The first menstruation after the birth of a child. When should you get your period after giving birth? When your menstrual cycle becomes regular

Young mothers are always interested in when their periods begin after childbirth. During the restoration of the cycle, it may change in length; periods often take on a different character, intensity, duration, and become more or less painful than before pregnancy. This is often the norm, but in some cases a consultation with a gynecologist is required.

Bleeding in the postpartum period

Postpartum spotting, or lochia, is the cleansing of the wound surface that forms at the site of the separated membranes and placenta. They last throughout the recovery period inner surface uterus.

At this time, the uterus is especially vulnerable to infection, so you should regularly change sanitary pads and monitor the nature of the discharge. They are maximally expressed within 3 days after birth, and then gradually weaken.

Sometimes such discharge completely stops within a day. This occurs due to blood retention in the uterine cavity (), which leads to an increased risk of infection. In this case, the help of a doctor is necessary.

Normal cleansing of the uterus after the process natural birth lasts from 30 to 45 days. After surgical delivery, this time may increase due to scar formation and longer healing.

How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding after childbirth?

Lochia gradually changes its character. By the end of the 1st week they become lighter, after 2 weeks they acquire a slimy character. Within a month, an admixture of blood may appear in them, but its amount is insignificant. Usually a woman easily distinguishes this process from menstruation. At least 2 weeks should pass between the cessation of lochia and the beginning of the first menstruation. If in doubt, it is better to consult a gynecologist or at least start using barrier contraception, protecting the uterus from infections.

Start of menstruation

There are no periods during pregnancy. This is a natural protective mechanism for preserving the fetus, which is regulated by hormones. After childbirth, the restoration of the woman’s normal hormonal status begins. It lasts for a month if breastfeeding is not started.

When should your period start after childbirth?

This period is determined primarily by the type of feeding the child: natural or artificial. Breast milk production occurs under the influence of the pituitary hormone prolactin. It is he who suppresses the growth of the egg in the ovary during lactation. The level of estrogen does not increase, therefore, when breastfeeding, menstruation begins, on average, 2 months after birth, more often when feeding “by the hour.”

For many young mothers, this period extends to six months or more, especially when feeding “on demand.” Very in rare cases when saving breastfeeding, even periodic, women note that they have not had periods for a year, and sometimes longer. In such cases, you need to regularly use contraception, and if necessary, take a pregnancy test. You should also consult your doctor to rule out hyperprolactinemia.

With artificial feeding from birth, the duration of the cycle is restored in a month to a month and a half. At this time, and occurs, so a new pregnancy is possible.

When a baby is fed only breast milk, the woman may not have menstruation all this time. In this case, the first menstruation after childbirth will begin during the first six months after the end of lactation “on demand” or the introduction of complementary foods. However, this is not necessary, and even during breastfeeding, menstruation may resume.

With mixed feeding (from a bottle and naturally) restoration of menstruation develops faster, within 4 months after childbirth.

How long do periods last in postpartum period?

Often the first menstruation is very heavy. There may be heavy discharge, menstruation with blood clots. If you have to change the pad every hour, you should seek help from a doctor: this may be a symptom of bleeding. Subsequent periods usually become normal.

In other cases, women experience irregular spotting in the first months. This is typical for breastfeeding, when prolactin synthesis gradually decreases.

Additional factors affecting the speed of restoration of the normal cycle:

  • difficulties in caring for a child, lack of sleep, lack of help from relatives;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • the mother is too young or has a late birth;
  • concomitant diseases (diabetes, asthma and others), especially those requiring hormonal therapy;
  • complications after childbirth, for example Sheehan syndrome.

Menstrual cycle changes

Irregular periods often persist for several cycles after childbirth. These changes do not have to be permanent. Within 1-2 months, the cycle normally returns to prenatal characteristics or changes slightly in duration.

  • Scanty periods can normally occur during the initial 2-3 cycles, especially if mixed feeding is used.
  • During the first cycles after childbirth, on the contrary, some women experience heavy periods. It could be normal occurrence, but if menstruation does not become normal in the next cycle, you need to consult a gynecologist.
  • The regularity of menstrual flow is disrupted, that is, the cycle is disrupted.
  • Painful periods may occur, even if the woman never complained of pain before pregnancy. The reason for this is infection, too much contraction of the uterine wall. In most cases, on the contrary, painful periods before pregnancy become normal. This is caused by the normalization of the location of the uterus in the body cavity.
  • Some women develop or its precursors: nausea, swelling, dizziness, emotional changes before menstruation.

