Basic HR technologies. Technologies of personnel management in the organization

IN management activities an important place is occupied by technologies, the use of which makes it possible to solve the problems of staffing the organization's strategy. They are usually called HR technologies.

Personnel technology is a means of managing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of personnel, ensuring the achievement of the organization’s goals and its effective functioning.

Personnel technologies used in management can be divided into three large groups

The first group includes HR technologies, ensuring the receipt of comprehensive, reliable personal information about a person. These are, first of all, methods and forms of its assessment. They must be legitimate, have a legal basis, an established procedure for conducting and applying the results obtained. In the practice of working with personnel, these include certification, qualification exams, and monitoring the status of personnel characteristics.

The second group of personnel technologies consists of those that provide both current and future, quantitative and quality characteristics personnel composition. These are technologies of selection, formation of a reserve, personnel planning, professional development. The combination of these personnel technologies is organically included in the structure of management activities.

The third group combines personnel technologies that make it possible to obtain high performance results for each specialist and a synergistic effect from the coordinated actions of the entire staff. Management actions taken on the basis of these personnel technologies will be characterized by the timeliness of personnel decisions, the rational use of personnel capabilities, and the optimal structure of the forces involved to solve the problems facing the organization. This includes technologies such as personnel selection, personnel career management and a number of others.

Despite certain assumptions and conventions when classifying personnel technologies, it should be said that each of the listed groups has significant differences. Thus, the basis of personnel technologies that allow obtaining personal information, lies the technology of assessment. Obtaining specified quantitative and qualitative characteristics is basically ensured by personnel selection. The demand for professional capabilities of personnel is achieved through a set of personnel activities, united by a common name - career management.

These personnel technologies are interconnected, complement each other, and in real management practice, for the most part, they cannot be implemented without the other. They can be considered as basic personnel technologies.

What are the specifics of HR technologies? What is the object of their influence?

A person in an organization performs social role conditioned by his having the professional abilities necessary for the organization. Totality professional characteristics workers in the organization along with their skills collaboration constitutes the human capital of the organization. Managing this capital requires subtle and specific means impact. They are HR technologies.

HR technologies perform specific management functions. Firstly, they provide a differentiated impact on the system social relations organization, taking into account the specifics of its needs for quantitative and qualitative characteristics of personnel. Secondly, they provide a more subtle and more rational inclusion of a person’s professional capabilities into the system of social, primarily prescribed, roles of the organization. Thirdly, on their basis, a mechanism for the demand for a person’s professional abilities in the organization is formed.

Thus, personnel technologies are organically included in the management structure, have their own specifics and the object of their influence.

Personnel assessment - This is a personnel technology, the content of which is the knowledge and result of comparing the selected characteristics (qualities) of a person with pre-established ones.

In management practice, personnel assessment is usually carried out:

Upon appointment to a position;

At the end of the probationary period;

Periodically (certification, etc.);

When appointed to a position from the reserve;

When staffing is reduced.

Name of the Evaluated Qualities Data questionnaire analysis Psychological testing Valuation business games Qualification testing Check reviews Interview
1. Intelligence ++ ++ +
2. Erudition (general, economic and legal) + ++ +
3. Professional skills and knowledge + + ++ + +
4. Organizational abilities and skills + ++ + + +
5. Communication abilities and skills + ++ ++
6. Personal abilities (psychological portrait) ++ + + ++
7. Health and performance + + + +
8. Appearance and manners + ++
9. Motivation (readiness and interest to perform the proposed work in this organization) ++

Designations: ++ (most effective method);

+ (often accepted method).

Among the basic personnel technologies, one of the most important is personnel selection. Over the centuries, humanity has formed certain requirements for workers and especially for those involved in management.

To date, many methods have been accumulated in domestic and foreign practice to ensure the quality of personnel selection. Selection is a multi-act activity in which a person participates throughout almost the entire period of his active professional life.

It is necessary to distinguish selection upon admission, hiring for work in the organization and selection, carried out repeatedly during the period of stay in the organization (prolonged selection).

When hiring a person for a job, in the process of selecting applicants for a position, the characteristics of the person being hired are identified with the requirements put forward by both the organization as a whole and the position itself and its subject area. At this stage of selection, the social characteristics of the person and formal selection criteria take priority.

So, for example, in the process selection of personnel for the civil service the tasks of staffing government positions are solved based on the most general requirements to a person as a bearer of certain social qualities. This is selection for civil service as social institution, and not as for a specific species professional activity. The selection criteria, as a rule, are of the most general nature.

Personnel selection— a comprehensive personnel technology that ensures that a person’s qualities meet the requirements of the type of activity or position in the organization.

In conditions of market competition, the quality of personnel has become the most important factor determining survival and economic situation Russian organizations. Increasing the efficiency and reliability of selection is associated with consistent verification of the candidate’s business and personal qualities, based on complementary methods for identifying them and sources of information. A stage-by-stage selection of candidates is currently underway.

Each time, those candidates who clearly do not meet the requirements are eliminated. At the same time, whenever possible, an objective assessment of the candidate’s actual knowledge and the degree of mastery of the necessary production skills is used. Thus, a complex multi-stage selection system is formed human resources.

Line managers and functional services participate in the selection process. These services are staffed professional psychologists, use the most modern methods. The immediate supervisor participates in the selection at the initial and final stages.

He has the final say in establishing the requirements for the position and selecting a specific employee from among those selected by the personnel service. In the practice of work of managers with personnel, there are four basic schemes for filling positions: replacement by experienced managers and specialists selected outside the organization; replacement by young specialists and university graduates; promotion to a higher position “from within”, aimed at filling the existing vacancy, as well as a combination of promotion with rotation as part of the preparation of the “reserve of managers”.

In many cases, it is considered necessary to fill positions of managers and specialists on a competitive basis, i.e. with consideration of several candidates for the position, preferably with the participation of external candidates.

When selecting for a position from among the organization’s employees, it is important to keep in mind that assessing the performance of employees does not give complete information about the employee’s capabilities when promoted to a higher position or transferred to some other position. Many employees lose effectiveness when moving from one level to another or from a functional job to a line manager position and vice versa. The transition from working with homogeneous functions to working with heterogeneous functions, from work limited mainly internal relations, to work with numerous external relationships - all these moves involve critical changes that weaken the value of performance evaluation results as an indicator of future success.

The selection of candidates for a vacant position is carried out from among applicants for the vacant position of a manager or management specialist by assessing the business qualities of the candidates. In this case, they are used special techniques, which take into account a system of business and personal characteristics covering the following groups of qualities: social and civic maturity; attitude to work, level of knowledge and work experience, organizational skills, ability to work with people, ability to work with documents and information, ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner, ability to see and support the best, moral and ethical character traits.

In each group of characteristics, you can reveal in more detail the business and personal qualities of managers or specialists hired. In this case, from a long list, those positions that are most important for a particular position and organization are selected, and to them are added specific qualities that an applicant for that particular position must have. When selecting the most important qualities to determine the requirements for candidates for a particular position, one should distinguish between the qualities that are necessary when entering a job, and the qualities that can be acquired quickly enough, having become accustomed to the work after being appointed to the position.

Career management is a function of managing a person’s professional capabilities in an organization. To successfully implement this function, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the very concept of “personnel career”. It exists in the broad and narrow sense of the word and reflects the unity of two career processes - professional career and official career.

A career in the narrow sense of the word is a person’s individual work path, a way of achieving goals and results in the main form of personal self-expression. Since in an organization such forms can be professional development or the official promotion of a person, then we should talk about his professional or official career.

In a broad sense, a career is understood as the active advancement of a person in mastering and improving a way of life that ensures his stability in the flow of social life.

Business career - progressive advancement of an individual in any field of activity, change in skills, abilities, qualifications; moving forward along the once chosen path of activity, achieving fame, glory, and enrichment. There are several types of careers: intra-organizational, inter-organizational, specialized, non-specialized; vertical career and horizontal career; stepwise career; centripetal. In the process of career implementation, it is important to ensure the interaction of all types of careers.

Practice has shown that employees often do not know their prospects in a given team. This indicates poor management of personnel, lack of planning and control of careers in the organization. Planning and control of a business career lies in the fact that from the moment an employee is accepted into the organization until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize the systematic horizontal and vertical advancement of the employee through the system of positions or jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short-term and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

Business career management can be considered as a set of activities carried out by the personnel service of organizations for planning, organizing, motivating and monitoring the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, opportunities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on the goals, needs and opportunities and social -economic conditions of organizations.

Business career management allows you to achieve employee devotion to the interests of the organization, increase productivity, reduce staff turnover and more fully reveal a person’s abilities. When applying for a job, a person sets certain goals for himself, but since the organization, when hiring him, also pursues certain goals, the person being hired needs to realistically evaluate his business qualities. The success of his entire career depends on this.

Thus, personnel technologies represent important ways of management influence on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the composition of the organization’s personnel and are designed to ensure the effective management of a person’s professional capabilities in the organization. They allow you to obtain: comprehensive, reliable personal assessment information about a person; current and future, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of personnel; high performance results of each specialist and a synergistic effect.

Personnel technologies are a special part of social technologies, without the use of which it is impossible to implement modern management V various organizations and ensure processes of transformation, modernization Russian society. In a general theoretical understanding, social technology is a set of sequential techniques (actions, operations) influencing the social properties of a control object in order to achieve a new social quality. In the practice of organization management social technologies perceived as a tool effective use human resources, activation of the real and potential capabilities of employees of all categories - both executive and managerial personnel. In this regard, they are considered as personnel technologies, or personnel management technologies (personnel technologies). Svirina I.V. Personnel technologies in public personnel management civil service// Power. 2012. No. 7. pp. 122-125.

In the state civil service system, the development of personnel technologies is considered as the basis for improving the social mechanisms of personnel management. Personnel technologies, combining management and social functions, are assigned the role of ensuring the efficiency of the organization as a whole and the implementation of its goals and objectives, which, first of all, means the effective execution of the powers of the bodies state power and management. The general purpose of personnel management technologies is to actively influence the organization’s personnel environment in order to optimize it, mobilize professional resources, their development and fullest use, improve the system of intra-organizational relations, promote personal development employees of the organization.

In personnel technologies used in public authorities and management, the potential capabilities of social mechanisms of personnel management are realized, thereby creating the basic basis for their practical use and improvement, especially in such areas as personnel assessment, selection and selection of candidates for positions in the state civil service, work with a reserve of management personnel, career planning, etc. Nesterov A.G. On the practice of applying personnel technologies in the system of state civil service // State Service. Bulletin of the Coordination Council for personnel issues, state awards and public service. 2011. No. 1. P. 4-13.

In the state civil service system, the implementation of personnel management technologies in these areas is regulated not only by general civil norms, but also by special legislation on the state civil service and internal regulatory and administrative requirements. For example, there are quite a lot of restrictions and requirements associated with entering the state civil service and completing it, from the need to “share” information about income and property (not only one’s own, but also family members) to the civil servant’s acceptance of the obligation to prevent possible conflict of interest, again indicating it probable source, especially if he is in a family circle.

The role of personnel technology in this process is not only to monitor the official behavior of a civil servant, the entire procedure for his civil service, but also to assist him in eliminating possible inconsistencies between his official (according to his position) and personal interests. By the way, this is much more difficult than simply punishing someone who deviates from the norm work ethics official - there is an offense, guilt, etc., i.e. everything that extremely formalizes the procedure of managerial influence. It is much more difficult to conduct constant management monitoring of official behavior and “official mood” of civil servants, to analyze various conditions and factors influencing the results of their work.

Today, in the practice of personnel management of the state civil service, various personnel technologies are used, some of which have already become familiar, while others are used on a rather limited scale. Of significant importance is the fact that the state civil service as a type of professional activity has its own characteristics, and the formation of its personnel composition, the entire complex of personnel provision, involves specific tasks in the use of personnel technologies. Vasiliev O.A. On the implementation of modern personnel technologies in the system of state civil and municipal service // State Service. Bulletin of the Coordination Council on personnel issues, state awards and public service. 2012. No. 2. P. 33.

First of all, these are technologies that make it possible to optimize the processes of staffing government agencies: selection of candidates for civil service positions, certification of personnel of government agencies, taking into account modern requirements to the professional and moral-psychological qualities of civil servants, motivation of civil servants, planning their professional and job growth, working with the personnel reserve, etc. A number of HR technologies are traditionally used to improve the level of professionalism of personnel in various organizations. Professional, i.e. a person who possesses a complex of special knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of in-depth general and special training and work experience is necessary in any business. As for state civil servants, their professionalism first of all presupposes knowledge of the features of the corresponding managed sphere, i.e. having a certain education. In addition, a civil servant must have knowledge in the field of management theory, constitutional, administrative and other branches of law related to their positions.

In sociological research on current problems state civil service, which are regularly conducted by scientists from the department of public service and personnel policy Russian Academy civil service under the President Russian Federation, there are also assessments of the professional status of the corps of management personnel of government bodies. In one of them (January 2009), study participants identified the professional state of civil service management personnel as moderately good: 6.4% of experts rated it as “good”, 52.8% “rather good than bad”, “ “more bad than good” - 22.9%, “bad” - 5.5% (12.4% found it difficult to answer). This assessment suggests that today there are many problems, issues and tasks in the field of improving the professionalism of civil service personnel, especially those who are in leadership positions or participate in the preparation and decision-making.

The fundamental basis of professionalism is competence, i.e. not only knowledge of certain issues, awareness of them, but also the competence to discuss and resolve them. The state civil service must become highly professional at all its levels - this is the meaning and purpose of professionalizing its personnel. Therefore, improving the qualifications of government personnel is considered an important area of ​​professionalization of personnel in the public civil service system. For the state civil service, staff development is one of the means of its development. Consequently, stimulating advanced training must be correlated with the goal of developing the civil service and considered a task (one of the main ones) of personnel management of government bodies, its component. And this must be appropriately technologically ensured - not only to decide who, where and how to additionally train or retrain, but also to develop among civil servants a desire to improve their qualifications, to look for ways and means of stimulating their interest in this.

It should be noted that the motivation of employees in relation to training is different and is the subject of special personnel technologies. The most important is the motivation created by the use of personnel technologies, such as certification, qualifying exams, the formation of a personnel reserve, personnel rotation, so today there are no problems with sending civil servants for training. Among the most important motives for civil servants to improve their qualifications, the most common is the desire for new knowledge, which may be caused by the need to study new legislation, be appointed to a new position, change the direction of the executive body or job responsibilities, confirmation of your level as a specialist, etc. Chikarina L.Ya. State personnel policy in the state civil service // Labor and social relations. 2010. No. 6. P. 43-47.

Particular attention in the practice of using social mechanisms for personnel management in the state civil service must be given to the development of technology for managing the career (job growth) of civil servants. For HR department government agency It is the intra-organizational aspect of their employees’ careers that is of greatest interest, because allows you to take into account the interests of a particular civil servant as much as possible and most effectively use his potential in realizing the goals and objectives of public administration. This is a special task for personnel technologies - so that the career growth of state civil servants would meet both the systemic needs of the state civil service and the personal expectations of an employee of a state body, and all this would be based on the realization by civil servants of their professional capabilities, experience, personal and business qualities, professional competence etc.

The formation of a personnel reserve for promotion to leadership positions is directly related to the process of planning the career development of state civil servants. The purpose of working with the reserve is to replenish management personnel with highly qualified employees, timely fill vacant positions, increase the level of selection and placement of management personnel capable of solving the tasks assigned to government bodies. It should be noted that the problem of forming a personnel reserve for the civil service system of the Russian Federation is of particular relevance today: 33.8% of participants in the mentioned sociological study noted that this problem is “very acute”, 31.5% - “rather acute than not” acute”, 19.4% - “rather not spicy than acute”, 9.7% - “no particular sharpness” (with 5.6% undecided).

From a formal point of view, the personnel reserve of the state civil service is a group of civil servants and other citizens who combine competence, initiative and a creative approach to execution official duties who, with additional training, are able to achieve compliance with the qualification requirements for the positions for which they are planned to be nominated. If we approach the personnel reserve more broadly and highlight the social effect from the development of the social qualities of civil servants, then it will be filled with very specific content. The formulation “personnel reserve” is formed with the aim of stabilizing and developing the civil service, increasing the professional and business activity of civil servants, and the efficiency of performance of official duties. IN sociological research RAGS scientists also determined the criteria by which, in the opinion of the participants in this study, employees should be included in the personnel reserve. This is, first of all, professionalism - 88.8% of opinions, achieved results in a specific type of activity - 46.7%, creative approach to business, innovative thinking - 43.5%, civic responsibility - 40.7%

A well-thought-out and highly effective system for assessing personnel of the state civil service fulfills a number of important social functions. It allows you to reduce conflicts in teams, promote the creation of favorable socio-psychological relationships between employees, managers and subordinates; stimulate the work of staff, rationally use the strengths and capabilities of employees; establish a fair relationship between the quantity and quality of labor and the salary of a civil servant; receive information about the level of professional development of state civil service personnel; observe the dynamics of changes in the assessed indicators and make comparisons by groups of positions and structural divisions. Korshunova O.N. New trends in planning and implementation of state personnel policy in the public service // Questions of the Humanities. 2012. No. 5. P. 286-289.

Thus, technologies for personnel management of state civil bodies, essentially social and managerial technologies, in the system of the state civil service of the Russian Federation have their own distinct characteristics. These features are associated with the general specifics of the state civil service, with special requirements for civil servants, both professional and personal, etc. Therefore, the first requirement for such personnel management technologies in government agencies can be considered the informal nature of their application, which is a condition for increasing the manageability of government personnel (civil servants) and, to a certain extent, the key to solving their social problems.

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Competency management, or competency-based approach is newest stage development of personnel management concepts. The essence of the competency-based approach is the transition from the concept of qualifications to the concept of competencies, which can apply both to personnel and to the activities of organizations themselves in the economy and social sphere. Competence is understood as a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, personal qualities and stereotypes of employee behavior, allowing him to achieve high-quality results in solving problems facing the organization.

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Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 601 “On the main directions for improving the public administration system,” which designates a competency-based approach as the basis for creating a list of qualification requirements for filling positions in the state civil service, provides for certain steps to introduce a competency-based approach to personnel in government organizations.

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Process approach. The technology of the process approach today is beginning to attract more and more attention both in scientific developments and in practical activities governing bodies. According to ISO 9000-2011, any activity that uses resources to transform inputs into outputs can be considered a process. In order to function effectively, an organization must define and manage numerous interrelated and interacting processes. The output of one process is often the immediate input of the next. The process approach can be considered the systematic definition and management of the processes used by the organization, and especially the interaction of these processes.

Management in the process approach is viewed not as a series of disparate actions, but as a single process of influencing the organization and personnel. This approach will make it possible to carry out personnel management not in isolation from general management, and in combination with other elements and processes, such as assessment of the external and internal environment of the organization, planning, control, etc.

Case Study

As an example, we can consider the formation of a personnel management system in the Bank of Russia. Of greatest interest is a personnel management system based on process technologies. Since the process approach covers all types of activities, personnel management is considered as a set of the following processes.

  • Staffing. The result of this process is the satisfaction of the Bank of Russia's needs for human resources in the required volume and appropriate quality. Requirements for human resources become known based on the results of the process description.
  • Personnel development. The purpose of this process is to ensure continuous improvement of the potential of existing human resources in order to maximum achievement demands placed on them.
  • Organizational structure management. This process is not traditionally included in HR management, however, to effectively implement processes and create opportunities for best use human resource potential is necessary to organizational structure was formed taking into account the requirements of the processes and rational organization personnel activities.

Process approach technologies are closely related to this intensively developed recent years direction, such as the development and implementation of administrative regulations. So, in the period 2007–2011. In the Russian Federation, several thousand such documents were adopted at all levels of government.

The given examples of personnel technologies and other approaches to personnel management in government bodies used in practice lead to the question of the possibility of forming a general methodological approach to their development and implementation. To answer this question, you must first find out how universal a particular technology is, since building a general methodology for local technologies is hardly possible. The formation of one or another innovative personnel technology can be divided into a number of stages, which are quite amenable to planning based on the following actions:

  • 1) monitoring the situation and determining the need to develop and implement innovative personnel management technology;
  • 2) formation working group developers;
  • 3) preparation and approval of a regulatory legal act on the development of innovative personnel technology;
  • 4) analysis scientific publications, media materials and studying successful practices in the chosen area;
  • 5) preparation of working documentation, including step-by-step regulations for the new technology;
  • 6) testing and approval of documentation;
  • 7) training of personnel in the use of new technology.

Based on a special analysis, it can be summarized that in the government bodies of the Russian Federation there are many innovative solutions in the field of personnel management. They affect all areas of personnel management, from the selection and placement of personnel to procedures for the release of personnel.

The main role here is played by technologies that provide a significant increase in the efficiency of personnel work: information technology, competency-based and process approaches, outsourcing, etc. A detailed analysis shows that a unified methodological approach to the development and implementation of innovations in personnel management in public authorities can be developed, which will undoubtedly help improve the efficiency of public administration.

Case Study

Pilot projects are currently being carried out aimed at improving personnel technologies in the public service. Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation in order to implement the provisions of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2012 No. 601 “On the main directions for improving the public administration system” and in pursuance of paragraphs 2, 5, 7 and 9 of the “Plan for the implementation of measures to introduce new principles of personnel policy in the state civil service system" in 2013, the following pilot projects were organized in federal government agencies aimed at testing and introducing modern personnel technologies.

  • 1. Admission to electronic form documents for participation in the competition for replacement vacant position state civil service and conducting the initial qualification selection of candidates in a remote format with identification of the citizen who submitted the documents and completed the qualification test.
  • 2. Formation of a mentoring institution that promotes career growth of state civil servants.
  • 3. Establishment of a system of qualification requirements for the profile of education, knowledge and skills necessary to fill positions in the state civil service.
  • 4. Introduction of a system for comprehensive assessment of the activities of state civil servants, including public assessment of individual positions in the state civil service.

In fact, today we are dealing with a mechanism that has been functioning for decades, and functioning quite stably and efficiently in relation to the tasks that are set before it. But at the present stage of development of statehood we're talking about on giving personnel services a new quality, which consists in carrying out an effective personnel policy in a federal government agency, which would ensure an increase in the efficiency of the state civil service itself through the selection, development and promotion of state civil servants with necessary set competencies. Pilot projects and their results will become a catalyst for improving the system of professional development of state civil servants.

Thus, the main goals of the pilot projects are to increase the competence of government civil servants and eliminate the shortage of promising and productive employees. A significant difference between these projects and various kinds of changes in previous years is that innovations will not lead to additional costs and an increase in steps on the bureaucratic ladder.

The staffing levels of federal government agencies will not increase in connection with the implementation of pilot projects. As noted by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the effect expected from new personnel technologies is that managers will take on the personnel work of recruiting personnel and developing career trajectories for employees structural divisions. It is necessary to ensure that the selection is carried out by the manager directly for the tasks that are assigned to him, for the goals of this federal government body. This is the essence of the proposed new personnel technologies, and pilot projects are an attempt to put them into practice.

During the preparation and organization of pilot projects, the organizers assumed a certain variability in the results, since these are truly new technologies that were previously used only fragmentarily and unsystematically. Therefore, it is possible that certain adjustments to specific methods of working with personnel will need to be made in order to increase the prestige and attractiveness of the state civil service. Such a system, in which the employee’s personality is valued, is ensured best use his business qualities and professional development, which contributes to the discovery of talent, will undoubtedly be attractive to young professionals for whom the issue of professional self-realization is most relevant.

Expert opinion

According to experts, the implementation of projects will allow personnel officers of ministries and departments:

  • – learn to form more competently qualification requirements to future employees;
  • – simplify the mechanism for submitting documents for admission to the civil service, using electronic services;
  • – introduce into management practice tools for personal assessment of the quality of work of civil servants;
  • – increase the speed of adaptation of new employees through an in-house training system, involving employees with practical experience in federal executive bodies to transfer their professional skills.

Pilot projects should show how ready HR services are today to use this experience and whether there will be a positive effect from its use. For example, automation has been carried out in the personnel services of government bodies for a long time. Thus, through the management personnel portal, specialists from different ministries and departments can select future candidates. Many personnel services automate personal files and time sheets. Information about civil servants undergoing retraining is also processed electronically. However, a unified bank of reservists has yet to be created, i.e. those specialists who could move from one body to another according to the same professional profiles.

Human resource management technologies make it possible to solve the personnel problems facing every organization. With their help, high efficiency of employee management is ensured.

In order for an enterprise to take a leading position in the industry, the company's team must consist of professionals. In addition, the company's management needs to pay enough attention to people management.

HR technologies will help create a modern and effective system, only then will the organization be successful in the market. First you need to find specialists and evaluate their professional knowledge. It is worth paying attention to the business qualities of candidates; it is important to find out the personal characteristics of future employees.

The candidate selection process takes time. It is necessary to hire the best specialists. Each employee signs employment contract, the HR department helps a person adapt to a new place.

If we talk about the content of personnel technologies, they represent a series of actions aimed at achieving two goals. The first of them is obtaining information about the specialist. This may include data on his professional knowledge and skills. The second goal is to determine the qualities and skills that the organization wants to see in its employee.

Staffing is one of the most important elements working with specialists. The efficiency of the company’s activities, as well as how well the company’s resources will be used, depends on how experienced employees the HR specialists can find.

Hiring experienced employees and well-known industry professionals who have made a name for themselves will be a good investment for any business. On personnel selection, if possible financial condition companies, you should not save. But mistakes when selecting new employees will be a failure, which can be very costly for the company.

For example, a company plans to start training employees. If people are not suited to the job, training them will be a waste of resources. Even for large organizations it will be a luxury. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the same situation will suffer maximum damage, because they have to work in conditions of fierce competition, and the budget of small firms is often limited. HR technologies are designed to protect the company from such expenses.

Basic elements of HR technologies

If an enterprise has hired a sufficient number of experienced specialists, this does not guarantee that the staff will provide high labor efficiency.

In order for the staff’s abilities to be aimed at achieving the goals required by the enterprise, it is necessary to competently manage employees. HR management technology should be carefully thought out; its development should not be rushed. It is necessary that management actions be aimed at assessing the qualifications of specialists. It is useful to timely move an employee to a position where his skills could be used most fully.

In addition, it is important to interest the employee in the results of work.

It is necessary not only to motivate, but also to adequately reward a specialist for high quality work.

All these management activities are closely related to HR technologies. Their main elements include the following:

  1. Personnel planning. Selection of specialists and recruitment of new employees to the enterprise.
  2. Setting wages and determining employee benefits.
  3. Career guidance for specialists, their adaptation to a new place and training.
  4. Assessment of the activities of enterprise employees. Preparation of personnel reserve. Personnel professional development management.
  5. Promoting employees, demoting them. Transfer of specialists to a new place of work, dismissal of employees.
  6. Social issues and health protection of workers. Relations of production at the enterprise.

Structure of HR technologies

All modern personnel management technologies in an enterprise can be divided into 3 groups. The first group uses technologies that allow them to obtain reliable information about a specialist. This may include the selection of new employees for vacant positions, periodic rotation of personnel, and career management of employees.

The second group is those technologies that allow you to find personnel with the required characteristics. This could be the certification of specialists, a qualification exam for employees, or individual interviews. This also includes observing how different situations An employee working at the enterprise arrives.

The third group uses personnel technologies that ensure the demand for specialist capabilities. The enterprise is forming a personnel reserve, implementing personnel planning etc.

In order to obtain personal information about an employee, the HR department can use legitimate methods that have a legal basis. It is worth noting that personnel management technology assumes that all groups are interconnected. Practice shows that they cannot be realized one without the other. These personnel technologies can be called basic. But it is necessary to take into account that the groups differ significantly from each other, although they have many similarities.

Company managers must use different technologies for managing the organization's personnel. In order to obtain reliable information about the employee, an assessment is used. But personnel selection makes it possible to find out quality characteristics, get more information about quantitative indicators. Career management involves the use of special personnel measures.

Proper use of HR technologies creates a comfortable work environment at the enterprise and allows for the formation of the organization’s social capital. Each employee of the company has the professional skills necessary for the company. They constitute the professional capital of the enterprise. These resources can be managed using specific tools.

Specific management functions

To influence personnel, technologies must be chosen especially carefully. Must be taken into account strategic goals enterprises. Firstly, HR technologies in personnel management must effectively influence the company’s system of social relations. This is done in order to satisfy the company's needs for the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of employees.

Secondly, each enterprise has adopted its own system of professional roles. HR technologies contribute to the inclusion of human professional skills in this system.

Thirdly, a reproduction mechanism is created in the company professional experience employee.

Application of HR technologies

In any organization, personnel management technologies should be used only on a regulatory basis. All actions of HR department employees and company managers are strictly regulated.

Only those persons who have the necessary qualifications have the right to develop and use HR technologies in their work. The personal dignity of the employee during the assessment must not be infringed, human rights must not be violated and information not related to disclosure must not be disclosed. professional responsibilities person. In addition, the methodology should be explained in detail to all employees so that they do not have any questions.

Another important point is that all results obtained during the assessment must be consolidated regulations enterprises. This will increase the confidence of company employees and reduce the likelihood of subjectivity when using HR technologies.