Coxsackievirus symptoms and treatment quarantine. Coxsackie virus: prevention is easier than treatment. Symptoms, causes, how not to get sick. Are antiviral drugs needed?

Good evening!!! We have a situation like this. Starting September 1, I take my granddaughter to kindergarten. The daughter-in-law is expecting her second child. Quite by accident, I learned from my parents that half of the group had contracted the Coxsackie virus. That is, the diseases began a month ago and are gaining momentum. From that day on, my granddaughter was not taken to the garden. But she still got sick. Pregnant daughter-in-law and me too. In response to my indignation at why the teachers did not report the disease after the first children fell ill, I was told that the teachers were not obliged to inform the parents. Please explain to me, is this so?! I don't understand anything. If the teachers don't remain silent, we could avoid the disease. The pregnancy is short, it is unknown how it will affect the baby. Thanks in advance!

Answer: from your information we can conclude that there are many violations sanitary rules in preschool education (“SP 3.1.2950-11. Prevention of enterovirus (non-polio) infection”, “MU 3.1.1. Prevention of infectious diseases. Intestinal infections”, etc.). In particular, clause 6.3-6.9 SP 3.1.2950-11 states:

- the obligation to prepare a plan of anti-epidemic and preventive measures, which includes: the introduction of restrictions (primarily in children's organized groups), the suspension of classes in primary school in case of deterioration of the epidemiological situation, etc.;

- active identification of patients by questioning, examination during morning reception children in a group (for organized children), as well as during door-to-door (door-to-door) visits;

- medical observation of contacts daily with the entry of examination results into the appropriate medical documents(observation sheets);

— after isolating a patient with EVI (or a person suspected of having this disease) in a children’s organized group, carrying out restrictive measures, including: prohibiting the participation of the quarantine group in general cultural events of the children’s organization; organizing walks for the quarantine group in compliance with the principle of group isolation at the site and upon returning to the group; compliance with the principle of isolation of children in the quarantine group when organizing meals; etc.

That is, when the first case of an enterovirus infection (EVI) with the causative agent of the Coxsackie virus is detected in a child from a preschool group, a set of measures should be carried out in the preschool in accordance with the above documents, including a survey of parents during the morning reception of children at the preschool. In this regard, Rospotrebnadzor should be immediately notified if this sanitary and epidemiological authority has not been informed earlier.

If you prove that the cause of your granddaughter’s illness was infection in the preschool and failure to carry out mandatory sanitary measures in the preschool (including a morning survey of parents), then you can recover damages from the preschool for the harmful consequences of such a disease. Grounds complete financial liability for harmful effects from illness that occurred due to the fault of preschool employees, and compensation for moral damage are regulated in the provisions of Art. 151, 1068, 1101, etc. of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as clause 15. Part 3 of Art. 28, clauses 8 and 9, part 1, clause 4, part 4, art. 41 and part 1 of Art. 68 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

Vladimir Korzhov, lawyer.

The sensational Coxsackie virus in Turkey in 2017 frightened many tourists who booked trips to summer holiday. Although there have been warnings about the danger of getting sick at Turkish resorts for several years, only this year the disease has taken on serious proportions.

On at the moment Rospotrebnadzor nevertheless recognized some resort towns in Turkey as dangerous in terms of medical problems, although the Turkish Ministry of Health still calls all incoming information speculation.

In any case, no one wants to lie with a high fever and be isolated from entertainment instead of a carefree holiday on the beach. In addition, the disease is brought to Russia, Ukraine and other countries by vacationing tourists. Therefore, everyone should know how the Coxsackie virus manifests itself, why it is dangerous and what actions to take if the disease is suspected.

What is the Coxsackie virus and how is it transmitted?

The Coxsackie virus is a group of enteroviruses (about 30 serotypes) that penetrates the human body through the oral mucosa and rapidly multiplies in the intestines. The virus is often called “Turkish chickenpox,” but the disease has characteristic differences and sometimes occurs in severe form with damage to the brain, heart, and liver.

The virus is quite stable in external environment, pathogenic microorganisms thrive in the aquatic environment ( drinking water, swimming pools), on fruits and die only when boiled or exposed to high temperatures. You can get infected with a virus by airborne droplets, contact (toys in kindergarten, dirty hands, swimming in the pool and the sea) and food (with dairy products, unwashed fruits, water).

Most often, children 4-10 years old become ill, but adults can also be infected. The infection is not dangerous for babies under 3 months; they are protected from the disease by antibodies obtained from mother's milk. In this case, the disease can be quite mild and be diagnosed as an acute respiratory infection, or it can lead to serious consequences and require hospitalization of the patient.

