How to recognize a malaria mosquito bite, and what the consequences may be from it. Are mosquitoes and their bites dangerous?

Oh, red summer, I would love you, if it weren’t for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies!

A. S. Pushkin.

Summer outdoor recreation is often marred by attacks by blood-sucking insects. Mosquitoes are widespread throughout Russia, and in the northern regions they are integral part a community of blood-sucking insects called midges. How dangerous are they, can they be carriers of diseases, and what helps against mosquito bites?

Why are mosquito bites dangerous?

More than 90 species of mosquitoes live in Russia. In the middle zone the most common are:

  • malaria mosquitoes (genus Anopheles);
  • spring mosquitoes of the genus Ochlerotatus;
  • and autumn squeaking mosquitoes (Culex).

Mosquitoes are dipterous insects. Their males are completely harmless and feed on plant nectar, but females need protein, which they receive from the blood of animals and humans, to procreate.

The female mosquito consumes blood only once, after which it lays eggs and dies. The bite itself can be painless, but usually the person experiences an unpleasant sensation similar to an injection. The insect selects areas with delicate skin and nearby blood vessels. It pierces the skin and capillary wall with its proboscis and injects saliva containing anticoagulants - substances that prevent blood clotting. Poisoning from mosquito bites is impossible, since mosquitoes have no poison.

Anticoagulants cause swelling and redness of the skin at the puncture site and itching. If you scratch the bite site, mosquito saliva will spread into the surrounding tissues and the reaction will only intensify.

Mosquito bites can cause trouble if there are a lot of them. Also children small age They are poorly tolerated due to the itching that occurs.

A more serious danger is allergic reactions and various vector-borne diseases(infectious diseases transmitted by blood-sucking insects).

In central Russia, diseases transmitted by mosquito bites are isolated cases.

Allergy to mosquito bites

Allergic reactions to a mosquito bite occur less frequently and are not as strong as those from attacks by stinging insects - bees, wasps. Signs developing allergies serve:

  • swelling of the skin at the bite sites;
  • increase in temperature;
  • headache;
  • nausea.

In exclusively in rare cases allergies from mosquito bites can cause hives, vasomotor rhinitis and bronchospasm.

Mosquitoes as carriers of diseases

Infectious diseases that are transmitted through mosquito bites are found mainly in southern countries, mainly in the tropics. They can be of two types:

  • diseases in which mosquitoes serve as mechanical carriers of pathogens;
  • diseases in which the pathogen must survive certain time in the body of a mosquito.

The latter are the most dangerous, but for the infection to develop, a sufficiently long cycle in the mosquito and the creation of a natural focus from wild warm-blooded animals is necessary, which is possible only in hot countries. The infection is transmitted through the female's saliva while feeding on blood. Only three diseases have been registered in Russia, while in tropical countries there are several dozen of them. Therefore, when going on an exotic trip, do not forget to check which vaccinations are recommended as a preventive measure.

How to treat mosquito bites

In our climate, the biggest nuisance from mosquito attacks is itching and swelling.

How to remove itching from a mosquito bite? There are several simple recipes.

What to smear mosquito bites so that they don't itch? The pharmacy sells many remedies for insect bites in the form of ointments, balms, lotions, sprays and pencils. Such products include “Zvezdochka”, “Vitaon”, “Psilo-balm”.

You can use antihistamine or anti-inflammatory ointments: Sinaflan, Advantan, Fenistil-gel.

What to do if a mosquito bites you in the eye? Rinse the eye mucosa with cool water clean water and drip eye drops with an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, “Sulfacyl-sodium” (“Albucid”).

And if a mosquito bites you on the lip, what should you do in this case? To reduce itching, apply a piece of ice to the damaged area.

If you have allergies, take a tablet of Suprastin, Tavegil or other antihistamines: Zyrtec, Claritin, Telfast. If widespread swelling, difficulty breathing, or fever develops, contact your doctor.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites

Help to get rid of itching after mosquito bites folk remedies:

You can use essential oils. Oil will soothe the skin tea tree, mint, lemon, rosemary. Some essential oils: eucalyptus, geranium, juniper - have an insect repellent effect.

How to treat mosquito bites in children

Mosquitoes cause particular nuisance to children. Children's skin is very delicate and reacts violently even to minor damage. How to apply mosquito bites to a child? Use alcohol, ice cubes, lotion. The balm is suitable for children over two years old " Golden star». It is very important to distract the baby and convince him not to scratch the itchy area.

