What if the temperature is 35.5. Low body temperature (reasons, what to do)

Temperature from birth is one of the main signs of human health or, on the contrary, ill health. Almost everyone knows about the causes of fever, and the ways to eliminate this symptom are no secret. Reduced temperatures are usually not given special attention, although very often it is a low temperature that is a signal of illness or simply a deplorable state of the body.

Reduced temperature body

Normal body temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius; a temperature of 35.5 degrees or lower is considered low.

Reasons for the “drop” in body temperature

The most obvious reason for a drop in temperature is hypothermia.

This is exactly the case when, to solve a problem, it is enough to change the conditions in which a person finds himself in order for the situation to change. The only danger is prolonged hypothermia, which can lead to irreversible consequences for the body.

Very often low temperature indicates serious overwork or stress. Such changes in the usual way of life invariably affect the body; if stress or overwork is strong enough or lasts long enough, the consequences for the body are inevitable. If this is the reason for the decrease in temperature, the most successful recommendation would be a calm, fairly long and regular sleep, a variety of stress relief techniques - from breathing exercises to drugs with a mild sedative effect (for example, motherwort or valerian).

If symptoms persist, you will need to consult a doctor. The reasons for a decrease in body temperature below an acceptable threshold may be more serious.

These reasons include:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • dysfunction thyroid gland
  • adrenal diseases
Sometimes pregnancy can trigger a low temperature. However, remember that a temperature of 35 degrees can cause loss of consciousness. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately

Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Any chronic disease has negative impact on the functioning of the body as a whole, during an exacerbation chronic diseases cause serious stress to the body. The optimal solution The problem in this case is a vigilant attitude towards one’s health, compliance with the instructions of the attending physician, which will minimize the likelihood of an exacerbation. If it was not possible to avoid an exacerbation, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, making sure to inform him of all existing symptoms, including low temperature.

Reduced function of the thyroid gland, which, in turn, provokes disorders hormonal balance, dysfunction in the functioning of internal organs.

Prolonged neglect of abnormalities in the thyroid gland can lead to the development serious illnesses, therefore low temperatures must be treated with special attention

If the temperature doesn't rise enough long time and there are no other obvious reasons for its decrease, you should consult a doctor to check the condition of the thyroid gland and further treatment.

Exacerbation of adrenal diseases. It must be removed strictly under the supervision of a doctor, but it is quite possible to avoid exacerbation on your own. To do this, it is enough to drink enough water, choose the appropriate diet, for example, it is recommended to eat melons and watermelons, which stimulate the functions of the adrenal glands and cleanse the body.

Another reason for a decrease in body temperature may be unreasonable self-medication. When using drugs without a doctor's prescription or if the dosage is not correct, the body may react differently to the drug, including a decrease in temperature. It is extremely important to avoid self-medication; all medications taken must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor and in the dosage recommended by him.

If as a result of self-medication the condition worsens and the temperature for a long time does not rise to normal, you must consult a doctor to prescribe a suitable solution, and, if necessary, cleanse the body

In young children, low body temperature may be a symptom of stress or fatigue. Also, a decrease is often a symptom of a change biochemical composition blood, this age-related process should not cause alarm, but the pediatrician still needs to be notified.

Thus, whatever the reasons for a drop in body temperature below the normal threshold, in all cases they are very serious and require consultation with a doctor, and sometimes very serious treatment. Temperature fluctuations downward must be taken no less seriously than sharp growth temperature.

The ideal temperature is 36.6. But a spread from 35.5 to 37 degrees is also considered normal. Of course, for some, 37 degrees is already a symptom of a cold. But in general, this interval is healthy if you do not feel weak or chilly.

But if the thermometer shows less than 35.5, this is no longer normal. When it drops to 30 degrees, a person loses consciousness - in this case there is a serious danger to life. 34.5 degrees can also be dangerous symptom some diseases. So, why might your thermometer show a low body temperature?

Low body temperature: causes

  1. Stress. Yes, it is quite possible that you are just very tired at work. In this case, a person’s low body temperature is accompanied by a feeling of general weakness and apathy. For signs of fatigue to go away, you need to sleep and take a day off. Or better yet, a vacation.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. A body temperature below 36 is a signal that it’s time to take your health seriously, especially if you already know about some problems.
  3. Pregnancy. 35 on the thermometer is one of the symptoms possible pregnancy. It's time to buy a test!
  4. Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle. During the day, the temperature can change within one degree, especially if you are currently menstruating. So just check the thermometer a day later - most likely, it will show the usual numbers for you.

