Eufillin for inhalation - first aid for children, pregnant women, adults. Eufillin in children is an unsafe drug for home use

Eufillin helps to expand the lumen of the bronchial tubes and quickly relieve bronchospasm, which has made it a common remedy that eases breathing and the negative symptoms of obstructive bronchitis and many other diseases.

The main active component of the drug aminophylline is aminophylline, which belongs to the theophylline group. Available commercially in the form of tablets, capsules and liquid for injection. The drug has an antispasmodic, non-selective effect, which is expressed in the following effects:

Eufillin is prescribed for various respiratory disorders, pathologies of the respiratory system, emphysema associated with physical stress and chronic obstructive bronchitis.

For people suffering from uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmia, high blood pressure and ulcerative stomach diseases accompanied by bleeding, the use of the drug is not recommended.

It is worth understanding that inhalations themselves do not have therapeutic effect, and are only an auxiliary means to facilitate negative symptoms as part of complex therapy.

Proper use of Eufillin for inhalation in a nebulizer

Instructions for the use of Eufillin in ampoules for inhalation warn patients about the importance of following the prescribed dosages, since even a slight excess of them can lead to a number of disastrous consequences.

In order to reduce the body's reaction to the process of histamine production, the doctor may prescribe diphenhydramine or another antihistamine along with the drug.

The algorithm for using aminophylline for adults using a nebulizer looks like as follows:

  1. First, a physiological sterile sodium chloride solution or from one to one and a half milligrams of an injection solution is mixed in the apparatus.
  2. Then add a similar amount of aminophylline with a concentration of 2.4%.

One inhalation involves the use of a solution in a volume of 3 ml. The remaining liquid cannot be placed in a refrigerator for storage because each procedure requires the use of a new solution.

The duration of inhalation should not exceed seven minutes. If during the procedure any problems arise allergic rashes, dizziness or other discomfort, it should be stopped immediately.

How to use inhalations with Eufillin for children? The dosage and duration of inhalation procedures should be determined by the attending physician, who must take into account the individual characteristics of the child, as well as carefully study his medical history.

When optimal dosage was selected for children, inhalations can be carried out at home using a compression nebulizer. The interval between procedures should be at least seven to eight hours.

  1. For children under 6 years of age use no more than 0.5 ml of the drug for one inhalation, the number of which should not exceed 3 per day.
  2. Optimal dosage for children under 12 years of age is considered to be 1 ml, while the number of inhalation procedures can reach 4 per day.
  3. Adult patients Usually a double dosage is prescribed, the number of inhalations should be identical.

Eufillin in most cases does not cause side effects when combined with drugs such as prednisolone, diphenhydramine and salbutamol. The drug in tablet form is not suitable for preparing an inhalation solution, since the design of aerosol nebulizers assumes the ability to work exclusively with solutions.

Exceeding the dosage leads to damage to the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and the occurrence of a number of side effects, including: diarrhea, headache, nausea and high blood pressure.

Important! The drug is contraindicated in arterial hypertension, heart failure, pathologies of the liver, kidneys, gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For use during pregnancy, consult a qualified healthcare professional. Children under four to five months of age are prohibited from using aminophylline in any form.


The proportions for adults during inhalation with Eufillin should be determined by the attending physician, since the drug is absorbed through circulatory system and is not specifically intended for inhalation.

Eufillin for inhalation is another remedy for the complex treatment of various infectious and inflammatory processes respiratory system. The drug begins to act when it enters the nasopharynx. Eufillin belongs to the group of xanthines or anticholinergic drugs.

The drug is available in three forms- capsules, tablets and ampoules. Is it possible to do inhalations with aminophylline, and what type of medicine is best suited? How to dilute it correctly so that there are no negative effects from the therapy?

Features and properties of aminophylline

The treatment method using inhalation with a nebulizer has proven itself with the best side. Eufillin acts directly at the site of inflammation. Inhalation of fine particles leads to rapid decline manifestations acute bronchitis. The drug in aerosol form does not settle, but gently envelops the affected area. inner surface bronchial tree.

The drug in tablets is not suitable for preparing the solution, since a solution with suspended particles cannot be poured into aerosol inhalers. Even if the compressed medicine is well crushed and dissolved, microscopic particles will remain in the liquid. This may damage the nebulizer.

The active substance of the drug is aminophylline, which contains a component of the theophylline group. Thanks to this, nebulizer inhalations with aminophylline are considered particularly effective, as they are quickly absorbed and have a direct maximum effect.

Action of the solution:

  • direct contact with the inflamed epithelium;
  • spasm relief;
  • normalization of breathing;
  • activation of the diaphragm muscles;
  • restoration of blood circulation in the lungs;
  • improving the patency of the upper respiratory tract;
  • elimination of excess carbon dioxide in tissues;
  • maximum relaxation of the bronchi, which reduces coughing;
  • restoration of air flow and ventilation function.
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • improvement of blood properties.

Indications for use:

  • purulent, prolonged, acute, chronic bronchitis;
  • obstruction;
  • pulmonary failure;
  • bronchitis with an asthmatic component;
  • cough of any form - dry, wet, smoker's;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane lining the throat;
  • pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

Eufillin has a lot of effects useful properties, but also has many side effects and limitations. Before using it, you should consult your doctor regarding the duration of use and dosage. After this, you can safely begin the inhalation course.


  • self-administration of the drug;
  • failure of cardiac function;
  • disturbance in the myocardium;
  • high blood pressure;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • age up to 4 months.

If the use of aminophylline is necessary during pregnancy, this is done after consultation with a gynecologist and therapist. Long-term use the drug leads to a change in the blood picture, affecting glucose levels.

The drug has some side effects:

  • sudden surges in pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness or pain;
  • dyspeptic disorders (stomach discomfort, stool disturbance);
  • damage to the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity.

In a hospital setting, there are practically no side effects from the medication. This is due to his special training medical workers, observed correct proportion. IN outpatient setting an individual dosage is selected. But before that it is advisable to go through full examination, establish the cause of bronchitis and its severity. Complaints, chronic and concomitant diseases are taken into account. Eufillin is prescribed with caution when drug allergies. Its components may cause a severe reaction on the skin or in the respiratory system.

