Why do you feel dizzy when you stand up? It gets dark in my eyes when I stand up abruptly: why does this symptom appear and what to do? Why when you suddenly stand up

Complaints that darkens in the eyes when changing body position, for example, when abruptly standing up from a chair, therapists hear from people of different ages.

The duration of this state is noted for 2-5 seconds. This can happen several times a day and, naturally, cause anxiety.

IN healthy body when changing position, the blood is quickly redistributed, ensuring normal blood supply to the organs.

Photo 1: By various reasons when the circulatory mechanism is disrupted, it changes heart rate(bradycardia), blood pressure decreases, which leads to insufficient blood supply to the brain and, therefore, causes sudden darkening of the eyes. Source: flickr (withwhip).


  1. Osteochondrosis. If the vertebrae in the neck are displaced, blood supply to the brain slows down, and insufficient oxygen supply affects well-being. An additional symptom is dizziness.
  2. It gets dark in the eyes when bradycardia (rare heartbeat), hypertension (increased blood pressure).
  3. Age. In people over 60, this symptom occurs more often due to dysfunction vestibular apparatus.
  4. Low blood pressure. Hypotension causes darkening of the eyes, weakness, and dizziness. Increasing tinnitus, nausea, weakness in the legs and headache indicate impending fainting.
  5. Taking certain medications. Antidepressants, diuretics and hypertension medications cause a decrease in blood pressure,
  6. Dehydration. With a lack of fluid, the blood becomes thicker and its movement to the brain slows down.
  7. Orthostatic hypotension- critical drop blood pressure when getting up. The patient feels faint, dizzy, as if the ground is floating away from under his feet, and turns pale.
  8. Anemia. With normal blood supply, it happens that there is not enough nutrients and oxygen. This condition is called anemia.

Important! The symptom may indicate a disease - a dissecting aortic aneurysm.

What measures should be taken when a symptom appears?

If this happens occasionally, you don't have to worry. When your vision becomes darker when you change your body position more and more often, you need to consult a therapist to find out the cause.

What to do

To those who often neglects to comply drinking regime , it is necessary to establish the flow of a sufficient amount of fluid into the body, and anemic must undergo a course of treatment and adjust their diet.

Prevention - strengthening vascular system body. After consulting a doctor, you can start regular visits to the sauna.

Photo 2: Walking in the fresh air, swimming, cycling, and dancing are perfect for prevention. Source: flickr (Jean-Paul).

Safe and effective treatment of hypotension will take homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic treatment

  1. (Aconitum) is an anti-inflammatory drug that relieves infections, the side effect of which is hypotension.
  2. (Arnica) - helps with a feeling of weakness, weakness, a feeling of impending fainting.
  3. (Avena sativa) improves vascular tone for dietary errors.
  4. (Camphora) effective at cardiovascular failure , it will help with bradycardia and improve vascular tone.
  5. (Chininum arsenicosum) treats anemia, exhaustion after an illness.
  6. Kalium phosphoricum (Kali phosphoricum) is taken by those who suffer hypotension with frequent dizziness, tinnitus.
  7. Naya (Naja) - necessary for those who often have pressure drops.
  8. (Phosphorus) - taken if hypotension occurs when moving to a standing position.
  9. (Pulsatilla) effective at varicose veins veins and endocrine disorders , affecting the tone of veins and blood vessels.
  10. (Sulfur) - taken by patients with orthostatic hypotension experiencing significant discomfort when standing up.
  11. If hypotension when standing up is often accompanied by fainting or a condition close to it, take (Veratrum album).

For selection effective medicine The homeopathic physician analyzes the patient’s symptoms and the circumstances of their occurrence. That is why there is so much individualization in homeopathic treatment.

Patients, regularly experiencing darkening of the eyes when standing up, weakness and dizziness, can alleviate unpleasant symptoms with the help of homeopathy, eliminate harmless and serious reasons their occurrence.