What to do if your body temperature is low

In most cases, low temperature is caused by fatigue and decreased immunity. Quality rest, good sleep, vitamins and balanced diet will quickly bring the situation back to normal.

But among the causes of body temperature below 36 there may also be serious diseases, such as kidney and adrenal diseases, thyroid dysfunction, anorexia, AIDS and more. Therefore, if it has not risen to the normal level of 36.6 degrees Celsius after a couple of days, be sure to consult a doctor.

By the way, for some, low body temperature is the norm. There are people whose entire life the thermometer shows 35.8, for example. This is not a signal for any diseases, it is just an individual feature. But if for several days you see less than 35 degrees on the thermometer, this is a bad sign indicating the development of the disease.

Classification of hypothermia

Modern medicine distinguishes two types of decrease in body temperature below normal:

  • low body temperature – from 35 to 36.5 degrees;
  • low body temperature – up to 34.9 degrees. This condition is medically known as hypothermia.

In turn, there are several classifications of hypothermia. The first of them divides this condition into three degrees of severity:

    • light – temperature range 32.2-35 degrees;
    • average – 27-32.1 degrees;
    • severe - up to 26.9 degrees.

The second divides hypothermia into moderate and severe with a border of 32 degrees. It is this mark in medicine that is considered the temperature at which human body the possibilities for independent warming are exhausted. This classification is considered more convenient from a practical point of view.

According to this classification, with moderate hypothermia, the patient experiences drowsiness, lethargy, tremors, and tachycardia. Blood glucose levels increase. In most cases, a warm bed, dry clothes and warm drinks will help correct the situation. A mandatory examination for moderate hypothermia is an electrocardiogram. Violation of thermoregulation processes quite often entails problems with heart rhythm.

Severe hypothermia, according to this classification, is extremely dangerous condition. A decrease in temperature below 32 degrees leads to dysfunction of many life support systems. In particular, the functionality of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, slows down mental activity and metabolic processes.
Moreover, already 27 degrees are considered a critical indicator that can lead to the death of a person. At this temperature, patients develop coma, the pupils do not react to light. No emergency medical care and very active warming, a person has very little chance of survival.

Although history knows of unique cases when, after prolonged hypothermia (a two-year-old Canadian girl spent six hours in the cold), a person’s body temperature dropped to 14.2 degrees, but he survived. But this is rather an exception to the rule that hypothermia is an extremely dangerous condition.

Causes of hypothermia

Significant decrease in body temperature relative to normal indicators is a direct signal for further examination. And here we need to analyze in detail the reasons that provoke a serious decrease in body temperature. In principle, there are quite a lot of them and for convenience, the prerequisites for low body temperature are divided into three groups:

      • physical prerequisites for low temperature. Functional failures in the process of thermoregulation lead to excessive heat loss. In most cases this is due to expansion blood vessels and the duration of this state. In particular, hypothermia due to these reasons occurs in people with low blood pressure, in whom dilated blood vessels are a typical condition.
        In addition, diseases lead to physical hypothermia endocrine system. And to be more precise - increased sweating, disrupting natural thermoregulation;
      • chemical causes of low body temperature. These include intoxication of the body, weakened immunity, low level hemoglobin, emotional and physical stress, pregnancy;
      • behavioral prerequisites for low body temperature. This group includes causes that are a consequence of inadequate human perception of temperature environment. Often, behavioral hypothermia occurs due to the effects of alcohol and drugs on the body, as well as an unbalanced mental state.

