How can you treat trophic ulcers on the legs? Trophic ulcers and poorly healing wounds

How to completely and permanently get rid of varicose veins!

Varicose veins cause serious complications and consequences. There is a way that helps to get rid of varicose veins MORE

Causes, symptoms, stages, photos, initial stage, ointment, reviews. Stages of the disease, treatment for varicose veins, complications, diabetes.

Trophic ulcer on the leg - what is it?

A trophic ulcer on the leg is an area of ​​epithelium and underlying tissue that does not heal for a long time after its damage (more than 1 month).

"Trophika" means nutrition. And since the skin serves as a protective barrier against the effects of aggressive environmental factors on the body, disruption of the nutrition of the epithelium and adjacent tissues leads to the gradual extinction of this function.

Ulcers can form in any place on the human body where, due to various reasons tissue nutrition is disrupted. However, the lower extremities are more often affected. The reasons are as follows:

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  • the legs are furthest from the heart;
  • The circulatory system of the lower body experiences the greatest impact of gravity, complicating blood circulation.


The occurrence of a trophic ulcer can be compared to a dam breaking in a river. As soon as a place appears that can no longer withstand pressure from the outside, a gap appears there. If in healthy body when its protective cover (skin) is damaged, restoration mechanisms are instantly activated, but in the case when tissue nutrition is disrupted, the opposite happens. Any damage to the epithelium can cause a problem:

  1. Cut.
  2. Broken callus.
  3. Chafing.
  4. Scratch.
  5. Hematoma (common bruise).
  6. Insect bite.

Among the causes of occurrence are the following:

  • damage to the epithelium of a chemical and thermal nature (frostbite and burns);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • causing disruption of lymph outflow and swelling;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • bedsores;
  • various diseases affecting the functions of blood and blood vessels;
  • some types of neurological diseases.

Risk factors contributing to the emergence and development include:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hypertension;
  • food and chemical poisoning;
  • allergic reactions leading to skin injuries;
  • wearing tight shoes.


As a rule, trophic ulcers on the leg do not appear immediately. The negative side of this is that the disease can sneak up on a person unnoticed. But there is also positive side. By being attentive, a person has the opportunity, having noticed alarming symptoms, to have time to respond to them.

Symptoms that precede their appearance on the body may be as follows:

  • unpleasant sensations on the surface of the skin of a persistent nature (from a feeling of discomfort and lungs painful sensations to itching and burning);
  • swelling of the legs and heaviness in them (especially in the calf muscles);
  • decreased sensitivity in the foot and a feeling of cold (typical for patients with diabetes);
  • enlarged veins;
  • leg cramps (especially at night);
  • a symptom of “wet feet”, when the skin becomes shiny, as if it were wet, and darkens.

You should also be wary if for a long time(more than 1 month) the wound does not heal. This is an alarming symptom. And if the process drags on for more than 2 months, this is already a problem.

Types of trophic ulcers

Depending on the causes that cause their occurrence, trophic ulcers on the leg belong to the following main types:

  1. Arterial.
  2. Diabetic.
  3. Venous.
  4. Neurotrophic.
  5. Hypertensive.
  6. Infectious (pyogenic).

The foot is usually affected in patients with pathologies arterial vessels. The symptoms in such cases are especially painful because the affected areas are constantly injured when walking. Painlessness is typical for ulcerative complications of diabetes mellitus, since tissue necrosis is preceded by the death of nerve fibers. The disease most often begins on the toe, then spreading to the entire foot.

Ulcers caused by varicose veins most often appear on the inside of the lower leg and then spread to the outside. Damage to the foot in the heel area is characteristic of neutrophic ulcers caused by damage to the spine or traumatic brain injury.

Ulcerative complications in the background hypertension are rarely observed. They are red-blue in color and usually appear on both legs at the same time. Precursors of infectious diseases can be furunculosis, eczema purulent type, as well as respiratory infectious diseases caused by a decrease general level immunity.

Such ulcers are characterized by localization in the lower leg area and a relatively shallow depth of tissue damage. Also, the status of infectious can be assigned to an ulcer of any origin if it becomes infected.

Stages of development

There are 4 stages in total:

  1. . In this case, slight redness appears, and then a wound (one or several) appears. After which the surface of the lesion expands by combining several wounds into one, or, conversely, the growth of one.
  2. Purification stage . The contours of the wound usually become rounded, and the unpleasant and painful symptoms intensify. At this stage, the main task is to clean the surface of the wound. Special attention One should pay attention to the nature of the discharge appearing from it. Turbidity, darkening and the appearance of a purulent component are indicators of infection.
  3. Scarring stage . The area of ​​the wound gradually decreases in size due to the tightening of its edges, and the activity of tissue regeneration of the surface layers increases.
  4. Final . The ulcer granulates and then heals.


Despite the fact that a leg ulcer in itself is an unpleasant disease, its possible complications pose an even greater danger. These include:

  • sepsis . Caused by the entry of fungi and non-spore-forming microorganisms into the wound area. Development is typical for an anaerobic environment;
  • eczema, gangrene and dermatitis. Occur due to necrotization of the layers of the epidermis;
  • arthrosis of the leg;
  • inguinal lymphadenitis;
  • erysipelas, as well as the addition of other types of infection;
  • oncological complications (skin cancer). Causes partial or complete degeneration of ulcerated tissues.

