Why is there a hard stomach? Hard belly in adults and children: possible causes

It is possible that the cause of this phenomenon was a disruption in the functioning of the body. One of the main factors is overeating. But if an unpleasant symptom occurs constantly, then the cause lies in the pathological process.

Not only adults can complain about a tight belly. This symptom often occurs both in babies under one year old and at an older age.

Temporary bloating is caused by swallowing air while eating food, excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, fatty or gas-forming foods. Against the background of such a process, there arise constant belching. Some of the air exits through the anus, and the rest is absorbed by the intestinal walls.

The stomach can swell when the digestive processes are activated. Some people experience a tight stomach the moment they take soda. The effect of this product is aimed at neutralizing gastric juice.

A hard stomach is diagnosed in children of preschool and school age after they have eaten large number sweet or flour dishes. The thing is that they contain easily digestible carbohydrates, which lead to the processes of fermentation and decay.

A discomfort in the intestinal area occurs when consuming large amounts of fiber and starch. This includes dishes from legumes, potatoes, cabbage.

Causes of a pathological nature

When a hard belly is detected, the reasons for women are as follows:

  • psychological stress, regular stressful situations;
  • varicose veins in the pelvic area;
  • early pregnancy;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • start labor activity.

It is more difficult for women to cope with the problem. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is not enough to take medication alone. You need to follow a diet and avoid various stressful situations.

Determining the causes of abdominal hardness

Many patients at doctor's appointments ask the question, why is the stomach hard? First symptoms bloated belly often manifested in a feeling of relief after removing the belt. Against this background, a person tries to wear clothes that do not cause significant discomfort.

The appearance of disturbances is indicated by sensations of tension in the groin and lower back. When palpating a dense abdomen, pain occurs.

Painful sensations arise as a result of the body’s reaction to a pathological process that occurs in any internal organ. These include an enlarged spleen, a congested liver, and a tumor in the colon.

Local pain occurs due to cirrhosis. But severe cases are also possible, when an unpleasant symptom indicates peritonitis, acute pancreatitis or primary liver cancer.

Why does the lower abdomen become swollen, hard and painful? These signs may indicate progressive ascites or active growth of tumor formations. Then the patient will complain of indigestion and heartburn.

During pregnancy, women often face the problem of increased intra-abdominal pressure. This occurs due to the active growth of the fetus and uterine cavity. They compress internal organs. The diaphragm also rises, making breathing difficult when lying down or sitting.

Tight indicates the tone of the uterus. This condition is considered dangerous, because the risk of miscarriage and premature birth increases. On latest dates During pregnancy, the abdomen becomes elastic and hard at the onset of labor. In such cases, urgent hospitalization is required.

Diffuse swelling may be a reason for thorough examination. The first thing the doctor is interested in is the tendency to drink alcohol. It is also necessary to identify whether there was a history of hematuria, jaundice, digestive disorders, rheumatic or cardiac pathologies. Upon receipt of data, the possibility of staging increases correct diagnosis. Then it is possible to diagnose cirrhosis, cancer digestive organs, kidney pathology in the form of nephrosis, congestive heart failure.

Therapeutic measures for an elastic abdomen

- this is a reason to contact a specialist. With temporary swelling, unpleasant symptoms disappear after a few hours. If your stomach is constantly bloated and no measures help, then you should visit a doctor. Most often, such problems are dealt with by gastroenterologists.

Based on the complaint, accompanying symptoms and examination, the doctor prescribes an examination.

It is based on the following principles:

  • change feces for analysis to identify intestinal microflora;
  • examination of gastric juice;
  • submitting stool for bacteriological analysis;
  • bile examination;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of organs abdominal cavity;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy;
  • X-ray examination using a contrast agent.

Thanks to such techniques, an accurate diagnosis can be made.

After this, treatment is prescribed. It implies:

  • following a strict diet. Gas-forming foods such as cabbage, potatoes, dairy products, and black bread are excluded from the menu. Every day you need to eat white stale bread, vegetable and fruit dishes, cereals, low-fat soups meat broth, fermented milk products;
  • execution physical exercise. Every day you need to do exercises that are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of bloating. Doctors also recommend including a daily walk of three kilometers;
  • prescription of medications. The patient is prescribed enzymes, probiotics, antispasmodics, choleretic agents, adsorbents.

For more serious pathologies, it is carried out surgery. For cancerous formations, chemotherapy and radio wave therapy are prescribed. To support immunity, vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed.

