Personnel health management for corporate clients

If there is an unfavorable psychological environment in the team, this can cause staff turnover or frequent illness. Unemployment is especially difficult for people, which, even with benefits, often causes stress, and sometimes causes serious mental disorders in people. That is why it is so important to introduce psychoprophylaxis into programs for the general development of organizations. IN lately many progressive leaders initiate such programs with the involvement of not only psychologists and managers, but also trade unionists.

First of all, you need to understand what can become a source of stress for people employed in industry, and what, on the contrary, can cause a feeling of satisfaction and serve as motivation to work, consistent with the goals of the organization in which he works?

Experts believe that personal responsibility for work results is accompanied by a sense of individual success and increased self-esteem. With high autonomy, individuals experience the results of their efforts as success or failure; with low autonomy, they attribute success or failure either to the nature of the work or to other employees.

If efforts are successful, internal subjective assessment of labor results creates a positive employee perception of himself. The significance of work increases when the work allows you to demonstrate skills and abilities that are valued by the employee.

Feedback is of great importance when solving a production problem (the opportunity for an employee to evaluate the results of his work). Equally important is feedback from other employees (the employee’s ability to evaluate the results of his work based on assessments of the results of work by others). It is assumed that under certain conditions it is possible to achieve both high satisfaction and desire of workers to work. Such conditions are, firstly, their desire to satisfy higher needs in the labor process, and secondly, a reward system in which those who work well receive greater opportunities to satisfy their needs.

There are two more characteristics that reflect cooperation with other employees: the degree of interaction with those performing certain operations and the possibility of establishing informal friendly relations between those performing a production task.

Any production can be presented as a structure of social status positions associated with corresponding social roles. For example, role conflict is the contradiction of demands placed on an individual performing a certain role on the part of persons occupying higher positions in relation to this subject role positions; role overload - excessive requirements for a given role that exceed the ability of the individual to fulfill them.

The study of models of job characteristics and role strain is used in personnel health research, especially before using such traditional socio-psychological characteristics of organizations as leadership style, organizational climate, cohesion of primary groups, communication networks, etc.

How is the manifestation of the causal relationship of all these characteristics related to the subjective well-being of workers? It is difficult, for example, to justify why organizational climate cannot be assessed by employee satisfaction with interpersonal relationships and should be considered as an independent characteristic. There is also a connection between conflicts and neuropsychic disorders among workers. It is clear that the carriers certain types psychopathologies are capable of generating conflicts in their immediate environment.

In addition, studies have shown that the deterioration of the health of workers is more influenced by neuropsychic stress and work characteristics, and only partly by socio-psychological processes in the organization.

Men and women have different attitudes towards work. For men, work is an opportunity for career advancement and income; for women, it is an opportunity for pleasant interpersonal communication, therefore, psychological comfort is especially important for a woman in work collective.

In organizations, several “groups” can be distinguished increased risk" The most attractive group for researchers is managers. Frequent sources of stress for them are:

Responsibility for the results of the organization’s core activities and for its employees;

Professional career;


Relationships with other persons occupying key positions in the organization;

Difficulties in the family caused by peculiarities management activities(business trips, alcoholism, etc.).

It is especially difficult for a woman manager, since the stereotypes existing in the professional environment place increased and quite specific demands on women both at the stages of passing through career stages and when implementing managerial functions.

However, the mental health of managers follows a class gradient, that is, it is always better than that of other groups of workers. Cardiovascular and chronic gastrointestinal diseases are most common among managers. Attention to the mental health of managers is not due to its worse condition compared to the health of other employees, but to the fact that even minor disturbances in the neuropsychic state of a manager can cause a disruption in the psychological well-being and stable functioning of employees of the entire department he heads.

Managers with minority status (women, youth, people of other nationalities) usually experience more stress. Man working in women's team, may also experience increased stress.

For low-skilled workers employed in hazardous working conditions, the main stress is the awareness of the harmfulness of working conditions, its severity and monotony. But, as research has shown, for many representatives of this social group, these factors are not significant.

The theory of correspondence between personality and environment is based on the assumption that when a person’s capabilities do not correspond to the requirements of a specific production environment, he is more susceptible to stress and the tension caused by it, and, therefore, gets sick more often.

The effects of industrial stress on workers can be presented in three intersecting groups of indicators: morbidity, absenteeism (see below), labor productivity.

The morbidity of workers reflects not only production stress, but also the entire complex of working and living conditions.

However, according to research data, it is possible to identify symptoms and conditions that are more associated with occupational stress than with other factors of biological and social order. These are, for example, psychophysiological (vegetative) symptoms, industrial accidents, colds, as well as seeking medical help in medical institutions. Alcoholism, drug and substance abuse are closely related to somatic and psychoneurological morbidity.

Similar data were obtained during a medical and sociological study of the prevalence malignant neoplasms. The influence of an unfavorable work and rest regime, especially in connection with a changing work schedule, lack of a stable diet, alternation of work and rest and other risk factors, on the incidence of cancer of the stomach, larynx, lungs, and blood has been proven.

In the last quarter of the 20th century, the problem of epidemics of hysterical diseases among workers in industry became acute. The general condition for their occurrence, according to experts, is the attraction of low-skilled workers with a low educational level to modern high-tech production. Most closely associated with the development of hysterical epidemics is significant production pressure, as well as dissatisfaction with the personal and interpersonal needs of workers in specific production conditions.

Absenteeism includes all cases of unjustified, often short-term, absence from work: due to illness, absenteeism, strikes and layoffs (staff turnover).

Labor productivity can decrease both quantitatively and qualitatively, in the form of failure to meet production standards, downtime due to the fault of the employee, violation of technological discipline and the production of defective products.

Studies show that work experience, identification with the organization and social support at work protect against the effects of stress at work. Experience helps develop and consolidate skills to cope with typical stressful situations that arise in the work environment, creating a “sense of mastery and competence.”

Stress career growth is largely associated with changes in production tasks and environment, when old coping skills are no longer suitable and new ones have not yet been formed. But the lack of career growth, when it is the norm for this group of workers, can become a stressful factor.

Identification with the goals, objectives, and subculture of the organization supports personal positive self-esteem. Identification with the organization is usually higher, the higher the individual’s position in the intra-organizational status structure.

Social support in the work environment is divided into instrumental, emotional, informational and evaluative. Studies have shown the positive effects of social support in a wide range of diseases (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, skin, etc.). To eliminate work-related stress, support from the manager is of greatest importance, and to resolve personal problems, emotional and evaluative support from fellow workers is of greatest importance.

Psychologists believe that for many workers, the basics of life style learned at work extend to the family. On the other hand, life activity in the family sphere compensates for the limited manifestations of personality in the work sphere.

Thus, workers performing simple routine operations, as a rule, prefer to spend their leisure time doing home improvement, small crafts, etc., while managers tend to engage in sports, art, and travel.

When work is connected to interpersonal relationships in the family, work stress tends to “spill over” into the family. Emotional social support, according to the results of a number of studies, can have a moderate positive effect in relation to work stress, but this effect is manifested mainly in men.

To preserve the health of the population, domestic psychologists today are forced to solve many problems related to the culturally specific reactions of the working population to social changes. Psychologists are also developing programs for the prevention of psychological stress at work.

