White hard balls on the root of the tongue. Bloody and red blisters on the root of the tongue closer to the throat - what they are, probable causes and photos. In what cases is it better to consult a doctor?

Growths and lumps on the tongue can be benign or malignant. Most often they have a dense structure, are painless, and gradually increase in size. The appearance of a lump on the tongue should be a reason to immediately visit a doctor.

This is a round formation pink color filled with viscous liquid. When it forms in the lingual salivary gland, it appears soft bump under the tongue, the gland duct is blocked. The cause of the disease is trauma, inflammation, burn of the mucous membranes.

On palpation the formation does not cause painful sensations, can open spontaneously. In such cases, the contents of the cyst flow out, but after a while the lump appears again. The tumor causes problems with diction and interferes with eating and speaking.

If such a formation appears, you should consult a dentist. The lump under the tongue is removed surgically.


This tumor arises from small salivary glands located on the back half of the tongue. The formation has the shape of a smooth nodule with a dense consistency. If the lump grows to large sizes ulceration and infection occurs. The pathology occurs most often in elderly people.

The disease can degenerate into a malignant form and affect surrounding tissues or the lymphatic system. The tumor is excised surgically. If the lump is removed in a timely manner, the prognosis is favorable.


Lipomas are formations consisting of fat cells. Most often appear on the underside of the tongue. This is an elastic and mobile formation that does not cause pain. But discomfort appears while eating and talking.

The cause of the disease is a violation of lipid metabolism in the body, increased level bad cholesterol in the blood. The disease is diagnosed by an oncologist surgeon. Treatment is carried out surgically.


Hemangioma is a benign formation consisting of blood vessels. The disease is most often congenital.

Hemangioma is characterized by the appearance of a red, bluish or burgundy bump on the tongue; when pressed, it turns pink, decreases in size, and then takes on its previous appearance. The tumor is soft to the touch; if it is accidentally injured, significant bleeding occurs. Usually the disease affects the movable part of the tongue.

With significant growth of the cone, the muscle organ may sink, making eating and breathing difficult. Hemangioma is removed using surgical intervention. For this they use laser technologies, cryodestruction method, cauterization.

This disease manifests itself in the form of a round white lump, which is most often localized on the side surface or tip of the tongue. It is formed from muscle tissue and can reach a diameter of 3–4 cm. Myoblastoma in some cases develops into sarcoma.

Struma of the tongue

In case of malfunctions thyroid gland on the root of the tongue a nodular seal grows, the size of walnut. Essentially, it is an accessory or hidden gland located at the blind foramen.

Treatment is surgical; the formation is removed if the functioning of the thyroid gland is maintained, otherwise myxedema (a severe form of hypothyroidism) may develop.


Small, benign growths most often form on the tip or sides of the tongue. The cause of the disease is human papillomavirus. The growths become noticeable immediately, they interfere with eating, and bleed when damaged. The structure of the papilloma is rough and fine-grained. It may appear singly or in multiple growths. Remove growths surgically.


This is a round growth epithelial tissue. At first, the lump is painless, soft, red in color, later the color changes to dark cherry, the structure becomes denser. The surface of the tumor is covered with crusts and can be divided into several lobules. When injured, its growth accelerates.

Malignant formations

Cancerous sarcoma tumors on the tongue grow very rapidly and look like lumpy bumps. They often ulcerate and affect the surrounding and deep tissues of the tongue. Metastases spread to distant internal organs, lymphatic system.

Tongue cancer is characterized by the formation of keratinized growths on the lateral surfaces or middle part of the organ. Men over 40 years of age are more often affected. In the initial stages, bumps and nodules are painless and do not cause much concern. As the tumor grows, pain, discomfort, increased salivation, putrid smell from the mouth. The functioning of the tongue is impaired, patients do not feel taste, it is difficult for them to eat and talk. Metastases spread to nearby lymph nodes, causing them to become enlarged, inflamed and ulcerated.

Bumps in the oral cavity are a reason to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Some types of benign tumors can degenerate into malignant ones, threatening human life. The doctor will remove the growth and conduct cytological studies to identify cancer cells. With timely treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable.

