How to induce sleep paralysis in detail. Sleep paralysis or “Old Witch Syndrome” How to get into sleep paralysis

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The work of our subconscious

Our consciousness, which we sometimes consider our “I,” is only a small part of the work of the brain as a whole. Awareness of oneself as a person is only a small part of the brain’s work; most other processes occurring in the head are processed without the involvement of consciousness. These are not only automated reactions such as breathing, controlling the heart, muscles when walking, but also more complex ones: pattern recognition, the formation of a three-dimensional surrounding reality. The brain, in fact, at a preliminary level chooses what to show to consciousness and what to omit. Some actions are performed so automatically that the consciousness is not notified of the work being performed.

Quite by accident, I recently found out that I have published new books: “Conscious exits from the body. Experience traveling to other worlds" and " Controlled Dreams. Controlled reality." They came out from a certain publishing house IPL in 2016. It turns out that this also happens, the author himself does not know that he has new books coming out.

They renamed the book in their own way and released it as a new product from the author. I have no idea what kind of publishing house this is, but after reading the reviews of the books, we can conclude: this is my first and second book published by the Ves publishing house under the titles: “Wanderer of Dreams. Part 1. The beginning of the journey" and "Wanderer of dreams. Part 2. New Millennium.”

Essentially these are the same books. If you have previously read the Dream Traveler series, then there is no point in buying new books.

Why do you dream about rats?

Interpretation of a dream in which a rat dreamed. Looking ahead, I’ll summarize the article - I’ll boldly say that a dream about a rat is bad. Depending on the variations in sleep, you can determine where the danger is coming from or what to expect in the near future, but in general sleep doesn't bode well. The only hopeful dream option is if the plot ends with the rat being killed or caught.

So, to find out from which side to expect a rat bite, analyze your dream.

Let's sort it out how a thought can have power. How thoughts can generally interact with the universe, cause events not related to our direct actions. What laws of the universe allow us to fulfill our mental desires. How can our brain have the gift of seeing at a distance or sensing events happening somewhere far away that we have no idea about.

Let's assume that our body, and our brain in particular, is a machine. Complex, to some extent incomprehensible, but still a device that perceives and transmits signals to the outside. Let's make another assumption that we are somewhat similar to a modern computer. Lately more and more our brain is being compared to electronic devices, so we will not deviate from this tradition. Thus, our thoughts are a kind of program, with cycles and functions that perform certain tasks. Some thoughts are initial data, but some have power - these are programs built according to the laws of the universe.

Over the past month I have encountered several people trying to change their past. Then someone talked about memories of a non-existent past.

Most people believe that changing the past is impossible, and No accurate description how to change the past. But, one way or another, I come across mysterious stories that cannot be confirmed or refuted. Any change in the past leads to everyone around remembering new story. Thus, we cannot confidently say that such a story is not the author’s invention. Only some individuals retain memories of an alternate present. Sometimes it’s not even a memory, but only a feeling of the wrongness of the current moment; sometimes flashes of déjà vu, or false memories in my head there are some moments that never actually happened, but for some reason are stored in my memory as memories.

The complete absence of muscle motor functions, even if it is short-term, is terrifying. This feeling is familiar to many, because rare person in my life I have never been in a state called sleep paralysis or old witch syndrome.

Information about him is stored in Russian folk beliefs. For a long time, everything incomprehensible was attributed to the actions of evil supernatural forces. The most powerful of them were considered witches. Their main power is to influence people, to send diseases to them. This is how the second name of the condition arose, which is still preserved.

Is sleep paralysis a normal condition or a pathology? Causes, types

Sleep paralysis or sleep stupor is not classified as a disease. But it cannot be called a normal state. It occurs at the stage of falling asleep or in the process of awakening, that is, at the stage of entering and exiting deep sleep.

At this time, a person is on the verge of sleep and wakefulness. He understands everything, but cannot make a single movement or utter a single word. Consciousness has been restored, but the muscles have not received the signal from the brain and cannot respond. Moreover, external sound influences are not the cause of this stupor.

Its occurrence does not depend on gender, but is more common in adolescents and young adults under the age of 25. Their duration and frequency vary from person to person.

Scientists - doctors for many years studied this condition, identified the main causes of sleep paralysis, signs and methods of stopping it. No specific treatment has been determined. It is not considered a dangerous health problem. In exceptional cases, it is a symptom of psychiatric pathology. The person knows that after the attack nothing will happen to him.

The following factors contribute to the failure of the signal from the brain to muscle tissue:

  • constant lack of sleep;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stress, nervous tension, shock;
  • mental disorders;
  • lack of sleep patterns;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • long-term use of antidepressants.

Experts more often diagnose sleep paralysis in people who prefer to sleep on their backs. Sometimes this happens after throwing back the head.

Moreover, in most patients, stupor is repeated 2-3 times throughout their lives, and only 4 - 5% of them occur every year.

According to the appearance of sleep paralysis, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Hypnagogic (semi-conscious).
  2. Hypnopompic.

The first type occurs at the moment of falling asleep, when the muscles are already relaxed and consciousness has not turned off. Hypnopompic sleep stupor occurs before waking up - on the verge of exiting deep sleep. Consciousness suddenly awakens and is completely restored. But the brain has not yet responded to this, the muscles remain relaxed and the body is immobilized.

This state lasts from several seconds to 2 minutes, but to a person this time seems endless. Motor functions of muscles and voice are quickly restored, but the experienced feelings of fear haunt the whole day.

Most often, signs of sleep paralysis appear all at once, after the onset of stupor. Main sign- muscle immobility. Other symptoms are also approximately the same in all patients. They are like this:

  • feeling strong fear, horror, anxiety, panic;
  • feeling of pressure on chest, stomach and neck;
  • feeling of suffocation;
  • fear of death;
  • increased heart rate and breathing;
  • loss of awareness of reality and orientation in space.

There may be manifestations of visual and auditory hallucinations. A person hears tinnitus, whispering, other people's voices, buzzing insects and other sounds. He sees shadows, silhouettes, images, entities, feels the touch and movement of his body, objects in the room.

Increased sweating occurs, headache. After an attack, a person cannot appreciate the reality of all experiences and sensations. Those who have experienced sleep paralysis more than once understand that nothing threatens their life and health. These are just sensations and false perceptions of something that really does not exist.

The condition is diagnosed only on the basis of the patient’s complaints, sensations and observations.

Doesn't exist special treatment In this condition, it is impossible to prevent the occurrence of attacks. But often eliminating etiological factors lead to the cessation of sleep paralysis.

It is necessary to treat hormonal disorders, mental disorders, alcoholism and drug addiction from specialists in the areas. We need to quit smoking and avoid stressful situations and nervous tension. It is also important to reconsider your lifestyle and make adjustments to it:

  • In your daily routine, be sure to include time for rest and sufficient sleep;
  • maintain a sleep schedule, get enough sleep, use an alarm clock to wake up;
  • sleep on your side;
  • provide for moderate physical activity, constant walks on fresh air on foot;
  • exercise;
  • balance nutrition;
  • do not eat before bed, do not drink coffee;
  • ventilate the bedroom;
  • take relaxing baths;
  • selectively watch TV programs in the evening, limit computer work.

It is useful to learn and practice relaxation practices.

Important! If you find yourself in a state of sleep paralysis, you need to relax as much as possible, do not panic and repeat to yourself that everything will pass soon.

It is necessary to know the rules of behavior during sleep paralysis. You can ease its course and speed up the end of these attacks. Sometimes family members can help.

First of all, it is necessary to overcome panic and fears; you must not give in to them. We must remember that there is no pressure on the chest and there is no suffocation, try to even out your breathing, take deep breaths and exhales through your nose.

