The posterior passage hurts after using the toilet, treatment. Drawing pain in the anus in women

Pain in the anus is a symptom of a variety of diseases. When it appears, a person cannot lead a full life, as it causes a lot of discomfort.

Nature of pain

To make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment, it is necessary to determine the nature of the pain, which can be acute or chronic.

In the first case, there is very severe pain, which lasts a short period of time and has a pronounced character. Chronic pain is characterized by mild severity. It can last from several hours to several days.

The pain can be cutting, stabbing, aching, or pulling. This allows you to determine the disease that is causing the discomfort.

Causes of pain

Pain in the anus can occur for a variety of reasons:

  1. In case of severe hypothermia or reduced functioning of the immune system.
  2. If viruses, infections and microbes enter the human body.
  3. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  4. During the period of promiscuity.

Hemorrhoids and fissures

Quite often, the appearance of pain is diagnosed during the period of hemorrhoids or in the presence of cracks in the rectum. When of this disease in the rectal area, hemorrhoidal veins become inflamed.

In the initial stages, the disease is accompanied by itching and discomfort in the rectal area. If not treated in a timely manner, these sensations are accompanied by pain.

These symptoms are often combined in patients. With hemorrhoids, bleeding of varying degrees of intensity may occur after bowel movement.

On late stages disease, hemorrhoids begin to fall out, which leads to increased pain. The severity of the pain syndrome can be varied - from mild to severe acute. With, most patients experience increased pain.


Around the human rectum there is fatty tissue that fills the pelvic area. When this fatty tissue becomes inflamed, patients are diagnosed with paraproctitis.

By abscess in this figure we mean paraproctitis itself

During the course of the inflammatory process, the appearance of severe pain syndrome is observed. This is because inflammation irritates the nerve endings.

The appearance of acute purulent paraproctitis is observed quite abruptly. At the same time, patients complain of weakness and malaise. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

When paraproctitis appears, pain is observed, which intensifies. At the same time, the anal muscles become overly tense.

Rectal prolapse

Rectal prolapse is a serious pathological process that is accompanied by unbearable pain. Most patients with this disease experience states of shock. Elderly women are at risk for this disease.

The disease occurs due to weak fixation of a certain area of ​​the rectum. At the same time, the nerve endings are pinched, which causes severe pain. In some cases, when this disease appears, there is no pain.

Foreign bodies and neoplasms

In some cases, the appearance of acute pain in the anus is observed when foreign bodies enter it. This is observed if sharp and hard objects enter the rectal area. The most common cause of pain can be fish bone, which passes freely through the digestive tract.

Since the rectum has uneven contours, sharp objects cause injury to the mucous membranes. This is why patients experience acute pain. Against the background of a foreign body, an inflammatory process can develop.

The appearance of pain can be diagnosed in the presence of large objects in the rectal area, which overstretch it, which leads to poor circulation. These are objects that are inserted into the rectum to stimulate the genitals.

During the period of appearance of neoplasms in the rectal area, the appearance of pain, which is acute or chronic, can be diagnosed.


The occurrence of acute pain in the rectal area can be observed against the background of injuries.

The nature of the pain is directly affected by the degree and type of pain:

  1. A bruise usually leads to severe pain, which may intensify. After 5 days it goes away.
  2. Tears and cracks cause sharp and stabbing pain, which is characterized by a high degree of intensity.
  3. Soft tissue injuries in the pelvic area cause severe pain and blood loss. In this case, the patient may experience a state of shock.
  4. Bone fractures cause severe pain that can radiate to other parts of the person's body. The appearance of this symptom is explained by damage to the rectum by broken bones.

Does it happen to a healthy person?

Pain in the rectal area may occur in healthy people. In most cases, pathology appears after anal sex, especially if a variety of sex toys are used.

Minor pain may occur for a short period of time after prolonged sitting.

Pain in the anus in a child

Children may be diagnosed with pain in the anus for a variety of reasons. At long-term constipation Damage to the rectal area may occur, leading to pain.

Feces during diarrhea irritate the rectum. This causes pain. In acute forms of appendicitis in children, the disease is diagnosed. With diseases of the urinary system, children also often experience pain in the rectal area.


To eliminate pain in the anal area, it is necessary to identify and treat the underlying disease that caused its occurrence.

You can also use anti-inflammatory drugs. You can use products in the form of ointments and creams that have an analgesic effect or eliminate inflammation, for example Heparin ointment, Levomekol, Proctosan.

What does pain mean in women?

In the fairer sex, the occurrence of pain in the rectal area can be diagnosed with a variety of diseases genitourinary system.

Quite often the symptom is observed with uterine fibroids, which reach large sizes. If a woman has venereal diseases or an acute illness, this can also cause pain.

Pain during menstruation

Menstruation is a painful process for many women, as it cleanses the uterus. Pain during this period may radiate to the anus.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a change in the shape and size of the pelvis is observed. Against this background, pain appears in the area of ​​the coccyx and anus. During pregnancy, the growing uterus puts pressure on all the pelvic organs. When the nerve endings and blood vessels in the rectal area are compressed, acute pain occurs.

Other symptoms

Pain in the right or left side and radiates to the pelvic area

When pain appears in the left side, which radiates to the anus, one can judge the development of appendicitis. If it is acute, the patient must urgently call ambulance for surgical intervention.

Pain in the side, which radiates to the pelvic area, can be observed with diseases of the stomach or liver.

Hurts during sex

Some patients experience pain in the anal area during sex. This may indicate the development of various sexually transmitted diseases.

When this symptom appears in the fairer sex, one can judge the development of various gynecological diseases. Men quite often experience pain during sex due to prostatitis.

Pain when walking

If a patient experiences pain in the anus when walking, this may indicate the development of hemorrhoids and other proctological diseases.

Ovaries and anus hurt

When the ovaries and anus are painful at the same time, most doctors diagnose women with the development of gynecological diseases. Also, this condition in the fairer sex can be observed against the background of an infectious process.

Stomach hurts and radiates to the anus

Quite often, patients experience stomach pain that radiates to the anus. This condition indicates the appearance of diseases of the digestive tract, for example, stomach ulcers.

Pain in the anus may indicate serious illnesses. That is why, when this pathology appears, the patient needs to mandatory get examined.

The need for this article has been long overdue. She just begs to be on the page. The topic of pain in the anus is so relevant, so necessary, that there is no point in remaining silent. Let's get closer to the topic.

But, dear readers, this article is of a review, abstract nature. Its goal is to orient the patient in his actions. I recommend that anyone interested in their health in this area read thematic articles that reflect the essence of the problem in more detail.

There are quite a few different reasons that can cause pain in the anus.

First, let's highlight the cause of pain in the anus that is not directly related to the anus (anal canal and rectum).

There is such a medical term - proctalgia. It is literally translated as pain in the rectum. This pain is associated with problems in nervous system. Occurs with osteochondrosis of the spine, intervertebral hernias, after stress. Most often, this pain is associated with tension in the levator ani muscle.

In fact, this is some kind of analogue of radiculitis and it is treated in the same way. When starting to treat proctalgia, it is necessary to exclude the presence of other diseases. An examination by a proctologist is mandatory.

Another periodically occurring variant of pain in the anus, weakly associated with the anus itself, is coccydynia– pain in the coccyx area. It can intensify when walking and putting pressure on the tailbone. This disease has many causes, both neurological and various others. Often in the history of coccydynia there are injuries to the coccyx area, sometimes even its fractures. Almost always, pain in the coccyx area was preceded by a fall on the butt.

What to do with coccydynia? Treatment in any case begins after examination by a proctologist. The doctor may prescribe additional x-ray coccyx, recommend examination by other specialists, for example a neurologist. Treatment is mainly physiotherapeutic in nature. Some doctors perform blockades and recommend removing the coccyx, but such manipulations do not significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Now you can get closer to problems directly related to the anal canal and anus.

In first place in terms of frequency of occurrence is haemorrhoids! And there is no escape from this. According to a study conducted by WHO, about 85% of the population periodically experience problems associated with hemorrhoids.

Just a few words about the essence of the disease. During the development of a human embryo, the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus are formed in lower section rectum. Under the influence of certain factors, the veins of these plexuses expand and first internal and then external hemorrhoids are formed. Unfortunately, hemorrhoids can bother not only adults, but also children.

Dear readers, please note that hemorrhoids develop gradually. And you may never notice the onset of the disease. Someday you will notice discomfort in the anus, a feeling of incomplete emptying after stool, and slight itching in the anus. In most cases, these are the initial manifestations of hemorrhoids! Uncomplicated hemorrhoids do not hurt!

Hemorrhoids can hurt in the following cases:

  1. Thrombosis of the external hemorrhoid. In the veins of the external hemorrhoidal plexus, blood coagulates, causing a blood clot and inflammation. This whole thing is starting to hurt. The greater the thrombosis, the stronger the pain.
  2. Prolapse of internal hemorrhoids. The nodes begin to fall out after stool in the third degree. The disease progresses: “bumps” then fall out when walking and with little effort. First they straighten themselves, then you need to straighten them with your hands. Pain during prolapse is usually moderate and goes away after reduction.
  3. Prolapse and thrombosis of internal hemorrhoids. The situation is serious, it hurts very much, requires urgent medical attention and qualified help.

Medicines in the treatment of hemorrhoids are necessary only for the removal inflammatory phenomena. Unfortunately, drug treatment for hemorrhoids does not lead to the disappearance of the disease. Hemorrhoids must be removed. Removal methods vary and correspond to different stages of the disease. We will not consider them here.

