Buteyko breathing exercises: the essence of the method, exercises, reviews. Breathing according to Buteyko. Video on how to breathe correctly

© Buteyko K. P.

© AST Publishing House LLC

Buteyko method


The sages have always said: in order to know God, a person must first of all... learn to breathe! Or rather, improve your breathing. Only in this case will a person be able to confidently control not only his words and emotions, but also his health and even his destiny.

Therefore, in the history of mankind, the process of breathing and conscious work with it was given attention by everyone without exception. religious traditions and systems of spiritual practices.

Thus, the Torah tells how God breathed life into Adam, thereby reviving him. It also says that the breath returns to God after the death of a person.

In many cultures around the world, the concepts of breathing are also key. Indeed, in many languages ​​the words “spirit”, “soul” and “breath” have a common origin. People have long identified breathing as the main property of all living and animate things.

In Chinese philosophy, one of the main categories of “qi” is defined as “air”, “breath”, “energy”. The ancient Chinese believed that “qi” permeates everything in this world and connects everything with each other.

In Indian medicine, the concept of “prana” literally means “life”, “breath” in Sanskrit. And yogis are sure that “prana” permeates the entire Universe.

And from ancient Greek mythology, the word “psyche”, which translates as “soul”, “breath”, migrated to the arsenal of world philosophy, psychology and medicine.

The breathing practices themselves originated many thousands of years ago in the East: in India - Pranayama, in China - Qi Gong, in Central Asia - the Sufi system of exercises, in Tibet - the breathing practices of Vajrayana Buddhism. All these eastern teachings penetrated to the West only in the twentieth century. And in the 21st century they became a vital necessity.

The fact is that modern civilization has changed people a lot. And first of all, we changed because we forgot how to breathe correctly. You have to pay a very high price for comfort. After all, our health depends on how we breathe.

Diseases of civilization

Even 300 years ago, when medicine was not developed, sick people were “culled” by natural selection. And most people barely lived to adulthood without leaving sick offspring.

In these conditions, only a small part of the diseases was determined by genetic defects, but most of the diseases were a consequence of conditions and lifestyle. It was only after antibiotics were introduced that serious infections were eradicated. There are fewer people dying. And live longer. But life has changed.

The first fruits of civilization are the appearance of a huge number of harmful products, due to which the human body began to become clogged with toxic concentrates, chemical carcinogens, new refined food products and alcohol. Human genes were not adapted to such changes. And natural selection stopped working because medicine worked well. And then new chronic diseases appeared, shortening life. Scientists called them “diseases of civilization.” They develop initially unnoticed by humans, as the harmful effects of the external and internal environment accumulate. The person is not yet sick, but he is no longer healthy. But he could have been healthy if he had started using it in a timely manner. necessary measures. Prevention is of particular importance in the fight against “diseases of civilization.”

And one of the most important preventive measures is the ability to breathe correctly. Experts assure: breathing is a reliable barometer of the state of the human body. Even by how often and deeply we breathe, we can put accurate diagnosis any ailment and prescribe treatment. And in the end, cure not only the body, but also the head. According to scientists, breathing is closely related not only to the state of health, but also to the state of consciousness.

Maybe breathing not only holds the soul in the body, but also decides its fate?

Basic instinct

What does it mean to breathe correctly? A strange question at first glance. After all, each of us takes almost 20,000 inhalations and exhalations every day. And we don’t think at all about how we do it. Otherwise, the same tragedy would have happened to us as to the hedgehog from the joke. Remember? A hedgehog ran through the forest, forgot how to breathe, and died. Breathe! This basic instinct was laid in us by nature. A person is considered born when he takes his first breath. And the dead - when he takes his last breath. And between the beginning and the end there is only a series of breaths. It’s the same with our smaller brothers.

But everyone breathes differently. For example, simplest form Jellyfish have breathability. Oxygen dissolved in water is absorbed through their skin, and dissolved carbon dioxide is expelled through the same route. And on the abdomen of insects there are many small holes. Each of these pores is the entrance to a tube called the trachea. It functions just like a human breathing tube, or windpipe! Thus, insects breathe the same way as we do, with the only difference being that they may have hundreds of respiratory tubes located on their abdomen.

And the breathing rate, that is, how often we inhale air, largely depends on the size of the creature itself. The larger the animal, the slower it breathes. For example, an elephant inhales about 10 times per minute, and a mouse about 200. And it turns out that life expectancy is directly related to the frequency of breathing: an elephant lives longer than a mouse. And turtles breathe very slowly and live a very long time.

The average person inhales 16 times per minute. But maybe less often – 6–8 breaths per minute. Or maybe more often - up to 20 times per minute. Depending on the circumstances. Moreover: children younger age they breathe 20–30 times per minute, and infants – 40–60 times!

Doctors have been thinking about the mystery of uneven human breathing for a long time. First information and advice on proper breathing were already discovered on Chinese jade inscriptions that date back to the 6th century BC. Ancient sayings teach: “When breathing, you need to act as follows: hold your breath, it accumulates, if it accumulates, it spreads further, if it spreads further, it goes down, becomes calm, if it becomes calm, it strengthens. If you release it, it grows; when it has grown, you need to squeeze it again. If you squeeze it, it will reach the top of your head. There it presses on the head, presses down. The one who follows this method lives, and the one who does the opposite will die.”

Revolutionary discovery of Buteyko

Konstantin Buteyko (1923–2003), scientist, physiologist, clinician, made a revolutionary discovery in the field of medicine in 1952. He argued that people breathe incorrectly - very deeply. And it is precisely because of this that people often get seriously ill.

The scientist found that, contrary to generally accepted belief, deep rapid breathing(and we were always taught: “Breathe deeply!”) does not at all contribute to oxygen saturation. Sick people inhale more air, which leads - as paradoxically as it sounds - to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the body's cells. The fact is that the cause of the development of diseases is hyperventilation (this is intense breathing that exceeds the body’s need for oxygen. – Author.). That is, when taking deep breaths, the amount of oxygen a person receives does not increase, but carbon dioxide becomes less. And its lack leads to the appearance serious illnesses. For example, lung volume healthy person 5 liters, and for a patient with bronchial asthma – about 10–15 liters.

According to Buteyko, excessive removal of carbon dioxide from the body leads to spasms of the bronchi and blood vessels of the brain, limbs, intestines, biliary tract. The vessels narrow, which means less oxygen reaches the cells. Changes in cells biochemical reactions, metabolism is disrupted. Thus, chronic “overeating” of oxygen leads to oxygen deficiency.

Konstantin Buteyko argued: the deeper the breathing, the more seriously ill a person is. The more shallow his breathing, the healthier and more resilient he is. Therefore, Buteyko breathing exercises are a system for healing the body. It is aimed at limiting deep breathing and is called the “volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLD) method,” which allows you to get rid of hyperventilation.

“Chest breathing leads to the fact that we inhale too much air, and our blood vessels narrow,” wrote Buteyko. “Healthy breathing is slow, no more than 16 breaths per minute, through the nose, and also quiet and easy.” An important rule is to breathe only through your nose. Because only the nose is equipped with a complex air filtration and heating system. The nose is only for breathing, and the mouth is for eating.

When breathing through the mouth, the air that enters the lungs is not moistened, is not purified from microscopic dust and everything else, which leads to various diseases and negative phenomena in the respiratory tract:

Respiratory function of the nasal sinuses decreases;

Memory disorder;

The composition of the blood changes (the amount of hemoglobin, calcium, sugar drops; the acid-base balance is disturbed);

Changes in physical development;

Disturbed development of the facial skeleton;

The functions of the nervous system are impaired (headache, nervous tic, irritability, urinary incontinence, night terror);

Frequent development of tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;

There is a hearing disorder;

Vision is impaired;

Digestion worsens;

Reduced protective properties respiratory tract when infected.

This is an approximate list of diseases and disorders that may occur due to oral breathing disorders.


The beginning of the respiratory tract is the nasal cavity. She performs a series essential functions during the breathing process. Firstly, the nose is the first barrier to entry into the lungs from environment substances harmful to the body. The hairs of the nostrils trap dust particles, microorganisms and other substances that enter the nose when inhaling.

Secondly, cold air, passing through the nasal passages, is warmed by heat blood vessels. Thanks to this, already warmed air enters the lungs. In addition, in the nasal cavity, the inhaled air is moistened, and nasal mucus, thanks to local immunity, fights harmful microorganisms and viruses.

