Help for a heart attack. How to relieve a heart attack at home? Providing first aid for a heart attack

Chest pain in the area of ​​the heart does not always indicate a disease of this particular organ. But every person, especially if he has a predisposition to cardiac pathologies, should be able to differentiate the sensations that arise in the chest, distinguishing pain in the heart from discomfort in internal organs.

This is important, since in case of heart pain, first aid is needed immediately in some cases. For example, with such serious illnesses, like a dissecting aortic aneurysm, minutes can count, and the outcome depends on timely first aid.

The main indicator that allows you to distinguish heart pain from others and provide first aid in time is the nature, duration and localization, as well as the reaction to medicines(LS). Pain in the area of ​​the heart, associated specifically with this organ, occurs primarily with angina and heart attack. In the latter case, first aid for pain in the heart area is needed within 10–15 minutes after the onset of the attack.

Angina pectoris is one of the first manifestations of coronary artery disease when the heart tissue does not receive sufficient nutrition. Angina pectoris manifests itself in the form of sharp pain behind the sternum, which has a compressive nature. It's not like that dangerous condition, like a heart attack, but you still need to know what to do with angina pain in the heart at home, what pills to take and how to behave during an attack.

The following can trigger an attack requiring first aid:

  • physical activity;
  • psychological stress, shock;
  • temperature change (when leaving the room into cold air);
  • plentiful food.

First characteristic feature angina pectoris is a short attack, the acute phase of which lasts from 2 to 5 minutes, after which the pain gradually subsides and completely disappears after 20–30 minutes. When taking heart medications, the attack stops almost immediately.

First aid for heart pain due to angina pectoris is to eliminate the cause of the attack (reduce the load, reduce stress) and calm the person. You can take one Nitroglycerin tablet.

A heart attack is a more serious condition associated with coronary disease. It is an acute lack of oxygen in the myocardial tissues, resulting in their partial necrosis. Timely first aid for heart pain will save a person’s life. The attack is also characterized by burning pain in the chest, which can radiate to left side chest, under the shoulder blade. A person feels a lack of air and experiences a pronounced feeling of heaviness in the heart area. Often the attack is accompanied by panic and fear of death, and the inability to be in a horizontal position.

The first sign that allows you to distinguish a heart attack from angina is the persistence of pain even when using nitroglycerin and other cardiac drugs. In this condition, the patient requires the first emergency first aid for pain in the heart.

The third dangerous condition is an aortic aneurysm, in which pain appears in the upper chest without radiating to other parts of the body. The pain continues for a long time (sometimes during the day) and intensifies with exercise. With a dissecting aortic aneurysm, the pain is acute and bursting, after which the patient usually loses consciousness, which requires first aid from those nearby. Next, all you need to do if you have heart pain at home is to seek emergency medical help.

Signs of a pre-infarction condition

Characteristic signs of heart pain

The first thing you need to do at home when you have heart pain is to distinguish it from sensations of another origin. Often, during the first attack, patients confuse neuralgic sensations with angina pectoris or a heart attack. But characteristic difference unpleasant sensations of non-cardiogenic origin is a clear connection with movement and the ability to accurately indicate the location of pain. With neuralgia, the pain is paroxysmal and acute, and intensifies even with inhalation and weak movements of the hands. The patient clearly feels that he has pain between the ribs on the left and/or right. Other sensations may indicate osteochondrosis (for example, a feeling of numbness or tingling in the left hand) or stomach diseases (if the attack occurred for the first time after a long absence of food).

The first sign that allows you to identify pain as cardiac is the nature of the pain: it is felt in the center of the chest, and radiates to the left - arm, shoulder, neck, and sometimes to the center of the back under the left shoulder blade. Another important sign heart pain - fear of death that occurs suddenly, without external causes.

Principles of first aid

A person diagnosed with or with a history of myocardial infarction or recurrent cases of angina should know what to do first when dealing with heart pain. His relatives should also be aware of the principles of first aid for heart pain.

First of all, you need:

  • provide a person with peace;
  • check the pressure;
  • if the pressure is normal or high, give medicine for heart pain as a first aid - a drug from the nitrate group to reduce the load on the heart;
  • give one of the drugs that block platelet aggregation to reduce the risk of heart attack and minimize its consequences;
  • call ambulance.

