How to take bee pestilence. Bee dead - recipes

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the domestic kingdom

Hello friends. Today I propose to return to the topic of useful beekeeping products. Recently I wrote about, and today I offer you useful information about the benefits and harm bee death, its medicinal properties, use for men and treatment various diseases.

Bee death is the name given to the bodies of dead bees that are swept out of the hives in the spring. Typically, beekeepers collect up to 0.5 kg of dead bees during the winter.

Podmor, which will be used for treatment, must be free of mold and unpleasant odor and not treated with chemicals.

Bee dead: medicinal properties, benefits and harms, how to take

Due to the presence of valuable bees in the chitinous cover chemicals(chitosan, heparoids), dead bees are widely used as effective remedy in the treatment of many diseases, as well as for their prevention.

Interestingly, heparin can be obtained from the chitinous coating of bees, but this is an expensive process, so pharmaceutical drugs with this extract cost a lot of money.

In addition to the above, the submortem also includes:

  • proteins;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • bee venom

The drug from dead bees improves the condition of blood vessels, stabilizes blood pressure, and eliminates inflammatory processes in the body. It has an antihelminthic effect, has a detrimental effect on worms, Giardia, mycoplasma, tubercle bacilli, and improves immunity.

Bee extract has the ability to bind and remove toxins from the body (salts of heavy metals, radioactive isotopes, intestinal toxins). Anti-cancer drugs are made from dead bees, because scientists have long proven that bee chitin has an anti-radiation effect.

They knew how to take dead bees back in ancient times. Thus, the ancient Roman physician Galen treated carbuncles and gum diseases with bees crushed in honey, and the thinker Pliny eye diseases and dysentery.

Nowadays, dead bees are used in several variations: in the form of a decoction, steam, liniment, alcohol solution, and simply fried bee bodies.

How to take dead bees


To prepare a decoction of dead meat, pour a tablespoon of bees with 0.5 liters of water and cook for 2 hours over low heat. Then infuse for another 2 hours and filter. Take 100 grams 1-2 times a day for a monthly course. Then you can take a break of 10 days and repeat the course again.


To prepare raspar you will need 100 grams of dead meat. It is steamed in hot water 15 minutes, then squeeze the resulting mass through gauze. It is recommended to apply gauze to sore spots, and apply the bee mass on top of the gauze as a compress. It is fixed with a bandage and covered with cellophane on top. Leave until the bee mass cools completely.


To obtain fried bee bodies, the dead bees are fried in vegetable oil for 5 minutes (50 grams of vegetable oil per teaspoon of dead bees). Then the mixture is cooled and crushed, taken a teaspoon before meals, it is better to wash it down with goat milk. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. This option is usually used to treat myopia .

Liniment or in common parlance - ointment

To prepare liniment, crush a tablespoon of dead meat into powder and pour in a glass of hot vegetable oil. Store liniment in the refrigerator.

Recipes for treating death

Bee dead is very effective in treatment tuberculosis, because it has a pronounced cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect.

♦ The following mixture has worked well for psoriasis. Pour a small piece of beeswax with a glass of olive oil and keep it on low heat for half an hour until the wax melts. Then the container with the oil mass is removed from the heat and left to infuse for an hour. In another container, beat natural honey (2 tablespoons), dead bees (2 tablespoons), crushed propolis (1 tablespoon), aloe juice (1 tablespoon) with a mixer. The contents of the two saucepans are mixed, brought to a boil, and left to cool. Apply the prepared ointment to flaky areas of the skin.

♦ Stuttering is treated with a decoction of dead bees, the recommended dose for children is 1 dessert spoon at night, for adults – 1 tablespoon of decoction.

♦ For Parkinson's disease, it is useful to take a mixture of dead bees ground into flour and honey. The thickness of the mass should resemble toothpaste. Eat three teaspoons a day, preferably after meals. This mixture contains a lot of silicon, which is so necessary for Parkinson's disease. The mixture is also effective for tuberculosis, thrombosis, pain in the limbs, thrombophlebitis, numbness, and thrombosis. The course of treatment is usually 3 months.

♦ Dead bees should be used with caution by people suffering from hypertension and a tendency to bleed. If you are allergic to honey or bee products, the use of dead bees is contraindicated. Also, when treating morbidity, it is necessary to check the blood for coagulability and prothrombin index at least twice a month.

Alcohol tincture of dead bees

To prepare an alcoholic extract of dead bees, a tablespoon of the substance is ground into powder, 400 g of vodka is poured in and left to infuse for three weeks. Shake the tincture periodically.

How to take vodka-based vodka depends on the course of the disease. Usually take 15-20 drops after meals, twice a day.

What helps bee death in vodka is reliably known. This tincture stabilizes blood pressure, helps to achieve significant improvements in cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the kidneys and cerebral vessels.

♦ For mastopathy, lubricants in the breast are lubricated in the morning and evening with alcohol tincture of dead bees. Also, in parallel with lubrication, it is taken three times a day, a tablespoon before meals.

♦ For edema, it is recommended to take the alcohol tincture on an empty stomach, starting with 10 drops. Every 4 days, increase the dose by a drop, and when you reach 20 drops, take them for another 3 weeks. Then a month-long break is taken and the dose is repeated according to the same scheme.

♦ At the first symptoms of flu, it is recommended to take a mixture of equal parts of tinctures wax moth and bee death. Take three times a day, preferably with honey water.

