My nose turns red on the street, what should I do? Redness of the nose. Possible causes of various types of facial redness

Depending on the cause of the problem, methods on how to get rid of a red nose will vary. The appearance of redness can be caused not only by long exposure to cold or alcohol abuse, but also by a serious illness (rosacea). Frequent occurrence of this symptom requires medical diagnosis. Treatment with folk remedies can be effective.

Red nose: main causes

There are many reasons why the nose turns red. In most cases, frost or heat is to blame. As a result, it appears on the skin normal reaction for the weather.

Redness in the nose area can also occur with high nervous tension.

Although it is common for a person to have pink cheeks in this situation, in some cases the bright red may spread throughout the entire face. This problem can be solved through auto-training (self-soothing). When the attitude towards an exciting situation changes, the blood no longer rushes to the face so much, as a result of which the nose does not change its color.

Another reason is smoking. The vessels of the best acquire a special sensitivity, through which even a short stay in cold or stuffy room may provoke a spasm. The result is a red nose. A similar problem occurs in people who suffer from diseases. thyroid gland.

Among other things, the nose of a person with an unhealthy addiction to alcohol also turns red. Frequent use is fraught with increased blood pressure and dilation of blood vessels. As a result, impaired blood circulation, arteriole swelling, microaneurysms, and microstroke are observed. All these negative consequences Alcoholism causes redness on the face, especially in the nose area.

A red nose is a symptom of a disease called rosacea. It is a chronic skin disease characterized by burgundy skin discoloration, nodule formation, and blood vessel problems. It begins with slight redness of the tip of the nose and ends with a total redness in the middle of the face and deformation of the nose. Rosacea affects people over 30 years of age.

The cause of this disease may be genetic predisposition, abuse of spicy foods and alcohol, or illness gastrointestinal tract.

The most dangerous case is considered to be when a red nose is a symptom of a special disease caused by ticks. Bright red at the first stage affects only the tip of the nose. Then it spreads across the entire middle of the face, and then, if left untreated, the cheeks and forehead turn red. In a short period of time, a dense network of winding veins, engorged with blood, appears on the nose. From this, it begins to increase in size and become thicker.

The sebaceous glands grow, which is why an oily sheen appears. As a result, the nose begins to resemble a bloody pear.

The cause of redness in the nose area may be various factors, ranging from weather to serious infection. Like any disease, a “red nose” requires immediate treatment. It is possible to accurately determine the origin of this symptom only at an appointment with a dermatologist. Taking into account the patient’s complaints and test results, he will identify the root of the problem and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Red nose: ways to prevent and treat the disease

First of all, you need to research general condition of your body. A red nose can be a symptom of a cold, stress, indigestion, or anemia. If the underlying disease is treated, the bright red color will go away on its own.

If the problem is caused by enlarged pores, then the best solution There will be a review of your diet. Overeating, consumption of spicy foods, alcohol, strong coffee or tea stimulate blood flow and local vascular dysfunction.

In the case when the weather is to blame for the redness of the nose, there is a need to harden it. To do this, several times a week you can make compresses from chamomile or shavliya decoction. Compresses should be alternated so that the last one is cold: this will help narrow the pores and improve the functioning of blood vessels. Among other things, it is necessary to protect the nose from extreme cold and active action sun rays. Good helpers In this case there will be special face creams. Rubbing a decoction of linden blossom in the morning and before bed also helps prevent the skin from turning red from frost.

There is a well-known method of hardening gymnastics for the nose. Standing near open window, you need to take a series of short nasal inhalations and exhalations.

You need to wash your face with water at room temperature. After washing it is useful to light massage nose, gently pinching and pressing it with your fingertips.

Steaming (steam baths and paraffin masks) is not recommended for this problem.