Every person who is susceptible to angina pectoris or has survived a heart attack should always have with them medications used as first aid for heart pain.

  • Nitroglycerin, Verapamil - drugs that improve blood supply to the myocardium and reduce its need for oxygen (they are taken at the first stage of care).
  • - reduces heart rate and its need for oxygen.
  • Riboxin - improves metabolic processes in the myocardium, increases its blood supply.

If the patient is under the supervision of a therapist or cardiologist due to diagnosed IHD, after suffered a heart attack myocardium or angina, he must have with him medications prescribed by a doctor as maintenance therapy.

First aid for heart pain at home begins with clarifying the nature and localization of unpleasant sensations. If a person cannot give an exact answer to where exactly it hurts, you need to:

  • first of all, stop physical or emotional stress (if any);
  • provide the patient with peace;
  • release from constricting clothing elements (unfasten the collar, loosen the trouser belt);
  • give the patient nitroglycerin (1 tablet);
  • give 300 mg acetylsalicylic acid;
  • if angina pain persists for 5 minutes after the first tablet, give another nitrate tablet;
  • if the attack still does not go away, call an ambulance.

If after taking nitrate the pain subsides within a minute, then we're talking about about angina pectoris. The first thing to do in case of heart pain at home, if the pain intensifies, is to call a doctor.

Emergency first aid for pain after a heart attack

If pain occurs in the chest, appears suddenly and does not subside for more than five minutes, myocardial infarction can be assumed. You need to act very quickly. First aid if your heart hurts, and the pain is acute, burning, with heaviness and lack of air, includes:

  • calling an ambulance;
  • relief from constrictive clothing;
  • measurement blood pressure(HELL);
  • if the blood pressure is normal or high, taking nitroglycerin tablets (sublingual) is indicated; if the blood pressure is below 100 mm, then nitrate cannot be given, because it will lower the pressure, intensify the attack or lead to the development of heart failure;
  • 300 mg aspirin (chew).

What to do if there is pain in the heart after a myocardial infarction, if a person has lost consciousness and stopped breathing? First aid includes resuscitation actions (artificial ventilation lungs, heart massage). If the patient is stable and conscious, but feels burning pain and heaviness in the chest, he should not be left alone until the ambulance arrives.

Useful video

Additional information about what to do if you have heart pain can be found in this video:


  1. Help for pain in the heart is to determine as accurately as possible the cause and nature of the sensations and take the necessary measures in accordance with it.
  2. At home, an attack of angina can be stopped with the help of nitrate and drugs that improve blood supply to the myocardium. Aspirin is the second aid tablet before the doctors arrive.
  3. If the nature of the sensations is acute, sharp and unbearable, lasts more than 10 minutes and does not go away from taking nitrate, then most likely it is associated with a heart attack and requires immediate attention. medical care.

A heart attack doesn't happen within a minute. From the onset of the first symptoms to irreversible changes in the heart, it usually takes about 90-120 minutes. When treating myocardial infarction, the key word is “speed.” If we respond quickly and correctly, the ambulance will reach the patient quickly and treatment will begin quickly, the patient's chances of survival will increase.

Every year thousands of people have a heart attack and 30% die. Many of these people could have been saved if they had received the right help in a timely manner.

Myocardial infarction is the most dangerous consequence, that is, deposits of excessive amounts of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries. If atherosclerotic plaque ruptures in one of the coronary vessels, a blood clot that forms at this point can completely block the artery - as a result, blood stops flowing into the heart. As a result of complete occlusion of the coronary artery after 15-30 minutes of severe ischemia, myocardial necrosis appears.

Therefore, the essence of treatment for myocardial infarction is actions aimed at freeing the artery in which the embolism has appeared. In the case of a heart attack, there should be no more than 90-120 minutes between the onset of symptoms and the start of treatment. After this time, irreversible changes occur in the heart. As experts emphasize, in the event of the first symptoms of a heart attack, we influence what happens and what further negotiations will happen.

Important! Proper care and rapid implementation of invasive treatment significantly improves the patient's prognosis.

How to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack?

The main and, as a rule, the first symptom of myocardial infarction is diffuse, unrelenting pain in the chest, radiating to the arm. This happens both during training and during rest. The pain can occur suddenly even during sleep.

