What is the difference between ketoprofen and ketorolac? Ketonal or Ketanov: which is better? Indications for use

Ketoprofen belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is a derivative of propinoic acid. The anti-inflammatory effect of Ketoprofen is on a par with Indomethacin and Naproxen and exceeds the anti-inflammatory effect of Ibuprofen and Aspirin. The analgesic effect of Ketoprofen is similar to the effect of Indomethacin and Naproxen.

  • Impact of ketoprofen
    • Possible contraindications for use
    • Side effects and overdose of the drug and analogues
  • How to take Ketoprofen
  • Ketoprofen: gel analogues
    • Features of using Ketoprofen in gel form

Impact of ketoprofen

Ketoprofen helps to provide analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. The anti-inflammatory effect can be achieved after 7 days of oral administration of the drug.

Ketoprofen has an anti-inflammatory effect on par with the following analogue drugs: Naproxen and Indomethacin. Moreover, it surpasses the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs Aspirin and Ibuprofen.

In terms of pain relief, Ketoprofen has similar properties to Naproxen and Indomethacin. Ketoprofen is capable of providing the following therapeutic effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic.

The anti-inflammatory effect of taking the drug is noticeable just a week after its oral administration.

In cases where Ketoprofen is prescribed to a patient for the treatment of articular syndrome, it helps relieve the patient from pain syndrome. Both at rest and during movement, it helps relieve the patient from the following symptoms:

  • Swelling of the joints.
  • Morning stiffness syndrome.

It is worth noting that while taking Ketoprofen, the patient’s mobility may increase. Ketoprofen in gel form may have local anesthetic effect. If it is applied topically, the active component can remain for a long time at the site of inflammation.

Concentration of active substance and release form

A drug such as Ketoprofen has following forms release:

The concentration of the active substance in the drug differs depending on the form of release of Ketoprofen:

  • capsules contain 50 mg of active ingredient;
  • forte tablets - 100 mg of the substance, respectively;
  • retard tablets - 150 mg of active ingredient. In this form, the drug has a prolonged effect, so you can take the drug only once a day;
  • gel - 25 mg of active substance per 1 gram of drug;
  • injection solution - 50 mg of component per 1 mg of product;
  • cream - 50 mg of active ingredient per 1 gram of drug;
  • suppositories include 100 mg of active ingredient.

Indications for use of Ketoprofen

The drug Ketoprofen, like its analogues, is used systemically intramuscularly, intravenously, orally and rectally. Doctors prescribe it for the following conditions:

Doctors prescribe Ketoprofen intravenously to relieve pain during illness. musculoskeletal system. This drug and its analogues are used externally For complex therapy chronic and acute diseases musculoskeletal system (including diseases such as arthrosis, osteochondrosis and rheumatoid arthritis).

The drug is also used during painful inflammatory and traumatic lesions joints, tendons and ligaments (dislocations, muscle bruises, arthritis, bursitis, stretch marks and ligamentous tears); for the purpose of treating thrombophlebitis and phlebitis, as well as inflammatory diseases of the skin surface.

Possible contraindications for use

Both Ketoprofen itself and its analogues are highly not recommended to be prescribed for individual intolerance both the active ingredient of the drug and the auxiliary components. Systemic application the drug may have the following contraindications:

Ketoprofen should not be prescribed in the form of suppositories for the following diseases: proctitis; proctorragia; haemorrhoids. And in the form of a cream and gel, Ketoprofen or its analogues cannot be used in the following cases:

  • for eczema;
  • when the integrity of the skin surface is violated;
  • for weeping dermatoses;
  • with infected abrasions;
  • children under 6 years old.

Side effects and overdose of the drug and analogues

The use of Ketoprofen can provoke the development side effects from different organs. Thus, from the central nervous system the following may be observed:

The cardiovascular system can cause the following side effects:

  1. Increased heart rate and blood pressure.
  2. Anemia and the appearance of peripheral vascular diseases.
  3. Thrombocytopenia.

There may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract: constipation; nausea; abdominal pain and flatulence. Sometimes vomiting, increased appetite, dry mouth, stomatitis, rectal and hidden bleeding, and increased salivation are observed.

From the respiratory system, swelling of the larynx and nosebleeds, pharyngitis and rhinitis, and bronchospasm may be observed.

Often side effects affect the condition of the skin in the following way:

  • an allergic rash appears;
  • burning and itching begins;
  • the skin takes on a red tint;
  • oncholysis;
  • alopecia;
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis;
  • bullous rash.

Swelling of the face may also appear, weight gain and chills. If any of the listed side effects occur while taking Ketoprofen in any form, you should stop taking it. In some cases, you can change the drug or reduce the dosage.

In cases of overdose of this drug, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Vomit.
  • Lethargy.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea.
  • Abdominal pain.

All of them are reversible. In order to treat the disease, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, as well as carry out supportive and symptomatic therapeutic measures. You also need to carefully monitor the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

How to take Ketoprofen

The peculiarity of taking Ketoprofen depends on its release form. If we talk about the use of the drug in the form of capsules, which include 50 ml of the active substance, then here dosage is purely individual. It depends on the characteristics of the human body and the severity of the disease.

At the beginning of treatment, doctors prescribe to the patient maximum dose means, which is 300 mg per day, divided into 2-3 doses. Then the dosage of Ketoprofen is reduced, and for maintenance therapy the doctor prescribes 150 mg per day, respectively, you need to take it three times a day, one capsule. They should be taken orally during meals and washed down with plenty of water.

If we talk about taking Ketoprofen in the form injection solution, then they do it intramuscular and intravenous. The patient is administered 100 mg intramuscularly up to 2 times a day, the daily dose of the drug is up to 200 mg.

Ketoprofen can be taken intravenously only under the supervision of a doctor and not in all cases. The injection solution cannot be taken for more than three days, and after the end of the cycle of its use, Ketoprofen can be replaced with other forms.

