What nuts can you eat if you have gallstones? Diet for gallstone disease: what you can and cannot eat

Without treatment and diet this pathology may be complicated by jaundice or acute cholecystitis- conditions requiring emergency surgical intervention.

Basic principles of nutrition

It has been proven that the process of formation of insoluble stones in gallbladder directly related to cholesterol metabolism disorders, hormonal imbalance in the body and stagnation of bile against the background accompanying pathologies gastrointestinal tract.

More often, cholelithiasis develops in people suffering from obesity, diabetes mellitus, gastritis, pancreatitis, as well as during pregnancy and in women who take hormonal contraceptives for a long time.

You should balance your diet based on the following principles.

  • Avoiding cholesterol. Since the process of cholelithiasis is directly related to excess cholesterol entering the body from the outside, you should limit or completely avoid foods rich in it - egg yolks, liver, oily fish and meat.
  • Magnesium. Magnesium salts help accelerated elimination harmful products exchange of fats from the body. That is why a magnesium diet is indicated for patients with cholelithiasis or patients at risk. Apricots, peaches, and buckwheat porridge.
  • Lye. The diet for cholelithiasis must necessarily contain alkaline foods. They dissolve small stones and thin thick bile. To achieve good result, you need to consume more fresh vegetables, greenery, as well as mineral water.
  • Mode . With calculous cholecystitis, you need to eat often, in fractions, that is, the volume of portions should be small. This will prevent stagnation of bile, which is released into the lumen duodenum in response to incoming food.

To prevent complications, it is necessary to adhere to the diet during and after an attack - it should be selected individually by the doctor. Daily ration should be sufficient in calorie content, contain an average of 100 g of protein, 400-500 g of carbohydrates and 50-70 g of fat. You need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

For pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, it is better to drink Borjomi, Luzhanskaya, and Polyana Kvasova.

Authorized Products

Generally this diet diverse. Allowed foods and dishes contain sufficient calories, vitamins and minerals.

  • Flour products. Yesterday's gray, white and black bread, crackers without salt and spices.
  • First courses. Lenten soups, low-fat vegetable broths.
  • Side dishes. Water-based cereals (oatmeal, rice, bulgur), durum wheat pasta, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, peas).
  • Meat . Chicken, turkey, veal, beef. Meat products should be boiled, steamed or stewed.
  • Vegetables . You can eat any seasonal vegetables raw, baked, or stewed. Carrots and beets are especially useful for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.
  • Fruits . Can be used without restrictions. To speed up elimination bad cholesterol It is better to eat apricots, watermelons, melons.
  • Dairy products. Skim milk, low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, kefir, natural yogurt, curdled milk.
  • Sweets . Patients with diseases of the hepatobiliary system can eat homemade preserves, jams, marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows.
  • Drinks. Weak black and green teas, jelly, compotes.

Subject to proper diet such unpleasant symptoms GSD, such as discomfort after eating, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, heartburn and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

Table No. 5, indicated for cholecystitis and gallstones, can be used in children and adults. It is suitable for pregnant and lactating women. And also for weight loss overweight bodies.

Prohibited Products

If the diet is violated, the pathology can worsen or lead to complications. The following foods should not be eaten.

Should be excluded sour fruits and berries (lemons, oranges, red currants, gooseberries). They irritate the intestinal mucosa, which negatively affects the process of bile secretion. It is important to minimize the amount of salt and spices.

Diet for cholelithiasis

An approximate nutritional plan for gallstones is as follows.

  • Breakfast . Oatmeal with added large quantity olive oil or cottage cheese with dried fruits, tea.
  • Second breakfast. Baked apple or fruit salad.
  • Dinner . Vegetarian cabbage soup, stewed vegetables with boiled chicken, compote or lean soup, rice, steamed cutlets.
  • Afternoon snack. Tea with dry biscuits or crackers.
  • Dinner . Boiled potatoes, baked fish, steamed vegetables or salad.
  • Second dinner. A cup of kefir or natural yogurt.