Patients may also have shortness of breath, restlessness, fear, fear, cold sweat and even nausea and vomiting. Some people may complain of abdominal pain, some report anxiety and a strange feeling of impending death.

None of these symptoms should be underestimated and you should see a doctor as soon as possible - preferably calling an ambulance.

Myocardial infarction in women - unusual symptoms

Unfortunately, a heart attack in women can take a different course and produce different symptoms that are not as typical as in men. It is for this reason that cardiac ischemia is detected on average after 30 minutes, which worsens their prognosis.

First of all, in women, chest pain is not always present (it is estimated that even about 40%). A woman having a heart attack has atypical symptoms that may indicate other illnesses, such as a cold, upset stomach, or hormonal changes, for example, menopause. These symptoms include:

  • difficulty breathing,
  • sudden muscle pain, which may be accompanied by inertia of the arms,
  • fatigue, general weakness and even fainting,
  • sudden sweating
  • nausea and even vomiting,
  • it is difficult to determine the pain - it can occur behind the sternum or under the left costal arch.

Often even doctors have a problem with quick diagnostics. Usually due to a stereotypical combination of the above symptoms with menopause. Women really get cardiovascular diseases on average 10 years later than men and heart problems appear more or less during menopausal symptoms.

Important! If we have even a shadow of doubt regarding the real reason symptoms, call an ambulance.

What to do with a person having a heart attack

When providing assistance to a person who is having a heart attack, first of all, we should take care of the safety of the patient and his own person, that is, check whether we will be safe while providing assistance. It so happened that the paramedics were attacked by dogs who were caring for their owners and did not want strangers around.

Then call an ambulance by calling 112. When speaking to the operator, please describe yourself, describe the situation and indicate the exact location of the accident/incident. This will make it very easy for rescuers to quickly reach the patient. If we are nervous and don’t know how to handle a patient, we should tell the operator and he will tell us what to do until the ambulance arrives.

Important! If you are alone/at home and you are not feeling well, call an ambulance and then open front door. If you lose consciousness, rescuers will be able to help you faster!

If the patient is conscious, place him on the floor sitting position, unbutton your shirt or remove clothing that makes breathing difficult, open a window to ensure air flow fresh air. If we are outside the building, outdoors, do not forget to provide the patient with shade. A person having a heart attack should move as little as possible.

You can also give the patient 300 mg of acetylsalicylic acid (preferably in an uncoated tablet because it will work faster). This dose of the drug works with an antiplatelet agent, which blocks the process of blood clots. Absolutely no patients should be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (also used as painkillers) due to their possible prothrombotic effect.

It is worth talking to the patient and asking him if there are any additional diseases. Let's ask the questions in a way that the patient can answer yes or no, perhaps with a nod (for example, if you have diabetes, if you have heart disease, have ever had a heart attack, or if you are being treated for hypertension).

If the patient is unconscious but breathing, he should be placed in the lateral position. Checking all the time heart rate and breathing. In the absence of cardiac and respiratory actions, it is necessary to initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation. First, however, you must notify the new emergency situation.

Glue your palms together with your fingers on top of each other (if you are right, right hand should be first - see picture above). Place them more or less in the middle of your chest. Don't bend your elbows, squeeze your chest to 1/3 depth. Every 30 compressions give 2 breaths. If you don't have a mask and are worried about giving mouth-to-mouth breathing to a grown adult, do chest compressions yourself without interruption.

Coronary insufficiency is the most common cause death all over the world. In coronary artery disease, fatty plaque forms in the coronary arteries, blocking blood flow, leading to a heart attack. Without sufficient blood and oxygen supply, the heart begins to die quickly. Therefore, it is important that people become more aware of the disease and respond promptly to signs and symptoms of a heart attack. If you suspect you or someone near you is having a heart attack, act quickly as fast response significantly increases the chances of salvation.


Recognizing Heart Attack Symptoms

    If you feel pain in your chest, stop and stop all activities. Listen to the symptoms you are experiencing. Those who have had a heart attack describe the pain as a feeling of discomfort, tightness in the chest, a pressing sensation, a burning sensation, an uneasy pressure and a heaviness in the middle of the chest. This chest pain is called angina, or “angina pectoris.”

