Bladder and its diseases. What causes the sensation of a full bladder in women?

The sensation of a full bladder is observed as a symptom in a number of various pathologies. Some of them are very dangerous for both men and women. The bladder is a hollow, unpaired, sac-like organ that stores urine before excreting it from the body. It is located in the pelvis and is supported by its muscles, which hold it in place. required level. The average capacity of the organ is 200-400 ml. Urine excretion in healthy condition carried out on average 4-6 times a day.

Visiting a doctor

The bladder has very elastic walls, so the pressure in it increases very slowly during filling with urine. The thick muscular layer is the bulk of the bladder wall. Oddly enough, the structure of the organ is different in men and women. Representatives strong half of humanity, the prostate is adjacent to the bottom of the organ, and the seminal ducts are located on the sides. In women the organ back comes into contact with the uterus and vagina.

If bladder full, muscle fibers relaxed, they begin to contract when urinating. An overfilled bladder creates discomfort. When an organ is full, nerve fibers signal this to the brain. This, in turn, instructs the muscles to release or retain urine. In a healthy state, the organ can hold 300 ml of urine for up to 5 hours. If after bowel movement a person does not experience relief or short time If you feel that your bladder is full again, you should consult a doctor.

Diseases are provocateurs

Some pathologies create the feeling that the bladder is full, while there is a constant urge to empty it. Diseases in which this symptom occurs and methods of their treatment:

  1. interfere with the normal output of urine, as a result of which some of it remains in the bladder. If the stones are small, treatment is prescribed to dissolve them. If large stones are present, surgery is required.
  2. Prostate adenoma in men also interferes with the flow of urine. On early stages Prescribe drugs that slow down the growth of the prostate. On late stages Surgery may be required.
  3. Cystitis. If it is detected, it is prescribed antibacterial therapy. Cystitis can also be non-infectious, in the case of long-term use strong drugs or when the walls of the organ are damaged by urinary stones.
  4. Development of atony and hypotension of the bladder. At the same time, due to weak muscle tone, the organ contracts poorly and not all urine is excreted. Treatment includes drug therapy, diet and strengthening exercises.
  5. Overactive bladder syndrome, which is characterized by urination 8 to 10 times a day. Exercises will help pelvic muscles and drugs aimed at reducing detrusor activity.
  6. Pathological narrowing of the internal lumen of the urethra. In this case, urination becomes difficult.
  7. Frequent constipation. A full intestine puts pressure on the organ, thereby creating the feeling of a full bladder. In this case, doctors prescribe special diet and medications that help relieve constipation.
  8. Injuries spinal cord, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and radiculitis can cause this disease.
  9. Sclerosis prostate gland is a consequence of chronic prostatitis.
  10. Diseases reproductive system in women: adnexitis, endometritis, uterine fibroids, etc. Increase in the size of female internal organs causes pressure on the walls of the bladder, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.
  11. Prostate cancer. Causes a person to feel that the bladder does not empty completely. Choice optimal treatment Prostate cancer is complex and depends on the stage of the disease and the age of the patient.
  12. Another reason for the sensation of a full bladder is a disruption in the supply of brain impulses, that is, these sensations may be erroneous.

Install accurate diagnosis Only a qualified doctor can. Based on the conducted laboratory research the specialist will prescribe the optimal treatment.

Stagnation of urine favors the proliferation and development of bacteria that can cause dangerous pathologies genitourinary organs, so you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

To avoid diseases genitourinary system should be adhered to balanced nutrition, which excludes salty, spicy, smoked. You should also stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, and regular physical activity and hardening will strengthen your immune system.

A feeling of a full bladder occurs in diseases urinary tract so often that it becomes a familiar symptom, and is equally common in men and women. The feeling of a full bladder occurs in those who have diseases of the urinary organs, but even more often this happens with pathology of the bladder itself.

Where does the discomfort come from?

