What is good for pregnant women to eat? Useful tips for pregnant women

Top 15: the most healthy products for pregnant women © shutterstock

Expectant mothers must constantly think about what foods they consume, because during pregnancy women must take into account not only taste qualities product, but also the benefits and harm it can bring to the child. Relatives and friends advise you to eat one thing, doctors - another, but you want a third. It is not surprising that many women are frightened by the question: “What foods are the healthiest for pregnant women?”

To somehow make your food choices during pregnancy easier, we have selected 15 of the healthiest foods for expectant mothers.


The healthiest foods for pregnant women: Vegetables and fruits

  • Carrot: most healthy vegetable during pregnancy. Carrots promote better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains a large amount of carotene, vitamin E, C, vitamins B, K and PP. All these beneficial substances help in the formation of the child’s organs. The only contraindication for this vegetable is stomach ulcers, pancreatic problems and any inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper: has medicinal properties, helps improve the condition of mucous membranes and strengthens blood vessels. The beneficial substances contained in pepper strengthen the bones of a pregnant woman and help in the formation of the baby’s bones. Vitamins C, E, PP and P, which are contained in this vegetable, improve the condition of the skin. A essential oils, protein and beta-carotene will increase the immunity level of a woman expecting a child.
  • Spinach: this vegetable is rich in folic acid (vitamins A, B9 and E), which helps a pregnant woman avoid miscarriage, cope with toxicosis in the first trimester, reduces the likelihood of developing anemia and protects the fetus from the development of abnormalities.
  • Tomato: A very filling and low-calorie tomato contains lycopene, which is a unique antioxidant and protects cells from the effects of free radicals.
  • Banana: Despite the calorie content of this fruit and the amount of starch it contains, doctors do not recommend giving it up. Banana contains the most beneficial elements for the fetus: zinc and potassium. Zinc helps form immune system child, and potassium - the cardiovascular system.
  • Apples: these fruits help normalize the gastrointestinal tract, increase the secretion gastric juice, relieve nausea. Apples contain a lot of iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which help the fruit develop. And 5 seeds of this fruit contain daily norm Yoda.

Top 15: the healthiest foods for pregnant women © shutterstock

The healthiest foods for pregnant women: Cereals

  • Oatmeal: contributes to the normal course of pregnancy, thanks to a large number of vitamins and minerals. Complex carbohydrates speed up metabolism. Oatmeal gently envelops the gastric mucosa, which is good for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Brown rice: This type of rice takes longer to digest than white rice, so pregnant women will retain a feeling of fullness for longer. long period. Also, brown brown rice contains 8 amino acids, which are necessary for the creation of cells.

The healthiest foods for pregnant women: Protein foods

  • Natural yogurt: in it in large quantities contains calcium and protein, which are necessary for the formation of bones and muscles, as well as vital organs. Beneficial bacteria in yogurt improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the transmission process useful substances fetus
  • Hard and pasteurized cheese: contains a lot of protein and protein, while such cheeses are low in calories.
  • Sea fish: Such types of fish as salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, trout, herring contain enough Omega-3 fatty acids, protein and phosphorus, which are necessary for the development of the baby’s brain.
  • Eggs: contain a large amount of proteins with a minimum of calories, and B vitamins, zinc and selenium will help develop cardiovascular system child. It's better not to eat raw eggs, always try to eat eggs that have been well cooked.
  • Lean meat(beef, turkey, chicken breasts): during pregnancy, it is better to replace the consumption of red meat, which is high in cholesterol and unhealthy fats, with lean types of meat such as dark meat turkey, chicken breasts, young lean beef). These varieties contain a lot of iron, healthy animal proteins, zinc, and B vitamins, which will provide the expectant mother with energy. Plus they are low in calories. Before eating meat, make sure it is completely cooked.
  • Tofu: this soy product contains a huge amount of amino acids that help increase collagen production. By consuming bean curd you will reduce the risk of getting stretch marks. This is a filling and low-calorie product.