How to apply mosquito bites to a child under one year old? Try to use folk remedies. It is not recommended to use strong antihistamines and anti-inflammatory ointments, but if necessary, consult your pediatrician.

Allergies to mosquito bites in children are no more common than in adults. To the child infancy consultation with a doctor is required. In mild cases, older children can be given: “Suprastin”, “Diazolin”, “Fenkarol”. If swelling spreads, severe urticaria, or breathing problems, you should call an ambulance.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites for children

The following are used as folk remedies for mosquito bites for children:

  • soda in the form of a solution or slurry;
  • tea tree oil;
  • sour cream or yogurt;
  • mint toothpaste.

A good way to relieve itching from mosquito bites in a child is a lotion made from a pulp of dandelion, plantain, and basil leaves.

Let's summarize - mosquito bites are practically harmless, but cause a lot of trouble. discomfort and can ruin your outdoor recreation, especially if you have small children with you. To relieve itching and swelling at the bite site, use simple remedies: alcohol, lotion, baking soda. Various pharmacy balms and ointments work well against insect bites. When traveling to tropical countries, take measures to prevent infectious diseases that can be transmitted by mosquito bites.

A mosquito bite is not always a cause for concern, but given problems relevant for people who experience allergic reactions, as well as for young children.

Insects begin to behave especially aggressively in the last month of spring and end their activity in the first month of autumn.

However, this period may vary depending on climatic conditions a certain region. The number of bloodsuckers may also be different: in hot places with marshy areas and an abundance of forests there are more of them than in the northern regions. Mosquitoes become especially numerous after heavy rains.

People try to stay away from insects, because they cause them a lot of trouble. Almost everyone knows how a mosquito bites. Even if it does not suck blood from a person, it causes a feeling of discomfort in him with its annoying buzzing. It has been noticed that mosquitoes do not bite everyone.

People who are in excellent health and who are prone to sweating are most susceptible to their attacks.

As for children, they are distinguished by thinner skin and increased metabolism, so mosquitoes bite them more often than adults. If bloodsuckers do not pay absolutely no attention to a person, there is reason to be wary, because this may indicate a weakening of the body or the presence of serious diseases.

Why are mosquito bites dangerous?

Insects can cause pain to a person of any age, but young children are especially affected by them.

Often in children the swelling after a mosquito bite becomes very large.

A mosquito bite often leads to the following consequences:

In some cases, your health may deteriorate significantly or infection may occur. As a result, the child’s mood deteriorates sharply, he becomes irritable, and often does not sleep at night.

At the same time, sometimes mosquito bites can lead to worse consequences: severe swelling and enlarged lymph nodes can occur, and a severe headache begins.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical care.

How to avoid becoming a victim of mosquitoes and what to do if you are bitten?

With the onset of pest season, it is necessary to take certain precautions, since mosquitoes bite quite often during this time.

If a person was unable to protect himself and was bitten by a mosquito, it is recommended to immediately treat the wound.

Scented essential oils are good at repelling annoying mosquitoes

You can use the following folk remedies:

  1. Soap, which requires washing the bite area under running water.
  2. Soda. The substance should be dissolved in water (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of warm liquid), applied to a cotton swab and held for 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. A mixture of mint leaves, parsley, plantain, bird cherry. The leaves of the plants need to be mashed and then applied to the affected areas of the skin.
  4. Essential oil cloves, known for its antibacterial effect and having the ability to eliminate itching and relieve irritation.

In addition, after mosquito bites, you can treat the skin with the following products:

  • a clove of garlic;
  • lemon juice;
  • tea tree oil;
  • pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • ammonia;
  • ethyl alcohol. For interesting life hacks on mosquito control, watch this video:

If efforts have led nowhere and mosquito bites continue to negatively affect the skin, you can resort to help traditional medicine.

Drug treatment for mosquito bites

Peculiarity similar treatment is to use antihistamines. Data medications are available in the form:

If the area of ​​damage to the surface of the body is quite extensive, the bitten person is prescribed antihistamines in the form of injections, oral (oral) or parenteral (in the form of injections, droppers) medications containing steroid hormones. When you feel better, use antihistamines in tablets and ointments.

