The herb sweet clover has medicinal properties. Sweet clover: beneficial properties and contraindications, folk recipes. What are the benefits of sweet clover for women?

Yellow sweet clover plant found wide application in traditional medicine. On branched beautiful stems there are panicles of bright yellow flowers. Sweet clover, being a biennial plant, belongs to the legume family. His root system on the sides there is a branch and a rod.

The leaves are shaped like eggs, they are serrated at the edges, colored bluish-green on top, while their bottom color is slightly paler. The flowers, collected in clusters of six, completely cover the plant during flowering. The fruit is a brown bean containing oval seeds. yellow. The beans ripen in early autumn. Yellow clover blooms all summer.

The plant grows in Russia (in the Caucasus and Crimea), in Ukraine. It can be found along the road, at the edge of the forest, in fields, meadows and ravines. Often yellow sweet clover, the properties of which will be described in this article, grows among bushes.

Useful properties

This plant has been used since ancient times medicinal purposes due to the fact that it contains a huge number of different useful substances: lactone, coumarin, coumaric acid, melilotin and others. The herb sweet clover due to coumarin increases arterial systolic pressure, increases the content of leukocytes in the blood, in abdominal cavity normalizes blood circulation. Also, under its influence, peripheral blood supply improves.

Sweet clover flowers are used to produce essential oil. They contain tannin, coumarin, choline and resinous substances. Preparations created from the plant are used as antiseptic, wound healing and painkillers. But this is not the only place where sweet clover has found its use. The medicinal properties of the plant allow it to be used as an anticonvulsant and expectorant. In traditional medicine, the herb is mainly used for gynecological diseases and as an effective laxative.


Yellow clover is found in New Zealand, Great Britain, North America, and also in the south South America. Although its homeland is considered to be Europe, Central, Middle and Asia Minor.

In our country, the plant is distributed everywhere: on roadsides, meadows, wastelands, and quarries. It often grows next to white sweet clover, which differs from its counterpart in the color and shape of the beans.


Sweet clover seeds germinate at a temperature of 4°C. A year after planting, the plant blooms. At the end of summer it already enters the time of active fruiting. It should be noted that seeds that have just ripened or are slightly unripe are considered viable. While they are stored, their shell becomes compacted, therefore, before sowing, they must be scarified. Due to the fact that the plant has very strong system roots, it is not demanding on soil conditions. In addition, sweet clover is drought-resistant, so it does not need constant watering. At the same time acidic soil and excess moisture will be destructive for it.

Sweet clover reproduces exclusively by seed, and it tolerates the application of various fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. In the prepared soil in early spring, seeds that have passed the scarification stage are sown. It is necessary to leave a distance of about 3 centimeters between the rows; the approximate sowing density is 200 seeds per 1 meter.

In the first year of life, the plant is covered with a beautiful green mass, its root is fully developed. In the fall, all this dies off, and only the root collar, on which the renewal buds are located, remains to winter. If the sweet clover is flooded with water, it will die in two weeks.

During flowering, it is necessary to begin harvesting and preparing the plant for medicinal purposes. Using pruners or scissors, cut off the tops along with the shoots. Rough thick branches should not be touched. Drying of the resulting raw materials is carried out in a barn or under a canopy. The collected grass must be tied into bunches, and then hung in the form of garlands.

Next, the dried grass must be threshed and passed through a wire sieve. The finished raw materials include leaves, flowers, small stems and fruits. It has a strong coumarin aroma. It should be noted that beneficial properties Herbs can be preserved if kept in closed containers.


Donnik, medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of which will be discussed below, is of great medical importance. Harvesting of grass should occur at the time of flowering, since it is during this period of time that the plant contains the maximum amount of biologically active substances.

The yellow sweet clover is cut with a knife, but not the whole one is taken, but only the top, the length of which reaches 30 centimeters. Thick and rough stems are not suitable as medicinal raw materials. You should only use grass that grows away from roads and large populated areas.

Collection must be done in dry weather, since the raw plant deteriorates very quickly. Drying cannot be delayed for the same reasons. It is produced using the standard technology described above, or in ovens and stoves at temperatures reaching 40 degrees. Raw materials are stored in airtight containers for up to two years. It has strong odor freshly cut hay and has a specific salty-bitter taste.

Use in medicine

Sweet clover has different medicinal properties and contraindications. It has long been successfully used in folk medicine as a treatment for varicose veins. It is also used for hemorrhoids. The plant is an auxiliary remedy for the treatment of post-thrombotic syndrome, lymphostasis and thrombophlebitis. Preparations from it are used internally and externally. As local remedy clover is used for sprains, superficial hemorrhages and various bruises. It is used to make herbal cushions that help heal tumors or inflamed joints. A tea is made from the plant, which is drunk for colds and coughs.

Infusions of sweet clover are used for inflammation of the ovaries, bronchitis, pain during menstruation, swelling, to increase lactation and for insomnia as a sedative. Yellow sweet clover is widely used as a decoction for taking medicinal baths. It is included in various ointments. Crushed dry grass helps with cracked nipples, skin diseases, inflammation of the eyelids, mastitis.

Sweet clover is a honey plant

All summer long, bees collect pollen from this plant. Miracle sweet clover honey tones the human body and supplies it with energy for the whole day. It is consumed internally and used externally. Honey has a diuretic, antispasmodic and analgesic effect. Used for respiratory diseases, it eliminates painful sensations and relieves inflammation. People who suffer from hypertension or heart disease only need to consume honey a couple of times a week, after which their health will noticeably improve.

This miracle drug can normalize the condition of a person who has suffered serious illness, relieve him of dizziness, shortness of breath and headaches. Honey is also useful for nursing mothers, as it stimulates increased lactation. Due to its unique beneficial properties, it is used for a variety of diseases. This medicine smells very pleasant and also has a very delicate taste. Experts say that such a delicacy is useful for regular use even by a healthy person.

Calming Infusion

As already mentioned, sweet clover herb is actively used as a component of decoctions, infusions, teas and ointments. In addition, the plant is included in various preparations, which are then used for various diseases.

To prepare a soothing infusion, you need to take 2 teaspoons crushed sweet clover herb into powder and pour two glasses over them clean water. The resulting mixture should be left to brew for 2 hours. Take 70 milliliters 5 times a day as an effective sedative.

Root decoction for flatulence

This remedy is prepared quickly and easily. You will need 15 grams of dry plant roots. They are filled with 200 milliliters hot water and heat over low heat for 10 minutes. The finished broth should be cooled and filtered thoroughly. You should take it one tablespoon three times a day.

Tincture for headaches

You need to take the grass and fill a third of a half-liter jar with it. Fill the container to the top with vodka and leave to infuse for two weeks, remembering to shake occasionally. Strain the finished tincture. That's it, now you can use it. You should put a few drops on your fingers and rub them on your temples if headaches occur.

Infusion for external use

You need to take 30 grams of grass and pour a glass of hot water over it. Leave the mixture for half an hour without shaking or touching. After filtering the resulting product, it is used as compresses, lotions and for baths. Using this infusion, you can cure mastitis, ulcers, articular rheumatism and boils.


Do not forget that yellow clover is a poisonous plant. It can be used for medicinal purposes only after consultation with a specialist. It is not recommended for pregnant women to take herbal preparations. In addition, it is necessary to observe the dosage, since in case of overdose, severe headache, vomiting and insomnia may occur. Sweet clover taken in too large doses, depresses the human nervous system.