You cannot resist the pressure, you need to succumb to it, this way the sensations will weaken. By focusing on this, you can avoid hallucinations and fears, and recovery from sleep paralysis can occur easier and faster.

Trying to scream or moo will help. You can remember prayers and repeat them.

Effective tongue movement thumb working hand, eyes, open and close them. After the old witch syndrome ends, you need to get out of bed and wash your face and hands cold water.

Much of this will not be possible, but the work of the brain will be activated and a signal will be sent to the muscles faster and the body will come out of its stupor.

You can try to relax as much as possible and wait for the stupor to end. In this state it will pass easier and faster.

Relatives can monitor his behavior in his sleep. If he sleeps on his back, he needs to be turned on his side. They can't do more.

If attacks recur, you should consult a doctor, especially for impressionable and very sensitive people. They have a hard time with the attacks and do not try to stop the attack, they succumb to panic and are overcome with horror. The specialist will teach them how to treat sleep stupor.

Also, these attacks may be symptoms of a nervous system disease - narcolepsy. It is effectively treated with antidepressants.

Patient surveys confirm that such methods of treating sleep stupor were successful in almost 80% of cases.

Most people who have experienced a stupor do not even want to mentally repeat what happened to them again. They are afraid of not getting out of this state and do everything to prevent its occurrence. They are not interested in how to get into sleep paralysis.

Some people try to cause the old witch syndrome. In this borderline state, they try to experiment with their subconscious, want to control it, and exit the body.

To do this, they use some techniques that explain how to induce sleep paralysis.

Before going to bed, you need to lie on your back and throw your head back. You need to focus on the feeling of weightlessness that comes at the moment of free fall from a great height. It should be accompanied by the wind in your face and a corresponding whistle in your ears. Having experienced this, as in reality, you can enter a sleepy stupor.

You can lie comfortably on your back, completely relax and not move. You need to constantly repeat one word in your mind. Then listen to it repeated over and over again by someone else. You cannot switch to visions that begin to appear. You need to focus on the word and relaxation. Soon the old witch syndrome will appear.

The technique of fear or fright involves re-experiencing something terrible and shocking. To do this, you need to lie down, relax and remember what may cause a feeling of strong fear. This will cause sleep paralysis.

Strong coffee can also help. If you really want to sleep, you need to drink coffee and immediately go to bed. You need to relax and not resist sleep. After a while, caffeine will begin to act and cause the development of stupor.

In all cases, auditory and visual hallucinations indicate entry into the state.

You should not go into sleep paralysis often. This harms the nervous system.

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Method of inducing sleep paralysis

Many people know the feeling when you wake up from fear, and some unknown force prevents you from moving and calling for help. There is nothing supernatural or mystical about this. Sleep paralysis causes an imbalance between brain function and tone muscle tissue. The part of the brain responsible for consciousness begins to work, but the part that gives commands to the muscles is still asleep. The condition is not dangerous, but unpleasant. But many are interested in how to induce sleep paralysis in order to penetrate the mystery, enter a lucid dream, or use the state to leave the body.

IMPORTANT! The editors of the portal do not recommend trying this practice yourself. Although from a physiological point of view, sleepy stupor does not harm the body, but a person experiences severe stress, overexcitement, does not have time to rest and recuperate. In emotionally excitable people, the psyche may suffer.

Technique for entering sleep paralysis

There are several ways to deceive the body and mind. IN borderline state Between sleep and wakefulness it is easier to enter in a supine position. You need to throw back your head, straighten your legs, stretch your arms along your body, close your eyes and relax as much as possible. You will have to lie for quite a long time and completely motionless.

The part of the brain that gives commands to the muscles must first be ensured that it is inactive eyeballs. They should not make any movements for several minutes. Having made sure that the eyeballs are motionless, the brain sends a kind of signal, which a person feels as a desire to turn around or move. If you change the position of the body, then the consciousness will “understand” that it is still impossible to turn off the muscles and will continue to wait. If you remain motionless, the brain will “think” that the mind is already asleep and will turn off the muscles.

No matter how long and annoying the desire to roll over is, you will have to ignore it. Without this, entering a sleepy stupor will not happen. Sometimes the desire to change body position is so strong that you cannot resist. Therefore, it is very important that the muscles are as relaxed as possible. Voltage causes a stronger signal.

Despite the apparent ease, not everyone succeeds in entering sleep paralysis the first time. When a person feels a slight vibration on the lips or sounds similar to a gust of wind, it means that he is in an intermediate state, and a sleepy stupor will soon occur. If you manage to stay in this position, complete relaxation of the muscles occurs. It seems that the limbs are going numb, from the feet to the top of the head the body is covered with a wave. The person thinks clearly, but cannot control the body. After which visual and auditory hallucinations.

With incomplete paralysis, minor motor activity remains. You cannot strain your muscles so as not to set your limbs in motion; active twitching will cause awakening. Paralysis of motor functions is facilitated by deep and slow breathing.

How to speed up your descent into sleep paralysis

Not everyone succeeds in achieving complete absence of voluntary movements of the eyeballs and muscles on the first try. Those who like to experiment with their subconscious use several tricks to trick the brain and cause sleepy stupor.

  • Artificial instillation of fear. At the moment of falling asleep, you need to think intensely about something scary, evoke frightening thoughts from the subconscious until your pulse quickens and numbness sets in. This way you can turn off consciousness and speed up muscle relaxation.
  • Induce in your mind the sensation of falling from a height upside down. It is necessary to turn on your imagination and reproduce the entire process of falling in the smallest detail. You need to imagine the panic of understanding what happened, free flight, wind, whistling in your ears, fear of inevitability, pain. As a result, the heart rate increases and the body begins to become numb.
  • Drink coffee before bed. Wait until you really want to sleep, drink coffee and immediately go to bed. The invigorating drink will take effect in about 20 minutes. Caffeine will increase brain activity and disrupt sleep quality. It's not really good way, caffeine can cause insomnia, and after the experiment it will be impossible to fall asleep.
  • Interrupted sleep. You need to get up after four hours of sleep. The person is expected to wake up during the slow phase and feel tired. Immediately after waking up, you need to give your brain a little exercise (solve problems, solve crosswords). After half an hour you need to go back to bed. After such a shake-up, consciousness is easier to deceive. If you relax well, then after about 30 minutes the onset of sleep paralysis will begin.
  • Excessive sleep. You need to get a good night's sleep, but after waking up, do not open your eyes and remain completely still. Process motor activity hasn't launched yet. The mind is clear and the body is in a relaxed state, so it is easy to cause a sleepy stupor.

Before you artificially fall into sleep paralysis, think about whether it is necessary to cause inconvenience to the body and deliberately deprive it of normal rest. Experts warn that frequent experiments with the subconscious mind harm the nervous system.

How to induce sleep paralysis and why you should do it

Sleep paralysis is not a pleasant experience for most people. However, those who are interested in esotericism and working with dreams, on the contrary, really value this specific state between sleep and reality and even strive to specifically enter it. How to induce sleep paralysis, is it possible, and what benefits can be derived from this condition?

Sleep paralysis is a condition after waking up when the body refuses to obey, although the consciousness is already clear. The inability to move is often accompanied by fear, even panic, rapid heartbeat, a feeling of pressure on the chest, and even hallucinations. For example, it seems to many that there is someone nearby, and this someone is clearly unfriendly.

At all times, the state of sleep paralysis has been of great interest to mystics. Demons, succubi, and brownies were blamed for causing stupor. Domovoy: do we know all our neighbors? and other otherworldly characters. Modern science proved that sleep paralysis is just a minor disorder in which the body wakes up unevenly, and motor function is restored later than consciousness awakens. This condition is completely safe, although in some cases it can be a symptom of neurological diseases.

