How to eat during fasting to lose weight. Is it possible to lose weight while observing Lent? Foods to lose weight on a lean protein diet

Many people consider fasting as an opportunity to lose weight, but not everyone succeeds. And all because lean food is not always dietary, and the idea plays against itself.

First of all, fasting is much more than just giving up meat. And his goal is different than to help someone lose weight. For a believer, this is an opportunity to purify himself spiritually, and he accepts the associated physical trials calmly. Now imagine what it will be like for you if you decide to “fast” in order to lose weight or for company. Firstly, the idea itself will not cause you much enthusiasm. If you are not doing this at the behest of your soul, giving up meat, milk, your favorite curds and yoghurts will be perceived as something painful and unnecessary. You will experience constant stress, which will most likely cause you to relapse and eat something forbidden.

Quite often, the term “lenten food” immediately evokes associations with something light and low-calorie. However, this is not at all true. Despite the fact that you cannot eat meat or any other animal products during Lent, the Lenten menu is rich in carbohydrates and vegetable fats, which can also be stored as fat.

How to lose weight while fasting

In general, as dietary rules, the laws of fasting are technically easy to follow. You don’t need to scrupulously count calories, figuring out which piece of cake was extra, you don’t need to stuff yourself with hated boiled rice or cereal for four days in a row. It would seem: eat whatever you want, just not meat (meat), cold, and only in the evenings. However, it’s worth understanding how such a diet affects the body in general and the figure in particular.

It should also be noted that balancing a diet so that you can lose weight and not undermine your health is quite difficult. Even a professional, experienced nutritionist. Even if you do not exclude all sources of animal protein from the menu. Trying to lose weight simply by fasting, you can lose a kilogram or two. But only water and muscle mass will go away.

If all these arguments do not stop you and you are determined, then consider the options.

The plant-based menu is abundant. But in this case it is necessary to season them with low-calorie sauces. Therefore, if you want to lose weight during Lent, you will still have to limit your consumption of vegetable oil, using half the usual amount, or even completely replacing it with lower-calorie analogues.

The mistake most people make when eating Lenten menu, this is a transition to purely carbohydrate foods. If you want to get rid of extra centimeters on your waist, this is unlikely to help. Remember, to lose weight, your body first needs proteins. If you can't eat meat and dairy products, focus on plant protein. Include legumes and soy in your menu. These products are leaders in vegetable protein content.

If you don’t know how to lose weight during Lent, the first thing you need to do is limit your consumption of potatoes, beets, and pumpkin. Limiting does not mean excluding, but simply reducing the quantity and in no case “enriching” it with vegetable oil. Abuse of starchy vegetables will ruin all your plans to bring your weight back to normal.

Eating plant foods, it is important not to increase the serving size. When planning your menu, be sure to pay attention to its quality component, regulating the consumption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

My friends, I greet you!

I probably won’t be wrong if I try to guess what most women are thinking about.

You don’t even need to think long here: yeah, exactly! Lose weight, get slimmer and NOW!!!

Especially when New Year already “on the nose”, and we so wanted to meet him beautiful and slender, but... “it didn’t work out” for some reason...

When in a month it’s already summer, and beautiful mini-bikinis, swimsuits, beaches and seas await us, and we are really stressed because we “didn’t have time again”...

You need to think about this and act NOW, in advance!

I have great news for you! There is a wonderful “reason” to finally START this process.

This “reason” is the approaching Nativity Fast. In my opinion, any post is a great motivation, what do you think?

So, let's talk about fasting for weight loss.

From this article you will learn:

Fasting for weight loss - the basics of lean nutrition

Any fast is a time of cleansing.

This is the time when a certain food diet, which differs from our usual daily nutrition because it is lighter, more unloading, more cleansing our body than usual.

Fasting is a time when we think more about the meaning of our life, stop our “daily marathon of eternal running and bustle,” calm down and slow down.

So this is only to our advantage, slimming people!

Any dietary restrictions for anyone normal person cause a certain stress in the psyche, but here are simply the best circumstances - and they all work out in our favor!