The healthiest foods for pregnant women: Berries

Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries: contain minerals and vitamins vital for fetal development. By eating berries and fruits daily (no more than 5 servings), you increase your baby’s immunity.

As you can see, there are a lot of useful products, so make the right and healthy diet For two it won't be a problem.

Pregnancy is one of the best periods in a woman's life. This is the expectation of a miracle, this thrill of a baby emerging under your heart and a calming warmth throughout your body. That is why it is so important during this period not to disturb your inner comfort and the comfort of the child. And that is why it is necessary to balance and.

The main rule is to get everything necessary substances, vitamins and microelements, although this is not a reason to double the portion.

During pregnancy, eat whenever you feel like it. It is better to eat often - up to 5-6 times - but little by little. Don't overeat, chew your food thoroughly, don't rush, and don't overeat at night. Say yes to boiled, baked, steamed. But refuse fried, smoked and canned food.

First of all, both the expectant mother and her baby need protein, because it is building material cells, helps the baby grow. The daily norm is 75-100 grams of protein per day. If we translate all this into “food equivalent”, then this is about three glasses of milk, half a kilo, two eggs and one hundred grams of fish. To get enough protein, cook yourself lean meat, poultry (it’s better to take domestic than imported), treat yourself to fish - shrimp, lobsters, crabs; Boil eggs or make yourself an omelet. Consume vegetables, fruits and berries, but preferably from your lane. Click on nuts - pine nuts, hazelnuts - and seeds. Don't avoid legumes.

To help your body with energy, consume carbohydrates. But be careful with them - too much of them can be harmful. There are carbohydrates that instantly relieve hunger, but they don’t last long. These are chocolates, sweets, sugar. In the body, such carbohydrates are stored as fat deposits. Of course, don’t give up sweets completely, but it’s better to eat very little of them, replace them with porridge, pasta, vegetables and potatoes - especially boiled in their jackets. These carbohydrates are called unrefined. They eliminate, do not lift weight and hold. It is better to cook porridge from unrefined cereals, whole grains and sprouted wheat. And the bread is coarsely ground or with bran.

To support normal blood expectant mother and baby, eat carbohydrates. It contains liver, sardines, and spinach. This is especially good in combination with vitamin C. It is found in citrus fruits - by the way, the highest content is in grapefruits, and they are hypoallergenic - in sorrel, spinach, and sweet peppers. Vitamin C heals wounds, and is useful for the baby because it promotes its growth and makes the skeleton and teeth strong.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, the menu should contain fats, but unsaturated ones. Add creamy, bright yellow and solid oil to porridge, fry with refined oil, and season salads with unrefined oil.

Be sure to consume A, E and B. Calcium strengthens bones - if the baby has enough of it, then it does not harm the mother’s teeth and bones, and does not take it away from them. Calcium is found in milk, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, almonds and peanuts. Folic acid is found in yellow vegetables, fruits and greens. It helps the skin, eyes and bones, and has a positive effect on the baby’s brain development. B vitamins are found in porridges - very good if you eat buckwheat and brown rice - in black bread and cabbage. By the way, the latter is very useful if you feel that you are typing overweight. It prevents the deposition of fats in the body - consume it boiled, stewed, or in salads. Pineapple also does not allow fats to “linger.”

During pregnancy, focus not only on nutrition, but also on fluid intake. Drink at least two liters a day. Soup, teas and also count.

Eliminate harmful foods from your diet. Swordfish, shark, cabezon, king mackerel, and canned white tuna can be dangerous to the health of a pregnant woman. In them high level metal that is harmful to the baby’s nervous system and brain. Safe dose- 150 grams per week of white tuna or 300 grams of salmon, shrimp. Be wary of fish caught in rivers and lakes. Never eat raw or undercooked meat, even if it is homemade. And, of course, refuse fast food: hot dogs, dubious-looking ham are not the best better food for a pregnant woman. Do not eat unpasteurized dairy products, juices, or chilled smoked foods. Tobacco is also strictly contraindicated, and even just breathing in its vapor is harmful. Do not drink tap water: it can only be consumed purified and filtered. Doctors have not fully studied the effect of herbal supplements and teas on the body of a pregnant woman.