The second place among patients seeking treatment is currently occupied by sphincteritis. It has displaced the anal fissure, which is now in third place. Let me explain the essence of such a disease as sphincteritis - this is an inflammation of the structures of the anal canal. I will explain the details and details in another article (I will write a little later).

Sphincteritis itself occurs quite rarely. This requires severe digestive disorders: pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, long-term and persistent gastritis and duodenitis, stool disorders after taking antibiotics, irritable bowel syndrome, severe dysbiosis, infectious diseases and some others pathological conditions. Perhaps we can say that the butt with such diseases does not often bother you and severe pain does not happen often either. With successful treatment of the underlying disease, sphincteritis most often goes away.

But! There is one important BUT. All of the above is true if the patient does not have hemorrhoidal disease! Hemorrhoids are an “interesting” sore. Even doctors rarely pay attention to the very essence of the pathogenesis (development) of this disease. Hemorrhoids lead to hemodynamic disorders (blood stagnation) in the anal canal and nearby organs. This is especially pronounced with a sedentary lifestyle. And as a result of these congestion in the anus, many patients experience inflammation of the anal canal - sphincteritis - even without any digestive disorders. This inflammation is wavy in nature - periodically intensifies and weakens under the influence of many factors.

That is, hemorrhoids themselves tend to lead to inflammation of the anal canal and the appearance of pain, itching, discomfort and other unpleasant sensations. And if stool disorder also occurs (I described the most common reasons above), then the situation becomes quite serious. And therefore, dear readers, you already understand that treating sphincteritis without removing hemorrhoids (if any) is unpromising. So we treat them together, and sometimes in turn.

We get to such an “interesting” disease as anal fissure, which also causes pain in the anus. Why did I put the word interesting in quotes? Yes, because anal fissure is quite difficult to treat. Currently, fissure is the third most common disease that causes pain in the anus.

The fissure is characterized by pain during bowel movements and for some time after it. At first, the pain is mild, and there may be some bleeding. Over time, the pain intensifies and can last for several hours. Blood discharge often decreases. Increased pain is associated with the development of scars around the crack and inflammation. Sentinel tubercles appear outside and inside. These are signs of the transition of an acute anal fissure to the chronic stage.

Chronic anal fissure, as a rule, does not heal with conservative (medicinal) treatment. Medical manipulation is required. The relationship here is simple: the older the crack, the more difficult the manipulation.

A very important point in the treatment of anal fissures: most often they appear in a pathologically changed anal canal against the background of other diseases (hemorrhoids, sphincteritis). It is difficult to treat such cracks.

Kryptit– inflammation of the crypt (exit of the anal gland into the rectum). The pain with cryptitis is intense, associated with stool, sometimes there are mucous or purulent discharge from the anus. The disease is relatively rare and is treated conservatively. I put cryptitis in fourth place only because cryptitis can lead to the next, more common problem.

Paraproctitis and rectal fistula. The diseases are not rare, but they are not that common. Acute paraproctitis – initial stage development of chronic paraproctitis (rectal fistula).

The essence of acute paraproctitis is perfectly described in the book “Fundamentals of Coloproctology” - “acute inflammation of the peri-rectal tissue, caused by the spread of the inflammatory process from the anal crypts and anal glands.” Simply put, pus accumulates in the anal glands. There is a lot of it and it is very “evil”. This pus needs to be released before it causes big trouble.

So, dear patients, if you have swelling, hardening, fever up to 38 degrees or higher, or pain in the anus, then go to a hospital where there is proctology. We'll have to have surgery urgently!

How can a non-specialist distinguish acute paraproctitis from thrombosis of the external hemorrhoid? It's complicated. If you have a high temperature, go to the hospital!

Rectal fistula. Almost always – the next stage of development of acute paraproctitis. The fistula itself does not cause pain; it is a pathological passage between the rectum and the surface of the body near the anus (sometimes quite far away). It happens that the fistula closes for some time (months, years), and then again festeres and behaves like acute paraproctitis. Only the inflammation is not as strong and the pain is less. Fistula can only be treated surgically in a hospital. Subcutaneous fistulas can be opened on an outpatient basis.

Epithelial coccygeal tract or pilonidal sinus. Essentially, this is a narrow cavity in the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx, formed when embryonic development. You can live your whole life with this move and not know about it. If it becomes inflamed, then there are painful sensations in the anus area. But it hurts mainly in the tailbone area, and there is swelling there too. At acute inflammation it needs to be opened urgently. For chronic inflammation - a planned operation in the proctology department.

Stenosis (narrowing) of the anal canal. The essence of the problem is that the anus narrows and makes it difficult for feces to pass through. It goes without saying that bowel movements, especially if the stool is dense, can be painful. This condition can occur after operations on the anus, inflammation (sphincteritis, anal fissure), or with cancer of the anal canal. Children have congenital narrowing. We're talking about adults.

In case of inflammation of the anal canal, anal fissure - treatment of the corresponding disease. For anal cancer, treatment by an oncologist is necessary; timely diagnosis is very important.

Trauma (rupture) of the anal canal. Most often as a result of an accident or sexual activity. The patient’s actions depend on the intensity of the pain: the more painful it is, the faster you seek help. For minor pain, when there is a tear in the skin covering the anal canal (essentially an acute anal fissure), treatment is outpatient. In case of significant ruptures (rupture of the sphincter and even levators), urgent surgical intervention is required in the proctology department.

Anal cancer. The onset of the disease occurs with symptoms such as discomfort, mucus, blood, anal itching. That is, the symptoms are common to various diseases of the rectum and anal canal, so early diagnosis is of primary importance in treating the disease.

Some other diseases may also be accompanied by pain in or near the anus: prostatitis, cysts, teratomas, osteomyelitis and some others. A description of these problems is beyond the scope of this article.

Sincerely, Ilyin Vitaly Arkadevich, proctologist, candidate of medical sciences

Make an appointment

Diseases localized in the anus cause a lot of trouble, especially for men. This delicate problem forces you to endure unbearable pain without going through the doctor.

There are many reasons why pain occurs, as well as their types. The most common is a violation of the local blood supply to blood vessels, which occurs during prolonged sitting.

What else causes discomfort in the anal area and how to deal with it, we will consider further.


It is so arranged by nature that men prefer to endure pain than to go to the doctor. Especially if it concerns such an intimate topic as proctology. For many, the examination is humiliating, although in fact there is nothing shameful in this case. It is the lack of qualified assistance in the early stages of diseases in proctology that entails the development of a host of life-threatening diseases.

Men often wonder why some never encounter proctologists in their lives, while others visit them at least as often as a beer bar. The fact is that there are predisposing factors that give impetus to the development of diseases and pain in the anus. These include:

  • sitting in one place for a long time, which is typical for drivers, programmers and office clerks;
  • sedentary lifestyle life deprived of sports, which contributes to a decrease in muscle tone;
  • poor nutrition, which is dominated by fatty, meat and smoked dishes, contributing to the development of chronic constipation.

It is these three key factors that cause the occurrence of pathologies that cause acute pain in the anus. Let's look at them in more detail.


The rectum is densely entwined with spiral veins, which are presented in the form of nodes. Their inflammation reflects the essence of hemorrhoids. There are many reasons for its development:

  • frequent and prolonged constipation, which causes trauma to the rectal mucosa;
  • a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, which results in increased stagnation of blood in the pelvis and a decrease in metabolic processes;
  • lack of proper hygiene in the anal area, which provokes an inflammatory process;
  • the presence of tumors in the rectum that interfere with the natural passage of feces, irritating the mucous membrane.

There are two types of hemorrhoids:

  1. Internal, when hemorrhoids located directly inside the rectum become inflamed.
  2. External, in which the inflamed nodes come out through the anus, causing unbearable pain.

Type of pain
The pain is sharp, throbbing. It intensifies immediately at the time of defecation and after it.

It may be accompanied by bloody discharge from the anus, which indicates a violation of the integrity of the hemorrhoid.

Localization The source of pain is in close proximity to the anus, but can radiate to the groin, lower abdomen, perineum, tailbone, thigh.

Additional symptoms In addition to pain, hemorrhoids also present themselves with such manifestations as:

  • itching in the anus;
  • a feeling of a foreign body inside the rectum, which is most noticeable when sitting on a hard surface;
  • mucus secretion;
  • bloating;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

In the presence of external hemorrhoids, its presence is visualized during examination by a proctologist. In cases where there is a suspicion that internal hemorrhoids are inflamed, sigmoidoscopy is performed. This type of examination involves inserting a microscopic probe into the rectum to assess the condition of the mucous membrane and identify hemorrhoids. The procedure is unpleasant, but painless.

Treatment In the initial stages of the disease, special rectal suppositories, which relieve inflammation, swelling, pain and burning. Venotonics are also used to help strengthen venous walls, which prevents their protrusion.

In advanced forms, surgical intervention is required when the nodes are completely excised.

Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins

Thrombosis develops when blood flow in the hemorrhoid is impaired. This happens if a person with hemorrhoids continues to sit in one place for a long time, impairing the natural blood flow in the rectum. At the same time, the node itself becomes even more inflamed, acquires a bluish tint, and also interferes with living peacefully.

Type of pain The pain is sharp, shooting, stabbing, dagger-like. It intensifies at the time of defecation, but subsides after.

Localization Anus with radiation to the coccyx and perineum.

Additional symptoms Thrombosis is accompanied by a feeling of fullness from inside the rectum, as well as the appearance of a characteristic pulsation and burning sensation, which is especially pronounced when sitting.

Diagnostics Before internal research rectum, the doctor examines the area around the anus, palpating it. Palpation helps to assess the extent of damage to the node, as well as the need for surgical intervention.