Inhalations with the drug

The use of this medicine is indispensable for shortness of breath and obstruction that occurs in asthma. Obstructive changes gradually lead to the development respiratory failure. It is quite difficult to prevent it with medications, but with the help of inhalations you can achieve maximum effect and alleviate complications. Eufillin in a nebulizer for asthma is prescribed even to children. Spastic syndromes at this age cause fear in the child and severe discomfort, so they need to be stopped as quickly as possible.

About the nebulizer

Inhalations through an aerosol-type device are intended for rapid administration of the drug into the affected area of ​​the bronchi. The smallest particles do not settle in the alveoli, but gently envelop the epithelium inside the pulmonary tree, helping to reduce swelling and irritation. After regular use of aminophylline, rapid cell regeneration is observed against the background of a decrease in the inflammatory process. Eufillin is not suitable for steam inhalations, under the influence of temperature, the active part of the components is destroyed. Children quickly get used to the convenient and safe device. Using the medicine in this way is the most gentle option for children.

Eufillin is incompatible with some drugs. Even with inhalation exposure, drug inconsistency may persist. During the consultation, the doctor is informed that the child is taking all groups of medications, if they are necessary for the treatment of chronic diseases.

  • The drug cannot be combined with acid solutions. When taken simultaneously hormonal drugs their side effects increase. Eufillin is not used with drugs that excite the central nervous system.
  • Antidiarrhea medications significantly reduce the absorption of aminophylline. They are taken an hour after inhalation.
  • High therapeutic effect from aerosol therapy occurs along with taking macrolide antibiotics. They require a reduction in the number of inhalations.
  • Diuretic drugs taken in parallel with aminophylline increase their effect.
  • It is recommended to avoid drinking strong tea and coffee.
  • The duration of therapy will depend on individual characteristics the body, the speed of normalization of the general condition and elimination of symptoms.

Terms of use

The instructions for using the solution must be followed exactly. You cannot use the drug uncontrollably in large doses, hoping that it will help instantly. There are forms of chronic bronchitis that require persistent long-term treatment. The main problem is in them persistent cough, the addition of an asthmatic component and chest pain.

How to properly dilute the medicine? In the preparation of a medicinal solution, aminophylline is used in ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular administration. To reduce the body's reaction to the production of histamine with aminophylline, diphenhydramine is used. For 1 ampoule of aminophylline, take 3 ampoules of diphenhydramine and 150 ml of sodium chloride solution. Saline solution can be replaced with distilled water.

For one inhalation, only 3 ml of solution is used. Remnants of the divorced medicines cannot be stored in the refrigerator and used for further aerosol treatment. Each time a new solution is used. The inhalation time is no more than 5-7 minutes.

Usually aminophylline in this application does not cause systemic abnormalities in the body. The drug is not absorbed into the blood, but acts on the surface of the bronchi. But if there is a feeling that the condition has changed, dizziness or a rash appears, inhalations are stopped. In such cases, it is necessary to inform the attending physician so that he can develop a different treatment strategy.

Inhalations with aminophylline for children

Self-prescription of the drug is prohibited. If the doctor does not see an analogue for treating the child, then he may prescribe aminophylline, taking into account the characteristics of the baby’s body and the risk of side effects.

The instructions require compliance with the temporary regime. Inhalations are not given to children more often than once every 6-8 hours. IN special cases In case of prolonged or complicated bronchitis, only a doctor can reduce the time of inhalation of the solution.

Your doctor will tell you how to dilute the drug for a child. Standard dosage, as for adults.

Who said that curing bronchitis is difficult?

  • Do you regularly suffer from coughing with phlegm?
  • And also this shortness of breath, malaise and fatigue...
  • Therefore, you are waiting with fear for the approach of the autumn-winter period with its epidemics...
  • With its cold, drafts and dampness...
  • Because inhalations, mustard plasters and medications are not very effective in your case...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity...

There is an effective remedy for bronchitis. Follow the link and find out how pulmonologist Ekaterina Tolbuzina recommends treating bronchitis...

Eufillin is a strong drug that is used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor due to the abundance of contraindications and possible side effects. Eufillin is used in the form of tablets and injections, and you can also find recommendations to use Eufillin for inhalation. And although this method is considered the safest, it must also be used with caution and understanding of the principles of the product’s operation.

Medicinal effects of Eufillin

Basics active substance Euphylline - aminophylline. Once in the body, it is quickly absorbed and enters the bloodstream - in full with a solution, to a lesser extent with tablets, in a small dose with inhalations. As a result of its impact, the following occurs:

  • the muscles of the bronchi relax;
  • the diaphragm begins to contract more often and stronger, and the muscles that move the lungs begin to move with greater efficiency;
  • the protection of mucous membranes from any external invasion increases - from a virus to an infection.

As a result of the whole complex, the following improves:

  • respiratory function - the alveoli absorb oxygen better;
  • Job cardiovascular system– the heart begins to contract more often;
  • oxygen content in the blood - it becomes more.

A pulmonary spasm passes, which prevents a person from breathing, the effect of oxygen starvation disappears, and with it everything unpleasant symptoms coupled with the risk of blood clots. The veins on the periphery expand, a slight diuretic effect occurs.

Inhalations with Eufillin allow you to deliver the drug directly to the lungs, in addition, they provide additional exposure to water vapor or saline, which also helps relieve spasms.

Interestingly, not all doctors believe that inhalations make sense. In their opinion, most of the medicine settles on the mucous membrane, and such an insignificant dose enters the blood that its effect will be almost unnoticeable. However, if the patient was prescribed inhalations, and they help him, he may well neglect this opinion.

Indications for use

Eufillin is a sufficiently serious remedy that its indications for use do not include colds, sore throat and slight cough. Use it only if there is a risk of getting side effects outweighed by effects on the body.

