What analogues does heptral have? Other foreign substitutes. Use in children

Heptral (producing country Italy) belongs to the class of hepatoprotectors, that is, drugs that can protect hepatocytes (liver parenchyma cells) from any damage. The main active ingredient, ademetionine 1,4-butane disulfonate, has the following properties:

Due to relatively high cost Heptral (price of 20 tablets is about 1,550 rubles), many patients are interested in how effective cheaper analogues of this drug are. Let's compare the most accessible of them.

  • Heptor

Heptor is complete analogue Heptral, both drugs have the same composition, and therefore the same properties. The country of origin is Russia, so the cost of Heptor is slightly lower (the price of 20 tablets is about 940 rubles).


Progepar differs from Heptral in composition: the main active components of Progepar are inositol, cyanocobalamin and liver hydrolysate. Pharmacological action These drugs are similar except that Progepar does not have antidepressant properties. The country of origin is Germany, the cost per 20 tablets is about 450 rubles.

  • Essentiale

Active component this drug are phospholipids from soybeans that can have detoxifying, antifibrinolytic and regenerative effects on liver tissue. The country of origin is Ukraine, the cost per 20 tablets is about 500 rubles.

  • Conclusion:

The choice of each of the above drugs should be based on their effectiveness in each individual case. For example, Heptral and Heptor are especially effective as aid during treatment cancerous tumors and chemotherapy. However, these drugs are not recommended for use in patients with renal failure and in the first trimester of pregnancy. Progepar and Essentiale are recommended for use in the treatment of psoriasis. If we talk about the effectiveness of these drugs in the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis and toxic liver damage of various etiologies, then the most effective analogues Heptral are Prohepar and Heptor. Considering that antidepressant and neuroprotective activity is not the most important property for a hepatoprotector, it is advisable to choose the most cheap analogue- Prohepar.

This medicine is part of complex therapy liver diseases. The active components of the drug contribute to the restoration of structural and functional state of this body. In addition to these properties, the product has an antidepressant effect. Despite high efficiency means, many people are interested in a cheap analogue of Heptral: price and its characteristics. This article will discuss alternative options medicines for the liver.

Heptral - indications for use

Given medicinal product and its analogues are recommended for use in the following pathological conditions:

  • Intrahepatic stagnation of bile (cholestasis);
  • Cirrhosis of liver tissue;
  • Hepatitis of infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • State of depression due to liver disease;
  • Secondary encephalopathy;
  • Alcohol withdrawal.

The drug can be used either independently or as part of complex therapy for diseases of the hepatobiliary system.


Medicinal medicine Heptral has a meager list of contraindications.

  • Age under 18 years;
  • Individual intolerance to the main and additional components;
  • Genetic diseases.

In all other cases, Heptral is safe for the human body.

Heptral - cheap analogues, price

For people looking for alternative medicines at a lower price, a list of Heptral analogues has been developed. These agents have hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties, due to which they are used to treat liver diseases. Such drugs include:

  1. Karsil Forte. The antitoxic and hepatoprotective effect of the drug is due to the inclusion of milk thistle extract in its composition. This tool widely used to treat diseases of the biliary tract and liver. The cost of 1 package of medication is 330-350 rubles.
  2. Rezalut PRO. Therapeutic effect The drug is due to the content of natural phosphoglycerides and phospholipids. While taking this drug, the process of regeneration of liver cells noticeably accelerates and the process of formation slows down. connective tissue. The price of 1 package of medicine (30 capsules) ranges from 480 to 500 rubles.
  3. Elkar. Given medicine belong to the group of metabolic agents that are similar to B vitamins. Thanks to the action of the drug, the body normalizes metabolic processes, and the toxic effect on liver tissue is reduced. The medicinal drug Elkar is recommended for use in the complex treatment of liver diseases. Packaging cost effervescent granules is about 406-420 rubles.
  4. . This combination medicinal product contains natural phospholipids and glycyrrhizic acid. During use, the medication has a multifaceted effect on the body. Among its main effects are antiviral, membrane-stabilizing and hepatoprotective effects. Phosphogliv is actively used to treat patients with pathologies of the biliary tract and liver. The price of 50 capsules is 490 rubles.
  5. Essentiale Forte N. Due to the content of plant phospholipids, the drug stimulates regenerative processes in liver cells. In addition, the drug has antioxidant, antitoxic and membrane-stabilizing properties. The price of 1 package of the drug (30 capsules) is 660-680 rubles.

