Vaccination calendar by age. What vaccinations are required for children? Preparing for vaccination

Within 1-3 days after the birth of the baby, the first vaccination in his life will be given in the maternity hospital. A person is vaccinated against dangerous diseases throughout life.

Latest years go by heated debate between supporters and opponents of immunization of the population. Vaccination is not mandatory by law, and written consent is obtained from parents before each vaccination. Previously question There was no point in getting vaccinated or not, but now there is active “anti-vaccination” propaganda, and many parents refuse vaccination. The opinion of pediatricians is clear: children should be vaccinated!

Whether or not to vaccinate a child is a matter of individual decision for parents.

How many vaccinations are given to a child under one year of age?

Most vaccinations occur in the first year of a baby's life. Almost every month at your pediatrician’s appointment you will be asked to give your child another vaccination.

Having been born, the baby finds itself in a world full of various infections and viruses; weak immunity is not able to resist them. Medicine comes to the rescue - the child is vaccinated according to a specially developed scheme. After certain periods of time, an appropriate vaccine is introduced into the body, thanks to which antibodies are produced to dangerous and even fatal diseases. In just the first 12 months of life, a baby will have to be vaccinated against seven dangerous diseases.

List of basic vaccinations for infants

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What diseases are all infants vaccinated against? In Russia there is an approved list:

  • hepatitis B;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diphtheria;
  • whooping cough;
  • tetanus;
  • polio;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • mumps;
  • hemophilus infection.

The vaccination schedule does not include vaccinations against influenza, encephalitis, chickenpox and hepatitis A. They can be given to children under one year of age if indicated, for example, if an epidemic of a disease has begun in the region.

For hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is an infectious liver disease that is transmitted at home, through unsterile medical instruments, and in utero from a sick mother. The very first vaccination is usually given to a newborn within 24 hours. This is due to the fact that in Russia there is a high risk of infection with hepatitis B. It is placed intramuscularly in the thigh; the injection site cannot be wet.

Sometimes a child has a reaction in the form of an allergy or fever; the mother needs to monitor the baby’s condition after vaccination. As a rule, the drug for hepatitis B is well tolerated without causing any complications.

Contraindications to vaccination may be:

  • prematurity;
  • suspected HIV infection;
  • the mother has a history of a severe allergic reaction.

Revaccination is carried out twice: at 1 month and at 6 months, and provides immunity from hepatitis B disease for 5 years.

For tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a severe chronic disease, affecting the lungs and giving complications to other organs and systems. The only significant prevention of tuberculosis is vaccination.

BCG is a vaccination against tuberculosis, which should definitely be done in the maternity hospital (more details in the article:)

BCG is placed on days 3-7 of a child’s life. If due to some contraindications it was not performed, it can be done later in the clinic. It’s better not to delay and vaccinate your baby before 6 months. The sooner BCG is done, the less likely it is to get tuberculosis, so it is placed in the maternity hospital before contact with the outside world and the virus living in it occurs.

If after the maternity hospital an unvaccinated baby has had contact with the tuberculosis pathogen, vaccinating him is no longer effective. You can get infected anywhere: in transport, on the street, which is why it is so important to get vaccinated immediately after the baby is born. The tuberculosis vaccine is given separately from others. It gives children immunity up to 7 years of age.

BCG vaccination is given in left shoulder, the injection site should not be wetted, a wound will form there and should not be treated antiseptics and is not opened, the pediatrician at the clinic will use it to evaluate the activity of the vaccine.

Vaccination against tuberculosis is delayed in newborns:

  • with body weight less than 2 kg;
  • for acute diseases;
  • the presence of HIV in the mother or baby;
  • revealed fact of tuberculosis disease in other family members.

For diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus

DTP is a complex vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. It is given 4 times: at 3, 4.5, 6 and 18 months. DTP gives the child immunity for a period of 5-10 years.

  1. Diphtheria – bacterial disease, affecting the upper respiratory tract. Because of possible complications The disease is considered fatal and is transmitted by airborne droplets.
  2. Whooping cough is an equally serious infection; it spreads very quickly and is especially severe in infants. Before the invention of the vaccine, whooping cough was responsible for the majority of childhood deaths.
  3. Tetanus is a severe infectious disease affecting nervous system leading to seizures. It is transmitted through skin damage: burns, wounds, cuts.

The vaccine is placed intramuscularly in the thigh. On DTP vaccine a reaction often occurs with an increase in body temperature to 38-39°C, redness and swelling at the injection site, and the appearance of allergies. DTP vaccination is not given to children with acute diseases, immunodeficiency, or allergies.

From polio

Poliomyelitis affects the nervous, respiratory and digestive system, is transmitted by airborne droplets and leads to serious disorders, and in especially severe cases, to paralysis. The polio vaccine is given together with DTP at 3, 4.5 months and at six months. The vaccine provides protection against polio for 5-10 years. It is easily tolerated and, as a rule, does not cause complications.

For measles, rubella and mumps

The vaccine is given at one year of age against three dangerous diseases at once. This makes the vaccination easier to tolerate. Immunity is developed for a period of at least 5 years.

  1. Measles is a viral infectious disease, transmitted by airborne droplets, affects the respiratory system and leads to severe intoxication of the child’s body.
  2. Rubella is characterized by skin rashes and is dangerous due to its complications.
  3. Mumps, or mumps, affects the glandular organs and nervous system.

Reactions to the vaccine may occur in the form of redness and fever. Contraindications to vaccination are: allergies, acute diseases, immunodeficiency.

Against other diseases

In addition to the basic vaccinations, which are given according to the national vaccination calendar, there are vaccines that are recommended by the doctor or that are given at the request of the parents. If the family lives nearby livestock farms, the pediatrician may suggest vaccination against anthrax and brucellosis.

In regions with high tick-borne activity, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is recommended. Flu vaccinations are given every year in regions with high epidemic rates. Children with heart and kidney pathologies, special types of anemia, and immunodeficiency are required to be vaccinated against pneumococcal infection.

Vaccination schedule for children under one year of age by month with names of vaccines

The table provides a list of the main scheduled vaccinations for children by month and the names of the vaccines. The Russian vaccination calendar is considered one of the most complete and effective in the world.

The vaccination table for up to a year will help you figure it out and see which vaccination is next on the schedule. Deviations from the schedule are possible due to health reasons, for example, if a child is vaccinated not at 8, but at 9 months, nothing bad will happen, the pediatrician will draw up individual plan vaccinations.