The incubation period for the Coxsackie virus is 2-7 days. The patient is contagious to others from the first day of the onset of painful symptoms and remains dangerous in terms of infecting other people until complete recovery.

After an illness, stable immunity is formed, but only to a specific serotype of the virus. Therefore, there is every chance of getting sick again with the Coxsackie virus of a different serotype.

General symptoms of Coxsackie virus

Coxsackievirus causes symptoms characteristic of enteroviral infections. The classic picture of the course of the disease is as follows:

  • Onset of the disease: intoxication

Suddenly, the infected person’s temperature rises to 39-40ºC. Adults report headache, weakness and drowsiness, and aches throughout the body. In children, the Coxsackie virus often provokes vomiting and convulsions due to high temperature. Babies refuse to eat, become whiny, and their heart rate increases. Redness and swelling often appear in the throat, submandibular lymph nodes. A characteristic feature viral intoxication is a white or yellowish coating on the tongue.

  • Rash period: mouth-hand-foot syndrome

After 1-2 days from the onset of hyperthermia, the patient’s condition worsens, inner surface cheeks and lips, watery blisters with a diameter of about 2 mm form around the mouth outside. Their spontaneous opening leads to the formation of ulcers.

Unlike ordinary stomatitis, mouth ulcers with Coxsackie disease have a bright red bottom.

During this period, profuse salivation is observed, the child completely refuses to eat due to severe pain. Simultaneously with the rash in the mouth, the same blisters appear on the skin. The palms and soles are strewn with small elements; single elements of the rash can be found on the buttocks and the flexor surface of the forearms (from the wrist to the elbow).

Important! Unlike chickenpox, the skin rash caused by the Coxsackie virus is not itchy and is not spread throughout the body. However, children can scratch the watery blisters, which can cause them to fester, especially in hot weather.

  • Recovery period

After 5 days immune system begins to produce antibodies, T-lymphocytes rush to the site of the viral infection: the symptoms of the disease begin to fade, the patient’s condition gradually improves. The recovery period lasts 5-7 days, the ulcers heal.

As a rule, the immune system completely destroys the virus. However, in in rare cases(immunodeficiency, individual characteristics body), Coxsackie lingers in the nerve endings, like the herpes virus. In this case, it is formed chronic form illness or virus carriage.

Specific symptomatic forms of Coxsackie's disease

Depending on the predominant localization of specific rashes and the severity of symptoms, the Coxsackie virus in a child can occur with atypical scenarios:

  • Flu-like form

Usually appears when re-infection virus, the mildest variant of the disease. The symptoms of the disease are similar to the manifestations of ARVI, therefore Coxsackie disease with such symptoms is called “ three-day fever", "summer flu". The influenza-like form is characterized by hyperthermia for 3 days, rashes on the skin and mucous membranes are rare or completely absent. From day 4, recovery begins, there are no serious consequences.

  • Intestinal form

Coxsackie's disease with severe intestinal syndrome is the most common. The main symptoms of the disease: abdominal pain and diarrhea up to 8 times a day, accompanied by rumbling and bloating, for 3 days. In children, the Coxsackie virus with a predominant dyspeptic syndrome can cause nausea and vomiting.

The feces are watery; in rare cases, mucus and blood appear. Severe dyspepsia lasts up to 3 days, all symptoms completely disappear after 10-14 days.

Important! In children under 2 years of age, the Coxsackie virus, inhibiting the synthesis of the lactose enzyme, provokes intolerance to dairy products. Children react to milk intake by sudden vomiting.

  • Herpangina

Characteristic symptoms usually appear after 1-2 weeks. after infection with the Coxsackie virus. On tonsils and mucous membranes upper sky(there are more rash elements around the uvula than on the tonsils) watery blisters first appear (this is what distinguishes viral infection from classic sore throat), and then small white sores form. Symptoms of the disease, provided they are not infected with bacterial flora, disappear after 1 week.

  • Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

It develops after 2 days from contact with infection. Painful symptoms first appear on one eye, and then on the second. The feeling of sand in the eyes is accompanied by photophobia, excessive flow of tears, and pain when blinking.

On the inner surface of the swollen eyelids, multiple hemorrhages can be found - red dots. Pus is often discharged from the eyes, but the symptoms of viral intoxication (high fever, weakness, etc.) are mild. Full recovery occurs in 2 weeks.

  • Enteroviral exanthema (“Boston fever”)

Characterized by generalized distribution skin rash. Watery blisters spread to all arms, shoulders, chest, and can be found on the head. Burst bubbles are quickly covered with a crust. There are usually no complications, with the exception of suppuration of the combed elements. After healing of exanthems, the skin often flakes and peels off, and nails come off.

Important! The Coxsackie virus, which manifests itself as an exanthema, is most similar to chickenpox. However, the bubbles disappear much faster - within 3-5 days.

