Basic essential microelements. Basic microelements in the body and their importance

Microelements (micronutrients) – essential substances, on which the vital activity of organisms depends.

They are not a source of energy, but are responsible for vital chemical reactions. Needed in very small quantities ( daily norm measured in milli- and micrograms, less than 200 mg).

If the human body is subject to careful analysis, it becomes clear: we consist of different types chemical compounds, 30 of which are microelements. They are responsible for optimal performance human body, and their deficiency has an extremely negative impact on the health of adults and the development of children.

Micronutrients: what are they?

The group of micronutrients in science is usually divided into 2 categories: essential substances (vital); conditionally essential (important for the body, but rarely in deficiency).

Essential microsubstances are: iron (Fe); copper (Cu); iodine (I); zinc (Zn); cobalt (Co); chromium (Cr); molybdenum (Mo); selenium (Se); manganese (Mn).

Conditionally essential micronutrients: ; bromine (Br); fluorine (F); lithium (Li); nickel (Ni); silicon (Si); vanadium (V).

According to another classification, microelements are divided into 3 categories:

  • stable elements: Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, B, Si, F, I (available in amounts of about 0.05%);
  • 20 elements that are present in concentrations below 0.001%;
  • a subgroup of polluting elements, a stable excess of which leads to diseases (Mn, He, Ar, Hg, Tl, Bi, Al, Cr, Cd).

Almost all biochemical processes depend on the balance of microelements. And even though they required quantity determined by micrograms, but the role of these nutrients is enormous. In particular, the quality of metabolism, synthesis of hormones and vitamins in the body depends on microelements. These microsubstances strengthen the immune system, promote hematopoiesis, proper development and growth bone tissue. The balance of alkali and acids and the performance of the reproductive system depend on them. At the cellular level, they support the functionality of membranes; in tissues, they promote oxygen metabolism.

Scientists say that chemical composition fluid in the cells of the human body resembles the formula sea ​​water in prehistoric times. This is achieved by combining important microelements. And when the body experiences a lack of one or another substance, it begins to “suck” them out of itself (from the tissues where nutrients have accumulated).

Any disharmony of microelements is almost always the development of many diseases and pathological changes in the body.

And as some studies say, an imbalance of microsubstances of varying intensity is diagnosed in every third inhabitant of the planet.

Among the reasons causing shortage or excess useful elements, most often it turns out:

  • poor environment;
  • psychological tension, stressful situations;
  • poor nutrition;
  • long-term use of certain medications.

To understand what microelements a person lacks, and also to find out the exact level of deficiency, can only be done in a laboratory by donating blood for biochemical analysis. But nutrient imbalance can also be seen by some external signs.

Most likely, the person is experiencing a shortage useful substances If:

  • often exposed to viral diseases;
  • signs of weakened immunity are obvious;
  • the condition of hair, nails, skin has worsened (acne, rashes have appeared);
  • became irritable and prone to depression.

Conditions caused by a lack of microelements

In addition, having carefully analyzed the state of your health, even without laboratory research Sometimes you can determine exactly what micronutrient the body needs and what it lacks at a given time:

By the way, interesting fact regarding hair. It is by their structure that it is easiest to determine micronutrient deficiency. Typically, hair contains from 20 to 30 microsubstances, while a blood or urine test will show the level of no more than 10 useful substances in the body.

How to keep balance

There are several rules for restoring the balance of microelements. There is nothing complicated or new in them, but in the modern rhythm of life we ​​sometimes forget about these advice from doctors.

First of all, it is important to take care of your health nervous system, visit regularly fresh air and eat right.

After all best source Most microelements are natural, environmentally friendly food.

By the way, if we talk about food sources, then most micronutrients are found in plant foods. The leader among products of animal origin could be called, which contains 22 microelements. Meanwhile, the concentration of nutrients in it is so low that it is impossible to talk about milk as a product that can provide a balance of substances. Therefore, nutritionists insist on the importance of a balanced and varied diet.