Treatment for varicose veins

Treatment should begin with the fight against the causes that caused it. Therefore, in the case of varicose veins veins, it is necessary to take measures to help normalize blood circulation in them. This problem is solved through pathogenetic therapy which includes:

  1. Arranging the bed for sleeping in such a way that the leg area is raised.
  2. Treatment of affected skin areas antiseptic solutions(Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, etc.) This will prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, or prevent its penetration deep into the tissues.
  3. Preventive treatment of areas of skin that cause concern as places where new lesions are likely to arise (Venoruton, etc.).
  4. Improving blood microcirculation in problem areas(Reopoliglyukin, etc.).
  5. Use of external agents based on broad-spectrum antibiotics (Argosulnan, etc.). Indicated for use in cases where a secondary infection has occurred, or if the likelihood of this is high.
  6. Application of wound healing ointments. To stimulate tissue regeneration processes (Levomekol, etc.).
  7. Using compression garments and elastic bandages on the legs. Bandages are applied in the direction from the periphery to the center with a gradual release of pressure.
  8. Herbal medicine. Application of compresses with decoctions and infusions indicated for the treatment of varicose veins (walnut, horse chestnut, white willow, etc.).
  9. Taking medications to prevent blood clots.
  10. Taking diuretics, venotonics, etc.
  11. Maintenance therapy immune system, including taking multivitamin complexes, and in some cases antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.
  12. Physiotherapy. Vacuum therapy, UHF, laser irradiation, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, ozone therapy, balneotherapy, mud treatment, etc. In some cases, the success of planned surgical treatment directly depends on the quality of the preliminary activities of the physiotherapeutic complex.

Pathogenetic therapy can be carried out both in a hospital setting and at home. It should be taken into account that despite the typical development of the main forms of varicose veins, the clinical picture of the disease in each specific case may have significant differences. Therefore, the entire complex of the above measures should be carried out in consultation with the attending physician, and especially the use of medications.

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Among the hardware methods, laser and UV treatment are currently the most in demand. Cauterization of wounds with their help is aimed at stimulating the processes of scarring of damaged tissue.
Sustained treatment success can only be achieved if the causes of the disease are completely or partially eliminated.

With varicose veins, the cause is dilation of the veins. Despite the large number of different means drug treatment, the only in an efficient way The only solution to the problem at present is surgery. It should be remembered that only in a timely manner measures taken lead to achieving the best results.

Treatment at home with folk remedies without surgery

  • treatment with hydrogen peroxide and streptocide;
  • applying a silver bandage and a Hartman bandage;
  • use of Vishnevsky ointment, etc.

Traditional medicine also knows a large number of ways to combat trophic ulcers.


In treatment, the cleansing and healing properties of this plant are valuable.
Before use, cut the leaf in half and immerse it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about an hour. Then treat the wound antiseptic and place the aloe on it, cut side down. Cover with plastic and bandage. Repeat the procedure for at least 5 days. The scabs will begin to fall off.

Ointment dressings

There are many options for ointments. Particularly popular are those that do not require special expenses and are easy to prepare. Here is one such option:

Heat half a glass vegetable oil and dissolve a tablespoon of beeswax in it. Add half the egg yolk, let sit for an hour and strain through a nylon. The ointment is ready. Store in the refrigerator and apply to wound healing bandage Reheat to room temperature each time.


The choice of solutions is large. It is important to choose the most effective one. In addition, it is convenient to use healing substances in solutions as a supplement to the main active elements. So, after applying any medicinal substance, you can cover it on top with gauze soaked in a solution of another substance. It is only important to make sure that they are compatible.

Salt - saline solution

People have been using the wonderful properties of salt for a long time. Its retracting ability is also effective here.
Prepare the solution: 2 tsp. salt per glass of water. Soak a bandage folded in several layers in the solution and apply to the wound overnight. Even greater effectiveness can be achieved by alternating exposure to salt at night and bee propolis during the day.

Gel dressings

Gel dressings are similar to ointment dressings. It all depends on the substances included in their composition. But the difference is that the gel, as a rule, has a somewhat gentler effect on the skin, so the application time of the bandage with it may be longer.

Birch tar

Treatment with tar, like salt, has a delaying effect, but it should be used with caution, observing the skin's reaction. Apply tar tampons to the wound, changing them at least once every 2 days.
If this remedy is suitable, the effect will appear within a couple of days. If not, don’t waste your time and try other options.


The remedy is strong. Particularly effective when used in the early stages peptic ulcers. However, it also works in advanced cases. It is important to be patient and apply bandages regularly.

Soda and laundry soap

The effect of laundry soap and soda on the wound is beneficial. It is also important that it is combined with the use of almost any other means. It is better to wash the wound with a soapy solution using dark soap.


Therapeutic wipes are especially necessary in cases with weeping wounds, when the materials used must have the greatest absorbency.


Due to their adhesive ability, plasters are well suited in cases where rigid fixation of the material applied to the wound is required, but the use of a conventional bandage is difficult for some reason.

How to treat on the legs: photo, initial stage

The main thing to start treatment with is to determine the causes of the disease. And the result of treatment of the trophic ulcer itself will depend on how successful the doctor’s chosen tactics are to combat these causes. However, regardless of the cause of the disease, the following actions are necessary at the initial stage:

  • improve blood microcirculation and nutrition of affected tissues;
  • destroy the infection;
  • relieve pain;
  • activate healing.

Where to buy ointment in a pharmacy - drugs

The selection of medications should be carried out taking into account the etiology and stage of the disease:

  1. In the initial stages, a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect in combination with improved tissue trophism is important. It would be advisable to use drugs such as Levosin, Levomekol, Solcoseryl, Actovegin, Algofin, Vulnuzan, Argosulfan, Sulfargin, Dermazinin.
  2. At the granulation stage, drugs that combine antibacterial properties and the ability to relieve pain and heal wounds will be required. Wundehil, Thiotriazolin, Betadine, Methyluracil, Thiotriazolin are suitable.
  3. At the stage of scarring, drugs that accelerate recovery processes, such as Curiosin, Mephenate, Bepanten, etc., take first place in importance.