During an exacerbation, the diet is stricter - during this time legumes, mushrooms, sour vegetables, fruits, cheese and cottage cheese are excluded. One or two days after the attack (if the condition normalizes), you can expand the menu and return to treatment table № 5.

Menu after surgery

Nutrition before surgery should be gentle, based on the principles of diet No. 5.
After cholecystectomy, the diet is structured as follows.

  • First hours. After surgery, you should not drink, you can only wet your lips with water.
  • First day. You can drink purified water herbal infusions, rosehip infusion.
  • In a day and a half. You can drink kefir, yogurt, dried fruit compotes.
  • On the third day. You can eat vegetable broths, mashed potatoes, juices.
  • In five days. Patients are allowed porridge with water (oatmeal, rice), vegetables, baked apples.

In the future, you can gradually expand the diet and switch to table No. 5. strict adherence the recovery process is faster.

Diet is the key wellness and no exacerbations. You can take it at the same time folk remedies. Thus, decoctions, rowan berries, and also contribute to the dissolution of stones. moderate consumption vegetable oil.

Gallstone disease is a disease in which the gallbladder and bile ducts stones are formed and deposited.

Symptoms of the disease

There are many reasons for the occurrence of this disease: violation proper nutrition, metabolism, genetic predisposition to disease, bile duct obstruction, infection. All of them can provoke the formation of bile stones due to changes in its physical and chemical properties. Stones in the gall bladder and ducts can be cholesterol, pigment, pigment-cholesterol, calcareous and complex (combined).
At long-term illness Inflammation may occur in the bile ducts.


Carrot salad with apples

You will need: 50 g apples, 50 g carrots, 10 g sour cream.

Grate the apples and carrots on a coarse grater and mix. Pour sour cream over the salad and serve.

Salad with saury

You will need: 1 can of saury in oil, 200 g of boiled rice, 1 onion, 1 stalk of celery, 2 bell peppers, low-calorie mayonnaise to taste.

Mash the saury pieces with a fork. Finely chop the onion and celery stalk.

Bell pepper (optional) different colors) cut into small cubes, combine everything with boiled rice, season with mayonnaise, mix.

Cauliflower or broccoli salad

Chop any vegetables (carrots, onions, zucchini, etc.) very finely and mix with chopped raw cauliflower or broccoli. Season the salad with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream.

First things first

Oatmeal soup with vegetables

You will need: 400 ml water, 40 g bran, 50 g carrots, 30 g pumpkin, 30 g zucchini, 10 g onions, parsley and dill.

Place bran in boiling water. Boil them for 15 minutes and rub through a sieve. Add chopped carrots, pumpkin and zucchini cubes and sautéed onions to the broth. Cook everything together for another 5-10 minutes. Add chopped herbs to the finished soup.

For main course or dessert

Cottage cheese dumplings

You will need: 100 g cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 30 g sugar, 20 g raisins, 100 g flour, zest of 1/2 lemon, 20 g nuts (for sprinkling), salt.

Knead the dough from flour, 1 egg and salt, like for noodles. Roll it into a thin layer, grease with curd filling (mash mixture of other ingredients), fold and cut into squares. Press the edges of the dough at the cut points. Place the dumplings in boiling water and cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Then take them out, drizzle with oil and sprinkle with crushed nuts.

Gallstone disease (calculous cholecystitis) occurs more often in women against the background poor nutrition, hormone therapy or failure after childbirth. Not all stones cause pain and distress to the patient. Many live for years without knowing about the pathology, others suffer from frequent attacks of colic. Diet plays an important role in the course of the disease. The article will tell you how to eat right, avoid complications and not end up on the surgical table.

Gallstone disease (GSD) is characterized by the presence of stones of various diameters and properties in the gallbladder. In most cases, patients are diagnosed with cholesterol stones that arise as a result of poor nutrition and errors in food intake.

The disease often occurs in women postpartum period, as a consequence hormonal changes. Young mothers sometimes forget to eat regularly, which leads to accumulation and changes in the properties of bile. It becomes more viscous and has a negative, destructive character. Stagnation of bile leads to the formation of sediment (sand) in the organ. If you do not notice the pathology on the ultrasound monitor in time, the sand turns into stones of various diameters.

