Childhood disease mumps consequences. Mumps disease symptoms and consequences, what it looks like. Signs of aggressive mumps

The childhood disease mumps is a disease whose consequences may not be childish at all. Is this really true? This question quite often torments mothers and fathers of male children who have had to suffer from such an unpleasant illness. So it will be useful to know at least a little whether there is any connection between this terrible mumps and the same frightening infertility for those families where boys are growing up. The disease, popularly referred to as mumps (consequences are likely), is medically called mumps. This is a viral disease, and this virus has a close family connection with a virus like the flu. It can be transmitted by normal by airborne droplets, however, the mumps virus quickly dies in normal external environment, preventing it from spreading as widely as the flu and becoming an epidemic. But still at low temperatures dangerous virus mumps can remain in an active state for quite a long time, which leads to rapid spread This disease occurs precisely in the cold. As a rule, mumps mainly affects children from 2 to 14 years old, but cases are also possible possible infection in a pregnant woman's fetus. About one and a half times more often boys suffer from this disease than girls, and, however, as with many other childhood diseases, its course is much more difficult when the patient is older.

Mumps (disease) can have quite unpleasant consequences. You can become infected with it from toys, dishes, and other objects, but, however, these cases are much less common than through direct contact with a patient. But still, this gives us a lot of reason to assume that the consequences of mumps in boys may be associated with the inability reproductive function and infertility? It is believed that yes, since the virus is able to move quickly in the body, persistently localizing in different places, including in the testicles. Having established itself here, the virus can cause complications, which is called orchitis, which very often ends in infertility.

Mumps itself is not very dangerous, although it is quite unpleasant, since salivary glands ignite, causing sharp painful sensations. But this stops and does not entail particularly tragic consequences, which cannot be said about the complications associated with possible infertility. With orchitis, the scrotum swells, and the affected testicle may increase in size. Such a patient is subject to mandatory and urgent hospitalization. This complication usually immediately becomes noticeable to the child’s parents, because the swelling and redness that begins in a boy on one testicle can actively move after 2-3 days to the second. At the same time, the body temperature increases sufficiently, and the general condition is most often poor.

Often experts, when answering the question of whether there is a connection between male infertility and mumps, say that independent incorrect treatment often leads to almost 100% impossibility of having children in the future. So, in this case, it is extremely important to follow all the doctor’s instructions and use only those medications that were suggested to them. In this case, even slight overheating of the testicles is extremely dangerous, so doctors sometimes advise using cool compresses that are applied to the organ. In most cases, orchitis leads to infertility, so the child’s health should be taken seriously. But there is no need to panic, making independent premature conclusions that a boy who has had orchitis will not definitely be able to become a father later. Treatment and proper care in many cases provide positive result, and then mumps (disease), the consequences of which could be worse, does not become the cause male infertility.

consequences in boys

The consequences of this disease, as stated above, can be quite dire, so the main thing is that if you have any signs of mumps, contact a specialist who will prescribe good, adequate treatment. Why is it dangerous for boys? This is due to the fact that mumps can often affect the spermatogenic epithelium in the testicles, and this can, in turn, lead to infertility. Unfortunately, boys suffer more from this disease than girls. And the consequences for them are more dangerous.

Mumps (epidemic) is a viral disease characterized by an inflammatory process in salivary glands Oh. According to statistics, mumps ( popular name diseases - mumps) most often affects children aged 5 to 15 years, very rarely the virus affects adults. The disease is quite serious and can lead to serious consequences.

Degrees of the disease and characteristic symptoms

Epidemic mumps has been studied quite well - this disease has been known to science for two centuries. In medicine, it is customary to classify it according to the severity of its occurrence:

  1. Light degree. It is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the salivary glands. In this case, the child’s body temperature will rise suddenly and quickly to average levels.
  2. Average degree. In addition to elevated temperature, this degree of severity of mumps is characterized by fever - the child is “shaking.” At medium degree With the severity of the disease, the inflammatory process affects not only the salivary glands, but also other glandular organs. The patient will complain of headache, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and insomnia.
  3. Severe degree. This degree of the viral disease in question is considered the most dangerous to the health and even life of the child, because the inflammatory process affects both the salivary glands and the central nervous system.

Signs of mumps in children

The viral disease in question always begins suddenly and develops rapidly:

  • body temperature rises to critical levels;
  • the child experiences “ache” and weakness throughout the body;
  • making basic swallowing and chewing movements with the jaw becomes very painful;
  • appetite completely disappears.

