Treatment of diseases of the nervous system with folk remedies. How can you strengthen your nervous system?

In our article we will tell you how to strengthen the nervous system at home using traditional medicine.

Agree that modern life subjects our nervous system to enormous tests every day.

But all people are subject to stress, leading to nervous breakdowns.

And if you notice that stress has become a firm part of your life, then you need to think about how to prevent it.

The length of nerve fibers in the human body is 1 billion meters. Remember the statement that nerve cells do not regenerate? Don't trust him. After all, if this were true, then any unforeseen situations would simply lead us to a dead end.

And it would be very difficult to get out of them. In fact, nerve fibers are restored, but very slowly. But in order for them not to collapse, you need to think about how to protect your nerves. And folk remedies will help with this.

Everyone knows the saying that all our diseases arise from nerves. You must remember that your health is only in your hands. You cannot allow it to be destroyed by strangers who can shout at you and insult you.

And if something doesn’t work out for you in life, then you need to try to achieve your goal. Remember, you cannot allow circumstances to control your life, it is you who must control your emotions and feelings.

Water perfectly calms the nerves. Water will help harden your immune system, reduce tension and calm like no other. That's why in summer time do not neglect any opportunity to swim in open water or sunbathe.

But even if you decide to strengthen your nervous system in winter, water will come to your aid here too. You just need to accept warm baths by adding decoctions to them medicinal herbs. You can take chamomile, sandalwood, lavender. In order to prepare such a bath, take 100 g of herbs, pour 2 cups of boiling water over them, then strain and pour into the bath. While taking a bath, turn on music, light candles and relax.

You can also strengthen your nerves through nutrition.

In order for the nervous system to function without interruption, your diet must be varied. Include seafood, cereals, and wholemeal bread in your diet. Strawberries, bananas and, of course, chocolate are excellent mood boosters. Exactly listed products can improve your mood.

It is also important to drink soothing teas. Take 1 tsp. mixture of St. John's wort, oregano and valerian, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Add 1 tsp there. honey - your mood will definitely improve.

Strengthen your nerves with folk remedies

You need to take infusions and decoctions of herbs that have a mild effect on the nervous system.
Here are some recipes for such herbal infusions:

  • 10 g of peppermint should be mixed with 30 g of oregano, 25 g of hawthorn, 20 g of sweet clover and 15 g of valerian root. Then take 3 tbsp. mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, take 100 ml of it before meals.
  • 3 tbsp. oregano should be put in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Accept this remedy By? glasses before meals in the morning and evening.
  • 2 tbsp. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over valerian root and steam in a water bath. Then strain and take 100 ml after meals.
  • Everyone knows the properties of valerian, which tidies up the nervous system. If you use it systematically, you will protect your nervous system.
    Recipe: 10 g of dried valerian roots and rhizomes should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for 30 minutes, then allowed to brew for 2 hours. You need to take 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.

Sports will help keep your nervous system and body in good shape. Physical exercise helps reduce fat reserves and remove toxins from the body. If you don’t have the opportunity to work out in gyms, don’t worry - you can work out at home or take a hiking.

Every person often faces problems in his personal life, at work, and in communicating with friends.

Sometimes the stressful rhythm of life is added to this. Not surprisingly, all this can lead to feeling depressed, nervous or nervous breakdown. There are various methods How to strengthen the nervous system at home. You can achieve this using:

  • hardening procedures, physical and breathing exercises;
  • food;
  • maintaining a sleep schedule;
  • folk remedies, including herbal baths or teas.

Reception of any medicines is possible only after consultation with a qualified specialist.

The best way to quickly restore the nervous system and strengthen it is good sleep. With regular lack of sleep, not only the central and autonomic nervous system is depleted, but there is a deterioration in appetite and decreased performance. None of the techniques described below will give positive result, if a person does not follow a sleep-wake schedule, he systematically does not get enough sleep.

Hardening will help you improve your work nervous system, and increase immunity, endurance of the body, its ability to fight unfavorable external factors. It will be effective if the principle of systematicity is observed. The first stage of hardening begins with the most gentle procedure of wiping with a wet and then a dry towel. Gradually, you can move on to dousing both the whole body and its parts, such as legs. The next step is to take a contrasting, cool, cold shower. For a well-prepared body, winter swimming is suitable for hardening, as it has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. At any stage, at the end of the procedure, rubbing is carried out with a dry towel.