The point is that for some reason the bladder is not completely emptied. A feeling of a full bladder occurs if a barrier is created to the outflow of fluid (various narrowings of the canal, urethritis, tumors, leukoplakia, stones, prostatitis). An equally common cause is low tone of the bladder, when it cannot contract completely due to stretching of its walls, due to the existing pathology of the innervation of the bladder itself and the pelvic organs as a result of various spinal cord injuries, hernias, pinched nerves, hyperactive bladder, with multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus. The same picture is caused iron deficiency anemia, since iron deficiency increases the weakness of the muscle wall of the organ.

The reason may be false commands from the brain; in fact, there is no actual delay in the contents of the bubble. Increased impulses sometimes come directly from the bubble if it sends false signals to the brain. Presence of inflammation various organs pelvis leads to reflex irritation of the bladder walls, and there is also a feeling of a full bladder (appendicitis, enterocolitis, salpingo-oophoritis, etc.). In such cases, overstretching of the bladder walls may cause sharp pain, feeling of fullness above the pubis.

The retained contents of the bladder are a good environment for the development of pathogenic flora, which causes inflammation and a feeling of overcrowding in the organ. Normally, a healthy adult can retain up to 300 ml of urine in the body for several hours under certain circumstances.

The cause may be prostate adenoma with false toilet seats and painful sensations urination, pyelonephritis, fibroids, adnexitis, frequent constipation. If the bladder is not completely emptied, it naturally fills up faster, and the imperative uncontrollable urge appears again. Feelings of bladder fullness occur in pregnant women, in the elderly, and finally, from an increase in the amount of tea, coffee, alcohol consumed, when taking diuretics during the treatment of pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver, or eating salty foods.

Symptoms of pathology

In a healthy person, the average number of urinations per day is about 5-6 times a day, if the frequency is increased, we're talking about about pathology. When the bladder is not completely emptied, the feeling that it is full persists, which causes discomfort. This symptom is usually accompanied by others:

  • painful sensations during active movements;
  • if a person suffers from ICD, there are severe attacks pain (colic) or unbearable lumbar pain;
  • there is a feeling of distension above the pubis;
  • pain after urination causes overstretching of the bladder walls;
  • the presence of infections adds severe pain and a burning sensation;
  • the need to strain while urinating;
  • the stream becomes intermittent, uneven, at the end, and often after using the toilet, pain appears;
  • possible slight fever, chills, malaise, partial urinary incontinence, nocturia.

A full bladder creates problems and discomfort.

Diagnostic measures

Cystoscopy is a painful procedure and is performed with local anesthesia, but allows you to thoroughly examine inner surface vesica urinaria. At unknown etiology MRI and CT are prescribed. Since there are many factors for the occurrence of bladder pathology, several diagnoses are being studied to accurately determine the cause. Therefore, diagnosis may take more than one day, but this is necessary to choose the optimal treatment. One difficult diagnosis is, for example, overactive bladder.

Principles of therapy

If the cause of the disease is unclear and there is no proper treatment, complications will not be long in coming.

A full bladder causes stagnation of urine both before and after urination - this is a common cause discomfort, actively multiply in residual urine various bacteria, the inflammatory process can spread to other parts of the urinary tract - to the ureters, urethra, even reaching the kidneys - and cause pyelonephritis. Therefore, when this symptom There is no need to waste time and be examined thoroughly.

If there is a bacterial etiology, for example, inflammation of the bladder in women due to anatomical features structures, treatment is carried out with antibiotics. Antispasmodics relax and help relieve pain during spasms, while analgesics eliminate pain of a non-spasmodic nature. In the presence of tumors, stones, strictures, bladder ruptures, it is required surgical treatment, and various types, the choice is quite wide. Small stones are removed conservatively by dissolving them with herbal remedies; in case of problems with other organs, the underlying disease is treated, for example, in case of constipation, cystitis is secondary and will go away after

If you have difficulty urinating and emptying your bladder when going to the toilet, you may have urinary retention. This condition can be caused by muscle weakness, nerve damage, kidney stones, bladder infection, prostate enlargement, and other causes. Urinary retention leads to a complete or partial inability to empty the bladder; it can be either acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). In most cases, this condition is treatable in various ways at home, but sometimes urgent medical intervention is required.