The oral cavity is constantly in contact with external environment, and through the pharynx it communicates with the respiratory tract. Her main function consists of chewing and initial enzymatic processing of food. But breathing can also be done through the mouth, especially when the nose is stuffy. And anyone pathological process here it will be sensitive and noticeable. For example, there are times when a lump is found on the tongue. What it is, why it occurs and how you can get rid of an unpleasant formation are questions that require detailed consideration.

First of all, you need to find out the origin of the lump on the tongue. Volumetric education, appearing on the surface or growing from the thickness of the tissue, must be verified to establish an accurate diagnosis. Patients should be reassured immediately - most likely we're talking about about some benign tumor. Taking into account the source of pathological growth, a lump on the tongue of a child or adult may be:

  • Adenoma.
  • Lipoma.
  • Fibroma.
  • Myoma.
  • Retention cyst.
  • Botriomyxoma.
  • Neurofibroma.
  • Angiomas.

IN childhood such tumors are often congenital in nature, caused by disorders of embryogenesis. Sometimes they are combined with other anomalies of the jaw area. The lump can also be a regular inflammatory infiltrate that appears as a result of trauma to the tongue (for example, due to biting). We must not forget about the risk of a malignant tumor (cancer). Therefore, we need high-quality differential diagnosis the resulting state.

When some kind of lump appears on the tongue, most often we are talking about benign formations.


Clinical course and appearance Tumors are determined by the type of tissue from which they develop. And in the tongue there are several of them: epithelium, glands, muscles, fatty layer, connective fibers. It contains vessels (blood, lymphatic) and nerves. In addition, some tissues may be imported from other areas during embryogenesis.


Evolving from glandular tissue, adenoma can be detected on any part of the tongue. At its tip are formed cystic formations, and polyps are more common in the back area. They grow from the mucous membrane, rising above the surface. The formations are pink in color and have a soft consistency.


Wen or lipoma - benign tumor, which mainly occurs on the lower surface of the tongue in its posterior third. It has a lobular structure and grows slowly from the submucosal layer. The consistency of the tumor is soft-elastic.


A lump growing from the stromal elements of the tongue is a fibroma. The shape of the tumor is round, the surface is smooth, the color does not differ from the mucous membrane or is slightly whitish-yellow. Sometimes fibroids have a characteristic “leg” in which feeding vessels go to it.


The tumor from the muscle layer is rather dense to the touch and is most often localized on the back of the tongue. As a rule, the size of the lump does not exceed 10 mm, but it can be larger. On the outside, it is covered with a mucous membrane, on which papillary structures are sometimes formed.

Retention cyst

A spherical formation of retention nature mainly appears on the lower surface of the tongue at its tip. The cyst develops from the glands of the muscle layer, in which secretions accumulate. It can become multiple and become inflamed.


A flat or round bump on the tongue in some patients is a botryomyxoma. It develops as a result of microtraumas - cracks, burns. The tumor is painted red, but becomes brown over time. Its surface is smooth or granular, its structure is lobed. Sometimes botryomyxoma becomes crusted.


Ball-shaped formations in the tongue may be neurofibromas. They grow from nerve fibers that penetrate the organ and are most often localized in the posterior third. Such tumors can hurt and grow slowly.


A soft lump develops when cavernous hemangiomas or local lymphangiomas. From vascular tumors Children often suffer. Hemangiomas are bluish in color, rise above the mucous membrane, and decrease in size when pressed. After traumatization, bleeding is given. Lymphangioma looks like a warty growth with vesicles. It is located at the tip of the tongue or at its root. When damaged, it often becomes inflamed.

Determining role in clinical picture morphological features of the tumor play a role. They depend on the tissue from which the formation grows.


The examination of the patient begins with finding out clinical symptoms. Any pathology has certain features that can be used to determine preliminary conclusion. The doctor first analyzes the complaints, then conducts an examination with palpation. This is how he forms an initial idea of ​​the disease.

Any pathology of the oral cavity is always unpleasant. Small tumors can go completely unnoticed, but as they grow they become a source of discomfort. The patient is haunted by the feeling foreign body in the mouth, which interferes with chewing and swallowing. And when a lump on the tongue is damaged (by solid food, teeth), it can become painful, sometimes bleed or become surrounded by an inflammatory process. The latter is accompanied by local swelling and redness.

Large formations create significant difficulties not only when chewing, but also when speaking. If the tumor suddenly changed its appearance - became lumpy, dense, darkened or covered with an ulcer - and began to grow rapidly, then you will have to think about its transformation into malignant. Unfortunately, such cases are not uncommon, especially in the presence of risk factors (smoking, frequent trauma, alcohol abuse).

Tongue cancer has more pronounced symptoms. Already on initial stage Papillary growths or dense foci are identified. Then local or diffuse pain, drooling, bad smell from the mouth. The tumor becomes covered with plaques or ulcers. The latter bleeds easily, becomes covered with fibrin clots, and becomes infected. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged. In an advanced stage, the cancer affects the entire tongue and metastasizes.

Additional diagnostics

If suddenly a lump has formed in your tongue and it hurts, then there is only one way out - contact medical care. Only a doctor can conduct the necessary examination and say what is the reason for the changes. But the final conclusion is based on the results additional diagnostics. Key value for tumor verification has histological examination. Pathological tissue is removed by biopsy or intraoperative analysis (during the removal process). And fingerprint smears are made from the ulcerated surface.

Any tumor, even the smallest one, requires quality diagnostics. Its main goal will be to determine the nature of the formation (benign or cancer).


Therapeutic tactics are determined by the type of tumor. At benign processes The lump is removed using one of the surgical methods:

  1. Economical excision.
  2. Radio wave.
  3. Electrocoagulation.
  4. Cryodestruction.
  5. Laser.

They try to carry out the intervention as sparingly as possible so as not to affect healthy tissue. If the tumor is vascular in nature, it is eliminated by sclerosis (obturation). With benign processes, the prognosis is favorable, but angiomas are prone to recurrence.

For cancer, a combination of methods is used: radical removal, radiation and chemotherapy. Both the tumor itself and the areas of its metastasis are irradiated (before and after surgery). At rapid growth tumors are combined with chemotherapy. Based on the extent of the process, cancer requires resection of the tongue or complete glossectomy. In addition, the surrounding tissue into which the tumor has spread is removed, subsequently carrying out plastic reconstruction.

Lump on the tongue - pretty unpleasant problem. Most often it is benign, but it is always worth remembering the risk of tumor transformation into cancer. It is better to notice the pathological formation in time, determine its nature and remove it.

Some people notice that they have red or white bump on the tongue, which brings discomfort. Due to the formation, it is difficult for the patient to eat and talk, and in some cases it is impaired taste perception. A lump in the mouth develops due to failures of one of the body systems, resulting in inflammatory processes. If a person has a lump, he needs to contact a dentist or surgeon, who will find the reasons why the tumor appeared and prescribe a course of treatment.

Contact with various foods can cause bumps on the tongue.

Causes of bumps on the tongue

The appearance of malignant tumors

The cancer grows rapidly at the base of the tongue and looks like a lumpy lump. In this case, all tissues of the tongue can be affected, resulting in ulcers. The disease simultaneously affects the internal organs of a person. In most cases, such malignant neoplasms are diagnosed in men aged 40 years and above. The tumor develops from benign formations that were not cured in time.

At the beginning of the disease, a white lump under the tongue does not cause any discomfort. During development, the formation is accompanied by pain, increased salivation, and the smell of rot comes from the mouth. The tongue stops functioning as before, resulting in disappearance taste sensations, speech deteriorates and the act of eating becomes more difficult. The disease spreads through the lymphatic system, causing the lymph nodes to become inflamed and enlarged.

Lingual struma

The cause of the development of this type is embryonic pathology due to the entry of thyroid tissue into the organ. The struma is presented in the form of a nodular seal, which is located on the lingual root. The lump grows from a hidden gland located in the area of ​​the blind foramen. If the formation is not removed on time, the person develops serious complications.


If a patient has a pale pink bubble under the tongue, this may indicate the germination of papilloma from the epithelium of the mucous membrane. The disease appears due to the spread of papillomavirus, as a result of which a person develops blisters that can bleed due to damage when eating. In this case, the growths have a rough, fine-grained structure. Formations in some cases develop into malignant tumors, and they can only be removed through surgery.

Lipomas on the tongue may appear due to a failure in metabolic processes.

