The incredible benefits of celery juice. Celery juice: losing weight with health benefits

Excess weight is a sore point for many of us. We try to go to the gym (based on the availability of strength, capabilities, time), we sit on various kinds diets, visit saunas, massage therapists, etc. As practice shows, not all women are able to adhere to such a “weight loss” program. It is for these women that the ordinary celery plant is suitable for these purposes, which easily helps to get rid of the hated kilograms. In addition, celery has rejuvenating and therapeutic effect, tones the body, eliminating not only varying degrees obesity, but also from such troubles as neuroses.

Useful properties of celery and its effectiveness in weight loss.
Celery is a very common vegetable that is found on the plots of many summer residents. However, few people know that it is very useful for weight loss. It is often combined with meat products, because it gives them piquancy, but its roots and leaves are successfully used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

At the very beginning of the nineteenth century, this vegetable began to be actively grown in America. It turned out that it has a healing effect on the body in case of stomach diseases, obesity, rheumatism, this effect is especially enhanced when eaten raw. Celery is the leader among vegetables in terms of content nutrients, it contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, microelements and simply useful substances (ascorbic acid, iodine, pectin, carotene, vitamin U, which is so important for “ulcers,” etc.), which have a positive effect on the body’s metabolic processes, significantly accelerating them. It should be noted that it contains a lot of fiber, for the absorption of which our body spends additional calories that it has put aside in reserve. The more in our daily diet of a given vegetable, the more calories we lose. It is this fact, as well as its low calorie content (only 18 kcal per 100 g), that made celery the most popular means of losing weight among American nutritionists.

Thanks to this composition, celery, when consumed regularly, will not only get rid of excess weight, but also generally improve and rejuvenate your body, slowing down the natural aging process and improving the condition of your skin and hair. It should also be noted that it is recommended for gastritis, peptic ulcer, constipation, allergies, helps with various inflammations. Presence in its composition optimal level iron and magnesium can stop the development of cancer. In addition, regular inclusion of this vegetable in your diet helps relieve fatigue, increase performance, improve sleep quality and prevent stress (reduces the level of stress hormone in the blood), increase the body's resistance (strengthen the immune system). It is largely due to this that manufacturers of various dietary supplements often use celery in the form composite component drugs for healing the body.

It is also impossible not to note the property of celery to improve the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems. Particularly in the latter case, its active use not only rids the body of excess fluid (it has a diuretic effect, which is very good for the functioning of the kidneys), but also stimulates the elimination of waste, toxins, poisons and their breakdown products, which cannot but have a positive effect in the process of losing weight. Today, nutritionists around the world recommend eating celery for weight loss and including it in your daily diet. obese people and those with a tendency to be overweight, as well as obesity. Celery is also included in the diet of people with pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus, and thanks to the ability to regulate water-salt metabolism it is also recommended for older people.

Benefits of celery for weight loss.
The weight loss effect of consuming celery is due to its low calorie content while at the same time being very high. nutritional value. Plus, this calorie content is considered “negative”, since the body spends more on digesting celery than the vegetable supplies the body with calories. That is, the feeling of fullness comes with virtually no calories. In addition, due to the large amount of water it contains, celery will improve the quality of your hair and skin. Many nutrition experts believe that eating it in small portions throughout the day is responsible for fast metabolism, which is the key to successful weight loss.

Celery can be used in food for weight loss in different ways: boiled, baked (usually the root), eaten raw, stewed or fried (stems), used as a seasoning, herbs (leaves), prepared salads, sauces, soups, combined with meat and seafood, etc. They can also be a snack - both easy and nutritious! It's a matter of everyone's taste. The effect of this will not change, but the benefits for the body will be incredible!

Benefits of celery juice for weight loss.
Freshly squeezed celery juice is truly a powerful source of vitamins and nutrients that the body easily absorbs. Due to its diuretic effect, daily consumption of celery root juice activates the body’s cleansing processes and accelerates metabolic processes. That is why it is important for those who want to lose weight to include freshly squeezed celery-based juice in their diet. It should be consumed three times during the day, a tablespoon immediately before meals. To enhance the effect, juice from celery root can be combined with carrot, apple and citrus fruits in a 2:1 ratio. To significantly reduce appetite, celery root juice can be mixed with honey.

Recipes for weight loss using celery.

