The kitten cannot open its eyes. The cat's eyes are half covered with film: reasons and what to do

Clear signs eye diseases in cats- suppuration, tearing, formation of a blue or white film on the eyeball. Another symptom is the appearance of white skin third eyelid», or nictitating membrane), covering part (sometimes quite significant) of the eye from its inner corner.

If the eye is suppurated or inflamed, blue or white film and your eyelids are swollen, this may be the result of inflammation, injury or irritation caused by foreign bodies, such as grass seeds. This condition requires professional intervention - otherwise, deterioration and even complete loss of vision is possible.

Often the cause of discharge from the eyes is not illnesses themselves eye, they are associated symptoms other diseases. These are like this infectious diseases, like chlamydia, herpes virus (infectious rhinotracheitis). Remember: timely detection of the disease and timely treatment will help your cat save not only her eyesight, but also her life. Signs that something is wrong with your cat's eyes: rubbing his eyes with his paw, squinting and avoiding bright light, blinking frequently and shaking his head. Carefully examine the cat's eyes - accumulation of pus in the corners, tearing, redness or clouding of the eyes is a reason to show the cat to the doctor.

A bluish or whitish film covering the clear front of the eye (cornea) is not a cataract. The latter manifests itself in clouding of the lens located in front of the pupil; it also gives a blue or white tint, but in the deeper parts of the eye.

At dusk, in dim light, when the pupil dilates, most of the lens immediately becomes visible, and, accordingly, its cloudiness (cataract). In some people, the lens sometimes appears blue, but this does not necessarily indicate a cataract, but may be associated with changes in the refraction of light by the lens (similar phenomena occur in middle-aged people). The lens itself remains clear, transparent, and does not go blind.

Partial covering of the eye third century- a fairly common phenomenon, which does not at all mean the onset of blindness, it also occurs in cats quite healthy. The reason may be, for example, weight loss and sunken eyes due to contraction fat layer lining the eye socket. This may also portend cat flu.

Remember: appearance third century on one eye indicates the entry of a foreign body into it, on both – a sign of disease.

Therefore, if third eyelid becomes noticeable, watch your cat carefully and show her if other symptoms appear. If there are no other signs, then try to feed her more and give her 0.05 mg of vitamin B12 daily with food or in tablets.

In the process of work, the veterinarian has to resort to different methods treatment eye diseases in cats- in some cases, he may instill anesthetic drops to numb the area around the eye and remove the foreign object; in others, she may not only apply ointments and drops, but also give an injection under the conjunctiva, the pink membrane covering the front of the eye. Using an ophthalmoscope, he will carefully examine the eyeball, and by analyzing a smear of the cat's tears, he will find out the cause of the infection.

To cure strabismus, blockage tear ducts and cataracts usually require surgery.

Eye diseases that cats are susceptible to:

  • Conjunctivitis - with this disease in a cat, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes occurs, most often caused by allergic reaction or infection (viral, less often bacterial).
  • Keratitis – inflammation of the cornea
  • Entropion (turning of the eyelids)– this disease affects mainly representatives certain breeds: , Persians,
  • Epiphora –
  • Sequestration or necrosis of the cornea
  • Retinal detachment is a disease usually associated with hypertension and problems with cerebral vessels.

How to wash a cat's eyes

The cat's eyes can be washed with a special solution or chamomile decoction.

  • The rinsing solution must be prepared in advance; it must be at room temperature. Cotton pads must be clean.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap
  • If the cat doesn't like the procedure and breaks out, get a helper or wrap the cat in a blanket
  • You can wash your eyes with a generously moistened cotton pad, pipette or syringe without a needle. Place the solution carefully in the outer top edge eyes.
  • If the discharge from the eyes has already dried, then first moisten it with the solution, and after 2-3 minutes, carefully remove it with a cotton pad.
  • Then gently wipe your eyes with a cotton swab or tissue from the outside of the eye to the inside.

If you need to use an eye ointment such as hydrocortisone, tetracycline or solcoseryl, this is done as follows: gently and gently pull down the lower eyelid with two fingers - large and middle, and a small amount of ointment applied to the pad index finger is placed inside. After this, you need to gently press the cat’s eyelid and move it, spreading the ointment over the eyeball. If you have long nails, have someone else do the procedure. You should not squeeze the ointment onto the eye directly from the tube; you can injure the cat’s eye if it suddenly twitches.