Causes of postpartum menstrual changes

A delay in menstruation after childbirth appears under the influence of changing hormone levels:

  • secretion of prolactin in the pituitary gland, which helps secrete breast milk and suppressing ovulation;
  • suppression of estrogen production under the influence of prolactin, which leads to irregular menstruation or complete absence during breastfeeding (lactation amenorrhea).

When a child only eats mother's milk, moreover, “on demand”, and not “by the hour”, and a woman does not have periods for six months after giving birth - this is the norm.

After the onset of menstruation, it is advisable to start using contraception. Although breastfeeding reduces your chances of conceiving, it is still possible. For example, if your period started after childbirth and then disappeared, the most probable cause this - repeat pregnancy. It should also be remembered that ovulation occurs before menstrual bleeding begins. Therefore, pregnancy is quite possible even before the first menstruation. If a woman is concerned about why she has not had menstrual bleeding for a long time, she must first take a home pregnancy test and then consult a gynecologist. You may need to consult an endocrinologist.

You should not stop breastfeeding after your menstrual cycle appears. Menstruation does not change its quality. It happens that these days the child does not eat well, is capricious, and refuses to breastfeed. This is usually due to emotional disturbances in a woman, her worries about the quality of feeding.

During menstrual bleeding, the sensitivity of the nipples may increase, and feeding becomes painful. To reduce such sensations, it is recommended that before giving the baby the breast, massage it, warm it, and apply it to the nipples warm compress. It is necessary to keep the chest and armpit area clean. During menstruation, the composition of sweat changes, and the baby smells it differently. This may be another reason for feeding difficulties.

Irregular periods

What to do if menstrual cycle became irregular:

  1. In the first months of postpartum recovery period no need to panic. In most cases, this is the norm. For each woman, normalization of the cycle occurs individually, usually during the first months of the resumption of menstrual bleeding. Irregularity occurs more often in women who breastfeed.
  2. For recovery normal function all organs and systems need about 2 months. Balance in the endocrine system occurs later, especially if breastfeeding is used. Therefore, a woman may feel quite healthy, but at the same time she will experience a lack of menstruation.
  3. Pay attention to irregular cycle follows only after 3 cycles. This may be due to inflammatory process, or a tumor of the genital organs. A delay in your second period is not dangerous unless it is associated with a repeat pregnancy.

If you have any doubts, it is better to consult a gynecologist, get diagnosed in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Cycle after pathological pregnancy or childbirth

Menstruation does not return immediately after a missed pregnancy. Only some women experience regular bleeding within a month. In most cases, hormonal imbalance that led to termination of pregnancy causes cycle irregularity.

After termination of a frozen pregnancy or abortion, the first menstruation occurs within 45 days. If this does not happen, the woman should seek help from a gynecologist.

To exclude causes of amenorrhea, such as the remaining part of the fertilized egg in the uterus or inflammation, 10 days after the cessation of frozen or normal pregnancy you need to undergo an ultrasound.

First menstrual flow then begin within 25 to 40 days after its completion. If they start earlier, it is probably uterine bleeding, which requires seeing a doctor. A delay of more than 40 days also requires consultation with a gynecologist. If the disease caused severe stress In women, the norm is to lengthen the recovery time to 2 months.

Menstruation after surgery is restored in the same way as after normal childbirth. During lactation, periods do not come for six months. With artificial feeding, there is no period for 3 months or even less. Both during physiological and during childbirth by caesarean section In a small proportion of women, the cycle does not recover within a year. If no other pathology is detected, this is considered normal.

In the first few months after the death, intrauterine pregnancy or cesarean section, the cycle may be irregular. Subsequently, its duration may change compared to the previous one. But normally it is no less than 21 days and no more than 35 days. Menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days.

Pathology of menstruation

Sometimes bleeding that begins in a woman after childbirth is pathological character. In this case, you should not wait several cycles for them to normalize, but immediately consult a doctor.

