Boiled corn: health benefits and harms. Health benefits and harms of corn, medicinal properties and contraindications

Sweet corn is a product that has been familiar to us since childhood. This plant produces a harvest at the end of summer, but in fact we can purchase corn all year round in canned or frozen form. Yellow grains have a special taste, and there is no analogue that would at least partially reproduce the taste of corn cobs. The history of corn culture goes back to 4250 BC, in the territory of modern Mexico, where finds of grains were discovered. It is known that in those days corn was of a different size, up to 5 cm in length. Corn cobs are now 10 times larger than their predecessors, the result of selective breeding of Mexican corn varieties.

Corn has found application not only in cooking, but in medicine, construction, and the cobs are used as a material for making smoking pipes. What else is remarkable about corn, the benefits and harms of this plant for humans, the nutritional value and properties of corn - we will consider all this further in our article.

Nutritional value of corn and its composition

The calorie content of corn is 90 kcal, the calculation includes only the edible part of the cob - the grain. So, 100 g of grains contains almost 100 kcal, which indicates a completely non-dietary food product. Considering that you can remove 200 g of grains from an average cob, then just by eating two small heads of cabbage, you will eat a considerable part daily norm calories. This should be remembered by those who watch their figure and are overweight.

So, the nutritional value of 100 g of corn is (calculated for the edible part):

  • Water - 14 g;
  • Proteins - 10.3 g;
  • Starch - 58.2 g;
  • Fats - 4.9 g;
  • Dietary fiber- 9.6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 60 g;
  • Mono- and disaccharides - 1.6 g;
  • Saturated fatty acids- 0.6 g;
  • Ash - 1.2 g;
  • Unsaturated fatty acids - 3.46 g.

Due to their high water content, corn grains have a juicy taste. When cooked, they soften, absorbing additional water. The kernel is the most nutritious part of the corn head, and therefore the most valuable for our nutrition.

Dietary fiber is a special item that deserves attention. These fibers are not digested by the body. However, the intestinal microflora successfully processes them. Fiber consists of two substances - lignin and polysaccharides, which are able to cleanse the intestinal walls of various deposits. In other words, “garbage”, which, when accumulated, creates problems for the gastrointestinal tract.

Corn, raw, boiled, canned - which is the healthiest and the characteristics of each of them

Raw corn

This is corn without any additional processing. Tender young cobs can indeed be eaten without cooking, sprinkled with salt or without spices at all. It tastes watery and sweet, however, you can’t eat a lot of this corn. Knowing what raw corn is, the benefits and harms do not matter in most cases - out of habit, eating the plant is tasteless. But raw corn contains a lot of vitamin E, which protects our beauty.

Boiled corn

It is in this form that we are accustomed to eating corn most often. Knowing what boiled corn tastes like, the benefits and harms of this dish fade into the background. When boiled in water, many beneficial substances are destroyed, and as a result we get a product less rich in vitamins. But something remains. Boiled corn contains vitamin B in considerable quantities. With frequent nervous disorders, stress and simply in moments of depression, eating a head of corn will have a truly magical effect, will return restful sleep, will calm down nervous system.

Canned corn

Only 30% remains in corn during canning. useful substances, which were originally. But needless to say that canned corn, the benefits and harms of which is an important issue, contains a large amount of sodium. Sodium in our body is involved in the processes of water and acid-base balance, it also creates conditions for optimal functioning of the heart, muscle and hematopoietic systems.

Corn is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. We list only the main ones.


  • Vitamin PP - 2.1 mg;
  • Choline - 71 mg;
  • Beta-carotene - 0.32 mg;
  • Vitamin A - 53 mcg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.38 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 26 mcg;
  • Vitamin E - 1.3 mg;
  • Vitamin H - 21 mcg.

The following chemical elements They enter our body only with food, so they are vital and must be present in our diet every day. Corn will allow you to replenish the daily doses of most of them, thanks to its valuable composition.


  • Potassium - 340 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 301 mg;
  • Sulfur - 114 mg;
  • Magnesium - 104 mg;
  • Chlorine - 54 mg;
  • Calcium - 34 mg;
  • Sodium - 27 mg.

A large amount of fiber, vitamins A, E, choline and the rest of the above substances, when consumed regularly, can completely improve all organs, improve appetite, well-being and health. By receiving everything necessary for life, self-cleaning mechanisms are launched in the body, metabolic processes, and the immune system goes into active combat mode against external radicals. Corn is a truly tasty and chemically rich product that should not be neglected.

Among other things, corn contains carotenoids. This substance plays a role in maintaining vision health; for various eye diseases, it is useful to eat a handful of boiled corn kernels 2-3 times a week.