Severe forms of the disease

Spreading through the blood, the Coxsackie virus can affect vital organs. In this case, the disease is extremely difficult, often life-threatening.

  • Serous meningitis

Coxsackievirus in Turkey 2017 often occurs with damage meninges. In this case, the incubation period can be reduced to 1-2 days. The following symptoms are characteristic of viral meningitis:

  • Sudden onset with high fever, severe headache and severe weakness, up to drowsiness and fainting;
  • Rigidity of the neck muscles - the patient cannot tilt his head forward and bring his chin to his chest;
  • Photophobia, uncontrollable vomiting without relief;
  • Complete lack of appetite, sore throat, sometimes cough and runny nose;
  • Dyspeptic syndrome - diarrhea, cramping abdominal pain, bloating;
  • Paresis - decreased strength in the limbs, severe muscle weakness.

Symptoms begin to subside within 3-5 days.

  • Viral heart disease

It occurs extremely rarely - when infected with enterovirus Coxsackie group B. Most often, this form of the disease is diagnosed in newborns from 3 months. The virus can penetrate all linings of the heart, causing pericarditis, endocarditis or myocarditis. Against the background of high temperature, chest pain, shortness of breath occurs, blood pressure decreases, and the pulse quickens (tachycardia).

The patient is severely weakened, constantly in a half-asleep state. Edema and arrhythmia often appear, hepatomegaly develops, and in severe cases, prolonged seizures. Without emergency resuscitation measures, death occurs within a few hours from the onset of the disease.

  • Poliomyelitis-like form

Against the background of fever, rashes and diarrhea, paralysis rapidly develops. However, the damage to the motor nerves is not as deep as in the disease of the same name; muscle tone is completely restored after recovery.

Important! Unlike the Coxsackie virus infection, paralysis in polio develops gradually.

  • Viral myositis

Extremely rare form diseases. A virus that rapidly multiplies in the muscles leads to pain in different parts body against the background of increased body temperature. However, most often the lesion is localized in the intercostal spaces.

The pain intensifies with breathing/coughing, movements (walking, turning the body) at certain intervals, so this form of the disease is called “devil's contraction”. The name "pleurodynia" does not quite correctly reflect viral infection: pleura in pathological process does not turn on.

  • Hepatitis

The symptoms of liver damage by the Coxsackie virus are completely consistent with hepatitis. Against the background of an enlarged liver, bile belching, heaviness in the right side, and jaundice occur.

Photography can be unpleasant

The virus can be passed on to a baby at birth

When a pregnant woman is infected in the first trimester, the risk of miscarriage increases by 20%. It is not known for certain whether the Coxsackie virus causes fetal malformations. However, in newborns from mothers who have had certain serotypes of the Coxsackie virus, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus according to type 2.

The disease can manifest itself not only during the neonatal period, but also at 10-15 years. It is also known for sure that during childbirth, a sick mother (symptoms of the disease are present) transmits the infection to the child in 50% of cases.

How to treat Coxsackie virus in children and adults? Need antibiotics?

The uncomplicated course of Coxsackie's disease - no signs of damage to the meninges, heart and liver - does not require antibacterial therapy. Treatment generally comes down to symptomatic therapy:

  • You can reduce the temperature with Ibuprofen (Ibufen syrup for babies, Mig-400 for adults), Paracetamol ( best option for children, candles relieve heat faster);
  • To prevent dehydration and alleviate symptoms of intoxication, you should drink plenty of water (boiled!);
  • For diarrhea, it is advisable to take Enterosgel, Activated carbon(for adults up to 8 tablets per appointment), spastic pain in the intestines is perfectly relieved by No-shpa;
  • Gels used during teething in babies (Kalgel, Dentinox) or a solution of Lidocaine in ampoules for lubricating the lesions (lidocaine contained in gels can cause allergic reaction and reduce blood pressure if used too frequently);
  • For speedy healing and prevention of infection of mouth ulcers, Orasept, Ingalipt, Hexoral are used;
  • In case of severe anxiety and itching, taking antihistamines(the best for babies is Fenistil drops).