But according to biologists, it would be a mistake to think that, for example, all tomatoes in the world have an identical set of microelements. And even if a product contains the same nutrients, their amounts may differ significantly. These indicators are influenced by soil quality, plant variety and frequency of precipitation. Sometimes even vegetables of the same variety collected from the same bed can differ significantly in their chemical composition.

Causes of micronutrient deficiency:

  • poor ecology, which affects the mineral and salt composition of water;
  • improper heat treatment of products (leads to almost 100 percent loss of nutrients);
  • illnesses digestive system(prevents proper absorption of microsubstances);
  • poor nutrition (mono-diet).
Table of microelements content in products
Microelement Benefits for the body Consequences of shortage Sources
Iron Essential for blood circulation and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Anemia. Beans, grains, peaches, apricots, blueberries.
Copper Promotes the formation of red blood particles, the absorption of iron, and maintains skin elasticity. Anemia, skin pigmentation, mental disorders, pathological decrease in body temperature. Seafood, nuts.
Zinc It is important for the production of insulin, takes part in the synthesis of hormones, and strengthens the immune system. Decreased immunity, development of depression, hair loss. Buckwheat, nuts, cereals, seeds (pumpkin), beans, bananas.
Iodine Supports thyroid function and nerve cells, antimicrobial substance. Goiter, delayed development (mental) in children. Sea kale.
Manganese Promotes exchange fatty acids, regulates cholesterol levels. Atherosclerosis, increased cholesterol. Nuts, beans, grains.
Cobalt Activates insulin production and promotes protein formation. Improper metabolism. Strawberries, wild strawberries, legumes, beets.
Selenium Antioxidant, prevents the development cancer cells, delays aging, strengthens the immune system. Shortness of breath, arrhythmia, weakened immunity, frequent infectious diseases. Seafood, mushrooms, different varieties grapes
Fluorine Strengthens bones, teeth, maintains enamel health. Fluorosis, gum and dental diseases. All vegetarian food, water.
Chromium Participates in the processing of carbohydrates and the production of insulin. Increased blood sugar, development of diabetes, improper absorption of glucose. Mushrooms, whole grains.
Molybdenum Activates metabolism, promotes lipid breakdown. Impaired metabolism, disruptions in the digestive system. Spinach, different varieties of cabbage, black currants, gooseberries.
Bromine Has sedative properties, strengthens the body in case of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases, relieves cramps. Slow growth in children, decreased hemoglobin, insomnia, miscarriages different dates pregnancy. Nuts, legumes, grains, algae, sea fish.

Microelements are essential beneficial substances for humans. Metabolic processes, the development and growth of the child, the functioning of all systems (including reproductive), and the maintenance of performance and immunity depend on them. And since the body is not able to synthesize micronutrients on its own, it is important to take care of the rational and balanced diet to replenish supplies of necessary elements daily.

The human body is a complex mechanism where, like engineering, everything is interconnected, interdependent and requires clear dosages. Proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements are part of this mechanism. So, let’s look at the work of an important “engineering detail” - microelements, which represent a whole group of substances.

Role in the human body

Microelements are those contained in human body in small quantities chemical elements. And although there are only thousandths of them in our body, they make up 4% of our weight, but they are needed for normal functioning body. These small substances come with food, water, air, and individual organs have reserves of necessary microelements.

Their functions in the body are different; many metals are included in enzymes and thereby ensure their activity. There are about two hundred metal enzymes. Some microelements are part of the active compounds. So, for example, iodine is a component of hormones thyroid gland, iron - hemoglobin, magnesium - chlorophyll. Deficiency or excess of chemical elements causes diseases. Our body needs zinc and iodine, fluorine and silicon, phosphorus and copper, manganese and iron, potassium and calcium, copper and silver, chromium and selenium, and other lesser-known substances.

So, let's consider the role of specific microelements in the life processes of our body.