Part 1

Making Urination Easier with Home Remedies

    Strengthen your pelvic muscles. One of the most famous and effective ways strengthen muscles pelvic floor are Kegel exercises. These simple exercises exercises that you can do at home strengthen the muscles that control the bladder, as well as the uterus, small intestine and rectum. To locate the pelvic floor muscles, stop urinating in the middle. In doing so, you will contract the very muscles that Kegel exercises strengthen. These exercises can be performed in any position, although they are easiest to do while lying down.

    Train your bladder. Such training is an important behavioral therapy to help relieve urinary retention or incontinence. The goal of this therapy is to increase the time intervals between urination, increase the volume of retention bladder fluids, and a decrease in the frequency and intensity of the urge to urinate. To train your bladder, you need to create a bathroom schedule that you can stick to regardless of whether you feel the urge to pee at any given time. If you want to pee earlier than the scheduled time, try to suppress your desire by squeezing your pelvic muscles.

    Make sure you are comfortable in the restroom. Comfortable conditions in the toilet contribute to normal bladder emptying. If the air in the restroom is too cool and the floor is too cold, you won't be able to relax properly. The toilet seat should be comfortable for both sexes, as some men find it uncomfortable to urinate while standing (they experience back, neck or prostate pain). Privacy is also important for a sense of comfort, so try not to visit public toilets and close the door when in the home restroom.

    Press down on your lower abdomen. By applying pressure to the lower abdomen, where the bladder is located, you stimulate urination. Consider this technique to help you empty your bladder completely as a form of massage and physical therapy. Find information on the Internet about where exactly the bladder is located, and lightly press the abdomen in this place towards the back and down, as if “milking” your bladder while urinating. It is easier to do this while standing, rather than sitting on the toilet, leaning forward.

    • You can also lightly pat your abdomen with your palm to cause muscle contraction and make urination easier.
    • Women can insert a disinfected finger into the vagina and apply gentle pressure to the front wall of the vagina - this also stimulates the bladder and promotes emptying.
    • In men, too much stimulation of the lower abdomen can cause an erection that makes urination very difficult. While trying to completely empty your bladder, avoid erections.
    • Letting go warm water along the lower abdomen and genitals, you stimulate urination. Try peeing while taking a warm shower.
  1. Learn how to catheter yourself. If you have great difficulty urinating and experience significant pain in your bladder and kidneys, and previous methods have not worked, self-catheterization may help. This method involves inserting a catheter (a long, thin tube) into the urethra and bring it to the entrance to the bladder, removing urine from it through a tube. This procedure can be taught to you family doctor or a urologist, but it is not recommended for those suffering from heart disease or overly squeamish people.

    • It is better to have a doctor perform the catheterization under local anesthesia, but if you are not embarrassed by this procedure, you can try it yourself using a lubricant.
    • Lubricant will partially replace local anesthesia, but some substances (for example, Vaseline) can cause irritation of the delicate mucous membrane of the urethra, accompanied by pain.
    • Before inserting the catheter, it should be thoroughly sterilized to avoid introducing infection into the urethra.

    Part 2

    Medical assistance
    1. Consult your doctor. If you have difficulty urinating for several days in a row, consult your doctor. The doctor will examine you and try to determine the cause. In addition to weak pelvic muscles, urinary retention can be caused by a blocked urethra, bladder or kidney stones, genitourinary tract infection, severe constipation, development of cystocele (in women), enlarged prostate (in men), spinal cord damage, excessive use antihistamines, residual effects of anesthesia after surgery.

      Consult your doctor about medications. Ask your doctor if your bladder problems and difficulty urinating can be treated with medication. Some drugs cause dilatation (relaxation and widening) of the smooth muscles of the urethra and opening of the bladder, although they long-term use can lead to the opposite problem - loss of bladder control and urinary incontinence. If bladder and urinary problems in men are associated with an enlarged prostate, medications such as dutasteride (Avodart) and finasteride (Proscar) can help stop the growth of prostate cancer and even shrink it.