In children, in comparison with adults, the nasal cavity has a number of distinctive features. The nasal passages are narrow, and the nasal mucosa is abundantly supplied with small blood vessels, which is why children often experience rhinitis. To prevent this from happening, children with early age It is necessary to teach proper breathing through the nose.

It is with diseases of the nasal cavity (chronic runny nose, adenoids, deviated nasal septum, etc.) that many lung diseases and respiratory dysfunction begin.

The nose is the first and most important boundary line between " inner world» of our body and the aggressive external environment. As cold air passes through the nasal passages, it is moistened by nasal mucus and warmed by the warmth of the blood vessels. Hairs growing on the mucous membrane of the nostrils and nasal mucus trap dust particles, protecting the bronchi and lungs from contamination. With every breath, the nose bravely enters into the fight against dangerous components of the air, disinfecting air flow. Faced with a viral attack (and today science knows 200 respiratory viruses), the nose tries to resist it with its own means - it produces a huge amount of mucus, which washes away harmful agents. In the absence of infection, about 500 ml of mucus and fluid are formed in the nose per day, and during illness - much more. That is why a person with a runny nose should increase their daily fluid intake by at least 1.5–2 liters.

In general, a runny nose is a signal that you are being “attacked.” At this moment, you need to act very energetically to stop the further spread of the infection. Otherwise, “harmless” sniffling may become a precursor to more serious problems with health.


“The paradox is that when a choking asthmatic greedily swallows air, he only aggravates his condition. I want to breathe even more, my lungs work like a blacksmith’s bellows, my heart beats like a motor at full speed, and there is increasingly not enough oxygen. You just have to hold your breath and relief comes instantly. A protective reaction is triggered: without waiting for the next breath, the body reacts to the delay by dilating blood vessels in order to deliver as much blood as possible to the organs and provide them with maximum oxygen. Normal breathing“This is not only an inhalation for the sake of the next portion of oxygen, but also a reasonable pause on exhalation, necessary to save carbon dioxide, which we are in a hurry to get rid of, considering it harmful.”

There were constant suffocations. The severe attack lasted for two days.

She was cured using the Buteyko method.


The essence of the method

The scientist experimentally proved that the blood of healthy people contains much more carbon dioxide than that of patients with, say, bronchial asthma, colitis, stomach ulcers, or those who have had a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, in order to save a person from an illness, it is only necessary to teach him to save carbon dioxide in his body. What allows you to do this is NOT DEEP, but SUPERFICIAL breathing.

To saturate the blood with carbon dioxide, which is very little in the surrounding air, you need to regulate your breathing, making it shallow, and the pauses between breaths longer.

The advantages of breathing exercises according to Buteyko are the ability to perform exercises anywhere and anytime: at home, while walking, at work and even in transport. In addition, it is quite simple and suitable for everyone age groups, starting from children from 4 years old to the most elderly people.

The essence of treatment is to gradually reduce the depth of breathing. As the breath-hold lengthens, the blood and tissues become increasingly saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide and are restored acid-base balance, are normalized metabolic processes, immune defense strengthens. And the disease recedes.

Diagnosis: chronic obstructive bronchitis with an asthmatic component, chronic adnexitis, thyrotoxicosis. Complaints of daily paroxysmal cough in the morning, ending with an attack of suffocation, difficulty breathing when walking quickly. The initial depth of breathing exceeded the norm by 20 times.

From the first day of practicing the Buteyko method, the need for medications disappeared. By the end of the month of training, the depth of breathing exceeded the norm by 6 times, there were no attacks of suffocation or coughing.


Why is carbon dioxide important for humans?

Quotes from lectures, articles, books by Konstantin Buteyko:

“...The toxic effect of deep breathing or hyperventilation was discovered back in 1871 by the Dutch scientist De Costa. The disease was named hyperventilation syndrome"or the initial stage of deep breathing, which accelerates the death of patients. In 1909, the famous physiologist D. Henderson conducted numerous experiments on animals and experimentally proved that deep breathing is fatal to a living organism. The cause of death of experimental animals in all cases was carbon dioxide deficiency, in which excess oxygen becomes toxic.” But people have forgotten about these discoveries, and we often hear calls to breathe deeply.

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“...A few words about the origins: life on Earth arose about 3-4 billion years ago. At that time, the earth’s atmosphere consisted mainly of carbon dioxide, and there was almost no oxygen in the air, and that’s when life arose on Earth. All living beings, living cells were built from carbon dioxide in the air, just as they are built now.

The only source of life on earth is carbon dioxide; plants feed on it using the energy of the sun. Metabolism took place for billions of years in an atmosphere where the carbon dioxide content was very high. Then, when plants appeared, they and algae ate almost all the carbon dioxide and formed coal reserves. Now in our atmosphere there is more than 20% oxygen, and carbon dioxide is already 0.03%. And if this 0.03% disappears, the plants will have nothing to eat. They will die. And all life on Earth will die. This is absolutely certain: a plant placed under a glass bell without carbon dioxide dies immediately.”

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“We were quite lucky: in one blow we eliminated more than a hundred of the most common diseases of the nervous system, lungs, blood vessels, metabolism, gastrointestinal tract, etc. It turned out that these hundred-plus diseases are directly or indirectly related to deep breathing. The death of 30% of the population of modern society occurs from deep breathing.”

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“...We prove that we are right instantly. If they can’t relieve a hypertensive crisis for weeks, then we can relieve it in a few minutes.”

“Chronic pneumonia in children, which lasts 10–15 years, can be eliminated by reducing breathing after a year and a half. Cholesterol stains, deposits in patients with sclerosis on the eyelids, which were previously removed with a knife, but they grew again, are resolved using our method of reducing breathing in 2-3 weeks.”

“We have proven beyond doubt the reversal of atherosclerosis.”

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“We have established a general law: the deeper the breathing, the more seriously ill a person is and the faster the death, the less (shallow breathing) - the more healthy, hardy and durable he is. Carbon dioxide is important in all this. She does everything. The more it is in the body, the healthier it is.”

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“The fact that carbon dioxide is important for our body is confirmed by embryology. The latest data suggests that for 9 months all of us were in seemingly terrible conditions: we had 3-4 times less oxygen in our blood than now, and 2 times more carbon dioxide. And it turns out that these terrible conditions are what are needed to create man.”

“Now accurate research shows that the cells of our brain, heart, kidneys need an average of 7% carbon dioxide and 2% oxygen, and the air contains 230 times less carbon dioxide and 10 times more oxygen, which means it has become TOXIC for us!”

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“And it is especially poisonous for a newborn who has not yet adapted to it. You have to be amazed folk wisdom, forcing parents to immediately swaddle their newborns tightly, and in the east to fasten their arms and chest with ropes to a board. And our grandmothers swaddled us tightly, then covered us with a rather thick canopy. The child slept and survived normally. Gradually the baby was accustomed to this toxic air environment.”

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“...We now understand what carbon dioxide is - it is most valuable product on earth, the only source of life, health, wisdom, vigor, beauty, etc. When a person learns to retain carbon dioxide in himself, his mental performance, the excitation of the nervous system decreases. Our Deep Breathing Elimination Method (DEB) treats only one disease – deep breathing. But this disease creates 90% of all diseases.”

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“...Now, as a result of enormous research and experimental work, the actual effect of oxygen is well known. It turns out that if pure oxygen mice begin to breathe, they die after 10–12 days. There are many experiments with people breathing oxygen - the lungs are damaged and inflammation of the lungs from oxygen begins. And we treat pneumonia with oxygen. If mice are placed under pressure in oxygen, where the concentration of molecules is even greater, at 60 atmospheres of pressure they die in 40 minutes. Obviously for our body optimal level oxygen is about 10–14%, but not 21%, and this is approximately at an altitude of 3–4 thousand meters above sea level.

Now it’s clear why the percentage of centenarians is higher in the mountains; the fact is undeniable - there is less oxygen there. If you take sick people to the mountains, it turns out that they feel better there. Moreover, they also have the least incidence of angina pectoris, schizophrenia, asthma, heart attack, and hypertension. If you take such patients there, an environment with a lower percentage of oxygen is more optimal for them.”

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“...Our blood comes into contact with the air of the lungs, and the air of the lungs contains 6.5% carbon dioxide and about 12% oxygen, that is, exactly the optimum that is needed. By increasing or decreasing our breathing, we can disrupt this optimum. Deep and frequent breathing leads to loss of carbon dioxide in the lungs, and this is the cause of serious disorders in the body.”

