What groups of vitamins are needed to maintain healthy hair. Vitamins for hair growth - useful sources of beauty

If the condition of your hair is far from ideal, try choosing vitamins to strengthen the roots and curls. But which ones are the best? Study reviews and opinions to choose what suits you.

What vitamins do our hair need?

First, let's list the vitamins that make our hair beautiful and thick:

  • "A". Retinol, firstly, is involved in the production of so-called building proteins, which are part of our hair and other tissues. Secondly, it stimulates the active synthesis of collagen and elastin and protects hair from the extremely negative effects of adverse factors. environment. Thirdly, retinol improves blood supply to the root zone.
  • Group vitamins "IN" are also necessary. They take an active part in cell regeneration, ensure proper blood circulation and supply the roots with everything necessary nutrients, speed up everything metabolic processes, and also stimulate hair growth and significantly improve its structure.
  • "E" necessary for hydration, without which hair would be lifeless, brittle and thin.
  • "WITH" strengthens blood vessels, including those located in the scalp and supplying hair follicles with everything they need.

What vitamin complexes should I take?

So, what vitamins should you take to strengthen your hair and roots? We list the most common ones, as well as provide descriptions and reviews about them:

  1. "Vita charm"– a domestic multivitamin preparation, which is produced in the form of tablets (each coated). Take these vitamins daily, one tablet. The composition includes substances such as retinol, thiamine, nicotinamide, riboflavin. This tool has a positive effect not only on hair, but also on the skin and nail plates. Consumer opinion proves that the drug is very effective. Its cost is about 170 rubles for 30 tablets.

    The drug "Vita charm"

    User review:

    Review from “Oksana1994”

  2. « Doppelhertz asset: vitamins for healthy hair and nails." There are not only vitamins, but also various plant extracts, as well as minerals. All these components strengthen curls and make them healthy and attractive. Those who took this drug are satisfied, and its price is about 270-300 rubles.

    "Doppelhertz active: vitamins for healthy hair and nails"

  3. "Perfectil". This combination product contains many nutrients necessary for strengthening and healthy hair. Your hair will be protected from the influence of environmental factors and will acquire a healthy structure. You need to take one capsule after meals just once a day, which is very convenient. The cost of the drug is about 450 rubles, and many are not satisfied with this price.

    The drug "Perfectil"

  4. complex drug American-made, having a balanced composition, which includes not only well-known minerals and vitamins, but also useful plant components. There are many indications for use, including hair strengthening. You need to take two tablets per day. The price of the product is about 1,500 rubles (for 60 tablets), but the reviews about the complex are the most positive.

  5. . This is a vitamin-mineral combined complex, which is a dietary supplement. Everyone who took the product was satisfied and noticed changes in better side after a few weeks. The cost of the supplement is about 300 rubles per package of 30 tablets.

  6. "Revalid"– a vitamin preparation designed specifically to strengthen hair, as well as to combat hair loss. The course of treatment lasts a month, per day you need
    Take three tablets (one after each main meal). The product costs about 900 rubles (for 90 tablets), many people who took the drug were satisfied with the effect.

    Vitamin preparation "Revalid"

  7. . Given biologically active additive contains vitamins, minerals, as well as natural extracts (yeast, for example), which provide positive influence on hair and nail tissue. Most reviews are positive, and the cost is relatively low (about 600 rubles for 60 tablets).

    User review:

There are other means, but they are less popular and in demand.

Remember that vitamins for strengthening hair should be selected by a specialist, since the reasons for the deterioration of the condition of your curls can be very diverse.

Provocateurs of weakening and hair loss are incorrectly chosen shampoos, frequent use of hair dryers and straighteners, hormonal disorders, poor-quality paint, exposure to cold and heat, vitamin deficiency. Most often the problem occurs due to the latter reason. Unfortunately, the diet modern man cannot be called high-quality and complete. But the deterioration of the hairline can be dealt with; for this you need to use pharmacy vitamins. Today, pharmacies sell a huge number of hair products based on a variety of components.

Vitamins your hair needs

In order for hair to remain beautiful and strong and grow quickly, it needs the following nutrients:

  1. Retinol (A). Provides synthesis of keratin, elastin, collagen structures. With a lack of vitamin, the hairs lose their softness and elasticity, become dull, and begin to split.
  2. Tocopherol (E). Necessary for accelerating hair growth, protecting it from negative influences external factors. A deficiency of the substance causes dullness, splitting and excessive hair loss.
  3. Ascorbic acid (C). Stimulates growth processes, improves blood circulation in the follicles, and prevents baldness. It is a strong antioxidant and prevents free radicals from destroying hair structures.
  4. Thiamine (B 1). Accelerates growth processes, controls the production of secretions by the sebaceous glands, and prevents the development of dandruff and seborrhea. With a lack of substance, the scalp becomes oily and painful, the hairs become dull and thin.
  5. Riboflavin (B 2). Promotes active hair growth, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Vitamin deficiency causes oily hair at the roots and excision of ends.
  6. Nicotinic acid (B 3). Provides complete nutrition and hydration of hair follicles. Regulates cell pigmentation and prevents early gray hair.
  7. Pantothenic acid (B 5). Strengthens follicles, improves their nutrition. Helps restore hair damaged by frequent curling, drying and coloring. Vitamin deficiency causes dull, greasy, brittle hair.
  8. Pyridoxine (B 6). Has a positive effect on the scalp, prevents the appearance of dermatological diseases. A lack of substance results in dandruff and scalp irritation.
  9. Inositol (B 8). Strengthens the structure of hair follicles and prevents hair loss. Deficiency of the substance causes baldness.
  10. Folic acid(B 9). Necessary for rapid restoration of hair structures. Accelerates growth processes, regulates pigmentation. Due to vitamin deficiency, hair falls out rapidly and turns gray prematurely.
  11. Cyanocobalamin (B 12). Increases hair strength and accelerates hair growth.
  12. Biotin (H). Normalizes hair structure, controls the synthesis of secretions by the sebaceous glands. Due to a deficiency of the substance, the hair becomes greasy and looks unkempt.
  13. Unsaturated fatty acids (F). Normalize work skin glands, prevent the development of seborrhea. With a lack of acids, hair weakens, looks greasy and unkempt.