In the form of a gel, Ketoprofen or its analogues are used externally. For adults and children over 12 years of age, it is applied to diseased areas of the skin. in small quantities thin layer. 2-3 times a day, it should be rubbed long and carefully into joints or tissues prone to inflammation.

For children from 6 to 12 years old, the gel is prescribed 2 times a day. in minimal quantities. Without additional permission from the doctor, the duration of use of Ketoprofen cannot exceed 2 weeks.

Ketoprofen: gel analogues

You can find it in pharmacies large number ointments and gels that are analogues of Ketoprofen. Among them:

All these analogues have the same composition, however, the content of the active substance ketoprofen in them differs in percentage terms. The most popular foreign analogues of Ketoprofen are Ketonal, Febrofid and Atrosilene. But in cost they significantly exceed such an analogue of the drug as Artrum.

Other analogues of Ketoprofen are: domestic drugs, like Ketoprofen-verte (Verte company) and Ketoprofen Excom. IN in rare cases they can cause skin dermatitis and have virtually no contraindications. But Ketoprofen Forte, unlike Ketoprofen gel, should be used as carefully as possible due to the differences in the concentration of the active substance in them.

As already mentioned, Ketoprofen and its analogues prohibited from taking for liver and kidney disorders, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children, allergy sufferers and those who suffer from skin diseases. This drug is almost entirely excreted by the kidneys, which is why the side effects mentioned above are extremely rare.

Features of using Ketoprofen in gel form

Before starting treatment with Ketoprofen or its analogues, you need to take into account the following features of the use of this drug: do not allow it to come into contact with mucous membranes and eyes.

Preferably after applying the gel to the surface of the skin. wash your hands thoroughly. Do not allow direct contact of the treated part of the skin with sun rays and do not apply the gel under occlusive dressings.

It is also worth considering that taking the drug can enhance the effect of taking a number of coumarins and some anticoagulants.

Ketoprofen in one form or another, or its analogues, has wide range actions. This drug is very effective for inflammation and pain. of different nature. The form of administration depends on the disease and its severity.

Pain, heat, swelling, redness are classic symptoms inflammatory process. Diseases of the joints, muscles and bones can cause pain and, accordingly, need to be relieved. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in this case is included in standard treatment protocols, since they have enormous potential for relieving pain and inflammation. Many NSAIDs are now presented on our pharmacological market. Due to their strong analgesic effect, one of the most well-known and long-used drugs are drugs based on ketorolac, for example, Ketanov or Ketorol. Let's look at these drugs and compare their medicinal properties.

  1. What is the difference between Ketanov and Ketorol?
  2. Mechanism of action
  3. What's stronger?
  4. Price difference

If you ask yourself the question “Ketanov or Ketorol – which is better?”, then after studying the instructions for the drugs, you will understand that these drugs are analogues. They belong to pharmacological group NSAIDs and contain basically the same active substance - ketorolac.

Ketanov is available in the form of tablets for oral use and solution for injection. The difference between Ketorol and Ketanov is that it is produced not only in the above forms, but also in the form of a gel for external use.

The manufacturer of the drug Ketorol is the Indian company Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd, while Ketanov is produced by another Indian company - Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited.

The concentration of the active substance (ketorolac) is:

  1. 10 mg tablets Ketanov and Ketorol;
  2. 30 mg/ml in solution Ketanov and Ketorol;
  3. 2% in Ketorol gel.

Ketanov tablets 10 mg

How does ketorolac from “Ketanov” or “Ketorol” work?

Ketorolac was synthesized in the late 80s of the last century and was put into practice almost immediately clinical use due to a wide range of therapeutic properties. It has:

  • analgesic,
  • antipyretic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antithrombotic effect.

In addition, ketorolac was recently discovered to have another interesting property. An analysis of retrospective clinical data showed that ketorolac reduces the recurrence of breast cancer if it is used in the preoperative and postoperative periods.

The mechanism of action of ketorolac is based on the fact that it is a powerful inhibitor of cyclooxygenases COX-1 and COX-2, the initial links in the chain of prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid.

Prostaglandins are small molecules present in almost all tissues of the body. In fact, they are communicator molecules that transmit signals about the state of cells. IN different organs prostaglandins different classes perform many functions (sometimes, their action is opposite depending on the type of prostaglandin). For example, prostaglandins can:

  • regulate inflammation,
  • cause dilatation or constriction of blood vessels,
  • change the permeability of the vascular wall,
  • stimulate platelet disaggregation and aggregation,
  • regulate bone homeostasis,
  • increase pain sensitivity of neurons,
  • stimulate labor,
  • influence the secretion of hormones from the endocrine glands,
  • influence the thermoregulation center of the hypothalamus,
  • increase speed glomerular filtration in the kidneys,
  • inhibit acid secretion by gastric parietal cells.

Thus, ketorolac, by reducing the level of synthesis of all types of prostaglandins, helps relieve swelling, reduce inflammation, pain sensitivity and reduce temperature. However, the very wide spectrum of action of prostaglandins in the body, as evidenced by the above list, also causes a number of side effects of drugs such as Ketanov and Ketorol.

Risk of occurrence side effects increases with increasing dose of ketorolac and duration of treatment. Therefore, drugs based on ketorolac should not be taken for longer than prescribed. And, of course, before using such medications, you should definitely consult your doctor.

What is stronger - Ketorol or Ketanov?

Compared to each other, there is unlikely to be a difference between Ketanov and Ketorol in analgesic and anti-inflammatory effectiveness, since the drugs contain the same dosages of ketorolac. But in relation to other drugs they have their “pros” and “cons”.