The pediatrician-neonatologist is obliged to tell the new mother in the maternity hospital about the vaccination schedule and their importance for the baby
AgeName of vaccinationName of drugs
24 hours after birthFrom viral hepatitis B"Euvax V", "Regevac V"
3-7 daysFor tuberculosisBCG, BCG-M
1 monthRevaccination against viral hepatitis B"Euvax V", "Regevac V"
2 months2 revaccination against viral hepatitis B for the risk group"Euvax V", "Regevac V"
For pneumococcal infection“Pneumo-23”, “Prevenar 13” (we recommend reading:)
3 monthsFrom diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus
From polio
Against hemophilus influenzae for children at risk
4.5 monthsRevaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanusADS, ADS-M, AD-M, AKDS, "Infanrix"
Revaccination against Haemophilus influenzae for children at risk"Akt-HIB", "Hiberix Pentaxim"
Revaccination against polio"Infanrix Hexa", "Pentaxim"
Revaccination against pneumococcal infection"Pneumo-23", "Prevenar 13"
6 months2 revaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanusADS, ADS-M, AD-M, AKDS, "Infanrix"
2 revaccination against viral hepatitis B"Euvax V", "Regevac V"
2 revaccination against polio"Infanrix Hexa", "Pentaxim"
2 revaccination against hemophilus influenzae for children at risk"Akt-HIB", "Hiberix Pentaxim"
12 monthsFor measles, rubella, mumps(we recommend reading:)"Priorix", MMR-II
3 revaccination against viral hepatitis B for children at risk"Euvax V", "Regevac V"

In what cases can the schedule be changed?

The vaccination table will help you find out how many months the next vaccination will be, or your local doctor will tell you. Before vaccination, the pediatrician will assess the child’s condition - if there are signs acute illness, vaccination will have to be rescheduled. An individual vaccination schedule is made for infants susceptible to allergies, under the supervision of an immunologist, and entered into the child’s medical record.

If you think about it, each child is vaccinated according to his own schedule, because any postponement of vaccination changes the entire vaccination plan.

There are contraindications for which any vaccination is removed from the schedule or postponed for some time: for example, a strong reaction to the administration of this vaccine ahead of schedule, immunodeficiency, malignant neoplasms, low birth weight, severe damage to the nervous system and others.

Is vaccination well tolerated?

Now adverse reactions Vaccine injections are rare, but they do happen, and parents should be aware of them in order to help their child in a timely manner. The most common complications are: redness, swelling, suppuration at the vaccination site, increased body temperature, allergies. When a severe reaction to the vaccine occurs, such as hyperthermia or significant swelling, you should seek immediate medical attention.

  • In case of dermatitis, fever, runny nose, vaccination is not carried out;
  • You cannot get vaccinated if you have recently had contact with infectious patients, for example, ARVI;
  • Allergy sufferers are given antihistamines 2-3 days before vaccination;
  • Your home medicine cabinet should contain antipyretic medications and anti-allergy medications.

You need to be prepared that the child’s body may react to vaccination with an increase in temperature

Is it necessary to get vaccinated?

IN lately There is active propaganda against vaccinations. The question of whether to vaccinate or not remains at the discretion of the parents. When making a decision, you should remember that before the introduction of state immunization of the population, infant mortality in Russia was up to 40%, and now it is less than 1% - the difference is impressive.

To assess the risks of getting complications from vaccination and the risks of remaining unvaccinated from deadly diseases, it is important to look at the issue from all sides. The vaccine activates the child’s immunity, and if subsequently there will be a meeting with the virus, then the person will not get sick or the disease will pass in a mild, non-dangerous form. You need to understand that an unvaccinated baby will be completely defenseless against dangerous diseases, and any contact with them can lead to irreparable consequences.

With the passage of time and the development of medicine, scientists began to create special vaccines against this or that disease. Having been vaccinated, you don’t have to worry about catching quite a few serious illness. It is worth noting that vaccination in Russia is carried out voluntarily, but many doctors insist on vaccinations and convince people that they are needed.

There is a specific vaccination schedule for children under 3 years of age. In the absence of vaccination, many children are not accepted into kindergartens and other preschool institutions. That is why it is so important to know what is needed Schedule (Russia) sets certain deadlines vaccinations. It's about them we'll talk in this article.

Inoculation or vaccine

A vaccination is a special injection. The substance contained in the vaccine consists of a small amount of bacteria or microorganisms. With their help, the human body becomes infected. When the vaccine is administered, the disease goes unnoticed and stable immunity is formed. Some vaccinations begin to act after the first administration of the substance, while others become effective only after repeated vaccinations.

Vaccination of children

In our country, there is a specific vaccination schedule for children under 3 years of age and after. Why is there such a division by age?

All essential vaccines are introduced into a child's body in the first 36 months of life. During this period, the disease is practically asymptomatic and does not entail negative consequences.

Conditions for vaccination

The conditions and schedule of compulsory vaccinations for children indicate that the vaccine should be administered only absolutely healthy baby. If a child has suffered from a cold, viral or any other disease, then it is necessary to wait at least two weeks after full recovery. Only after this can you get permission from the pediatrician and get vaccinated.

Vaccine exemption

In some cases it may be selected individual schedule vaccinations for children. Such a desire may be expressed by a parent or recommended by a specialist. In case of various birth injuries, the timing of vaccination is often postponed. Vaccination may be delayed indefinitely. In this case, the child is given a certificate that explains the reason for the release. It is worth noting that in this case the baby must be taken to the nursery. preschool, because it happened on the doctor’s recommendation.

Also, the vaccination schedule for children under 3 years of age does not apply to seriously ill children. If you receive a disability (temporary or permanent), vaccination is postponed indefinitely.

Timing of vaccination

The vaccination schedule for children under 3 years of age consists of several vaccines. There are certain deadlines for the administration of a particular substance. If you are going to become parents in the near future, then you should find out in advance the vaccination schedule for up to 3 years.

Vaccination in the maternity hospital

The child receives the very first vaccinations immediately after birth. The first vaccine is called “Against viral hepatitis B”. They place it on the baby's thigh. Reactions to this vaccination usually does not occur. However, it is worth noting that medical personnel are at great risk by performing this manipulation at such an early age. In the first hours of life, the child has not yet been sufficiently examined and nothing can really be said about the health of his nervous system. If pathology is present, this vaccine may have complications.

The schedule suggests that the second vaccine is administered to the baby at the age of 5-7 days. During this time, everyone has already examined the baby necessary specialists. It is worth recalling that this vaccination is recommended for use only after consultation with a neurologist and ultrasound diagnostics baby's head. The drug is injected into the child's left forearm. This vaccination is the only one that leaves a mark for the rest of your life.

First vaccinations at the clinic

The vaccination schedule for newborns includes a second vaccine against viral hepatitis B. It is worth noting that the substance should be administered only one month after the first vaccination. If a woman has refused the previous vaccination for her baby, then re-vaccination is postponed until the appropriate moment.

This vaccine is injected into the baby's leg. In this case, the doctor squeezes the skin with two fingers in order to reduce the pain effect. There is usually no reaction to this vaccine. However, before vaccination, the baby must be absolutely healthy.

Vaccinations at 3 months

The vaccination schedule for children indicates that the next vaccination is carried out exactly at three months of the child’s life. In this case, a prerequisite is the absence of contraindications and a break between administration of the drug of at least 45 days.

DTP is one of the most frightening vaccines. It contains a vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Often, before administering the vaccine, the doctor recommends giving the baby antihistamine. In most cases, Fenistil syrup is prescribed. Also, in case of complications, the medication “Diphenhydramine” can be used. The vaccine is injected into the baby's thigh. After this, the child should not be bathed in hot bath three days. Reactions to this vaccine happen quite often. This is why mothers are so afraid of this vaccine and try to postpone it indefinitely.

It is administered simultaneously with DPT. In this case, the second leg should be used for the injection. Do not mix drugs in one flask and administer them at the same time. There is usually no reaction to this vaccine. Children tolerate it quite easily at such a young age.

Recurrence and polio

The first revaccination against these diseases is carried out at 4.5 months. In this case, no less than 45 days should pass from the first administration. The conditions for administering the drug are the same as in the first case.

If the child had a reaction to the first vaccine, then you need to prepare for the second vaccination. Immediately after administering the substance, it is necessary to offer the baby painkillers and antihistamine drops. Be sure to tell your doctor about possible reaction child's body.

Vaccination every six months

At this stage, children are vaccinated against hepatitis. The schedule also includes vaccinations against polio, whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. All of these vaccinations can be given at the same time.

It is worth noting that a child is not given a dead polio vaccine at six months. This time, the body will have to cope with live bacteria that are taken orally. After such a vaccination, you cannot feed or water the baby for half an hour.

First year of life

When the baby reaches the age of one year, he is given rubella and mumps. The substance is injected under the shoulder blade or into the child’s leg. It is worth noting that different medical institutions may use their own preferences when administering this vaccine.

A reaction to such a vaccine is very rare. It is expressed by a rise in temperature and the appearance of an allergic rash.

One and a half years: DPT and polio

As you already understand, these two vaccines “keep pace.” Almost always they are introduced simultaneously. The only exceptions are those cases when an individual schedule was chosen.

The reaction to these substances is most often the same as in previous times.

Two years

At this age the last vaccine is administered. The next one, according to the table “Vaccinations for children after one year (schedule)”, will be introduced only at 6 years of age.

At this age, the child is revaccinated against polio. Most often these are drops, not an injection.


Now you know at what time children are vaccinated against hepatitis. The schedule also describes other important vaccines. Ask your local pediatrician to give you a form with all the vaccinations described and the established dates.

If you want to protect your baby from insidious and serious diseases, then give him all the necessary vaccinations. Consult your pediatrician and choose the most appropriate time for this manipulation. Remember that during the vaccination period the baby must be completely healthy and not have contact with sick people. If there are people in the family infected with a viral infection, then it is worth postponing vaccination, since after it the immunity is significantly reduced and the child may become infected.

Vaccinations for children are reliable, effective remedy to create active specific immunity. Vaccination prevents the development of dangerous diseases that threaten life and health.

Compliance with vaccination schedule - prerequisite to protect the child from dangerous infections. Without specific antibodies, babies, older children and even adults easily become targets of attack by dangerous viruses and bacteria. Find out more information: why it is important to vaccinate your baby on time, the dangers of refusing to administer the vaccine on time and violating the deadlines for revaccination.

Why is vaccination necessary?

After birth, a newborn is exposed to bacteria and viruses. After a sterile environment, the tiny organism has to adapt to the proximity of various microorganisms. The almost complete absence of immunity at an early stage of life makes the baby easily vulnerable to microbes, including many pathogens. Vaccination is the main method that creates protection for a child.

Do children need vaccinations? Pediatricians insist: Vaccinations for children are mandatory! Epidemics of smallpox, polio, and measles that raged several decades ago have practically disappeared. Positive result provided by mass vaccination.

Why do children need vaccinations?

  • After the introduction of a live or inactivated form of the vaccine, the body fights the pathogen, lymphocytes actively protect the body from viruses and bacteria. The result is the production of protective antibody proteins;
  • for a year, three, five or more years, the body “remembers” the vaccination. The next time you come into contact with a harmful bacteria or dangerous virus the risk of the disease is reduced to almost zero or the disease is mild;
  • revaccination ( reintroduction vaccines after a certain period) enhances protection against a specific pathogen, long-term, lasting immunity is developed. Even after close contact with a sick person, antibodies easily recognize a “familiar” pathogen, quickly neutralize it, and the disease does not develop.

Information for parents! Specific immunity to the causative agent of rubella, whooping cough, tetanus, viral hepatitis B, diphtheria, and other dangerous diseases occurs only after the administration of an inactivated or live vaccine. Other methods of therapy are not able to completely get rid of the disease; the risk of re-infection persists throughout life.

Causes of complications

Nowadays it is fashionable to refuse vaccination, to look for reasons not to vaccinate children. Internet forums are filled with stories about complications that arose after vaccinations. But, if you carefully study each case, it turns out that most of the negative reactions have objective reasons. With proper preparation for vaccination and taking into account certain factors, complications could have been avoided.

Most often, negative reactions occur in the following cases:

  • vaccination during a child’s illness;
  • doctors and parents ignoring contraindications (both temporary and absolute);
  • inattention to the baby’s condition on the day of vaccination;
  • improper preparation for vaccine administration;
  • inopportune moment: the baby has just had a serious illness, the family returned from a trip to the sea, the child suffered severe stress;
  • the use of potent drugs, blood transfusions shortly before the time of vaccination;
  • refusal to take antihistamines that prevent allergic reactions if the child has increased sensitization body.