In the first half of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s diet is virtually no different from what she ate before pregnancy. But still, it should be varied and include all the necessary (we listed them above) substances. Allow yourself some salty food if you really want it, but do not overuse it so that the salts are not deposited. Daily ration first half of pregnancy - 2400 - 2700 kcal.

In the second, the fetus grows quickly, the load on all organs and systems of the mother increases, so eat more. But exclude salty, spicy, smoked and processed foods. The daily diet for the second half of pregnancy is 2800 - 3000 kcal.

Remember: a properly composed diet will help the baby to be born strong and healthy, and the mother to bear an heir without harm to health or appearance, with feeling good throughout pregnancy. Poor nutrition on early stages pregnancy can affect the survival of the embryo, and in later pregnancy - on the development of the baby.

Especially for- Maria Dulina

Pregnancy is certainly one of the most beautiful moments in a woman’s life, but also one of the most responsible. Is it possible to fly on an airplane, what physical activity is acceptable during pregnancy, is it worth having sex? These questions interest almost all women who saw two coveted stripes on the test...

Well, it’s time to figure out: what really categorically cannot be done during pregnancy, and what will only benefit the baby and the expectant mother?

Alcohol and smoking - no compromises!

No matter how much your friends or acquaintances from the forums convince you of the harmlessness of a couple of glasses of red wine or beer, doctors around the world are unanimous: even small doses of alcohol can harm the child and the expectant mother - cause severe intrauterine developmental defects, premature and often difficult childbirth, and provoke a miscarriage . The “degree” is especially toxic in the early stages of pregnancy - until the end of everything, when very important process organogenesis, during which the embryo is just being formed, the “laying in” of all the internal organs and systems of the child occurs. It is undesirable to drink alcohol during conception, and for both future parents! As for smoking, scientists have long proven that babies whose mothers smoked while pregnant are born with a ready dependence on nicotine, they have a weakened immune system and often underdeveloped lungs. They are also more likely than other children to suffer from asthma and other ailments of the pulmonary system. Therefore, if you find out that you are having a baby, stop smoking immediately! In general, this must be done at the stage of pregnancy planning - 2-3 months before giving up contraception.


Women are often interested in whether it is possible to play sports while expecting a child? In this matter, as often happens, the golden mean is important. Nowadays, no one expects Olympic records from you, so you shouldn’t work hard and sweat for several hours a day in the gym. But also completely deprive yourself of physical activity and lead sedentary lifestyle life is also impossible - such “inaction” can lead to a set of excess weight, development of edema, problems with blood vessels, increased blood pressure. Such complications negatively affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

So which one physical activity choose? There are many options: yoga, fitness, gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming (or water aerobics), hiking at a measured pace fresh air— such loads help improve lung function, maintain good tone of the muscles of the legs and back, prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids and varicose veins, and help combat venous congestion in the pelvic area. Very useful for expectant mother and the baby is now popular nordic walking - nordic walking with trekking or ski poles. During such training, blood flow, the condition of blood vessels and the heart improve, and the body is saturated with oxygen. The baby also receives more oxygen and nutrients.

But it’s better to avoid cycling - they are considered extreme view sports for pregnant women. Alpine skiing, snowboarding, rollerblading, martial arts- in a word, all sports are too active and dangerous. In any case, in order not to harm the fetus, you need to consult your gynecologist about what sports load choose during pregnancy. The doctor must exclude conditions in which physical activity contraindicated or significantly limited.

Sex and taboo

Only very serious medical indications can veto your sex life during this period.

