Is it possible to castrate a dog at 8 years old? You need to take it with you. The most suitable age for castration

In this article I will talk about the relevance of castration of pets. I will explain how the castration procedure is carried out and at what age a dog needs it, the pros and cons of the procedure, why and why sterilization is needed, how much it costs. I'll tell you how to care for an animal in postoperative period.

Dogs that do not participate in breeding require castration for a number of reasons.

The dog's random relationships due to the owner's oversight carry with them sad consequences in the form of useless puppies that are doomed to spend their lives on the street.

Breeding a pet with yard dogs is dangerous - there is a risk of infection venereal diseases from stray animals (chlamydia, gonococcal urethritis, transmissible venereal sarcoma, mycoplasmosis, brucellosis, etc.).

The pet experiences dissatisfaction in sexual desire, which can lead to aggression and harassment of people, furniture, and household items.

Diseases of the prostate and external genital organs are the cause of chronic dissatisfaction in the dog.

Castration of dogs is recommended to prevent unwanted offspring

Suitable age for castration

By carefully observing the behavior of a growing dog, the risks of missing the moment of castration are small. The most favorable period for surgery is the beginning of puberty. The animal’s body has already been built, but problems with desire have not yet appeared.

During this short period, the dog does not yet realize that he is ready for mating and does not mark corners, does not jump on the owner, and does not show aggression. By castrating your pet as early as possible, there is a chance to avoid similar problems in adulthood.

Puberty in dogs depends on the breed, but the average start to adulthood is 8-12 months.

Testosterone releases in a sexually mature pet occur throughout the year, unlike bitches who feel the need to breed twice a year, therefore special occasion There is no need to wait for castration.

Undesirable age for surgery:

  • Early castration of an immature puppy will have consequences in the form of abnormal development reproductive system or incorrectly calculated dose of anesthesia. In both the first and second cases, there is a direct threat to the dog’s life.
  • Late castration, when the pet’s age has exceeded 7 years, can be carried out only if the veterinarian considers the dog’s health to be strong enough. Such dogs need castration for the same reasons as young animals, so avoiding it is highly undesirable.

Optimal age for intervention - immediately after the onset of puberty

But animals older than 7-8 years usually undergo surgery medical indications, because old pet do not tolerate the effects of anesthesia well and take longer to recover after surgery.

Before the operation, it is necessary to prepare the pet’s body for outside intervention.

List of necessary procedures:

There are several types of surgery to remove the testes from a male dog:

  1. Surgery means cutting the scrotum and removing the contents.
  2. Scrototomy - removal of the entire scrotum.
  3. A vasectomy is the cutting of the ducts that carry sperm out.
  4. Chemical castration - temporary action through the introduction of a drug.

The most reliable and simplest method is surgical. There is no risk of developing cancer. Three days before surgery, the dog should consume light food. To prepare, your pet must fast for 8 hours before the procedure and not drink water for 6 hours. After the dog is given anesthesia, the operation takes 10-20 minutes.

The cost of castration depends on the weight of the dog and starts from 2,500 rubles.

Scrototomy is used for older dogs, but the risk of swelling and injury is high. Scrototomy is recommended if the dog develops diseases involving the scrotum. Price: 3000 rubles.

A vasectomy deprives a dog of the ability to have offspring, but does not eliminate the desire to reproduce. The procedure is a solution only if it is impossible to carry out surgery. Average price of the procedure: 2000 rubles.

Castration takes place under general anesthesia and requires certain training and rehabilitation

Chemical ensures infertility of the dog for a period of six months to 7 months. Drug with high level components that suppress testosterone production are injected under the skin. This type of castration is used to improve or maintain the watchdog qualities of dogs that, due to age or illness, cannot be surgically castrated. Price of one implant: 12-30 rubles.

Pros and cons of castration of a male dog


  • Calm behavior of the dog, improvement of character qualities.
  • Reducing the risk of developing cancer.
  • Reducing the risk of disease genitourinary system.
  • Possible loss of marking habit.


  • Risk of obesity.
  • Lack of hormones and possible development related diseases.
  • Risk of developing heart disease.
  • Risk of developing bone cancer.