I wonder what specific treatment Modern medicine cannot offer sleep paralysis. For those who have once experienced this condition and have no desire to fall into a sleepy stupor again, doctors recommend following a daily routine, sleeping enough time in suitable conditions, and giving up bad habits. In some cases these simple measures it turns out not to be enough, and sleep paralysis occurs again. If they log into the system, then there is a possibility that this symptom is associated with some nervous diseases– in this case, you need to consult a doctor.

At least once in your life with sleep paralysis Sleep paralysis: a nightmare between sleep and reality about half of the people encountered. For most, this left rather unpleasant memories. But some, on the contrary, really value sleep paralysis and specifically study various techniques, helping to experience this state.

Why enter this state? Many people believe that at the border between sleep and wakefulness, a person can easily come into contact with his subconscious, which means he can get to know himself much better than before. There is also an opinion that in such a state a person is maximally open to other worlds. Many believe that the state of sleep paralysis is ideal for various spiritual practices and unique out-of-body experiences. Finally, for those who are serious about studying their dreams, sleep paralysis offers a unique opportunity to control their dreams.

How to enter sleep paralysis

Despite the fact that sleep paralysis usually occurs upon awakening, the easiest way to artificially induce this state is when falling asleep. This can be achieved using different methods.

The easiest way is to study all the recommendations for preventing sleep paralysis and do the opposite. That is, change time zones or go to bed a couple of hours later than usual; before going to bed, exercise, giving your muscles a good workout; eat a hearty meal before bed; drink some alcohol Top 10 little known facts about alcohol ; sleep in a stuffy room in a supine position with your hands behind your head. If this does not help, then other techniques can be used.

For example, it is effective to imagine yourself falling upside down. This method is suitable for those whose imagination is well developed. You need to clearly imagine all the sensations that may arise in such a situation - the feeling of flying, the flickering in your eyes, the noise in your ears, the blowing of the wind. As a result, you can easily enter a state of sleepy stupor.

Another method is to wait until you fall asleep and, already on the threshold of sleep, remember something terrible. In some cases, this helps to enter a state of sleep paralysis, but to catch right moment for memories can be difficult.

You can try drinking a cup of strong coffee just before bed. Necessary condition: the desire to sleep must be very strong. The drink will not have an invigorating effect immediately, but just at the moment of transition from wakefulness to sleep, and the result may be a state of sleepy stupor.

It is very important not to practice going into sleep paralysis often. Regular exercise will only exhaust the body and damage the nervous system. It is advisable to experiment on yourself no more than once every ten days, and it is better that you do not have to get up early the next day.

If the usual methods of entering sleep paralysis are ineffective, you can use special technique. First you need to sleep for four hours and wake up with an alarm clock. Sleeping for four hours is unphysiological, and this simple measure will be enough to unbalance the functioning of the nervous system.

When the alarm clock rings, you need to get out of bed and engage in activities that require some intellectual effort. Reading or solving crossword puzzles are ideal.

After 30 minutes you need to go back to bed, preferably on your back. It is very important not to move for as long as possible - including eye movements. Within half an hour, and usually earlier, sleep paralysis should occur - consciousness will remain clear, but it will be impossible to move.

Now you can do what everything was started for - control dreams, come into contact with the subconscious Subconscious: everyone fills the emptiness with what they can , or even try to leave your body. In the first case, you can “order” any dream for yourself, for example, one in which answers to all questions will be found and all enemies will be defeated. In the second case, you can ask yourself any questions - experts say that there will definitely be an answer to them - immediately or in subsequent dreams. Finally, for out-of-body practices, one should imagine the process of the soul leaving the body - this does not happen for everyone and not always, but it leaves incomparable memories.

Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis, or sleepy stupor, is the opposite of somnambulism. It is familiar to many firsthand. Although it is quite common, there is no mention of it in the international classification of diseases; some of the information is found in foreign literature.

Physiologically, the condition is close to natural real paralysis, which occurs during the onset of the phase REM sleep.

This effect has its own biological meaning: a person cannot perform any actions during sleep, at this time the brain moves away from the REM sleep state, and immobility still persists for some time.

The duration of the phenomenon can last from several seconds to 2 minutes. The condition, according to modern medical concepts, is harmless, but unpleasant.

People who have experienced it usually talk about the fear of death, lethargic sleep and madness. According to doctors, these fears are unfounded.

This effect is often accompanied by dissociative manifestations, which are expressed as full or partial awareness of body patterns and movements. For example, a person feels that he can move any part of the body, but the transformation of thought into movement lasts, as it seems to him, for a very long time.

In addition, a person is worried about another phenomenon - “flies”. This is when sound vibrations, which may be an illusion or hallucination, are dramatically manifested in the form of an enhanced acoustic spectrum and its volume. Data sound effects then transforms into " white noise", with a predominance of a special squeak.

Symptoms of sleep paralysis:

  1. Feeling of fear;
  2. Feeling of pressure being applied to the body, especially the chest area;
  3. Difficulty breathing;
  4. It seems to a person that someone stranger is standing nearby;
  5. Increased heart rate;
  6. Loss of orientation in space;
  7. A person may feel that his body is moving, although in reality this is not happening;
  8. Vocal sensations may include noises, voices, steps;
  9. Visual hallucinations include shadows and ghosts around.

Most often this phenomenon develops if you sleep on your back, least often - on your right side. For the most part, it is observed in sleep disorders and correlates with cataplexy, narcolepsy, and somnambulism.

It is characteristic that this effect occurs only with independent natural awakening. It does not happen if a person is awakened by a stranger or any noise.

Basically, the pathology has the following causes:

  1. Shift of daily biorhythms, even during flights between different time zones;
  2. Lack of sleep, especially chronic. Against the backdrop of constant stress and unfavorable situations in your personal life;
  3. Often in people with a certain type addictions (drug, alcohol, food, nicotine);
  4. Sleep paralysis accompanies some mental disorders and diseases;
  5. While taking certain medications: antidepressants and nootropics.

There are suggestions that there is a genetic predisposition in the development of the disease. Some authors indicate familial cases of frequent occurrence of this condition.

Approximate statistics indicate that from 20 to 60% of people have experienced sleep paralysis in their lives. About 21% of people experienced it once, more times was rare - from 4 to 5% of cases.

Factors contributing to an increase in the incidence of pathology are sleep deprivation, disrupted sleep patterns, and stressful situations.

Experiments have proven that this effect accompanies a violation fast phase sleep and sleep in general. The pathology is often associated with anxiety neurotic state. It usually develops for the first time at the age of 10-20 years, the frequency varies from several times per year, but generally less often.

People have long called this phenomenon “old witch syndrome”; it was characterized as a phenomenon of paralysis and suffocation. People described the condition as if someone had leaned on them and was pressing on their chest from above; they often saw faces or shadows nearby. When people woke up, they spoke of the presence of someone evil and dangerous, and there was certainly a strong feeling of fear.

There are people from risk groups who are at risk frequent development phenomenon:

  1. People who are easily suggestible, have a weak or non-standard psyche;
  2. Introverted people whose consciousness is more often “within itself”;
  3. People who experience excessive fatigue due to their unusually resilient nervous system. Such people are in a hurry to do everything and end up exhausted.

What to do if you are sometimes bothered by this condition?