The appearance of a hard and bloated abdomen is a sign of a malfunction in the body. Sometimes the reasons are quite banal, for example, this phenomenon often occurs after overeating, but in some cases the provoking factor becomes a serious illness.

The feeling of an enlarged belly can be subjective. Then there are complaints about a feeling of fullness and heaviness. As a rule, this is a temporary condition that does not require specific measures.

The reasons for the temporary appearance of a hard belly are hidden in the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. A medical examination will only confirm the real factors of subjective sensations.

The bulge may be due to overweight and spinal defect (forward-facing curve - lumbar lordosis). A specialist can easily determine these conditions from real swelling after studying the anamnesis and external examination.

Why does a hard belly appear in healthy people?

If a person does not have any diseases, then this phenomenon is caused by the accumulation of gases or air:

  • Swallowing air while eating overuse Carbonated drinks cause temporary bloating. In this case, frequent belching may occur. Partial air exits through the anus and is absorbed by the intestinal walls;
  • The stomach hardens when gases form during the digestion of food, as well as after taking soda, which neutralizes gastric secretions;
  • Hardness is observed after eating a large amount of sweet foods and baked goods. They are easily digestible carbohydrates, cause a fermentation reaction, respectively, increasing gas formation;
  • A large amount of fiber and starch in the body also causes discomfort (brown bread, legumes, potatoes, cabbage, etc.).

Pathological causes of a bloated and hard abdomen

Gases may occur due to the presence of fermentopathy. For example, a deficiency of the enzyme needed to break down complex milk sugar (lactose) into monosaccharides (fructose and glucose) is very common among adults. This enzyme is called lactase, it is synthesized thin sections intestines.

When there is a deficiency of this substance, milk passes into large intestine and only there is it digested with the participation of local microflora. It is this process that, in case of lactase deficiency, causes increased gas formation, a painful feeling of fullness and bloating after eating.

Hard belly at small child most often occurs due to dysbiosis. It is worth noting that this violation Quite common among adults as well. This disease is characterized by an imbalance of intestinal microflora, that is, the number of opportunistic bacteria increases, and the number of beneficial bacteria decreases.

Both the former and the latter are constantly present in the body, but when an imbalance occurs, the normal absorption of food is disrupted, it is poorly digested, putrefactive processes dominate, and gas formation suddenly increases.

If the stomach is inflated only in a certain place, then one can suspect a mechanical obstacle to the movement of gases, for example, a tumor or intestinal obstruction for other reasons. This phenomenon is observed when intestinal motility is disrupted (often occurs with invasions that provoke intoxication of the intestinal muscles), problems with blood circulation (varicose veins affecting the lower abdomen). Discomfort can be caused by mental pathologies, for example, hysterical disorder.

How to determine why your stomach has become hard and bloated

Usually the first person to detect symptoms is the person himself, who constantly loosens his belt, wears clothes large sizes feeling constant discomfort. However, in some cases this phenomenon goes unnoticed for a long time, for example, with significant obesity, asymptomatic ascites (abdominal dropsy).

The presence of a disorder may be indicated by a feeling of tension in the groin, on both sides of the lower back, and pain in this area.

Pain syndrome, as a rule, occurs as a result of the body’s reaction to damage by any pathology internal organ. For example, it could be an enlarged spleen, a congested liver, or a tumor in the large intestine. Local pain, which is uncharacteristic of ascites, occurs against the background of the development of cirrhosis. In addition, it may be inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis) or pancreas (pancreatitis), primary liver cancer (hepatoma).

A distended, painful, and hard abdomen may be a symptom of progressive ascites or growing tumors. This increases intra-abdominal pressure. As a result, food digestion is disrupted, it moves back into the esophagus (reflux), causing heartburn. When the diaphragm rises, there is shortness of breath in supine position(orthopnea), shallow rapid breathing (tachypnea).

Diffuse swelling should be a reason for a more thorough examination. The doctor is interested in a tendency to abuse alcohol, a history of hematuria, jaundice, disorders intestinal activity, rheumatic heart pathologies. The data obtained make it possible to identify cirrhosis, colon cancer with metastases to the peritoneum, kidney pathologies (nephrosis), and congestive heart failure.

What to do if your lower abdomen is painful and hard

It is not recommended to self-medicate, especially if this condition occurs frequently or is constantly present. Consult a gastroenterologist for advice. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, study the medical history, rule out or confirm the presence of diseases.