    2. Consider urethral dilatation and stenting. Urethral dilatation helps unblock the urethra, gradually widening it by inserting increasingly larger diameter tubes into it. A narrowed urethra can also be widened using a stent. The stent inserted into the canal expands like a spring and exerts pressure on the surrounding tissue, gradually expanding it. Stents can be either temporary or permanent. Both dilation and stenting are outpatient procedures performed under local anesthesia and sometimes sedation.

      • The urethra is also dilated by inserting an air-filled ball attached to the end of the catheter.
      • These procedures are performed by a urologist.
      • Unlike conventional catheterization, which can be performed independently at home after appropriate training, dilatation and stenting should never be performed at home.
    3. Consider sacral neuromodulation. In sacral neuromodulation, the nerves that control the bladder and pelvic floor muscles are exposed to weak electrical impulses. This procedure improves communication between the brain, nerves and smooth muscles, normalizing bladder function and promoting complete and regular emptying. At the same time in the body surgically A special device is implanted, which, when turned on, begins to send electrical impulses. This device can be turned off at any time and, if necessary, removed from the body.

      • This method is also called sacral nerve stimulation, although the nerves in and around the sacrum can also be stimulated manually by massaging the area with a vibrating device. Try massage at home - it may improve your bladder function.
      • Sacral nerve stimulation does not help urinary retention or bladder problems if they are caused by an obstruction.
      • Keep in mind that sacral nerve stimulation does not help with all types of non-obstructive urinary retention. Before Use this method, consult a urologist.
    4. As a last resort, consider surgery. If all of the above methods do not bring results, your doctor may recommend that you surgery, if he believes that it can alleviate your condition. There are many different surgeries available, and the specific choice depends on what exactly is causing your problems. Just a few examples of surgeries that help overcome urinary retention include internal urethrotomy, cystocele and rectocele treatment for women, and prostate surgery for men.

      • Internal urethrotomy involves eliminating the stricture (narrowing) of the urethra by inserting a special catheter with a laser at the end.
      • Surgery to treat a cystocele or rectocele involves removing the cyst, closing the holes, and strengthening the vagina and surrounding tissue to return the bladder to its normal position.
      • To eliminate urinary retention caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia, or prostate adenoma, part or all of the prostate gland is surgically removed; Usually the transurethral method is used, in which a catheter is inserted into the urethra.
      • Other surgeries are performed to remove tumors and/or cancerous tissue in the bladder and urethra.

The feeling of bladder fullness in women is various reasons. Alarming symptom not only causes psychological discomfort and reduces the quality of life, but can also be a sign of a fairly serious disease - pyelonephritis or enterocolitis.

The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder can be true or false. The first is usually caused by problems with the flow of urine. This happens under the influence various factors. In fact, a certain amount of urine remains in the bladder, usually small, which irritates the nerve endings. In the second case, irritation of the receptors is caused not by urine, but functional disorders peripheral or central nervous system.

Causes of feeling overcrowded

The female bladder holds about 300 ml of urine for several hours, although it puts pressure on its walls. The organ then empties and the pressure disappears.

But sometimes, under the influence of certain factors, urinary function is disrupted, and complete emptying does not occur; women experience a feeling of a full bladder. But not all factors are associated with pathologies of the genitourinary system. The causes of the syndrome are more varied:

  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, both acute and chronic form(cystitis, urethritis);
  • inflammation neighboring organs, which reflexively spreads to the bladder, and urine may not be retained in it, and the sensation is subjective (we are talking about pathologies such as pyelonephritis, enterocolitis, appendicitis, etc.);
  • gynecological diseases - uterine fibroids, adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages), endometritis;
  • urolithiasis (the appearance of hard stones in the bladder, especially oxalates with their uneven surface, injures the walls or at least causes irritation; such stones can physically prevent complete emptying);
  • the presence of tumors of various etiologies in the bladder cavity;
  • disruption of the innervation of the pelvic organs;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • decreased muscle tone of the bladder, as a result of which its contractility deteriorates;
  • indigestion, frequent constipation, due to which the intestines put a lot of pressure on the bladder.