What effects do different vitamins have on hair?

Each beneficial compound affects the hair in a certain way and gives a specific therapeutic effect. One vitamin, for example, strengthens the hair structure, another is important to prevent hair from falling out. Therefore, for certain hair pathologies, it is necessary to take specific beneficial substances that can eliminate the problem. Listed below are vitamins that fall into two categories: those that promote hair growth and prevent baldness.

Substances that accelerate growth processes include:

  • retinol – activates the construction of hair structures (collagen tissue, elastin, keratin);
  • ascorbic acid – normalizes blood circulation in the scalp, accelerates the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the follicles;
  • biotin – controls the amount of sebaceous secretion produced, optimizes hair hydration, and prevents hair from getting greasy;
  • nicotinic acid– normalizes the structure of follicles, improves their functioning;
  • riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acids - stimulate metabolism in the tissues of the head, accelerate the construction of hair structures.

The list of substances that strengthen hair and prevent baldness includes:

  • ascorbic acid – normalizes the blood supply to hair follicles;
  • tocopherol – blocks the process of hair loss, protects hair from negative factors external environment;
  • biotin – inhibits hair loss, prevents premature greying;
  • riboflavin – regulates the production of sebaceous secretions, strengthens the structure of hair tissue;
  • pyridoxine – maintains normal metabolism in follicles and hair tissue;
  • inositol – prevents hairs from falling out of the follicles;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - support healthy condition scalp.

The best vitamin preparations for hair

The most purchased drug that gives excellent results

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 700 rubles

The drug is sold in the form of tablets. The composition contains antioxidants, biotin, carotene, vitamins and yeast extract. Active substances affect the condition of hair, skin, nail plates: eliminate brittleness of nails, stimulate hair growth, improve appearance. Dragee should be taken 2 times a day. One package includes 60 units - the amount required for a monthly course.

  • noticeable improvement in appearance;
  • optimal set useful components, no frills;
  • complete restoration of hair structure;
  • elimination of inflammation and peeling of the skin;
  • strengthening nail plates;
  • stimulation of hair growth.

Cons: none found.

The best amino acid set

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1050 rubles

The American vitamin complex is distinguished by its rich component composition. Vitamin A, tocopherol, calciferol, phylloquinone, group B strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition. Iron, magnesium, selenium are microelements that have a pronounced antioxidant effect, weakening the effect of various stress factors on the scalp and hair follicles. Rutin and flavonoids strengthen capillaries and improve blood circulation in the tissues of the head. Amino acids are involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers and keratin - compounds necessary for the construction of nail, skin and hair tissue.

  • richness of component composition;
  • active effect of amino acids and antioxidants;
  • strengthening nails;
  • noticeable acceleration of hair growth;
  • beneficial effect on head tissue.
  • Due to its rich component composition, the drug is not suitable for people with a high-quality and varied diet, as it can cause hypervitaminosis.

Proven quality

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1700 rubles

The famous American company Solgar produces highly effective drugs from natural and harmless ingredients for adults and children. Vitamin C and amino acids stimulate the construction of protein hair structures. Sulfur bound in plant form helps to form keratin. Zinc blocks hair loss. Copper protects the skin tissue on the head from negative external factors.

  • the absence of animal substances, making the drug suitable for vegetarians;
  • inhibition of hair graying, age-related changes skin;
  • strengthening nails;
  • prevention of seasonal alopecia.
  • high cost;
  • Rarely available in pharmacies, easy to buy only in online stores.

Excellent digestibility of components

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1150 rubles

Another powerful and high quality women's vitamins from an American manufacturer, characterized by an optimal component composition. All useful compounds are in an easily digestible chelated form. The composition contains all the vitamins necessary to maintain the beauty and health of girls’ skin, hair, and nail plates. Flavonoids strengthen capillaries, normalize blood circulation in skin tissues heads. Silicon and iodine extracted from algae and plant extracts improve absorption useful substances.

  • good digestibility of nutrients;
  • various positive effects on the female body;
  • preventing splitting of nail plates;
  • improvement in condition skin;
  • strengthening hair follicles.
  • high cost;
  • insufficient number of tablets for a monthly course.

High popularity

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 500 rubles

An actively purchased food additive from a domestic manufacturer. Quickly gets rid of dandruff, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, strengthens the hair structure, and heals split ends. The vitamins and mineral elements contained in the drug have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the follicles, thereby activating hair growth. The complex helps with alopecia caused by hormonal imbalance. But for hormonal problems, it is permissible to take the drug only after a doctor’s permission. You need to drink 2 capsules per day, in the morning and evening. Capsules intended for morning appointment, are painted red, and shown for the evening reception, have white. The therapeutic course lasts a month.

  • naturalness of the composition;
  • various positive effects on the body;
  • ease of reception;
  • effectiveness against hair loss;
  • strengthening nails.
  • quite high cost for a domestic drug;
  • increased hair growth not only on the head, but also on other parts of the body, which makes women need frequent hair removal.

The most used preparation with brewer's yeast

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 1600 rubles

Effective and potent medicine, stopping hair loss after curling or radiation therapy. The drug quickly restores hair even in a severely bald person, unless alopecia is caused by a hormonal imbalance. The purpose of the product is also to improve the health of thin and brittle nails. The composition contains vitamins, mineral compounds, high concentrations of keratin, yeast and amino acids that are essential for the body. It is recommended to treat hair with the drug for at least 3 months. The medicine is not prescribed to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

  • noticeable benefits for hair growth;
  • a positive result is noticeable after a month of use;
  • restoration of damaged hairs;
  • giving softness and thickness to hair;
  • healing of nails;
  • the ability of beneficial components to accumulate in the body.
  • high cost;
  • long-term treatment;
  • the need to consult a medical specialist;
  • possibility of side effects.

Triple benefit

Manufacturer: UK

Average price: 650 rubles

Imported vitamin tablets are based solely on natural ingredients. The composition contains vitamin C, biotin, folic acid, iron, iodine, herbal extracts and other substances that are necessary to strengthen and good nutrition hair. The drug is prescribed for quick solution problems with baldness, it also activates hair growth, makes nails strong and smooth, and the skin smooth and radiant. The vitamins and natural substances contained in the composition increase the resistance of the skin to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and other negative factors, and accelerate tissue regeneration. It is recommended to drink the drug for a month. Take 1 tablet per day. A positive result becomes noticeable after a couple of weeks of use. It is acceptable to use during pregnancy.

  • triple benefit - for hair, skin, nails;
  • ease of use;
  • quick appearance positive result;
  • rich component composition;
  • healing effect;
  • The tablets are inexpensive for their level of effectiveness.
  • the drug causes a feeling of hunger;
  • in the first days of admission it is possible minor violation functioning of the digestive tract.

Ideal European quality

Manufacturer: France

Average price: 1400 rubles

A high-quality French vitamin complex designed for an active positive effect on the hair. The capsules contain extracts of grapes and green tea, as well as amino acids and trace elements important for hair health in optimal daily doses. The active substances of the drug strengthen hairs over their entire length, prevent baldness, restore the structure of hair tissue, give shine and volume to hair, have a protective effect on the skin and a general tonic effect on the body. According to the instructions, you need to take 2 tablets per day.

  • ease of use, easy to swallow tablets;
  • rich composition;
  • improving the appearance of hair;
  • significant benefits for restoring hair structure;
  • effective against baldness;
  • acceleration of the appearance of new hairs.
  • high cost;
  • cannot be purchased at any pharmacy;
  • long wait for an acceptable effect.


Optimal natural composition

Manufacturer: Hungary

Average price: 900 rubles

Good vitamins for strengthening hair, blocking baldness, improving the structure of nail plates and the condition of the skin. The composition contains trace elements, yeast, amino acids - compounds that protect the hair from negative external factors. The drug also contains plant extracts that improve nutrition and hydration of hair and skin tissue. The treatment is long-term; for a lasting positive effect, it is better to drink the complex for 3 months. Pregnant women and patients with nail fungus should use the drug with extreme caution.

  • naturalness of the composition;
  • rapid cessation of hair loss;
  • prevention of premature graying;
  • minimal side effects.
  • high dosage – 3 units per day;
  • rare appearance in the pharmacy chain.

Optimal component composition

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 460 rubles

The German vitamin-mineral complex is characterized by an optimally selected composition, has no unnecessary additives, and includes only substances important for hair. Biotin, pyridoxine and pantothenic acid stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers. Zinc strengthens follicles and is responsible for the construction of hair tissue. The oil extract of wheat sprouts supplies the body with vitamin E and fatty acids, and the extract of millet grains provides antioxidants. You need to take 1 tablet per day.

  • high efficiency;
  • The tablets are cheap for their level of quality;
  • optimally selected components;
  • noticeable hair growth;
  • improvement of nail condition.
  • long wait for a positive effect;
  • one package is not enough for a full course of treatment;
  • the drug rarely appears in pharmacies;
  • The tablets are large and difficult to swallow;
  • an allergic reaction may occur.

The most economical hair product

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 360 rubles

Vitamin and mineral preparation Russian production It has a rich component composition. Each tablet includes 11 vitamins and 8 mineral elements, as well as a tea extract, which is a strong antioxidant. Daily dose – 1 tablet.

  • excellent combination of price and quality;
  • the drug can be seen in any pharmacy;
  • The tablets are small and easy to swallow;
  • the complex is effective against hair loss;
  • improvement of the condition of the nail plates;
  • positive effect on well-being, increased body tone;
  • elimination of minor skin peeling;
  • useful substances in the tablet are in the optimal daily amount.
  • a large number of auxiliary components;
  • the presence of synthetic additives;
  • The lid of the jar is not childproof.

Effective against hair loss

Manufacturer: Denmark

Average price: 900 rubles

A high-quality food supplement based on beneficial substances responsible for strengthening the structure of hair tissue. The main components are silicon and group B compounds. The composition also contains biotin, which accelerates the formation of hair and nail tissues, preventing baldness, and horsetail extract, which stimulates regeneration processes in cells. The prophylactic course involves taking 1 tablet per day for 2 months, and treatment course– take 2 units per day for 1 month.

  • high efficiency;
  • fast action, positive results are observed within a couple of weeks;
  • carefully selected composition;
  • reduction of hair loss;
  • strengthening hair tissue;
  • adding beauty and shine to hair;
  • restoration of the structure of the nail plates.
  • quite high cost;
  • a package of 60 tablets is not enough for both a preventive and therapeutic course.

Biologically active substances For deep treatment hair

Manufacturer: Italy

Average price: 2100 rubles

High-quality drug in ampoules for intensive care hair. A solution with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, herbal components and animal placenta extract is recommended to be used to block the process of baldness and normalize hair growth. The active components are useful for improving blood circulation in the follicles and skin tissues of the head. One pack includes 12 ampoules of 10 mg each. The ampoule solution should not be injected, but rubbed into the scalp. The medicine is distributed over the skin using a pipette included with the ampoules. The procedures are carried out every day for 1.5 months. After the course, you must take a one-month break, then therapy can be repeated if necessary.

  • ease of application with a pipette;
  • no need to rinse off;
  • a positive result is observed quickly;
  • the solution smells pleasant;
  • active substances help eliminate dandruff;
  • noticeable acceleration of hair growth and increase in hair density;
  • Can be used to strengthen eyelashes.
  • very high cost;
  • inability to buy in a pharmacy chain, the product is available only through online stores;
  • prohibited for use during lactation due to the content of placental components.

Noticeable strengthening effect

Manufacturer: Slovenia

Average price: 340 rubles

Good vitamins that have a positive effect not only on the structure of the hairs, but also on the appearance of the hair. The composition contains yeast, amino acids, mineral elements and other compounds that prevent hair loss and stimulate the nutrition of hair and skin tissue. It is recommended to take 1 capsule per day. The course of treatment lasts 2 months. The drug can be found in the pharmacy chain.

  • strengthening the hair structure;
  • acceleration of hair growth;
  • improving the appearance of hair;
  • can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • low cost.
  • inadmissibility of use in childhood.

The best Russian vitamins with added amino acids

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 860 rubles

A popular domestic manufacturer of dietary supplements produces quality product from hair loss. The composition contains vitamin C, amino acids, zinc, copper, as well as fucus extract, which is a supplier of microelements to the body. This drug can be chosen as a good replacement for expensive imported drugs.

  • good combination of price and efficiency;
  • reduction of hair loss;
  • eliminating brittleness of nail plates;
  • restoration of weakened and damaged hairs.
  • large tablets that are difficult to swallow.

Mixing vitamins with shampoo

In addition to taking vitamin complexes internally, you can inject solutions of retinol and tocopherol. These two vitamins are recommended for use in injections when the situation with the hair is dire, due to vitamin deficiency my hair is falling out a lot.

Also, ampoule solutions of vitamins can be added to shampoos. Various substances are used as additives, but it is best to dissolve group B compounds in care products. If desired, you can mix several vitamins into one solution. The main thing is that before using fortified shampoo, it is advisable to do a skin allergy test.

Shampoo enriched with useful substances helps to cope with almost all problems of the hair and scalp. The exception is alopecia caused by hormonal changes and pathologies of internal organs.

Hair masks with vitamins

To prepare masks, vitamins A, E, group B are used in ampoule form. Vitamins, individually or in combination, are added to both homemade and store-bought masks. The optimal dose for a single use is one ampoule. It is best to use retinol, tocopherol, inositol, compounds B 6 and B 12 for masks.

Good day, dear readers and guests of the blog! Tell me frankly whether you are satisfied with the condition and appearance your hair? If you rarely get compliments on your curls, this article is for you. Today I will tell you what vitamins for hair growth are and what problems they will help solve.

I think not everyone knows how and why our curls grow. Let's figure it out. It is clear that hair on the head also grows from the skin. Actually, the process itself occurs in several stages. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Anagen phase. During this period, new hair follicles. At first, the process is intense, all resources are used. Hair length rapidly increases due to the division of follicle cells. This phase lasts on average from 2 to 6 years.

Catagen phase. During this period, the structure of the cells of the hair follicle changes, its resources are partially depleted. The growth of curls gradually slows down. In fact, this is the boundary phase of development in which all processes come to an end. The duration of this stage is approximately 2-4 weeks.

Telogen phase. The final stage of development. It is also divided into early and late. During the early telogen stage, hair no longer grows. You've probably noticed that curls grow to a certain length and don't change further. At this time, the follicles go into a state of rest.

When hair is in the late telogen phase, it can easily fall out even with minor exposure. This is normal physiological process. Its duration is approximately 3-4 months.

What vitamins and minerals are needed

Balanced diet, rich in beneficial microelements, is a necessary condition for healthy curls. I already wrote about this in the article “ » .

Do you want to know what nutrients you need for rapid growth your curls?

  • - are extremely necessary for the normal growth of our strands. They play a very important role in this process. For example, pantothenic acid () stimulates skin cell renewal and regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands. Thanks to this element, the curls become smooth and shiny. Vitamins of this group are found in many foods: meat, liver, bread, buckwheat, nuts and others.
  • Ascorbic acid- an excellent antioxidant that helps the body fight free radicals ( 1 ). Which means... There is a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits, kiwi, sea buckthorn, rose hips, and broccoli. During the cold season, you can additionally take ascorbic acid 500 mg twice a day. The drug is also sold in ampoules. They are convenient to use for homemade strengthening masks.
  • Vitamin D- helps strengthen hair follicles, prevents hair fragility and loss. To produce this substance in the human body, ultraviolet radiation is required. However, there are also food products that contain sufficient amounts of it. I wrote more about him in the article “”.
  • Iron- plays an important role in strengthening, nourishing and restoring hair. Low level this substance in the body can cause alopecia ( 2 ). Iron-rich foods can help avoid this. Introduce spinach, greens, egg yolks, liver, veal, and legumes into your diet. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe multivitamins or iron supplements.

  • Zinc- with a lack of this substance, the condition of the hair deteriorates sharply. They become more brittle, dull, and begin to fall out. Products such as meat, legumes, chicken eggs, mushrooms, nuts, etc. Maintenance normal level This element in the body will avoid hormone imbalance and improve immunity ( 3 ).

Additional effective components

Now you know what vitamins you need to strengthen and grow your curls. Three more components will help enhance the effect of these beneficial substances. They can literally transform your hair, making it stronger and healthier.

Fish oil. An incredibly useful substance in all respects. It contains essential oils that the body needs. They nourish and restore hair structure and promote good growth. Eat fish and seafood, eggs, walnuts.

Rosemary essential oil. Recent studies have shown that this substance has a beneficial effect on hair follicles. Thanks to it, metabolic processes in skin cells are accelerated, hair growth increases ( 4 ). Regular use of rosemary oil helps to effectively combat androgenetic alopecia. The main advantage over other drugs is the minimum of side effects.

Aloe vera juice. Has powerful antibacterial and antifungal effects. It contains a record amount of vitamins and minerals for rapid growth and restoration of curls. Aloe juice is applied directly to the scalp and added to shampoos and masks. This product is also used to create at home.

Coconut oil. Literally transforms dull and lifeless hair. The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, protects curls from external influence. With regular use, it restores hair structure, enhances hair growth, adds shine and softness.

Rating of the best vitamin complexes

At intense hair loss homemade masks and lotions are no longer useful. In this case, it's time to turn to more strong means. I advise you to first study the information about. This is an effective external remedy. Additionally, it is necessary to support the body from the inside with special vitamin complexes. I have described the most popular means for strengthening and growing strands. Choose from the list which ones are best to take.


The complex is designed taking into account the daily biorhythms of humans. The tablets must be taken twice a day. They are already divided into two formulas “Day” and “Night”. You won’t get confused about when and which ones to drink :) I can’t say that their composition impressed me in any way. In fact, there are more useful substances in dosage. And I still don’t understand what vitamin E is contained in this drug.

But it contains 40 mg of L-cystine. This is the main amino acid of hair protein, which significantly helps hair growth.


This drug is actively used to improve hair and nail growth. Contains B vitamins, cystine, keratin and yeast. Mainly used in the fight against diffuse alopecia. The composition of these vitamins is not bad. However, reviews indicate its low effectiveness.

The tablets need to be taken three times a day, which is not convenient for everyone. The duration of treatment can be up to six months. In addition, the price of the product is about 2000 rubles. For this money you can find better vitamins.


The instructions for the drug say that it contains a large amount of methionine - essential amino acid. This substance takes part in the synthesis of a number of hormones, vitamins and enzymes. With its help, collagen is formed, which significantly improves the condition of the hair. The action of vitamins is aimed at strengthening the hair follicle, preventing fragility and loss.

The composition of Revalid is generally good, but it is not clear why the DL form of methionine is used in it. It is used to feed animals. Those with kidney problems should be careful with this substance. The L-form of methionine is absorbed by the body much more efficiently. It is unclear why it was not used.

You need to take 3 tablets per day with meals. The duration of the course is on average 3 months. In particularly severe cases of alopecia, it is prescribed to drink 6 pieces per day. a whole month. Then according to the main scheme. One course will cost approximately 1500-2000 rubles.


Perhaps one of the best vitamin preparations. It is used to thicken and stimulate hair growth. Estimate for yourself the number of all useful elements. The condition of the skin and nails will also improve thanks to this drug.

WITH30 mg
10 mg
5 mg
18 mg
B540 mg
20 mg
Biotin45 mcg
B9 (folic acid)500 mcg
9 mg
D32.5 mcg
E40 mg
Beta carotene5 mg
Iron12 mg
Iodine200 mcg
Silicon3 mg
Magnesium50 mg
Copper and manganese2 mg each
Selenium100 mcg
Zinc15 mg
Chromium50 mcg
Burdock extract80 mg
Echinacea extract195 mg

Many of those who tried this drug were satisfied with it. True, some people complain about side effects from the gastrointestinal tract. However, I think that if you follow the instructions and take the drug correctly, there will be no problems. You can buy it at a pharmacy without any problems and quite inexpensively. Average cost one package 600 rubles. You need to take 1 capsule per day, i.e. enough for a month.

Supreme Vital Hair (by Life Time)

In search of good vitamins, I went to Iherb.com. I found an inexpensive complex with all the necessary elements.

You can read the responses of those who have already tried it. They say that hair falls out significantly less and becomes stronger. The drug is used to prevent alopecia in men and women different ages. Some write about allergic reactions, but here everything is individual.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

RUB 1,546
928 rub.

To the store

One jar of vitamins (120 pieces) should be taken for at least a month. If you're lucky, you can buy it at a discount.

Hair ReVive

Another cool vitamins from your favorite Iherb. Thanks to its natural composition, the drug effectively copes with alopecia in women. Action active ingredients aimed at eliminating the causes of hair loss.

Name Dosage in 1 tablet
C (ascorbic acid)600 mg
B110 mg
B2 (riboflavin)20 mg
B3 (niacinamide)20 mg
B6 (pyridoxine)25 mg
B12 (methylcobalamin)10 mcg
Biotin6000 mcg
B5 (pantothenic acid, calcium D-pantothenate)20 mg
Zinc30 mg
Copper4 mg
Hair growth complex:

N-Acetyl-Cysteine, silicon dioxide ( general content silica >65, horsetail herb, stinging nettle leaf extract, bamboo stem and leaves)

1340 mg
Hormone balancing complex:

Phytosterol Complex (includes beta-sitosterol), kelp, L-tyrosine

430 mg
Chinese herbal complex for hair:

Fo-ti root, notopterygium, rehmannia, ligustrum fruit, Chinese peony root, dong kuey root

Ridge Crest Herbals, Hair ReVive, 120 Capsules

Experts say that optimal time taking vitamin complexes - after lunch. This way they are better absorbed

If you do not want to harm your body, follow these rules:

  • Consider the effect of other drugs on vitamin complexes. Some elements contribute to the destruction of vitamins and prevent them from being absorbed normally. Pay attention to what other medical supplies you accept. Acetylsalicylic acid helps reduce the content of vitamins B, A and calcium. Sleeping pills cannot be combined with taking vitamins A, E, D, B12.
  • Take vitamins with water or diluted juice. This is a very important component of them correct reception. If you use fruit juice, dilute it 1:1. For people with gastrointestinal problems, a doctor may recommend using milk. Remember that drugs in capsules are washed down only with water. It is not recommended to use hot tea or coffee for these purposes. This significantly reduces the absorption of beneficial elements.
  • Avoid excess vitamins. Any substance in large quantities harmful to the body. Hypervitaminosis is accompanied by quite dangerous diseases kidneys, liver, stomach, allergic reactions. Excessive amounts of vitamins A and D can cause nausea and headaches. In fact, it is very difficult to exceed the dosage, but still be careful.

I think now you will not have problems choosing vitamins for your hair. If the article was useful to you, please share the information with your friends on social networks. Don't forget to not miss the most interesting things. I look forward to your comments and questions. See you again!

The desire to have beautiful hair does not lose its relevance. The modern cosmetics industry offers many various products hair care products, alas, are not always effective. If there is no improvement in the quality of hair, it is advisable to use vitamin preparations. A balanced diet is a direct source of health for hair. Vitamins for hair growth will help compensate for nutrients.

The importance of vitamins for hair growth

Thanks to this, all biochemical reactions in the body are activated, since all human organs and systems function at the molecular level. As a result, biochemical reactions are formed. Thus, through breathing, the entire body is saturated with oxygen. All nutrients are distributed similarly through digestive system, necessary for maintaining the vital activity and activation of cells.

Since hair is, first of all, an appendage of the skin, the importance of vitamins for the health and strengthening of hair is obvious. Each hair directly receives nutrition from the follicle, which functions adequately only if it receives optimal supply. necessary substances. Biochemical reactions, flowing in the hair follicles, maintain a healthy hair structure, preventing hair loss.

Vitamins responsible for strengthening hair

The best way to restore your hair to its former strength and make it thicker is to support it from the inside with the help of vitamins and minerals. Since B vitamins are of particular importance for hair, preference should be given to vitamin complexes containing these substances.

In addition to riboflavin (B2), panthenol (B5), biotin (B8), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), the best vitamins that strengthen the hair structure are F, E, D, C, D2, D3. According to medical research, almost half of Russians lack at least three elements, since few people have access to a balanced diet.

"Advice".In order to improve the quality of your hair, it is rational to balance your diet and supplement it with a multivitamin complex.

The cause of hair loss is often several at once: A, E, F, C, B5, B6. Sometimes hair falls out due to heredity, stress, or after long-term use of potent medications.

Vitamins that accelerate hair growth

Thanks to modern developments regarding the reasons for the slowdown in growth and its acceleration, now it has become possible for every woman to have long hair in quite an adequate time. Typically, hair grows 1–2 cm every month. If these indicators are absent, you should take vitamins for rapid hair growth:

  • B-groups are the best activators for hair growth, due to which blood flows better to the root zone. As a result, dry scalp is eliminated. Hair stops falling out as the overall healing process begins. B12 is considered a hair growth accelerator.
  • Retinol (A) is a skin regenerator that improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to such a beneficial effect, the condition of the root zone of the head improves, and hair grows faster.

"Attention"!A lack of vitamin A leads to a significant slowdown in hair growth, since this unique component is the most important accelerator of hair growth.