Anti-inflammatory effect

The anti-inflammatory effectiveness of oral forms (tablets) of ketorolac is not the highest. More active in this regard are drugs based on (in descending order):

  • indomethacin (Indomethacin Sopharma, Metindol),
  • diclofenac (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Voltaren),
  • oxicams (Piroxicam, Meloxicam, Movalis),
  • ketoprofen (Ketonal, Ketoprfen Vramed, Artrosilene),
  • nimesulide (Nimulid, Nise, Nimesil, Nemulex),
  • ibuprofen (Ibuprofen, Ibufen, Nurofen).

However, due to its good absorption, ketorolac is effective in intramuscular injections. In this case, its effectiveness exceeds, for example, diclofenac.

Analgesic effect

The analgesic effect of ketorolac is stronger than the anti-inflammatory effect and is the strongest compared to other NSAIDs. In this it is superior to diclofenac, nimesulide, indomethacin, ibuprofen and oxicams. Moreover, ketorolac is not inferior to analgesics central mechanism actions, for example, opioids.

IN clinical studies It was found that the analgesic effect of 10 mg of ketorolac corresponds to that produced by 10-12 mg of morphine. At the same time, a significant advantage is that it does not have a sedative or narcotic effect and is not addictive.

However, ketorolac also has its own “analgesic ceiling”. A randomized study conducted in 1989 involving 128 patients showed that ketorolac at doses of 10, 30 and 90 mg had the same analgesic ability. That is, increasing the dosage of ketorolac does not provide additional analgesia, but only introduces the risk of side effects.

Therefore, it is important to remember that Ketorol and Ketanov are essentially the same thing, which means that simultaneous use of both drugs will not bring the desired pain relief, but can be dangerous to health.

The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in this case is included in standard treatment protocols, since they have enormous potential for relieving pain and inflammation. Many NSAIDs are now presented on our pharmacological market. Due to their strong analgesic effect, one of the most well-known and long-used drugs are drugs based on ketorolac. Let's look at these drugs and compare their medicinal properties.

Both drugs have a serious list of contraindications and side effects; be sure to consult a doctor before use.

What's the difference?

These drugs are analogues. They belong to the pharmacological group of NSAIDs and contain basically the same active substance - ketorolac.

Ketanov is available in the form of tablets for oral use and solution for injection. The difference from Ketanov is that it is produced not only in the above forms, but also in the form of a gel for external use.

The manufacturer of the drug Ketorol is the Indian company Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd, while Ketanov is produced by another Indian company - Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited.

The concentration of the active substance (ketorolac) is:

  1. 10 mg tablets;
  2. 30 mg/ml in solution;
  3. 2% in gel (Ketorol).

How does ketorolac work?

Ketorolac was synthesized in the late 80s of the last century and was almost immediately introduced into clinical use due to its wide range of therapeutic properties. It has:

  • analgesic,
  • antipyretic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antithrombotic effect.

The mechanism of action of ketorolac is based on the fact that it is a powerful inhibitor of cyclooxygenases COX-1 and COX-2, the initial links in the chain of prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid.

Prostaglandins are small molecules present in almost all tissues of the body. In fact, they are communicator molecules that transmit signals about the state of cells. In different organs, prostaglandins of different classes perform many functions (sometimes, their actions are opposite depending on the type of prostaglandin). For example, prostaglandins can:

  • regulate inflammation,
  • cause dilatation or constriction of blood vessels,
  • change the permeability of the vascular wall,
  • stimulate platelet disaggregation and aggregation,
  • regulate bone homeostasis,
  • increase pain sensitivity of neurons,
  • stimulate labor,
  • influence the secretion of hormones from the endocrine glands,
  • influence the thermoregulation center of the hypothalamus,
  • increase the glomerular filtration rate in the kidneys,
  • inhibit acid secretion by gastric parietal cells.

Thus, ketorolac, by reducing the level of synthesis of all types of prostaglandins, helps relieve swelling, reduce inflammation, pain sensitivity and reduce temperature. However, the very wide spectrum of action of prostaglandins in the body, as evidenced by the above list, also causes a number of side effects of such drugs.

The risk of side effects increases with increasing dose and duration of treatment. Therefore, drugs based on ketorolac should not be taken for longer than prescribed. And, of course, before using such medications, you should definitely consult your doctor.

What's stronger?

Since the drugs contain the same dosages, they are almost equal in strength. But in relation to other drugs they have their “pros” and “cons”.

Anti-inflammatory effect

The anti-inflammatory effectiveness of oral forms (tablets) is not the highest. More active in this regard are drugs based on (in descending order):

  • indomethacin (Indomethacin Sopharma, Metindol),
  • diclofenac (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Voltaren),
  • oxicams (Piroxicam, Meloxicam, Movalis),
  • ketoprofen (Ketonal, Ketoprfen Vramed, Artrosilene),
  • nimesulide (Nimulid, Nise, Nimesil, Nemulex),
  • ibuprofen (Ibuprofen, Ibufen, Nurofen).

However, due to its good absorption, ketorolac is effective for intramuscular injections. In this case, its effectiveness exceeds, for example, diclofenac.

Analgesic effect

The analgesic effect of ketorolac is stronger than the anti-inflammatory effect and is the strongest compared to other NSAIDs. In this it is superior to diclofenac, nimesulide, indomethacin, ibuprofen and oxicams. Moreover, it is not inferior to centrally acting analgesics, such as opioids.

Clinical studies have found that the analgesic effect of 10 mg of ketorolac corresponds to that produced by mg of morphine. At the same time, a significant advantage is that it does not have a sedative or narcotic effect and is not addictive.

However, these drugs also have their own “analgesic ceiling”. A randomized study conducted in 1989 involving 128 patients showed that ketorolac at doses of 10, 30 and 90 mg had the same analgesic ability. That is, increasing the dosage does not provide additional analgesia, but only introduces the risk of side effects.

