Antibiotics for inflammation of the gums and tooth roots. How do antibiotics work for toothache?

Inflammation of the gums and tooth roots stems from many reasons, and the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor depends on them. Let's consider in what situations antibiotics are prescribed for inflammatory processes in the gums, what medications are used, how long the treatment lasts and what side effects something to be wary of during the course.

Regardless of the disease that provoked gum inflammation, medications, as a rule, become necessary in advanced stages of the disease, since the action of bacteria long period time leads to severe general intoxication.

There are four main diseases of the oral cavity, the symptoms of which include inflammation that requires treatment with antibiotics:

  • Ulcerative-necrotic type of gingivitis.
  • Moderate or severe stage of periodontitis.
  • Marginal/traumatic periodontitis.
  • Advanced stages of pulpitis.

Medicines for inflammation

Gingivitis (often progressing to periodontitis) is provoked by gram-negative anaerobic microorganisms with the participation of simple organisms.

To eliminate them and relieve inflammation from the gums or tooth roots, dentistry uses drugs from the groups of lincosamides and fluoroquinolones.

An antibiotic for inflammation of the gums and teeth may be prescribed if appropriate indications exist.

In dentistry, prescribing an antibiotic is a last resort measure that helps correct medical error(choosing the wrong drug for treatment) or avoid complications. There are several medications that are prescribed when indicated. An antibiotic may be included in complex therapy, and may enhance the effect of antiseptics.

In what cases are antibiotics prescribed?

Antibiotics for inflammation of the gums and teeth can be prescribed by a doctor if the following diseases are present:

    • Gingivitis is not a direct indication for treatment, which includes antibiotics; such drugs are prescribed only if complications arise.

    • Periodontitis - treatment of this disease cannot be done without the use of antibiotics, since the inflammatory process develops rapidly and can cause severe complications(lead to loss of teeth and more).

    • Periodontitis is a disease that requires complex treatment. Such therapy often includes antibiotics and antiseptics.

    • Periostitis - can act as a complication of periodontitis, characterized by inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth.

How an antibiotic will help:

  1. Stopping the inflammatory process in the tissues will help save the tooth.
  2. If the gums are very swollen, it will remove the swelling.
  3. If an abscess has formed, an abscess has appeared, or the surface of the gums is covered with ulcers, prescribing an antibiotic may be considered appropriate. It will help get rid of pathogenic bacteria.

In dentistry, drugs of this class are prescribed in the form of:

  • Tablets, they can be taken orally or a rinse solution can be prepared from the tablets, which will provide local action.
  • In the form of injections, both intramuscular and intravenous, if there is an urgent need. In this form, antibiotics act faster and do not cause harmful influence on the patient's intestines and stomach.

“Even if a fistula appears on the gum, there are signs of inflammation, you should not get rid of the pus on your own by squeezing it out. Excessive trauma will not lead to anything good. It is better to rinse your mouth with a salt solution. This will provoke ejaculation of pus and eliminate unnecessary damage.”

Medicines for complex therapy

There are several types of antibiotics for gums, but in addition to these drugs, the doctor may prescribe other medications.

For inflammation of teeth and gums, the dentist may prescribe the following medications:

  • Antiseptics - you don't have to drink them. In most cases, solutions are prescribed that have an antiseptic effect. The solution is used for oral cavity cleaning. The most common antiseptics are Miramistin and Chlorhexidine. This type of therapy is most effective for gingivitis.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - these can be ointments, creams and mouth rinses. Locally acting agents help with inflammation of the gums; they should be applied directly to the wound using a cotton swab.
  • Anesthetics - they help not only with toothache, they are used in treatment various diseases oral cavity. Even when teething with damage to soft tissues.

Important: But inflammation of the tooth root, the appearance of an abscess, extensive ulcers, etc. require the use of antibiotics. Since only drugs of this class will help stop the inflammatory process.
In addition, complex therapy may include:

  1. Healing baths - simply take a decoction of herbs and a mixture of medical solutions into your mouth and hold for about 1 minute.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures - they are carried out as prescribed by a doctor, to strengthen overall effect from treatment and taking medications.
  3. Carrying out is also beneficial for teeth. hygiene procedures(elimination of coarse plaque, which is one of the main reasons for the development of the inflammatory process).

It is also worth healing all carious teeth, putting fillings where there are none and replacing those that were placed a long time ago.

Antibiotics for the treatment of inflammation: contraindications

Treatment of gum inflammation using similar drugs has a number of contraindications. They can be complete or relative.

