A dense ball in the mammary gland. Lump in the mammary gland, causes, diagnosis, treatment

Lumps in the mammary gland are the most common complaint with which women turn to a gynecologist or mammologist. In most cases, neoplasms are benign in nature. However, they require constant monitoring to prevent degeneration into cancer. Therefore, it is important for every woman to know what causes lumps to appear in the mammary gland and what the dangerous symptoms are.

Lump in mammary gland may appear against the background of diseases of the mammary gland and other organs reproductive system women. Highlight following reasons the occurrence of neoplasms:

  • hormonal imbalance. In some cases, the appearance of painless lumps in the mammary gland is normal in young women. In such cases, change hormonal levels occurs during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. In adult patients, hormonal imbalance can provoke the development of benign and malignant lumps;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • formations in the cranial cavity (for example);
  • uncomfortable underwear. A small lump in the chest may appear when the organ is injured by steel bones;
  • thrombophlebitis. The disease can lead to the development of blood clots in the mammary gland, which lead to the formation of nodules and seals;
  • obesity;
  • chest injuries. Active image life or unfortunate falls can lead to bruises, the development of hematomas and small seals. It takes 3-7 days to eliminate such neoplasms;
  • stressful situations.

Main types of seals

According to modern classification The following types of breast tumors are distinguished:

When to see a doctor

If the following symptoms develop, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary:

  • the appearance of signs of nodular fibrocystic mastopathy - multiple small nodules;
  • severe deformation of one breast;
  • the appearance of a depression in the skin when a woman raises her arms;
  • when pressed, bloody or purulent fluid is released from the nipples;
  • constant pain in the chest in the area of ​​nodules;
  • axillary lymph nodes increase in size.

A timely visit to a specialist will allow breast cancer to be diagnosed in time and the dangerous pathology to be completely cured.

Neoplasms in children

Lumps in the mammary gland can develop not only in adult women, but also in children. A child can get sick younger age. In such cases, swelling develops against the background hormonal crisis, which occurs immediately after childbirth. Typically, neoplasms are observed in children who were born overweight. IN in rare cases When pressed, fluid is released from the nipples. Benign breast lumps in a child do not require special therapy, dissolve on their own.

Nodules in the mammary gland often develop in teenage girls from 10 to 14 years of age against the background hormonal imbalance during puberty. In such cases, retroareolar adenoma appears. Nodular mastopathy and breast cancer in childhood practically never occurs. However, it is important to remember that there is still the possibility of any benign lumps degenerating into malignant ones.

How to diagnose

Diagnostic measures – important stage in the treatment of lumps that develop in the mammary gland. After all, it is important to make a timely and accurate diagnosis, because small nodules can be a sign of a fatal disease. Complex diagnostics involves the use of the following methods:

  1. Ultrasound. This is a safe and painless technique that involves exposure to ultrasound radiation. The study is widely used for fibrocystic mastopathy and suspected breast cancer.
  2. Mammography. It is an X-ray examination of the chest, which helps to determine the presence of even small lumps, determine their type, and location. However, in young girls the images are of poor quality due to low X-ray contrast.
  3. Ductography. The technique has some similarities with mammography, but involves the use of contrast agents. This helps the doctor examine existing defects in the structure of the mammary gland and the presence of adjacent formations.
  4. Biopsy. An accurate diagnostic technique that involves taking a tissue sample from a pathological neoplasm. The study allows you to differentiate the nature of the tumor and establish a diagnosis.
  5. MRI. Is auxiliary diagnostic technique, which is widely used as an alternative to ultrasound and x-rays. The study allows you to confirm the diagnosis, evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and surgical treatment.

At a young age, you should undergo a breast examination once every 2 years. Women over 40 years of age are recommended to undergo an annual mammogram as part of their preventive examination.

Modern methods of therapy

If a woman feels a lump in the right or left mammary gland, then do not hesitate. It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Treatment tactics are determined by the results complex diagnostics. The following treatment approaches are widely used:

  • conservative therapy. If the lump under the breast is benign, then treatment with hormonal drugs is recommended. Treatment tactics for nodular mastopathy involve normalizing lifestyle, prescribing hormones, complex multivitamin preparations, and immunomodulators. Analgesics are used to eliminate pain in the area of ​​compaction. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help reduce the severity of inflammation. For nodular mastopathy of the mammary gland, it may be necessary to take medications that help improve local blood flow;
  • surgical intervention. Fibroadenoma, nodular mastopathy, and breast cancer require surgical treatment. During the operation, the surgeon excises the pathological neoplasm or tumor with surrounding healthy tissue;
  • complex therapy for breast cancer. Treatment of the disease in the early stages involves removing the lump from the mammary gland, then the patient needs chemotherapy. Therapy is carried out until stable remission or improvement in the patient’s well-being. Treat late stages cancer is operationally meaningless. If metastases appear in the body, then the woman needs palliative therapy. Treatment helps reduce the severity of pain and alleviate the patient’s condition.

