Vitamins in black currant. Beneficial properties of black currant for humans

Blackcurrant berries have a distinct aroma (“currant”), from which they get their name. All over the world, black currant is considered the most beneficial berry for the beauty and health of the body. It retains its valuable qualities in any form: dried, frozen, boiled. Fresh ripe berries are the most useful (in unripe or overripe berries the amount of vitamin C is 2 times less).


Black currants must be included in the menu dietary nutrition. She has a large number dietary fiber and vitamin C, which can burn fat. The diuretic effect of berries will help remove excess liquid from fabrics. Required chemical elements the presence of currants will not allow the body to weaken, as often happens with strict mono-diets.

The benefits of black currant berries are due to its generous composition.

It contains a significant amount of:

  • ascorbic acid (daily intake in 25 fresh berries or 50 g of jam):
  • phytoncides, anthocyanins, essential oils and tannins, thanks to which it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • antioxidants that fight premature aging body;
  • B vitamins that promote excretion from tissues radioactive substances, toxins that normalize the functioning nervous system;
  • potassium, which regulates water balance in the body and normalizes heart rate;
  • iron, necessary to prevent anemia;
  • copper involved in the formation of hemoglobin;
  • manganese, providing normal height and bone formation, connective tissue, improving work immune system.

Blackcurrant is useful to consume in the following cases:

  • during the period of vitamin deficiency, viral and colds;
  • for the treatment of gastritis with low acidity;
  • for the prevention of atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart problems;
  • during the treatment of diphtheria, dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus to multiply the effect of antibacterial substances;
  • during the period of recovery of the body after operations and protracted illnesses;
  • to lower pressure;
  • as a natural diuretic;
  • for the purpose of prevention diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases;
  • during the treatment of tuberculosis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, cough;
  • for kidney and liver diseases (except hepatitis);
  • with impaired vision, including in older people;
  • to improve mood, activate brain function, prevent depression;
  • with heavy mental stress, weakening of intellectual abilities;
  • to eliminate bleeding gums;
  • to preserve youthful skin.

Not only berries are useful, but also currant leaves. They can be brewed to produce tea, which has restorative, tonic, diaphoretic, cleansing, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Black currant affects the appearance not only from the inside, but also from the outside. You can use it to prepare whitening, toning, drying lotions and masks for the skin, as well as strengthening vitamin products for hair. It is useful to rub the pulp of the berries into the nail to prevent brittleness and delamination.


Black currants should not be consumed in large quantities.

Excessive consumption of berries can cause severe allergic reactions, especially in children, and also aggravate gastric diseases.

Black currant has the ability to increase blood clotting, which can be dangerous if you are prone to thrombosis.

The berry contains a minimal amount of saturated fat and carbohydrates. With the correct technology for growing black currants, nitrates and other harmful substances. Genetic modification is not used to ripen currants.

Calorie content

The calorie content of 100 g of black currant is 44 kcal, which is 2.13% of the recommended daily intake. Energy value of berries in home weight units:


A moderate amount of berries is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Expectant mothers who are prone to allergies, suffer from heartburn, and constipation should use black currants with caution. Craze for berries last weeks pregnancy may cause currant intolerance in the child in the future.

Blackcurrant is contraindicated for giving to newborns under 7 months. A child’s introduction to berries should begin with fruit drink or compote diluted with water. If the baby does not have allergic reactions, you can give him a small amount of blackcurrant puree. You should not feed your child whole berries, as they are easy to choke on.

Blackcurrant is contraindicated for use when:

  • risk of heart attack or stroke;
  • gastritis with increased acidity gastric juice;
  • ulcers;
  • hepatitis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • allergies to this berry.

Nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Name of vitamin (chemical name) Content in 100 g of black currant (mg) % of the recommended norm per day
Beta carotene 0,1 5
Vitamin A (retinol) 0,017 1,7
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0,03 2,61
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0,04 2,94
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0,4 6,13
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0,1 8,9
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 0,005 2,5
Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) 200 240
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 0,7 7
Vitamin H (biotin) 0,0024 0,56
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) 0,3 1,5
Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent) 0,4 2

The most useful are black currants from local gardens. By purchasing fresh berries, it is necessary to ensure that they are whole, uncrumpled, with a characteristic aroma. Packaging with frozen blackcurrants should not contain foreign inclusions or sticky lumps, which may indicate re-freezing.