In any case, before starting treatment, the person who has been bitten should consult with a specialist who will help you choose a specific remedy, taking into account the person’s age and his possible tendency to allergic reactions.

In order to avoid allergies that may occur after a mosquito bite, before using the drug it should be applied to a small area of ​​skin. This way you can make sure how safe it is. It can be used if there is no burning, itching or rash that could be caused by mosquito bites.

Ointments will help relieve swelling and irritation

There are currently enough large number pharmaceuticals, the action of which is aimed at mitigating the consequences of bloodsucker bites and alleviating the condition of the victim. Among them are the following:

  • ointments to prevent rashes, which contain arnica and calendula extracts;
  • special mosquito repellent patches that have the ability to neutralize toxins entering the skin;
  • Valocordin and Corvalol, which should be used to lubricate the affected area;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • gels and balms for treating wounds.

Before using any of these remedies, it is recommended to obtain prior consultation with a specialist.

Mosquito bites are not only unpleasant and painful sensations, they can cause allergies and various diseases. In order to prevent damage to the skin, precautions should be taken. To learn how to protect yourself from mosquitoes in Siberia, watch this video:

Mosquito bites can be prevented by following these rules:

  1. Avoid wearing dark clothing while outdoors.
  2. Take walks away from forested areas and marshy areas.
  3. Try to walk in windy weather.
  4. Do not use perfumes that emit a sweet aroma.
  5. If possible, apply strong-smelling products to your skin. cosmetics.
  6. When staying indoors, do not open windows and doors wide open. Use special mosquito nets.
  7. Try not to turn on the light unless necessary.

Since children are most often bitten by mosquitoes, it is necessary to select clothing for the child that will cover his body as much as possible. It is advisable to treat things before going outside. by special means(repellents).

You can apply the drugs to exposed skin, but only if the child is already 1 year old.

It is necessary to trim nails in a timely manner so that after mosquito bites, the child does not damage the itchy area of ​​skin by scratching and does not infect the wound.

Folk remedies for prevention include:

It’s not enough to have an idea of ​​how mosquitoes bite; you also need to know how to protect yourself from them, take necessary measures response if a defeat does occur skin. Insect bites should be taken seriously, as they can have serious consequences.

There is a wide variety of mosquitoes in nature. Most people tolerate a mosquito bite calmly and almost painlessly. However, mosquitoes can carry dangerous diseases, and their bites can cause an allergic reaction.

Are mosquito bites dangerous?

When a mosquito bites, it pierces a person's skin, thereby causing unpleasant sensations. Male mosquitoes feed on plant sap and therefore do not attack humans. And female mosquitoes need protein to reproduce. They consume it from the blood of animals and people.

The mosquito chooses places with thin skin and nearby blood vessels to bite.

When bitten, the female mosquito salivates under the skin. Saliva contains anticoagulants. These are substances that interfere with blood clotting and also cause itching, redness, swelling, and in some cases a rash. Some people are more sensitive to mosquito bites.

They may have following symptoms:

  • Blisters appear at the site of the bite, up to 10mm in diameter
  • The bitten area itches for a day or more
  • Body temperature may be elevated for several days
  • Swelling may occur and the bite site may be painful when touched.
  • Sometimes it occurs skin rash, spots spread beyond the damaged area of ​​skin

Mosquitoes have no poison, so poisoning from a bite is impossible.

However, a person may experience allergies. An even more serious danger is diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. Only certain types mosquitoes are carriers of infections.

Is it possible to scratch mosquito bites?

If you scratch the bite site, the saliva of the female mosquito will spread, and a wound will quickly form at the scratching site. This will cause increased itching and redness. Therefore, the bite itches more and more.

If you scratch a mosquito bite, infection can enter through the damaged skin and infection will occur.

Small children often scratch the puncture site, which is why they do not tolerate mosquito bites well. To remove itching, you can smear the damaged area of ​​skin with special products that are available in pharmacies.

Mosquito bite marks look like pimples on the body. But the bite always has a point in the center of the outbreak.

Allergic reactions in children and adults

Allergies to the bites of these insects do not occur often in adults. However, in children, especially under three years of age, this is a common phenomenon, because children's immunity I’m not yet used to dealing with the saliva that is released during a bite.