Eufillin is used for inhalation for:

  • Bronchial asthma. Spasms during an attack make breathing difficult, cause suffocation and oxygen starvation. If it is not removed in time, the patient may suffocate - to prevent this, use inhalations with Eufillin.
  • Obstructive bronchitis. Chronic inflammation of the bronchial tree leads to the patient suffering from shortness of breath and wet cough even during periods of remission. To help him, to force the diaphragm to contract more often, and the alveoli to better absorb oxygen, Eufillin is used.
  • Apnea. Spasmodic sleep apnea is a common phenomenon, especially in children whose respiratory apparatus is still weak and not fully developed. Characterized by sudden holding of breath for longer than ten seconds at night. Inhalations can relieve spasms and allow the patient to continue to sleep peacefully.
  • Emphysema. With this disease, the walls between the alveoli are destroyed, a single cavity is formed, and the patient constantly suffers from the inability to inhale as much oxygen as the body needs. Eufillin allows the remaining healthy alveoli to better absorb oxygen, and the entire apparatus to work faster to compensate for the deficiency.
  • Chronic heart defects caused by pulmonary diseases. They are characterized by arrhythmia, tachycardia or angina, pain and shortness of breath. Eufillin allows you to at least partially compensate for all this.

The use of Eufillin is justified only if the patient is truly seriously ill. If he has a cold, cough or laryngitis, there are many other, safer remedies.

For inhalation, only ampoules with solution are used. Even if you crush the tablets and try to use them, a suspension will remain in the vapor, which can harm the body and negate all the benefits of treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

Eufillin in ampoules for inhalation is not used if:

  • the patient is allergic to any components of the medication;
  • the patient has problems with the kidneys or liver, due to which they will not be able to remove the breakdown products of the drug on time;
  • the patient has problems with the digestive tract and the increase in acidity that Eufillin causes can harm him;
  • the patient has heart problems, due to which acceleration heart rate dangerous for him;
  • epilepsy, in which most strong medications can trigger an attack;
  • problems with hormonal balance, in which Eufillin can become a catalyst for worsening the condition.

Inhalations with Eufillin are prescribed to children with caution, since children have a higher risk of developing side effects than adults. Also, when prescribing to pregnant and lactating women, care must be taken with dosages and a delicate approach - Eufillin is still absorbed into the blood, which means it can affect the development of the fetus or the composition of milk.

And even those to whom the doctor prescribed inhalations may develop side effects, due to which the patient:

  • feels dizzy and dizzy, his hands are shaking, he can’t sleep for a long time;
  • becomes anxious or irritable, talks a lot, fusses;
  • feels the heartbeat quicken or slow down, chest pain occurs, blood pressure drops, and arrhythmia begins;
  • experiences nausea and vomiting, suffers from diarrhea or heartburn;
  • starts going to the toilet more often, notices blood in the urine;
  • notices that he began to sweat more and the smell of sweat has changed;
  • feels that blood has rushed to his face;
  • feels sudden weakness, dizziness, drowsiness and apathy - that is, his blood glucose levels sharply decrease;
  • begins to suffer from shortness of breath and cannot take a deep breath.

The occurrence of side effects is a reason to re-read the instructions for using Eufillin for inhalation. Perhaps the dosage was incorrect. Perhaps the doctor did not take into account or was not aware of the presence of contraindications. In any case, the appearance of side effects is a reason to contact a specialist and find out whether the drug should be changed.

How to perform inhalations correctly

Even if the dosage for adults and children is prescribed correctly, you should pay attention to how to administer inhalations so that they are beneficial:

  • Inhaler. Eufillin should not be used in combination with steam inhalers– when heated, it loses half of its beneficial properties. A nebulizer - a device that splits a substance placed inside into tiny particles without heating - will be much the best solution, especially since you can use it without restrictions and without fear of accidentally scalding the patient with steam.
  • Solution. Inhalations cannot be carried out with pure Eufillin - it is necessary to dilute it with a physiological solution purchased at a pharmacy, or with distilled water purchased there. Neither boiled nor filtered water is suitable for this purpose. In addition, you need to prepare the solution anew each time and scrupulously follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

The inhalation technique requires consistency and accuracy:

  • An hour and a half before the procedure, avoid physical activity to ensure smooth, calm breathing.
  • An hour before the procedure, refuse to eat to avoid the possibility of vomiting.
  • Prepare the solution immediately before the procedure, then assemble the nebulizer according to the instructions, pour the medicine into the compartment provided for this purpose and wash your hands with soap.
  • Sit down and press the device to your mouth. Take deep, even, calm breaths, do not be distracted during the process, do not talk, do not read, focus on breathing.
  • At the end of the procedure, wipe your face with a napkin and take care of the device - rinse with water and antiseptics, dry.
  • Drink, eat and exercise physical activity possible only an hour after the end of inhalation.

The procedure lasts no longer than five minutes and is performed as many times a day as the doctor considers appropriate. If Eufillin is administered to children for inhalation, it is necessary to calm and distract the child before starting the procedure, even if he is suffering from an attack and spasms. This will help him go through the procedure correctly.


When using Eufillin for inhalation, you need to remember that:

  • it enhances the effect of any diuretic;
  • it becomes much more effective when used in combination with certain antibiotics, so in some cases inhalations are required half as much;
  • its effect becomes less effective if anti-diarrhea medications are used in parallel;
  • it cannot be combined with acid solutions.

In addition, you should abstain from drinking alcohol during treatment. strong tea and coffee. And also in the hour after inhalation you should not do anything that requires concentration - do not drive a car, for example, as side effects may develop.

However, despite all the difficulties of use, Eufillin remains extremely effective means. If used correctly, it will only bring benefits to the body and help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of chronic diseases in the shortest possible time.

What is the drug "Eufillin"? We will provide reviews about this medication, its indications, methods of use and side effects in this article. You will learn about the form in which this medicine is sold and what its price is.

General information

The drug "Eufillin", reviews of which are very varied, is a bronchodilator drug. This medication belongs to the group of xanthines. It can be purchased at almost any pharmacy, but it is advisable to use such a drug for medicinal purposes only as prescribed by a doctor.