Hyperthermia (increased body temperature)

This symptom is present from the very beginning of the disease and subsides only after the disappearance of the bright severe symptoms mumps. Parents do not need to worry about this - this is considered normal, even if a decrease in body temperature does not occur after a sick child takes antipyretic medications. But if it continues to be present after the symptoms of mumps have disappeared, then you must immediately inform your doctor about this - such a sign may indicate the development of a new pathological process in the body.

An interesting observation was made by doctors and scientists who studied the viral disease in question - the body of a sick child tries to independently fight the mumps virus, producing specific antibodies. By the way, they can be detected in the blood even after a complete cure for mumps.

Swelling behind the ears

Perhaps the most clear symptom mumps for children - swelling behind the ears. Moreover, it achieves enough large sizes, upon palpation, it is painful and interferes with chewing and talking. In some cases, swelling behind the ears spreads to the neck - this is normal and there are no additional therapeutic measures no need to take action.

Mumps greatly affects appearance child - the cheeks seem to “swell” and “fall”, the upper tips and middle of the ears protrude due to the existing swelling behind the ears - the patient’s face resembles a pig’s snout (hence the popular name for mumps - mumps).

The swelling behind the ears becomes smaller as the viral disease in question is treated and completely disappears after 8 days.

Treatment of mumps

Almost all patients diagnosed mumps undergo treatment at home. Hospitalization is indicated only for those patients in whom the viral disease in question is extremely severe. There is no special treatment for mumps; it is enough to adhere to the following rules:

Important:If mumps is severe and the doctor diagnoses the child with signs of severe intoxication (poisoning) of the body, then treatment will take place in medical institution using detoxification therapy.

Traditional medicine

In no case should you rely solely on traditional methods– they are intended only to help, support the body in the fight against a viral disease and relieve pain syndrome. Most effective means in this case there will be:

Features of the treatment of mumps in children

There are some medications that really help with mumps. The main condition: they are used on initial stage development of the viral disease in question and only after agreement with the attending physician. These include:

  • Belladonna;
  • Aconite;
  • Pilocarpus jaborandi;
  • Ferrumphosphoricum.

Important:All of the listed medications are very effective and if one of them has already been prescribed by the attending physician, then experimenting with the use of several others at once is inappropriate. You cannot make appointments on your own!

Complications of mumps and consequences of mumps in men

Mumps is not dangerous for its own sake severe course– this can be regulated with medications and bed rest with folk recipes. The viral disease in question is characterized by the development of serious complications:

  • pancreatitis – inflammatory process in the pancreas;
  • meningitis - inflammation of the meninges;
  • encephalitis - inflammation of the soft tissues of the brain;
  • oophoritis - inflammation of the ovaries in girls;
  • hearing loss, often complete irreversible deafness.

Important:Mumps is most dangerous for boys - they develop ochritis (inflammation of the testicles) as a complication of the disease, which leads to further. Previously, it was believed that every boy who had mumps in childhood was doomed to infertility, but during research it was found that such a complication is diagnosed only in 15% of cases, which is also not small.

Algorithm for diagnosing complications of mumps:

Preventive measures

Since the disease in question has a viral etiology, the only reliable preventive measure is vaccination. The mumps vaccine is given twice – at 12 months and at 6 years. The vaccine, administered twice, makes it possible to develop lifelong immunity against the mumps virus.

We recommend reading:

If the child has had contact with a child with mumps, then you need to visit a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist for preventive examination after 10 days - during this time the virus, if it has penetrated the body, will give its first manifestations.

We all remember from childhood that the disease with the funny name “mumps” is especially dangerous for boys. But not many people know what this danger is and how to prevent it. Indeed, boys suffer from mumps or mumps almost twice as often as girls. Most often, children get sick between the ages of 3 and 7 years, and the disease is not severe. But sometimes older children get sick and then the likelihood of complications is much higher.

Let's try to figure out what mumps is, how it can be treated and prevented and, most importantly, how dangerous it really is.

How does mumps manifest?

Mumps is caused by special virus, which can be picked up from a sick person. Although today, thanks to vaccination, the risk of encountering this virus has significantly decreased, the anti-vaccination movement, which has gained strength in recent years, can lead to the spread of this disease. In addition, you need to remember that a person becomes contagious 2-3 days before the end of the incubation period, which ranges from 11 to 23 days. This means that, unaware of his illness, he can be a source of infection.