The treatment regimen for nodular mastopathy and other lumps in the mammary gland involves the exclusion of any thermal procedures and physiotherapeutic treatment. Heating can provoke the degeneration of benign formations into cancer.

Preventive measures

Prevention of the development of seals involves regular examinations with a mammologist and self-examinations at home, timely therapy endocrine disorders And inflammatory processes. They recommend eliminating exposure to provoking factors, normalizing your diet, and introducing moderate physical activity. Nodular mastopathy develops against the background diffuse changes in the mammary glands, therefore it is necessary to promptly treat the initial stages of mastopathy and pathology such as.

Breast lumps in women are not normal. This alarm signal, which should not be left without due attention. In most cases, neoplasms in the mammary gland are benign and therefore not dangerous to health. However, some lumps can develop into cancer, for example, nodular mastopathy. Therefore, it is important not to let the disease progress and to promptly seek qualified medical help.

The most common reasons for women seeking treatment different ages to the surgeon are diseases or physiological conditions, in which compaction in the mammary gland is determined.

Since the gland is located superficially and is quite accessible for examination and self-examination, the appearance of compaction, engorgement of various sizes and associated discomfort rarely go unnoticed.

The cause of lumps in the breast can be mastopathy, mastitis, mammary abscess, lactostasis, lipomas, benign as well as malignant tumors of the mammary gland.

The primary self-diagnosis technique is simple and requires a couple of free minutes and a certain amount of attention. The examination is carried out weekly.

How can you check if there is any lump in the mammary gland? While in the shower, gently palpate the breast with the fingertips of the opposite hand. The free hand must be raised and placed behind the head. You need to check centimeter by centimeter, moving your hand as if in a spiral, from the armpit to the nipple.

Your fingers should feel like you are probing the pillow for hidden stones. The lump is defined as a nodule, or small ball, and is often painful. If such a formation is detected, you should immediately contact a mammologist or, in his absence, a surgeon.

Let's look at several diseases that are most often responsible for the appearance of a condition such as a lump in the mammary gland in a woman: what other symptoms do these diseases have and how are they treated.

Mastopathy. Disease or natural state?

In our society, the myth that mastopathy is a condition that necessarily precedes breast cancer is firmly entrenched. The diagnosis of mastopathy sounds so cumbersome and frightening that it usually puts a woman into a stupor and leads to a fuss aimed at searching for symptoms of this terrible disease, contacting various specialists and a sharp decrease in the quality of life.

Wariness is, of course, good and correct. However, mastopathy, especially its diffuse form (when the entire gland is affected) occurs in most women at one time or another in their lives, but breast cancer is a rather rare disease.

Symptoms of mastopathy

A feeling of engorgement, heaviness in the gland or the presence of a dense, sometimes slightly painful area - these are the symptoms of this disease, or, more correctly, condition. Any focal (small, nodular) formations in the mammary gland require attention, detailed examination and observations throughout life at least once a year.

Who can get mastopathy?

Usually focal mastopathy develops at the site of a bruise or other trauma to the breast, and this can occur many years after the traumatic episode. Other reasons are an imbalance of hormones in the body (as happens, for example, during menopause) or a genetic predisposition.

Treatment of mastopathy

Depending on the cause of mastopathy, several treatment tactics can be used:

As for anti-inflammatory drugs, almost any drug containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, for example, ibuprofen or nimesulide, can be used.

A good solution may be to apply gels or ointments containing such substances to the skin of the sore breast. It must be remembered that these medications may be contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, therefore, even in such, frankly speaking, not an “emergency” situation as mastopathy, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Hormonal medications are prescribed in the form of tablets or gel for external use. The choice of tablet drugs is very large; its prescription is impossible without the participation of an experienced gynecologist-endocrinologist. Self-prescription of these medications, although they are sold in our country without a prescription, can lead to side effects and even the growth of cancerous tumors. Typically, hormonal drugs are prescribed for mastopathy of menopausal or premenstrual origin.

Physiotherapy is very effective for mastopathy, but it has a number of contraindications. Among them - hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation, oncological diseases. In case of nodular, or focal, form of mastopathy, physical treatment is usually abstained, even if thorough examination(ultrasound, mammography, biopsy of the lesion) did not reveal the presence of cancer cells.

What is mastitis and what can it be like?

There are diffuse (with inflammation of the entire gland tissue) and focal (local, limited) mastitis.

Symptoms and risk factors for mastitis

The main difference between mastitis and mastopathy is intense painful sensations in the area of ​​compaction, increased body temperature, inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes. If inflamed area located close to the surface, the skin over the breast lump will be bright pink and warmer to the touch.