    Assess whether the chest pain sounds like a sign of a heart attack. There are several reasons that can cause chest pain. The most common ones include indigestion, panic attack, muscle strain, and heart attack.

    • If you have eaten heavily or have just been very tense pectoral muscles, the symptoms you are experiencing are most likely not related to a heart attack.
    • If you cannot think of a cause other than a heart attack for your symptoms, you should try to get medical help as soon as possible.
  1. Look for other symptoms. At heart attack Most people experience at least one other symptom in addition to chest pain. Most often this is shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations, increased sweating, nausea and vomiting.

    • Common symptoms of a heart attack also include a feeling of shortness of breath or a lump in the throat, a burning sensation in the heart area, an upset stomach, and the need to frequently swallow saliva.
    • During a heart attack, a person may sweat and feel chills at the same time. He may break out in a cold sweat.
    • A heart attack victim may feel numbness in one or both arms.
    • Some people experience rapid, irregular or increased heart rate as well as shortness of breath.
    • Look for atypical symptoms. For example, sometimes a person may experience acute or dull pain in the middle of the chest.
  2. Pay attention to the symptoms of such diseases. Coronary artery disease, coronary thrombosis and atherosclerotic plaque are more serious illnesses, rather than coronary insufficiency, and they can also lead to blockage of the arteries leading to the heart. For example, with coronary “thrombosis,” a layer of cholesterol forms on the walls of the arteries, from which small fragments break off from time to time. At the sites of these tears, small blood plaques form on the walls of the arteries, and the body's reaction leads to even greater inflammation.

    • Since thrombosis can develop rather slowly, patients often experience periodic discomfort and pain in the chest, not paying attention to them, or feel them only when increased load on the heart.
    • The patient may not seek medical help until the clot has grown so large that it will obstruct blood flow even at rest, when the load on the heart is negligible.
    • Or worse, the clot could break loose and completely block blood flow, causing a heart attack. This can happen at any time, and many people only realize they are having a heart attack.
  3. Consider risk factors. When assessing your symptoms, especially chest pain, you should also consider your risk factors. Currently, so much information has been accumulated about coronary insufficiency that we know exactly in which categories of people it occurs more often. Factors of increased cardiovascular risk include: male gender, smoking, diabetes mellitus, increased blood pressure, obesity (body mass index above 30), age over 55 years, family predisposition to heart disease.

    • How more factors risk is inherent in you, the more likely it is that the symptoms you are experiencing are indeed indicative of coronary insufficiency. Knowing your risk factors will help health care providers evaluate your symptoms and determine whether they are caused by coronary artery disease.

First aid for a heart attack

  1. Prepare for a heart attack in advance. Know where the hospitals closest to your home and place of work are located. Keep a sheet of paper with a list of emergency medical services and important information in a prominent place in your home so that visitors can see it immediately in case of urgent need.

    Act quickly. Immediate reaction can prevent serious damage your heart and even save your life. The faster you respond to alarming symptoms, indicating a heart attack, the more likely you are to survive.

    Call emergency medical services or ask someone to take you to the hospital. Don't drive yourself. Try to get qualified medical care as quickly as possible. Typically, you should not leave a person affected by an attack alone (you can leave briefly to call an ambulance).

    • Getting help within the first hour of a heart attack greatly increases your chances of recovery.
    • When you call emergency medical services, describe your symptoms to the operator. Be brief and clear.
  2. After calling for help, take action if necessary. resuscitation measures . If you witness someone having a heart attack, they may need to perform CPR (CPR). indirect massage hearts and maybe artificial respiration). This kind of resuscitation is only necessary if the person has lost consciousness and has no pulse as a result of a heart attack, or if the ambulance operator has instructed you to do it. Perform CPR until arrival emergency care.

    • If you don't know how to perform CPR, the ambulance operator will be able to instruct you.
  3. If the person experiencing the attack is conscious, position him comfortably. Sit or lay the victim down with his head raised. Loosen if necessary tight clothes so that a person can move and breathe freely. Do not allow a person who has chest pain or a heart attack to get up and walk around.