How does mumps manifest itself? The disease can begin with pre-painful phenomena, with weakness, malaise, weakness and pain in the muscles. The set of symptoms is typical for most infections. But in most cases, it still begins with inflammation of the salivary gland. Dry mouth and pain in the ear area appear. Gradually, this area swells, changing the shape of the face, making it round. Within 3 days, the swelling reaches its maximum and persists, gradually decreasing, for another 7-10 days. The skin over this area becomes tense and shiny.

The name "mumps" comes from the fact that swollen salivary glands make a child's face round, reminiscent of a pig's face.

The typical course of the disease is characterized by the presence of fever, which reaches its greatest severity on the 1st-2nd day of illness and can last 4-7 days. Severe disease is characterized by intoxication. Also when severe forms it is possible that not only the salivary glands, but also other organs where there is glandular tissue are involved in the inflammatory process.

Possible complications

Typically, complications of mumps affect the glandular organs and the central nervous system. If a child is sick, inflammation may develop meninges or meningitis. This complication occurs in more than 10% of cases. Defeat nervous system usually occurs in the field of damage to the salivary glands, but in 25–30% of cases this happens simultaneously. Often, on the 4th–7th day of illness, a violent manifestation of meningitis begins, this may be sharp increase fever, vomiting, severe headache.

Adult men and adolescents often experience orchitis or inflammation of the testicles. Approximately 5–7 days after the onset of the disease, fever and severe pain in the groin and lower abdomen may appear. In this case, the affected testicle enlarges, reaching the size of a goose. With this form of the disease, fever can last 3–7 days, and an increase in testicular size for 5–8 days. Then gradually all the symptoms subside, and after about 1–2 months, signs of testicular atrophy may become noticeable if corticosteroid hormones were not prescribed at the very beginning of the complication.

Ear damage from mumps can cause complete loss hearing

Sometimes on the 4th–7th day of illness, inflammation of the pancreas may become noticeable. It is characterized by sharp pains in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, fever. Sometimes mumps leads to damage to the ears. The first sign of such a complication is noise and ringing in the ears, followed by dizziness, loss of coordination, and vomiting. Deafness is usually one-sided and hearing is usually not restored during the recovery period.

About 0.5% of affected people, usually adults and more often men, may develop joint inflammation. It is usually observed in the first 1–2 weeks from the onset of the disease. But sometimes it becomes noticeable even before the salivary glands are affected. More often affected large joints, while they swell and hurt. The pain persists for 1-2 weeks, sometimes up to 3 months.

How is mumps treated?

There is no specific treatment for mumps. With a mild course of the disease, it goes away on its own, so the most important task in the treatment of mumps is to prevent complications. For this, it is extremely important to comply with bed rest for at least 10 days.

To avoid inflammation of the pancreas, it is important to follow special instructions. It is necessary to avoid overeating, limit consumption white bread, fats, cabbage and pasta. It is best to give preference to a dairy-vegetable diet, eat rice, potatoes, and black bread.

It has been established that in men who neglected bed rest, orchitis is diagnosed approximately three times more often than in those who were in bed from the first day.

For orchitis, it is necessary to begin treatment with corticosteroid hormones as early as possible. Prednisolone can be used for 5-7 days. The initial dose is 40–60 mg and should be gradually reduced by 5 mg per day. The course of treatment for meningitis is similar. In addition, it helps with meningitis spinal tap with the extraction of a small dose of liquor.

Consequences of mumps: is it really dangerous for boys (Video)

If we are talking about mumps. Almost every person remembers that he is dangerous for boys. But is this really so? In the majority of sick people, both adults and children, both boys and girls, the disease is harmless and under the condition proper care goes away on its own. But sometimes an aggressive course of the disease is still possible, which leads to unpleasant consequences.
In about 5 out of 1,000 people who become ill, the infection invades the brain and spinal cord, causing inflammation. Even with this course of the disease, the prognosis is very favorable and most patients recover. Only in in rare cases certain neurological disorders, for example, paralysis or hearing loss, and even death.

About 5% of people with mumps develop inflammation of the pancreas, which in most cases goes away without leaving a trace. By the way, rumors about that this form mumps can cause the development diabetes mellitus, are greatly exaggerated, medicine considers this statement to be unfounded.

5% of women and girls who get mumps develop inflammation. Usually it ends in recovery and no negative consequences does not have.

Regarding dire consequences for boys, then everyone who spreads stories about terrible consequences will have to be disappointed. Indeed, 20-50% of boys and men who become infected with mumps experience inflammation of the testicles. The most dangerous complication of this form of mumps is infertility, but it is extremely rare. At the same time, the danger is greater for adult men and adolescents. Parotitis in childhood rarely causes serious complications in both boys and girls.