Celery, as I already noted, is ideal for those who want to lose weight. With its help, you can prepare hundreds of dishes that will not only be healthy, light and low-calorie, but also tasty, which is why you will not lose your cheerfulness during the “celery diet”. Dishes with celery can be eaten every day, used instead of fatty and rich dishes. I will give a few popular and delicious recipes for weight loss with celery. If you prepare and eat these dishes daily (separately or in combination), you can “throw off” one to two kilograms per week.

Weight loss salad made from celery, apples and chicken fillet. Combine 250 g of pre-boiled and finely chopped chicken fillet with chopped celery stalks (200 g), the same amount of chopped green apples, add 150 g of red bell pepper, also finely chopped, 200 g of tomatoes, cut into cubes, 100 g of onion. Season the mixture with salt and sprinkle lemon juice, add mustard if desired. Season with a mixture of 100 g sour cream and a small amount olive oil. Mix everything.

You can make a salad from celery stalks with the addition of fresh cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, boiled chicken fillet, season with olive oil and lemon juice. Or take celery stalks, green apples, boiled chicken fillet And boiled eggs. You can use any vegetable oil as a dressing. The amount of ingredients is according to your taste.

Beef stewed with celery. Do not pour into a frying pan with a thick bottom large number olive oil (three tablespoons), heat slightly, then add 400 g of lean beef, cut into strips or cubes (as you like). Lightly fry it, then add 100 g of chopped onions and fry until golden brown. Next, chop 300 g of celery leaves, 150 g of green bell pepper and 200 g of tomatoes and add to the pan. Next add a little water, salt and black ground pepper. Cover the mixture with a lid and simmer until tender (about an hour).

Dietary cutlets made from celery root. Using a meat grinder, grind 100 g onions, 500 g celery root, 100 g peeled potatoes, 100 g carrots, one medium clove of garlic. Add raw meat to the resulting mass or minced meat. chicken egg, salt and pepper to taste. Knead well, form medium-sized cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in olive oil (it’s better to steam, in my opinion, it’s tastier).

For light celery cutlets you can use the following minced meat: 300 g rolled oats pour in warm water and let it swell. After this, squeeze out the resulting mass and mix it with a previously prepared mass of chopped celery stems and roots (300 g) and onions (2 pcs.). Pour two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice into the mixture, one raw egg, a little salt. We also form cutlets from the resulting minced meat, roll in breading and fry (steam).

Celery puree soup. For the soup you will need: 300 g celery root, 150 g white cabbage, 100 g each of green beans, carrots, onions, bell peppers, 200 ml tomato juice, fresh herbs to taste, salt, ground black pepper. Chop all the vegetables as you like, place in a saucepan, add salt, pepper, and tomato juice. As soon as the mixture boils, add a little water and continue to simmer over low heat for half an hour and forty minutes. After this, let the soup brew for ten minutes, cool slightly, and then grind with a blender. Next, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

Celery cocktail with apples and tomatoes. Squeeze the juice from half a kilo of celery and 250 g of green apples, combine it with half a glass of tomato juice, add chopped herbs (or use them for decoration).

Of course, it is impossible to describe all recipes using celery, and this is not necessary. The main thing is to get creative, replace your usual food preferences with celery, add it everywhere, use it instead of a side dish, etc. You will notice the result within a week. Good luck!

Has long been known for its useful qualities. This is one of the few plants that humans eat entirely: roots, stems, and leaves. Leaves for greens for soups and salads are collected in June-July. Stems - in August, roots are harvested in September-October. Most essential oils found precisely in the tuber roots.

How to make celery juice?

Celery juice is considered a wonderful way to lose weight. It is usually prepared from the roots of the plant, but young stems are also suitable. Of course, using a juicer is the easiest and least energy-consuming way. Freshly squeezed celery juice can also be prepared using a grater and gauze. Drinking celery juice for weight loss is strictly dosed - no more than 100 ml per day.

Like any plant containing a huge amount active substances and essential oils, celery juice has a number of contraindications for use. It should not be used during exacerbations chronic diseases digestive system. Pregnant and lactating women and small children are not recommended to drink celery juice, as this can cause allergies.

How to take celery juice?

If everything is clear about how to prepare and squeeze juice from celery, then the question of how to take celery juice often remains unclear. Portions should be small. For weight loss, it is enough to take 3 tbsp. spoons before meals. In fact, celery is one of the foods with the so-called negative calorie content. This means that more calories are spent on digestion than it contains. Celery juice has low calorie content, less than 20 kcal per 100g. But it activates the digestion process, food is digested and absorbed faster. Due to the fact that weight loss accelerates and occurs.