Forms of release and composition of the drug

Currently, the drug can be purchased in two different forms, namely:

  • In tablets containing 150 mg of this active component, like aminophylline. For sale this drug comes in cardboard packs of 50, 10, 30 or 20 pieces.
  • The drug "Eufillin" in ampoules. 2.4% solution for injection (1 ml) contains 24 mg of aminophylline.

Only your attending physician should recommend which form of medication to use to treat a particular disease.

Properties of the drug

As mentioned above, the drug “Eufillin” in ampoules or tablets contains the main substance - aminophylline. In turn, this component is a mixture that consists of 80% theophylline and 20% ethylenediamine. This composition significantly facilitates the solubility of the drug, and also significantly improves its absorption.

What is the drug "Eufillin" prescribed by doctors for? The indications of this remedy are due to its effect on the bronchi. Thus, the medicine “Eufillin” is able to relax the mentioned organ and eliminate spasms that have arisen in them. It quite effectively improves the functioning of the epithelial cilia of the respiratory tract, and also increases the contraction of intercostal, diaphragmatic and other muscle tissues.

What is special about the drug "Eufillin"? Reviews from patients say that this medication can stimulate respiratory center V medulla oblongata, as well as improve pulmonary ventilation, saturate the blood with oxygen and reduce the content of carbon dioxide in it, that is, normalize respiratory functions.

The principle of action of the medication

The mechanism of action of the presented drug is that it inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase, due to which cyclic adenosine monophosphate accumulates in the tissues, and also reduces the flow of calcium ions into the cells that are responsible for muscle contraction, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

It should also be noted that the drug "Eufillin" (ampoules, tablets) is capable of stimulating cardiac activity by increasing the frequency and force of myocardial contraction. It lowers the tone of blood vessels in organs such as the kidneys, brain and skin.

By having a relaxing effect on the walls of the veins in the pulmonary circulation, this medication helps to lower the pressure in it. The use of the drug "Eufillin" significantly improves blood supply to the kidneys. Thanks to this, the formation and, accordingly, the excretion of urine significantly increases. The drug helps to slow down. It cannot be said that “Eufillin” makes red blood cells resistant to damage. In other words, it significantly improves blood flow.

It is also known about the tocolytic effect of this drug on the uterus. It can also increase acidity gastric juice.

Absorption and excretion

The drug "Eufillin" - what is it used by patients for? Before answering the question, it should be said that this medication is absorbed quite well from digestive system. Its bioavailability reaches almost 100%, although when taken simultaneously with food, the absorption of the drug can noticeably slow down.

This medication penetrates into the milk of a nursing mother and does not stop at the placental barrier. Metabolism of the drug occurs exclusively in the liver. Its elimination from the human body is carried out through the kidneys.

Medicine "Eufillin": indications for use

The drug "Eufillin" is prescribed for obstructive chronic bronchitis, to relieve seizures bronchial asthma(in patients with asthma physical stress and as additional means in other forms), in status asthmaticus (only in combination therapy), heart failure, complex treatment of stroke, as well as others ischemic conditions brain, angina pectoris, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, emphysema, pulmonary edema and other abnormalities that are associated with congestion. According to patient reviews, the drug "Eufillin" (solution for and tablets) effectively lowers blood pressure during hypertensive crisis. It is quite often used for apnea treatment newborns, that is, with a condition that is characterized by periodic cessation of breathing (for 15 seconds), and is accompanied by such abnormalities as bradycardia and cyanosis.

Contraindications for use

The drug "Eufillin" (indications for the use of this drug include many exceptions) has a large number of contraindications.

So, the presented medication is highly not recommended for use for treatment if you experience at least one of the following phenomena:

Instructions for use

In the form of a solution, this drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. It should be especially noted that parenteral use This drug is used only for urgent and emergency conditions. In this case, the dosage of the drug should be calculated individually and depend on the rate of excretion in the patient. different people, the severity of the patient’s condition and his body weight.

What rules should you know in order to administer the drug “Eufillin” intravenously? The dropper with the medicine must be placed very carefully, and most importantly, slowly.

According to the instructions, for adults in emergency situations, the dosage of this drug is selected at the rate of 6 mg per 1 kg of weight. To do this, the medicine must be diluted in 20 ml saline solution“Sodium chloride” and administer the drug intravenously. The injection is carried out very slowly (over 5-8 minutes).

If the patient has status asthmaticus, then he is prescribed an infusion of the drug in an amount of 720 or 750 mg. The duration of such therapy should not exceed 14 days.

To alleviate the patient’s condition with obstructive pulmonary diseases (especially in the acute phase), the administration of the drug begins with a dosage of 5 or 6 mg per 1 kg of patient weight. If necessary, it can be increased. However, this should be done extremely carefully, monitoring the blood picture.

As for tablets, in this form “Eufillin” is prescribed 0.15 g after meals once or three times a day. The course of treatment can last several days or months.

For neonatal apnea, the initial dosage of this drug is 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day (in 2 doses). In this case, the drug is administered after improvement of the condition, you should switch to maintenance therapy (2 mg per 1 kg per day in 2 divided doses). The duration of treatment for the disease can be several weeks or months.

For younger and older children, the drug is prescribed depending on the indications and severity of the condition. Daily dosage varies between 6-15 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Inhalation with "Eufillin"

The drug is indispensable for obstructive bronchitis. This is due to the fact that it facilitates the removal of sputum and dilates the bronchial vessels well. In physiotherapy rooms, which are located in each clinic, inhalation procedures are carried out based on a large volume of this drug. So, for 3 ampoules of medication you need to use 10 ampoules of Diphenhydramine, as well as 500 ml of water. If a conventional compressor nebulizer is used for treatment, then this dosage will be much less, although the proportions should remain the same.

Before diluting and using Eufillin for inhalation for a baby, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

Possible side effects

According to reviews, the drug "Eufillin" can cause such undesirable effects as dizziness, insomnia, excessive agitation, constant headaches, arrhythmia, decreased blood pressure, abdominal pain, increased heart rate, nausea, heart pain, heartburn, allergic reactions, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased blood glucose, increased sweating, changes in urine tests.