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· Occupational safety is a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of workers in the process labor activity, including legal, socio-economic, technical and other activities. According to estimates International organization labor due to negative impact About 2 million people die every day in working OPFs and HPFs in the world. Another 160 million suffer from work-related diseases, bringing the total number of victims of accidents at work to 270 million per year. Accidents, absence from work due to illness, and labor turnover lead to large economic losses in society. These economic losses include loss of human days, insurance payments for compulsory insurance, and compensation for working conditions.

· OT includes 4 sections: legal and organizational issues OSH, basics of industrial sanitation (OS) and occupational hygiene. PS is a system organizational events and technical means that reduce or prevent the impact of harmful production factors (HPF) on workers. HMF is a factor whose impact on the human body under certain conditions can lead to illness or deterioration in health, as well as negative influence on the health of offspring, death. TB is a system of organizational and technical means that reduce or prevent the impact of hazardous production factors (HPF) on workers. OPF is a factor whose impact on the human body under certain conditions can lead to injury or other sudden deterioration in health. Fire safety is ensured by bringing objects and settlements into a state in which the possibility of a fire is excluded, or by ensuring the protection of people and the protection of material assets from fire and its hazardous factors. PB studies: combustion, types of combustion. Causes of fires, fire prevention, organization of fire protection in the textile industry. The tasks of occupational safety are to protect people from harmful and dangerous influences, that is, to prevent accidents at work and preventive diseases while simultaneously ensuring favorable working conditions.

· PS is a system of organizational measures and technical means that reduce or prevent the impact of harmful production factors (HPF) on workers. HMF is a factor whose impact on the human body under certain conditions can lead to illness or deterioration in well-being, as well as a negative impact on the health of offspring, death. TB is a system of organizational and technical means that reduce or prevent the impact of hazardous production factors (HPF) on workers. OPF is a factor whose impact on the human body under certain conditions can lead to injury or other sudden deterioration in health. Basic principles and directions of state policy in the region. The state is the main guarantor of the rights and freedoms of its citizens. Article 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus proclaims that “man,” his rights, freedoms and guarantees of implementation are the highest value and goal of society and the state. Based on this, the basic principles of state policy in our country in the field of occupational safety are the priority of the life and health of workers in relation to the results of work, the establishment of employers' responsibility for labor safety, and the improvement of legal relations and mechanisms in this environment.

· The system of legislative acts regulating occupational safety issues in the republic consists of:

Legislative acts: Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, labor code RB, special laws on safety and occupational health.

Directive acts: decrees, decrees and orders of the president, resolutions and orders of the president.

Interstate and state technical regulatory legal acts: sanitary rules and regulations, standards, building codes and regulations.

Intersectoral technical regulatory legal acts: building codes of Belarus, hygienic standards, standard designs, occupational safety rules, rules and regulations fire safety, guidance documents.

Industry technical regulatory legal acts: recommendations, guidance documents.

Local regulatory legal acts: enterprise charter, enterprise standards, occupational safety agreements.

· SSHS is a set of interrelated standards aimed at ensuring labor safety, maintaining human health and performance during the work process. The structure of the designation of state SSBT consists of five blocks: GOST 12. (X), (XXX) - (XX). GOST - state standard, 12 - class of the SSBT standard. (XX) - year of approval of the standard. (ХХХ) - serial number in the subsystem. (X) - group of the SSBT standard (subsystem) from 0 to 5, 0 - organizational and methodological standards, 1 - standards of requirements and norms for types of OPF and VPF, 2 - standards of safety requirements for production equipment, 3 - standards of safety requirements for production equipment processes, 4 - standards of requirements for protective equipment for workers, 5 - standards of requirements for buildings and structures.

· The most important local regulatory legal acts are occupational safety instructions, the requirements of which are aimed at the safe performance of relevant work. The employer is obliged to provide all workers with occupational safety instructions and organize their study before starting work. labor responsibilities. Instructions are prepared: Based on SSBT, rules and regulations of occupational safety and health, standard instructions, safety requirements, based on the technological documentation of the enterprise. Heads of workshops, sections, departments, laboratories and other divisions of the enterprise with the participation of trade unions. Management of the development of instructions is entrusted to the chief engineer or his deputy. The enterprise's OT service constantly monitors the timely development, verification and revision of instructions, and provides methodological assistance to the developer.

· The Prosecutor General and the prosecutor's offices subordinate to him - general supervision and control over compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, including legislation on occupational safety. Ministry of Labor and social protection(MT and SZ) - public administration and control over occupational safety. System of state supervision and control over occupational safety:

Department of State Labor Instructions,

Department for Supervision of Safe Work in Industry and Nuclear Energy,

State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification,

Department of State Energy Supervision,

Department of State Construction Supervision of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction,

Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Ministry of Health,

Main Directorate of the Paramilitary Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations,

State Expertise on Working Conditions,

Main State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Technical Condition of Machinery and Equipment of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

· Public control is control over the employer’s compliance with occupational safety legislation. Control is carried out: by trade unions, at enterprises, institutions and organizations where there are no trade unions, representatives on occupational safety issues are elected by a meeting of the workforce. The Public Control Commission has the right to: carry out inspections of compliance with labor legislation; inspect workplaces to conduct an independent examination of working conditions; take part in the investigation of industrial accidents; protect the labor and socio-economic rights of its employees in court. The employer is obliged to create necessary conditions, provide the necessary information and documentation for the work of the public control commission.

· Officials guilty of violating labor legislation and labor protection rules, failure to fulfill obligations under collective agreements and labor protection agreements, or obstructing the activities of trade unions by law. Types of liability: Disciplinary - reprimand, reprimand, dismissal. Administrative - consists of imposing fines: on officials up to 10 basic units; on employers ( legal entities) - up to 300 basic units. Criminal - depending on the severity of the consequences of the violation, they are punished by imprisonment, or correctional labor, or dismissal from office. Material - provides for compensation for material damage caused to the life and health of an employee, or compensation for damage caused to the enterprise.

· Employee rights. On workplace, complying with OT rules, protected from HPF and OPF; provision of personal protective equipment; obtaining reliable information from the employer about the state of working conditions and safety; carrying out occupational safety inspections at his workplace, incl. At the request of the employee and with his participation. Responsibilities of the employer. Create healthy and safe working conditions for employees; provide all workplaces with technical equipment in accordance with occupational safety requirements; improve working and living conditions of workers; instruct workers on health and safety; provide workers with special clothing, provide benefits and compensation for work in unfavorable working conditions, constantly monitor employees’ compliance with all requirements of occupational safety instructions, and conduct investigations of industrial accidents.

· OSMS is a target subsystem in the enterprise management system of any industry. Functions: planning work on occupational safety; monitoring the health status and functioning of the OSMS; accounting, analysis and assessment of indicators of the state of health protection and the functioning of the OSMS; incentives for labor protection work. Management tasks: training workers in occupational safety, promoting occupational safety; ensuring the safety of production processes and equipment; buildings and structures.