If the doctor does not find serious reasons why the nose turns red, then treat and remove unpleasant symptom can be done using folk remedies:

  • Mask from cabbage juice. Moisten gauze pad in cabbage juice and apply to the nose. Keep for 15 minutes. When the napkin dries, moisten it again and repeat the procedure. Apply the mask every other day.
  • Aloe juice mask. This mask is recommended for the appearance of rosacea. You need to dilute aloe juice with water, moisten a napkin in it and leave it on your face for 15 minutes. Repeat once every 2 days. The course of treatment includes 20 procedures.
  • Rosehip mask. Prepare rosehip infusion (1:20), moisten a napkin in it and apply to the nose for 15 minutes. Repeat every other day.
  • Cranberry mask. Place a napkin soaked in cranberry juice on your nose and keep it there for an hour, re-wetting it every 15 minutes. After washing off the mask, it is recommended to powder your face a little.
  • Other treatments

    When a smooth, streak-free redness suddenly appears on the nose and then spreads over the entire surface of the face, it is treated with a special ointment. For preparation you will need water, crushed chalk and glycerin. These ingredients should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 3: 1. The resulting ointment should be applied to reddened areas of the skin. It is also recommended to wash your face oak bark or tannin, as they have astringent properties.

    Rosacea is a disease characterized by changes in blood vessels and the appearance of nodules are treated with laser sealing of vessels from the inside.

    As a result, the blood flow in them stops, the redness disappears. If the degree of development of the disease is low, then it can be defeated in one laser procedure. But if the disease has acquired running form, you will need to carry out several procedures.

    If redness in the nose area appears as a result of infection rosacea, then the dermatologist will prescribe drug treatment, in particular antibiotics.

    A red nose can be either a harmless blush from the cold or a symptom of an infestation with harmful mites. Although people often do not pay due attention to such a seemingly trivial disease, the frequent appearance of redness serves as a “bell” to contact a specialist. Self-treatment may not be effective or may make the problem worse. A red nose not only indicates health problems, but also repels others.

    A red nose looks unsightly, and the appearance of this symptom may indicate the development of serious illnesses. If this problem is detected, it is necessary to determine the cause of its development. In some cases, special treatment may be required, which is aimed at eliminating both the disease itself and its external manifestations.

    Diseases that cause redness of the skin on the nose

    Redness of the skin on the nose can provoke a number of diseases that can only be eliminated with the help of special treatment.

    Rosacea is accompanied by enlargement small vessels located on the face. This leads to the fact that liquid begins to flow out of them, which provokes inflammatory process. Subject to availability of this disease redness first appears at the tip of the nose, then spreads to lateral surface. Rosacea is always accompanied by an overgrowth of soft tissue, which makes the face unattractive.

    This problem most often occurs in women during menopause and menopause. A sharp drop in estrogen levels in the blood leads to hot flashes, which provoke the development of rosacea.

    Seborrheic dermatitis

    Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin of the nose ( sebaceous glands, located on its surface). This problem is caused by yeast-like fungi, which normally live on the human body, but are in a spore state. Their activation occurs only in the presence of certain contributing factors:

    • decline protective functions body;
    • when exposed to chemical, thermal or mechanical irritants;
    • in the presence of concomitant dermatological problems.

    With the development of seborrheic dermatitis, the skin of the nose turns red and becomes covered with painful ulcers.


    Cuperosis is a disease that is accompanied by the appearance of multiple spider veins on the surface of the nose and face. The appearance of this pathology is provoked by the expansion of small vessels, as a result of which the elasticity of their walls decreases and trophism is disrupted skin.

    Cuperosis is usually classified not as a simple cosmetic defect, but as a serious disease. As it progresses, the blood supply to the nasal tissues is disrupted, which leads to paralysis of the muscle fibers.


    If the redness of the skin of the nose is limited, rhinophyma is most likely developing. This is a disease inflammatory in nature, which is accompanied by gradual destruction connective tissue, sebaceous glands and blood vessels. This problem leads to deformation and swelling of the nose. Most often, rhinophyma is provoked by:

    • the presence of endocrine disorders;
    • alcoholism;
    • chemotherapy;
    • unfavorable environmental conditions;
    • the presence of certain autoimmune diseases.

    Periarteritis nodosa

    Periarteritis nodosa is considered relatively rare disease, the causes of which are poorly understood. TO possible factors The causes of this problem include human infection with the hepatitis B virus or intolerance to certain drugs.

    In the presence of this disease, almost half of patients are diagnosed with papulopetechial purpura. It usually manifests itself in areas of intense blood supply to tissues. First, redness is found on the surface of the nose and cheeks, after which it spreads to other parts of the body.