In essence, mastitis is a severe inflammation of an area or the entire mammary gland when exposed to damaging factors (trauma, compression) or infection. The infection can penetrate to the weakened area of ​​the gland through the skin, through blood vessels or, most often, through microscopic holes or cracks in the nipple. It often happens that mastitis develops in the same gland and in the same area where mastopathy has already been detected.

Treatment of mastitis

Basic healing techniques for mastitis the same as for mastopathy. However, this cannot be done without taking antibiotics. Otherwise, there is a high risk of further spread of the infection, the painful process covering the entire gland or the development of purulent melting (liquefaction) of the breast area, that is, the formation of an abscess.

Breast abscess

When a purulent focus (abscess) forms in the mammary gland, a sac filled with a cloudy liquid forms.

If it is located superficially, the presence of fluid can be determined independently: when you feel the lump in the chest under your fingers, you feel pliability instead of elasticity, scientifically this is called “fluctuation”.

Symptoms of abscess development

The skin over the abscess is bright red and hot, the axillary lymph nodes on the affected side are enlarged, painful, but soft, body temperature can reach 39 degrees or higher.

Treatment of breast abscess

In this situation, unfortunately, surgery cannot be avoided. And without antibiotic therapy either. In addition to these stages of treatment, after opening (draining) the abscess, healing and absorbable drugs are prescribed to speed up the recovery of the damaged area. From physiotherapeutic methods to postoperative period use laser and magnetic therapy.

Lactostasis is the engorgement of the entire mammary gland or part of it in lactating or pregnant women. Despite the fact that during pregnancy there is no lactation as such due to physiological reasons, nevertheless, the ducts of the mammary glands expand, its tissue becomes full-blooded, glandular cells are rapidly developing, which will soon produce milk, and by the last months of pregnancy the the production of colostrum, a precursor to milk, which causes stagnation (stasis).

Symptoms of the cause of lactostasis development

The cause of stasis during pregnancy is wearing uncomfortable underwear or tight clothing. During feeding, lactostasis is usually associated with insufficient emptying of the mammary glands when they are sufficiently or excessively filled. Most often this happens in the first 3-4 months after birth, when the baby is not sucking effectively enough and the flow of milk is large.

If, in addition, the gland area is pinched by underwear or as a result of an uncomfortable sleeping position, focal lactostasis occurs, which is defined as a painful lump in the chest. In a matter of hours, it can “grow” into mastitis, especially if the mother’s body is weakened as a result of hypothermia, lack of night sleep and other factors.

Treatment of lactostasis

Tons of specialized and popular science literature are devoted to the correct technique for feeding babies and expressing excess breast milk. There are more than a dozen ways to effectively attach a baby to the breast, and this alone is a condition for successful prevention of lactostasis.

Let us note only one rule of pumping - it is necessary to remove excess milk until you feel relief and the lump in the breast disappears, but this does not mean expressing milk “dry” from the breast. This is the most common mistake young mothers make, leading to even more milk production. Such a “vicious circle” does not contribute to the disappearance of lactostasis, but, on the contrary, aggravates it.

Breast tumors

Suspicion of the presence of a tumor arises whenever a lump is detected in the breast tissue. The main doctor involved in this medical problem– mammologist.

What types of tumors are there?

There are benign and malignant breast tumors; in the vast majority of cases, malignant ones turn out to be cancerous. A tumor is an uncontrollably multiplying cell, in this case, breast cells that compress healthy tissue, feed “at their expense,” and are released into the blood toxic substances, poisoning the body.

Benign tumors are characterized only by an uncontrolled, much slower increase in size, but they, like cancer, must be removed, because there is a danger of most of them becoming malignant over time, that is, malignancy.

Symptoms of anxiety

If, during self-examination, it is discovered that the seal does not move under the fingers, if, when examining the area of ​​the nipple, a retraction (small depression) is noticeable at its apex, if the axillary lymph nodes are enlarged, do not move to the side, are dense and painful, then you should not go to a mammologist, but run. And get ready for a large multilateral examination, as well as surgical treatment.

Methods for treating tumors

Modern methods of treating breast tumors are usually not limited exclusively to chemotherapy, or only radiation therapy, or only surgical intervention. Usually there is a combination of two or three of these medical tactics.

Traditional treatment of lumps in the mammary gland

Most popular in folk medicine remedies for mastopathy, mastitis and lactostasis are based on the use of herbs that have a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect. Cabbage, burdock and celandine are the undoubted favorites of the list natural remedies- improve the flow of blood and lymph from the painful area, accelerate healing, and relieve pain.

  • fresh cabbage leaf

Simple and accessible remedy– after all, a head of cabbage can be found in almost every refrigerator, and if not, then certainly in the nearest grocery store! A fresh cabbage leaf can be immediately applied to the lump in the chest, secured with linen or clothing and left until the leaf is heated and softened (about 30-40 minutes). You can also scald it with boiling water and lightly knead it, and only then apply it to the sore spot. In this case, it is better to leave the sheet overnight.