The combination of hardening and physical exercise Helps improve performance and keep the whole body in good shape.

In this case, walking will help strengthen your nerves, during which breathing normalizes, the feeling of fatigue disappears, and your mood improves.

Physical activity can be alternated with gymnastics, including breathing exercises to strengthen the nervous system, each of which must be repeated 2-4 times.

When performing the first exercise, you need to inhale deeply, mentally counting down 4 seconds. Exhale at the same time, but after holding your breath for a couple of seconds. You should try to focus only on the breathing process. Repeat until a feeling of calm appears, but no longer than 7 minutes. Gradually you can go longer breathing movements, increasing the count to 6–3 or 8–4 seconds. The advantage of this breathing exercise is that it does not require special training, you can perform it anywhere if necessary.

The next stage is a smooth raising of the arms, combined with a deep breath until the palms clasp above the head. Hold your breath for 7 seconds. You should exhale slowly while lowering your arms.

The essence of the third exercise is to gradually take a deep breath while raising your arms in front of you to chest level. After a short pause, you should spread them apart, bend your torso to the side for a count of 3, and then exhale sharply through your mouth, taking starting position.

The fourth move is similar to a push-up. However, in this case, before lifting the body, you should take a deep breath, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and then return to the starting position.

At the last stage breathing exercises palms rest against the wall. Perform push-ups, inhaling deeply as you bend your elbows, exhaling as you straighten.

Performing these exercises is a kind of exercise for (hereinafter referred to as the central nervous system). They help to quickly cope with excitement, anxiety, and abstract from negative thoughts.

Foods and drinks that strengthen the central nervous system

Nutrition plays a leading role in strengthening both the central nervous system and the entire body. Recognized antidepressants are citrus fruits and bananas. Rich in calcium, dairy and fermented milk products can have a relaxing, calming effect. It is not for nothing that for insomnia caused by stress, it is recommended to use warm milk.

Including bran bread, peas, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, and egg yolks. Be sure to eat various seafood containing zinc and selenium. These microelements help fight fatigue and improve brain activity.

Effective strengthening folk remedies are herbal teas. For a calming drink you will need:

Flooded hot water(200–300 ml) leave the herbal mixture for a quarter of an hour. Drink 150 ml before meals.

Tea with lemon balm, which has relaxing and restorative properties, will help with neuroses. To prepare it, you need to steep 10 g of herb in boiling water (250 ml) for 7–15 minutes. Consume about an hour after meals.

An infusion of oregano will relieve irritability and anxiety. For a glass of boiling water you will need 4–6 g of dry herb. Infuse herbal tea for half an hour, take 100-150 ml an hour before meals.

Ivan tea can strengthen the nervous system. 10 g of herb is poured into 250 ml of boiling water for 4 hours, then filtered. For treatment, this remedy must be consumed 1 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day before meals.

A drink that includes valerian, orange flowers, mint, and basil (10 g each) will help strengthen and restore nerves. Pour boiling water (200–300 ml), leave, strain.

Such a folk remedy as herbal infusion, the basis of which is viburnum (bark), motherwort, caraway seeds and fennel (fruits) (1 tsp each). 1 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water (250 ml) over the pre-mixed ingredients and leave for about 50–60 minutes. Use up to 3 times a day.

Baths using herbs and essential oils

Folk remedies that have a relaxing and calming effect are herbal baths and essential oils. Adding to the bath medicinal herbs allows you to very quickly cope with fatigue, irritability, normalize emotional state, strengthen your nerves.

Recipe 1. To prepare a relaxing decoction you will need lemon balm leaves (60 g) and 1 liter of water. After boiling for 7-10 minutes, leave for a quarter of an hour. Pour the strained broth into a filled bath, the duration of which is from 7 to 15 minutes.

Recipe 2. For 1.5 liters of water you need 3-4 tbsp. l. herbs wormwood, rosemary, and linden flowers. After boiling the broth for about 10 minutes, leave for about a quarter of an hour. Take a strengthening bath for no more than half an hour.