Treatment The most adequate treatment in this case is surgery to excise the affected nodes. It is performed under general anesthesia, which reduces painful manifestations. In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, when there is an assumption of the development of thrombosis, internal applications with venotonic drugs are prescribed, which normalize the outflow venous blood, and also help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

If there is no effectiveness, surgery is the only way to return normal life.

Anal fissure

The rectal mucosa is rich in nerve endings that control the process of bowel movements. In the case when the mucous membrane is damaged, an anal fissure may develop, the causes of which are as follows:

  • frequent constipation, injuring the mucous membrane;
  • ingestion of sharp objects into the intestines along with food;
  • decreased elasticity of connective tissue;
  • insertion of foreign objects into the anus.

Type of pain
The pain is sharp, acute, which gradually turns into spastic. Worsens with defecation.

Severe pain in the anus may subside when lying on your stomach.

Localization It's a dull pain in the anus it is localized at the anus, but can extend to the perineum and groin.

Additional symptoms A crack can also manifest itself with symptoms such as:

  • bleeding after defecation, while the blood is scarlet;
  • swelling of the anus and skin hyperemia;
  • a burning sensation inside the anus and a false urge to defecate.

If an infection occurs, purulent mucus may come out of the anus.

Diagnosis The fissure is visualized during rectal examination.

If its localization is difficult to identify, resort to help hardware research.

Treatment Use wound-healing suppositories, which have a complex effect, relieving pain, tightening the crack site and disinfecting the anus.


This disease is determined by the presence of an inflammatory process in the rectum, which is provoked by several pathogenic factors:

Type of pain
The pain is acute, intense, and intensifies as feces pass through the damaged intestine.

Localization The source of pain is concentrated near the anus, but in the presence of an inflammatory process higher up the intestines, painful sensations can occur in the lower abdomen and in the sacral area.

Additional symptoms Proctitis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bleeding after defecation;
  • sphincter spasms and false urge to defecate;
  • feeling strong burning sensation, which decreases with complete relaxation of the sphincter.

Making a diagnosis is impossible without detailed research which includes:

  1. Visual examination of the anus and rectum, as well as palpation and assessment of sphincter spasm.
  2. A smear for pathogenic microflora from the anus.
  3. Hardware endoscopic examination by inserting a microscope into the rectum.
  4. Biopsy.

To normalize the intestinal microflora, a course of probiotics is prescribed: Linex, Bifiform, Lactiale, Laktofiltrum.


An inflammatory process that involves fatty tissue located on the inner wall of the rectum. Distinctive feature disease is an accession purulent process, as well as hyperemia skin. The cause of the development of the disease is the active proliferation of pathogenic microflora, as well as an advanced inflammatory process caused by bacteria such as:

  • coli;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • actinomycosis;
  • tuberculosis bacillus;
  • clostridia and salmonella.

Risk factors that contribute to the development of paraproctitis are:

  • chronic infections of the digestive tract;
  • hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • stool disorder;
  • decreased local and general immunity.

Type of pain
The pain is aching, spastic, mild.

Accompanied by the release of purulent contents.

Localization: Anal area and perineum.

Additional symptoms Paraproctitis can also provoke severe itching and discharge of ichor from the anus, which is not associated with defecation. The formation of a fistula and the development of a purulent process in it leads to irritation of the rectal mucosa. Symptoms may include:

  • fever and increased temperature;
  • severe burning and itching in the anal area;
  • painful bowel movement.

The diagnosis is made based on the following studies:

  • palpation of the anus;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • fistulography;
  • anoscopy;
  • ultrasonography.

A smear is also examined for pathogenic microflora, assessing the degree of irritation of the rectum. When pus is released, it is also taken for analysis.

Treatment The main task of treatment is to open and drain the purulent focus, which is achieved through surgery.

In parallel, the patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy, which reduces the manifestation of the inflammatory process.

Rectal prolapse

The development of this pathology is directly related to a decrease in the tone of the ligamentous apparatus. More often this pathology occurs in weightlifters, as well as women who have had more than 5-6 births. At increased load Part of the rectum protrudes into the anus, after which it is compressed by the sphincter. The pathology is very life-threatening, requiring immediate surgical intervention.

Type of pain The pain is sharp, dagger-like, shooting, and can provoke the development of a state of shock.

Localization: Anus and lower abdomen.

Additional symptoms The patient may feel an elastic neoplasm in the anal area that pulsates.

In the absence of treatment, the risk of injury to the prolapsed intestine increases, which affects the process of defecation, and also promises the addition of a purulent-inflammatory process.

Diagnostics: Palpate the anus, and if necessary, seek help from sigmoidoscopy.

Treatment Indicated urgently surgery, in which part of the compressed intestine is excised (if destructive and irreversible processes have begun in it), and the rest of the intestine is returned to its usual anatomical position.

Neoplasms and anal cancer

The appearance of neoplasms has practically no prerequisites, but for the rectum, constipation and the presence of chronic inflammatory processes can serve as pathogenic factors. Neoplasms can be of two types:

  1. Benign (polyps) - appear on the mucous membrane of the rectum in the form of seals (nodes) consisting of a clot of connective tissue.
  2. Malignant (cancerous tumors) - appear as a result of the degeneration of healthy cells into cancerous ones.

Type of pain
The danger of this disease is that it is almost impossible to detect early stages. Pain occurs only when the tumor exceeds the size of 10 rubles, putting pressure on the intestinal walls and irritating it.

The pain can be spastic, throbbing, intensifies with defecation, but can go away on its own, masquerading as hemorrhoids.

Localization: Anus and rectum.

Additional symptoms The presence of polyps and cancer is suspected when the patient experiences persistent constipation and loses weight. Appears chronic fatigue and signs of intoxication.

Diagnostics The presence of neoplasms is detected by palpation, as well as during a hardware examination of sigmoidoscopy.

Treatment Surgery is indicated, and in the presence of oncology, chemotherapy is simultaneously administered to help reduce the level of cancer cells and their metastasis.

Helminth infections This is a collective disease that is provoked by worms that live in the human large intestine. They feed on digested food that comes from the stomach, while releasing dangerous toxins - products of their own vital activity.

Toxins along with nutrients are absorbed into the body and spread through the general bloodstream to all organs, causing large-scale intoxication.

Type of pain There is no pain as such, but the patient has a constant feeling of burning, itching and movement in the anal area.

Localization Anus.

Additional symptoms These include manifestations such as:

  • signs of an infectious process with the addition of nausea and vomiting, as well as an increase in temperature;
  • skin rash in the form of small white pimples;
  • frequent constipation and lack of stool for more than 4 days.

Treatment Oddly enough, the fight against helminths is not difficult. The course of treatment is 2-4 days; with the right medicine, relief begins from the first day.

Foreign bodies

Along with food, sharp fish bones, pieces of mussel or shrimp shells, apricot pits, and plums can enter the human body. In the stomach they are enveloped in mucus, but for the intestines, whose lumen is several times smaller, they can cause damage to the mucous membrane.

Type of pain The pain is sharp, aching, spastic, sometimes accompanied strong spasm and pain in the lower abdomen.

Localization: Anus, perineum, lower abdomen and sacrum.

Additional symptoms If the integrity of the mucous membrane is damaged, bleeding occurs, which intensifies with defecation.

Diagnostics The presence of a foreign body in the rectum is quite difficult to determine, so sigmoidoscopy is used, which allows you to track every centimeter of the intestinal mucosa.

Treatment The foreign body is removed by curettage or incision, after which drainage is installed to remove suppuration.

At the same time, powerful antibacterial therapy and a strict diet are prescribed.

Anal injuries

If there are careless movements, falls or accidents, the pelvic area and anus may be injured. The type of pain and its duration directly depends on the type of injury:

  1. Bruise - acute, spastic pain. Peak pain in the first 24 hours after injury. Over the next 3-5 days, the painful sensations gradually fade away.
  2. Violation of the integrity of the anus - the pain is dagger-like, ultra-sharp, and can provoke the development of shock. Accompanied by heavy blood loss.
  3. Fracture of the pelvic bones - the nerve endings of the rectum are pinched, which is accompanied by acute pain.

In what case should you see a doctor immediately?

In a number of situations, medical assistance should be provided as quickly as possible, which will save a person’s life and prevent the disease from worsening. You should not ignore going to the doctor if:

  1. Constipation began to occur more often than 5 times a month.
  2. After defecation, pulsation is noted in the anus.
  3. Pain in the anus occurs with prolonged sitting.
  4. Difficulty defecating, as well as the appearance of scarlet blood or clots in the stool.
  5. Body temperature rises, accompanied by chills.

First aid

In cases where a visit to the doctor is impossible, special rectal suppositories with anesthetic and heparin will help eliminate acute pain. There are a huge variety of them, so choosing will not be difficult.

You should pay attention to nutrition, make the menu more varied, adding high fiber content.

Be sure to watch the following video on the topic


As preventive measures follows:

  • avoid sitting in one place for long periods of time;
  • exercise;
  • give up harmful products, especially fast food;
  • exclude strong physical activity;
  • maintain hygiene and use linen made from natural cotton.

Thus, pain in the anus in men, for which there are many causes, is a consequence of metabolic disorders in the pelvis, which entails the formation of stagnant processes.

In men, treatment proceeds more slowly, since it is the stronger sex who are inclined to delay diagnosis, considering it a humiliating procedure.

Pay attention!

The presence of symptoms such as:

  • bad breath
  • stomach ache
  • heartburn
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • nausea, vomiting
  • belching
  • increased gas formation (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer.

These diseases are dangerous due to the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to


outcome. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their main cause. Read the material...

Pain in the anus is a feeling of discomfort in the anus and rectum. There are many nerve endings here, so ulcers, cracks, growths and other abnormalities in this area are especially painful.