Rumors about the terrible danger of mumps for boys arose, apparently, due to the fact that this disease affects them almost twice as often as girls.

From the above we can conclude that mumps, unpleasant and dangerous disease, but its danger specifically for boys is slightly exaggerated. Of course, they get sick more often than girls, but in most cases they recover successfully, and the likelihood of complications is the same for both sexes.

How to prevent mumps

Although really serious complications after mumps are rare, it is still better to be conscious and try to prevent them in advance. The best preventive measure in this situation is timely vaccination. All children are vaccinated against mumps every year along with vaccination against rubella. Everything is done with one shot, and there is no separate vaccine for mumps.

This vaccine is very well tolerated and side effects occur rarely. The measles component creates the most problems; it can cause a mild rash seven days after vaccination. This is absolutely normal, everything goes away without any treatment, so there is no need to be afraid of vaccination because of this.

When making a decision about vaccination, it is necessary to remember that complications of mumps are much more dangerous and occur much more often than complications after vaccination.

There are very few contraindications to vaccination; this is a significant decrease in immunity, for example, due to AIDS, leukemia, or taking medicines drugs that suppress the immune response, such as steroids or immunosuppressants. If the child had severe allergic reactions, then vaccination is carried out under the supervision of an allergist.

Last article updated: March 23, 2018

Perhaps some of you remember how at school they said about some student that he had the mumps. Not knowing what it was, such a word made me smile. The patient himself was not laughing at that moment. In fact, there are many more types of mumps. In our everyday life, mumps is traditionally called mumps. But besides this, there are others. In this article I will introduce you to them and talk in detail about the more important type, from the point of view of pediatrics, - viral mumps.


Mumps is an inflammation of the parotid salivary gland.

Depending on the reasons that cause it, there are nonspecific, specific, allergic and epidemic (acute).

There are acute and chronic. The causes of its occurrence can be local (injuries in the ear area, inflammation in surrounding tissues, foreign body in the gland duct) and general ( surgical interventions, infectious diseases).

The disease begins with a feeling of dry mouth, swelling in the parotid area, and a rise in temperature. It hurts the child to open his mouth and chew.

As the condition worsens, the pain increases. Such patients require treatment from a specialist - an otolaryngologist.

If treatment is not received, the acute process becomes chronic. It is difficult to cure it completely, but if done correctly timely treatment a favorable outcome is quite likely.

If after surgery and during infectious disease If you feel dry mouth, be sure to rinse your mouth with the solution baking soda. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids, this will reduce the risk of developing mumps.

  1. Specific mumps.

Depending on the pathogen, it can be syphilitic, actinomycosis and tuberculosis. Appears as separate symptom underlying disease. Very rare. Treatment is etiotropic (depending on the cause).

  1. Allergic mumps.

It develops as a result of sensitization (increased sensitivity) of the body to certain factors (allergens). It could be bacteria from the outbreaks chronic infection, medicines, food products.

It manifests itself as dry mouth, slight pain when chewing, and swelling in the gland area. Your temperature may rise slightly.

In mild cases, it goes away in a few days. Often this form is combined with joint damage. The course of the disease can become chronic.

  1. Epidemic (viral) mumps.

This variety deserves more attention. After all, it is this form that most often affects our children.

Mumps is a viral disease.

And it affects not only the salivary glands, but also other organs containing glandular tissue(testes, ovaries, mammary glands, pancreas), as well as the central nervous system.

The incidence rate rises in autumn and winter. But this is not connected with the temperature outside the window, but with the appearance of new acquaintances in the child, the creation of groups in kindergartens and schools.

Children communicate, play with each other, exchanging not only positive emotions, but also by its microflora.

Sources and routes of infection

The source of the disease is hidden in the sick person or the virus carrier. What is especially dangerous is that clinical manifestations may be minimal or even absent. Every second child who has been in contact with an infected person can get sick.

The virus spreads through airborne droplets during conversation and communication. Less often through contact and household through toys, personal belongings.

In the external environment, the infection does not die immediately. Activity can last from several days to six months at. But the impact disinfectants instantly kills this virus.

The infection enters the body through the upper respiratory tract. The virus settles on their mucous membrane, penetrates deeper, and through the bloodstream seeks to enter the salivary glands and other glandular organs. There it multiplies and accumulates, so that it can then be spread further throughout the body through the blood.

Its targets are the testicles, ovaries, pancreas and thyroid glands, eyes, and the central nervous system. By infecting them, the virus provokes the development of new symptoms of the disease and various complications.