Useful and medicinal properties of corn

1. Patients with atherosclerosis should include 1-2 cobs per week in their diet. Corn grains will protect blood vessels from the formation of blood clots. Unsaturated fatty acids, which corn is rich in, protect the walls of blood vessels from deposits, regulate cholesterol metabolism, removing “bad” cholesterol and leaving it in required quantity"good".

2. For diseases of the gallbladder, it is recommended to use boiled corn to increase the tone of the walls of the bladder. Cobs - truly remedy, allows the walls of the gallbladder to contract intensively, which has a beneficial effect on further metabolism.

3. For chronic fatigue, exhaustion or loss of strength, you should eat 200 g of corn grains, containing vegetable salad.

4. Thanks to selenium in corn, the body removes alcohol from the body faster and helps the liver when consuming excessively fatty foods. If possible, before the feast, eat a spoonful of canned corn, and your digestion will be in order, your stomach will more easily bear the upcoming load.

5. Corn will also help with fermentation, flatulence and bloating. Dietary fiber copes with all gastrointestinal problems. After eating the cob, that's it unpleasant consequences will be eliminated, discomfort in the intestines will be neutralized.

Contraindications to eating corn

Although delicious grains bring great benefits to the body, there are still categories of people who should eat this product in moderation or completely exclude it from their diet. Corn should not be consumed:

- with poor blood clotting;

- obesity;

- stomach ulcer;

- allergic reactions;

- individual intolerance.

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There are a number of seasonal foods that are very healthy for you. human body. Corn is one such food. Its benefits and harms – I would like to talk about this in detail now.

A few words about corn

Initially, it should be noted that America is considered the birthplace of this food product. This sacred cereal of the Incas (as it was previously called) was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus.

It is worth noting that for some time this plant was considered divine, and in certain countries – exotic. The ancient Indians called corn “maize.”

It was the Spaniards who gave it its current name. So, they called the corn “cucurucho”, which translated means “pointed hood”.

Modern scientists say that corn is a very important product food that immediately follows rice and wheat.

Composition and presence of nutrients and elements in corn

At the very beginning, it should be noted that corn contains mono- and dichasarides, water, saturated fatty acids, ash substances, and also starch in large quantities (this is approximately 57% of the total mass). Its other components:

  • Huge vitamin complex. A large amount of vitamin B9, E. There are also many other vitamins - groups B (B1, B2, B5), C, PP.
  • Corn contains niacin (B3) and choline (B4).
  • Corn is the champion in the amount of iron in its composition.
  • Corn also contains quite a lot of zinc, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, and copper. There is calcium, iodine, sodium.

Scientists say that corn is very easily absorbed by the body. It has quite high nutritional and biological value. And if you include this food product in your diet every day, you can significantly improve everything. metabolic processes in the body.

Corn: calorie content of this healthy food product

It is worth noting that corn is extremely high in calories. However, nutritionists do not advise refusing to take it in the fight against such a problem as obesity.

And all because corn is capable of shortest time saturate the body, significantly reducing appetite.

So, corn: its calorie content when boiled is 123 kcal. At the same time, the maximum high quantity carbohydrates: 22.5 g. Protein approximately 4.1 g, fat only 2.3 g.

Canned corn: calorie content of this food product in this form

Many people prefer canned corn to freshly boiled corn. And there's nothing wrong with that. It is also beneficial for the human body. However, its nutritional value is somewhat different.

Canned corn: calorie content in this form: 119 kcal. There are also a lot of carbohydrates - about 23 g. Proteins also remain almost at the same level - 3.9 g. But there is much less fat in sweet canned corn - only 1.3 g.

Useful properties of corn

If we consider a food product like corn, its benefits and harms, we definitely need to talk about it. As mentioned above, this food product brings benefits to the human body. Which one exactly?

  • First of all, it should be noted that corn is a food product that cannot be genetically modified. Moreover, it does not absorb harmful substances from soil or air. It also does not change its properties during cooking, canning, or heat treatment.
  • Corn is useful for various problems with the gastrointestinal tract. So, if a person has diarrhea, you need to fry corn grains with honey. Every half hour you need to eat one teaspoon of them until the problem stops. If the patient is constipated, corn can also help. However, in this case, the boiled cob must be generously greased vegetable oil and eat.
  • Corn soup is an excellent remedy for treating gastritis. Such food soothes the irritated gastric mucosa of the patient.
  • The vitamin complex contained in corn has a positive effect on the condition of human hair and skin.
  • Lysine and tryptophan, which are found in corn, have a positive effect on muscle function and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thanks to its husk, corn is an excellent intestinal scrub.
  • Scientists also say that the composition of corn makes a person happy. It is also an excellent anti-aging product. So all people who want to preserve their youth should eat corn.