Many people, when they change their body position from horizontal to vertical, feel that their eyes are getting dark. The world around them seems to be falling into darkness. They cannot understand what is happening. Experts are confident that in this case we're talking about about hypotension, that is, low blood pressure, the readings of which may be below 100/60 mm Hg. Art. But this depends on the gender of the person and the characteristics of his body.

Main signs of hypotension

Hypotension is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • lethargy;
  • constant feeling of weakness;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • weakness;
  • memory loss;
  • appearance;
  • shortness of breath that occurs even after slight physical exertion.

Exacerbation of the disease occurs in spring and autumn. It can manifest itself as hypotensive crises, the manifestation of which is fainting. Cardiologists distinguish two forms of hypotension: primary and secondary.

Primary hypotension is also called essential. It occurs for a reason severe stress, chronic emotional stress, nervous breakdowns. This leads to neuroses and spasms cerebral vessels. Secondary hypotension develops in the presence of various pathologies that provoke a decrease in blood pressure. Provoking factors for hypotension are:

  • avitaminosis;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • starvation.

Often a change in blood pressure in one direction or another occurs in weather-sensitive people. Hypotensive people may experience decreased body tone during electromagnetic storms and weather changes and experience headaches.

Other causes of darkening of the eyes

There are other reasons why people’s eyes darken:

  • the use of certain diuretics, vasodilators, drugs that reduce the intensity of vegetative processes;
  • use of antidepressants;
  • decreased glucose tolerance.

Identifying the causes of darkening of the eyes

In order to find out the cause of darkening in the eyes, it is necessary to be examined by a neurologist. You may also need to consult a cardiologist and endocrinologist. Holter monitoring will allow you to establish the rhythm of changes in blood pressure.

Dopplerography of the vessels of the neck and brain is necessary to determine their condition. To rule out a brain tumor, an MRI or CT scan of the head and neck may be needed. One of the research methods that is performed when changing blood pressure is bicycle ergometry.


In order to get rid of dizziness and bouts of darkening in the eyes, it is necessary to install correct diagnosis. After this, the doctor will decide whether it is necessary drug treatment. In many cases, to stabilize the condition, it is enough to change your lifestyle, diversify your diet, regulate physical activity and improve the quality of sleep.

Treatments using traditional medicine methods

In order to avoid attacks of darkening in the eyes, you can use recipes that offer traditional healers: twice a day, 30 minutes before meals, drink 20 or 30 drops of lemongrass tincture; for 20 days, consume 5-20 drops of ginseng tincture 2 times a day. They increase blood pressure.

If your eyes get dark no more than twice a month, you can rest, balance your diet, walk in the fresh air, and it will pass. If you experience more frequent dizziness and episodes of darkening in your eyes, you should consult a doctor. Timely treatment is the key to success.

The vision becomes dark and the head begins to spin, the ground disappears from under one’s feet, an unpleasant feeling of nausea creeps up the throat, the skin becomes covered with cold sweat, the face turns pale - one is about to lose consciousness...

Almost every person has experienced the warning signs of fainting and the syncope itself under certain circumstances. AND You don't have to suffer from a serious illness to do this. It is enough to find yourself in some unfavorable environment for yourself or go on a starvation diet in order to urgently get rid of extra pounds. However, when darkness before the eyes occurs too often and other warning signs of pathology are added to this symptom, one should begin searching for the cause of darkening in the eyes.

As if there is no reason...