Treatment for sleep paralysis involves: simple actions that you can do yourself. First of all, you should remember that sleep paralysis has causes that should be eliminated:

  1. Restore normal sleep patterns, sleep duration should be at least 8 hours, although people’s needs vary;
  2. Treatment of depressive disorders;
  3. Treatment of neurotic disorders;
  4. Relieving stress, eliminating situations that provoke stress;
  5. Eliminate bad habits(alcohol and smoking), drug addiction treatment by a specialist;

Everyone has their own ways to overcome the effect:

  1. If you have the feeling that someone is holding you, you must not resist, do not try to break free, as the sensations will only intensify and the feeling of fear will increase;
  2. Instead of resisting forcefully, on the contrary, relax as soon as you feel the onset of paralysis. If during paralysis you feel like someone is pulling your leg or trying to push you into the bed, follow the direction of the force. As a result, you will fall asleep again or actually wake up;
  3. The phenomenon has its own characteristics: it mainly affects the chest, abdomen and throat. Therefore, during symptoms, try to divert your attention to other parts of the body: move your feet, fingers, clench your fingers into a fist. In most cases, this tactic helps get rid of the condition;
  4. There is an easy way to get rid of pathological condition- This controlled breathing. No matter how strong the pressure may seem to you, you will always be able to breathe. At this time, it is important to breathe in and out evenly. When you do a few controlled breathing movements, you will feel how fear leaves you, you will be able to control the unpleasant feeling that arises in this state;
  5. You can use the help of your neighbor (spouse). To do this, make him aware of your problem so that next time close person I was able to wake you up. Your condition is easy to determine externally: emotions of tension on your face, uneven breathing, twitching will make it possible to understand that you are in a state of sleep paralysis.

How to induce sleep paralysis yourself?

Some people deliberately try to fall into a state of sleep paralysis. How to do this?

You can remember the position in which the phenomenon develops most often: on your back, during the process of falling asleep, preferably without a pillow or with your head thrown back.

There are special techniques that explain how to enter sleep paralysis yourself:

  1. Technique of falling head down. To be more precise, it is necessary to reproduce the sensations that occur when falling upside down. The fall should be felt in every detail: tinnitus, wind, feeling of gravity. This is how you can enter a state of sleep paralysis;
  2. Experience fear. You need to relax and reach a state of half-asleep. Then just remember something scary, and this effect should occur;
  3. Physical activity before bed. Do squats and push-ups until you feel a strong heartbeat, this will help create the state you need;
  4. Use cold water. Set your alarm clock 2-3 hours earlier than usual. When you wake up, wash your face with cold water and go to bed again thinking about it;
  5. Too much sleep. If you can get a good night's sleep, do so, but don't get out of bed. Soon you will start to fall asleep again, but nervous system, which has already had time to rest, will soon prove itself at the level physical body. Before falling asleep, think about sleep paralysis, and in almost all cases it will certainly occur.

Sleep paralysis can be a portal to phenomena such as out-of-body experiences and lucid dreaming. You are conscious, but immobilized. This condition is caused by your body skipping some stages of sleep, and hallucinations are possible. There are two types of sleep paralysis. Hypnopompic sleep paralysis occurs when you become conscious before your body has exited the REM stage of sleep. Hypnagogic sleep paralysis involves a return to consciousness while falling asleep. This condition can cause fear and depression, so we recommend that you think twice before trying to induce sleep paralysis.


Interrupting sleep to cause sleep paralysis

    Work out Not regular cycle sleep. Research supports a link between irregular sleep patterns and the likelihood of sleep paralysis, as well as potential genetic influences. People who work shifts and have unusual and disrupted sleep patterns are more prone to sleep paralysis. In general, sleep paralysis is more likely to occur in a person who sleeps little and is consistently sleep-deprived.

    Use nap to disrupt sleep patterns. There is no guaranteed way to induce sleep paralysis. Despite the prevalence of this phenomenon, science still lacks a complete understanding of the exact causes. One of possible ways Sleep paralysis will be caused by disruption of the sleep cycle through frequent waking up at night and evening naps. This method is not accurate, but it can disrupt your sleep patterns and increase the likelihood of causing sleep paralysis.

    Lie down in bed and relax. To induce sleep paralysis, it is important to lie down as comfortably as possible, and it is recommended to fall asleep lying on your back. This causal relationship has not been proven, but it is generally accepted that in most cases, people who experience sleep paralysis sleep on their backs. You need to lie down and not move, repeating one word to yourself like a spell. This will allow you to relax and free your mind.

    Wake up at night. The second way to disrupt sleep patterns and possible call sleep paralysis will become a constant awakening at night. The alarm clock should ring 4-6 hours after you fall asleep, and you will need to wake up for 15-30 minutes. To engage your brain, try reading. Returning to bed, you need to close your eyes, but remain conscious.

    What is sleep paralysis

    1. Description of the phenomenon. During sleep paralysis, you remain conscious and aware of what is happening, but cannot move or speak. This state can last several seconds or minutes, and in very in rare cases even longer. Often, a person experiencing sleep paralysis will feel pressure on the chest or suffocation, as if something is pressing on them.

      Main features. The main symptom of sleep paralysis is a feeling of understanding what is happening without the ability to influence events. In this case, there is often a feeling of breathing restriction. Frightening hallucinations and a convincing sense of impending threat are common. Such hallucinations can be especially vivid because the person is half awake but can still see dream images.

      Need for medical care. Sleep paralysis itself is harmless, but if this condition occurs frequently, disorders and disorders may occur. healthy regimen sleep. More often than not, trying to develop a regular sleep cycle and trying to reduce the amount of stress in your life will reduce the likelihood of experiencing sleep paralysis. If your condition is negatively affected, you should consult a doctor. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe you short course antidepressants.

    • If you can't fall asleep after returning to bed, try taking the most comfortable position, in which you usually fall asleep.
    • You can try counting down to keep your brain conscious


    • Please be aware that sleep paralysis can cause visual and auditory hallucinations. In such cases, try to remain calm. It is important to know that you are safe and not in danger.
    • Trying to induce sleep paralysis every night can lead to exhaustion. There is no need to repeat these recommendations every day. For healthy body At least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep are required.

Sleep paralysis causes an imbalance between brain function and muscle tone. The part of the brain responsible for consciousness begins to work, but the part that gives commands to the muscles is still asleep. The condition is not dangerous, but unpleasant. But many are interested in how to induce sleep paralysis in order to penetrate the mystery, enter a lucid dream, or use the state to leave the body.

IMPORTANT! The editors of the portal do not recommend trying this practice yourself. Although from a physiological point of view, sleepy stupor does not harm the body, the person experiences severe stress, overexcitation, and does not have time to rest and recuperate. In emotionally excitable people, the psyche may suffer.

Technique for entering sleep paralysis

There are several ways to deceive the body and mind. It is easier to enter the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness in a supine position. You need to throw back your head, straighten your legs, stretch your arms along your body, close your eyes and relax as much as possible. You will have to lie for quite a long time and completely motionless.

The part of the brain that commands the muscles must first ensure that the eyeballs are inactive. They should not make any movements for several minutes. Having made sure that the eyeballs are motionless, the brain sends a kind of signal, which a person feels as a desire to turn around or move. If you change the position of the body, then the consciousness will “understand” that it is still impossible to turn off the muscles and will continue to wait. If you remain motionless, the brain will “think” that the mind is already asleep and will turn off the muscles.

No matter how long and annoying the desire to roll over is, you will have to ignore it. Without this, entering a sleepy stupor will not happen. Sometimes the desire to change body position is so strong that you cannot resist. Therefore, it is very important that the muscles are as relaxed as possible. Voltage causes a stronger signal.

Despite the apparent ease, not everyone succeeds in entering sleep paralysis the first time. When a person feels a slight vibration on the lips or sounds similar to a gust of wind, it means that he is in an intermediate state, and a sleepy stupor will soon occur. If you manage to stay in this position, complete relaxation of the muscles occurs. It seems that the limbs are going numb, from the feet to the top of the head the body is covered with a wave. The person thinks clearly, but cannot control the body. After which visual and auditory hallucinations may occur.