For diabetes

The initial stage of treatment is aimed at stopping the development of the disease. It includes:

  • vascular strengthening therapy;
  • therapy aimed at improving the nutrition of damaged tissues;
  • fight against secondary infection;
  • therapy for wound cleansing and healing.

Further treatment includes integrated approach, pursuing two main goals:

  • treatment of the underlying disease that caused the ulcers (diabetes mellitus);
  • restoration of body surfaces damaged by ulcers.

Treatment with propolis

The greatest effect in the treatment of trophic ulcers is obtained by combining propolis with honey. One of the recipes is: a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of 20% alcohol solution propolis, tablespoon sunflower oil. Mix. Apply as a compress. Healing can be expected soon. However, for a sustainable effect, the course should be carried out for a month.


Success in preventing their occurrence directly depends on the effectiveness of treatment of the disease that causes them. To general preventive measures The following can be included:

  • moderate physical activity and regular exercise therapy;
  • avoiding hypothermia and overheating;
  • injury prevention;
  • diet;
  • control of blood sugar levels (diabetes);
  • giving up alcohol, smoking and other bad excesses;
  • use of compression garments and elastic bandages (for varicose veins);
  • reasonable selection of shoes.

Activetex napkins

This is a convenient dressing material for affordable price, which also has antioxidant properties. Contains: chlorhexidine, vitamins E and C.

Sponge Meturacol

The active drug is made on the basis of collagen. It has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, stimulates the growth and formation of granulation tissue.
The sponge fits tightly to the surface of the wound, actively absorbing its secretions.

Stellanin ointment

An innovative tool. Particularly effective in difficult cases. Complexly solves the following problems:

  • restoration of blood microcirculation;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • destruction of infection;
  • relieving inflammation.

Proteox-TM bandages on the lower leg

A modern remedy that accelerates wound healing. Made from natural cellulose. It has disinfecting properties, including trypsin and mexidol. It can relieve inflammation and cleanse the wound of pus in a short time.

Branolind N

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  • Venous trophic ulcer is a long-term non-healing tissue defect that occurs when severe violation venous outflow through deep and superficial veins.

    The development of a trophic ulcer can be facilitated by extensive skin damage, burns, frostbite, chemical and radiation damage. Metabolic diseases, diseases connective tissue, blood diseases, infections can be complicated by the formation of trophic ulcers. Attention! All treatment procedures for trophic ulcers should be discussed with your doctor!

    Treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies:

    Garlic with apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for treating trophic ulcers.

    To treat trophic ulcers, use the following recipe: peel 3-4 cloves of garlic, pour in 3 glasses of apple cider vinegar, leave for 2 weeks - and the medicine is ready. Using it for treatment is also not difficult: moisten a piece of cotton cloth with garlic vinegar, squeeze out excess liquid and apply directly to sore spot. Secure the compress with a bandage and leave it overnight, and apply a new compress in the morning. The ulcers do not completely go away, but they dry out, become smaller, stop hurting, and don’t bother you as much as before.

    Kombucha for trophic ulcers.

    For trophic ulcers If you have kombucha, apply a piece to the sore spot, cover the top with a sterile gauze pad and parchment. The mushroom draws out pus and cleanses the wound. Do this procedure for a week before going to bed. It should help. Just do not use polyethylene or cellophane under any circumstances - they do not allow air to pass to the sore spot.

    Mixture for trophic ulcers.

    When treating trophic ulcers, take 1 des. l. potato starch and 1/4 coffee l. citric acid, pour 50 ml cold boiled water. Stir the mixture and pour into 150 ml of boiling water, stir. As soon as the jelly thickens, remove from the stove and pour 2 tbsp into it. l. ground dried marshmallow. Leave for 2 hours and then add 1 tsp to the liquid. five percent iodine. Wash the ulcer with furatsilin, dry with a gauze cloth. Apply 1 layer of gauze to the ulcer, and on top - the prepared medicinal mixture. Bandage it. Such dressings should be done 3-4 times a day for a week (make sure that the mass does not dry out). But the bandage is applied only once throughout the night, and in the morning you should wash the wound and apply fresh ointment. During such procedures, it is necessary to take an infusion of dried cucumber inside (2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water, leave until cool, drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day) - this is necessary to cleanse the body from the inside. Long-lasting ulcers will be defeated.

    To treat trophic ulcers, use the following remedies:

    1. 2 g of novocaine (preferably dry) is mixed with 1 teaspoon of fish oil, 10 g of honey and a bottle of penicillin. The composition is applied to the sore spot and secured with a bandage. Change the bandage every 2 days. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
    2. 0.5 kg of onions, pre-chopped, are heated in a frying pan until brown, add a little cognac to keep the slurry moist. The fried onions are then dried and ground into powder. This powder mixed with vegetable oil is applied to the open ulcerated surface. Do this 2 times a day until the ulcer heals.
    3. Apply grated raw pumpkin (pulp) on a gauze pad or grated raw potato to the affected areas of the skin for 30-40 minutes.
    4. Pour 100 g of dry crushed leaves of meadowsweet into 0.5 liters of vodka, let it brew in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking the contents periodically, and strain. The product is used to treat ulcers and compresses.
    5. Trophic ulcers can be lubricated with alum solution (stir alum powder in 100 ml of water on the tip of a knife).
    6. Take 3 vials castor oil, pour them into an enamel cup, put 5g there ichthyol ointment and a crushed streptocide tablet. Place the mixture on water bath, warm up. Rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide, apply the cooled mixture to a sterile napkin, apply to the wound, and tie with a bandage. Do the procedure once a day. The results are amazing - after 2-3 weeks the ulcers heal.
    7. Take purple paper and 5 boxes of matches. Rub the paper well on both sides with match sulfur. Then burn the paper. Treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and sprinkle with ash. After 2 hours, bandage it. Do this every day for a week and the ulcer will heal.
    8. Take a glass of milk, a glass of granulated sugar, ½ piece baby soap, grated on a fine grater. Mix all the ingredients and boil them over low heat, stirring constantly. Let it cool slightly and add one tube of heparin ointment to the warm mixture, stir thoroughly.
      Heat 1 tbsp. ointment, place it on gauze, apply it to the ulcer, apply cellophane on top and bandage it for a day. Then wash off the ointment with serum and apply a bandage again. Carry out the procedures daily until the ointment runs out. If the ulcer is large, repeat the treatment.