What is the most effective and effective analogue"Heptral"? You will learn the answer to this question from the materials in this article. In addition, you will be presented with information about what the drug “Heptral” is (injections, tablets), what it is intended for, and how it should be used.

General information

The medicine "Heptral" is pharmaceutical product, which is intended to restore and cleanse the liver. It belongs to the group of hepatoprotective drugs and also creates an antidepressant effect.

In what form can the drug be purchased?

Almost any analogue of Heptral, as well as the presented medication itself, goes on sale in the form of tablets and powder for preparing a solution (for injection). Let's look at what these forms include in more detail:

Main properties of the drug

The medicine "Heptral" (price, analogue and principle of action of this drug will be presented below) has the following properties:

  • Cholekinetic. The drug promotes the rapid and effective release of bile into the intestines.
  • Choleretic. The drug can increase the amount of acids in bile.
  • Regenerating. The medication restores damaged and diseased liver cells.
  • Antifibrinolytic. The drug significantly reduces the blood's ability to dissolve blood clots.
  • Detoxification. "Heptral" is able to remove toxins and waste from the body.
  • Antidepressant, antioxidant and neuroprotective. This remedy eliminates all existing disorders in nerve cells.

Details about the active substance

Not every analogue of Heptral includes such an active component as ademetionine. It should be especially noted that this substance is necessary for almost all tissues human body. Taking this drug allows the patient not only to compensate for the deficiency of ademetionine, but also to stimulate its production in the brain and spinal cord, liver, as well as in other organs. This component plays vital role V metabolic processes. In addition, it is involved in such important biochemical processes as transamination, transsulfation, transmethylation, and significantly increases cell protection internal organs, including the liver.

How does the medicine work?

Despite different composition, almost every analogue of Heptral normalizes liver function. As for the presented remedy itself, its use contributes to the production bile acids, which subsequently enter the biliary tract, due to which the motility of the digestive organs is significantly improved. Effects such as hepatoprotective and choleretic can be observed for another 3 months after completion of therapy with this medication.

Features of the drug

The level of ademetionine in the human body decreases markedly with age. In addition, the concentration of this component below the norm is quite often observed in patients with depressive syndrome. That is why the use of Heptral allows you to significantly increase the content of this substance in the body, including in brain tissue, which further contributes to the stable transmission of nerve impulses, and, accordingly, prolongation of work nerve cells. It should be especially noted that clinical trials This drug has been repeatedly confirmed to have an antidepressant effect. The effect after taking the medicine is not long in coming. Thus, the patient can observe changes in himself already on the 5th or 6th day after daily use of the product.

What is it prescribed for?

Why is the Heptral analogue in ampoules and tablets needed, as well as the presented drug itself? This remedy is recommended for the treatment of such disorders as:

  • cirrhosis;
  • cholangitis;
  • chronic acalculous cholecystitis;
  • intrahepatic cholestasis;
  • toxic liver damage of various origins;
  • depression;
  • encephalopathy;
  • withdrawal syndrome, including alcoholic.

How to use?

A medicine such as Heptral should be used to treat all of the above diseases only as prescribed by a doctor. Use this medication necessary in certain dosage, depending on the form of release of the drug:

  • Enteric-coated tablets are intended for oral use. It is recommended to swallow them without chewing, in whole form, and with a small amount of liquid. Single dose The medicine "Heptral", which corresponds to one tablet, is taken 3 or 4 times a day. Typically, the duration of therapy with this drug is 21-30 days. Heptral tablets should be taken between meals and preferably before 3 pm.
  • The powder in ampoules comes with a special solvent L-lysine. Intramuscularly or intravenously (drip) this drug is prescribed in daily dosage, which is equal to 400-800 mg. Intensive treatment with Heptral in ampoules should be carried out in the first 2 or 3 weeks of therapy, and maintenance treatment in the next 2-4 weeks (800-1600 mg per day).