Ten days after birth, the kittens’ eyes begin to open, initially narrow slits appear, and then two small buttons glow like beads. This is a normal process. But what to do when the kitten’s eyes do not open? This phenomenon causes concern among owners.

Watching the little beads open is just a pleasure. To begin with, tears appear in the inner corner, then a small crack forms, which increases every day. As a result, small shiny buttons appear. But if your eyes are difficult to open, is it worth doing anything?

About the vision of cats

To clarify the problem and correctly assess the current circumstances, the owner must know about the structure of the kitten’s eye. In relation to the human organs of vision, the eye size of pets is much larger. The retinal area also contains nerve endings or rods. There are almost 7 times more rods than cones, which indicates that furry friends have much better vision than humans, so they see well in the dark.

Round shape eyeball with a lens located at the center helps to expand the viewing angle. Protects eyes from exposure external factors, that is, foreign bodies entering the eyelids and mucous membranes. Moreover, cats have three eyelids, and this only enhances their protection.

Research has found that cats see the world in color, and not in black and white, as many people think. It’s not for nothing that the kitten loves to sit next to the screen when watching TV.

Reasons for not opening your eyes

Newborn fur babies develop quickly, and their eyes usually open within 1-2 weeks. But there are exceptions when babies remain with their eyes closed for more time.

So, kittens can open their eyes depending on the following factors::

  1. From the breed. There are breeds in which the eyes open already on the 2nd day, but these cats are purebred: Rex and Sphinx.
  2. From living conditions. If babies are exposed to light, their eyes will open fully for a long time. Kittens grow in a dark place, their eyes will open faster.
  3. In long-haired kittens, this process lasts much slower than in smooth-haired ones. This feature depends on the breed.
  4. Length of pregnancy in a cat. If the fluffies were born on time, then their eyes will appear on time.

2 weeks have passed, and the baby is still blind or the kitten’s eyes are barely visible, this should alert the owners, since pathological deviations are possible. In this case, contacting a veterinarian is mandatory.

One of the baby's eyes cannot open, but the other one looks great. This phenomenon is cause for concern. This may be due to hit foreign body or a cold. If the eye begins to fester, it may be conjunctivitis. If a kitten has not fully opened one eye, then in any case you cannot do without an experienced veterinarian.

If the kittens' eyes are not fully open, but they only look through small slits. Just like people, animals are vulnerable to viral infections. Harmful microorganisms can also enter, as from the external environment, and from the womb.

How to help kittens open their eyes

What to do if kittens' eyes do not open completely? Is there any way to help your pets solve the problem? You need to follow simple steps:

  • Brew a thick tea, judge, strain. Using a cotton swab, treat small cracks with preparation.
  • Dilute a weak solution boric acid and also regularly treat the kittens’ eyes.
  • If pus is discharged, you should contact a specialist, but for the first time you can provide help and make lotions yourself from a baking soda solution.
  • Chamomile decoction will also relieve inflammation.

Under no circumstances should you self-administer treatment with medicines, and even more so with antibiotics. Such a decision can only harm the health of the babies. However, many people believe that they can cope with cat problems themselves, but this is a misconception.

Only perseverance and sincere feelings of loving owners will help restore kittens to health, including a clear view of the world around them.

Features of eye washing

Although there is nothing complicated about this, you still need to have some knowledge. This simple procedure requires due attention and understanding of animals. The execution process itself is quite simple. You should start by preparing a small piece of sterile gauze or bandage.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and sanitize if possible disinfectant solution, chlorhexidine, for example, is perfect for this.
  • Soak gauze or bandage in the solution and carefully apply to the eye.

The small kitten does not offer any resistance, since it has little strength to fight its owner. But still, it is better to fix a small lump by wrapping it in fabric so that it cannot resist. When performing this task, it is best to support the baby's head slightly upward. In general, this procedure brings only joyful emotions, because at the same time you can watch your pet.

To do it correctly, you need to follow these tips::

  • choose the position of the animal lying on its back;
  • carry out movements smoothly from the inner corner to the outer;
  • Do not put too much pressure on the eye;
  • eliminate sudden movements and tune in to the same wavelength as your kitten.

If registered medicine and it needs to be instilled, then the kitten’s position should be the same as when treating the eyes. In this case, you need to open your furry friend’s eyes slightly so that the product gets into them. Squeeze the drop onto the center of the eyeball. In any case, the baby will close his eye, but this is exactly necessary. The main thing is that he doesn’t rub his eyes afterwards.

Caring for kittens brings a number of positive emotions and admiration from the owners, because at this moment they become closer, and at the same time mutual understanding and affection arises.