It’s not for nothing that fasting is a centuries-old tradition, at this time absolutely EVERYTHING is on our side: God, nature, the universe, whatever you want!

What a great opportunity for us, right?

We lose weight deliciously while fasting!

Friends, during the Nativity Fast you and I have a great opportunity to lose weight DELICIOUSLY!

Yes, yes, that's right. The Nativity fast is not strict; during this fast you are allowed to eat fish, although not on all days, but still...

And for those who do not strictly adhere to church principles, this is generally a holiday: eat fish at least every day, the main thing is to exclude eggs, meat and milk, and you will be happy.

The most important questions when losing weight while fasting

What you should think about seriously is how to lose weight correctly so as not to harm your health?

How to lose weight so that the kilograms do not return again after stopping fasting?

And with this it’s also simple!

The main thing here is:

  • a well-formulated daily diet balanced in all nutrients and calories,
  • compliance with the quantity, quality and timing of food intake.

If we add here:

  • sufficient consumption clean water every day,
  • we will move a lot,
  • Let's not skip our daily exercises,
  • let's connect water procedures(bath, sauna, swimming pool, contrast shower),
  • We will do a facial and whole body massage,
  • Let's relax and enjoy Life more often,
  • the result will be simply amazing!

What if, after finishing our Lenten diet, we don’t pounce on food and absorb kilograms of it, sincerely yearning for our favorite dishes.

And if we gradually, little by little, include products that were familiar to us before into our menu, the kilograms will not return, that’s for sure!

Why diets don't work - what's the main mistake?

Yes, I know that many, having given up meat and milk, in the hope that they will “lose a little”, to their great regret, not only do NOT lose weight on a lean diet, but, on the contrary, GET WELL.

And then, very upset by this fact, they say that a lean diet does not work...

What is their main mistake?

I thought about this question for quite a long time, because I was sincerely always surprised: why does it work for many people (including me), but not for many of my friends and acquaintances?

Why do many people lose weight, and many, despite the fact that their diet seems to be the same - lean, only gain weight?

You know, friends, the answer came quite quickly.

All you had to do was ask your friends in detail about WHAT they eat during the day!!

It turned out that too much flour and sweets were consumed!

Lots of bread, lots of pies, pasta, pies, buns, pancakes, pancakes and dumplings. Lots of cookies, bagels and cupcakes... If you add here the most aromatic freshly baked baguettes, pizzas, vertutas, pita breads with various fillings, burritos, then, you know, everything immediately becomes clear and not fun at all...

There are many, too many things made from flour! And if it’s something sweet, then it’s flour + sugar + butter, albeit vegetable, but still...

Although most often I heard that the girls baked their baked goods not with margarine, without animal milk, but with vegetable fats.

That’s how it is, but how harmful, heavy and “cellulite” it is for our body, then, you know, it would be better to add cream...

In addition, many of my friends did not think at all that they were eating a lot of flour and sweets. To my question: “How much?” many answered “a little”, “sometimes”, “I rarely eat this”.

And when I asked to remember EXACTLY at least one day, what they ate and when, it immediately became clear that there was literally not a single meal without flour and sweets!

Here is the corresponding result: instead of a “minus” on the scales, we get a “plus”...

Therefore, it is very important not to get carried away with such dishes. Not to rule it out completely, of course, we are all human, and we often want to pamper ourselves. But you shouldn’t think that “since I’m on a lean diet, it’s okay!” This is wrong.

And, if you don’t feel full, then it’s better to eat more cereals and legume dishes, there are so many recipes now, they are all so tasty, varied and light that I personally want to cook them not only during fasting, but also during another time too!

And one more “life hack” from your personal “piggy bank”: write down what you eat during the day. It’s best to do this IMMEDIATELY, after the fact. At the end of the day, you'll likely be surprised that you actually ate quite a bit, even though you didn't think so...

Yes, and you need to write down EVERYTHING, even one candy eaten at tea and one small pie that the employees treated you to.