With incomplete paralysis, minor motor activity remains. You cannot strain your muscles so as not to set your limbs in motion; active twitching will cause awakening. Paralysis of motor functions is facilitated by deep and slow breathing.

How to speed up your descent into sleep paralysis

Not everyone succeeds in achieving complete absence of voluntary movements of the eyeballs and muscles on the first try. Those who like to experiment with their subconscious use several tricks to trick the brain and cause sleepy stupor.

  • Artificial instillation of fear. At the moment of falling asleep, you need to think intensely about something scary, evoke frightening thoughts from the subconscious until your pulse quickens and numbness sets in. This way you can turn off consciousness and speed up muscle relaxation.
  • Induce in your mind the sensation of falling from a height upside down. It is necessary to turn on your imagination and reproduce the entire process of falling in the smallest detail. You need to imagine the panic of understanding what happened, free flight, wind, whistling in your ears, fear of inevitability, pain. As a result, the heart rate increases and the body begins to become numb.
  • Drink coffee before bed. Wait until you really want to sleep, drink coffee and immediately go to bed. The invigorating drink will take effect in about 20 minutes. Caffeine will increase brain activity and disrupt sleep quality. This is not a very good method, caffeine can cause insomnia, and after the experiment it will be impossible to fall asleep.
  • Interrupted sleep. You need to get up after four hours of sleep. The person is expected to wake up during the slow phase and feel tired. Immediately after waking up, you need to give your brain a little exercise (solve problems, solve crosswords). After half an hour you need to go back to bed. After such a shake-up, consciousness is easier to deceive. If you relax well, then after about 30 minutes the onset of sleep paralysis will begin.
  • Excessive sleep. You need to get a good night's sleep, but after waking up, do not open your eyes and remain completely still. The process of motor activity has not yet started. The mind is clear and the body is in a relaxed state, so it is easy to cause a sleepy stupor.

Before you artificially fall into sleep paralysis, think about whether it is necessary to cause inconvenience to the body and deliberately deprive it of normal rest. Experts warn that frequent experiments with the subconscious mind harm the nervous system.

how to induce sleep paralysis in detail

How to make sleep paralysis

In the Other section, tell me the question effective ways fall into sleep paralysis) asked by the author Varya Konstantinova the best answer is Physiologically, the state is close to natural paralysis, which occurs during the REM sleep phase. The biological meaning of REM sleep paralysis is that it prevents a person from performing actions during sleep. In turn, during sleep stupor, the brain wakes up from the REM sleep phase, but the paralysis of the body persists for some time.

Sleep paralysis usually lasts from a few seconds to 2 minutes. It is unpleasant, but, according to modern ideas, harmless. The fear of falling into a lethargic sleep, dying or going crazy, which those who wake up often experience, is unfounded.

Sometimes this state is accompanied by catatonic, or rather dissociative manifestations, which are expressed in full or partial awareness of the body diagram and motor skills (for example, the feeling that it is possible to move a finger, but the transition from thought to movement takes an infinitely long time). In addition, sometimes so-called “flies” occur, that is, a phenomenon when the sensation of a sound vibration (probably an illusion or hallucination) in the ears suddenly manifests itself sharply in the form of an increase in the acoustic spectrum and volume, smoothly turning into “white noise” with a predominance of a peculiar “ squeak”, which can be heard by anyone in a state of wakefulness in silence, but in a less pronounced form.

In addition to paralysis of the whole body, the most common symptoms are: a feeling of terror, a feeling of pressure (especially on the chest) or difficulty breathing, a feeling of the presence of a foreign being, an increased heart rate, a feeling of body movement (a person may feel as if he is turning over from one side to the other, although actually lies in place), some people seem to be trying to wake up. Typical auditory sensations are voices, footsteps or pulsating sounds, visual sensations are people or ghosts in the room.

Sleep paralysis often occurs when sleeping on your back (several times more often than in other positions). There is a low chance of sleep paralysis when sleeping on your side, especially on your right side. May occur with sleep disturbances (especially if such disturbances are rare). Sleep paralysis is correlated with narcolepsy, cataplexy and somnambulism.

Sleep paralysis can only occur upon natural awakening. With rapid awakening, occurring under the influence external factors(bright light in the eyes, sound of an alarm clock), sleep paralysis does not happen.

Ways to combat sleep paralysis vary from person to person. General methods First of all, they include a regular, adequate sleep schedule. Many people recover from an attack of sleep paralysis by moving their eyes, tongue or thumb. right hand(left for left-handers). For others, on the contrary, complete muscle relaxation and calmness help: this softens negative emotional sensations and causes a gentle exit from the state of paralysis. Also, some begin to actively develop brain activity - for example, they begin to count or think about something. You can also try to make a sound from the nasopharynx (mooing), since it is impossible to open the mouth. Many people find it helpful to try to raise their head upward (decreasing the angle between the plane of the back of the head and the back).

How to induce sleep paralysis and why you should do it

Sleep paralysis is not a pleasant experience for most people. However, those who are interested in esotericism and working with dreams, on the contrary, really value this specific state between sleep and reality and even strive to specifically enter it. How to induce sleep paralysis, is it possible, and what benefits can be derived from this condition?

Sleep paralysis is a condition after waking up when the body refuses to obey, although the consciousness is already clear. The inability to move is often accompanied by fear, even panic, rapid heartbeat, a feeling of pressure on the chest, and even hallucinations. For example, it seems to many that there is someone nearby, and this someone is clearly unfriendly.

At all times, the state of sleep paralysis has been of great interest to mystics. Demons, succubi, and brownies were blamed for causing the stupor. Domovoy: do we know all our neighbors and other otherworldly characters? Modern science has proven that sleep paralysis is simply a minor disorder in which the body wakes up unevenly, and motor function is restored later than consciousness awakens. This condition is completely safe, although in some cases it can be a symptom of neurological diseases.

It is interesting that modern medicine cannot offer a specific treatment for sleep paralysis. For those who have once experienced this condition and have no desire to fall into a sleepy stupor again, doctors recommend following a daily routine, sleeping enough time in suitable conditions, and giving up bad habits. In some cases, these simple measures are not enough, and sleep paralysis recurs. If they enter the system, then there is a possibility that this symptom is associated with some kind of nervous diseases - in this case, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

About half of people have experienced sleep paralysis at least once in their life. Sleep paralysis: a nightmare between sleep and reality. For most, this left rather unpleasant memories. But some, on the contrary, really value sleep paralysis and specifically study various techniques to help experience this condition.

Why enter this state? Many people believe that at the border between sleep and wakefulness, a person can easily come into contact with his subconscious, which means he can get to know himself much better than before. There is also an opinion that in such a state a person is maximally open to other worlds. Many believe that the state of sleep paralysis is ideal for various spiritual practices and unique out-of-body experiences. Finally, for those who are serious about studying their dreams, sleep paralysis offers a unique opportunity to control their dreams.

How to enter sleep paralysis

Despite the fact that sleep paralysis usually occurs upon awakening, the easiest way to artificially induce this state is when falling asleep. This can be achieved using different methods.

The easiest way is to study all the recommendations for preventing sleep paralysis and do the opposite. That is, change time zones or go to bed a couple of hours later than usual; before going to bed, exercise, giving your muscles a good workout; eat a hearty meal before bed; drink some alcohol Top 10 little-known facts about alcohol; sleep in a stuffy room in a supine position with your hands behind your head. If this does not help, then other techniques can be used.