The reasons why the nictitating membrane has enlarged and become visible are the following:

In addition to the above reasons, a visible third eyelid in a cat may indicate a decrease in the animal’s immunity. This does not require expensive treatment; it is enough to simply choose vitamins for your cat in injections and tablets to strengthen the body. Another reason for the appearance of the third century is stressful situation in the postoperative period.

Third eyelid in a cat: causes, treatment

U healthy pet This nictitating membrane (“third eyelid”) is practically invisible - it is translucent and does not at all interfere with the animal’s watching or sleeping. It is visible for a short time when the cat is half asleep or when he tilts his head. A unique fold appears from the edge of the eye, quickly removes everything foreign in its path, distributes the tear fluid, which it itself partially produces, and disappears again.

It happens that the membrane does not return to its “original” position and becomes larger size. This should serve as a signal for the pet owner to contact the veterinary service.

ATTENTION! If the third eyelid in cats is not in order, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor!

Protrusion of the nictitating fold is a symptom of such complex internal diseases, How:

  • infection caused by bacteria, virus or fungus;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • reaction to allergens;
  • eye injuries;
  • internal diseases (including gastrointestinal tract);
  • helminthiases.

What can be dangerous about third eyelid prolapse in cats? Treatment should be aimed at identifying the cause of the disease and eliminating it. Some owners diagnose their pets themselves and give them medications they deem necessary. As a result, time has passed, the disease has started, and further treatment will be longer and more complex.

Micro-wounds (from a bite or puncture) can cause inflammation of the third eyelid in cats, for example, when fighting with other animals. The cornea is damaged and the eyelid will take a long time to heal, so the cat may need surgery.

If not ok gastrointestinal tract, then the consequence of this is inflammation of the cat’s inner eyelid.

It is necessary to monitor the behavior of the pet. If he vomits, refuses food and diarrhea, then the reason is gastrointestinal disorders. In this case, veterinary assistance is required.

If you notice that your cat's eyes are closed with the third eyelid, treatment may not be necessary in the following cases:

  • decreased immunity;
  • mild form of cat flu;
  • a temporary phenomenon that disappears in 1-2 days.

At similar reasons The mustachioed one should be watched. If he feels quite vigorous, then he just needs to strengthen his diet with vitamins and beneficial microelements; if he has the flu, regularly remove discharge from the nose and eyes and apply eye drops.

In case of genetic pathology (protrusion of the lacrimal gland occurs in Persian and British breed) cannot be done without the intervention of a veterinary ophthalmologist. Surgically, he will move the gland to the place where it should anatomically be located.

We repeat once again - a veterinarian should and should be consulted. Only he will be able to determine what happened to the tailed patient and, based on the owner’s story about his behavior at home, about his diet and additional features diseases, prescribe the right medications.

What could be the reason for the appearance of such unpleasant changes in your loved one’s body? pet? One option: getting any foreign objects into the eyes, which cause injury or inflammation, causing the cat’s eyelids to swell. Then the process of inflammation or the appearance of a film on the inside eyes. Besides this, there are other reasons. One of them is a disease of the pet’s eyes themselves.

There are many reasons for tearfulness, but cats almost always have watery eyes after sleep, and this is normal. But if your pet has watery eyes during the day in one or both eyes, and there are purulent discharge, then this indicates a disease. In this case, you must definitely go to the veterinarian. There are a number of reasons why a cat may have watery eyes:

At helminthic infestation(penetration of worms) lacrimation may also be observed, it is necessary to carry out treatment systematically. If the bathroom was not securely closed, the cat had access to household chemicals, the medicine or food is not “suitable”, the pet may have problems with the eyes, including burns.

When a cat's eye is watery due to mechanical damage, this indicates healing. Even in this case, you should take the animal to the veterinarian, otherwise vision deterioration will inevitably occur. With rhinitis, in addition to lacrimation, a runny nose is observed. This occurs due to infection entering the nasopharynx.

Signs of eye disease in a cat

In principle, it is not difficult to determine that a cat is suffering from a certain ailment. It is much more difficult to understand its cause.
The owner of the animal should be alerted to absolutely any deviations from the norm of the animal’s behavior. For example, if a cat has some kind of discharge from the eyes or clouding of the eye, and also if the cat’s eyes do not open, this indicates that it is susceptible to a disease from a fairly large list.

Especially big list constitute eye diseases that cause clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye. In this case, we can talk about completely for various reasons: starting from availability too high pressure in the eyes, and ending with the real ones viral infections which may result in death.