Recipe 3. Pour 100 g of oregano into 2–2.5 liters of boiling water and leave for an hour. To achieve the desired effect herbal bath 20 minutes is enough.

Essential oils also have healing properties. Acceptance of similar aromatic baths has a beneficial effect on the entire body, including the central nervous system. An important point when adding essential agent is that it should first be mixed with a base, such as sea salt (3-4 tbsp), milk (250 ml) or honey. If the basis is sea ​​salt, then place it in a small bag or gauze, add 3-4 drops of ether, then shake vigorously to mix the components. After this, the bag is lowered into the filled bath. Relieves fatigue and irritability lavender oil, at severe stress a mixture of sandalwood will help, rose oils, incense esters, as well as geranium. Orange, tangerine oil will cheer you up.

Regular exercise, an active lifestyle, hardening the body, as well as treatment with the described folk remedies will help both strengthen the nervous system and increase efficiency, resistance to stress, and also get rid of depression.

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Life is filled with daily stress for absolutely every person, regardless of his financial capabilities and position in society. What eventually leads to the emergence various diseases, and the quality of life under stress deteriorates significantly. Therefore, today I want to tell you how to restore your nervous system and psyche in order to become happy and healthy again.

By practicing, you will achieve relaxation, which is very useful for the central nervous system, and you will also have the opportunity to rest and replenish your resources. Over time, you will notice that you begin to react less emotionally to external stimuli, and these are the first steps towards balance and inner harmony. The process of contemplation and concentration makes it possible to discover new solutions even, at first glance, hopeless situation. And after the postponed psychological trauma and serious stress will give you a chance to exhale and relax, feel calm and satisfaction.

You can practice on your own; you don’t have to attend group training if you can’t. Look at the article here, even a beginner who has never meditated can handle the recommendations given in it.


In order for the nervous system to be in order, and for you to feel full of strength and calm, first of all, it is necessary to establish high-quality and complete sleep. Its deficiency can lead to serious consequences, up to the emergence deep depression. In pro biological rhythms It was said that after 2 o’clock in the morning melatonin, which is responsible for relaxation and sleep, begins to be actively produced, and in the morning cortisol, a hormone that helps cope with stress.

So, if your schedule is messed up and you are used to staying awake at night, then your body does not have time to produce necessary hormones, which leads to excessive fatigue and lack of joy in life, respectively, stress resistance is zero, which causes you to get hurt, or react aggressively to any words and actions of others.


It’s also important to reconsider your diet; everyone seems to know about the benefits of fruits and vegetables, but they still prefer semi-finished products for dinner, right? The quality of life depends on the quality of food. Help your body cope with adversity on its own, without the use of drugs. It is especially important to control the amount of food consumed so as not to provoke obesity or even anorexia. Even though these disorders are related to the psyche, you still shouldn’t undermine your health.

Avoid eating starchy foods and sweets; as a last resort, eat a piece of dark chocolate. By changing your diet, you will notice how quickly you will begin to get into shape, both physically and mentally.

4.Water is the key to health

Only cleaned. In what quantities and when you should drink it - you can look at it. Swimming or even hardening will also help improve the functioning of the central nervous system. Thanks to this, the body’s ability to withstand adverse external factors increases. You will become more resilient and stable in your reactions, and, most importantly, healthy.

5.Active recreation and sports

Firstly, your well-being will improve, secondly, you will have a legal opportunity to dump negative energy, and thirdly, you will feel happy because endorphins are produced during active physical activity - joy hormones.

The main thing is to play sports systematically, without giving up on training, then your shaky nervous system will come to order and “will thank you.” Classes on fresh air In addition to providing the opportunity to quickly recover, they will also help in the fight against insomnia, if any.


If you feel like you don’t have the strength or desire to do anything, don’t put pressure on yourself, but let yourself be lazy and just lie on the couch. When we lose energy, it is important to restore it, otherwise we will use up the body’s strategic reserves when every action will be harmful. There are many ways to restore energy balance, you can familiarize yourself with them.