For example, if there is a threat of miscarriage (especially in the first trimester), if you are expecting twins (multiple pregnancies are usually more difficult than singleton ones), you have had a miscarriage or premature birth, a previous pregnancy was accompanied by a threat of miscarriage, or tests revealed some kind of miscarriage. or infection. In addition, the doctor may prescribe temporary abstinence for you if the cervix is ​​not tightly closed, full (the placenta completely covers the internal cervix), or marginal presentation placenta (the lower edge of the placenta is at the level of the edge of the internal os). If placenta previa is detected, regular medical supervision is necessary, since there is a danger of placental abruption and uterine bleeding. Also, depending on the location of the placenta, the method of delivery will be determined. Thus, with marginal or lateral presentation, the possibility of natural birth, and when full presentation appoint C-section.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications and you feel great, there are no contraindications for making love. Moreover, sex at this point in life is very important! It allows spouses to experience completely new sensations, promotes even greater emotional rapprochement between the couple, and has a beneficial effect on nervous system women, which is very important for normal development child. Of course, during such a period, one should not forget about caution: still choose less daring positions than before, or try alternative forms of intimacy.

But in last weeks before childbirth, sex is even shown in therapeutic purposes: Prostaglandins contained in semen prepare the cervix for childbirth and help avoid rupture.


There is an opinion that air travel and sudden climate change do not in the best possible way affect pregnancy. Indeed, after the seventh month of pregnancy, it is not recommended to fly on an airplane - the threat is strong premature birth. As for flights in general, everything is very individual - much depends on the course of pregnancy and the woman’s health. If mommy doesn’t complain about anything and everything is fine with her unborn baby, then some special contraindications no for travel. If a pregnant woman's body is weakened, she suffers high blood pressure or she has a high risk of miscarriage, then in this case it is better to refuse to travel by air.

As for visiting exotic corners of the world or places where it is too hot, we must remember that when entering many Asian, African and Latin American countries, it is necessary to be vaccinated against a number of infections, and this is a very big threat to the unborn baby. It is also not known how your body will react to sudden change climate and high temperatures, so doctors recommend refraining from such extremes and choosing more traditional tourism. But no matter how you feel, before you go traveling, you must definitely visit the gynecologist leading your pregnancy.

Forbidden food

Speaking about prohibitions of an interesting position, it is worth mentioning the choice of products. So, when compiling a list of acceptable foods for this period, you should give up very fatty, salty, fried, spicy foods and smoked foods - they “overload” the liver and gallbladder, increase the load on the kidneys, can cause heartburn, exacerbation of gastritis. Products that contain a lot of chemical additives, especially dyes and flavor enhancers (nitrites, monosodium glutamate) and seasonings: chips, all kinds of crackers, have a bad effect on the body of pregnant women. ready-made sauces, crab sticks, food instant cooking, soda, many sweets. Avoid eating too much of some seafood (tuna, swordfish, shrimp), chocolate, strawberries and exotic fruits- they can cause allergies. For the same reason, refrain from frequently consuming vegetables and fruits with orange pigment (citrus fruits, carrots, pumpkin, dried apricots), but without completely eliminating them from your diet - they contain a lot useful vitamins and microelements. By the way, it is believed that foods such as red fish and meat are dangerous during pregnancy - this is not true. On the contrary: the proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid contained in such foods are simply necessary for pregnant women. In addition, meat serves as an excellent preventive measure. iron deficiency anemia which often occurs during pregnancy. It is best if your doctor chooses a diet based on test data and medical history.

Not all teas are created equal

During pregnancy, some women encounter problems such as edema. As a result, wanting to expel from the body excess liquid, expectant mothers begin to drink various diuretic teas, herbal teas or infusions of berries and herbs. This should absolutely not be done without consulting a doctor, because many drinks, due to their composition, are medicinal, as they contain chemical components that have different medicinal properties. Therefore, they may not have the best effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the condition of the fetus. Thus, drinks based on sage, parsley, ginseng, valerian, and chamomile often increase the tone of the uterus and increase blood pressure.