  • Sudden termination postpartum discharge- a sign of bending of the uterus or accumulation of lochia in the uterine cavity - lochiometers.
  • Scanty periods for 3 cycles or more. Perhaps they are a symptom hormonal disorders, Sheehan's syndrome or endometritis.
  • Irregularity of menstruation six months after its restoration, a break between bleeding for more than 3 months. Most often accompanied by ovarian pathology.
  • Too much heavy bleeding for 2 or more cycles, especially after surgical method delivery or termination of pregnancy. They are often caused by the tissues of the membranes remaining on the walls of the uterus.
  • The duration of menstruation is more than a week, which is accompanied by weakness and dizziness.
  • Abdominal pain, fever, unpleasant odor, color change vaginal discharge– a sign of a tumor or infection.
  • Spotting before and after menstruation is a likely symptom of endometriosis or an inflammatory disease.
  • Vaginal itching, impurity cheesy discharge– sign.
  • Bleeding twice a month, persisting for more than 3 cycles.

In all of the above cases, the help of a gynecologist is needed.

Sometimes, despite a woman’s apparent health, her menstruation does not occur at the right time. This may be a symptom of a childbirth complication - Sheehan syndrome. It occurs when heavy bleeding during childbirth, during which it sharply decreases blood pressure. As a result, the death of cells of the pituitary gland occurs, the main organ that regulates the function of reproductive system.

The first sign of this disease is the absence postpartum lactation. Normally, in the absence of milk, menstruation appears after 1.5-2 months. However, with Sheehan syndrome, a deficiency of gonadotropic hormones occurs. The maturation of the egg in the ovary is disrupted, there is no ovulation, there are no menstrual bleeding. Therefore, if a woman who has given birth does not have milk, and then her cycle does not recover, she urgently needs to consult a doctor. The consequences of Sheehan syndrome are adrenal insufficiency, which is accompanied by frequent infectious diseases and general decline the body's resistance to various stresses.

There is also the opposite problem - . This condition is caused by increased production of prolactin in the pituitary gland after the end of lactation. This hormone inhibits the development of the egg, causes anovulation, and disrupts the normal thickening of the endometrium in the first phase of the cycle. Its excess leads to the absence of menstruation against the background of ongoing milk synthesis.

The main causes of hyperprolactinemia are pituitary adenoma, gynecological diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome.

When a woman is healthy, her cycle returns normally. To avoid possible failures, you need to follow some simple recommendations:

  1. To give the body the opportunity to quickly restore the synthesis of hormones, you need to eat well. Lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and water, combined with regular physical exerciseeffective method recovery hormonal balance. The menu should include dairy products, cottage cheese, and meat. After consulting with your doctor, you can take multivitamins for nursing mothers.
  2. Do not accept. They can change hormonal background, and cause unpredictable cycle changes. If a woman is sexually active, it is better for her to use condoms or other non-hormonal methods of contraception.
  3. Organize your routine as efficiently as possible. If your baby doesn't sleep well at night, you should try to get enough sleep during the day. You should not refuse any help from your loved ones. good physical condition women will help her recover faster.
  4. In the presence of chronic diseases (diabetes, pathology thyroid gland, anemia and others) it is necessary to visit an appropriate specialist and adjust the treatment.

After the birth of the baby, a woman thinks not only about her new role and responsibilities, but also about when to expect the restoration of the menstrual cycle, how soon she can resume intimate relationships, and is it worth protecting yourself from new pregnancy. Everyone's body is different - for some, even if they are breastfed, their periods will begin in two to three months, while for others - after two years. And the nature of menstrual flow may differ from before. Therefore, it is useful to know when menstruation begins after childbirth and their possible characteristics in normal and pathological conditions.

In order for the menstrual cycle to resume, it is necessary to restore hormonal levels and increase the endometrium to certain values. After childbirth, prolactin, which is necessary to maintain lactation, suppresses the production of luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH) hormones, as a result, endometrial growth does not occur, and there are no periods. As soon as prolactin levels drop to the levels of a non-breastfeeding woman, the menstrual cycle is restored. Character " critical days“depends on many factors - whether the birth was natural or artificial, whether there were complications.

When does your period start after childbirth?

A minimum of 42 days is given for postpartum recovery. Towards the end of this period, a woman may experience brown or yellow discharge from the vagina. Already 14-21 days after this, the woman may experience her first cyclic bleeding. With the onset of menstruation female body“signals” that he is ready for a new pregnancy. But how quickly this condition occurs largely depends on the continuation or lack of breastfeeding.

If lactation is not supported

If for some reason it does not continue natural feeding, “critical days” are restored sooner. Immediately after childbirth, the body reduces the production of prolactin, so the cyclic secretion of FSH and LH resumes. This contributes to the normal transformation of the endometrium. And menstruation can come within 50-60 days from the moment of birth.