The incubation period lasts two to three weeks. Leaks without clinical manifestations. From his last days, a person becomes contagious.

The most typical symptom of this disease is damage to the parotid salivary glands. It all starts with a rise in temperature and deterioration general condition child. He is capricious or, on the contrary, lethargic, his appetite is reduced, and his sleep is disturbed. A swelling appears in the area of ​​the gland; palpation is painful.

It also hurts to chew and talk. Often the submandibular salivary gland is also affected. As a result of inflammation and swelling, the face looks significantly enlarged in its lower part, which was the reason for the name of this disease - mumps.

Often the disease occurs without fever. But if you see typical one- or two-sided swelling in the lower part of the face, you should not send your child to school or kindergarten, even if feeling great. Within three days the swelling increases, then the symptoms subside. Within a week the child gets better.

But you remember that the virus got not only into the salivary glands, but also into others. The inflammation that occurs there can cause pancreatitis, orchitis, thyroiditis (inflammation of the pancreas, testicles and thyroid gland respectively). Orchitis is especially dangerous for teenagers.

Complications in the form of infertility or decreased fertility (ability to conceive) are not uncommon with mumps.

But the most dangerous form of mumps infection is damage to the nervous system in the form of meningitis and encephalitis. If your child is sick at home, do not hesitate to invite a doctor. Even with a mild degree of the disease, there is a risk of complications, and regular medical monitoring will allow them to promptly identify their signs and take appropriate measures.

Treatment of mumps

At mild degree home treatment for diseases. How to ensure it? The child must be provided with:

  • bed rest for periods of fever;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • crushed food and in the form of purees (to reduce pain when chewing);
  • antipyretic at temperatures above 38.5˚C;
  • dry heat to the area of ​​the affected gland.

It is important to reduce contact with the sick person as much as possible during the illness, so as not to complicate the existing epidemic situation. The child is not dangerous to others nine days after the onset of the disease.

Thanks to mass vaccination, this disease is not so common. But if mumps in children produces symptoms, then immediate treatment is required to prevent serious consequences.

Mumps (mumps) more often infects children, while babies under 1 year of age rarely get sick due to the immunity they receive from mother's milk. The disease does not often affect children under 3 years of age. Schoolchildren and adolescents are most susceptible to the disease, and cases of mumps are recorded more often in boys than in girls. In young people aged 18-25 years and in adults under 40 years old, mumps is severe and almost always causes complications.

Symptoms of mumps

Once in the glandular organs, the mumps virus begins to multiply intensively. This period is considered an incubation period and is asymptomatic in most cases. Sometimes a child may complain about feeling unwell, he loses his appetite, but nothing more. After 5-7 days, while the virus is in the blood, it can be diagnosed through special studies, and then the stage of clinical manifestations of mumps begins.

Since the salivary glands are most often the first to be affected by the disease, the first clinical sign of the disease is swelling of the face in this area. The virus attacks the parotid salivary glands equally on both sides, but sometimes a one-sided process is observed.

Damage to the parotid salivary glands is not so noticeable, especially in the first days and in full baby, but when the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands are involved in the process, the face swells greatly, the skin becomes tense, and it is impossible to form a fold from it with your fingers. Hence the popular name for the disease - mumps.

Other symptoms are added to swelling of the face:

  • pain on palpation;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38°C;
  • dry mouth;
  • pain when swallowing, opening the mouth, turning the head.

Since saliva has antibacterial properties and takes part in the digestion process, disruption of its secretion provokes nausea, abdominal pain, and changes in stool. Sometimes the course of mumps is complicated bacterial infections oral cavity- stomatitis, gingivitis, caries.

In the normal course of the disease, an examination by a pediatrician is sufficient to make a diagnosis, but in order to exclude an error, a special blood test is performed to determine the presence of mumps virus in it. Sometimes the disease can be asymptomatic, with only a slight increase in body temperature (up to 37.5°C). In such cases, the presence of the virus can only be determined through a blood test. The doctor resorts to it if the child has been in contact with the patient.

If an asymptomatic case is an isolated case in a children's group, then there is a possibility of confusing it with other diseases.

A child who has not shown characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease remains contagious to other children. And only when other children get sick is the carrier suspected of having mumps.

A complete diagnosis of the body is necessary if the mumps is severe and involves pathological process other organs. Complicated mumps in children gives very different symptoms, and treatment will require not so much the disease itself as its possible consequences.