Consequences associated with castration

Decreased libido and changes in behavior are not the only consequences of the operation.

A vasectomy, for example, is like a contraceptive that will leave your hormones at the same levels. This procedure undesirable for domestic dogs, danger malignant tumors and the development of pathologies of the genitourinary system is high. And the chemical threat side effects in the form of swelling at the site of implantation, allergies, complications in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Hematoma after castration procedure

Post-operative care for the dog

In the postoperative period, urinary incontinence is a common occurrence. It is necessary to lay an oilcloth under the pet and keep its place clean. The sutures must be treated with healing ointments, and the veterinarian may prescribe a short course of antibiotics to restore the body. Until the dog recovers from anesthesia, you should not let him move suddenly, stand up, or jump.

It is important to provide the dog with peace of mind during the postoperative period and protect it from noise and movement.

A neutered dog will save its owner from many problems, and he himself will live in peace. The procedure must be approached extremely responsibly and consult with a doctor at each stage (preparation, surgery, postoperative period).

Dog castration recommended for preventing the appearance of unwanted offspring and improving the working qualities of adults. In some cases, surgery may cause certain side effects. Before making a decision, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons of removing your dog's gonads.

  • In order to improve the working qualities of dogs. If a male dog is used for hunting, protection, as a guide or sled dog, removal of the gonads will allow the dog not to react to individuals of the opposite sex and completely concentrate on work.
  • To prevent uncontrolled reproduction. When keeping a sexually mature bitch, there is a possibility of uncontrolled conception. Removing the gonads will eliminate the need to house the puppies.
  • If there are medical indications. Among medical diagnoses that require removal of the gonads in male dogs, cryptorchidism is the most common. Cryptorchid must be castrated due to high probability egg tumor development. For male dogs, surgery is also performed for prostatitis, cystic or other neoplasms in the gonads. Castration of a female dog may be necessary if there are serious complications during pregnancy.
  • Correction of dog behavior. Removal of the testes is recommended for male dogs with spontaneous ejaculation, frequent groundless erections, and seizures. unmotivated aggression. This dog behavior can be caused by an excess of sex hormones. Usually, after castration, the dog becomes calmer and more manageable, aggression and the need to prove its leadership disappear, and the male stops marking his territory.

Experts recommend spaying all female dogs not intended for breeding. Males should undergo selective castration, guided by lifestyle and behavior (whether he marks his territory, how he reacts to other dogs and people).


Before the intervention, the dog is examined and all possible contraindications. Based on the results of the examination, the veterinarian decides whether the dog can be operated on.

It is not recommended to perform surgery on animals with diseases cardiovascular system and kidneys. Intervention at too early (in a puppy before 4-5 months) or mature (in a dog after 5-6 years) age is also associated with health risks.

It is worth postponing the operation in cases where the dog is weakened and exhausted, its appetite is impaired, and there is a deterioration in the condition of the coat. Castration of males and females is not carried out within 30 days after vaccination.

Arguments for and against

Castration of a dog will help make a male or female more suitable for home care. However, the operation can cause some pathologies. Before deciding to castrate a dog or bitch, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Rate possible risks A visit to the veterinarian and a preliminary examination will help for the dog. Information about the procedure can be found on the Internet: every dog ​​breeding forum has topics dedicated to the issues of castration of males and females.

Many owners begin to think about castrating their puppy after it reaches puberty. Often during this period the dog’s behavior changes noticeably: the male marks his territory and shows interest in the females, the females run away from the house. An increase in the amount of sex hormones also affects the character: the animal becomes uncontrollable and has causeless outbursts of aggression. Does castration of dogs help in such cases? If the changes are caused hormonal imbalances, castration helps against marks in the house and makes it possible to correct the dog’s character. However, you should not count on positive result, if the pet’s behavior is a consequence of bad manners and lack of training, or if the dog initially has a cocky disposition.

The question of whether castration is necessary for a male dog that does not show pronounced changes in character and lifestyle does not have a clear answer. Today, a number of experts believe that the procedure should be selective: intervention should be performed on male dogs that are unable to cope with the influx of hormones or are prone to certain diseases.