So, when is it better not to use antibiotics:

  1. Drugs are not prescribed if we're talking about on the treatment of a child under a certain age.
  2. If the patient has individual contraindications (intolerance to a particular medication). But in this case, you can adjust the therapy.
  3. The appointment is not carried out if this makes no sense, the disease is either at early stage development, or it is too late to treat it. In this case, surgical intervention is performed.

Some medications are not taken at all, they are used as solutions. The tablets are crushed, dissolved in water, and then rinsed with the solution in the mouth. For inflammation of teeth and gums, this therapy is perceived as an alternative.

Alternative treatment helps to prescribe the necessary drug to the patient while minimizing its toxic effects on the body.

Antibiotics in the form of a solution can be used without fear for inflammation of the gums and tooth roots. The drug affects the pathogenic microflora that is found in the oral cavity, leads to the death of bacteria and does not affect the functioning of the body as a whole. Just don’t swallow the solution; digestive problems may arise.

“When a fistula appears on the gum, your teeth hurt or become inflamed, you should not rinse your mouth with an injection solution. Such treatment will not end well. Because this solution is not intended for rinsing. It can harm the mucous membrane.”

For diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic injection into the gum. The drug is administered into soft fabrics, its dosage is very high. Despite the powerful antibacterial effect, the injection is associated with certain complications.

If the gums are swollen, the tooth, periosteum or tooth root are inflamed, then unnecessary trauma will not benefit the body.

For fistula, such treatment is also not highly effective. The gums do not need unnecessary trauma. And the injection itself and the administration of the drug mean additional damage.

What drug can the dentist prescribe?

Answer the question: “what antibiotics should I take for gum inflammation?” - the doctor should. The thing is that there are quite a lot of drugs that dentists use in the treatment of oral diseases.

To treat and relieve the inflammatory process, the doctor may recommend the following:

  • Drug class, penicillin, this includes the following medications: Flemoclav, Amoxiclav and Arlet. If a fistula appears on the gum, inflammation of the periosteum or other unpleasant symptoms is observed, then such medications can be prescribed by a doctor. They are more effective than Penicillin or Ampicillin, which everyone is so accustomed to.
  • Macrolides are often prescribed for gum inflammation, ulcers or plaque. Drugs in this class include: Ecositrin, Clerimed, Vilprafen. The uniqueness of the medications lies in the fact that they affect pathogenic bacteria, and do not affect the natural microflora of the oral cavity.
  • Tetracyclines, this class of medications can also be part of complex therapy and more. Treatment of gum fistula or inflammation is most often carried out using Tetracycline or its analogues.

Advice: Lincomycin is used for rinsing. For some reason, when the question arises about how to treat an abscess, abscess, or ulcer, this drug is most often remembered.

What other antibiotics can a dentist prescribe for tooth root inflammation:

  1. Ceftriaxone - the drug is considered powerful, for this reason it is prescribed only if the inflammation has prolonged and there is a risk of complications.
  2. Gentamicin is prescribed when the bones begin to become inflamed and osteomyelitis or a condition similar to it in symptoms occurs.
  3. Azithromycin - the doctor may say: “take this drug”, even if symptoms acute inflammation No. Medicines are unjustifiably often prescribed by doctors, even if the situation does not require taking such drugs.
  4. Tsiprolet A is prescribed for periodontitis or when the root of a tooth becomes inflamed and unwanted complications arise.

Treating gum inflammation with antibiotics is a necessary measure, but do not forget about those remedies that can be used without fear of harming your health.

Addition to drug treatment

An addition to the main therapy accepted by dentists is the use of alternative medicine. They will help enhance the effect of the antibiotic, get rid of the disease faster and normalize the recovery process.

So, inflammation of the gums and teeth is treated with folk remedies that can be used:

  • Chamomile and calendula decoction - these herbs have a beneficial effect on the healing process. Chamomile is considered a powerful antiseptic, and calendula has a restorative effect and accelerates the healing process of wounds and ulcers.
  • In case of dental caries or in the presence of various diseases of the oral cavity, you can prepare a mouthwash by mixing in a glass boiled water salt and soda. When all components are dissolved and the water has cooled, the rinse aid can be used for its intended purpose.
  • Oak bark is used very willingly by lovers of alternative medicine. The bark is simply brewed with water; this decoction can be supplemented with chamomile, St. John's wort and yarrow. This will help improve its effectiveness.

In methods of treating oral diseases, alternative medicine, There is positive points. But you shouldn’t rely only on essential oils and herbs. Without taking antibiotics or antiseptics similar treatment will not bring any result. Diseases of teeth and gums will progress and will certainly lead to the development of complications.

Toothache is one of the most unbearable and unpleasant phenomena. Sometimes it can be extremely strong. It can appear unexpectedly and cause a person many of the most unpleasant moments.

Antibiotics are very strong and effective remedy. They should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.. After all, only he can say for sure how the drug will affect each specific organism.

However, there are situations when a trip to the doctor is postponed due to various reasons, and it is absolutely impossible to endure the pain, for example, a toothache in the evening, when not a single clinic is accepting patients anymore.

In this case, taking such drugs can temporarily relieve or significantly reduce pain syndrome, slightly soften the course of the inflammatory process and somewhat improve well-being.

When a visit to the dentist does take place, he must find out the name of the antibiotic for toothache and in what dose the patient took it.

Method of acceptance

There are two main ways to take such drugs, which are effectively used to provide emergency self-help.

The first one is ingestion. This refers to the method that follows the form of release of the medicine - tablets, injection solutions. Be sure to read the instructions included in the package and look at the contraindications. Compliance with the dosage is also very important.

Second way - local. There may be several types of reception.

  • If the medicine is available in regular tablets, then it (the tablet) must be thoroughly crushed until it turns into powder and carefully applied to the tooth in which severe pain occurs.
  • If this is an injection solution, then you can pour a little of this solution onto a cotton swab and apply it to the sore tooth.
  • The most in a fast way To relieve toothache, dental drops are considered. Some drugs are produced in this form. They are simply applied to the tooth using a pipette or a special bottle.

In this video we will learn how to remove toothache and what is not recommended to do in this case:


When prescribing antibiotic treatment, the doctor will definitely prescribe additional antihistamines and some others that can enhance or soften the effect of the main medicine.

It is advisable to take antibiotics in conjunction with food. Often this may be indicated in the instructions - before, during or after meals.

If you decide to take a drug that is an antibiotic, then it is best to complete the course completely, without skipping or forgetting the next dose.

The dosage is prescribed by the doctor. If this is an independent decision of the patient, then the instructions usually contain the maximum full information according to the dosage in each specific case.

There are two main types of dental pain that can be treated with antibiotics.

  • Inflammation of the intradental nerve or pulpitis. The pain is spasmodic in nature and appears as a reaction to certain irritants. This can be sweet, hot, cold food and drink and others. Almost all inflammatory processes require such medications, especially if they have reached a fairly advanced stage.
  • The second option is an infection that has already entered dead tooth . In this case, the pain is constant, independent of any irritants. The infection can get there in different ways This is mainly due to poor quality dental treatment carried out previously. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms triggers the inflammatory process. Then drugs such as antibiotics will help cope with this.

Another option for taking antibiotics is treatment after removal of one or more teeth. This will reduce post-operative pain and help to the human body For faster healing removal sites.


Refers to drugs that have a fairly wide spectrum of action. It has mostly anti-inflammatory effects. Active substance medications - ciprofloxacin, which belongs to the quinol group.

Fighting infection occurs by destroying the bacteria that cause it. This happens in general terms like this: the active substance penetrates bacterial cells and there suppresses the activity of a special enzyme that is needed to restore and reproduce genetic bacterial material.

If this enzyme stops working, the bacteria do not multiply and begin to die.

Toothache caused by any infections in the oral cavity, periostitis, periodontitis can be treated with this medicine. Its action is also effective for burns, abscesses and other diseases associated with suppuration.

To get rid of dental problems, the drug is available in the form of tablets that do not need to be chewed, but preferably swallowed immediately. It is also possible to use injection solutions.

You need to be careful in terms of nutrition during treatment with Ciprolet. It does not mix well with dairy products, some medications and food additives which are used for treatment gastrointestinal tract or contain aluminum, magnesium, calcium, iron.


If tooth pain is caused by inflammatory or purulent disease, that is, there is a high probability of appointment. The development of abscesses of any complexity and stage of progression, purulent processes occurring in the periodontium itself, fistulas, etc. severe inflammation gums or ulcerative gingivitis, which can also cause toothache.

There are two forms of release of this medicine - injection solutions and regular tablets. Injections are mostly used for such inflammations in the mouth, causing pain in teeth, the action of which is aimed at destroying bone tissue.

Another option for taking this drug is postoperative period in dentistry. Here the medicine is needed to prevent painful, purulent and other similar processes that can begin in the periodontal tissues.

They also treat almost any lesions in the oral cavity that are purulent in nature, and also stop the spread of infections.

This is one of the most now popular drugs, referring to antibiotics that are used successfully in dentistry.


This drug, used in cases of tooth pain, has a strong and pronounced bactericidal effect. It penetrates very deeply into tissues, so it is used to fight infections that can be difficult to get rid of.

It works very quickly and efficiently. It will help people who want to quickly stop pain, but cannot yet get to a dental specialist. The drug is also notable for the fact that with such fast and effective assistance It's not addictive at all.

To speed up treatment, it can be combined with others, since its effect does not have negative influence on the effect of almost all other antibiotics.

To relieve pain, very little medicine is required, since its minimal concentration is already effective. Another advantage of Tsifran is that it also acts on staphylococcal infections and many other pathogens of dangerous diseases.


As with other antibiotics, The effect of ibuprofen is anti-inflammatory. The medicine not only quickly and effectively helps eliminate severe pain in the area of ​​the teeth, but also relieves the temperature, which may well appear due to inflammation in the gums and periodontal space.

That's enough strong remedy, That's why recommended to use with caution. Although the instructions stipulate that maximum dose per day – 6 tablets, it is better not to take more than 3-4 per day.

It is also advisable to take these tablets after meals to avoid possible unpleasant consequences, which can also occur when antibiotics are prescribed in general.

Contraindications for use include not only the period of lactation, breastfeeding and pregnancy. You should not take ibuprofen if the patient has an exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach, serious intestinal problems, hypertension or heart failure.

Ketanov and others

For periodontitis varying degrees, especially during an exacerbation, it is recommended to use antibiotics that have strongly antimicrobial character.

These include the tetracycline group of these drugs - rondomycin, doxycycline, metacycline and not only these. All of them must be taken in strict accordance with the instructions included with the drug. Erythromycin is also included in this group. It should be taken orally 3-4 times in a dose of 0.2 grams.

Ketanov, in addition to the usual anti-inflammatory effect of antibiotics, has another very important quality - it is a strong pain reliever.

You can take a maximum of 4 tablets per day only if there is no other effective means, but less is better. Contraindications are very similar to those described for ibuprofen, but the list is somewhat longer.

What to take if your gums are additionally swollen

To effectively take medications for toothache accompanied by swelling of the cheek, it is advisable, first of all, to identify the cause of this phenomenon.

And the reasons can be very diverse - from poor quality treatment , for example, a leaky seal, up to advanced serious inflammatory processes, the first stages of which passed without unpleasant symptoms– periodontitis, abscess, periostitis, pulpitis and much more.

Most often, with such problems, they take ketanov to quickly relieve pain 1-2 tablets, ciprolet 2 and erythromycin 2-3 tablets. Ketanov intake should be limited and stopped as soon as the pain subsides or becomes not too acute. Amoxiclav, ampiox and doxycycline are also considered effective.

It is better not to delay with toothache and immediately consult a doctor dental clinic. The doctor will prescribe an adequate and effective remedy that will help avoid serious problems with your teeth in the future and will relieve pain.

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What antibiotics to take for toothache and how to choose the right one? Only a dentist can answer this question professionally. There are many antibiotics medications And folk remedies that relieve toothache. But nominate suitable drug Only a doctor can, after examining the oral cavity and diagnosing the cause that caused the pain.

Antibiotics are separate group drugs, since they do not treat the cause of pain, but only relieve pain symptoms. Taking antibiotics unnecessarily is very dangerous, as this can provoke allergic sensitization of the body. With this disease, patients experience increased sensitivity To medicines And allergic reaction on them. Besides, frequent use antibiotics reduces their effectiveness as the body gets used to active substance drug.

Antibiotics are medications that are used to relieve inflammation caused by microbes. This suggests that antibiotics should be taken according to a special regimen. To do this, study the symptoms of pain, as well as its causes. If the pain appears due to tooth extraction, then it is necessary to take antibiotics, which will not only relieve the pain, but also protect the body from the spread of infection and localize the inflammatory process. If the toothache is caused by an injury or bruise, then antibiotics will not help. All this suggests that taking antibiotics should be justified, and only a dentist can determine this. Otherwise, taking antibiotics can cause serious problems with the body and immune system.

Name of antibiotics for toothache

The name of antibiotics for toothache helps you navigate among the medications available in the pharmacy.