Therefore, it is important to remember that Ketorol and Ketanov are essentially the same thing, which means that simultaneous use of both drugs will not bring the desired pain relief, but can be dangerous to health.

Cost difference

Often, when choosing similar drugs, the determining factor is their cost.

A package of Ketorol tablets (20 pcs.) costs an average of 45 rubles. The same package of Ketanov is approximately 25% more expensive.

The cost of Ketanov injection solution (10 ampoules) is about 110 rubles. The same number of Ketorol ampoules costs 20% more.

The cost of a tube (30 g) of Ketorol gel ranges from 210 to 230 rubles.

Indications for use

  • ketorolac tromethamine 30 mg;

What is this drug?


  • erosions or stomach ulcers;
  • liver failure;
  • renal failure;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • admission up to 16 years of age;
  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • formation of stomach ulcers;
  • deterioration of kidney function;
  • abdominal pain.

Side effects

Ketoprofen and ketorol

Within 2 days a severe toothache developed. It started to hurt in the morning. In the evening I went in for a day (where the hell can I go), by night the pain became very strong. At work I found ketanov tablets, I swallowed 2 of them. at 22:00, and at 03:00 I woke up in pain. During the time remaining before the change, I ate 3 more pieces (slightly dulled the pain). I came home and it all started to piss off (apparently I also got a little cold while on shift). I haven't had such a toothache in 40 years. Although there were pulpitis, there was a pulsation there that would intensify and then subside. And here it is pressing and CONTINUOUS. This has never happened before.

I injected myself with 3 injections of Ketanov (i.m.) overnight, and one more in the morning, before going to the clinic. It didn't help much. He whined all night in pain (a grown man, damn it).

In short, there was a large cyst on the tooth (upper 5ka) and suppuration. The pain went away only after I was injected with ultracaine for the third time. Tooth, es-but, down!

Now I’m wondering what could be more powerful in a home pharmacy. From legal.

The strongest, it seems, is Ketanov (they wrote somewhere that 30 mg is comparable to 12 mg of morphine), but you can take no more than 4 doses of 30 mg per day (and it didn’t help me much, see above)

Maybe Ketonal is better? What else?

We often go to the village (quite remote, the nearest paramedic station is 19 km along a shitty road, the clinic is 35 km, sometimes it gets swept up in winter, we can’t leave for days, a medical UAZ won’t pass, only a tractor until it’s cleared). I would like to have a NC just in case.

Tell me, comrades doctors. What's better?!

Ketonal or ketoprofen for external use?

Inflammation of the joints can bring a lot of trouble to a person. It does not matter in which joint it occurs pathological process, in any case, there will be pain, hyperemia, swelling, local increase in temperature, and decreased mobility. To alleviate this condition, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments, such as Ketonal or Ketoprofen, because if measures are not taken in time, then painful sensations will only intensify and cause more and more suffering. People find it difficult to go up or down stairs, hold bags, and sometimes even just pick up a pencil.

Ketonal and Ketoprofen - what is the difference?

The main active substance of these ointments is ketoprofen. It belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. The substance passes well into subcutaneous tissue, muscle tissue and ligaments, as well as in synovial fluid, and is contained there in the necessary therapeutic doses. Important factor- lack of ketoprofen negative impact on articular cartilage.

The drugs Ketonal and Ketoprofen are produced in the form of a gel with a concentration of the active component of 25 mg per 1 gram of the drug (2.5%). Also for external use, Ketonal cream is used, containing 50 mg of ketoprofen per 1 g (5%).

  • Ketonal gel is available in aluminum tubes of 50 and 100 g, placed in cardboard packs. Ketonal cream is packaged in tubes of 30 or 50 g. Country of origin: Slovenia, Lek company.
  • Gel "Ketoprofen" is a product Russian enterprises JSC Sintez and Vertex.

Despite the fact that Ketonal is analogous to Ketoprofen in composition, it has differences in its field of application in pediatric practice. According to the instructions, Ketoprofen can be used in children from the age of six, and Ketonal is officially approved for use only from the age of fifteen.

The choice - Ketonal or Ketoprofen - which is better, is determined by the wishes of the consumers themselves. Ketoprofen costs much less than Ketonal (three to five times), so it is available to a larger number of buyers. But those who trust European quality more give preference to Ketonal and note that it causes fewer adverse reactions and is more effective.

What other gels are there based on ketoprofen?

Many manufacturers, both in Russia and abroad, produce gels and ointments containing ketoprofen. We will consider them and give brief description three most popular.

Fastum Gel

Fastum is a gel containing ketoprofen, produced by the Italian company A. Menarini Manufacturing.

The drug is produced in the form of a gel at a concentration of 2.5 g per 100 g dosage form and is packaged in aluminum tubes of 30, 50 or 100 g. Tubes with annotations are placed in cardboard packs.

The gel has no color, it is almost transparent, non-greasy to the touch, has pleasant aroma. When applied cutaneously, it is very poorly absorbed, so it hardly accumulates in the body and does not have undesirable systemic effects. It has a local analgesic, anti-exudative effect, eliminates inflammation and is used for symptomatic treatment of diseases of the joints, tendons, muscles, lymph nodes and blood vessels, skin, ligaments. Its use reduces the intensity of pain in both calm state, and with motor activity, reduces stiffness and swelling in the morning.

The drug is applied in a thin layer at the site of inflammation once or twice a day. Duration treatment course should not last longer than two weeks without a medical prescription.

The cost of Fastum gel is approximately equal to the cost of Ketonal in a package of similar weight.


Bystrumgel is an analogue of Ketoprofen produced in Russia joint stock company"Akrikhin Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant."

The release form is a colorless gel, almost transparent, with a specific aroma, the presence of opalescence is acceptable. The drug is packaged in metal tubes of 30, 50 or 100 g, which are placed in paper boxes. The content of ketoprofen in this drug is 25 mg per 1 g (2.5%).