There are three main reasons for allergies to mosquito bites:

  1. Heredity
  2. Special sensitivity
  3. A sharp reaction of the immune system to substances contained in insect saliva

The most light form allergic reaction– local. Appears as a fluid blister or tumor. A lump may form. The skin turns light pink.

Another reaction of the body to a bite is hives. It appears as a rash on the body and severe itching.

Heavy and dangerous reaction- nausea, vomiting, dizziness, anaphylactic shock. Angioedema may also appear.

Symptoms for which you should consult a doctor

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe red swelling of the skin at the site of the bite
  • Headache, chills
  • Increased body temperature
  • Convulsions and loss of consciousness
  • Attacks of suffocation

Diseases transmitted through mosquito bites

Infectious diseases, transmitted through an insect bite, are mainly common in southern countries, in the tropics. Infections are transmitted through the saliva of the female mosquito. Not all mosquitoes are dangerous. However, while in the tropics, every mosquito bite should be treated carefully, because... it may pose a health risk.

Diseases that can be transmitted through mosquito bites:

  1. malaria,
  2. fever,
  3. encephalitis,
  4. helminthiasis.

Malaria is the most common disease transmitted through mosquito bites. Sometimes it can lead to fatal outcome. The carrier of the infection is the malaria mosquito.

Malaria mosquitoes (or Anopheles mosquitoes) exist throughout the world, but are especially dangerous in the tropics and subtropics. They transmit infection through malarial plasmodia.

Malaria is characterized by flu-like symptoms - headache, weakness, chills. Timely consultation with a doctor will help to avoid serious consequences for the human body.

First aid for a mosquito bite

To prevent complications, you should know how to provide first aid for a mosquito bite.

  1. Do not touch or scratch the bite site to avoid infection.
  2. The place where the mosquito pierced the skin should be washed under warm water with soap to avoid germs and bacteria.
  3. You can apply something cold to the bite site.
  4. If you have allergy symptoms, you should take an antihistamine.

Today, there are effective folk remedies that will also help in treating a bite. However, before smearing the bite, you should evaluate the condition of the skin. In case of a single bite, it is enough to apply ice.

To get rid of severe itching and swelling, you can use the following remedies:

  • ammonia or any product containing alcohol
  • vinegar
  • toothpaste
  • tomato or onion juice
  • ointment made from milk powder and water (1:2)

Mosquito repellents

Being in nature best way The way to avoid mosquito bites is to not attract their attention. Mosquitoes choose their prey based on three criteria: appearance, smell and elevated temperature bodies. Most often, mosquitoes fly to blue and green. Therefore, it is better to wear clothes in lighter colors.

Perfumes, sweet-smelling creams, deodorants - these scents attract annoying insects. For the summer, it is better to choose less fragrant scents.
It is better to avoid in the evening physical activity, because Mosquitoes are attracted to the increased temperature of a person’s body and react to the secretion of sweat.

Indoors, special mosquito nets can be installed on windows and doors. They are for sale different sizes and are easy to attach.

So you can open the window and let in fresh air, and are not afraid that annoying mosquitoes will enter the room. The mosquito net can also be replaced with regular gauze. There are also many creams and aerosols on sale that will help protect against mosquitoes in summer season.

A mosquito bite is usually not harmful to the human body. His traces disappear within a few days. But if you have allergies or other symptoms dangerous diseases, you should immediately take the necessary measures and consult a doctor.

If we consider the process of a mosquito bite from a medical perspective, then the danger directly in the insect bite itself does not exist for most people. However, this is exactly what we can observe today - each of us during the warm season of the year is gnawed by these bloodthirsty insects, and we don’t care.

However, there are people who are susceptible to mosquito bites due to their allergic reaction to substances contained in mosquito saliva. As you know, when a mosquito inserts its proboscis under the skin, it finds blood vessel of the required diameter, such that this same proboscis fits into it, pierces its wall and, before taking the first sip, injects its biological fluids, which scientists called saliva.

Mosquito saliva contains protein structures, which have analgesic and anticoagulant (prevents blood clotting) effects. Thus, nature helps the mosquito to perform the act of taking blood as quickly as possible in order to reduce the amount of time during which the insect can be destroyed by its owner.