As already noted, each of these groups of hypothermia prerequisites includes quite a few reasons. Let us outline the main ones more specifically:

Cause Description and consequences
Alcohol and drug poisoning Under the influence of these substances, a person ceases to adequately perceive reality, often without feeling the cold. Often in such cases, people can even fall asleep on the street, experiencing serious hypothermia. In addition, ethanol and opium substances dilate blood vessels and create a misleading impression of warmth, which often leads to critical consequences.
Hypothermia Prolonged exposure to low temperatures leads to the fact that the body simply cannot cope with thermoregulation, allowing the temperature to drop below normal. In such conditions, energy is also intensively consumed, which sharply reduces the time during which the body can resist hypothermia.
Viral and bacterial infections Hypothermia during such diseases often occurs after the disease itself has been overcome. It is known that up to a certain temperature the body must be allowed to fight it on its own. If you also use antipyretics, then having eliminated the symptoms of infection, the body’s defense mechanisms continue to work at full power for some time, which leads to a drop in body temperature below normal.
Diets and fasting For the functioning of thermoregulation systems, the body needs constant replenishment of calories and fat deposits, due to which, in particular, thermal conductivity and heat transfer are regulated. Insufficient nutrition (forced or planned) leads to disturbances in this functionality and a decrease in body temperature.
Sepsis in immunocompromised and elderly people In most cases, sepsis is the cause high temperature. But in the designated categories of people, one of the manifestations of this disease may be damage nervous system, including those segments that are responsible for thermoregulation. A person’s body temperature in such circumstances can drop to 34 degrees and requires immediate adjustment.
Incorrect application medical supplies or procedures (iatrogenic hypothermia) The concept of iatrogenic means the consequences that arose due to wrong actions medical personnel or due to improper use of medications. In hypothermia, the causes of this group may be:
  • improper treatment of patients after surgery;
  • excessive use of vasoconstrictors and antipyretics.

Any of these reasons can cause a critical drop in body temperature, so even taking the most harmless drugs, which include antipyretics and vasoconstrictors, should be done only after consultation with a doctor.

Ovulation The menstrual cycle in women is often accompanied by abnormal fluctuations in body temperature. In most cases it rises, but there are also cases of temperature drops during this period. Often the temperature is 35.5-36.0 degrees, which is not a cause for concern. With the end of menstruation, the temperature will return to normal.
Wilson's temperature syndrome This disease is caused by dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which is accompanied by a decrease in body temperature.

Low body temperature during pregnancy

Quite a lot of doctors note separate reason decrease in body temperature during pregnancy. To be more precise, it is not the bearing of a child itself, but the processes that accompany it. Quite often, expectant mothers are malnourished due to toxicosis, which affects metabolic processes and, accordingly, body temperature, which can drop to 36 degrees or even lower. In addition, pregnant women often experience a weakened immune system, which may result in a drop in temperature. None serious problems these prerequisites do not bring, but require an adequate response: normalizing the diet and consuming enough calories, as well as working to strengthen the immune system.

Actions to take when the temperature drops

Having recorded a low body temperature, first of all you need to adequately assess your physical condition. If there is no weakness, you are not afraid and there are no other signs of illness, it is worth remembering whether you were sick or hypothermic in lately. A slight decrease in temperature may be residual symptoms of these causes. In this case, it is not necessary to see a doctor. It is quite possible that a low temperature is the norm for your body.
You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

      • body temperature 35 degrees or lower even without other symptoms;
      • in addition to a decrease in temperature, weakness, trembling, vomiting and other symptoms that are unusual for a healthy person are observed. In such cases, even a temperature of 35.7-36.1 is a reason to seek help;
      • A person with a low temperature experiences hallucinations, slurred speech, blurred vision, and loss of consciousness.

Any of these symptoms is the cause immediate appeal see a doctor. Even simple weakness At low temperatures, you should not wait at home, as irreversible processes can begin in the body, which will be very difficult to stop over time.
Before the doctor arrives, a patient with a low temperature should be placed in bed and wrapped in a warm blanket, after making sure that his clothes are dry. Ensure complete calm, give a cup of warm sweet tea and, if possible, make warm bath for your feet or place a heating pad under your feet. These actions will make it easier for the body to carry out the process of thermoregulation and the temperature in most cases will begin to rise to normal.

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As you know, normal human temperature is 36.6 degrees. In some cases, a deviation of one degree is considered normal, as it is an individual characteristic of the body. But when greater increase or a decrease in value, you can suspect the presence of some problems in the body. That is why it is important to know what could be the reason that body temperature is lowered, why this happens and what to do in this condition.

What does body temperature depend on, what values ​​are dangerous?

There are several factors that can influence a person's at the moment temperature. These include:

  1. state of human health;
  2. time of day;
  3. individual characteristics of the body;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. age;
  6. environmental influence.