How we love to eat the sweet and satisfying grains of the golden head of corn called corn. Everyone, young and old, is waiting for hot days when the season of their favorite millet begins and they can cook a whole pot of cobs or buy them on the way to work or to the beach. There is probably no such person, I mean an adult, who would not understand maximum benefit from eating corn. Once upon a time, it was not for nothing that it was called the “queen of the fields” and was grown everywhere. But what is the value of the golden cob, can it be eaten during pregnancy, when to include it in a child’s diet, and how is it useful for men. Let's find out about your favorite delicacy in more detail.

A little history of corn

The culture we describe originated in the territory Latin America, on the site of modern Mexico. Now the states of Oaxaca and Puebla are located there. Scientists archaeologists during excavations discovered places where corn grains were stored, which are at least 7 thousand years old. Additional Research showed that the Aztecs, Mikes, Incas and other representatives of the most ancient peoples owe their flourishing and long existence of civilization to precisely this cereal - corn. Excellent farmers lived in these areas, who mainly grew golden ears and thus came to a developed type of society.

The well-known Christopher Columbus brought corn to Europe, like many other things from the New World, in the 15th century. The Spaniards quickly “saw through” the benefits of breeding the crop and began to sow vast areas of land with plant seeds. The spread to African countries, China and other territories occurred at the beginning of the 16th century. But culture was brought to Russia only at the end of the 18th century.

Today, corn is in second place after wheat grain. About a billion tons of cereal are produced every year. The leader in supplies is the United States, followed by Brazil, Mexico, Ukraine, Argentina and China. The product is very popular due to its unique beneficial properties and nutritional value. In the human diet, corn is present in fried, pickled and boiled form. Canned corn is always available in every home and is an excellent side dish for fish, poultry, and meat. different varieties, as well as cereals and pasta. The culture is also actively used in medicine, pharmaceuticals, and the chemical industry.

Description of corn

Let's conduct a brief educational program for those who don't know what corn is. This is an annual plant with a powerful and developed root. In height, the stem of the crop can reach 4 meters, and in width up to 6.5 in diameter. Lanceolate-shaped leaves can reach a length of up to a meter and a width of almost 10 centimeters. The culture has two types of inflorescences - female and male.

The first looks like cobs growing from the axils at the beginning of the leaf, the second looks like the well-known panicles (hairs) located at the top of the stem. They are also called corn silk, the benefits of which include: medical purposes colossal. One plant, as a rule, has two ears, the size of which is up to 50 centimeters in length, up to 10 centimeters in diameter and weighing up to 500 grams. Each cob is covered with a whitish compact layer of sheets in the form of wrappers. Culture grains in the form of small cubes or cloves round shape, the color can be white, yellow, orange or almost red.

The grains are arranged in vertical rows, and what is noteworthy is that there is always an even number of seeds in one cob. One corn can contain up to 1000 seeds.

Beneficial chemical composition of corn

Introduced in the 18th century, the cereal immediately gained popularity. The reason for this is the beneficial substances, high nutritional value and amazing taste. It is excellent and easy to grow; from one grain you can get several cobs and get enough of it. Moreover, on square meter you can grow up to 20 pieces, and of course this matters in economically. The only negative is that after corn, the soil needs to be restored for several years with other crops - mustard, beans, peas. Or feed it with a special type of fertilizer, since tall stems squeeze “all the juices” and organic matter out of the soil.

The beneficial composition of the culture includes fats, proteins, up to 75% water, starches, dextrins, fats and proteins. Ash, Omega-3 fatty acids, monosaccharides, fiber and disaccharides are also present.
A number of vitamins are ascorbic acid– C, folate – B9, thiamine – B1, tocopheryl equivalent – ​​E, niacin equivalent – ​​PP, riboflavin – B2, pantothene – B5, beta-carotene, pyridoxine – B8, phylloquinone – K.

Important: 100 grams of raw corn contains 98.94 kilocalories. The energy value differs depending on the type of preparation. So, in corn flour - 336 kcal, in canned - 103 kcal, in oil - 898 kcal, in boiled - 97 kcal, steamed - 98 kcal, in cereal - 336 kcal, in porridge - 98 kcal, in bread - 261 kcal. Salted cob (100 g) – 402 kcal, sweet – 408, flakes – 356 kcal.

A number of micro and macroelements include substances such as magnesium, manganese, calcium, selenium, sodium, zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper, etc.