As a rule, such little things are not written down or remembered, and then from such “little things” the number on the scale grows, and we clutch our heads in panic...

Remember to ensure you lose weight while fasting:

  • exclude refined foods from the store from your diet: sweets, sauces, drinks, white bread and baked goods, etc.
  • drink more water
  • move more
  • keep track of calories and the amount of food you eat
  • try not to fry food, but to stew or boil it.

What foods do you eat during fasting?

Lenten nutrition can be done 100%, or it can only be partly so. The choice is yours.

If you want to eat during the Nativity Fast strictly according to the instructions of the church, then you can leave the fish.

Main foodstuffs during this period:

  • cereals, vegetables, all legumes, fruits, herbs, berries, nuts and seeds, vegetable oil, mushrooms.


  • buckwheat, wheat cereal, oatmeal, barley, barley, rice of all varieties, millet, sago, quinoa, bulgur, couscous, etc.
  • How to use cereals: prepare various porridges, casseroles, cereal soups, pancakes, cutlets and fillings.


  • beets, carrots, cabbage of all varieties (cauliflower, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, broccoli, romanesco cabbage, etc.),
  • onions, zucchini, eggplant, zucchini, celery root,
  • turnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, parsnips, radishes of all varieties,
  • garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, etc.

How to cook vegetables:

  • Stew, boil, fry, vegetable soups, boil, steam, bake in the oven, on the grill and on the grill.
  • Prepare vegetable soups, stews, make various purees, casseroles, vegetable cutlets, vegetable “caviar”. And also zrazy, puree soups, salads from boiled and fresh vegetables, vegetable gravies and sauces for main courses, fillings for pies, dumplings and much more.
  • Prepare freshly squeezed juices from vegetables.
  • Add to smoothies, or make purely vegetable smoothies.
  • As a snack, make a “vegetable plate” of chopped vegetables and crunch just like that - very tasty and healthy!
  • As an aperitif, crunch on cucumbers and carrots before the main meal, waiting for something to cook, so as not to overeat during the meal. Tasty, healthy and your waist will be “in place”!


  • parsley, dill, green onions, spinach, all types of lettuce, cilantro, celery greens, sorrel, fennel greens.

How to use greens:

  • Add generously to salads.
  • Prepare purely “green” salads, where the main ingredient is greens.
  • Decorate any dishes with herbs.
  • Prepare fillings for pies and pies with herbs.
  • Add a green bunch to all your fruit smoothies.

Do it clean green smoothies, where the main component is greens, and there are very few fruits (an option for the “advanced”, yes, but no matter what you do in the fight for slim figure, yes, girls?


  • peas, beans, lentils, mung beans, chickpeas, beans.
  • How to use legumes: Prepare purees, soups, add to vegetable stew, salads, make pates and fillings.

Fruits and berries:

  • whatever you want, just be careful with bananas - don’t get carried away. You can use fresh, dried, frozen fruits and berries.

How to use berries and fruits:

  • Eat just like that.
  • Prepare fruit and berry smoothies.
  • Make fresh fruit drinks.
  • Cook compotes.
  • Bake in the oven.
  • Prepare fruit salads.
  • Add to sweet cereals, casseroles, puddings.
  • Cook fruit jelly.
  • Prepare homemade jams, tea confitures and marshmallows.
  • Make freshly squeezed juices, etc.


How to use nuts:

  • Eat just like that - but no more than a handful a day!
  • Make nut milk.
  • Grind and add to various ready meals(not hot!).
  • Sprinkle chopped nuts on salads and cold appetizers.
  • Add to fruit and vegetable smoothies for satiety and taste.
  • Prepare nut sauces and salad dressings.
  • Master the recipe for nut halva and periodically pamper yourself and your loved ones with this delicacy


  • flax, sesame, poppy, hemp seeds, chia, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

How to use the seeds:

  • Grind and sprinkle on prepared dishes and salads.
  • Add to berry and fruit smoothies for satiety and taste.
  • Make nourishing, healthy and tasty plant-based milk.
  • Prepare mayonnaise from sunflower seeds.
  • Make various sauces and dressings for cashew salads, pine nuts and sesame.
  • Prepare morning porridge from crushed flax seeds instead of boring oatmeal, adding fruits, berries and a spoonful of honey.
  • Master the recipe for delicious homemade kozinaki and periodically pamper yourself and your loved ones

Vegetable oils:

  • sesame, nut, flaxseed, olive, hemp, oil grape seeds, rice oil. And also sunflower, soybean, oil from pumpkin seeds etc.

How to use:

  • Add to ready-made porridges, purees, vegetable stews after cooking, and to salads.
  • Prepare sauces and salad dressings.
  • Use during cooking if necessary.
  • Drink one spoon of good, cold-pressed vegetable oil on an empty stomach. Very useful!
  • Extra cold pressed oils cannot be heat treated; they are suitable for salads, sauces, dressings, gravies and cold appetizers prepared without heat treatment.
  • For high temperature cooking, it is better to use refined oils and 100% oils.

Add healthy vegetable oil in moderation. You shouldn’t add “fullness” to your diet by large quantity vegetable oil used. This is not only high in calories, it will simply be harmful.


  • , oyster mushrooms, etc. You can get yours summer preparations: pickled mushrooms, dried, etc.

How to use mushrooms:

  • Stew, fry, grill, boil, bake with or without fillings.
  • Prepare mushroom soups, add to porridge.
  • Add to vegetable stews, to stewed cabbage, potatoes.
  • Add to salads of fresh and boiled vegetables.
  • Add to fillings for pies, pies and pancakes.
  • Prepare mushroom pates, add to vegetable pates and legume pates.
  • Eat simply as is, as a separate hot dish or cold appetizer.

I think the list is quite long, right?

Add to all this wealth a huge variety of recipes for each of the above points, and it becomes obvious that you won’t have to go hungry at all, right?

What foods are prohibited during fasting?

Meat and offal, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter and cream from cow's milk, bird, eggs.

If the fast is Christmas, then on some days you are allowed to eat fish and fish caviar.

For this purpose, a special nutrition calendar has been created literally by numbers.

Calendar for the Nativity Fast

Fasting for weight loss is a pleasant feature of lean nutrition

One of the main features of a fasting diet is complete absence any clearly regulated menu.

You now know what you can eat during Lent and what you should avoid.

Therefore, everyone has the right to create their own daily menu, taking into account their personal preferences.

And a fairly large selection of products allows us to take advantage of a wide variety of Lenten recipes and get a lot of pleasure and benefits from food every day, become slimmer and prettier literally before your eyes!

According to reviews from those who have lost weight, during a non-strict fast, subject to all restrictions, you can lose 5 - 7 kg

Personally, I really like this feature, what about you, friends?

Write in the comments how you use your fasting time?

For you, is fasting a torment and limitation, or is it an opportunity to become healthier, slimmer, more energetic and more positive? Share, I'm very interested!

That's all for today. Here is some information about fasting for weight loss.

Don't miss it!

WITH you were Alena, See you soon, friends. Be healthy!

Tatiana Belashova especially for website


Fasting and weight loss– Is it possible to combine these two concepts? Believers believe that this is impossible, and adherents healthy image life, on the contrary, they believe that it is during the period of fasting that one can lose several extra pounds. Which one is right? Women's site Charla will help you answer this question by telling you how fasting affects your figure and weight.

Fasting and losing weight: the opinion of a nutritionist

Fasting and losing weight: the opinion of a psychologist

Who is suitable for fasting for weight loss? Such a nutritional system will benefit those people who do not consider food restrictions as a way to lose weight, but are guided precisely by religious beliefs. The fact is that the motive of faith in this case overpowers the desire to please oneself with something tasty. It was also noticed that what more people thinks about losing weight, the more hungry he experiences.

It is important to note that, wanting to combine fasting and weight loss, you need to tune in to the need to constantly monitor your diet. From the point of view of psychological mood, those days when it is allowed to eat fish (Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday) are very dangerous - there is a high probability of breakdowns.