What side effects may occur?

As a rule, Heptral is tolerated quite well by patients. But in in rare cases Patients may experience symptoms such as heartburn, dyspepsia, itching, gastralgia, changes in sleep rhythm and skin rashes.

The drug "Heptral": analogues

"Heptor" is a cheaper analogue of "Heptral". After all, if the first medication can be purchased for 700-800 Russian rubles (20 tablets), then for the second drug you will have to pay about 1600-1700 rubles (20 tablets). It should be especially noted that this Russian analogue of Heptral has hepatoprotective and antidepressant properties. It is used to treat intrahepatic cholestasis, encephalopathy of secondary origin, hepatitis of various origins, pre-cirrhotic conditions, liver cirrhosis, depressive syndromes, etc. However, this drug is far from the only structural analogue of Heptral. Let's look at other medications in more detail.

S-adenosyl-L-methionine disulfate p-toluenesulfonate

This drug is sold both in ampoules and in tablet form. It is highly not recommended to use it to treat liver hypersensitivity, as well as during lactation, the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Indications for the use of this drug are similar to the previous two.


The presented analogue of Heptral has tonic properties. For this reason, it is not recommended to take it immediately before bedtime. Treatment with this remedy should only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist. During long-term therapy it is required to determine the content of creatinine and urea in the blood serum. In precirrhotic and cirrhotic conditions against the background of hyperazotemia, it is recommended to carefully and regularly monitor plasma nitrogen levels.

Ademethionine 1,4-butane disulfonate

This medication is available in the form of a powder substance. It has the same properties as the drug Heptral. The advantages of this product include its low cost compared to its substitutes. As for the shortcomings, consumers often attribute the following to them:

  • An inconvenient release form (sold on sale in the form of a powder, which is packaged in bags of 1-10 kg), intended for purchase by medical institutions.
  • Bioavailability is much lower than that of other analogues.
  • There is no tablet form of release.
  • The maximum concentration is achieved longer than with similar products.

Additional information

All of these drugs intended for the treatment and restoration of the liver are not recommended for use by people with hypersensitivity to the main components, pregnant women (especially in the 1st and 3rd trimesters), nursing mothers, as well as young children and adolescents under 18 years of age. It should be especially noted that it is advisable to store the presented medications at an air temperature of no higher than 25 degrees.

Heptral is a medicinal product containing as active substance– ademetionine, which has hepatoprotective properties in combination with an antidepressant effect. Heptral's analogues pharmaceutical market little, or rather – in State Register Currently, only two drugs with a similar composition are registered in Russia. This is the drug Heptor and Ademethionine-Vial.

Heptor is produced Russian manufacturer OJSC Veropharm, Ademetionin-Vial - the Chinese company Beijing Kavin Technology Shear-Holding Co. More often represented in Russian pharmacies domestic drug Heptor, having more low cost, how original drug Heptral.

Most likely, this is due to the fact that Ademetionin-Vial was registered in Russian Federation only in December 2016 and, perhaps, has not yet managed to occupy its niche in the Russian pharmaceutical market.

Heptor is available in the form of tablets and lyophilisate for preparation injection solution. The drug can be administered intramuscularly and intravenously. The drug has the following pharmacological properties:

It is thanks to its antidepressant effect that the drug is widely used in psychiatry and addiction medicine. This property sets drugs containing ademetionine apart from other hepatoprotectors. The effect of using Heptor lasts for three months. The drug is metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use of Heptor

Indications for the use of Heptor are:

The drug can be used during pregnancy in the third trimester if indicated. For cupping acute conditions Heptor is prescribed by injection for the first two to three weeks. Then a transition to oral administration is indicated.

Does the product cause side effects?