  • The word "currant" comes from "smorod", which means " strong smell" Indeed, black currant bushes and berries have a special aroma. But the red variety has almost no smell. Everyone knows that these berries are very healthy. Let's look at what vitamins black and red currants contain.

    By the way, studies have shown that the colder the climate where these shrubs grow, the more vitamins the berries contain.

    Vitamin and mineral composition and nutritional value

    The red berry is in second place, after rose hips. Speaking of red, it is impossible not to mention its “sister” black currant.

    The table shows what vitamins are contained in 100 grams of each variety:

    Vitamins Black/mg Red/mg
    0,02 0,03
    200 250
    0,7 0,5
    0,03 0,01
    0,04 0,03
    0,3 0,2
    0,4 0,1
    0,1 0,2
    0,003 0,002
    0,005 0,003

    Such a small amount of berries more than covers daily requirement in ascorbic acid. Vitamin C increases protective forces body. It has been proven that if you consume even a small amount of red or black currants, about 150 grams per week, the likelihood of colds is reduced significantly. There are not so many other vitamins.

    Also, 100 grams of the product contains:

    Blackcurrant contains, in addition to vitamins and minerals, tannins, fructose, essential oils, glucose.

    Nutritional value of the same 100 grams of berries:

    Why are berries good for you?

    Eating currants has a beneficial effect on the body:

    • B vitamins, vitamins A and E contained in berries, prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease, maintain visual acuity .
    • Fresh juice from black and red berries is good for recuperation after surgical operations.
    • Bactericidal properties fruits help treat sore throat symptoms by gargling fresh juice The juice also eliminates bleeding gums.
    • Essential oils in black currant leaves also have a bactericidal effect. It’s not for nothing that they are added to jars for canning vegetables.
    • Berry decoction increases hemoglobin, lowers blood pressure, soothes gastritis symptoms .
    • Currants contain a special type of fiber, fruity pectin. He stimulates the intestinal muscles, prevents cholesterol from being absorbed into the blood, removes heavy metals and bacteria, prevents atherosclerosis .
    • Healing properties of berries activate brain functions .
    • IN folk medicine popular currant tincture . It applies for withdrawal excess from the body uric acid , Also as a laxative .
    • Due to the fact that currants are rich in vitamin C , in Rus' for a long time it was used to treat scurvy.
    • Red currants contain the same vitamins as black currants, plus coumarin, impeding development cancer cells and preventing stroke .
    • Red currants also contain phytoncides, which increases the effect of antibiotics several times .
    • Included in potassium supports heart and blood vessel health .
    • Diuretic effect berries help remove excess fluid from the body.
    • Some of the properties of red and black berries are removal of salts from the body, lowering body temperature during colds .
    • The fruits contain apple and succinic acids , having the properties of giving energy . Good for recovery after illness.

    When is it better not to eat berries?

    Both varieties are contraindicated for thrombophlebitis due to the high content of tannins and phenolic compounds. It is also dangerous to eat them after recently suffered a heart attack. People prone to allergies should drink currant juice with caution, the same applies to children. Doctors do not recommend that women consume currant berries during pregnancy due to their high biological activity.

    Currant is famous the greatest content vitamin C, tannins and vegetable acids. To keep natural ascorbic acid on hand during the cold season, you should freeze it more berries for the winter.

    Evgeny Shmarov

    Reading time: 7 minutes

    A A

    Black and red currants belong to the gooseberry family. These are small deciduous shrubs, widespread throughout our country. The berry has been known and loved for centuries, is mentioned in many literary sources and adorns a lot of ornaments and frescoes. Currants are a source of vitamins, fruit acids, antioxidants and minerals. It goes well with the taste of many foods and can be used for healthy, dietary and therapeutic nutrition.