Beneficial and healing abilities of corn

Few people know that a crop like corn is not subject to genetic modification. Its rigid and complex structure does not allow toxins and harmful substances to penetrate into its composition, and the “original” wrapper also protects against this. The cobs do not absorb chemical fertilizers that feed the soil to increase yield, and corn does not change in chemical composition for cooking, steaming and canning.

  1. The grains are rich in coarse fibers and fiber. Small portions of millet stimulate peristalsis, secretory properties and activity digestive department, removes waste, toxins, and radionuclides from the body.
  2. Carotenoids improve vision, hearing, sense of smell and touch.
  3. Including 1-2 boiled cobs per day in the diet allows you to provide the body with magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. These substances strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent hemorrhagic processes - bleeding, stimulate work cardiovascular system. Nutrients help prevent strokes, heart attacks, coronary disease hearts.
  4. Coarse fibers and acids thin the blood and eliminate cholesterol plaques and also prevent serious pathologies of blood vessels and heart. Thus, thought processes and memory also improve, and protect against atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.
  5. The B group of vitamins calms nerves, relieves irritability, sudden attacks anger and aggression. The elements relieve stress and depression, neuroses, and help overcome emotional and psychological stress.
  6. Cereals are made up of compounds that strengthen immune system person. Thanks to them, a person can more easily cope with infectious and inflammatory diseases, they also prevent infections, including influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and stomatitis.
  7. Nutrients do an excellent job with insomnia and other somatic conditions. Persons with problems falling asleep should eat 120 grams of boiled corn 2 hours before bedtime.
  8. Antioxidants and fiber relieve the intestines from putrefactive bacteria, stagnant processes, cleanse fecal stones.
  9. Corn selenium, tocopherol and other antioxidant substances reduce the risk of developing cancer and inflammatory processes. The aging process of cells also slows down, new ones are regenerated, dead cells and decay products from microbes are removed from the body.
  10. Boiled corn and the broth itself are excellent hangover remedy. It can be consumed both the morning after a party and during libations to minimize intoxication of the body.
  11. Potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc, vitamins have rehabilitation properties and restore after heavy sports and physical activity, after a hard day at work, with nervous exhaustion.
  12. At chronic diarrhea Corn (corns) fried in a frying pan with the addition of natural honey helps. Drink a tablespoon once every two hours and wash down with warm boiled water.
  13. Boiled corn with vegetable oil helps with constipation.
  14. Divorced in warm water crushed grains (flour) and infused throughout the day in a cold and dark place reduce high blood pressure. Drink only 4 sips once a day.
  15. Boiled grains ground into a pulp help renew the gastric mucosa, which is very useful for peptic ulcers, gastritis, and high acidity.
  16. Regular consumption of millet helps to improve the functions of female reproduction, alleviates the condition of women during menstruation, reduces symptoms of PMS, and eliminates hot flashes and pressure surges during menopause.
  17. Fine corn grits or flour are great for for cosmetic purposes. Masks that are amazingly effective are made from it. Due to the content of starch, nutrients and fibers, thanks to soft action The skin structure improves, pores are cleaned, acne and pimples disappear.

Cleansing mask. It is necessary to mix flour with water at the rate of 1 to 3 and apply to a cleansed face. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm, clean water and moisturize with germ oil.

Moisturizing. Yolk homemade eggs mix with crushed grains and a tablespoon of natural honey, add lemon juice (halves), beat everything and apply to skin faces. Wear for 20 minutes, rinse and again lubricate with germ oil.

Useful benefits of corn oil

Corn seed oil is no less beneficial for our body.

  1. If you drink 3 tables. spoons of squeezing, cholesterol plaques will disappear and the blood will be cleansed, which is the key to good memory and thinking abilities, prevention of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases.
  2. Also, regular consumption of oil for 2-3 weeks (1 sip per day) can cure skin diseases.
  3. Squeezing helps with gallbladder diseases; for this you need to drink several small sips of oil per day. The product helps stimulate the gastric sphincter, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and increases the tone of the body as a whole.
  4. The squeeze is excellent auxiliary in the fight against diabetes.

Important: a course of corn germ oil therapy allows you to maximize the condition of your skin, nails, and hair.

Can pregnant women eat corn?

There is no need to remind you that corn boiled in salted water remains a favorite delicacy for most of us. It’s hard to imagine that a pregnant woman who wants to taste everything that comes her way will bypass this product. And on winter days, it is not without pleasure that we open beautiful jars of canned corn, and dress salads, serve as a side dish for meat, cereals, poultry and fish. But how beneficial is this tasty crop for pregnant women? Can they eat it, and if so, why?

