Strong laxatives. Non-addictive laxatives

The problem of constipation occurs in almost every second person. There are many reasons that influence the occurrence of this problem. This may be due to certain intestinal diseases, poor diet, and even lifestyle.

In principle, we can state the fact that the reasons due to which constipation occurs are not so terrible in themselves. Rather, the phenomenon of constipation itself represents a clear discomfort and inconvenience for the person suffering from it.

Constipation can lead to sleep disturbances, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. All this leads to general weakness body. If constipation is not caused by various pathologies, then you can turn to solving the problem not with the help of doctors, but with the help of a laxative prepared at home.

Laxatives at home

It should be remembered that treatment of constipation must necessarily be comprehensive, which involves compliance with several regimens at once, including drinking regime, correct daily routine, as well as performing various physical exercise. In addition, pay special attention compilation special diet , which will help subsequently get rid of unwanted constipation.

It is also recommended to use various laxatives to help overcome constipation. The user can access various medications, but their use is not recommended. No matter how productive they are, the principle by which such drugs act is focused on intestinal irritation. In order to ensure a milder effect, you should turn to products that can be prepared at home.

There are a number of products that can cause laxative effect, that is, can be used to treat constipation. These products are:

  • bran;
  • prunes;
  • flax seeds;
  • pumpkin;
  • plum;
  • green hour with added milk;
  • kefir;
  • beet;
  • peas and others.

The following can be said about bran: this product really very effective in the fight against constipation. This is explained high content fiber in bran. They also contain a lot of vitamin B. This vitamin helps improve the functioning of the large intestine. You can eat bran in the following form: add a large tablespoon to food, after brewing it with boiling water. The user can also buy bread containing bran in its composition.

Pumpkin dishes They will also be able to get rid of constipation with regular use. Pumpkin is a product that can help with constipation and more. It is also recommended to consume pumpkin in cases where there are various pathologies affecting the intestinal organs.

Other foods can also help relieve the discomfort caused by constipation. Eating prunes and plums has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and improves digestion. They can be consumed either in their usual form or in the form of various compotes and decoctions. Regular consumption may also help. oatmeal cookies. Flax seeds, prepared in a special way, can be a very effective laxative. To prepare a laxative from flax seeds, you just need to brew them in a proportion of 5 grams per 200 ml of boiling water, and then leave for 10 hours.

You should pay attention to products such as peas, beets and onions. Their use in almost any form is highly recommended. These vegetables have the necessary laxative effect, and also contain vitamins that will be useful not only in case of constipation. A fairly strong laxative that can be made at home is kefir or another fermented milk product, provided that it is mixed with a small amount vegetable oil. This will help you achieve results in a fairly short terms. A similar remedy is green tea with milk, in which instead of sugar you need to add a pinch of salt.

Also, any person facing the problem of constipation must remember that regular consumption of water and vegetable juices can help in this situation. In order to ensure correct work digestive system, doctors recommend consuming the above mentioned liquids in the amount of two liters per day. By the way, if a person suffers from constipation, he is recommended to avoid drinking fruit juices, soda, strong tea and coffee. They can negatively affect bowel function.

If a person already suffers from constipation long time, then he definitely needs to see a doctor who can give necessary recommendations, and also determine the type of constipation. Constipation may be atonic or spastic. Depending on this, special prescriptions for its treatment can already be issued, as well as necessary advice regarding laxatives taken.

All types of laxatives at home are divided into several groups:


This group of laxatives includes various herbal infusions and decoctions made from medicinal plants which have a laxative effect. In cases where constipation is spastic, herbs that have the following actions: antispasmodic, carminative and sedative.

Can you give examples of herbal remedies that can help? for spastic constipation:

  • chamomile and tansy inflorescences, buckthorn bark, valerian root, peppermint, nettle, anise and strawberry;
  • wormwood, coriander, elderberry blossoms, wild rue, centaury, flax seed;
  • sweet clover, lemon balm, trefoil, dill seeds, mistletoe, dandelion roots, valerian, rhubarb and burdock.

For the treatment of atonic constipation other fees will be required, consisting of herbs that help activate intestinal motility. These herbal remedies include the following:

  • fennel fruits, thistle stem, mint, flaxseed, tansy and chamomile inflorescences, rhubarb root;
  • white mistletoe, dandelion root, wormwood, hops, centaury, chistema, black elderberry, bryonia, dill seeds;
  • elecampane and burdock root, licorice, lemon balm, immortelle flowers and black elderberry, oregano and pochechuy.

It should be remembered that herbal remedies should not be used to treat constipation in nursing and pregnant women, children and weakened people.


The next group of laxatives are oils. At home, they are quite effective means that promote the process of bowel movements. The operating time of the oils is approximately four or five hours. Oils should be taken in the morning, a tablespoon. It is strongly recommended not to abuse this laxative. For using oils as a laxative on a short-term basis, they are suitable the following types oils:

  • paraffin;
  • almond;
  • Vaseline;
  • olive;
  • fennel and others.

It is better not to use essential oils to relieve constipation, as they are not suitable for this purpose.


There are other laxatives available at home that can be grouped together: food. All products containing pectin substances and plant fiber. IN this group included following products: berries black currant, raw vegetables, fermented milk products, seaweed, bran and others.

There are many recipes for laxatives that can be made at home. There is nothing difficult about it. The only difficulty is the right recipe laxative. Sami well-known and common recipes are the following:

Fast-acting laxative

Laxative fast acting which can be found at home is castor oil . In order for it to work, you should drink one or two large spoons of this oil before meals.

An infusion made from prunes is also a very effective quick-acting remedy. It is prepared very simply: you need to pour boiling water over several prunes and leave to steep overnight. Then in the morning you need to eat the fruits with infused liquid.

There are also other examples of quick-acting laxatives that can be prepared at home. Such remedies are joster fruits, jelly made from elderberry, buckthorn bark, aloe juice with the addition of honey, kefir with added apple juice , grass hay. It should be remembered that all the mentioned products are in no way suitable for the treatment of chronic constipation. They are suitable only for one-time solutions to a problem.

Making a strong laxative

A very strong laxative that can be made at home is salad "Broom"". It is prepared from carrots, celery, white cabbage and raw beets. All ingredients are thoroughly crushed and mixed. Everything is done without adding salt.

An infusion of cumin seeds also has a laxative effect. It can be made by pouring boiling water over a large spoon of seeds, then steeping the broth for half an hour. The infusion is filtered and then consumed in the morning, at noon and in the evening, one tablespoon at a time.

Buckthorn bark decoction, which can be prepared in a water bath, is also a pretty good laxative. This decoction is prepared in the following proportions: one tablespoon of buckthorn bark per glass of water. This laxative is taken half a glass, twice a day. You can also turn to preparing a decoction of oregano, which is also a fairly strong laxative.

Constipation is a very sensitive topic. It turns out that about half of the population of our country faces this problem. The question of choosing laxatives is especially acute for older people who often experience chronic constipation. Is it safe to take laxatives? Why does a laxative stop working over time, and what to do about it? Which drugs are used for acute and which for chronic constipation? We will try to find the answers in this article.

What is constipation?

We can talk about constipation when the time interval between bowel movements becomes more than 2 days(48 hours). A person has to make a lot of effort to perform the act of defecation (straining). The patient experiences discomfort, fullness of the rectum, and when emptying, a feeling of incomplete fecal ejection. The stool becomes dry.

If we talk about acute constipation, it occurs suddenly and can be a symptom of intestinal obstruction, pathology of the anorectal area, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and is also associated with bed rest and taking certain medications.

If symptoms of constipation continue for several months, then it is considered chronic. Most often, constipation is a symptom of another disease.

There are many reasons for delayed bowel movement: this and neurological disorders, endocrine diseases, physical inactivity (especially in old age), poor nutrition, dysbiosis, intestinal motility disorders, hemorrhoids, injuries of the colon and tailbone and much more. Pregnancy also contributes to constipation nervous shock, traveling long distances, taking certain medications, for example, coating agents, iron supplements, tranquilizers, etc.

The many causes of constipation make it difficult to drug therapy the last one. It is imperative to find out the reason long absence chair. Only then is treatment prescribed. Laxatives are used in complex treatment, which is aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of the disease that caused constipation.


Laxatives increase intestinal motility and promote bowel movement.

Treatment of constipation with laxatives should not be permanent. Many laxatives are addictive, and as a result of uncontrolled use, the intestines stop emptying on their own. But, first things first.

Let's consider the simplest classification of drugs - by use:

  1. Drugs used for acute constipation
  2. Drugs used at chronic constipation

Remedies for acute constipation

In case of sudden absence of stool, the following are used:

  • Saline laxatives
  • Castor oil
  • Bisacodyl (Dulcolax, Laxacodil, Laxatin, Pirilax, Stadalax)
  • Guttalax (Laxigal, Slabicap, Slabilen, Regulax)
  • Suppositories with glycerin

Saline laxatives(inorganic salts) are time-tested products. They cause mechanical irritation of intestinal receptors. Reducing absorption nutrients and water, they dilute the contents of the intestine, which puts pressure on its walls. As a result, the receptors are irritated, the intestinal walls begin to contract (peristalsis increases) and the intestines are emptied.

Saline laxatives take effect within 2-4 hours and should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. These include sodium sulfate ( Glauber's salt), magnesium sulfate (magnesia), phosphates. These drugs are used for acute constipation and poisoning in order to quickly remove toxins. But when taking them, nausea and abdominal pain occur. Contraindicated for children, chronic constipation, intestinal obstruction.

Magnesia is known to be used for hypertension, so this drug cannot be used with low blood pressure.

The disadvantage of these drugs is that they are unpredictable and often lead to dehydration.

Castor oil refers to drugs that chemically irritate intestinal receptors. IN thin section intestines, castor oil is broken down to form ricinoleic acid, which irritates the receptors of the colon wall, peristalsis increases, and the intestines empty. Castor oil causes a single bowel movement 5-6 hours after use. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, because increases uterine contraction. Therefore, it is also used to stimulate labor activity.

Bisacodylsynthetic agent, which also causes chemical irritation of intestinal receptors. It acts very quickly - after 1 hour (if the release form is a suppository). Most often, this drug is prescribed for constipation associated with decreased intestinal motility (atony). It is used not only for acute, but also for chronic constipation. Synonyms for Bisacodyl are Dulcolax, Laxacodil, Laxatin, Pirilax, Stadalax.

Guttalax acts on intestinal receptors through chemical irritation. Just like Bisacodyl is a universal drug: it is used for acute, chronic and atonic constipation. Guttalax drops should be taken in the evening with a small amount of water.

Guttalax contains sodium picosulfate and sorbitol. Other drugs containing sodium picosulfate: Regulax, Slabilen, Slabicap, Laxigal.

Remedies for chronic constipation

  • Seaweed, Laminarid;
  • Forlax (Macrogol, Tranzipeg, Fortrans);
  • Medicinal plant raw materials;
  • Pursenides;
  • Tisasen;
  • Regulax;
  • Bisacodyl;
  • Guttalax;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Suppositories with glycerin.

Sea kale And complex drug based on it - Laminaride in the intestine attracts water, swells, increases in volume and causes mechanical irritation of intestinal receptors. Application: for chronic and atonic constipation. Action in 8-10 hours.

Forlax (Macrogol, Tranzipeg, Fortrans) when taken orally, it also causes mechanical irritation of the intestines, because swells and increases the fluid content in the intestines. Used for chronic constipation. Effective within 24-48 hours. Apply in the morning before or during meals. This drug can be taken by pregnant women. Many drugs are prohibited during this period, because increased intestinal motility contributes to premature labor. Forlax and its synonyms are recommended for elderly people with hypertension and diabetes mellitus, diseases cardiovascular system, renal and liver failure.

Medicinal plant raw materials

For a laxative effect, plants containing anthraglycosides and preparations based on them are used. The plants themselves (infusions and decoctions from them), as well as preparations based on them, are very popular among pharmacy visitors who self-medicate. Long-term use of these drugs leads to the fact that the intestines cease to empty themselves. Therefore, prescribing, or rather self-prescribing, drugs containing anthranoids is unacceptable.

Anthraglycosides in small intestine are broken down and form the substance emodin, which is absorbed into the blood and released into the lumen of the large intestine, irritating the sensitive nerve endings of the latter. As a result, peristalsis increases and the intestines empty. Laxative effect from these drugs, used for chronic constipation, appears after 8-10 hours. It is noteworthy that all products based on these plants are addictive, i.e. Over time, the effect weakens and disappears completely.

Buckthorn bark preparations: laxatives, Ramnil, buckthorn extract, buckthorn syrup.

Senna leaf preparations(cassia, Alexandria leaf): infusion, dry extract in tablets, Anthrosennin, Senadexin, Pursenide, Tisasen, Senadex, Senade, Glaxenna, Herbion Laxana, Regulax.

Rhubarb root preparations- powder, tablets, dry extract.

Joster fruits, from which a decoction is prepared.

Also used for chronic constipation Bisacodyl and its synonyms, Guttalax, Regulax(combined drug).

To soften stool and promote it in case of chronic constipation, vegetable oils (fennel, olive, almond) are used. Vaseline oil, docusate sodium (Norgalax), suppositories with glycerin. The effect of their use occurs after 4-5 hours.

Laxative during pregnancy

As mentioned above, during pregnancy it is not allowed large number drugs. This is due to the fact that a large increase in intestinal motility can cause tone in the muscles of the uterus. But pregnancy is also known to contribute to constipation. What to do if expectant mother did such a thing happen? To begin with, you should resort to non-drug method: increase the volume of liquid you drink, eat beets, prunes, an apple or a spoonful of vegetable oil on an empty stomach, one-day kefir, exclude fixing products (rice, stale kefir, barley, etc.) If simple remedies did not help, then there are several drugs used during pregnancy.

  • Dufalak, Prelax, Normolakt
  • Fortrans
  • Microlax

Dufalak contains the prebiotic lactulose, which is broken down by colon bacteria. Lactulose breakdown products gently stimulate intestinal motility and, in addition, soften feces, increasing in volume, which causes mechanical irritation of the colon receptors. As a result, the intestines are emptied. The effect occurs within 3-6 hours. Preparations contain lactulose Prelax and Normolakt.

The drug Fortrans (Forlax, Macrogol, Tranzipeg) was mentioned above.

Here's the remedy Microlax appeared on the pharmaceutical market relatively recently. Microclysters of this drug contain several components that dilute stool. Emptying occurs quickly (5-15 minutes). Recommended during pregnancy and even for babies during the newborn period.


Pharmacies offer many types of drugs that have a laxative effect. The active ingredients in them are very often repeated and combined. That is, the same drug can have, for example, 5-10 synonyms. And yet, with such a variety of names, in mild cases it is better to do without the use of laxatives for many reasons.

Of course, these reasons are side effects laxatives. As a result of the use of laxatives, the intestinal walls become atonic, their sensitive nerve endings become accustomed to drug irritants. As a result, an increase in laxative doses is required. Then the intestines stop moving the contents without drugs (especially after drugs senna, buckthorn, Bisacodyl). The consequence of this is a long and methodical weaning under the supervision of a doctor from drug addiction intestines.

The use of laxatives leads to protein loss, removal from the body essential microelements(eg potassium). Often, due to the use of these drugs, inflammation of the colon occurs - colitis, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and flatulence.

Unfortunately, nowadays, due to self-medication with laxatives and uncontrolled use, everyone suffers. more patients. After all, laxatives are purchased not only for the purpose of relieving constipation.

In pursuit of an “ideal” figure, ladies use both laxatives themselves and drugs based on them. But the effect is still the same. And the side effects are absolutely the same. Maybe the weight will drop for a while. But the damage caused to the body will definitely result in extra pounds.
Very often, laxatives are bought by a person who thinks that the intestines should be emptied every day, but he has them once every 2 days. But stool once every 2 days is normal. and does not require the use of laxatives.

By changing your diet to include foods rich in fiber and fermented milk products, you can cure so-called nutritional constipation (diet-related). If the cause is a violation of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis), the doctor will prescribe a pro- or prebiotic drug that normalizes it.

Laxatives, if necessary, act as an addition to the main treatment. In some cases, such as preoperative and postoperative period etc., you can’t do without laxatives. Based on all this, we can say that laxatives should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication with drugs should be avoided. And here's the reason causing constipation search carefully.

People who often have difficulty defecating know how painful and unpleasant it is. This article will talk about the most effective and natural laxatives for constipation. Despite the fact that today you can buy any pills in pharmacies, many people still prefer to be treated using only natural, proven remedies that will bring benefits and will not cause any harm to the body.

We will introduce you to great recipes traditional medicine, we will tell you how to do self-massage, which has a positive effect on intestinal motility, we will teach you how to use rectal suppositories, etc. But before we start talking in detail about medications for constipation, let's look at the reasons why they occur.

What causes constipation

This is a rather complex topic, because there are many factors that influence the occurrence of difficulties with bowel movements. Still, finding the reason is extremely important! This will make it much easier to find effective laxatives for constipation. Reviews about certain recipes or medicines can be both positive and negative. Those. What works great for some people is often completely useless for others. Often such differences of opinion are caused precisely by incorrect established cause, which provoked a malfunction in the body. Here's a row negative factors that contribute to constipation:

Insufficient amount of fiber in the diet.

Insufficient intake of water into the body.

Taking certain medications that may cause constipation as a side effect.

Lack of movement during the day.


Diseases endocrine system.

A special category is the elderly. Their stool problems may be caused by muscle weakening abdominal cavity. And the following information will be of interest to those who are looking for natural laxatives for children. When babies have constipation, parents sometimes lose their heads and simply don’t know what to do. Meanwhile, in order to get rid of the problem, it is often enough for the child’s mother to reconsider her diet. In infants who are bottle-fed or mixed-fed, difficulties with bowel movements may arise from switching to another milk formula, as well as due to a lack of fluid entering the body.

Traditional treatment for constipation

Laxatives for constipation are very important. Such medicinal preparations we can divide into several types:

1. Medicines that can irritate the receptors of the intestinal mucosa. They often add various medicinal plants, castor oil, as well as some synthetic substances (phenolphthalein, isafenin, etc.).

2. Frequent constipation is well treated with drugs that soften stool in the intestines. Such means include various oils(olive, Vaseline, almond, castor and even regular sunflower).

3. To help adults suffering from delayed bowel movements, they are often used medicines, contributing to the enlargement of the intraintestinal cavity, on the one hand, and, on the other, to the dilution of its contents. These properties are found in seaweed, magnesium sulfate, and salt supplied from the Czech Republic.

Laxatives for constipation, used regularly and uncontrollably, can be harmful. Here are a number of side effects:

  • Getting used to laxatives. Gradually, the body refuses to respond to the drug, which leads to a constant increase in dosage.
  • Constant use of strong laxatives can lead to dehydration and removal of important salts and trace elements from the body.
  • Intestinal tissue can change under the influence of powerful drugs, which can subsequently trigger the occurrence of a tumor process.

Natural laxative products

Laxatives for constipation - natural, harmless and ensuring regular, problem-free bowel movements - are always preferable to chemical medications. Fortunately, there are many foods that can help relieve constipation. Here is their list:

Fruits: plums, apples, tangerines, peaches and grapes.

Dried fruits: figs, prunes, dried apricots.

Vegetables: zucchini, beets, onions, carrots, cabbage (cauliflower or Brussels sprouts).


Grain bread.

Fermented milk products.

Pickled white cabbage.

Vegetable oil.

Natural laxatives from the pharmacy

Pharmacies sell many laxatives made from plant based. They are very convenient to use, as they avoid a tedious process. self-cooking medicines at home. All you need to do is follow the instructions exactly. These laxatives include: the best means for constipation, as:

- "Kafiol" - contains senna fruits and leaves, figs, plums and vaseline oil.

- "Mukofalk." Warp of this medicine- plantain seeds.

- "Laminarid" is a preparation made from seaweed.

- "Senade" - based on senna.

- "Musinum" - this drug contains: anise, buckthorn bark, senna powder and boldo leaves.

- "Agiolax" - it successfully combines plantain seeds and senna powder.

Suppositories "Rectactive" are made on the basis of horse chestnut.

Most modern means treatment for constipation is Exportal. Lactitol in its composition allows you to stimulate the restoration of normal intestinal microflora, being a breeding ground for it. Also, when “eating” it, bacteria release extremely useful organic acids, of which the most beneficial for intestinal health is butyric acid. Exportal acts delicately and provides treatment for constipation with benefits for the intestines, providing a laxative effect and serving as a prevention of further problems with bowel movements.

This list is far from complete. Pharmacy assortment constantly updated with new natural laxatives.

How to relieve constipation in a small child

First of all, I would like to say that it is best to entrust the choice of laxatives for constipation in children to a doctor. After all children's body much more tender and vulnerable than those of adults. Here we can give only a few recommendations that cannot do any harm. If the baby hasn’t really gone to the toilet once all day, then he can be helped with a microenema. To do this, you need to purchase the smallest rubber bulb-syringe at the pharmacy.

Enema contents - saline or soap solution. To prepare it, take warm boiled water (10-15 ml) and dissolve a small piece of soap (for children) or a pinch of salt in it. The tip of the syringe is lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream and carefully inserted into the anus baby (not deep), the contents of the enema are released into the rectum slowly. Usually one such procedure is enough to empty the intestines. If the baby does not feel better, he needs to be shown to a specialist.

If constipation occurs in small child who has already been introduced to complementary foods, you can add a little prunes to the diet - this is excellent natural product, which has a mild laxative effect.

Treatment of constipation in older people

In old age, people often begin to experience difficulty defecating. Natural laxatives for constipation in the elderly are, first of all, properly selected food products that can regulate intestinal activity. It is useful for older people to eat fresh yogurt or biokefir every day, as well as dishes that contain an abundance of fiber (mashed beets and carrots, vinaigrette, bran, etc.).

In the morning on an empty stomach, it is useful to drink half a glass of water at room temperature, and immediately before breakfast eat one tablespoon sunflower oil. Here is a well-proven recipe for a natural laxative: dried apricots, prunes (400 g each, etc.) and figs (300 g) need to be minced in a meat grinder, gradually adding senna (1 pack). Add 100 g of honey and a little lemon juice to the resulting mixture. This laxative is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, one tbsp. spoon (maybe a little more or less) and wash it down with half a glass of regular cold water.

Rectal suppositories

What other laxatives can be used for constipation? The suppositories that can be bought in our pharmacies are considered one of the safest and effective drugs. True, it is not recommended to use them too often, because... permanent severe irritation receptors of the colon entails a weakening of their sensitivity, as a result of which the suppositories cease to have the desired effect.

Suppositories should be inserted into the rectum in the morning, about fifteen minutes after breakfast. Before doing this, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the contraindications that are set out in the instructions included with the drug. If you urgently need to get rid of constipation, try purchasing Bisacodyl (inexpensive domestic suppositories), Dulcolax or glycerin suppositories at the pharmacy.

Laxative folk remedies for constipation: herbal recipes

Traditional medicine suggests treating constipation with herbal infusions. Here are some effective recipes:

1. You need to chop and mix 50 g of joster fruits and black elderberry flowers. Next one art. Brew a spoonful of the mixture with boiling water (1 cup) and put the broth on low heat for 5 minutes. The cooled and filtered drug should be drunk in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the evening (before bed) one glass.

2. To prepare the next decoction you need anise and fennel fruits (10 g each), buckthorn fruits (60 g) and licorice root (20 g). The herbal mixture is crushed and mixed. Next one art. a spoonful of mixed herbs is poured with boiling water and placed on the stove, as in previous recipe. Take half a glass in the morning and evening. This decoction is very effective in helping with constipation in pregnant women.

3. Buckthorn bark, cassia holly leaves, joster leaves (30 g each), licorice root and anise fruit (10 g each) are crushed and mixed together. Brew one tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, cover the dish with a lid and leave the broth to infuse. You need to drink half a glass of this medicine before going to bed at night.

What else can you do at home?

Laxatives folk remedies for constipation, do not limit yourself to herbs. The following tips will help you in trouble:

You can try cooking excellent medicine from regular potatoes. To do this, peeled tubers are grated and the juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp. You need to drink a quarter glass every day.

Sauerkraut brine helps relieve constipation. It should be drunk warm, half a glass daily. By the way, myself sauerkraut also has a pronounced laxative effect.

In the morning, while your stomach is empty, you can drink honey water. It is prepared simply: honey (1 tablespoon) is dissolved in a glass of water at room temperature.


People who are prone to constipation are recommended to do a simple daily abdominal massage. Nothing special, you just need to lie down, relax and massage your stomach with stroking circular movements around your navel in a clockwise direction. Why exactly this way and not the other way? The fact is that food moves in the intestines clockwise. If you massage against this movement, you risk either diarrhea or even more severe constipation.

Normalization of intestinal microflora

Now you know a lot effective means for constipation. Now let's see what can be done to prevent these painful conditions. Let's talk about normalizing the intestinal microflora. For normal functioning intestines it should contain 90% beneficial bacteria and only 10% putrefactive bacteria. At frequent constipation this ratio is violated putrefactive microorganisms are beginning to prevail.

To correct the situation, you need to “seed” the intestines beneficial bacteria. This can be done by regularly eating yoghurts containing healthy live cultures, acidophilus milk, and kefir. To normalize the microflora, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Colibacterin, Bifikol, Baktisubtil and other drugs.


If you notice that you need stronger and stronger laxatives for constipation, which is happening more and more often, then this should be a reason to visit your doctor. Perhaps you have some serious illness which needs urgent treatment. Don't delay your visit to the doctor!

Poor nutrition long-term use medicines, sedentary image life are the main causes of digestive problems. It is not always possible to avoid the factors that provoke the development pathological condition. It should be understood that fast-acting (in tablets or liquid form) will only temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms and discomfort. Before you start taking these medications, you should undergo medical examination and install the real reason digestive disorders.

How do laxatives work?

The easiest way to relieve constipation is to take a laxative. Such medications are presented on pharmacy counters in a wide selection. Their main task is to relieve symptoms, but they do not affect the underlying cause of the pathology. Therefore, their help should be resorted to in the most extreme cases.

All existing laxatives differ in their mechanism of action. Once in the body, they pass through the entire digestive tract, beginning to act only in the large intestine. They activate peristalsis, increase and soften stool. Some patients are forced to regularly take laxatives, many of which are addictive. Most effective medicine should be selected by a specialist, taking into account the age and severity of the patient’s condition. In addition to drug therapy, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of constipation.

Types of laxatives

Pharmaceutical companies offer a variety of fast-acting drugs: in tablets and drops, in the form of syrup and powder for preparing a solution, in the form of rectal suppositories. They all differ in their mechanism of action. Most patients, wanting to get quick results, choose the most dangerous group of laxatives - drugs that irritate colon receptors. They should be used only for acute constipation to quickly relieve the condition. The therapeutic effect is observed 5-8 hours after taking the drug.

The osmotic group of laxatives is also common. Their action is based on fluid retention in the intestinal lumen, which contributes to the dilution of stool. This safe means, which can be used for a long time without causing negative influence on the body. They have a mild laxative effect and do not cause the development of lazy bowel syndrome.

Enteric fillers and herbal preparations

Intestinal fillers are products of natural or synthetic origin. They are not absorbed into the intestinal walls, contribute to an increase in the volume of stool and speed up the emptying of the rectum. This intestinal laxative has a delayed effect. It is possible to achieve the desired effect from the use of drugs in this group only for 2-3 days. You need to drink at least two liters of liquid per day. Patients often refuse treatment with intestinal fillers due to side effects.