    Varieties and types of cultivated currants

    Types of cultivated currants include red, black and yellow or white berries. Within these species, breeders have developed various varieties that differ in winter hardiness, rate of fruit formation and yield, as well as resistance to pests and diseases.

    It is not possible to list the number of currant varieties in one article. They are related by their rich vitamin and mineral composition.

    Composition and energy value of currants

    100 g of currants contain about 44 kcal, and 7.3 g of carbohydrates (of which about 4 g of fiber), and 1 g of protein, and less than a gram of fat.

    Vitamins in currants:

    Currants contain:

    • 1.3 mg iron.
    • 350 mg potassium.
    • 36 mg calcium.

    The benefits and harms of currants

    Useful properties currants

    • The vitamin complex of currants allows it not only to be a reliable guardian of the human immune system, but also to accelerate recovery from illnesses, physical activity, injuries and operations. The moderate amount of fiber in this berry helps prevent bloating when consumed.
    • And in terms of the content of the universal antioxidant vitamin C, it surpasses traditional sources such as lemons.
    • It is believed that currants are very useful for the human nervous system and the adequate speed of its metabolic reactions. Currants contain B vitamins, which are responsible for this “work front”.
    • Fruit acids in the berry promote healthy secretion digestive enzymes. They help digest proteins, causing a more powerful secretion of gastric juice.
    • Currants have weak bactericidal and diuretic properties. In folk medicine, berry fruit drinks are recommended to be drunk for cystitis and inflammation of the ureter.
    • Currant leaves are a traditional Slavic spice. They are added to pickled vegetables, and herbal “tea” is brewed with them. They are useful because they contain not only vitamins, but also essential oils and tannins. They have antiseptic and general strengthening effect. Capable of suppressing small food poisoning, and alleviate the course of an already unfolding disease.
    • In aromatherapy, currant essential oil is considered invigorating. It is recommended to inhale it for those who often experience decreased vitality, and migraines.

    Damage to currants

    1. The so-called harm of currants is associated with its improper use. You should eat no more than 3-4 servings a day (these are 120-150 gram servings), if you overeat, you can get acid reflux due to an overdose of fruit acids and digestive disorders.
    2. Currants are contraindicated when certain diseases- you should not eat if there is an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, when you are treating your teeth, or if you have an allergic reaction.

    Currants in the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, diabetics: recommendations from nutritionists

    Pregnant can eat currants as long as they don't have acid reflux problems. Often these things arise due to change hormonal balance, and have almost nothing to do with nutrition. Then nutritionists advise sour fruits and limit berries. In general, you can consume up to 3 servings of currants per day in balanced diet. A drink made from currant leaf is not recommended by most sources due to its high tannic properties.

    Nursing mothers
    should carefully introduce berries into your diet so as not to provoke allergic reaction in a child. Situations are different and you need to rely on the recommendations of your doctor, and not on some general advice.

    For diabetes You can eat currants, but you need to monitor them total quantity carbohydrates in the diet and glycemic load.

    For athletes and physically active people currants provide vitamins and antioxidants.

    Introduce currants into children's diets costs after they successfully digest apples, pears and peaches. Brightly colored fruits can cause an allergic reaction.

    Collection, purchase and storage of currants

    Currants are collected by hand in small garden farms, or harvested using special equipment. Manual picking has a cleaner result; you pick one berry at a time with your hands, rather than with brushes. Store currants in bulk in pantries for up to a week. It is worth purchasing berries that are not bruised or damaged; you need to take a closer look to see if there are any traces of juice around the edges of the dishes.

    Currants are stored at home in the refrigerator, or they are simply placed in bags and frozen. No refrigerator and special conditions currants can stand for several days.

    The composition of currant berries is diverse in terms of biologically functional microelements and minerals.

    Among all our fruits, vegetables and berries, currants are firmly in the lead in terms of the number of vitamins it contains. Even famous subtropical citrus fruits have no chance of competing with it in terms of this characteristic. What is the secret of these unique characteristics of currants?