The pain can be caused or intensified by diarrhea, constipation, too hard stools, often accompanied by severe itching and, accordingly, leads to scratching, which irritates the skin and nerve endings.

The main diseases that cause pain in the anus are: hemorrhoids, thrombosis of hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, paraproctitis, and anal canal fissures. Sources of discomfort, sometimes painful, include anal itching. However, many patients put off visiting a doctor about this because of embarrassment.

Remember - there is nothing reprehensible in taking care of your own health, and the lack of treatment selected by a doctor can lead to the development of complications.

Causes of pain in the anus

Why does the anus hurt, and what to do in this case? Pain in the anus is traditionally identified with hemorrhoids. Indeed, hemorrhoids are the most common, but not the only cause of pain in the anus in women and men. In addition to this disease, there are a number of diseases that cause pain in the anus, perineum, and sphincter.

In order to describe all the causes of pain in the anus, we will consider those diseases that provoke pain in this area in men and women:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • proctitis;
  • paraproctitis;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • neoplasms;
  • helminthiases;
  • foreign bodies;
  • injuries.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle can cause pain in the anus in women and men. This phenomenon occurs especially often when professional activities requiring a long stay in sitting position. In such situations, blood circulation in the pelvic area and rectum is disrupted, to which the nerve endings immediately react in the form of dull, weak pain.

Pain in the anus after defecation

Pain after defecation is most likely a manifestation of a fissure in the rectum. In this case, the disease is accompanied by bleeding that occurs from the anus, and spasmodic attacks appear that affect the sphincter. The pain when a crack appears is short-term, but its intensity is high. In most cases, a painful attack lasts about 20 minutes.

Also, pain after bowel movement is sometimes a sign of anal cancer, although this symptom is not the first in this disease.


The pain can be sharp or dull, burning or cutting; worsens during or after defecation. Some people even avoid bowel movements for fear of pain.

Pain in the anus may be accompanied by:

  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • itching;
  • bleeding;
  • abnormal discharge, such as pus;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the rectum, as with hemorrhoids.

After identifying the causes of pain, the doctor will prescribe treatment that relieves discomfort and eliminates the cause.


If there is pain in the anus, the patient needs to consult a coloproctologist. The patient undergoes a full examination to rule out the presence of diseases that manifest as pain in the anus.

A physical examination, examination of the anus, and digital rectal examination are performed. For a detailed examination of the walls of the rectum, sigmoidoscopy is performed. If necessary, irrigoscopy or colonoscopy is performed.


Hemorrhoids are the expansion of the veins of the rectum and the formation of nodes. The disease is very common, affecting up to 10% of the entire adult population. The main causes of hemorrhoids are chronic constipation, standing or sedentary work, sedentary work, heavy physical work, alcohol abuse, frequent use spicy irritating foods, repeated pregnancies.

Internal hemorrhoids may bleed and “fall out” from the anus, but usually do not cause pain. External nodes do not bleed, but can thrombose, at which time severe pain and itching in the anus appear.

Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids

Poor circulation leads to stagnation of blood, enlargement of hemorrhoids, impossibility of their reduction, swelling and pain in the anus. Because of this, after some time a blood clot forms in the node.

Symptoms of acute thrombosis are as follows:

  • very severe pain in the anal area;
  • necrosis of the mucous membrane;
  • bleeding;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • swelling in the anal area.

Anal fissure

An anal fissure is a small tear in the skin in the anus that causes sharp, stabbing pain during bowel movements. The pain is especially excruciating when passing hard stools. An anal fissure is characterized by the release of a small amount of blood in the stool or traces of it on the toilet paper(read more about rectal bleeding).

Often the pain radiates to the sacrum or perineum. An increase in sphincter tone (spasm) contributes to increased pain in the anus. Cracks develop in the presence of enterocolitis, hemorrhoids, sigmoiditis, proctitis.


There is pain in the rectal area, the act of defecation is accompanied by pain, and swelling appears in the area of ​​the buttocks and posterior sphincter. If the abscess is not opened in time, it can break out and lead to the formation of a fistula, and, as a consequence, chronicity of the disease.


Paraproctitis is an inflammatory process in the anus. The disease is caused by microbes that enter through scratching, cracks or other injuries in the anus.

Rectal injuries

May occur due to heavy lifting, constipation, childbirth, falling on a protruding object, improper diagnostic procedures, unconventional sexual contacts, when damaged by bone fragments, the presence gunshot wounds or cut wounds.

Anal cancer

The onset of the disease occurs with symptoms such as discomfort, secretion of mucus, blood, and anal itching. That is, the symptoms are common with various diseases rectum and anal canal, so early diagnosis is of primary importance in treating the disease.

How to treat pain in the anus

Be sure to consult a doctor if:

  • you find dark red or brown bloody discharge from the anus;
  • stools are tarry, black or rust-colored;
  • you have a family history of colon or rectal cancer;
  • the pain is severe or lasts more than a week.

Determining the cause of the disease is important for choosing further tactics for treating pain in the anus in a woman or man. A timely diagnosis will allow you to prescribe etiotropic drugs that help eliminate the cause of the disease. These could be:

  • drugs that affect the condition of the veins,
  • antibiotics,
  • hemostatic agents,
  • antiplatelet and other agents.

Treatment tactics are determined by the doctor and depend on the disease associated with pain syndrome.

What are the causes of pain in the anus?

Rectum and anus - final section digestive system. There are many pathologies of the anus that can be accompanied by pain.

Pain in the anus- a symptom that most often causes great suffering and inconvenience to a person. But some patients do not visit the doctor for a long time because of embarrassment, confidence that they themselves can cope symptom, or for other reasons.

However, it is worth remembering that pain in the anus is most often a sign of a disease of the rectum or anus that needs treatment. Often, it is possible to eliminate pathology and pain only after the doctor examines and understands the causes of the pain.

Can it occur in healthy people? There are only two known situations when pain in the anus is not associated with any pathologies:1. Some people experience it after sitting on a hard chair for a long time. This phenomenon is quite common, especially among those who work in an office while sitting most of the day.

The second reason is spasm of the muscles that are located around the anus. This phenomenon occurs at night, mainly in adolescence. In old age, this symptom completely disappears.

What kind of pain could it be?

In order to put correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment, the doctor needs to know everything about the pain that bothers him.

Pain in the anus

and rectum are usually divided into acute and chronic:

Acute pain in the anus develops within a short time, and usually passes just as quickly;

Chronic pain in the anus is usually milder, but it bothers the patient for a long time.

By their nature, pain sensations can be stabbing, cutting, pulling, aching, etc. This makes it possible to draw preliminary conclusions regarding what kind of rectal disease is occurring in this case.

In addition, before conducting instrumental examinations and laboratory tests, assessing the symptoms associated with pain, which may indicate a particular disease, helps to establish a preliminary diagnosis.

Causes of acute pain in the anusAcute anal fissure

Acute pain in the anus may be a symptom

anal fissure

In this case, unlike hemorrhoids, severe pain occurs in the anus in the anus, and not in upper sections rectum.

The cause of pain in this disease is the formation of a defect in the mucous membrane in the anus. The causes of a crack can be:

  • passage through the rectum hard stool and, as a result, her injuries;
  • frequent constipation;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • traumatization by foreign bodies, for example, fish bones.

When cracks occur, strong and sharp pains in the anus, usually directly during the act of defecation. They are so pronounced that patients often cry out, and bowel movements themselves become difficult.

The mucous membrane of the rectum is rich in nerve endings, so with an anal fissure the pain is not only very strong, but can also spread to the sacrum, perineum, and other areas of the pelvis. In this case, there are disturbances in urination and menstruation in women.

The source of pain is usually easily identified during an examination by a doctor. Acute anal fissures rarely require surgical treatment. Often the pathology goes away on its own, various creams, ointments, and suppositories help. Sometimes the pathology develops into chronic form.


is one of the most common causes of acute pain in the anus. This pathology is associated with an increase in size, thrombosis and inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins, which in large quantities located around the rectum and anus.

Often pain is not the first symptom of hemorrhoids. For a long time, the patient has been bothered by itching and discomfort in the rectum. And later pain may occur.

Often there is simultaneously pain, itching and burning in the anus. At the same time, during defecation, drops of blood are released from the rectum along with feces; in the later stages, the patient can independently detect the prolapsed nodes and push them back into the rectum.

Sometimes patients with hemorrhoids are bothered by sudden stabbing pains in the anus. They can be very strong and cause considerable suffering. And sometimes the pain syndrome is mild and chronic, disturbing the patient almost constantly.

Particularly severe acute pain in the anus occurs during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. In this case, hemorrhoids increase in size, swell, turn red, and sometimes can partially become dead.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids

One of the options for exacerbation of hemorrhoids, when blood clots form inside the hemorrhoids and blood flow is disrupted. In this case, a pronounced pain syndrome occurs, the patient feels distension, as if there is some kind of foreign body in his rectum.

It is characteristic that with thrombosis of hemorrhoids, pain in the anus can be shooting, pulsating, and often very strong.

Strangulation of the hemorrhoidal node

At the same time hemorrhoidal node falls out of the rectum and is pinched in the anal ring. Severe pain occurs in the anus, the node becomes red and swollen,

temperature rises

body, constipation is noted.

Acute proctitis

is an acute inflammatory process in the rectal mucosa. The most important symptom of this pathology is acute pain in the anus, which can be stabbing, cutting, shooting, accompanied by general malaise and increased body temperature.

In acute proctitis, pain in the rectum is usually accompanied by the discharge of blood and pus from the anus during defecation. Acute proctitis can go away completely or transform into chronic process, while the patient begins to be bothered by chronic pain syndrome.


