Treatment of ascariasis with folk remedies. Traditional methods of treating ascariasis

They enter the human body in the form of eggs through unwashed hands, dirty vegetables and fruits, untreated water and pets.

Experts have found that one roundworm can live in human body up to two years.

Symptoms of the disease

Every person should know what symptoms indicate the presence of roundworms.

These include:

  • pain in the intestines, which has a cramping character;
  • development of constipation or diarrhea over a long period of time;
  • manifestation of nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness of the body;
  • weight loss;
  • decreased immune function;
  • the occurrence of colds.

If roundworms penetrate the bronchi area, the patient may experience a dry cough, painful sensation in the area chest and an increase in temperature.

Worms often lead to blockage biliary tract and lumens in the intestines. This process leads to colic, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis or cholecystitis.

Ascariasis, which manifests itself in childhood. That's why therapeutic measures needs to start as soon as possible.

Recognize the presence of roundworms on early stage illness is quite difficult, but possible. To do this, you need to seek help from a doctor.

He will order an examination, which includes testing feces for worm eggs. When they are detected, drug therapy is prescribed. But not everyone can tolerate medications, so treatment for ascariasis will come to the rescue folk remedies.

There are many recipes in medicine that will help solve the problem. Such drugs have virtually no contraindications and do not cause side effects.

Treatment of roundworms with folk remedies can be carried out both in childhood and in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Milk and garlic

Can be taken orally, as well as in the form of enemas:

  1. Making a decoction for an enema. This tool will help cure ascariasis and enterobiasis. To make the infusion you will need a mug warm milk and four cloves of garlic. The resulting mixture must be put on fire and wait until it boils. When the garlic becomes soft, the broth is cooled to a temperature of 36-37 degrees. Using the resulting infusion, enemas are performed every evening before bed. The duration of the procedure is seven to ten days.
  2. Ingestion of milk with garlic. To prepare the drink you will need a mug of hot milk and eight cloves of garlic. The broth must be put on fire and wait until it boils. After this, the garlic is crushed to a pulp and thoroughly mixed in milk. The drink should be taken warm. Two to three hours after drinking the drink, you need to do an enema or take a laxative medicine.

pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seed is an essential natural medicines to combat helminths.

They can be eaten by children, adults, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and older people.

If children do not want to eat them raw, then you can prepare a folk remedy.

To do this, take five hundred grams of peeled seeds and finely chop them using a blender. Then add a little linden honey, sugar or jam to the resulting mixture.

Use the product within an hour on an empty stomach. Adults need to eat the entire drug, for children over twelve years old about two hundred grams is enough, and for children under seven years old it is enough to take one hundred grams of the mixture.

Two to three hours after consuming the gruel, it is necessary to perform a cleansing enema or take a laxative medicine.

Elecampane drink

To make a decoction, take one or two tablespoons of dried herbs and fill a mug boiled water. Cover tightly with a lid and leave for six to eight hours.

The drink should stand in a dark place all this time.

After preparation, the infusion is taken sixty milliliters up to four times a day before eating.

Decoction of young roofing

To make a decoction, take a spoonful of the crushed plant and add a cup of boiled water. Let it brew for about two to three hours.

After this, the drink should be expressed and taken fifty milliliters up to four times a day.

Infusion of birch buds

Excellent product, which helps to quickly and effectively get rid of roundworms. Can be taken not only as a treatment, but also preventive measures.

To make the drink you need to take a half-liter jar. Pour half of the birch buds into it and pour vodka. Let it brew in a dark place for four weeks. You need to take the medicine thirty-five drops up to four times a day.

Wine and onion tincture

It is worth taking three large onions, peeling them and cutting them into slices. Place in a jar and fill with a liter of white wine.

Let it brew for ten days in a dark place. After this, you can consume the finished tincture, fifty milliliters one hour before eating.

Duration treatment course ranges from seven to ten days. Then a break is taken for one to two months and the treatment course is repeated.

Drink with walnuts

To make the drink, you need to take unripe walnut fruits. Grind them thoroughly and take two or three spoons. Then pour a cup of boiled water and dilute with a little salt.

Shake and cover with a lid. Let it brew for thirty to forty minutes, and then decant before use. Throughout the day, you should drink the entire decoction, dividing it into several doses.

Using infusion from walnuts allowed not only for adults, but also for children, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Before going to bed, you need to perform a cleansing enema or take a laxative.

Eating raw rice

The simplest, but no less effective remedy is to consume raw rice before meals. To prevent it from seeming too hard, you can pour boiling water over it and let it sit for a few minutes.

Chew the rice slowly for ten to fifteen minutes. The duration of the treatment course is ten days.

Use of oak bark

But besides beneficial properties, oak bark has a fixing effect. Therefore, cleansing enemas must be performed throughout the entire period of use.

To make an infusion, you need to take two spoons of bark and fill it with a mug of boiled water. After this, the drink should be put on low heat and left for five hours.

When the drink is prepared, it must be decanted and cooled. It is worth consuming the medicine three spoons every three to four hours.

Prevention of ascariasis using traditional methods


This fruit is very useful, because it cleanses the blood and saturates it with red blood cells. In addition to all this, pomegranate has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. Therefore, if roundworms have affected the heart, then this method will be very useful.

To prepare the product you need to take one pomegranate. Divide it into two parts and take only one half. There is no need to peel the fruit. Place it in a saucepan and fill it with a mug of boiled water.

Set on fire for five to seven minutes. After this, the drink should be allowed to brew for about two to three hours.

When the drink has cooled, it should be strained. You need to take the resulting medicine up to three to four times a day. The taste of the infusion is bitter and viscous.

If it is difficult to drink, you can dilute it with a spoon of honey or sugar.

Vegetable oil

The healthiest of them are nut or sesame oil. If you have nut oil, then you need to pour it into a saucepan and heat it to a temperature of sixty degrees. But it's worth waiting for boiling.

After this, the resulting medicine is drunk in the amount of three to four spoons. During the day, nut butter should be taken every six hours.

If the patient wants to carry out prophylaxis with sesame oil, then you need to take a full mug and add two tablespoons of onion juice there.

The product should be taken three to four spoons every six hours. The duration of the treatment course is three to four days.

Chamomile and tansy

This medicine is perfect as a preventative measure. To make an infusion, you should take chamomile, tansy and wormwood herbs in equal proportions. Fill a mug with boiled water and let it brew for thirty to forty minutes. After this, the drink should be decanted.

The prepared infusion should be consumed up to two times a day. The duration of treatment is three to four days.

Recipes for children

As preventive measures for children, you can resort to other methods:

Do not forget that roundworms are transmitted through dirty hands and unwashed vegetables and fruits. Therefore, basic hygiene rules should be observed.

The roundworm egg goes through a long evolutionary path in the human body before it becomes an adult. Along the mucous membrane, the hatched larva penetrates the capillaries, which lead it to the liver. Then, along the inferior vena cava, it ends up in right half hearts. By pulmonary artery they reach the lungs and through the larynx enter the stomach, which leads them to their final destination - the intestines, where the roundworms mature.

Ascariasis in adults can cause a whole range of complex diseases:

  • intestinal obstruction,
  • chronic bronchitis,
  • perforated peritonitis,
  • hemoptysis,
  • pneumonia,
  • liver diseases,
  • pancreatic diseases.

Ascariasis, in its advanced state, can even lead to suffocation if roundworms crawl into respiratory organs. There are cases where roundworms got into the nasal canal, middle ear and frontal sinuses.

The main reason for infection with ascariasis is neglect of hygiene and eating poorly washed vegetables and fruits.

Symptoms and signs of ascariasis

By various symptoms and the signs can determine the stage of infection. The symptoms of ascariasis consist of various physical manifestations, including severe allergic reactions.

With minor invasion, ascariasis can be asymptomatic. Only minor signs can indicate it:

  • weakness,
  • fatigue,
  • decreased appetite and performance.

If carried out timely diagnosis If the attending doctor took into account all the symptoms and the treatment was prescribed correctly and promptly, then a successful result will not be long in coming.

If ascariasis has reached a moderate and severe stage, it can be diagnosed by the following signs:

  • dry or wet cough,
  • pain in the chest area,
  • frequent shortness of breath during physical activity,
  • slight increase in temperature,
  • heart rhythm disturbance,
  • blood pressure disorder.

Ascariasis may be accompanied by allergic reactions in the form of itching and rashes. Swelling, allergic hepatitis, allergic myocarditis and even anaphylactic shock may appear.

Late stage of ascariasis, which has progressed to chronic form, is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • decreased appetite,
  • bloating,
  • discomfort in the intestines,
  • dull pain in different parts belly,
  • bowel disorder,
  • weight loss.

Dizziness, convulsions, insomnia and photophobia may also occur.

Fighting roundworms with folk remedies

For effective treatment diseases, there are proven folk remedies for roundworms. Below are detailed recipes:

  1. Most known means is the treatment of ascariasis with an enema based on milk and garlic. Take one head of garlic and 1 glass of milk. Then mix and cook until soft. The resulting broth is carefully filtered, cooled and infused for 12 hours. The enema is done once a day, 6 – 7 days. The product is suitable for the treatment of ascariasis in children, with a difference in dosage. Alternatively, you can take crushed garlic with milk and then take a laxative.
  2. They successfully fight roundworms and walnuts. But to prepare the medicine, they take green kernels that are not yet ripe. So, 4 tablespoons need to be chopped and poured with boiling water, adding a pinch of salt. Then the mixture is infused for about half an hour and filtered. Drinking decoction evenly over one day, and the process ends with taking a laxative.
  3. To combat roundworms in alternative medicine use pomegranate decoction. To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over the skins of this fruit, at the rate of several pieces per glass. The decoction, cooled to room temperature, should be drunk three times a day. The course of treatment lasts 3 - 4 days, then a break is taken for 1 - 2 days and the decoction is taken again.
  4. It is believed that carrot juice very useful for the body as a whole and is good remedy from roundworms

Often used in the treatment of roundworm infection onion tincture. To do this, fill half of a small saucepan with finely chopped onions, and the remaining half with alcohol or vodka. The mixture is infused for 10 days. Take the product for several days, before meals, 1 - 2 tablespoons.

Help from pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are considered no less effective in the fight against roundworms. There are several known recipes with seeds:

  1. Take 0.5 kg of crushed peeled seeds and add 50 ml of water. To make the resulting drug more pleasant, add honey. It is necessary to take the freshly prepared remedy on an empty stomach within one hour. Two hours later, drink a solution of magnesia with water, 20 grams of the drug is diluted with 0.5 glasses of water. Ends medical procedure cleansing enema.
  2. It has long been known how to remove roundworms from adults using wormwood. To do this, prepare a tincture from a mixture of crushed pumpkin seeds and wormwood leaves, prepared in equal proportions. The resulting product is poured with vodka, in an amount twice that of leaves with seeds. The resulting mass is placed in a dark place to infuse. The tincture can be consumed after 7 days, in the morning and evening, half an hour before meals, 50 ml. The course of treatment is several days.

Recipes with herbs

An effective folk method in the fight against ascariasis is considered to be a variety of medicinal herbal collections:

  1. Equal parts are taken: chamomile flowers, tansy, wormwood herbs and sea wormwood flowers. The mixture is prepared fresh for each dose. One tablespoon of plants is poured into a glass of boiling water. The decoction is drunk cooled and strained for three days, morning and evening.
  2. An equal amount of herbs: chamomile flowers, tansy, buckthorn bark and a double part of wormwood herb. One tablespoon of this mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water. Boil over low heat for about 20 minutes. Half of the drug is taken before breakfast, and the other half before dinner.
  3. Another option effective mixture medicinal plants: tansy flowers, centaury grass and elecampane root. You need to prepare and take it as indicated in the previous recipe.
  4. Take one teaspoon each of flaxseed, cloves and wormwood herb and grind to a powder. Eat half a teaspoon in the morning and evening before meals.

All traditional methods of treating ascariasis are aimed at expelling, through defecation, ascaris paralyzed by treatment.

But we must not forget that taking some folk remedies is contraindicated for people suffering from chronic diseases:

  • gastritis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • colitis,
  • other gastrointestinal diseases.

Prevention of ascariasis

Prevention plays vital role V successful outcome treatment, as well as the ability to minimize the risk reinfection roundworms. Medicines are able to effectively destroy full-fledged individuals, but their eggs can continue to remain in the body. Preventive measures able to reduce the likelihood of re-infestation:

  1. Timely and regular diagnostics. It is necessary to periodically take stool and blood tests to detect ascariasis. The earlier treatment is started, the faster and easier the body will cope with the disease.
  2. Hand hygiene. Dirty hands most often cause ascariasis. This happens because it is in the soil that the larvae initially breed and develop in their eggs.
  3. Purity of products. Poorly washed products that do not require heat treatment, pose a serious risk of infection.
  4. Regular inspection of sewer and water systems. Old sewer pipes carry the risk of releasing roundworm-infested feces into the soil. As for the plumbing system, damaged pipes can cause contamination of drinking water.
  5. Insect control. Flies and cockroaches are harmful insects that come into contact with soil and feces.

Everyone should remember and apply measures to prevent ascariasis. Ignoring such simple recommendations, can cause serious damage to humans and create a difficult epidemiological situation in the region.

Nervousness, sleep and appetite disturbances, immune disorders, intestinal dysbiosis and stomach pain... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

Helminth eggs move from the oral cavity with food into small intestine and there they develop, turning first into larvae and then adults. The larvae can migrate through the blood vessels and lungs. One individual of roundworm lives and reproduces in the human body for up to two years.

Symptoms of ascariasis:

When the larvae enter the bronchi, chest pain and fever are observed. Often a rash appears on the body. This - allergic reaction for toxins secreted by roundworms or dead larvae.

Helminths can cause blockage bile ducts and intestinal lumens, which entails the appearance of colic, the development of appendicitis or cholecystitis. Particularly dangerous and requires emergency treatment ascariasis in children. There are many pharmaceutical drugs from worms.

Folk anthelmintic remedies

Traditional medicine has also collected many recipes for getting rid of roundworms. Let's look at them.

1. An effective folk remedy for combating ascariasis and enterobiasis is widely known. To do this, prepare such a decoction for an enema. For 150 milliliters of milk, take four large cloves of garlic. The composition is boiled and boiled for several minutes. When the garlic softens, filter the milk and cool. An enema with this decoction is given once a day for at least seven days in a row.

2. Also, to expel roundworms from the body, you should drink a decoction of garlic in milk. Place 8 large cloves of garlic on a glass of hot milk and bring it to a boil. Then the garlic cloves are crushed into a mushy form and mixed with milk again. Drink the drug warm. Two hours after using the product, you should take a laxative or do an enema.

3. Indispensable natural remedy from worms are considered. They can Can be used by everyone: both children and adults. You can prepare such a “medicine” for children. Half a kilogram of shelled seeds is crushed in a blender or ground in a mortar. Add 40 milliliters to the mass warm water. Stir and add a little honey, sugar or jam. Within 50 - 60 minutes (on an empty stomach) you need to consume: adults - the entire mass, teenagers - 200 grams, and children under 7 years old - no more than 100 grams. 2.5 hours after taking the seeds, you need to do a cleansing enema or drink a laxative.

4. Detrimental effect on roundworms and larvae that enter blood vessels, bronchi and lungs, an infusion of elecampane roots and flowers provides relief. 1.5 teaspoons of powdered raw materials are poured into a glass bottle and filled with 250 milliliters of water (cold boiled). Seal tightly and place in a dark place for 8 hours. Take an infusion of 60-70 milliliters 4 times a day, an hour before meals.

5. The leaves of young roofing plant will help get rid of roundworms. A full spoon of ground raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water. Leave for two hours. The finished strained product is taken a quarter glass four times a day.

6. They fight against roundworms with the help of tincture from birch buds. A half-liter bottle is filled halfway with plant materials. Then top up with vodka. Insist in a dark place. After 30 days, take: 35 drops four times a day.

8. An effective remedy from ascariasis. For 3 large chopped onions, take 1.5 liters of white table wine. Leave for 10 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Ready product take 50 milliliters one hour before meals three or four times a day. The course of treatment is one week. After 1.5 months you need to repeat the treatment.

9. Traditional medicine advises helminthic infestation treat with unripe fruits
walnut. The raw materials need to be finely chopped and take 3 tablespoons, pour 150 milliliters of boiling water and add a pinch of salt. Shake and close the lid tightly. After 40 minutes, the product is filtered. During the day, the infusion should be drunk gradually. It is recommended to take a laxative in the evening.

10. Ascariasis and enterobiasis can be treated with lemon seeds. You need to take at least 10 grains, grind them, add a little honey and consume in the morning on an empty stomach. Treatment is carried out daily for 40 days. Then they take a break for two months and repeat the course.

11. Roundworms will disappear if you eat a tablespoon of raw rice an hour before meals. It is first scalded with boiling water. You should chew the rice slowly: 10-15 minutes. Treatment usually takes 10 days.

Prophylactic anthelmintics

To prevent ascariasis, follow some simple rules:

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • thoroughly wash and pour boiling water over vegetables, fruits and herbs;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning in the apartment using disinfectants.

If you have symptoms of ascariasis, you need to undergo a scatological test and seek advice from an infectious disease specialist. Be healthy!

Ascaris human

A living worm can reach a length of up to 30 centimeters. Several such worms can live in the human body at the same time, regularly laying larvae. The waste products of roundworms poison the body, causing it serious harm. Not only humans, but also pets can act as carriers of roundworms.

Ascaris larvae do not live in the body for long; they are usually excreted along with feces and end up in the soil.

There they remain until they find a new host, in whose body they can develop into an adult worm. Unfortunately, most often this carrier is a child.

Junior children school age They often forget to wash their hands after playing in the sandbox, do not wash fruits and vegetables before eating, violate personal hygiene rules, and come into contact with animals living on the street. All this increases the risk of infection with roundworms.

Signs of ascariasis in children may appear as follows:

  • children who cannot yet speak may cry often and for no reason;
  • Children experience grinding of teeth during sleep;
  • memory and attention deteriorate;
  • loss of interest in the educational process;
  • bronchitis and pneumonia become common.

Important! All roundworms strive to get into the intestines. Before then they hit, which makes it worse general health. Sick children feel sick, vomiting often begins, and there may be an increase in temperature without obvious signs colds. Some patients experience sharp pains in the stomach, accompanied by diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation.

Diagnosis and treatment of ascariasis

Ascaris larva in a child's blood

Diagnosis of ascariasis does not take much time. All you have to do is contact your pediatrician about the problem and have your stool tested. The patient's stool usually contains many roundworm eggs.

If symptoms of ascariasis are present, but no eggs are found, it makes sense to donate general analysis blood and undergo testing abdominal cavity. It may take some time to get tested, which is why many parents are increasingly interested in how to remove roundworms from a child using folk remedies.

Depending on age, the patient may be prescribed:

Traditional methods of treatment

Diet for ascariasis

Children aged 5 years and older are advised to follow a diet when treating ascariasis. Sick children should not be given:

Products for children with ascariasis

  • baked goods;
  • freshly baked bread;
  • borscht, broth, cabbage soup;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • smoked and salted dishes;
  • canned food;
  • millet;
  • barley and pearl barley porridge;
  • pasta;
  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • cucumbers;
  • legumes;
  • chocolate;
  • cakes;
  • cocoa.

The bread eaten should be slightly dried, and meat and fish should be free of fat. Recommended to drink sour milk, eat cottage cheese, potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes and cauliflower. The daily menu should include pureed rice, buckwheat and semolina porridge, ripe fruits and berries, marmalade.

Traditional recipes for ascariasis

Ascariasis is an ancient disease, so today there are many treatments for it.

Pumpkin seeds

So, if ascariasis in children, treatment with folk remedies should begin with preparing an infusion of pumpkin seeds.
To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • up to 100 grams of peeled and crushed seeds;
  • 0.05 liters of boiled water.

The seeds are poured with water and mixed thoroughly, the resulting pulp is left for some time, after which it is eaten within an hour.

The indicated dosage is approximate and depends on the age of the child.

For children under 2 years old, 50 grams of seeds are enough, for children from 2 to 5 years old - 80 grams, for children from 7 to 10 years old - 100 grams of seeds, for children over 10 years old - 150 grams.

3 hours after taking the seeds, the patient should drink a magnesium solution. To prepare it, you must also take into account age category child. For children from 1 to 2 years old It is enough to dissolve 1 gram of magnesia in 0.1 liters of water. To prepare the solution for a child over two years old it is necessary to add 1 gram of the substance per 1 year of life.


Milk and garlic for ascariasis in children

If you are interested in how to remove roundworms from children using folk remedies, you should pay attention to milk and garlic enema. To prepare it you will need 1 head of garlic and 0.2 liters of milk.

Garlic is boiled in milk, the finished broth is allowed to cool, after which it is used for its intended purpose for 7 days. It's better to do an enema before bed. The age of the baby is not important.


Walnuts can help get rid of it. A decoction of young walnuts taken within 2-4 days, will significantly improve the patient’s well-being. Enough to prepare the decoction 50 grams of nuts, a glass of boiled water and a pinch of salt. Walnut leaves have the same effect. 30 grams of leaves should be poured into 2 glasses hot water, leave for at least 2 hours and give to the child 3 times a day before meals, no more than 30 milliliters.