Accordingly, if your cat suddenly begins to show signs of illness, it is advisable to immediately contact a veterinarian.
This applies not only to opacities, but also to the presence various secretions from the eyes, which are purulent in nature.

What are the symptoms of an eye injury in a cat?

Minor injuries, no dangerous for the eyes of a cat, entail the following symptoms:

  • redness and swelling of the eyes;
  • “cloud” effect around the cornea and clouding;
  • discharge of small amounts of blood;
  • the third eyelid swells and protrudes;
  • animals rub their eyes with their paws.

For serious damage:

  • hoarse meowing from unpleasant sensations;
  • a foreign object is noticeable;
  • the cat walks with its eyes closed and does not open them even in the dark;
  • tear fluid is constantly released;
  • mucous, purulent and even bloody discharge is formed;
  • severe opacities in the cornea;
  • changes in the shape and structure of the eyeball;
  • refusal to eat and drink.

Eye disease in cats: third eyelid, treatment of adenoma

What to do? An eye injury in a cat requires a visit to a specialist. A veterinarian-ophthalmologist provides consultations, because injuries affect not only general condition body, but can also deprive the animal of its eyeballs.

Before visiting a doctor at home, the owner can wash the eye area using boiled water or dissolving furatsilin in water. Antibiotic drops can be used in small quantities. Such medications include solutions of Tsipromed, Tobrex, Normax and Bars. It is recommended to select the dose depending on the size of the cat: 1-3 drops 3-5 times a day.

First, the doctor will determine the nature and severity of the injury. It is important for a specialist to thoroughly examine a sick animal. He's in mandatory checks for fractures in the skull and jaw. If there are signs of other injuries, the animal is sent to detailed diagnostics. It is also determined at the same time whether it is a penetrating or non-penetrating injury. All the information collected by the doctor helps determine the prognosis.

And only after all of the above procedures are they switched to examining the affected eyes. To identify possible defeats corneas use a drug that colors the mucous membranes and glows in UV rays.

How to use eye drops for damaged eyes in a cat?

How are they treated? First, you need to carefully remove the scales from the eyelid; You should first soften it with Vaseline. The eyelids are lubricated with synthomycin-based ointment throughout the day. Treatment is carried out with both one percent yellow mercury and tetracycline emulsions. As for drops, Iris or Conjunctivitis are often prescribed. The duration of therapy is up to 10 days, it all depends on the severity of the damage.

If there are ulcers on the cat's body that are caused by blepharitis, then treatment consists of carefully applying lapis; then wash the eye with a solution of water and table salt and at the end - treatment with 1% brilliant green. Recommended for therapeutic measures collar the animal protective type so that it does not injure the affected area.

Eye injuries in cats are treated and homeopathic remedies. Traumeel is used to treat injury; if the pet has bruises, then Engystol.

When the disease worsens, it becomes necessary to inject an antibiotic into the muscle twice a day. Along with the injections, Suprastin or Tavegil is prescribed. Treatment of the animal is carried out in a clean, dust-free, dry room at above-zero temperatures.

Ulcers leave behind opaque white spots or other tissue defects. If the opacities have affected most of the cornea, then therapy is continued with the help of absorbable medications: the eyes are instilled with a solution potassium iodide, placing an ointment based on yellow behind the eyelids mercury composition, simultaneously injecting a biostimulant. Good effect have lidase medications, which are diluted 1:5 and dripped into the eyes a couple of times a day for 30 days.

Sand, fine debris, pollen or construction dust got into the animal's eye, causing a purulent allergic conjunctivitis? Then eye drops if a cat has an eye injury, replace it with green tea or calendula decoction. They also instill drugs with complex effects: Dexamethasone, adding an ointment with an antibiotic or hormones. Take a quarter of Suprastin, Diazolin or Claritin orally once a day.

The pathology that kittens most often suffer from is ingrown eyelashes into the edges of the eyelids. Animals walk, squinting, while tears flow from their eyes, or low-grade inflammation begins. The ophthalmologist straightens the entropion of the eyelids.

Severe cranial injuries provoke neuritis optic nerve and complete blindness. If a cat has an open eye orbit, or the eyeball falls out, then immediate surgery. Sore eyes are bandaged with clean bandages, and the pet is taken to a specialist. Immediate reduction visual organ guarantees the animal's vision preservation.