For the same reasons, it is better to give up coffee. Scientists have confirmed the fact that daily use of this drink (more than 3 cups per day) increases the risk of miscarriage by 2 times, especially in the first 12 weeks! Coffee also increases blood pressure, causes insomnia, and removes from the body beneficial microelements and vitamins necessary for the normal development of a child. Both freshly cooked and instant drink. In addition, doctors strongly advise that during pregnancy you should exclude from your diet other liquids containing caffeine - cola, energy drinks, strong green and black teas.

But mint, ginger, white tea and rosehip infusions are extremely useful. Mint soothes, relieves nausea, ginger has antibacterial properties and is indispensable during colds and ARVI, rose hips are rich in vitamins C, B, PP and iron, and white tea does not contain caffeine, normalizes blood pressure, promotes vascular elasticity and strengthens tooth enamel, which is very important when carrying a baby.

From the realm of myths

With the appearance of two stripes on the test, any woman (even with two or three higher education) begins to attach excessive importance to signs and beliefs. Meanwhile, many of them only ruin the life of the expectant mother. Here are some of them:

Myth. During pregnancy, you should not cut or dye your hair.

In reality: During pregnancy, the hair structure often changes: it becomes more brittle and lifeless. That is why, in order to look good, you need to get your hair cut regularly or at least trim the ends. As for coloring, modern ammonia-free paints are quite safe for both the expectant mother and the baby. A competent hairdresser will probably first test the dye on one strand and determine how the hair perceives a particular color.

Where did it come from: Since biblical times, hair has been considered a symbol of life (remember tragic story Samson and Delilah). Apparently, this is why our ancestors were so afraid of cutting their hair during pregnancy.

Myth. You should not tell anyone about your pregnancy until you interesting situation will not become obvious.

In reality: This is entirely your personal matter. Some people share their joy literally from the first days, others hide their pregnancy almost until the birth.

Where did it come from: Our ancestors were very afraid of the evil eye. And the method of “silencing” happiness was considered one of the most effective in the fight against the evil eye. Believing or not in this sign is your own business. However, it has nothing to do with medicine.

Myth. During pregnancy, you should not raise your arms up, otherwise the umbilical cord will tie in a knot and the baby will suffocate in the womb.

In reality: Medical statistics have not proven the connection between any of the mother’s body movements and the umbilical cord: nothing will happen to the child if you hang out the laundry!

Where did it come from: Most absurd superstitions are based on basic ignorance of physiology. There is no other way to explain this myth.

Irina Pilyugina PhD, gynecologist highest category


Unfortunately, neither antenatal clinic, not a single article says that women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy should not take vitamin A. It is toxic to the baby. I'm pregnant with my second child and only recently found out about it.

05.12.2017 21:47:59, Ekaterina Zuikova

The article is informative, but narrow, i.e. You have to get acquainted with terms that appear for the first time on other pages, although their essence could be revealed here and even illustrated. And regarding the last myth, that’s it: medical statistics have not proven the connection between any of the mother’s body movements and the umbilical cord! I doubt that anyone has seriously dealt with this issue and tried to prove the safety or benefits of certain movements, but this also happens in other areas of human activity. In our time, “medicine” has long been able to act not alone, but by drawing knowledge and experience from other areas. There is a relationship between all thoughts, movements, and everyone has known this for a long time, and many even feel and listen to themselves, the child, and the world around them.

01.11.2012 11:47:06, GOLDEN

Comment on the article "Is it possible for pregnant women? What to drink, what to eat and how to live - myths and truth"

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. And eat well (I had HD, so it was impossible to eat from the heart either) - I really wanted to eat fruit from my belly, watermelon, melon, cherries.