The protein introduced by the mosquito is foreign to our body, and it tries to eliminate it as quickly as possible by connecting immune cells. These immune bodies flock to the site of the bite and the active process deactivation of foreign protein, which is essentially a local microallergic reaction that promotes the production of histamine and other substances that contribute to the course of allergies. It is for this reason that at the site of the bite we can observe all the signs of a similar process - redness and swelling.

In people who are healthy in this regard, the immune system quickly copes with foreign proteins at the local level, and the problem disappears after 2-3 days.

However, in people who are particularly susceptible to such substances, a phenomenon called sensitization may occur, when the allergic reaction is so active that it affects all systems of the body. Such people, after several mosquito bites, may experience general signs fever, shortness of breath, disturbances in the functioning of the heart, which without the participation of doctors can lead to this dangerous condition, like anaphylaxis, often resulting in death.

Fortunately, few people experience this type of problem. There are much fewer people allergic to mosquito bites than those who react similarly to bee stings. This is why they are dangerous big mosquitoes in Russia.

The most dangerous mosquitoes, or Why mosquitoes are dangerous to humans

The second problem associated with mosquito bites is the possibility of severe infection. infectious disease, the pathogens of which insects can transmit from person to person. However, it is immediately worth noting that residents middle zone Russia is much luckier, since in our area there are almost no mosquitoes that could carry this kind of disease, with the exception of the southern regions. But residents of the North and South American continents, Africa and Australia were much less fortunate. They have every chance of contracting a fatal disease from a mosquito bite and here are some of them.

Having met in almost every country of the Northern and South America on February 1, 2016, was announced as a global emergency in the area public health. This disease actually causes a rare birth defect called microcephaly - neurological disorder, which results in babies being born with abnormally small heads and developmental abnormalities.

The Zika virus is usually transmitted through the bite of an Aedes mosquito, or more precisely, two representatives of this mosquito genus - the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) and the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti). However, it is worth adding that the disease can also be spread through sexual contact.

These types of mosquitoes are quite aggressive daytime blood-sucking insects. The Asian tiger mosquito, which is found in all tropical and subtropical territories, also transmits dengue fever and a disease with the simple name Chikungunya, which are no less dangerous to human life.

There is currently no vaccine or treatment for the disease, so travelers traveling through Zika virus-infected areas are required to prevent mosquito bites as their best and only protection against the disease. Pregnant women should avoid traveling to countries where Zika is present due to the risk to their unborn children.

Most people infected with Zika (80%) have no symptoms or don't realize they have them. clinical signs, as a rule, soft and sluggish. Common symptoms include mild fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis (red eyes).

Estimated World Organization health, 3 to 4 million people across the Americas will be infected with the virus next year 2017. To date, Zika virus is actively transmitted locally in Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay , Puerto Rico, St. Martin, Suriname, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands and Venezuela.

Dangerous mosquitoes in Russia from the genus Aedes are found in a very narrow range, limited to the Caucasian Black Sea coast and Abkhazia.

It should be noted that in order for a mosquito to become a carrier of the Zika virus, it must first bite a person sick with the disease. While there are no such people on our territory, we have nothing to fear, but in for preventive purposes on at the moment An active campaign is underway to eliminate mosquitoes that are dangerous for pregnant Russian women.


Only on last stage development of Plasmodium in the blood system, infected patients begin to exhibit symptoms such as fever, chills, sweating, headaches and other flu-like conditions. The infection can sometimes produce even more severe reactions, including renal failure, which often ends in death, especially if the disease is not treated.

Malaria can be transmitted certain types mosquitoes called Anopheles malaria. But, as in the case of the Zika virus, not always where there is a malaria mosquito, there will be malaria itself. Conditions required for Plasmodium transfer environment, and these are frost-free winters and wet swampy places, which we can only find in the southern regions.

In Soviet times, a lot of effort was made to combat malaria on the territory of the Union, especially in the resort areas of Sochi. However, due to the collapse of the country and the distraction of attention, the disease began to reappear. To date. Local diseases of malaria are isolated cases, but it is still possible to catch the disease.

The viral infection is carried in the blood of birds. Culex mosquitoes acquire it by feeding on the blood of infected birds, and then, after the pathogen spreads through the mosquito's systems, the insects transmit it to humans through their saliva during feeding.