7.Open your soul

No matter how difficult it is, you shouldn’t close yourself off, sometimes it’s important to just speak out to someone who can hear you, and it will become much easier. Just pay attention to the difference - if you simply “leak” information without really noticing your interlocutor, you will not get better. Healing power in the contact itself, when, in addition to your experiences, you notice another person. And then, looking into each other’s eyes, you can open your soul, healing it with attention and understanding.


Breathing exercises

  1. Breathing exercises will help you distract yourself from negative thoughts and situations, concentrate on your feelings and relax. So you will notice yourself in this huge world, you will feel that you are alive and just exist in at the moment. You can find all the exercises in the calming article. Moreover, you can perform them not only at home, but also on the way to work, during meditation and sports.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, take a deep, slow breath, and at the same time spread your arms first to the sides, and then lift them up, clasping your palms together so that they are above your head. Hold your breath and count to 10, then begin to exhale, lowering your arms down. You need to repeat all these steps at least 5 times, then move on to other, more dynamic exercises.
  3. Again, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and while taking a deep breath, raise both hands, palms down, so that they are no higher than your chin. Then hold your breath, spread them apart and make three bends to the left and right, return to the starting position and only then exhale. This will help strengthen the central nervous system, restoring the ability to think not under the influence of affect and emotions. Do also at least 5 repetitions.
  4. This exercise is similar to push-ups, but standing. Place your hands against the wall and do push-ups, only inhale when bending your arms, and exhale when extending. Do it at least 10 times.

Japanese method

There is a scientist in Japan named Katsuzo Nishi, and, as you know, the Japanese are famous for their calmness and composure. So, Katsuzo believes that the more heavy thoughts hang over a person, the higher the likelihood of his imminent death. That is, people die mostly because they think too often, which means that stress and worry significantly shorten our lifespan. And, in order to protect the nervous system from the destructive effects of the surrounding world, he came up with a technique that helps to relax as quickly as possible after stress.

You need to stand straight, pull the back of your head toward the ceiling, this will straighten your back, and pull your shoulders back, pointing your shoulder blades towards each other. Slowly turn your head to the left, trying to mentally look at your heels, looking up all the way to your neck. Then do the same in right side. Then return your head to its original position and “roll” from your toes to your heels and back. Katsuzo recommends doing these manipulations with with open eyes, but it will be most effective if you close them and concentrate on your sensations.

Hand whip

This technique is useful because it helps saturate the lungs with oxygen as much as possible, which will have a positive effect on your health. mental activity. It also increases blood circulation and relieves tension, helping to achieve relaxation. It's very easy to do - try throwing your arms over your shoulders, clapping your hands on your back. Over time, your hands will become like rubber, which will make you feel the effectiveness of this exercise faster. You choose the intensity of the strokes based directly on your sensations. Usually, the greater the voltage, the more active person waves his hands.


Is it possible after have a hard day and a lot of troubles to achieve lightness in the body and confidence that you can handle everything? I will say that yes, it is possible. You just need to stand up straight, relax and twist your body left and right, allowing your arms to dangle freely and move with your body. At first it will be awkward, maybe even ridiculous, but soon you will feel your head clearing and your health improving. Just hang out for at least 10 minutes. After which, allow yourself to sit down and not think about anything, observe, as if from the outside, the thoughts and pictures that arise in your head, do not drive them away and do not control them. In some cases, tears may appear - remnants of tension; they also should not be stopped.


If you can’t cope on your own, still try contacting a specialist who, after diagnosis, will prescribe necessary treatment. After all, there are cases when a person wastes time without seeking help, which is why the consequences on the body are irreversible. So take care of yourself and be attentive to the symptoms that indicate overwork, so that the so-called nervousness does not arise.

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

Pace modern life It makes you nervous just by its speed: you hesitate a little, stumble and immediately fall under the feet of hundreds of people just like you, always in a hurry and late for somewhere. You will be calm here, of course! What can you do to avoid taking handfuls of antidepressants and still feel calm and balanced? The path to the country of “Healthy Nerves” is difficult, but very exciting. And MirSovetov will tell you the direction!