Celery juice has a rather specific taste. For those who prefer to do without taste shocks in their diet, we can advise mixing it with other vegetable juices. Tomato and carrot juice are best suited for this; you can also use beet juice and sweet pepper juice.

Fight with overweight- an eternal problem for women. At least once in her life, everyone went on a diet. Well, this thing happened to me too. Before pregnancy, I basically adhered to proper nutrition, “no-no” after 6. This would be my rhythm of life, which can be called a diet. Despite my low weight, I decided that I was fat and poisoned myself with a dietary supplement for weight loss. I was literally poisoned, on the third day my stomach began to twist terribly, and a hormonal imbalance began.

After a happy 9 months, I have recovered significantly. Of course, more weight went away in the first month, but 5 kg stayed with me for a long time. After my daughter and I finished breast-feeding, I decided it was time! It's time to finally get in shape. Moreover, even despite physical load, I did not return to my weight.

Of course, I messed around with the food... But the child does not always allow the mother to eat properly. Knowing full well that snacking would not go away from my life for a long time, I decided to resort to a diet. Celery helped me with this. I tried it earlier, or rather its leaves. So I didn’t make friends with them. But as they say, all markers have different tastes and colors. The stem itself seemed quite tasty and aromatic to me, and it turns out you can cook a lot of interesting and healthy things with it.

What are the benefits of celery?

What is it and what is it eaten with. I'll start with common benefit for the body. Celery can be called a miracle vegetable. Firstly, because all of it is edible. The leaves, stem and root are edible.

Secondly, it is a vitamin charge, which is especially helpful in times when fresh vegetables and there is still little fruit. It contains: calcium, magnesium, minerals, potassium, carotene, protein, vitamins A, B, C, K. In addition, celery juice can be used to strengthen the overall tone of the body. Doctors, by the way, advise drinking it at night, it calms the nerves and strengthens sleep.

And thirdly, celery is an excellent assistant in losing weight. In short, it has, so to speak, negative calories. That is, fats do not accumulate, but are broken down when consumed. For diets, the stem is most often used. In its raw form, it will help remove toxins from the body due to its coarse fiber and slight laxative effect. (No, you will not often run to the toilet, as when taking various dietary supplements for weight loss). This vegetable regulates metabolic processes, improves hormonal background, and also rejuvenates the body.

How to lose weight with celery

I’ll make a reservation right away! Celery is not a miracle. You can’t eat borscht, grilled chicken and cake, and then snack on a stalk. No, of course you can, but it won’t do any good. Although such “snacks” will help you avoid gaining a lot of weight, you will definitely not be able to lose weight.

So, I’ll tell you how I lost weight. Knowing myself, I can’t stick to diets for more than 3 days. So weak-willed. Therefore my method is shortcut. I lost 2.5 kg on it, naturally without going on a hunger strike. In general, you can eat celery for no more than a week, 7 days is the best. If you don’t achieve results, take a break and eat “grass” one more time. That's what I did. In two approaches of 3 days, I lost 4 kg. There could have been more, but the second time I fed myself chicken. This is not prohibited by the diet, it is even useful. But with a shortened program, the result worsens.

Celery naturally becomes the main product. It will be everywhere, even if you want to chew something, then again celery. And at night if possible celery juice. I excluded from my diet everything fried, fatty, salty, sweet, spicy, spicy, and alcohol. What else is there, bread and pastries are also not allowed. You can have celery and some vegetables and fruits.

I also gave up juices, mineral water and carbonated drinks. Drank water (1.5-2l) and green tea no sugar. If you, like me, really love coffee, then you don’t have to part with it. Two mugs per day are allowed, but without sugar and milk.

On weight loss days, you should not exercise. Simple exercise can be left alone, but something more serious can harm the body. Due to limited nutrition it will not have strength, thus you will expose your body to severe stress. Speaking of stress, if there are problems at work, school, or in the family, it is better to postpone the diet. As a last resort, add chicken to the menu.

Weight loss recipes with celery

To begin with, I will describe my favorite dishes. They are naturally dietary, but this does not mean that they are not tasty. In general, if you don’t like celery, then it’s better not to force yourself and choose a different diet.

For those who love this rich aroma, I offer 2 dishes. They can be modified within reasonable limits (nothing fatty or prohibited).

Recipe 1. Celery soup.