Healthy people It is advisable to eat right to prevent calculous cholecystitis; for patients, diet is vital for the following reasons.

  1. Proper nutrition for gallstones will help reduce the risk of increasing the number of stones and their size. Large stones are undesirable; they injure the walls of the organ, which leads to inflammation and complications of the disease. A large number of stones aggravates the functioning of the organ and inhibits the digestion process. A gallbladder that is ½ full of stones can burst and this is deadly.
  2. Diet for stones reduces the risk of attacks of gallbladder colic. Patients who have undergone it describe terrible pain, becoming more unbearable each time. A person can faint from painful shock.
  3. Compliance with the doctor's dietary instructions is necessary before planned operation for organ removal. Excision of the gallbladder is called cholecystectomy. The indication for its implementation is biliary colic, deterioration in quality of life. Before surgery, the patient's condition must be good, which can be achieved by following a diet.
  4. Calculous cholecystitis affects the functioning of the pancreas. After the first relapse, ignoring proper nutrition leads to inflammation of the organ. The digestive process is disrupted, in extreme cases necrosis and peritonitis occur.
  5. GSD affects the condition of the stomach. Provocation in the form of poor nutrition leads to gastritis, duodenitis, and ulcers.

A nutritious diet and compliance with the doctor’s instructions regarding nutrition are the basis for the treatment of cholelithiasis.

Sometimes patients who have not experienced colic attacks manage to completely get rid of the problem by using medications and adjusting the daily menu.

Diet for gallstone disease during exacerbation and after stone surgery

Nutrition in the preoperative and postoperative periods is different. A patient with gallstones or who has had the problem resolved by medication, I must understand that the disease does not go away completely. Stones can form again due to poor nutrition. A diagnosis of cholelithiasis requires you to follow a diet for life.

Patients who have undergone cholecystectomy are required to follow a strict diet for up to 3-4 months, after which new foods are gradually introduced and the diet is expanded. 1-2 years after the operation, the person is healthy and can eat nutritiously, limiting himself to a minimum amount of food.

Important to know!Even after removal of the gallbladder, cholelithiasis remains. Improper food intake and violation of doctor's instructions lead to the formation of stones in the bile ducts. Doctors recommend following the diet constantly, occasionally allowing exceptions.

Nutritional treatment has certain rules, they should be taken into account when compiling the daily menu:

  • eat according to the diet “table No. 5”, with the exception of patients who have undergone surgery (for the first 7 days, eat according to table No. 1a, 1b);
  • Eating should be regular, every 2-3 hours;
  • a portion of the food consumed should not be more than 200-300 grams;
  • Avoid drinking water with gases and taking medications.

What can you eat?

Patients preparing for surgery or undergoing treatment must follow the instructions of table No. 5.

Flour productsUneatable apple, meat, fish, rice products, yesterday's baked goods.
DrinksChicory, black tea, fruit, vegetable, berry juices (in remission), rosehip decoction, jelly.
Dairy productsNatural yoghurts, fermented baked milk, snowballs, kefir, milk no more than 2.5%, low-percentage cottage cheese.
EggsBaked omelette, made from whites (no more than 1 egg white per day), soft-boiled.
SweetsNon-acidic fruits, berries, dried fruits, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows.
Seasonings, saucesGravy on fruits, vegetables, berries (non-acidic), cinnamon, vanillin, parsley, dill.
MeatLenten: rabbit, veal, chicken, beef.
GroatsPorridge made from buckwheat, oats, boiled pasta, and any cereals with water are useful.
RybnoeLow-fat varieties in the form of cutlets, meatballs, puddings.
SoupsPuree, lean, vegetable.
FatsButter as a food additive, refined vegetable oil for salad dressing.
VegetablesSour cabbage, boiled onions. Dishes should be consumed in the form of purees, steamed, or boiled. Salads are in remission.