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“A deficiency of CO 2 (carbon dioxide) causes a shift in the internal environment of the body towards the alkaline side and thereby disrupts metabolism, which, in particular, is expressed in the appearance allergic reactions, a tendency to colds, overgrowth of bone tissue (colloquially referred to as salt deposition), etc., up to the development of tumors.”

* * *

“We consider it proven that deep breathing causes epilepsy, neurasthenia, severe insomnia, headaches, migraines, tinnitus, irritability, sharp decline mental and physical disability, memory impairment, decreased concentration, disturbance of the peripheral nervous system, cholecystitis, chronic runny nose, chronic inflammation lungs, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumosclerosis, tuberculosis more often occurs in deep breathers, because their body is weakened. Further: dilation of the veins of the nose, veins in the legs, hemorrhoids, which now have their own theory, obesity, metabolic disorders, a whole range of disorders of the genital organs in men and women, then toxicosis of pregnancy, miscarriages, complications during childbirth.”

« Deep breathing promotes influenza, gives rise to rheumatism, chronic inflammatory foci, inflammation of the tonsils, as a rule, occurs in deep breathers. Chronic tonsillitis is a very dangerous infection, no less dangerous than tuberculosis. These infections deepen breathing and damage the body even more. Salt deposition (gout) also occurs from deep breathing, wen on the body, any infiltrates, even brittle nails, dry skin, hair loss - all these are, as a rule, the results of deep breathing. These processes are still not treated, not prevented and have no theory.”

* * *

“Hypertension, Minière's disease, intestinal ulcers, spastic colitis, constipation, also from deep breathing. And this is clearly proven; there are thousands of experiments that have repeatedly proven that carbon dioxide is a powerful regulator of the lumen of the bronchi, blood vessels, etc. These reactions occur even if the animal’s head is cut off. If you simply take out the bronchi and blood vessels, it turns out that carbon dioxide acts on the smooth intestinal cell. Now the real reasons are being revealed renal colic for kidney stones. It is the smooth muscles that spasm, compress the tissues and cause pain. Breathing decreases - the kidney unclenches and the pain goes away. This is not science fiction, this is science, the highest science, which turns everything the other way around.

Spasms of blood vessels in the legs, arms, spasms of the labyrinth, fainting, dizziness, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, gastritis, colitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins leg veins, thrombophlebitis, general metabolic disorder, heartburn, urticaria, eczema - all these are symptoms of one deep breathing disease. The pain of liver patients can be relieved by our method of reducing breathing in 2-4 minutes, peptic ulcer Same. Heartburn also occurs from deep breathing, and it can be relieved. The next protective reaction is the sclerosis of the lungs, blood vessels, etc. This protection is the compaction of tissues from the loss of carbon dioxide. That’s why we still live, that sclerosis develops, it protects us from the loss of carbon dioxide.”

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“If hypertension occurs in a young person, she usually takes malignant course because carbon dioxide is being lost more and more. There is a defense reaction - hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. She begins to work hard to increase metabolism and produce more carbon dioxide.

If this happens in a deep-breathing asthmatic, it reduces breathing and there is no asthma, and the thyroid gland returns to normal. Ordinary adjustment."

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“Cholesterol is a biological insulator, covering the membranes of cells, blood vessels, and nerves. He isolates them from external environment. When breathing deeply, the body increases its production in order to protect itself from the loss of carbon dioxide.”

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“We did an experiment. They took 25 sclerotic patients (that’s what they are called offensively), that is, patients with hypertension, angina pectoris with high content blood cholesterol and carbon dioxide were 1.5% less than normal, they stopped the diet (they had been on rabbit food for many years), stopped all medications (they drank barrels of iodine) and allowed, even forced, to eat meat, lard, etc. , but forced to reduce breathing, and carbon dioxide accumulated, cholesterol decreased. We even established the law of its regulation: with a decrease in carbon dioxide in the body by 0.1%, cholesterol increases by 10 milligram percent on average. Sputum - what is it? With a lack of carbon dioxide, secretion from all mucous membranes, throat, respiratory tract, stomach, intestines, etc. increases. Therefore, deep breathing causes a runny nose and phlegm is produced in the lungs. It turns out that this sputum is useful, it is also an insulator.”

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“Symptoms of deep breathing: dizziness, weakness, tinnitus, headache, nervous tremors, fainting. This shows that DEEP BREATHING IS A TERRIBLE POISON. Even a strong athlete who breathes deeply for more than 5 minutes cannot stand it, faints, convulses, and stops breathing. Who among us has not been to a doctor and heard this “breathe deeply.” Sometimes just visiting a doctor causes an attack of illness.”

Correct breathing according to Buteyko is shallow. It is neither visible nor heard; breathing is carried out only through the nose. The inhalation is so slight that neither the chest nor the stomach moves. The air should reach approximately the level of the collarbones.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to unlearn deep breathing. K. P. Buteyko developed a method of volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLDB). Here's what he says about the effectiveness of this method.

“We have never seen a person who uses our technique and actually reduces their breathing not get relief. At first we did not know that reducing breathing would not only stop, but also eliminate the disease at any stage. It turned out that the method is applicable primarily to seriously ill patients. How longer person sick, the more severe the illness, the older he is, the faster and more complete the cure.”

In fact, the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing is often called the “Siberian draconian method of gradual self-strangulation,” and there is a considerable particle of truth in this terrible name. This method is truly painful: for hours and days, people are forced to slow down their breathing not only by force of will, but also with the help of various devices - graces, corsets, and for many, their chests are specially bandaged.

For those who want to learn how to breathe correctly, Konstantin Pavlovich formulated the five-finger rule:

1st finger – decrease;

2nd finger – depths;

3rd finger – breathing;

4th finger – relaxation of the diaphragm;

5th finger – up mild condition lack of air.

The main task is to reduce the depth of breathing so much that you constantly feel a lack of air. This feeling should be experienced for at least three hours a day, not necessarily in a row. In this case, carbon dioxide accumulates in the body, which means the supply of oxygen to the tissues increases.

How to learn to breathe correctly?

To quickly transition to proper shallow breathing, it is recommended to use the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLDB).

For exercise you need a hard bed and a very small pillow (you can do without it).

Lie on your stomach and feel the movement chest or abdomen during inhalation and exhalation.

Freeze exercise

Press your chin firmly into the pillow; your nose should not rest on the pillow. Stop moving your chest and abdomen and stand still.

You can press your chin on the back of your hand or on your fist. Try opening your mouth and increasing pressure with your chin on your fist. Stay in this position until you feel like inhaling. Then strain any other muscle group - you can forcefully bring your shoulder blades together and raise your head as high as possible, straining your neck muscles, stretch your arms along your body.

Exercise "cat stretches"

Stretch your arms - one, then the other, stretch one leg, then the other leg, press your pelvis into the bed (all this time the chest and stomach are motionless), stretch. Rest your fingers against the headboard of the bed, tense your muscles, and do not take deep breaths. Breathing is shallow.

Exercise "morning"

If you wake up and find that you are lying on your back and it is difficult to roll over onto your stomach, stretch while lying on your back, tensing your muscles with effort. Place your fist under your head and press hard on it; you can use a hard roller instead of a fist. Stay in this position until you feel an irresistible urge to inhale. Then start shallow breathing, stretch various muscle groups, make sure that the chest and abdomen remain motionless. Breathing should not deepen.

Begin to stand up slowly, paying attention to the muscle groups that work. at the moment. Breathing should remain shallow.

To check if your breathing is correct, undress, go to the mirror and make sure that your chest and stomach are motionless with consistent muscle tension.

You can also switch to shallow breathing by following the right-hand rule.

Right hand rule

Sit on the edge of a chair, take the correct position - place your feet flat on the floor, place your hands on your knees, straighten your back. Take a normal inhalation and a relaxed exhalation so that the diaphragm calmly drops. Relax all your muscles eyeballs lift up and pout your lips slightly. Tension of the eye and lip muscles reflexively stops breathing and makes it possible to switch to shallow breathing.

Stay in this position until you want to inhale; to further hold your breath, you can tense other muscles.

You should switch to shallow breathing several times a day. K.P. Buteyko recommends doing this at midnight, at 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 o'clock. As you may have noticed, two cycles occur at night. There are five attempts in each cycle, with each attempt the pulse, control and maximum pauses are measured. It is advisable to train under the supervision of a specialist.

Breathing depth test

How can you find out whether the cause of the disease is too deep breathing or something else? There is a special test for this. It is carried out by a methodologist or doctor.