When treating Coxsackie virus, both the severity of the symptoms of the disease and general condition body. Features of the treatment of the disease:

  • The Coxsackie virus in adults usually has a mild course of the ARVI type.
  • Antibiotics do not work on the Coxsackie virus! Taking antibacterial agents is advisable only when ulcers suppurate (Levomekol ointment, Bactroban), severe course illnesses (for example, meningitis).
  • Taking antiviral drugs is advisable only in weakened people.
  • Cold drinks and ice cream can help relieve mouth pain.
  • After every meal you need to rinse your mouth boiled water room temperature. An excellent addition would be diluting 1 tsp in a glass of water. soda or salt.
  • No one can predict the severity of the disease. Call emergency care mandatory for severe headaches and tension in the neck muscles, shortness of breath and severe tachycardia, semi-fainting and delusional states, and also when critical temperature and rare urination in young children or severe hyperthermia lasting more than 5 days without a tendency to normalize the temperature.
  • The administration of immunoglobulin to patients is not justified. However, for people who are in contact with a sick person or who are at the source of infection, the administration of immunoglobulin, although it will not eliminate the disease, will help to tolerate Coxsackie's disease in a mild form and prevent complications.
  • The patient is isolated for 1.5-2 weeks until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

Prevention of virus infection

Although the Coxsackie virus is extremely contagious - upon contact with a patient, infection occurs with almost 100% probability - preventive measures aimed at preventing the widespread spread of infection. Prevention includes:

  • Isolate the patient for 1-2 weeks. Until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.
  • If you are in hotspots of infection (for example, at a resort in Turkey), avoid visiting swimming pools and public events. Such restrictions especially apply to children.
  • Twice wet cleaning daily in the room where the patient is located, and regular ventilation.
  • Administration of immunoglobulin to young children and pregnant women who have been at the site of infection.
  • Boiling water, thoroughly washing the fruit and then pouring boiling water over it.
  • Compliance temperature regime and shelf life of dairy products.
  • Disinfection of cutlery, toys, boiling of sick person’s underwear and bed linen. Separate dishes and towels are provided for the patient.
  • Frequent hand washing, treatment with alcohol-containing antiseptics.

You should not treat summer infections irresponsibly; they often lead to serious complications. Most patients infected with the Coxsackie virus do not require hospitalization and do not have negative consequences and recover in 10-14 days.

The most severe disease occurs in children under 2 years of age and people with immunodeficiency. Babies are at high risk of developing dehydration, especially with vomiting and diarrhea. Also important has timely diagnosis viral infection and medical care in the development of critical conditions. In severe cases of the disease, laboratory confirmation of the presence of the Coxsackie virus is necessary, but not all clinics perform such an analysis.

About the Coxsackie virus hot ten answers to frequently asked questions

1. Can you meet only at resorts or in Russia too?

At resorts the chance of meeting is higher, but in Russia there are isolated cases.
In the past month (July), I personally saw 5 patients with this infection, not related to vacations outside the city.
In St. Petersburg there will be no widespread incidence, but in the southern regions the situation is no better than seaside and ocean resorts.

2. How can you avoid getting infected?

No way!
If you are in the same room with a sick person, or in a room where he has been, you will definitely become infected!
Whether you get sick or not is another question))
Adults less often than children.
Healthy people are less likely than sick people chronic diseases.
Fans of personal hygiene are less likely than those who use soap and water only once a day.

3. What are the main manifestations?

Leading signs

1. skin rash

Appears with rising temperature
--sprinkles during repeated increases
--rarely, but it happens that it appears only after the condition has normalized
--bubbles and pimples
--on the palms, soles and around the mouth are especially characteristic
-on the feet, legs, around the knees and less frequently on the buttocks
--on the hands, forearms and around the elbows too
--may itch, especially for allergy and atopic sufferers
--never under the hair on the head

2. stomatitis
--pain in the mouth
--a lot of drool
- inability to eat and swallow anything that is not cold
--bubbles and spots on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat

3. fever
--no characteristic features
--does not interfere with behavior and well-being normal conditions
--very disturbing if it’s hot, stuffy and there’s not enough to drink

Possible signs
-stomach ache

4. How can I help with elevated temperature?

Yes, all the same:
-drink every hour
-air conditioner
- cool air
-wiping wet
- "Nurofen for children" in a dose per child's weight no more than 1 time per 8 hours
- paracetamol per child’s weight no more than once every 6 hours

5. How can I help with pain in the mouth and throat?

Cold food
-cold drinks
-ice cream
-cold watermelon (also a drink)
- "Nurofen for children" in the above mode
-oral gel as prescribed by a doctor

6. What to put on a skin rash?

- “Calamine” or “Tsindol” as often as it bothers the child
-at very severe itching"Fenistil" gel additionally
- when scratching and opening Povidone iodine vesicles 1-2 times a day
- for suppuration, "Bactroban" ointment every 6 hours until examined by a doctor

7. Are antiviral medications needed?

And no.
Not either.
And these are also not needed.

8. How long will you have to be sick?

Without complications 7-10 days
With complications - depending on the type of complication

9. What are the dangers of the disease?

Sometimes there can be complications and very (very, very) rarely serious
In this regard, the disease is similar to chickenpox.