Lincomycin for toothache

Lincomycin for toothache is prescribed in case of purulent and inflammatory diseases. The drug is effective in the treatment of ulcerative gingivitis, that is, inflammation of the gums, purulent periodontal processes, the development of abscesses and fistulas. The drug has two forms of release - injections and tablets. In injections, lincomycin is used for inflammatory and purulent processes in the oral cavity, which cause destruction of bone tissue.

Lincomycin for toothache is also effective for prevention purulent processes arising during the postoperative period of treatment of periodontal tissues. The drug is used to prevent the spread of purulent infections and treat any lesions in the oral cavity. Lincomycin is a popular antibiotic in dentistry, valued for its effectiveness and wide range actions.

Tsifran for toothache

Tsifran has a bactericidal effect for toothache. Cifran destroys bacterial cells, which prevents their spread. The antibiotic works very quickly and effectively. This allows you to eliminate pain in a short period of time. The drug is not addictive and always shows high efficiency treatment. For toothache, Cifran penetrates deep into the tissue, this makes it indispensable in the treatment of infections that are difficult to get rid of.

Cifran interacts well with other antibiotics, which speeds up the treatment process. The antibiotic has a minimal inhibitory concentration, which means that very little of the drug is needed to treat the disease. In addition, Tsifran is struggling with staphylococcal infections and other pathogens of infectious and bacterial diseases.

Antibiotics for toothache can be taken orally or topically. To do this you need:

  • Carefully crush the tablet and apply it to the sore tooth.
  • If the drug is liquid, that is, in ampoules, then pour a little onto a cotton swab and apply to the sore tooth.
  • Also, there are special dental drops that are applied to the affected tooth and eliminate pain much faster than tablets.

Also, let's look at the most popular medicines, which are taken for toothache.

  • Analgin is a tablet that effectively eliminates toothache. It is recommended to take the drug 2 tablets 3 times a day. But analgin has a number of contraindications. The drug is prohibited for use for diseases of the blood and lungs, kidney and liver disorders. Pregnant women are also not recommended to take analgin.
  • Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It relieves toothache well, as well as the temperature that appears with inflammation of the teeth. Take the drug one tablet three times a day. Main contraindications for use this tool- This individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, heart failure and kidney and liver diseases.
  • Ketanov is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It is recommended to take one tablet up to four times a day. Contraindications to the use of the drug ketanov are similar to those for ibuprofen.
  • Paracetamol - has an analgesic and effective antipyretic effect. Take 1 tablet up to four times a day. The drug is contraindicated in case of alcoholism, kidney and liver problems, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Citramon – has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. The drug is taken two tablets up to four times a day. Citramon is combination drug, which contains aspirin, caffeine and paracetamol. Regarding contraindications for use this drug, then they are the same as for the antibiotics described above.

Antibiotics for toothache are effective and available drugs to relieve pain symptoms. Many diseases that cause toothache are caused by pathogens, and in this case, taking antibiotics is effective. Antibiotics by themselves do not eliminate pain, so their one-time use will not give the desired result. Each antibiotic has its own effectiveness in treating pain and eliminating pathogens. This suggests that only a dentist should prescribe antibiotics for toothache.

Many people consider antibiotics a panacea for all ills and, at the first problem with their teeth, begin to take them intensively. However, such self-medication can cause irreparable harm to other organs and systems of the body, without improving the condition of the teeth. Prescribing antibiotics is the exclusive prerogative of the doctor. In what cases are these medications prescribed?

Are antibiotics effective for toothache?

Before starting a course of antibiotics, you should determine the cause of your toothache. There are two main factors that provoke it:

  1. Caries that has developed to pulpitis. When the carious process affects the nerve, the tooth begins to react to various irritants: sour, sweet, cold, hot. Since in this case the pain is provoked by intradental inflammatory process, then antibiotics will be completely useless. For such pain, anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, are relevant. Except drug treatment, it is also expected to remove the affected tissue and fill the dental canals.
  2. An infection localized in a “dead” tooth. In such a situation, after removal of the nerve, the tooth does not react to sour, sweet and other irritants, but at the same time it hurts - and more and more every day. It's all about microbes that multiply either in an unfilled canal or in some tiny crack in the root. As a result, a purulent abscess or flux. The latter, by the way, is deadly. If such inflammation of the tooth root occurs, antibiotics are prescribed, but before taking them the patient will have to undergo the procedure of opening the abscess.