Special instructions

In what cases should you take Eufillin with extreme caution? Reviews from experts indicate that this drug should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly under his supervision, especially if the patient has a fever of unknown origin. Elderly persons should take the drug with extreme caution.

It should be noted that the drug "Eufillin" is capable of increasing the level of uric acid in urine. During use of this medication special care must be taken when simultaneous use large quantity products and drinks containing caffeine.

Drug interactions

  • When used simultaneously with this medication, the bronchodilating effect of Salbutamol and Terbutaline is noticeably enhanced.
  • Simultaneous use of the drug "Eufillin", the price of which does not exceed 40 Russian rubles, with beta blockers can quite easily cause bronchospasms.
  • When using this remedy, it should be borne in mind that its effect is noticeably enhanced if simultaneously treated with drugs such as Erythromycin and Cimetidine, as well as taking an influenza vaccine and using oral contraceptives.
  • The level of concentration of this drug in the blood decreases when used simultaneously with the drugs Carbamazepine, Rifampicin and Phenytoin.

Bronchitis – inflammatory disease bronchi, occurring with attacks painful cough against the background of difficulty breathing. Inflammatory process in the bronchi always occurs with the formation of a large amount of mucus, for the removal of which it is necessary to expand respiratory tract, stiffened as a result of muscle spasm due to excessive tension. The antispasmodic drug "Eufillin" for bronchitis acts as an active bronchodilator, helping to restore airway patency even in cases of severe obstruction.

Since “Eufillin” is not a specific bronchodilator, and due to its ability to quickly relieve spasms of smooth muscles, it is used for a wide range of different diseases, some readers have a completely fair question: is it possible to use “Eufillin” for bronchitis? And if you consider that the drug is quite famous a large number contraindications and side effects, the possibility of its use is generally called into question.

However, the drug is used for inflammation of the bronchi even in young children. And in many cases, quite successfully, which means it makes sense to consider the use of this antispasmodic for the treatment of bronchitis in more detail.

ATX code

R03DA05 Aminophylline

Active ingredients

Aminophenylbutyric acid

Pharmacological group

Adenosinergic drugs

Pharmacological action



Antispasmodic drugs

Vasodilator (vasodilating) drugs

Indications for the use of aminophylline for bronchitis

It is worth immediately noting that the indications for the use of the drug are quite wide, because its active substance (aminophylline, a theophylline derivative) is capable of relieving muscle spasms not only of the bronchi, but also of the heart, blood vessels, bladder, bile ducts, etc. But now we are interested in in what cases it is recommended to take Eufillin for bronchitis.

So, “Eufillin” is an active bronchodilator that improves sputum discharge, which means it can be successfully used for coughs accompanied by the release of a large amount of viscous bronchial contents. Very often, this situation is observed in chronic bronchitis and in ardent fans of tobacco smoking, which means that Eufillin can be used to treat such patients.

"Eufillin" will also help with severe attacks cough accompanied by suffocation due to bronchospasm. "Eufillin" for obstructive bronchitis helps to quickly eliminate bronchospasm, which complicates not only the discharge of sputum, but also breathing, which is life-threatening for the patient.

Seizures sharp narrowing bronchial lumen can provoke various factors, which means you need to be ready to provide urgent care to a patient with obstructive bronchitis (or even bronchial asthma) at any time and in different situations. "Eufillin" is available both in the form of injection solutions and in the form of tablets, which makes it possible to always keep it with you, using it in critical situations.

It is worth noting that obstructive bronchitis with obstruction of the airways, from the pharynx to the lungs, most often resulting from ineffective treatment chronic bronchitis. However, in some cases, obstruction may be caused by the regular entry of dust and other foreign substances into the bronchi. IN infancy obstruction is often associated with the entry of various liquids into the respiratory tract (blood, milk, etc.). "Eufillin" will be useful in these situations; it is administered after extraction foreign bodies and fluids from the respiratory tract.

The drug "Eufillin", according to the instructions for it, is intended for the treatment of patients over 6 years of age. However, in the case of severe obstructive bronchitis, life-threatening little patient, doctors use the drug effectively, calculating the permissible dose in each case.


In any medicine there is an active substance (one or more), the presence of which determines the therapeutic properties of the drug. In the drug "Eufillin" such a substance is aminophylline, which has antispasmodic properties. Ethylenediamine acts as a catalyst for the processes triggered by aminophylline, which not only enhances the drug, but also promotes its rapid dissolution in a liquid medium.

Thanks to this composition, the effective antispasmodic can be used not only in the form of tablets, but also as an injection solution for intramuscular injection or an infusion solution for drip administration, which is important in situations where delay is unacceptable.

The main effect of aminophylline is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the bronchial system, which allows air to freely penetrate into the lungs, delivering oxygen there, and ensures the removal of carbon dioxide. However, in parallel with this, the medicine can enhance nonspecific protection bronchi, stimulating their inner lining, which produces mucus.

By stimulating the brain centers responsible for breathing, aminophylline stimulates the contractility of not only the bronchi, but also other muscles involved in the act of breathing, including the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. By increasing the body's sensitivity to CO 2 and improving blood oxygen saturation by improving ventilation of the bronchial system, aminophylline has positive impact to other organs and systems that experience oxygen starvation during a spasm.

Bronchitis is an insidious pathology that places a heavy burden not only on the respiratory, but also on the cardiovascular system of the patient. By stimulating myocardial contraction and increasing coronary blood flow, Eufillin thereby facilitates the work of the heart, reducing the load on it.

By relaxing the muscles of the kidneys and bladder, the drug provides easy diuretic effect, which makes it effective for relieving edema if it poses a danger to the patient.


The drug is rapidly absorbed even when taken orally. Eating food may slightly reduce the rate of absorption without affecting the volume. The rate of absorption also depends on the dose of the drug. Small doses of the drug are absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract faster than larger ones.

The maximum concentration of aminophylline in the blood plasma is observed 1-2 hours after taking the drug (with oral administration); with intravenous administration, the peak concentration is observed after 15 minutes.