Often, diagnosis in children and adults involves the following studies:

  • Analysis of stool for intestinal microflora;
  • Examination of gastric juice;
  • Bacterial analysis of stool;
  • Bile examination;
  • Ultrasound of the digestive system.

IN mandatory If the stomach is hard, it is necessary to adjust the patient’s diet. Products that can increase gas formation (cabbage, potatoes, rice, whole milk, etc.) are excluded from the menu. Every day they eat coarse bread, a limited amount of vegetables and fruits, and dairy products.

It is recommended to strengthen physical activity, it is not necessary to do exercises in the gym, walking 3 km a day is enough. In the absence serious illnesses, characterized by the appearance of a hard belly, changing your diet and lifestyle will certainly relieve discomfort.

Drug treatment for hard belly

Doctors often prescribe to reduce gas formation. the whole complex drugs. It necessarily includes adsorbing agents - polysorb, activated carbon, smecta. Enzymatic ones are also used medicines– mezim, pancreatin, panzinorm. Sometimes drugs are prescribed that replace bile or stimulate its production - karsil, LIV 80, allohol.

A hard belly during pregnancy can be one of the symptoms of uterine hypertonicity. Unfortunately, it is considered a pathology of pregnancy, but there is no need to panic in advance. Firstly, there are much more women who have been diagnosed with this than women giving birth without any pathologies. And secondly, this disease is treatable and if you follow all the recommendations, everything will work out. The main thing is to see a doctor in time and start treatment.

Most often, uterine hypertonicity occurs in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. It is determined by heaviness in the lower abdomen; there are frequent cases of pain that some women experience during menstruation. These symptoms may be accompanied by lumbar region, discomfort, such as distension in the lower abdomen, severe pain in the center of the stomach. However, if this is the first time you have felt such symptoms, we advise you to simply lie down and rest; perhaps this is a consequence and not a manifestation of the disease. If the pain recurs, consult a doctor to relieve the pain and determine the presence of pathology.

The symptom of a hard abdomen during pregnancy requires careful diagnosis, as it may pose a threat of miscarriage. The fact is that with hypertonicity, the uterus begins to contract to certain period childbirth, which is incorrect and poses a threat of spontaneous abortion. With hypertonicity, blood circulation is impaired, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. In addition, hypertonicity can provoke retarded fetal growth and development both before and after childbirth.

The reasons for the increased tone of the uterus, as well as a hard abdomen, are endocrine and hormonal disorders, infectious and inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, underdevelopment of the uterus, failure of immune system, stress, . On later, hypertonicity can develop against the background of polyhydramnios or due to being too inside the womb. Heavy physical activity and injuries during pregnancy also lead to increased tone uterus during pregnancy.

If you feel heaviness and nagging pain in the lower abdomen, try to relax as much as possible, turn on the calm one and lie down to rest. After relief, be sure to visit your doctor and tell him about the nature of the pain. If the abdomen becomes hard and the pain increases and becomes very severe, then be sure to call ambulance, and you need to wait for the doctor only in a horizontal position.

Of course, there is nothing good about uterine hypertonicity, but there is no need to get upset in advance. Often, after examination and treatment, the pain disappears without returning. Otherwise, you will be offered inpatient treatment in the pregnancy pathology department in order to preserve the fetus and normalize the course of pregnancy. Many women neglect inpatient treatment, but in vain. It is in the hospital that qualified specialists try to provide you with complete peace of mind and monitor your condition and the condition of your child around the clock. In addition, sedatives and antispasmodics, in some cases, often the appointment hormonal drugs, which will adjust hormonal background, which means they will help pregnancy proceed as normal, as usual.

But, as we know, the easiest way is to prevent such diseases, but to engage in prevention and try to minimize the risk of uterine hypertonicity. Experts recommend starting prevention before pregnancy, that is, during planning. To do this, future parents should be examined for the presence of infectious diseases, minimize alcohol consumption, try to quit smoking. If you are actively involved in sports, then during the planning period you should reduce physical activity. Regarding mental state, it would be advisable to attend yoga classes or simply learn a few techniques that will help you relax.

Take care of your health, take care of your unborn child and be healthy.

Especially for- Ira Romaniy

A big belly causes a lot of problems. Everyone thinks that the belly grows because sedentary lifestyle life and a lot of fatty foods.

But if it's a matter of excess weight, then it's not so scary. But a strongly growing belly may be the cause of the disease.