The human rectum is surrounded by fatty tissue, which fills the pelvic cavity. As is known, adipose tissue particularly susceptible to inflammatory processes. In this case, purulent inflammation of the peri-rectal tissue will be called paraproctitis.

A particularly pronounced pain syndrome is caused by the inflammatory process that occurs directly under the mucous membrane of the rectum. In this case, inflammatory agents have a strong irritating effect on numerous nerve endings.

Acute purulent paraproctitis begins very violently. The patient experiences weakness, malaise, and his body temperature rises. There is severe pain in the anus, which intensifies over time. During defecation, sharp pain in the anus causes severe pain to the patient, makes him cry out, leads to severe tension of the anal muscles and constipation.

Paraproctitis is treated with antibiotics and surgery. Painkillers and suppositories with anesthetics are prescribed. If left untreated, the pathology becomes chronic, the pain becomes less intense, dull, and aching. Fistulas may form on the skin near the anus, releasing pus.

Rectal prolapse

This is a pathology during which such severe and sharp pain in the anus can occur that it leads to shock.

In most cases, rectal prolapse occurs in older and older women who have had many pregnancies. During this condition, a certain area of ​​the rectal mucosa becomes so weakly fixed inside that it falls out and is pinched in the anus. In this case, the nerve endings located in the intestine are pinched, which leads to very strong and sharp pain.

Sometimes, with rectal prolapse, there may be no pain at all. This condition is even more dangerous. By the time pain occurs, the prolapsed section of the rectum will already be so compressed that it may die.

Prolapse of the rectum and the appearance of sharp pain in the anus are indications for emergency surgery.

Rectal polyps

A polyp is a benign neoplasm that can be located on the mucous membrane or on the skin almost anywhere. Often polyps are found in the lumen of the rectum. Here they serve as sources of acute pain in the anus, and the release of a certain amount of blood during defecation. Sometimes constipation can also develop due to polyps. The rest of the time they do not manifest themselves in any way.

Often polyps are detected by a proctologist during a digital examination of the rectum. They are almost always treated surgically.


With helminthiasis, pain in the rectum and anus can be combined with the following symptoms:

In most cases, after helminthiasis is cured, pain and other listed symptoms immediately disappear. Foreign bodies of the rectum Sometimes acute pain in the anus is a consequence of foreign bodies entering it. This is especially true for hard and sharp objects. Most shining examplefish bone, which is able to freely pass through the entire intestine, but causes problems specifically in the rectum due to the uneven contours of the mucous membrane of the latter. A sharp object injures the mucous membrane, leading to acute pain of varying intensity, and in the future can cause purulent inflammation.

They can also lead to quite severe pain. large objects, which stretch the anus and disrupt blood circulation in it. These can be various objects inserted into the rectum through the anus to stimulate the genitals.

Large helminths can also act as foreign bodies.

Anal sex Statistics show that during anal sex, the partner (passive partner) often experiences discomfort and pain in the rectum. Sometimes they are just unpleasant sensations. And in some cases they can become a sign of injury caused during sexual intercourse, for example, rupture of the mucous membrane. Additional feature is the blood that begins to flow from the anus. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination.
Anal injuries

Acute pain in the anus is caused by various

The severity of pain depends on the degree and type of damage:

As a rule, there is an acute dull ache, which subsequently intensifies slightly, and then completely disappears within 3–5 days.

With ruptures and formation of cracks in the rectal mucosa, the pain is stabbing, cutting in nature, and more intense.

With injuries to the soft tissues of the pelvis, including the rectum, there is very severe pain, blood loss, to the point that the victim may fall into a state of shock.


In the pelvic bones, severe pain occurs, which radiates to the rectum, perineum, legs, and stomach. There is always the possibility that broken pelvic bones or their fragments have damaged the rectum, so X-rays are always taken after such injuries.

Chronic pain in the anus Malignant tumors of the rectum and anus

Malignant neoplasms in the anus give a very pronounced pain syndrome. Many shapes

develop asymptomatically for many years. But it is extremely rare to encounter patients in whom rectal tumors do not produce any symptoms at all.

More often clinical picture Pain in the anus as a result of the oncological process is quite typical:

Impurities appear in the early stages

blood in stool

As a rule, pain in the anus begins to be felt at the same time during bowel movements.

Gradually, pain in the anus begins to be permanent. They can be stabbing, pulling, accompanied by burning or itching, or have a different character.

Subsequently, the pain spreads to neighboring areas. May bother you

pain in the lower abdomen

In the iliac region.

It is worth noting that constant pain in the anus, although characteristic of malignant tumors of the rectum, does not allow us to judge the stage and degree of neglect of the disease. Even if the patient experiences severe pain in the rectum, the tumor may be small in size, occur without metastases, and can be completely treated. And sometimes, with a mild pain syndrome, there are already pronounced disorders.

Chronic anal fissure

This pathology most often develops against the background of an acute anal fissure, for which there was no treatment. In this case, the pain becomes less intense, occurs during bowel movements, and a small amount of blood is released simultaneously with the stool.

The chronic nature of pain is due to the following mechanism:

  • the presence of a crack leads to pain;
  • as a result, there is severe tension in the muscles of the anus;
  • the spasmed muscles of the anus further stretch the fissure, resulting in increased pain.

A kind of vicious circle is formed. Chronic anal fissure is a disease that never goes away on its own. Therefore, it absolutely requires treatment. Chronic paraproctitis Chronic paraproctitis is a chronic inflammatory lesion fatty tissue located around the rectum. It is characterized by less intense pain, compared to acute paraproctitis. The following accompanying symptoms may occur:

  • pain is localized mainly in one place, here under the skin there is swelling, which can be expressed to varying degrees;
  • fistulas can form on the skin: during an exacerbation they open and pus is released from them, and then, during a period of remission, they close again;
  • There may be a constant slight malaise, a slight increase in body temperature (most often within 37oC).

Chronic paraproctitis can only be cured surgically. Cryptitis, papillitis Papillitis and cryptitis are inflammatory diseases of certain areas of the rectal mucosa. These pathologies, in addition to pain in the anus, are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain that occurs or intensifies during bowel movements;
  • a feeling of discomfort in the rectum, which may be constant or intermittent;
  • Sometimes there may be a sensation of a foreign body or a burning sensation in the rectum.

Anal itching


- Very unpleasant disease which causes great suffering to patients. There is a constant feeling of itching in the anal area. As the patient scratches the skin, pain in the anus occurs,


and inflammatory processes. As a result, anal itching can provoke the development of hemorrhoids or anal fissure.

Pain in the anus during pregnancy

Pain in the anus, which occurs in women during


Firstly, pain can be triggered by the pregnancy itself. Increased in size

compresses all neighboring organs, including the rectum, their vessels and nerves. At the same time, periodic constipation develops due to the fact that it is much more difficult for feces to pass through the compressed rectum. This further intensifies the discomfort.

In addition, during pregnancy, the shape and size of a woman’s pelvis and the relative position of bones and ligaments change to a certain extent. This leads to pain in the tailbone and anus.

If a woman has ever had injuries or undergone operations in the anal area, then during pregnancy they make themselves felt.

Pain in the anus during pregnancy can be acute or constant, have different character. In most cases, they do not pose any threat to the health of the mother and fetus. In most cases, small discharges of blood accompanying pain during bowel movements in pregnant women are also not dangerous.

However, such symptoms may indicate the possibility of a threatened miscarriage and a lack of microelements in the body of the mother and fetus.

In what other pathologies does pain radiate to the anus?

There are a number of diseases in which it is not the rectum that is affected, but neighboring organs.

But at the same time the pain radiates to the anus.


A pathology that is quite common among older men. Many people are familiar with its symptoms, such as difficulty

frequent urination

Erectile dysfunction. Men often report complaints of discomfort in the anus. When the patient sits on a chair, it seems to him that there is a small dense ball under him. Sometimes there is nagging pain in the anus.

If you compare the symptoms from the anus and other characteristic symptoms of prostatitis, the diagnosis becomes extremely clear.

Acute appendicitis

Everyone knows that when


pain usually occurs in the right side. But this doesn't always happen. The appendix - a vermiform appendix - can have a different location, and therefore pain can occur in different places, including in the anus. They are acute, strong, accompanied by all the characteristic signs (fever, diarrhea, constipation,

nausea and vomiting

If there is severe pain in the anus, a professional doctor will be able to quickly conduct an examination and suspect a surgical pathology.

Diseases of the genital organs

With testicular diseases in men, pain often radiates to the anus. At the same time, they help make the correct diagnosis additional symptoms: the scrotum becomes swollen, red, marked

testicular pain

May suffer general condition patient.

Women with gynecological diseases often experience pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the rectum and anus. A thorough medical examination and additional methods research.

Diseases of the urinary systemBladder

is located in close proximity to the rectum. Therefore, in such pathologies as

Stones or tumors of the bladder, pain also radiates to the anus.

Sexually transmitted diseases

In some cases, pain in the rectum accompanies

sexually transmitted diseases

Most often these are acute pains, which can have varying strength and character. At the same time, sexual


may be suspected based on one of the following signs:

  • redness, rash, itching in the genital area and anus;
  • promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • difficulty urinating in men;
  • cloudiness, various impurities in the urine;
  • increased body temperature, general malaise;
  • pathological leucorrhoea in women;
  • pain in the penis in men.

Treatment of pain in the anus

Of course, in order to combat pain in the anus, you first need to identify and treat the underlying disease that caused it. As symptomatic remedies may be used:

Rectal suppositories with anesthetics,

anti-inflammatory drugs

Creams and ointments, also with painkillers or medicinal substances that inhibit the inflammatory process.