Yes, like any medicine, Heptor is capable of causing reactions that are not desirable during the treatment process. When prescribing a medicine, the doctor will definitely warn the patient about the possibility of developing undesirable effects:

  • allergic reactions resulting from intolerance to ademetionine or solvent components (when administered by injection). Allergies can manifest as skin rash, urticaria, edema;
  • dyspeptic disorders in the form of diarrhea, sometimes nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

If the above symptoms occur, you must notify your doctor, who will decide on replacing the drug and, if necessary, prescribe antihistamine therapy.


Contraindications to the prescription of a drug containing ademetionine are:

Heptor has a small number of contraindications, since it is well tolerated by the body and does not have any adverse effects. negative impact on the functioning of organs and systems. Medicines from the hepatoprotector group are not characterized by the development of specific adverse reactions.

Features of the drug use

When prescribing Heptor, the doctor will tell the patient about the rules for using the drug:

  1. You should not take the drug before bedtime, since Heptor has a stimulating effect.
  2. If the drug is prescribed for severe liver pathology, the patient should regularly visit the attending physician for monitoring biochemical parameters blood.
  3. Injection of the drug should be carried out in medical institution or at home medical worker, who will correctly prepare the solution and perform the manipulation in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

In most cases, treatment with the drug has good effect and minimum side effects and complications.

The circulation of the drug is regulated by prescription. However, in some pharmacy chains, the drug can be purchased without a prescription. Despite the fact that Heptor is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects However, you should refrain from using the medicine yourself!

Cost of hepatoprotectors

The cost of Heptor is much cheaper than the original drug, which makes it more affordable. So, a package containing 20 tablets costs approximately 990 rubles. The cost of Heptral for the same number of tablets is 1,670 rubles.

It is difficult to say at what price the Chinese Ademetionin-Vial will enter the market. But, given the current price niche of Chinese drugs, we can safely assume that it will be cheaper than Heptor and Heptral.

Heptral analogues are more affordable. Alternatives have been successful in treating liver disorders. Domestic and imported medicines may have similarities in composition and therapeutic effect. To choose a suitable substitute for a known hepatoprotective agent, you must consult your doctor.

Treatment of liver diseases is carried out with the help of hepatoprotectors. One of the representatives of the class is Heptral. His detailed description contained in the attached instructions.

The main active component of the drug is ademetionine. Methionine derivative provokes malfunctions various organs, in particular, the liver and brain. This is a lack of means.

Despite the disadvantages, ademetionine takes an active part in metabolic processes and helps to enhance protective functions hepatocytes. This is what liver cells are called.

Additional components of the drug are silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, microcrystalline cellulose.

Heptral has a number of properties:

  • cholekinetic - promotes active excretion of bile;
  • choleretic - increases the content of acids in bile;
  • detoxification - accelerates the cleansing of the body from toxins;
  • hepatoprotective - helps hepatocytes recover;
  • antioxidant - neutralizes the effects of free radicals, protecting cells from oxidation;
  • neuroprotective - prevents damage to brain neurons;
  • antidepressant - prevents the development of depression.

The drug is prescribed for the following ailments:

  1. Fatty hepatosis. This is a chronic degeneration of liver cells into adipose tissue.
  2. Angiocholitis, that is, inflammation biliary tract.
  3. Cirrhosis. This is the name given to the replacement of liver tissue with fibrous connective tissue.
  4. Hepatitis, that is, inflammation of the liver of viral, autoimmune or toxic origin.
  5. Non-calculous cholecystitis chronic form. It's about inflammatory process V gallbladder.
  6. Intoxication, be it alcoholic, medicinal or chemical.
  7. Encephalopathy, that is, dystrophic damage to brain tissue.
  8. Depressive states.

The product is available on the market in tablet or powder form. The last option is used for injections. The standard dosage is 2-4 pills or 1-2 injections per day. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor.

The drug has a cumulative effect. After completion of treatment, Heptral continues to act for 3 months.

Most patients tolerate the hepatoprotective agent well. In rare cases, the following may occur:

  • allergic rash;
  • joint and headaches;
  • dyspepsia;
  • problems falling asleep.

Heptral is used not only to treat diseases of the human body. The drug is actively used in veterinary medicine when liver disorders occur in animals. For example, the dosage for a dog is selected taking into account its weight, and for a cat the amount of solution varies from 0.7 to 2.5 milliliters.

On Russian market Heptral appeared in 1992 and quickly gained the trust of gastroenterologists, dermatologists, and oncologists. The manufacture of the drug is carried out under the control of Abbott. It is based in the United States, but is directly involved in the production of the medicine in France, Italy, and Germany. Switzerland supplies the substance on the basis of which the medicine is manufactured.

For many patients imported drug is unavailable due to high price. Therefore, citizens are looking for medicines with a similar composition or effect at an affordable cost.

In the list of inexpensive structural analogues Heptrals of domestic manufacturers are listed as:

  1. Heptor. Regenerates, detoxifies, acts as a neuroprotector. Antifibrosing and antioxidant effects are included. Presented in the form of tablets and lyophilisate for injection. Heptor is used for intrahepatic cholestasis, cirrhosis, hepatitis of various origins, encephalopathy, depressive syndrome. The drug is prohibited for patients with individual intolerance components, children under 18 years of age, in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy. Adverse reactions rarely occur.

According to the instructions, the tablets are swallowed without chewing. In this case, the packaging is opened immediately before using the medicine. Average duration The course lasts 2-4 weeks.

It is not advisable to carry out treatment with Heptor in the evening, since the drug has a tonic effect.

  1. Heptor N. Russian drug with the same characteristics as the previous medicine.
  2. S-adenosyl-L-methionine disulfate p-toluenesulfonate. Heptral substitute with hepatoprotective properties. Available in powder form. One package contains 25 milligrams. The drug has choleretic and cholekinetic properties. Additionally, the medicine helps restore liver cells and eliminate toxic substances, protects against the action of free radicals. Plus, an analogue of a foreign drug helps eliminate ademetionine deficiency and stimulates its production, especially in the brain and liver.

The drug has similar indications and contraindications to Heptral. The disadvantage of the medicine is the lack of tablet form.

  1. Ademethionine 1,4-butane disulfonate. Attracts inexpensive price, however, has an inconvenient dosage form. The drug is produced in the form of a powder, packaged in bags. One contains from 1 to 10 kilograms. It is difficult for private individuals to buy such a volume at a time and is not always necessary. The drug is mainly purchased by clinics. The maximum concentration of the substance in the blood is achieved much later than in the case of previous drugs.

When using any of existing analogues It is important to carefully study the instructions. Ignoring contraindications and dosages results in a deterioration in well-being.

The listed drugs are potent and are available only with a doctor's prescription.

Among the imported drugs, the composition of which is identical to Heptral, the Belarusian HeptalNan should be mentioned.

The product, which can replace foreign medicine, is in tablet form. One pill contains 400 milligrams of ademetionine.

HeptalNan copes well with the following symptoms:

  • cirrhotic lesion;
  • intrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy;
  • depressive syndrome.

The tablets are washed down a large number water. In this case, the pills should not be chewed. In order for the active component to be better absorbed, it is not recommended to take the medicine simultaneously with meals. Typically, patients are prescribed 2 to 4 tablets per day. The dosage and duration of treatment are adjusted depending on the pathology.

The use of the drug is contraindicated in patients suffering from:

  • from excessive sensitivity to the main component of the drug or other components;
  • genetic abnormalities affecting the methionine cycle.

It is prohibited to give HeptalNan to children under 18 years of age.

The advantage of HeptalNan is that it can be prescribed to pregnant women. The exception is the first trimester of pregnancy.

The use of the drug during lactation cannot be ruled out if taking it will bring more benefit than harm to the baby.

It is not advisable to stop treatment with the drug without the consent of your doctor.

When it is not possible to buy Heptral, you can find cheaper analogues of the drug that are similar in terms of therapeutic action. The list of such drugs is quite large, and analogues are also found in ampoules. The dosage of the selected drugs should be determined by a doctor. It is forbidden to increase the dose on your own.

You can replace Heptral with the help of both domestic and imported medicines.