♦ For older people, the tincture is recommended to increase immunity and for the purpose of prevention senile dementia. In this case, it is taken for 6-12 months, the dose is calculated individually, based on age, at the rate of 1 drop per year of life. Studies have shown that older people who take alcoholic tincture of dead bees become more active, and their chronic diseases proceed much more easily.

Alcohol tincture is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, as it increases blood pressure.

Bee dead: use for men

Bee death is also effective for the treatment of male diseases - adenoma and prostatitis. Regular consumption of dead fruit helps reduce tumors, restore normal urine flow, and normalize secretions prostate gland. For the treatment of male diseases, a course lasting several months is indicated. Below are recipes on how to cure prostatitis and bee adenoma.

Decoction with honey and propolis

To prepare the medicine, you need to pour a tablespoon of dead water (0.5 liters) and boil over low heat for 2 hours. Then let the broth brew for another two hours at room temperature. Strain through cheesecloth, add honey and propolis (2 tablespoons each), stir. Take a tablespoon twice a day. After a month's course, take a break for a week and resume taking it. In total you will need at least 4 courses.

Podmor tincture + wax moth extract + drone homogenate

The treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma with dead bees is very effective according to the following recipe: mix wax moth extract and alcohol tincture of dead bees in equal proportions. Before immediate consumption, add the same amount of drone homogenate. Take a teaspoon three times a day without drinking anything.

Recipes for joints based on dead bees

♦ For arthritis, arthrosis, coxarthrosis, joint pain, compresses from alcohol tincture dead bees. Sore spots are pre-lubricated with unsalted pork fat, and then apply gauze soaked in alcohol tincture. The bandage is fixed and wrapped on top woolen fabric. This procedure is performed at night until the condition improves.

♦ To relieve joint pain and treat thrombophlebitis, it is recommended to use liniment (bee powder is poured with hot vegetable oil and stored in the refrigerator). This mixture, preheated, is used to treat sore areas.

♦ You can simply rub the alcohol tincture of Podmor into problem areas.

♦ Another very good recipe for joints with bee death is a multi-component ointment. You will need 50 grams of beeswax, 10 grams of lard, 20 grams of propolis. Melt these ingredients in a water bath, stir and remove from heat. Add 2 tablespoons of dead bees ground into powder, a tablespoon each of horseradish and plantain roots (also ground into powder), and mix. Leave the ointment to infuse (2 days). Apply the prepared ointment to problem areas until improvement occurs. Store the ointment in a cool place.

Death of bees with diabetes mellitus

Dead bees are a powerful remedy for treating diabetes. Scientists have conducted research and found that consuming it has a positive effect on the health of diabetics: blood sugar decreases, and health becomes better, metabolic processes in the body and the permeability of cell membranes improve. The level of cholesterol in the blood also decreases and the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels improves.

The simultaneous intake of podomor with honey allows you to avoid unwanted fat deposition in the liver; if you are allergic to honey, it is advisable to replace it vegetable oil, better olive.

♦ For diabetes mellitus, traditional medicine recommends using alcoholic extract of dead bees (5%) 15 drops daily after meals.

♦ A frequent concomitant diagnosis of diabetics is atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. You can also achieve remission of this disease by taking bee kill.

Beneficial properties of dead bees for thyroid diseases

U traditional medicine We have our own recipes for the treatment of thyroid nodules. And one of them is with the help of alcohol tincture of dead bees. It is taken 30 drops three times a day half an hour before meals.

Since death strengthens the body, cleanses it from the inside, promotes the elimination harmful substances, then when endocrine diseases Taking medications based on it helps reduce the manifestations of the disease and improve the general condition.

The harm of dead bees or another opinion from experienced beekeepers

In folk medicine, dead bees are used quite widely, however, there is an alternative opinion about its benefits. Some beekeepers, quite competent in their circle, insist that the benefits of tinctures prepared from dead bees are very doubtful.

In particular, this tincture contains a lot of harmful substances, because in fact it is an extract from the corpses of bees that lie in hives for a long time (up to 5 months). This means that no matter how hard the beekeepers try to dry the bees, such a product still has a corpse smell, the so-called odor. Cadaveric poison is definitely harmful to the body, which is why beekeepers advise not to use tincture from dead bees in any form. As an alternative, they propose making tinctures from live bees, and for insect defenders they suggest thinking about this argument - many bees die from poisoned flowering fields etc.

A tincture of live bees has several advantages over dead bees.

  • Firstly, this is the absence of cadaveric poison;
  • secondly, a wider spectrum of action.

This tincture helps get rid of stomatitis and caries, has a detrimental effect on E. coli, cleanses blood vessels, and therefore the entire body, and helps with heart diseases. This healing remedy is capable of fighting arthritis, arthrosis, and rheumatism. Dead bees help even with oncology (it significantly inhibits the growth and development of metastases).

With a tincture of live bees, compresses are made on sore spots and douching for inflammation. of various etiologies(start with a couple of drops, which are diluted with water). This is why it is considered a miracle cure in the beekeeping product line.


Dear readers. As you can see, bee death has both benefits and harms; moreover, some beekeepers question its medicinal properties, citing rather logical arguments. On the one hand, there is many years of experience in healing by extracting dead bees, on the other hand, there is very significant evidence of the harm of this method. In any case, it is necessary to know about this, because forewarned means “armed.”

Health to everyone!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

" Products

The scope of apitherapy in folk medicine is not limited to the use of the beneficial properties of honey, propolis, royal jelly, wax, bee bread or bee venom.