Sometimes the cause of complications is a poor-quality vaccine. Fortunately, such cases are rare. With frequent complaints from parents about active adverse reactions in children, doctors are required to collect data on a certain type of vaccine and transfer it to the authorities involved in drug quality control. At large quantities negative reviews, a certain series is temporarily discontinued for re-checking quality.

Table of vaccinations for children by age

Pay attention to the vaccination schedule for children. What vaccinations do children get? By medical indications The doctor can create an individual vaccination schedule or prescribe the use of an additional vaccine.

Frequently ill children are often prescribed vaccinations to prevent hemophilus influenzae infection. Dangerous pathogen provokes purulent meningitis, osteomyelitis, epiglotitis, pneumonia, otitis media.

Many pediatricians recommend vaccinating children against influenza from the age of 6 months. Vaccines are updated annually taking into account the strains of the virus that are most active in the current period. A risk group for which the flu vaccine will help prevent dangerous complications: children suffering from chronic diseases lungs and bronchi, cardiac, renal pathologies.

Calendar and schedule of vaccinations for children by age:

Age Name of the disease to be prevented by vaccination
First 12 hours after birth Viral hepatitis B (1st vaccination required)
Newborns (from 3 to 7 days) Tuberculosis
1 month Viral hepatitis B (2nd vaccination)
Age 3 months Diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, tetanus (1st vaccination)
At 4.5 months Diphtheria, polio, tetanus, whooping cough (2nd vaccination)
Six months Viral hepatitis B (3rd vaccination) + polio, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria (3rd vaccination)
1 year Mumps, rubella, measles (1st vaccination)
18 months The 1st revaccination of children against tetanus, whooping cough, polio, diphtheria is being carried out
20 months Revaccination against polio
Age 6 years Vaccination against rubella for children, measles and mumps (2nd vaccination)
From 6 to 7 years (in 1st grade) Revaccination (1st) against tuberculosis
From 7 to 8 years old (in 2nd grade) Revaccination against tetanus and diphtheria (pertussis component missing)
Age 13 For previously unvaccinated children - administration of a vaccine against viral hepatitis B, administration of a vaccine against rubella (only girls)
From 14 to 15 years old Mandatory revaccination for children against diphtheria and tetanus (3rd), against polio (3rd revaccination), revaccination (2nd) against tuberculosis
For adults IN mandatory every 10 years, revaccination is carried out against the causative agents of tetanus and diphtheria

Parents need to do a few things simple conditions. Preparation will not take much time and effort. The more accurately the recommendations are followed, the lower the risk of complications. Pay attention to the child’s health, do not rely only on the doctor.

Helpful Tips:

  • Before going to the clinic, measure your temperature: the readings should be at 36.6–36.7 degrees. In children under one year old, many doctors consider a normal temperature, harmless for vaccinations, to be 37.1 degrees with accelerated heat exchange;
  • Before vaccination, tell the doctor about the well-being of your son or daughter, the presence/absence of allergies, and diseases suffered recently. The parents' task is to give detailed information about the health of children, talk about known contraindications;
  • do not refuse vaccination for far-fetched reasons: “he is still too small”, “he is so sick”, “they say that some vaccinations have been canceled”;
  • If you are prone to allergies, doctors often give antihistamines before vaccination. If there is no predisposition, taking allergy pills is not necessary.

Possible body reactions

Experience shows that parents should know what side effects may appear on certain type vaccines. The doctor is obliged to warn about reactions so that the mother does not panic if, after vaccination, the baby’s temperature rises slightly or a slight lump or redness appears in the injection area.

It is important to know what reactions are normal, and when to sound the alarm, and to immediately seek help.

The doctor should tell you:

  • how the body may react to the vaccine;
  • how to act in case of complications, pronounced negative symptoms;
  • when the side effects from the vaccine should subside.

Parents' task:

  • monitor the child’s condition, monitor the reaction to the vaccine;
  • if age allows, explain to children how to handle the vaccination area (do not rub, do not wet, do not scratch, etc.);
  • protect the injection site from moisture (as indicated);
  • protect your son or daughter from contact with sick people;
  • maintain a daily routine and diet;
  • don't give high physical activity in the first days after administering the vaccine;
  • Seek advice in time if there are deviations from the norm.

Main types of side effects:

  • local. Redness, soreness, hardness at the injection site. In some children, nearby lymph nodes. Some mixtures should provoke local reactions to enhance the immune response. Examples: compositions against hepatitis A, B, ADS vaccines, DTP vaccination. Adjuvants (substances that cause local reactions) contain inactivated vaccines;
  • general. Problems with sleep and appetite, rashes, anxiety, uncharacteristic crying. Marked headache, increased body temperature, cyanosis, decreased temperature of the hands and feet;
  • post-vaccination complications. A rather severe, undesirable response of the body during the formation of specific immunity. Among them: immediate allergy to the vaccine, anaphylactic shock, neurological disorders, convulsions. Similar manifestations threaten health and require immediate resuscitation measures. Post-vaccination complications observed rarely: 1 case per 1–10 million vaccinations.

What are the risks of refusing vaccinations?

Various consequences:

  • the child is defenseless against dangerous infections;
  • any contact with a virus or bacteria carrier causes milder or severe form diseases;
  • for many infections it is possible reinfection even after an illness;
  • Without a medical card with vaccination records, a child is temporarily not allowed to enter a kindergarten, school, or health camp;
  • in the absence necessary vaccinations Travel to a country where preventive vaccination is mandatory is prohibited.

Many infectious diseases are more severe in adults than in childhood. In the absence of vaccination, the risk of infection increases when in contact with a sick person, and severe complications often develop.

Now you know how compulsory vaccination protects the child from bacterial and viral infections that they can't cope with various methods treatment, traditional preventive measures. Take a responsible approach to vaccination, study the vaccination calendar, look at the table of vaccinations by age.

Never refuse vaccination for far-fetched reasons. If the rules are followed, contraindications are taken into account, and the doctor and parents interact, the risk of complications is minimal.

More useful and interesting information about vaccinations for children in the following video:

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Today vaccinations have already firmly entered our lives as a highly effective means of preventing dangerous infectious diseases, which has negative consequences in the form of complications, or even death. In modern medical practice they are made either with the aim of creating immunity to dangerous infections, or to treat an infected person at an early stage. Accordingly, all vaccinations are usually divided into preventive and therapeutic. Basically, a person is faced with preventive vaccinations, which are given in childhood, and then re-immunization is carried out if necessary. An example of a therapeutic vaccinations is the introduction antitetanus serum etc.

What are preventive vaccinations?

Preventive vaccinations are a method of immunizing a person against certain infectious diseases, during which they introduce into the body various particles, which can lead to the development of stable immunity to pathology. All preventive vaccinations involve the administration of a vaccine, which is an immunobiological preparation.

The vaccine is a weakened whole microbe - pathogens, parts of the shells or genetic material of pathogenic microorganisms, or their toxins. These components of the vaccine cause a specific immune reaction, during which antibodies are produced against the causative agent of the infectious disease. Subsequently, it is these antibodies that provide protection against infection.

Today, all preventive vaccinations are classified into:
1. Planned.
2. Conducted according to epidemiological indications.

Routine vaccinations are given to children and adults at certain time and at a specific age, regardless of whether an epidemic focus of infection has been identified in a given region or not. And according to epidemiological indications, vaccination is given to people located in a region in which there is a danger of an outbreak of a dangerous infectious disease (for example, anthrax, plague, cholera, etc.).

Among the scheduled vaccinations, there are those that are mandatory for everyone - they are included in the national calendar (BCG, MMR, DPT, against polio), and there is a category of vaccines that are administered only to people at risk of contracting infections due to the specifics of their work (for example, against typhus, tularemia , brucellosis, rabies, plague, etc.). All routine vaccinations carefully worked out, the timing of their production, age and time were established. There are developed schemes for the administration of vaccine preparations, combination possibilities and the sequence of immunization, which is reflected in regulations and guidelines, as well as in vaccination calendars.

Preventive vaccination of children

For children, preventive vaccinations are necessary to protect vulnerable children from dangerous infectious diseases that can be fatal even when treated with modern high-quality drugs. Full list preventive vaccinations for children is developed and approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, and then for ease of use is drawn up in the form of a national calendar.

In addition to those indicated in the national calendar, there are a number of preventative vaccines, which are recommended for administration to children. The recommendation for vaccination is given by the child's attending physician based on an analysis of the child's health status. Some regions also introduce their own vaccinations, which are necessary because the epidemiological situation for these infections is unfavorable and there is a risk of an outbreak.

Preventive vaccinations for children - video

The importance of preventive vaccinations

Despite different structure possible components for a specific vaccine, any vaccination can create immunity to infection, reduce the incidence and prevalence of pathology, which is its main purpose. Active components drugs, in response to introduction into the body of any person, cause a reaction from his immune system. This reaction is in all respects similar to that which develops when infected with an infectious disease, but much weaker. The meaning of such a weak reaction of the immune system in response to the administration of the drug is that special cells are formed, which are called memory cells, which provide further immunity to infection.

Memory cells can remain in the human body for varying periods of time - from several months to many years. Memory cells that live only a few months are short-lived, but vaccination is necessary to form a different type of memory cell - long-lived. Each such cell is formed only in response to a specific pathogenic microorganism, that is, a cell formed against rubella will not be able to provide immunity to tetanus.

For the formation of any memory cell - long- or short-lived - a certain period of time is required - from several hours to whole week. When the causative agent of a disease enters the human body for the first time, all manifestations of the infection are caused precisely by the activity of this microbe. During this period, the cells of the immune system “get acquainted” with the pathogenic microbe, after which B lymphocytes are activated, which begin to produce antibodies that have the ability to kill the pathogenic microorganism. Each microbe requires its own special antibodies.

Recovery and relief of symptoms of infection begins only from the moment when antibodies are developed and destruction begins pathogenic microorganism. After the microbe is destroyed, some of the antibodies are destroyed, and some become short-lived memory cells. B lymphocytes that produced antibodies go into the tissue and become those very memory cells. Subsequently, when the same pathogenic microbe enters the body, the memory cells available against it are immediately mobilized, producing antibodies that quickly and effectively destroy the infectious agent. Since the pathogen is quickly destroyed, an infectious disease does not develop.

It makes no sense to vaccinate against infections that the human body can cope with. But if the infection is dangerous, the mortality rate of sick people is very high, it is necessary to vaccinate. Vaccinations are simply a carrier of a microbial antigen - a pathogen, for which memory cells are produced. When you have a dangerous infection, there are two possible outcomes– recovery with the formation of immunity, or death. Vaccination ensures the formation of this immunity without mortal risk and the need to transfer severe course infections with extremely painful symptoms.

It is quite natural that in response to vaccination, the process of formation of memory cells during activation of the immune system is accompanied by a number of reactions. The most common reactions are at the injection site, and some are general (for example, fever for several days, weakness, malaise, etc.).

List of preventive vaccinations

So, today in Russia the list of preventive vaccinations includes the following vaccines, which are given to children and adults:
  • against hepatitis B;
  • against tuberculosis - only for children;
  • ... tetanus;
  • ... Haemophilus influenzae;
  • ...poliomyelitis;
  • ... rubella;
  • ...mumps (mumps);
  • ... meningococcal infection;
  • ... tularemia;
  • ... tetanus;
  • ... plague;
  • ... brucellosis;
  • ... anthrax;
  • ...rabies;
  • ... tick-borne encephalitis;
  • ... Q fever;
  • ... yellow fever;
  • ... cholera;
  • ... typhus;
  • ... hepatitis A;
  • ... shigellosis.
This list includes mandatory vaccinations that are given to all people, and those performed for epidemiological reasons. Epidemiological indications may be different - for example, residence or temporary stay in the outbreak area dangerous infection, leaving for regions with an unfavorable situation, or working with dangerous microbes - pathogens or with livestock, which are carriers of a number of pathologies.

National calendar of preventive vaccinations (2013, 2012, 2011)

The calendar of preventive vaccinations is compiled and approved based on the significance of the infections against which vaccination is carried out, as well as the availability of drugs. The calendar may be revised if any circumstances change - for example, the emergence of new vaccines that have different rules for use, or the risk of an outbreak of infection, which requires urgent and urgent immunization.