For example, it is effective to imagine yourself falling upside down. This method is suitable for those whose imagination is well developed. You need to clearly imagine all the sensations that may arise in such a situation - the feeling of flying, the flickering in your eyes, the noise in your ears, the blowing of the wind. As a result, you can easily enter a state of sleepy stupor.

Another method is to wait until you fall asleep and, already on the threshold of sleep, remember something terrible. In some cases, this helps to enter a state of sleep paralysis, but catching the right moment for memories can be difficult.

You can try drinking a cup of strong coffee just before bed. Necessary condition: the desire to sleep must be very strong. The drink will not have an invigorating effect immediately, but just at the moment of transition from wakefulness to sleep, and the result may be a state of sleepy stupor.

It is very important not to practice going into sleep paralysis often. Regular exercise will only exhaust the body and damage the nervous system. It is advisable to experiment on yourself no more than once every ten days, and it is better that you do not have to get up early the next day.

If the usual methods of entering sleep paralysis are ineffective, you can use a special technique. First you need to sleep for four hours and wake up with an alarm clock. Sleeping for four hours is unphysiological, and this simple measure will be enough to unbalance the functioning of the nervous system.

When the alarm clock rings, you need to get out of bed and engage in activities that require some intellectual effort. Reading or solving crossword puzzles are ideal.

After 30 minutes you need to go back to bed, preferably on your back. It is very important not to move for as long as possible - including eye movements. Within half an hour, and usually earlier, sleep paralysis should occur - consciousness will remain clear, but it will be impossible to move.

Now you can do what everything was started for - control dreams, come into contact with the subconscious Subconscious: everyone fills the emptiness with what they can, or even try to leave their body. In the first case, you can “order” any dream for yourself, for example, one in which answers to all questions will be found and all enemies will be defeated. In the second case, you can ask yourself any questions - experts say that there will definitely be an answer to them - immediately or in subsequent dreams. Finally, for out-of-body practices, one should imagine the process of the soul leaving the body - this does not happen for everyone and not always, but it leaves incomparable memories.

Can anyone describe in simple language how sleep paralysis can be caused??

Many dreamers know that it is quite easy to leave the body after experiencing sleep paralysis. Many people will not be able to experience an out-of-body experience using such an extreme method the first time, because... out-of-body experience prevented by inexplicable animal fear.

1) Set an alarm to wake you up after 4 hours of sleep.

2) Go to bed at your usual time.

3) When the alarm clock rings, do not go to bed for 30 minutes. While staying in a warm bed is tempting, it's important to get out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off. As soon as you wake up, do something that requires brain activity. Reading a book or online forums is good.

4) Return to bed and lie on your back. If you usually sleep on your back, then lie on your stomach. You must take a body position that is unusual for you.

5) Don't move. This is the most important part because you will definitely have a strong urge to roll over or scratch. The trick is to not let yourself move. This behavior will signal to your brain that you are already asleep, which will contribute to the occurrence of sleep paralysis.

6) Don't move your eyes. When we wake up, our eyes notice every movement around us. When your eyes stop moving, your brain thinks you're ready to fall asleep—this is what causes sleep paralysis.

7) Once you achieve sleep paralysis, use one of your preferred techniques: out-of-body experiences or lucid dreaming.

How to induce sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis can be a portal to phenomena such as out-of-body experiences and lucid dreaming. You are conscious, but immobilized. This condition is caused by your body skipping some stages of sleep, and hallucinations are possible. There are two types of sleep paralysis. Hypnopompic sleep paralysis occurs when you become conscious before your body has exited the REM stage of sleep. Hypnagogic sleep paralysis involves a return to consciousness while falling asleep. This condition can cause fear and depression, so we recommend that you think twice before trying to induce sleep paralysis.

Steps Edit

Method 1 of 2:

Interrupting sleep to cause sleep paralysis Edit

Techniques for entering a state of sleep paralysis.

Many dreamers know that it is quite easy to leave the body after experiencing sleep paralysis. Many people will not be able to experience an out-of-body experience using such an extreme method the first time, because... out-of-body experience is hampered by inexplicable animal fear, which was described in detail in this article. In the future, the problem of fear disappears, followed by the question of how to intentionally cause this most sensational sleep paralysis.

For those experiencing sleep paralysis for the first time, this “horror” can cause a lot of problems and discomfort. They would like to once and for all stop experiencing this terrible phenomenon in their opinion. In their opinion, deliberately inducing sleep paralysis is out of the question and this article makes no sense at all.

However, it will be very interesting for experienced dreamers to learn about the intentional invocation of this interesting state. In the process of many experiments and observations, I discovered quite a lot of techniques for entering this state.

Let me remind you that most often this happens when you fall asleep on your back without a pillow under your head, or with your head thrown back. Hands along the body, the body is as relaxed as possible, we peer into the darkness in front of eyes closed. All techniques should start from this position.

Upside down technique

Imagine, or rather reproduce, the sensation of falling headfirst. The whole process should be felt in the smallest detail: the wind, the feeling of gravity, the characteristic tinnitus. After a while, without even wanting it, you will feel the vibration and how you are literally sucked into the pillow.

Having relaxed properly, having achieved a state of half-asleep, try to remember something scary or the presence of some entity that can cause fear in you. Sleep paralysis does not take long to occur.

Quite an extreme method. When you really want to sleep, drink some coffee and go straight to bed. Coffee will not act immediately, but when it is necessary, at that very moment sleep paralysis will occur.

Physical activity before bed

Almost the same as “coffee”, only instead of drinking coffee you need to do squats or push-ups until your heart begins to beat noticeably strongly.

Set your alarm 2-3 hours earlier than your usual wake-up time. Get up at the alarm, wash your face with cold water and immediately go to bed, thinking about sleep paralysis.

At a time when you have the opportunity to get a good night's sleep, usually on weekends, it happens that it seems like it's time to get up, but it's nice to sleep for a couple of hours. This is where our rested consciousness can manifest itself against the background of our physical body, which is not yet completely rested. Once you start thinking about sleep paralysis before falling asleep, after a while it will capture you in its “shackles.”

After achieving the goal, there are several ways to exit the body. You can begin to swing your etheric body up and down or to the sides. Upon reaching an amplitude of approximately 30 cm, begin to “lick” out of the body. You can also begin to quickly spin around its axis. But in most cases you can do without it. You can simply by an effort of will stand up or fly up and begin to experience the most amazing state possible.

Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis, or sleepy stupor, is the opposite of somnambulism. It is familiar to many firsthand. Although it is quite common, there is no mention of it in the international classification of diseases; some of the information is found in foreign literature.

Physiologically, the condition is close to natural real paralysis, which occurs during the onset of the REM sleep phase.

This effect has its own biological meaning: a person cannot perform any actions during sleep, at this time the brain moves away from the state of REM sleep, and immobility still persists for some time.

The duration of the phenomenon can last from several seconds to 2 minutes. The condition, according to modern medical concepts, is harmless, but unpleasant.

People who have experienced it usually talk about fear of death, lethargic sleep and madness. According to doctors, these fears are unfounded.

This effect is often accompanied by dissociative manifestations, which are expressed as full or partial awareness of body patterns and movements. For example, a person feels that he can move any part of the body, but the transformation of thought into movement lasts, as it seems to him, for a very long time.

In addition, a person is worried about another phenomenon - “flies”. This is when sound vibrations, which may be an illusion or hallucination, dramatically manifest as an enhanced acoustic spectrum and its volume. These sound effects are then transformed into “white noise”, with a predominance of a special squeak.

Symptoms of sleep paralysis:

Most often this phenomenon develops if you sleep on your back, least often - on your right side. For the most part, it is observed in sleep disorders and correlates with cataplexy, narcolepsy, and somnambulism.

