Can there be harm from treatment with leeches and existing contraindications. Hirudotherapy is a progressive direction of modern medicine

Hirudotherapy is an amazing method of treating the most various diseases, while it is quite simple and has no disadvantages. Leeches are used in all areas of medicine, especially in the fight against vascular diseases. Amazing properties leech saliva makes it possible to use the procedure for the treatment of thrombophlebitis.

There are almost no contraindications for hirudotherapy, but in addition to varicose veins, doctors identify many diseases that leeches can help treat:

  • Diseases that affect musculoskeletal system. These include hernias, arthrosis, post-traumatic consequences that negatively affect the condition of bones and joints.
  • Doctors prefer leeches to surgery if the patient suffers from advanced hemorrhoids. Usually, just a few procedures are enough for bleeding to stop and discomfort in sitting positions and during bowel movements to disappear.
  • Indications for hirudotherapy may include diseases within the competence of urologists and gynecologists. For example, leeches provide an incredible effect in the treatment of prostatitis. In the treatment of “female” diseases (infections, inflammation of the appendages and uterus, miscarriages, infertility), leeches have also established themselves as a unique and absolutely safe remedy.
  • Leeches are also used in dermatology, since after only seven or eight procedures one can see progress in the treatment of diseases from which the patient has suffered for years.
  • Leeches are used quite widely in ophthalmology, and there are no contraindications for hirudotherapy. The treatment bears fruit in the fight against keratitis, glaucoma and some other diseases.
  • Leeches help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and restore normal functioning liver and kidneys. The world's best scientists have proven the effectiveness of the procedure in treating diseases of these organs.
  • It has been proven that the use of leeches is justified in the treatment of rheumatism - the patient feels the results after the first visit to the hirudotherapist.
  • In situations where metabolism is disturbed, the benefits of the procedure are invaluable. If a patient has diabetes or problems with the thyroid gland, leeches can affect the course of the disease and significantly improve the person’s well-being.
  • Hirudotherapy not only promotes recovery and disappearance of infections, but also strengthens the immune system.
  • Even dentists have recognized the effect of the procedure in treating certain diseases. In addition, indications for hirudotherapy include post-filling pain that does not leave the patient for a long time.
  • Leeches are gaining popularity among traumatologists, because hirudotherapy treats tissue swelling, various injuries, hematomas, bruises, and helps to heal fractures faster. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, leeches stop bleeding - this is another reason for their use in traumatology.
  • Indications for hirudotherapy are identified if one of the diseases of the nervous system has been diagnosed. In particular, leeches help cope with constant headaches, dizziness, neuroses, insomnia and excessive drowsiness. After visiting a hirudotherapist, the patient becomes much calmer, falls asleep easily and wakes up rested.
  • The fair sex has already appreciated the benefits of treatment for cosmetic purposes: leeches are often an important part of rejuvenation programs, as they trigger the processes of resorption of cellulite.
  • Hirudotherapy may be prescribed as a treatment for diseases affecting the lungs.
  • Relatively recently, hirudotherapy began to be used to treat diseases included in the field of otolaryngology: otitis media, ear noises, sinusitis, hearing loss, diseases around the sinuses.

To summarize, we can say that there are dozens of indications for hirudotherapy. However, a number of diseases cannot be treated alternative treatment. Below you can find contraindications.

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Contraindications for hirudotherapy

If we talk about contraindications, the list is significantly reduced. Treatment with leeches is absolutely excluded if the woman is pregnant or if the following diseases are diagnosed:

  • Personal immunity to one or more components that make up the saliva of leeches.
  • Genetic blood clotting disorder.
  • A significant decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Diathesis of hemorrhagic nature.


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The healing properties of leeches were known during the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs. Until the 18th century, they were used to heal the sick, but then disappeared from medicine for a long time. All manipulations were carried out without proper hygiene, often unprofessionally. Hirudotherapy, the indications for treatment of which were not taken into account, was not beneficial, but harmful. Only in late XIX centuries, leeches began to be used again, and today treatment with this in an unconventional way is gaining high popularity.

What is hirudotherapy?

