to get rid of the underlying disease that causes pain.

In case the patient suffers from chronic illness, he is prescribed medicines which allow you to relieve pain. In any case, the use of medications that were not recommended by your doctor. Treatment of pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade will be effective only if the patient follows all the recommendations of a professional, and not neighbors and relatives.

Self-medication can lead to serious problems and complications. A therapist, traumatologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist or psychotherapist will help you cope with back pain on the left under the shoulder blade. Depending on the character unpleasant sensation you need to contact the appropriate specialist.

Pain under the left shoulder blade from the back– a fairly common pathology, especially in people of the older age group.

Although cases of the disease are not uncommon at a young age - sports injuries, incorrect posture, hereditary factors may also cause the condition in question.

If the pain in the back is prolonged and intense, and does not go away over time, this is a serious reason to contact your doctor.

Untimely assistance for this disease can lead to irreversible consequences and complications.

Anatomy of the chest:

Perforated stomach ulcer

Perforated ulcer of the stomach, or rather its upper sections, in addition to stabbing “dagger” abdominal pain, fever, vomiting may be accompanied by acute, aching pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade.

Acute pancreatitis

Constant girdling pain in the epigastric region and disorders of the digestive system - vomiting, diarrhea, accompanied by pain in the left shoulder blade of the back in the lumbar region.

Splenic injury or rupture

When the splenic parenchyma ruptures, a hematoma forms in the subcapsular space, which is accompanied by dull pain that increases as the hematoma grows under the left shoulder blade and behind the back, on the left side of the ribs.

Attention! The conditions described above require immediate diagnosis, and in some cases, surgical intervention.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including the scapula

In this case, any pathological process, which involves the shoulder joint, will be accompanied by pain under the left shoulder blade, which intensifies with movement of the arm.

Sharp pain can cause:

  • Sudden movements.
  • Injuries – fractures, dislocations of the scapula. The nature of the pain can be either acute or dull. It is necessary to use painkillers to relieve pain.
  • Tuberculosis of the scapula - pain increases as the disease progresses.
  • Gunshot wounds of the scapula. Pain may be present long time and after restoration of the integrity of the scapula.
  • Bursitis is an inflammation of the surface of the shoulder joint.

Diagnosis of diseases accompanied by pain in the left shoulder blade

If you complain of pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade, it is extremely necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

For staging accurate diagnosis required following methods research:

  1. Computed tomography.
  2. X-ray in different projections depending on the location of the pathological process. Also, in case of lung disease, a chest X-ray is required to exclude pleurisy, tuberculosis and pneumonia.
  3. MRI– its layer-by-layer image will allow a more thorough study of the ongoing pathological process. The outcome of treatment will largely depend on its results.
  4. To exclude heart attacks, patients are prescribed ECG, echocardiogram, Ultrasound of the heart, as well as a blood test to check for the presence of heart attack markers in the blood.
  5. Ultrasound of internal organs– will help confirm or exclude diseases of parenchymal organs, in which there may be pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade and back.
  6. General and biochemical analysis blood, measurement of pulse, pressure.

Basic rules of therapy

If pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade makes it noticeably difficult to breathe, this is a serious reason to consult a therapist.

Self-administration of medications can only worsen the condition.

It is important to diagnose the cause and establish the origin of the pain. If the diagnosis is correct and adequate treatment is made, the pain attack will be stopped.

When self-medicating, there are often cases of repeated pain syndrome, which disrupts the patient’s quality of life.

Accept medicines should be performed exclusively under the supervision of a specialist; in addition, patients are prescribed a regimen and diet that corresponds to the diagnosis.