If symptoms appear other than the three leading ones listed, you should contact a doctor within 12 hours.

If three leading symptoms persist without improvement on day 4 illness - see a doctor within 24 hours.

10. Is it possible to lead a normal life?

Yes, after the condition improves and if the child’s well-being and behavior are not disturbed.
And walk.
And swim.
And sunbathe.
And communicate with everyone who is not afraid (you need to take into account the risk of infecting other children), because the child is contagious for at least a week from the first symptoms.
And this is also possible)

1 year ago

The Coxsackie virus affects the baby's gastrointestinal tract, but as it progresses it affects tissues and other internal organs, provoking inflammatory processes. Today, the prevention of Coxsackie virus in children is very important. By taking preventative measures, parents can protect their child from illness.

Who is at risk?

Coxsackievirus is one of the enteroviruses that primarily affects digestive tract. It is in this environment that viruses begin to actively multiply. What is noteworthy is that children under the age of three months cannot get this disease, since they are still protected by maternal antibodies. The Coxsackie virus most often affects children under 10 years of age. Symptoms and prevention of such a disease have been a hot topic lately.

Older children can also become infected with the Coxsackie virus, but they tolerate this disease much more easily. After recovery, stable immunity is formed for several years.

The Coxsackie virus affects the skin of the hands, feet and mouth. A specific rash appears, which parents often confuse with chickenpox. Yes, and doctors can make mistakes when making a diagnosis.

The Coxsackie virus is considered a disease of dirty hands, which is why in medical practice it is called children's virus. It enters the body through contaminated objects and eating unwashed vegetables and fruits.

Note! Young children are at risk school age, because they are not yet fully aware of how important hand hygiene is.

Adults can also become infected with this disease if they come into contact with a carrier of this disease. The probability of the Coxsackie virus entering the body when communicating with an infected person is almost 100%.

These pathogenic microorganisms are transmitted primarily through the fecal-oral route. The source of the virus can be tap water. You can get sick while visiting public places, swimming pool and even when swimming in open water.

Important! Unfortunately, to date, experts have not yet come up with a vaccine for this virus, so such prevention cannot be discussed.

In the majority clinical cases the virus is completely cured. It is extremely rare for a person to remain its permanent carrier. First, the virus enters the body and is localized in mucus that accumulates in the nasopharyngeal area. Then, along with water and food, it penetrates inside, or rather, into the digestive system.

In the beginning characteristic symptoms may not appear. The Coxsackie virus is characterized by latent period, the duration of which can vary from 2 to 10 days.

Clinical picture of the disease

As already mentioned, on initial stage specific symptoms does not appear. Parents can only notice general deterioration condition of the baby, weakness, complaints of malaise and fatigue. The baby becomes lethargic, refuses to play, and is capricious.

After incubation period clinical picture acquires a pronounced character. The Coxsackie virus has the following symptoms:

  • sudden increase in body temperature to 38° and above;
  • an increase in the size of lymph nodes located under the lower jaw;
  • pathological fatigue;
  • lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • coating on the tongue;
  • painful sensations in the throat.

As enterovirus progresses to digestive system, the baby exhibits corresponding functioning disorders gastrointestinal tract. Further, the clinical picture changes depending on where the virus has advanced. If the Coxsackie virus affects nervous system, then the baby develops characteristic symptoms of serous type meningitis.

This pathogen can provoke the appearance of pharyngitis and a number of other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The Coxsackie virus also affects tissues, so the child may complain of pain in all muscle groups.

Additional symptoms include:

  • nausea;
  • gag reflexes;
  • stool disorders;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • chills;
  • runny nose;
  • headaches of varying intensity.

As a rule, the progression of the virus provokes the appearance of rashes on skin. The blisters heal relatively quickly within 7-12 days.

Unfortunately, drugs to prevent the Coxsackie virus have not yet been developed, so all preventive measures are of a general nature. Parents should teach their child to practice hand hygiene. They must be washed with soap after a walk, school, visiting public places and before eating.

It is extremely important to expose all foodstuffs heat treatment. If you give your baby fruits or berries, it is better to pour boiling water over them so as not to give the virus the opportunity to survive and enter the child’s body.

As already mentioned, the virus can lurk in tap water, so it is not recommended to drink it in its original form. It is necessary to boil or filter the water. Even better is to drink purified water without gas.

It is advisable that each household member have their own set of dishes. And if there is a person in the house who has already become infected with the Coxsackie virus, then he should certainly be limited from contact with the baby.

Prevention of any disease depends on the immune system. To strengthen a child’s immunity, it is necessary to balance his diet and normalize his daily routine. The baby should often be on fresh air, exercise.