This feeling sometimes occurs during pregnancy, which is due to hormonal changes. To reduce the tone of the uterus and prevent miscarriage, the body produces specific hormones. But they also act on other muscles, reducing the tone of the bladder. This phenomenon is observed in early stages pregnancy and is considered completely normal, because over time the uterus grows and puts pressure on other internal organs.

For many women PMS causes a feeling of bladder fullness also due to hormonal changes.


Signs of overcrowding depend on which diseases of the genitourinary system or neurogenic pathologies caused such sensations:



Cystitis and urethritis

Accompanied by burning and pain during urination. Body temperature rises, headache occurs


Accompanied high temperature, the appearance of pain in the groove and vaginal discharge. In severe cases, fever and chills may occur. Problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may begin. In these cases, increased fatigue is possible

Premenstrual syndrome

Differs in variety clinical picture. Sometimes this is a complex of vegetative-vascular disorders: a woman experiences headache, nausea and vomiting, and heart pain may occur. In some cases, only signs of metabolic and endocrine disorders are observed. The mammary glands harden, swelling appears, and sometimes the body temperature rises

Urethral stricture

Accompanied by impaired urination, painful sensations, and a feeling of fullness in the pelvic area. Darkening of the urine is observed; blood may be visible in it


Accompanied by pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, disturbances in the urination process, and increased temperature. An ultrasound examination is performed to diagnose the disease.

UrolithiasisIt develops differently, depending on what metabolic disorders caused it. Sometimes it's just pain in the lower back or lower abdomen. But if stones block the openings of the urinary tract, there is acute delay urine. There is also renal colic, which is accompanied by almost unbearable pain. With small stones, the disease is practically asymptomatic for a long time. But as the stone enlarges, changes become noticeable: the urine becomes cloudy, it darkens, and blood impurities appear in it. Not all types of stones are visible on x-rays. Ultrasound and CT are used for diagnosis

Sometimes a woman is not bothered by anything except frequent urination, and she does not attach much importance to this. However, even in this case, you should consult a doctor to rule out the presence of these diseases.

The fact is that the feeling of a full bladder, in addition to discomfort, causes complications. Urine stagnation occurs, which creates favorable conditions for reproduction pathogenic bacteria, causing secondary infection. Cystitis and urethritis may develop, and with further proliferation of bacteria - pyelonephritis.


To prescribe treatment you need to go through full examination. It is recommended to undergo a general urine test and bacterial culture. This will help you find out about availability inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system (with elevated level leukocytes), the presence of pathogenic microflora, damage to the walls of the bladder.

A general blood test is required. The doctor may prescribe a cystoscopy - an examination of the walls of the bladder, showing the condition of its mucous membrane. An ultrasound scan of the kidneys, bladder, ovaries, etc. is performed. This helps to assess the condition of the organs and determine the presence of stones or tumors.


Treatment for a full bladder depends on what pathology is causing it.

At urolithiasis Prescribe the dissolution of stones using citrate mixtures or Blemaren, taking herbal medicines to improve kidney function (Canephron, Fitolysin), and if drug therapy does not help, surgical removal of stones.

Indicated for cystitis bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids and following a diet that limits salt and eliminates spicy foods and alcoholic drinks. Antibiotics are prescribed - amoxicillin, ceftriaxone and others (depending on the results of the analysis, which shows the sensitivity of the microflora to certain drugs). If there is pain when urinating, antispasmodics are prescribed - papaverine and drotaverine.

Premenstrual syndrome requires complex treatment, which consists of receiving medications, dosed physical activity, proper alternation of work and rest.

The doctor may prescribe calcium and B vitamins, which affect the condition endocrine system. Antipsychotics (thioridazine) and tranquilizers (diazepam) are prescribed. A common option is to take multivitamin medications like Decamevit and diuretics (Veroshpiron, furosemide). In severe cases it is prescribed hormone therapy, which involves taking progesterone drugs while using diuretics. This occurs during the luteal phase of the cycle. Sedatives are also prescribed before menstruation.