I also wanted to sleep on my stomach. But I couldn’t do it - even after pregnancy. While I was breastfeeding, I couldn’t lie on my stomach for even a minute. And now I have a problem with my back (I have an old injury). So, for 3 years in a row I have been sleeping exclusively on my side. :(

And eat well (I had HD, so it was impossible to eat from the heart either) - I really wanted to eat fruit from my belly, watermelon, melon, cherries.

Everyone says you can't have a bath. I take it almost every evening, and I still dream about it all day)

What pregnant women should not eat. Nutrition, vitamins, medicines. Pregnancy and childbirth. Mom calls and has prepared sorrel soup. I was wondering if pregnant women can have sorrel? I went on the Internet, there are such horrors: sorrel, garlic, dill, barberry, etc. Well, about harmful things like...


salted, smoked, so as not to cause swelling

in the USA there is a more or less clear list of what is not allowed.

it is forbidden:
blue cheeses and cheeses made from unpasteurized milk
any unpasteurized dairy products
fish and seafood with high content mercury (the following is a list of mercury-containing products in descending order)
sausages and similar products due to their nitrate content (as preservatives)
anything made with raw eggs
any pates
liver (due to high content vitamin A, which is contraindicated during pregnancy)
mayonnaise if made with raw eggs
peanuts if your family has allergies to them

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. Mlyn, and I'll take it at 1. I did everything that was not allowed, washed, ironed, hung up the laundry myself, put on makeup, cut my hair, knitted, sewed, sat cross-legged and nothing... I look at my son now, well...


eat blue cheese

Mlyn, and I'll take it at 1. I did everything that was not allowed, washed, ironed, hung up the laundry myself, put on makeup, cut my hair, knitted, sewed, sat cross-legged and nothing... I look at my son now, well, it didn’t affect him in any way... these are all superstitions. .
My mother told me today... she went to the salon yesterday to get a haircut, and a pregnant woman came in and said from the door that she needed to have chemicals done on her head... everyone started to dissuade her, saying it was harmful, it wouldn’t work, but she said that she was a doctor a gynecologist and doesn’t believe in various superstitions, like that!!!

Sorry - lice. Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. What can pregnant women use? All shampoos say not to use during pregnancy. Tell me - maybe someone knows, otherwise I’m already going crazy with this...


I would treat it with baby shampoo and repeat it in a week. It’s impossible to write on a lot of things, but what can you do? And scratch, scratch, scratch, each with his own fine-toothed comb.

Here, choose the lesser of two evils. lice are also no good.
gentle baby shampoo, used according to the instructions, should not cause any consequences.
The fact that pregnant women are not allowed means that they have not tested on pregnant women.
and by the way, in my experience with lice in a child, some resistant lice have appeared - it is necessary to re-treat in a week or two, because they appear again. and even after processing, some, although strangled, are alive.
so all these folk remedies They don’t give a damn at all.

About flour. Nutrition, vitamins, medicines. Pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy, reduce flour and sweets to a minimum - I also listened. I really wanted it, especially something with tea.

Product name Useful properties
Eggs (chicken, quail, ostrich) All eggs are low in calories, but contain 12 essential vitamins and minerals, and are also a source of high-quality protein (protein), which is vital during the growth and development of the baby in the womb.
Legumes (beans, lentils of all types and peas) Legumes contain the highest percentage of fiber and protein compared to other vegetables. They are also rich in iron, potassium and zinc.

Natural fiber has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, which prevents problems such as constipation.

Whole grains (oatmeal, barley, rye and others) Whole grain bread, cereal cookies, and plain oatmeal for breakfast provide the body not only with fiber, but also with vitamin E, selenium, and phytonutrients (plant compounds that protect cells from harmful influences)
Fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, sourdough, cottage cheese) The main source of calcium and protein. It is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the baby’s bone tissue and the foundation of its skeletal structure are being formed.

The female body is designed in such a way that the baby growing in the womb will be provided with everything essential microelements Anyway. But will the body take calcium and protein from food or from bone tissue mothers ( bad teeth And fragile bones, after pregnancy) this is an open question.