The patient changes the depth of breathing on command. For example, 5-10 times he breathes very deeply, 2-3 times deeper than usual. Immediately after this, his head begins to hurt, his heart function is disrupted, itching appears, and he feels dizzy. If you then reduce the depth of breathing, all symptoms go away.

During the test, you need to monitor the change in pulse depth, measuring it before and after deep and shallow breathing. If the pulse sharply increases during deep breathing (by more than 30% of the original) or, on the contrary, becomes rare, a decrease in blood pressure is observed, the test should be stopped. Otherwise, this may lead to an exacerbation of the disease or even fainting. The test result is positive if the person’s condition worsens with deep breathing and improves with shallow breathing.

Specific It is considered a test in which the main symptoms of the disease appear during deep breathing: for example, an attack of bronchial asthma in an asthmatic, an attack of angina in a patient with angina pectoris.

Nonspecific called a test in which symptoms uncharacteristic of the disease appear. If a patient with asthma experiences not only an attack of suffocation, but also dizziness, headache, and squeezing pain in the heart area, then he should be no less afraid of a stroke or myocardial infarction than the underlying disease. It is believed that the test gives the best results during an exacerbation (not maximum) of the disease.

Measurement of control and maximum pauses

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko introduced the concepts of control and maximum pauses, the values ​​of which can be used to determine the carbon dioxide content in the lungs.

Measuring the control pause

To measure the control pause (CP), you need to sit in a comfortable position on the edge of a chair so as not to squeeze the blood vessels of the legs. Place your feet straight and place your hands on your knees. Take the correct posture - straighten your shoulders, pull in your stomach. Take a normal, shallow breath, relax all the muscles of the body, look up, and pout your lips. After exhaling, you need to pinch your nose with two fingers and hold your breath until the first unpleasant sensations occur. The time from the moment you hold your breath until the onset of unpleasant sensations will be an indicator of the control pause. The control pause is measured in seconds. After measuring the control pause, you must again switch to shallow breathing.

As you train to reduce the depth of breathing, the CP gradually increases to 180–240 seconds. A person who maintains a control pause of 60 seconds can consider himself healthy. The longer the pause, the more health. You need to measure CP once a day, in the morning after sleep or in the evening before bed on an empty stomach.

Before and after the control pause, you must measure your pulse.

Maximum pause measurement

To measure the maximum pause (MP), you need to take the same position as to determine the CP, take a normal breath, exhale and hold your breath. This time we must endure as much as possible. You can get up and walk. When it becomes impossible to endure, you should spread your arms to the sides and back, turn your shoulders and move your shoulder blades, tense the muscles of your shoulders and arms, throw your head back and switch to shallow breathing. The time from holding your breath to the first shallow breath will be the time of the maximum pause, which is also measured in seconds.

When switching to shallow breathing with tension of the corresponding muscles, suffocation should stop. Then you should strain the muscles of your neck, arms, and back in any order, while being sure to maintain shallow breathing. You can rest your fingers on a table or chair, or clasp your fingers and spread your elbows, feeling the tension in your muscles.

After the maximum pause, under no circumstances should you switch to deep breathing, this is very dangerous! We must try to make the next breath after the pause less and less deep each time. It is for this purpose that the method of consistent muscle tension is used, which allows you to avoid taking deep breaths after pauses, leaving your breathing shallow.

K. P. Buteyko compiled a table from which one can determine the carbon dioxide content in the lungs, which is a reliable indicator of the condition of the body.

Note: PR – pulse rate, CP – control pause, MP – maximum pause, DG – depth of breathing.

GD is determined by dividing the normal CP (that is, 60 seconds) by the patient’s CP. For example, if a patient has CP for 20 seconds, then the depth of his breathing is 3. This means that the person breathes 3 times deeper than normal.

Breathe Buteyko all your life

The main task of Buteyko breathing exercises is CP for 60 seconds, that is, maintaining constant shallow breathing. To do this, you need to perform maximum breath-holds 3 times a day - in the morning, before lunch and before bed, bringing their duration to 60 seconds. When the pause reaches 30 seconds, it makes sense to get up and walk or squat. After each long delay, you should rest for 1-2 minutes with shallow breathing.

Don't worry if these long delays cause unpleasant sensations - pulsation in the temples, palpitations, pain. Experts say that by force of will the patient cannot reduce breathing so much that it could cause harm. And the benefits of this are undoubted - the amount of CO in the blood is normalized, which speeds up treatment and relieves symptoms of diseases.

To monitor changes in health status, you should keep a diary, recording each time the frequency of pulse, breathing, MP and noting changes in well-being. After a maximum pause, you can consistently tense your muscles.

2. Take your arms to the side with tension.

3. Place your fingers on the table, back of a chair or bed, and press hard on them.

4. Clench your fists or squeeze an object with force.

5. Stretch your mouth in an ear-to-ear smile.

6. Pout your lips or stretch them out with a tube.

7. Raise your eyes up.

8. Quickly and quickly rub your palms over any parts of your body.

9. Rub your palms together.

10. Make rotational movements with your hand, as if turning the handle of a meat grinder.

11. Shake your hands up and down quickly and quickly.

12. Sitting on a chair, leaning on your toes, lower and raise your feet.

Muscle tension disrupts the respiratory cycle and makes breathing shallow. In addition, there is an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, which is not inhaled from the air, but is obtained from the breakdown of glucose during muscle tension. The method of sequential muscle tension can also be used in everyday life. For example, if you are climbing the stairs and are out of breath, you begin to feel short of breath, do not take deep breaths, move your arms back, squeeze your shoulder blades with strong muscle tension, hold your breath - and the shortness of breath will go away.


Contraindications to the VLHD method are relative. It is not recommended to use this technique if there are transplants, aneurysms with blood clots, diseased teeth, tonsillitis, sore throat, foot fungus, sugar-dependent diabetes; You should also be careful after heart surgery. In the case of these diseases, it will be difficult to increase MP, and the condition may worsen.

Proper breathing is an important measure to prevent many diseases. According to experts, this is a true barometer showing the state of human health. Breathing is closely related not only to health, but also to consciousness.

Famous scientist K.P. Buteyko developed his own breathing technique, which helped many people cope with their illnesses.

Buteyko Konstantin Pavlovich is a doctor, physiologist, scientist who conducted many experiments on breathing. After which he proved that deep breathing is harmful to the human body. This is because a large volume of oxygen displaces carbon dioxide, which is an important chemical compound for the body. According to the scientist, the deeper a person breathes, the more seriously ill he is. Deep breathing can provoke spasms of some organs, especially the blood vessels of the brain. It is important to understand that if the vascular network contracts and muscle tissue, stops reaching required quantity oxygen into organs and metabolic processes are disrupted.

Buteyko argues that carbon dioxide should not be wasted, so you need to be able to breathe correctly. The scientist’s experiments showed that the volume of carbon dioxide in the blood of healthy people is much higher than that of patients.

Breathing exercises using the Buteyko method treat more than 100 diseases. Positive results are achieved in 90% of patients.

Principles of Buteyko breathing

To start Buteyko exercises, you need to learn shallow breathing. It is difficult for an unhealthy person to do exercises; you need to be patient. During the first stages of performing gymnastics, profuse sweating often occurs.

During the period treatment course You definitely need to eat right. Preferred to use plant foods with a minimum amount of fat. It is prohibited to drink alcohol or smoke. It is recommended to sleep lying on your stomach and breathe through your nose.

Try not to put yourself in a stressful state, as your breathing rhythm will be disrupted.

Thanks to gymnastics using the Buteyko method, those who have suffered from chronic diseases for a long time recover.

Buteyko breathing affects the body as follows:

  • Improves nasal breathing, which helps eliminate rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • Cough goes away;
  • Sputum comes out of the lower part of the lungs;
  • Allergic diseases are cured;
  • Activities are resuming cardiovascular system;
  • Blood pressure returns to normal;
  • Blood circulation in the brain is significantly improved.

Breathing according to the Buteyko method is based on a consistent decrease in the duration of the depth of inhalation and exhalation, but the pause for holding the breath is lengthened. In people, the balance of chemical substances is restored, strengthened immune system and the disease begins to recede.

Practicing Buteyko is very convenient, since the exercises can be performed anywhere and at any time.

The exercises are simple and therefore suitable for of different ages. Children are recommended to practice from the age of four.