Before pinning any hopes on antibiotics, you should understand a few facts about this group of drugs:

  • antibiotics help in treating the disease that provokes toothache, and do not relieve the pain itself (there are analgesics for this purpose);
  • different antibiotics have different effects on pathogens, so it is almost impossible to successfully select such a medicine on your own;
  • effectiveness of taking antibiotics without concomitant dental treatment tends to zero.

The course of antibiotic treatment should not be interrupted prematurely: incomplete therapy will not lead to the desired result.

Antibiotics for gum disease

In most cases of gum inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed to treat gingivitis and periodontitis.

Group Name Average


How to take Features of the drug
nitroimidazoles Metronidazole 0.5


80 rub. for 20 pcs. 3 times a day, 1 tablet used only in combination with one of the main antibiotics
lincosamides Lincomycin 0.25


70 rub. for 20 pcs. 3 times a day, 2 capsules has a bad effect on digestive system, can provoke dysbacteriosis
Lincomycin 30%

(solution for intravenous injection)

60 rub. for 10 ampoules 2 times a day, 2 ml intramuscular injections of Lincomycin are preferable to capsules
Clindamycin 150 mg (capsules) 200 rub. for 16 pcs. 3 times a day, 2 capsules for periodontitis is preferable to Lincomycin
Clindamycin 300 mg

(solution for intravenous injection)

750 rub. for 10 pcs. 2 times a day, 2 ml
fluoroquinolones Nolicin 400 mg


280 rub. for 20 pcs. 2 times a day, 1 tablet mainly used to treat patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and insensitive to other antibiotics
Siflox 250 mg


340 rub. for 10 pcs.
Tarivid 200 mg


400 rub. for 10 pcs.

On average, the course of antibiotics is 1-1.5 weeks. When treating children, the dosage of the drug and the duration of its use can be significantly adjusted.

Previously, injecting antibiotics directly into the gums was widely practiced in domestic dentistry. Nowadays, such manipulations are a thing of the past, but some clinics continue to use them. Therefore, the patient needs to be very careful and under no circumstances allow the doctor to inject an antibiotic into the gums due to the enormous harm of such a procedure. Its main consequences include:

  1. The illusion of improvement. Indeed, after an injection into the gums, pain, bleeding and inflammation go away. But this is only the visible part of the iceberg.
  2. Periodontal necrosis. An injection into the gum leads to the accumulation of a high dose of antibiotic in the periodontal tissues. As a result, a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, which is accompanied by the release of toxins and cytokines. As a result, microconnections between the tooth and bone tissue become necrotic.
  3. Increased tooth mobility. As the tissue around the tooth dies, the area where it attaches to the bone decreases. This mobility is irreversible.

It is important to remember that antibiotic injections can only be given intramuscularly.

Antibiotics for tooth root inflammation

Purulent inflammation at the apex of the tooth root is mainly caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. To prescribe antibiotics, you must undergo tests, but even without them, experienced dentists can prescribe one of the following medications:

Antibiotic group Drug name Average


How to take
penicillins Amoxiclav 500 mg


340 rub. for 15 pcs. every 12 hours 1 tablet
Ecoclave 500 mg+125 mg


460 rub. for 15 pcs. 1 tablet 2 times a day
Ampiox 250 mg


80 rub. for 20 pcs. 4-6 times a day, general daily dose 2-4 g
fluoroquinolones Ecotsifol 500 mg


80 rub. for 10 pcs. 2 times a day, 1 tablet/capsule
Ciprolet 500 mg


130 rub. for 10 pcs.
tetracyclines Doxycycline 100 mg


30 rub. for 10 pcs.
Unidox Solutab 100 mg


330 rub. for 10 pcs. the first day - 2 times 1 tablet, then - one-time appointment per day

The course of antibiotics lasts from 5 to 14 days, varying depending on the severity of the disease.

For flux detected at an early stage of development, you can only get by using medical supplies and mouth rinses. If the patient “stays too long” at home or is too carried away with self-medication, then it is likely that surgery will be necessary.

The right antibiotic can relieve many problems. oral cavity, but even effective medicines may not work if:

  • the medication regimen was violated;
  • the patient drank alcohol during the course of antibiotics;
  • the dosage recommended by the doctor was not followed;
  • the patient stopped taking the medication ahead of schedule, for example, noticing some improvement.

Toothache always indicates the presence of problems that cannot be solved on your own. Therefore, sooner or later a visit to the dentist will take place. And it is better for this event to happen before the “best” antibiotic for toothache, recommended by “knowledgeable” people without medical education, is tested.