Greens and leafy vegetables (spinach, sorrel, cabbage and others) Greens and leafy vegetables are very rich in vitamins A, C and K, as well as important trace element folate, which is actively involved in the formation of the baby’s eyes and affects the quality of the child’s vision after birth.
Lean and dietary meat (chicken, turkey, pork, beef, rabbit, nutria, quail) Protein itself high quality found in lean meat. It is very important that the animal is raised in natural environment habitation, consumed as food natural food, without chemical impurities and additives.

Poultry is best eaten without the skin.

Pork and beef – with minimal fat content.

The most acceptable way to prepare meat for a pregnant woman is boiled, stewed, steamed or grilled.

Fried in a frying pan large quantities Fat meat is strictly not recommended for pregnant women.

  • Walnuts. Source of omega-3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats. Lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease.
  • Peanut. Contains niacin and B vitamins, which prevent neural tube deformation in the fetus.
  • Almond. Contains the natural hormone progesterone, which is very necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Almonds should only be eaten roasted; when eaten raw, they can contain pathogenic microbes such as salmonella.
  • Grape . Contains a large number of vitamins and microelements, it includes: magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, folate, as well as vitamin A, which normalizes metabolic rate.
  • Lemon . Remarkably removes toxins from the body. Very often they drink water with lemon during severe toxicosis.
  • Berries – deposit good mood, because they are natural antioxidants. Especially useful during pregnancy: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants and cherries.
  • Apples. It is recommended to consume them in large quantities; they contain natural iron, which is very necessary during pregnancy to maintain hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Citrus. IN winter period All types of citrus fruits (orange, tangerine, grapefruit) perfectly strengthen the immune system and provide the body with vitamin C.
Fish and seafood All fish are an excellent source of protein, iron and zinc.

Seafood is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids which actively participate in the development of the child’s brain.

Most useful species seafood is: salmon, trout, anchovies, herring, sardine, mackerel, all types of shrimp, tuna, pollock and catfish.

Doctors divide the entire pregnancy cycle into trimesters. Each trimester has its own characteristics. The first trimester of pregnancy requires special attention, since it is during this period that the body completely rebuilds the functioning of all its internal organs. The fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus and begins active growth, laying all the foundations for the health and normal development of the future baby.

Any food poisoning, during pregnancy up to 12 weeks, can provoke spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, a woman should monitor the quality of products very carefully.

Healthy foods for pregnant women by trimester

First trimester

Healthy foods for pregnant women in the first trimester are mainly proteins. During this period, the placenta and uterus are actively growing, all tissues are being formed and internal organs child, the volume of circulating blood increases.

Second trimester

During this period, the woman has constant feeling hunger, it is very important not to overeat, reduce or better yet eliminate sweets from your diet. In the second trimester of pregnancy, swelling occurs very often. With the help of nutrition, you can slightly reduce swelling; for this, it is important to know what products can help in this matter.

Diuretic products for pregnant women :

  • Fresh cucumbers, carrots and spinach.
  • Watermelons, melons and zucchini.
  • Fresh pumpkin, pumpkin juice and pumpkin seeds.
  • A mixture of fresh orange and cranberry juices.
  • Lingonberries, blueberries, blackberries.
  • Rose hip tea.

Third trimester

In most cases, after the 20th week of pregnancy, a woman experiences a lack of hemoglobin in the blood. You can replenish iron reserves and increase hemoglobin levels with proper nutrition.

Foods that increase hemoglobin in pregnant women :

  • Meat – beef, especially liver, tongue and heart.
  • Cereals: buckwheat, legumes and rye.
  • Vegetables: fresh carrots, beets, pumpkin and tomatoes.
  • Boiled egg yolk.
  • Berries: fresh cranberries, blueberries and lingonberries.
  • Dried fruit compote.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Walnuts.
  • Red or black caviar.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally and the fetus to develop fully in the womb, it is necessary to provide the pregnant woman with a varied and balanced diet.