In Russia, a vaccination calendar for children and adults has been approved, valid throughout the country. This calendar has not changed recent years, so for 2011, 2012 and 2013 it is the same. The vaccinations included in this calendar are performed for all people. Vaccines from the national calendar are shown in the table:

Vaccine Age at which vaccination is given
Against hepatitis BThe first day after birth, at 1 month, at 2 months, at six months, at a year, then every 5 to 7 years
Against tuberculosis (BCG)Children 3–7 days after birth, at 7 years old, at 14 years old
Against diphtheria, whooping cough
and tetanus (DPT)
At 3 months, at 4 - 5 months, at six months, at one and a half years, at 6 - 7 years, at 14 years, at 18 years
Against Haemophilus influenzaeAt 3 months, at 4 - 5 months, at six months, at one and a half years
Against polioAt 3 months, at 4 - 5 months, at six months, at one and a half years, at 20 months, at 14 years
Against measles, rubella and mumpsAt 1 year, at 6 years
Against rubellaFrom the age of 11 every five years until the age of 18 for boys and until the age of 25 for girls
Against measlesAt 15 – 17 years old, then every five years until age 35
Against the fluChildren from the age of 6 months are vaccinated every year

These vaccinations are given to all children within the specified period. If vaccination has not been carried out, the dates are postponed taking into account the child’s condition, but the scheme of procedures remains the same.

Regional calendar of preventive vaccinations

The regional calendar of preventive vaccinations is developed and approved by local authorities of the Ministry of Health, taking into account specific circumstances and the epidemiological situation. The regional calendar of preventive vaccinations must include all vaccines from the national one, and add the necessary ones.

An individual program of preventive vaccinations for the child is developed and reflected in the following medical documentation:
1. Card of preventive vaccinations - form 063/у.
2. Child development history - form 112/у.
3. Child’s medical record – form 026/у.
4. Insert for an outpatient medical record - form 025/u (for adolescents).

These documents are issued for each child living in the area, attending kindergarten, school, college or college.

The preventive vaccination program is separately drawn up for adults. This work carried out by specialists - doctors from clinics. Preventive vaccinations for adults cover everyone who is eligible for vaccination, regardless of whether the person works. Adults are included in the immunization plan based on data on vaccinations performed and their expiration date.

Carrying out preventive vaccinations

Preventive vaccinations can be carried out in a state medical and preventive institution (polyclinic), or in specialized centers immunization of the population, or in private clinics licensed to carry out this type of medical manipulation. Preventive vaccinations are administered directly in the vaccination room, which must meet certain requirements and standards.

In institutions where the BCG vaccine is administered, it is necessary to have two vaccination rooms. One of them is designed exclusively for working with the BCG vaccine, and the other carries out all other vaccinations.

The vaccination room should have:

  • sterile instruments and materials;
  • disposable syringes and needles for intradermal and intramuscular injections;
  • forceps (tweezers);
  • containers in which used tools and waste are collected.
Also, the office must have a sufficient number of tables, each of which is intended for administering only one type of vaccine. The table must be marked, syringes, needles and sterile materials are prepared on it.

Any sterile material must be taken with sterile forceps, which are stored in containers with chloramine or chlorhexidine. The solution is changed daily, and the forceps and containers themselves are sterilized every day.

All used syringes, needles, ampoules, drug residues, cotton wool or tampons are disposed of in a container with a disinfectant solution.

Organization and procedure for vaccination

The organization of preventive vaccinations and the procedure for their implementation have been developed and prescribed in Guidelines MU 3.3.1889-04, which were approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on March 4, 2004. These rules are still in effect today.

What kind of preventive vaccinations are given is prescribed in the national and regional calendars. For vaccination, all institutions use only registered drugs of domestic or imported production, approved for use.

All preventive vaccinations are organized and carried out in accordance with the following requirements and instructions:

  • Any vaccination is carried out only in a specialized institution accredited to perform immunizations (vaccination rooms in clinics, kindergartens, schools, colleges, colleges, health centers, first aid stations).
  • If necessary, special teams are formed and procedures are carried out at home.
  • Preventive vaccines are given exclusively as prescribed by a doctor or paramedic.
  • Immediately before the planned vaccination, data on the condition of the child or adult are carefully clarified, on the basis of which permission for manipulation is given.
  • Before planned immunization, a child or adult is examined by a doctor to determine the presence of contraindications, allergies or strong reactions to previously administered drugs.
  • Before the injection, the temperature is measured.
  • Before the planned vaccination, the necessary tests are taken.
  • The vaccine is injected only with disposable syringes and needles.
  • Vaccinations can only be given by a medical specialist who is proficient in injection techniques, as well as emergency care skills.
  • The vaccination office must have a kit for providing emergency care.
  • All vaccines must be stored according to rules and regulations.
  • The vaccination office must have all the documentation.
  • Under no circumstances should vaccination be carried out in a treatment room or dressing room.
  • The vaccination room is cleaned twice a day using disinfectant solutions.

Technique of preventive vaccinations

Preventive vaccinations must be carried out following a certain technique. General rules and methods for administering preventive vaccines are determined regulatory documents. So, the sequence of actions of a medical worker when administering a vaccine should correspond to the following plan:

1. The ampoule with the vaccine preparation is taken out of the refrigerator and inspected appearance. It is necessary to record the integrity of the ampoule, the markings on the bottle, as well as the quality of the liquid inside. Vaccine preparations should not contain flakes, pieces, turbidity, etc.
2. The ampoules are opened using sterile gloves in the cold.
3. The vaccine is administered exclusively with a disposable syringe and needle.
4. If several vaccines are administered at a time, each drug must be administered in different places, and draw the vaccine into a separate syringe.
5. The injection site is wiped with alcohol or other antiseptics.
6. Injection site BCG vaccines or Mantoux samples are treated with ether.
7. The vaccine is administered to the patient in a sitting or lying position.
8. After administration of the drug, the patient remains under observation for half an hour.

Journal of Preventive Vaccination

The medical worker must enter all vaccinations performed in a special logbook. If you lose your individual card or move to another place, all data can be restored by contacting medical institution, where the vaccination was carried out, where they will make an extract from such journals stored in the archives. Also, based on the entries in the journal, preventive immunization plans are drawn up, in which the names of the people to be vaccinated are entered.