In addition, you need to fight constipation, avoid eating spicy foods, maintain careful hygiene of the anal area, and follow some other recommendations.

Prevention and treatment of pain in the anus in pregnant women Pregnant women suffering from pain in the anus and bleeding during bowel movements can be given the following recommendations:

  • fight against constipation;
  • sleep predominantly on your side rather than on your back - this will prevent the pregnant uterus from squeezing the rectum, its vessels and nerves;
  • Warm baths in the evenings will be helpful;
  • You should spend less time lying and sitting during the day - lie more on your side.

Of course, if symptoms occur, even if they are not accompanied by any other pathological changes, you should immediately consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

ATTENTION! The information posted on our website is for reference or popular information and is provided to a wide range of readers for discussion. Prescription of medications should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, based on the medical history and diagnostic results.

Pain in the anus is the main companion of proctological diseases. It is an indicator that the health in this area is not all right. In order to accurately determine the cause of pain in the anus, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis of the body by specialized doctors in order to find out what disorders led to pain in the anus.

Under no circumstances should you ignore pain in the anal area - this can lead to the disease becoming chronic and further treatment may be delayed.

Features of the structure of the rectum

The rectum is the end of the digestive tract - it is through this intestine that undigested food remains exit. This is very important function, since slags and other waste products come out along with these residues. The structure of the rectum has its own characteristics due to the performance of such an important function.

The place where feces exit is a dense muscle ring - sphincter. It is located at the very end of the anus and is responsible for the direct removal of feces. During the act of defecation, the walls of the rectum tense, and the sphincter opens, which ensures the movement of feces outward.

In order for feces to move through the rectum, its walls have ribbed folds, which push the feces towards the sphincter. In addition, the rectum itself is positioned as if in a spiral, which further enhances the push and improves the movement of feces. The rectum is also rich in glands that produce mucus - it serves to facilitate the movement of feces, reduce tension in the rectum and reduce its trauma.

Causes of pain in the anus

Pain in the anus is traditionally identified with hemorrhoids. Indeed, hemorrhoids are the most common, but not the only cause of pain in the anus. There are a number of diseases that cause pain in the anus, perineum, and sphincter. In order to describe all the causes of pain in the anus, we will consider those diseases that provoke pain in this area.

Submucosal abscess of the rectum (submucosal paraproctitis) – This inflammatory disease fiber. The cause of such an abscess is an infection that begins to rapidly multiply, provoking an inflammatory process and suppuration of the tissue. As the process worsens, an abscess forms under the mucous membrane of the rectum. Symptoms of paraproctitis are as follows:

  • general malaise;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fatigue, muscle aches;
  • headache;
  • moderate pain in the rectal area, aggravated by defecation;
  • if the abscess is opened, purulent contents will be released from the anus.

In the treatment of this disease great success have conservative methods, since the submucosal abscess is characterized by a tendency to self-heal. In severe cases, when the patient feels severe pain and the purulent discharge does not drain, surgical treatment is necessary. It consists of opening the abscess and draining it purulent cavity. If patients seek medical help in a timely manner, they recover quickly; the rehabilitation period after such an operation is four weeks.

Subcutaneous paraproctitis– inflammatory disease of subcutaneous fat. Most often it is localized near the anus. The disease has a pronounced picture, since it very quickly passes into the acute stage and does not allow the patient to self-medicate. However, when provided with qualified medical care, subcutaneous paraproctitis does not pose a particular danger. Symptoms of subcutaneous paraproctitis:

  • temperature rise to high levels;
  • chills, joint pain, loss of appetite, muscle pain;
  • very strong throbbing pain in the anus, which constantly increases;
  • redness of the skin in the anus;
  • soreness when touched.

Acute thrombosis hemorrhoids - the disease can be either primary or secondary, i.e. a consequence of organ dysfunction for other reasons. Doctors note that the root cause of thrombosis of hemorrhoids lies in a spasm of the anal sphincter, due to which circulatory disorders occur. This leads to stagnation of blood, enlargement of hemorrhoids, impossibility of their reduction, swelling and pain in the anus. Because of this, after some time a blood clot forms in the node - a small, dense formation located under the skin. Symptoms of acute thrombosis are as follows:

  • severe pain in the anal area;
  • possible prolapse of dark red hemorrhoids;
  • necrosis of the mucous membrane;
  • bleeding;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • swelling in the anal area.

Inflammation of hemorrhoids. The presence of hemorrhoids often threatens their inflammation, especially when the disease is not treated or due to provoking factors. Most often, inflammation occurs due to prolonged straining during defecation, when the anus is injured by feces, or when an infection occurs. Quite often, hemorrhoids become inflamed in pregnant women, in those who spend a lot of time doing sedentary work, perform heavy physical labor, are overweight, etc. Symptoms of inflammation of hemorrhoids are quite pronounced, so making a diagnosis is not difficult. These symptoms include:

  • prolapse of the inflamed node;
  • very severe pain in the anus;
  • the appearance of unbearable itching and burning;
  • discomfort, foreign body sensation;
  • the appearance of blood during bowel movements.

Anal fissure– a common disease characteristic of middle-aged and young women. Anal fissures occur due to mechanical damage sphincter, frequent constipation with the formation of hard feces. Also, changes in the mucous membrane, neuromuscular defects, etc. can lead to injuries to the anus. Not the least of the causes of anal fissure is unconventional sexual intercourse. Symptoms of anal fissure:

  • cutting pain during bowel movements;
  • sphincter spasm;
  • minor bleeding;
  • itching in the anus during the healing stage of the fissure.

Rectal cancer. The appearance of a cancerous tumor in the inner layer of the rectum also provokes pain in the anus. Reasons for appearance cancerous tumors have not been fully studied, but at the present stage doctors see heredity among the main factors in the appearance of a tumor, bad habits, eating excessively fatty, spicy foods, obesity, working in hazardous industries.

The symptoms of rectal cancer are not always pronounced, so patients are in no hurry to visit a doctor. The most typical symptoms for colorectal cancer are:

  • abdominal pain;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • burning and throbbing pain in the anus;
  • anemia;
  • scarlet blood in stool;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • incontinence of feces and gases;
  • bloating;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • discharge of mucus and pus;
  • itching in the perineum;
  • weight loss;
  • erosion of the anus in the anus area;
  • weakness.

Sitting on a hard surface for long periods of time naturally causes unpleasant, painful sensations even in healthy people. This is due to the fact that the hard surface does not allow proper blood circulation and muscle relaxation. As a result of this, people notice stiffness in the buttocks, pain in the lower back, and pain in the anus. Usually, after the body position changes and motor activity appears, the pain disappears.

Rectal injuries may occur due to heavy lifting, constipation, during childbirth, falling on a protruding object, improper diagnostic measures, injury from bone fragments (for example, a pelvic fracture), incised wounds, gunshot wounds, non-traditional sexual contacts. The peculiarity of these injuries is that they quickly become infected and can affect nearby tissues and organs. Symptoms of rectal injuries:

  • acute pain in the anus;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bleeding;
  • bloating;
  • prolapse of intestinal loops;
  • sepsis;
  • damage to the anus.

Rectal muscle spasms, called proctalgia, are difficult to treat due to the fact that their causes have still not been established. In practice, it is noted that proctalgia is more common in persons suffering from mental illness, emotional imbalance, and suspiciousness. The pain occurs at night, it is pulsating or aching in nature, the strength of the painful sensations varies from person to person. Usually the pain intensifies when sitting, and when the person stands it weakens. Often, a history of rectal trauma, genital surgery, etc. may be present.

Rectal abscess arises from the following reasons: non-compliance with rules intimate hygiene, traumatic manipulations in the anus, hemorrhoids, fissures. The disease begins small - the patient only needs to scratch the healing anal fissure for the infection to penetrate inside and spread throughout the rectum. The main symptoms of rectal abscess:

  • throbbing pain in the anus;
  • pain when touched;
  • leakage of purulent contents;
  • complaints of a foreign body in the anus;
  • externally, an abscess in the anus is manifested by a hyperemic oval swelling;
  • symptoms of intoxication are fever, chills, muscle pain, weakness, vomiting and fever.

Sexually transmitted diseases can also cause pain in the anus. Usually the pain is localized in the genital area, but in severe cases it also radiates to the anus. This is especially noted in women due to the proximity of the anus and vagina. Patients suffering from this defect experience burning, itching, and swelling both in the genitals and in the anus. Ulcers, condylomas, rashes, redness may appear - all these symptoms are reinforced vivid symptoms primary illness.

Rectal prolapse occurs most often in older women who have had many pregnancies. Age-related changes contribute to atrophy of the muscles that support internal organs, as a result of which the rectum, or rather part of it, appears outside the body. This condition causes severe shock in patients, since when the sphincter is compressed, the nerve endings are pinched and patients feel severe pain. If the prolapse is not corrected in time, tissue necrosis may occur and part of the organ will have to be removed. Emergency surgery is undertaken to treat this condition.