Appearance of lipoma

Some people notice that they have a bubble under their tongue on the frenulum, on the palate or on the lower side of the cheeks, while it is filled with fat cells. Lipoma is a mobile, elastic growth that is not accompanied by pain. But when talking or eating, the patient develops a feeling of discomfort. The lump develops due to impaired lipid metabolic process, and also due to high level cholesterol in the blood. Only an oncologist can determine the disease.

Salivary gland retention cyst

If the patient has a transparent bubble pinkish tint, this may indicate a blockage of the salivary gland duct. Factors in the appearance of the disease are injuries, inflammatory processes or burns of the human mucosa. During examination, the retention cyst does not hurt, but watery blister may break open causing fluid to leak out. After a while, a person notices that a new formation has appeared in that place, which interferes with normal speech and nutrition.

The development of epithelioma on the tongue is fraught with further ulcers and the growth of infection.

Development of epithelioma

When the patient's red tight ball, talk about the development of epithelioma. Salivary glands located at the root of the tongue, become inflamed and lumps appear, which, as they grow, become covered with ulcers through which infection occurs. The disease is more often diagnosed in older patients. When lumps develop into malignant neoplasms, it affects lymphatic system.


When white bumps appear, they speak of the development of myoblastoma. In this case, the formations are located on the side of the tongue or on the tip of the tongue. In this case, cones are formed from muscle tissue and grow up to 3-4 centimeters in diameter. In the absence therapeutic measures myoblastoma develops into malignancy which is removed surgically.

Hemangiomas on the tongue are most often a congenital anomaly.

Almost every third person, according to statistics, noticed changes in the oral cavity associated with formations on the tongue. Some of them cause minor discomfort, while others lead to the inability to communicate and eat. There are several pathologies that lead to the appearance of a specific lump in the sublingual area. They can be a consequence of trauma to the oral cavity, or harbingers serious illness, for example, ranulas (tumors). Identify the disease and prescribe effective treatment Only a specialist can.

Why does inflammation occur?

Inflammation, which manifests itself in the form of a ball or blister on or under the tongue, can appear due to various life circumstances. They can be associated with external or internal manifestations of the body. Often the reason is mechanical damage organ, or rather its vessels. Trauma can be of various types.

  1. Thermal. Tongue damage occurs due to a sudden change in the temperature of food or liquid consumed. A product that is too hot or cold can cause significant irritation. As a result, a lump or small bubble appears on the lingual area. As a rule, it goes away on its own after some time.
  2. Mechanical impact. It involves causing damage to the mucous membrane of the tongue. Typically, fish or meat bones, seed shells, and toothpicks act as traumatic factors. A person may sometimes not even notice minor damage, but after a few days or the next day a specific ball will appear on the muscle organ. Injuries also often occur due to a banal bite, which is difficult to miss.
  3. Chemical exposure. The mucous membrane of the tongue is extremely vulnerable, therefore overuse salty foods or spicy seasonings can lead to inflammation. Burns can be caused by using vinegar or chemicals for cleaning the house.

When the tongue is damaged, a ball appears, which can vary in consistency. It depends on the degree of injury. As a rule, on the first day a small lump appears, it has either light shade, or deep red. The first color option indicates that the vessels are not damaged, the second indicates that they are injured.

The bubble can be localized in various areas muscular organ: under, above or on the side.

When examining, specialists always pay attention special attention pain, shade of inflammation, its location and form. If, for example, there are many small bubbles, we are most likely talking about the body’s response to internal changes at work endocrine system or gastrointestinal tract. A small or large ball or lump is most likely a ranula or hematoma.


a ball appeared under the tongue in the photo

A ranula may appear on the oral mucosa, which is a blister that does not cause pain at the initial stage. Many people have probably encountered this phenomenon. The resulting bubble can easily be accidentally or purposefully burst with the help of teeth. At the same time, a colorless liquid flows out of it. It would seem that the disease has been eliminated, but ranula refers to chronic pathology, which needs to be treated, and not just eliminate symptoms. Therefore, over time, a transparent ball appears on the tongue again. Scientifically, the disease is called ranula or sublingual cyst, but popularly you can hear another definition - frog tumor.

The words tumor and cyst frighten patients, but there is no need to be afraid of the disease, it is not associated with malignant formations. The only negative aspect of ranula is relapses.

To accurately determine that a lump on the tongue is a cyst, you need to pay attention to the symptoms of the disease:

  • localization inflammatory process in the sublingual area;
  • in the first days, a bubble appears, inside of which there is a transparent consistency;
  • the bubble often has a bluish tint;
  • the ball bursts easily;
  • when removed independently, it reappears at the original site of inflammation.

There are many ranula removal products sold today, they are local application. These are gels and creams, but experts advise not to relieve symptoms, but to solve the problem radically. It is only possible to get rid of ranula forever through surgery.


A red bump may appear on the tongue area, and it will have pain syndrome, we are talking about trauma. Redness is a clear sign hematomas, since the shade is obtained as a result of the fact that the blood is localized in a certain place where a mechanical, thermal or chemical effect occurred. Due to injury, not only the tongue, but also the cheek can be damaged.

It is worth noting that inflammation does not always have a red tint.

It predominates in situations where blood vessels are damaged. At mild form A transparent blister may appear without blood. The last blisters go away on their own within a few days. If blood vessels are damaged, medical attention may be required.

As a rule, treatment of the disease consists of identifying the causes that led to injury and inflammation of the membrane. During the inspection, specialists take into account important points:

  • localization of the bubble;
  • contents (consistency) inside the ball;
  • how extensive is the affected area;
  • is there any serous fluid and the degree of its presence.

A blood bubble formed after exposure to a muscle organ is a response of the body; it is a kind of protection. Therefore, as a rule, such a lump goes away on its own. If after a week the blister does not go away, then you need to seek help from a doctor to rule out serious pathologies.

In case of trauma to the oral cavity and a bubble on the tongue, the specialist prescribes treatment based on vitamins and minerals to strengthen the blood vessels of the organ. If a lump prevents a person from eating or communicating, the doctor will pierce it.


Stomatitis appears after multiple reasons. Often the culprit of pathology is inattention to the oral cavity and dental health. Caries, tartar, periodontal disease, periodontitis, and bleeding gums attract various infections. Glossitis (the second name of the disease) refers to an infectious etiology. Therefore, careless attitude to personal oral hygiene can also lead to illness.

Most often, the disease occurs in children due to age characteristics and a craving for understanding the world around us through taste sensations. However, adults can also suffer from stomatitis. According to medical statistics, today about 20% of people suffer from glossitis.

Infection can also occur for other reasons:

  • a chipped tooth causing tongue friction;
  • disruption of the endocrine system or digestive tract;
  • pregnancy due to instability of hormone levels;
  • colds, ARVI, flu;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • avitaminosis;
  • smoking and frequent drinking.

As can be seen from the above signs, anyone can get stomatitis.

Stomatitis manifests itself in the form of a small bump in the tongue area, which has a small hole in the center. At the initial stage, the inner ball leads to itching and burning. In terms of color, a lump most often appears with a grayish or whitish coating. The pathology can bring significant discomfort; it is difficult for a person to speak and eat. It is necessary to treat stomatitis on time, since advanced disease threatens complications in the form of widespread infection or frequent relapses.

Other causes of a lump on the tongue

Stomatitis, ranula, and hematoma are the most common causes of a blister, lump, or swelling on the tongue. But there are other pathologies that are less common, but can still arise for a number of reasons.

  1. – heavy and serious illness which most often occurs in children. It is characterized by the appearance of multiple small blisters on the surface of the mucous membrane of the tongue. The culprits of the pathology are often autoimmune disorders and heredity.
  2. benign neoplasm on the tongue, which is round or flat in shape. It most often occurs under the tongue or on the back of it. It is a rare pathology in dentistry. The disease can be distinguished by its slow growth and painlessness at the initial stage. Only when the cone that appears grows to large sizes, discomfort may occur, but there is no pain. A lipoma is usually removed by surgery.
  3. Papilloma. Can occur in any area of ​​the language. It is distinguished by a whitish tint and soreness. The reason is, the appearance of which can be provoked by sexual contact, bad habits(smoking and alcohol), stress and emotional shocks.
  4. Boils are easy to distinguish from other pathologies. It occurs on the tongue due to poor oral hygiene or weakened immunity. On the first day a red bump appears, which delivers painful sensation. The next day it grows in size and an abscess appears in its center. Under no circumstances should you open a boil on your tongue yourself. This can lead to blood poisoning and spread of infection throughout the body.