This list reflects general classification reasons why body temperature is lowered.

It is believed that the optimal body temperature of a healthy person is 36.6 degrees. At the same time, it is considered normal to consider values ​​in the range from 35 and 5 to exactly 37, since the temperature can rise and fall due to the cycle, meals of hot food, and time of day.

Hypothermia can be diagnosed if a person's body temperature drops below 35 degrees. This condition is quite dangerous, since it can impair blood circulation.

Normally, body temperature depends on many organs and systems, as it is regulated by the brain, lipid deposits, nerves and hormones. The body strives to maintain a normal body temperature at all times, but if any of the parts responsible for thermoregulation fail, the temperature can drop to critically low values.

Only in in rare cases a temperature that is increased or decreased by one degree can be considered normal, but in most cases it is a sign of problems that need to be addressed immediately

Reasons for the drop in temperature

Among the main conditions in which a drop in body temperature is likely to occur are:

  • decreased hemoglobin (with iron deficiency, symptoms such as a drop in temperature, lack of appetite, and fatigue may appear on a regular basis);
  • bleeding internal type (external manifestations such a state may not exist for a long time);
  • (if nausea, photophobia, headaches and dizziness occur, it can be assumed that a person has a vegetative-vascular disorder, in which blood vessels can expand and the temperature can drop);
  • improper functioning of the adrenal glands (occurs low content hormones in the blood, which can affect the body’s thermoregulation);
  • pregnancy (low body temperature during pregnancy can be caused by unstable hormonal background; Normally, the condition is temporary and disappears on its own in women);
  • (due to improper absorption of glucose, improper thermoregulation of the body may occur);
  • poisoning (when poisoned by drugs or food, respiratory and metabolic functions can be suppressed, which leads to cooling of the body);
  • neoplasms in the brain (the work of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the thermo-centers in the brain, is disrupted; the person begins to shiver, the limbs become cold);
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, ichthyosis, psoriasis can lower body temperature);
  • asthenic syndrome (oxidative processes slow down, hypoxia occurs);
  • ARVI (low body temperature during a cold, when a person is recovering, occurs often, especially in the morning);
  • hypothermia (with long stay in the cold, the skin may turn white and there may be chills throughout the body; body temperature drops, and the person needs to be warmed up quickly).

Symptoms of hypothermia

Most often, if the body temperature is low, this is a sign of a malfunction of the body. Symptoms of the presence of hypothermia include:

  1. feeling of chills;
  2. dizziness;
  3. body trembling (especially evident in a child);
  4. headaches;
  5. weakness;
  6. lack of appetite;
  7. nausea;
  8. vomiting;
  9. circulatory disorders;
  10. numbness of the limbs.

Please note. If a pathological process occurs, a body temperature of 35 degrees or less occurs (it can remain at this level for several days).

Low temperature - in 99% of cases this means the presence of illness, so a trip to the doctor is mandatory

Possible diseases with hypothermia

If a decrease in temperature is practically not noticed by a person and is wave-like in nature, we can assume the presence of a sluggish pathological process in the body, which at times becomes aggravated. In such cases, it is advisable to go full examination body to identify the causes of hypothermia. This symptom can characterize many deviations - from neuralgia to oncology.

Hypothermia often occurs due to the following ailments:

  • oncology (the functioning of the central nervous system is disrupted due to tumor growth, thermal regulation is disrupted);
  • human immunodeficiency virus;
  • intoxication;
  • anorexia;
  • adrenal hormone deficiency;
  • influenza and ARVI;
  • arterial hypotension (blood movement slows down, which reduces the activity of processes in the body and always provokes a decrease in body temperature).

Diagnosis of hypothermia

If a person has signs of low body temperature, the following are carried out: diagnostic measures to establish the exact cause and diagnosis:

  1. arterial measurement;
  2. determination of body temperature;
  3. electrocardiogram recording;
  4. condition monitoring (especially in pregnant women);
  5. hourly diuresis;
  6. radiography;
  7. blood and urine tests;
  8. Pulse oximetry.

A general examination of the patient and anamnesis are always taken to select adequate treatment. It is often symptomatic.

Hypothermia is not a lifelong condition and the problem can be treated. The main thing is to go through everything necessary tests and course of treatment

Ways to increase temperature

First of all, you should pay attention to your own condition and what the current temperature is in the house. Hypothermia can be caused by too much ventilation of the room in cold weather. This condition can also occur in recovery period after ARVI or flu - in this case, a decrease in temperature can be considered normal.

If a temperature of about 36 degrees is observed in normal health, it can be assumed that hypothermia is an individual feature of the body. But if other unpleasant symptoms are observed, most likely we're talking about about the disease. The most common diagnosis is iron deficiency or underfunctioning of the thyroid gland. In case of hypothermia, antipyretic drugs and vasoconstrictors should be discontinued.

What to do at low temperatures

If the temperature drops below 35 degrees, immediate medical attention is required - an independent increase in temperature can be dangerous.

Before the doctor arrives, you can do the following:

  1. put the person in a warm bed in a room without drafts or cold;
  2. cover the patient so that the limbs are covered and the head and rib cage– open;
  3. if hypothermia occurs due to clothes getting wet in a cold body of water, you need to replace them with dry ones;
  4. in case of frostbite, a thermal insulating bandage is applied to the affected areas;
  5. You can apply a heating pad to your chest;
  6. allow the person to drink warm tea (not coffee or alcoholic beverages);
  7. Sometimes abdominal cavity washed with warm aqueous solutions;
  8. you can also put the person in a bath at normal temperature human body(not higher than 37);
  9. done in the absence of a pulse indirect massage hearts and artificial respiration

Advice. If the temperature is greatly reduced, gradual warming of the patient is required. Warming measures cannot be delayed, as this can lead to death.

Temperature dropped due to diet

With a lack of fats and vitamins, hypothermia can develop. It is especially necessary to make up for the deficiency ascorbic acid(the body’s immune strength, which is reduced by diet, depends on vitamin C). It is also recommended to take tocopherol acetate, since vitamin deficiency may cause a pathological decrease in body temperature in an adult due to insufficient metabolism.

With a lack of vitamins, fats and other substances, hypothermia can also occur, so you need to be extremely careful with diets, because the exhaustion of the body during some diets is simply colossal

Hypothermia due to illness

Usually on various diseases indicates the presence of other unpleasant symptoms in addition to hypothermia - headaches, nausea, dizziness, runny nose.

The disease can be diagnosed by a doctor. The specialist will also select an adequate and correct treatment: After eliminating the underlying disease, the temperature will return to normal on its own.

Medical treatment is also necessary for severely low temperature, weak pulse, interruptions in cardiac activity and loss of consciousness. It is not always possible to understand what hypothermia means on your own.

Folk remedies for hypothermia

Baths and compresses

For mild hypothermia, you can take a warm bath and then wrap yourself in a blanket. You can also do foot bath. If there are no contraindications, you can visit the bathhouse (if the child’s body temperature is low, this method is not used).

In some cases, especially if there is a loss of strength, it is useful to get a massage or take contrast shower. If you feel normal, your lungs can help physical exercise(including sports games and roller skating).

Advice. When your body temperature drops, it is important to warm your feet first, as the body cools and warms from the bottom up.

You've noticed that if your feet are warm, then your whole body feels comfortable, right? So, first of all, it is necessary to warm the legs, and then take care of what is higher

Herbs and Seasonings to Raise Temperatures

Ginger root, motherwort, hawthorn, and valerian can normalize low human body temperature. Herbal decoctions are consumed once a day for a month.

Sometimes the following mixture is prepared at home: prunes, dried apricots, raisins and nuts are poured with lemon juice. All components except and lemon juice, crushed in a blender and mixed. The product should be consumed in the morning. This will help improve and normalize the physiological indicators of a person’s condition.

Tea made from currant leaves helps against hypothermia. You can also drop iodine on a piece of sugar and eat it.

Among the more difficult to find methods of treating hypothermia, there is the following: you need to pull out the stylus a simple pencil and crush it. The carbon powder is drunk. This helps to increase your body temperature for several hours. Sometimes they resort to rubbing the armpits with salt - hypothermia disappears due to the irritating effect of salt (it is acceptable to use black pepper instead; this method of treatment is not recommended for children).

Please note. If these measures do not help, and the temperature remains low for several days, then there is a more serious problem and a doctor’s consultation is required.

Prevention of hypothermia

Preventive measures include the following:

  • lead healthy image life;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • establish a sleep schedule - get enough sleep and go to bed no later than midnight;
  • exercise regularly at home;
  • ventilate the apartment twice a day;
  • harden;
  • eat right;
  • take contrasting showers;
  • walk more often.

Such measures will also be useful for those undergoing treatment.

In some cases, hypothermia may be considered individual feature organism, which is not dangerous. Mild forms of fever can be corrected at home. For medical assistance You should contact us if other unpleasant symptoms are observed or if there is a persistently low body temperature of less than 35 degrees. Hypothermia can normally be observed in a pregnant woman. What a decrease in body temperature means in a particular case and what to do for therapy is determined by the doctor.

  1. My daughter is 34.8 this morning, 35 all day long. Loss of strength and poor health.
  2. Often, many people complain about an unreasonable drop in temperature, while their hands and feet get cold, and there is general apathy and lethargy.

    Low body temperature occurs for a number of reasons: low hemoglobin, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, decreased immunity, recently previous illness and now, as a consequence, loss of strength.

    If you visited a doctor, took tests, and the low body temperature remains, then try to change your lifestyle, go in for sports, follow the principles healthy eating, take more vitamins.

    Reduced body temperature A decrease in body temperature (i.e., body temperature below 36 C) is sometimes observed in healthy people in the morning, but even at this time it usually does not fall below 35.6 C. Morning temperature drops to 35.6 - 35.9 C are often observed with a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, with some diseases of the brain, exhaustion in as a result of starvation, sometimes with chronic bronchitis, and also after significant blood loss. A lowered body temperature inevitably occurs during freezing (after the end of the stage of adaptive warming of the body due to chills) down to 20 C and below, when metabolic processes practically stop and death occurs. A less pronounced, non-life-threatening, decrease in body temperature is sometimes achieved through artificial cooling of the body (artificial hypothermia) in order to reduce the metabolic rate and the body’s need for oxygen, in particular during long periods of time. surgical operations using artificial blood circulation machines.

    Loss of strength
    Symptoms of loss of strength

    Loss of strength is usually accompanied by: fatigue, apathy, insomnia, tearfulness, and nervousness. A person who suffers from loss of energy appears exhausted and skin pale. Due to overwork, the temperature may rise, blood pressure.
    WITH psychological side the person feels depressed. There is little in this life for him now, which makes him happy. He focuses his attention on the negative. It seems to him that no one understands him. Against the backdrop of this state of affairs, scandals become more frequent in the family. And this makes the situation even worse. It is at these moments that a person feels superfluous and unnecessary.
    Of course, in this case, a person needs support and mutual understanding. But, unfortunately, as we have already noted, few of us seriously understand the danger of such a condition.

    Causes of loss of strength

    First, let's figure out what reasons can lead to loss of strength.
    There are a great many reasons, it turns out. Here are just a few of the most common:

    Labor-intensive work
    Lack of sleep
    Problems with intestinal microflora
    Infectious disease
    Iron deficiency
    Family troubles
    Thyroid dysfunction

    This is only an incomplete list of reasons that most often lead to loss of strength.

  3. It's not such a low temperature. And no “near-life” state. A temperature of 35.6 -37 is considered normal. Otherwise, there will be a bunch of specialists who will tell you that it’s time to die. Gerasimova, I don’t know. What is your specialty, but you definitely haven’t had any practice. How many people have you buried with a temperature of 35 and 5? No one has ever died from this temperature. I understand, the temperature is 32.... yes, it’s actually a corpse. I have seen how the blood pressure drops in dying people, but both the temperature and the pressure drop rapidly and critically. So there is no need to scare people by saying that T. 35.5 is half a corpse - stupidity. There are a lot of reasons. Low temperature is called hypothermia. TEMPERATURE 35.5 - 37 NORMAL TEMPERATURE. IF IT GOES DOWN, THEN ONLY GO TO THE DOCTOR!
  4. Nothing, just weakness from this.
  5. Why is a low body temperature of 35.5 dangerous?
  6. I've been living with this temperature for 20 years
  7. Low body temperature, loss of strength.
  8. If it’s always like this, it’s nothing. Body temperature is a very individual factor. Measure under both armpits, or in the mouth, but then minus one degree.
  9. If you feel cold in your feet, you are experiencing headaches, nausea, and lack of appetite. Plus, added to all this is a decrease in body temperature, and apparently your flu or cold is getting worse. If you have a low temperature in the morning, it doesn’t mean anything; this is observed in half of the inhabitants of Russia. And if in daytime day or even in the evening, then you have swine flu or ARVI. If a teenager who suffered from anemia as a child has a low temperature, consult a doctor immediately and do not self-medicate. For teenagers (12-16 years old) with reduced amount blood, low temperature can aggravate several types of disease. Moreover, if the child previously had elevated temperature, without any signs of the flu, and now he has a low temperature, may aggravate the disease of small kidneys or lack of thyroid juices (kidney disease). Parents often do not pay attention to a low temperature, but if they consult a doctor later, when the child becomes ill, the diagnosis may be much worse. Also, parents often allow children with a low temperature to go to school, in which case the child may faint at any time, these are the first signs of illness.
  10. I also have this temperature, but I don’t know why. But I feel differently.
  11. if there are no other symptoms... This is a disruption of the autonomic nervous system. These disorders are also caused by infection, most often viruses and protozoa, and, alas, osteochondrosis, if you are interested, write a message and let’s talk

Often, a complaint about a body temperature below 36.0 is perceived by doctors as a consequence of too much attention to one’s health, and if the body temperature is 35 or slightly higher, they recommend simply warming up and drinking hot tea. However this recommendation does not always bring the desired relief, and unpleasant symptoms not only do not disappear, but also tend to increase.

Standard normal temperature the human body is assumed to be 36.6. But in many cases, specific data from this figure will differ significantly. The fact is that the temperature indicator depends on a number of factors.

  • Time of day (it is lower in the morning and evening).
  • The intensity of work of all body systems, during the peak of the working day the indicator will be higher.
  • Depending on the ambient temperature, if a person is hot, the temperature will be higher, and if he is frozen, it will drop.
  • Due to the state of health, with a number of diseases, thermoregulation is disrupted and the temperature decreases.
  • From the characteristics of the individual. For some people low performance– this is an innate factor that does not interfere with their life.

A normal (standard) body temperature for a person is 35.5-36.9. A deviation to the lower side from this indicator is called hypothermia. And the increase is hyperthermia.

One of the most important aspects in this case there will be stability of indicators. If the temperature continues to drop, then calling a doctor is mandatory and immediate.

Depending on the reasons for the temperature drop below 35.4, measures should be taken. In some cases, only hot tea and have a good rest, while others will require long-term treatment.

When the temperature indicator is 35.0 the result of our shortcomings

A thermometer reading of 35.2-35.9 will become a deviation from the norm only if this has not been observed before, i.e. usually a person had a temperature of 36.6, but now the thermometer consistently shows 35.4. At the same time, there are a number of unpleasant symptoms that interfere with calm work and disrupt the usual rhythm of life.

A decrease in temperature can be the result of a careless attitude towards health. In this case, among the symptoms, in addition to hypothermia, the following will appear:

  • Feeling of cold, chilliness, trembling.
  • Headache.
  • Lethargy and fatigue.
  • Numbness of fingers and hands.

There may be additional discomfort such as nausea, dizziness.

Among the causes of hypothermia, when the temperature turns out to be 35.

Hypothermia of the body

It occurs as a result of improper behavior in the cold or poor clothing.

Hypothermia most often occurs at air temperatures from +10 to -12. Here the victim needs to be warmed, well covered, and given hot tea with raspberries, honey, and lemon.

To warm up, use a hot foot bath with mustard or hot shower, a regular bath. It is good to give the victim the opportunity to sleep and then eat a hearty meal.

Long-term diet

A temperature of 35.3 may be a consequence of a long-term diet, especially if this diet consists only of plant food. With such a diet, the body does not receive enough of the necessary proteins and minerals; a lack of iron is especially dangerous - it causes anemia. And this disrupts the body’s supply of nutrients and oxygen, metabolic processes slow down and a violation of thermoregulation occurs (decrease in temperature).

To get started you will need this problem discover. During long-term diets, it is recommended to monitor blood counts (donate clinical analysis), a decrease in hemoglobin is a signal to restore balance in the diet. However, it will be possible to normalize the thermometer readings only after restoration normal level hemoglobin (special nutrition).