  1. Iron. It is integral part proteins, hemoglobin. It is important for providing the body with oxygen, ATP and DNA synthesis, and detoxification processes. Iron supports the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Iodine. One of its main functions is to regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and protect against radiation. Iodine is a component of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. This microelement supports the functioning of the central nervous system and affects mental activity and is especially needed for people who are engaged in intellectual work.
  3. Calcium. In the body, 99% of calcium is found in bones and teeth. And 1% of it plays the role of an intracellular element. Calcium takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses, is responsible for the balance of excitation and inhibition in the brain, and affects the activity of enzymes. It reduces blood cholesterol and is a factor in intracellular signaling.
  4. Magnesium. IN healthy body contains 25 g of magnesium, mainly in bones. It is a component of enzymes and affects energy processes in organs and tissues, in particular the heart and muscles. Magnesium has a cardioprotective function, having a beneficial effect on the heart, improving the supply of oxygen to the myocardium. However, magnesium has vasodilator effect and reduces blood pressure. This microelement is known for its anti-stress properties. It normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and its parts in combination with vitamin B6. Magnesium prevents vascular complications for diabetes, helps relieve bronchospasm, has a beneficial effect on a woman’s reproductive function, preventing the development of preeclampsia and miscarriages.
  5. Copper. It takes part in the processes of hemoglobin biosynthesis, and its deficiency, like iron, can provoke anemia. Copper - component antioxidant protection body, it increases insulin activity and promotes the utilization of carbohydrates. The microelement is involved in the formation of proteins known to women such as collagen and elastin, which serve as an integral part healthy looking skin. Copper also takes part in the formation of nerve sheaths, the destruction of which is the cause of sclerosis.
  6. Selenium. It is a catalyst for the work of vitamin E and increases it antioxidant activity. Selenium is found in proteins muscle tissue, has antimutagenic and radioprotective properties. It improves reproductive function and regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  7. Silver. It has a bactericidal, antiseptic effect and is effective against 650 types of bacteria. Silver - natural antibiotic our body against viruses.
  8. Phosphorus. Inorganic phosphorus is part of bone tissue and supports acid-base balance. Phosphorus compounds are part of nucleic acids and take part in cell growth and storage of genetic information.
  9. Chromium. Its role is to regulate carbohydrate metabolism and support the permeability of cell membranes to glucose. Chromium deficiency can cause diabetes and its development in pregnant women. Microelement plays a role in prevention diabetes mellitus and heart disease.
  10. Zinc. Required for DNA and RNA to function. It affects the synthesis of testosterone in men and is part of female hormones estrogen, prevents the occurrence of immunodeficiency, stimulates antiviral protection. Zinc has wound-healing properties and is needed for normal operation The central nervous system is especially important for memory.

Compatibility of vitamins and microelements

Being an analogue of an engineering mechanism, our body has patterns of combination of microelements and vitamins. So, let's find out about their compatibility:

  1. Calcium. It is recommended to use it with vitamins B6, B12, K, D. These vitamins improve the absorption of calcium and reduce its excretion. By the way, just one cup of coffee reduces calcium levels in the body by 2-3 mg.
  2. Iron. It must be taken with vitamins A, C, B2. Iron makes it difficult to absorb vitamins B12 and E. It is better not to consume iron with magnesium and calcium. They exacerbate each other's deficits.
  3. Phosphorus. Its absorption is aided by vitamin D (erogocalciferol)
  4. Copper. It does not combine well with vitamin B12 and zinc.
  5. Magnesium. It promotes better absorption B vitamins, as well as calcium. Increased quantity magnesium is a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus.
  6. Zinc. The microelement is compatible with vitamins B2, B6. It doesn't go well with folic acid(vitamin B9).
  7. Chromium. Vitamin C improves its absorption.
  8. Selenium enhances the effect of vitamin E and its antioxidant properties.

So, the synergy (positive interaction) of vitamins and microelements is important for supporting the health of our body and proper treatment of emerging diseases.

Lack of microelements

Despite the fact that microelements occupy a small part of body weight, they are important for the interconnected functioning of the body. It should be taken into account that the presence bad habits is a factor in reducing the functions of microelements. Their work is also negatively affected by a polluted environment.

The cause of micronutrient deficiency may be poor-quality water and the use of certain medications that impair their absorption in our body.