    Effective agents for the treatment of long-term non-healing trophic ulcers

    • Peel the ripe walnuts, burn the shells and partitions, sprinkle the resulting ash on the ulcers (rinse the wounds with hydrogen peroxide or golden mustache tincture in advance), and they will soon heal. Pass the nut kernels through a meat grinder and fill them with olive or vegetable oil (sunflower) 2 fingers above the nuts themselves. Place in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks, shaking 2-3 times a day. The resulting oil should be rubbed into prolonged ulcers.
    • Mix the white of a chicken egg with honey in equal proportions (1:1), beat well and spread on long-term non-healing ulcers, as well as sore veins. Then cover the problem area with three burdock leaves and wrap. film, bandage. This procedure should be done at night for 8 days in a row.
    • You can make an ointment from wax, pine resin, vegetable and butter and propolis. The recipe and technology for preparing the ointment are as follows: you need to take 1 teaspoon of crushed wax, propolis, resin, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 50 g of butter. Place everything in an enamel pan. Place over the lowest heat and keep stirring with a spoon until all components are completely dissolved (at high heat, the mixture may flare up right in the pan). Prepare a jar, cover it with a bandage folded in four layers. Strain the finished hot mixture into a jar. The ointment should be of normal consistency.
      Wash the wound before applying the ointment. Put the ointment on a bandage, attach it to the wound overnight and walk like this for a day. After this, change the bandage and continue treatment again. The recipe works well, tested many times
    • For trophic ulcers you can try Professor A. P. Voitenko’s pasta. It contains 100g of gelatin and zinc oxide, 600g of glycerin and 200ml of distilled water. The pharmacy will help you prepare the paste. Before use, it must be heated in a water bath. A bandage with paste is applied immediately for 2 - 3 weeks, adding a small portion of the product daily. However, this basta does not cure ulcers in patients with diabetes.
    • Can ulcers be treated with veterinary drug ASD -3. But before applying this liquid, you must first apply a disinfectant bandage to the wound for 2 hours, alternating a solution of furatsilin, potassium permanganate and saline solution (1 tsp per glass of water). Treatment can last up to 5-6 months.
    • You can use powder mixtures of streptocide and penicillin: Take these medications equally, mix and grind into a fine powder with a spoon on clean paper. Then apply the powder to the wound and tie it with a bandage. Do this at night, or 2 times a day, this is a very effective medicine. The powder instantly heals the wound; it can be added to the cream and lubricated on the wounds.

    Strawberry leaves for trophic ulcers.

    When treating trophic ulcers, try applying fresh, well-washed or steamed strawberry leaves to the ulcers 1-2 times a day. Accept fresh juice yarrow (1/3 cup each) with honey (add it to taste). Course - 3 weeks, 3 times a day

    Falling asleep from trophic ulcers.

    For external use for trophic ulcers, lichen usnea will help. It grows on trunks or branches coniferous trees in the form of a kind of beard. Many people have seen these green and gray beards in the forest, but never attached any importance to them: take 2-3 tsp. raw materials for 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave covered for about 2 hours, strain. Soak a napkin in the infusion, squeeze lightly and apply to the sore spot. Apply waterproof material on top and bandage. Change the cloth napkin soaked in the infusion every 3 hours. Before going to bed, apply the napkin overnight.

    Aloe for trophic ulcers.

    For trophic ulcers, try, after pre-treating them with hydrogen peroxide, applying aloe leaves soaked for an hour in a pink solution of potassium permanganate and cut lengthwise. Having laid them tightly, cover them with film, also rubbed with peroxide, and bandage them. Do this procedure once a day for 5 days in a row. After this time, the scabs of the ulcers should fall off, leaving deep indentations, which will also soon disappear.

    Golden mustache (fragrant callisia) is an excellent remedy for trophic ulcers.

    Rinse the golden mustache leaf in warm water, then tear it into pieces (1-1.5 cm), place in an enamel cup and mash with a wooden spoon until the juice is released and the pieces become moist. Place this mixture on the ulcer, covering it with a sterile gauze cloth, cover the top with a clean cloth, then bandage it. It is advisable to do this procedure at night. If a purulent crust appears, then there is no need to be alarmed. Treat the ulcer with hydrogen peroxide. Be patient, it will hurt. After treatment, again apply the golden mustache mixture to the problem area and bandage it. Gradually the ulcer will heal.

    Cabbage leaf for trophic ulcers.

    Soak cabbage leaf in sea ​​buckthorn oil and apply to the ulcer. The next day the leaf will dry and be like paper. Repeat this procedure until the ulcers disappear.

    For spider veins and veins on the legs, try the following remedy: Put a cabbage leaf, previously scalded with boiling water to soften, in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for a day. On the second day before bed, rub undiluted apple cider vinegar in the “mesh” area. After the skin is dry, take it out of the refrigerator. cabbage leaf and apply it to the affected areas, bandage it. In the morning, remove the sheet. Repeat the procedure day after day. To avoid interruptions in treatment, freeze cabbage leaves ahead of time. After the procedures, the nodes decrease, lightness appears in the legs, and the pain is dulled.

    Miracle ointment for trophic ulcers.