To perform breathing exercises, you need to sit in a comfortable position, but keep your back straight. Pull your neck up, place your hands on your knees. Relax completely. Before starting to perform gymnastics, it is important to be able to take a “control pause” (after exhaling, a person must hold his breath until he feels a lack of oxygen). Gymnastics begins by reducing the depth of breathing, reducing it to a minimum. This procedure lasts about 5 minutes, after which the control pause is measured. This is repeated five times - this is one cycle. During the day, do six cycles of this with a break of 4 hours. Record all measurements in a special diary. An increase in indicators indicates that the exercise was performed correctly. But when the numbers are the same, this explains the slow action of the exercises. With a pause of 60 seconds, you can do the gymnastics twice a day. Full mastery of the technique allows you to do the cycle only once a day.

Health Determination Test

To find out what kind of health a person has, you can do a test. Prepare a stopwatch, sit on the edge of a chair, do not cross your legs, relax, raise your head. After exhaling, squeeze your nose with two fingers and hold out until the first feeling of lack of oxygen appears. Health status is assessed by the following indicators pauses:

  • 3–5 sec. – the person is very sick;
  • 30 sec. – have minor health problems;
  • 60 sec. – health in excellent condition;
  • 2-3 minutes - a person has super endurance.

Gymnastics using the Buteyko method should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. This is especially true for people with serious illnesses.

Some exercises cannot be performed if you have severe asthma.

This workout is an excellent simulator. If you do it every day, you can significantly increase the air retention pause. It is better to do the test on an empty stomach.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

  • if there is a risk of bleeding;
  • during exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • for diabetes mellitus, if there is dependence on insulin;
  • in case of aneurysm with deep blood clots;
  • if there are foreign grafts in the body;
  • if you have had heart surgery;
  • during pregnancy.

It will be difficult for people with chronic tonsillitis to perform exercises.

Below we will describe some exercises that can help in different life situations.

Exercises "Ambulance"

This section will describe exercises to help with various diseases, pain, emotional distress.

Bronchial asthma

If you have a problem with bronchial asthma, you need to show great persistence, since training should take 2-3 hours a day and no less. You need to try to gradually reduce the speed of inhalation and its depth, learn to pause after a measured, long exhalation. Take long breathing pauses at least 3 times a day (up to 60 seconds or more).

You should hold your breath according to the following rules:

  • take a comfortable sitting position, slightly touching the back of the chair;
  • Having exhaled, squeeze your nose with two fingers, making a breathing pause until the moment when the lack of it becomes very strong;
  • take a long, shallow breath;
  • rest and repeat the exercise.

Systematic breathing pauses help normalize carbon dioxide in the blood and prevent attacks of suffocation.

Stressful state

There are two options available.

Option 1. After exhaling, hold your breath for at least three seconds.

Option 2: “Blowing out the candle.” After a deep breath, stop breathing. Form your lips into a tube and exhale sharply:

  • 1 exhalation - air is exhaled from the stomach;
  • 2 exhale - from the chest;
  • 3 exhale - from the upper part of the lungs.

The back is straight, the gaze is directed forward. “Blowing out the candle” is performed vigorously, a maximum of three times.

Fears, anxiety

Knowledgeable people say that negative emotions collect in the area between the ribs and the upper abdomen. To get rid of fears and negative emotions, you need to do three deep breathing cycles. Breathing is measured. For the third time, exhale completely and pause breathing. Then inhale. This will fill the body with living energy, freeing itself from negativity.


After a full inhalation, a breathing pause is made and a long exhalation is made through the mouth. Make sure that all the air comes out slowly with a whistling sound. Do this three times.


When you have a headache, you should immediately start shortening your breathing. At first it should be with a maximum pause after exhalation. This will give a rapid accumulation of carbon dioxide. At the end of the pause, hold your breath. Your head will clear up, the pain will go away.

Stuffy nose

If one nostril of the nose is blocked, it is necessary to close the breathing nostril with a handkerchief and stop breathing for several seconds. After doing this several times, the nostril will open.

Exercises to strengthen the body

A set of breathing techniques is offered to help strengthen the body.

Breathing in a rhythm with a long exhalation

Execution order:

  1. Take a comfortable position;
  2. On the count of 2-3 - inhale;
  3. On the count of 4-6 – exhale.
  4. Over time, the inhalation lengthens to a count of 4-5, and the exhalation to a count of 7-10. Control the rhythm. Do 4-5 times.

Even breathing with active exhalation

Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth, as if blowing out a candle. The exercises are done at least 4 times.

Cleansing Breath

Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale in short bursts (3-4 bursts) through half-clenched lips. This exercise is useful to do after a long stay in a stuffy room. Do it at least 3 times.

Calming Breath


  • Taking a deep, drawn-out breath, raise your arms forward and spread them to the sides, turning your palms up.
  • Raise your head;
  • Exhaling longly, move to the starting position, lowering your head and arms.

Breathing according to the Buteyko method. Description of breathing techniques.

Introductory part

Modern medicine has centuries of experience. It originates from such famous personalities as Hippocrates and Avicenna. Their contribution to the "piggy bank" medical theory and the practice is huge. Time has passed, the descriptions of diseases and the approach to their treatment have changed. Many diseases that were considered incurable have changed their status and become amenable to therapy. But there are diseases against which medicine remains powerless: bronchial asthma, high blood pressure, allergies, angina pectoris, etc. best case scenario doctors simply put the patient on medication and achieve temporary relief. Patients look for a way out of the situation themselves. All methods, traditional and non-traditional, are accepted. To such not traditional methods treatment of chronic and difficult-to-treat diseases is the breathing technique of Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko. It has nothing to do with breathing exercises, and is aimed only at changing the depth of breathing during training.

*Most important indicators of breathing and health The object that allows a person to breathe shallowly is the diaphragm. K.P. Buteyko formulated the essence of his method as reducing the depth of breathing by relaxing the diaphragm.

Correct breathing according to Buteyko cannot be seen or heard, only through the nose. The inhalation is so small that neither the chest nor the stomach sway. Breathing is very shallow, the air goes down to about the collarbones, and carbon dioxide “stands” below. It’s as if you are sniffing a substance unknown to you, possibly a poisonous one. In this case, inhalation lasts 2-3 seconds, exhalation 3-4 seconds, and then a pause of 3-4 seconds, the volume of inhaled air, the less, the better.

And so let's start with the exercises.

Sit on a chair, relax, look just above your eye line. Relax your diaphragm (breathing should be shallow); a feeling of lack of air appears in your chest. Stay in this state for 10-15 minutes. If the urge to breathe intensifies, slightly increase the depth of your breathing. At the same time, breathe as if from the very tops of your lungs. With proper training, you will definitely feel warm first, then it will become hot, after 5-7 minutes you may start to sweat with any desire to breathe - fight only by relaxing the diaphragm.

After training, come out of this state without deepening your breathing.
After training, MP should be 1-2 seconds more.
Calculation of CO2 level in the body: with a pause of 15 seconds, carbon dioxide is 4-4.5%, with a norm of 6.5%, your pause should be 60 seconds. It follows from this that 60:15 = 4, that is, you breathe 4 times deeper than normal.

All exercises must be performed with breathing through the nose and without noise. Before and after performing the complex, control measurements are performed: MP - maximum pause, pulse. Normally, for adults, MP is satisfactory - 30 seconds, good - 60 seconds, excellent - 90 seconds. The pulse is satisfactory - 70 beats/min, good - 60 beats/min. excellent - 50 beats/min. For children of middle and high school age, MP is normally 1/3 less, pulse is 10 beats/min. more. For children of preschool and primary school age, the MP is 2/3 less, the pulse is 20 beats/min. more.

Recommended set of exercises

A set of breathing exercises by K.P. Buteyko, aimed at developing the necessary breathing, as well as developing a person’s ability to hold their breath, both during inhalation and exhalation, both at rest and during physical activity.