It is characteristic that this effect occurs only with independent natural awakening. It does not happen if a person is awakened by a stranger or any noise.

Basically, the pathology has the following causes:

  1. Shift of daily biorhythms, even during flights between different time zones;
  2. Lack of sleep, especially chronic. Against the backdrop of constant stress and unfavorable situations in your personal life;
  3. Often in people with a certain type of addiction (drug, alcohol, food, nicotine);
  4. Sleep paralysis accompanies some mental disorders and diseases;
  5. While taking certain medications: antidepressants and nootropics.

There are suggestions that there is a genetic predisposition in the development of the disease. Some authors indicate familial cases of frequent occurrence of this condition.

Approximate statistics indicate that from 20 to 60% of people have experienced sleep paralysis in their lives. About 21% of people experienced it once, more times were rare - from 4 to 5% of cases.

Factors contributing to an increase in the incidence of pathology are sleep deprivation, disrupted sleep patterns, and stressful situations.

Experiments have proven that this effect accompanies disturbances in the rapid phase of sleep and sleep in general. The pathology is often associated with an anxious neurotic state. It usually develops for the first time in adulthood, the frequency varies from several times a year, but generally less often.

People have long called this phenomenon “old witch syndrome”; it was characterized as a phenomenon of paralysis and suffocation. People described the condition as if someone had leaned on them and was pressing on their chest from above; they often saw faces or shadows nearby. When people woke up, they spoke of the presence of someone evil and dangerous, and there was certainly a strong feeling of fear.

There are people from risk groups who are at risk of frequent development of the phenomenon:

  1. People who are easily suggestible, have a weak or non-standard psyche;
  2. Introverted people whose consciousness is more often “within itself”;
  3. People who experience excessive fatigue due to their unusually resilient nervous system. Such people are in a hurry to do everything and end up exhausted.

What to do if you are sometimes bothered by this condition?

Treatment for sleep paralysis comes down to simple steps that you can do yourself. First of all, you should remember that sleep paralysis has causes that should be eliminated:

  1. Restore normal sleep patterns, sleep duration should be at least 8 hours, although people’s needs vary;
  2. Treatment of depressive disorders;
  3. Treatment of neurotic disorders;
  4. Relieving stress, eliminating situations that provoke stress;
  5. Eliminate bad habits (alcohol and smoking), drug addiction treatment from a specialist;

Everyone has their own ways to overcome the effect:

  1. If you have the feeling that someone is holding you, you must not resist, do not try to break free, as the sensations will only intensify and the feeling of fear will increase;
  2. Instead of resisting forcefully, on the contrary, relax as soon as you feel the onset of paralysis. If during paralysis you feel like someone is pulling your leg or trying to push you into the bed, follow the direction of the force. As a result, you will fall asleep again or actually wake up;
  3. The phenomenon has its own characteristics: it mainly affects the chest, abdomen and throat. Therefore, during symptoms, try to divert your attention to other parts of the body: move your feet, fingers, clench your fingers into a fist. In most cases, this tactic helps get rid of the condition;
  4. There is a simple way to get rid of the pathological condition - controlled breathing. No matter how strong the pressure may seem to you, you will always be able to breathe. At this time, it is important to breathe in and out evenly. When you make several controlled breathing movements, you will feel how fear leaves you, you will be able to control the unpleasant feeling that arises from this state;
  5. You can use the help of your neighbor (spouse). To do this, make him aware of your problem so that the next time a loved one can wake you up. Your condition is easy to determine externally: emotions of tension on your face, uneven breathing, twitching will make it possible to understand that you are in a state of sleep paralysis.

How to induce sleep paralysis yourself?

Some people deliberately try to fall into a state of sleep paralysis. How to do this?

You can remember the position in which the phenomenon develops most often: on your back, during the process of falling asleep, preferably without a pillow or with your head thrown back.

There are special techniques that explain how to enter sleep paralysis yourself:

  1. Technique of falling head down. To be more precise, it is necessary to reproduce the sensations that occur when falling upside down. The fall should be felt in every detail: tinnitus, wind, feeling of gravity. This is how you can enter a state of sleep paralysis;
  2. Experience fear. You need to relax and reach a state of half-asleep. Then just remember something scary, and this effect should occur;
  3. Physical activity before bed. Do squats and push-ups until you feel a strong heartbeat, this will help create the state you need;
  4. Use cold water. Set your alarm clock 2-3 hours earlier than usual. When you wake up, wash your face with cold water and go to bed again thinking about it;
  5. Too much sleep. If you can get a good night's sleep, do so, but don't get out of bed. Soon you will begin to fall asleep again, but the nervous system, which has already had time to rest, will soon manifest itself at the level of the physical body. Before falling asleep, think about sleep paralysis, and in almost all cases it will certainly occur.



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How to enter sleep paralysis

Stole from VKontakte, quite an interesting thing.

The basic strategy for entering sleep paralysis is to trick the body into thinking that the mind is already asleep. When you lie completely still for long enough (relaxation practice), the body does not know whether the mind is sleeping or not. Before giving the order to turn off conscious control over the muscles and fall into sleep paralysis, the body sends a test signal to the mind asking if it is dreaming. This test signal is felt as a strong desire to roll over. Usually, if you are still awake and feel this desire to change the position of your body, then you simply give in to it without thinking and roll over. When you roll over, your body knows that your mind is not yet asleep and does not turn on sleep paralysis. If the mind is already asleep, the message does not reach it, we do not turn over and the body decides to turn off the muscles - paralysis occurs. Thus, to bypass this mechanism, you simply need to ignore the body's test signal - a strong desire to roll over. If this desire is ignored long enough, the body will believe that the mind is asleep while it remains awake. The urge to roll over can be very distressing and unnerving. Sometimes this desire is very strong, even turning into pain, sometimes weak. However, the more the body is unsure that the mind is asleep, the stronger the body's test signal and stronger desire roll over. How stronger tension in the muscles of an unrested body when you go to bed, the stronger the test signal will be. Deep relaxation makes the test signal weaker.

Another "word" in this language is keeping the eyeballs as still as possible for a long time. The body expects the eyeballs to remain motionless during long period, before sending the “turn over” test signal. The inactivity of the eyeballs can vary greatly in the process of deceiving the body when using the "turn over" test signal. During the day, your emotions often change, as a result of which your eyeballs constantly make micromovements. At the end of the day, they continue to make these micro-movements, even when you begin to fall asleep. If you close your eyes and try to keep them still, you may find it difficult to do even for 30 seconds. It is not so easy to completely relax the eye muscles. However, YOU CAN do this within a few minutes, the body will think that the mind is falling asleep and will send a test signal “turn over”. Thus, in order to fall asleep quickly you need to devote special attention the muscles of the eyeballs, relaxing them deeply so that they do not react to anything. It may take several nights of practice to get the feel and understanding of how to completely relax your eyes. However, after this you will always be able to relax them quickly and easily. Also in practice, you need to feel the sensation in your eyes when you wake up in the morning, but have not yet opened them. In fact, it is best to practice from a state of complete stillness when waking up in the morning to develop the skills of entering a lucid dream. Most often, if you remain completely still when you wake up, you are so relaxed that you immediately fall back into sleep paralysis, but with an awakened mind and can enter the OC-a bit of the Rainbow mood upon awakening.