    On your doctor's recommendation, purchase nitroglycerin tablets. If you have family members who have had heart attacks and your doctor has prescribed you nitroglycerin tablets, keep them with you and take the tablet if you feel symptoms of a heart attack. Your doctor will instruct you when you should take nitroglycerin tablets.

    Chew an aspirin while you wait for emergency help to arrive. Aspirin makes platelets less sticky, reducing the risk of platelet formation. blood clots and facilitating blood flow through arteries. If you don't have aspirin on hand, don't use anything else instead. No other over-the-counter pain relievers have this effect.

    • When chewed, aspirin enters the bloodstream faster than when it is normally swallowed. In the event of a heart attack, speed is very important.

Medical care for a heart attack

  1. Tell medical professionals about the incident in detail. Your visit to the hospital or clinic will begin with identifying your symptoms and special attention Consideration will be given to the timing and nature of your chest pain and associated symptoms. Your doctor will also carefully review your risk factors.

    Get a full medical examination. The medical staff will connect you to devices that record your heart activity. Electrocardiography (ECG) will reveal changes in the heart's function caused by insufficient blood supply.

    • They will do it for you necessary tests, including determining the content of “cardiac enzymes” in the blood (these enzymes are released by a damaged heart), the so-called troponin and creatine phosphokinase-MB.
    • Perhaps they will do it for you x-ray chest to determine if the heart is enlarged or if the heart attack has caused fluid to accumulate in the lungs. For greater accuracy, three tests for cardiac enzymes are performed, eight hours apart.
  2. Get immediate medical help. If any of the tests performed turns out to be unsatisfactory, you will be immediately prescribed inpatient treatment. If the ECG shows elevation in certain areas, the cardiologist may prescribe an emergency cardiac catheterization (angioplasty, or plastic surgery on the vessels), which will restore blood flow in the heart.

    If necessary, you will undergo surgery. If the left one is blocked coronary artery or several arteries, bypass surgery is usually performed. You will be given a time for surgery, which you will most likely have to wait in the cardiac intensive care unit.

    • In coronary artery bypass surgery, veins taken from your leg are inserted to literally “bypass” the blocked areas of the heart arteries.
    • During the operation, you will be put into a hypothermic state and your heart will be stopped for a period of time while the blood is circulated using an extrapulmonary bypass machine. The cardiothoracic surgeon then sews up the heart. A heartbeat would interfere with the precision work of suturing the transplanted arteries and veins to the heart.
    • Since arteries are better suited for transplantation than veins, your left internal thoracic artery will be carefully cut off from its attachment to the chest wall and carefully sutured to the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery, bypassing the blocked area. As a result, you have a grafted arterial section that is generally very strong and not susceptible to re-blocking. The left anterior descending artery is a very important vessel that ensures the functioning of the extremely important left ventricle, which is the reason for this labor-intensive operation.
    • Other blocked coronary areas are carefully bypassed by grafting veins taken from saphenous vein on your leg.

Treatment of coronary insufficiency

  1. Get treatment. If you have coronary artery disease, but the blockage is not severe enough to require surgery, they may simply tell you what to do to prevent further attacks. If there is less than 70% blockage, you may also have angioplasty, or surgery to replace damaged sections of the arteries leading to your heart. In any of these cases, follow your doctor's instructions during recovery. When recovering from a heart attack, avoid stress and try to relax more.

In the event of a heart attack, proper first aid can save a person's life. Mortality statistics around the world are known for their disappointing results.

A significant percentage of total number falls specifically on diseases that are associated with the cardiovascular system.

Every day, several thousand people die who did not have time to receive timely, correct, high-quality and, in addition, qualified assistance.

A significant percentage of the population suffers from cardiovascular diseases. Those who know this for sure always have at hand necessary medications and know what to do with them.

There is also a category of people who are not at all aware of their heart problems. The pain overtakes them by surprise; they do not know what and how to do and what measures to take. As a result, in many cases everything ends in failure.

Statistics show that a significant percentage of mortality is caused by the fact that people do not immediately turn to specialists, do not pay attention to symptoms, are patient, and do not rush to call an ambulance.

If you have a heart attack, you must act immediately. This will save lives.

Determine the nature of the disease and establish accurate diagnosis It's not always easy. After all, the symptoms are often similar in several diseases or do not manifest themselves immediately. This can be done effectively by qualified specialists.