    Common hazel, or hazel for trophic ulcers.

    For varicose veins, take hazel infusion ( hazelnut): 1 tbsp. dry leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for four hours, strain and drink 0.5 tbsp. three times a day) and a decoction of dry crushed bark (1 tbsp).
    For external treatment, use fern: In spring, pass the young leaves of the plant through a meat grinder, pour the resulting pulp with the same amount of vodka, leave it in the sun for six days, then strain. Soak a linen cloth in the tincture and easily wipe your feet.

    Comfrey medicinal for trophic ulcers.

    Fresh grated comfrey root can be applied to the sores until they disappear.

    Calendula, Marigold, for trophic ulcers.

    You can use alcohol tincture of calendula or 1 tbsp. Grind a spoonful of crushed calendula flowers with 25 g of petroleum jelly and apply the resulting ointment to the affected areas.

    Veselka vulgaris will cure trophic ulcers.

    With the help of Veselka tincture (recipe in the section Mushroom treatment - fungotherapy), you can treat trophic ulcers. To do this, you need to apply a bandage soaked in Veselka tincture to the wound every day. The treatment is long, but successful, the ulcer heals without a trace.

    Tomatoes will help with trophic ulcers.

    For treatment you need fresh tomatoes. They must taste sour! Sweet or unleavened tomatoes great benefit they won't bring it. It's best if they are freshly picked. Then their action will accelerate. Tomatoes should be cut into pieces and applied to the ulcer with the cut. Then secure it with a bandage and walk with this compress for a day. Compresses need to be changed in the morning. The treatment will take a long time, about 2 months. During this time, you can get rid of the disease completely. After the ulcer there will be no traces left.

    This recipe for treating trophic ulcers is simply unique.

    Take 20-25 g of fresh propolis and a pack of butter. Grind the propolis on clean paper, place the oil in an enamel saucepan and heat over low heat. When it starts to boil, slowly sprinkle the propolis over the entire surface of the oil, cover the contents with a lid and do not remove it for 12 minutes. If it boils strongly, lift the pan and move it in circles over the fire. This way, the mass will mix well and warm up. Then remove the pan from the heat, strain the contents into a jar through gauze folded in three layers. After cooling, the ointment is ready. Close the jar with a lid and store the medicine in the refrigerator. Cut napkins from a bandage, roll them into three layers, apply a little ointment to the napkin, place it on the wound, cover with a plastic bag and leave the compress for a day. Do the procedure daily until recovery. During treatment, you need to wipe the skin around the ulcer with hydrogen peroxide every other day. If the ulcer is large, then place several napkins on the wound to cover it completely. The result of the treatment will not take long to arrive.

    For itchy skin with varicose veins

    Will help alcohol tincture celandine (20 drops per 1 tablespoon of milk) 3 times a day before meals. Tincture recipe: pour a small amount of fresh herbs and flowers with alcohol or vodka so that the alcohol only covers the raw material, leave for 7 days, then strain. Start taking the tincture with 20 drops, adding 1 drop daily, and increase the amount to 50. The medicine is taken once a day. From 50 drops you need to return to 20 drops, reducing the dose by 1 drop daily, and finish the course of treatment. If necessary, after 15 days, the tincture can be repeated. Make lotions and compresses with an infusion of celandine herb and after 2-3 days the itching will go away.

    To treat trophic ulcers, you can try the following recipes:

    • Melt 200 g of fresh unsalted lard in a steam bath. Then melt 2 finely chopped church wax candles (light) in a steamer and combine with lard. Strain the resulting mass and cool. Then pour in a quarter cup fir oil and the same amount of melted pine resin. Cut more sterile gauze napkins, dip them in the ointment so that they are soaked, and put the medicine in the refrigerator. Make compresses this way: place a napkin soaked in ointment on the sore spot, wrap the ulcer in cellophane on top and bandage it. After 12 hours, the napkin should be changed to another one. The course of treatment is a month.
    • Wash fresh cabbage leaves laundry soap and apply it to the sore spot and bandage it. Before putting in the cabbage, sprinkle the ulcer with streptocide and wipe with calendula tincture. Make this cabbage leaf dressing 2 times a day. When the cabbage leaf stops getting wet, it means the ulcer is healing. Course of treatment - 2-3 months
    • Take beeswax in equal parts, suet, lamp oil, 0.5 tsp. spoons of birch tar, 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix everything and boil for 10 minutes. Use the ointment when it has cooled. It is applied to a bandage and bandages are made on the wound, changing them every two hours. By the evening of the first day, the ulcer is cleared, and on the third day it closes completely.
    • 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of sheep or goat fat with 2 teaspoons of salt, add chopped onion, then rub everything through a sieve, put it on a clean bandage and bandage the wound for a day. At first you will feel pain and burning, but gradually the ulcer will clear up and become easier. Every day you need to change the bandage, replacing the composition with a fresh mass.
    • Chop 200g of eucalyptus leaf, put in a bottle, pour in 0.5 cups of purified vegetable oil, add 2 chopped garlic cloves. Leave for a week, strain. Soak a napkin with this mixture and apply it to the fistula 2 times a day for 30–40 minutes.

    Rhubarb root will cure trophic ulcers

    Grate the rhubarb root on a fine grater, sift through a sieve and sprinkle the resulting powder onto the ulcer, after lubricating it with fir oil.

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    The history of religion knows the phenomenon of stigmatization, when bleeding wounds and ulcers appeared on the legs and arms, in places corresponding to the nails driven into the body of Christ. Let's leave aside the religious and mystical justification for this phenomenon, and let's talk about more “mundane” reasons that result in trophic ulcers on the legs.

    We must immediately warn you that such deep trophic disorders as ulcers never occur suddenly in ordinary people, but are a complication of severe and long-term diseases. Neglect of one's health, bad habits, especially smoking, and lack of control over blood glucose levels most often lead to these disorders.