What does castration of dogs give:

  • Bitches and males lose their ability to reproduce, which helps prevent the birth of unplanned puppies.
  • The dog becomes calmer and more balanced.
  • The dog's life expectancy increases, the risk of developing hyperplasia decreases prostate gland and prostatitis in males, diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms.


Regardless of what types of castration are used, they all lead to changes hormonal balance and do not always have a positive effect on the dog’s condition. Negative consequences may be as follows:

  • In young dogs, the risk of pathologies such as hypothyroidism, bone cancer, and vascular tumors increases;
  • There are disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system (a significant percentage of bitches develop urinary incontinence);
  • An adult male dog may experience behavioral abnormalities, sleep disturbances, and disorientation.


The optimal age for intervention is immediately after puberty. The timing may differ for large and small dogs: small breeds puberty usually occurs at 5-7 months, in large ones - at 8-10 months. A veterinarian will help you determine more accurately at what age it is best to have surgery on your dog.

Too much early castration Puppy can lead to disorders of the functioning of the genitourinary system and developmental deviations. When a male dog is castrated in adulthood, there is a high probability of maintaining sexual behavior. Surgeries are performed for medical reasons regardless of the dog’s age.


Surgical or chemical castration can be used on dogs.


This method is reversible. Under the influence medication the production of sex hormones ceases, resulting in infertility in the dog after 3-4 weeks. This method is recommended for dogs with intolerance to anesthetics, as well as male dogs of hunting, service and guard breeds to improve working qualities.


Surgical methods involve removing the testes or ovaries from dogs through incisions in the scrotum or abdominal cavity. As a rule, the intervention takes place under general anesthesia and requires certain preparation and rehabilitation.

IN lately Laparoscopy is increasingly being used. Castration of a dog is carried out using special tool, which is inserted through small punctures. This technique minimizes possible complications both during the procedure and after it, and the dog’s rehabilitation is much faster.

Complexity of the operation

The complexity of the intervention is assessed depending on whether it is carried out on a female or a male. The condition and age of the dog are also taken into account.

Castration of a male dog with both testicles in the scrotum is considered a relatively simple procedure. In bitches and cryptorchids, the peritoneum must be opened, which complicates the operation.

How long does the intervention last?

The time of surgery primarily depends on the gender of the dog. Castration of male dogs in the absence of complications takes from 10 to 15 minutes. The duration of spaying in females can vary from 30 minutes to an hour. When using laparoscopic access, the duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. You can find out more precisely how long the operation lasts from your veterinarian after a preliminary examination of the dog.

Cost of the procedure

The price of the operation depends on several factors: the gender of the dog (castration of females is more expensive than removal of the testes of males), weight, from which the amount of anesthetics is calculated, and the need for observation in the postoperative period.

The availability of modern equipment in the veterinary hospital and the level of qualifications of the staff also influence how much castration costs.

Preoperative period

Special preparations for the dog in preoperative period not required. Preparation for the operation consists of following a diet: 8-12 hours before castration, you must stop feeding the dog, and 3-4 hours before, give water. The animal must be pre-treated for helminths and vaccinated.

Postoperative period

Care in the first hours consists of monitoring pulse, respiration, and temperature. The duration of the most difficult period depends on how long the dog recovers from anesthesia. After gas anesthesia, the animal comes to its senses quite quickly, with intravenous administration With the help of medications, coordination of movements is restored within a few hours. If, before fully recovering from anesthesia, the dog began to pee under itself, this is not considered a deviation. A cause for concern should be that the pet does not go to the toilet for too long, or urination problems are observed after 12-24 hours.

After 3-4 hours, you can offer the dog water and a small amount of food. Some males and females may experience a lack of appetite for 1-2 days.

In the first days after castration special attention require surgical sutures and incisions on the scrotum in male dogs. If your dog is licking wounds, it is recommended to use a collar. The veterinarian will tell you how long to wear the collar.

If you properly care for your dog in accordance with the advice of a specialist, your pet’s recovery will be as quick as possible.


Removal of the gonads in dogs usually occurs without serious complications. After castration of male dogs, swelling of the scrotum may be observed, which goes away on its own within 1-2 days. To the most frequent complications in dogs this includes wound infection, abscesses, and suture dehiscence.

If postoperative swelling does not go away within a few days, pus or blood is released from the wound, the dog has no appetite and has an elevated temperature, it is necessary to seek veterinary help.


Castration of dogs can be carried out both in a veterinary clinic and at home. The main condition good outcome procedure is to contact a qualified veterinarian. You should not risk the health and life of your dog by turning to dubious specialists who offer inexpensive castration, or by trying to castrate a male dog yourself, guided by articles, videos and photos from the Internet.

At home

The location of the operation should be chosen taking into account the age, condition and gender of the dog. You can castrate young male dogs at home without any identified chronic diseases. The cost of the procedure in this case will be slightly higher than in a veterinary clinic.

Veterinary clinic

Castration old dog due to the high probability of complications, it is better to carry out in a specialized institution. Veterinary clinic - optimal choice for castrating sick animals for medical reasons, males with cryptorchidism, as well as performing abdominal operations on females. The presence of specialized equipment minimizes negative consequences various critical situations.

Castration of a dog involves a surgical procedure, the purpose of which is to remove the gonads of the animal. This operation carried out both for medical reasons and at the request of the dog’s owner, seeking to either prevent possible diseases your pet, or stabilize its hormonal levels and reduce aggression caused by increased level testosterone. Despite the fact that the term castration sounds rather intimidating, the surgical intervention itself poses virtually no danger to the male dog, and also does not require long-term postoperative measures.

There is a direct relationship between sexual behavior males and the amount of hormones produced by the testicles, therefore males are constantly ready for insemination by a female and demonstrate more aggressive behavior than females. While on a walk, males mark territory, often attack other dogs and chase bitches - all this is typical sexual behavior inherent in a healthy dog.

It is necessary to castrate a male dog if any pathology was discovered during the examination. reproductive system or his behavior does not allow him to be kept in an urban environment. Increased excitability, uncontrollable desire to mate, regular escapes are the main reasons that force owners to resort to castration four-legged friend.

A serious problem is also the pet’s habit of leaving marks on surrounding objects, regardless of whether he is walking on the lawn or at home. This behavioral feature is characteristic primarily of hunting and small ornamental breeds.

Pathological processes in the testes are an area of ​​mandatory medical intervention. If you suspect a tumor or inflammation, hard amenable to therapy, castration is vital. Relieving the dog of the disease in a timely manner surgical method, you will not have to subject him to debilitating drug treatment.

Positive points

The advantages of castration include the following:

  • the animal becomes more adapted to being kept in a city;
  • the male becomes calm, does not show aggression towards passing people and other dogs;
  • a neutered male not only does not get involved in fights, but is also not of interest to other unfriendly dogs;
  • in most cases, the dog stops marking everything around;
  • is significantly reduced sexual desire, over time, the desire to mate completely fades away;
  • the dog no longer wants, as before, to sneak away from the owner in search of adventure;
  • Thanks to the operation, the risk of developing cancer diseases reproductive system, especially for older dogs;
  • castration acts as protection against sexually transmitted infections.

The dog's sharp changes mood, he is always happy to play outdoor games. The dog does not refuse food and sleeps more soundly. If earlier there were attempts to indicate leadership in the house, then over time they disappear.

Naturally, castration leaves its mark on the character of the animal, but only slightly. More obvious changes are facilitated by training, and in some cases the dog becomes balanced only with age.

There is a myth among dog lovers: supposedly castration affects the dog’s protective qualities, but in practice this is in no way confirmed. If the dog coped well with the role of a guard before the operation, then after the operation its guarding skills will not go away.


Like any other operation, castration is associated with possible side effects and complications. Perhaps the main disadvantage of castration is the change hormonal levels, which may somehow affect the dog’s health.

Among unwanted effects castrations are distinguished:

  • hypothyroidism which occurs as a result of decreased production of thyroid hormones;
  • osteosarcoma; as statistics show, mortality from bone cancer is much higher in neutered males;
  • lipid metabolism disorder; increased appetite after castration it often leads to obesity, which, in turn, provokes cardiovascular diseases;
  • mental disorders; behavioral abnormalities are often observed in elderly neutered dogs;
  • deterioration in wool quality; due to a lack of testosterone, the coat becomes softer, reminiscent in structure of puppy hair.

Dog owners should keep in mind the fact that anesthesia is more difficult for an animal than for a person. Veterinarians warn that anesthesia is more dangerous than the operation itself. Here, a lot is determined by the correct calculation of the dosage of the painkiller. A dose that is too small can lead to premature awakening, and a dose that exceeds the norm creates a risk of sudden cardiac arrest.

The most appropriate time for surgery is the beginning of puberty. By this period, the formation of the animal’s body is completed, but sexual desire does not yet dominate other instincts. The puppy is not yet marking his territory, so it is better to neuter him before he develops this habit. Otherwise, weaning off it will be quite problematic.

However, castration of adults is a completely acceptable measure. Sometimes owners deliberately put off surgery in the hope that your pet's behavior will undergo significant changes once the puberty.

There is a great danger in castrating a puppy that is too young. On the one hand, early castration allows the puppy to recover faster and get rid of stress, but on the other hand, the risk of side effects increases:

  • defects of the genitourinary system (for example, urolithiasis) cannot be excluded;
  • It is impossible to predict how a growing and changing organism will react to surgery.

Representatives of small breeds are castrated mainly at 5 6 months and dog castration large breeds carried out over a period of one to one and a half years.

Specifics of the operation

Since castration is included in the category of preventive operations and does not pose a serious threat to the life of the dog, a known healthy animal that has good appetite and regular bowel movements. First of all, the veterinarian examines the dog, after which he gives a health assessment, on the basis of which any contraindications will be formulated or additional diagnostics will be prescribed.

The last meal should be no later than 12 hours before the procedure. Six hours before surgery, the dog is stopped giving water.

How does castration occur? The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Hair is removed from the operated area, then an incision is carefully made to the size of the excised testis in the scrotum. The organ is removed from the hole along with all the vessels. It is bandaged and cut off. Modern veterinary clinics have long used absorbable thread, so a barely noticeable mark remains at the incision site. cosmetic stitch. The entire operation lasts on average 15-20 minutes. Since the operation is planned, no special medical equipment. Experienced specialists successfully practice this type of surgery at home.

After the animal wakes up, you should not immediately force it to eat. It will take some time for the dog to recover and fully recover from anesthesia. As soon as the male dog shows signs of activity and interest in food, he should be offered some easily digestible food (porridge, lean meat). There should always be a bowl of food next to the dog. clean water. To rest, the dog is given a warm place with a comfortable bedding prepared in advance.

To avoid infectious infection, the veterinarian prescribes a course antibacterial therapy. It should not be alarming that the injured area is slightly swollen and swollen. This is a common picture on the first day after castration. TO full life The dog returns within a month. Proper care can reduce recovery time.

During rehabilitation, the owner is obliged to carefully monitor the bandage applied to the operated area. The bandages should not tighten the dog’s body, and the dog himself should not try to tear them off. To prevent the dog from gnawing or removing the bandage, a special collar is put on his neck. A contaminated bandage is changed immediately.

The owner should also check the condition of the seam and regularly wipe it with an antiseptic. If you discover that pus or blood is oozing from the suture, your pet must be urgently taken to veterinarian. The reason for contacting a veterinarian should be high temperature and vomiting.

Sterilization is surgery removal of gonads: testicles in males and ovaries in females. If spaying bitches is difficult abdominal surgery, then sterilization of male dogs (popularly called castration), on the contrary, is quite simple procedure, taking only a few minutes. During the operation, a small incision is made in the anesthetized dog and the testicles are quickly removed. In this case, only one small inseam, which over time naturally dissolves in body tissues. For several days after surgery, swelling may be observed at the wound site, but in general, the dog fully recovers within a few hours. Antibiotics are prescribed for the postoperative period.

If discharge, including bloody discharge, appears at the site of the wound, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Surgical interventions on the body are always accompanied by certain risks. Perhaps this is the only serious disadvantage of castration, and thanks to modern equipment and the professionalism of doctors is reduced to a minimum.

Also among the disadvantages you can refer to overweight, to which castrated animals are more prone. However, in this matter, everything directly depends on the feeding and mobility of the pet, because there are plenty of heavyweight dogs among those who have retained their sexual function.

And the most important argument against castration: the dog should feel like a father, you cannot deprive him of the fullness of life! What can you say about this?

The dogs are ours best friends, full members of our family, and, of course, we tend to endow them with human feelings and even moral and ethical principles. But this is wrong, because dogs have completely different psychology, completely different laws. So, finding a mate for a dog is clean water an instinct devoid of any moral background. And if you do not plan to engage in breeding, then ridding your pet of the reproductive instinct is not only not cruel, but, on the contrary, humane. Believe me, your dog will not feel any sadness about this and, of course, his life will not become inferior because of this. Quite the contrary! And here's why.

A castrated male will not react to a female in heat and run after her, risking getting lost or getting hit by a car. Neutered males do not get into fights for females and do not get injured in these fights. Neutered male dogs do not mark territory and are generally much more docile than their non-neutered counterparts. In addition, neutered male dogs have a reduced risk of developing oncological diseases and diseases of the genitourinary system.

By the way, if the dog owner is confused by the aesthetic side of the issue (since empty bags of skin in place of previously existing testicles look at least unusual - this is especially noticeable on large dogs), then today plastic correction is common. Immediately after the operation, the testicles are inserted into place silicone implants, thanks to which appearance the male remains the same.

As you can see, it’s difficult to argue with the advantages of castration. This measure not only eliminates unpleasant habits such as marking territory, but also makes the dog’s life safer. In addition, castrated animals live longer: by as much as 20-30%, and this is confirmed information! And who was talking about inferiority?

When to castrate a puppy?

At what age can puppies be neutered? The answer to this question depends on the breed, i.e. depending on the size of the pet. Optimal age for castration of small or average dog- not earlier than 1 year, large - 1.5-2 years, because large puppies take longer to mature. Around this age, dogs begin puberty, and castration is best done during this period. Firstly, the puppy will not yet have time to learn the “wrong” behavior dictated by the reproductive instinct. Secondly, the young body recovers quickly, and it will be easier for the puppy to undergo the operation.

Of course, this does not mean castrating adult dog it is forbidden. For an adult healthy dog, castration is safe, but there is a risk that after the operation the dog will also continue to mark territory or run away from the owner (from old memory, and not driven by instinct) or will take a long time to recover after the operation.

But premature castration (before puberty) can really be dangerous, because the puppy is not yet strong and not fully formed. His body spends too much energy on rapid growth development and may not cope with surgery. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to castrate puppies under one year of age.

But age is far from key indicator to carry out the operation. Many experts argue that the main thing is not what age to castrate a dog, but the state of its health. For example, an elderly healthy dog will undergo surgery much easier than a young dog suffering from serious illnesses. Therefore, everything here is individual.

Preparing a puppy for castration

General preparation for castration is quite simple. The puppy stops feeding 12 hours before surgery; no water restrictions are required. In general, the pet should be rested and feeling good. Make sure that on the eve of the operation your baby is not stressed and can get a good night's sleep.

If the operation is successful, the puppy will recover very quickly. However, the owner is still recommended to take a couple of days off so that if something happens, he can be with his pet. For several days after castration, the puppy may have swelling, this is not a big deal, but the appearance of discharge in the area of ​​the wound is a good reason to visit veterinary clinic. Do not hesitate to do this under any circumstances!

The wound left after the operation must be treated (for example, with Baymitsin spray) and protected from licking. To do this, the puppy will have to wear a special collar. Of course, not every dog ​​will like such a collar, but don’t worry, soon the baby will get used to the unusual attribute and stop worrying.

After surgery, the puppy's temperature drops and he will feel cold and shake. To warm him up, you will need a warm blanket or blanket - you can cover your pet with it right on the bed. The effects of anesthesia after surgery may last for 24 hours, and the pet will experience disorientation. To prevent your baby from hurting himself, do not leave him on the bed or sofa, where he could accidentally fall and injure himself. Best place for a puppy, this is his “floor” bed.

During the recovery period, it is worth excluding strong physical activity from the life of your four-legged friend.

Stock up on diapers. In the first hours after the operation, they will be very useful for a weakened baby.

As for appetite, the puppy may not have it for several hours after castration. The first “post-operative” portion should be half the usual one, but water should traditionally be freely available.

Here we have provided the basic information that every dog ​​owner should know. Of course, this is just general information, and the veterinarian always has the final say.

Good health to your four-legged friend!

Many people know that after six months your pet is very close to the day when he will start marking corners and throwing himself at slippers. To prevent “ghoul impulses,” many owners castrate their pets. Castration prolongs childhood animal, it remains calm and does not go crazy when spring arrives.

Is castration of male dogs really necessary, and what could be the consequences? Sometimes dogs that have been kept away from females become aggressive and sometimes even become feral. When females are in heat, males can smell them even when they are a whole block away. And in this case, instinct, as a rule, turns out to be stronger than all the warnings and comments of the owners. A male dog can easily break off the leash and run away to his intended passion. If the owner tries to keep the dog against its will, then you shouldn’t be surprised. aggressive behavior, the owner’s control over the animal will weaken every day. You shouldn’t wait for such a radical situation, leaving everything to chance, because there is a fairly acceptable way to solve this problem. So, what are the risks of castration surgery for a dog?

Often, male dogs, in the absence of a female, begin to imitate movements as during copulation, and here they choose their targets, including the owner’s leg. Of course, at first this is quite funny, but over time it begins to irritate, and besides, if this happens on the street, then the owner will no longer have time for jokes. The thought of castrating the dog will come to mind more and more often. Naturally, if you are a breeder or breed a dog with “brides” and then receive alimony as purebred puppies for sale, then castration for your dog is not an option. But you also need to take into account limiting factors, which are strongly recommended to be observed. For example, such an indicator is dysplasia hip joints in dogs - while the law prescribes mandatory castration. Given this hereditary disease all offspring can adopt it, but it cannot be treated.

Also, from time to time, nature gives dogs unpleasant surprises in the form of defects in the genital system. Such males are called cryptorchid. These dogs suffer from serious problems with health. In the disease, the testicle is located in the abdominal cavity due to disorders during adulthood. But it develops further, while necessary substances and a certain temperature play an important role. If favorable conditions are not provided, then problems may occur in the dog’s body, and then it will no longer be possible to avoid castration, otherwise the pet’s life may be in danger. The castration operation is not difficult to bear, but it will take some time to restore the dog’s health.

Castration of dogs is a little more difficult than that of cats. Removal of the testes occurs using a single incision, which is subsequently sutured, and after 7–10 days doctors can remove postoperative sutures, if they are not self-absorbing. This operation does not entail any heavy load on the animal’s body. In addition, veterinarians even advise castration, claiming that castrated animals have a longer lifespan than their counterparts. What is this connected with? If there is a sexual urge and it is not carried out, an uncastrated dog is subjected to severe stress, due to which he suffers nervous system. It follows from this that castration of a dog not only makes life easier for him, but even prolongs it. Of course, the decision to perform this operation or not is entirely up to the owner.

If you observe a male dog next to a female during her heat period, you will notice his nervous behavior - he will be tense, start howling, and behave restlessly until he gets tired. Anxious behavior can also be observed in castrated males. Such a reaction can be completely avoided only by sterilizing the female herself, depriving her of the opportunity to “walk” and prolong her race. But why then is castration of a male dog necessary at all? So that he is more relaxed about the smells of heat and does not create scandals when he finds a female 100 meters away. The dog will remain just as energetic and cheerful.

A castration operation will only bring benefits to the animal’s body and will not cause passivity, as many owners fear. Often people reason from their own point of view, taking castration of a male dog too seriously, comparing a person with an animal. But the dog will not suffer at all from the fact that he does not live." normal life”, as many dog ​​owners believe. Castration will deprive him of sexual urges, leaving him more time for games and fun walks with his owners. This procedure, under certain circumstances, is in every sense a positive solution for both the animal itself and its owner.