    Another name for the disease is systemic lupus erythematosus. This problem is of autoimmune origin. It is accompanied by the appearance of a rash on the nose and cheeks, and the lesions are shaped like a butterfly. The disease leads to joint damage, rapid weight loss, increased fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms.

    Carcinoid syndrome

    Carcinoid syndrome is a symptom complex that develops when there is presence in the human body neuroendocrine tumor, provoking the release large quantity hormones. This condition is accompanied by significant redness of the skin on the face, which is accompanied by a rush of blood to these areas.

    The appearance of such attacks can occur spontaneously or against the background of certain stimulating factors. These include:

    • drinking alcoholic beverages;
    • intense physical activity;
    • emotional overstrain.

    Other causes of redness on the nose

    A red nose can be a concern not only with the development of serious diseases. Very often this problem occurs among owners of thin and weak blood vessels. They react sharply to any external stimuli - sudden change or exposure to extremely high or low temperatures, wind.

    Other reasons for the development of this problem include:

    • alcohol abuse, which negatively affects the condition of blood vessels and the body as a whole;
    • consumption of certain products - smoked meats, spicy seasonings, sweets, fatty foods, fast food, caffeinated drinks;
    • nervous tension, which is accompanied by a rush of blood to the head;
    • incorrectly selected cosmetics that provoke an allergic reaction;
    • availability colds causes irritation of the skin of the nose, which leads to redness and swelling;
    • frostbite of superficial tissues or, conversely, burns;
    • appearance subcutaneous acne. In this case, in addition to the red nose, severe pain is detected;
    • local hyperemia due to traumatic skin lesions. As the wound heals, the redness completely disappears.

    Treatment of the problem, depending on the causes of its occurrence

    Redness of the nose must be treated based on the reasons that led to this problem. If it appears too often or is constant, it is necessary to diagnose the body. Only therapy for the underlying disease will help get rid of the external defect forever.

    We must not forget that topical agents (creams, ointments, lotions) only relieve redness for a while.

    Depending on the identified disease, the following treatment is used:

    • rhinophyma. eliminated surgically, radio wave or laser method;
    • allergic manifestations. The effect of the irritant is limited, symptomatic therapy is carried out;
    • . Appointed antiviral treatment aimed at eliminating the main manifestations of the disease;
    • demodicosis Drugs are prescribed to kill subcutaneous mites;
    • carcinoid syndrome. Treatment occurs under the supervision of an oncologist and depends on the severity of the tumor;
    • rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy is prescribed;
    • lupus erythematosus. The disease is incurable, but hormonal therapy is prescribed to relieve symptoms.

    Traditional treatment

    You can get rid of a red nose using recipes traditional medicine.

    Chamomile decoction

    A spoonful of chamomile flowers is poured into 230 ml of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cooled. The resulting mixture is filtered and used to treat inflamed skin.

    Potato mask

    To get rid of blood vessels on the nose, you need to boil regular potatoes along with the peel, and then grind them into a puree. The cooled mixture is wrapped in a bandage and applied to problem area for 15 minutes.

    Use of cucumbers

    It is necessary to grate the cucumber on a fine grater, add a little aloe juice, and then treat the surface of the nose with the resulting mixture. After 15 minutes, it is recommended to wash off the mask.

    We use cranberries

    Take fresh cranberries, mash them and squeeze out the juice. A bandage is moistened in the resulting liquid and used to treat the surface of the nose. It is advisable to repeat this manipulation several more times until the condition improves.

    Aloe juice

    The juice must be squeezed out of the leaves, which should preferably be diluted with water in equal proportions. A bandage is moistened in this mixture and applied to the red nose for 20 minutes daily.

    Preventive measures

    To get rid of redness on the nose, you must follow these recommendations:

    • It is best to give up alcohol, coffee, too spicy, sweet and fatty foods;
    • at long stay in the sun it is necessary to apply protective creams to the skin, wear hats with a brim or a visor;
    • it is advisable to limit visits to saunas and baths;
    • to harden the vessels you need to wash your face with cool water;
    • in the cold season, protect the facial skin with special creams;
    • for facial skin care you need to choose delicate cosmetics;
    • for normalization emotional state you can use breathing exercises.