  1. First of all, corn, as we have already indicated, is an environmentally friendly crop. It does not absorb fertilizers, is not subject to genetic modification and is therefore absolutely safe for consumption by ladies in an interesting position.
  2. Due to the content of a number of valuable substances, vitamins, corn components take an active part in the formation of the fetus and strengthening the mother’s body.
  3. Potassium has a calming effect, strengthens the heart and its functioning, helps a woman overcome bouts of irritability and aggression.
  4. Magnesium and selenium improve sleep, relieve depression and stress.
  5. Even if the product undergoes heat treatment, the shell remains intact and cleanses the body of toxins and waste. Also, fiber, along with cleansing the body, burns excess fat and reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
  6. The starch contained in the product is involved in the growth muscle mass and forms the nervous system.
  7. Corn porridges are an integral part of the diet of athletes working in difficult and hazardous industries.
  8. The presence of pectins helps prevent the development of tumors and inflammatory processes.
  9. In the fight against toxicosis, it is enough to eat just 1 cob and nausea, vomiting, and dizziness will be eliminated.
  10. Calcium from the culture is involved in the formation of the baby’s skeleton and strengthening the nerves of the expectant mother.

    Important: before you start consuming this tasty and sweet crop, you need to consult a doctor.

  11. For a pregnant woman, not only boiled corn, but also corn porridge and an infusion of hairs (stigmas) are beneficial.
  12. The main thing is not to include it in your diet expectant mother a canned version of corn due to the content of preservatives.

Is it possible to give corn to children?

No one argues that the baby’s body needs useful substances, minerals, micro and macroelements, which are abundant in the culture we are studying. But is there any need to rush? To understand how beneficial corn is for your beloved child, let’s consider the issue in more detail.

Remember: grains consist of coarse fibers and complex compounds and are difficult to digest in the stomach of an adult, let alone a child. Therefore, you should not introduce corn in any form into your child’s diet until he reaches 3 years of age.

Probably some mothers who risked letting the baby gnaw on a head of cabbage noticed that the grains came out through the “right” place unharmed. This means that they were not digested and created troubles and stress for the child. The reason for this is the lack of enzymes capable of dissolving the hard connective tissues of the culture.

Can a cob given to a child under 2 years of age cause problems - of course, yes! Colic, bloating, problems with bowel movements will be provided. And if the cob is of dubious freshness, expect nausea and vomiting. I don’t want to scare anyone, but don’t rush to include even very tasty and tender corn in your beloved child’s menu.

How to properly give corn to your child

So, we already know that we need to wait until 3 years of age. The cob needs to be cooked until it is especially soft, giving a piece closer to the top. The portion should be tiny, 15 grams, no more. Ideally, if you clear the grains from the top film. It’s okay that the coarse fibers are removed, but it will be easier to digest.

After serving, pay attention to the reaction of the baby’s body - an allergic reaction is very rarely possible. It is manifested by nausea, vomiting, rash, redness, swelling, and difficulty breathing. If this occurs, take a children's antihistamine and call a doctor.

What are the benefits of corn for men?

Delicious cobs cannot leave the male half of humanity indifferent. In addition to culinary properties, it is very useful for men, and here's why:

  1. Choline and B vitamins reduce cholesterol levels, eliminate plaques, which improves a man’s memory and vision. Metabolic processes are also regulated, and the sensitivity of nerve cell impulses increases.
  2. Antioxidants strengthen the immune system and prevent inflammatory, infectious and oncological diseases. This includes the prevention of adenoma and prostate cancer in men.
  3. Young cobs are excellent at “crushing” kidney stones, which helps to cope with urolithiasis, inflammation of the pancreas, gallstone disease.
  4. Regular consumption of the product relieves constipation and liver diseases.
  5. Boiled hairs (stigmas) treat hepatitis different forms and stages.
  6. Boiled corn relieves the condition of patients with gout and nephritis.
  7. And finally, the main thing for men is that regular consumption of corn in the form of porridge protects against problems with potency.

Harm and contraindications of corn

Like any other product, cereal can also bring negative aspects to the human body. It should not be included in the diet if:

  • individual intolerance;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • low level of blood clotting;
  • high stage obesity.

Corn for weight loss

Some time ago, most were sure that the cereal we were studying could not promote weight loss. It turns out the opposite is true. With the help of corn you can, as it turns out, reset extra pounds and feel lightness, energy and vigor. Moreover, the product helps to cleanse yourself after prolonged libations and holiday treats, which can develop inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Corn diet for 3 kilograms in 4 days

Important: when dieting you need to consume a lot clean water and green tea.