    Trophic ulcer - what is it?

    Despite the fact that this name is extremely widespread among doctors of all specialties, and they, without saying a word, understand what they mean, it is quite difficult to define a trophic ulcer.

    Firstly, for the reason that such a diagnosis is not in the classification of diseases, and secondly, because this concept is collective in nature. Hemodynamic disorders, innervation disorders, lymphostasis and injuries lead to the appearance of tissue defects.

    Therefore, speaking in simple language, trophic ulcers are deep defects that arise as a result of disturbances in innervation, hemodynamics, and lymphatic drainage, which reach a level below the basal membrane of the skin and are complications of many chronic diseases, and heal with the appearance of scar tissue.

    This definition contains the most important facts, for example, the fact that if an ulcer has already appeared, then even if it heals, the appearance of a scar cannot be avoided. And for what reasons can such severe tissue nutritional disorders occur?

    varicose veins, atherosclerosis and other causes

    The main reason for their appearance is not trauma or injury, but long-term illnesses leading to chronic failure arterial and venous blood flow, and disorder autonomic innervation. The following are the most important reasons:

    1. "Varicose ulcer." It occurs in 2/3 of all cases. Chronic venous stagnation develops, which leads to trophic disorders;
    2. Arterial ulcers.

    They occur much less frequently, as a result of severe ischemia of arterial thrombosis (occlusion). Most often they appear in the foot area, where the blood flow is weaker, and less often on the lower leg.

    Almost all arterial lesions arise due to atherosclerosis, which occurs with obliteration of blood vessels, as well as due to thromboangiitis (Buerger's disease). Here the mechanism triggers a sharp decrease in pressure, leading to chronic hypoxia. At the same time, part of the blood flow is still preserved, since with complete thrombosis it is not an ulcer that occurs, but gangrene.

    How arterial ulcers appear: they are preceded by chilliness and fatigue, cold limbs, the presence of intermittent claudication, then night pain appears. It all starts with a cut, bruise, or rubbing of the leg.

    • Damages in diabetes mellitus.

    Diabetic ulcers occur in 5% of all cases, but represent a very difficult problem to treat given the reduced innervation of tissues in the periphery as a consequence diabetic polyneuropathy. In diabetic ulcers, the arterial pulse is usually preserved and there is no intermittent claudication.

    Doctors - surgeons and infectious disease specialists, radiology specialists also know even more rare causes of the development of lesions, for example, those that occur after frostbite and burns. Congenital and acquired arteriovenous shunts and fistulas, ulcers of syphilitic etiology, or those resulting from the action of ionizing radiation are extremely rare. How does an ulcer form?

    Stages of trophic ulcers, symptoms and photos

    Of course, it never happens that a person falls asleep healthy in the evening, and the next morning finds himself with a festering ulcer into which you can put your fist. Ulcer - like many others pathological formations- has a clear stage of development. But before it occurs, there is a “pre-ulcer” stage with its own symptoms.

    Signs of “pre-ulcer” - initial stage

    The symptoms of the initial stage of a trophic ulcer are as follows. At first, when there is no ulcer yet, you can detect induration, or thickening of the skin in the calves and legs, burning and itching, and swelling. In some cases, dilatation of small subcutaneous (subcutaneous) veins occurs.

    The patient may experience leg cramps. With an arterial nature, chilliness appears and the color of the limb below the level of chronic occlusion changes to white and pale. Initial stage A trophic ulcer on the leg may be accompanied by symptoms of the appearance of bluish or purple spots, which can merge into a single whole.

    initial stage photo 2

    Finally, the ulcer itself appears. There is no depression in the center yet, although everything is ready for its appearance, the tissues in the depths have already died or are dying, and it is a red (or brownish) wet scab of a certain area, with a “restless”, often painful periphery.

    Stages of “life” - development of trophic ulcers

    Now the defect begins to expand and deepen. In its development, it usually goes through three stages of life, which in uncomplicated cases take about 2-3 months. What happens during this time? These stages are called exudation, granulation and epithelialization:

    • Exudation stage. It lasts up to 2 weeks.

    Inflammation and perifocal edema occur along the perimeter. Tissue necrosis occurs in the center, that is, an ulcerative defect itself is formed. It is at this stage that a copious discharge appears from the wound, which has an unpleasant odor.

    When conducting a bacteriological examination of the discharge, a significant appearance of colonies is revealed, which indicates strong microbial contamination of both the edges and the bottom of the defect.

    In some cases, the process is not limited to one local zone. If lymphatic vessels - collectors and veins - passed through the ulcer, then lymphangitis and thrombosis of the veins (thrombophlebitis) occur. The appearance of secondary erysipelas and erysipelas is common.

    If the “rampant” local infection is not stopped, then gradual obliteration of the lymphatic vessels may occur with the development of persistent edema, especially in the feet, which is called lymphedema. Ultimately, this can lead to elephantiasis and permanent disability.

    • Stage of repair, or granulation.

    Continues for the next 2-3 weeks. All this time, the bottom and walls of the formation are covered with fresh granulations, and the wound is cleared of necrosis.

    It is at this stage that wound cleansing with fly larvae can be used, which carefully eat only dead tissue without causing any harm to the living (no matter how shocking this may be to many).

    Suppuration gradually decreases, the severity of swelling of surrounding tissues also decreases. Scanty, serous discharge continues to appear.

    • Stage of epithelization of the ulcer.

    This late stage the development of an ulcer, which is observed a month or later from the beginning of the development of the process of tissue destruction, which is accompanied by the formation of epithelium, where this is possible, and where not, a scar appears.

    How to treat trophic ulcers? They need to be treated strictly following the principles to avoid complications. What does this mean?