A big belly causes a lot of inconvenience and problems: you don’t know how to choose clothes, you experience a lot of stress on your spine because of this, and there are a lot of other diseases. For women, the waist should be up to 88cm, for men up to 94cm.

A big belly is a disease that must be gotten rid of. So why did my belly get big?

Why is my belly big and hard? Let's figure it out.

Why did my belly get big?

A large belly can be caused by a large accumulation of fluid. Unlike obesity, the stomach grows evenly, the skin is smooth and taut.

Ascites (fluid accumulation) can be caused by:

  • tumor diseases;
  • inflammation in the peritoneum;
  • diseases of the heart and kidneys, causing stagnation of blood and disrupting the outflow of fluid from tissues, swelling of the arms, legs, and face;
  • cirrhosis of the liver, the outflow is impaired venous blood into the liver, the pressure in the abdominal cavity jumps, a lot of fluid is formed.

With ascites, you must first cure the disease, and then deal with the tummy.

U healthy person The belly may suddenly grow, the reasons may be:

  • constant consumption of soda;
  • regular soda, which many people use for heartburn;
  • eating unlimited quantities of cabbage, fresh black bread, grapes, garlic, legumes, melon;
  • haste in eating, because when fast food swallows a lot of air;
  • undergone laparoscopy surgery, during which carbon dioxide is injected into the peritoneum.

Now we know why the belly became big.

Why does my belly get bigger?

If you have big belly due to obesity, then listen to these helpful tips:

  • don't drink beer;
  • walk a lot, about an hour;
  • pump up your abs;
  • swim in the pool;
  • eat properly, chew food thoroughly, eat slowly;
  • eat small meals often, 5-6 times a day;
  • forget about simple carbohydrates - buns, cookies, sweets
  • fats should be healthy - nuts, fish, avocados.

I would like to suggest exercises that will help reduce the size of your belly.

If your stomach has become large due to obesity, you can correct the situation with daily training and exercises.

  1. We lie on our backs, put our hands behind our heads. Bend your legs, feet resting on the floor. We count one, raise our head and shoulders, count two, lower it. You need to do it 20 times.
  2. The next exercise is similar, but now we lift the body in two steps - we tear off the head and shoulders, raise the head and shoulders even higher. Then we also lower our head and shoulders in two steps.
  3. We also lie on our backs, with our hands folded behind our heads. Bend your legs, lift up. We raise our torso and try to reach our knees with our elbows.
  4. The position is the same, lying on your back. One, we raise our shoulders and head, two, we turn our body to the right, three, we turn our body straight, trying to rise higher without touching the floor, four, we lower ourselves. We do it twenty times. Then we repeat everything the same, only turning to the left.
  5. Lying down, legs bent, feet slightly apart, hands on the lower abdomen to feel the tension of the lower muscles. We strain the abdominal muscles of the buttocks, squeeze, without tugging, gently raise the pelvis not high, a couple of centimeters, then lower it. You need to do 20 times.

Conclusion: if you don’t know why your belly has become large, consult a doctor because it may be associated with serious diseases and the sooner you contact, the greater the chance of recovery, always remember this.

Each of us at least once in our lives is faced with the question: why? bloated belly? Sometimes this condition is accompanied by hardness of the peritoneum and painful sensations that make a comfortable existence impossible. And the rhythm of life modern man requires constant being in working condition.

No doctor will draw conclusions about what disease is developing inside the patient’s body based on just this single symptom; however, he will definitely send him for further examination. In this material we will try to figure out what a bloated belly signals and where to go for help.

It must be said that the feeling of a bloated belly is a phenomenon perceived by every person from the position of his subjective view. The nuances associated with this sensation may vary depending on many factors. However, a significant number of patients, when describing their own condition, reproduce the following:

  • they feel fullness inside the abdomen;
  • feel as if they are “inflated” with air;
  • experience pain or unpleasant pressure.

Sometimes this condition is not fraught with danger, and is an isolated manifestation that goes away on its own after some time, or gradually fades away after taking medications appropriate to the situation.

At the same time, bloating and hardening of the abdomen can be a signal from our digestive system, indicating the development of various pathological processes.

Sometimes a feeling of a hard and full abdomen occurs in a patient with the following problems:

  • overweight;
  • psychological problems.