If you stick to your diet correctly, then on the fifth day you will be pleasantly surprised. Weight will be reduced and the body will feel light and relaxed.

Delicious Uzbek soup shurpa with corn

This first dish is so tasty that you will want to cook it very often. In order to cook shurpa with corn we need:

  • 500 grams of meat (any kind will do - turkey, chicken, pork, lamb, beef, etc.);
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 6 cobs;
  • 3 medium onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • tomato paste;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

Simmer the meat over low heat for 1.5 hours, then add the corn cobs and cook for 15 minutes. Do not add salt to the broth. Fry onion, cubes and pepper in half rings in vegetable oil in a frying pan, add a tablespoon tomato paste. Add diced potatoes to the broth, add the dressing at the end, put in the cobs, salt and pepper, squeeze out the garlic and add herbs. Let it brew for 20 minutes and bon appetit!

Well, it seems like we talked about the benefits, useful composition a well-known product - corn. Now you can safely decide for yourself whether to include it in your diet or not, whether children and pregnant women can eat it, and what its positives are for men.

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Corn is an amazing product - some peoples deified it, but for others it is simply an exotic fruit. The ancient Indians did not even think about the benefits and harms of boiled corn that could cause health problems.

They began to grow the crop on the South American continent, after which they became acquainted with it on the European continent, Columbus contributed to this. Boiled corn is a favorite cereal product for many people around the world, as its benefits are beyond doubt.

Thanks to the substances it contains, corn is a product with increased nutritional and biological activity. Considering this, it is perfectly absorbed, which is important when dieting. If you consume such a product every day, the activation of nutrients in the body will increase significantly. A person begins to feel much better, his body is under reliable protection. So, boiled corn is very healthy. It should be noted that its calorie content is low, it is equal to 123 kcal. It should be noted that such a low calorie content is adjacent to a large number vitamins, and also proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the proportions necessary for the body.

If we talk about cooking methods, then cooked product much healthier than fried. It is noteworthy that the product contains a considerable amount of calories, which does not prevent people who are obese from eating it. This happens due to the fact that the body quickly becomes full and appetite decreases.

Useful properties of boiled corn

So, what are the benefits of corn? The product contains many different minerals and vitamins, which will be preserved in large quantities after cooking. It is known that regular consumption of the product helps fight stress, strengthens the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the heart and promotes the active production of red blood cells. It also contains a large amount of vitamin B1, for daily value It is quite enough to eat only 150 grams. cooked product.

Much more can be said about the benefits of delicious boiled corn, but much depends on how correctly such a product is prepared. Healthy, tasty boiled corn can relieve a variety of health problems; its advantage is that no special skills are required for high-quality cooking.

How to cook corn correctly

If you boil corn and add some butter, it will not only be very tasty, but also healthy. Especially useful for those who suffer from various kinds diseases of the liver, blood vessels, heart. Regular consumption of boiled corn can help you get rid of constipation and gout attacks. This dish is also useful for those who suffer from nephritis; they simply need to eat such a product.

If the product is steamed, it will retain more of its beneficial properties. But you can simply boil the fruit in water - a certain part of the nutrients will go into the water, but a sufficient amount will still remain. If you decide to cook in a double boiler, then both the cobs and the grains will be ready in half an hour, you can eat them immediately. Then the beneficial properties of corn will be preserved in full. Cooking cobs is not difficult; it is better to buy young fruits. Young corn cooks faster and has a softer, more delicate flavor. Corn may have a small amount of seasoning, some add finely chopped herbs, which is tasty and healthy.

If you bought young, fresh corn, then boiling it for 10-15 minutes is enough. If you bought an old one, then the cooking process will take much longer, at least two hours. And also about salt - you only need to salt the already cooked product to taste, and not add salt to the water during the cooking process. Otherwise, you may end up with a hard and dry vegetable. And you need to add less salt.

When they talk about the benefits and harms for the body, the harm is often caused not so much by the boiled corn itself, but by the large amount of salt that many people flavor it with. Boiled corn is beneficial for humans in kind, but it is acceptable to add a little salt, pepper and butter. Eating such a product is not only healthy, but also tasty, and not harmful to your figure, especially when losing weight; there is no need to constantly count calories.

What other benefits are boiled corn?

If you regularly eat boiled maize (this can also be called corn), then you don’t have to worry about what will happen weak immunity. The body is effectively cleansed of toxins, all wastes and toxins are quickly eliminated. Cholesterol levels with regular consumption of boiled vegetables are reduced, as is the risk of heart disease. The product has a choleretic and diuretic effect; it can effectively treat hypertension and get rid of edema. The benefits of boiled corn are not limited to this.

There are a number of other beneficial properties of such boiled grain:

  • bowel function is normalized;
  • fats are burned effectively;
  • purulent processes and fermentation processes are eliminated;
  • an excellent remedy against epilepsy and stress;
  • the risk of cancer is reduced;
  • you can get rid of impotence.

Many people wonder whether it is possible for those with diabetes to eat boiled corn. Everything is simple here: consumption of such a product does not cause sugar spikes, at the same time it is dietary and contains a large number of vitamins, so there are no obstacles to its consumption. The benefits and harms of boiled corn should always be taken into account by people who have health problems. You can eat it, but the quantity should be limited.

If you eat boiled vegetables regularly and in moderation, those people who suffer from diabetes mellitus second type, then it must be taken into account that the product contains fiber and biologically active substances. All this allows you to significantly reduce your glucose level and improve your metabolism. If you eat a couple of cobs a day, then this is acceptable for all categories of patients.

What harm can boiled corn cause?

The health benefits and harms of such a product have been studied by scientists for a long time. Few people would argue that corn is healthy and valuable product, however, even it has certain contraindications. People who suffer from thrombosis, who have increased blood clotting and thrombophlebitis should not eat this vegetable. Boiled corn has benefits and harms in different degrees, the benefits are many times greater, but you should also not forget about contraindications.

People who complain of decreased appetite and are underweight should also limit their consumption of this product. It is also worth refraining from consuming this product for those people who suffer from peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract, especially during an exacerbation. It is especially dangerous for such people to eat crushed corn. It is contraindicated on a diet for ulcer patients.

Can nursing mothers eat boiled corn?

After childbirth, women should treat their diet with the utmost care. It is clear that boiled corn in this regard also becomes a subject of doubt - is it possible to eat it in this situation? It is not only possible, but also necessary, since boiled cereal grains are an excellent remedy for lactation, the quality of milk increases and there is more of it, which has a beneficial effect on the baby’s condition. For women, this product is simply irreplaceable.

This product is also useful because it is gluten-free. Namely, in most cases it becomes the cause of the formation allergic reactions and kids. However, you should not eat too much of this grain, otherwise it may cause increased gas formation and colic in infants.

In the first 3-5 months of breastfeeding, it is necessary to limit the consumption of such a product to one cob per week, no more. After this, you can eat more, but no more than 5 cobs per week.

If a woman wants to lose weight after giving birth, then eating boiled grains is beneficial. It has already been noted that the calorie content of the product is low. This is relevant not only for women, but also for men who want to lose weight, but do not agree to starve. It is interesting that strict diets are contraindicated for women during lactation. But it is quite possible to replace a meal with a serving of boiled corn, this way you can lose weight. overweight, quickly get enough and get rid of excess moisture, which is good for the baby.

How to store boiled corn

The advantages of this product continue in that even during storage, the health benefits for people are not lost. When boiling the fruits, nothing prevents you from immediately boiling a large number of cobs and then eating them for several days, without wasting time on new cooking each time. If the product is boiled correctly, you can say that a satisfying appetizer or main course is ready for several days.

In order for the product to be stored longer and not lose its beneficial and taste qualities, you need to know that he loves moisture. So, after the maize has been cooked, it must be left in the broth until it becomes cold.

After everything has cooled completely, cover the pan with a lid and let it stand on the table ( maximum term- 12 hours), after which you need to put the product in the refrigerator. With such simple manipulations, you can be sure that the corn will remain tasty, juicy and healthy for several days. Useful properties and the contraindications of such a product are the subject of much debate, but one thing is for sure - moderate consumption of corn for the body does not entail any negative consequences.

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Useful properties of corn

For many years, corn was hailed as a divine food by people of different races and ages. This cereal comes from Central and South America belonged to the sacred class. For this reason, it was consumed boiled slowly and without further ado. Later, the cereal appeared in Europe and Russia, gaining even greater popularity. Today, many people are interested in the question of harm and benefit. boiled corn. Thanks to the large accumulation beneficial enzymes It's hard not to pay enough attention to this.

Calorie content and composition of corn

  1. Compound. Corn is famous for its rich composition. It includes ash, water, saturated acids, di- and monosaccharides, starch (more than in potatoes and rice). In addition, the product includes useful minerals, such as fluorine, copper, manganese, calcium. We should not forget about zinc, cobalt, magnesium, iodine, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. It’s hard not to mention the presence of vitamins different groups, including E, B1-B5, B9, C, RR.
  2. Calorie content. Having consumed 100 gr. boiled corn, you will saturate the body with 125 Kcal. Of these, fats occupy 2.4 g, proteins - 4.2 g, carbohydrates - 22.4 g. If we talk about canned product, calorie content is reduced to 119 Kcal., where 3 g. - proteins, 22.6 g. - carbohydrates, 1.4 g. - fats.