Important! Parents need to ensure that the baby constantly washes his hands with soap, because in 98% of clinical cases the Coxsackie virus enters the fragile body through the hands.

Such activities are not enough to strengthen the immune system. The baby can be given multivitamin complexes and immunostimulating drugs. Necessarily drug therapy agree with the doctor.

Important! Some parents are deceived and try to vaccinate their child against the Coxsackie virus. To date, no such vaccine exists.

Special attention should be given to hardening child's body. This does not mean at all that the baby should dive into an ice hole in the cold or douse himself cold water. A contrast shower is also suitable.

Coxsackie is a member of a family of viruses called enteroviruses. Enteroviruses are composed of a single strand of ribonucleic acid (RNA). Enteroviruses are also called picornaviruses (pico means "small"). Coxsackievirus is a common cause of infection in adults and children. The spectrum of illnesses caused by the microorganism ranges from very mild to life-threatening. There is no vaccine and no medicine that specifically kills the Coxsackie virus. To avoid becoming infected with the Coxsackie virus and becoming a carrier of it, follow a few simple rules- Wash your hands well and cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.

What causes the infection? Types of Coxsackievirus

Coxsackievirus is part of a viral genus called Enterovirus. It is divided into two groups: Coxsackievirus type A and Coxsackievirus type B. Each group is further divided into several serotypes. The Coxsackie virus is not destroyed by stomach acid; it can live on surfaces for several hours.

Type A causes herpetic sore throat(throat ulcers) and other problems in the mouth, arms and legs. Type B causes epidemic pleurodynia and inflammation in the chest. Coxsackie viruses of both types A and B can cause meningitis, myocarditis and pericarditis. They may also play a role in the development of acute onset diabetes mellitus in adolescents and children (type 1).

Where can you get infected with the Coxsackie virus?

Be in an environment where there is high risk contact increases the risk of developing both viral and bacterial diseases. Children attending kindergarten, preschool and school can spread the infection to their peers. Newborns, as a consequence of their limited immune response, are extremely vulnerable to coxsackievirus infection and may suffer significant complications (including death). Adults with weakened immune systems - the elderly, and those undergoing cancer chemotherapy are also more likely to experience serious consequences if they are infected with the Coxsackie virus.

Is the Coxsackie virus contagious?

Yes! Coxsackievirus infection is contagious and spreads from person to person.

Incubation period

As is the case with many infectious respiratory or intestinal diseases, after the Coxsackie virus enters the body, it takes an average of one to two days for symptoms to appear (incubation period).

Infectious period of the Coxsackie virus

People are most contagious in the first week of illness, but the virus may still be present for up to one week after symptoms have resolved. The virus may remain longer in children and those whose immune systems are weak.

How does the Coxsackie virus spread?

Coxsackievirus spreads from person to person. The virus is present in the secretions and bodily fluids of infected people. Coxsackievirus can spread by coming into contact with respiratory secretions from infected patients. If infected people wipe their snot and then touch a surface, that surface may contain the virus and become a source of infection. The infection spreads when another person touches a contaminated surface and then touches his or her mouth or nose.

People who have infected eyes (conjunctivitis) can spread the Coxsackie virus by touching their eyes and then touching other people or a surface. Conjunctivitis can spread quickly and appear within one day of exposure to the virus. Coxsackievirus is also found in stool, which may be a source of transmission among young children. The virus can spread if unwashed hands become contaminated with fecal matter and then touch the face. This is especially important to consider in order to prevent the spread of infection in kindergartens or nurseries where diapers are processed. Diarrhea is the most common symptom intestinal infection Coxsackie virus.

The Coxsackie Virus was first talked about in 1948. The discovery belongs to Gilbert Dalldorf from the New York State Department of Health. The name comes from the fact that the Coxsackie virus was first discovered in the city of Coxsackie, located south of Albany in New York.

Signs and symptoms of Coxsackievirus infection

Most coxsackievirus infections are mild and may not even cause symptoms. The virus is one of the causes of the common cold or a generalized, slightly erythematous (red) rash, especially noticeable during the summer months. It may also cause diarrhea or a sore throat, similar to strep throat.

There are even more severe symptoms caused by a virus, but they are less common. These include aseptic meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord), pleurodynia (cramping pain that occurs in the intercostal muscles), respiratory infection, myocarditis and pericarditis (inflammation serous membrane heart), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), paralysis motor functions(paralysis and loss of muscle tone), rash (the appearance of lesions on the skin), pneumonia (pneumonia). Infection in newborns can be especially serious. These syndromes are described below.

Respiratory diseases

Coxsackievirus often causes an upper respiratory tract infection that is accompanied by a sore throat and/or runny nose. In some patients, the cough resembles bronchitis. Less commonly, the Coxsackie virus can cause pneumonia.