Aminophylline is partially metabolized in the liver with the release of caffeine, which in children under 3 years of age is excreted much longer than in adults, which means it can accumulate in the child’s body.

Prescribing "Eufillin" for bronchitis to patients of different ages and health status, it must be taken into account that its half-life is directly dependent on these indicators. Thus, in newborn children and patients with heart pathologies, T1/2 will be equal to 1 day, while in completely healthy adult patients this figure will be within 8-9 hours. Nicotine in large doses accelerates the elimination of aminophylline.

When prescribing the drug during pregnancy and lactation, you need to be aware that aminophylline can penetrate into breast milk and fetal blood, where its concentration is even higher than in the mother’s blood.

It is excreted primarily by the kidneys.

Use of aminophylline for bronchitis during pregnancy

"Eufillin" is an excellent antispasmodic with the ability to affect the muscles of the uterus, removing increased tone muscles, which makes it possible to use it if there is a threat of premature spontaneous termination of pregnancy. But on the other hand, the good penetrating abilities of the active substance, which easily passes through the protective barrier - the placenta, pose some danger to the fetus in the womb.

Aminophylline itself is not capable of affecting the development of the fetus, but it may well provide some toxic effects for a small organism. The result of exposure to aminophylline will be symptoms of intoxication that can be observed in a newborn (nausea, abnormal heart rate, etc.). These symptoms are not dangerous to the life and development of the baby, since they are considered reversible. This gives the doctor the opportunity to use the drug in situations that threaten the life of a pregnant woman and threaten pregnancy failure.

Thus, the drug can be used in situations such as toxicosis on later(gestosis), edematous syndrome, placental insufficiency, threat of miscarriage, bronchial obstruction, etc. In these situations, the doctor requires urgent effective measures to save the life of a woman and an unborn baby.

There is no specific dosage for such cases, so the doctor has to rely on his knowledge and experience, and the woman has to trust the specialist observing her, strictly following his requirements for the dosage and methods of using the drug.


Here we come to important issue, which worries many patients, because taking antispasmodics against the background of certain pathologies and conditions can only cause a deterioration in the patient’s health. And there are quite a lot of contraindications for use of the drug “Eufillin”, used for bronchitis, which must be taken into account when prescribing the medicine.

Alas, not all doctors take their work responsibly, which means that potential buyers of the drug should be informed of all contraindications to it, both absolute and relative.

First, let's look at absolute contraindications to the use of medicines for which the use of the drug is not permitted under any pretext:

  • Severe arterial hypertension or hypotension (if the patient has persistently high or, conversely, low blood pressure that is difficult to treat correction with drugs),
  • Arrhythmia with stable increased rate Heart rate (this pathology is called tachyarrhythmia),
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in stage of exacerbation,
  • Gastritis, occurring against the background of high acidity of gastric juice,
  • Severe renal or liver failure,
  • Epilepsy and cases epileptic seizures in the patient's medical history,
  • Brain hemorrhage.

The drug is not prescribed to patients with acute porphyria, retinal hemorrhages, high body temperature, or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The drug in tablet form is not used in the treatment of patients under 3 years of age in whom swallowing tablets causes serious difficulties.

Now let's talk about relative contraindications. These are cases when the use of the drug is allowed, but some caution must be observed in the dosage of the drug and the methods of its administration.

So, the drug is used with caution in the following situations:

  • In acute myocardial infarction,
  • During angina attack,
  • With a common form vascular atherosclerosis,
  • Tendency to seizures
  • Various violations kidney and liver function,
  • The patient has a history of healed gastric and duodenal ulcers,
  • Previous history of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract,
  • For gastric reflux disease,
  • Irregularities thyroid gland, manifested in uncontrollably low or, conversely, increased production of thyroid hormones (with hypo- and hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis),
  • High body temperature that does not subside over a long period,
  • For septic lesions.

In all these cases, the drug is prohibited from being injected.

Particular care with careful dose adjustment should be taken in the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and elderly patients.

Side effects of aminophylline for bronchitis

Both oral administration of drugs and its injection may be accompanied by the appearance of unwanted symptoms, which are commonly called side effects of the drug. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with them if you are planning to take Eufillin for bronchitis.

The effect of the drug on different organs and body systems can cause both positive and negative responses on their part.

Thus, the central nervous system may react to taking the drug with dizziness, difficulty falling asleep, and restless sleep, anxiety, trembling in the body, development of convulsive syndrome.

On the part of the heart and blood vessels, you can observe the appearance of arrhythmias, pain in the heart (for this reason, too rapid administration of the drug is not recommended), a drop in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. Some patients experienced an increase in the frequency of angina attacks, while others reported a feeling of palpitations.

From the digestive system you can expect such manifestations as nausea and vomiting, liquid and frequent stool, heartburn due to increased acidity of gastric juice. Possible exacerbations of stomach ulcers, esophagoreflux disease, and long-term therapy and the development of anorexia.

May change while taking medications laboratory parameters. For example, blood or protein is found in the urine, which is associated with kidney problems, or blood glucose levels drop.

The immune system may respond to Eufillin by developing allergic reactions in the form skin rashes, itching and heat.

Among other things, patients may experience: hyperhidrosis (increased sweating), hot flashes, pain in the chest, increase in the volume of urine excreted.

Directions for use and doses

Despite all the points described above, doctors continue to use Eufillin for chronic bronchitis with airway obstruction, bronchospasm, emphysema and others dangerous conditions when the drug practically saves people's lives.

Let's consider how different forms of the drug can be used for treatment chronic inflammation bronchi.

Eufillin tablets for bronchitis

The drug in tablet form is intended for oral administration. You should take the medicine after meals with ½ glass of water. The tablets can be swallowed whole or broken into 2-4 pieces.

The dosage of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the rate of elimination of the drug from the body in different groups of patients.

The daily dose of the drug for adults and adolescents weighing more than 50 kg ranges from 450-900 mg (from 3 to 6 tablets weighing 150 mg) with the possibility of increasing the dose to 8 tablets. You need to take medications every 6 hours, dividing the daily dosage into 3-4 equal parts.