  • 300g celery,
  • 1 large potato,
  • 100g carrots,
  • 150g white cabbage,
  • 1 onion,
  • 50g bell pepper.

Can be used for soup chicken broth, better from the sirloin. So the soup will acquire pleasant smell, and will not be greasy.

We cut all the ingredients as you please. Place them in a saucepan with water or broth. Leave the potatoes for later, they boil very quickly. After 10 minutes of cooking, add the potatoes, add a little salt (maximum 2 pinches) and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

That's it. Diet soup ready. You can add fresh herbs or other vegetables, such as zucchini. Some people grind the soup with a blender. You can add 2 tablespoons of low-fat cream. The taste is simply amazing.

Recipe 2. Salad

  • celery – 200g.,
  • white cabbage – 200g.,
  • cucumber – 1 pc.,
  • lemon, vinegar, olive oil - for dressing.

Salad takes 5 minutes to prepare as follows. I chop cabbage and celery thinly. I cut the cucumber into strips. I mix everything, add a teaspoon of vinegar and a little olive oil. I stir again and let the salad sit for at least 10 minutes.

When placed on a plate, sprinkle with lemon juice. You can decorate with greenery. 100g of this salad contains about 25 kcal. It’s true that we eat and lose weight.

With a shortened program of 3 days, I followed the following menu:

  • Breakfast – 2 stalks of celery, a cup of coffee/tea, orange or grapefruit.
  • Second breakfast – celery salad (you can add apples or citrus fruits)
  • Lunch – celery soup with rye bread (not to be confused with bread!), apple, green tea. If your stomach is begging for food, boil chicken breast (50g).
  • Second lunch – no glass full fat kefir, 1 banana.
  • Dinner – soup, 2 cucumbers, 1 fruit (except banana and grapes).

Portions of salad and soup are unlimited. You can always have a snack, but only with celery. If possible, drink at least 100g of celery juice at night. To do this, I passed the stems through a meat grinder, since my juicer didn’t like them (it made a terrible sound).

Diet for 7 days.

As I wrote earlier, in the first approach of 3 days I lost 2.5 kg. A diet for 7 days promises a loss of 5-6kg. To be honest, I haven't tried it. Willpower is not enough. But for the brave I write how and what. Every day you should eat at least 700g of celery. Can be divided into equal meals. You need to eat 5 times a day in small portions. After 7 pm we lock the refrigerator. So:

  • Day 1. You can eat any fruit except grapes and banana. Lenten celery soup is allowed.
  • Day 2. Eat raw vegetables with a bite of celery.
  • Day 3. Raw vegetables again. For lunch, lean celery soup. For dinner - fresh vegetable salad (without oil) and 1 boiled potato.
  • Day 4. (Hurray for something new) 1 liter of kefir and 3 bananas for the whole day. Don't forget about required quantity celery per day!
  • Day 5. Maximum 500g chicken breast or lean fish, celery salad with tomatoes (max 5 pieces), any fruit. If desired, you can cook soup (without chicken). On this day you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water.
  • Day 6. No more than 350 gr. beef or chicken fillet, unlimited raw vegetables, 2 liters of water.
  • Day 7. 100g boiled rice, vegetables and fruits.

It seems that you are not bored, and not particularly hungry, since you can snack on celery. But it takes a lot of patience.

Don't forget about a smooth exit from the diet. You shouldn't rush to everything that comes to hand. IN best case scenario The weight loss effect will go away, at worst you will develop stomach problems. Nowadays I still arrange for myself fasting days with celery (once every 2-3 months), since I am not at a stable weight. Such nutrition not only helps you lose weight, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body. My complexion has improved and my skin problems have decreased. And the lightness of the body, in general, lifts the mood.

Lose weight wisely, and your body will thank you!

It’s not for nothing that celery is called the “pantry of health” - this unique stalk, with only 18 calories, contains huge reserves of amino acids, which are so valuable for our body because they help us get rid of all kinds of harmful substances, removing them from the body.

Useful properties of celery

In addition, this vegetable is literally stuffed from top to bottom with zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, vitamins C, B, PP and A. It has long been used in folk medicine as a blood pressure lowering agent. It is especially effective during “cold” seasons, as it can increase the body’s immunity and strengthen our resistance to infectious and viral diseases.

Much has already been said about the benefits of celery and its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight, because it beneficial properties and the ability to break down fats and remove them from the body without competition.