Darkening in the eyes, as an annoying but rare episode, is not necessarily caused by some kind of disease. This phenomenon is called physiological, which occurs because for some reason blood in sufficient quantities did not reach the brain and did not provide it with nutrition in a timely manner, which can:

  • Provoked by prolonged standing in a vehicle or somewhere else, sitting in one position on a chair or on a sofa;
  • Depend on individual characteristics, which turned out to be overly sensitive to any changes in the environment and internal state(high air temperature, stuffy room, emotional stress, fear);
  • Be the result of prolonged fasting (wrong approach to weight loss or forced hunger due to circumstances). In fact, from a starvation diet designed for fast weight loss, the level drops and the vision suddenly becomes dark, but for some reason the expected effect takes a long time to arrive;
  • Listed as the main complaint (“it gets dark in my eyes when I get out of bed in the morning”) among people who constantly complain about low blood pressure (BP – 105-115/60-70 mm Hg) and consider themselves to have. Of course, sudden getting out of bed will not be useful for such people - they need to lie down, soak up, and then calmly get up;
  • Be the result of excessive physical stress(backbreaking work, lifting heavy objects whose weight exceeds the permissible value);
  • Act as costs of individual professions or hobbies (working at height with insurance, mountaineering);
  • Appears in women who are sure that beauty requires sacrifice and, to prove this, use underwear that corrects the figure, but impairs blood circulation (a fashion that has returned from time immemorial - tight corsets with lace);
  • Occurs after a long period of squatting (some people like to rest this way, although they know why; when they stand up, their vision suddenly becomes dark);
  • Represent side effect air travel, when, when climbing and landing, the ears of most passengers become blocked, and some experience darkness in their eyes and a headache.

All these cases are explained by the pressure difference between the upper and bottom body or between atmospheric and blood pressure, which does not have time to quickly rebuild. Special treatment such options are not required, and the person continues to be considered practically healthy.

It gets dark in my eyes and I feel dizzy when I get up...

Darkness in the eyes and dizziness, for example, with a condition such as pathological orthostatic hypotension. Speaking in simple language, a situation arises when the blood in the body is redistributed - the lower part of the body gets more blood, than is required to provide nutrients, and the upper (and head, including) at this time suffers from a lack of blood supply. As a result of such unfair distribution, the brain does not receive enough substances necessary for full functioning and experiences oxygen starvation(hypoxia).

Under conditions of hypoxia, a pre-fainting state develops, which is not necessarily limited only to darkening of the eyes, for example, in some people it occurs, darkening of the eyes and nausea, protruding sticky sweat... and everything can end. So:

  1. In children and adolescents, the cause of darkening in the eyes (in the absence of any signs of illness) is most often the incomplete development of the vegetative nervous system and the vascular bed, because it’s not for nothing that at this age they don’t consider it a real disease (and at other ages, in principle, too). However, the child has every chance of “outgrowing” this trouble when his body finishes its formation;
  2. It often darkens in the eyes of people who are weather-sensitive, who react strongly to weather and climatic conditions that determine that something is wrong in nature as soon as it begins to change atmospheric pressure, although in other respects these people are considered practically healthy;
  3. Feeling weak and darkened in the eyes after copious discharge sweat at physiological conditions(impact high temperature, psycho-emotional stress, heavy physical labor) or due to various pathologies, so if your eyes often get dark, you need to undergo an examination;
  4. It darkens sharply in the eyes when a person has been in a horizontal position for a long time and quickly stood up.

Thus, for many people (hypotonics and hypertensives, suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia or other, more serious, pathology), a sudden rise from a chair or from a bed causes dizziness and darkening of the eyes, a person describes his condition this way: “My vision is impaired when I get up." But in such cases everything is clear - enough blood simply did not have time to get to the brain or the liquid carrying nutrients rose to the head in a timely manner, but in full could not “squeeze” into the narrowed areas various reasons vessels, and as a result, the brain tissue is not for a long time lost food. True, it’s usually worth staying in a vertical position for a while, not going anywhere, do not make sudden movements and everything is restored: the blood rushes to the head and the eyes become clearer.

Video: the cause of darkening in the eyes is orthostatic hypotension

Short-term health disorder

Sometimes darkening in the eyes reflects a temporary state of a person, which in the near future, if properly measures taken, most likely, will end happily and be forgotten, although individual cases may require special attention and doctor visits:

  • Often there is ringing in the ears, darkness in the eyes and dizziness in pregnant women– these symptoms are also caused by a drop in blood pressure. It is clear that pregnancy is a physiological condition, however, it should be borne in mind that a woman’s body undergoes certain changes, for which fainting is unlikely to become a positive factor, because the child’s brain also experiences hypoxia, the woman may be injured and, finally, more frequent episodes of darkening in the eyes may indicate the development of complications ();
  • It’s hard to imagine without weakness and darkening in the eyes dehydration of the body and decrease in blood volume(volume of circulating blood) as a result of poisoning (then at first it becomes dark in the eyes and nausea, and then vomiting and/or diarrhea begins). Of course, in this case, it is not the dark veil that appears before the eyes that is treated, but the cause that led to the appearance of this symptom;
  • Darkening of the eyes is characteristic of acute blood loss, both with extensive injuries and when performing a noble mission (donation), and in the latter case, the role is played not by the amount of lost blood, but by the speed with which it left the body;
  • It becomes sharply dark in the eyes if you accidentally hit your head and get a bump (a person often receives such injuries, they are not dangerous to health, but every time at the moment of contact of one’s own forehead or another part of the skull, a dark curtain appears, against which multi-colored sparks fly Of course, more serious TBI( , ) they also cannot do without the presence of the described symptom at the moment of impact; in some cases, darkness continues to appear after the injury;
  • Give similar symptoms as clinical manifestations certain disease, may infectious processes caused by various pathogens. It is not surprising if, during a flu epidemic, a person feels weak, darkened in the eyes, noise in the ears and... loses consciousness - this means that he is sick, he needs to take his temperature, put him to bed and call a doctor;
  • Application of some medicines (, medications for depression, ACE inhibitors and other drugs that dilate blood vessels and), as well as an overdose in people suffering from diabetes, or its rapid intravenous (with glucose) administration in the treatment of other diseases in non-diabetics are factors that can quickly create a black picture before the eyes.

The listed conditions in most cases have a successful outcome; darkening of the eyes in these situations is considered a completely natural and understandable symptom. Whether a person survives a short-term health disorder with the help of medicine or copes on his own, he will forget about the darkening in his eyes.

Serious causes of darkening of the eyes

The causes of darkening of the eyes are often chronic pathological processes, affecting vital important systems– nervous, cardiac, vascular, endocrine, for example:

  • cervical spine– anything can happen from this disease: dark vision and headaches, periodic tinnitus, dizziness, and sometimes stuffy ears... Progressive changes in cervical spine with osteochondrosis, they lead to pressure on the main arteries of the spine that supply blood to the brain (vertebral and basilar), a decrease in blood flow in them, and as a result - the development (), which, accompanied by the above symptoms, can lead to an even more severe pathology - stroke;
  • And the veins of the legs may also be accompanied by such signs of trouble as dizziness and darkening of the eyes;
  • Pathological changes in small vessels and blockage They are given not only by periodic darkness before the eyes. Often the beginning of such acute condition, How
  • As is known, when occurring with an aura, it can have many different manifestations, sometimes at the beginning of an attack - glare and zigzags appear, it gets dark in the eyes and there is a headache;
  • – weakness and darkening of the eyes, general malaise, decreased concentration of attention often act as the first signs of mild anemic hypoxia. As the process deepens, the eyes often become dark and the head hurts, tinnitus appears, sleep and appetite are disturbed. Severe anemia leads to heart failure, for which darkening of the eyes is a completely common symptom;
  • of various origins (chronic alcoholism, oncological process, diabetes mellitus) are almost always accompanied by a violation of this kind;
  • Anorexia nervosa(a state when the desire to lose weight and under no circumstances gain an extra gram turns into serious illness) – with this pathology, not only do black spots appear before the eyes and dizziness from hunger, but the person loses the ability to live and work normally;
  • , ( , ) One of the first signs is darkening of the eyes.

The symptom complex, which has become the reason for constant debate among specialists regarding its belonging or non-belonging to pathological conditions, we do not list it as a serious disease. However (vegetative-vascular dystonia) can claim to be a leader among other conditions, which also manifest themselves as dizziness, tinnitus, and visual disorders. Without the participation of the autonomic nervous system, the formation similar sign somehow it rarely works out.

Darkening of the eyes is a symptom that anyone can experience in certain situations. Of course, if there is an explanation for the dark veil, then you shouldn’t worry yourself and waste time “going to the doctors,” but if such episodes happen frequently and are also accompanied by other symptoms, then postponing a visit to the doctor will be unreasonable and sometimes even dangerous. You need to undergo an examination, find out the cause and begin treatment to prevent the development of a more severe pathology.

Darkening of the eyes that occurs when changing body position is a symptom that is usually associated with various pathologies. However, it is not always a danger signal: even the eyes become dark healthy person, if he is overworked, stressed or overdoes physical activity. Most often, this symptom occurs when standing up. Discomfort can be a single manifestation or recur regularly. Episodic darkening of the eyes in most cases does not indicate visual impairment - rather, it is short-term deterioration visual perception the surrounding world. The exact cause of darkening in the eyes can be determined by a doctor after conducting diagnostic examinations.

The causes of darkening in the eyes are not necessarily any serious pathologies. The periodic manifestation of a similar symptom is the so-called orthostatic hypotension - a condition in which the brain is certain moment time arrived insufficient quantity blood, which causes mild oxygen starvation. In this case, there is a short-term darkening of the eyes, which occurs when a person stands up, and can be caused by the following factors:

  • Staying in one position for a long time - for example, in transport, at work;
  • Excessive physical activity(lifting weights, playing sports);
  • Overwork. Long absence rest contributes to decreased concentration, attention, and dizziness;
  • Prolonged squatting;
  • High sensitivity of the autonomic nervous system to external stimuli (sudden changes in weather conditions, staying in a stuffy room);
  • Wearing shapewear, shapewear, which puts strong pressure on tissues and blood vessels, not allowing sufficient blood to flow to the brain;

  • Prolonged fasting, adherence to strict diets with maximum reduction of nutrients. Dizziness and darkening of the eyes are caused by a sharp decrease in blood glucose levels;
  • Incomplete development of the vascular bed in children and adolescents. In this case, in addition to darkening in the eyes, weakness, a feeling of coldness in the upper and lower limbs, panic attacks;
  • A sharp rise after a long stay in a horizontal position;
  • Insufficient amount of fluid in the body, dehydration;
  • Age-related changes associated with hormonal fluctuations: puberty, menopause, old age;
  • Bad habits - drinking alcohol and narcotic drugs, smoking;
  • Reception medications– tranquilizers, diuretics and vasodilators.

More serious reasons that contribute to darkening of the eyes when standing up are the following diseases and abnormalities:

  1. Infectious diseases caused by various pathogenic organisms;
  2. Concussion or bruise of the brain (read how to treat a concussion here http://promigreni.com/mozg/sotryasenie-mozga-simptomy.html);
  3. Acute blood loss due to extensive wounds or after donating blood for donation purposes;
  4. Spinal diseases. At cervical osteochondrosis not only does it darken in the eyes, but also there is noise in the ears, dizziness;
  5. Varicose veins in which blood stagnates;
  6. Acute cerebrovascular accident;

Therapist Elena Vasilievna Malysheva and immunologist Andrei Petrovich Prodeus understand the signs and treatment of anemia:

  1. Anorexia nervosa is a state of total exhaustion of the body when the patient consciously refuses to eat in order to lose weight. In this case, a person not only constantly gets dark in his eyes and feels dizzy, but due to organ dystrophy he is practically unable to carry out his usual activities;
  2. Blockage of blood vessels;
  3. Increased pressure. This condition is also accompanied by severe shortness of breath, which occurs even with minimal physical exertion;
  4. Damages of the heart muscle (myocardial infarction, valvular malformations, rhythm disturbances);
  5. Anemia;
  6. Diabetes mellitus;
  7. Heatstroke. In the heat it affects the blood vessels heavy load, and fluctuations in pressure levels can contribute to sudden darkening of the eyes and severe dizziness.

Darkening before the eyes may be accompanied by additional symptoms, which include:

  • Paleness of the skin;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Increased sweating of the palms;
  • Feeling of heat in the body;

The reasons for the rapid pulse are discussed by cardiologists Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov and Anton Vladimirovich Rodionov:

  • Nausea;
  • Rapid pulse;
  • Presyncope;
  • Loss of consciousness.

Darkening of the eyes and dizziness are symptoms that often occur during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal fluctuations and a drop in blood pressure. It is worth paying attention: if specified symptom accompanied by regular headaches and dizziness, you should consult a doctor immediately. All this may indicate pathologies of fetal development or a complication of pregnancy.

Diagnostic methods

To find out why the eyes become dark and dizzy, the patient should consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary examinations. In this case you need:

  1. Examination by an ophthalmologist to exclude the possibility of damage to the organs of vision;
  2. MRI of the brain and cervical vessels;
  3. Angiography of arteries;

Angiography image of the cerebral arteries

  1. Electrocardiogram;
  2. Blood pressure measurement;
  3. Orthostatic test, the meaning of which is to determine the heart rate at rest, during active movements, in the first few minutes after assuming a vertical body position;
  4. General urine and blood tests.

After identifying the cause that explains why the eyes suddenly darken and studying the prevailing symptoms, the specialist prescribes appropriate treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

What does a person whose vision becomes dark need to know?

If you feel dizzy and your vision is dark, you should open the window, ensuring an influx of fresh air, and drink a cup of hot sweet tea. This will help normalize blood flow.

The patient should also take a horizontal position and raise his legs up. If there is no opportunity to lie down, you need to sit down with your head down to your knees. It is necessary to call an ambulance, as darkening before the eyes can be a symptom of a dangerous pathology.

With this unpleasant phenomenon the patient is contraindicated from driving or working with devices, careless handling of which can lead to injury.

The goals of treatment in this case are:

  • Returning blood pressure levels to acceptable levels;
  • Restoring normal blood supply to the brain;
  • Elimination of causes that contribute to heart rhythm disturbances;

Rheumatologist Evdokimenko Pavel Valerievich explains how to quickly reduce blood pressure at home - with and without medications:

  • Replenishing the deficiency of glucose and other nutrients (relevant if the patient has been on a diet for a long time and restricts himself in food);
  • Restoring the tone of the autonomic nervous system.

Considering the reason that provokes darkening in the eyes, the specialist prescribes certain medications, and, if necessary, surgical intervention(for vascular lesions), as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

To prevent this from occurring unpleasant symptom as darkening in the eyes, it is recommended to do jogging, long walking, and swimming. If there is a tendency to form blood clots, it is recommended to take medications that prevent this.

You should also drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration, avoid squatting, and after being in an upright position, switch to a sitting position very carefully, gradually, avoiding sudden movements.

Darkening before the eyes is not always a symptom accompanying serious illness. However, if it appears frequently, you should consult a specialist and undergo diagnostics: only in this way can pathology be identified early stage and achieve results with timely initiation of treatment.

Sharp darkening of the eyes and total loss control - these are the most common symptoms that accompany severe dizziness in humans. There are, of course, lucky people who have never experienced such a feeling in their entire lives and have never encountered it, but these lucky people are actually very, very few.

Leading experts in the field of medicine associate dizziness and darkening in the eyes with a wide variety of phenomena, therefore, even today there is still no clear answer to the question of why there is darkening in the eyes and dizziness.

Symptoms of dizziness

Typically, specialists who deal with complaints of dizziness are mainly therapists. Subsequently, it becomes clear that a patient who suffers from dizziness can be redirected either to a neurologist or cardiologist, or to an otolaryngologist or endocrinologist.

There are also cases in which dizziness can actually be considered harmless and completely natural. For example, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that dizziness occurs when traveling by transport or while riding some extreme attraction, because in such situations dizziness is a very obvious sign of motion sickness.

The thing is that the vestibular apparatus inside the human body may fail for a while under such extreme tests; this is quite normal. But, if suddenly your head begins to spin constantly and even from the slightest movement, and your vision constantly gets dark, then this is an unambiguous interpretation of the fact that the body is, as it were, giving peculiar alarm signals.

No one will ever confuse this feeling, in which the earth seems to disappear from under a person’s feet, with anything else. In addition, this sensation can also be described famous expression"The blood drains from the head." But what is really happening?

In fact, the vessels that are responsible for supplying the brain with blood undergo a kind of spasm, so the brain experiences some difficulty in delivering oxygen and various nutrients that are necessary for good nutrition both the brain and the whole body.

In addition, dizziness manifests itself as a combination of certain symptoms, due to which approximately the following symptoms will appear:

  • Sharp darkening in the eyes and the appearance of fog;
  • Drop in blood pressure;
  • stuffy ears;
  • Nausea;
  • Headache.

Some people may feel dizzy for just a few seconds, while for others the attacks may last much longer. They, these very attacks, can make themselves felt in a wide variety of situations.

For example, when a person wakes up in the morning and gets out of bed abruptly or not very quickly. When a person makes sharp turns of the body or bends, moves in too sharp or simply an intense rhythm.

In general, even the simplest emotions can provoke dizziness, including even tension, stress or excitement. The thing is that with even the slightest release of adrenaline into the blood, all blood vessels narrow, and blood circulation in the brain area sharply, significantly slows down.

Causes of dizziness

Very often the main prerequisites for a discomfort state are physiological processes that pass through the body. It could be next reason, or there may be several of them:

  • A sharp increase in adrenaline in the blood, which occurs just when you get up, or when a person himself experiences either strong excitement or strong joy. For example, when he receives a declaration of love, or when he speaks at public events;
  • Inability to focus your gaze on nearby objects after looking at them for a long time, or after looking at something at a very distant distance;
  • Long stay at altitude;
  • Long-term execution of serious physical exercise which involve sudden turns or rotations of the head;
  • Following diets that human body faces severe glucose deficiency;
  • Taking certain antibiotics, strong antiseptics or tranquilizers.

What might the condition indicate?

A sharp darkening of the eyes in combination with dizziness can be a kind of signal for a particular pathology. For example, she might talk about:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia, in which the head will not only feel dizzy, but also be very painful, and the pain will be localized in the temples and the back of the head. Plus, the pressure will jump and there will be pain in the eyes;
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. Discomfort will be felt in the morning or at night if you suddenly need to get out of bed in the middle of the night. In addition, there will be pain when turning, bending, or sudden changes in body position, that is, when you suddenly stand up;
  • Migraines, in which not only dizziness occurs, but also tinnitus, headaches, nausea and severe irritation to sounds and light. It is especially important to pay attention to this during pregnancy;
  • Diseases inner ear, which are associated with disorders of the vestibular apparatus. In this case, along with dizziness, attacks of vomiting and nausea also occur; cold sweat and blood pressure jumps;
  • Inflammation of the inner ear, or otitis media. Inflammation of the inner ear, or otitis media, can be recognized only by one very important common criterion, that is, pain in the ears or in one ear. Dizziness in this case acts as if it were some additional symptom;
  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Cancerous tumors varying degrees gravity. At cancerous tumors in this case, you will often feel dizzy, and quite often.