Complicated mumps

Most often, the virus affects the pancreas. The patient complains of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, and stool disturbances. Abdominal pain is paroxysmal. Amylase and diastase increase in the blood of a sick child, which is typical for acute pancreatitis. All these symptoms are also associated with the fact that the salivary glands do not function properly and the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted.

In boys school age, especially in adolescents, the virus can penetrate organs reproductive system, causing orchitis or prostatitis (inflammation of the testicle or prostate gland). In most cases, one testicle is affected. It swells, becomes painful to the touch, the skin turns red, and the temperature rises. The last symptom is the most dangerous, because if measures are not taken, the consequences can manifest themselves already in adulthood. This is male infertility.

With prostatitis, the perineum becomes painful to the touch. And during a rectal examination of the rectum, a tumor-like formation is detected at the location of the prostate gland by palpation. In girls, the organs of the reproductive system are not affected so often, but cases of oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries) as a complication of mumps are known.

Damage to the nervous system, which provokes meningitis, can have serious consequences. This is one of the most dangerous complications pigs. It is characterized by constant headache, elevated temperature body (up to 40°C), vomiting. Clinical picture is complemented by stiff neck muscles, when the child himself, and sometimes with the help of an adult, cannot reach his own chest with his chin.

To put accurate diagnosis and start treatment if required lumbar puncture when from spinal cord They take cerebrospinal fluid and test it for the presence of the virus. Meningitis requires immediate treatment, as it poses a huge danger to the child's life.

Meningism has symptoms similar to meningitis, but the above analysis does not reveal changes in cerebrospinal fluid. Both meningitis and meningism can occur on the 5th day of mumps, and only laboratory tests will help you make a correct diagnosis. Meningismus does not require specific treatment, you only need observation (symptoms subside after 3-4 days), and meningitis is fraught with serious consequences.

Treatment of mumps in children

Mild forms of the disease can be treated at home. In fact, it is not the disease itself that is treated, but its manifestations. With mumps, it is important not to catch a cold, so the sick child is prescribed strict bed rest, especially if there is a high temperature.

When the parotid salivary glands are damaged, and especially when the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands are involved in the pathological process, it becomes difficult for the child to chew and swallow food, so it should be soft or crushed in a blender. A variety of vegetable purees, porridges, broths, and pureed soups are suitable. As with any other viral disease, for mumps, use warm drinking plenty of fluids. There is no need to warm the swelling; you can only use dry heat.

During the course of the disease moderate severity accompanied by high fever, antiviral drugs are used, and to maintain immune system and as a prevention of complications - immunostimulating agents (for example Groprinosin). At body temperatures above 38°C, antipyretic drugs are used, especially for children under 3 years of age who are susceptible to seizures.

A sick child is isolated from the children's team for a period of 14-15 days from the appearance of the first clinical signs illness.

Complicated mumps is treated in a hospital. If the pancreas is damaged, food should not only be semi-liquid and liquid, but also dietary. Spicy, fatty, fried, smoked dishes. This diet will accompany the patient for the next 12 months, since there is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

At high temperature Along with antipyretic drugs, cold should be applied to the pancreas area, and when severe pain use antispasmodics, for example No-shpa. To prevent the pancreas from being subjected to stress, detoxification of the body is carried out through saline solutions intravenously and use the enzymes Mezim and Creon. In rare cases, it may be necessary to consult a surgeon and special treatment pancreas.

Testicular orchitis can lead to infertility in the future, so cold is used to relieve swelling and reduce temperature. Prednisolone is administered intramuscularly for 10 days to avoid testicular atrophy.

Children with meningitis are treated in a hospital under the strict supervision of a specialist using the diuretics Lasix and Furosemide to relieve meningitis. Prerequisite- strict bed rest. To prevent consequences, use nootropic drugs— Phezam, Nootropil. In severe cases, Prednisolone is prescribed, the dose of which is determined based on the severity of the disease. The patient can be discharged from the hospital only after a repeat examination of the cerebrospinal fluid if its values ​​are normal.

Disease prevention

The most reliable prophylactic Today is the vaccination of children. It is first carried out at one year of age. Full immunity lasts for 6 years, so before the child goes to school, he is vaccinated a second time. Vaccinated children get sick very rarely, and the disease occurs in mild form and treated at home.

Nonspecific preventive measures carried out among contact children through antiviral drugs- Interferon, Viferon. It is important to identify the carrier of the disease in time and declare quarantine in children's institution for at least 3 weeks. Sick children can visit kindergarten or school only 2 weeks after the onset of the disease.