  • fresh burdock leaf

If mastopathy or lactostasis develops in the summer, then this is in some way luck - after all, there is a truly wonderful remedy at hand - burdock leaf. It is applied with the lower, velvety surface to the skin, wrapped with a towel or secured with clothing in the same way as cabbage.

There are recipes using dry burdock leaf, ground into powder, but in most herbal medicine manuals, the authors insist on using fresh leaf or burdock juice mixed with melted butter in a 1:1 ratio.

  • celandine

Truly universal remedy. Juice or gruel from celandine, passed through a meat grinder, is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:2 (one part of the finished celandine pulp, two parts of oil) and applied to the skin over the problem area.

The mammary gland is carefully wrapped in film or paper for compresses, wrapped and left overnight. The main disadvantage of ointments prepared at home is their fragility: the composition must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator and for no more than five days.

Small lumps in the breasts in women can be associated with menstruation and completely disappear after their end. In other cases, the detection of a lump or other changes in the breast should be a reason for mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Breast cancer is extremely dangerous disease, but, fortunately, it is very rare. Much more often, in approximately 90% of cases, the cause of a lump in the breast is a non-cancerous tumor, many of which also require timely treatment.

There are several types benign tumors in the breasts, most of which are harmless and are formed under the influence of hormonal changes, for example, during the menstrual cycle. Such formations can be: fibroadenoma or cyst. Sometimes the cause of a lump in the breast is an infectious lesion of the mammary gland - mastitis or an abscess.

To notice any changes as early as possible, you need to monitor the condition of your breasts. You need to know what breasts look like in good condition, and inspect it regularly. People over the age of 50 should undergo a mammogram every three years - X-ray examination mammary gland. Used at younger ages ultrasound diagnostics. Both tests help identify signs of breast cancer, if any.

You should also consult a doctor if you notice the following changes in the mammary gland:

  • discharge from the nipple, possibly with blood;
  • change in breast size or shape;
  • the appearance of dimples on the skin of the chest;
  • rash on or around the nipple;
  • change appearance the nipple, for example, becomes sunken;
  • constant pain in the chest or armpits;
  • the appearance of a lump or swelling in the armpit.

Don't be afraid if you are referred to additional examinations, this does not mean that the doctor suspects you have breast cancer. In most cases, it turns out that the lump is benign.

Lump (lump) in the chest: possible causes

In most cases, lumps in the mammary gland are benign in nature, that is, they are not associated with a malignant disease - cancer. As a rule, they are not dangerous and do not require treatment.

Fibrocystic mastopathy or fibroadenosis- the general name for a group of benign formations in the mammary gland, which are accompanied by pain (mastodynia or mastalgia) and an increase in breast size. The symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy are most clearly noticeable before or during menstruation. The intensity of fibroadenosis manifestations varies from barely noticeable to pronounced and painful. In some women, lumps form in only one mammary gland, in others - in both. With the end of your period, breast lumps usually disappear or become significantly smaller. It is believed that one of the causes of mastopathy is an improper reaction of breast tissue to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.

Fibroadenoma is a smooth, round, benign tumor of breast tissue that forms outside the milk ducts. To the touch, fibroadenoma looks like a pea or lump in the chest, which is not fused with the surrounding tissues and is easily displaced. Most often fibroadenoma is single, less often multiple or found in both mammary glands. Usually it does not disappear after the end of the next menstruation and requires treatment, although in some cases it can go away on its own over time.

The reason for the appearance of fibroadenoma is not completely clear, but it is believed that its growth and development are associated with the atypical influence of the hormone estrogen. The tumor forms predominantly in young women, when the level of this hormone in the blood is highest or after menopause, but only in those women who use replacement hormones. hormone therapy, that is, estrogen is received in tablet form.

Cyst in the mammary gland is a fluid-filled sac that forms in the breast tissue and can cause a smooth, hard lump to appear in the breast. Most often found in women aged 30–60 years. Cysts can vary in size: very tiny or reaching several centimeters in diameter. There may be several cysts in one or both mammary glands.

These breast cysts often have no symptoms, although some women experience pain. It is believed that, as in the case of fibroadenomas, hormones are involved in the formation of cysts, since women most often suffer from this disease before menopause or those who are on hormone replacement therapy.

Breast abscess- accumulation of pus in the breast tissue, which is accompanied by high fever and inflammatory changes in the skin over the affected area. The most common reason abscess - bacterial infection. Typically, bacteria enter the mammary gland through microcracks or wounds on the skin of the nipple, sometimes formed during breastfeeding.