Saving the nervous is the work of the nervous themselves

Don't believe the hackneyed phrase: " Nerve cells are not restored." Nerve fibers stretch throughout our body over a distance of 1 billion meters! If such a grandiose scale system did not have the opportunity to be revived, it would sooner or later collapse, like dominoes built in a row. Neurons recover, but very slowly. Therefore, even if you explode several times a day, as if active volcano, in any case, you have a chance to become a calm and balanced person.

The state of your nervous system depends only on you. Accept this fact as the ultimate truth. Neither everyday problems, nor difficulties at work, nor conflict situations your family won't make you mad if you don't let it happen. It is not you who are being irritated, but you who allow yourself to be irritated. Your positive attitude towards life in general depends only on your fundamentally calm perception of the situation.

In addition, there are a number of ways that will help you get on the path to recovery from irritation, hysteria and melancholy.

Calm and calm again

Learn to temporarily disconnect from external stimuli and completely relax. Learn the basics. In order to feel peace and tranquility, you don’t need to spend sleepless nights for studying complex techniques and practices. This activity does not require any skill or effort on your part. Sit comfortably, you can lean back in the chair, making sure that your back does not hunch. Breathe calmly and evenly, try to relax all your muscles. Mentally promise yourself to be calm and balanced, to maintain good mood during the day. Let this attitude become your daily motto. Set interesting and constructive goals for yourself, open your mind to new ideas - this thoroughly charges your nervous system with positive creative energy.

One sheep, two sheep...

Sometimes, in order to calmly and steadfastly cope with daily routine problems and force majeure situations, it is enough to get enough sleep. The energy accumulated during the night will help you maintain an even mood throughout the day.

There are several rules, following which, you will ensure yourself a healthy and refreshing sleep. Before you go to bed, you definitely need to relax, get rid of thoughts about what happened to you during the day from your head. Turn off the TV and radio - they will not help you in the evening. There are activities that are much more enjoyable: you can play or chat with your child, take a relaxing bath, or immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere of light reading.

You shouldn’t have a big dinner before going to bed, otherwise, instead of resting, your unhappy digestive system will be forced to work half the night, processing extra tidbits. Most healthy dinner– light food 2-3 hours before bedtime.

In summer, if possible, sleep with open window, in winter, always ventilate the room before going to bed. Circulating fresh air indoors will help you fall asleep quickly. choose only from high-quality natural materials; the pillow and mattress should ideally be orthopedic.

Avoid taking sedative medications at night - they will do more harm than good. The body very quickly gets used to their action: soon you simply will not be able to relax and fall asleep on your own without taking a couple of treasured tablets before bed. Limit yourself to a glass of warm milk or a mug of herbal milk, and then go into the warm arms of Morpheus.

For breakfast, lunch and dinner - vitamins

Teme proper nutrition Hundreds of books and a million articles have been devoted to this, but each of us still has a long way to go to learn all the mysteries and secrets of the art of eating high-quality and healthy food.

Natural food is another incentive for the nervous system to work without interruption. Nerve cells are restored thanks to useful substances(vitamins, macro- and microelements) that enter the body with food. Calcium occupies a leading position in the list of most essential vitamins for neuron tone. Its deficiency affects the functioning of the nervous system as follows: the transmission of nerve impulses slows down, tension increases, and a person without visible reasons becomes irritated, whiny and touchy. Is it worth reminding us what calcium needs children and adolescents have? Without it, children are overly excited (today it is commonly called), it is difficult for them to concentrate on one activity, they have problems obsessive states(nail biting, nose picking). A sufficient amount of this vitamin is found in cheese, dairy products, beans, almonds, sesame seeds, halva, and wheat bran.

B vitamins should not be neglected. They nourish and strengthen the nervous system, making it more stress-resistant. Make it a habit to prepare various vitamin health cocktails. For example, an excellent energy drink: 0.5 liters (2 cups) of freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit or tomato juice, 1 tbsp. l. brewer's yeast, 1 tbsp. l. sprouted grains of wheat, a little and one egg yolk.

Spinach, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, oranges, grapefruits contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins.

Let's escape from stress!