  1. The upper parts of the lungs work:
    5 seconds inhale, 5 seconds exhale, relaxing the chest muscles; 5 seconds pause, do not breathe, be in maximum relaxation. 10 times. (2.5 minutes)
  2. Full breath. Diaphragmatic and chest breathing together.
    7.5 seconds - inhale, starting with diaphragmatic breathing and ending with chest breathing; 7.5 seconds - exhale, starting with upper sections lungs and ending lower sections lungs, i.e. diaphragm; 5 seconds - pause. 10 times. (3.5 minutes)
  3. Acupressure nose points at maximum pause. 1 time.
  4. Full breath through the right, then left half nose 10 times.
  5. Abdominal retraction.
    For 7.5 seconds - full inhalation, 7.5 seconds - maximum exhalation, 5 seconds - pause, keeping the abdominal muscles retracted. 10 times. (3.5 minutes)
  6. Maximum ventilation (MVL).
    We perform 12 quick maximum inhalations and exhalations, i.e. 2.5 seconds - inhale, 2.5 seconds - exhale, for 1 minute. After MVL we immediately perform a maximum pause (MP) on exhalation, to the limit. MVL is performed 1 time.
  7. Rare breathing. (By levels)
    First level:
    1-5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause. That works out to 4 breaths per minute. Perform for 1 minute, then, without stopping breathing, perform the following levels.
    Second level:
    2-5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - hold your breath after inhalation, 5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause. That works out to 3 breaths per minute. Runs for 2 minutes
    Third level:
    3-7.5 seconds - inhale, 7.5 seconds - hold your breath after inhalation, 7.5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause. This works out to be 2 breaths per minute. Runs for 3 minutes.
    Fourth level:
    4-10 seconds - inhale, 10 seconds - hold your breath after inhalation, 10 seconds - exhale, 10 seconds - pause. That works out to 1.5 breaths per minute. Runs for 4 minutes. And so on, who can stand it for how long. Bring the norm to 1 breath per minute.
  8. Double breath holding.
    First, the MP is performed on exhalation, then the maximum delay on inhalation. 1 time.
  9. MP while sitting 3-10 times, MP while walking in place 3-10 times, MP while running in place 3-10 times, MP while squatting. 3-10 times.
  10. Shallow breathing.
    Sitting in comfortable position For maximum relaxation, perform chest breathing. Gradually reduce the volume of inhalation and exhalation - to invisible breathing or breathing at the level of the nasopharynx. During such breathing, a slight shortness of air will appear first, then a medium shortness or even a strong one, indicating that the exercise is being performed correctly. Stay on shallow breathing for 3 to 10 minutes.

Be sure to perform all exercises with breathing through your nose and without noise. Before and after the complex, control measurements of MP and pulse are carried out,

It is advisable to perform a set of exercises on an empty stomach.

At the final stage of breathing exercises using the K.P. Buteyko method, a cleansing reaction of the entire body occurs. It is impossible to predict when the reaction will begin. It happens after a few tens of minutes, and after several months of classes. There may be several of them, or there may be none at all.

On the eve of cleaning there is sharp rise CP* (sometimes for 3-5 seconds), and during cleansing - its drop, because the accumulated CO2 during cleansing is spent on restructuring all body systems: intestines, liver, lungs, cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal. Although CP falls during cleaning, on average it does not fall below the initial level at the beginning of classes. The duration of the reaction usually ranges from a few minutes to three weeks.

There is no need to be afraid of the reaction. She should be happy - after all, her body is recovering. If it hurt where it didn’t hurt before, then you simply didn’t feel it, but the illness was there. It is better not to take medications, but if you do not decide to give them up, then at least half the amount or less than usual. Seriously ill patients need monitoring (diabetes requires constant laboratory monitoring).

The following stages of the purification reaction are identified: correspond to CP - 10,20,30,40,60 seconds.

1. Milestone 10 seconds. What lies on the surface is removed from the body. Most often, nasal discharge, drooling, loose stool, frequent urination, thirst, sweat, coated tongue, phlegm. If you have had problems with your kidneys before bladder, pain may appear. There may be a flu-like condition: chills, fever, purulent discharge from the eyes, nose, weakness or aches throughout the body. Appetite is reduced or disappears completely. Thirst torments and terrible dryness appears in the mouth, nose, and nasopharynx.

2. Milestone 20 seconds. The nose, lungs, intestines, skin (itching) will react, joints become painful, the spine hurts, all former postoperative scars, fractures, places of former injuries will ache, places will itch former injections, all infiltrates will resolve after the injections you have ever had. Metabolic processes are also partially affected: eczema worsens and headaches may appear. Copious sputum is produced. If you have had sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, or your nose has been operated on, there may be discharge from the nose. large number pus, plugs, often with blood. The sense of smell and taste will be restored. Stool disorders and vomiting may occur. Some people stay on CP for 10-20 seconds for six months or more, because their body is too polluted. And in order to cleanse yourself, you need to constantly be in the VLGD method. In pulmonary patients, during cleaning, the temperature rises to 41 degrees, but it does not last for days, it jumps up and down. Don't lower the temperature! It is better to use vinegar wraps (for children only). Sputum can occur not only in pulmonary patients, but also in hypertensive patients. There may be hemoptysis. This is the rejection of lung tissue destroyed by bronchoscopy and your annoying old cough. It takes 2-3 years to completely rebuild the lungs. Massage helps with the adjustment. The liver and heart are massaged only when jogging or jumping rope. Acute emphysema goes away in 1-2 weeks. According to X-ray data, you will get positive dynamics in the lungs. Pictures should be taken before the VLGD session and then every six months.
If there is dry sputum, you need to put cups, mustard plasters, massage, increase fluid intake (hot salted water). Go to the sauna (dry steam) if the pulse is not higher than 70 and there are no cardiac manifestations.
If you have any skin disorders, be sure to visit the bathhouse, do not use soap, just rinse and rub yourself with castor oil after the bath.
Hypertensive patients and angina pectoris can start going to the bathhouse only after achieving a stable CP within 30-40 seconds and a pulse no higher than 70. Patients with coronary heart disease need to take validol for heart failure and during cleansing. Hypertensive patients may experience nosebleeds. Do not pack your nose, but place a bath of water in it and place a cold compress on the bridge of your nose.
There is discharge from the nose longer than from the lungs. There is no need to rinse your nose with medications, you can
apply lightly salted water, drawing it in and out through each nostril in turn.

3. Milestone 30 seconds. With CP, the nervous system reacts for 30 seconds, the person cries for no reason, becomes easily excitable and irritable. Depression and aversion to practicing the VLHD method may occur. This is the so-called psychological cleansing.
In patients with skin diseases, cleansing manifests itself in the form of itching and rashes, which will disappear on their own without the use of ointments and medications, but subject to persistent practice of the VLHD method. In patients with thyrotoxicosis - sobbing, tears, in hypertensive patients, the pressure jumps up and down.

4. Milestone 30-40 seconds. The cleansing is very radical: blood vessels, metabolism, intestines, kidneys are rebuilt, tumors are resolved, blood pressure is normalized. A hypertensive person after reaching 40 seconds is no longer hypertensive. All cardiovascular pathologies disappear with a stable gearbox of 42-44 seconds. An asthmatic will say goodbye to asthma at 22-24 seconds CP. There is a restructuring of everyone endocrine functions and systems: menstrual cycle thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, genitourinary tract. Mastopathy worsens, pain appears and menstrual irregularities are possible. When mastopathy appears, no additional actions are needed. Erosion and toxicosis go away. People are losing overweight. They lose weight and are very thin, but after cleansing they gain normal weight, restoring the missing forms, but with clean, healthy cells.
All metabolic disorders, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis give 40 seconds of wild pain at the CP. Sand appears in the urine. Gallstones pass from the gallstones and bladder. At the moment of walking the stone, you need to train hard, move, jump, dance, since with physical activity the CO2 content increases, the channels expand and the stone will pass without pain.

Hemorrhoids are cleaned, there may be bleeding and purulent discharge. Varicose veins disappear. An ulcer patient experiences short-term pain, vomiting, and feces with mucus. There may be intestinal colic, cramping pain in the abdomen, urination also becomes more frequent and stool disorder appears. There is no need to rush to surgical interventions, no need to use any painkillers. Try to get rid of all symptoms by intensive training using the VLGD method.
Sleep is normalized. The need for sleep will be reduced to 4-5 hours a day.

5. Milestone 60 seconds. Everything that was not cleaned up at the previous stages of cleansing is cleaned up. Here it is recommended to provoke a recovery reaction with some kind of cold in combination with a violation of the rules of life (usually in nutrition). At this time, a huge amount of sputum can be released, and the deepest parts of the lungs are cleansed.

Sometimes during the recovery reaction there is a break in the voice. This may be from a previous cough, bronchoscopy. By the way, asthma can begin with loss of voice. The first attack of suffocation is
laryngospasms, laryngeal edema. After the recovery reaction, the voice is restored.

The heart will hurt, even if there were no complaints about it before. Urine during cleaning is brick-red, cloudy, with sediment, mucus, foul-smelling bloody discharge, with the smell of medicine. Patients with osteochondrosis leak a huge amount of salts, their urine is white and foamy. The saliva of such patients is very unpleasant and should be spat into a jar. There may be uterine bleeding.