What are the healthiest foods during pregnancy? The nutrition of the expectant mother is the main guarantee of the health of her baby.

Therefore, the issue of diet must be given a lot of attention and approached with due responsibility.

A pregnant woman needs to receive twice as many nutrients. After all, it is during this period that her body feels the load of two, as if working in an enhanced mode.

The average girl carrying a fetus should receive from 2 to 3 thousand kilocalories per day. This is twice as much as under normal conditions. That’s why it’s so important to make your meals regular and balanced.

However, not all nutrients have a positive effect on the ongoing pregnancy and fetus, so it is necessary to highlight the most useful products for pregnant women.

TO necessary food include the following:

1) Dairy products. Cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cheeses - all this should be present in the diet of a mother expecting a child. Largest quantity Calcium is found in yogurt.

During pregnancy, virtually all of this mineral passes to the baby, and the mother’s bones, teeth, nails and hair often suffer from this. So it is better to use any type of milk with a minimum fat content and a maximum calcium content.

2) Chicken and quail eggs . Vitamins and essential amino acids- what you need during pregnancy. Eggs contain fifteen percent daily norm protein, which is very important for the normal functioning of the body.

Scientists believe that the substance contained in the yolk has a beneficial effect on mental abilities future baby.

3) Meat and fish. Chicken and beef are especially useful. These species are easily absorbed by the body and contain many useful substances. It is preferable to take fish from the salmon family.

This subspecies contains the same high-quality protein as chicken fillet. In addition, these products can prevent the development of anemia in the mother, as well as saturate the body with vitamin E.

5)Vegetable and animal fats. Butter, sunflower, flaxseed, olive and all kinds of other types of oils contain many natural substances.

And each of them has its own individual set of vitamins and minerals. Olive oil you can season salads, and flaxseed should be consumed every day, a teaspoon on an empty stomach.

6) Fruits and vegetables. Everyone knows how rich in vitamins these products are. This is especially good for nutrition during the cold season, when the body’s immunity is lower than ever.

Most pregnant women have problems with gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, they urgently need fruits and vegetables as a source of various minerals, amino acids and fiber.

But overeating and getting carried away with certain types of fruits is not recommended. This may cause the unborn child to develop allergies to the relevant foods.

7) You can get more benefits and vitamins from vegetables only if they are fresh or steamed. Avocado is a storehouse of useful substances, as it contains folic acid. In turn, it is needed for correct formation CNS.

Also, regularly eating avocado will help avoid toxicosis. As for vegetables, you should include carrots in your diet. The vitamin A it contains will provide positive impact on vision, formation of bone tissue and teeth of mother and child.

8) Cereals and legumes . White bread It is better to replace it with baked goods with bran, and pasta should be with whole grains.

Alternate the consumption of oat, wheat, corn, buckwheat and rice porridges cooked in milk. Lentils and beans will help reduce levels bad cholesterol in the blood.

9) Nuts. Perfect as a snack or breakfast addition. In particular, walnuts will bring significant benefits, because they have a great effect on brain activity.

Another problem that pregnant women will definitely face is blood thickening. As a consequence, it is formed varicose veins veins, and, in addition, also hypertension. Therefore, it is worth taking note of products that help thin the blood.

Blood thinners

1. Tomatoes (aspirin substitute);

2. Mushrooms (preferably only fresh, to protect yourself and your baby);

3. Fruits with high concentration vitamin C (vegetables too);

4. Various natural spices (basil, oregano, marjoram, dill, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, turmeric, rosemary and saffron);

5. Juices of a color close to red (tomato, beetroot, grapefruit and others);

6. Birch sap (as the snow begins to melt and the buds on the birch trees swell, you can safely go into the forest and collect natural birch sap).

All of these foods can help you avoid thick blood and maintain your health during this difficult period. Make your diet balanced and get rid of bad habits.

Add the products discussed in the article to the portions and your baby will mandatory will be born healthy!