In order to avoid the appearance of a foreign ball or blister on the tongue, you should be careful about oral hygiene. When the first signs of inflammation appear infectious process you need to urgently contact a specialist.

IN oral cavity Along with food, many pathogenic microorganisms are ingested, which can cause blisters to appear on the root of the tongue or on the inside cheeks Moreover, the reasons for the formation of blisters can be very different - from herpetic infection to lichen.

Why do blisters appear on the root of the tongue?

IN Ancient China doctors could diagnose more than 100 diseases simply by looking at the patient’s tongue, because this organ is the first to respond to pathologies gastrointestinal tract, liver disease, gall bladder, infections and other pathological conditions.

The oral cavity is one of the most vulnerabilities our body, blisters or other pathological formations may occur due to irritation food products, too hot or cold food, getting pathogenic bacteria or due to a violation drinking regime. After all, the main protection of the oral mucosa is the sufficient release of enzymes that are contained in saliva and neutralize pathogenic microorganisms. Damage to the mucous membrane, decreased immunity, or insufficient saliva production leads to sores, irritation, or blisters in the mouth. And while irritation or plaque may go away without treatment, blisters on the tongue usually signal more serious problems with health.

Blisters that form on the base of the tongue, closer to the throat, most often occur due to:

  • herpetic infection– herpes is not only “bubbles” on the lips and around the lips, with strong decline immunity, herpetic papules can form on the root of the tongue or under it. Small blisters fit tightly together, cause severe pain and interfere with normal eating. The blisters contain clear liquid, which flows out when the “bubbles” burst. With a herpetic infection, the patient may experience an increase in body temperature, chills, lethargy, severe pain in the oral cavity and complete absence appetite;
  • chronic pharyngitis, sore throat or other upper infection respiratory tract– untreated or untreated infections often cause the formation of dense blisters on the root of the tongue. These blisters may be painless or irritating to the patient. More often chronic diseases accompanied persistent cough, nasal voice and other similar symptoms;
  • candidiasis– Oral thrush occurs not only in young children; it often affects adults whose immunity is weakened. Fungi of the genus Candida are not considered pathogenic, but with a strong decrease in immunity, their number in the oral cavity begins to increase and, as a result, a cheesy coating appears on the tongue, and small ulcers or blisters appear at the root and along the edges of the tongue;
  • dental diseases– Tooth decay, gingivitis and other oral diseases can also cause blisters on the base of the tongue. In addition to blisters, the patient is worried about pain in the tooth, redness and swelling of the gums, or bleeding from the gums;
  • infectious diseases– blisters on the base of the tongue and throughout the oral cavity can be the first symptom of diseases such as chicken pox or scarlet fever. In the first days of the illness, the patient complains of headache, increased body temperature, weakness, rashes in the oral cavity, but only 3-5 days after the appearance characteristic rashes on the body, it is possible to establish accurate diagnosis and help the patient;
  • dermatological diseases– sometimes blisters in the mouth appear with lichen or pemphigus. These diseases are also characterized by skin lesions with the formation of blisters in pemphigus or dense “plaques” in lichen; less often, mucous membranes are also affected.

What to do if blisters form on the root of the tongue

If blisters have formed in the oral cavity, you must definitely visit a therapist, who can make a preliminary diagnosis and refer you to a specialist.

  • injure and irritate the oral cavity as little as possible - give up cigarettes, alcohol, too hot or cold food, spicy and salty dishes with seasonings, marinades or a large number Sahara;
  • rinse the mouth antiseptic solutions as often as possible - you can rinse your mouth with infusion of chamomile, sage, calendula or a weak solution of furatsilin, potassium permanganate. You need to rinse your mouth as often as possible - before and after sleep, 2-4 times a day and after each meal;
  • if the cause of the blisters is fungal infection you need to rinse your mouth soda solution or special antifungal drug, for example, nystatin;
  • if a patient is suspected of having a viral or bacterial infection, you do not need to treat blisters on your tongue yourself; to alleviate the condition, you can rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution and drink more liquid.

If blisters on the tongue do not disappear after 2-3 days of such treatment or regularly reappear, you cannot do without consulting a doctor, because such symptoms indicate serious problems with the immune system or an infection “lurking” in the body.