West Nile virus multiplies in the human bloodstream and is transferred to the brain, where it begins to affect the central nervous system. nervous system and causes inflammation of brain tissue in a process better known as encephalitis. If this occurs, the patient will develop high temperature, headaches, swelling lymph nodes and neck stiffness. In the most severe cases, the infection can lead to seizures, coma, and death. Even if a severely infected person survives, there is a high chance of permanent neurological deficits.

Doesn't exist specific treatment West Nile virus.

However, only one in 150 people infected with this disease suffers severe symptoms diseases. People over 50 are most at risk. About 80% of those infected show no symptoms at all.

Researchers believe that people who become infected immediately develop natural immunity to West Nile virus that will last the rest of their lives.

Like previous diseases, West Nile fever originates from hot Africa. In Russia, this disease did not occur until 1999; since that date, more and more cases have been registered in the south of the country - the Volgograd, Astrakhan, Rostov, Voronezh, Lipetsk regions and the Krasnodar Territory.

This is another infection caused by one of four viruses characteristic of tropical and subtropical climates. Is the disease spread by Aedes mosquitoes? in much the same way as West Nile fever and other encephalitic viruses. A mosquito is capable of transmitting dengue about a week after biting an infected person.

As the dengue virus multiplies and damages the body's cells, an infected person begins to exhibit symptoms similar to other infections: high fever, headaches, back and joint pain, rashes and sore eyes. If the fever lasts up to a week, it is usually accompanied by bruising and bleeding - the main symptoms hemorrhagic fever dengue.

The mortality rate for hemorrhagic fever is about 5 percent.

About 100 million people worldwide become infected with dengue fever every year, especially in Africa and tropical regions of the Western Hemisphere. The disease is more common in Southeast Asia, where children are especially susceptible.

As with most viruses, there is no specific treatment for dengue fever. Doctors recommend acetaminophen, plenty of fluids, and rest. Hospitalization is indicated in the presence of hemorrhagic fever. On the territory Russian Federation Cases of dengue fever are exclusively imported.

Flaviviruses, the causative agents of yellow fever, are common among primates in Africa and South America. Like dengue, this disease is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, especially the yellow fever species.

The virus incubates in the body for three to six days until infected person starts to show general symptoms infections - fever, chills, headache and nausea. There may be a short remission during the course of the disease before the disease returns with much more severe symptoms such as nosebleed, hemorrhagic vomiting and abdominal pain.

Case fatality rates range from 15 to 50 percent.

While there is no cure for yellow fever, vaccination against the infection is available for people living or traveling in climates where the disease is common. It doesn't exist in Russia.


Chikungunya is caused by a virus that spreads to humans through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes.

The incubation period is usually 3-7 days, and symptoms may include sudden fever, joint pain with or without swelling, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, lower back pain and rash.

There is currently no vaccine to prevent this disease. Treatment is purely symptomatic, aimed at relieving symptoms of fever and pain. The disease occurs in Africa, but the first case was recorded in America in 2014. Not yet found in Russia.

Our readers often ask - why are mosquitoes dangerous for dogs? Of all the diseases listed above, dogs can be affected by the West Nile virus, but for the regions of Russia it is not yet terrible. However, mosquitoes can transmit other serious illness, which is not dangerous for humans - dirophyllariasis, or heartworm.

Allergists-immunologists tell us whether an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite can occur and how dangerous it is if you are nevertheless bitten by an insect.

Why do mosquitoes bite people?

Elena Antsiferova

allergist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, author of the book and mobile application for IOS “Smart Mom”

There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes. To prolong the race, their females require high-quality protein food- blood (erythrocytes or red blood cells). To search for prey, a mosquito uses more than 70 olfactory receptors. Insects are attracted to our body heat, the smell of sweat, exhaled carbon dioxide and active movements. Scientists have discovered that, for example, drinking alcohol and human genetic characteristics (blood type 3) increase our attractiveness to mosquitoes.

With the help of a complex proboscis, the mosquito looks for a full-fledged blood capillary under the skin and pierces him. To prevent a person from slamming it right away, he injects an anesthetic component into the blood. In addition, mosquito saliva contains a substance that prevents our blood from clotting. This ensures blood dilution at the site of the bite and easy flow into the abdomen of the insect.

Why does an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite occur?

Olga Gurskaya

immunologist-allergist, candidate of medical sciences, institute plastic surgery and cosmetology

A normal reaction to a mosquito bite is considered to be redness of the skin and local swelling of no more than 1-2 cm, which may be accompanied by itching and goes away a few hours after the bite.