Some people with coxsackievirus develop a rash. In many cases it is a nonspecific generalized red rash or clusters of small red spots. The rash may not appear until the infection begins to clear up. Though it may seem easy sunburn, the rash does not peel off. The rash itself is not contagious.

Coxsackievirus can also cause small sores and red rashes on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and inside the mouth. In the mouth, ulcers occur on the tongue, gums and cheeks. This condition is known as enteroviral vesicular stomatitis disease (hand-foot-mouth syndrome, HFMD, and is caused by Coxsackievirus type A. HFMD most often occurs in children under 10 years of age. Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis usually causes a sore throat, fever, and a characteristic blister rash described above. Symptoms are mild and self-limiting. While blister fluid is theoretically the source of transmission of the virus, most cases of hand-foot-mouth syndrome occur through the air or from contact with feces.

Coxsackievirus can also cause a syndrome called herpantic tonsillitis (herpangina, Herpangina). The disease presents with fever, sore throat and small rashes inside the mouth. It is more common in the summer and usually affects children aged 3-10 years. It may be confused with streptococcal sore throat until negative results tests for streptococci.

Eye infection: conjunctivitis

Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is characterized by swollen eyelids and red hemorrhages in the whites of the eyes. The infection usually spreads to both eyes. Sick people may experience a sensation of a foreign object in the eyes or burning pain. feel like there is something in their eyes or complain of a burning pain. Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis can be caused by the Coxsackie virus, although it is more often caused by other viruses. Symptoms usually go away in about a week.


Coxsackievirus, especially type B, can cause viral meningitis, which is also known as "aseptic meningitis" because conventional cultures cerebrospinal fluid don't show bacterial growth. This is because conventional culture methods test for bacteria, not viruses. Patients with aseptic meningitis complain of headache and fever with mild neck stiffness. A rash may be present. In children, symptoms may be less specific, including changes in consciousness, febrile seizures or lethargy. Attacks are less common in adults, although they may complain of fatigue that lasts for several weeks after treatment for meningitis.

Less commonly, the Coxsackie virus can cause inflammation of the tissue of the lining of the brain and its substance itself (meningoencephalitis). People with meningoencephalitis usually experience a sharp rise in temperature, headache and vomiting as if intoxicated. The sense organs become sensitive to external stimuli, the patient has a general restless state, lethargy, and apathy. Meningoencephalitis is more common in young children.

Weakness and paralysis

Another rare symptom of Coxsackievirus is weakness of the arms or legs, or even partial paralysis. The symptoms are similar but milder than those caused by polio. Paralysis or weakness caused by the Coxsackie virus is usually not permanent.

Other symptoms and signs of Coxsackievirus infection


Pleurodynia is inflammation of the chest muscles. The condition is characterized by the sudden onset of sharp chest pain that worsens when taking a deep breath. Pain may also be present in abdominal cavity. The pain comes and goes in waves or spasms. Pleurodynia usually goes away on its own in about five days, although it may recur over the next few weeks.


The Coxsackie virus causes a very serious heart infection - myopericarditis. Fortunately, this complication is quite rare. Symptoms of myopericarditis can range from mild to severe. The condition can lead to heart failure, heart attack or death. Myopericarditis is more common in young people active people. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue and swelling of the legs. Damage to the heart can be temporary or permanent.

Severe newborn infection

Newborns can become infected with Coxsackievirus from infected adults or children. Outbreaks of Coxsackievirus type B infections in newborns most often occur in maternity hospitals. The infection can be transmitted during pregnancy during childbirth when the baby comes into contact with the mother's secretions. Some infected children will have mild effects, but infants are always at higher risk of developing serious illness than in older children. Severely affected babies become lethargic or unresponsive and may have myopericarditis/heart failure, pneumonia, liver inflammation (hepatitis), or liver failure. Diarrhea can cause dehydration in babies, which can be life-threatening - and even fatal.

Coxsackievirus in people with weakened immune systems

People born with immune system defects and those who take immunosuppressive drugs (for example, after a bone marrow transplant) are susceptible to more severe and long-lasting coxsackievirus infection.

Other syndromes

Coxsackievirus can infect the testicles of young boys (orchitis), causing inflammation and swelling similar to mumps. The virus can also cause a syndrome similar to mononucleosis with an enlarged spleen and sore throat.

Coxsackievirus spreads from person to person when an infected person does not cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing or touches someone with unwashed hands. Although most cases of Coxsackievirus infection are mild, with symptoms including diarrhea and sore throat, the infection can also cause

  • myopericarditis

Infection in newborns can be fatal. Special treatment There is no coxsackievirus, although acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used to treat symptoms.

When to see a doctor?