Medicinal herbs

Herbs for ascariasis in children

If roundworms appear, treatment with folk remedies in children should start with taking wormwood, spicy cloves and flax seeds. You will need up to 10 grams of each ingredient. Mix the herbs, pound with a mortar and feed the resulting powder to the child up to 3 times a day, 0.5-1 teaspoon.


Important! The described folk remedies for treating ascariasis are not the only ones and are far from the safest. Most modern children are born with allergies to various biological and chemicals. Before giving a decoction or infusion to your baby, you need to make sure that he is not allergic to its components.

If a child has had roundworms for a long time, then treatment with folk remedies can only worsen the situation. Do not neglect visiting a doctor; ultimately, the prescribed treatment can be successfully combined with the considered traditional methods.

In most cases, you can get rid of roundworms without using medical supplies, applying folk recipes, which took shape over several centuries, passed on from generation to generation. But you should not rely only on medicinal herbs; it is more reasonable to take them together with folk remedies pharmaceuticals. To minimize the risk from possible consequences self-medication, it is better to discuss the chosen prescription with your doctor and follow his recommendations exactly.

Interesting! Treatment medicinal herbs and some products at home will help eliminate ascaris and at the same time have a gentle effect on the body.

Treatment with pumpkin seeds

Treatment of roundworms with folk methods is also used in children's practice. For a two-year-old child, 50 g of the seeds of this plant will be enough. Children aged three to five years will need approximately 80 g, and children aged six to eight years will need 100 g of seeds. For patients aged 10–12 years, the decoction is prepared from 150 g of pumpkin seeds.

Three hours after taking the medicine, you must definitely drink a solution of magnesia, which is prepared as follows: 10–30 g of the product per half glass of water is enough. For children, the solution is prepared at the rate of: for each year of life, a gram of powder. After a cleansing enema, which is given half an hour later, the roundworms come out.

Herbal recipes

Over the many years of its existence, traditional medicine has come to the conclusion that intestinal roundworms do not like bitter things. Therefore, in most cases, plants containing bitterness are used to prepare recipes.


Tansy enema helps very well against roundworms. Pour 1 tbsp into half a liter of boiled water. l. flowers of this plant. After ten minutes of boiling, the broth must be strained. The procedure is done once a day, and the contents must be kept inside for about five minutes.


Treatment can be carried out with tincture of bitter wormwood, which is not difficult to prepare. To do this, take a tablespoon of plant leaves per glass of boiling water and let stand for 4 hours. Children are recommended to drink a small spoon three times a day on an empty stomach, for adults the norm is 2 tablespoons.

Collection of herbs

Followers traditional medicine It is advised to get rid of roundworms with a decoction, for the preparation of which they use the herb of bitter wormwood, flowers of wormwood, common tansy and chamomile. The mixture is prepared from equal parts of these components, after which 1 tbsp. l. collection is poured into a glass of boiling water, cooled and filtered. You should drink a glass of this decoction in the morning and evening for several days.

Garlic and onions to help with roundworms

  • Garlic enemas

It is good to treat with a milk-garlic enema. A large head of garlic is boiled in a glass of milk until soft and left for about twelve hours. After this, you must strain it. Adults are given 1 glass of the prepared solution, children are given an enema of a quarter glass. After such unpleasant procedure Roundworms tend to retreat.

  • Laxative solution

If using an enema is difficult, you can prepare a solution of ten cloves of crushed garlic mixed with a glass of baked milk, and after several hours take a laxative.

  • Onion decoction
  • Onion tincture

Treatment of roundworms in adults can be carried out using onions, infused with vodka. The chopped onion is poured with vodka and infused for about two weeks. Take the medicine for several days, 2 tbsp. l. morning and evening.

Healthy and affordable recipes

At home in medicinal purposes often used various products food, with the help of which roundworms leave the human body. Also, a similar approach is used as a preventive measure when family members become infected with ascariasis. Experts recommend combining treatment with folk remedies with drug therapy, which eliminates the likelihood of disease progression and complications.

Pomegranate fruits against ascariasis

Pomegranate fruits also help fight ascariasis. Half the fruit is poured into a glass of boiling water, boiled for about five minutes, and then left for several hours. This decoction should be taken several sips 3-4 times a day. After drinking 3 - 4 glasses of pomegranate tincture, roundworms disappear.


Many people use unripe walnuts. For this recipe you will need 4 large spoons of crushed nuts, poured with 200 ml of salted water, brought to a boil, mix everything and let stand for half an hour. Drink the prepared decoction all day along with a laxative.