Others benign causes lumps in the chest:

  • mastitis- pain and inflammation of breast tissue;
  • fat necrosis- a hard, uneven lump, often resulting from injury or bruise to the breast, for example, after breast surgery;
  • lipoma- fatty formation in the form of a lump;
  • intraductal papilloma- wart-like growth inside milk duct, which can also cause nipple discharge.

Breast cancer- a rare but extremely dangerous cause of compaction in one of the mammary glands, which can appear not only in women, but also in men. Probable signs, pointing to malignant cause lumps in the chest are as follows:

  • dense to the touch;
  • does not move, is fused with surrounding tissues;
  • does not decrease after the end of the next menstruation;
  • the skin over the lump is deformed or when the mammary gland is displaced, a dimple appears in the skin;
  • nipple discharge;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit;
  • appearance in older women after menopause.

Breast cancer can also have other symptoms. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, and most cases are diagnosed in women and men over 50 years of age. Predisposition to this disease may also be increased if it occurs in relatives.

Lump (tumor) in the breast: diagnosis

It is important to thoroughly study the appearance of your breasts and the sensations that arise when palpating them in a normal state, in order to immediately notice any unusual changes in it. Contact your gynecologist if you notice a lump in your breasts or a change in their appearance or shape.

For preliminary diagnosis, the doctor will need the following additional information:

  • When did you first notice the lump?
  • Are there other symptoms such as pain or discharge from the nipple?
  • Do symptoms depend on the menstrual cycle?
  • Have you ever had a chest injury?
  • Do you have risk factors for breast cancer, such as do you have a close relative who has had the disease?
  • What medications are you currently taking?
  • Have you ever breastfed?

Having identified the symptoms, examined and palpated the mammary glands, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations to finally determine the diagnosis. In this case, do not worry prematurely. The examination is necessary to accurately investigate the nature of the formation in the breast and is included in the diagnostic standard.

Direction to additional research does not mean that the doctor suspects you have breast cancer. In most cases, tests and tests help rule out malignancy and prove that the lump is benign (non-cancerous). The most commonly prescribed examination methods are described below.

Mammography- This simple procedure, during which an image is obtained using x-rays internal structure breasts This allows for early stage detect changes in breast tissue. During the procedure, the breast is placed on the plate of the X-ray machine and pressed on top by a second plate. An x-ray is then taken and the examination is repeated on the second breast.

A mammogram takes only a few minutes, but due to the pressure placed on the mammary glands by the machine's plates, it can be unpleasant and even slightly painful. After completing the study x-rays carefully examined and described by a radiologist in order to find and identify possible signs of any breast diseases in time.

Mammography is usually prescribed after the age of 40. In younger women, this study is not as revealing because the breasts have greater density, small formations they are less visible on photographs, which makes diagnosis difficult. As alternative research recommended for young patients ultrasound examination mammary glands.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) based on the use of high frequency sound waves to create an image of the mammary glands from the inside. An ultrasound probe or sensor is placed on the chest and transmits an image to a monitor. It will clearly show any existing lumps or developmental abnormalities.

A breast ultrasound may be ordered after a mammogram to find out whether a lump found in the breast is a solid tumor or contains fluid. If the cause of a lump in the breast cannot be diagnosed using mammography or ultrasound, a breast biopsy may be prescribed.

Biopsy involves taking a tissue sample from the tumor for analysis. The sample is taken using a hollow needle that is inserted through the skin into the area being examined. The doctor will use images obtained during an ultrasound or x-ray to guide the needle into the correct location. When the needle is in in the right place, the tissue sample is “sucked out.” As a rule, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia to avoid pain or discomfort.


Lump in the breast: should it be treated?

Often, a benign breast lump requires treatment only when it reaches a large size or causes pain. Some types of breast lumps, such as fibroadenomas, breast cysts, and fat necrosis, may resolve over time without treatment. If treatment is not required, the doctor may ask you to come back for an examination after some time to monitor the size of the lump in the breast, as well as if any changes appear in the mammary glands. Below are described general principles treatment of benign breast lumps.

Drug therapy is prescribed if the lump causes pain or the cause of the disease is infection. The following medications may be recommended:

  • painkillers such as paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • tamoxifen, danazol, or bromocriptine are sometimes prescribed for chest pain;
  • antibiotics to treat mastitis or abscesses in the breast caused by a bacterial infection.

For some women, all that is needed to relieve pain is to reduce their intake of saturated fat and wear a bra that fits properly.

Sometimes it is necessary to pump out fluid from a cyst in the mammary gland. This is called a puncture. After local anesthesia Under ultrasound control, a needle is inserted into the cyst and the contents are removed. A sample of the fluid may then be sent for analysis to confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes after the procedure the cyst fills with fluid again. If you have any complaints after the puncture, you should definitely consult a doctor. The fluid can be drained again, but if the cyst continues to fill, it may be removed surgically.