But there are also pathological reactions to a bite (culicidosis):

  1. generalization of edema (rapid increase in size of the bite site, more than 2-3 centimeters, pronounced redness and increased body temperature in this area);
  2. systemic allergic manifestations- addition of symptoms of rhinitis (nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose), conjunctivitis (itching of the eyelids, lacrimation), bronchial asthma(shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, suffocation), urticaria, Quincke's edema;
  3. anaphylactic shock ( sharp drop blood pressure, dizziness, loss of consciousness).

Pathological allergic reactions can occur in people:

  1. with a genetic predisposition to allergic disease(with sensitization to proteins that are part of mosquito saliva);
  2. in patients who have chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, helminthiasis, secondary immunodeficiency state (associated with the presence of untreated chronic foci of infection).

Elena Antsiferova

allergist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the school for expectant parents “Eva Doctor” (

When bitten, a person receives a whole cocktail of protein substances. More than a dozen polypeptides have been discovered in mosquito saliva. They are the ones who trigger the immune reaction.

When a bite occurs, microdamage to the skin, blood thinning, release of histamine and other biological active substances characteristic of allergic reactions. This leads to tissue swelling, expansion and damage to capillaries, and itching. Externally, it may look different and depends on the strength of the allergic reaction: a dense lump, a blister, swelling, hardening of soft tissues, redness.

Severe itching encourages scratching, which is especially common in children. In children (as well as in people with increased level sugar, with low immunity, with venous or lymphatic circulatory insufficiency), scratching can lead to the rapid addition of a pyogenic infection. In this case, brighter redness, hardening of soft tissues, and yellow-golden crusts occur.

Vladimir Bolibok


Immediately after a mosquito bite, itching occurs due to irritation of the nerve endings of the skin by components of the mosquito's saliva and the injury itself - a puncture of the skin. This is a non-allergic itch that can last from a few minutes to several hours, and a blister (papule) may appear on the surface of the skin. Often the papule is scratched and an infection is introduced into the skin, then a secondary infection of the skin occurs. Redness, itching, induration, and at times suppuration can last for several days.

An immune reaction develops to proteins - components of mosquito saliva. Normally, so-called blocking antibodies (classes IgG, IgA, IgM) should develop, which protect against inflammation during subsequent bites. Everyone knows this - in the spring and early summer, mosquito bites produce large papules with severe itching, and at the end of summer the bites occur almost without a trace, redness and papules appear for just a few minutes, there is almost no itching. This indicates that a normal immune reaction has taken place and immunity has developed to the insect’s saliva.

But sometimes the immune reaction goes wrong, then instead of protective antibodies, sensitizing antibodies are produced and an allergy to mosquito bites occurs. When you are allergic to mosquito bites, a particularly large papule occurs, sometimes a vesicle (vesicle) forms in it, as with a burn or herpes. Such a papule is very itchy and lasts for several days, since protective cells and lymphocytes accumulate in this place, and lymphatic edema develops. This is a very dense swelling around the bite site, which can reach several centimeters in diameter. Sometimes the body temperature even rises.

What to do after a mosquito bite

Vladimir Bolibok


After a mosquito bite, if it occurs severe itching, it is recommended to anoint the bite site with the drug “Fenistil Gel”, and take the most commonplace suprastin internally. When an allergic papule and lymphedema develops, it is used for treatment. hormonal ointments. If you don’t have medications on hand or if a pharmacy is inaccessible, you can apply a cold, damp compress (but not ice!).

You can check whether or not you have allergic sensitization to mosquito bites. To do this, you need to take a blood test for the presence of IgE immunoglobulins to mosquito allergens.

Elena Antsiferova

allergist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, television and radio expert

If itching, the bite site should be washed cold water. A mixture of soda and water soothes the skin well. Severe swelling, itching, anxiety are indications for taking first-generation antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil, etc.). We must not forget that these pharmaceuticals are incompatible with alcohol. Subsequently, each patient gradually selects his own drug that helps him. These may also be second-generation antihistamines - cetirizine, loratadine, desloratadine and others.

If this is not enough, the bite site is very swollen and itchy, you can use specialized ointments with antihistamines, herbal ingredients, as well as with hormones. Severe reactions require injections of antihistamines, possibly even corticosteroids.