In addition to them, there is bee death. A little-known product with great biological potential is comparable in effectiveness to all beekeeping products combined.

Preparations based on it have wide range actions, however, there are certain nuances of the origin of raw materials and their organoleptic properties, because of which he did not receive the recognition he deserved.

Dead bees are the name given to dead bees. IN natural conditions a bee lives from one to nine months. Winter bees have the longest life expectancy, summer bees have the shortest. The bulk of the raw materials are collected in the spring, when checking the hives, and from spring to autumn there is an additional, non-mass collection.

It is obtained artificially after apitoxin therapy, or by forcibly closing the bees without food for up to 10 days. In the first case, the quantity is not significant, and the second is used extremely rarely.

Not everyone is ready to use dead insects in medicinal purposes, in addition, due to its origin, pure, unprocessed dead meat has a specific smell and appearance.

However, it is in it that everything is concentrated beneficial properties apitherapy.

Chemical composition

Dry dead bees contain bioactive compounds. With a total moisture content of the feedstock ranging from 8 to 10%, they can be divided into separate groups.

Dead bee
  • Protein compounds, constituting from 50 to 80% of the total mass.
  • Melanins, which have a specific gravity of 20-30%.
  • Chitin– from 10 to 12%.
  • Micro and macroelements, not less than 3%.

Separately, they are used in both folk and official medicine.

Protein compounds

Amino compounds with the highest specific gravity are represented by the following substances:

  • organic acids;
  • enzymes;
  • heparin;
  • proteins of undigested bee bread;
  • protein compounds of bee venom;
  • others.

In medicine, thanks to the high biological activity, wide application found the active ingredients of bee venom and heparin, which combine natural amines (histamine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, melitin) and anticoagulants - substances that prevent blood clotting and the formation of thrombosis.

Melanins and their beneficial properties

Natural antioxidants and adaptogens, they are actually dark pigments that give color to the skin, hair, and iris of the eye.

Their action is based on absorbing ultraviolet radiation and protecting the body from harmful radiation. The rate of accumulation of radionuclides is inversely related to the amount of melanins: the more there are, the slower this process goes.

Collection of waste

Melanins can act as enterosorbents: in addition to normalizing microflora, they have found application as an atoxic agent for early diagnosis poisoning

Chitin and its benefits

The outer shell and internal exoskeleton of the bee consists of chitin - a natural biopolymer, a source for the production of chitosan (or apizan), which, in turn, serves as a raw material for:

  • modern cosmetology;
  • manufacturing dietary food;
  • biologically active additives;
  • pharmacology.

Its value is associated with the ability to bind and remove fat molecules from the body; it improves metabolism, acts as a natural sorbent and toxin, promotes weight loss and normalizes digestion.

In addition, it exhibits the properties of a natural preservative for any food products, and also acts as a taste and smell enhancer.

Micro and macroelements

The minerals contained in dry bees have a form that is easily digestible for the human body and are not only common in nature:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • aluminum;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • gray;
  • copper,

but rare, and therefore valuable:

  • silver;
  • boron;
  • barium;
  • chrome;
  • beryllium;
  • molybdenum;
  • nickel;
  • vanadium and others.

The composition of mineral compounds depends on the breed of bees, habitat and food supply.

Impact on the human body

Like all beekeeping products, dead bees are a product that exhibits strong biological activity.

Death of bees

The most studied are the benefits and effects on the human body of its constituents: chitosan, heparin, melanin, acetic acid, glucosamine and apitoxin. What are they used for?

When used in combination, their properties are manifested in:

  • bactericidal, antiviral and disinfecting effects;
  • increase immunity and the body's resistance to disease;
  • stabilization hormonal levels;
  • hepatoprotective action;
  • improving the condition joints, bone and cartilage tissue;
  • acceleration exchange processes and restoration of metabolism;
  • neutralization toxins, removal of toxins;
  • antioxidant action that accelerates the process of tissue regeneration and slows down their aging.

If we consider the narrowly focused action of each active substance separately, then:

  • chitosan has painkillers and healing properties. Its use ensures the restoration of mucous membranes and skin damaged as a result of injuries, burns, and inflammations. Preparations based on the chitosan complex regulate the production of thyroid hormones, cleanse blood vessels, and help normalize fat balance;
  • melanin. indications for use: removal intoxication the body in case of poisoning, it promotes the removal of radionuclides and salts of heavy metals;
  • heparin relieves inflammation of different etymologies, participates in hematopoiesis processes, cleanses and tones blood vessels, stabilizes blood pressure.

Contraindications and harm of bee death

Despite its usefulness, dead bees have a number of contraindications and harms, namely:

  • Allergy. Remnants of pollen, an aggressive allergen, remain undigested in the bee's body. Before use, it is necessary to conduct a test for individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy and feeding, due to the vulnerability of the body of a woman and child. It is not recommended for use in children under five.
  • Exacerbation of acute or chronic diseases.
  • Acute cardiac vascular pathology.
  • Poor quality tumors.
  • Renal, liver failure.

It is advisable to start using apitherapy after full diagnostics and making a final diagnosis. You should not neglect consulting a specialized doctor and agreeing on the possibility of using bee kill.

When self-medicating, there is a risk of false assessment of symptoms, and, consequently, loss of time necessary to start treatment in the early stages of the disease.