14 days in postoperative period When doctors allow you to consume food, it is recommended to follow table No. 1a/b to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The body gets used to life without a gallbladder; the ducts take on the role of storing bile. Allowed products are only steamed, boiled, baked, or consumed in puree or liquid form.

Flour productsLoaf, yesterday's wheat bread (on the 3rd day after the introduction of the diet), dry biscuits, biscuits, sponge cake.
Porridge, cerealsBaby food, liquid porridge made from semolina, buckwheat, oats.
SoupsVegetable purees.
MeatPuddings, mousses.
FishMinced meat, puddings, mousse.
DrinksChicory, weak tea with milk, compote, jelly.
Dairy productsPuree cottage cheese (up to 5% fat content), Varenets, fermented baked milk, snowball no more than 2.5%, fresh.
VegetablesPurees, baby food.

What should you not eat if you have gallstone disease?

Bread and flour productsFresh baked goods, puff pastry, pastry, fried.
SoupsMushroom and cooked in fatty broth.
Dairy productsRyazhenka, snowball, milk more than 2.5%, non-natural yoghurts, stale kefir, fatty cottage cheese.
EggsFried and yolks.
SweetsBerries and sour fruits, cakes, sweets, ice cream, pastries, chocolate.
Sauces, spicesPepper, horseradish, mustard.
Meat, poultryFatty meats, sausages, liver, brains, kidneys, heart.
FishFatty varieties, salted and smoked fish.
DrinksCold drinks, cocktails, cocoa, black coffee, alcohol.
FatsButter, vegetable oil as an independent dish.
VegetablesSour cabbage, fresh onions, peas, corn, spinach, radishes, green onions.

Sample menu for a week for cholelithiasis

The menu for gallstones for a week contains products allowed by table No. 5. Apply sample menu It is possible for patients who have undergone surgery, but after 14 days of a strict diet according to table No. 1.

8.00 Hercules, chicory.
11.00 A piece rye bread with cheese (fat content up to 20%), oatmeal jelly.
14.00 Steamed veal, mashed potatoes, chicory.
17.00 200 grams of fresh kefir.
19.00 Buckwheat, yogurt. A glass of yogurt at night.
8.00 Semolina porridge, oatmeal jelly.
11.00 Fish dumplings.
14.00 Chicken noodles, buckwheat with boiled turkey, compote.
17.00 Baked banana.
19.00 Rice with vegetables.
8.00 Hercules, milk.
11.00 Curd casserole.
14.00 Pasta, fish balls, vegetable soup, weak black tea.
17.00 Curd dumplings.
19.00 200 grams of fresh kefir.
8.00 Egg white omelette, oatmeal jelly.
11.00 A glass of drinking yoghurt.
14.00 Fish soup, turkey meatballs.
17.00 Baked bananas, apple.
19.00 Buckwheat, yogurt 200 grams
8.00 Millet porridge, jelly.
11.00 Baked banana.
14.00 Fish puree, vegetables, vegetable stew, rosehip drink.
17.00 Buckwheat with meat balls, tea with milk.
19.00 Curd dumplings.
9.00 Pasta, compote.
12.00 A piece of bread with cheese (fat content up to 20%), oatmeal jelly.
14.00 Diet borscht, cheese pasta, jelly.
17.00 Fish balls.
19.30 Boiled shrimp, tea.
9.00 Cottage cheese casserole, compote.
11.30 Steam pancakes.
14.30 Veal manti, jelly.
18.00 Glass of yogurt
20.00 Salad of boiled vegetables (beets, carrots), fruit optional.

Meals at cholelithiasis during an exacerbation period is different. It includes all the products from the fifth table according to Pevzner, but in pureed, boiled form, or the use of the first table. When remission occurs, you don’t have to grind the dishes.

Are there any special features for the female body?

The diet for gallstone disease in women is no different from that in men. There are differences in the occurrence of the disease and its course. The female sex has a greater chance of developing cholelithiasis. Women are more addicted to sweets, which is strictly prohibited during periods of exacerbation and partly during remission.