Psychological factor - an unusual cause of bloating

Having gained a few more pounds, these patients imagine that their stomach is unnaturally full, but in reality it is just subcutaneous fat and a stomach full of food. In this case, a gastroenterologist (digestive system specialist) will not be able to provide the help that the person needs and will be forced to send him to:

  • nutritionist to compile proper diet and diet;
  • to a psychologist to eliminate internal states that interfere with the weight loss process.

In a word, to understand exactly what problem caused you to feel bloated, just listing the symptoms will not be enough. It is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a series of various laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Video - Bloating: causes and treatment

Inflated belly in healthy people

Unfortunately, even excellent health cannot protect you from walking around with a bloated belly. This happens to each of us at least several times in our lives. The reason for this is the accumulation of gases inside the intestines.

This phenomenon received the following name: flatulence. Excessively accumulated gases in the longest of our organs not only burst out randomly, but also, being produced quite intensively, put painful pressure on the walls of the container.

The reasons for the formation of flatulence can be very different. Let's look at some of them.

Rapid absorption of food or aerophagia. When a person has a small amount of time for a meal (for example, in the morning, being late for work), he tries to eat the food on his plate as quickly as possible. Simultaneously with the intense and frequent swallowing of products, it also captures air, which then descends through the esophagus into the stomach, and ultimately passes into the intestines, accumulating inside and causing an attack of flatulence.

Drinking large amounts of sparkling water– another possible reason for painful bloating. Bubbles that pleasantly tickle our mouth while drinking drinks help us create the illusion of more effective removal thirst. It is precisely because of this circumstance that most people prefer to drink water artificially saturated with gases. Today it is difficult to find on store shelves even mineral water without carbon, as people prefer a more effervescent version of the drink.

The following should be noted:

  • the benefits of mineral water saturated with gases are several times lower than that of non-carbonated water;
  • All that huge amount of gases that filled the bottles, as they are absorbed, moves inside your intestines, where they create a real hurricane.

However, don't worry. If the reason for your bloated belly really lies in the accumulation of excess air, you don’t have to worry, because:

  • part of it will be released along with belching through the esophagus;
  • gases will either gradually leave the intestines naturally, or are absorbed into the intestinal walls;
  • An antifoam tablet quickly helps with such bloating.

Another reason for the appearance of gases inside the intestines is their release during consumption of foods that cause fermentation. These include food consisting of coarse plant fiber, as well as other elements of our daily nutrition, For example:

  • vegetables (for example, cabbage);
  • green;
  • rye bread;
  • potato;
  • products made from white flour;
  • legumes (beans, peas), etc.

Carbohydrate foods containing starch pose a danger associated with increased gas formation.

Besides, favorable environment for the formation and accumulation of natural gases create:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sparkling water (as we said above);
  • sugar substitutes;
  • sweets;
  • other products.

The list of foods fermenting in the stomach is quite extensive. People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or other gastrointestinal diseases should be especially wary of consuming them. In addition, it affects the formation of gases after eating food:

  • individual sensitivity;
  • food allergy.

If you do not suffer from diseases, are not allergic, and do not have a special relationship with any dishes or their individual components, we advise you to relax.

The next reason that can provoke the accumulation of gases inside the intestines, in a sense associated with diseases digestive system, leading to heartburn. To extinguish excess acidity and get rid of uncomfortable sensations, many people, instead of specialized medical supplies prefer to drink “cocktails” made from soda and water. This folk remedy It helps really effectively, however, it has a rather aggressive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time forms gases in the intestines.

Inflated belly due to various diseases

It happens that increased gas formation and bloating is a much more consequence serious reasons than the banal consumption of the wrong products. In this section of the material we present to you the most frequently encountered ones.

Reason #1. If there are disturbances in the functioning of organs that secrete enzymes, bloating may develop. This phenomenon is called “enzymopathy”. If it is present, the body does not have the ability to properly process and absorb the substances entering it. For example, a very common type of enzyme deficiency occurs in which it is difficult to separate lactose into its component elements:

  • glucose;
  • fructose.

The desired digestive extract is produced by the small intestine. If its operation is disrupted, all dairy products entering digestive system humans are not absorbed properly.

Most often, people who are aware of their fermentopathy associated with the processing of lactose try to avoid dairy products and dishes that contain them, because they know that they are guaranteed a bloated belly.

Reason #2. Second pathological condition, in which a large amount of gases is produced in the body - an imbalance between:

  • beneficial bacteria;
  • harmful microorganisms.