· Long-term planning of occupational safety activities should be carried out simultaneously and be linked to five-year plans for economic and social development enterprises. At present, the main form of long-term planning of work on occupational safety is the development of comprehensive five-year plans for improving conditions, occupational safety and sanitary measures. The implementation of these plans is ensured through current (annual) plans for occupational safety activities included in the occupational safety agreement, which are an integral part of the collective agreement - concluded between the trade union committee acting on behalf of the collective of workers and employees, and the administration, which is responsible for its implementation. OSH activities are financed from bank loan, if the activity is included in the complex of costs financed by banks for the introduction of new technology or expansion of production; centralized and non-centralized capital investments, includes in the production development fund if these costs are capital; depreciation fund, if activities are carried out simultaneously with major repairs of fixed assets; shop and general plant (general factory) expenses, if these expenses are not of a capital nature; deducted from profits.

· Training, instruction and testing of workers’ knowledge on occupational safety issues are important elements of the system of measures to prevent accidents and injuries at work, ensure constitutional law citizens to healthy and safe working conditions and are of a continuous multi-level nature. The study of the basics and training in occupational safety is carried out at all stages of education in educational, training and educational institutions in order to form in the younger generation a responsible attitude towards issues of personal safety and the safety of others. Training and testing of knowledge on occupational safety issues for workers is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions and documentation. In accordance with these documents, responsibility for organizing timely and high-quality training and testing the knowledge of employees in the entire enterprise or institution rests with the director, and in structural divisions with their managers. At each enterprise, a List of positions of managers and specialists who are required to undergo periodic testing of knowledge on occupational safety issues is compiled and approved. All curricula and programs of advanced training courses in the specialty must include questions on OT in an amount of at least 10% of the total training hours. All employees undergo safety training.

· Introductory - safety engineer for all new hires. Acquaintance with general information about the enterprise, characteristic features enterprises. Primary - the head of the structural unit (master) individually with each person. Before starting work, when transferring to another job. Repeated - the head of a structural unit (master) with all employees, regardless of education, length of service and nature of work. At least once every six months or quarter for repetition. Unscheduled - the head of a structural unit (master) with a group of people or individually. When new instructions are introduced, regulatory documents: change in technological process; occurrence of accidents. Target - leader of work with a group or individually. When performing work not related to the employee’s direct activities (cleaning the territory).

· Carried out by the administration together with trade unions: 1st stage (daily) - carried out by the head of a structural unit with the participation of a public inspector of the trade union. The test results are recorded in a log. 2 - stage (monthly) - carried out by a commission headed by the head of the workshop and a public inspector. The test results are recorded in a log. Stage 3 (quarterly) - conducted by the head of the organization with the participation of service heads and a public safety inspector. The results are documented in a document. The organization of OT service at an enterprise can be presented structural unit(department, bureau) or a specially designated employee (OT engineer). In small enterprises, they are assigned to other employees along with the performance of other official duties. The position of a specialist is introduced: in the production sector with a workforce of 100-250 people; in other industries with a workforce of 200-250 people.

· Physical: increased smoke and gas pollution; moving cars; high noise; ultrasound. Chemical: by the nature of the effect on the human body - toxic, irritating, affecting reproductive function; along the route of penetration into the body - through the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract. Biological: pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi) and their metabolic products. Psychophysiological: physical overload - static and dynamic; nervous - mental overload - mental overstrain, emotional overload.

· Certification of workplaces (AWC) is a system of accounting, analysis and comprehensive assessment at a specific workplace of all factors of the production environment and labor process, affecting human health and ability to work during work. ATM: Offers: a comprehensive assessment of the OPF and HPF present at a particular workplace. Provides for: identification of OPF and HPF in the workplace; assessment of the technical level of the workplace; determining the right of employees to a pension upon return; qualitative assessment of working conditions in the workplace. Conducted by: certification commission (chief specialists of the enterprise, personnel department employees). At least once every 5 years. Benefits and compensation - free milk, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, additional leave due to working conditions, reduced working hours, compensation for harmful working conditions, retirement according to Lists No. 1 and No. 2.

· Occupational disease (poisoning) - acute - resulting from exposure to HMF during work activity for no more than three work shifts; chronic - resulting from prolonged exposure to HPF, resulting in temporary or permanent loss of professional ability to work. Accidents (Acc.) are: domestic - those that occurred in free time from work, while performing work at home; work-related - events that occurred while traveling from or to work on public transport or on foot; production - those that occurred during working hours, during additional special breaks for rest and food, on weekends, before the start and after the end of work.

· According to the severity of the consequences: fatal; with a severe outcome; without serious consequences. The accident investigation commission, within 3 days, is obliged to investigate the circumstances and reasons under which the accident occurred, develops measures to prevent detailed accidents, draws up act N-1 (4 copies) and sends them for approval to the managers (chief engineer) of the enterprise. The head of the enterprise, within 3 days after the end of the investigation, must approve the act and send the first copy of the act to the victim or the person representing his interests, the second copy - to the technical labor inspector supervising the enterprise. After the final investigation, the head of the enterprise, as a rule, issues an order or directive on measures to prevent such accidents. An accident about which the victim did not report to the administration of the enterprise or workshop during the work shift or from which loss of ability to work did not occur immediately must be investigated upon the application of the victim or an interested person within no more than a month from the date of filing the application. The issue of drawing up an N-1 act is decided after a comprehensive verification of the application, taking into account all the circumstances, a medical report on the nature of the injury and possible reason loss of ability to work, eyewitness testimony and other circumstances.

· In production and professional diseases, the development and implementation of measures for their prevention is entrusted to the employer and is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the investigation and accounting of accidents in production and professional activities. diseases approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. In case of emergency situations, the witness or victim takes measures to provide first-aid and prevent injury to other persons, and immediately reports the incident to an official of the employer. The official is obliged to: provide immediate first aid, call medical personnel. Workers, delivery of the victim to the medical center. Institution; take measures to prevent the impact of traumatic factors on other persons and the development of an emergency situation; preserve the situation at the scene of the incident until the investigation begins, if this does not threaten the life and health of workers and other persons. Otherwise, record the situation by drawing up a diagram, taking photographs; report the incident to the employer or policyholder. The employer ensures the investigation of the NSL: creates a commission of the NSL. (except for group cases, with a fatal or serious outcome - investigated by the Department of State Labor Inspectorate) of three people (an official of the employer, a representative of the trade union); the investigation must be carried out within three working days (except for group investigations, with a fatal or severe outcome - 10 days); an examination of the state of conditions and occupational safety at the scene of the incident is carried out, and its compliance with safety regulations; photographing is organized, diagrams are drawn up, laboratory tests are carried out; explanations from the victim, witnesses, and officials are taken; gather and study the document; The circumstances and causes of the accident that caused violations are established, and measures are developed to eliminate the causes and prevent such incidents. After completing the investigation, the commission draws up an act on the NSL at the production site, form N-1, in four copies. If during the investigation it is established that the incident occurred when the victim committed illegal actions or as a result of intentional harm to his health, or was caused by the health status of the victim, then the incident is documented in the Act on Non-Production Taxpayer Income in the NP form (4 copies). An act of form N - 1 or NP with investigation materials is stored for 45 years by the employer, the insured.