Bystrumgel has an analgesic effect and eliminates inflammation. When applied to the skin, the gel is absorbed very slowly, due to which its concentration in the areas of inflammation is maintained at the required therapeutic value for a long period.

The drug penetrates perfectly into connective tissue, as well as into the synovial fluid, while it is practically not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream. Bystrumgel is prescribed for inflammatory and traumatic pain in joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons (bruises, arthritis, lumbago and in many other cases). It is applied twice a day by rubbing into inflamed areas until completely absorbed. To enhance the effect, you can use a dry occlusive dressing.

The cost of Bystrumgel is approximately two times more affordable than Ketonal (when comparing similar packages).


Artrosilene is a drug active component which is ketoprofen lysine salt. There are two forms of release of this drug for external use - gel and spray.

Ketoprofen gel contains the active substance at a concentration of 50 mg per 1 g of product (5%). It is a thick transparent mass with a pleasant lavender scent.

In the aerosol the content of ketoprofen is 150 mg per 1 g (15%). It is produced by an Italian manufacturer in the form of homogeneous foam white, which after the release of the gas component becomes clear liquid, having a faint yellow color. The aerosol is produced in 25 ml containers equipped with a nozzle with a spray.

Both the gel and the spray with ketoprofen have an anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative effect and eliminate pain. They relieve pain in the joints during movement and at rest, and reduce swelling. The drugs are prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatic and non-rheumatic muscle pain, and soft tissue injuries. The lysine salt of ketoprofen does not lead to the development of catabolic processes in articular cartilage.

The cost of Artrosilene gel is approximately equal to the cost of Ketonal, and the buyer will have to pay a little more for the aerosol.

Ketonal and Ketanov: what is the difference between these two analgesics? Which one is better and more effective?

Nowadays, most of us think that there is no need to seek help from doctors for every reason. After all, for every disease there is medicinal product, be it stomach pain or cough. Most often, people carry painkillers with them, such as Ketonal and Ketanov. What is the difference between them, we will tell you in more detail in order to know exactly the features and properties of each drug.

General indications for the use of Ketonal and Ketanov

Both drugs belong to non-hormonal medications non-narcotic action, intended to relieve inflammation, relieve pain and reduce fever. They can be in tablets, drops or ointments and gels. As a rule, doctors prescribe these drugs in the following cases:

  • At therapeutic treatment inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
    1. Osteoarthritis;
    2. Rheumatoid arthritis;
    3. Gout;
    4. Neuralgia;
    5. Psoriatic arthritis;
    6. Ankylosing spondylitis.
  • To relieve pain:
    • Migraine and sharp pain in all parts of the head;
    • Severe toothache;
    • During treatment of oncological diseases;
    • After surgery;
    • During renal colic;
    • For radiculitis;
    • For muscle pain;
    • For dislocations and fractures.

It should be noted that these medications can be used regardless of the degree and severity of pain symptoms of different origins. The most popular are creams and gels, which are quickly absorbed into the skin and have a good anti-inflammatory effect, they quickly relieve pain.

In what cases should these painkillers not be used?

It is strongly recommended to begin any use of Ketonal or Ketanov only after consulting a doctor and examining the patient’s complaints and symptoms.

These drugs may be strictly contraindicated in a number of the following diseases and physical conditions:

  • Allergic reactions in the form of rhinitis or urticaria due to an overdose of aspirin, diclofenac or ibuprofen;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Impaired kidney and liver function;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Internal bleeding varying degrees severity regardless of their location;
  • Dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • From the 28th week of pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Children under 16 years old;
  • Individual intolerance constituent components medicines.

Considering general condition health, as well as the general condition of a person, the doctor can significantly reduce the dose of medication. As a rule, this occurs if the patient experiences:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Alcohol addiction.

Any restriction in the use of tablets, ointments or drops will depend on individual characteristics body. It should also be borne in mind that these medications are effective for temporary pain relief and should not be taken to eliminate chronic pain.

Ketonal and Ketanov: differences

The most basic difference between one drug and another is the different active ingredients in their composition. In Ketonal it is ketoprofen, in Ketanov it is ketarolac. Despite the fact that both components are comparable in effectiveness to morphine, Ketonal is eliminated from the body faster during metabolism, and, accordingly, the number of possible side effects is much less. This property allows the medicine to be prescribed to older people.

Another significant difference is that Ketonal can be presented in the form of capsules, tablets, as well as gel or suppositories for external use. This means that the drug can be taken with other drugs in relatively small oral doses.

Speaking of effectiveness, Ketanov’s effect begins 40 minutes after ingestion and reaches best effect after two hours, while its counterpart is mainly used to relieve chronic long-term pain.

Most common adverse drug reactions

Since the drugs belong to the same pharmacological group, their side effects are mostly the same:

  • Indigestion;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Weight gain;
  • Swelling of the arms, legs and face;
  • Heavy sweating.

In some cases, the patient may experience abdominal pain and vomiting. Depending on the cause of the symptoms, there is an increase in blood pressure, accompanied by severe shortness of breath and hearing dysfunction. In addition, it may be observed allergic rhinitis and urticaria.

At excessive consumption tablets, an overdose may occur, which is manifested by vomiting, hallucinations, drowsiness, and in the case of severe poisoning A stomach ulcer may develop.

Ketonal or Ketanov: which is better?

Since each person is unique by nature, medications will act differently on each person. The choice of the necessary drug, as well as its form, will depend on the symptoms of the disease, as well as after examination by a specialist necessary tests and survey results.

To eliminate headaches or toothaches, it is best to use Ketanov in the form of tablets or powder. It will quickly relieve symptoms, and in cases severe pain You can use the medicine every 3-4 hours.

For external use, Ketonal in the form of an ointment or gel is well suited. It will relieve swelling and pain in joints and muscles. It is recommended to apply to the affected areas of the body twice a day, and after 3-4 days you can feel the result.