If you do not play sports, if basic physical activity is alien to you, it is difficult to call you absolutely healthy person. No matter how trivial it may sound, movement is the key to your worthy and fulfilling life. Sports exercises not only train muscles, but also strengthen the nervous system. Ardent Champion alternative medicine, American nutritionist Paul Bragg considered vigorous walking at a distance of 3 to 8 km to be a reliable basis for strong nerves. U race walking There are no contraindications; anyone can master it if they wish. It is better to start with short distances - from 1 to 2 km, gradually increasing the distance. Regular walking will help you get rid of excess weight, will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, will be an excellent prevention of osteoporosis, will save you from bad obsessive thoughts And depressive states. The more kilometers you travel behind you, the smoother your breathing, stronger appetite And sleep better. Why not stress therapy?

Abdominal breathing is better than valerian

If you want to calm your nerves, remember breathing correctly. During physical activity It is natural for humans to breathe through the chest - rib cage When you inhale it expands, when you exhale it contracts. IN calm situation It is better to consciously use diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing. Thanks to this technique, the blood is saturated a large number oxygen, organ function improves abdominal cavity, intestinal motility is activated - in general, all these changes have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Consciously control your abdominal breathing until it becomes a habit. First, train while lying down - this makes it easier to control the filling of your abdomen with air. Then bring this procedure to automaticity in a sitting and standing position. Remember that deep, slow breathing will give you a long and happy life.

The cleansing power of water

The energetic power of water is undeniable. Water procedures have diverse properties: relaxing, tonic, hardening, stimulating. And this is not the whole list!

Water procedures primarily cleanse the skin of harmful substances, which had accumulated in her pores during the day. In addition, intense water jets stimulate nerve endings on the skin, giving you a calming or invigorating effect depending on the temperature. Make it a rule to take it in the morning - a wonderful start to a new day. In the evening, take a twenty-minute herbal bath to help you relax before bed. If possible, be sure to swim! Pleasant muscle fatigue after swimming in the best possible way will affect your mood.

And remember: stress is an integral part of our lives and an important component for training the nervous system. By experiencing tension, the nerves are tempered to become stronger. Your task is to minimize the consequences of unpleasant situations with help and a positive attitude. Be healthy!

The modern world is mobile, every person encounters a huge number of people every day, faces flash in public transport, at work, in stores, in parks. Also, every person in this life faces problems and worries. In such a situation, it is perhaps difficult to cope without stress. The nervous system is responsible for the stability of the human psyche. And, if stress is almost impossible to avoid, then taking care of your nerves is possible.

How to strengthen the nervous system? We will talk about this in this article.

General information

Active image life, regular walks in the fresh air will help strengthen the nervous system.

In order to increase performance, reduce fatigue, and better resist stress, it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system. The following ways will help you do this:

  • hardening;
  • physical exercise;
  • refusal overuse alcohol, smoking, use psychoactive substances;
  • use of foods that are beneficial for the nervous system in the diet;
  • rational organization of work and rest, adequate sleep;
  • use if necessary medicinal plants and some medications;
  • psychophysical practices, for example, yoga, meditation.


Hardening consists of systematic, repeated exposure of the body to certain external factors: cold, heat, ultraviolet rays. In this case, a modification of the body's reflex responses to these stimuli occurs. As a result, not only does resistance to cold, heat, and so on increase. Hardening has a pronounced nonspecific effect, which manifests itself in improving performance, developing willpower and other useful psychophysiological qualities.

Hardening can only be successful if it is used correctly. To do this, you must comply following conditions:
1. Gradually increasing the strength of the stimulus, for example, starting water procedures from water at room temperature.
2. Systematic nature of hardening procedures, that is, their daily use, and not from time to time.
3. Correct dosage stimulus, given that the strength of the stimulus, and not the duration of its action, is decisive.

There is a lot of literature on hardening, with which you can develop your own personal program training. At the same time, one should not forget about the rule “everything is good in moderation.”


Physical exercises are varied. Conventionally, they can be divided into gymnastics, sports, games and tourism. Regular physical activity helps increase mental and physical performance, slow down the development of fatigue, prevent many diseases of the nervous system and internal organs, as well as the musculoskeletal system.

Physical exercise relieves neuropsychic stress. This is especially important for people engaged in mental work. Alternating mental work with physical work switches the load from one brain cell to another, which promotes recovery energy potential tired cells.
Great value To strengthen the nervous system is regular walking in the fresh air. It combines elements of physical exercise and hardening, is easy to dose, and does not require any financial costs.