The preventive vaccination log is a standard form of medical documentation 064/u, which reflects the following data:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the person being vaccinated;
  • patient's address;
  • year of birth;
  • place of study or work;
  • name of the vaccine product;
  • primary vaccination or revaccination;
  • method of vaccine administration (subcutaneous, intramuscular, oral, etc.).
In addition, information about vaccination is recorded for each patient, which takes into account the following data:
1. Date of administration, drug series and dose.
2. All reactions that were observed after vaccination.
3. Any atypical manifestations or doubtful moments.

The preventive vaccination logbook is stitched and the pages are numbered. The magazine form is usually ordered from a printing house, which prints them according to a template approved by the Ministry of Health.

Vaccination card, form 063

The preventive vaccination card, form 063/u, is a medical document that contains information about all vaccinations and biological tests performed. Often this document is simply called a “vaccination sheet”. The document must record the date of vaccination, numbers and series of the drug.

The vaccination card is filled out by medical specialists in the clinic, at the first aid station, at school or kindergarten. Moreover, when carrying out immunization in a school or kindergarten, other documentation can be used, from which information about vaccinations is transferred to the vaccination card in form 063/u. Vaccination certificate form 063/u can be issued to the child’s parents if it is necessary to provide information about the child’s vaccinations to any authorities (for example, visa department, hospitals, etc.). One copy of the vaccination certificate is stored in the archives of the medical institution for 5 years.

The vaccination card is printed and filled out individually for each child.


The certificate of preventive vaccinations has been entered into the register of state documents, and has the form 156/у - 93. Today, the vaccination certificate is medical document which continues throughout a person’s life. A certificate of preventive vaccinations is required for people traveling abroad, working in hazardous conditions or food industry, as well as athletes, and for routine medical examination. Today in Russia there is no common federal vaccination base, so it is almost impossible to restore a lost certificate.

A certificate of preventive vaccinations is issued to a person in a maternity hospital, clinic, medical unit or health center. Each vaccination performed is included in the vaccination certificate, which displays the date, the name of the clinic, the signature of the medical worker who performed the manipulation, and the seal of the health care institution. The vaccination certificate must not contain any blots or corrections. Any corrections or blank fields will result in the certificate being invalidated. The document does not include contraindications or reasons for lack of vaccination.

A vaccination certificate is required for admission to kindergarten, school, work, the army, when visiting a doctor, and when undergoing treatment in a hospital. The certificate of preventive vaccinations must be kept by the owner until death.

Refusal of preventive vaccinations, sample form

Today, every adult, or guardian representative of a minor, has the right to refuse vaccination. The basis for this is provided by the Law of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation No. 157 F3 of September 17, 1998, Article 5. Regarding vaccinations for children, a parent can refuse them on the basis of the same law, only Article 11, which states that vaccination of a child is carried out only with his consent legal representatives, that is, parents, guardians, etc.

Refusal from vaccinations must be submitted in writing to the head of the treatment and preventive, preschool child care facility or schools. Approximate form a vaccine waiver that can be used as a form and template is presented below:

Head physician of clinic no./ or
To the director of school no./ or
To the head of kindergarten No.
_______district, __________city (village, hamlet)
From __________name of the applicant_____________________

I, ____________full name, passport details______________, refuse to do all preventive vaccinations (or indicate which specific vaccinations you refuse to do) to my child _______full name of the child, date of birth_________, registered at clinic No. (or attending kindergarten No., or school No.). The legal basis is the legislation of the Russian Federation, namely “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens” dated July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1, articles 32, 33 and 34 and “On the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases” dated September 17, 1998 No. 57 - Federal Law, Articles 5 and 11.
Signature with transcript

What does the lack of preventive vaccination entail?

Lack of preventive vaccinations entails the following consequences, according to the law of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 157 F3 dated September 17, 1998, article 5:
1. Prohibition for citizens to travel to countries where, in accordance with international health regulations, their stay is either international treaties Russian Federation, requires specific preventive vaccinations.
2. Temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational and health institutions in the event of widespread infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics.
3. Refusal to hire citizens for work or removal of citizens from work, the performance of which is related to high risk diseases infectious diseases. The list of works, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of contracting infectious diseases, requires mandatory preventive vaccinations, is established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

As can be seen from the law, a child or an adult may not be allowed to visit a child care facility, and an employee may not be allowed to enter the workplace if there are no vaccinations and the epidemiological situation is unfavorable. In other words, when Rospotrebnadzor announces the danger of any epidemic, or the transition to quarantine, unvaccinated children and adults are not allowed into groups. During the rest of the year, children and adults can work, study and attend kindergartens without restrictions.

Order on preventive vaccinations

Today, on the territory of Russia, Order No. 51n dated January 31, 2011 “On approval of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations according to epidemic indications"It is in accordance with this order that the current national vaccination calendar was approved.

Preventive vaccination in kindergarten

For children, preventive vaccination can be carried out individually or in an organized manner. In an organized manner, vaccinations are given to children attending kindergartens and schools, where immunization specialists come with ready-made drugs. In this case medical workers child care institutions draw up vaccination plans that include those children who require them. All information about the manipulations performed in kindergarten is recorded on a special vaccination sheet (form 063/y) or in a medical record (form 026/y - 2000).

Vaccinations in kindergarten are carried out only with the consent of the parents or other legal representatives of the child. If you wish to refuse vaccinations for your child, you must register your refusal in writing with the office of the institution and notify the nurse.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The immune system of a newborn is not always able to independently resist surrounding viruses and infections. To protect your baby, it is necessary to vaccinate. The vaccination calendar for children under 1 year of age is a document approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation that regulates the timing and types of free vaccinations under the compulsory health insurance program.

Vaccination is carried out by introducing antigenic material into the body, which stimulates the production of antibodies to specific viral and infectious pathogens.

Vaccination is a preventive measure that protects against certain diseases. In case of infection, it relieves painful symptoms, prevents the development of complications.

Antigenic material is a weakened version of the virus or bacterial infection, which stimulates innate immune system in the body. Antibodies are produced to the introduced stimulus. Upon re-infection, antibodies immediately begin to fight the specific disease.

Vaccination according to epidemic indications

Preventive measures based on epidemic indicators are carried out for the population who live in areas with a characteristic spread of certain infections.