    Video: Treatment of a red nose

    A red nose looks unsightly and spoils a person’s appearance. Highly sensitive facial skin reacts to any circulatory disturbance by changing color. In men and children, the nose often turns red during the cold season. For representatives of the fair sex, such a problem becomes a real shock. Under thin skin, capillaries begin to appear and burst. A red nose cannot be hidden from others. It will have to be masked under a thick layer foundation. But this won't solve the problem. If the nose for a long time remains red, you need to consult a dermatologist.

    The nose has good innervation and blood supply. Thanks to the developed arterial and venous vascular network, hyperemia occurs quickly and lasts a long time. Dilated capillaries gradually wriggle and appear spider veins and nodules. In the absence therapeutic effects the nose takes on a pineal shape.

    The causes of a red nose are varied and in some cases require medical attention. Methods for getting rid of this problem are determined causal factors. Changes in color and deformation of the nose often spoil a person's social life.


    The causes of redness of the nose are divided into endogenous and exogenous.

    Exogenous physiological factors that cause redness of the nose in healthy people:

    Such changes on the face are cosmetic defects, which do not require special treatment and go away on their own. It is enough to stop contact with the irritating factor, start eating right, quit bad habits, buy high-quality cosmetics and there will be no trace of redness left.

    Endogenous factors include diseases of the skin and internal organs.

    Dermatological diseases:

    Other diseases manifested by redness of the nose:

    The diseases listed above require contact with a specialist and immediate treatment. Taking into account complaints and test results, he will determine the cause of redness of the nose and prescribe complex therapy.

    Therapeutic measures

    Red nose - symptom various diseases, timely treatment which will help you get rid of similar problem. If the nose remains red for a long time, and the reason is similar phenomenon is not clear, you should consult a dermatologist. To answer the question: “Why is the nose red?”, you need to undergo a series of tests: general analysis blood and general urine analysis, biochemical research blood and others.

    1. If the cause of the problem is enlarged pores, then you need to change your habits and diet: exclude spicy and fatty foods, seasonings, marinades, alcohol, strong tea, coffee. These foods stimulate blood flow to the skin.
    2. If the nose turns red due to weather conditions, it must be hardened and protected from UV rays: apply cold compresses, lubricate with a special cream before going outside, wear a hat when exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.
    3. You should wash your face with water at room temperature. Persons with a red nose are prohibited from taking very hot bath or shower, visit baths and saunas, use washcloths, hard towels and overuse scrubs.
    4. Light massage of the nose, gentle pinching, tapping and pressing on it improves local blood flow. Massage stimulates blood circulation. During the massage, blood circulates faster and flows to the skin.
    5. A person whose nose becomes red or red spots appear on it should immediately stop smoking.
    6. The nose should be rinsed regularly with a weak saline solution or diluted lemon juice.
    7. Persons prone to redness of the nose should avoid cosmetics containing alcohol and salicylic acid.
    8. Should be avoided conflict situations, avoid stress and take deep breaths more often to eliminate it. Auto-training and psychological exercises will also help restore your psycho-emotional state.

    Traditional medicine

    A constantly red nose is a pathology that requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment.

    Traditional medicine

    Traditional medicine should be used only after consultation with a specialist. If the doctor does not find any serious pathologies in the body, you can use traditional methods.

    1. Soak a cotton pad in juice white cabbage, apply it to the nose and leave for ten minutes.
    2. Aloe juice is diluted with water, a gauze cloth is moistened in it and placed on the face for 20 minutes.
    3. Gauze is soaked in rosehip broth and placed on the nose.
    4. Soak cotton pads in lingonberry or cranberry juice and apply them to your nose.
    5. Ointment prepared from salicylic acid, castor oil, Vaseline and resorcinol, apply to the nose after treating it with vegetable oil.
    6. Lemon, honey and fresh parsley masks - excellent remedy against redness of the nose. Chop parsley and mix with lemon juice and honey and apply to the nose for five minutes.
    7. The potato pore is placed in a bandage and applied to the nose for twenty minutes.
    8. Use diluted vinegar, a decoction of chamomile or oak bark to wipe problem areas on the face.
    9. Every morning, treat your nose with an ice cube made from chamomile decoction.
    10. Rub the skin of the nose with infusion of hoofweed.
    11. A fresh apple mask is prepared as follows: grate it, add linden blossom and lemon juice, and then apply the resulting product to the nose.
    12. Puree from fresh cucumber also put on the nose, and wipe the face with cucumber juice.

    A red nose is a visible defect on the face that cannot be ignored. Such a change in skin color repels others. People with a constantly red nose develop an inferiority complex. Some become nervous, withdrawn, and avoid communicating with people. Others simply forget that such a “trifling ailment” can be a manifestation serious illness requiring contact with a doctor. Self-medication often does not work positive results and even makes the problem worse.

    Redness of the nose is clinical manifestation may be present in the symptom complex of both otolaryngological diseases and other pathological processes in the body. In addition, swelling and swelling of the nose cannot be ruled out due to excessive consumption of alcohol, certain medications, or prolonged exposure to weather conditions unfavorable to the body.

    The nature of such a symptom can only be determined through a physical examination of the patient and the necessary diagnostic measures. Based on this, we can say that the treatment itself is prescribed by a highly qualified doctor. Use of any medications or traditional medicine, can lead to the development of serious complications.


    The etiological factors of this symptom are usually divided into two groups - endogenous and exogenous.

    To endogenous etiological factors, which can cause redness of the wings or sinuses of the nose include:

    Exogenous etiological factors include:

    • allergic reactions;
    • alcohol abuse or taking certain medications;
    • overuse spicy food;
    • use of inappropriate cosmetic products;
    • unfavorable weather conditions for the body - heat, cold, high humidity or dry air;
    • stressful situations, nervous overstrain - in such cases, redness of the nose will be a peculiar reaction of the body to the situation.

    In that case specific treatment is not required, since redness can be removed by eliminating the provoking factor or using special protective cosmetic products.


    There is no general clinical picture, the nature of the manifestation pathological process will depend on what exactly caused the manifestation of such a symptom.

    Redness of the wings of the nose and the skin around them, which will resemble a mask in shape, may be a manifestation of an autoimmune disease, which will be characterized by approximately the following clinical picture:

    • red, plaque-shaped rashes, often with scaly edges;
    • the formation of painful lesions on the oral mucosa and in the nose area;
    • , which will only intensify when you try to take a deep breath;
    • frequent, ;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
    • aggravation of existing chronic diseases;
    • sharp, frequent attacks of irritability and aggression;
    • violations by genitourinary system- frequent and , ;
    • general malaise.

    Due to the fact that this is systemic autoimmune disease, symptoms can manifest themselves in the functioning of any body system.

    Irritation and redness of the nose and skin around it may be a manifestation dermatological diseases. In this case, the following clinical picture occurs:

    • severely affected skin areas;
    • the formation of scales that are easily removed;
    • at the site of the affected skin;
    • the appearance of acne.

    In some cases, pimples may form at the site of redness, which later form into small blistering formations with liquid or purulent exudate in the middle. The localization of rashes can be not only relative to the face, but also to the back, chest, arms to the elbow. There should be no rashes in the genital area.

    For diseases that relate to other body systems and are not fungal in nature, this symptom may be accompanied by the following:

    • headaches, dizziness, which may be due to nasal congestion;
    • pain in the nasal septum, which can spread to the eyes and frontal area of ​​the head - with,;
    • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which will be expressed in unstable stools;
    • lack of sexual desire, discomfort during sexual intercourse;
    • general deterioration well-being;
    • sharp decline or, conversely, an increase in body weight.

    In this case, only one clinical picture It is impossible to establish the etiology of why the nose became red and swollen. To do this you should contact medical care. The doctor will carry out all the necessary diagnostic procedures and put correct diagnosis, based on which it will be clear how to get rid of such a symptom.


    The diagnostic program will depend on what is collected during initial examination history and current clinical picture.

    Laboratory diagnostic methods may include:

    • general, biochemical blood test;
    • general urinalysis;
    • blood test for antibodies;
    • hormonal studies;
    • scraping from the affected area of ​​skin for bacteriological examination.