According to statistics, 90% of the adult population of the CIS countries suffers from a lack of vitamins and microelements. The impact of micronutrient deficiencies on health is demonstrated by the fact that every year respiratory diseases Approximately 14 million people are affected. By duration human life Russia ranks 63rd, Ukraine 75th, and Belarus 53rd in the world. And one of the main reasons for this is, according to UN experts, the unfavorable environmental situation. In addition, the reduction average duration Doctors explain this by the deterioration of people’s nutrition and the unnaturalness of the food they consume.

If we talk about the specific impact of micronutrient deficiency on the body, then this is a decrease in immunity and diseases of the hair, skin, diabetes and obesity, hypertension and heart disease, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis and scoliosis. Often, a lack of microelements causes allergies, bronchial asthma, colitis and gastritis, infertility and decreased potency. Symptoms of micronutrient deficiency may include delayed physical and mental development.

It should be emphasized that trace elements are not synthesized in our body. The balance of these substances is maintained by food consumption. But the same statistics show that every year the amount of microelements in our products is progressively falling.

Moreover, if cells sense a deficiency of microelements, then the body absorbs radioactive substances, similar in structure to deficient ones. For example, instead of calcium, strontium is absorbed, potassium is replaced by cesium, selenium by tellurium, and zinc by mercury. There is no point in talking about the “benefits” of such a replacement, because everyone understands that this is a great danger.

So, small but very important parts of our body - microelements - are important for health. Therefore, we must pay attention to the use natural products where these substances are contained in sufficient quantities.

Human body - extremely complex mechanism, everything in it is interconnected.

An important cog in such a mechanism is chemical elements.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency:

  • increased production of thyroid hormones;
  • goiter formation;
  • the occurrence of iodine deficiency pathologies: from weight loss to deafness.


The deficit manifests itself as follows:

  • fatigue, problems with;
  • nervousness;
  • deterioration;
  • loss taste sensations, impaired sense of smell;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • diarrhea;
  • anemia;
  • skin diseases;
  • defeats;
  • decrease, impotence.


Its deficiency is quite common, its reasons: low consumption of natural products containing manganese, refined food, poor environmental situation, heavy loads on the psyche. Symptoms:

  • weakness, dizziness, vomiting;
  • decreased activity;
  • spasms and cramps, muscle pain and pain;
  • arthritis;
  • violations ;
  • violations ;


Main manifestations of shortage:

  • weakness, decrease;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • CNS disorders;
  • illnesses endocrine system and lungs.


Caries appears, bones weaken, nails break, hair falls out.


Decreased, weakened immunity, often occur, skin diseases, wounds heal slowly, falls, and impotence develops. Taking some (paracetamol, sulfates, anti-malaria drugs, phenacetin) leads to deficiency.


Its deficiency is rare. To date, only one symptom of nickel deficiency has been identified - dermatitis.

Manifests itself in a slowdown in children, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood,. Deficiency can increase the risk of miscarriage and significantly reduce life expectancy.


It manifests itself in elevated levels of triglycerides and phospholipids, underestimated, which provokes atherosclerosis.


Boron deficiency or disruption of its metabolism leads to osteoporosis, urolithiasis, hyperchromic anemia, thrombocytopenia, growth inhibition, decreased mental abilities.


Cases of microelement deficiency are extremely rare, but they do happen. Manifestation of deficiency: mineral imbalance internal organs, hearing impairment, growth retardation, development of alopecia (pathological).


Indicators: weakness of bone tissue, which leads to osteoporosis, fractures, loss, increase in level, development of atherosclerosis.


To date, there is no information about the symptoms of aluminum deficiency.

Overview table of sufficient micronutrient content in foods

The table shows those containing the most microelements:

Products Elements
Fe Cu I Zn Mn Cr Mo Co F Se Ni Br V B Sn Si Al
Cereals + +
Unrefined grain +
Bran +
+ + + + + + +
Soybeans +
+ + +
Brown rice +
+ + +
+ + +
Semolina +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + + + +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + +
Cauliflower +
Pepper +
+ + +
+ +
+ + +
Plums +
Cherry +
Prunes +

29 . 04.2017

A tale about microelements in the human body and their significance. You will learn what, in addition to microelements, is included in the body's cells and what minerals are. I will show you a table of the content of basic microelements in food and tell you why spectral analysis of hair is used. Let's go!