Treatment with leeches is not traditional method therapy, it belongs to the areas of unofficial medicine. To influence the human body, a special type of these little healers is grown. They are bred in special biological factories. This species is considered a medicinal leech. Only it is used in all sessions that involve hirudotherapy. Indications for treatment are determined individually. The beneficial effects are based on biological activity leech secretion. The saliva of this annelid contains hirudin, hormones, vitamins, and enzymes, which makes it a unique biologically active liquid. In addition, the secretion has analgesic properties, so the bite is considered virtually painless.

Composition of saliva and effects on the human body

The complex of components contained in saliva ensures the effectiveness of hirudotherapy:

  • hirudin - has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, slows down blood clotting processes;
  • destabilase - an enzyme that prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • hyaluronidase is an enzyme that ensures the breakdown of hyaluronic acid and deep penetration of active components into tissues;
  • aeglins are special substances that can relieve the inflammatory process and promote tissue restoration and regeneration.

Hirudotherapy, the indications for which are taken into account by a professional therapist, can have a significant therapeutic effect. When a leech attaches itself to skin, she almost immediately throws her secret into the blood. Its spread throughout the body causes a whole chain of reactions that occur cellular level. Leech saliva is powerful anticoagulant, successfully used in the treatment of blood clots. Getting into the bloodstream, it has a restorative effect, improves sleep, stabilizes nervous activity, appetite, mood. Metabolic reactions in cells are restored and immunity is increased. After several sessions, apathy and passivity disappear, and overall mood and well-being improve.

In addition, the hirudotherapist tries to place them on the body in such a way that the impact is directed at powerful reflex points. At the same time, a treatment mechanism begins to work, which is actively used in acupuncture.

Where does the procedure begin?

Regardless of the area to be treated, the patient must undergo a complete medical examination. Only then will a hirudotherapist develop adequate treatment tactics. It is the doctor who determines the area where the leech will “work”.

Usually, this little healer, when landing on a person’s body, makes two or three test bites, then firmly attaches itself and drinks blood. When the leech gets enough, it falls off on its own. Throughout the procedure, the person does not feel discomfort. Medical leeches are used only once and are disposed of after the procedure.

What diseases do leeches save from?

Hirudotherapy can be so effective that it eliminates the need for extreme measures - surgical intervention. Leeches are a safe and simple remedy, a real pharmaceutical mini-factory on which all hirudotherapy is based. Indications for this alternative treatment may be the following:

Treatment with leeches is an excellent prevention of heart attacks and strokes, therapy of urological and gynecological problems. Effective hirudotherapy, the indications and contraindications for which have now been studied quite widely, has helped many people heal.


There are not many contraindications to the method; they are usually associated with blood clotting disorders. Leech secretion affects stopping bleeding, so treatment with this ancient technique is contraindicated in anemia, hemophilia, cachexia. In addition, it is better for women to refrain from procedures while they are expecting a baby. Treatment is not prescribed for children under 10 years of age, or if the patient has allergic reactions on saliva.

Doctors warn that hirudotherapy has not only categorical, but also relative contraindications: febrile conditions, mental disorders, acute heart attacks and pancreatitis. In some cases, treatment is not carried out if a person has diabetes.

A large number of patients note the effectiveness of such an alternative treatment method as hirudotherapy. Indications and reviews of the procedure can be found in this article, a little lower. The method allows you to fight a wide range of diseases. What do patients and doctors say?

  1. When the session is supervised professional specialist, strictly according to the indications, there is nothing to fear. People say that a leech bite is pain looks like a mosquito. When it is on the skin, there is no discomfort.
  2. Representatives traditional medicine It is recommended to contact a hirudotherapist for treatment certain diseases. However, it is very important to follow all indications and contraindications for the procedure, turning to real specialists.


If treatment is carried out by a professional therapist, the patient has no contraindications, and the risk of complications is minimized. If a person self-medicates or turns to amateurs, leech bites can become a source of wound infection - this is the only risk hirudotherapy carries. Indications and contraindications, reviews of which are heard more and more often, you need to know. This will help prevent the development of other complications.

Leeches in gynecology

Depending on gynecological disease The leech is placed on a certain area localized in the lower abdomen. As soon as it is sucked in, a strong reflex action begins. This helps relieve the pelvic organs, stopping inflammation and congestion. Practice shows that the effectiveness of hirudotherapy in treating a certain range of diseases is quite high, so pain in the lower abdomen is relieved and their symptoms disappear. However, a course of procedures cannot completely replace the main therapy; this is the main recommendation of traditional medicine specialists.