If the weight of an adult patient is between 40-50 kg (for teenagers this figure is slightly higher - from 45 to 55 kg) daily dose medication should not exceed 600 mg.

The daily dose for children over 6 years of age and adolescents weighing less than 45 kg is calculated as 13 mg per kilogram of the patient’s body weight. In general, this results in a minimum daily dose for adults of 450 mg (3 tablets). The frequency of administration is 3 times a day.

Ampoules "Eufillin" for bronchitis

The pharmacological industry produces Eufillin not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a solution of the drug placed in ampoules. Each ampoule (5 and 10 ml) of the drug contains 120 or 240 mg of aminophylline.

"Eufillin" for bronchitis by injection can be prescribed both intravenously and intramuscularly. Intravenous injections indicated if the situation is life-threatening for the patient and is required urgent help. Indeed, with this method of administration, the drug quickly enters the bloodstream, forming effective concentrations there.

For intravenous injections the medicine is mixed with a 9 percent sodium chloride solution in a ratio of 1:2. The duration of the injection should not be less than 5 minutes, otherwise there is a high probability of negative reactions from the cardiovascular system (increased heartbeat, shortness of breath, drop in blood pressure). If this is observed even at a low rate of drug administration, you need to switch to drip administration.

During the injection, the patient must be in supine position, and the doctor is obliged to constantly monitor his condition. The dose for adults is calculated as 6 mg per 1 kg of weight.

The drug can be prescribed intramuscularly to a child according to vital signs. In this case, the dose is calculated as 15 mg of aminophylline per kilogram of the patient’s weight.

If necessary, the dosage can be increased once every 2-3 days by a quarter of the original dose.

The Efillina dropper for bronchitis can be prescribed to both adults and children if the situation that arises threatens the patient’s life.

In situations posing a threat life of the patient, the drug is administered into loading dose(5.6 mg per 1 kg of weight) for 30 minutes, maintenance therapy is carried out in smaller doses (0.9-3.3 mg per 1 kg of weight at a rate of 30-50 drops per minute up to 3 times a day).

A solution for infusion is prepared by mixing 2 ampoules of "Eufillin" in 5 or 10 mg with a sodium chloride solution of 100-150 ml.

Children are given IVs only as a last resort. The daily dosage for infants up to 3 months should not exceed 60 mg. For older children, the drug is administered at a dose corresponding to 2-3 mg per kilogram of the child’s weight.

A single dose of aminophylline for adults should not exceed 250 mg. IN maximum dose the drug can be administered no more than 2 times a day.

The duration of treatment with injections should not exceed 2 weeks. As soon as the patient's condition improves, it is recommended to switch him to oral medications.

Unconventional use of "Eufillin"

According to the manufacturer's instructions, the drug "Eufillin" for bronchitis should be used in the form of an oral medication, as well as for injection or drip administration in case of acute disorder bronchial patency. Electrophoresis with "Eufilin" is used primarily for the treatment of bronchial asthma and osteochondrosis, in case of disorders cerebral circulation, to reduce intracranial pressure, as well as to relieve smooth muscle tension, but the instructions do not mention this procedure for bronchitis.

However, this treatment of bronchitis is also actively practiced among doctors. For electrophoresis, an ampoule solution of the drug is used, with which a napkin is moistened and then applied to the area of ​​the bronchi between the patient’s body and the electrode.

For bronchitis, Eufillin can be used alone or in combination with magnesium. In the second case, one napkin is moistened in the Eufillin solution, and the other is soaked in magnesium, after which the napkins are placed under electrodes with different poles.

The medicine passes through the skin under the influence of an electric current, the strength of which is selected individually. Thus, aminophylline is delivered directly to the bronchi, facilitating breathing and promoting oxygen saturation in the blood, but without having a systemic effect on other organs, which is especially important in the treatment of young patients.

The procedure time usually ranges from 10 to 20 minutes (in pediatrics, the time is set to 10 minutes). On average, about 15-20 procedures are performed, which are prescribed daily or once every 2 days.

The traditional method of conducting medicinal electrophoresis is described above. However, with bronchitis, as one of the pathologies of the respiratory system, good results It also gives interstitial electrophoresis, in which the medicine is administered orally or parenterally, after which electrodes are applied to the bronchial area.

Administration of drugs through electrophoresis is a painless (for example, intramuscular administration of a drug is accompanied by severe pain) method of therapy, in which even small doses of the drug produce a long-lasting positive effect, and the bioavailability of aminophylline approaches 100%, which cannot be achieved with oral administration.

However, when prescribing electrophoresis, it is necessary to take into account contraindications relating not only to the medicine used, but also to the procedure itself. Electrophoresis is not performed if the patient is in in serious condition, he has a high body temperature (from 38 degrees), impaired blood clotting, in the presence of pacemakers and other metal-containing implants, in violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of exposure, during menstruation. Health pathologies such as tuberculosis (active form), cancerous tumors, insufficiency of liver and kidney function. Exposure to an electromagnetic field is considered dangerous in case of decompensated cardiovascular failure and severe mental disorders. Electrophoresis is prohibited during an exacerbation of the disease.

Another unconventional way The use of Eufillin for bronchitis involves inhalation with the drug. It is difficult to say on what basis the feasibility of such treatment is based. Apparently, the property that “Eufillin”, entering the bloodstream, effectively expands the bronchi and alveoli, relieving the increased tone of the muscles of the respiratory tract, led to the erroneous conclusion that the drug will have the same effect if it gets on the bronchial mucosa.

Although inhalations with Eufillin for bronchitis are quite popular, their effectiveness is equal to the same procedure carried out with clean water. This is the opinion of doctors who claim that the dilation of the bronchi occurs under the influence of steam, and not the drug itself.

In case of chronic bronchitis, it is more advisable to talk about a different treatment regimen, when inhalations are carried out with Berodual or Salbutamol and Lazolvan, where the first 2 drugs dilate the bronchi, and the latter facilitates the removal of sputum. As an option, inhalation with Lazolvan for bronchitis can be carried out after therapy with Eufillin and Suprastin, the use of which helps relieve swelling and spasms of the respiratory tract. At the same time, the antispasmodic and antihistamine taken orally on the eve of inhalation.