It’s good if a person who observes is supported by family and friends. It is important that no one encourages him to eat “at least one piece” of food that is prohibited during fasting. Therefore, you will have to control not only your diet, but also meetings with others - some people even have to give up going to birthdays or weddings that are held during the fasting period.

Yes, with psychological point vision fasting and weight loss do not combine well with each other, but if you have willpower, desire and faith, 49 days will fly by unnoticed.

Fasting and losing weight: the opinion of a priest

It is wrong to consider fasting as a means of losing weight. Weight loss is a consequence of dietary restrictions, but not an end in itself, if we're talking about about a believer. The meaning of fasting is to get closer to God and self-improvement in the physical and spiritual sense.

It is worth remembering that you cannot eat animal products during Lent, and sometimes go without food. If you are not ready to follow these rules, it is better not to start fasting, but just try to create a diet so that it is balanced and allows you to lose weight.

And, of course, it is important to note that fasting without faith in God is an ordinary diet with severe restrictions and nothing more.

Fasting and losing weight: the opinion of experienced people

Combining fasting with weight loss is quite possible. Moreover, you get the following benefits:

1. There is no need to eat monotonously. The main thing is to evaluate the composition of each dish.

2. Clear clarity regarding the beginning and end of the fast - this allows you to set a goal and achieve it.

3. Understanding that fasting is not a diet, and this makes it easier to endure food restrictions without psychological discomfort.

And finally, I hastens to give some advice to those who have decided to combine fasting and weight loss:

1. Watch the fat content of foods and do not overdo it in consuming cereals and vegetable oil.

2. To avoid feeling hungry, in addition to cereals, include bread, potatoes, and cook soups in your diet.

3. Try to avoid protein deficiency, which can arise from avoiding animal products. Eat beans, soy, lentils, nuts.

4. Be sure to get enough sleep and walk outdoors more often. Practice moderate physical activity.

5. Take vitamin complexes.

6. Watch the amount of food you eat - fruits and vegetables are low in calories, but with their help you can stretch the stomach, which will only increase your appetite.

Now you know about all the pros and cons of losing weight during fasting, and therefore you can make your choice. Good luck!

Some of us even specifically wait for the onset of Lent, which is long and strict, so that we can finally take on the figure. A true believer will consider such hopes blasphemous. And the nutritionist will doubt the effectiveness of the chosen “diet”.


Fasting cannot be equated with a healthy nutrition system. This is a test of resistance to temptation, readiness for repentance and humility. Restrictions are imposed not only on food - abstinence from everyday entertainment and marital relations is also expected. Through hunger and hardship, a person’s spirit is strengthened, his readiness to withstand difficulties, to fight and suffer for his faith. That is, the purpose of fasting is spiritual and only spiritual, and in no case is it health-improving, “cleansing” or weight-loss.

IN Orthodox calendar fast days about 200 - more than half a year. There are four multi-day posts.

The most important and strict is the Great, which lasts 7 weeks before Easter. On some days, nutritional requirements are more relaxed - vegetable oil, fish and even grape wine are allowed, on others they are especially strict - any solid food is prohibited.

Lenten products - bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, legumes (beans, peas, lentils, soybeans), vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, edible wild plants, nuts, spices, honey, certain days- vegetable oil, fish.
Meals (prohibited on fast days) - meat and meat gastronomy, animal fats, milk and dairy products, eggs, as well as confectionery with eggs, butter, milk.


When studying nutrition during fasting, nutritionists first pay attention to protein deficiency.


*Make sure your meals are filling. Lenten food is not only about vegetables. Cereals, potatoes, pureed soups, gravies and sauces will make your meals more satisfying.
*More protein. Soybeans and products made from it, as well as legumes, will partially compensate for the deficiency of animal protein. Soy is closest to it in its amino acid composition.
* Improve your sleep - night rest should be sufficient.
*Take baths- conifers, with soothing herbs(oregano, mint, valerian, motherwort).
*Walk more in the fresh air.