It must be said that this is a temporary phenomenon that occurs after exposure various factors, which served as a favorable reason for the growth of pathogenic microflora, for example:

  • due to taking antibiotics;
  • other drugs that negatively affect the intestines.

However, despite the fact that the sensations you will experience are not pleasant, rest assured that the body will find the strength to recover on its own in the near future. Help him eat healthy and clean food, and you will soon forget about bloating.

Reason #3. Pancreatitis is a disease that, unfortunately, is very often diagnosed today. Hidden under the named term is most dangerous process- inflammation of the human pancreas, which produces digestive enzymes, supplied in small intestine to digest food. Everything is logical here: disruption of the gland leads to a decrease in the activity of its secretion, which means there are not enough enzymes to digest incoming food. As a result, the undigested mass descends further into the large intestine where, as a result, it simply continues to rot, releasing, naturally, gases.

You can cope with this disease:

  • if you go to the hospital on time;
  • start taking medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • radically change your diet;
  • develop a diet.

Until the underlying pathology is eliminated, attempts to eliminate the annoying symptom (bloating) will have only a short-term effect.

If you have pancreatitis, it is important to eat right. Examples of daily diet can be found in

Reason #4. IBS, or irritable bowel symptom, is another factor that can cause bloating. This disease is accompanied by impaired intestinal motility, resulting in a person:

  • constantly experiencing painful sensations in the stomach;
  • suffers from flatulence;
  • experiences frequent dyspeptic disorders;
  • feels frequent urge to defecation.

It is impossible to eliminate the desired pathology as such, simply because the true nature of its occurrence has not yet been determined. It is believed that the reasons behind the development of IBS are related to:

  • with mental stress;
  • constant physical fatigue.

It often happens that both of these phenomena are interconnected. So, for example, a person gets tired at work, completely exhausted, and at the same time receives a small wages and gets no satisfaction. As a result, enormous stress accumulates, affecting the functioning of the longest organ of the body.

  • visiting a psychologist;
  • normalization of loads;
  • eliminating symptoms (pain, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, etc.) with the help of medications.

Reason #5. Intestinal obstruction can also affect the accumulation of gases. This pathological condition is usually caused by the following factors:

  • tumor, etc.

As a result of the accumulation of natural gas and feces in the intestines, which cannot be released, the stomach becomes noticeably distended. If the contents of the intestine are not removed in time, most unpleasant consequences, associated not only with further gas accumulation, but also:

  • the formation of tumors (or growth, if they already exist);
  • general poisoning of the body;
  • rupture of the intestine due to excessive fullness, etc.

The diseases listed above are not the entire list of reasons that can cause your stomach to swell; however, they are the ones that most often worry patients who come to the medical institutions all over the world.

Who to turn to for help

If bloating is a problem that bothers you quite often, you need to pull yourself together and go to the hospital to consult a doctor who specializes in gastrointestinal tract human body- gastroenterologist.

Based on your complaints, the doctor will make an assumption regarding the pathology developing in you and prescribe a series of examinations carried out in a laboratory and using medical equipment. Their list will include the following procedures:

  • examination of stool for microflora;
  • analysis biological fluids(bile, stomach acid);
  • ultrasound examination of organs;
  • A colonoscopy (examination of the intestines using an endoscope) may also be needed.

Whatever the problem is identified, doctors will prescribe adequate treatment for it, and at the same time will help you:

  • adjust the daily menu;
  • set up a meal routine.

Thus, products that form gases or have harmful effects will be excluded from the diet. negative influence on the intestines with certain pathologies. Most likely, physical activity will also be recommended, thanks to which the body is strengthened and saturated with the energy necessary to fight the disease.

Let's sum it up

The anxiety created by a bloated belly is not just aesthetic. Intense manifestation of bloating leads to the appearance severe discomfort: quite noticeable pain and inability to lead a normal lifestyle. Elementary, you can’t sit in the office, every second risking ruining the air not only for yourself, but also for your colleagues.

It is possible to eliminate bloating by treating the cause of its formation

Let's look at the main groups of reasons that cause the stomach to become bloated in the table below.

Table 1. Causes of bloating

Let's say right away: proper nutrition And healthy image life - best prevention from a bloated belly, because if you do not have hereditary pathologies, these two components will protect the intestines from the development of pathological processes, and therefore from filling with gases.

When found unpleasant symptoms, or if they become more frequent, consult your doctor. By self-medicating, you risk aggravating the situation and turning innocent gas into a real problem.