- Why did you bring this mountain of stones?! - Ivan was indignant, trying in vain to get through a pile of cobblestones to the door to his wife’s bedchamber.

“You yourself said: “My wife needs vitamins and minerals,” the Serpent reminded philosophically, looking at the claws. - The minerals are here, and the vitamins are in the beds...

Hello friends! The commonly heard name “minerals” is not entirely correct when it comes to what microelements are needed to maintain balance in the human body, and their importance. To understand what the difference is, I suggest short excursion into inanimate nature, closely related to life itself.

Macro and microelements

There are a number of elements in the periodic table that have great value For biological life. Plants, animals and humans need various substances that allow us to function normally.

Some of these agents that are part of the body's cells are called macronutrients, because they make up at least one hundredth of a percent of our entire body. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen are the basis of protein, fats and carbohydrates, and organic acids.

Following them, slightly inferior in quantity, comes a number of things that are indispensable for the construction of living cells - chlorine, calcium and potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, sulfur and sodium.

Human cell

In addition to them, there are a number of elements that are contained in us in negligible quantities - less than a hundredth of a percent. Why is their concentration so important? Excess or deficiency significantly affects many biochemical processes of a living object.

Such agents are named - microelements. Their general property- they are not formed in a living organism. In order for the internal balance of cells to be maintained, they must be supplied with food in sufficient quantities.

Don't look for gems in a box

All gardeners know that a plant will not grow without natural fertilizers. The man saved Gumat 7 for him, but what for himself? Special dietary supplements.

Compilers of product brands and advertising often use the wrong name: “vitamin-mineral complex.” The word "mineral" taken from foreign language, in Russian means a natural body with a crystalline lattice. For example, diamond is a mineral, and its constituent carbon is a trace element.

Let’s not find fault with the name, let’s say that according to proven information alone there are at least three dozen of them, and no one can vouch for how many more are contained in such tiny doses that it is impossible to detect with any device.

Here, for example, is a group of microelements that everyone knows:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt.

And many others. It is impossible without selenium good eyesight, and without iron, red blood cells, responsible for transporting oxygen to our cells, cannot exist. Phosphorus is needed by our neurocytes - brain cells, and a lack of fluoride will cause problems with teeth. Magnesium is important for, and a lack of iodine leads to the development of serious pathology. And all of them should be present in our diet.

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Where, where have you gone?

What leads to a lack of certain macro- and microelements? Since in most cases food is responsible for entering the body, a deficiency or excess arises from its inferiority.

Among them there are antagonists that interfere with the absorption of each other (for example, potassium and sodium).

In general, the reasons may be:

  • increased background radiation, increasing the need for certain substances;
  • insufficiently mineralized water;
  • geological specificity of the region of residence (for example, chronic iodine deficiency causes endemic goiter);
  • poor nutrition, monotony of dishes;
  • diseases causing accelerated elimination certain elements from the body (for example, irritable bowel syndrome);
  • and bleeding in the body;
  • , drugs, some medications that prevent the absorption of a number of elements or bind them;
  • hereditary pathologies.

The most important of the above is the type of food. It is precisely because of the lack of microelements we need in food that we most often become deficient. But excess is also harmful. For example, table salt contains both sodium and chlorine, but if consumed in large quantities, it can lead to hypertension and kidney problems.

What for what?

To make it clearer why these insignificant specks of dust are so important minerals, let me give you a few examples:

  • nails need calcium and phosphorus, otherwise they will become thick and brittle;
  • bromine reduces the excitability of nerve cells and is useful for stress, but its excess can suppress sexual function;
  • but manganese;
  • copper helps absorb iron by being part of some enzymes;
  • chrome is needed for;
  • zinc is the basis, metabolism directly depends on it;
  • Cobalt is contained in vitamin B12, which is necessary for hematopoiesis.