Minus the protein.The exclusion of meat, fish, milk, dairy products, and eggs is undesirable for children, adolescents, and people suffering from inflammatory diseases, chronic infections, exhaustion, as well as women with heavy menstruation. A lack of animal protein can lead to a weakened immune system, which can lead to, at a minimum, frequent colds. Another consequence is the loss muscle tissue. This information is of particular interest to us, because it is in the muscles that most of the fat consumed by the body is burned.

Vegetables XL. An abundance of vegetables, especially raw ones, can become a source of problems for those who suffer from gastritis with increased secretory function, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

They attribute the improvement in well-being that believers feel after it primarily to the beneficial effect of spiritual changes on the body.

Here are typical examples of positive changes in health: normalization blood pressure, the liver and gall bladder begin to work better. Thanks to a sharp reduction in animal fat in the diet and an increase in vegetables and cereals, the cholesterol content in the blood decreases and the development of atherosclerosis significantly slows down.


Losing weight during fasting occurs not only due to special nutrition - it works psychological factor. The need to resist temptations, the idea that through torment the soul is cleansed, lead to an increase in general and muscle tone. And this, in turn, switches the metabolism from fat accumulation to its consumption.

But after finishing the fast and returning to a normal diet, the weight can grow quite quickly and even exceed what it was.

There is another reason to carefully return to regular food. The body has weaned itself off prohibited foods and has reduced the production of enzymes for their breakdown and absorption. Eating a lot of food that is no longer lean can lead to indigestion, and it’s good if it only leads to it.

You should know that excess...
meat food may cause exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, gout;
animal fat(fatty meat, butter, fatty dairy products, eggs) - exacerbation of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, formation and growth of stones in gallbladder, progression of atherosclerosis; rapid weight gain;
sweets, baked goods - provoke the beginning diabetes mellitus or worsen its course, and, again, cause weight gain.


To a person with chronic diseases Before deciding to fast, you should think carefully. And perhaps refrain from it or not make it too strict. With precisely these circumstances in mind, the church allows for a relaxation of dietary restrictions for the sick, those engaged in heavy physical labor, and those who are on the move.

If you are determined to fast, then when you start returning to your normal diet, follow our advice.

Grazing. When breaking fast, eat as often as possible: up to 5-6 times a day in small portions. This will save gastrointestinal tract from overloads, also when fractional meals daily calorie content the diet is automatically reduced by 15%.

Two weeks. Stick to grazing for at least two weeks after fasting. Better yet, eat this way for the rest of your life in one form or another.

Gradually. Transition to normal eating in stages.
1-2 days - we return dairy, starting with low-fat milk, fermented milk products(fat content up to 2.5%), low-fat cottage cheese.
3-5 days - omelettes, fish soups, steam cutlets and cod fish meatballs.
Day 6-9 - lean veal, steamed cutlets and poultry meatballs, boiled eggs, dairy products in full, except butter, fatty sour cream and cheese.
Day 10-14 - gradually expand your diet, include fried foods.
Day 15 and beyond - the usual diet that you had before fasting.

Text: Mikhail GINZBURG, Konstantin PETROV, Taisiya LOBOVA (magazine “Losing weight correctly”)

How to lose weight during Lent without harming your health is a question that worries many young girls. In fact, fasting is a vegetarian food system that all believers resort to. Therefore, if you don’t know how to lose weight while fasting, then you should ask another question - how do vegetarians lose weight? But, unfortunately, there are no universal recommendations for anyone regarding dietary nutrition, because the need for this or that element or nutrient each of us is different.

Everyone knows the standard rules for correct and balanced nutrition, however, such a diet helps few people lose weight, since each of us needs our own specific set of products. For some, it is enough for a full-fledged existence to eat steamed oatmeal and snack on a banana during the day, while for others it is simply physiological characteristics It is necessary to eat animal protein every day. In addition, not everyone loses weight by being a vegetarian; there are people who, on the contrary, by eating only vegetables and cereals, gain weight. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the issues proper nutrition during fasting, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of such nutrition.