Herbal laxatives are used to treat mild constipation. Such medicines are produced in the form of tablets, teas, syrups, and powders. Laxatives based on medicinal plants can be taken for a long time.

Possible causes of constipation

Normally, the urge to defecate, the frequency of which depends on individual characteristics, occur spontaneously. If for some reason the work of the lower intestines is disrupted, there is a delay in processed products. The causes of constipation can be very different. Predisposing factors are:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • limited fluid intake;
  • inhibiting the urge to defecate;
  • muscle weakness lower section intestines;
  • frequent use of laxatives.

The intestines can be disrupted by: various pathologies endocrine system, autonomic dysfunction, changes in blood flow (blood circulation in the intestinal walls worsens).

Fast acting laxatives: list of effective drugs

Rapid-acting laxatives are considered the most unsafe for the body. Their use should be resorted to only as a last resort. They retain fluid and interfere with the absorption of electrolytes. This group includes the following drugs:

  • "Guttalax".
  • "Bisacodyl."
  • "Weak."
  • "Laxatin."
  • "Fitomucil".
  • "Regulax".
  • "Senadexin".
  • "Dulcolact".
  • "Guttasil."
  • "Senade".

Fast-acting irritating laxatives (in tablets, drops, suppositories) should be taken with reduced intestinal motility. Therapeutic effect can be observed within 8 hours after taking the medicine. Constant use of such medications leads to a decrease in peristalsis and intestinal tone.

Laxative medicine "Guttalax"

The main active component of the drug in the form of drops is the substance irritates the intestinal walls, enhancing motility. The activity of the drug is observed only in the large intestine. Guttalax is prescribed to regulate stool in cases of dysbiosis and hemorrhoids. According to the instructions, the laxative is used if it is necessary to liquefy stool in elderly patients suffering from chronic constipation, in preparation for surgical intervention and during the recovery period.

In pediatrics, such a laxative is extremely rarely prescribed for constipation. Children can only use it from 4 years old. Contraindications include pregnancy, acute inflammation organs digestive tract, dehydration.

"Dulcolax" (tablets)

A strong, fast-acting laxative, Dulcolax (made in Germany), contains the active ingredient bisacodyl, which irritates the intestinal mucosa. In the large intestine, the drug causes increased mucus secretion and activates peristalsis. The urge to defecate after using the tablets can be felt within 6 hours. If the drug was taken before bedtime, the laxative effect will appear after 8-10 hours. The enteric coating of the tablets is resistant to the action of gastric juice.

In tablet form, the drug is prescribed for constipation caused by hypotension of the colon, with anal fissures and hemorrhoids, as preparation before surgery.

Contraindications or side effects

Rapid-acting laxatives have the greatest number of contraindications for use. Dulcolax tablets cannot be prescribed in the following cases:

  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • spastic constipation;
  • internal bleeding;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • hypersensitivity to laxative components;
  • pregnancy (especially the first trimester);
  • dehydration of the body;
  • sharp pain in the abdominal area;
  • intestinal pathologies;
  • children under 4 years of age.

Among side effects Spastic pain, diarrhea (fraught with severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance), flatulence, and allergies may be observed.

Laxative tablets "Senadexin"

The drug contains sennoside A and B - a substance of natural origin isolated from senna leaves. The component acts on the motility of the colon, irritating the receptors, and is not addictive. Laxative effect chewable tablets observed 6-10 hours after administration.

A significant advantage of the medicine is the absence of a negative effect on the digestive processes. A strong, fast-acting laxative is recommended to be taken at night and washed down with plenty of water. According to the instructions, the tablets can be taken once or undergo a course of therapy. The drug can be prescribed to children from the age of six. The dosage should be calculated by the attending physician.

The following fast-acting laxatives (in tablets) are analogues of Senadexin:

  1. "Glacsenna."
  2. "Senna".
  3. "Senade".
  4. "Bekunis".

Before taking irritant laxatives, you should consult a doctor.

In most cases, experts recommend that patients take a mild laxative, which will not cause addiction or other complications. gastrointestinal tract. In addition to drug therapy, it is necessary to follow a diet, consume plenty of fluids and foods rich in fiber. In addition, do not forget about physical exercise.

Difficulties with bowel movements can have different origins, but one solution is to take a laxative. Pharmacy counters delight you with variety, but it’s still not worth eliminating constipation with a spontaneous purchase, because there is another approach. Folk remedies are quick solution sensitive issue for men, although gender and age are not the most important thing in this matter.

What are the types of laxatives?