Pain in the anus in a child

If a child complains of pain in the anus, then the following options should be considered:

  • constipation – if a child has formed hard stools that cause discomfort during bowel movements, then in some cases the baby may simply refuse to go to the toilet. If there is an urge to defecate, the child will endure the situation and continue to go about his business. Meanwhile, his body will be poisoned by waste products, and further bowel movements will be even more painful.
  • helminths - dirty food, dirty hands - the main causes of helminthiasis in children. Parents often cannot keep track of what their baby puts in their mouth, so if the rules are not followed basic hygiene children become victims of helminths. The pain from helminths intensifies at night, when the child should be sleeping. Due to the fact that worms or pinworms annoy him, the child sleeps restlessly, twists his legs, wakes up and cries.
  • cracks in the anus - occur as a result of constipation or swallowed small particles - toys, buttons, etc. Children tend to taste everything they can get their hands on, so foreign bodies gastrointestinal tract come up quite often. Having overcome all the paths, the foreign body can stop at the exit due to the fact that the sphincter muscles are quite powerful. Therefore, foreign bodies with hard, sharp edges can cause injury to both the walls of the rectum and the anus.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of diseases is carried out on the basis of anamnesis and a number of instrumental studies. Palpation does not always achieve the desired results due to severe pain in this area. In order to examine the rectal cavity, a sigmoidoscope is used. Using this device, you can penetrate deep into the rectum and, with a light source located at the end of the device, display an image on the monitor screen. Ultrasound, radiographic examination, and a standard package of clinical tests are also used to diagnose diseases.

Conservative methods have great success in the treatment of rectal diseases. They are used for submucosal abscess, subcutaneous abscess, at the initial stage of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, helminthiasis, constipation. Prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, restorative therapy, physiotherapy (baths, warming up, physical therapy).

More serious illnesses, such as rectal cancer, acute paraproctitis, rectal prolapse, acute thrombosis, only require surgical treatment. Treatment tactics depend on the patient’s condition, causes of the disease, etc. Rehabilitation after surgical treatment usually lasts from one to one and a half months.

Which doctor should I contact?– proctologist, sometimes you may need to consult a venereologist or traumatologist.

If there is pain in the anus, the causes in women, as a rule, are the development of inflammatory processes and may be more serious than it seems at first glance. But at the same time, both women and men, before seeing a doctor, use a lot of methods, self-medicating, which, as a rule, does not lead to anything good. That is, then you still have to seek qualified help. Fortunately, damage to the anus is not always so serious. Majority anal symptoms are curable, the main thing is to seek help in time.

1 The structure of the rectum

The digestive system, as you know, has an ending - this is the rectum, through which undigested food in the form of residues (feces) is excreted. Its structure is adapted for this, and the anus is surrounded by a muscle sphincter, that is, a sphincter. At the moment of emptying, the muscles of the lining of the walls of the rectum in women and men tense, and the sphincter opens. Immediately, due to the occurrence of force, the feces are pushed out. In this case, the fecal lump can be of different densities: from soft consistency to hard feces. To prevent the dense lump from injuring the rectum when it comes out, there are special spiral folds on its walls. As a result, the feces are not just squeezed out, but seem to be screwed out. The rectum itself has a huge amount different glands. They produce a special lubricant in the form of mucus, which reduces the likelihood of injury to the rectum during bowel movements.

Here, under the mucous layer of the rectum, there are venous plexuses known as hemorrhoidal veins. Their main function- ensure general blood flow directly into the vena cava, without entering the liver. This structural feature venous system The rectum has long been used in medicine. After all, this is why substances from ointments and suppositories, after being introduced into the rectum, do not enter the liver, but act directly on the affected area, which is why this method for treating rectal injuries is considered more effective than injection drugs.

But pain in the anus is not only pain in the area of ​​the opening, it is pain that can manifest itself in any part of the body. It all depends on which part is affected and which tissues are damaged. In addition, there are a number of diseases that cause pain in the anus.

2 Provoking diseases

Pain in the anus, in the rectum, which intensifies at the time of bowel movement, indicates that the wall of the rectum has a crack - it makes itself felt during the act of defecation. Most likely, the rectal mucosa is damaged. This happens after excessive stretching of the tissue at the moment of pushing out a dense lump of feces. Sometimes the walls of the rectum can be damaged by foreign objects that enter the digestive tract with food, are not digested and are expelled. These can be all kinds of seeds (from cherries, plums, etc.) or even seed husks. That is, this once again suggests that when eating food, especially fruits, you should under no circumstances eat them with seeds, and crack the seeds together with the peel.

Also, the cause of pain can be called systematic diarrhea, or diarrhea. It is necessary to immediately establish the cause of debilitating diarrhea and do everything possible to stop the diarrhea, and then begin treating the inflamed area in the anus. If the pain is accompanied by diarrhea, the cause may be colitis or diverticulitis, a polyp or tumor.

If the sensation of pain in the anus does not disappear for a long time, but increases at the time of defecation, this means that the resulting crack, which has a chronic form, has worsened.

Unlike regular hemorrhoids, the pain resulting from a fissure is more intense. In some cases, it is oppressive in nature, which can even cause screaming. Because of this, there is an involuntary delay in emptying, which is the first stage of constipation. True, in the presence of a fissure, sometimes there is no pain in the anus. This usually occurs with a long-term illness.

In some cases, when women experience pain in the anus, they complain of discomfort in the sacrum and perineum, which affects the normal functioning of the genitourinary system. As a result, urination becomes difficult, and some women experience menstrual irregularities.

In addition, pain in the anus is a clear companion and provocateur of angina attacks. In the case of long-term damage to the rectal mucosa, pain affects the nerve endings, which becomes the direct cause of the duration of spasms of the anal sphincter muscles. Such sensations can last for a very long time. Sometimes attacks of pain last for several hours, and in some cases, sensations of squeezing and acute pain can accompany the woman until the next act of excreting feces.

Some diseases of the digestive tract can also cause pain in the anus in women and men.

In other words, everything repeats itself again and again: the cycle of pain does not stop, but only intensifies, because the irritation that appears in the form of a crack provokes sharp pain. And the pain, in turn, leads to spasms of the anal muscles, which only intensifies the pain syndrome, becoming unbearable.

3 Types of symptoms

Pain due to rectal fissures has 3 types of symptoms:

  • unbearable pain in the anus during evacuation;
  • the appearance of pain as a result of impact on the muscles, which leads to spasm of the sphincters of the anus;
  • slight secretion of mucus through the anus, with minor admixtures of blood.

Rectal fissures come in the following sizes:

  • crack length from 1 to 1.5 cm;
  • the width of the damage reaches 3 - 5 mm;
  • the depth of damaged tissue varies from 2 to 3 mm.

However, they most often appear on the back of the rectal wall, very rarely they can appear on the anterior wall of the anal canal and almost never appear on all walls at the same time. If damage to the walls, cracks and wounds appear extensively, this indicates damage to the anus throughout the entire area, that is, a more serious disease. Most often, this picture is observed in cases of development oncological diseases rectum.

4 Signs of cancer

Cancer is a disease that does not go away without symptoms. Especially if we're talking about about anal cancer. The very first and serious sign, which is impossible not to pay attention to, is the release of feces along with blood impurities of a bright scarlet color. The presence of feces in the blood should always be alarming.

The second, no less serious symptom of rectal cancer is severe pain in the anus. In this case, the pain appears at the moment of emptying, does not subside for a long time, but only intensifies, gradually becoming constant. In some cases, an unbearable pain sensation radiates to the genitals, extends to the hips and bottom part belly.

Fortunately, such symptoms do not always indicate the presence of an advanced form malignant neoplasm. The main sign of an advanced form of rectal cancer is severe pain and bleeding.

5 Hard chair

Not always pain in the perineum, pain in the rectum in the anal area indicates that it is cancer. Some patients suffer from pain as a result of prolonged emptying of hard stools.

Pain may also occur due to a bruise of the perineum. This may include reasons such as a fall, injury or a strong blow.

Pain also appears during muscle spasms in the rectum. In proctology, this type of spasm is called fugue. At the same time, their distinguishing feature the fact that such a spasm occurs mainly in adolescence and only during the night period, when a person is at rest. As for older people, in this case fugue attacks are not observed.

6 Dangerous diseases

But there is more serious illnesses which are obvious reason pain in the anus:

  • abscesses;
  • the presence of a sexually transmitted disease.

In addition, pain appears due to rectal prolapse. This happens mainly in older women who have had more than 3 births.

7 Hemorrhoids

Acute pain in the anus occurs due to thrombosis or as a consequence of the inflammatory process of hemorrhoids.

The main causes of hemorrhoids are:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • eating spicy foods;
  • systematic constipation;
  • pregnancy and childbirth.

Main symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  1. Hemorrhoids usually develop very quickly. The main symptom is the rate of increase in pain, and in some cases the pain can be unbearable. It intensifies at the time of emptying, while walking and even in a sitting or lying position.
  2. Poor health, increased body temperature and the occurrence of dihedral disorder.
  3. The hemorrhoidal node (or nodes) swells as a result of inflammation, its structure becomes tense. In this case, the hemorrhoidal node increases in size, falls out, and is simultaneously pinched by the muscles of the rectum, that is, the sphincter, which can lead to necrosis of the node.

8 Subcutaneous paraproctitis and abscess

Subcutaneous paraproctitis is suppuration that occurs under the skin on one or both sides of the anus.

The disease develops quickly and immediately becomes acute. A fever appears, a person may feel chills, and in some cases intoxication begins to develop. In this case, the pain in the anus increases every minute and becomes unbearable at the time of defecation.

An abscess is not a direct abscess, but a submucosal one that forms in the rectum. This disease is considered very rare. Usually abscesses are subcutaneous-submucosal, as they are located at the very edge of the anal entrance to the rectum. In this case, patients experience a dull aching pain in the area of ​​the rectum and in the anus itself, which intensifies when feces are removed. Sometimes an abscess is accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature and malaise.

When examining a patient with this type of disease, the doctor can easily determine the presence of an abscess. This disease is characterized by the fact that the anus does not visually change. But upon digital examination, lumpy changes are revealed on the walls of the rectum at the very edge of the anus. When palpated, they are painful. The initial stage of the abscess is increased density compactions, the second stage is a softer tissue, but with severe pain when groping.