But heart diseases still have their own distinctive features.

You should pay attention if you experience the following symptoms:

1) Presence of shortness of breath. It can occur not only after heavy or light physical exertion, but also in a calm state.

2) Increased sweating. This sign is more typical for people of the stronger sex than for women. But the latter may also have it.

3) High frequency heartbeat. For heart diseases main body The human life support system begins to work intensively. Because more loads are placed on it.

4) Painful sensations in the chest area. Initially, these pains may be slightly noticeable, but soon their strength increases.

In addition, they are accompanied by a burning effect, tingling and a feeling of heaviness, as if something is squeezing the chest. Pain can manifest itself not only in the sternum area, but also in the back, arm, leg, and abdomen.

The peculiarity is that the localization site is always located on the left side of the body.

5) In case of a heart attack a person may lose orientation in space. This is accompanied by dizziness in the head and a significant deterioration in balance.

6) A heart attack may be accompanied by sharp pains in the stomach, nausea, occasional vomiting, heartburn.

7) More like harbingers rather than symptoms are weakness and fatigue. The person becomes lethargic and unable to work.

8) Insomnia, Bad mood, anxiety, snoring during sleep - these are all also harbingers of heart disease. Monitor how yours is performing nervous system. It is directly related to cardiovascular health.

9) Imminent heart problems also promise heaviness in the legs. They become soft and it is difficult for a person to move.

Of course, all the signs cannot suddenly appear in a person at once. You should always take care of your body and body. They warn of problems and give signals.

To one degree or another, at least some, but there are always harbingers of the disease. An attack cannot come out of nowhere.

In case of a heart attack, if such a disaster has happened, you need to act quickly and correctly. It is worth adhering to a certain algorithm that will allow you to provide quality help. Here is a list of primary actions:

1. The victim must be seated or reclined. Remember: you cannot place it horizontally. The vertical position will reduce the load on the heart muscle and relieve pain in the sternum.

2. It is necessary to free the person from excess clothing: remove the tie, unfasten the buttons and belt.

3. Maximize the flow of fresh air - open windows and doors.

4. Ask the patient to breathe deeply but gently.

5. Call an ambulance. If the situation is critical, then medical workers should be called in the first seconds.

6. Give it your all necessary efforts to calm the patient. Nervous condition will only make the situation worse.

7. Give the patient an aspirin tablet. This will reduce the risk of blood clots. The tablet must be chewed. If the patient is unable to do this, then give him the already crushed pill.

8. The victim should also be given a nitroglycerin tablet.. This drug will help eliminate pain and stabbing sensations. If the first dose does not help, you can take it again.

IMPORTANT: medicines- aspirin and nitroglycerin - can be given only when you are absolutely sure that the victim is not allergic to them. Also, nitroglycerin should not be given at low blood pressure, because it lowers it even more.

9. After taking the pills, weakness may appear, then you should elevate lower limbs patient so that they are located higher from the level of the head. This will increase and speed up blood flow. You can also give him a little water to drink.

10.Monitor the victim's pulse. If it is poorly felt or the person loses consciousness altogether, then do light massage hearts. In critical cases - artificial respiration.

In addition to providing first aid, you need to know those measures that absolutely cannot be taken during a heart attack.

The patient cannot move - walk, run, or go to the hospital himself.

Be sure to be calm before arrival medical workers. The medical team will provide qualified assistance and take you to the hospital.

Remember that a heart attack can occur in a completely healthy person.

Excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, poor quality lifestyle, regular consumption fatty foods, nervous breakdowns, excess weight - all these components can cause a heart attack.

People who know about the problems of their body always have aspirin and nitroglycerin on hand. In cases of an attack, they help immediately.

If you do not belong to the category of core patients, then you should not neglect these rules. They will not be superfluous for you either. After all, anyone can fall into the risk category.

Speaking about a heart attack and methods of dealing with it, you need to understand that it is pathological condition, conditioned acute deficiency blood supply to the heart muscle.

Therefore, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, heart failure - all of this can be classified as heart attacks.

An ordinary person (not a doctor) will not be able to distinguish one condition from another based on symptoms, but first aid for a heart attack at home for all these diagnoses will be identical.