Celery can be consumed in salads, you can make soup from it, or you can drink celery juice. This magical drink has diuretic properties, so it will remove it from your body. excess liquid. Moreover, celery juice helps rid the body of harmful substances, and in general restores and normalizes all oxidation and restoration processes in the body.

Celery juice, in addition, will also increase your vitality, and will also give vigor and strength for new achievements.

How to prepare this wonderful drink?

The easiest way, of course, is to use a juicer, but in this case it is important to understand that you cannot store celery juice: you need to drink it immediately after preparing it, and therefore there is no point in preparing a large portion of juice. Most people who are losing weight prepare a portion of celery juice using the old old-fashioned method: grate it and squeeze out the juice using gauze.

You should drink celery juice in doses, because it has therapeutic effect, can be dangerous in excess dosage, as, indeed, any medicine. Typically, a few teaspoons of celery juice are taken 30 minutes before meals every day for several weeks. With this dosage schedule, digestive processes in the body noticeably improve, and it goes away smoothly and irrevocably. overweight, improves complexion, well-being and mood.

If celery juice for weight loss pure form If you can’t drink it or don’t want to, prepare it half and half with carrot or beet juice, with cabbage or radish juice. You can combine several juices at once according to the following scheme: carrots - celery - beets, carrots - celery - cabbage, carrots-celery - radish. The ratio is usually arbitrary, but experts advise 8 parts carrot juice take 5 parts of celery juice, and add 3 parts of radish, 3 parts of beets, 4 parts of cabbage.


Like anyone else medicine, celery juice also has its own contraindications. Thus, celery juice for weight loss is not recommended for people who suffer from stomach or intestinal diseases. It should not be used by those who have genitourinary problems.

Elderly people are not recommended to drink celery juice regularly, as it can cause exacerbations of chronic diseases, although in general, celery is useful for older people because it significantly improves water-salt metabolism. In this sense, it is better to consult a doctor about how and in what dosage to consume celery juice.

And one more pleasant surprise: Celery juice is an excellent sedative and pain reliever. Try replacing regular tablet for a headache, take a couple sips of celery juice, and you will see how quickly, and most importantly, with health benefits, it will cope with your ailment.

Celery is nutritious useful product. It has a beneficial effect on digestive system, improves metabolism and helps shed extra pounds. By consuming vegetables, you can significantly lose weight. The product is ideal for body shaping, which is why celery dishes are included in many diets.

The vegetable contains healthy vitamins, amino acids and mineral compounds. The plant contains many essential oils that help stabilize sleep, the functions of the pancreas, heart, and liver. Celery can increase the overall tone of the muscle system and charge you with energy for the whole day. How to properly consume this vegetable when losing weight? What healthy and tasty things can you make from it if you are on a diet?

How to use a healthy vegetable when losing weight

The vegetable can be consumed in various variations. Its root is boiled and baked in the oven. Vegetable stems are consumed raw, boiled, or stewed. They can be used as a dressing in soups and salads. Celery leaves are used as greens, and the seeds are used to season various dishes.

Experts recommend using this product not only when following a diet. The vegetable is so beneficial for the body that it is very useful to include it in your daily meal. usual diet nutrition. Celery enriches the body necessary substances. The vegetable should be served with meat dishes, seafood, as soups and salads.

Celery can be used as a single product, as well as in combination with other dish ingredients. This low-calorie vegetable will never add to your extra pounds. In ancient times, our great-grandmothers used celery in their diet to preserve youth and figure. Neither peasants nor ladies from high society avoided this healthy vegetable.

Celery has long been known for its nutritional and healing properties. If you regularly consume celery in your diet, you can easily lose 2-4 kilograms weekly. In this case, the weight will not come back.

Celery contains:

  • a lot of fiber;
  • B vitamins;
  • potassium compounds;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus compounds;
  • iodides;
  • iron compounds;
  • zinc compounds

The vegetable increases muscle tone, has a calming effect, normalizes sleep and cardiac activity. Its use has a beneficial effect on the functions of the entire body. Celery root has a more specific flavor than leaves and stems. However, it can also be used in preparing nutritious and healthy dishes.

Celery can be grated, chopped in a blender, or squeezed juice from the vegetable using a juicer. Some vegetable lovers nibble on a piece raw celery, which is also very useful. Celery stalks can be safely added to stews and other vegetable dishes. Moreover, they are even pickled and salted.