If a benign breast lump is very large or continues to grow, it can be removed with surgery. Most often, surgical treatment is required for fibroadenomas, cysts in the mammary gland, fat necrosis and intraductal papillomas. Surgical removal of a tumor from the breast is usually performed under general anesthesia. The tumor can be cut out with a sharp surgical instrument or removed using a special suction. The obtained surgical material is necessarily sent to the laboratory to confirm the diagnosis and exclude malignant neoplasm. You can usually go home on the day of surgery or a day later. As with any surgical intervention there is a risk of side effects: hematoma formation, swelling or bleeding, as well as infectious complications.

If a lump in the breast turns out to be malignant, special methods treatment. You can read more about breast cancer treatment.

Which doctor should I contact if a lump appears in my chest?

Any formation in the breast that does not disappear after the end of the next menstruation or appears in a woman after menopause must be shown to a doctor. To do this you need to find a good gynecologist. Primary diagnosis of breast diseases is also carried out by a doctor or nurse examination room. A more specialized specialist who treats benign and malignant diseases of the mammary glands is a mammologist. You should contact him in cases where you already know your diagnosis and need serious treatment.

A lump in the chest in most cases is benign education, however, the aggressiveness of breast cancer and its widespread prevalence require the most attentive attitude to any unusual breast symptoms.

Any woman should master breast self-examination techniques and regularly examine herself in order to promptly notice that a lump has appeared in the breast and consult a doctor.

A lump in the breast can appear not only in an adult woman or girl; pathology of the mammary glands occurs at any age, although it is women who get sick most often. However, a lump in a man’s chest requires no less (and often more) attention than a woman’s. Changes in the mammary glands can also be observed in children, both newborns and adolescents. Having discovered a lump in a child’s chest, the mother is obliged to show it to the doctor as soon as possible. If a girl has a lump, it may be due to puberty, in an infant the cause may be hormonal disorders, inflammatory diseases and even tumors.

Why do lumps appear in the breasts and what should a woman do if she discovers something similar in herself?

The causes of lumps in the mammary gland can be different.

Physiological reasons associated with hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, after childbirth, during breastfeeding, as well as in connection with menstrual cycle. Lumps in the breasts of a nursing mother are usually associated with blockage of the milk ducts. This happens if the breast does not empty completely during feeding or the baby is not latched regularly.

Lumpiness in the breast during feeding, associated with lactostasis, is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain and redness of the skin. Despite the pain and tightness in the chest, breastfeeding must be continued; we have already written about how to deal with breastfeeding. If measures are not taken, the consequence of such stagnation of milk can be mastitis with all its unpleasant consequences in the form of an incision, antibiotics, and possibly loss of breastfeeding.

Diseases and tumors

Painful lump in the chest before menstruation occurs with mastopathy. With this disease, which is more common in young girls and women, compacted areas form in the breasts, which can change in size and location during different menstrual cycles. After menstruation, everything goes away, but starting from the second half of the cycle, a lump in the chest appears again and it hurts. In this case, tightness and pain in the chest may be accompanied by discharge from the nipples. This hormone-dependent breast disease is the most common in mammology and is not related to breast cancer.

Lumps in the breasts in women may be accompanied by brown, bloody discharge; this discharge should be especially frightening - this happens with breast cancer. But still, in most cases, the nodes are benign.

They can be called:

. Breast cysts, which are a round cavity in the mammary gland filled with fluid. They are usually smooth, quite hard and move freely under the fingers when palpated. These cysts may not cause discomfort, but they may also be painful. The cause of their occurrence is hormonal changes during a woman’s menstrual cycle; they are also not associated with breast cancer and, as a rule, occur in young women (no older than 50 years). If a cyst is detected, the doctor can puncture it to clarify the diagnosis and relieve pain, removing the contents through a needle.

Cysts sebaceous glands(atheromas). These are round lumps under the skin of the breast caused by a blocked duct. sebaceous gland and the accumulation of sebum in it. They are mobile and usually do not bother, in such cases no treatment is required, however, if the cyst becomes infected, it can become inflamed, soreness and redness of the skin appear. Then the cyst needs to be removed, and it is completely excised through a small incision, because the remaining part of the sebaceous gland can cause a relapse.

Breast abscesses are possible in breastfeeding women, they rarely occur outside the breastfeeding period. An abscess is a cavity in the mammary gland filled with pus. Such lumps are always very painful, accompanied by swelling and redness of the breast, immobile and dense. Treatment is surgical (incision and drainage of the mammary gland), antibiotic therapy is performed.

Fat necrosis of the breast- a lump that occurs after injuries to the mammary gland, and weeks or even months may pass before the lump appears. Plot fat necrosis It is a round tumor, sometimes quite painful. The skin over it turns blue or red. Typically, fat necrosis goes away without treatment, but scar tissue may remain at the site of the tumor, which will always be detected during mammography.