There is a list of epidemic zones approved by the Ministry of Health. Depending on the epidemiological situation, routine vaccinations are carried out annually in the regions against:

  • anthrax;
  • Q fever;
  • brucellosis;
  • plague;
  • tularemia;
  • tick-borne spring-summer encephalitis;
  • leptospirosis.

Timely prevention ensures human protection from harmful, dangerous infectious diseases.

What laws regulate the voluntary nature of vaccinations?

According to paragraph 4 of the law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” vaccination is not mandatory.

Parents have the right to refuse vaccination by confirming this in writing. You can refuse preventive measures in whole or in part - at the request of the parents.

Vaccination can be resumed at any time by contacting the clinic at your place of residence (written confirmation of consent).

What are the risks of refusing vaccinations?

It is worth flying for a person from Bangladesh or Venezuela, where a real epidemic of diphtheria with a highly toxicogenic diphtheria bacillus is raging in the countries; unvaccinated children and adults have a minimal chance of survival

Vaccination is considered effective preventative measure preventing infectious diseases. Unvaccinated children may have a harder time enduring infection and are more susceptible to complications..

In addition, there are some administrative restrictions:

  • a ban on travel to countries where stay requires certain preventive vaccinations due to the epidemiological situation;
  • temporary refusal of admission to educational institutions when there is a threat of an epidemic or mass infection (in the absence of vaccinations against the very disease that provokes the epidemic).

According to statistics low rate level of vaccination, lack of developed immunity from terrible diseases, diphtheria, measles, etc. - a nationwide problem, says Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, candidate of medical sciences, pediatrician with 30 years of experience. We act, as the old proverb says, “until the thunder strikes, a man crosses himself”: people begin to think and change when they see real human deaths.

National calendar of preventive vaccinations in Russia for children under 1 year of age

The baby receives some vaccinations already in the maternity hospital. Subsequent vaccination is carried out in the children's clinic. Immunoprophylaxis in the Russian Federation according to the 2018 vaccination calendar for children under 1 year of age is carried out in accordance with Federal laws:

  • “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases” dated September 17, 1998 N 157-FZ;
  • “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens” dated July 22, 1993 N 5487-1;
  • “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ.

Routine vaccinations are carried out in all regions, regardless of population size. Immunoprophylaxis is aimed at combating 11 infectious diseases.

Approved vaccination schedule for children under one year of age:

Child's age From what disease Vaccine name
First 24 hours of lifeI vaccination against viral hepatitis BEuvax B, Regevak B
On days 3-7 of lifeVaccination against tuberculosisBCG, BCG-M
1 monthII vaccination against hepatitis BEuvax B, Regevak B
2 monthsIII vaccination against hepatitis BEuvax B, Regevak B
I vaccination against pneumococcal infectionPneumo-23, Prevenar 13
3 monthsI vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus
I vaccination against polioInfanrix Hexa, Pentaxim
I vaccination against hemophilia, given to children at riskHIB Act, Hiberix, Pentaxim
4.5 monthsII vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanusADS, ADS-M, AD-M, DTP, Infanrix
II vaccination against hemophilia, given to children at riskHIB Act, Hiberix, Pentaxim
II polio vaccineInfanrix Hexa, Pentaxim
II vaccination against pneumococcal infectionPneumo-23, Prevenar 13
6 monthsIII vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanusADS, ADS-M, AD-M, DTP, Infanrix
III vaccination against viral hepatitis BEuvax B, Regevak B
III polio vaccineInfanrix Hexa, Pentaxim
III vaccination against hemophilia, given to children at riskHIB Act, Hiberix, Pentaxim
12 monthsVaccination against measles, rubella, mumpsPriorix,MMP-II
IV vaccination against viral hepatitis B (given to children at risk)Euvax B, Regevak B

The schedule of preventive vaccinations for children under 14 years of age can be found.

5 rules for preparing for vaccination

For the procedure to be successful, parents must know several rules for preparing children for vaccination.

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the vaccine and the number of complicated reactions in children who have taken the drug previously. The vaccine must be certified and meet regulatory requirements. Parents can freely obtain such information at the clinic.
  2. The venue plays an important role for a safe vaccination procedure. The vaccination room must be equipped with anti-shock therapy. Vaccination is carried out one-time sterile materials(syringes, gloves) in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.
  3. Before the procedure, the pediatrician examines the child. The doctor identifies or eliminates contraindications to the procedure. If necessary, sends a small patient for tests to clarify the diagnosis. If upon examination no abnormalities or pathologies are identified, the doctor allows for vaccination.
  4. If a child is prone to allergies, then 2 weeks before vaccination it is necessary to exclude contact with a possible irritant. Avoid overheating and hypothermia. It is recommended to visit often fresh air(about the features of the organization), regularly carry out hygiene procedures.
  5. It is strictly prohibited to introduce new foods into complementary foods before vaccination., start hardening. It is necessary to follow the established sleep and nutrition schedule. If the baby is on breastfeeding, then the mother must follow a diet; prohibited foods must not be consumed.

When and for what reasons should it not be carried out?

It is forbidden to vaccinate a sick child. Even minor symptoms of various ailments cause postponement.

Is it possible to postpone vaccination dates: consequences

If there are contraindications, you should not strive to carry out the procedure exactly within the time limits given in the 2018 vaccination calendar.

Vaccination dates can be postponed. The attending physician determines when the child needs to be vaccinated for the procedure to be effective. Negative consequences There is no harm from non-compliance with the schedule; the main thing is to resume vaccination after the doctor lifts the restrictions.

Side effects after administration of the vaccine

If such symptoms occur, you should seek help from qualified professionals.

Depending on the individual sensitivity of the body and other accompanying factors, some children have difficulty with vaccination.

The reaction is divided into two groups - natural and unwanted.

Natural include: swelling, itching, local redness skin at the injection site, sometimes the child feels general malaise, the symptoms disappear within 1-2 days after the procedure.

Undesirable consequences:

  • increase in body temperature to 39 degrees and above (they will come to the rescue);
  • anaphylaxis (difficulty breathing). You especially need to be careful with children who have been diagnosed with;
  • afebrile seizures with normal temperature bodies;
  • neurological disorders.


Health must be maintained from birth; vaccination is a preventive measure to prevent certain diseases. No one is responsible for the health and well-being of children except their parents, so the issue of vaccination should be approached with a cool mind.

Before carrying out procedures, familiarize yourself with all aspects, weigh the pros and cons, and take responsibility for possible further consequences.