Hirudotherapy: indications in gynecology

And they are as follows:

Standard contraindications: hemophilia or other diseases associated with poor blood clotting, low blood pressure, allergy to leech secretion, pregnancy. In addition, it is not recommended to seek such treatment when a woman is experiencing her usual monthly periods.

Many women from serious illnesses It was hirudotherapy that saved the sexual sphere. Indications and contraindications in gynecology have been studied in detail, so the risk of complications is practically eliminated.

Instead of completing

Every person has the right to choose one or another method of treatment. However, you should not be skeptical about alternative methods of medicine. Hirudotherapy, the indications for which allow for at least one session, can significantly alleviate the condition of the entire body. Reviews say so.

A medicinal leech will help cure many diseases, and in some cases eliminate surgery. The main recommendations are that the session should be performed only by a professional hirudotherapist. This will help avoid complications, including the development of wound infections.

This is treatment with leeches or prepared and processed components obtained from medicinal leeches for medicinal, preventive and health purposes.

How does the therapeutic effect occur?

At the core therapeutic effects three factors: biological, mechanical and reflex. Let's talk about each one in order. When bitten, a leech injects over 150 biologically active substances into the blood, which thin the blood, relieve swelling and inflammation, and improve delivery nutrients and oxygen to cells.

Blood and lymph flow out of the wound, which leads to renewal lymphatic system and strengthening the immune system. Leeches stick to the skin at acupuncture points, or nerve reflex points, thereby enhancing the effect of enzymes.

Are all leeches medicinal?

In hirudotherapy, 3 subspecies of worms are used, 1 type - medical (in total there are 400 types of leeches).

For therapeutic, preventive and health purposes, hirudotherapy uses only them. Only these 3 types have useful to the human body unique properties. They are grown in biofactories.

How is leech treatment performed?

The hirudotherapist places the leech on a dry, warm, clean skin without foreign odors. Before the session, you should not use scented shower products or perfumes.

When the leech becomes saturated, it disappears. Sometimes we can allow early weaning of the worm (with partial exposure).

After the bite, blood oozes from the wound. The hirudotherapist treats this area and applies a sterile bandage with an absorbent pad. The wound should not be wetted for several days.

Hirudotherapy: contraindications for medicinal leeches

1. Diseases accompanied by blood clotting disorders.

2. Anemia.

3. Leukemia.

4. Erosive and ulcerative lesions gastrointestinal tract.

5. Acute febrile illnesses with an unclear diagnosis.

6. Subacute bacterial endocarditis.

7. Active forms tuberculosis.

8. State of acute mental arousal.

9. State of alcoholic intoxication.

10. Severe exhaustion (cachexia).

11. Hypotension.

12. Pregnancy.

13. Condition after surgery on the brain and spine.

14. Oncological diseases.

15. Individual intolerance to leeches, allergic reactions, which occur in 0.01% of the population.

Hirudotherapy: indications

List of diseases for which leech can be used

1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, heart deficiency I-II Art., atherosclerotic and post-infarction cardiosclerosis, cardialgia, discirculatory atherosclerotic encephalopathy, arterial hypertension I-III).

2. Respiratory diseases ( chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia, chronic sinusitis).

3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by spastic or atonic disorders, gastritis, pancreatitis.

4. Inflammatory diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

5. Neurological diseases(diseases of the peripheral nervous system, vascular diseases brain, traumatic lesions of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves, neuroses, multiple sclerosis).

6. Vascular diseases (obliterating endarteritis of the extremities, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids).

7. Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.

8. Diseases genitourinary system(prostatitis, cystitis).

9. Eye diseases(glaucoma, inflammatory diseases eye).

10. Skin diseases(psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema).

11. Surgical diseases(prevention postoperative infiltrates, thrombosis, lymphostasis).

12. Diseases endocrine system(menopausal syndrome, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, obesity).

13. Dental diseases(caries, stomatitis, cheilitis, glossitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, alveolar pyorrhea).

14. Traumatological and orthopedic diseases ( inflammatory processes, consequences gunshot wounds, phantom pain syndrome, etc.).

15. Systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma.

16. Diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis).

Hirudotherapy: indications and contraindications. Reviews

With proper placement of leeches under the supervision of an experienced hirudotherapist, patients observe improvements already in 1-3 procedures (depending on the disease).

Based on my review, I can say the following: it is often possible to establish certain indications and contraindications only at an appointment or after an examination, since each patient is a single whole, interconnected by various components of direct and feedback.

Hirudotherapy: indications and contraindications. Prices

The cost of treatment depends on the number of leeches used.

Consultation with a hirudotherapist 1000 rubles

Procedure for placing 1 leech 500 rubles

Hirudotherapy of 3 leeches 1500 rubles

Hirudotherapy for placing 5 leeches 2500 rubles

Do you remember what Duremar did in the fairy tale about Pinocchio? He caught worms in the lake, chanting: “My dear, very dear leeches.” Ancient hirudotherapy or treatment with medicinal leeches is getting a second wind these days, although they have been known to mankind since 130 BC, and their peak of fashion was in the 18th-19th centuries. The worms are the same age as dinosaurs, but they were less fortunate.

The healing worm mentioned in the Bible has not changed its properties at all since the times of the Egyptian pharaohs; it still reliably helps people overcome many ailments. Today, the list of diseases that are treated with leeches is updated almost weekly, scientists are discovering new ones beneficial properties. Hirudotherapy is one of those treatment methods with which fashion has played a cruel joke: doctors of the past prescribed up to 200 leeches to one person, why people began to avoid them. Subsequently useful features representatives annelids pushed back by pharmaceutical companies.

The list of diseases that can be treated with leeches is constantly growing.

Hirudotherapy: how and why

The Latin word "hirudo" means medical leech. The jawed specimen is a worm from 5 to 10 cm long, although there are also giants. On both ends ringworm there are suckers located on the ventral side. Total number there are up to 38 holes on the body, they are needed to cleanse the open circulatory system. Through these openings the worm secretes metabolic products of blood and intracavitary fluid. The outer cover or skin simultaneously functions as kidneys and gills, as well as the nervous system.

The worm needs human blood for nutrition. IN natural environment habitat - a swamp or a lake - a representative of annelids attaches only to sick and weakened animals. A leech can increase in size up to 8 times in one “feeding”, and then digest what it eats for up to 2 years. Swallowed blood - up to 15 ml - does not clot thanks to the active substances, and satiety lasts a long time. Pharmacy worms are kept so that they are ready to feed every 4-5 months.

A bite brings great benefits to a person. The diseases that are treated with leeches are varied. During suction, anti-inflammatory substances, an enzyme to increase tissue permeability and antithrombotic factors are released. This is far from full list those biologically active substances produced by a living being.

During suction, anti-inflammatory substances, an enzyme to increase tissue permeability and antithrombotic factors are released

Diseases of leeches have been little studied; these include the formation of nodes, yellowing and mucus.

The question “” can name more than 500 diseases and pathological conditions.

Therapeutic effects of leeches

These are 3 main actions:

  1. Bloodletting, known since the beginning of time. A simple reduction in the volume of circulating blood can quickly improve a person’s condition.
  2. The leech bites only the place on the body where the biologically active point is located. A hungry individual does not bite immediately, but first selects a specific place, guided by signs known only to it. The principles are the same as for .
  3. Salivary glands secrete a secretion that can reduce blood viscosity, increase blood flow and relieve inflammation.

These factors act simultaneously, reinforcing each other.

What do leeches treat?

Here sample list diseases:

  • Varicose veins, including hemorrhoids;
  • Almost everything cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, heart attack, ischemic disease, circulatory failure, myocarditis and others;
  • Eye diseases, especially inflammatory ones;
  • Diseases of the ENT organs (otitis, sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • Nervous diseases - isolated neuritis of various nerves, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, consequences of stroke, migraine, metabolic syndrome;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes of the genital organs in men and women;
  • Infertility, erection problems and prostate adenoma;
  • Kidney diseases, including urolithiasis;
  • Violations menstrual cycle and menopause;
  • Rheumatic diseases;
  • Skin diseases;

Leeches and hormonal levels

IN recent years Many publications have appeared that hirudotherapy copes well with the disease thyroid gland, accompanied by hyperproduction of its hormones.

“Extra” thyroid hormones poison the entire body: heart, liver, kidneys, nervous system. Metabolism reaches such speed that the body cannot withstand it. Thyrotoxicosis – complex problem, located at the intersection of many medical disciplines. Hirudotherapy allows you to normalize the level of thyroid hormones in a non-drug way within 3-4 months. Moreover, benign nodes formed in thyroid gland. Of course, leeches are not used in isolation, but in combination with medications, but the effect of simultaneous use is undeniable.

Of course, leeches are not used in isolation, but in combination with medications, but the effect of simultaneous use is undoubted

The issue of optimizing the level of sex hormones by applying leeches to the area of ​​the coccyx and sacrum is being studied. Scientific basis I haven't found this method yet, but traditional medicine empirically discovered zones, when exposed to which sex hormones return to physiological normal. Justification is a matter of time.

Leeches and diabetes

Undeservedly forgotten creatures not only have a direct glucose-lowering effect, but also normalize metabolic processes throughout the body. They “respond” especially quickly and well to unusual treatment vessels damaged by excess glucose in them. Activating blood circulation helps normalize blood pressure, restore the intima or inner wall of blood vessels, and improve trophic processes. Patients who supplemented traditional treatment diabetes with leeches, they note the cessation of numbness in the extremities, improved vision, relief of heaviness in the body, and a decrease in fatigue. All these effects make the seemingly inconspicuous worm an indispensable assistant in the fight against diabetes.

Leeches after a heart attack

The prevalence and “rejuvenation” of myocardial infarction and other organs forces doctors and scientists to look for new ways to counteract this scourge. It turned out that hirudotherapy resists thrombosis - the main cause of blockage of blood vessels, due to which a heart attack occurs. The blood thinning produced by injected saliva is so high-quality and natural that it far surpasses many medications in effectiveness. A reasonable combination of medications and hirudotherapy improves the quality of life of chronically ill people.

Hirudotherapy resists thrombosis - the main cause of heart attack

Recent studies have identified a number of components of saliva:

  • Destabilase – dissolves blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones;
  • Apyrase – reduces total cholesterol levels;
  • Hirudin – thins the blood;
  • Hyaluronidase – resolves adhesions and scars;
  • Orgelase – relieves tissue swelling, accelerates the formation of new capillaries;
  • Bradykinins – stimulate the immune system;
  • Histamine-like substances - dilate the lumen of blood vessels.

Can you use leeches yourself at home?

It is possible, but only after consulting a specialist who will teach you how to use them and select installation zones for a specific disease.

Before installation, just take a shower. There is no need to disinfect the skin; the leech does not tolerate odors and most likely will not stick. On the eve of a thunderstorm and on a hot afternoon, a leech may refuse to “work”; it is also part of nature and prefers to hide. It is enough to place a hungry individual in the chosen place, and then it will do everything itself. No pain is felt; a painkiller is injected. Then you just need to wait until saturation occurs. A well-fed worm disappears on its own.

There are times when time goes by, but the leech still doesn’t fall off. It is best to wait a little - most likely, she is not full yet. But if it irritates you, you can pour salt water on the suction cup and it will fall off. The wound may bleed for a short time; you need to apply a sterile bandage. It is better to perform all procedures in the morning to have the opportunity to rest and adapt to changes in blood pressure.

The maximum frequency of hirudotherapy sessions is 3 times a week, but it is better to do this once a week. We wish you health and to get sick as little as possible, and if illness happens, remember the miraculous use of leeches for many diseases.

Treatment with leeches has been time-tested and has become a progressive area of ​​medicine since the time of Cleopatra, as evidenced by the images on the walls of the pyramids.

What diseases do leeches treat? Indications for treatment with hirudotherapy

The effect of hirudotherapy is that it does not have side effects, since leeches protect the patient from any side effect and treat many diseases, eliminating the need for surgery:

  • varicose veins of the pelvis or legs, thrombophlebitis;
  • uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cyst or ovarian dysfunction;
  • inflammatory and chronic processes uterus and appendages, including painful disorders of the menstrual cycle, menopausal disorders, mastitis and colpitis;
  • haemorrhoids, urolithiasis, kidney disease, pyelonephritis;
  • stress or depression;
  • prostate adenoma, prostatitis, secondary male infertility.