When inducing paralysis, you will probably feel that all this has already worn you down and it is unclear when what should finally happen will happen. The trick is that in order to understand how close you are to paralysis you need to make a movement, on the other hand, if you start moving, it will destroy the state and you will have to start over. The body has an internal timer to induce the “turn over” signal - you will have to wait for it again. However, there is a phenomenon that allows you to find out how close you are to sleep paralysis without making movements - this is the feeling of vibrations. If you suddenly hear a sound like “VVVVVVVV” and feel vibrations on your lips, this means that you are approximately in the middle of the stage. Sometimes the vibrations can feel incredibly strong, like an impact electric shock. In other cases they may be completely absent. Prolonged vibrations are accompanied by sharp sounds, similar to a strong wind or a passing train. It might feel something like this. Vibrations and harsh sounds are a phenomenon intermediate state and continue until complete relaxation and paralysis. It's like being between two radio stations and feeling a random static signal - white noise. When you tune into the station again the noise disappears. Vibrations and sharp sounds are one and the same and occur when you are not fully concentrated on the dream, that is, when you are not completely in the superconscious, conscious or subconscious. So, there are 2 phenomena that accompany the process of entering sleep paralysis and show that one is actually entering a different state of mind. They also talk about the depth of relaxation. Observing their strength allows you to understand how deep you are in trance. It should be noted that vibrations and white noise do not always occur, but if you feel them, you must wait until they stop before attempting to transition from sleep paralysis to lucid dreaming. You can help with attunement by breathing as slowly as possible.

Another phenomenon that occurs when you achieve sleep paralysis is the following: sometimes you can see everything that is happening around you inside the room despite the fact that your eyes are closed. This was called the clear eyelid effect. And this effect is very useful, as it gives you a check on the reality of what is happening and the conviction that you are really entering the focus of the dream; It is especially important that there is no need to move.

Once you have entered sleep paralysis, the final step is to completely shift your attention from the physical body to the dream body, in order to leave the bed and walk around the dream version of the room. Well, you’re kind of paralyzed and you have a dream body inside your physical body and you’re surrounded by a dream reality. Now it is necessary to find a way to separate the dream and physical bodies for further exploration of the dream world. At the beginning this is not so easy to do, because... the dream body is paralyzed just like the physical body. If you maintain even a slight concentration of attention on the physical body, it is very difficult to understand what is the dream body and what is the physical one. Try to move, you will most likely feel a block, since you are paralyzed. However, with complete paralysis, you continue to control your breathing and facial muscles. This means that the face is not paralyzed and the separation process must begin here. Thus, the first thing to do is... open your mouth and start breathing slowly and consciously (deliberately, forcefully). Opening your mouth begins to shift your attention to the dream body and sometimes that's all you need to do to separate. You will see that as soon as you open your mouth, you can already get up and go. You can also imagine that some

an unknown force, on the contrary, takes your dreaming body upward from the physical and achieve a way out in this way. In many cases, such a shift in the dream body relative to the physical body is sufficient to complete the separation process. However, at this moment it can still be difficult to fully understand where the dream body is and where the physical one is. In order to really, really get rid of this problem, start imagining that your dreaming body is gradually turning relative to the physical one at an angle of 180 degrees to the position of the leg. After this, understanding where everything is is no longer difficult. You can leave the bed without fear of blocks or movements from the physical body and begin to explore the dream reality.

Sleep paralysis or "Old Witch Syndrome"

According to statistics, almost 8% of the world's population have at least once experienced a strange sensation associated with sleep. Consciousness seems to blur, the mind is seized with panic, and the body is paralyzed.

What is this condition and is it dangerous? How to get rid of unpleasant problem? The answers should be sought in specialized literature.

Sleep paralysis. What is it? Why is it dangerous?

This syndrome is a sleep disorder, a borderline state between reality and a dream. It should not be confused with illness or night terrors. It occurs at moments when the brain and muscles do not have time to synchronize, so a person feels conscious, but cannot control the body.

This state is observed before the mind “turns off” to sleep or during awakening, before the body has time to fully wake up.

It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • panic attack;
  • horror, animal fear;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • pressure on the chest;
  • disorientation or feeling of “floating” in space;
  • dizziness;
  • realistic visual, olfactory and tactile hallucinations.

Scientists believe that sleep paralysis is dangerous only for people with weak nerves and cardiovascular diseases. There is a risk severe fright, which can provoke heart attack or respiratory spasm. People who do not suffer from serious illnesses have nothing to worry about. The main thing is to stock up on reliable information and not worry about the next incident.

Causes of sleep paralysis

The syndrome occurs only when awakened by at will. That is, loud sounds, patting and other methods of awakening will not lead to such a state, since the body will wake up instantly, turning on the “stress mode”.

The reasons why sleep paralysis occurs are not yet fully understood. After conducting a series of experiments, scientists concluded that sleep disorders are provoked by:

  • jet lag;
  • insomnia;
  • chronic stress, depression;
  • various types of addictions;
  • sleeping on your back;
  • mental disorders;
  • taking medications, including neurometabolic stimulants and antidepressants.

At risk are teenagers who are overly imposing and nervous people, introverts who do not like to share their experiences, as well as people who experience daily stress or are in prolonged depression.

Neurologist Kevin Nelson believes some patients have a genetic predisposition. Therefore, when looking for the cause, you should first ask older relatives if they have experienced a similar borderline state.

How to induce sleep paralysis and enter a lucid dream?

Despite the fact that scientists do not advise doing this, some individuals deliberately strive to enter lucid dream. For example, shamans of African tribes induced sleep paralysis in order to appear in the astral plane in order to communicate with spirits from another world. IN modern society such a pastime is of interest to those who engage in mysticism and meditation.

The easiest way

Lie on your back without a pillow, imagining your body as if swinging on a swing or floating in zero gravity. It is important to listen to your feelings and not miss the borderline state. It is felt at a moment when the body is paralyzed and sounds become unnatural.

In addition to the meditation described above, there is a “coffee option”. You need to bring your body to the point of extreme fatigue, and before going to bed, drink a cup of strong coffee. If you pick right time, caffeine will take effect the moment the mind begins to drift into dreams, creating the necessary reaction.

Life stories

Someone describes fear and panic, thoughts about death and otherworldly forces. Some talk about bliss and a strange feeling of serenity, “as if the whole world suddenly became unimportant.” However, everyone talks about pressure in the chest and heavy breathing.

Among the stories there are those in which important role attributed to creatures allegedly seen during sleep paralysis. Moreover, everyone claims that they have seen their own - from the brownie to death or the ruler of hell himself. There is a feeling of this presence, and in some cases even appear tactile sensations, which cause panic. But it is important to understand that everything that happens is not reality.

How to treat and get rid of it quickly? Consequences

There is no cure for sleep paralysis, since the condition itself sometimes occurs only once or twice in a lifetime.

If it begins to appear frequently, it is better to introduce preventive measures:

  • eat rationally;
  • maintain a sleep-wake schedule;
  • eliminate stressful situations;
  • breathe fresh air every day;
  • exercise;
  • completely relax before bed;
  • do not sleep on your back;
  • wake up to an alarm clock;
  • do not abuse medicines, drugs, tobacco and alcohol.

Sometimes a great “cure” is going to a psychologist. It is worth considering that the standard drug treatment ineffective and even worsens the situation.

If you urgently need to get rid of the old witch syndrome, it is enough to remind yourself that what is happening is unreal, to prove that these are illusions.

Wikipedia about sleep paralysis - “there is an answer”

Wikipedia calls sleep paralysis a condition in which muscle paralysis occurs before falling asleep or after waking up. The antonym of the phenomenon is somnambulism or sleepwalking.

Stupor occurs in people from 12 to 30 years of age and is rarely found outside this region. age category. Provoking factors include narcolepsy, stress, poor lifestyle, uncomfortable sleeping position, and emotional shock.

It is almost impossible to block the old witch syndrome. To do this, you need to realize what is happening, pull yourself together and not allow yourself to plunge into panic. Such self-government is subject only to morally strong people or people with high threshold sensitivity.