· By the number of injured workers: group incidents involving two or more workers, regardless of the severity of the consequences; happened to one employee. Group and fatal accidents are investigated by a special commission with the participation of a technical labor inspector of the trade union, and in necessary cases and other inspectors of State Supervision bodies. The head of a higher-level economic organization must take part in the work of the commission. Based on the results of the investigation, the superior economic organization issues an order obliging this and other similar enterprises to take measures to prevent such cases.

· The volume of the production premises for each worker must be at least 15 cubic meters, and the area - at least 4.5 square meters, with a height from floor to ceiling - at least 3.2 m; equipment that generates dust must be maximally compacted, sealed, equipped with aspiration devices that prevent the entry of dust into the air; all industrial heat sources, steam pipelines must be thermally insulated; work with tools, units and devices that create vibration must be carried out in heated rooms; workplaces, aisles and driveways must not be cluttered with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products; all production and auxiliary premises should be equipped with ventilation; air removed from the equipment and working area into the atmosphere containing harmful impurities must be purified to maximum permissible concentrations (MAC); provision of industrial enterprises with high-quality drinking water; in hot shops there should be salted carbonated water; all rooms should be illuminated with natural light; Each enterprise must have sanitary facilities for workers (washing, showers) in accordance with the characteristics of technological processes.

· Microclimate (meteorological conditions) is a complex of physical factors of the working environment that influence human thermoregulation. Thermoregulation is a set of physical and chemical processes in the human body aimed at maintaining body temperature within 36-37 degrees. Impact: high t - causes thermal hyperthermia ( fatigue, overheating of the body, elevated temperature body, convulsive illness, convulsions, dehydration), heat stroke ( headache, weakness, loss of consciousness); low t - causes local and general cooling of the body, colds or frostbite. Prolonged cooling leads to frostbite of the fingers, hands, feet, ears, and nose.

· Optimal parameters are parameters at which a person feels comfortable: t = 18-22 degrees, w = 40-60%. Acceptable parameters are parameters at which a person’s health does not deteriorate, but well-being may be worse. Period of the year: cold - average daily temperature of outside air +10 degrees; warm - above +10 degrees. Work categories: Light physical work 1a - work carried out while sitting and accompanied by little effort; 2b - work carried out sitting, standing or associated with walking and some physical effort. Moderate work 2a - work associated with constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects in a standing or sitting position and requiring some effort; 2b - work associated with walking, moving and carrying weights up to 10 kg and requiring moderate physical effort. Heavy physical work 3a - work associated with constant movement, moving and carrying significant (over 10 kg) weights and requiring moderate physical effort.

· Air conditioning is the automatic maintenance of all or individual air parameters (t) in enclosed spaces, with the aim of ensuring mainly optimal meteorological conditions, i.e. heating or cooling. Ventilation is a complex of interconnected devices and processes for creating the required air exchange in a room in order to remove moisture, harmful and other substances in order to ensure acceptable microclimate parameters and air purity. Ventilation - organized - is carried out through windows, doors, openings. Unorganized - through leaks and pores of external fences, vents, windows, doors. Mechanical: according to the degree of coverage of the room: general exchange, local; according to the method of organizing air exchange: supply, exhaust, supply and exhaust. Requirements: Must follow efficient work ventilation and do not allow work to be carried out when the ventilation is turned off or faulty. Changeover or refurbishment must be carried out ventilation units so that in the new conditions at workplaces the required parameters of temperature, humidity, mobility and air purity are ensured. In cases where there is no natural ventilation, the air flow per worker should be at least 60 m3/h. The air exchange ratio in adjacent rooms should be such that air from a room with a large amount of harmful emissions does not spread into a room with a smaller amount. The workshops must be equipped with instruments for monitoring temperature and air humidity - thermometers and psychrometers. The efficiency of ventilation systems should be checked regularly. personnel sanitation hygiene legislation

· Natural lighting, mixed, artificial. By design: Side (one, two - and multi-sided) - windows; Top - skylights in the ceiling or roof; Combined - through skylights and windows, General (uniform or localized), i.e. with or without the location of workplaces; Local - if the nature of the work requires enhanced lighting; Combined (simultaneous). By design: Working lighting - provides standardized lighting conditions in the premises, Emergency lighting - divided into evacuation and safety lighting 5% of the work; Special lighting - duty, security, bactericidal. Favorable conditions labor: rational lighting: natural sunlight; rational color environment (light color). OPF and HPF in production: incorrect and insufficient lighting; dark colors force the use of more powerful light sources; excessive brightness of the surface causes headaches and pain in the eyes.

· Quantitative indicators: Radiant flux (F) - power of radiant energy of the electromagnetic field (W); Luminous flux (F) - the power of visible radiation estimated by the light sensation it produces on the human eye (mm); Luminous intensity (I) - spatial density of luminous flux in a certain direction (cd); Visibility (V) - ratio of luminous flux to radiant flux (mm, W); Illumination (E) - luminous flux density per unit area (lx); Reflectance coefficient is the ratio of the light flux reflected from the surface to the light flux incident on it; Brightness (L) - surface density of luminous intensity in a given direction (cd, m, sq). Qualitative indicators: Background - the surface adjacent directly to the object of discrimination on which it is viewed; Object contrast (K) - the percentage ratio of the absolute value of the difference between the brightness of the discrimination object and the background to the brightness of the background; Visibility (V) is a value that comprehensively characterizes the visual working conditions; Reflectance is the ability of a surface to reflect the light flux incident on it; The glare index (P) is a criterion for assessing the glare of light sources. Natural lighting of industrial premises is normalized by the value of KEO (the coefficient of natural illumination of a point in the room to the simultaneous illumination of a point located on a horizontal plane outside the room and illuminated by diffused light from the entire sky). The norm depends on the nature of visual work. Artificial lighting in workplaces is standardized depending on the type of visual work, the category and subcategory of the work performed.

· The main ways to combat industrial noise: construction and acoustic measures; reducing noise and vibration at the source of their formation; insulation and noise absorption; installation of screens and mufflers along the path of noise propagation; use of individual anti-noise devices. Personal protective equipment against noise: antiphons: external - headphones - noise exposure at 35 dB; internal - earbuds - noise exposure 15 dB. The effect of noise on a person is determined by three conditions: duration of exposure, intensity, frequency response. Long-term exposure to noise causes changes in a person hearing aid and mental disorders. With short-term exposure to noise, depending on its intensity and frequency characteristics, a person’s breathing rhythm, pulse rate, blood pressure level, hearing, visual acuity, speed of mental reactions, attention are disrupted, which leads to headaches, nervous system disorders and other abnormalities in the body . All these phenomena contribute to an increase in injuries at work, a decrease in labor productivity and the production of substandard products.

· Vibration is a complex oscillatory process that occurs when the center of gravity of a body periodically shifts from its equilibrium position, as well as when the shape of the body that it had in a static state periodically changes. Impact of vibration: the degree and nature of the impact on the human body depends on the type of vibration, its parameters and the direction of action on the person. Protective equipment: For hands - anti-vibration mittens and gloves; For feet - vibration-damping shoes - boots with a vibration-damping rubber wall with springs; For the body - vibration-proof asbestos-cement or wood-fiber boards, mats made of sponge rubber, felt, cork. Bibs, belts, special suits.

· The human stability barrier is 20 Hz - 20000 Hz. Sound vibrations with a frequency greater than 20,000 Hz are called. Ultrasounds. These sounds are used in industry for cleaning parts, flashing small holes, welding assemblies, and initiating chemical reactions. Effect: fatigue, ear pain, headache, functional impairment of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Infrasound is elastic waves similar to sound waves, with a low frequency of 16-20 Hz. Infrasound is a vibration in nature that generates earthquakes, volcanoes and sea storms. Effect: dizziness, anxiety and restlessness, fatigue, sleep disturbance, nervous system disorder.

· A harmful substance is understood as a substance that, when in contact with the human body in case of violation of safety requirements, can cause occupational injuries, diseases and deviations in the state of health, detected by modern methods, both in the process of work and in the long-term life of the present and subsequent generations. In any form of poisoning, the nature of the action of a harmful substance is determined by the degree of its physiological activity - toxicity. The maximum permissible concentration of a harmful substance in the air of a working area (MPC) is a concentration that, during daily (except weekends) work for 8 hours, or for another duration, but not more than 40 hours per week, throughout the entire working experience, does not can cause diseases or deviations in health conditions that are detected by modern research methods in the process of work or in the long term of life of the present and subsequent generations.

· Entry routes harmful substances(BB): inhalation (respiratory) 90%; intact skin and mucous membranes; oral (gastrointestinal) violation of personal hygiene. The effect of explosives on the body can be: local, which is caused by gases and vapors that irritate the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, bronchi (dry cough), and eyes (stinging, pain); general occurs when explosives penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body; combined effects of several explosives at once. PP are fine particles formed under various production processes and capable long time suspended in the air. MPC of dust is 2-6 mg/m3. Industrial dust is fine particles formed during various production processes and can remain suspended in the air for a long time. MPC - dust 2-6 mg/m 3. Classification of PP: by origin - disintegration (during crushing); condensation (as a result of cooling and condensation of vapors of molten masses); composition - organic; mineral, mixed; in size - more than 10 microns, from 0.1 to 10 microns, less than 0.1 microns; by the nature of the effect on humans - irritating (mineral, metal, wood, toxic). When PP in humans can cause: skin irritation, pulmonary diseases, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes.

· Static electricity is a set of phenomena associated with the emergence, preservation and relaxation of free electric charge on the surface, or in the bulk of dielectrics, or on insulated conductors. Danger: possible spark discharge and ignition of flammable mixtures. Protection: protection by time, distance, reducing the intensity of radiation directly at the source, shielding the source, protecting the workplace from radiation, using personal protective equipment.

· Electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic background created and can be natural or man-made. The effect on the body depends on: wavelength, radiation intensity, irradiation mode. At the same time, they have a negative effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, causing burns of internal tissues and organs. Methods and means of protection: protection by time, distance, reducing the intensity of radiation directly at the source, shielding the source, protecting the workplace from radiation, using personal protective equipment. Infrared radiation is thermal radiation, which is an electromagnetic oscillation that has both wave and light properties. The nature of the effects of radiation depends on: intensity, duration of irradiation, size of the irradiated surface, irradiated areas of the person.

· Ionizing radiation (IR) - interaction with the environment leads to the transformation of positive or negative ions and the excitation of atoms and molecules formed during radioactive decay, nuclear transformation or inhibition of charged particles in matter, in everyday life called. Radiation. The impact of AI on the so-called. irradiation. Corpuscular - a flow of elementary particles with a mass ranging from zero in the form of A and B particles, neutrons, protons, heavy ions. Photon - a stream of electrical vibrations propagating in a vacuum at a speed of 300,000 km/s. Danger AI has a certain biological effect, i.e. complex physical and biochemical reactions occur in tissues. Effect on humans: increased fatigue, headache, excitability, sleep disturbance. Organizational protection measures are: installation of lasers in a specially equipped room with a separate insulated light-proof box for each laser; regular monitoring of the medical condition of personnel; prohibition of laser operation by one person; compliance with all safety requirements when servicing the laser. Technical protection measures are fences - screens with interlocks that block the laser beam, which is directed into a light-proof light guide. Individual means protection: gloves to protect hands, safety glasses with a special coating. Protective clothing, safety shoes and special tools are used.

· Occupational hygiene is a set of measures and means to preserve the health of workers, prevent the adverse effects of the working environment and the labor process. Women make up 53% of the total number of workers in the republic. Moreover, 2.3 of them are of reproductive age. About 13,000 women are employed in jobs with unfavorable working conditions. Many HPFs and OPFs have a negative impact on female body, especially during pregnancy. To a large extent, these problems are solved by the adoption of the following documents: Resolution No. 765 of May 26, 2000 "On the list heavy work and work with harmful conditions labor in which it is prohibited to use women's labor"; SanPiN -9-72-98 to create genetically safe working conditions, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the woman's body; Decree of December 8, 1997 No. 111 "On the maximum standards for moving and lifting heavy objects by women manually. Pregnant women should not be involved in work: at heights that require climbing stairs; associated with forced uncomfortable posture; associated with lifting loads or objects of labor above the level of the shoulder girdle, as well as from the floor; professionally related to the use of VDTs and computers.

· Ergonomics is a science that deals with complex radiation and design of human labor activity in the “man-machine” system with the aim of optimizing tools, working conditions and processes. Occupational physiology - examines the functioning of human body in the process of work and develops principles and norms that promote radiation and improve working conditions. Occupational hygiene is a set of measures and means to preserve the health of workers, prevent the adverse effects of the working environment and the labor process. Women make up 53% of the total number of workers in the republic. Moreover, 2.3 of them are of reproductive age. About 13,000 women are employed in jobs with unfavorable working conditions. Many HMFs and OPFs have a negative impact on the female body, especially during pregnancy. To a large extent, these problems are solved by the adoption of the following documents: Resolution No. 765 of May 26, 2000 “On the list of heavy work and work with harmful working conditions in which the use of women’s labor is prohibited”; SanPiN -9-72-98 to create genetically safe working conditions, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the woman’s body; Resolution of December 8, 1997 No. 111 “On the maximum standards for moving and lifting heavy objects by hand by women. Pregnant women should not be involved in work: at heights that require walking up stairs; associated with a forced uncomfortable posture; associated with lifting loads or objects of labor above the level shoulder girdle, as well as from the floor; professionally associated with the use of VDT and computers.

Electrical safety - a system of organizational measures and technical means that ensure the protection of people from harmful and dangerous influences electric current

· Types of effects: thermal - manifests itself in the form of burns of individual parts of the body, heating of blood vessels, nerves, blood, plasma; electrolytic - characterized by the decomposition of blood and other organic fluids of the body, as a result of which their composition and physicochemical properties change; biological - in the form of decomposition and excitation of living tissues of the body, which is accompanied by involuntary contractions of the heart muscle and spasm of the lungs. As a result, disruption and even complete cessation of the respiratory and circulatory system may occur. Electrical injuries are clearly defined external local lesions of the body caused by exposure to electric current and arc; they come in the form of burns, electrical marks, and mechanical damage. They come in the form of burns, electrical marks, electrometalization of skin, fur. damage and eye damage.

· Factors influencing the degree of electric shock: Voltage and current: 0.1 A is dangerous to human life. The electrical resistance of the human body, with dry, clean, undamaged skin, the resistance ranges from 3 to 100 kOhm, the estimated resistance of the human body is 1000 Ohm. Duration of exposure to electric current: than more time action, the greater the likelihood of a serious or fatal outcome, The path of current through the human body: “arm-arm”, “arm-legs”, “leg-leg”, and the most dangerous, but less common, “head-arms”, “head-legs” ". Type and frequency of current, direct current is 4-5 times safer than alternating current (250-300V), at higher voltages direct current is more dangerous than alternating current (50 Hz), Individual characteristics of a person: body weight, physical condition, body condition, age, floor, environmental conditions: moisture, temperature, dust.

· Premises with the risk of electric shock: - without increased danger - dry premises; With increased danger- characterized by the presence of one of the following factors: humidity 75%, conductive dust, high temperature, the possibility of simultaneous contact with the metal casings of the equipment on one side and the metal structures of the building connected to the ground on the other side; especially dangerous, where the humidity is about 100%, a chemically active environment, two or more factors and rooms with increased danger.

· Accidental contact with live parts (live), as a result of erroneous actions or malfunction of protective devices; the appearance of voltage on metal parts of the equipment as a result of insulation damage, short circuit of a network phase to ground, or a wire falling onto structural parts of the equipment; the appearance of voltage on disconnected live parts as a result of erroneous switching on, a short circuit between disconnected and live parts, or a lightning discharge into an electrical installation; occurrence of step voltage, i.e. the voltage between two points of a current circuit, located one step apart from each other, on which a person is simultaneously standing. Occurs as a result of a break in the electrical wire, the presence of a grounding device during a lightning strike and the flow of an electrical discharge into the ground, breakdown of the wire insulation. Providing first aid: release the victim from the effects of the current; if the victim is under current for a short time and after that is able to independently coordinate his actions, i.e. in his opinion, to continue working, then the foreman is obliged, with an accompanying person, to send the victim to a medical center and allow him to work only in the doctor’s opinion, since the consequences of electrical injury can manifest themselves after 2-3 or more hours; if the victim has regained consciousness but previously fainted or was under current for a long time, he needs to be provided with complete rest; If there are no signs of life, artificial respiration and external massage must be urgently performed.

· To ensure electrical safety, personnel servicing electrical installations are divided into 5 groups: 1gr - non-electrical personnel must have a basic understanding of the dangers of electric current and safety measures during maintenance; 2-5gr-electrical, persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to service, must not have injuries or illnesses that interfere with work. They periodically undergo medical examinations and knowledge testing once a year, engineering and safety engineers, once every 3 years. Technical methods and means of protection: protective grounding is a deliberate electrical connection to the ground and its equivalent of metal non-current-carrying parts that may be energized; protective grounding - intentional electrical connection to the neutral protective conductor of metal non-current-carrying parts that may be energized; Protective shutdown is a fast-acting protection that provides automatic shutdown of the installation when a danger of electric shock arises in it; potential equalization is a method of reducing touch voltage and step between points of an electrical circuit; electrical division of the network - division into separate, unconnected sections using a separating transformer; insulation of live parts (working, double); mainly safe voltages no more than 42V; protective devices are used to prevent even accidental contact with live parts of electrical installations; warning alarm - light and sound; blocking - eliminates the possibility of accidental entry into dangerous parts of electrical installations; safety signs and posters; electrical protective equipment: insulating, fencing, auxiliary.

· Mechanization is a replacement manual operations, performed with the help of machines and mechanisms, for the operation of which various types of energy are used: physical activity is reduced, labor productivity is increased, and work safety is ensured. Automation is the highest form of mechanization, where not only manual labor is replaced, but also the machine takes over the control functions of the PP. It happens: partial, complex, complete: improves working conditions, increases the aesthetics of work. To intensify light industry production, more and more wide application they find industrial work included in robotic technological complexes, which make it possible to free a person from monotonous, physically difficult and harmful work, and increase his safety. The safety of the TP is ensured by the choice of: TP, techniques, operating modes and software maintenance procedures; production premises and sites; starting materials, blanks and semi-finished products; Software and its placement, as well as the distribution of functions between people and equipment in order to limit the severity of labor.

· Protective fences - designed to isolate a person from moving and rotating mechanisms, live parts, high t zones, radiation and possible impact with objects when processing products: stationary (machine body); folding or sliding (casings, cases, covers); removable fences; portable (temporary) fencing. Safety devices - serve to prevent human injury as a result of incorrect actions or possible accidents, breakdowns and explosions of equipment: alarms, braking devices, safety valves, safety membranes. Interlocks - prevent the dangerous consequences of incorrect actions of maintenance personnel when operating equipment and prevent the operation of machines in case of violation of the technological regime: technological, protective. The software during operation: should not pollute the environment by releasing harmful substances above conventional standards; there should be no fires and explosion-proof; should not create danger as a result of exposure to humidity, solar radiation, fur. hesitation; Software safety must be ensured by the use of mechanization, automation and remote control in the design; used in special designs. Protective equipment; fulfillment of economic requirements; Standard requirements of the software group: safety requirements for the main structural elements and control system; requirements for protective equipment included in the design; safety requirement determined by the installation and repair work transportation and storage;

· Basic safety requirements for pressure vessels are established by the Rules for the design and safe operation of vessels. The design of the vessel must ensure reliability and safety of operation during the design service life and provide for the possibility of technical inspection, cleaning, flushing, and repair. Vessels must be convenient for maintenance and repair. Grounding and electrical equipment of vessels must comply with the Rules technical operation electrical installations. Vessels supply required quantity hatches and inspection hatches in places accessible for maintenance ensure inspection, cleaning and repair of dismountable internal devices.

· Causes of accidents: non-compliance of the design with the maximum permissible pressure and t; excess pressure above the limit; loss of mechanical strength of the device; non-compliance with the established operating mode; insufficient qualifications of service personnel; lack of supervision.

· Requirements: Technical: ensuring the reliability of the equipment design (selection of appropriate material safety margins, protection against corrosion and thermal effects); mandatory application safety devices (limiters for lifting height, weight of the load being lifted, limit switches for travel mechanisms, safety devices, brakes); registration of lifting equipment with technical supervision authorities and its periodic technical examination; obtaining special permits for design, manufacturing, installation, and operation work. All parts of lifting mechanisms must be securely fenced. Organizational: Managers of enterprises involved in lifting machines are obliged to ensure personally or organize the maintenance of machines, removable lifting devices, containers in good condition and their safe operation in accordance with the Rules for Design and Safe Operation lifting cranes. To do this, they appoint those responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition and for the safe performance of work with cranes from among employees with appropriate qualifications. In addition, at enterprises and organizations operating lifting machines, the manager, by order, appoints an engineer and technical worker to supervise the safety of operation of lifting machines, removable lifting devices and containers after checking his knowledge of the Rules. In the absence of a supervisory person, his duties are performed by the head of the enterprise to the fullest extent of the requirements of the Rules.

· PC use can simultaneously be chronically impacted by more than 30 harmful and dangerous factors. The most significant of them are: violation of electromagnetic safety due to the lack of protective grounding; non-compliance with the standards of visual parameters of displays, poor image quality, which causes increased eye fatigue; excess energy flows of blue-violet light on the display; inappropriate lighting, glare, brightness; inconsistency of microclimate parameters with current standards, dustiness; an excess of pathogenic bacteria in the air, especially in winter in unventilated areas, which causes acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections. Requirements: availability of natural and artificial lighting; natural lighting should be provided through light openings oriented predominantly to the north and northeast; artificial lighting should be provided by a system of general uniform lighting, and where necessary combined.


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Health resource management for corporate clients.

Health management (staff health management) is a system of measures aimed at maintaining the health of your company’s employees. In modern economic conditions great importance improves the quality and efficiency of personnel work. In the coming decades, the ability to attract, develop, retain and harness the full potential of employees will be a determining factor in the success of any organization. Managing human resources, every manager understands that the effectiveness of staff depends not only on a properly constructed motivation system, but also on the physical capabilities of the employee, in particular, his level of health.You don’t have to think every day with fear that half of your team will get sick, you should be afraid that one valuable employee will get sick.

Let us note that we do not define health solely by presence at the workplace. Those employees who can boast of a good position and a solid salary often go to work, even if all the signs of illness are present, because they are afraid of not receiving bonuses, salaries, or even losing a profitable job. Meanwhile, studies have shown that the losses of companies due to employees who return to work ill are 3 times higher than from their absence from work due to illness. Health management and personnel health management are very specific mechanisms that provide a very specific economic effect, and in the not very distant future. If you “cross” health management with personnel assessment and motivational programs, the effect will be many times stronger.

Today, for many workers, it is fundamental whether the company is doing something to maintain their health and well-being. physical fitness or not. The employer is also interested in taking care of employees: according to statistics, properly organized health management (staff health management) is at least 10% of the profit that the company receives or loses.

Practice shows that properly organized health management reduces the incidence of illness in a team by 40–50%, shortens the period of disability by 20%, increases the detection of chronic diseases by 10–15% and, ultimately, reduces average term temporary disability by 30%. These are our numbers based on our experience and practice of interacting with clients.

Invisible benefits

Very often, companies limit themselves to purchasing a membership to a gym or private medical center. But is this enough? Practice shows that it is much more profitable to train employees to take care of their personal health and do it correctly!

1. The most important result of the training is to increase the company’s efficiency and, consequently, its competitive advantages in the market and its income. According to statistics, properly organized health management is at least 10% of the profit that a company receives or loses.

2. Trainings unite the team and make a significant contribution to team building.

3. Positively affect the company’s image and its attractiveness to employees and future employees as a company that cares about the health of its team.

4. Trainings and seminars are targeted and allow you to solve the most pressing issues for the company (the problem of stress and fatigue, the problem of acute respiratory infections, diseases associated with long work at the computer, and others). We can also conduct preliminary research and find out the most current threats.

5. Employee health is an area that is equally of interest to both management and ordinary employees. Therefore, the summation of efforts gives a pronounced effect.

6. Trainings and seminars on health management pay for themselves many times over in a relatively short period of time. Thus, 1 dollar invested in health management brings the company at least 10-25 dollars of profit throughout the year.

7. Health management is much more effective than traditional measures - such as compensation for visits to fitness centers, swimming pools or extended health insurance.

8. A special feature of health management is that all acquired skills and knowledge can be used by employees independently and do not require large additional expenses. At the same time, they significantly affect the vitality and health of workers.

Henry Ford once remarked: “When I need a pair of hands, I somehow get a whole worker in addition.” However, the “makeweight” is surprisingly fragile: as the British insurance company strongUPA, up to 30% of workers are stressed, suffering from poor diet, lack of sleep and physical inactivity. According to her calculations, healthy people work on average 20% more efficiently than those with poor health.

You can’t buy health - this phrase can be safely consigned to the dustbin of history. In times of high technology and developed healthcare infrastructure, health is what is bought.

The only question is what are you paying for. For health or for illness. If you don’t invest a little money and effort into your health every day, one day - and usually very soon - you will have to invest it in treatment - and in disproportionately large quantities.

And if we're talking about about the health of your employees, then the second question is who pays. They or you.

If the owner of a company believes that saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves and that the employees will somehow sort out their health themselves, this is self-deception. You still have to pay. Money not invested in staff health is still lost - when staff miss work days or hours due to illness (spending them at the doctor's appointment), or when an employee spends several hours doing work that normally should take half an hour - because he has a headache, attention is reduced or he suffers from a syndrome chronic fatigue. Moreover, the money that could have been invested in prevention is not spent alone - they take many of their friends with them for company: investing money in health is always less expensive than investing it in treating a disease.

One could hope that employees would take care of themselves without interference from their boss, if Russia were not involved. It’s normal in Japan or China to take care of yourself and live up to 100 years without illness, but in Russia the norm is rather death from cancer, heart attack or stroke at 50, and men are baptized only when thunder roars. We do not have a culture of health by default; it needs to be created.

Only 5–7% of the population of the CIS, as well as abroad, are practically healthy people, and 70% have 1–2 diseases in remission. At the same time, up to 85% of the population is in a state of chronic fatigue, exhaustion and overwork, in a state of reduced mental performance.

Due to their reduced psychophysical capabilities and low socio-psychological competence, a person is not always capable of taking an active position in relation to maintaining his health, high performance, and maintaining a favorable microclimate in his environment.

The conclusions of ordinary people are partly confirmed by scientific research. As Around the World reported, it has been found that stress at work increases the risk of heart disease by almost 70%. And working the night shift increases the risk of cancer. To relax and combat stress, most office workers use the Internet. Six out of ten people surveyed by the international online employment agency admitted that they spend at least an hour and a half a day on this.

Experts say that due to illness, the Russian economy loses about 1.4% of GDP, or $23-24 billion. If, say, the Italian oil and gas company ENI has a total labor loss of 5.5 days per year, the American chain Wal-Mart has - 2.8 days, Russian manufacturer aluminum UC Rusal by the end of 2007 - 8.5 days. Therefore, organizing competent personnel health management is real money.

Employee illnesses are costly for businesses. In the UK, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), the annual cost of absenteeism is estimated at approximately £659 (about $1,320) per employee. A year ago the figure was lower - 598 pounds.

One of the most effective ways To improve the health of employees is to conduct educational health courses. Don't buy fish, teach them to fish themselves!

The health of each employee is the most important factor development of any enterprise. It not only affects a person’s life expectancy, but also determines his ability to work. In this regard, the higher the level of a working person, the higher the labor productivity of the entire team. The higher the quality of health a person has at work, the more time he can work, and any illness causes a suspension of work activity for a period of time. certain period. Because of this, in the absence of substitution, the common cause suffers.

Today on the website, we will talk about preserving and strengthening human health at work, we will discuss the basic principles of labor protection in an enterprise or organization.

According to statistics, approximately 5-7% of the working-age population of Russia is practically healthy. But about 70% of workers suffer from one or another chronic disease, or several ailments that are in remission. At the same time, 85% of employees of enterprises and organizations are in a state of chronic fatigue. They experience a state of chronic fatigue, which reduces physical and mental performance.