Breast lipoma- This is a non-cancerous tumor that can be a fairly large lump in the breast, while at first it may be small, but grows quite quickly. Lipomas can be in both mammary glands or only in the right or left breast; they can be single or multiple. Usually they are removed, both because of their tendency to grow, and in order to accurately make a diagnosis.

Breast adenoma– tumor from glandular tissue, is a solid compaction, movable, reacting to the menstrual cycle. Sometimes they are quite soft and mobile; this tumor is also not associated with cancer.

Intraductal papilloma– a small tumor in the mammary duct, often causing bloody discharge from the nipple. It can be felt as a small lump in the nipple under the areola.

Breast cancer- may have the most different manifestations and be similar to any of the tumors described above. Most often, this is a lump in the chest without clear boundaries, lumpy, painless, and often associated with the skin. Cancer can change the shape of the breast and the condition of the skin, can change the forum of the nipple, making it inverted, and can develop anywhere in the breast or nipple.

Breast lumps in young women are more often neoplasms or even physiological changes associated with the menstrual cycle. Older women are more likely to have a unilateral lump in the right or left breast and have a higher risk of cancer.

When examining, it is important to pay attention to the condition of the tissues above the mammary gland, look for a lump under the breast and under the armpit. Here are the lymph nodes, which often enlarge with cancer. A lump in the chest and armpit on the same side is a dangerous combination.

Every month, on days 7-10 of the cycle, perform a self-examination of the mammary glands, palpate and examine them. Of course, doctors have different attitudes towards such self-diagnosis, but as a fact, women often discover cancer at an early stage on their own. If a lump or other changes appear in the breast, you should consult a mammologist. After the examination, the doctor will give accurate diagnosis, what your breast lump is, and together you will decide what to do in a given situation. Delay, and especially treatment traditional methods- dangerous.

Women who find lumps in their breasts, instead of running to the doctor and having their mammary glands examined, often begin to reassure themselves that everything will resolve on its own. It’s worse if you start treatment with folk remedies. A correct diagnosis and timely treatment can protect against severe consequences, fatal outcome.

What to do if you find a lump in your breast

The female body has a peculiarity - breast tissue is extremely sensitive to hormonal changes. If you have a lump in the mammary gland, immediately undergo an examination by a mammologist. The neoplasm can be malignant or benign. Only a doctor, after conducting an examination and doing additional research, can give an accurate answer. After this he will decide on required method treatment.

Breast changes may occur during your period but go away after it ends. Benign neoplasms are amenable to therapeutic and surgical treatment. Breast cancer detected in time has a favorable prognosis after removal followed by treatment. Do not delay the examination if you find:

  • areas of tissue that are different from others;
  • change in the shape and size of the breast;
  • discharge of fluid from the nipples;
  • peeling, redness of the skin;
  • lump in the mammary gland;
  • pit formation.

Causes of pain in the mammary gland

Girls and women often have to deal with soreness of the mammary glands, the pain manifests itself in different ways: it can be bursting and pulling, aching or different strong burning sensation. The causes of pain are:

  • hormonal changes 2-3 days before menstruation;
  • breast cysts;
  • adenofibromas;
  • mastitis – inflammation of the mammary glands;
  • lactocele - a cyst filled with breast milk during feeding;
  • lactostasis is the occurrence of stagnation of milk until a feeding regimen has been formed.

Pain in the mammary glands can appear as a consequence of previous injuries, which are accompanied by the appearance of hematomas and bruises. Uncomfortable, tight underwear contributes to their occurrence. The causes of pain may be:

  • unsuccessful implants leading to compression of nerve endings and inflammation;
  • reception hormonal drugs;
  • herpes zoster with painful rashes;
  • breast oncology.


The manifestation of chest pain - mastalgia - can be cyclical or unsystematic. In the first case, this is due to monthly hormonal changes. female body. Such pain can begin at a young age (in teenagers) and manifest itself until menopause. They differ in that they are bilateral and cover both mammary glands. The sensations are similar to fullness, accompanied by hypersensitivity. Acyclic - unsystematic pain - often occurs in a specific area of ​​one breast. They can be strong, with an unbearable burning sensation.


If, when palpating, you find a ball in the breast that is smooth to the touch, it means that you have a benign lump in the mammary gland - fibroadenomatosis. The appearance of such a formation is typical for the age of 20-30 years. The disease is treated surgically. If the condition is neglected, the disease can develop into an oncological neoplasm. The reasons for the appearance are:

  • dissatisfaction with sex life;
  • stressful situations;
  • refusal breastfeeding;
  • dysfunction of the ovaries.