How to detect a heart attack at home?

  1. Pain in the sternum. It is most often pressing, less often burning. The pain may radiate to left side: in the shoulder, shoulder girdle, neck and sometimes even in lower jaw left.
  2. Dyspnea– frequent shallow breathing.
  3. Pale skin, cold sweat.

If at least one of the three symptoms is observed, the person’s task is to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Knowing how to recognize a heart attack can possibly save a person's life. A heart attack is a serious matter, here time is of the essence human life goes for seconds.

Many people wonder: “How does a heart attack start?”. It usually occurs unexpectedly, which is why many people get confused and don’t know what to do.

In addition to the three main symptoms, weakness, nausea or vomiting, arrhythmia, and dizziness appear against the background of a heart attack.

like this unpleasant problem Many people confuse a panic attack (a malfunction of the nervous system) with a heart attack.

The symptoms of a panic attack are really similar to a heart attack - lack of air, anxiety, feeling as if your heart is going to jump out of your chest. How not to confuse these problems and begin timely treatment of existing heart pathology?

During a heart attack, pain in the chest area can radiate to the arm, back, or neck. It can be long-lasting (from 10 minutes to several hours and even days). The intensity of the pain can change - sometimes it subsides, sometimes it becomes active again.

During a panic attack, chest pain usually goes away within 10–15 minutes. At the same time, the person experiences strong fear, for example, because he might die or go crazy.

But a panic attack is not a disease at all, it is a mental attack that indicates that the nervous system is very tired. Panic attacks occur in people aged 20–50 years as a result of stress or phobias.

If you don’t know exactly what happened to you: a heart attack or a panic attack, then immediately call an ambulance. A regular electrocardiogram will definitely show the presence of heart problems.

If none are found, then the cause of chest pain lies in nervous disorders. In this case, you will have to treat panic attacks with the help of antidepressants.

There are often times in life when a person has a heart attack, and there are no relatives, friends or just strangers nearby who could at least call an ambulance.

In this case, many patients are lost; during an attack, they wait for the continuation. But at this time they themselves can help themselves, save their lives.

How to relieve a heart attack at home if no one is around?

First, you need to pull yourself together and remember that you only have 5 (!) minutes left to do something, then you may simply faint and not regain consciousness.

Therefore, you need to act quickly:

Step 1: Start coughing

The patient must cough: draw air into your lungs as much as possible and start actively coughing every 1–2 seconds.

In this case, the blood begins to be actively saturated with oxygen, and, compressing chest, you will thereby help the heart pump blood better.

Step 2. Call an ambulance

State your address, phone number, intercom code, problem you are addressing.

Be sure to open the front door to medical staff could enter the apartment unhindered.

When calling an ambulance, you should not forget about coughing. You need to cough constantly, without stopping until the ambulance arrives..

Step 3. Rub peroxide into the heart area

Pour a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution onto your palm and rub the preparation into the heart area.. The pain should subside a little.

If you suspect that a relative or friend has this problem, you need to help him immediately. What to do in case of a heart attack, what actions stranger will help save the patient's life:

If after all of the above actions the patient feels a little better, his breathing is restored, acute attack pain and you are waiting for the team emergency assistance, then during this time it is advisable for the person helping the victim to prepare:

  • medications that the person took the day before - put them in a visible place so that the emergency doctor can see what the patient drank;
  • a list of drugs to which a person has an allergic reaction;
  • find his medical card, any medical documents– certificates, extracts, results of previous cardiograms, as well as a passport.

What is absolutely forbidden to do?

A person having a heart attack should not:

  • perform any physical activity - walking, standing, etc.;
  • eat food, drink coffee;
  • smoke;
  • give any pills or drugs if the person is unconscious.

Not only will you know how to help someone who is having a heart attack, but it is important to act now. And for this it is necessary even before the moment possible start problems do the following:

Knowledge of the rules for providing emergency care at home to a person having a heart attack increases the chances of a positive outcome.

But if a person is confused and does not know what actions to take, this can lead to the death of a sick relative, friend, co-worker, etc.

A mandatory step in case of a heart attack is to call an ambulance team, which will help relieve the attack, perform the necessary resuscitation and therapeutic measures to save the patient's life.