  • Tocopherol acetate (E). Insufficient intake of this vitamin slows down the process of hair growth, since it belongs to the group of stimulants. By enriching the root zone with oxygen, new healthy hairs are formed.
  • Nicotinic acid. It is most often designated as vitamin PP, less often – B3. It is due to this substance that the blood circulates more strongly, thereby better nourishing the hair roots. It turns out that with a sufficient supply of niacin, hair grows quickly.
  • Biologically active substances of category D along with vitamin H not only accelerate the growth of each hair, but also provide them with optimal protection, while simultaneously strengthening them.
  • Ascorbic acid (C) is a participant in the blood circulation of hair follicles. With the help of this vitamin, nutrients easily reach the root zone of the head, which ensures optimal growth of each hair.

"Important"!In addition to the above vitamins, the body must be saturated with calcium, molybdenum, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium and sulfur. Hair will definitely respond gratefully to such useful microelements.

To determine the most effective vitamins specifically for your strands, you need to do an analysis of your own hair. After laboratory research It will become clear what the curls lack and what they are oversaturated with. Having installed the real reason hair damage, the trichologist prescribes the appropriate vitamin complex or mesotherapy.

"Pay attention"!The hair restoration process starts after some time, and not instantly. Vitamins are not able to restore damaged hair. They have a healing effect on the healthy growth of new hairs. Since curls cannot grow instantly, you need to wait.

A rational approach to choosing a vitamin product for hair growth

When choosing regular multivitamins that are not labeled as a hair strengthening complex, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The priority is balanced vitamin complexes with microelements. Mainly, the drug should contain calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. Many people have become convinced from their own experience of the uselessness of expensive and advertised complexes. A correctly selected ordinary multivitamin complex will be much more effective.
  • It is better to give preference to a multivitamin product without any dyes or aromatic fragrances, since it is these components that often lead to allergies.
  • There is an opinion among experts that there are no significant differences between Russian and foreign drugs, because identical raw materials are purchased everywhere. Russian doctors are confident in the best benefits of domestic complexes for Russians, since multivitamin preparations are adapted primarily for citizens of their country.

Proper intake of vitamins for hair growth

Having determined the vitamins you need, you can safely take them very long period. Vitamins are not addictive, and after a certain time they become ineffective.

Rational intake of vitamins - together with food, mainly in the morning or closer to noon. In the case of the recommended intake of exclusively B-group vitamins, the evening hours are most suitable, since these vitamins have a slight calming effect.

Be sure to drink enough liquid, especially clean water. By using ordinary water Excess vitamins and minerals are eliminated in the best way.

Vitamin complex for men

Males can block hair thinning if they take the appropriate vitamin complex according to the dosage: B1, A, E, H. The vitamin preparation is used until the condition of the hair improves, but not longer than two months. In the absence of a pronounced positive result, it is recommended to repeat the course after three months.

Subsequent support for hair health consists of courses of vitamins lasting 1 month every three months or six months. Prevention is carried out by analogy.

Vitamins H, A, B1, E can be taken either separately or in combination. Men can block the process of hair loss in two ways:

  1. With the help of vitamin and mineral complexes for men.
  2. Universal vitamin preparations that strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition.

When choosing a vitamin-mineral complex, men should focus on the inclusion of vitamin H in an amount of 20 mcg.

Vitamin preparations for hair thickness and growth

For hair growth and thickness, vitamin preparations are produced in the form of tablets and capsules. Among the most effective complexes often prescribed:

Pantovigar. The composition is balanced from the best vitamins. The drug stops hair loss and is used to prevent atrophy of hair follicles after harmful effects ultraviolet rays and applications chemicals: ammonia dyes, curling preparations.

Due to its visible and clinical effect, the drug is accompanied mainly positive reviews. After completing the course, the strength of the hair structure is noted, the hair takes on an aesthetic appearance, hair growth accelerates and hair loss is stopped.

Sometimes the prolapse is not completely blocked. However, hair thinning is reduced by half or three times. Basically, Pantovigar completely stops hair loss after a three-month course. The duration of the course is determined individually.

Revalid. The composition contains vitamins responsible for the growth of strands. At the same time, the growth of new hairs is activated. Revalid is often used to stop hair loss, since the product effectively combats the fragility of the hair structure and improves the aesthetics of the strands. Some take vitamins for only two weeks, others require a three-month course of treatment.

Perfect. Perfectly strengthens the hair structure and nails, improving the quality of the skin. Reviews about Perfectil are mixed. Thus, people who took vitamins to stop hair loss speak positively about Perfectil. Individuals who took the drug to accelerate growth note a less pronounced effectiveness of the vitamin product compared to Pantovigar and Revalid. Perfectil is valued for high efficiency in terms of stopping hair thinning and a very affordable price.

Taking vitamins for hair growth is necessary in case of hair loss. It is not possible to reliably determine whether the body has a deficiency of them, since laboratories only test for some of them. Therefore, we just have to establish proper nutrition and take additional vitamin complexes.



  • active substance: retinol palmitate (vitamin A) alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E);
  • excipients: sunflower oil.

How to take?

Take 1 tablet per day for a month. If necessary, repeat the course after 3-6 months.



This complex contains vitamins B and. A sufficient amount of these vitamins in the body guarantees hair growth and health.

How does it work?

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - provides hair follicles with nutrients and energy for growth. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is important for the full implementation of fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism. Lack of pyridoxine in the body leads to hair loss. Effective for treatment.

Vitamin (cyanocobalamin) - provides hair with oxygen. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - a sign of a lack of this vitamin is early graying.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - ensures tissue respiration, regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Provides skin protection and improves the functioning of hair follicles.