The herb should not be used if there are any internal bleeding. Be sure to visit a doctor before starting treatment using sweet clover, since only a specialist, based on your state of health, can give accurate recommendations for the use of this plant.

In Russia, a tall field plant with inconspicuous yellow flowers is often found. This plant has been well known to folk healers and healers since ancient times. It's about about poisonous, but at the same time very useful plant- melilot officinalis.

Description of the species

An annual or biennial plant of the legume family, it can reach a height of almost two meters. Sweet clover has a pronounced smell of freshly cut hay - coumarin.

The stems of the plant are bare and branched. The leaf is small, complex, trifoliate with two lanceolate stipules, the edges are serrated. The petiole of the leaf is quite long.

Sweet clover blooms with unattractive, yellowish flowers, attached by short pedicels and collected in a racemose inflorescence located in the axils of the foliage. The fruits are wrinkled naked beans.

The plant is frost-resistant and tolerates drought well. Distributed throughout most of Russia except the North, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

Often grows as a weed among grain crops and clover. It can also be found on the edges of forests, where there is enough light, in fields, along the slopes of ravines, and in pastures. Sweet clover easily takes root in lime-rich soils and salt marshes.
Sweet clover is poisonous!

Harvesting sweet clover

The flowering period lasts from June to September, fruit ripening begins in July and ends in late autumn. Sweet clover is harvested during the flowering period. The tops of the plant and side shoots no longer than 30 cm are suitable for harvesting.

It is better to harvest plants in a dry period of time, since if it is wet, it will quickly begin to rot, darken and may become completely unsuitable for use as medicinal raw materials. It is better to dry the raw materials in a well-ventilated place, for example, in an attic or under a canopy.

During drying, the grass must be periodically turned over so that the raw material dries evenly and does not dry out. The degree of readiness of the raw material is determined by the fragility of the stems. Do not allow it to dry out, as the leaves become very fragile and crumble. If you have a dryer, drying must be done at a temperature of no more than 40°C. The finished raw materials retain their beneficial, medicinal properties for two years.

Composition and properties of sweet clover

Sweet clover contains:

  • Coumarin is an aromatic substance that gives the aroma of fresh hay; during the process of decay it produces dicoumarin, which thins the blood and prevents its clotting.
  • Melilotin, a substance from which coumarin is formed due to enzymatic breakdown during drying.
  • Holyl - normalizes liver function, lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Tannins – provide an astringent effect.
  • Mucous substances have emollient properties.
  • Resins have bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties.
  • Flavonoids, saponins, ascorbic acid, proteins, starch and tocopherol.

Use of sweet clover in traditional medicine

Sweet clover is still most popular in folk medicine, however traditional medicine often practices the use of this plant in prescribing treatment and producing medicines.

The herbal infusion has wide range actions, in particular, it is used as an analgesic, diuretic, antibacterial, expectorant, sedative, antispasmodic, and lactogenic agent.

From sweet clover, pharmacists obtain a biogenic stimulant, whose parameters are several times superior to aloe extract and the well-known Phibs.

To speed up the process of maturation of abscesses and boils, an extract from sweet clover is used in the form of a patch, which is also called green. And dicamarin, isolated from sweet clover, has anticoagulant properties (a chemical substance that reduces blood clotting). It is extremely useful in the treatment of thrombophlebitis.

It has been scientifically proven that coumarin, which is part of sweet clover, promotes depression of the central nervous system and prevents seizures. Coumarin is also used for leukopenia to increase the number of white blood cells. Sweet clover is indicated for migraines, insomnia, menopause, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and cystitis.

Use of sweet clover in folk medicine

Sweet clover has long been known to folk medicine in many countries. Sweet clover infusion is used both externally and internally.

For external use, the infusion is used for baths, washes and compresses to treat ulcers, boils, relieve inflammatory processes in the body.

Compresses made from sweet clover leaves soften tumors and draw pus from wounds and abscesses. Since sweet clover is a poisonous plant, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions during treatment, and it is better to consult a specialist.

Sweet clover infusions

For treatment hypertension, for headaches, insomnia: Take 2 teaspoons of sweet clover herb for 2 cups of cold boiled water and leave in a closed container. Take 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day.

For baths and compresses: For 0.5 liters of boiling water take 2 tablespoons sweet clover, leave for 10 minutes in a closed container.

Expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent: Pour 2 tablespoons of sweet clover with 1 cup of boiling water and heat in a water bath (it is better to close the container in which the infusion is located) for 15 minutes. Allow the infusion to cool at room temperature, strain and squeeze. Bring the total volume of infusion to 200 ml boiled water. Take 1/2 – 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day. The infusion should be stored in a cool place for no more than 48 hours.

For poultices, compresses and washes for boils, abscesses, ulcers and conjunctivitis: For 1 liter of hot water, use 200 grams of herbal raw materials, leave for 20 minutes.

As an anti-inflammatory agent: Pour 1 tablespoon of dry herb into 1 glass of hot water, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take ¼ glass before meals.

For headaches, insomnia, neurasthenia, hysteria: 2 teaspoons of dry sweet clover are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for 15 days. Take 5-10 drops 2 times a day.

Ointments based on clover

To speed up the maturation of abscesses or treat joint diseases: Sweet clover flowers (preferably fresh), approximately 50g, are ground with 2-3 tablespoons of butter.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids: Grind a set of herbs in a mortar or coffee grinder to a powder in the following proportions: 1 teaspoon of sweet clover, 1 teaspoon of knotweed, 2 teaspoons of lush cloves and 2 teaspoons of multicolored cloves. Combine 20 grams of the finished powder with 80 grams of melted internal pork or goose fat and evaporate in a water bath for 4 hours. Strain while hot.

For varicose veins: n and take 2 tablespoons of the herb and 1 glass of hot water, boil the resulting mixture over low heat until the volume is halved, then strain. For 1 part of the finished broth, take 2 parts of Vaseline and 2 parts of lanolin (or use any other fatty base, including regular cream).

Poultices from sweet clover and its fresh use

Fresh leaves, well crushed, are used as a compress to soften tumors and to extract pus from wounds.
Poultices are prepared from the flowers of the plant, steamed in boiling water, which are applied to sore spots: for inflammation of the middle ear, mastitis, abscesses and boils, and breastfeeding.

Herbal preparations and the use of clover

For headaches: Mix 1 teaspoon of sweet clover herb and 1 teaspoon of hop cones and pour hot water in a volume of 250 ml and cook for 5 minutes.

Leave to infuse for 1 hour, then strain. Take ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals.

For inflammation of the ovaries: p about one teaspoon - sweet clover, centaury, oregano and coltsfoot flowers. Take 250 ml for one tablespoon of the mixture. hot water, leave for 3 hours, then strain. Take 1/3 cup 5-6 days for 3-4 weeks. In this case, it is recommended to maintain sexual rest.

To reduce pain from rheumatism: take a canvas bag and pour into it a mixture of 4 parts sweet clover, 3 parts chamomile flowers, 3 parts marshmallow. Fill the bag with water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Use as a poultice.

For the same purposes, you can use a slightly different composition of herbs:
Mix sweet clover, marshmallow leaves, mallow leaves, chamomile flowers, and flax seed in equal parts.

Contraindications to the use of sweet clover

Sweet clover should not be used for hypotension, pregnancy, decreased blood clotting, or kidney or liver disease.

In case of an overdose, headache, vomiting, nausea, and dizziness occur. In severe cases, bleeding from the kidneys, hemorrhage, liver damage, and even central nervous system paralysis occurs.

Sweet clover - for hypertension, headaches, insomnia, irritability

Pour 2 teaspoons of the herb into 2 cups of cold boiled water in a thermos, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.

For bronchitis, dropsy, flatulence

Pour 1 tablespoon of herb into 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day.


Pour 1 tablespoon of herb into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day, before meals.


For headaches, insomnia, neurasthenia, nervous attacks, hysteria, melancholy

Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs into 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol or vodka, leave for 15 days in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 5-10 drops 2 times a day.

For varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, edema, hemorrhoids, heaviness in the legs

Pour 10 grams of herb into 200 ml. water, simmer covered, at low boil for 30 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

For neurasthenia, hysteria, migraine, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, for hemorrhoids, bronchitis, nephrosis, cystitis, for menopausal neuroses, inflammation of the ovaries, dysmenorrhea, for leukemia after irradiation

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs into 1 glass cold water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

For thyrotoxicosis

Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/3-1/2 cup 2-3 times a day, after meals.

For insomnia, headache, chronic bronchitis, hypertension, nervous disorders, heavy menstruation

Pour 15 grams of grass into 250 ml. chilled boiled water, leave in a thermos for 4 hours, strain. Take 100 ml. 3 times a day.


09.29.16 Elena

Good afternoon, dear Yulia Evgenievna!

For a month now I have been taking the mixture that you prescribed for me for headaches: Eryngium flat-leaved - 1, Linden cordate - 2, Mistletoe - 1 tsp, Dry grass - 1 des.l.; fruits: Blood-red hawthorn - 2, Sophora japonica - 1, Rosehip - 2, Black elderberry - 1, Juniper - 1; roots: Elecampane - 1, Licorice glabra, Motherwort cordial - 2, Black currant leaf - 2).

Hello, Tanya!
Please accept our condolences on your mother's passing! Hang in there, the grief will fade over time. And now we need to help our father! Tanya, if your dad does not live with you, or lives temporarily, you cannot leave him alone for a minute.
With depression, there may well be suicidal thoughts and even attempts. In this regard, it is better to put it in the compartment borderline states. There is nothing to do in a regular psychiatric clinic((.
Continue taking antidepressants, Siberian Shiksha, but you must be careful of getting used to them.
1. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Evading Peony - 1; St. John's wort - 2, Eryngium flatifolia - 1, Sweet clover - 2, Ginkgo biloba - 1 des.l., blood-red hawthorn fruits - 3, Juniper fruits - 1 des.l.

mastopathy. As a rule, this is a deficiency of progesterone and/or iodine. Now, due to stress, you are experiencing an exacerbation. If you want to make sure of this, donate blood to TSH hormones, T4 light, progesterone, estradiol. Better from 21-23 d.c.
1. Start immediately with progestogen, apply to the chest twice a day for a month.
2. Iodomarin 100. Drink 1 tablet in the morning for a month.
3. Walnut leaf tea.
- 1 tsp/glass of boiling water. Leave for 45 minutes, strain and drink 100.0 ml in the morning and before dinner. Course - 1 month.
Be sure to keep me updated! See you in touch!

08/29/18 Victoria

Just recently, my husband had a very low platelet count during a blood test. His legs also began to darken from the knee to the foot. A questionable diagnosis was made: thrombocytopenia. And they immediately offered me a course of hormonal hormones.
We refused for now because they said that hormonal drugs only raise platelets for a while. We have no bleeding, now we eat a healthy diet and drink beetroot juice on an empty stomach. And before meals, nettle and rosehip. Please tell me how we can get rid of this scourge.
Thanks a lot.

Hello, Victoria!
First, check your husband for cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus, which can suppress hematopoiesis. Protect him from any injury; let him shave only with an electric clipper; In case of injury, keep a pharmacy at home hemostatic sponge and Tranexam tablets. For daily use beet juice add lemon. Only natural and at least a glass a day, with meals. Connect effective herbs:
1. Tincture of Ginseng root.
- Soak 30.0 grams of whole Ginseng roots in boiled sweetened water at room temperature and leave for 4 hours. Drain the water, finely chop the roots and pour in 500.0 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka. Leave for 21 days in a cool, dark place, shaking daily. Do not strain. Drink 10 ml once a day, 30 minutes before meals, NOT with water. After 2 weeks of use, top up the amount of tincture you drink with vodka.
2. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Tea kopeck - 1 des.l.; Three-leaf watch - 2, Sweet clover - 2, Yellow gentian - 1, St. John's wort - 2, Great celandine - 1 tsp, Rose hips - 3.
Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.
- 1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold mixture drinking water for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
Keep an eye on your platelets and hemoglobin and keep me posted!

08/29/18 Olga

Hello, our dear Yulia Evgenievna!
I am writing to you urgently about Sergei’s mother, Lidia Nikolaevna. We don’t see her often, once every 1-1.5 months, and for two of our visits we have noticed that she has lost a lot of weight. Besides this, she constantly lies down and does not go outside (only if she needs to). We became concerned and sounded the alarm. From local doctors to no avail, we took her to Minsk and carried out some examinations there. And finally we found out that my mother is being registered with a psychiatrist for dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease.
The most interesting thing is that the therapist with whom she is seeing told us a completely different diagnosis - Binswanger's disease. In general, I will not describe our negative emotions about how much everyone (not only doctors, but also relatives who are next to her every day or week) doesn’t care. For some reason, these people have the reaction that that’s it, this is the end, nothing will be better, there’s no point in even trying, etc. But we can’t bear to see how lonely she is there, how they say in front of her that nothing will be better, that she won’t last long, etc. And she understands everything!
I’ll try to briefly describe her state: she understands everything you say to her, remembers where everything is, but cannot speak (she almost constantly repeats “oh-oh-oh,” especially when she gets excited, but she’s constantly worried, you can say, because she realizes that with happens to her and she can’t do anything, plus the irritation of others at her behavior). she eats very little, she needs to be forced, if she wants to eat and there is no food on the table, she takes everything she sees, bites off a cookie and then a sausage, for example (the diet for her sick stomach and diabetes is not followed). On the last visit, we noticed that he could no longer cope with going to the toilet (he wipes himself with his hand, often goes to the toilet in small steps, but to no avail (it is impossible to collect a urine test). He may put on a lot of unnecessary clothes, then takes off and puts them on again, folds and puts them back again and so on several times, all this is accompanied by “oh-oh-oh”, when someone shows impatience with her - he gets completely lost, stops understanding anything.
She stayed in Minsk for a day and it was a lot of stress for her. She tried to open doors and behaved as if she were in a cage (we were later told that in her condition it was extremely undesirable for her to leave familiar places). On the road, which is 300 km in one direction only, I was very afraid if cars were driving close, etc.
An example of our communication: - Oh-oh-oh. - Mom, what happened? Does something hurt you? - Oh-oh-oh... no. - Maybe you want to eat? - Oh-oh-oh... no. - Maybe you want to go to the toilet? - Oh-oh-oh... (starts to cry). - Mom, everything is fine, now we’ll figure out what you want. - Oh-oh-oh... (calms down). - Maybe you are looking for something? Slippers? Dress?
Well, this is how we try to talk to her. From Minsk, with the results of the examination, we came to the regional center to the clinic and began to register the 1st disability group for her; on September 5 there will be a commission (thanks to the neurologist in Minsk for telling us what to do!). These are such disappointing events.
Yulia Evgenievna, from September 3, Sergei has 2 weeks of vacation, we will go to his parents and will closely take care of his mother. I believe that it is possible to return her interest in life, she is completely different with children, talks to them, carries Vanya in her arms, smiles, plays with him. When I put her on a new dress, combed her hair, and took her outside - she blossomed and didn’t want to go into the house! I'm sure all is not lost! You just need a lot of patience and strength when communicating with her. Now she is taking Metformin, Gliclazide (added by the endocrinologist due to the latest glucose result - 10.7), Chlorprothixene, Clozapine. You and I understand that a collection of herbs can be an excellent basis, and these medications (I’m talking about the last two in particular) can only be taken in the most emergency cases. I don’t want to drive her into a vegetative state, even though it’s so convenient for those around her. I ask you to help, we have 2 weeks to try to change her life and change the minds of those close to her about her.
Sergei took everything as you wrote, 2 lemons worked well for him, he took it like this for almost 10 days, and then this situation with his mother and only the collection and cornflower we managed to take. For the last 2 days, his throat had been bothering him, he had a runny nose, his legs were twisting badly, and he had no fever. The work schedule is crazy, there’s no time to get tested, and I’m at home with the kids, they’re also snotty, but they’re getting better. We will try to take the OAM on Friday; I feel that the test result will certainly change due to the infection.
We look forward to your letter!

Hello everyone!
Olya, now I’m ready to cry like Lydia Nikolaevna!
Only “Oh-oh-oh” comes to mind - everything falls, as always, on you!(((
Therefore, I’m waiting for OAM Sergei, and regarding L.N.:
First of all, she needs to reduce TSH - this is hypothyroidism. Hence the jump in cholesterol; and even gout with hyperuricemia; non-important liver tests and high sugar.
The following diagram is required:
1. Kremlin drops - 5% alcohol solution of iodine.
Drink 10 drops three times a day, AFTER meals, in 50.0 ml of milk. The course is exactly 3 weeks, control TSH and T4 st. Next - according to the results.
2. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Licorice naked - 1 tsp; Clover officinalis - 2, Galega officinalis - 2, Horsetail - 1, Solyanka - 2, Common goosefoot - 2, Immortelle sandy - 1, St. John's wort - 2.
Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.
- 1 tsp. pour 200.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.
Drink 70.00 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. After a week, increase the dose of the herbal mixture to 1 des.l. by 200.0 ml and give 50.0 ml 4 times a day. The interval with iodine is 40-50 minutes. Course - 2 months.
3. Last in a row, first if necessary for Alzheimer's:
Akatinol Memantine. Drink according to instructions, DO NOT skip a day - for life. I guarantee the result!
GOOD LUCK to us, I'm waiting!

08/26/18 Irina

Dear Yulia Evgenievna!
I am 54 years old. I want to get rid of kidney and gallstones. I'm terrified of surgery, help. Each kidney contains a pebble - 4 and 5 mm. In the gallbladder - 12, 10, 9 mm. cysts right lobe liver - 1 cm, 0.5 cm, 0.5 cm.
Chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, in case of poor diet - flatulence. 15 years ago I had a duodenal ulcer. osteochondrosis. hypertension. overweight, 96 kg. The stones were discovered a year ago. The urologist prescribed Blemaren, but it’s expensive! Hope is for you! Thanks in advance.

Hello, Irina!
Start therapy with the simplest and most effective - proper water regime. Stones always begin with thickening and/or stagnation of bile. Drink at least 25.0 ml of pure water/1 kg of weight; eat very regularly, always at the same time.
Stagnation of bile is provoked precisely by irregular food intake and obstacles to the outflow of bile, inflection of the gallbladder, spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, lamblia, etc.); Sometimes - big belly, often - physical inactivity! You need to move, despite being overweight.
Avoid all types of sauces, mayonnaise, fatty and fried foods; Avoid lifting heavy objects to avoid triggering an attack.
But it is very difficult to get rid of stones quickly.
However, using several methods at once, we try to reduce their size of our debt:
1. The most effective way, ingestion of chicken bile. It is not popular because it is associated with raw materials. But now a dietary supplement has appeared, Solution, based on bird bile, which dissolves ordinary pebbles (small pebbles) necessary for a strong shell.
Start with this dietary supplement and drink according to the manufacturer's instructions for a long time.
2. Juice therapy.
Black radish juice is the most effective. Begin a six-month intake with 30.0 ml of juice before each meal, gradually increasing the amount to 2 glasses per day or more.
This juice not only destroys stones, but also improves the composition of blood and lymph, rejuvenates joints and the entire body, and lowers blood pressure.
3. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Creeping wheatgrass - 2, Chicory - 1; Half-fell - 1, Rosehip fruits - 2, Scepter-shaped mullein (flowers and grass) - 2, Sweet clover - 2, Birch leaf - 2.
Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.
- 1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
hypertension was taken into account in the collection.

Good luck in all your endeavors, see you!

08/23/18 Nadezhda

My son is 19 years old. Until the age of 15 there were no health problems. At the age of 15, I began to get sick, I was diagnosed with ARVI, which developed into a diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis. I took a lot of antibiotics (during exacerbations, which were manifested by elevated temperatures, elevated ESR in the blood), stool disorder.
From the age of 15 to 19 he did not recover. We were examined and diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Resection of the ileocecal angle was performed (5 cm towards the large intestine and 15 cm towards the ileum). 4 months have passed since the operation. Now she puts on Salofalk suppositories (1 at night), defecates once a day, with half-formed feces.
Leukocytes are two times lower than normal, the entire period since 15 years, now 2.7 (normal 4.5). Height 180 cm, weight 49 kg, before surgery 50 kg (never weighed higher). The appetite is excellent, he eats little by little 6 times a day, avoiding milk and yeast products. ESR and CRP improved in the first days after the operation, other blood counts were also normal, tests for various infections and bacteria were negative, except for leukopenia.
Question: how to increase the level of leukocytes, how to bring weight back to normal, do you have experience treating people with Crohn's disease? If so, what recommendations can you give?

Hello, Nadezhda!
And there is some experience and results.
Every mother is worried about the question - where can this come from? It is necessary to delve into the family genealogy for autoimmune diseases or tumors. Or maybe the child’s immunity was extremely depleted rapid growth.
One way or another, he must be protected from any infection - do not visit crowded places, wear a mask in transport. Most likely, he will not do this, but he should have it with him. Protect from stress and pay special attention to nutrition.
1. Chagotherapy.
Wash the Chaga mushroom, soak in boiled water so that the body of the mushroom is immersed in water, leave for 4-5 hours, then pass through a meat grinder or grate. To prepare an aqueous solution:
- Pour 1/2 cup of chopped mushroom into 3 cups of hot water (no more and no less than 50 degrees) and leave in a thermos for 24 hours. Strain, squeeze. The infusion can be stored and used for 3-4 days. The amount indicated is for a 2-day dose. Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The interval with collecting herbs is 30 minutes. The course is six months.
2. Tincture of Ginseng root.
- Soak 30.0 grams of whole Ginseng roots in boiled sweetened water at room temperature and leave for 4 hours.
Drain the water, finely chop the roots and pour in 500.0 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka. Leave for 21 days in a cool, dark place, shaking daily. Do not strain. Drink 10 ml once a day, 30 minutes before meals, NOT with water. After 2 weeks of use, top up the amount of tincture you drink with vodka.
The course is 30 days, a break of 10 days and repeat the course two more times (90 days in total).
3. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Dandelion - 1, Burdock - 2; Stinging nettle - 2, Fenugreek - 2, Duckweed - 3, Trefoil - 2, Sweet clover - 2, Rose hips - 2, Wild strawberry leaf - 2.
Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.
- 1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
What is the order of administration?
While the Ginseng root is infused, the child should combine Chaga and a collection of anabolic herbs.
Let's stop here for now and watch the leukocytes.
Control of blood flow every 10 days.
We will be glad to see you in the branded stores of the Staroslav Ecofactory in your city, as well as in our online store.
GOOD LUCK and see you in touch!

08/22/18 Tatyana

Hello! Help!
Mom is 82 years old. Using the cleansing powers of foods and plants, I cured her of a whole bunch of diseases. She feels very good! We have one problem - memory problems. RAM is 1 minute. Long-term memory has deteriorated, but thank God it is there, i.e. recognizes us, remembers its past, but current information is practically not assimilated. I give her green smoothies with parsley every day, hoping to restore lost neurons, but sometimes I give up.
I would be very grateful for your advice.

Hello, Tatyana!
I am very happy for your mother, that her intellect was not damaged. But she has the classic “memory of a sclerotic” who remembers the distant past to the smallest detail, but cannot find the glasses placed on her forehead.
We need to seriously address the blood vessels of the brain.
1. "Kremlin drops".
"Kremlin drops" - 5% alcohol solution of iodine.
Drink 10 drops twice a day, AFTER meals, in 50.0 ml of milk.
Course - 3 weeks.
2. Collection of herbs.
Roots: Astragalus membranaceus; Tribulus terrestris, Ginkgo biloba, White lily, Rose hips, Common heather, Black currant leaf, Sweet clover. Take equal amounts of each herb.
Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
- 1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
3. General massage.
I recommend 7 sessions every other day. This restores capillary blood circulation very well.
WITH best wishes To you and your mother, see you!

08/21/18 Svetlana

Good day, sisters!
You, Anechka, are complaining in vain about the decline in intelligence - everything is presented vividly and competently!))
I will express my opinion about the causes of the disease. Where do androgens come from, anyway? From cholesterol, which is synthesized by the liver. Next, in the adrenal glands there is a complex cycle of sequential formation of female hormones from androgens (aromatization). It is provided by the enzymes 5-alpha reductase and 21-hydralase. You both have elevated levels of all hormones in the androgen chain in the adrenal glands; and the chain of conversion of testosterone to DHT. Since you and your sister are mirror images, we can speak with a certain degree of confidence about a genetic defect. Such breakdowns have not yet been corrected.
Therefore, special attention should be paid to the liver, in which the synthesis of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) also occurs.
As for androgenetic alopecia with high DHT, it is the most difficult ((. Only its reduction will really reduce the process of hair loss.
Let's try to call on DIET and different herbs to help. Mainly estrogen-like.
1. Diet.
Eliminate industrial meat, in order to optimize liver function, strive for vegetarianism or even veganism. Constantly use eggplants, mint, sorbents; periodically - pollen or beebread.
Fall in love soy products, Dietary supplements with a feminine focus.
2. Herbal collection for two.
Roots: Creeping wheatgrass - 4, Naked licorice - 1; Hazel bark - 3, Alfalfa - 3, St. John's wort - 4, Milk thistle - 3, Hill solyanka - 4, Corn silk - 4, Sweet clover - 4.
Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.
Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.
- 2 tbsp. pour 600.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.
Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 600.0 ml.
Drink 100.0 ml each three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
2.1. Tincture of horse chestnut fruits.
- 50.0 grams of finely crushed fruits, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 10 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally, strain. Add 10 drops of herbal infusion to each portion for a month.
3. Ointment.
- 4 tablespoons of crushed Willow bark, pour 400.0 ml of water and evaporate in a water bath to a volume of 100.0 ml. Mix the decoction and castor oil in a ratio of 5:1. Rub into hair roots daily.
3.1. Extract banana peel.
Grind the washed peels of 2 bananas with a blender, add 1.5 cups of water and bring to a boil. After 5 minutes, pour into a thermos overnight.
Use as a hair mask three times a week, for 1.5 hours, then rinse with a decoction of Fenugreek.
4. To my sister - for improvement cerebral circulation start massaging the collar area.
Additions are possible.
GOOD LUCK, sisters, and see you in touch!

08/13/18 Lily


Please tell me what herbs my husband can drink? His sperm is very thick and liquefaction occurs after 2-2.5 hours, but it never completely liquefies. The doctor prescribed ACC, but so far there is no result.

Good afternoon.

The result will not be as soon as we would like.

First of all, the husband needs to drink at least 30.0 ml of water/1 kg of his weight. This is the law in such cases. Secondly, the sperm is thickened by rare marital meetings. Thirdly, it is necessary to improve working conditions if it involves high temperatures.

You need to add herbs to the ACC, and then everything together will have the desired effect:

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

2. Longidaza rectal suppositories. Place every other day, course - 1 month.

3. Wobenzym. Drink 5 tablets 3 times a day, for a course of 1.5 months.

Spermogram control.

I wish you good luck and please keep me posted!

We will be glad to see you in the branded stores of the Staroslav Ecofactory in your city, as well as in our online store.

See you in touch!

06.08.18 Leah


I want to consult with you. I am 23 years old. Height 150 cm. Blood pressure 100/80. Pulse - 90. Weight 40 kg. Unfortunately, there have been no pregnancies yet. I started getting my period at 12 years old. periods are very painful, there is PMS. The menstrual cycle is irregular. Sometimes 30 days, sometimes 40 days. Previously, menstruation lasted 5 days, now it is 7 days, sometimes heavy, sometimes scanty.

Reds small spots on the body - my therapist told me that my liver was suffering, so I take Ovelicitin. They happen before menstruation and then go away after. Bruises on the legs are constant and do not go away for a long time. For this I drink Ascorutin. In July, on the third day of the cycle, I took tests. LH - 1.61 (1.68-15.00), Progesterone - 0.3 (0.4-0.8), FSH - 4.75 (1.37-9.90), Prolactin - 152 (120 -500), TSH - 1.60 (0.27 - 4.20), T4 st. - 10.55 (12.00-22.00), ACTP - 0.35 (0.00-30.00), Estradiol - 19.00 (57-227).

Husband. 25 years old. Height 170 cm. Weight 90 kg. Blood pressure 120/90. Pulse is sometimes 80, sometimes 90. stars on the legs. there is a problem with the kidneys. Chronic pyelonephritis, pyeloectasia of the kidney vessels. Salts in both kidneys. I took Canephron for three months. And in every month the analysis results are the same. Cylinder - 0. Leukocytes - 760. Red blood cells - 3000. Adrenal glands are not visualized. Hyperechoic inclusions in each kidney.

I apologize for writing so much. I will be looking forward to your response.

Hello, dear young spouses!

I sympathize with you both and, frankly, I think that just changing your lifestyle will be beneficial for you in itself (see below).

I suspect that you, Leah, have a very low level of cortisol and a mild degree of adrenal insufficiency with all the ensuing consequences - weak immunity, weak hematopoiesis, low blood pressure, libido tending to zero.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 200.0 ml.

Drink 50.0 ml 4 times a day, 15 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

Brew like regular tea and you will be overcome by a forgotten feeling of vigor and well-being.

Pour 50 grams of crushed roots into 500 ml of vodka, leave in a dark place for 12-14 days, shaking occasionally, strain. Drink 25-30 drops 2 times a day, in the morning. The course is 1.5-2 months.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

We will be glad to see you in the branded stores of the Staroslav Ecofactory in your city, as well as in our online store.

Good start, good mood and see you!

04.08.18 Maria

Good afternoon

Please help me choose treatment for my mother. She is 65 years old and overweight. In addition, there was an operation in 2015 to remove a colonostomy due to a cancerous tumor. Now the state of remission. Also in January 2018, the gall bladder was removed due to the presence of stones. In 2010, he was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. At first I was on pills, but during the operations I was switched to long-acting insulin. Now he is sitting on it.

Tablets taken:

Morning: Britomar 10 mg, 1 tablet, Digoxin 1/2 tablet, Elekviz 5 mg, 1/2 tablet, Micardiz 80 mg, 1 tablet, Sotahexal 160 mg, 1 tablet, Lerkamen 10 mg, 1 tablet.

Evening: Digoxin 1/2 tablet, Elequis 1/2 tablet, Lerkamen 1 tablet, Micardis 1/2 tablet, Physiotens 1/2 tablet, Sotahexal 1 tablet.

Hello Maria!

Your mother, first of all, needs a competent cardiologist.

Digoxin is a strong and dangerous drug from a group of poisons, the so-called cardiac ones. Currently, atrial fibrillation is not treated this way. I believe that Digoxin should be stopped, but not immediately, so as not to cause withdrawal syndrome, but by adding herbs and other drugs. It is necessary to observe the effects of the herbs and resolve the issue with Digoxin.

20.0 grams of flowers, without crushing, pour 100.0 ml of 60-70% alcohol (or pharmaceutical Herboton) and leave for 7 days. Strain. Drink 15 drops twice a day. Course - 1 month. The course must be repeated after 1.5 months.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

3. Panangin. Take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day - every 10 days of the new month.

Hello, dear Ilya!

Only now everything has become clear! You are being treated truly heroically, and this is cruel to yourself! But, nevertheless, “having been burned by milk, blowing on water” is not necessary! , this is poison to everyone. You drank a 10% tincture, and this is the usual strength, provided you take it according to the slide scheme, from 1 initial drop!

I think that you can repeat the drip regimen, but more carefully - from 1 drop twice a day, adding 1 drop per dose daily. Make the peak of the slide at 20 drops and go down. Otherwise, only the red fly agaric, in the finished tincture, can be compared.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

And, before you say “Goodbye”, Ilya, once again I ask you to write your address carefully - there were no letters from you in May!

04.08.18 Tatyana

Good afternoon.

Your endothelium, Tatyana, is rather thin. Heavy periods can be caused by myometrial weakness. Let's try this:

Pour 30.0 grams of dry herb into 150.0 ml of 60% alcohol (or pharmaceutical Herboton). Leave in the dark for 10 days, strain. Drink 15 drops 3 times a day, before or during meals. Course - 4 weeks.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 200.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 200.0 ml.

Drink 70.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

3. Irrigation, from 5-14 d.c.

Memory has deteriorated. Maybe this is why eating herbs? I want to drink grass, for example, to relieve blueness from attacks. What's the best way to drink it? Maybe you can recommend something else effective to us. If something is unclear, I can clarify.

Hello, Irina!

Yes, your mother has a very long history of illness. The deterioration now is unlikely to be caused by medical error. Most likely, the condition of the blood vessels has worsened, and with it the blood supply to the brain. If it is possible to do an EEG, this can be checked.

We will act carefully, slowly, and add a vascular component to the collection.

It is a natural anxiolytic that reduces anxiety, relaxes, improves sleep, reduces headaches and tension, and activates the movement of cerebrospinal fluid; has mild diuretic effects, contains a good vitamin and mineral complex. The raw materials are represented by twigs and a small scattering of needle-like leaves. Make and drink it exactly following the recipe, separately from other herbs:

Pour 1 heaped tablespoon of chopped Shikshi herb into 500.0 ml of water in an enamel mug, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for exactly 7 minutes. Remove and cool. Do not remove the herb from the decoction; store the decoction in the refrigerator. It is convenient to pour a volume of about 150.0 ml in the morning, drink 2-3 sips at least 5-7 times a day.

Repeat daily until the decoction is gone. Then refill the same raw material with 500.0 ml of water and prepare in the same way. Prepare the broth in this way until it becomes pale (2-3 times), and only then use new raw materials. The course is 4 months without a break.

blue cyanosis

An increase in at least one of these numbers can be dealt with using herbs with antiplatelet and anticoagulant effects (Willow Bark plus Sweet Clover, for example). It's always useful and safe.

We will be glad to see you in the branded stores of the Staroslav Ecofactory in your city, as well as in our online store.

Good luck, Nikolay, contact us!

01.08.18 Julia

Good afternoon

Is there a collection of herbs to prevent exacerbation and treat hemorrhoids?

About myself: I am 41 years old, I gave birth in 1999. After them, hemorrhoids appeared. Practically, he didn’t bother me if problems arose. discomfort, then the candles quickly helped.

But at the end of 2017, my sore flared up very sharply (I suffer from constipation and it was a very difficult emotional year). I got into private clinic, where I had a thrombectomy. In March, the blood clot was removed again. A month later I feel a blood clot appearing again. The clinic diagnosed: internal and external hemorrhoids, stage 3.

After that, I said “stop” to operations. By the way, I stick to a diet, stay hydrated, etc. They prescribed treatment with suppositories, Detralex tablets and Chamomile baths.

In April I had an irrigoscopy, but there was nothing serious there. As the doctor said, my intestines are long and very tortuous, so I suffer from constipation.

But yesterday it worsened again. I can’t sit, everything in the anal area burns. A lump with 3 blood clots came out. I Willow - 3 parts, Prickly tartar - 1 part. Grind everything to powder, mix in equal parts, pour 1:5 chicken fat into the mixture. Put on water bath for an hour, pour into a glass container.

Before use, warm up, moisten the tampon with a tail well and insert rectally after defecation. Do it twice a day, a course of 14-15 procedures, a break of 7 days and repeat.

3. How to liquefy stool?

3.1. Hard tubes with magnesia.

Drink on an empty stomach a solution of magnesia from 15.0 grams of pharmaceutical powder/100.0 ml warm water. Lie on your right side with a warm heating pad and lie there for 40-45 minutes, twice a week.

3.2. Mineral water carbonated sulfate-carbonate, at least 1.5 liters per day.

3.3. On an empty stomach, in the morning, eat 1-2 tsp. pea flour and wash down with 200.0 ml of water.

3.4. Eat coarse salads - radishes, radishes, turnips, grated and seasoned with vegetable oil.

When the exacerbation subsides, you can think about a course of rehabilitation!

GOOD LUCK and see you!

07/25/18 Lyudmila

Dear Yulia Evgenievna!

I am 52 years old, my legs are all cracked and blue. What to do?

Hello, Lyudmila!

20.0 grams of flowers, without crushing, pour 100.0 ml of 60-70% alcohol (or pharmaceutical Herboton) and leave for 7 days. Strain. Drink 10 drops 2 times a day - for low blood pressure; and 12-15 drops twice a day - with elevated blood pressure. Course - 1 month. The course must be repeated after 2 months.

1.1. Apply lotions with this tincture to the “blue” areas of the skin. Fix the napkin moistened with the tincture firmly enough so that the blood leaves the capillaries. Can be done twice a day for 3-4 weeks.

Grind the grass and fruits evenly to 2-3 mm, the roots to 3-5 mm - first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder; mix evenly.

Take herbs without a dose indicated in tablespoons.

1 tbsp. pour 300.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 300.0 ml.

Drink 100.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.

3. Lifestyle.

Try to walk at least 4-5 km per day; if you have sedentary work, every hour and a half, get up and march in place, or squat.

Swim whenever possible, ride a bike, or exercise on an exercise bike.

Everything that strengthens calf muscles, makes the muscle layer of the veins work. Namely, it is precisely this that needs to be strengthened so that the blood does not stagnate!

Limit salt, don't wear high heels and tight clothes; sleep with a bolster under your feet and wear compression garments.

All this will gradually improve capillary blood circulation and your legs will acquire their normal color!

But it is necessary to contact a vascular surgeon to determine the degree of venous stagnation.

We will be glad to see you in the branded stores of the Staroslav Ecofactory in your city, as well as in our online store.

SUCCESS and all the best!

07/24/18 Nadezhda

Hello, dear doctor!

I live in Bulgaria. I am 60 years old. Weight 80 kg. 8 years old type II diabetes. A year the pressure jumps to 150-160. First they prescribed Nefidipine, then Valsol plus. I felt pretty good, but my blood sugar began to rise. After Valsol Plus was banned, I didn’t take anything for blood pressure for 2 weeks and my sugar returned to normal. I accept:

1) Gentadueto, tablets, 2.5 mg/1000 mg, 1 tablet 2 times a day;

2) Ecozide sr, tablets, 30 mg, 2 tablets 2 times a day.

Good afternoon, dear Nadezhda!

But in Bulgaria there is an excellent school of Herbalists (B. Petkov) and a good herbal base. I think I need to ask you for advice!)))

Good afternoon, Alexander!

Folk remedies also require a clear system and understanding of the main points - the infection has been eliminated, or is “smoldering”; whether the partner (wife) was treated at the same time, or there is a superinfection, etc.

Pour 30.0 grams of dry buds into 300.0 ml of vodka and leave for 10 days. Strain, squeeze. Drink 20 drops three times a day, for a course of 14 days. Take a break and repeat, or switch to another tincture:

1 tbsp. pour 200.0 ml of cold drinking water over the mixture for an hour, then bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat or boiling water bath, covered, for 15 minutes.

Cool, strain, squeeze and add to 200.0 ml.

Drink 70.0 ml three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course is 1.5-2 months.

2. Microclysters.

1 tsp Pour 100.0 ml of boiling water into a thermos with cake from collecting herbs for drinking, release the steam and leave overnight. Strain.

The procedure should be carried out only after defecation or a cleansing enema.

Place a warm infusion of 50.0-70.0 ml in a rubber bulb of the same capacity and administer rectally. After the procedure, you need to maintain the knee-elbow position for 15 minutes so that the solution does not leak out. Course 8-10, daily.

Take a break for 10 days and repeat the microenemas. Then go to rectal suppositories Longidaza and put them on the full course!

The first 10 - every other day, at night; and then 2 times a week for a month.

30-40 minutes before an intimate event, drink 30-40 drops of tincture in 1 tbsp. hot water.

Try to combine all the elements of the scheme!

We will be glad to see you in the branded stores of the Staroslav Ecofactory in your city, as well as in our online store.

GOOD LUCK in all your endeavors, Alexander! See you in touch!

The name of the plant, sweet clover, comes from the Old Slavonic word “donna,” which means gout. However, the list of ailments that can easily be cured by remedies based on this plant is not limited to just those mentioned. If you read this post to the end, you will learn not only about the beneficial properties of sweet clover, but also how to use it so that illnesses recede.

Sweet clover: composition

Before moving on to listing the beneficial properties of sweet clover, you should understand what is included in its composition, which is why it is so valuable. As studies have shown, in the flowers, leaves and stems of sweet clover, which are used in most cases for the production of medicines, in addition to coumarin, which gives the flowers such an aroma, they also contain derivatives of purine, as well as coumaric and melilotic acids, cymarin, protein, tannic and fat-like substances, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, carotene, sugars, mucus, flavonoids, essential oils.

Useful properties of sweet clover

There are a lot of drugs based on sweet clover. This popularity is due to the fact that the plant effectively fights many ailments.

Sweet clover is characterized by:
Calming properties.

Sweet clover is often used for treatment varicose veins veins Good results he demonstrates the quality aid in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, lymphostasis and postthrombotic syndrome. For joint inflammation and various tumors, it is also reasonable to use sweet clover extract. The plant helps with bronchitis, inflammation of the ovaries, pain during menstruation, to increase lactation, and hemorrhoids. In addition to the above, melilot-containing drugs increase blood pressure, increase cardiac output and the number of leukocytes in the blood, improve cerebral and peripheral blood supply and blood circulation of the abdominal organs. The external use of sweet clover for skin diseases, cracked nipples, inflammation of the eyelids and even mastitis is also justified.

Sweet clover: contraindications

Despite the impressive list of beneficial properties of sweet clover, you should not self-medicate. Before taking drugs based on it, you should consult your doctor. The point is that sweet clover - poisonous plant, and its use without specialist supervision can lead to unpleasant consequences. Treatment with sweet clover is contraindicated for pregnant women. It is not recommended to take medications containing this plant for people with reduced clotting blood, with hemorrhagic vasculitis, kidney diseases. Ignoring permissible dosages threatens overdose, the symptoms of the latter are “traditional” - headache, nausea, vomiting. Excessive use sweet clover leads to oppression nervous system and insomnia, therefore, if your activity is related to machines and other equipment that requires increased attention, choose another treatment option.

Sweet clover: application

In folk medicine, sweet clover is used to prepare various infusions, decoctions and ointments. We are pleased to present several recipes to your attention.

Sweet clover infusion soothing

You will need:
Powdered sweet clover - 2 teaspoons,
Water – 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method
1. Pour boiling water over the sweet clover powder.
2. Let it brew for two hours.

The infusion should be taken 5 times a day, 70 ml.

Sweet clover tincture for migraines

You will need:
Sweet clover grass,

Cooking method
1. Fill a half-liter jar 1/3 full with sweet clover.
2. Fill to the top with vodka.
3. Put it in a dark place.
4. Leave for two weeks, periodically remembering to shake the contents of the jar.
5. After the specified time, the tincture must be filtered.

For headaches, you should rub your temples with sweet clover tincture.

Decoction of sweet clover roots

For preparation of funds traditional medicine V in rare cases It is recommended to use the roots of the plant. Decoction of sweet clover roots will be effective against flatulence. To prepare it you will need:
Dry sweet clover roots – 15 grams,
Water – 200 ml.

Cooking method
1. Pour boiling water over the sweet clover roots.
2. Place on fire and simmer for 10 minutes.
3. The cooled broth must be strained.

Sweet clover infusion for external use for ulcers and boils

You will need:
Sweet clover grass – 30 grams,
Water – 1 glass.

Cooking method
1. Pour boiling water over the herb.
2. Leave to infuse for half an hour.
3. After the specified time has passed, the infusion must be filtered.

Compresses should be made based on the prepared infusion. By adding a similar infusion to a warm bath, you can cure articular rheumatism.

Sweet clover infusion for mastitis

You will need:
Sweet clover herb - 2 tablespoons,
Water – 2 glasses.

Cooking method
1. Pour boiling water over the clover.
2. Leave to infuse for 6 hours.
3. Strain the infusion.

Soak a gauze napkin in the prepared infusion. Apply to the sore breast and leave for a while.

Sweet clover infusion to improve lactation

You will need:
Sweet clover herb - 2 teaspoons,
Water – 1/2 cup.

Cooking method
1. Pour boiling water over the clover.
2. Let it brew for 4 hours.
3. Strain.

The prepared infusion should be drunk a day in 3 doses, half an hour before meals.

Sweet clover tea for cramps in the calves, itching, swelling and heaviness in the legs

You will need:
Chopped sweet clover - 2 teaspoons,
Water – 1 glass.

Cooking method
1. Pour boiling water over the sweet clover herb.
2. After 10 minutes, strain.

Take one glass of tea no more than twice a day.

Tea prepared according to this recipe is often drunk to get rid of a cough, since it has expectorant properties. Some use it as a treatment for hemorrhoids.

Ointment based on sweet clover to accelerate the maturation of abscesses and boils

Mix equal parts of powdered sweet clover flowers and unsalted butter. Apply the prepared ointment to the disturbing abscess.

A real gift of nature is sweet clover - a natural healer of soul and body, of particular interest to people who are learning to do without pharmaceuticals, preferring treatment with natural remedies.


Sweet clover is a biennial herbaceous plants legume family. Forms a branched, erect stem, the height of which can reach from 50 to 150 cm.

The bushes are decorated with round-shaped leaves with a serrated edge. The bright yellow sweet clover flowers, collected in thin brushes resembling spikelets, attract attention.

The plant blooms throughout the summer, from June to the last days of August. It bears fruit with beans, inside of which 1-2 grains are hidden. Seed collection occurs at the end of August.

For medicinal purposes, you should use medicinal herbs collected at the time of active flowering. To do this, cut top part and lateral young shoots of the plant, without touching the main stem. Need to collect in the evening or morning in sunny, dry weather. Medicinal herbs collected after rain may turn black and deteriorate during drying.

In the process of harvesting sweet clover, the main thing is not to violate the technology; rotten raw materials can turn out to be poisonous and cause serious harm to the body .


Sweet clover has a rich chemical composition and contains a huge amount useful components: essential oil, proteins, coumarin, flanovoids and melitolic acid. The seeds are rich in fatty acids: stearic, palmitic. Mineral compounds are also valuable to humans: phosphorus, chromium, potassium and others. Polysaccharides, tannins, ascorbic acid, coumarin make the herb popular not only among traditional healers, but also among representatives of traditional medicine.

Many substances that determine the medicinal properties of the plant appear in therapeutic concentrations only after the raw material has dried. , so dry herb is effective.

Useful properties

The benefits and harms depend on the biologically active substances contained in the plant, which help to comprehensively strengthen and restore the functions of the body and stabilize the functioning of important systems.

When using Melilot officinalis, health improves and rapid recovery occurs.

Due to its rich chemical composition, sweet clover grass is in particular demand because it has countless medicinal properties.

What is the remedy used for:

  • improves immunity and supports the vital forces of the body during complex therapy in the treatment of chronic diseases;
  • restores damaged sectors of the nervous system and supplies the body with energy;
  • improves cerebral and peripheral blood supply, as well as blood circulation in the abdominal organs;
  • stabilizes performance blood pressure;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots, improves blood clotting;
  • has a beneficial effect on digestion and has a laxative effect;
  • relieves insomnia and restores quality, restorative sleep.

The beneficial properties of clover are priceless and known since ancient times. Taking it will help cope with unpleasant symptoms diseases, and the chemical composition will replenish the reserves of minerals and trace elements in the human body.

For men

Representatives strong half of humanity dream of preserving their masculine strength for many years.

Medicinal herbs will help them with this, the use of which:

  • strengthens the cardiovascular muscle;
  • will increase attentiveness and concentration by improving blood circulation in the brain;
  • will increase potency and sexual desire for men, which will be the key to success in intimate life;
  • After exercise, it will help the body quickly restore the reserves spent on physical work.

The use of sweet clover will provide significant support for men's health.

For women

For women, medicinal herbs are especially valuable because:

  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • cures inflammation of the genital organs;
  • stimulates milk production during lactation;
  • promotes the resorption of suspicious lumps in the chest area;
  • relieves irritation and tension during menopause;
  • slows down the aging process, improves skin condition.

This unique medicinal plant is the secret of beauty and fertility, so it should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Indications for use

Sweet clover is considered a helper and healer, which is often recommended to people with the following health problems:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • articular rheumatism;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • haemorrhoids, chronic constipation, flatulence;
  • inflammation of the ovaries, diseases of the mammary glands;
  • boils, purulent formations, abscesses;
  • insomnia, migraine, neurosis.

Medicinal plants It can only be used under the supervision of a physician, strictly observing the dosage, as well as the timing of treatment.

Methods of application

Sweet clover has found its use in medicine, cosmetology, cooking, and is used for flavoring food products, as well as tobacco products.

As a folk remedy You can take advantage of this gift of nature by making a decoction, alcohol tincture, sweet clover oil, or ointment. There are many different recipes that can be made at home to treat a whole range of illnesses. These remedies will help strengthen physical and mental health, improve overall well-being, and also prevent the development of many pathologies.

Vitamin decoction

Internal use of a herbal decoction can speed up the healing process and have a positive effect on the body.

To prepare this natural medicine, you need to take 10 g of dry herb, 200 g of distilled water.

Boil the mixture over low heat or in a steam bath for half an hour. Then strain and drink 20 ml every 8 hours.

Indications for use medicine: spicy respiratory infections, swelling of the bronchi, inflammation of the ovaries, sleep disturbances, pain during menstruation.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare, you need to pour the dried raw material with alcohol in a ratio of 1/3 and leave for about two weeks, placing it in a cool, dark place. After this, drink 20 drops before meals with water.

Sweet clover tincture medication will help relieve headaches, improve hormonal balance and easily get rid of infertility.

Healing oil

Sweet clover oil has a sedative, emollient, astringent, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic effect. To prepare it, you need to pour the grass sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:9, keep in a water bath for about 3 hours. Then strain while hot and use as intended.

Attention! Keep natural remedy needs to be in the refrigerator.

Sweet clover oil gives healing effect and helps:

  • get rid of mastitis, eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • heal joints;
  • smooth the skin;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • relieve leg cramps.

Healing ointment

Medicinal herb is an important component in the preparation of healing ointment.

This natural product Prepare this way: 2 tablespoons of fresh dried flowers of the plant are ground into powder and 50 g of Vaseline are added.

Use medicinal ointment, to speed up b maturation and healing of boils, carbuncles, purulent wounds.

The natural remedy is unique biogenic stimulant and promotes faster recovery damaged tissues.

Sweet clover is a potent medicinal herbs, use products made on its basis with caution.


Donnik, like everyone else medicinal plants, has certain contraindications:

  1. Individual allergic reaction on one of the components in the flower.
  2. Pregnant women should avoid using the herb.
  3. The plant is not recommended for use by people with poor coagulability blood and internal bleeding.
  4. Do not use if you have chronic liver and kidney diseases.
  5. Medicinal herbs can reduce blood pressure, so hypotensive patients should be careful with the herb.

Uncontrolled use of drugs from sweet clover can cause depression of the nervous system, accompanied by side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache, and weakness. The use of high doses of medicinal herbs can provoke the development of damage to the liver, kidneys, hemorrhage in muscle tissue, internal organs.

Therefore, with medicinal raw materials you should be extremely careful, in the wrong hands it will turn into medicines into poison.

Video: beneficial properties of sweet clover


Sweet clover can bring invaluable benefits human health. There are many recipes for decoctions, tinctures, oils based on this unique plant. Even people who are already despairing can find hope for healing. The main thing is not to self-medicate; before taking sweet clover products, consult your doctor.