Please note the following:

  1. Gepadif. The main components are represented by the antitoxic fraction, carnitine orotate, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride. The product combined with hepatoprotective action is produced in the form of capsules and powder. Treatment with Gepadif is carried out in the presence of acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, and intoxications of various origins. The medicine is also used in surgery before and after anesthesia. Gepadif is not prescribed to patients with intolerance to the components. Tablets are taken regardless of food intake, 2 capsules per day. Dosage for children: 1-2 capsules, depending on age. For the youngest, the contents of the capsule are diluted in water or juice.
  2. Geptrong. Russian analogue of Heptral double acting. The drug is available in ampoules. Heptrong has antiviral, adaptogenic and immunomodulatory properties. Active ingredient the drug is a solution of low molecular weight sugars obtained from honey. The medicine is used in complex therapy of drug and toxic intoxication, alcoholic illness liver, cirrhosis, toxicosis during pregnancy. If the patient is hypersensitive to bee products, Geptrong is contraindicated. Prescription of the drug for pregnant and lactating women is carried out on an individual basis. The method of administering the solution from the ampoule is intramuscular. The injection is placed in the buttock area. The dosage depends on the pathology, but 6 milliliters are always administered first. Caution should be exercised when diabetes mellitus.
  3. Phosphogliv. Is a representative of the group of hepatoprotective agents manufactured on plant based. The effect of using the drug is due to the presence of antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and antioxidant properties. The action of Phosphogliv is aimed at restoring the structure of the membrane membrane of hepatocytes and normalizing the liver’s ability to neutralize toxins. The medicine is used to combat hepatosis, toxic lesions liver, cirrhosis, viral hepatitis. Release form: capsule. Phosphogliv is contraindicated for use in cases of excessive sensitivity to the components, when carrying a baby, breastfeeding and in adolescents under 12 years of age. It is recommended to take 2 capsules three times a day. Treatment can last up to 6 months.
  4. Hepa-Merz. The German medicine helps restore liver function. It has 2 forms of release - bags with granules and ampoules with a solution for injection. Hepa-Merz is prescribed to patients suffering from acute and chronic pathologies liver, which are accompanied by hyperammonemia. The drug is also prescribed for hepatic encephalopathy, including the latent form.

The list of contraindications includes renal failure, individual intolerance to components, and lactation. During pregnancy, Hepa-Merz can be prescribed if absolutely necessary.

The granules should be dissolved in water before use. For 200 milliliters it takes 1 sachet of medicine. Take the drug 2-3 times a day after meals.

The selection of medications that have the same therapeutic effect as Heptral should be carried out by a specialist. We should not forget about existing contraindications and the dangers of overdose.

Cost of Heptral and its analogues

In pharmacies, the imported drug can be purchased at a price of 1,600 rubles. If Heptral is not affordable, you can look for cheaper analogues.

The cost of drugs that are suitable as substitutes for Heptral is approximately as follows:

  1. Heptor is sold at a price of 600-800 rubles. This is the cost of 20 tablets. If the doctor prescribed the medicine in ampoules, its cost will be approximately 1,200 rubles for 5 pieces.
  2. Price for Heptor N in each pharmacy will be slightly different, ranging from 870 to 1300 rubles.
  3. Gepadif is estimated at approximately 560 rubles. This is the price per capsule.
  4. To replace Heptral with Hepa-Merz, you will have to pay from 800 to 920 rubles. This is the cost of a bag of powder. For ampoules they ask from 3,000 rubles.

The list may also include:

  1. Gepadif, costing at least 560 rubles.
  2. Glutargin, for which they ask for 190 rubles or more.
  3. Phosphogliv, average price which is equal to 550-1600 rubles.
  4. Geptrong - from 4,500 to 5,000 rubles.
  5. Essentiale forte, costing 700-2300 rubles.
  6. Berlition, which costs on average 800 rubles.

The cost of drugs depends on the manufacturer and components.

Heptral is effective in the treatment of liver pathologies. However, due to the high cost of the medicine, one has to look for options. List available analogues extensive This allows each patient to choose suitable medicine. The condition for using drugs is to carefully study the instructions and strictly follow the dosages. At the slightest deterioration in health, the doctor is notified about the incident.