Before purchasing from a pharmacy, they may recommend both Ketonal and Ketanov. It is best to find out the difference in the use of these drugs during a consultation with a specialist. After all, it is correct and proper use medications promote a speedy recovery.

Video on the use of strong analgesics

In this video, therapist Igor Sedin will tell you how safe it is to use such strong painkillers:

Ketorol tablets, ampoules, injections: instructions and indications for use

The drug Ketorol (in Latin “Ketorol”, international generic name(INN) "Ketorolac") has an anti-inflammatory effect and analgesic effect. It also has antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Indications for use

Ketorol is a universal non-steroidal pain reliever strong action. The drug Ketorol (in injections and tablets) blocks pain syndromes of any origin (headache, toothache, pain during menstruation, myalgia, pain due to oncology, postoperative pain, pain in the joints, with injuries, dislocations, etc.).

Composition, description, release form, cost

Release form Ketorol - tablets, ointment, gel for external use, injection solution (method of administration - intramuscular and intravenous).

One tablet contains:

  • active ingredient – ​​ketorolac tromethamine 10 mg;
  • additional substances - lactose, corn starch, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium oxide, others.

Solution for injection (1 ml) contains:

  • ketorolac tromethamine 30 mg;
  • additionally - alcohol, sodium chloride, disodium edetate, water for injection, octoxynol, etc.

How much the drug costs depends on the country, city, and pharmacy. Average price tablets (20 pcs.): Ukraine – 40 UAH, Russia -50 RUR; gel: Ukraine – 65 UAH, Russia -210 RUR. ; ampoules (10 pcs): Ukraine – 105 UAH, Russia – 140 RUR.

This NSAID is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. However, with a severe overdose, symptoms similar to those taken may occur. narcotic drugs. Do not overdose, because it is life-threatening.


In search of cheaper and more effective medicines, many people buy similar drugs, that is, similar in active substances and effects on the body.

The main substitutes for Ketorol are:

Analogues are also sold in the form of tablets, capsules and ampoules. Ketoprofen and diclofenac have the lowest prices.

Ketorol or Ketonal, which is better and stronger?

Both drugs are very similar, because they belong to the same pharmacological group, they are just released different manufacturers. The main difference is that they have different active substances. Ketorol is based on ketorolac, ketonal is based on ketoprofen.

Ketanol can be taken regularly as needed, it is well absorbed by the body, and it is better to limit the intake of ketorol, since if abused it can lead to bleeding in the stomach or intestines. Although, when comparing the instructions of both drugs, ketonal has a larger list of side effects.

Instructions for use Ketorol

This drug in tablets must be taken once to relieve pain. In case of exacerbation of pain, it is recommended to use no more than 4 tablets of 10 mg per day and for a duration of no more than 5 days.

For injuries, bruises, radiculitis, use a gel for external use. It is applied to dry, cleansed skin no more than 4 times a day with an intensity of more than 4 hours.

Ketorol injections: instructions for use

The injection solution is administered intramuscularly in the minimum effective dose, which is determined by the attending physician, and also depending on the reaction of the patient’s body.

If necessary, compatibility with opioid analgesics in small doses is allowed.

In the case of an intramuscular injection, patients under 65 years of age are given an injection in a dosage of mg; for people older than this age or with kidney disease, the dose should not exceed 15 mg.

With regular use of Ketorol Injections, the doses remain the same, the interval between injections should be 4-6 hours, the total course duration should be no more than 5 days.

Is Ketorol prescribed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, breastfeeding and lactation, taking the drug is strictly prohibited.

Is it possible to use Ketorol for pain relief in animals?

No, this drug It is not used to relieve pain in cats and dogs, since it is very strong and can even lead to the death of the animal.

What to use if conventional painkillers do not help?

Ketorol is quite a strong drug. Even if it doesn’t help, but there is an urgent need to take painkillers, if prescribed by a doctor (by prescription), then you can use stronger drugs.

Contraindications, overdose

The medicine Ketorol has the following contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to the active substance;
  • erosions or stomach ulcers;
  • liver failure;
  • renal failure;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • pregnancy, lactation, breastfeeding;
  • admission up to 16 years of age;
  • at surgical operations(due to the risk of bleeding);
  • caution - with asthma, heart failure, cholecystitis, active hepatitis, mucosal polyps.

In case of overdose, the following body reactions are possible:

  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • formation of stomach ulcers;
  • deterioration of kidney function;
  • abdominal pain.

In case of overdose, you must immediately rinse your stomach and drink activated carbon or its derivatives, seek help from a hospital.

Side effects

Maximum percentage of manifestation side effects when taking the drug Ketorol is 3%.

The most severe side effects are:

Bragina G.I., Vinogradova L.A., Gorshkova Yu.M., Erokhin V.V., Litvinova D.O., Sivkova S.K., Stremoukhov A.A.
Department of General medical practice Moscow medical academy them. THEM. Sechenov
Medical center Business Administration Russian Academy sciences

The famous Australian doctor J. Murtagh in his book “Doctor's Handbook general practice"(1998) lists the complaints with which the patient most often seeks medical care(Table 1).

Table 1.

Of the eighteen reasons for requests, eight contain the word “pain.” Indeed, pain often dominates the structure of patient visits to the clinic. Moreover, the general practitioner has to deal with pain syndromes that have different nosological origins, which determines the diversity diagnostic measures, and the need to choose adequate treatment tactics.

The arsenal of remedies offered to solve the problem of pain is quite wide, so the doctor’s choice of a drug must be well reasoned. As a rule, preference is given to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which is absolutely logical, since inflammation is the basis of pain.