Cosmetic defects – scars, cellulite, acne, wrinkles, poor complexion and sclera are eliminated with the help of leeches. Early diseases veins and already neglected cases varicose veins are treated in parallel with medications hirudotherapy. Adhesive processes after abortion and inflammation of the appendages, leech treats and prevents complications.

With the help of leeches you can get rid of acute and chronic diseases skin: furunculosis and dermatosis, psoriasis and eczema, neurodermatitis and pyoderma, scleroderma and acne.

If a person is plagued by persistent headaches, joint and muscle pain or neuroses, migraines or neuritis auditory nerve, dizziness or insomnia - many doctors prescribe treatment with leeches. In the treatment program for radiculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis and myositis, rheumatism and hernia intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis or damage to joints and bones as a result of trauma include hirudotherapy.

Leeches can be trusted to treat bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular diseases: bronchial asthma and bronchitis, hypertension and pneumosclerosis, atherosclerosis and post-infarction cardiosclerosis, coronary artery disease and angina pectoris.

Being an excellent anticoagulant, the leech makes its feasible contribution to the prevention of stroke and heart attack, and effectively treats trophic ulcers.

Regarding gastrointestinal diseases, then with the help of leeches they cope with gastritis or cholecystitis, constipation and adhesions in abdominal cavity, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis, colitis, duodenitis, cirrhosis or biliary dyskinesia.

For metabolic disorders: diathesis, obesity, leeches are used, as well as for the treatment of otitis media, fractures or bruises, to relieve swelling and bruises.

Hirudotherapy contraindications

The use of leeches is contraindicated for pregnant women, patients with hemophilia and those with malignant tumors, hemorrhagic diathesis and hypotension. At individual intolerance secret components salivary glands Leeches are not used.

Method of using leeches

Special biological factories supply sterile leeches to medical institutions. Leeches are applied only as prescribed by a doctor according to indications. The point of impact and the number of procedures are also determined by the attending physician.

The saliva of a leech is endowed with an analgesic enzyme, so its bite does not cause pain. The enzyme in saliva prevents blood from clotting quickly, so the bite site can easily bleed for another day.

Leeches are placed on reflexogenic points, as in acupuncture, where they bite through the skin, releasing saliva into the bloodstream.

What is the effect of using leeches?

If you add up the biological, reflex and mechanical factors, the derivative will become the basis therapeutic effect. The leech mechanically bites in the area biologically active point, injects with saliva a variety of biologically active and antibacterial substances (there are more than 150 of them, for example, natural liposome or destabilase complex, hyaluronidase and hirudin, aeglins and bdellins), which have a gentle effect and normalize the functions of the human body.

Using hyaluronidase splits hyaluronic acid– basic substances connective tissue, other biologically active substances that the leech produces when absorbing blood penetrate into the body. Hyaluronidase resolves adhesions and scar processes.

With the help of hirudin blood clotting slows down, inflammation and pain are relieved. It prevents blood clots.

Protease inhibitors – eglins inflammation in tissues is reduced and their damage due to gout is prevented, rheumatoid arthritis, emphysema and others.

Destabilase cleaves E-lysine bonds in stabilized fibrin (which helps resolve blood clots) and between proteins (for example, in the presence of lens cataracts).

Leech not only treats a specific disease, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body, improving sleep, appetite, elevating mood, normalizing metabolism and raising energy levels. At the same time, blood flow is normalized and tissues are saturated with active oxygen.

Hirudotherapy can be used as independent method and in complex techniques. A leech can be called a living syringe filled with biologically unique active substances that help the human body cope with illnesses.

First of all, leeches help people with congestion in tissues and organs, which are facilitated by certain external conditions:

Low motor activity and stress, which leads to contraction of blood vessels, impairs blood circulation, slows down metabolism;

Weak diaphragm and abdominals;

Chronic constipation;

The presence in the diet of sweet, refined and flour products, potatoes, with the addition of chemical dyes and flavors.

The saliva of leeches is appreciated by cosmetologists, as it instantly interacts with skin cells, renewing and strengthening it. After several sessions of hirudotherapy, a pink tint appears on rejuvenated and renewed, soft and smooth skin.

The leech is used once, then it dies. One-time use is necessary for the prevention of HIV infection, diseases such as viral hepatitis and diseases that are transmitted through blood.