  1. 1. Take 3 tbsp. l. milkweed herb per 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. 2. Brew and infuse for an hour.
  3. 3. Drink unlimited quantities of tea instead of tea throughout the day, adding honey to improve the taste.

In a similar way, a decoction of corn silk, mixed in equal proportions with the “tails” of cherries and cherries, is brewed for inflammation. The product is infused for an hour and drunk instead of tea.

According to statistics, 17% of women and 16% of men suffer from bladder disease, but only 4% seek help from a specialist. Many people simply do not realize that they have any health problems. So how can you recognize the presence of bladder disease? First of all, it is necessary to find out what is meant by this term.

What does overactive bladder (OAB) mean?

The bladder is an organ consisting entirely of muscle tissue. Its task is to accumulate and remove urine through the urethra. It is worth noting that the location, shape and size of the organ change depending on its filling. Where is the bladder located? The filled organ has an ovoid shape and is located above the transitional connection between the bones of the skeleton (symphysis), adjacent to abdominal wall, displacing the peritoneum upward. The empty bladder lies completely in the pelvic cavity.

GPM is clinical syndrome, in which there is a frequent, unexpected and difficult to suppress urge to urinate (they can be both at night and at night). daytime). The word “overactive” means that the bladder muscles work (contract) in an enhanced mode with a small amount of urine. This provokes frequent intolerable urges in the patient. Thus, the patient develops the false feeling that he has a constantly full bladder.

Development of the disease

Excessive bladder activity is caused by a decrease in the number of M-cholinergic receptors. Their number changes under the influence of certain reasons. In response to a lack of nervous regulation, the smooth muscle tissues of the organ form structural formations close relationships between neighboring cells. The result of this process is a sharp increase in the conductivity of the nerve impulse in the muscular lining of the bladder. Smooth muscle cells have high spontaneous activity and begin to respond to a minor stimulus (a small amount of urine). Their contraction quickly spreads to other groups of cells in the organ, causing OAB syndrome (overactive bladder).

Factors in the occurrence of gas-filled earthworms

1. Neurogenic:

Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems (for example, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease);


Multiple sclerosis;


Diabetes mellitus;

Spinal cord injuries;

Schmorl's hernia;

Consequences of surgical treatment of the spine;

Spondyloarthrosis of the spine;



2. Non-neurogenic:

Prostate adenoma;


Anatomical disorders of the vesico-urethral area;

Sensory disturbances, mainly associated with a lack of estrogen during fasting menopause.

Forms of the disease

In medicine, there are two forms of GPM disease:

Idiopathic GPM - the disease is caused by a change in the contractile activity of the bladder, the cause of the disorders is unclear;

Neurogenic bladder - disorders contractile function organs are characteristic of diseases of the nervous system.

Characteristic symptoms

An overactive bladder is defined by the following symptoms:

Frequent urge to urinate, with small amounts of urine being released;

Inability to hold urine - a sudden urge to urinate so strong that the patient does not have time to make it to the toilet;

Repeated urination at night ( healthy person should not urinate at night);

Urinary incontinence is the uncontrollable leakage of urine.

GPM in women

Overactive bladder in women most often develops during pregnancy and old age. During pregnancy, the body undergoes big changes and experience heavy load, which is associated with an increasing size of the uterus. Frequent urination during this period causes considerable discomfort. to the expectant mother, but a woman should not be embarrassed to tell her doctor about it. Today, there is a wide selection of drugs for this problem that will not harm either mother or baby. Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited. Your doctor will tell you how to treat your bladder during pregnancy.

In old age, GPM occurs with the onset of menopause. This is due to changes hormonal levels women, lack of vitamins and minerals, the appearance nervous disorders during this period, etc. In this situation, a woman should also seek help from a doctor. At proper treatment the painful symptoms of the disease will disappear after a few weeks.

GPM in men

Bladder diseases are also common among men. If there are no diseases of the nervous system, then common cause GPM are pathologies of the prostate gland. An enlarged prostate puts pressure on the walls of the bladder. This pathology often found among middle-aged and older men. If GPM is a consequence of prostate disease, then treatment should be comprehensive. Frequent urination is a completely solvable problem. But for this, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, a man needs to consult a specialist.