Quitting bad habits

As you know, alcohol is a poison that acts primarily on the nervous system. He calls increased arousal and disrupts inhibition processes. Long-term use alcohol, even in small doses, leads to the development of alcoholic encephalopathy, a brain disease accompanied, among other things, by memory loss, impaired thinking and learning ability.

Smoking leads to deterioration of memory and attention, decreased mental performance. This is due to the narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain and its oxygen starvation, as well as direct toxic effect nicotine and other harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke.

The use of psychoactive substances leads to rapid stimulation of the nervous system, which is followed by nervous exhaustion. This is also true for caffeine, which large doses often leads to decreased mental performance.

Proper nutrition

Vitamin B1 is very important for the nervous system. You should eat enough foods containing it.

The normal content of protein in food is very important for the state of higher health. nervous activity. It increases the tone of the central nervous system and accelerates the development of reflexes, improves memory and learning ability. Proteins are good for the nervous system chicken meat, soy, fish. In addition, it is recommended to consume more proteins containing phosphorus. They are found in egg yolks, milk, and caviar.

Fats cannot be excluded from the diet, as they have a tonic effect on the nervous system, improving performance and emotional stability.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the brain. Particularly valuable in this regard are the carbohydrates contained in cereals. A decrease in carbohydrate content in the body causes general weakness, drowsiness, memory loss, headaches.

Vitamins are very important for the function of the nervous system. Lack of vitamin B1 is expressed in weakened memory, attention, irritability, headache, insomnia, increased fatigue. It is found in bran bread, peas, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, kidneys, egg yolk.
Hypovitaminosis B6 - rare occurrence accompanied by weakness, irritability, and gait disturbance. Vitamin B6 is synthesized in the intestines and is found in the liver, kidneys, wholemeal bread, and meat.

Of the microelements, phosphorus will help strengthen the nervous system. IN the largest quantities it is found in cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, caviar, buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, fish and canned fish.
Including these substances in your diet will help strengthen your nervous system.

Daily routine

Daily routine - distribution over time various types activities and rest, eating, spending time in the fresh air, sleeping. Correct mode day increases efficiency, builds emotional stability. The daily routine is individual for each person and depends on age, profession, health, climatic and other conditions. It is desirable that it be permanent. The circadian rhythm should be taken into account physiological functions body, adapt to it, increase or decrease loads in individual periods days.

Night sleep should last at least 7 hours. How younger man, the longer the sleep should be, the earlier it should begin. Systematic lack of sleep and not enough deep sleep lead to exhaustion of the nervous system: irritability appears, fatigue, appetite worsens, the activity of internal organs suffers.

The most beneficial sleep is one that begins no later than 23–24 hours and ends by 7–8 hours. Children and the elderly are recommended to take an afternoon nap lasting 1–2 hours. Important constant time going to bed and getting up. Before going to bed, it is advisable to take a walk in the fresh air; you should have dinner 2–3 hours before bedtime. It is necessary to create a favorable environment: silence, darkness or twilight, air temperature no higher than 18 - 20˚C, clean air and a comfortable bed.

Medicinal plants and medicines

In some cases, for good performance, increasing the tone of the nervous system, improving memory, attention, pharmacological agents(plants and medicines). Decoctions and infusions with lemon balm, viburnum, rose hips, motherwort, chamomile, valerian and other plants will help strengthen the nervous system. For depression, apathy, and weakness, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, and echinacea can help.

To restore the balance of excitation and inhibition, it is sometimes prescribed medicines, such as “Persen”, “Novo-passit” and others. Most of them have vegetable origin. More serious medications can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Psychophysical practices

The most simple method Strengthening the nervous system is massage and self-massage. There are many different techniques, the essence of which lies in the influence of certain physical and mental stress on the activity of the nervous system. These include primarily yoga, as well as some martial arts. The combination of meditation and exercise has a beneficial effect on the function of the nervous system.
Do not get carried away by dubious practices offered at various seminars. Most often, they will not strengthen the nervous system, but will lead to the opposite result.