Not all microelements and vitamins are compatible with each other. Many medications inhibit the absorption of certain beneficial substances. You need to remember this before buying “vitamin-mineral” complexes at the pharmacy. It is better to have them prescribed by a doctor based on specific needs.

To determine the deficiency, the method is now used spectral analysis hair. This procedure is painless, you just need to sacrifice a couple of small strands. But it will be clear whether health problems are really associated with a lack of something in the body.

  • accumulation of cholesterol;
  • impotence.
  • For full life you need to know from what food you can get what and in what quantity. I will provide below a table of the content of essential microelements in food products:

    Obviously, one vegetable or fruit cannot fill everything you need. For example, a banana contains a lot of potassium and calcium, but not enough of some other components.

    To improve your health and get rid of excess weight, mineral balance is as important as any other. After all, many substances are directly related to metabolic processes in our cells. Using this knowledge along with my video "Active Weight Loss Course" , everyone can significantly improve their life and well-being.

    That's all for today.
    Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog.
    And let's move on!

    In human life, in addition to fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, chemical elements play a huge role. A significant portion of the elements can be found in the human body periodic table DI. Mendeleev. Thus, over 70 chemical elements have now been discovered that are contained in the tissues of the body in various quantities(macro- and microelements).

    Macronutrients- chemical elements, the content of which is calculated in grams in the human body. Macroelements include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, iron, etc. The body's need for macronutrient minerals is great.

    Microelements– these are zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine and others. Their amount in the body is measured in micrograms.

    Macro- and microelements ensure the normal functioning of the main systems of the body (muscular - involved in the process of muscle contraction, digestive and cardiovascular).

    Their shortage or complete absence can lead to serious illnesses, and to the death of the organism.

    From large quantity macro- and microelements, we will analyze some necessary for life, which are often included in the complex of multivitamins with microelements.


    The main role in the body is is part of enzymes, affecting growth, takes part in nitrogen metabolism, influences copper metabolism. Promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, is an important part of the enzyme responsible for the utilization of iron, as a result of which it helps prevent anemia.


    Main role in the body– affects the activity of sex and gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. Increases the activity of enzymes: intestinal and bone phosphatases, catalyzing hydrolysis. It also participates in fat, protein and vitamin metabolism, and in the processes of hematopoiesis.

    Flaw - there is growth retardation, overexcitation of the nervous system and fatigue quickly. Skin damage occurs with thickening of the epidermis, swelling of the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus, weakening and hair loss. Zinc deficiency can lead to increased accumulation of iron, copper, cadmium, and lead. Zinc deficiency also leads to infertility. With a lack of zinc, children lag behind in development and suffer pustular diseases skin and mucous membranes.

    Excess- retards growth and disrupts bone mineralization. Excess leads to deficiency of iron, copper, cadmium.

    The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: , .


    Main role in the body– has an antioxidant effect, slowing down aging, helps prevent the growth of abnormal cells, and strengthens the immune system. In combination with vitamins A, C and E, it protects against the occurrence of oncological diseases, helps with arthritis, destroys substances harmful to the body (protects the body from heavy metals). Increases the body's endurance by increasing the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. Selenium is necessary for the formation of proteins; supports the normal functioning of the liver, thyroid gland, pancreas. It is one of the components of sperm, important for maintaining reproductive function.

    Flaw– at the same time, arsenic and cadmium accumulate in the body, which, in turn, aggravate selenium deficiency.

    Excess- can cause liver enlargement up to 3 cm and pain in the right hypochondrium, pain in the limbs, cramps, a feeling of numbness; may lead to calcium deficiency.

    The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: , .


    Main role in the body– is a component of hemoglobin, complex iron-protein complexes and a number of enzymes that enhance respiration processes in cells. Iron stimulates hematopoiesis.