Cataracts can appear as a slight cloudiness in the depths of the eyes, glowing with a bluish tint. With age, the opacity in the lens increases and leads to partial or complete loss vision. You can slow down the progression with the help of drops of Taufon, Vitaiodurol, instilled a couple of times a day throughout the animal’s life.

Glaucoma is identified by a noticeably enlarged eye, and it can grow either periodically or constantly. Swelling, eyeballs cause pain to cats and require the use of analgesics.

The blinking fold falls out and covers half the eye. This prolapse is a disease very similar to inflammation of the third eyelid in cats, as the symptoms are similar. The difference in reasons is only in the color of the conjunctiva. With prolapse, it has a clear gray or bluish tint. This is not a pathology, but a signal of a disease, including symptoms of allergy and foreign body contact with the mucosa.

The animal tries to “remove” what is bothering it and rubs its muzzle with its paws. His body reacts to this with secretions, even a tiny piece of garbage can cause inflammation, increased lacrimation and purulent discharge. In order for the speck to come out with pus, it needs to be provided with a “slippery” environment, for which furry pet They give ointments, drops and antibiotics. After medical procedures the nictitating septum will fall into place.

Benign formation pink color in the inner corner of the eyeball is often mistaken for inflammation of the third eyelid in a cat, but this phenomenon is an adenoma. It sticks out from under the eyelid and prevents the pet from closing its eyes tightly; its presence threatens that dirt and germs will get onto the always slightly open mucous membrane. The lacrimal gland is surgically put back into place and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory eye drops are prescribed.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when the veterinarian himself suggests removing the nictitating fold in case of adenoma.

ATTENTION! Removal of the lacrimal gland is fraught with disastrous consequences for the animal - a severe form of dry keratoconjunctivitis, ulcerative keratitis, blindness and lifelong purulent discharge.

Treatment of adenoma is possible, although it is labor-intensive and time-consuming, so there is no need to remove the cat's third eyelid.

You should also not “straighten” the fold yourself - this will not give the result that the owners expect, but can lead to complications, double infection, cataract and damage to the cornea.

The first thing you need to remember before treatment is the importance that is not only for the vision of your cat, but for the entire life of the pet, because treatment in this situation can even save his or her life. This is another reason not to delay treatment, but to start it as soon as possible.

Remember that the appearance of the so-called “third eyelid” in only one eye can be the reason for any substance getting into the eye foreign object, but the appearance of a film on two at once is most likely a sign of some kind of disease that requires serious treatment from a professional. How can this be done?

First, you can try rinsing your cat's eyes. To do this, in no case should you use old methods with tea leaves or decoctions of unknown herbs, because you can introduce an infection into the eye and it will start severe inflammation. Sold in a veterinary pharmacy special means for eye wash, for example, BEAPHAR Oftal. It will perfectly help wash foreign particles out of the eye and remove irritation.

Some time after washing, you need to drop special drops into your eyes: Floxal, Levomycetin or Actipol. Some veterinarians recommend instilling several drugs at the same time and conducting a course of at least two weeks. These drops will help perfectly if the cause of the third eye is conjunctivitis or infection.

Instead of drops you can use eye ointments. In this case, in addition to the dosage, you need to choose a method of applying the product to the surface of the eye. The cat twitches and escapes, so squeezing the ointment directly from the tube into the eye is strictly not recommended, as this leads to injury. The ointment is carefully placed under the lower eyelid using the index finger, after which the eye must be massaged for some time. If the owner has long nails, you need to cut them off or entrust the procedure to someone else.

The cat is secured during the procedures using a rug or blanket. This reduces the chance that your cat will scratch or bite. It is best to enlist the help of one or two more people who are already well acquainted with the habits of the animal.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that after medications discomfort in the eyes will intensify and the cat will strive to get rid of the itching and burning, so it will begin to rub its eyes with its paws, thereby risking introducing even more dirt and germs into the eyes. This is why you should always have a special collar at home that fits around the animal’s neck and will prevent it from scratching its eyes.

Eye disease: definition, prevention

Let's summarize the above:

  • if a cat has prolapse of the lacrimal gland on only one side, this indicates a foreign particle has entered;
  • both eyes are partially covered by the nictitating membrane - this is inflammation of the third eyelid in cats, the treatment of which depends on identifying the cause (if this is a sign of the disease, it must be confirmed by additional symptoms);
  • the nictitating fold is enlarged, the reason is the anatomical pathology of the animal (consultation with a doctor is needed);
  • third eyelid in a cat - no treatment is required, as this is a sign of reduced immunity.
  1. Treat the cat with drops or ointments intended for humans.
  2. Try to “return” the blinking membrane into place on your own.
  3. If the veterinarian insists on removing the nictitating membrane, go to another veterinary clinic.