Indications for use in various diseases

Dead bee extract

Alcohol tincture of dead bees is used to improve immunity. It must be taken in drops according to the number of years. To do this, dilute it in a glass of water and take it in equal parts every morning and evening for at least a month. In this case:

  • is happening cleaning the body from toxins, waste, heavy metal salts;
  • accelerates metabolism and metabolism improves;
  • microflora is restored intestines;
  • the walls are toned and cleansed vessels;
  • strengthens bone and cartilage fabrics;
  • hormone the background comes to equilibrium.

The biological activity of all components of this product has a beneficial effect on all human life systems and helps prevent negative impact stress, polluted environment, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.

However, strong drugs are often thought of when the immune system has already failed, and the consequences of this failure have negatively affected health and reduced the quality of life.

Prostate adenoma, sexual dysfunction in men

A powerful adaptogen, stimulant and antioxidant, dead bees, among other things, have the ability to affect the male reproductive system: if you take a decoction of dry bees with honey heated to body temperature, you can cope with inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, treat prostatitis, relieve psychological stress and restore potency.

When treating such delicate disorders as prostate adenoma, you need to be patient and tune in to the systemic use of the decoction: it acts gently, it is recommended to take it for at least a month.

Regular use of traditional medicine is a guarantee of successful treatment.

Helps treat hormonal disorders

The effect of podmor on the hormones of the thyroid, pancreas, as well as on sex hormones in both men and women, allows you to balance and regulate their production in the body, as they contain natural phytohormones and a sufficient amount of rare earth elements, the deficiency of which often develops hormonal imbalance.

Unity hormonal system human needs a comprehensive remedy to restore balance, and bee death meets this requirement.

To restore the functions of the thyroid gland and restore the balance of sex hormones at home, it is recommended to undergo treatment as follows: take an alcohol tincture of dried bees orally in courses of one month, in doses according to general recommendations to the recipe.

Joint diseases, migraines, skin problems

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing properties allow it to be used externally in the treatment of a number of diseases, namely:

Other diseases

The biological complex of compounds that make up dead bees helps to cope with many diseases, including the eyes.

To tidy up the eyes and restore declining vision, it is recommended to take fried dead meat internally.
However, there are opponents to this method of using dry bees.

As arguments they cite the fact that under the influence high temperatures a significant part of biological compounds lose their activity.

Preparations and medicines based on Pomor

IN pure form dead bees are practically not used. To obtain maximum effect, the beneficial substances it contains require extraction. This is especially true for chitosan.

To prepare preparations based on dead bees, high-quality raw materials are selected: dry, fresh, without mold or traces of decomposition, or ready-made powder from bees is purchased at pharmacies.

It is then used for both internal and external use.

Traditional recipes for internal use

Bee pestilence for internal use used in the form of decoctions and tinctures, less often - fried or in powder form, which is added to honey. External use requires the preparation of ointments, steaming or alcohol infusions. When and what recipe to use, read below.

How to prepare a decoction and how to drink it

One of the most accessible ways to prepare a healing remedy. The low concentration of the active substance provides a mild effect on the body and requires long-term use– from 6 months to a year.

Jar with decoction

Boil 500 ml of water and pour in 10-15 g of carefully crushed dead bees. Cook the mixture over low heat for about one hour. Let cool and brew for at least 2 hours at room temperature, then strain.

Honey (up to 2 tablespoons) and propolis (1 teaspoon of alcohol tincture) are added to the resulting decoction to improve the taste and enhance the effect, but you can do without them. The finished product is stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

The course of treatment lasts at least a month, during which the broth is drunk twice a day on an empty stomach, one tablespoon. Then they take a break and after six months the course can be repeated if necessary.

Recipe for making a decoction with propolis

Pour boiling water (at the rate of 800 ml - 1 l) into 2 handfuls of crushed bees. Evaporate in a water bath. When the volume is reduced by half, cool and filter.

The finished broth is stored in a dark container in a cool place.

Apply as follows:

  • 14 days one tablespoon three times a day;
  • next 14 days – 2 tablespoons each;
  • another 14 days - by 3 tablespoons;
  • do break at least 3 months;
  • then, if necessary drink for another month one tablespoon three times a day.

Methods for preparing medicinal tincture with alcohol

Tincture is a more concentrated remedy than a decoction. It is used when it is necessary to achieve a quick effect from internal use.

Recipe 1. For 1 tablespoon of carefully crushed dead bees, 1 glass of vodka is required. The ingredients are mixed in a dark glass container and left to brew at room temperature for 2-3 weeks. Shake from time to time. The tincture is then filtered and stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Use 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. It is pre-diluted in a glass warm water, maybe with honey. The course of treatment is up to 1 month. Then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat if necessary.

Alcohol tincture

Recipe 2. For one glass of dry bees (you don’t have to crush them), take 500 ml of vodka, mix it in a dark glass bottle, heat it to 40 0 ​​C in a water bath for at least 10 minutes and leave for about 10 days.

The tincture is carefully filtered and used one teaspoon per day, washed down with plenty of water, or stirred in a glass with water and honey.

How to take fried mor correctly

To prepare, you need to take 50 ml of vegetable oil for 1 tablespoon of raw materials. The oil is heated in a frying pan and then the dead meat is poured in. Fry for 3-5 minutes.

Allow to cool at room temperature. Store for no more than 1 month in the refrigerator. Use 1 teaspoon orally on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day for a month. You can pre-grind and mix with honey to improve the taste.

External use in medicine

Steam treatment

For compresses from dead fruit, you need to steam 100-150 g of bees in hot water. Take a little water so that it completely covers them. Leave for 15-20 minutes in a water bath. The water is drained, the remaining mass is lightly squeezed out and placed in a previously prepared linen bag.

It is pressed tightly to the skin through several layers of gauze, insulated with polyethylene and fixed with a plaster or bandage. Leave on the affected area until it cools completely.

How to make ointment at home

Dead ointment

To prepare this medicine, take from 1 to 4 tablespoons of dry, thoroughly crushed bee pomora and mix with 1 glass of vegetable oil heated to 40 0 ​​C.

Store in an opaque sealed container in the refrigerator. Use preheating, rubbing into sore spots.

Extract with spirit or vodka

Used in the form of compresses and rubbing. Unlike alcohol tincture, which is used internally, it has a higher concentration. To prepare, place dry raw materials in any glass container and pour in vodka or alcohol so that its level is approximately 3 cm above the dead level.

The extract is infused for 2-3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature, shaking regularly. Then filter and apply as necessary.

Using the correct recipes for the preparation of drugs based on dead food, it is necessary to maintain the exact dosage and not expose them to ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures. And, of course, consult your doctor first.

Bees and their metabolic products are unique natural medicines. Honey is very helpful for diseases of the nasopharynx. Healing properties there is also death of bees. You should not throw away valuable materials that can be used to cure various diseases. Before use, you should understand why you need to use it and what the contraindications are.

Dead bees are collected dead insects

Dead bees are dead insects collected during the year. Bees live for a short period. Therefore they are collected in summer time in the apiary or in the field, as well as after winter.

In the first months of spring, evidence is cleaned up after long frosts. About 0.5 kg of dead bees remains on the bottom every year. It is at this moment that they collect greatest number material for tinctures and compresses.

A mass of nutrients remains in the body of a deceased bee - honey, propolis, royal jelly, and the remains of collected pollen. But the most important ingredient is the insect's own chitinous covering. The latter consists of important microelements:

  • Glucosamine
  • Bee venom
  • Chitosan
  • Heparin
  • Melanin

Tinctures, compresses, ointments, as well as powder for diluting various combinations are made on the basis of the dead plant.

But not every dead individual is suitable. Before harvesting medicinal material Each bee should be examined carefully. It should not be rotten, moldy or have an unusual smell. If there are such signs, the collected material is removed.

Only fresh dead meat is used. To prepare medicine from bees, the following procedures are carried out:

  1. Bee corpses are passed through a large sieve or a colander is used. With the help of these devices, garbage is sifted out.
  2. The resulting ingredients are dried over a heater or in an oven at a temperature of no more than 40-500C.
  3. For storage, dried drug components are placed in fabric bags with a dense structure.
  4. Storage is carried out in the freezer of a refrigerator or in a room with good ventilation and periodic airing.

When deadstock are collected in the spring or during the summer, the medicines for which they are used also differ. The most valued is the autumn death. In the summer, insects gain in volume, they contain a lot useful substances And . Therefore, deceased individuals are used to make tinctures.

In spring, bees are severely exhausted over the winter months. They contain less useful components, and more waste products unsuitable for internal use. Therefore, spring death is effective only when treated externally.

The impact of death on the human body, its healing qualities

Dead bee helps to normalize the functioning of the heart muscle

Thanks to the components contained in the bee's body, the produced medicines effectively help in the treatment of various diseases. The totality of components contained inside the bee and biological complexes have a positive effect on internal organs person during treatment.

  • Normalizing the functioning of the heart muscle
  • Promotions protective forces and body functions
  • Cleansing the patient's lymph
  • Stimulating the work of blood vessels

If you use all the resulting ingredients in combination, they have a huge impact on the human body. The following properties of the elements contained inside insects are distinguished:

  • Antioxidant effect - allows you to accelerate the process of regeneration of the upper layers of the epidermis, while inhibiting their natural aging.
  • Stimulates accelerated exchange substances, restores normal metabolism.
  • Stabilizes hormonal levels.
  • Removes existing waste and toxins from internal organs.
  • Strengthens immune system and increases resistance to viruses and infections.
  • It has bactericidal properties, a disinfecting effect, a disinfectant and antiviral effect.
  • Improves the condition of body tissues (bone and cartilage), joints.

Individual components extracted from the body of a dead bee have own impact to internal organs. Chitin quickly heals and eliminates painful sensations. Using it for burns of the mucous membrane or acting on skin, restoration of damaged tissue occurs.

Manufactured medicines based on chitin promote cleansing blood capillaries, regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland, normalize the fat balance. The melanin contained in bees eliminates signs of intoxication in case of poisoning of varying severity.

Heparin promotes normalization and participates in the process of blood formation. under the influence of heparin they are cleansed and toned.

Thus, drugs created on the basis of dead bees are able to fight many diseases of human internal organs. The effect of use in most cases is noticeable within a week. But before use, you should find out whether it is possible to use medicines based on bee death or whether it is better to refuse.

Indications for the use of dead bees

Dead bees can be used in the treatment of varicose veins

To keep their body in excellent condition and not worry about approaching old age, many use medicines based on dead bees. Treatment with dead bees is recommended for the following diseases:

  • Prostate adenoma, problems with sexual life in the stronger sex. When using a decoction of dried bees with honey, heated to body temperature, inflammation in the prostate gland is blocked. In this way it is possible to cure prostatitis, increase male potency, and relieve nervous excitement. Therapy lasts at least 4 weeks.
  • Copes with hormonal disorders - regulates the production and improves the balance of sex hormones, affects the pancreas and thyroid gland. For treatment, a tincture of dead individuals in alcohol is used. The duration of therapy and dosage are determined by the attending physician.
  • For diseased joints - arthrosis, bursitis, arthritis. With the help of compresses and ointments, inflammation of individual areas and painful sensations are relieved. By using an alcohol-based rub, the mobility of the affected joint is noticeably restored.
  • Skin diseases - furunculosis, small scratches, burns, acne are well suited to treatment with ointment based on dead bees. Inflammation from burns quickly subsides if you apply compresses using a decoction.
  • Migraine, headaches - rubbing helps temporal region using ointments and alcohol extract. A compress is applied to the forehead from steamed bee corpses.
  • , thrombophlebitis - have a strong effect on the condition of blood vessels warm compresses with bee steam.

Thus, bee death is quite common medicine. It affects almost all internal organs. If used in regulated dosages, it is possible to cure large number diseases without the use of medications.

How to take dead bees in the form of a compress, ointment, tincture, powder. Homemade recipes

One of the options for using dead bees is an alcohol tincture

Pure dead fruit is not used for medicinal purposes. It should first be sorted out, removing debris and unusable insect corpses. To obtain an effective preparation, podmor should undergo heat treatment and drying.

Dead bees in the form of decoctions and tinctures are recommended for administration inside the body. Sometimes recipes use fried carcasses or powder. These ingredients are mixed with other components. Alcohol tinctures of dead bees, as well as ointments and steamings are necessary for external use.

You can prepare it at home healing agent based on the following recipes:

  1. Compress – 100 gr. dry bees are filled with boiling water, a volume of 0.5 liters. The infusion should be kept for no more than 20 minutes in a dark place, under a closed lid. The broth is filtered through gauze placed in a sieve. Then collect all the material in gauze and squeeze the liquid into a glass. Spread the resulting steamed dead bees over the gauze area, applying to inflamed area. Cover the top with a bag and woolen cloth. Leave it on your foot until it cools down.
  2. Alcohol tincture – 250 gr. dead insects are immersed in 0.5 liters of alcohol, poured into an enamel container, covering the top with a lid. Preheat for 15 minutes. Cool and transfer to a glass container with a tight lid. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking the liquid occasionally. Reception – 1 time in 24 hours, 0.5 tbsp. inside.
  3. Ointment - dry bees are ground to a powder. The volume of bees is taken such that it is possible to get 4 tbsp. Combine flour with olive oil, heated to warm state. The ingredients must be kneaded until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After this, the consistency should be infused in a dark place with a low temperature for 3 days. Store the resulting ointment in a glass flask in the refrigerator. In case of inflammatory processes, rub generously into the painful area;
  4. Medicinal powder – 250 gr. bee dead mixed with 2 tsp. liquid honey. Mix thoroughly. The components are left for a day so that the dead meat is saturated with a nutritious consistency. The next day, dry over low heat. After cooling and drying, the entire mass must be ground into powder. The substance is consumed 10-15 minutes before meals, 0.5 tsp. no more than 3 times a day.

Watch a video on how to prepare dead bee tincture:

Thus, when exposed to prepared infusions and compresses, the treatment of various diseases gives positive results. The main thing is to strictly follow the dose prescribed for therapy. But before use, do not refuse to consult a doctor.

Contraindications and harm of bee death

Angina pectoris at stage III and above is a contraindication for the use of dead bees

Dead bee carcasses contain a large amount nutrients, microelements and . Medicines based on the components of dead bees have positive results during therapy.

But when using decoctions and compresses, you should not forget about contraindications. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a doctor before use. Accurately determine whether there is a prohibition for use. Cannot be used in the following situations:

  • The last stages of development of tuberculosis
  • Thrombus in deep

    It is recommended to use insecticide-based therapy products only after passing full examination. The test results will reveal the full picture of the disease. Only when a correct diagnosis is established is it possible to use treatment.

    How to use Podmor for varicose veins

    When treating varicose veins, you can use compresses based on dead bees

    - an unsightly and painful disease. To eliminate signs of varicose veins, you can use products produced by killing bees. Ointments for external use and decoctions do the best job.

    Prone to varicose veins (with genetic predisposition) people, it is advisable to use the ointment from the age of 30. As a preventive procedure, lubricate the calf areas of the legs once a week.

    In addition to rubbing in the ointment, a compress made from dead meat has a great effect on the protruding nodular veins.

    Infuse the decoction for no more than 20-25 minutes and drain. During this period, insect bodies have time to become saturated with moisture and steam. After this, the bee carcasses should be laid out in an even layer on gauze and applied to the inflamed area.

    A piece of polyethylene is placed on top and wrapped with a woolen scarf. A pleasant warmth spreads over the painful area.

    While heat emanates from the compress, vasodilation is stimulated. The process allows the blood flow to move along with increased force circulatory system. In addition, surface capillaries absorb the released nutritional components.

    Long-term use of compresses and ointments in combination with drug treatment allows you to completely get rid of the inflammatory process of the superficial veins. Treatment is productive only in the first stages of the disease.

    Thus, when varicose veins veins recommended special attention give to vessels and capillaries. They are necessary by any possible ways strengthen, prevent their fragility and permeability.

In the apiary, the bodies of dead bees can be found throughout the year. In order to collect high-quality dead bees, it is optimal to do this in the spring, performing an “inspection” of the hives. During this period, beekeepers remove dead individuals from bee houses after wintering. To provide proper use death of bees, it is worth paying the most attention close attention its freshness, quality: the presence of mold is excluded, bad smell, plus, it should not be treated with chemicals. As a rule, in the spring beekeepers receive clean, fresh dead fruit, the characteristics of which fully meet the requirements.