Unfortunately, many women, due to inattention or excessive shyness, do not take pain in the anus seriously. Some of them are ashamed to see a doctor with similar problem, and some simply do not know which specialist should be contacted if pain suddenly appears in the anus.

Thinking that everything will go away on its own, or self-medicating, is a big mistake, which will later be too late to correct.

Do not self-medicate, put aside everything and consult a proctologist who will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Each body is individual, and it is impossible to find out why the butt hurts in each individual case without examination. But we can identify the main causes of pain in the tailbone and buttocks:

  • Poor posture;
  • Injuries;
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • Damage to the hip joint;
  • Due to inflammatory processes of the ligaments on the buttocks;
  • Consequence of an injection if it was inserted into the muscle incorrectly.

Thin people usually experience unpleasant sensations when the buttock hurts, and this primarily applies to female representatives. And this is connected with insufficient quantity muscle mass.

Sometimes its loss occurs due to illness, or sudden weight loss after dieting. And then, even sitting on a hard surface for a short period of time will cause painful and unpleasant sensations.

The surest way to get rid of this problem is to build muscle mass in your buttocks. This will require regular training and a protein diet. Although this will take a lot of time.

Therefore, in order not to endure the inconvenience and not experience constant discomfort due to pain in the buttocks when sitting, some use special underwear.

Since the underwear contains special inserts, they will soften the contact of the buttocks with the surface.

Carrying out diagnostics

It is not always possible to determine on your own why certain parts of the body hurt. And to determine where the pain in the butt came from, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis.

To do this you will need to contact a specialist. With these questions, the patient may be referred to a surgeon, otropedist, traumatologist, neurologist, or even a dermatologist.

If a parapractical fistula occurs on the buttocks, a surgeon or dermatologist will be involved in the diagnosis. A visual inspection will be carried out, as well as a bacterial culture will be taken to determine the type of pathogen.

Along with this, blood tests must be taken to confirm the diagnosis. Some cases also require a visit to a rheumatologist.

If the problem is with the piriformis muscle, then you need to consult a neurologist or orthopedic doctor for help. The specialist will conduct an examination, determining what kind of posture and walking the person has.

An x-ray may be taken to determine the extent to which a person's joints and spine are affected.

Sometimes there may be indications for, because this type examinations can provide a deeper result compared to x-rays. Standard tests will need to be taken when there is a suspicion of infectious pathogens.

Sometimes problems arise with the patency of nerve endings and weakening of muscle activity. Then you will need to go to a neurologist who will carry out all the necessary diagnostics.

Muscle structure and mobility can be checked using electromyography or ultrasound. To exclude the presence of pathogens in the body, standard tests are additionally prescribed.

If there are problems with the hip joint, then treatment should be carried out by a specialist such as an orthopedist. Sometimes an x-ray is sufficient to determine the extent of the disease in bone tissue.

In some situations, for a more detailed diagnosis, an MRI may be required.

First aid

When pain occurs in the buttocks when a person sits down, they cannot be tolerated. It is necessary to take measures to eliminate the causes of their occurrence.

If your butt hurts after a bruise, then it is best to immediately apply dry ice or a cloth to the affected area so that it is wet.

You need to take a lying position, but in no case on your back, but on your stomach. This way the damaged area will not be injured even more.

If the skin has been damaged and its integrity has become compromised, then it is necessary to treat the area with hydrogen peroxide. If there is bleeding, it should be stopped if possible by applying pressure to the wound with a sterile bandage.

When you can’t cope with this on your own, then, in this case, you cannot do without calling an ambulance.

No matter how complex the wound is on the buttocks, after treating it, it is still better to see a specialist. This way you can avoid possible complications.

Because improper processing, or not very clean items used for processing, can lead to, and as a consequence, infection.

Pain in the buttocks: their features

Sometimes pain in the butt can also be felt in other parts of the body, such as the groin, hips or lower back. Sometimes the whole leg can hurt.

Moreover, the sensitivity of pain varies, and they do not always cause noticeable discomfort. But sometimes such pain is too pronounced when it comes, for example, to compression of blood vessels and nerve endings.

Pain radiating to the leg

When colic and discomfort appear in the buttocks and they are transmitted to the leg, most likely the problem is a pinched sciatic nerve. Or another name for this disease is sciatica.

This nerve is considered the largest in human body, and it is involved in the formation of the roots of the lumbar spine. Therefore, the pain can radiate down to the foot.

To understand that the sciatic nerve has been pinched, you can observe symptoms such as pain in the left buttock, or pain in the right buttock.

In addition, the lower back may also hurt, spreading discomfort throughout the entire leg. The leg will feel aching, pulling or stabbing pain. Moreover, the pain in the buttock and leg will intensify when walking.

What causes a pinched sciatic nerve?

  • Hernia in the lumbar intervertebral disc.

It is for this reason that sciatica most often occurs. Damage to the trunk of the sciatic nerve occurs due to protrusion of part of the intervertebral disc.

The space between the vertebrae decreases, and for this reason they are compressed nerve roots in the lumbar region. And this happens due to the fact that elasticity cartilage tissue gradually decreases. For this reason, pain occurs in the buttocks when sitting, with a return to the hips and lower back.

  • Piriformis muscle.

Can be found in patients who suffer from lumbar radiculitis. Therefore, inflammation occurs, and this muscle is constantly under tension. Due to this, muscle tissue becomes larger size, and the sciatic nerve is compressed.

  • Osteophytes.

This is a pathology in which the vertebral bodies grow. When it reaches a significant size, compression of the nerves on the buttocks is observed.

Muscle pain

When pain in the buttocks when sitting is not transmitted to other areas, most likely the cause of its occurrence is an inflammatory process. We can also talk about excessive stress. Sometimes, muscle pain in the buttocks is a consequence of stress.

Reasons why pain occurs in the muscles of the buttocks:

  • Myositis.

Inflammation of muscle tissue occurs. It is caused by various infections after illnesses, such as tonsillitis. It also occurs due to bruises of the buttocks or hypothermia.

In such a situation, the pain in the buttock when walking will become stronger. Sometimes a fungus can appear on the buttocks, then you should consult a doctor immediately.

In addition, pain also occurs at rest. May suffer hip joint, and in some cases other muscles.

  • Overvoltage.

Muscle tone increases and, for example, pain in the buttock on the right may occur. She will have a pulling character. As a rule, those people who do not have good physical fitness can suffer from this disease.

And the right buttock will hurt after a long walk, or other strain, for example, after cycling. And usually, discomfort will spread to the hips and lower back.

  • Injections.

If the injection in the butt was done incorrectly, a seal may form on the gluteal muscle, it will compress the tissue, which will lead to tension.

Due to an incorrectly administered injection, it will be painful for the patient to sit on his butt. Injections should not be administered too quickly, and the needle should not be immersed deep enough.

  • Sedentary lifestyle.

When a person’s work involves spending a long time at the computer, the blood vessels in the buttocks area will be compressed. And then the person will suffer from pain in the butt.

To prevent this phenomenon, you need to exercise and take regular breaks during the working day.

Pain in the tailbone and buttocks: how to deal with them

When your tailbone hurts, it is most often the result of an injury. The coccyx has many nerve endings, and to various damages he is very sensitive.

If a person fell on his buttocks or received a blow to the tailbone area, then the consequences in the form of pain cannot be avoided. Statistics show that women suffer from discomfort in the tailbone several times more often than men.

After an injury, pain in the buttocks will often occur when walking, as well as when sitting for long periods of time.

If a person suddenly gets up from a chair, he may also feel discomfort in this area. Such sensations of nagging pain can spread to the groin area.

Sometimes discomfort can be observed only on one side, for example, a person feels pain in the buttock on the right. Of course, this should not be tolerated so that the situation does not worsen over time.

You should definitely seek advice from a professional who, after conducting a diagnosis, will prescribe the appropriate treatment for a particular case.

Treatment of emerging pain

To treat pain in the tailbone, therapy associated with physiotherapy is prescribed. Sometimes a paraffin wrap is performed and current pulses are applied to the rectum.

Sometimes just external treatment may not be enough, and the patient is prescribed surgery. You cannot do without it if there is a dislocation or fracture.

Most often, physical therapy and regular massages help. And to reduce the load and relieve pain under the buttock, special seat cushions are prescribed. Then the patient will be able to more easily tolerate the associated discomfort.

Sometimes regular spasms may occur in the tailbone, which radiate to the left buttock. In this case, the patient is prescribed microenemas. They will help relieve pain in the rectum, and will also help prevent constipation.

When prescribing drug treatment, the following categories of drugs must be present:

  • Analgesics. Among such drugs are Ketanov, Lidocoin, Novocain. Their use will depend on the degree of pain. In case of acute and piercing pain, the patient may undergo a blockade in the coccyx area to relieve severe pain.
  • Remedies for calming. Such drugs are prescribed quite rarely. Only in cases where the patient’s condition is emotionally unstable, which resulted in an injury to the coccyx.
  • Medicines that reduce fever. When, along with pain caused by infection, an increase in temperature is observed, then taking antipyretic drugs is necessary. They are prescribed based on the personal characteristics of the human body. These can be medications such as Nurofen and Paracetomol.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Also used to treat various inflammations.

Many patients benefit from manual therapy. Because, thanks to it, blood circulation improves in the coccyx area, and as a result, muscle spasms disappear.

Most patients feel relief after completing the course of therapy. And some people completely forget why their tailbone and buttocks hurt.

Any pain that occurs should not be tolerated. It’s better to immediately contact a doctor and ask why your butt hurts. He will be able to diagnose the patient’s condition and prescribe appropriate treatment in a timely manner.

It is always much easier to eliminate symptoms at the initial stages than to later try to cope with a situation that has already worsened.