Contact us for medical care if you or your child have a rash, fever, seizure, severe headache, or neck stiffness. Pain in chest and shortness of breath should also be a reason to seek medical attention. Unpleasant symptoms can be discussed by calling 103 with emergency specialists; you probably do not need to call a doctor at home. More severe symptoms of Coxsackie virus should be a reason to contact a clinic or A&E department.

Which specialists treat Coxsackie virus infection?

Specialists in the field of primary health care(pediatricians, therapists and family doctors) address the needs of most patients with Coxsackievirus infection. If there is confusion regarding the exact diagnosis, you can consult a specialist infectious diseases. For treatment severe complications a cardiologist or intensive care specialist may be needed.


People with cold or rash symptoms do not need laboratory research. In people with conjunctivitis, a doctor may examine the eyes with an ophthalmoscope to confirm the diagnosis. If you have a sore throat, your doctor may take a swab and do a quick test to rule out strep throat.

For aseptic meningitis, the doctor may take a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (lumbar puncture). Most patients with aseptic meningitis will have an increase in the number of white cells in the cerebrospinal fluid, normal level sugar and normal to slightly higher level squirrel. These changes in the cerebrospinal fluid are much milder than what could be seen with bacterial meningitis. A sample of cerebrospinal fluid can be cultured to see if Coxsackievirus develops, but culture is complex and expensive, and many hospitals, especially in underdeveloped countries, do not have the capacity to perform such testing. More recently, a rapid test called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used, which detects the genetic material of the Coxsackie virus. PCR can detect 66%-90% of infections.

Myopericarditis is serious illness and requires evaluation with an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) and ultrasound of the heart (echocardiogram). An electrocardiogram can detect rhythm problems caused by an enlarged heart and can reveal whether the pericardial muscle is inflamed. An echocardiogram shows how enlarged the heart is, how well it pumps blood, and whether there is fluid around the heart. Blood tests are done to determine if other organs are damaged.

How and with what to treat the Coxsackie virus

There is no specific medicine that has been shown to kill the Coxsackievirus. Fortunately, the body's immune system can usually destroy the virus itself. In cases of severe illness, doctors sometimes turn to therapies that seem promising but have not been thoroughly tested to see if they actually work. For example, some reports suggest that intravenous immune globulin (IVIG), which is produced from human sera and contains antibodies, may be useful for treating coxsackievirus.

Treatment of myopericarditis has a favorable prognosis. It involves the use of medications to maintain blood pressure if the heart cannot pump blood properly on its own. In extreme cases, a heart transplant may be required.

How to avoid getting sick with the Coxsackie virus

Prevention is the simplest and best way reduce the risk of infection! Frequent washing hands of both patients and healthy people is key to reducing Coxsackievirus transmission. Regular soap and water are effective, as are alcohol-based products that are now sold in any store or pharmacy. People who sneeze or cough should cover their mouth. Diapers and fecal waste should be handled and disposed of carefully. Surfaces must be clean. Contaminated surfaces should be disinfected using a diluted solution of household bleach (1 tablespoon bleach to 4 cups of water).

Treatment prognosis

Most people infected with Coxsackievirus have no symptoms or are mild form and are soon restored. People who are sick should stay home because the infection is contagious.

Most patients with myopicarditis recover fully, but up to one third will continue to have some degree of heart failure. Children with myopericarditis usually recover better than adults. Serious coxsackievirus infections in newborns are fatal in about half of the cases.

Research and vaccination

Interestingly, some scientists have suggested a link between the Coxsackievirus and the development of adolescent (type I) diabetes. Among other things, this is based on evidence that the development of type I diabetes is more common in the months following the spread of viruses such as Coxsackie. However, the theory is far from proven and requires much more study.

The search for a vaccine against the Coxsackie virus has not yet been successful. However, the efforts of scientists continue.

Are there home remedies for Coxsackie virus?

Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen and similar means can be used to reduce pain and fever. Avoid using aspirin in children and teenagers due to the risk of serious liver disease (Reye's syndrome).

Over-the-counter cold medications (decongestants, cough syrup) may reduce symptoms in adults, although they will not speed recovery and may cause side effects, including drowsiness and dry mouth.

Search for new drugs

An active search for drugs active against Coxsackie viruses is currently underway. Particular attention is paid to natural compounds that are synthesized by some plants. Thus, phenanthrene compounds were isolated from the roots and stems of the anise tree (Illicium jiadifengpi), capable of suppressing the reproduction of the four most common strains of coxsackie viruses.

7-α-hydroxy 4-epi-dehydroabietic compounds have the most pronounced inhibitory activity. Now scientists are looking for a way to synthesize an analogue with proven antiviral activity.

Disclaimer : The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional.