Douching for conception - how effective is it?

Douching with soda for conception is an effective method that is used by women to speed up the process of pregnancy. Despite all the effectiveness, it is important to know the basics of how to douche with soda for conception. Improper procedure can lead to irritation and various side effects.

The whole secret is that getting soda into the vagina creates the most favorable environment for pregnancy. As a rule, the acidity of a woman’s microflora decreases with the onset of ovulation, but in practice this does not always work.

A woman’s microflora always remains acidic, and the use of soda helps bring it to neutral levels. This increases the chances of getting pregnant, because with increased acidity, sperm die without reaching their goal. This is the main reason why pregnancy does not occur, even if both partners do not have any diseases or pathologies.

Features of the procedure

To carry out the procedure, you need to create a soda solution for douching for conception. You should take a spoonful of soda and dissolve it in a liter of water. The liquid must be boiled and purified, and its temperature, ideally, must reach normal temperature person. This volume is enough for just one procedure. To insert contents into the vagina, an ordinary rubber bulb is sufficient, which must be sterilized before starting.

How to do douching correctly

Before carrying out the procedure, you must carefully familiarize yourself with how to do douching with soda correctly for conception.

Washing should occur according to a number of rules, including:

  • you should clearly know the period of ovulation. If you administer the solution a few days before the start, this enhances the effect several times and increases the chances of conception. Experts also recommend using the liquid for several days after ovulation;
  • reviews of soda for conception indicate that the procedure should not be repeated more than once a day, and should not be used during the period of ovulation. This negatively affects the vaginal microflora and can lead to disorders;
  • Douching can be done in two ways: sitting on the toilet or in the bathroom. The first method is intended for those women who have previously undergone similar procedures. The second is suitable for beginners, and with it you need to spread your legs wide;
  • if it is difficult for a girl to do douching herself, her partner can help her;
  • It is not recommended to have sex immediately after the procedure; this should take at least 30 minutes. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in allergic reaction at the partner's. To reduce risks, it is better to wipe the penis with a herbal tincture;
  • before making love, the partner needs to take an additional shower, because when the acidity of the microflora decreases, the likelihood of exposure to harmful microorganisms increases;
  • a woman, in turn, after sexual intercourse, will be able to wash herself no earlier than an hour later. This is necessary to increase the chances of getting pregnant, because during this time the sperm reach their goal.

You should also not use douching too often, because the consequence of this can be a disruption of the natural microflora of the vagina or even drying it out.

Additionally, the procedure can also help with thrush, however, it does not cure the disease, but only helps to temporarily eliminate all unpleasant symptoms.

Contraindications for the procedure

Reviews about douching with soda for conception indicate that this method is not suitable for everyone. However, in addition to the fact that the remedy may simply not work on a particular girl, there are a number of recommendations when you have to abandon the process:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. The presence of inflammatory processes.
  3. Erosion.
  4. Low acidity.
  5. Postpartum period.
  6. Disturbance of microflora.
  7. Individual intolerance to the substance.

It is important to additionally consult with your doctor before the procedure and undergo full examination before starting, to make sure that douching cannot harm the woman’s health.

Unpleasant effects may be as follows:

  • Health problems. Due to too frequent exposure to the microflora, all those infections that were hidden can suddenly become inflamed. Due to the fact that resistance to bacteria will also decrease, inflammatory processes may begin.
  • Burning and itching caused by excessive vaginal dryness.
  • The occurrence of benign tumors. This effect is quite rare, but it is also worth knowing about this risk.

Similar side effects often arise solely against the background of the fact that the patient does not comply with the specialist’s recommendations or does not follow the instructions for use.

In addition, doctors have proven that douching can help in the following cases:

  1. at high rates acidity;
  2. with a small amount of sperm, due to which sperm cannot independently lower the pH level;
  3. a decrease in acidity does not occur even during the period of ovulation;
  4. in the vaginal environment, sperm are destroyed or die.

It is also important to remember that douching may not help from the first cycle; sometimes it has to be used several times in a row. It is believed that only in these cases the procedure will have results, and in others it is strictly not recommended.

Opinion of gynecologists

Gynecologists insist that before starting such a course it is worth undergoing a full examination and finding out the causes of infertility. If none have been identified, it is recommended to carry out additional tests which will help determine whether the girl has any contraindications to douching.

It is important to consult with your doctor not only regarding douching itself, but also dosages and frequency of use. The doctor will be able to give additional recommendations to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

According to experts, simple steps will help speed up the process:

  1. Completely clear your diet of harmful substances, including sweet, fatty and fried foods, switch to proper nutrition.
  2. Play sports, but do not do it too actively, because physical exercise exhausting.
  3. Avoid visiting places with high humidity and temperature at the same time, for example, baths and saunas.
  4. Forget about bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol.
  5. The water temperature in the shower should not exceed room temperature.
  6. You should avoid tight underwear or trousers and give preference to natural fabrics.
  7. Avoid caffeine.
  8. You need to start the procedure only after completing the course of taking any medication.
  9. A woman should add dairy products to her diet, which only strengthen the acidity of the vaginal microflora.

There is also an opinion that douching with soda helps to conceive a boy, but reviews from doctors cannot confirm or refute this fact. The thing is that chromosomes alone are responsible for the sex of a child, but real examples it can be seen that this method is indeed effective in some cases.

In conclusion

Thus, douching with soda for conception can be considered effective method, because even experts admit that the procedure can have an impact. What is important is only a preliminary examination of both partners, and then careful use of the product.

If douching is done strictly according to the instructions, it will not lead to any negative results for the health of the woman and her partner, but will only speed up the process of conception.

Regular baking soda is present in every housewife's kitchen; we use it mainly in cooking. The properties of soda have also found application in medical field, in particular in gynecology. Douching with soda is given positive results in the treatment of thrush, and in some cases they are used as a means of increasing the chances of conception. Of course, manipulation with soda cannot be called the main method of treatment; they should be combined with medications, which will be prescribed by the doctor during an individual consultation on a particular problem.

Due to the local antiseptic effect, soda can be used for washing mucous membranes in case of diseases of the eyes, upper respiratory tract, oral cavity, vaginitis and suppuration on the skin. For washing, use a 0.5–2% solution of baking soda.

Douching with soda for thrush.
Douching must be understood as a therapeutic and prophylactic manipulation or procedure for washing (irrigating) the vagina (vulva) using solutions medicines. In gynecology, douching is used as part of general treatment inflammation processes in the uterus, its appendages and vulva, for hygienic purposes, in the form of a means to prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy(the procedure washes sperm out of the vagina, and soda creates conditions harmful to sperm), and in some cases, when acidic environment vagina, to increase the chances of conception.

Often, such douching is used when complex treatment thrush (urogenital candidiasis) is an inflammatory disease that develops against the background of the activity of fungi of the genus Candida and occurs as a result of a decrease in protective forces body, hormonal imbalance etc. In this case, manipulation with a soda solution helps cleanse the vulva of bacteria and fungi, get rid of unpleasant discharge, eliminate itching and burning in the vagina. The effectiveness of douching for thrush is due to the destructive effect soda solution against microfibers of yeast fungi, as a result of which the cells themselves die.

One hundred percent elimination of thrush is achieved only in complex application douching and antifungal drugs. The douching procedure should be carried out twice a day (morning and evening), after which the external genitalia should be lubricated with Nystatin (or Levorin) ointment, and used at night vaginal suppositories Nystatin or Levorin. At the same time, Flucostat should be taken, but this is after consultation with a doctor, where it will be determined exact dosage and the number of medications taken.

Douching with soda, how to do it.
Solution for vaginal douching prepared this way: in a cut glass warm water Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda well. For douching you will need a regular rubber bulb or syringe, which must be disinfected beforehand (and after the procedure) with a weak solution of manganese, and the tip wiped with alcohol or vodka. Pour the resulting solution into a bulb. Douching for thrush can be done over the toilet, but it is better to lie in the bathroom, slightly raising the pelvic area, and inject the entire solution.

In order to increase the chances of conception, douching should be carried out on the days of ovulation, from approximately the eleventh to the eighteenth day menstrual cycle daily. Douching should be done once a day, twenty to twenty-five minutes before sexual intercourse, after which you should refrain from showering for an hour.

Douching with soda for conception.
It happens that an absolutely healthy woman cannot become pregnant for a long time. This is often caused by the acidic environment of the vagina, which has a destructive effect on active sperm. To normalize the acid-base balance of the vaginal microflora, douching with soda is used, which reduces acidity. I repeat, douching helps only if the woman has no prerequisites or tendency to develop an imbalance of microflora or inflammation of the pelvic organs, and also if both partners do not have any diseases or pathologies, which is revealed after a full medical examination.

When performing douching, it is important to adhere to the specified number of procedures. Passion for such douching can provoke allergies and, as a result, dryness of the vaginal mucosa. In more serious cases, a violation may occur acid-base balance with the subsequent development of alkalosis (abdominal pain, headaches, vomiting, convulsions, nausea, and less commonly, increased blood pressure).

Is it possible to use a soda solution for thrush during pregnancy?
While carrying a child, it is possible to treat thrush with a soda solution, but again, in the form of an addition to the main one. medical treatment. In this case, it is recommended to supplement the solution with iodine and use it in the form of sitz baths. A liter of warm boiled water dissolve baking soda(a tablespoon) and a teaspoon of iodine. Ready solution pour into a basin and sit for twenty minutes. The manipulation can be done once a day, the course of treatment includes three procedures.

In any case, if discomfort of unclear nature in the vagina, strange and unusual discharge, unpleasant odor You should not self-medicate; you should immediately consult a doctor, who, after determining the cause, will prescribe the optimal treatment. In the absence of contraindications, a specialist may recommend soda douching as a additional means, alleviating the patient's condition.

Contraindications to douching with soda.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Presence of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Inflammation of the genital organs.
  • Recent birth (if less than a month has passed).
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Before visiting a gynecologist, otherwise it will blur the whole picture and complicate the diagnosis.
  • Recent abortion.
  • Menstruation.
  • Gynecological diseases in acute form(adnexitis, endometritis, etc.).
  • Reduced acidity of the vaginal microflora.
  • Fungal diseases.
During the douching period, it is important for women to:
  • exclude alcohol, coffee and caffeine-containing products, energy drinks;
  • stop taking antidepressants and tranquilizers (for those who take them);
  • exclude fried, spicy, salty and fatty foods from the diet;
  • refrain from visiting baths and saunas;
  • postpone going to the solarium;
  • exclude hot shower and a bath;
  • avoid swimming in open waters;
  • maintain sexual and physical rest;
  • Avoid wearing synthetic and tight underwear.

Douching with soda

Douching is cleaning with various herbs, medicines, and in our case, soda, washing the vagina. Douching with a soda solution is intended for girls and women who have certain problems, diseases associated with disruption of the vaginal microflora. Douching can also serve as preventive measures to combat diseases and infections associated with the female reproductive system. A solution of soda for douching is used to protect against unwanted pregnancy, however, as is often the case, contraceptives can also serve to stimulate pregnancy. In our case douching with soda serves as aid for conception. In this article we will consider the following questions:

  • What are the contraindications for douching with soda and who should not douche with soda at all?
  • What happens in the body of a woman or girl when douching with soda
  • Douching as a method conducive to conception
  • How to prepare a solution for douching with soda and when to do it?

The main thing to remember is that Before starting the procedure, be sure to consult your doctor, whom you trust, and even better, get tested to find out for sure whether douching with soda will harm you.

Contraindications and important points of douching with soda:

  • No way don't douche soda for conception, if you have suspicions or have already been diagnosed with cervical erosion!
  • When to douche, at this stage of time or trying to get pregnant, alcohol is contraindicated. This applies not only to women, but also to men.
  • Doctors do not advise during the douching period take baths with elevated temperature water, so if you like to swim in “boiling water”, you will have to be patient. And of course saunas too.
  • Maintain good hygiene. Rinse the syringe well before and after the procedure. Otherwise, the effect will be completely opposite. Not only will you not improve the condition of the vaginal microflora, but you will also introduce all sorts of sores and bacteria to yourself. So be careful with disinfection.
  • As a replacement for douching, you can, but first consult your doctor.

What happens during douching with soda?

The process of douching produces a change in the acid-base balance in a woman’s body, and particularly in the vagina. Depending on changes in the balance of microelements, douching can either promote or inhibit the development and reproduction of microorganisms. Therefore, it is very important to consider your personal condition. The condition of your body. Therefore, there are clear cases when douching with soda is extremely undesirable:

  • in case of inflammation of the reproductive system
  • during pregnancy
  • immediately after birth

Douching with soda as a procedure to promote conception. How to douche with soda correctly?

When to douche with soda for conception? Of course, douching is used after sexual intercourse, as, on the contrary, a method of contraception against pregnancy and unwanted conception. However, if we talk about this method, then it is extremely ineffective, since it is almost certain that the sperm will reach the target much faster than you have time to neutralize them.

But if we talk about douching as a method for successfully getting pregnant, then everything is more effective here. This is a method just for those couples who are unable to get pregnant, despite the fact that both partners are fine and there are no diseases as such, the tests are normal. Future parents are wondering: what is the reason? And the reason may be very simple. More likely The microflora in the female body is too acidic and therefore very successfully destroys hordes of sperm on the way. So, douching with soda is used precisely for this: to neutralize such an overly oxidized vaginal environment in order to create a more favorable conditions for sperm. So you can try everything on yourself, but let me remind you once again that you definitely consult a doctor. So, how does douching with soda happen?

How to prepare a soda solution for douching with soda and what to do after?

How to douche with soda for conception? The whole procedure goes as follows:

  1. quench half a teaspoon of baking soda with boiling water
  2. dissolve the resulting quenched soda in warm water, volume 1 liter
  3. pour the resulting solution into a syringe, which can be purchased at any pharmacy
  4. sit or lie down in the bath (if you have one, if not, not necessarily in the bath) and slowly introduce the entire volume of the solution into the vagina.
  5. the procedure must be carried out half an hour before sexual intercourse.
  6. Douching with soda for conception is best done from the 11th to the 18th day of the cycle. You can read about it. You can also search online or download the iPhone or Android app to find optimal period for yourself, when the likelihood of getting pregnant is greatest.
  7. After douching with soda, be sure to rinse the syringe thoroughly in order to minimize the likelihood of bacteria developing. Before douching, you also need to rinse well.

Finally, I would like to once again emphasize the need for observation by a doctor. And only if there are no contraindications for you, you can try this method as it promotes conception :) Believe, don’t lose hope, and you will definitely succeed! It will also help identify problems with your husband, maybe this is the problem. We hope this article will help you get answers to your questions. By the way one more good way control the microflora - this is also. You can find all this on ours! And also, for those who became pregnant after douching with soda, you are welcome to unsubscribe in the comments and tell your story :)

Infertility is a condition when a woman fails to become pregnant after a year of regular, unprotected sexual activity. One of the reasons for the inability to become a mother is the increased acidity of the vaginal microflora. And here douching for conception with a soda solution comes to the rescue. Why soda and how does it work?

About sour and alkaline...

Normally, the vaginal microflora is always acidic, this is facilitated by the predominance of lactic acid bacteria over other representatives of the vaginal flora. As acidity decreases, so does protection. female body, the alkaline balance increases - an ideal environment for pathogens. But acidity is not always beneficial. If it is increased, then the vaginal environment becomes destructive for sperm, which male body are in a slightly alkaline environment.

How does soda work?

Normally, before ovulation, the acidity of the vagina decreases, but for a number of reasons (for example, with thrush or low pH level of sperm), this may not happen. Then you can lower the acidity artificially. Baking soda is an alkali. A weak solution of soda, introduced into the vagina on the eve of ovulation, prepares the microflora to accept sperm.

How to douche correctly

Douching is a procedure in which water or medicinal solution is inserted under pressure into the vaginal cavity using a pharmaceutical bulb, a rubber syringe or an Esmarch mug. Unfortunately, not all women know how to douche, and often use a regular 20-cc syringe without a needle to administer the medicine.

It’s easy to prepare a soda solution: one glass hot water You only need ½ teaspoon baking soda. The solution is stirred and cooled to approximately human body(no more than 38 degrees) and poured into a syringe. How to properly do douching at home?

  • You need to douche a day or two before expected ovulation or a couple of times during the cycle.
  • Women doubt: is it possible to douche during menstruation? It is possible, but it will not have any effect: the solution will be washed off and excreted from the body with bloody discharge.

Soda and thrush

Soda is successfully used not only for conception, but also to restore microflora. Douching with soda for thrush is very effective. How to do it correctly?

To conceive long-awaited baby, many women use traditional medicine. Douching with soda for conception is a popular method that is often recommended by grandmothers and mothers. It seems that this method is environmentally friendly, harmless and effective. Let's find out if this is true.

Numerous reviews from happy mothers on women's forums about how they managed to get pregnant with the help of soda or miraculously heal from inflammation contradict the opinion of doctors. Most gynecologists consider this technique not only useless, but also harmful to the vaginal mucosa.

The vagina, like any mucous membrane, contains a protective microflora that does not allow pathogenic microorganisms multiply.

Normal microflora healthy woman contains an acidic pH. It is precisely this environment that hinders the development of “feminine” inflammatory diseases. At the same time, it does not allow insufficiently strong sperm to achieve their goal: to fertilize the egg. In an acidic environment, certain death awaits the weakest.

During ovulation protective functions decrease, the acidic environment changes to alkaline. A healthy woman becomes pregnant.

Proponents of douching believe that sometimes the mechanism does not work, and during the period of ovulation the environment remains acidic. Therefore, pregnancy does not occur, because the sperm die without reaching their goal.

In their opinion, douching for conception with soda (or rather, soda solution) involves normalizing the acid-base balance. That is, during the ovulation period, when a mature egg comes out to meet the sperm, it reduces increased acidity. The changed vaginal environment helps the sperm perform its functions. Doctors believe that no douching is needed to conceive.

There are more folk version that in an alkaline (soda) environment, Y chromosomes are more viable, that is, those that are responsible for conceiving a son. This means that if a woman wants to get pregnant with a boy, she needs to douche with soda.

Opinion of gynecologists

Many women consider soda rinsing of the vagina to be an effective method for combating infertility. However, there are many reasons why pregnancy does not occur. Most of the factors due to which infertility is diagnosed have nothing to do with the state of the acid-base balance in the vagina. That is why you cannot conduct such “experiments” on yourself without a preliminary examination and use soda for conception.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, comments:

Normal vaginal microflora is not aggressive towards sperm and no intervention is required to facilitate pregnancy. If there are difficulties in this process (no pregnancy with regular sexual activity without contraception for more than 1 year), you should consult a gynecologist to clarify the reasons.

Doctor based on results laboratory research and hardware diagnostics, will determine the reason why pregnancy does not occur for a long time.

Reviews from gynecologists about the benefits of douching with soda for conception are quite contradictory. Some doctors (especially the older generation) approve of this method, but only as an auxiliary one. Most doctors agree that this technique is not effective and cannot in any way affect the onset of pregnancy.

Indications for douching

Doctors admit that with some women's issues baking soda solution may be helpful. However, in these cases there are contraindications. Soda douching is done in case of inflammatory or fungal diseases in a woman.

It is believed that a soda solution can even cleanse the urinary tract during cystitis.

It's popular with amateurs traditional medicine method of treating thrush. Changing the acidic environment to an alkaline one destroys the microfibers of the yeast fungus. Douching also relieves the unpleasant symptoms of the disease: itching and thick cheesy discharge.

Interestingly, soda solution is used not only for conception, but also to prevent pregnancy. For this purpose, washing the vagina with soda is carried out immediately after sexual intercourse. Obstetricians and gynecologists do not consider this “method of contraception” reliable.

Regardless of the purpose, soda rinsing can only be done after consultation with a gynecologist!

Harm of the procedure

Soda rinsing has a number of contraindications. A categorical ban on douching with soda solution applies to the following pathologies:

  • Erosion;
  • Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Allergic reaction to soda.

When douching there is a risk of side effects:

  • When there is microflora in the vagina long time has alkaline environment, resistance to infections increases several times. Inflammation develops and worsens hidden diseases, which the woman may not have known about.
  • When the concentration of soda in the solution is exceeded, the vagina begins to “dry out,” causing the woman to experience itching and burning.
  • The more the body’s protective functions are reduced, the more pathogenic microflora penetrates into the vagina, which leads there active life. Regular intervention in natural environment vagina aggravates this condition.

Unpleasant symptoms may also appear in the sexual partner, since undissolved particles of soda remaining in the vagina will injure the mucous membrane of the male genital organ.

In addition, it is believed that with active “alkalinization” of the vaginal environment, even an ongoing pregnancy can be terminated at the very most early stages. The fact is that “free access” to the egg is given not only by healthy, full-fledged sperm, as determined by natural processes, but also by obvious pathologies. If an egg is fertilized by “defective” sperm, it may develop ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

Folk recipe

If you still decide to try soda douching, and your gynecologist is not against it, read the rules on how to do soda douching for conception or treatment.

Use a special syringe or a regular enema. The tips of the “instruments” for the procedure must be sterilized by boiling them for several minutes or dipping them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The solution is prepared immediately before the procedure and is used once.

A level teaspoon of soda is diluted in one liter of boiled warm water. The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed and douching begins.

It is better to carry out the procedure in the bathroom, taking comfortable position. After douching, not all the liquid may come out of the vagina, so you need to use it throughout the day. panty liners.

However, the effectiveness of the procedure depends not only on the correctly diluted solution. Douching should be done on certain days.

Let's look at how to do douching with soda correctly to achieve maximum effect for conception.

  • Douching begins 3 days before expected ovulation, so you need to know exactly the features of your cycle;
  • The procedure is carried out once a day and only during the period of ovulation;
  • Immediately after the administration of the soda solution, sexual intercourse is prohibited. Intimacy is allowed no earlier than half an hour after the procedure;
  • Before sex, the partner should wash thoroughly to avoid infection;
  • After intimacy, a woman should not wash herself for an hour so that sperm can complete their “mission.”

It is prohibited to exceed the amount of soda for preparing the solution or increase the number of procedures! Otherwise, washing with soda will disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.

How to reduce vaginal acidity

So, according to doctors, baking soda is more dangerous than beneficial for pregnancy. A numerous reviews, in which women enthusiastically talk about how douching with soda helped them get pregnant, most often a happy coincidence.

Doctors offer alternative methods soda douching. These include pharmaceutical products in the form of gels and ointments, which perform almost the same functions as soda.

One of these remedies is, which is used during the ovulation period 15 minutes before sexual intercourse. The instructions for use of the drug say that the gel increases sperm motility and prepares the vaginal microflora for natural conception. However, this drug also has a number of contraindications. It is better to use it after consulting a doctor.

There are many reasons for infertility. You should not try to solve the problem yourself, using advice from forums or “tested” ones. grandma's recipes. Only a doctor will be able to identify the cause and prescribe adequate treatment, which will certainly lead to pregnancy.