Celery juice

Green vegetable juice is very useful. This product is especially suitable for correcting your own curves. IN human body juice:

  • removes excess fluid;
  • eliminates stagnant processes;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • cleanses biological fluids of toxins.

Juice improves digestion and promotes better absorption incoming food. Thanks to the substances contained in celery, fat breakdown occurs faster, protein reactions and interaction chemical elements. As a result daily use juice from this vegetable:

  • blood is purified;
  • energy increases;
  • fat is burned;
  • skin problems disappear.

For fast weight loss Green vegetable juice is drunk together with carrot juice. It is also useful to add juices of other edible plants to the drink. Nettle has a powerful antioxidant effect, removes fat deposits and inhibits the aging process.

Drinking a glass of celery and carrot juice before breakfast will significantly reduce your appetite. You can also add a spoonful of honey to the juice. Such delicious drink stabilizes digestive process. With regular consumption of vegetable juices, the weight loss process occurs without loss of fluid and is quite safe for the body.

Celery soup

Light celery soup is an ideal dish for effective weight loss. Soup made from this vegetable is particularly nutritious. It has a delicate taste and quickly fills the stomach. It is beneficial to consume celery soup 2-3 times a week.

When preparing the dish, celery root is lightly fried in vegetable oil. This gives the soup a spicy kick. Potatoes, carrots, onions and chopped garlic are also added to the soup. Add white cabbage or cauliflower. You can experiment with vegetables in various options. The main thing is that the celery dish turns out to be extremely tasty and healthy.

Cooking method:

  • take 350 g of leaves, boil for about 10 minutes;
  • add some shredded cabbage;
  • chop, add 2 bell peppers;
  • add parsley.


The green vegetable goes well with oatmeal. Oatmeal saturates the body and has beneficial effect on the digestive system. The product is good for metabolism. The dish is well digestible and nutritious.

To prepare cutlets take:

  • 350 g oatmeal;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 350 g green vegetable;
  • bulb;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • breadcrumbs.

Pour boiling water over oatmeal and leave for about 30 minutes. Next, the excess liquid is drained. Finely chop the celery and onion, then add the vegetables to oatmeal. Add lemon juice and mix the mixture thoroughly. The cutlets are formed and cooked in vegetable oil in a frying pan. They come out with a beautiful golden crust and are very tasty.

Celery salads

Celery is an ideal vegetable for salads. It goes well with turnips and carrots. To cook healthy salad, you will need:

  • 250 g celery rhizome;
  • 250 g turnips;
  • carrot;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • parsley and dill.

All ingredients of the dish are crushed and mixed thoroughly. Do not dress the salad vegetable oil, and lemon juice. It gives the whole dish a piquant and subtle taste. The salad turns out to be very nutritious, tasty and is an ideal dish for quick weight loss.

Another celery salad is based on the use of yogurt. The dishes are prepared like this:

  • take 200 g of celery stalks;
  • add chopped carrots;
  • add chopped cucumber;
  • boil and chop 2 eggs, put them in the salad;
  • season with 50 g of yogurt.

A healthy, nutritious salad with celery and eggs will not add any extra pounds. The dish is completely digestible and provides the necessary energy. Celery is a great helper in any weight loss diet.

There are a large number of recipes for delicious nutritious dishes with this vegetable. You can prepare a salad according to a cookbook or use your grandmother’s family recipe. It is useful to add boiled chicken, apples, and Chinese cabbage to salads.


Green vegetable smoothies make for a nutritious snack. They are prepared with the addition of tomatoes and apples. To do this, mix:

  • 300 g celery;
  • green apples;
  • 100 ml tomato juice;
  • green.

All components are pre-cleaned and washed under running water. Next, the ingredients are crushed and the juice is squeezed out. The greens are finely chopped and decorated with a glass of vegetable cocktail.

By consuming celery leaves, you can lose weight and improve your entire body in a short period of time. Just as we habitually eat carrots and potatoes, we should accustom ourselves to frequent consumption healthy vegetable. Celery is useful for various ailments and for general strengthening body. The vegetable is traditionally present in many Russian dishes.

There are a lot of options for using healthy and nutritious celery. The stems, leaves, and roots are very useful. They are suitable for preparing first and second courses. The vegetable goes well with meat, beans, and garlic. To lose weight, it is better to choose fresh greens, add vegetable leaves to salads and as a dressing for main courses. A diet containing celery will help you shape your figure in a short time.

Video: how to lose weight with celery