The most valuable composition of unique raw materials

Scientists were able to thoroughly study the chitinous cover of bees, thanks to which conclusions were drawn about the extreme value of the substances present in it, such as chitosan and heparoids. The bee body itself contains useful propolis, valuable honey, wax, pollen, drone, royal jelly, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, and valuable minerals. In addition, the composition of the pestilence contains poison and hormone-like substances.

It is noteworthy that the fatty substances contained in dead fish have properties that are superior in healing properties to the famous fish oil. As a consequence, medicines from dead bees, in many cases they are used with medicinal, and often with for preventive purposes. In particular, heparin, obtained by extracting from the chitinous integument of honey plants, is used to produce very expensive, effective medications.

Widest Application

Today, medicine from dead bees is in demand in various areas. In particular, it is used when necessary to improve the condition of blood vessels, to stabilize pressure, eliminate inflammatory processes body. It has the ability to increase immunity, rid the human body of worms, tubercle bacilli, lamblia, and mycoplasma. With the help of preparations with a base - dead bees, it is possible to remove toxins - heavy metals in the form of salts, radioactive isotopes. Possessing anti-radiation properties, Podmor serves as the basis for the creation of drugs for cancer.

Using bee kill

The effective use of dead bees has been known for a long time. Galen - famous physician from Ancient Greece practiced the treatment of carbuncles and various gum diseases using pomora. The famous thinker Pliny managed to heal dysentery and eye diseases.

Today there are many options for how to use dead bees - effective decoctions, tinctures, alcohol solutions, powders.


To prepare the decoction without any problems, add 1 tablespoon of water (0.5 liters) and simmer for 2 hours on low heat. After this, you need to infuse the broth for another two hours and then strain. A monthly course of administration involves consuming 100 grams of decoction 1 - 2 times per day. Afterwards there is a ten-day break, and then the course is repeated.


To prepare the steam, you will need to steam the dead meat (100 gr.) hot water(15 min.). Next, the resulting mass is squeezed out well through gauze. It is recommended to apply gauze to the sore spot. It is also possible to apply compresses with bee mass laid on top of gauze. The compress is fixed with a bandage, after which it is covered with cellophane film and left until it cools.


Podmor powder is made by frying bee bodies (1 teaspoon) for 5 minutes in vegetable oil (50 g). Next, the mixture is cooled, crushed, taken on an empty stomach - 1 tsp. (1 - 2 months).


For proper preparation of the ointment, podmore (1 tbsp) is kneaded into powder and filled with vegetable oil (1 cup). The product is stored in the refrigerator.

Alcohol tincture

About the product, alcohol tincture from dead bees: application and reviews are positive, since its entry into the human body occurs very quickly. There are no difficulties in preparing an infusion of dead bees containing alcohol. To do this, you will need to grind the dead meat (1 tbsp), which should be filled with vodka (400 grams) or another liquid (containing 40% alcohol), leave for 3 weeks, periodically shaking the infusion. Practicing the use of alcohol tincture from dead bees will undoubtedly be necessary, depending on a certain disease. As a rule, the drug is taken as follows: 15 - 20 drops after meals (twice a day).

It is quite logical that the question: “What diseases will the tincture of dead bees most effectively help with?” - the answer will contain a large list of diseases. In particular, it helps stabilize blood pressure, improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, and heal kidney diseases. Treatment of cerebral vessels by killing bees is also effective, as noted by many medical professionals.

Women suffering from manifestations of mastopathy are recommended to lubricate their breasts in the mornings and evenings with a product - effective tincture from dead bees, in addition, it is necessary to take the infusion orally (1 tbsp - three times a day on an empty stomach).

In the presence of edema, a tincture of dead bees in vodka is taken on an empty stomach. You should start with 10 drops, then the dose is increased by a drop (after 2 days). Having brought the intake to 20 drops, the product must be taken for three weeks. Next, you will need to take a month-long break and then resume taking it according to the old regimen.

The first symptoms of the flu are a signal to initiate treatment with tincture of dead bees, plus wax moth (equal parts). This infusion is taken three times a day. To enhance effectiveness, it is recommended to drink the infusion with honey water.

To ensure a guaranteed increase in immunity in older people and to prevent senile dementia, it is useful to use a tincture of dead bees (six months to a year). The dose is calculated individually - the patient’s age is taken into account (the number of droplets corresponds to the years already lived). According to research, tincture of dead bees in vodka: use and reviews from older people indicate a positive result. The product increases activity and makes chronic ailments easier.

The unique medicinal properties of bee dead tincture will come in handy when treating varicose veins, goiter, and fibroids.

Men's health

With the use of bee death, you can achieve healing of problematic male ailments. In particular, treatment of the prostate with death of bees, an unpleasant adenoma, is very effective. In patients who consume dead fruit regularly, there is a decrease in tumors, restoration of urine outflow functions, and normalization of prostate secretions. As a rule, the greatest results are obtained from a course carried out over several months.

A decoction containing honey and propolis is very effective. Podmore (1 tbsp) is simply filled with water (half a liter), boiled for two hours on low heat. After settling (2 hours), the broth is filtered, honey (2 tbsp), propolis (2 tbsp) are added. This decoction is taken for a month 2 times a day. After a week's break, the intake should be resumed. Greatest effect observed from taking at least four courses.