During pregnancy, you should more carefully monitor the health of your gastrointestinal tract, eat regularly and according to the prescribed diet. For the expectant mother it is necessary to diversify the menu so that everyone is included necessary substances: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber. During the period of bearing a baby, you cannot do without vitamin complexes.

Gastroenterologists recommend following a diet for cholelithiasis, regardless of the course of the disease. If gallstones do not bother you, errors in eating will lead to complications, attacks, and further surgical intervention. It is easier to prevent calculous cholecystitis by monitoring your diet and diet than to fight it.

GSD is a fairly common disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder or ducts. According to statistics, gallstone disease occurs several times more often in women than in men.

Bile produced in the liver accumulates in the gallbladder, then biliary tract enters the intestines, participating in the digestion of food. When the balance of bile components in the liquid is disturbed, solid flakes form, which, when compacted, turn into stones. The stone, getting into the ducts, clogs the hole, causing an acute attack.

The appearance of stones is most often influenced by the following factors:

  • Non-compliance with diet, excessive overeating or fasting.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work.
  • Metabolic disorder leading to excess weight.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and other organs of the digestive system.
  • Diabetes mellitus.

Treatment must be started immediately, preventing the patient’s condition from deteriorating, leading to complications, even fatal outcome.

For cholelithiasis, diet therapy is indicated to relieve the patient from surgical intervention. The diet is agreed upon with the attending physician, specifying the list of permitted and prohibited items. different stages diseases. It is advisable to eat food systematically, over time. Strict adherence to the regimen contributes to the timely release of bile from the gallbladder.

You need to eat frequently, at least 5 times a day. This behavior promotes better digestibility of foods and prevents difficulties in intestinal motility, for example, constipation. It is not recommended to overeat immediately before bed.

To prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa and excessive bile formation, food should be kept warm. The optimal temperature is 25 - 60 degrees.

During an exacerbation period, it is better to boil or bake foods, avoiding the formation of a crust. Fried foods are strictly prohibited; oxidized fats and carcinogenic substances formed during this cooking method will provoke a new attack of the disease.

During the cooking process, foods should be crushed or ground, then digestion will not require a lot of bile. Food is chewed thoroughly.

Diet for gallstone disease

A diet for gallstones is prescribed to restore the disturbed cholesterol balance. Products used for cooking dietary dishes, must include less fat, carbohydrates, and cholesterol.

A sample menu is drawn up taking into account the knowledge that energy value food should not exceed 2400 - 2500 kcal per day.

Nutrition for gallstone disease is based on the consumption of foods with high content fiber, which prevents constipation. promotes normal intestinal motility, reduces intoxication of the body. It is necessary to prepare dishes from products rich in pectin: the substance prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, dilutes bile, and supports normal microflora in the intestines.

The list of foods included in the diet for gallstone disease includes:

Prohibited Products

Diet for gallstones excludes foods that promote the production of large amounts of bile and are filled with cholesterol.

Prohibited foods for gallstone disease:

Raw fruits and berries are prohibited, especially raspberries, grapes, and currants.

Coffee, cocoa, strong tea, and sweet carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited.

Magnesium diet

If you have gallstones, a magnesium diet is recommended. From such a diet, patients’ abdominal pain disappears and intestinal function improves. The diet requires at least four times include foods containing magnesium in your meals daily. The regimen consists of three cycles, lasting 2–3 days each. At first, they drink exclusively warm drinks - sweetened tea, rosehip decoction, diluted juices, the main thing is not to exceed the norm - two glasses a day. You need to drink often, in small sips, drinking no more than two spoons at a time.

On the fourth day you are allowed to eat a little jelly or pureed porridge; after the next three days, low-fat cottage cheese, fish and meat are added. When the third dietary cycle ends and the condition improves, the patient is transferred to general diet indicated in the presence of gallstones.

Menu for gallstone disease

Eating for gallstones involves preparing dishes whose recipes do not pose any particular difficulties. Sample menu for the week.