Exhaustion of strength

This may be the result recently past infection(acute respiratory infections, flu, rubella), too intense rhythm of life, excessive heavy loads(physical or mental), constant stress.

Mandatory symptoms in this case will be: severe headache, chills and fatigue.

Here the thermometer readings will drop about a degree lower than usual; if usually the readings are normal 36.4, then in case of loss of strength they will be 35.4.

To eliminate hypothermia, you will need to get a good night's sleep, and then sleep at least 8 hours, rest, take healthy food with sufficient calories and the right set of vitamins and minerals, more time to rest, and lead an active lifestyle.

Abuse of antipyretics

When treating the infection at home, it is also possible to lower the temperature. This is due to taking too large a dose of an antipyretic drug, and is especially common in children. In an adult, sometimes such a reaction of the body can be caused by taking an antipyretic for prevention, for example, taking a flu medicine with paracetamol, when there is a runny nose and cough, but no fever.

Usually the temperature drops to 35.2-35.4. But if the indicators are even lower and continue to fall, you need to urgently call a doctor.

In other cases, the patient needs to be well covered and given warm drinks. You should not do too intense procedures so as not to cause.

When is hypothermia a sign of illness?

If the temperature is 35 and 5 for a long time (2-3 weeks), but before that it was normally higher, say 36.6, you should carefully monitor your health.

Thus, an asymptomatic long-term decrease may be a sign of an incipient disease: a brain tumor affecting the thermoregulation center, disruption of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland (here is a lack of hormone production).

You should definitely pay attention to it, even if the body temperature is 35.9, if there are additional symptoms:

  • Irritability or, conversely, unusual lethargy.
  • Constant feeling of chills.
  • Memory disorders.
  • If there is slight trembling of fingers or hands.
  • Frequent nausea.
  • Headache and fatigue.

Among more dangerous reasons there will be hypothermia internal bleeding, hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), sudden or persistently low blood pressure, head injuries, tumors, severe anemia. In this case, a decreased body temperature occurs 35 8 , but other symptoms: weakness, nausea, chills are more pronounced.

To find out why hypothermia occurred, you should contact your doctor. Even if he says that it is not dangerous, but the patient feels unwell at a temperature of 35, you need to insist on an examination: general tests, visit to an endocrinologist, neurologist, etc.

Such persistence will help to detect the disease earlier and begin earlier treatment, and this will significantly increase the chances of recovery.

How to measure temperature correctly

Mercury and electronic thermometers are most often used to measure body temperature. Electronic ones have a large percentage of error and with indicators of 35.8, the measurement must be repeated three times with an interval of 10-15 minutes. Mercury can also be “mistaken” by 2-3 tenths of a degree. You need to keep them under your arm for at least 10 minutes.

Therefore, during the first measurement, be sure to take into account general condition and the possibility of hypothermia, fatigue, and taking antipyretics.

If the indicators do not return to normal after rest and warming measures, then several control measurements should be taken. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Always take your temperature at the same time
  • Do this with the same thermometer.
  • Measure in the same place: always under the left or right armpit, (most acceptable) in the mouth (somewhat difficult), in the groin (used for children and seriously ill patients).
  • Do not take measurements “just like that”, only if there are prerequisites: chills, headache, nausea, etc.

What to do if you suspect a pathology?

If the temperature drops to 35 degrees and continues to fall, you need to urgently call a doctor (ambulance). A further decrease will be dangerous not only for the health, but also for the life of the patient.

Low readings (body temperature below 35) can provoke convulsions, loss of consciousness, and hallucinations.

If the temperature is up to 35.2 and there are clear reasons for its decrease (hypothermia, fatigue, etc.), you need to take home measures to normalize it:

  • Cover the patient warmly.
  • Give him a warm drink.
  • Warm your feet (bath, heating pad)
  • Give him the opportunity to sleep.
  • Feed generously.

If the thermometer remains in the range of 35.1-35.7 for a long time, an examination will be required to determine the cause.

When thermoregulation is disrupted and stable hypothermia occurs in the body, metabolic processes are disrupted - they slow down. In this case internal organs get less nutrients, as a result of which they begin to work hard in very uncomfortable conditions, which is dangerous due to the occurrence of a number of diseases.

The statement that low temperatures help preserve youth is fundamentally incorrect.

Get treatment and be healthy!