The mirror of reaction is language. Normally, it should be pink, moist, clean, without furrows or cracks. Yellow plaque- cleanses the liver, white - gastrointestinal tract. Dry - lack of water in the body. When the tongue is coated, the patient has an aversion to food; under no circumstances should he be forced to eat. You need to drink a lot of water at this time to remove all toxins from the body. You can tell by the language whether it is cleaning or colds. As soon as the tongue becomes pink, clean, and moist, this means recovery reactions at this point. If your pulse is more than 100 beats during the cleaning period, do not reach for your inhaler. It is better to help yourself within 1-2 days by taking this hormonal medication that helped you before is about half the maximum dose you have ever taken. Then, gradually training your breathing, stop taking the hormone. Do not be alarmed by taking a hormonal drug - it reduces breathing, which is good. And this is the most harmless of all medications taken by asthmatics.

To make the cleaning period easier, follow these steps:

  1. Do not abandon the method; if self-suffocation is low, practice relaxation breathing reduction. The main task is not to lose your breath, to hold on, not to give up the positions gained from deep breathing.
  2. Accept hot shower, sitz bath (only thighs in water), visit the sauna. This is all for chills, if there is no temperature and the heart allows it.
  3. Drink more hot salted water. Do not forget to take regular table salt. Often weakness is due to lack of salt. This salt has nothing to do with the deposition of “salts” in the spine.
  4. Do not eat forcibly, do not distract the body from its own work - cleansing.
  5. You can put jars, mustard plasters, do a massage.
  6. Do not lie down under any circumstances: sit or move around the room, but better outside, in the fresh air. While brushing, take honey, tooth powder (rinsed). white clay - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. They will transit through the intestines and collect all the poisons.
  7. If during cleansing there are severe cramping pains in the intestines or stabbing pains in the heart, then you need to help yourself with validol and intensively practice breathing.
  8. Add 2-3 drops of potassium iodide solution to your food per day.
  9. Try to suppress your cough with shallow breathing. Without coughing, phlegm comes out more easily.
  10. If your intestines are not working well, do an enema or take a laxative (sodium or magnesium sulfate, senna leaf, buckthorn bark, zoster).
  11. The lungs require warmth during adjustment, so do not get too cold during this time, wear a vest. Don't be in a draft. However, don't overheat - you shouldn't bundle up either. Thermal procedures and chest massage are useful.
  12. If cleaning comes in the form of unbridled coughing, then do distracting water treatments- warming your hands and feet in water as hot as you can tolerate. You can massage the collar area.
  13. Don't eat sugar, it's better to switch to dried fruits. Grapes and tomatoes are bad for a diseased liver.
  14. If purulent conjunctivitis (purulent discharge from the eyes) appears, then rinse your eyes with a strong solution of green tea, lightly salted.
  15. While cleaning, carefully monitor the condition of your mouth, constantly rinse it with herbal infusion, and remove plaque from your tongue with a spoon.
at all - Control Pause(KP) And Maximum Pause(MP).
KP This is a breath hold performed after a normal normal exhalation. The delay is made until the first slightest desire to inhale. The time of this delay is KP. Before measuring KP You should rest for 10 minutes. After measurement, neither the depth nor frequency of breathing should be greater than before measurement.
MP includes CP plus some volitional delay. The measurement conditions are the same as for KP. Usually MP approximately twice as much as KP

At birth, the child notifies the world around us about his appearance loud scream accompanying the first breath. A person breathes throughout his life and, when he dies, takes his last breath. Without breathing, life is impossible; having learned to breathe correctly, a person is freed from excess weight, ailments, ensures the harmonious functioning of the body.

There are many known breathing techniques, such as Yoga, Qigong, according to Buteyko, using which in practice you can change your own life, getting rid of health problems.

Yoga is a teaching aimed at developing a person’s ability to control the functioning of his own body, physical and spiritual forces. The method of yoga breathing exercises is called Pranayama, it teaches the management of vital energy.

Yoga breathing technique is mixed breathing with ventilation and opening of the lungs. By practicing Pranayama, a person will increase immunity, improve metabolism in the body, reduce blood pressure and restore nerves. Yoga will fill the body with vital energy, give balance and harmony.

Yoga breathing exercises will teach you how to breathe correctly in order to saturate the blood and tissues of the body with oxygen.

Exercise to develop proper breathing

  • Standing straight, exhale sharply and freely.
  • We inhale in three phases.
  • Gradually push your stomach forward, filling it with air bottom part lungs (diaphragm moves).
  • We expand the middle of the chest and ribs - air enters the middle part of the lungs.
  • We absorb maximum quantity air and expand the chest to the limit.
  • Exhale slowly through the nose, starting from the bottom of the lungs. The stomach is drawn in, then the chest, shoulders and collarbones. To exhale as completely as possible, you should smoothly squeeze the intercostal and abdominal muscles.

All movements should gradually transform into each other, without braking or pauses. The side view resembles the movement of a wave along the body: from the stomach up and down from the collarbones. This exercise is the basis of yoga breathing exercises. Watching the video will help you breathe correctly during training.

Ujjayi - sound breathing technique

Ujjayi implies a slightly open glottis, which creates the effect of a pinched balloon: Inhalation and exhalation are accompanied by effort. If we compare Ujjayi with normal breathing, then in the first case gas exchange is stronger due to the difference in the pressure of the air mass in the lungs during inhalation and exhalation.

The Ujjayi method is energy-saving breathing exercises. Fixing your attention on doing Ujjayi exercises and the sound of your voice frees you from thoughts, which is an element of meditation.

When doing Ujjayi breathing, the inhalation and exhalation are deep and slow, a cycle without performing physical exercise lasts half a minute, synchronously with asanas - up to twelve seconds. It is difficult for a beginner in the practice of yoga to breathe Ujjayi throughout the entire class due to insufficient muscle development.

Exercise to help you master Ujjayi breathing

  • Stand up, place your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along your body.
  • At the same time as you inhale, raise your arms to the sides and up and whisper “O”.
  • Synchronously with the exhalation, lower your arms and pronounce “A”.

You need to breathe slowly and deeply. Do this 5 times, gradually increasing to 10 times.

Breathing exercises Buteyko

The Buteyko method appeared in the mid-twentieth century and is based on reducing the depth of breathing. There are 152 known diseases for which the method is effective. With the help of Buteyko exercises, 98% of human ailments, including allergies, are treated.

The breathing volume of a healthy person is 5 liters, while in a patient with asthma it is up to 15 liters, which indicates hyperventilation of the lungs. With a deep breath, according to Buteyko, the amount of oxygen in the blood does not increase and the CO2 content decreases.

Breathing correctly, according to Buteyko, means increasing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood. Correct breathing is shallow, with long pauses between breaths, saturating the blood with carbon dioxide.

Buteyko exercises

  • Hold your breath until you feel like there is not enough air for as long as possible. Then inhale in small portions, shallowly. If you want to breathe more air- repeat again.
  • Stop breathing while walking until you feel short of breath. Breathe and repeat.
  • Breathe shallowly for three minutes. Slowly increase the time to ten minutes.

At the initial stage, performing Buteyko exercises presents difficulties, unpleasant sensations arise, appetite decreases, panic attacks of lack of air appear, rapid breathing. Later, the necessary development of the respiratory system appears and the discomfort disappears.

Exercises that prepare you for natural breath holding

  • Perform 10 times: 5 seconds inhale – 5 seconds exhale – 5 seconds break.
  • Full breath. Do 10 times: 7 seconds inhale (diaphragm - chest breathing) - 7 seconds exhale (diaphragm - lower region of the lungs) - 5 seconds break.
  • Pull in your stomach. 7 seconds inhale - 7 seconds exhale - 5 seconds break. Pull in your stomach. Do this 10 times.
  • Ventilation: 2 seconds inhale – 2 seconds exhale 12 times. Then take a break while exhaling once.
  • Rare breathing. 5 seconds inhale – 5 seconds exhale – 5 seconds break. Do it 4 times.

5 seconds inhale – 5 seconds hold – 5 seconds exhale – 5 seconds break. Do it 6 times.

7 seconds inhale – 7 seconds hold – 7 seconds exhale – 5 seconds break. Do it 6 times.

10 seconds inhale – 10 seconds hold – 10 seconds exhale – 10 seconds break. Do it 6 times.

  • Hold your breath one time at a time, first while inhaling and then exhaling for the maximum possible period of time.
  • Breathing breaks while sitting, standing, while walking and squatting, and when running from three to ten times.
  • Invisible breath. Breathe shallowly for three to ten minutes, slowly reducing the amount of air inhaled.