    Flaw– first of all, cellular respiration worsens, which leads to degeneration of tissues and organs and disruption of the body’s condition. Severe iron deficiency leads to hypochromic anemia. The cause of hypochromic anemia is insufficient intake of iron from food or the predominance in the diet of foods from which it is poorly absorbed. Development iron deficiency conditions contributes to a lack of animal proteins, vitamins, and hematopoietic microelements in the diet. Iron deficiency in the body occurs with acute and chronic blood loss, diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastric resection, anacid gastritis, enteritis), some helminthic infestations. Therefore, in many diseases, the need for iron increases.

    The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: .


    Main role in the body- found in all plants. Some sea ​​plants have the ability to concentrate iodine. Total quantity There is about 25 mg of iodine in the body, of which 15 mg is in the thyroid gland. Thyroid gland is a kind of central regulatory laboratory in which iodine compounds are formed and accumulated. Significant amounts of iodine are found in the liver, kidneys, skin, hair, nails, ovaries and prostate gland.

    Flaw– in adults, goiter develops (enlargement of the thyroid gland). In children, iodine deficiency is accompanied by sudden changes in the entire structure of the body. The child stops growing mental development delayed (cretinism).

    Excess- can be observed with hyperthyroidism, can develop and Graves' disease with goiter, exophthalmos, tachycardia. In addition, there is irritability, muscle weakness, sweating, emaciation, tendency to diarrhea. The basal metabolic rate increases, hyperthermia is observed, dystrophic changes skin and its appendages, early graying, skin depigmentation in limited areas (vitiligo), muscle atrophy.

    The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: , .


    Main role in the body– important for reproductive functions and normal functioning of the central nervous system. Helps eliminate impotence, improve muscle reflexes, prevent osteoporosis, improve memory and reduce nervous irritability.

    Flaw– ossification processes throughout the entire skeleton are disrupted, tubular bones thicken and shorten, joints become deformed. Reproductive function is impaired.

    Excess- severe fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, dull headaches in the frontotemporal areas; nagging pain in the lower back, limbs, less often sciatica pain; pain in the right hypochondrium, in epigastric region, decreased appetite; slowness of movements, gait disorder, paresthesia, severe stiffness of movements; urination disorder, sexual weakness; insomnia, depressed mood, tearfulness. Excess manganese increases magnesium and copper deficiency.

    The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: , .

    Products containing manganese -


    Main role in the body– participates in the synthesis of red blood cells, collagen, skin enzymes, in the processes of growth and reproduction, in pigmentation processes, as it is part of melanin. Promotes proper absorption of iron. It is necessary for proper development connective tissues and blood vessels.

    Flaw– the following are observed in the body: growth retardation, anemia, dermatoses, hair depigmentation, partial baldness, loss of appetite, severe emaciation, decreased hemoglobin levels, atrophy of the heart muscle.

    Excess- leads to a deficiency of zinc and molybdenum, as well as manganese.

    The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: , .

    Products containing copper -


    Main role in the body– is a permanent component of all human organs and tissues. Largest quantity found in bones, hair and nails - it follows that chromium deficiency primarily affects the condition of these organs. Chromium has an effect on hematopoietic processes; has an effect on the functioning of insulin (accelerates); on carbohydrate metabolism and energy processes.

    Excess - headaches, weight loss, inflammatory changes mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Chromium compounds cause various skin diseases, dermatitis and eczema, occurring acutely and chronically and having a vesicular, papular, pustular or nodular nature.

    The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: .


    Main role in the body– participation in bone formation and the formation of dentin and tooth enamel. Fluorine also stimulates the hematopoietic system and immunity, participates in the development of the skeleton, and stimulates reparative processes in case of bone fractures. Prevents the development of senile osteoporosis.

    Flaw– is expressed in a sharp increase in dental caries.

    Excess- severe development chronic poisoning called fluorosis. This affects bones and teeth. Externally, fluorosis manifests itself in the form of white and yellowish spots on the teeth, followed by their destruction.

    Fluorosis is a consequence of industrial poisoning, when atmospheric air is polluted by industrial emissions containing fluorine. Fluorine gas and dust of fluoride compounds enter the human body through respiratory tract And digestive tract(carried in with contaminated hands, with food). The main source of industrial air pollution fluoride compounds- enterprises producing aluminum, cement, chemical fertilizers.

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