GPM in children

Frequent urination is much more common in children than in adults. This is due to the special structure of the bladder and the active functioning of the kidneys in early age. But if a child under 3 years of age has not learned to control urination, then he needs to be shown to a doctor. To correct urination in children, there are special drugs, intended for young patients.

Most often, uncontrolled urination in children is a consequence of fear. In this case, the disorder will be treated in combination with correction psychological state child. Parents should not attribute uncontrollable frequent urination in a child to age. If the disorder is not treated, the disease will bring a lot of discomfort to the baby in the future.


1. Taking an anamnesis (the doctor records the patient’s complaints).

2. Analysis of existing health problems (presence chronic diseases, surgical interventions etc.).

3. General analysis blood.

4. Biochemical analysis blood.

5. General urine analysis.

6. Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko.

7. Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky.

8. Urine culture for bacterial and fungal microflora.

9. Ultrasound of the bladder.

10. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

11. Cystourethroscopy.

12. X-ray examination.

13. CUDI (complex urodynamic study).

14. Consultation with a neurologist.

15. Neurological examination to determine diseases of the spinal cord and brain.

Overactive bladder: treatment

The following methods are used to treat GPM:

1. Drug therapy(antimuscarinic drugs that have a regulating effect on the bladder, etc.). Conservative treatment occupies a leading place in the treatment of GPM. Patients are prescribed:

M-anticholinergic blockers, adrenergic blockers that reduce efferent impulses;

Antidepressants (calming nervous system and thereby improve urinary control);

Toxic substances (reduce the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the bladder), for example, butolotoxin are administered intravesically;

Antidiuretic hormone drugs (cause a decrease in urine formation).

Women often experience an overactive bladder during menopause. Treatment in this case consists of taking hormonal drugs.

2. Non-drug treatment.

Behavioral therapy consists of developing a urination routine and lifestyle correction. During the treatment period, the patient must follow a daily routine, avoid stressful situations, do daily hiking on fresh air, watch your diet. People suffering from GPM are prohibited from eating spicy foods, carbonated and caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee, cola), chocolate, sugar substitutes and alcohol.

In addition, during behavioral therapy the patient needs to empty the bladder according to a certain schedule (depending on the frequency of urination). This method helps to train the bladder muscles and restore control over the urge to urinate.

Physiotherapy may consist of electrical stimulation, electrophoresis, etc.

Exercise therapy is a variety of exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles.

Treatment is based on biofeedback. The patient, using special devices (special sensors are installed that are inserted into the body of the bladder and rectum; the sensors are also connected to a monitor, which displays the volume of the bladder and records its contractile activity) observes at what volume of fluid the bladder contracts. At this time, the patient must, through volitional efforts, through contraction of the pelvic muscles, suppress the urge and restrain the desire to urinate.

3. Surgical treatment used only in severe cases (bladder denervation, intestinal plastic surgery to divert urine into the intestines, stimulating the sacral nerve).

Complications of GPM

An overactive bladder affects the patient's quality of life. The patient develops mental disorders: depression, sleep disorders, constant worry. Social maladjustment also occurs - a person partially or completely loses the ability to adapt to environmental conditions.


1. Visiting a urologist for the purpose preventive examination once a year (delivery necessary tests, performing an ultrasound of the bladder if necessary, etc.).

2. There is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor if symptoms of urinary problems appear.

3. It is important to pay attention to the frequency of urination, the development of urge, and the quality of the stream if there are neurological diseases.

Also with for preventive purposes You can do Kegel exercises to help strengthen your bladder muscles.

1. First you need to tense your muscles, as when holding urination, slowly count to three and relax.

2. Then tense and relax the muscles - it is important to try to do this as quickly as possible.

3. Women need to push down (as during childbirth or bowel movements, but not as hard); for men to strain, as when passing stool or urination.

Frequent urination has a very negative impact on all areas of life. To avoid development psychological problems, you need to seek help from a specialist in time.