    Vitamins in currants

    Black currant contains the largest amount of vitamin C, that is, ascorbic acid. Its maximum content in berries occurs during the ripening period. After currants enter the ripe stage, almost 70 percent of vitamin C is broken down. The usefulness of currants for the body is that only 20 berries a day can provide the body with daily norm ascorbic acid.

    Is it necessary this vitamin our body to strengthen the immune system. Specifically, immunity, as well as protective forces, are the main patients of ascorbic acid. However, the usefulness of vitamin C is that it is needed to remove and neutralize toxins and prevent the formation of tumors.

    The next, no less famous, vitamin found in currants is provitamin A, also called beta-carotene. After all, like ascorbic acid, it has oncoprotective characteristics and supports the body’s defenses. And its use is necessary for normal eye function and maintaining a good light response of the retina. Aren't these facts amazing? You can freeze this berry for the winter ahead and use it both to boost immunity and to prepare various delicacies.

    More chemical composition currant contains many B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. The beneficial properties of these vitamins are that they:

    Guarantee the normal functioning of almost all energy and artificial actions in the body;

    Initiate the production of hormones;

    Regulate the absorption of proteins;

    Reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood;

    Provide high tone to the body in general, and the nervous system in particular.

    Vitamin K is found in black currants, which is involved in protein synthesis. Berries also contain many other necessary biologically functional drugs.

    Necessary drugs in berries

    1. Phytoncides.

    Currants contain phytoncides - necessary drugs that are destructive to bacteria and microbes.

    2. Acids.

    Currants can be beneficial for the body due to the presence of a huge amount of organic acids in it. IN healthy body These acids stimulate appetite and increase the size of secreted juices. digestive system and have a preventive antibacterial and antimicrobial effect.

    3. Pectin.

    How can currants be useful for digestion? Pectin, a special “fruit” type of fiber, has an excellent effect on it. Its functions are probably: to stimulate muscle function intestinal tract, improve digestion, interfere with the absorption of cholesterol into the blood and cleanse the intestinal tract of various toxins, heavy metals and putrefactive microbes.

    4. Tanning preparations.

    The usefulness of tannins in strengthening the intestinal tract and the possibility of retaining food in it. Significant absorption of food occurs with the parallel action of fiber.

    5. Essential oils.

    And it is impossible not to notice the benefits of the presence of essential oils in currants, which have a disinfecting effect. Thanks to these properties, currant berries and leaves are used in canning and in the production of substances for the antibacterial treatment of various wounds. It should be noted that essential oils also have a strong specific aroma and pronounced antibacterial characteristics.

    Minerals in currants

    The composition of currants is rich in macro- and microelements and includes:

    Sodium needed for strengthening acid-base balance in the body, the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system and heart tone;

    Potassium, which normalizes blood pressure and rhythm of heart contractions;

    Phosphorus and calcium, essential elements for healthy joints;

    Iron and magnesium - useful in supporting red blood cell production and preventing anemia.

    Summing up the results, currants are a real garden pharmacy - they are so rich in vitamins and minerals. A handful of these berries a day will be enough to supply the body with almost all the necessary drugs and prevent the formation of various diseases.

    They have known about the necessary characteristics of dark currants for a long time, so they were diligently introduced into the culture and received newest types, crossed with other plants to obtain benefits from the most fertile and resilient hybrids. And therefore, the berry must definitely be used as food, especially in winter period. Then almost all illnesses and epidemics will bypass you.

    In folk medicine, currant fruits are used as a medicine that expels excess urine and sweat from our body. Currant juice helps and is recommended alternative medicine for peptic ulcers and stomach diseases with low acidity and a tendency to bleed, as a relaxing and astringent medicine. And when mixed with kidneys, it’s probably a mild laxative. However, the main thing: currant berries contain many essential macro- and microelements, which are found in organic compounds and are simply absorbed by the body.

    Harm to berries

    Based on the above about the usefulness of currant berries, you can logically calculate the harm from consumption. Specifically: black currant is harmful and should not be used by those who have a rich, thick blood(i.e. disposition to thrombophlebitis) this is precisely because of the highest content berries contain vitamin K and phenolic compounds.