Mental disorders are also common. The most common disorders include depression, anxiety, panic and schizophrenia. They are a consequence of the negative impact on the psyche, nervous system a person in a constant state of stress at work. In turn, a physically and mentally healthy employee contributes to improving the climate in the work team, increasing the ability to work and the quality of their work.

Preserving and strengthening the performance and health of each employee is determined by the labor protection system.

For any enterprise, in market conditions, the priority is to strengthen competitiveness, increase labor productivity, increase income, and reduce production costs. In this regard, for many years, occupational safety and health took a back seat. Currently, many enterprise managers have realized the ineffectiveness of this approach and began to pay much more attention to preserving the health of their employees and strengthening it.

Fundamental principles have been developed and are being actively implemented to help ensure worker safety and reduce workplace injuries. Compliance with these principles and rules ensures high labor productivity, staff health, and a favorable work environment in the team.

Basic principles of labor protection

1. Preventing injuries by eliminating the causes that may cause them.

2. High production performance is achieved only by qualified employees who are interested in the results of their work. Therefore, every employee must take care of their health and ensure the safety of their workplace.

3. Each employee must have a workplace that complies with sanitary standards and rules. Footage, lighting, room temperature, safe arrangement of org. techniques must also be brought into line.

4. For every accident or incident that affects the health and performance of an employee, an investigation and analysis of the possibility of what happened must be carried out.

5. All employees must undergo occupational safety training.

6. The company’s policy to comply with the basic principles of labor protection, maintain health and reduce injuries is also applied in everyday life.

7. Injuries, temporary disability of an employee due to illness, undermine the competitiveness of the enterprise, and also affect the image of the enterprise and negatively affect the morale of the workforce. Preserving human health at work indicates a successful business. Therefore, labor protection, conservation and health promotion programs are part of corporate culture.

The defining goal of creating an effective system for organizing labor protection, safety, and health at every enterprise is the formation of a corporate culture that encourages safe behavior of people. All company employees must participate in this process.

Many enterprises and organizations, in order to improve the health of employees, carry out annual preventive medical examinations workers. During a one-day health check of each employee, diseases are identified that can be eliminated within initial stage. In the future, these diseases could lead to long absence employee at the workplace due to temporary ability to work. As measures to improve health, planned vacations, daily routines, rest at recreation centers, medical sanatoriums, organization of rest rooms, psychological relaxation and meals are used.

The responsibility for ensuring safe work, maintaining and strengthening working capacity is assigned by law directly to the heads of enterprises and organizations. Therefore, it is managers who take measures to develop a production safety strategy. Ultimately, each employee should be personally interested in safe work and maintaining their health, and therefore think about how to maintain and improve health at work.

Explains why large companies implement corporate wellness programs and why you should think about it too.

Healthy employees are beneficial

The health of employees has long ceased to be solely their personal matter. Today it is difficult to imagine a successful company that, to one degree or another, does not care about the health of its employees. And we’re not just talking about the usual VHI – modern companies actively implement health support programs (wellness program) and ensure the well-being of employees, making this an integral part of their corporate culture.

Leading brands often compete in the quantity and quality of such services, because this allows them to attract the most competitive and professional employees to the company.

But it’s not only and not so much about corporate values ​​and the race for the best personnel: it is beneficial for companies to take care of the health, physical and psychological well-being of employees. Every day an employee spends on sick leave results in financial costs for the company. This thesis is clearly illustrated by absolute numbers. For example, according to American Center According to the CDC, in 2016 alone, the US economy incurred $2 billion in costs due to sickness-related employee absences.

There are studies confirming long-term economic efficiency corporate wellness programs. Thus, the Rand research corporation analyzed data on company employees over a ten-year period and came to the conclusion that corporate wellness programs allow companies to save up to $30 per month per employee and reduce the time employees spend in the hospital by 30%.

Thanks to the implementation of its own wellness program, Johnson & Johnson was able to save about $250 million over six years. In turn, a similar corporate program implemented at SAS Institute made it possible to reduce staff rotation to 4% and increase the return on investment (ROI) to 6, while the average ROI from activities is about 1.9. It is also evident from its commitment to caring for its employees: SAS Intitute was named one of the UK's top employers last year.

Treat or teach?

The modern approach to caring for employee health is not limited to providing quality medical services. Relatively recently, leading companies have switched to a more complex and non-linear approach, which is based on the philosophy of wellbeing.

The main principle of wellbeing is maintaining a balance between physical, emotional and financial well-being, as well as creating a conscious attitude of employees towards their own health.

Thus, a company employee not only becomes a “consumer” of the services provided as part of the social package, but also, with the help of the employer, learns to “be healthy.” That's why special attention wellbeing focuses on preventive measures, whether it is quitting smoking or participating in marathon races. Corporate wellness programs increasingly include Lifestyle Manage Programs - a set of measures aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and a conscious attitude of employees towards themselves and their health.

A modern approach to employee health, in addition to medical insurance, includes several areas of work. Let me give some examples:

  • Employee health prevention

This should include encouraging the abandonment of bad habits, proper nutrition, fitness, yoga and much more. I note that this approach is not without a pragmatic component, since preventive measures They also allow the company to save money, but are designed for a longer-term effect. Thus, according to a Rand study, preventive programs save companies about $6 per employee per month.

Employers encourage their employees to lead a healthy lifestyle in different ways: in some cases these are additional bonuses to the existing social package, and in others they are non-material incentives. For example, Lowe's has had an anti-smoking program for seven years, under which employees can receive an additional $50 discount on health insurance if they just promise not to smoke. In turn, at Chevron, HR managers organize daily “warm-up breaks” and secret competitions among employees based on the number of steps taken per day.

Leisure has become an integral part corporate programs recovery. Companies are addressing this issue in different ways. For example, the Russian representative office of Coca-Cola Hellenic organized its own running club.

Yandex office in Moscow

So, for example, my experience of interacting with clients of our company shows that employers most often consider the installation of automatic mouth fresheners not as an “aesthetic” addition, but as a way to avoid subsequent costs for dental treatment for your employees and freshen your breath before business negotiations.

  • The psychological health of workers will become the concern of their employers

If physical illness of employees leads to absences from work, then depression and psycho-emotional illness are the main reasons for decreased productivity today. Thus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), depression among employees of American companies on average leads to 11.5 days of reduced productivity each month. Costs in absolute numbers reach $44 billion annually.

Already today, large companies are introducing tools for psychological support and assistance for their employees. For example, at PwC, employees have the opportunity to receive psychological advice 24/7. The Biltmore company even offers employees, regardless of their religious affiliation, free and confidential contact with clergymen who collaborate with the company.

  • Burnout at work will become a widespread problem

According to a study by Forbes and Kronos, about half of employees of large companies suffer from burnout every year. The main reasons for this are the imbalance between the effort the employee expends and the level of compensation received, as well as the workload in and outside the office.

The constant need to “be in touch” also contributes to burnout: due to modern gadgets and the use of e-mail, employees despite at will are involved in the work process even outside of working hours.

It is expected that in large companies, burnout prevention will become another element of corporate concern for the health of employees. In France, for example, since January 1 last year, a law has been in force that gives employees the “right to switch off” and not burden themselves with work outside of working hours.