Directions for use:

The complex should be taken 2-4 tablets 3 times a day after meals, washed down with plenty of water. The duration of treatment is at least 3 weeks. Then there is a break in taking it for 2-3 weeks and the course is repeated. Lasting effect from taking this drug noticeable after 2-3 courses. Studies show that "", due to the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin B12 in the complex, increases the rate of hair growth by up to 4 cm per month.



Active ingredients: cystine, methionine, thiamine hydrochloride, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, Extractum millii flavi (millet extract), Faex medicinalis (medical yeast), para-aminobenzoic acid, Extractum Tritici germinis (wheat germ extract), zinc – 2 mg, copper, iron.

How does it work?

The active substances of this complex have a positive effect on hair, scalp and nails.

Optimize normal hair growth, strengthen and restore hair. Improves structure hair follicle and hair, eliminates seborrhea and itching of the scalp.

Directions for use:

Prescribed only to adults and adolescents over 12 years of age. Take 1 capsule during or before meals 3 times a day. If hair loss is significant, then increase the dosage to 2 capsules 3 times a day for 30 days, after which they switch to taking the usual dosage. The duration of therapy is usually 2-3 months.

Nagipol 1


Brewer's yeast autolysate, vitamin E, vitamin B1, B2, selenium, calcium, zinc and iron

How does it work?

The drug compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals contained in the drug Nagipol-1. Vitamin B2 - helps prevent dermatitis, eczema and dandruff, and also normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, preventing hair loss; vitamin B5 - helps in the treatment of dermatitis, promotes the disappearance skin rash, dry peeling.

Calcium, zinc and iron - eliminate brittleness of nails, making them smooth, strong and transparent. In addition, zinc ensures normal growth of skin and hair cells.

Directions for use:

Take orally, 10 minutes before meals, 1-3 times a day. The course is 1-8 weeks, after a break the course is repeated.

Complivit Radiance


11 vitamins, 8 minerals, green tea extract, lipoic acid.

Combination of vitamin-like substances, minerals, vitamins and extract green tea improves the condition of hair, nail plates and skin.

The complex provides the following effects:

  • stimulation of one's own protective forces body;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
  • strengthening regenerative processes;
  • ensuring skin tone and collagen synthesis;
  • weight loss;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Directions for use:

For hair and nails, take 1 tablet daily before meals. The instructions recommend vitamin therapy for 1 month.



  • Thiamine mononitrate (vit. B1).
  • Calcium pantothenate (vit. B5).
  • Cystine.
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid.
  • Keratin.
  • Medical yeast.

How does it work?

This contains many components that have a beneficial effect on the health of hair, skin and nails.

Directions for use:

Pantovigar should be taken 1 capsule three times a day.

The course of treatment usually ranges from 3 months to six months. It is also possible to extend the course of therapy, as well as repeat it as prescribed by the doctor.



1 tablet contains retinol acetate 5.68 mg (16500 IU), thiamine chloride 5 mg, riboflavin 5 mg, calcium anthenate 10 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride 5 mg, nicotinamide 50 mg

How does it work?

Helps improve blood supply to the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity, protects the skin from the damaging effects of UV radiation and harmful effects environment.

Supports normal condition hair, nails, epithelium of mucous membranes. Vitasharm has an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect, slows down the aging process.

Directions for use:

Vitacharm is prescribed to adults orally after meals, 1 tablet/day. The course of treatment is 30 days, if necessary, a second course of treatment can be prescribed.



Beta-carotene, B vitamins, pantothenic acid, folic acid, nicotinamide, vitamin C, iron, zinc, para-aminobenzoic acid, magnesium, manganese, copper, iodine, silicon, burdock extract, echinacea extract.

How does it work?

The drug accelerates cell regeneration, improves microcirculation, increases hemoglobin levels, and helps normalize cellular metabolism. help protect cells and tissues from the negative effects of free radicals, ultraviolet rays and other adverse factors.

Directions for use:

Take one capsule daily after meals.
The duration of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after some time.

Vitrum beauty


Beta keratin, vitamin D3, vitamin E, B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, biotin, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, rutin, inosatol, choline, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine, selenium, boron, extract horsetail.

How does it work?

Regular use of the drug helps improve the condition of nails, hair and skin; improves metabolism and removal of toxins from the body. The components of the drug, in particular E and C, have antioxidant activity, which helps protect cells from the action of free radicals.

The vitamin complex helps increase immunity, improves lipid metabolism and hinders education cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Directions for use:

Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day

Alphabet of cosmetics


  • “Calcium-D3+” – Tablet No. 1 (green):
  • Vitamins: D3 5 mcg, Calcium pantothenate 7.5 mg, Folic acid 100 mcg, B12 3 mcg, Biotin (H) 75 mcg, K1 60 mcg;
  • Minerals: Chromium 50 mcg, Calcium 200 mg, Silicon 4 mg;
  • “Antioxidants + bioflavonoids” – Tablet No. 2 (yellow):
  • Vitamins: Beta-carotene 1 mg, E 10 mg, C 49 mg, B2 1.8 mg, Nicotinamide (PP) 20 mg, B6 3 mg;
  • Minerals: Magnesium 60 mg, Manganese 2 mg, Selenium 70 mcg, Iodine 150 mcg, Zinc 15 mg;
  • “Iron+” – Tablet No. 3 (red):
  • Vitamins: B1 1.5 mg, C 21 mg,