Useful properties of boiled corn

  1. The main difference between corn and other cereal crops is the preservation of all useful enzymes after long-term heat treatment. The minerals and vitamins listed above remain in the amount of 83-85%; no other cereal can boast of this.
  2. The lion's share of vitamins normalizes the body's functioning at the intracellular level. Regular consumption of boiled corn maintains water-salt balance, controls cholesterol in the blood, stimulates metabolic processes, and tones the psycho-emotional background.
  3. Corn is the only cereal crop that contains real gold. The metal is used for domestic and medical purposes to relieve leprosy, tuberculosis, lupus, and other complex diseases.
  4. Cereals improve brain activity, accelerating the absorption of information and memory. It is difficult not to mention that the food stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle and maintains blood pressure at the proper level (relevant for hypo- and hypertensive patients).
  5. Experienced doctors unanimously say that boiled corn is recommended for those who have liver dysfunction and respiratory system, and also renal failure. Corn prevents blockage of blood vessels, freeing the lungs from resin ( useful information for smokers).
  6. Thanks to the high nutritional value and the accumulation of vitamins, boiled corn is quickly absorbed by the body. Saturation is maintained for a long time, which allows people with overweight dull the feeling of hunger. Cereal speeds up metabolism, raises the “fighting spirit”, and saturates with energy.
  7. For people who constantly struggle with stress and suffer from insomnia, corn helps them calm down. It normalizes the nervous system, eliminates unnecessary irritants and puts you to sleep.
  8. Corn is often used in for preventive purposes to prevent infertility, male dysfunction and other pathologies of the genital organs. Corn forms bone tissue, strengthens hair and nails, and promotes the production of collagen in the skin.
  9. Corn is considered especially valuable for people with atherosclerosis. You should consume 1 cob per day to protect the walls of blood vessels from deposits and blockages. If your body has high cholesterol, consume 2 ears of corn per day. It weeds out the “bad” and leaves the good.
  10. Cereals increase the tone of the gallbladder walls. It accelerates the frequency of contractions, normalizing metabolic processes.
  11. Corn promotes the rapid elimination of ethyl alcohol, so it is often eaten in the morning after a grand feast. In addition, boiled grains prevent stomach diseases in people who abuse heavy foods.
  12. To those who experience chronic fatigue, apathy, constant malaise, you should eat at least 60 grams. boiled corn kernels per day. After a month, blood circulation will increase and sleep will normalize.

  1. Corn has a relatively low calorie content, but high energy value due to incoming carbohydrates (more than 22 g). It is for this reason that it is easily absorbed by the body and is not deposited in problem areas.
  2. The sugar content allows you to feel good throughout the diet. Low blood pressure and malaise are excluded. The heart is not under stress.
  3. To increase metabolism, it is enough to include 1-2 ears (100, 200 Kcal, respectively) of boiled cereal in the daily menu. It is preferable to consume corn before 2 p.m.
  4. Experienced nutritionists recommend leaning on boiled corn during fasting days. In this simple way you will cleanse your intestines and prevent constipation.
  5. To reap the full benefits, follow the corn diet for a month, then take a week off. When consuming, chew slowly; you can add grains to salads, first and second courses.

Harm of boiled corn

  1. Restrictions on use cereal crop, are more related to the components that are used when growing corn. The product is processed extremely chemically, but the cobs do not absorb harmful substances. They are difficult to modify, therefore they are classified as environmentally friendly crops.
  2. Obviously, consuming this cereal is not recommended for people with individual intolerance to corn. To identify an allergy, just eat a couple of grains and wait. If present side effects(nausea and vomiting, rash, general malaise), grains should be avoided.
  3. People at risk of developing blood clots should not eat corn. The fact is that corn even after heat treatment retains vitamin K, which affects blood clotting (improves it). Eating grains can be dangerous to your health.
  4. People with pancreatic dysfunction are at risk, digestive tract. Your body will absorb grain more slowly, especially if you have gastritis or an ulcer.
  5. It should be remembered that corn provokes increased gas formation and bloating even when consumed in the daily amount (up to 200 grams). If you have an illness duodenum, refuse the food.

Corn cobs retain up to 85% of vitamins and minerals even after prolonged heat treatment. Corn is recommended for use by people with atherosclerosis, unstable blood pressure, overweight. Contraindications include individual intolerance, flatulence, problems with digestive system, thrombosis.

Video: how to cook corn correctly