For prostatitis and adenoma, the medicinal properties of the tincture from dead bees will be enhanced if equal proportions of drone homogenate and wax moth extract are added to the product. The product is taken three times a day (1 tsp).

When faced with the problem of impotence, you definitely need to know how to treat dead bees. To heal sexual dysfunction, you need to learn how to make a tincture from dead bees: 1 tsp. powder product is poured boiled water(0.7 liters), then cook over low heat (2 hours), infuse (3 - 4 hours), strain. The following are added to the decoction: pollen (1 tsp), May honey (2 tbsp), alcoholic extract of propolis 10% (3 tsp). The product is taken 2-3 times a day (1 tbsp). Recommended course 2 - 3 months.

Recipes for joints

Today, in practice, effective treatment of joints with death of bees is noted; these diseases are perfectly cured with the use of alcohol tincture and ointment.

Dead bees - contraindications

Absolutely all medications have a certain list of contraindications for use. It is logical that this also applies to bee death. Proper Use The product eliminates any negative side effects.

The use of podmor is not recommended during pregnancy, implementation breastfeeding. Also this remedy not suitable for people with marked cardiovascular failure, mental disorder. Killing bees is not recommended for patients who have suffered from a heart attack or stroke. Persons who are intolerant to any beekeeping products should not use the product. Toddlers (up to three years) are included in the list of persons for whom bee killing is not recommended due to high risk manifestations of a negative reaction of the body.

However, even after natural death, they can be used for medicinal purposes. Let's figure out what cures bee death.

Bees, like all living creatures, have their own lifespan. And throughout its entire length, these insects produce many products useful to humans.

It is worth noting that before using podmora, it is always prepared. These can be special tinctures, ointments and other methods that improve absorption useful elements human body. It is also worth noting that bee death can be different periods, which significantly affects its quality. Thus, for example, those who died in winter time the bees are not as useful as those that died in the summer.

First of all, the diet of insects affects them, and if you keep them fed with sugar, then not only the life span of bees will be reduced, but also the quality of bee death. It is not least influenced by the state of health, that is, the presence of diseases in the hive. Under no circumstances should you collect those individuals that have died due to tracheal mites and varroa, as well as other ailments. You should also avoid using those that have died after being treated with special chemicals.

For illnesses

Basically, bee death is used for problems with cardiovascular system. The medicinal properties of the substance make it possible to treat unstable blood pressure, which often causes frequent headaches, not to mention heart defects. However, they also heal ailments such as the prostate and other ailments that the immune system cannot cope with. Next, let's look at the basic recipes.

For prevention purposes

They do not disdain the substance in order to strengthen the human immune system as a whole. External application of drugs prepared on the basis of this substance helps relieve muscle pain, as well as recovery from joint diseases and migraines.

For treatment

As a tincture

If a recipe for an alcoholic tincture of dead bees is used, then for a high-quality course of treatment, it is consumed according to the dosage. For an adult, the amount of product used should correspond to his age. That is, the extract requires as many drops as the age of the patient. However, it is not used in its pure state - it is necessary to dilute it in a glass of water or milk. It is better not to give such liquid to children, due to the presence of alcohol.

In the form of an ointment

As already mentioned, recipes for special ointments will help heal joint ailments. Their special healing properties allow the mixture to be applied directly to pain, however, full treatment Poorly requires three times of use in one day. For preventive purposes, it can be used once a day.

Cooking recipes


Medicinal properties are known. Now it’s time to learn how to cook properly medicinal tinctures and ointments. Among several recipes for preparing podmore, its tincture is of particular importance. In addition, such a substance has the longest shelf life, which is why it can be prepared less often. To create it you need the following ingredients.


  • dead bees (necessarily well dried and crushed) - a full 100 gram glass;
  • pure 70-90% alcohol - seventy to eighty milliliters.

It should be noted that the cooking vessel must be glass. Dead insects are poured into it, which must be filled with food alcohol just enough to completely cover it. There is no need to do anything special - you just need to leave the closed container with the components to infuse in a sheltered place. sun rays place. As a last resort, instead of pure alcohol, you can use regular vodka. Just don’t take an alcoholic drink with different impurities.


For infusion, two to three weeks will be enough. At this time, a precipitate may form, but it is not certain that it will occur. In any case, the liquid must be filtered at the end of the period. It is also worth noting that the resulting tincture may have different colors, since it strongly depends on the type of bees, as well as the period of their collection.

Video recipe


The ointment from the current material is even easier to make.


  • four tablespoons of dead bee powder;
  • five tablespoons of olive oil.

Application and storage

Mixed components are excellent for external application, and before this they must be heated. Like the alcohol extract, it must be stored in a dark, cool place. It is also worth noting that insect powder is often mixed with honey. And if you want to use it like eye drops, the following recipe will come in handy.

Eye drops


  • a tablespoon of dead bees;
  • the same amount of fresh honey;
  • one hundred milliliters of clean water.

Cooking has its own characteristics.


  1. First, you need to burn the dead insects, then filter their ashes with a fine strainer.
  2. Mix ash with honey.
  3. Dilute the mixture with water.
  4. Filter the slurry with gauze.

The finished substance can be used to treat sore eyes.


There are several forums that discuss the topic of using podmora. On them you can find interesting reviews about this product. However, despite the skepticism of people who have never used it before, the current remedy has proven itself only with the best side, as it really treats effectively without side effects.

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