Meet different shapes diseases:

  • Diffuse fibroadenomatosis. It is characterized by small foci of granular nodules that are located on both mammary glands, the location is different.
  • Localized form. Different hard seal in the mammary gland with clear edges.
  • Focal. With it, glandular tissues are replaced by fibrous ones.
  • Cystic. Many formations such as cysts appear.
  • Nodal. New growths look like separate compactions.

Phylloid fibroadenoma

Benign neoplasm often located at the top of the chest, shaped like dense balls or ovals. There is a risk of breast cancer. During pregnancy, fibroadenoma growth accelerates. The size can reach 35 centimeters. When planning pregnancy, the seal should be removed. A tumor can be caused by:

Breast mastopathy

The disease is observed during childbearing age. A lump on the chest can be a single node or with a predominance of several cysts. Breast mastopathy is characterized by bursting pain. They may intensify before menstruation and decrease as they begin. The cause is hormonal disorders, so fibrocystic mastopathy at an early stage is treated with hormones. Seals occur due to:

  • abortion;
  • chest injuries;
  • irregular sex life;
  • excessive sun exposure;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • heredity;
  • nervous disorders.

Find out more about what to do with such a diagnosis.

Ductal cyst

The appearance of such compactions is characteristic of the menopause period, often found in nulliparous women. Growths appear inside the mammary gland - intraductal papillomas. When pressed, a liquid is released from the nipples - transparent, with a brown or greenish tint. Calcium salts can be deposited in the ducts, causing stabbing pain. Calcifications in the mammary gland are difficult to diagnose; they are not palpable and are detected on a mammogram. Considered to be precancerous symptoms. To clarify the diagnosis, a biopsy is performed.


Compaction occurs due to the breakdown and necrosis of fat cells due to injury, sharp decline weight, exposure to radiation. Occurs in women with large mammary glands. Palpation reveals a lumpy, dense formation - a cyst with fluid. Upon examination, the breast appears deformed, the nipple is retracted. The symptoms are similar to cancer, so a biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Lipogranuloma is treated with medication, it is possible to pump out fluid and surgery.

Symptoms of breast cancer in women

A woman can see the very first signs of this disease during self-examination. You need to urgently visit a doctor to clarify the diagnosis if you find:

  • changing the shape and contours of the breast;
  • skin wrinkling;
  • retraction of the nipple inward;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • peeling, redness of the skin;
  • pain when palpating;
  • spotting when pressed;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • temperature rise.

Diagnosis of breast tumor

To avoid missing the appearance of breast lumps, women should examine their breasts monthly. If signs of the disease are detected, you need to visit the clinic. At the appointment with a mammologist for staging correct diagnosis produces:

  • external inspection breasts;
  • survey about the causes of the disease, heredity;
  • palpation of the mammary glands;
  • Ultrasound - for the presence of a cyst, tumor;
  • mammography to confirm the diagnosis.

If the diagnosis is made correctly and at an early stage, a complete cure is possible. To correctly determine the nature of the lumps in the mammary gland, do the following:

Treatment of breast lumps in women

In order to promptly and correctly begin treatment of breast lumps in women, it is necessary to know the exact diagnosis and stage of tumor development. For benign and malignant tumors There are different recovery schemes. If in the first case it is possible to apply drug treatment, That cancerous tumors require mandatory removal.

Benign tumor

Treatment for lumps that are benign depends on the type of tumor. The main thing is not to self-medicate, then it is possible full recovery. When treating mastopathy, it is possible to do without surgery. For treatment the following is prescribed:

  • iodine preparations;
  • diuretics – diuretics to reduce swelling and pain;
  • sedatives - for example, bromocamphor;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • hormone treatment.

If a cyst is found in the mammary gland, then small sizes she is treated with female sex hormones. For large seals, a puncture is performed and the liquid is pumped out. Then substances are introduced that glue the walls together. All other types of benign tumors are treated surgically. It could be:

  • excision of the area with compaction;
  • removal (husking) of the tumor.

Malignant diseases

In case of cancer, a surgeon, a specialist in radiation therapy, chemotherapist. Operations solve different problems, depending on the degree of growth of the compaction:

  • delete malignant tumor and a minimum of fabric around;
  • cut out a compacted lump with parts of tissue and muscles of the chest;
  • produce complete removal mammary gland - mastectomy.

To exclude relapses, after surgery they are prescribed additional treatment. It depends on the woman’s age, the rate of growth of the lump, and the functions of the ovaries. Treatment includes:

  • radiation exposure to destroy infected cells and prevent their growth;
  • hormone therapy - not all types of breast lumps are sensitive to it;
  • chemotherapy – destroys tumor cells throughout the body.

Folk remedies

For use folk recipes resort in a state of desperation, when medicine is powerless, or on the advice of doctors for a comprehensive effect on the disease. Treatment includes prescriptions using medicinal herbs and plants. Folk remedies used in the form:

Video: how to avoid mastitis after childbirth