First breakfast:

  • Monday: oatmeal, tea, cookies.
  • Tuesday: cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, rosehip infusion.
  • Wednesday: buckwheat porridge, tea with lemon, cookies.
  • Thursday: pasta butter and jam, tea with lemon, cookies.
  • Friday: cottage cheese with sour cream, fresh carrot salad with apple, jelly.
  • Saturday: chicken soufflé with semolina, marmalade, tea.
  • Sunday: pasta pudding with raisins and dried apricots, tea, baked apple.


  • Monday: fresh carrot and beet salad, juice.
  • Tuesday: oatmeal soufflé with prunes, rosehip infusion.
  • Wednesday: chicken salad with potatoes, blackcurrant jelly.
  • Thursday: cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots and nuts, tea.
  • Friday: curdled milk, biscuit biscuits.
  • Saturday: semolina porridge with banana, compote, cookies.
  • Sunday: pasta casserole, baked apple, juice.
  • Monday: vegetarian borscht, boiled chicken with rice, juice.
  • Tuesday: soup with buckwheat, fish baked with vegetables, tea.
  • Wednesday: milk soup with pasta, mashed potatoes with steam cutlet, juice.
  • Thursday: oat soup with vegetables, boiled rabbit with cauliflower garnish, rosehip infusion.
  • Friday: rice soup, boiled fish with pumpkin puree, dried fruit compote.
  • Saturday: vegetarian cabbage soup, steamed meatballs, juice.
  • Sunday: mashed potato soup with breadcrumbs, hake soufflé, berry jelly.

For an afternoon snack, it is enough to drink a glass of jelly, kefir, fermented baked milk and eat 100 g of cookies or dried biscuit.

  • Monday: boiled chicken with salad seaweed, banana, juice.
  • Tuesday: stewed cod, boiled beet salad with nuts.
  • Wednesday: veal baked with boiled potatoes, compote.
  • Thursday: turkey meat soufflé with cauliflower, cookies, tea.
  • Friday: rabbit meatballs, pasta, juice.
  • Saturday: seafood casserole with rice, carrot salad, tea.
  • Sunday: steamed turkey cutlets, baked pumpkin, tea, cookies.

Two hours before bedtime, you are allowed to eat a grated apple or banana, drink a glass of juice or kefir.

Some dietary questions

Let's try to answer questions often asked about dieting.

  1. What is allowed to eat if cholelithiasis is complicated? chronic pancreatitis? Recipes for gallstone disease and pancreatitis are similar, since both diseases are associated with impaired activity digestive system.
  2. Are spices allowed? Turmeric, a spice that has a number of beneficial properties, will help improve the taste of dietary dishes. medicinal properties. Adding turmeric powder to dishes for cholelithiasis helps remove toxins from the liver and increases the functionality of the organ. The use of turmeric is indicated for other diseases of the digestive system, in particular for iron problems.
  3. Which mineral water is suitable for the diagnosis of cholelithiasis? The diet for gallstones involves drinking plenty of fluids - at least two liters per day. Nutritionists recommend drinking medicinal mineral water, for example, Borjomi, Svalyava, Polyana Kvasova, Luzhanskaya.
  4. The patient has a diagnosis - diabetes mellitus. Is a magnesium diet indicated for the patient? It is permissible to follow a diet; instead of sugar as a sweetener, use honey, which is approved for illness.
  5. Does diet for cholelithiasis include the use of ginger? Ginger, a prohibited product, exhibits the ability to activate the movement of stones.
  6. Strong alcohol is not allowed, but beer is allowed? Strong and low-alcohol drinks lead to exacerbation of the disease, cause colic in the gallbladder and contribute to an increase in the amount of bile.
  7. What is allowed in food exacerbation of cholelithiasis? The diet is based on the use listed products, but in the first days it is better to refrain from eating, limiting yourself to liquids.

Diet for gallbladder diseases is considered an important component in the treatment process. The regime must be followed in acute periods and when the patient’s condition stabilizes without causing concern. Specially designed balanced diet Helps the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, normalizes cholesterol levels, and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Vitamins and mineral components increase immunity and help solve the problem excess weight. Remember, if you violate your diet and refuse to diet, the disease can worsen sharply.