Pros and cons of losing weight while fasting

We will look at the pros and cons of losing weight while fasting below. After reading this point, you can decide for yourself whether it’s worth losing weight this way or whether it’s better to choose a different diet with a more balanced diet.

Pros of fasting:

  • For many people, it is quite difficult to follow a strict diet when everyone around them is eating something tasty and high in calories. And during fasting there are quite a lot of people who follow a certain diet, so you won’t be tempted to “break out”. Even if you go to a restaurant, you can order for yourself Lenten dish and have a tasty treat without harming your diet.
  • This way of eating is a real cleansing of the body from toxins, toxins and other harmful substances, which enter the body along with copious amounts of fried food, meat, lard and other fats. And during fasting, you should abandon this method of cooking and instead use raw vegetables and fruits, as well as steamed porridges, which, as everyone knows, do an excellent job of cleansing the blood, intestines and liver.
  • Also during fasting it is worth limiting the consumption of sweets, chocolate, flour products, which also cause harm to the body.
  • Many people are afraid that they won’t be able to lose weight during fasting due to the fact that fasting is mainly a carbohydrate diet, but nutritionists do not agree with this statement; the main thing is to choose and prepare foods correctly. Avoid starchy and floury foods such as rice, potatoes, noodles, pasta in favor of fresh vegetables, legumes and natural cereals.
  • And keep in mind that if on the first day of Lent you start looking for recipes for delicious Lenten baked goods, as well as eating sweets, even Lenten ones, then you will not be able to lose weight or cleanse yourself spiritually.

Disadvantages of a Lenten Diet

  • This diet is quite poor in B vitamins, which are found only in animal products, as well as zinc, iodine and iron. Therefore, it is recommended to buy vitamin supplements during the fasting period in order to replenish the missing elements.
  • Fasting is not recommended for those people who have any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, also with eating behavior. Since lean nutrition- This severe stress for orgasm, which promises changes in mood and against the background of this, people may begin to “eat up” problems. Which will cause more harm to the body than good.
  • An unbalanced diet, lack of proteins in combination with large consumption of carbohydrate foods can stretch the walls of the stomach, which can subsequently lead to increased appetite, weight gain and, as a result, stretch marks.

Recommendations for healthy eating, written below, will help you, if not lose weight during fasting, then keep your body in shape and thereby speed up the body’s metabolism, which will subsequently lead to proper and, most importantly, healthy weight loss. With a reasonable approach, fasting will become a kind of “respite” for you and a period for cleansing, which is extremely necessary for complete weight loss. So to get everything going metabolic processes, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Varied food. Fasting is not limited to eating buckwheat, cabbage and apples. On the Internet you can find many recipes for delicious and healthy food, which can be consumed during fasting. Prepare new dishes for yourself every day that will not only diversify your diet, but also lift your spirits.
  • Try not to use fast carbohydrates, which bring the body a lot of extra calories, and besides, saturation with them quickly passes. Better prepare yourself porridge, vegetable stews, legume dishes, and also limit your consumption of sweets.
  • Try not to overeat. Remember that food satiation comes only after 15-20 minutes. Therefore, try to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. Also, do not eat at night; your last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Consume more fresh fruit and vegetables, seasoning them with a small amount olive oil And lemon juice. Try to eat them raw, without heat treatment.
  • Add foods containing plant protein to your diet. Pay attention to legumes, which not only eliminate the feeling of hunger, but also help you lose weight during fasting.
  • It is not advisable to snack during fasting. At first it is very difficult to adapt to a new diet. Since the body does not have enough protein, at first you will feel hungry, which makes you need to constantly snack on dried fruits, nuts, and seeds, which contain a huge amount of calories. So if you feel hungry, it is better to cook yourself a full meal rather than replacing it with constant snacks.
  • Try to move more. Physical activity will help burn all the carbohydrates you consume throughout the day. You don't have to visit to do this. gym, you just need to walk more and not use the elevator.