One of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that deserves attention is ketorol (ketorolacatrimethamine). It has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties due to inhibition of cyclooxygenase (mainly in peripheral tissues) and, as a consequence, inhibition of the biosynthesis of prostaglandins - modulators of pain sensitivity, thermoregulation and inflammation. Ketorol is well absorbed into gastrointestinal tract; after intramuscular injection 30 mg of the drug, its maximum concentration in the blood plasma is achieved after 50 minutes. Ketorol is metabolized in the liver to form conjugated and hydroxylated forms, which are excreted through the kidneys. The half-life of the drug averages 5.3 hours.

We have studied the effectiveness and safety of using ketorol in patients with acute pain syndrome of various origins in outpatient practice.

The study was carried out in clinics No. 37, No. 56 and No. 102 of the Moscow Department of Health and in clinic No. 3 of the Central clinical hospital Russian Academy of Sciences.

95 patients (35 men and 60 women) aged from 20 to 68 years were observed ( middle age- 54.6±10.6 years). Pain syndrome in patients was caused by the following diseases: arthropathy (rheumatoid arthritis - 1, gouty arthritis- 2, deforming osteoarthritis - 37 cases), dorsopathy (osteochondrosis - 30), spondylopathy (ankylosing spondiditis - 1, spondylosis - 1), soft tissue lesions (tenosynovitis - 3, bursitis - 1, neuralgia - 6, neuritis - 2), injuries of the musculoskeletal system (fractures - 2, bruises - 3), pulpitis - 1, postoperative fistula of the anterior abdominal wall - 1, urolithiasis- 2, ingrown nail - 1, heel spur- 1, chronic venous insufficiency- 1 case. There were no contraindications for the use of the drugs.

At the beginning of the study, 34 patients (36%) had previous therapy with analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (mainly in the form of ointments, gels), the effect of which was absent or insignificant.

The patients were divided into 2 groups comparable by gender, age, nature of the disease and severity of pain. Patients of group I (52 people) received ketorol. Patients of group II (43 people) received a comparison drug - ketoprofen. Maximum duration treatment was 5 days. On the first day, the drugs were administered mainly intramuscularly, and over the next 4 days - orally. The doses of drugs and the frequency of their administration depended on the severity of the pain syndrome. The maximum single and daily doses of drugs are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

Preparation Parenteral use Oral use Course duration (max.)
Single dose(Max.) Frequency of reception (max.) Daily dose(Max.) Single dose (max.) Frequency of reception (max.) Daily dose (max.)
Ketorol 30 mg 3 90 mg 10 mg 4 40 mg 5 days
Ketoprofen 100 mg 2 200 mg 50 mg 3 200 mg 5 days

Parenteral administration of the drug was carried out in medical institution by a doctor or under his supervision - nurse. Oral administration The drug was administered by the patient independently, according to indications, in a single, daily and course dose recommended by the doctor.

Pain syndrome was assessed by doctors and patients during everyday activities and habitual physical activity: during the first day on a visual analogue scale (VAS, 0-100) after each dose of the drug (after 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 2 hours, 6 hours); from the second to the fifth day of treatment on a 4-point scale:

  • 0 - no pain
  • 1 - minimal pain
  • 2 - medium pain
  • 3 - significant pain.

The overall assessment of the effectiveness of treatment was carried out by patients and doctors on a 4-point scale:

  • 0 - no effect
  • 1 - minimal effect
  • 2 - average effect
  • 3 - high effect.

Treatment was stopped upon expiration of the maximum course period of use of the study drugs, as well as before the expiration of this period, in case of complete relief of pain syndrome, achievement of stable therapeutic effect, development of hypersensitivity reactions, the appearance of unwanted side effects, the occurrence of any other force majeure circumstances or at the request of the patient.

All stages of patient management and aspects of the study were recorded in an observation diary, sealed with the patient’s signature and the doctor’s signature and personal seal.

Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the Statistika 6.0 software package (StatSoft, USA). The mean and standard deviation (M±SD) were calculated to describe the results. Differences at p were considered statistically significant. Research results:

The assessment of pain syndrome according to VAS after administration of the first dose of drugs on the first day of treatment is presented in Table 3, from which it can be seen that a significant analgesic effect of the drug is observed after 15 minutes, significantly increases and lasts up to 6 hours.

Table 3.

Evaluation time Pain rating, VAS (0-100) pI-II
Group I (ketorol) Group II (ketoprofen)
1. Before treatment 83.8 ± 11.6 81.0 ± 10.8 >0,05
2. After 15 minutes. 55.0 ±21.9 58.7 ±19.1 >0,05
3. After 30 min. 44.0 ± 19.5 46.5 ± 19.3 >0,05
4. After 2 hours 31.4± 16.4 36.0 ± 12.9 >0,05
5. After 6 hours 39.8 ±20.8 46.7 ± 14.0 >0,05
p1-5<0,05 p1-5<0,05

Over the subsequent days of regular use of the drugs, a significant regression of the pain syndrome is observed (Table 4), and when using Ketorol, a positive effect is achieved with a dynamically decreasing daily dose of the drug (Fig. 1).

Table 4.

Days Pain Score (average score) pI-II
Group I (ketorol) Group II (ketoprofen)
day 2 1.8 ± 0.6 2.0 ± 0.4 >0,05
day 3 1.6 ± 0.7 1.8 ± 0.4 >0,05
day 4 1.4 ± 0.7 1.6 ± 0.6 >0,05
day 5 1.3 ± 0.6 1.2 ± 0.7 >0,05
p2-4, p2-5<0,05 p2-3, p2-4, p2-5<0,05

Rice. 1. Dynamics of average daily doses of drugs during treatment

In general, the therapy was well tolerated in patients of both groups. Only 10 patients (11%) had side effects: 4 patients from the first group and 6 patients from the second group (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Side effects noted by patients when using drugs.

When taking ketorol, discomfort and pain in the epigastric region were noted - 2 cases (on the third and fifth day), dizziness - 1 case (on the first day) and difficulty urinating - 1 case (on the second day).