A fast-acting laxative does not eliminate the cause of constipation, but only helps to cleanse the intestines more quickly. Choose fast-acting laxatives with caution. The composition of tablets, suppositories, syrups can be addictive - then the problem of irregular bowel movements will only get worse. All drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry are divided into the following groups:

  1. Annoying- these are the most common medications with a laxative effect, which are designed to enhance work sluggish bowel by irritating receptors. These products are dangerous for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.
  2. Osmotic– help retain water in the intestines. The name of this group combines a wide range of non-addictive drugs, but such laxatives can be used for no more than three months.
  3. Volumetric– this group contains medications with a laxative effect of natural origin. As a fast-acting laxative at home, they are safe for health and are well absorbed by the intestines.
  4. Prebiotics are mild laxatives that help restore beneficial microflora. Recommended for chronic constipation, they are safe, so they are prescribed for the treatment of constipation in infants.

Quick laxatives for constipation

These medications should only be used in emergency cases. It is strictly forbidden to use them regularly to cure chronic constipation or relieve overweight. By stimulating the intestines, fast laxatives affect nerve endings, so uncontrolled and long-term use of tablets, drops, suppositories can result in a serious health problem. Exists high risk the appearance of “lazy” bowel syndrome, i.e. the organ will stop working on its own.

For the elderly

Age-related changes lead to decreased activity, slower metabolism, and intestinal muscle tone. The situation can be worsened by an unbalanced diet, chronic diseases- all these factors can lead to the idea that you need to take a strong, quick-acting laxative. In old age, the problem of constipation can only be solved with the help of mild laxatives (Bisacodyl suppositories, Guttalax drops, Regulax drops or cubes).

For children

The reasons for stool retention in babies in the first months of life will differ from problems in older children. To normalize intestinal function, the smallest can be given dill water, do an enema and massage your stomach. Chronic constipation in older children is recommended to be treated with prebiotics (Duphalac syrup, Hilak-Forte drops, Prelax Baby powder), but it is not recommended to use children's laxatives with an irritating effect.

In tablets

  • Lactusan– contains a complex of substances that restore microflora. Biologically active additive helps with stool retention, reduces the effect of antibiotics, eliminates dysbacteriosis. With regular use, peristalsis improves, without addiction.
  • Pirilax– synthetic fast-acting laxative in tablets, the main active substance which is bisacodyl. By stimulating the contraction of the large intestine, this medicine facilitates the passage of hardened stool.
  • Senadeherbal tablets with a strong laxative effect based on senna leaf extract. Bowel emptying with this medicine is achieved by irritating the mucous membrane, special benefit tablets are given for chronic constipation.


    • Bisacodyl– suppositories for cleansing the intestines for chronic stool retention. Slightly irritating the mucous membranes, synthetic drug accelerates the production of mucus, and this helps to remove feces faster, especially before surgery.
    • Glycerolrectal suppository which promotes muscle contraction. A fast-acting laxative has two advantages at once - a mild effect on the mucous membrane and a quick result. Suppositories will help remove hard feces within half an hour after use.


    • Guttalax– a highly effective laxative. The stimulating effect enhances peristalsis, helping to quickly cleanse the intestines. There are no strict restrictions for this laxative; the drug is capable of providing light effect, because it can be taken by pregnant women, children or people suffering from hemorrhoids.
    • Weak is a synthetic drug recommended for use for atonic constipation. The laxative effect can occur after 6 hours, all this time the drops will affect large intestine, annoying him. It is better to take the medicine before bed, starting with 10 drops, mixing with water or food.

    When not to take a quick remedy for constipation

    With all my positive qualities Many medications are not recommended for use for one reason or another. There are no completely harmless fast-acting laxatives, because they do not eliminate the cause of stool retention, but only temporarily solve difficult situation. Irritating laxatives are contraindicated for newborns, pregnant and lactating women, and chronic delay stool, it is not recommended to take salt osmotic agents.

    You will have to limit your intake of fast-acting laxatives if:

    Find out which ones are best to take for constipation.

    Effective folk remedies for constipation

    To cope with difficult situations, adults do not have to run to the pharmacy and buy quick-acting laxatives. Storehouse folk wisdom keeps the secrets of preparing effective remedies based on natural ingredients. Flax seed, elderberries, buckthorn bark, beets, dried apricots - all delicious traditional therapy to normalize intestinal function, which helps achieve the desired result no worse than the pharmacy army of laxatives.

    • Flax decoction. To prepare it, pour 15 g into a thermos plant component, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave to brew for 6 hours. The resulting daily dose the mucus is filtered and divided into three doses before meals.
    • Honey mixture. Take 400 g of dried apricots and prunes, pass through a meat grinder, mix the resulting mass with 150 g of honey. Eat a tablespoon before bed with a glass of warm water.

    Video: fast-acting laxative for colon cleansing