    Principles of treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs, drugs

    The most important thing is to determine the cause and begin intensive treatment of the underlying disease. Treatment of a trophic ulcer on the leg while it continues venous thrombosis in other areas, or blood sugar is “exorbitantly” elevated - this is useless, since even if the defect is eliminated, several new ones will immediately appear in other places.

    One should not hesitate to make a decision in favor of hospitalization, even in surgical hospital, if treatment of trophic ulcers lower limbs at home it took a long time and was ineffective. Currently, there are many options for operations that effectively eliminate the cause of the ulcer and preserve the limb, so there is no need to be afraid of surgeons.

    The main stages are:

    • Consultation with a phlebologist and a vascular surgeon to decide on a priority operation. (In the case of arterial ulcers, blood flow is always restored first with surgery);
    • In the case of a conservative approach, staying in an upright position is sharply limited (and in the diabetic form, putting weight on the leg is completely prohibited);
    • In case of varicose ulcers it is prescribed compression garments. Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities should be accompanied by improved outflow. According to indications it is prescribed compression hosiery high compression classes;
    • In the first stage of ulcer formation, infection control is required, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics;
    • At subsequent stages, the fight against infection gives way to reparative and restorative therapy;
    • Throughout treatment, the most careful care for the ulcer is needed, and urgent hospitalization if the condition worsens.

    At home, you can successfully use medications for trophic ulcers, but only after consultation with a vascular surgeon and a specialized specialist, for example, a diabetologist. The purpose of this is not to “miss” the operation, which in some cases should precede treatment.

    In some cases, treatment in a hospital is preferable, since sessions can be scheduled there hyperbaric oxygen therapy, rational antibacterial therapy, correction of heart failure and blood glucose levels. If all this is not required, then only then can trophic ulcers of the lower extremities be treated at home, but under the supervision of a doctor. The main groups of drugs include:

    • Reparants (applied upon completion of the first stage). These include “Solcoseryl”, “Actovegin”, “Methyluraciol ointment”, “Bepanten”. Promote regeneration;
    • Phlebotonics for varicose veins - “Detralex”, “Eskuzan”, “Troxerutin”, “Phlebodia”, “Venoruton”. Diosmin can be used in micronized form;
    • Drugs to improve microcirculation (“Hepatrombin”);
    • Local use of antibacterial drugs - antibiotics, Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment;
    • Rinsing the ulcer and removing discharge (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine solution, furacillin) with 2-3 times change of the dressing. You can use gelatin-zinc ointment Unna;
    • General antiplatelet agents are used that improve blood flow and reduce thrombus formation (Trental, Pentoxifylline, acetylsalicylic acid;
    • For symptomatic purposes, NSAIDs (ketoprofen, ketorolac) are used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation;
    • For severe swelling and itching, antihistamines are used, both topically (Fenistil gel) and orally;
    • During the wound healing stage, they are used vitamin preparations, as well as special wound coverings, for example, "Algipor". This is an absorbable dressing made from seaweed with antiseptic properties.

    In any case, treatment of ulcers at home, and especially the use of antibiotics, should be under the supervision of a doctor.

    Treatment prognosis

    With any long-term trophic ulcer, there is a threat of its malignancy, or transformation into a malignant tumor. This occurs in 3-4% of all cases, and is often an example of abuse ultraviolet irradiation, and irritating ointments.

    The next danger is purulent-septic complications, which can result in dry or wet gangrene, and sepsis, which often leads to death, especially in conditions of multiple organ failure.

    In conclusion, it must be said that the most effective way to treat ulcers is to prevent them. Our body gives us many signals about an approaching disaster. And, even in the case of diabetes, when the patient simply does not have pain, blood sugar levels are a threatening symptom.

    The emphasis in the fight against ulcers should shift from the effect to the cause - only then the patient can not be afraid of relapses and threatening complications.

    It should be immediately mentioned that a trophic ulcer on the leg will not disappear in a couple of days. Treatment at home is quite tedious and requires persistence. In today's material we will study everything related to this.

    Is it possible to cure a trophic ulcer without surgery?

    Yes. But we should warn you that all actions must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Wounds are washed with antiseptics, and targeted ointments are used. Antitrophic dressings are also made by hand. For rinsing purposes, it is advisable to use peroxide or decoctions.


    After eliminating the symptoms, you should not overload your legs with long walking. Rest and special light exercises (gymnastics) are required.

    Rules for treating trophic ulcers on the legs at home

    1. A detected trophic ulcer on the leg requires a complete review of nutrition. Treatment at home depends on this. Therefore, exclude all fatty, peppery, salty, sugary-sweet foods. Lean on steamed and boiled foods, increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables.

    2. To prevent soft tissues from being injured and not receiving more load than expected, purchase orthopedic insoles. They are sold in medical or shoe stores.

    3. Provide yourself with peace by periodically resting during the day. Of course, you should not lie in bed all the time; there should be minimal mobility.

    4. B supine position perform gymnastics: bending/extending your knees, rotating your feet, crossing and stretching your legs up, etc. This will help disperse the blood and prevent stagnation.

    Treatment of trophic ulcers with medications

    A trophic ulcer on the leg requires a multifaceted approach, so treatment is selected accordingly. At home, targeted medications are used to alleviate the condition and eliminate the problem completely.

    No. 1. Pills

    The following drugs are used internally:

    "Endothelon". Take 1 unit of the drug twice a day. Course – 3 weeks. Contraindicated for pregnant/breastfeeding persons.

    "Detralex." Helps cure ulcers that are formed due to varicose veins. There is an analogue - “Venarus”. It is necessary to take 1 unit of the drug twice a day for 2 months. Course – 2 times a year (every six months).

    "Antistax." Expectant and new mothers should not take the product. For everyone else, take 2 capsules after waking up in the morning. Duration of therapy is 2 months.

    "Troxevasin". The drug is taken after meals three times a day, 1 unit. Side effects include allergies and difficulties in the gastrointestinal tract.

    No. 2. Compression bandages

    1. Throughout the therapy, it is important to provide compression to the legs. This can be a bandage of 3-4 layers elastic bandage, which changes every day. This technique is used if the ulcers are of venous origin and are open (!). Compression bandages designed to reduce swelling and reduce the diameter of veins. In general, the functioning of the lymphatic system is improved.

    2. A trophic ulcer on the leg, which is venous in nature, requires a more serious approach; progressive compression systems are involved in the treatment. Saphena Med UCV stockings are suitable for use at home.

    3. If the ulcers appear due to varicose veins, then it makes sense to use medical elastic compression “Medi” or “Sigvaris” with class 2 or 3.

    4. If it is necessary to provide intermittent compression (congestive, pyogenic and other types), it makes sense to take a closer look at the Unia Boot bandages, consisting of gelatin and zinc. As an alternative to the Unia Boot, you can buy the Air Cast Boot.

    No. 3. Heparin-based gels

    1. Ointments containing heparin are used. The more of this substance, the better and faster the result.

    2. Gels are applied at the final stage of recovery, as well as to prevent re-formation of ulcers. They accelerate the blood and can be used continuously with short breaks.

    3. So, among the suitable options we highlight “Thrombophob”, “Lioton”, “Trombless”. Use them according to the instructions and do not violate the recommendations.

    No. 4. Patch

    1. A trophic ulcer on the leg requires a variety of treatment. The patches cannot be purchased; you will have to make them yourself at home. The recipe is old, you can be sure of its effectiveness.

    2. Take 20 g. spruce resin and combustible sulfur. Mix 60 gr. soft butter, 75 gr. wax, 2 chopped onions. Stir until thick and smooth.

    3. Take a clean piece of linen or cotton fabric. Apply this ointment, press it to your leg and wrap it with a bandage. After 2 days, change the bandage. It's important to know home remedy Use only after doctor's approval!

    No. 5. Ointments

    1. For a trophic ulcer on the leg, treatment is carried out with ointments, which should be venotonics, antiseptics or proteolytics.

    2. Antiseptic drugs in the form of “Levomekol”, “Bioptin” and “Miramistin” are often taken at home.

    3. Among the proteolytics, Iruksol performed well. Venotonics include Normoven and Detralex.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of trophic ulcers

    Regarding folk remedies, they showed themselves only with the best side. The recipes presented below have been tested more than once. Consider them all.

    No. 1. Tatarnik

    Dry the leaves of the plant and turn them into flour, sift. Pour into a jar and leave in a dark room. After a couple of days, lubricate the affected area with Rivanol. Sprinkle the previously prepared powder onto the ulcer. Secure with a bandage. Carry out the procedure at night. After waking up, wash the wound, pat dry and repeat the process.

    No. 2. Streptomycin

    Crush 3-4 Streptomycin tablets in a mortar. Sprinkle the powder onto dry and clean wounds. The drug eliminates quickly enough painful sensations. Coming off inflammatory process, are dying pathogenic bacteria. Systematic use of the powder promotes rapid healing of wounds.

    No. 3. Serum

    Make from 0.5 l. homemade curdled milk. Move fermented milk product in a gauze bag and hang. Every time before going to bed, treat the affected area with serum. Also apply a compress of cottage cheese through gauze. Secure with a bandage and leave overnight.

    No. 4. Ash

    Trophic ulcer on the leg is a rather serious ailment, it is required urgent treatment. If you want to get rid of the problem at home, then pour boiling water over wood ash and let it sit for 2 hours. Water the affected areas. After this, treat the wounds with sterile cotton wool and calendula tincture. Then sprinkle a little Streptomycin powder on the dried areas.

    No. 5. Peroxide

    If the wounds are in a neglected state, you can try to correct the situation with hydrogen peroxide. Pour a little Streptomycin powder into the bottle with the solution. Clean the wound and apply a sterile wipe. Wrap in polyethylene, then with a warm cloth. Visible results occur after 8-10 days.

    No. 6. Tar

    Buy tar at any pharmacy. Soak cotton pads in it. Use the product as compresses. Replace the lotion with a new one every day. Visible results are achieved no earlier than a week later.

    No. 7. Onion oil

    Chop the onion and fry in oil until golden. Filter the oil into a convenient container. The composition is used up to 3 times a day. Apply onion oil to the affected areas. Important - traditional medicine does not recognize this method and considers it harmful.

    No. 8. Flaxseeds

    If a trophic ulcer on the leg does not go away, its treatment can be carried out with the help of flaxseeds. At home, simmer 100 gr. raw materials in 3 l. water over low heat. Pour the broth into a thick plastic bag. When the liquid reaches an acceptable temperature, treat the wound with an antiseptic and immerse your foot in it. Wait for it to cool completely. Wipe dry.

    No. 9. Salt

    Dilute in 1 liter. warm water 35 gr. culinary and sea ​​salt. Dampen a piece of gauze. Apply to the wound and secure with a bandage. You need to keep the lotion for about 3 hours. 2 procedures should be performed per day.

    No. 10. Boric alcohol

    Take a small basin with warm water. Crumble a third of a bar of grated household soap. Steam and wash the ulcer. Treat it with Miramistin. Soak gauze in boric alcohol and apply to the wound. Secure with a bandage. The compress is kept overnight.

    It is best to treat a trophic ulcer on the leg after a full consultation with a specialist. He will tell you exactly what medications you will need to purchase at the pharmacy. The doctor will also advise you on what can help at home. There are a lot of proven folk remedies.