When taking ketoprofen, discomfort and pain in the epigastric region were observed - 3 cases (on the third day, in two cases the patients agreed with the doctor), bloating and loose stools - 3 cases (on the third and fourth days).

The overall assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment performed by both the patient and the doctor was almost identical. The data is presented in Table 5 (quantitative indicators and average score).

Table 5.

Performance rating (score) Group I (ketorol), n (%) Group II (ketoprofen), n (%)
Patient's opinion Doctor's opinion Patient's opinion Doctor's opinion
3 20 (38%) 22 (42%) 19 (44%) 18 (42%)
2 30 (58%) 28 (54%) 18 (42%) 17 (40%)
1 1 (2%) 2 (4%) 6 (14%) 8 (18%)
0 1 (2%) 0 0 0
Average score 2.33±0.08 2.38±0.07 2.30±0.10 2.23±0.11
p>0.05 p>0.05

Thus, the study demonstrated the clinical effectiveness and safety of average therapeutic doses of ketorol in the treatment of patients with acute pain syndrome of various origins for 5 days. When using ketorol, a faster regression of pain syndrome was noted on the first day of treatment and more good and excellent treatment results (96%; average score 2.38 0.07), compared with ketoprofen (82-86%; average score 2.23 0.11), as well as fewer side effects (4 vs. 6 ), which did not lead to the need to discontinue the drug.

Pain management is the most common process in all of medicine. There are many ways to relieve a wide variety of pain (from using any cold object to operational methods), however, one of the simplest, most common and effective is medication, namely by taking pills.

Today, drugs such as Ketorol and Ketonal are extremely popular. These drugs can be used both in tablet form and in injection form, but tablets, due to their ease of use, high availability and the same high efficiency In terms of prevalence, they are replacing the injectable forms of these drugs.

Every person should clearly know that despite the very similar names and general class medications Ketonal and Ketorol are different drugs. This difference needs to be understood in detail.

Ketonal is a drug that is analgesic (which is the main one) and to some (much lesser) extent anti-inflammatory.

The name "Ketonal" is a trade name, while the active substance of this product- Ketoprofen. Ketoprofen is an analgesic that inhibits the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, as well as some mediators of pain and inflammation (bradykinin and lipoxygenase).

Ketonal is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the form of tablets, gels for external use and injection solution (for intravenous and intramuscular administration). In practice, this drug is most often used for tension headaches, where it undoubtedly demonstrates its effectiveness.

Ketonal also copes with pain in the joints due to arthritis and bursitis, with various minor injuries (bruises, sprains, etc.), as well as with neuralgia of a number of nerves (only the attending physician who knows everything can give accurate information about a specific neuralgia characteristics of the disease and the human body as a whole). Ketonal can also be effective for moderate menstrual pain.

Ketorol – medicine belonging to the class NSAIDs(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Kerolol is also known by the name of its active substance (Ketorolac). Between Ketoro and Ketorolac you can put an equal sign in the same way as between Ketonal and Ketoprofen, mentioned above. Ketorol exhibits the following effects:

  • Anesthetic.
  • Antipyretic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.

In practice highest value have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The release forms of Ketorol do not differ from those of Ketonal.

The action of Ketorol is also based on the inhibition of COX enzymes (cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2). Indications for use of Ketorol:

  • Migraine pain.
  • Toothache.
  • Postoperative period (pain in the area of ​​postoperative wounds).
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Pain in inflamed joints.
  • Neurological pain.
  • Severe pain during menstruation.

What do they have in common?

Thus, it can be concluded that these two drugs are very close to each other. They are united by such characteristics as:

  • Presence of analgesic effect.
  • The presence of anti-inflammatory action.
  • The same mechanism of action is inhibition of the activity of cyclooxygenase enzymes.
  • Identical release forms.
  • Over-the-counter release from pharmacies. Ketorol and Ketonal are equally accessible, since anyone can purchase these drugs without a doctor's prescription.
  • Similar indications for use (some).
  • Proven effectiveness.
  • Rapid onset of effect.

Differences between Ketonal and Ketorol

However, despite the seemingly absolute identity of these drugs, they also have a number of differences, due to the presence of which it is completely erroneous to identify them with each other.

First of all, you need to focus on the fact that Ketorol is undoubtedly a more powerful remedy, than Ketonal. The effect of Ketorol occurs faster in time, it is stronger and longer lasting if we analyze the use for the same condition. In some cases, for example, with cancer, severe dental pain, postoperative pain, Ketonal will not have an analgesic effect at all.

Ketor also has a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect (which is why it is included in the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, unlike Ketonal) and antipyretic effect (Ketonal does not have this at all).

The greater power of the drug "Ketorol" entails a wider range of side effects. These are similar to the side effects of Ketonal, but they are more severe and more common. A similar picture exists with contraindications.

Which one is better, when and for whom?

If you are in doubt about choosing one of these products, you should be guided by the following factors:

  • Intensity of pain and presence/absence of inflammation and elevated temperature bodies.
  • Availability concomitant diseases organs and organ systems that are targets for side effects (liver, auditory analyzer cardiovascular system, excretory, etc.).
  • General condition of the body (in more weakened patients, especially in the elderly and old age It is advisable to use lighter drugs due to the lower likelihood of side effects of the drug, for example, peptic ulcers of the stomach, dysfunction of the liver, heart, kidneys, etc.).
  • Availability absolute readings to the use of Ketorol or Ketonal, which were described above.
  • Individual tolerance to the components of one and another drug (presence of allergic manifestations).

Thus, we can draw a simple conclusion that Ketorol and Ketonal are very similar, but at the same time have a number of serious differences, which once again confirms the need to carefully study the drugs before independent use, provided that you are fully aware of the condition of your body.