Proper execution of the exercises is indicated by a strong feeling of lack of air.

The advantages of Buteyko gymnastics are the ability to perform exercises anywhere at any time. The Buteyko method is simple, suitable for children from four years of age and adults.

Correct breathing Oxysize

Oxysize represents unique method weight loss, which is based on simple exercises for proper breathing. The inventor of the Oxysize weight loss program is American Jill Johnson, who managed to lose excess weight in this way.

Using deep, proper breathing of Oxysize exercises, you can achieve weight loss in a short time, get rid of cellulite and sagging skin. At the same time, Oxysize training is not exhausting; holding your breath is not required, which means there are no contraindications to performing the exercises.

Losing weight with the help of Oxysize gymnastics consists of delivering oxygen to problem areas of the body, so the basis of the Oxysize technique is the ability to breathe correctly. It is important to set aside two or three weeks to learn (a video can help here) how to breathe correctly, bring it to automaticity and then move on to exercises.

Oxysize breathing consists of four stages

  • We inhale through the nose, while the stomach inflates like a balloon. The pelvis is forward, the abdominal muscles are relaxed.
  • Three short breaths while simultaneously tensing the muscles of the perineum and buttocks.
  • Exhale through pursed lips, while at the same time the abdominal muscles are pulled under the ribs.
  • At the end - a sharp exhalation until the lungs are completely empty.

Straighten your back, do not raise your shoulders.

The best time The day for classes will be in the morning, the beginning will be a warm-up, working on basic breathing. Moreover, warming up is an optional condition; you can immediately begin the main part. Gymnastics for weight loss Oxysize takes about twenty minutes daily, and the results of the exercises are impressive: the body becomes toned and slender.

Oxysize weight loss exercises are done in the morning before breakfast or after three hours after eating. After gymnastics, you need to refrain from eating for another hour.

It is important to perform 30 or more breathing series every day. If the exercises are performed first in one direction and then in the other, these are two breathing series.

The longer you exercise, the longer the effect will be, since Oxysize for weight loss has cumulative properties.

Gymnastics Qigong

Breathing exercises Qigong, originally from China, serves to improve the physical capabilities of the human body and correct its condition. Qigong breathing combined with rational nutrition and physical activity allows you to achieve weight loss, as it saturates the body cells with oxygen.

Qigong breathing is suitable for anyone, regardless of age and history of illnesses. Scientists from Japan have found that it is possible to achieve weight loss with the help of Qigong due to the properties of exercises to restore the activity of the nervous system.

Qigong exercises

The Qigong complex for weight loss consists of three main exercises, which you need to perform in clothes that do not restrict your movements and relax.

  • Wave. Helps reduce the feeling of hunger. Lying on your back, bend your knees at a right angle. One hand lies on the stomach, the second on the chest. Simultaneously with inhalation, the stomach is drawn in and the chest expands. Exhale is the opposite. Perform 40 times.
  • Frog. Sitting on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Clench your palm into a fist, and clasp it with the other palm. Elbows on knees, fist against forehead. Close your eyes and completely relax. 15 minutes three times a day.
  • Lotus. Sitting on a low chair, cross your legs in front of your stomach. Place your hands on top of each other, palms up. The back is straightened, the head is slightly lowered, the eyes are closed. For the first 5 minutes, breathe normally, concentrate on it. The next five minutes - inhale normally, exhale - relaxed. For the next ten minutes, breathe naturally, you do not need to control your breathing, completely relax.

Correct performance of Qigong will help you lose 10 kg in 2 months of regular exercise. The video will help you understand the technique of doing the exercises.

Strelnikova method

Gymnastics appeared as medicine, but later became indispensable for singers and everyone who studies and practices vocals. Breathing exercises make it easier to voice and are the basis for the practice and development of any vocal. The complex is also used for speech development in children.

The skepticism towards the development is due to the fact that Yoga, Qigong, Oxysize, and the Buteyko method run counter to the complex presented by Strelnikova. In gymnastics, attention is focused on inhalation and natural breathing is preserved. Such training is aimed at increasing the body’s air potential, thereby increasing its vitality and achieving recovery (in case of pneumonia). Yoga is aimed at exhaling as completely as possible.

Regular implementation of the complex fills the brain with oxygen, the ability to remember increases, headaches go away, and the body’s self-regulation awakens.

Who will Strelnikova’s gymnastics help?

Vocals in an artist’s life are of paramount importance, so Strelnikova’s breathing exercises aimed at developing her voice turn out to be an indispensable tool. Unique complex breathing exercises are intended for singers, vocalists, and actors. The exercises were called “actor’s breathing exercises.” This is a one-of-a-kind complex aimed at restoring vocals.

Exercises will improve the condition of a patient with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, nervous diseases. Gymnastics will benefit patients with pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, musculoskeletal injuries, and neuroses. The method will relieve attacks of suffocation, normalize blood pressure, relieve migraines and heart pain, increase efficiency and immunity, and teach you to breathe correctly.

In case of pneumonia, gymnastics activates blood circulation and lymph supply, eliminates the development of congestive effects, improves lung ventilation and drainage of the source of inflammation. Exercises for pneumonia are performed with a gradual increase in loads, otherwise there is a possibility of exacerbation of the disease. Regular breathing exercises combined with chest massage will be more effective for pneumonia.

Contraindications to performing the Strelnikova complex

Rules for performing Strelnikova’s exercises

To achieve the greatest effectiveness when performing exercises, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Sniffing the air is as natural as possible. At the same time, inhaling as much air as possible is not the goal; this is a common mistake. The inhalation here is short, sharp, energetic, natural.
  • Do not interfere with the exhalation process. Inhalation should be synchronous with the movement, exhalation should be passive, inaudible.
  • You can't do exercises by force. You need to take as many breaths as you can without straining.
  • You should learn to perform short series of breaths at the same speed (the frequency should be equal to the pulse rate and be approximately seventy times per minute). Usually this is 1200 breaths with a pause between them of up to three seconds.
  • It is advisable to complete the exercises within half an hour.
  • Counting in “eights” will help you avoid confusion. After each eight, you need to mark the completion on a piece of paper.
  • 32 breaths are taken, followed by a rest of up to ten seconds.
  • You cannot do the complex in parts; you need to do all the exercises, preferably for half an hour in the morning and evening.
  • The effect is observed after regular exercise for a month.
  • If time is short, thirty exercises are done from “palms” to “steps”.

Breathing gymnastics by Strelnikova, exercises

The complex is universal and suitable for all ages (from three years up to eighty and older). It consists of 12 exercises with names. There are three main ones: “Epaulettes”, “Palms”, “Pump”. They are in all complexes intended for treatment various ailments, including pneumonia. Watching the video will help you do the exercises correctly.

  • Shoulder straps. Stand straight, arms bent at the elbows, hands at shoulder level. Inhale noisily through your nose, while clenching your hands into fists. 4 breaths – lower your arms for 4 seconds, taking a break – 4 breaths – break. Perform 6 cycles of 4 breaths (24 breaths).
  • Palms. Standing straight, fists pressed to the stomach on the belt. Synchronously with the inhalation, sharply lower your fists down to the floor. Next, return your hands to your belt. Perform 12 times with 8 breaths. There is a 4 second pause between a block of 8 breaths and movements.
  • Pump. Standing, legs are narrower than shoulders, arms are lowered along the body. Lean forward slightly, at the end of the movement take a noisy breath, ending it along with the tilt. Slightly, halfway, return to the starting position. Then bend down again and inhale. The back is round. Do not bend below your waist. Head down.

Development of the speech apparatus with the help of gymnastics Strelnikova

The result of proper speech breathing is normal speech volume, intonation expressiveness, and excellent sound production. Breathing exercises for speech development are needed so that the child pronounces words as he exhales, evenly using the exhaled air, and does not choke on words while inhaling.

The Strelnikova method is used by speech therapists for speech development in children who stutter. The technique is based on massage of the muscles lining the air sinuses in the head using a stream of air while inhaling. Blood flow in the head increases, which is a therapeutic agent for the speech apparatus.

Strelnikova’s exercises are intended for the development, improvement and restoration of vocals, the development of correct speech breathing in children and adults, and are used to shorten the course of rehabilitation after serious illnesses lungs (pneumonia), improve the condition of the body and prolong youth.

Breathing exercises different methods have an extremely beneficial effect on the human body. Target breathing exercises– relieve stress, calm the nervous system, switching attention to breathing and technique.