For chronic bronchitis and severe cough good effect show medicinal compresses and lotions. But since Eufillin does not penetrate the skin well, use it in pure form no point. But in combination with the drug “Dimexide,” which facilitates the penetration of other drugs into tissues, aminophylline is quite capable of alleviating the patient’s condition by improving ventilation of the respiratory system.

“Dimexide” and “Eufillin” in a compress for bronchitis are found in different recipes.

Classic recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. "Dimexide"
  • 1 ampoule of "Eufillina" 5 ml,
  • 4 tbsp water heated to 45 degrees.

First, mix Dimexide with water, then add Eufillin.

Enhanced Recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. "Dimexide"
  • 1 ampoule each of “Eufillin” and “Mukolvan”,
  • 5 tbsp. warm water.

The composition is prepared according to the same principle.

The compress is made as follows: moisten a cloth in the prepared composition, apply it to the patient’s chest or back, cover with a film and a warm cloth. Keep the compress for 30-40 minutes. You can do it 1 or 2 times a day, as prescribed by your doctor.

When using Dimexide in compresses, it is important to realize that this drug is highly toxic. Using it in its pure form is dangerous even for healthy person, not to mention people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, for whom medicine is prohibited in any form.

If you are planning to use a compress with “Dimexide” and “Eufillin” to treat a child, you must first consult with a doctor about the safe proportions of water and drugs, because “Dimexide” can only be used from the age of 12, and “Eufillin”, according to the instructions, from the age of 6.

As for the warming compresses themselves, they should not be made at high body temperatures and should not be applied to the heart area. After removing the compress, the skin must be wiped with a damp cloth to remove any remaining medication.

Eufillin for children with bronchitis

According to the instructions for the drug "Eufillin" for bronchitis and other pathologies, where required quick withdrawal spasms and restoration of breathing and blood circulation, allowed for use from 6 years of age. However, in pediatric practice The medicine is often used to save the lives of very young patients. Thus, it is used for bronchial obstruction in newborns caused by milk and physiological fluids entering the respiratory tract.

For children under 3 years of age, the drug in injection form can be administered only for health reasons and only intramuscularly; tablets are not given to children at all. If there is no threat to the child’s life, injection solutions are allowed to be administered only from the age of 14. At the age of 3-6 years, a child can be prescribed the drug even in tablet form, but the dosage will be significantly less than an adult.

In children with bronchitis, bronchospasms occur quite often, which means it is necessary urgent Care to restore breathing. The most effective in this case is considered intravenous administration medications, which should be carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician. And in the future, it is recommended to leave the child under the supervision of a pediatrician, because “Eufillin” is famous for its effect not only on the bronchi, but also on the cardiovascular system, which can cause a drop in blood pressure against the background of a decrease in the tone of blood vessels and other undesirable consequences.

To avoid negative impact on children's body V younger age The drug is recommended to be used only in the form of inhalations or during physiotherapy. Drug electrophoresis allows you to avoid the systemic effect of aminophylline on the child’s body (circulatory system, heart, kidneys, bile ducts, mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.), since the active substance is delivered directly to the affected area, where it has a therapeutic effect in the required safe concentrations.

Severe drug poisoning may have symptoms such as epileptic seizures, symptoms of hypoxia, acid-base imbalance (acidosis), increased blood sugar, potassium deficiency, drop in blood pressure, necrotic changes muscle tissue skeletal muscles, kidney failure, confusion.

Therapeutic measures (in a hospital setting): forced diuresis, hemodialysis, extracorporeal blood purification methods such as hemosorption and plasmapheresis, symptomatic therapy. For vomiting, Metoclopramide is prescribed, for convulsions, Diazepam and oxygen therapy.

Interactions with other drugs

As you can see, "Eufillin", used to relieve bronchospasms and relieve coughs during bronchitis, is not so safe drug, requiring strict adherence prescribed dosages. This means that its prescription must also be coordinated with the intake of other medications so that the interaction of drugs does not have negative consequences for the body.

There is a group of drugs that can enhance the effect of Eufillin, which requires adjustment of the prescribed dose. These medications include Furosemide and Ephedrine. A similar effect is observed in combination with beta-agonists and caffeine.

Another group of drugs inhibits the excretion of aminophylline from the body, increasing its concentration in the blood, which also requires a reduction in the prescribed dose of the antispasmodic. Such drugs include oral contraceptives, macrolide and fluoroquinolone antibiotics, beta-blockers, influenza virus vaccines, drugs based on alopurine, isoprenaline, cemitidine, lincomycin, viloxazine, fluvoxamine, disulfiram.

It is not advisable to take Eufillin simultaneously with lithium preparations, since it reduces the effectiveness of the latter. But when taking aminophylline and beta-blockers simultaneously, the therapeutic effect of both decreases.

Taking steroids, diuretics and beta-agonists during aminophylline therapy can lead to a significant decrease in blood glucose (hypoglycemia).

Aminophylline can enhance the side effects of other drugs (fluorinated anesthetics, mineralocorticoids, central nervous system stimulants).

"Eufillin" has the ability to enhance the effect of anticoagulants.

Aminophylline, like theophylline, is a xanthine derivative. To avoid the development of an overdose during aminophylline therapy, you will have to give up medications and products (coffee, tea, etc.) containing xanthine, as well as purine and theophylline derivatives.

Taking such drugs based on rifampicin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, isoniazid, carmazepine and moracizine in parallel with Eufillin may require an increase in the dose of the latter.

The Eufillin solution is incompatible with acids, fructose, glucose, levulose and their solutions. In one syringe, aminophylline solution can only be mixed with sodium chloride solution.

Regarding expiration date various forms drug, then the tablets should be stored for no more than 5 years, and the solution in ampoules should be used up within a year. However, different manufacturers The drug may have its own storage requirements for its products, which are always reflected in the annotation for the drug.