    A few words about the healing qualities of currant leaves

    Blackcurrant leaves can indeed be very useful and are included in vitamin and healing preparations: they have good diuretic, antirheumatic, tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. They are used for healing urolithiasis, rheumatism, gout, kidney disease and bladder, liver and lymph.

    When to collect currant leaves?

    It is best to collect the wonderful and healing leaves of this berry at the end of summer - early autumn; you need to cut them with petioles from the middle portion of one-year shoots. Dry the leaves in an open space, in the shade, with good ventilation. After drying, they should remain green, with a flattering typical odor that intensifies when rubbed, with a spicy, bitter taste and a moisture content of no more than 14%.

    The cleansing effect of currant leaf tincture is especially effective for the liver, myocardium, and walls arterial vessels And lymph nodes. IN Chinese medicine currant leaves were used for healing purposes for tuberculosis of the lymph glands, for various skin diseases, allergies and as a tonic. There are also great benefits from currant leaves for skin diseases. At various dermatitis, inflammatory processes, as well as skin itching, currant leaves will help in all cases: simply rub the affected area of ​​skin with a clean, freshly cut leaf or wipe with an infusion from it. Scientific research have proven that an infusion from the leaf is capable of flushing out extracellular substances in human body and flush out cellular toxins from it, as well as infiltrated toxins from the outside.

    And - by the way, in young currant leaves, collected immediately after flowering, there is even more vitamin C and P than in berries.

    Black currant is a berry that grows almost everywhere, in forests, along the banks of rivers, lakes, on the outskirts of swamps; gardeners grow it on their plots. Starting in July, it can be found on sale. A shiny black berry with an unsurpassed aroma and a sweet and sour taste.

    It is used in cooking in its raw form and for preparing various preparations: preserves, jam, compotes, etc. It can be stored frozen, but the berry does not lose its beneficial properties. And yet, what vitamins does it contain? How is it useful for humans? How to use it for health?

    Composition of black currant

    It’s not for nothing that people call currants “the pantry of health.” Not only the berries of this plant are useful, but also the leaves, branches and roots. It remains to be found out what vitamins are contained in currants? The berries contain vitamin C, B, provitamin P, A, as well as organic acids, sugars, pectins and other useful components.

    It also contains minerals, necessary for the body person. Blackcurrant leaves contain ascorbic acid, carotenoids, various phytoncides and oils.

    The main vitamin of black currant is ascorbic acid; in terms of the content of this substance, it is the leader among fruits and berries. Vitamin C plays a huge role in almost all chemical and biological processes occurring in the human body, performs biological role reducing agent.

    In addition, vitamin C is strongest antioxidant, protecting organisms from harmful influences external environment. It also participates in the formation of collagen and converts cholesterol into bile acids.

    In cosmetology, vitamin C is widely used in preparations to enhance the regenerative functions of the dermis, slow down aging, and improve the elasticity of the skin.

    Other components present in currants are also significant. All the elements contained in currants are so balanced in composition that this berry can be called an elixir of health.

    What vitamins are in black currants?

    Black currants contain a huge amount of vitamin C; just twenty berries will provide the body’s daily need for this vitamin. Therefore, it provides protection against various viral infections. This is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system.

    The fruits are used for vitamin deficiency, fresh and in the form of decoctions as part of various vitamin preparations.

    Blackcurrant juice is recommended to be used by weakened patients after surgical intervention due to its ability to restore strength.

    Currants cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, preventing the formation of plaques. Strengthens blood vessels, making them elastic.

    Vitamins B9 and ascorbic acid contained in berries are indispensable in the removal of radioactive components and heavy metals from the human body. For this purpose they use dried berries in the form of a decoction.

    If you have a sore throat, currant juice will help cope with this problem thanks to its antibacterial properties. You need to gargle with juice diluted with water (1:2) several times a day.

    Blackcurrant is wonderful remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with low acidity. Patients are recommended to use these healthy berries fresh during the season.

    Thanks to tannins and antibacterial properties, black currant saves from intestinal upset.

    Analyzing and studying useful features of this berry, scientists have discovered the ability of currants to prevent the development of sclerosis in people in old age.

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