How to treat allergic rhinitis in children. Allergic rhinitis in a child: how to deal with “atypical” runny nose. Local hormonal agents

Parents often face the problem allergic rhinitis in a child, symptoms and treatment of the disease. All this can only be determined and prescribed by a doctor. The problem of allergic rhinitis is becoming more common. It often appears simultaneously with atopic dermatitis. The incidence of allergic rhinitis is higher in those children whose parents are diagnosed with atopic dermatitis or allergies. Genetic predisposition plays a leading role in the development of these diseases. It should also be noted environmental factor. IN major cities children are more likely to suffer from of this disease than in less urbanized settlements. The presence of atomized dust particles in urban air contributes to the development of bronchial asthma.

Causes of allergic rhinitis

The reason for the development of this condition is the triggering of an IgE-mediated reaction. It provokes the release of inflammatory mediators. Inflammatory mediators stimulate the course of the immunological reaction. The reaction starts after encountering an allergen substance. The entry gate for the allergen substance is the nasal cavity, where the inflammatory reaction manifests itself. The problem with this reaction is that it is hypersensitive, namely too severe inflammation to a small amount of antigen that has entered the body. In the normal course, the reaction to such an amount of antigen is expressed insignificantly, and rhinitis does not develop.

The diagnosis of allergic rhinitis is not obvious. To diagnose it, you need to visit a pediatrician, he will rule out the presence colds and note the duration of rhinitis. The doctor will prescribe and additional research in the form general analysis blood with formula, consultation with an otolaryngologist.

An ENT doctor will rule out diseases such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, and adenoids. Next, you should visit an allergist-immunologist, he may prescribe an immunogram, determination of IgE levels and, possibly, some additional studies.

Allergenic substances:

  1. Some food items.
  2. Plant pollen.
  3. Animal fur.
  4. Dust mites.
  5. Epidermis of the skin.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis in children should be carried out only after consultation with specialists.

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Manifestations of allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis has the following symptoms:

  1. Sneeze.
  2. Nasal congestion.
  3. Itchy nose.
  4. Swelling of the nose.
  5. Abundant transparent discharge from the nose.

These manifestations can be combined with cough, atopic dermatitis, and urticaria. A runny nose can affect your baby's sleep and general condition. He may become moody, disobedient, refuse to eat, and experience headaches. Under no circumstances should you scold your child; it is better to rid him of the symptoms of a runny nose.

To make a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to exclude other causes of runny nose and establish a connection with the allergen. With allergic rhinitis, there is no intoxication syndrome; there may be a connection with a certain season of the year or the intake of some food. Also, this disease can be year-round.

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Measures to improve the patient's condition

To alleviate the patient’s condition with year-round rhinitis, the following measures are taken. Most often, the causative agent of the reaction is a dust mite, epidermis or animal fur. Therefore, keeping animals at home should be avoided. Remove rugs and bedspreads, replace upholstered furniture with wood or plastic. Remove children's books and soft toys, and do wet cleaning 1-2 times a day. Wipe shelves with books at least once a week. Cover mattresses with covers that prevent the penetration of allergens. Wash bed linen at temperatures above 60 ⁰C, then iron it. Replace duvets and pillows with padding polyester ones. Avoid staying in closed, dusty rooms. If the cause is animal fur, then try to avoid contact with them.

If rhinitis is seasonal, then the measures are somewhat different. So, when the plant is flowering, you should avoid walking on outdoors, close windows indoors, travel in vehicles with windows closed, avoid picnics. If you need to go out, then after returning all clothes should be washed, hands and face should be washed with soap, and nasal passages should be rinsed.

You should also wash your shoes. If clothes cannot be washed immediately, they should be placed in a sealed bag. You can go outside wearing a mask. Allergic rhinitis often occurs when trees such as birch, poplar, linden, and weeds (ragweed, wormwood, plantain) bloom.

If the cause of rhinitis is food, then it should be excluded from the menu. Sometimes it is quite difficult, but even with treatment food allergy may pass. Age-related changes can also help improve the condition of a patient with allergies.

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Treatment of allergic rhinitis in children

Treatment aimed at eliminating the allergen is very effective, but sometimes it is impossible to exclude an encounter with the allergen. In this case, an appointment is necessary medicines. Their use can be periodic or systematic. Treating allergic rhinitis on your own is ineffective. Self-medication can lead to deterioration of the patient’s condition, resistance to certain species drugs.

Medicines used to treat allergic rhinitis:

  1. Preparations based on sea water.
  2. H1 receptor blockers 2-3 generations.
  3. Topical corticosteroids (if really needed).

Use of H1 blockers histamine receptors refers to basic therapy. They use 2nd generation drugs, as they cause less side effects. Dryness occurs less often skin, drowsiness, lethargy, addiction.

Currently, loratadine and similar drugs are most often used. These substances reduce symptoms inflammatory reaction and prevent its reoccurrence. They influence the activity of eosinophils and reduce the level of inflammatory mediators.

The courses of taking the drugs are long. These drugs should always be taken with caution if therapy is being given antibacterial drugs, as a cardiotoxic effect may occur. Self-administration of antiallergic drugs is highly discouraged.

For the treatment of children, ketotifen is used to stabilize membranes mast cells, this also leads to a decrease in the manifestation of an allergic reaction. Cromoglycic acid acts similarly, but these drugs should be used before the onset of exacerbation, so their use is most relevant in children with seasonal allergies. If the allergy is particularly severe, then topical glucocorticosteroids are used, now they are produced in the form of sprays. This form of release allows you to avoid the systemic effect of drugs on the body. If you use the drugs according to the instructions, then side effects, as a rule, do not develop.

One of the most commonly used drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children is vibrocil.

It has a mild antiallergic effect, combines components with a vasoconstrictor effect and H1 histamine receptor blockers. These drugs should be used in short courses, not exceeding 5 days. Suitable for use by young children. It is well tolerated and has a pronounced clinical effect. In case of emergency, specific immunotherapy can be performed. To obtain advice on this method of therapy, you should consult an allergist-immunologist.

There are traditional methods treatments for allergic rhinitis, but their effectiveness is controversial. It is unlikely that they can have a negative effect on the patient’s health, but it is better not to use them for children.

Preparations based on sea and ocean water relieve swelling in the nasal sinuses and help remove mucous secretions. Removing the secretion is necessary, since if it settles in the nasal sinuses, a bacterial infection may occur.

To date allergic reactions in one form or another, are becoming an increasingly common problem not only among the adult population, but also among very young children.

In the first year of life, a child’s allergy manifests itself as skin rashes( , ), over time, when the baby reaches the age of 2-3 years, develops new problem- allergic rhinitis.

This pathology most often appears for the first time in children aged 2-3 years. Approximately 15% of children of this age group face it unpleasant illness. In younger children school age the incidence rate increases significantly.

However, not all parents immediately begin to sound the alarm and consult a doctor. The peak incidence occurs at 8-10 years of age; the symptoms of the pathology in the child develop quite rapidly, and only then do parents begin to take action.

Unfortunately, at this age in most cases the disease is already accepts chronic form , which means the treatment will be longer and more complex. We’ll talk further about the symptoms and treatment of allergic rhinitis in a child.

Characteristics of the pathology

Allergic rhinitis is a disease affecting the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Pathology develops as a result of a child’s contact with a substance - an allergen.

Once a stimulus enters a child’s body, it triggers a response. immune system, as a result of which stands out toxic substance - histamine.

The increased content of histamine leads to the characteristic symptoms of allergic rhinitis (stuffy and runny nose, itching, sneezing).


The development of allergic rhinitis results from the baby's contact with substances - allergens. Circle of such irritants very broad, it could be:

  1. Household allergens (for example, dust).
  2. Irritants and origin (pollen, pet hair and skin flakes).
  3. Chemical irritants (contained in hygiene and detergents, ).
  4. Fungal and bacterial infections.

Minor provoking factors are considered:

At-risk groups

Most often, allergic rhinitis develops in children over 3 years of age. Visit public places (kindergarten, school) increases the risk of developing pathology.

It has been proven that allergic rhinitis is hereditary disease, the tendency to an allergic reaction is higher in those children whose parents also encountered this problem.

The child’s living conditions also have an important influence. An allergic reaction often occurs in children living in unfavorable living conditions when it is not possible to observe basic hygiene rules.

However, children who receive excessive care and grow up in so-called "greenhouse conditions", also suffer from allergies, which develop when the child begins to attend kindergarten or school.


Allergic rhinitis may develop V certain time year.

Then we're talking about about such a form of pathology as seasonal allergic rhinitis. Symptoms of the disease can bother the child throughout the year.

In this case, he is diagnosed with a year-round form. Signs of pathology can be pronounced, develop at lightning speed, and significantly worsen the health of the child and his general health. This is typical for acute form diseases.

How to suspect the presence of a disease and distinguish it from a common runny nose?

The manifestations of allergic rhinitis are very similar to the signs of a common runny nose that develops with ARVI. However, these are two completely different problems, requiring fundamentally different approaches to treatment.

Therefore it is important to carry out differential diagnosis these phenomena. To do this you need to know the differences clinical picture runny nose and allergic rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis


  1. Symptoms of the pathology arise suddenly and develop rapidly immediately after direct contact with the allergen.
  2. Nasal congestion and other manifestations of the disease continue for as long as the child comes into contact with the allergen.
  3. Most often, allergic rhinitis has a seasonal form, its symptoms appear during the flowering period of plants.
  4. The disease is characterized by such manifestations as severe itching, sneezing, tearing, swelling of the face.
  1. Signs of the disease develop progressively over several days after infection.
  2. A runny nose continues for 3-7 days.
  3. Symptoms of pathology occur regardless of the time of year.
  4. With ARVI, symptoms such as swelling of the face and lacrimation are usually absent.

Symptoms and signs

How does the disease manifest itself? Allergic rhinitis has a range of characteristic symptoms, which include:

  • nasal congestion and flow;
  • redness of the eyes, tearing;
  • swelling of the face;
  • itching in the nasal cavity;
  • severe sneezing;
  • discomfort and sore throat;
  • absence of hyperthermia characteristic of ARVI;
  • often inflammatory process extends to the area of ​​the Eustachian tube, which connects nasal cavity and the middle ear area. This leads to the appearance of extraneous noise in the ears and temporary hearing loss.

Possible complications

The prognosis for treatment is usually favorable, however, the lack of therapy may cause increased symptoms of the disease. So, the child begins to be bothered by constant nasal congestion and the associated difficulty breathing.

The inability to breathe through the nose leads to the development of frequent colds.

In addition, such unpleasant manifestations as nosebleed, headache, impaired sense of smell.

Diagnostics and tests

For staging accurate diagnosis and to identify the disease, the doctor will need the following information:

  • clinical manifestations of pathology;
  • history of the disease (in particular, data on whether there is this problem from the child's parents);
  • absence of symptoms characteristic of ARVI.

Moreover, the child it is necessary to pass the appropriate tests, such as a blood test and the contents of the nasal cavity for the presence of eosinophils, a blood test to determine the level of immunoglobulin and ESR (with allergic rhinitis, these indicators are increased).

To determine the irritant substance, the child is given special allergological tests.

Treatment options

The main method of treating allergic rhinitis is taking medications. various groups. However, before starting treatment, needs to be eliminated possible reasons , provoking the occurrence unpleasant symptoms. To do this you need:

  1. Avoid ventilating the room in dry and hot weather (during the flowering season of plants) if the child’s allergy is caused by pollen.
  2. Wet clean the children's room as often as possible.
  3. Get rid of carpets, heavy curtains, soft toys, from all objects in which house dust accumulates.
  4. Remove pets from the premises.
  5. Eliminate from the child's diet all foods that are highly allergenic.
  6. Eliminate mold, get rid of cockroaches and rodents (if any).
  7. Stop smoking in the apartment.


To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of allergic rhinitis, the child is prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antihistamines ( Claritin, Zyrtec, Telfast). Taking medications helps neutralize a substance - histamine, which is produced in the child’s body upon contact with an allergen. Consequently, the symptoms of the disease are eliminated.
  2. Drugs that relieve nasal congestion ( Vibrocil, Azelastine).
  3. Preventive medications that must be taken 2 weeks before the onset of seasonal manifestations of the disease ( Cromolyn, Cromoghlin).
  4. Eye drops to eliminate signs of eye inflammation, if such symptoms occur ( Optikrom).
  5. Hormonal drugs are prescribed if the disease is severe. The action of these products allows you to quickly eliminate nasal congestion and restore nasal breathing (Aldecin, Flixonase).
  6. Vasoconstrictor drugs to stop nasal flow ( Nazivin).
  7. Homeopathic medicines ( Ritinal).
  8. Sorbents for removing allergens from the child’s body ( Enterosgel, Uvesorb).

In addition to taking medications, the child is prescribed specific immunotherapy.

After the allergen that provokes the development of symptoms of the disease has been identified, the child is prescribed introduction of this allergen in a small dosage.

As a result, the child’s immune system adapts, and the body’s reaction gradually normalizes.

Traditional medicine

To eliminate the manifestations of the disease, various folk recipes, such as:

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Allergic rhinitis is a common problem affecting children aged 3-5 years. The disease is similar to a common runny nose, and parents mistakenly begin to treat it using completely inappropriate drugs.

In this case, the disease continues to develop and develops into a chronic form.

Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary carry out detailed diagnostics, allowing us to identify the pathology and the cause that led to its appearance.


The prognosis for this disease is favorable. Allergic rhinitis does not pose a danger to life child, however, in the absence of proper treatment, problems may develop that will significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life in the future.


Parents of children with allergies should strictly adhere to preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing allergic rhinitis. These include:

Allergic rhinitis is a disease characterized by the occurrence certain symptoms occurring after a child comes into contact with an irritating substance.

Pathology most often manifests itself in certain seasons (for example, during the flowering period of plants), however, its symptoms can occur throughout the year.

Clinical picture the pathology is similar to the manifestations of a common runny nose, but these two ailments require different treatments Therefore, it is very important to distinguish them from each other.

Despite the fact that allergic rhinitis does not pose a threat to the child’s life, the disease requires treatment, otherwise unpleasant complications may develop.

Doctor Komarovsky about allergic rhinitis in children in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

The most common diseases include diseases of allergic origin, including allergic rhinitis.

According to statistics, in developed countries Up to six out of ten people are susceptible to this disease, and the risk of developing bronchial asthma is more than 40%.

Allergic rhinitis in children, due to high risk complications, forces parents to turn close attention on symptoms characteristic of allergic rhinitis in order to promptly diagnose and know how to treat, reducing the likelihood of complications in the child. In addition, with each case of exacerbation children's body with a weakened immune system becomes susceptible to various infections.

Allergic rhinitis in a child manifests itself at the following ages:

Parents of six-year-old children prone to allergies note increasing signs of the disease in 70% of cases, but medical assistance For the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children, patients are usually treated several years after the onset of the disease. People most often come to an allergist when the child turns 10 years old, when the disease takes on a chronic form that threatens the development of serious complications: chronic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma. In some situations, the development of spasm of the cephalic fissure, dysmenorrhea, and epilepsy is possible.

Features of the course in children, forms and risk groups

Parents of infants and young children should be aware of the high risk of developing an allergic reaction from following products nutrition and substances:

Parents of preschoolers and schoolchildren primary classes must take into account high probability development of allergic rhinitis due to airborne contact with allergens inhaled by the child.

Of particular importance in the course of the disease is identifying the child’s sensitivity to odors.

To know how, you need to recognize the forms of the disease:

Among the most susceptible to disease patients belong to different sex and age groups, patients with some chronic diseases and various pathologies:

Of great importance hereditary factor. If one parent suffers from allergies, the child is at much greater risk of developing the disease. In more than half of the cases of sick children, the parents are allergic.

The development of the reaction is also provoked by prolonged contact with highly allergenic objects and substances, as well as frequent colds.

Symptoms of acute rhinitis and diagnostic methods

Among common signs exacerbation of the disease, the following phenomena are observed:

As common manifestations diseases include the following conditions:

  1. Fatigue.
  2. Severe irritability.
  3. Lack of appetite.
  4. Increased sweating.
  5. Sleep dysfunction.
  6. Tearfulness.

During an exacerbation, an increase in temperature is allowed due to intoxication of the body.

The year-round form of the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

When diagnosing, ARVI is distinguished from allergic rhinitis:

  1. A runny nose during ARVI lasts for 3-7 days, and with allergies, a runny nose increases in patients in contact with the allergen and continues as long as the influence of the allergen lasts.
  2. The period of increase in the incidence of ARVI is the autumn-winter period and spring, and allergic rhinitis is more often observed during the flowering period.
  3. With ARVI, symptoms such as paroxysmal sneezing, swelling, and lacrimation rarely appear.

At the first visit, the doctor conducts a full examination, identifies characteristic symptoms and prescribes treatment for allergic rhinitis in children. To confirm the diagnosis and find the cause of the exacerbation of the disease, the following measures are taken:

Laboratory examination includes:

  1. Determination of the level of eosinophils and leukocytes.
  2. Identification of plasma cells and mast cells.
  3. General and specific IgE antibodies.
  4. Cytological and histological examination.

The purpose of the examination is to correctly diagnose and identify the source causing the allergic reaction, after which steps are taken to eliminate the irritant.

The examination should reveal signs of allergic rhinitis, for example:

The attending doctor examines the blood and prescribes testing to identify allergens. The following results serve as the basis for diagnosing the disease:

  1. Availability high level general and specific antibodies (IgE).
  2. Detection of eosinophilia in nasal secretions and blood serum.

Therapy methods

After diagnosing the disease, prescribe complex treatment, which includes several directions of action: from symptom relief to allergen-specific treatment, which consists in reducing the reaction to the irritant until the complete disappearance of symptoms.

This option is especially indicated in the treatment complex cases for children from 5 years old and represents parenteral administration according to an individual scheme of increasing doses of the allergen that provokes allergic rhinitis. In a child, symptoms and treatment differ little from adult patients.

Immunotherapy is used only when drug and non-drug therapy did not give the desired effect, provided that the source of the allergy is precisely known.

Non-drug treatment

The first condition in the fight against manifestations of any allergic reactions, including a runny nose, is to exclude any exposure of the child to the allergen.

Within non-drug treatment If you are allergic to blooms, take the following steps:

If the disease is caused by mold, the disease control complex in mandatory includes:

  1. Frequent cleaning of the children's room and areas where the child lives.
  2. Sufficient ventilation.
  3. The use of fungicides in the fight against mold fungi.
  4. It is advisable to install a humidifier and air conditioner in the room;
  5. It is possible to place indoor plants.

If allergic rhinitis is caused by dust mites, parents take measures to destroy dust and dust mites:

When a food allergen is identified, all foods that contain the source of the allergy are removed from the diet. Reintroduction of these products is only possible by gradually adding small amounts while carefully monitoring the body's reaction. In most cases, the foods that initially caused the allergy cease to have their harmful effects and remain in the diet of the growing child.

Drug treatment

Taking medications is an indispensable condition to implement effective therapy. Various types of drugs are used in treatment:

Traditional medicine will not help in the treatment of this disease. Taking any folk remedies against allergic rhinitis will only provoke a worsening of the patient’s condition. Parents should be especially careful about the recommendations of various traditional healers who recommend using medicinal herbs. Doctors allow the use aqueous solution table salt for rinsing the nose, however, this measure must be accompanied by taking medications and eliminating contact with the allergen. Otherwise, this method will not bring any improvement.

IN modern medicine not provided preventive measures for protection against allergic rhinitis. First of all, treatment is designed to repay acute symptoms illness and minimizing the strength of the allergen. If the cause of exacerbation is identified, parents need to exclude contact with the allergen, and in situations of possible forced exposure to the source of the allergy, take timely measures to prevent the development of the disease. Among the means that prevent the influence of the allergen are absorbent sprays Nazaval or Prevalin, which after spraying leave a barrier layer of gel on the mucous membrane.

Due to the widespread nature of the disease, parents should know how to treat allergic rhinitis to protect their baby from possible serious complications.

Allergic rhinitis does not pose a serious danger to the child, but it affects the child’s quality of life and ability to work. The prevalence of the pathology is explained by the imperfection of the children's immune system. Many specialists in the field of otolaryngology regard this pathology as a pre-asthmatic condition.

What is allergic rhinitis and how does it happen?

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by exposure to causal allergens. The disease can occur in two forms:

  • year-round, characterized by the constant presence of symptoms, without seasonal exacerbations;
  • seasonal, associated with the flowering period of some plants; this form is more typical for children 4–6 years old.

Causes of the disease

Allergic rhinitis in a child develops due to hypersensitivity to certain irritants:

  • insects;
  • dust;
  • pets;
  • pollen;
  • mold;
  • products;
  • medications;
  • vaccines (tetanus, mumps, rubella).

Contributing factors for the development of the disease are:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • rickets;
  • dysentery;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system;
  • anomalies in the development of the nasal cavity;
  • hypotension.

Children at risk are:

  • with a burdened allergic heredity;
  • having prolonged contact with the allergen;
  • often suffering from acute respiratory infections.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children

It is almost impossible to notice signs of allergic rhinitis in a baby, since in such early age the disease does not occur. In a child over 3-6 years old, a runny nose is the leader among all diseases of an allergic nature.

The symptoms of the disease are similar to those of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. The main difference between allergic rhinitis is the absence of fever and exacerbation of symptoms after contact with the allergen.

Signs of the disease:

  • frequent repeated sneezing;
  • itching, discomfort, burning in the nose;
  • copious watery discharge from the nose;
  • hyperemia and irritation of the skin above the upper lip;
  • nasal congestion mainly at night or in the morning;
  • itching in the eyes and ears;
  • redness, swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • swelling of the face;
  • headaches.

Complications of the disease

IN childhood is involved in the process of allergic inflammation Eustachian tube, so babies may experience otitis media. Conjunctivitis often develops against the background of pathology. Like any other allergic disease rhinitis can cause bronchial asthma in the future.

A prolonged runny nose affects concentration and the quality of learning, so children with allergies often have reduced school performance.

Diagnosis of the disease

Allergic rhinitis should be a reason to consult a pediatrician or allergist. The doctor’s task is to confirm the diagnosis and find the sensitizing factor. For this purpose, the following examinations are carried out:

  • rhinoscopy;
  • rhinomanometry;
  • skin allergy tests;
  • radiography and ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses;
  • blood test for immunoglobulin E level;

How to treat allergic rhinitis

There are two types of treatment: symptomatic and allergen-specific therapy.

How to cure a child using symptomatic therapy

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to detect and eliminate the allergen. Further using symptomatic treatment decrease the most severe symptoms diseases. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used to relieve nasal congestion and facilitate nasal breathing (Nafazalin, Xylometazoline).

The course of symptomatic therapy does not exceed 10 days. This method of treatment is most often used in the event of an episodic allergic reaction to a household allergen, dust or other irritants, contact with which can be completely avoided in the future.

In case seasonal allergies, which are repeated from year to year and it is not possible to completely avoid contact with the allergen, it is recommended to undergo a course of allergen-specific treatment.

Allergen-specific treatment

The goal of therapy is to reduce the severity of the body's reaction to the allergen or completely eliminate it. How to treat a child is determined depending on age and severity clinical manifestations. The following drugs are used:

  1. Antihistamines in the form of drops systemic action, nasal drops or sprays:
  • Zyrtec;
  • Ketotifen;
  • Fenistil;
  • Claritin.
  1. Corticosteroids are prescribed for severe forms allergies or concomitant bronchial asthma:
  • Beclomethasone;
  • Fluticasone.
  1. SIT – specific immunotherapy. Used to treat allergies when a specific allergen is known. The essence of the method is the gradual introduction of a water-salt solution of a known allergen until the body loses sensitivity to it.

Disease prevention

Measures to prevent allergic rhinitis take care of the baby’s immunity during fetal development and after birth:

  • following a pregnant hypoallergenic diet;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • protecting the child from passive smoking;
  • regular house cleaning;
  • combating gas and dust levels in the air;
  • breast-feeding;
  • balanced nutrition for the baby.

Doctor pays attention

  1. You should not treat a runny nose on your own, much less use folk recipes. Herbs and others unconventional methods can cause cross allergic reactions in children.
  2. Cannot be used vasoconstrictor drops course for more than 10 days. Long term use drugs can provoke the development of drug-induced rhinitis.

At timely treatment disease, the likelihood of its reappearance at an older age is minimal. At careful attention Parents to the baby can completely eliminate the risk of developing the consequences and complications of allergic rhinitis.

Video for the article

In this article you will learn about allergic rhinitis, a method for diagnosing hay fever and methods of treating rhinitis in children.

Rhinitis is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. This process can be caused by allergic or infectious agents. It all starts with swelling, difficulty breathing and a runny nose (rhinorrhea).

Forms and symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children

Allergic rhinitis is divided over time into permanent(year-round, caused by constant contact with an allergen) and seasonal(occurring during the flowering period of certain plants). The symptoms, of course, do not threaten the child’s life, but they cause a lot of inconvenience, and late treatment allergies can lead to the development of bronchial asthma.

Reasons There are many occurrences of allergic rhinitis; to clarify the nature of the allergen, it is necessary to contact an allergist. However, it is possible to recognize allergic rhinitis independently:

  • Nose stuffy, breathing difficult
  • The discharge is clear and watery
  • Often accompanied by sneezing
  • Itchy nose
  • Signs of conjunctivitis (redness and itching of the eyes) may appear.

Depending on the causes, rhinitis is divided into the following types:

  • Allergic rhinitis(often accompanied by skin manifestations, conjunctivitis, asthma.) It can be seasonal - persistent and chronic
  • Non-allergic rhinitis determined in people who have no reason to have an allergen-related diagnosis

It is divided into:

  • Vasomotor– occurs due to impaired blood flow in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa, can be provoked by a change in the temperature of the inhaled air
  • Flavoring– may result from eating hot or spicy foods
  • Not allergic rhinitis and an increase in eosinophils - in this type, allergy cells (eosinophils) are determined, but skin tests do not reveal the allergy
  • Infectious rhinitis - Occurs during an infectious disease.
    Infectious rhinitis can be complicated by an allergic reaction to medications or the infection itself, then it can be called infectious-allergic
  • Occupational rhinitis– occurs when mucous membranes are irritated by substances associated with the workplace
  • Medication(having cured the disease, the patient continues to take vasoconstrictor sprays, provoking “addiction”).

Which doctor will diagnose a child with allergic rhinitis and hay fever?

If you notice such symptoms in your baby, you need to contact two leading specialists - these are: otolaryngologist And allergist-immunologist.
ENT diagnose rhinitis and exclude the infectious nature of the disease. To make a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, an allergist will prescribe a series of tests. These include:

  1. A blood test for the presence and increase of immunoglobulin to the allergen, an increase in eosinophils above normal. After taking a globulin-based analysis, the allergen is determined.
    There are no contraindications to the analysis, but the analysis is expensive and has errors.
  2. Another method, more effective, is the skin test method. Small scratches are made on the skin and a drop of a solution with an allergen is applied to the damage, and after some time the result is assessed. This method is more accurate.

IMPORTANT: During an exacerbation, this method is not used and all antiallergic medications are excluded a week before the test. The skin test method is contraindicated during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Treatment of vasomotor, persistent (seasonal pallinosis), chronic
(year-round) allergic rhinitis in children

In fact, any rhinitis, regardless of the cause, refers to vasomotor.

In all forms, there is a disruption of the blood supply to the mucous membranes.

Let's discuss rhinitis allergic origin.
The main points of treatment of allergic rhinitis include:

  • Determining and limiting contact with the allergen, limiting the access of the allergen to the nasal mucosa (wear a mask)
  • Nasal sprays - they can be vasoconstrictors (they quickly reduce swelling and are symptomatic drugs) or contain hormonal components (glucocorticoids). Steroids have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects
  • Antihistamines. Histamine is the main substance that is secreted by eosinophils and provokes, in fact, the symptoms of rhinitis (swelling, rhinorrhea, itching).
    Antihistamines are also divided into those that contain steroids and those that do not. Drugs may or may not have a sedative effect
  • Allergen-specific therapy is treatment by exposure to allergens in small doses, carried out outside of exacerbation and before the start of the allergy season (if it is seasonal palinosis)

This general principles treatment of allergic rhinitis. Below we will look at the nuances associated with the causes of rhinitis.

Treatment of drug-induced allergic rhinitis in children

Patient with drug-induced rhinitis forced to constantly use the spray and increase the dose, addiction occurs.

IMPORTANT: Vasoconstrictors begin to have not only local, but also systemic effects, affecting the vessels of the brain and peripheral vessels. This is especially noticeable in children; pressure surges and headaches may occur. Constant use leads to gradual atrophy of the mucosa.

What to do?

  • You need to give up drops and sprays. Replace them with natural ones for a while
    means such as “Aquamoris” or “Aqualor”. Or divorce sea ​​salt and rinse your nose (for 1 glass warm water 1 teaspoon salt)
  • If this does not help and the congestion does not disappear within a month, it is necessary surgery, which is carried out under local anesthesia by endoscopy.

Treatment of infectious allergic rhinitis with fever in children

This is a combination of two diseases: an infection that the child got and an allergic reaction.
Therefore, treatment should be combined and aimed at curing the infection itself and relieving symptoms.

Symptomatic treatment:

  • Antipyretic drugs
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • If necessary, glucocorticoids.

Remember! A doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

How to cure allergic rhinitis complicated by dermatitis, bronchial asthma,
adenoids, conjunctevitis?

In this case, the treatment is complex and requires the involvement of additional specialists ( ophthalmologist).

Treatment must be comprehensive and carried out within the hospital. Allergic rhinitis, accompanied by more serious allergic reactions, indicates the severity of the disease.

Let us note only some aspects of the treatment.

1. When dermatitis Antihistamine ointments are added to the above treatment.
They are prescribed by a doctor - dermatologist. The simplest examples of these are “Fenistil”, “Kremgen”. Immunocorrective therapy is used, which is prescribed purely individually.

2. Subject to availability

bronchial asthma self-treatment is strictly contraindicated and threatens laryngeal edema and suffocation during periods of allergic exacerbations.

Patients with bronchial asthma You should always have an inhaler with you (for example, Salbutamol or Beredual). They can also contain glucocorticoids and locally relieve inflammation during an attack.
In some cases, during attacks, they administer Eufilin intravenously. And in this case, therapy should be strictly individual.
3. Adenoids- this is part lymphatic system nasopharynx. Hypertrophy of these outgrowths leads to difficulty breathing. Majority ENT- doctors are prone to adenoid removal. After removal, these lymphatic formations tend to recover and re-hypertrophy.
4. If allergic rhinitis is accompanied by symptoms conjunctivitis, then “soothing” drops are prescribed, individually for the manifestations.

How to treat severe exacerbation of allergic rhinitis in the acute period?

All of the above treatment measures are carried out during the period of exacerbation, since during the period of remission allergy symptoms do not bother us. However, during strong manifestations in a hospital setting, medications may be prescribed to help reduce the concentration of allergen in the blood plasma:
The so-called " cleansing preparations(as "Reosorbilact")
In severe cases, plasmapheresis may be prescribed - plasma purification using the device.
Drugs are prescribed that stabilize mast cell membranes, preventing the release of histamine into the blood.

Allergic rhinitis in infants

This happens very rarely, due to the immature immunity of children.

IMPORTANT: Heredity and the manifestation of these symptoms in a nursing mother can contribute to the development of allergic rhinitis in infants. It is not possible for an infant to develop an allergy on its own, and in this case, either he received symptoms from his mother’s milk, or this is a manifestation of ARVI, and not an allergy.

TO general symptoms Rhinitis in an infant may cause lacrimation and a rash on the face and body.

Treat allergic runny nose a child can only be given a diagnosis
The doctor and only he prescribes medications.

Often these are local vasoconstrictor droplets (“Naphthyzin”), with skin manifestations– ointment (“Fenistil”) and antihistamine syrups or drops (“Erius”).

Allergic rhinitis in children: medicinal antihistamines - tablets, drops and
other drugs

The main treatment differs little from the treatment of adults, the only difference is in the dosage.

We will briefly list the names of the main drugs by group.
1. Antihistamines:
Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin - they have a clear sedative effect on children.
Claritin, Zyrtec - they are safe and have very few side effects for children.
Locally - Vibrocil (nasal drops), Allergodil.
2. Vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed to children over 12 years of age.
Naphthyzin, Noxprey, Xylene.
3. In cases of profuse nasal flow, prescribe Cromons.
Kromalin, Kromoson.
More serious treatment medications depend on the doctor and the degree of development of the disease.

Inhalations for allergic rhinitis in children.

This procedure is prescribed by an ENT doctor and is strictly controlled by him.
The procedure is carried out in calm state wearing clothes that do not compress the neck.

It's very effective. Use steam, wet and oil inhalations. If the aerosol particles have a charge, then this is electroaerosol inhalation.

Allergic rhinitis in children: treatment and prevention with folk remedies


  • Proper nutrition and diet
  • Using hypoallergenic creams and hygiene products for the baby
  • Preventing frequent colds
  • Clothes and fabrics that the baby comes into contact with must be natural.

Treatment with traditional methods

IMPORTANT: Parents often exclude drug treatment and rely on folk remedies. This is not right decision, because using herbal infusions or decoctions, you can cause even deeper harm. While this may help an adult, it may harm a child.

The only method suitable for the child from traditional medicine, can only be rinsing the nose saline solution, but this is ineffective.

1.ASTochka Enlightened
My eldest son has hay fever (allergy to tree blossoms).
During the dusting season, we use Kromhexal spray and take Erius syrup.

Now regarding “how to fight”….

ADVICE: Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, also known as hay fever, CANNOT BE CURED completely, it can only be driven into deep remission.

But... If you don’t treat it at all, after some time the patient will be 100% sure of bronchial asthma.

Before the age of three years, an allergen test can give either a false positive or a false negative result.

If your child is already 3 years old (this is the age at which the immune system is finally formed), then you have a direct route to an allergist, do an allergy panel and carry out ASIT.
Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy(ASIT) is the only therapy that treats the cause of an allergic disease.