For prevention purposes eye diseases Take care of your pet more often, wash its bedding, and wash the room where it sleeps. Caring for his eyes should be daily. For this there is effective means for rinsing, like BEAPHAR Oftal, which will help prevent irritation of the mucous membranes caused by dirt or dust.

Video on the topic

The main means necessary for prevention is special solution, which must be used to wash the eyes of cats. In addition to the solution, in some situations you can recommend a chamomile solution. Don’t forget about a cotton pad, which must first be thoroughly moistened with water. It is with the help of this device that you can wash your animal's eyes.

After completing the procedure, do not forget to wipe your eyes with a cotton swab. Don’t forget that before starting this process, you need to wash your hands thoroughly (with soap) to avoid introducing any infection into your pet’s eyes. Can also be recommended as preventive measures consider the animal’s diet, because proper nutrition of your pet is quite an important factor in preventing the occurrence of any health problems.

Remember that the sooner you discover any health problems with your animal, the sooner you can help him. You should not self-medicate; it is better to immediately try to contact professional veterinarians and send your animal to them for treatment, otherwise any unpleasant consequences, because the animal body is quite complex system, in need of help from someone who knows what to do, and this is a veterinarian. Don’t forget about this, and then everything can end in your cat’s healing and recovery. Good luck!

The material in this article contains useful information, making it easy to find answers to some frequently asked questions and get general information on the problem before visiting an experienced veterinarian.

By the way, about how and where to choose the right glasses and your vision will be better than that of a cat.

The cat's eye is swollen and watery, closed, does not open and swam - causes and how to treat

When a cat's eye becomes swollen, watery and swollen, this may indicate a number of possible reasons:
Mechanical damage(injury);
— Infectious infection.

In the first case, the swollen eye returns to its previous state after a couple of days, but if the cat has a second reason, that is, an infectious infection, then the eye must be regularly treated with antiseptic drugs.

It is advisable to treat an injury with a solution of tea leaves, and infectious infections with Levomikol or Furacilin.

The cat has a cloudy eye and he squints it, has increased in size, how to cure it at home

Does the eye swell and increase in size? Perhaps the pet got into a fight and got hit in the eye, but there is even sadder news. If possible, examine your pet's eye, as a foreign object may have gotten into his eye, which has either already festered or will fester soon. If you find a foreign object, do not try to get it out yourself, as you may harm your pet even more. Contact your veterinarian, who will safely get rid of such difficulties.

Possible infectious or bacterial infections cannot be ruled out. Cloudiness of the eye may indicate cataracts or glaucoma, and this is already serious illnesses, with which the pet cannot be helped at home.

A kitten has a cloudy eye after an infection, what to do and what to use for eye drops

Clouding of the cornea itself after infection is a sign of keratitis, that is, clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye. Treatment may be limited to ointments and antibacterial drugs(tetracycline ointment, colbiocin). Apply “Diamond Eye” drops to the eye 3-4 times a day.

The kitten has a cloudy eye, what is it and how can I help?

As mentioned earlier, a kitten may have keratitis. On early stages It can be easily treated with ointments and eye drops.

The cat has an inflamed eye, a tear is flowing, he is sneezing, what is the reason and what can be used for it, folk remedies

The cat has calicivirus or rhinotracheitis, which is similar to the common cold in humans. Cats begin to sneeze and cough, their eyes become inflamed and watery.

Folk remedies ineffective in the fight against viral disease, therefore, it is recommended to visit, if not a veterinarian, at least a pharmacy. Not expensive and active drugs are: cefazalin, immunofan, novocaine.

Why does a cat look into the eyes of its owner and what does it mean?

Does the cat make eye contact? There is an explanation for this. The animal wants to know your mood, after which the result of the analysis will decide what it should do next. If she understands that the owner is in a bad mood, then she will not bother in vain, but if she is in a good mood, then the pet will accordingly want to play, and so on.

But there is another reason. Often cats look into the eyes to beg for a treat or simply want to eat. This feature is often noticed in cats that do not like to meow.

Cloudiness of the cornea in a cat and what to do

The main diseases in which the cornea of ​​the eye becomes cloudy are: keratitis, ulcers, erosions, glaucoma, corneal degeneration and others. Timely consultation with a doctor can ensure your pet healthy vision in the future.