    Instrumental studies include:

    • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
    • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
    • CT, MRI of the brain;
    • ECG, EEG;
    • endoscopic examinations gastrointestinal tract.

    You may need to consult the following specialists:

    The given diagnostic program is approximate; the exact list of examination methods is determined only by the attending physician in each specific case.

    The skin on the nose is especially prone to redness and irritation due to sunburn, colds, allergies and easily clogged pores. It is necessary to protect the nose from common irritants, and if the skin is red, it should be treated. In this article you will learn how to relieve irritation sensitive skin nose


    How to get rid of acne and irritation on the nose

      Use soft detergent for the face. When washing your face, use a mild facial soap to cleanse and open the skin pores on your nose. After washing your face, pat your face dry with a clean towel rather than drying it, as friction can cause skin redness.

      Moisturize your skin properly with lotion or oil. Use a skin-appropriate moisturizer or pure oil to moisturize the skin on your nose and prevent irritation. Try using a cream that is specifically designed to relieve redness, or a simple one. natural oil at your choice.

      Try natural anti-inflammatory remedies such as cucumber and tea. Apply anti-inflammatories directly to the skin of your nose to soothe it and relieve redness. Try applying a mask of grated cucumber to your face. Can also be brewed green tea, chamomile tea or peppermint, moisten a soft washcloth with it and apply it to your nose.

      Reduce skin redness through diet. Pay attention to foods and drinks that may increase redness and irritation of the skin on your nose and face. Avoid known allergens and intolerant foods and opt for soothing, anti-inflammatory foods and drinks.

      Use a greenish makeup base or concealer. If you are unable to completely relieve redness and irritation with other methods, try to mask the redness with makeup. Try using makeup with a slight greenish tint to help hide the redness.

      How to prevent skin on your nose from cracking when you're sick

      1. Use petroleum jelly, clear chapstick, or skin moisturizer. Apply a thick moisturizer to your nose long acting or other moisturizer to prevent redness and irritation during cold or allergy season. If you blow your nose frequently, apply a thick skin moisturizer to your nose as needed and special attention wings of the nose.

        When blowing your nose, use a soft handkerchief. Try to use a soft cotton handkerchief rather than disposable tissues. This will prevent skin irritation that can result from prolonged use of harsh paper towels.

        Protect your nose and face when leaving the house. Cover your face to keep your nose warm and protected from wind and dry air. Try wrapping a scarf around your head to cover your nose, or even wear a ski mask to protect your entire face from the cold.

        Run a humidifier at night. Use a humidifier in a room you spend a lot of time in during the cold, dry winter months, as well as in your bedroom. Additional humidity will help reduce irritation of the nasal skin and prevent dryness.

      How to prevent and treat sunburn

      1. Use a high SPF sunscreen for your nose. Apply the cream 15 minutes before going outside and pay special attention to your nose, as the most prominent part of the face that is susceptible to sunburn. Choose sunscreen wide range with an SPF of 30 or higher, and apply it every two hours and after swimming or heavy sweating.

        • If you forget to apply sunscreen before going outside, regularly use a skin moisturizer with sun protection. Many makeup foundations, beauty balms and powders also provide some sun protection.
        • If your nose is too oily skin or acne often forms, use sunscreen for the face, since such creams usually do not contain oil.
      2. Drink more water. Be sure to drink water before, during, and especially after sun exposure. Thus, you will prevent dehydration of the body and skin, and also reduce irritation and dryness of the skin in the area sunburn on the nose or other part of the body.

        • If you forget to drink water, carry a large water bottle with you and drink it by the end of the day. If you are going to be away for a long time, take a 4-liter bottle of water with you.
        • If necessary or desired, you can add slices of fresh lemon, a few drops of flavoring and electrolytes to the water. However, refrain from drinking high content sugar and if you are thirsty, do not replace water with carbonated or alcoholic drinks, as they further dehydrate the body, which can adversely affect the skin.


      • The above recommendations may be helpful in soothing nasal skin irritation, but they should not be used to diagnose, treat, treat, or prevent any disease. Contact your doctor if you experience severe or constant problems with skin that does not go away or gets worse.