The same picture with menstruation is observed after artificial childbirth (late miscarriage). In such situations, it is necessary to understand that with the beginning of the ovulatory cycle, a woman becomes fertile (able to produce offspring).

If lactation is supported

If a woman maintains lactation, the onset of “critical days” can be delayed up to a year or even two. Much depends on the following factors.

  • Are there night feedings?. During night sleep, the whole body “reconfigures” occurs. If a woman tries to avoid breastfeeding at this time, the cycle will recover faster.
  • Is the baby supplemented with formula?. If a woman additionally gives the baby artificial formula at least once a day, since he does not have enough breastfeeding, the cycle also resumes more quickly. The first menstrual bleeding may occur within 50-90 days after birth.
  • Is complementary feeding used for the baby?. With the introduction of complementary foods, the number of breastfeedings is reduced. The woman’s body immediately responds to these changes by restoring the cycle.

As soon as a woman completely completes lactation, if her cycle has not been restored up to this point, the first menstrual flow should come within two to three months. If this does not happen, it is better to consult a doctor for further examination and consultation.

With artificial and mixed feeding, menstrual flow occurs faster. The first period after childbirth can be in 40-60 days. When breastfeeding only is maintained, menstrual flow usually returns four to eight months after birth. But the boundaries can vary significantly.

Abundant or not

Often, when menstruation arrives after childbirth, a woman is extremely surprised by the amount of discharge. Normally, a slight increase in the volume of blood lost is allowed, but if more than two maxi pads are used per hour, you should consult a specialist. On average, the volume of blood loss should not exceed 80-100 ml for the entire period of “critical days”; this is about 10-20 ml of blood per day. If the amount is exceeded, we can talk about uterine bleeding.

In the first few months, the discharge may include small blood clots, especially after a cesarean section or other intrauterine surgery (for example, after removal of fibroids). The reasons for such heavy periods after childbirth are explained by a violation of the integrity of the endometrium and myometrium, which entails abnormal contractile activity.

Painful or not

If your periods were painful before giving birth, they will most likely remain so after. It’s rare to see the opposite from women’s reviews.

In the first few months after the cycle has resumed after childbirth, menstrual flow may be accompanied by more pain than usual. Especially if they begin during lactation. The baby, by irritating the nipple, stimulates the release of oxytocin, which causes stronger uterine contractions. Also in the following cases, menstruation may become painful.

  • After surgical delivery. If a cesarean section was performed, removal of myomatous nodes, the septum of the uterine cavity, the manipulation is accompanied by injury to the inner layer of the uterus and the formation of a scar. The healing process takes several months. In this case, the first and several subsequent periods may be more painful, as the inner layer of the uterus, directly adjacent to the sutures, is rejected. Also painful sensations may be due adhesive process in the pelvis after surgery.
  • If there were gaps in childbirth. All injuries can also be felt by a woman for more than six months. If there were extensive cervical ruptures during childbirth, after comparison and suturing of tissues, stenosis (narrowing) may form. cervical canal. This will obstruct the flow of menstrual blood, causing pain. IN similar situations necessary medical care– instrumental expansion of the cervical canal is performed.
  • Endometriosis. During lactation, hormonal levels favor a reduction in the manifestations of endometriosis. However, with the restoration of the cycle, pain and spotting may return.
  • Uterine fibroids. The presence of large nodes or many small ones can also cause pain associated with uterine contractions.
  • Retroflection. When the uterus is located at a posterior angle, women more often note that their stomach hurts during “critical days.” This is due to the anatomical location and strength of myometrial contractions to expel secretions from the cavity. Symptoms are especially pronounced when combined with uterine fibroids or endometriosis.
  • Inflammation . Painful periods may indicate inflammation in the uterine cavity and appendage area. Characteristic changes in the color and odor of the discharge - they become dark brown, yellowish, unpleasant and even putrid smell. The temperature may rise.
  • IUD in the cavity. Rarely, but still practiced, establishing intrauterine device on the seventh to tenth day after birth. Often periods with an IUD are more painful and heavy.

Regular or not

Women are concerned not only about when their periods begin after childbirth while breastfeeding, but also about whether they should be regular. Hormonal fluctuations, which occur during lactation, often predispose to irregular periods. Within 90 days after becoming menstrual function they should take on a more or less rhythmic character and begin after 21-35 days. If in one month the break is 22, and in another - 32, this can also be considered a variant of the norm.
If your periods were irregular before pregnancy, there will most likely be delays after pregnancy.

The following factors may influence the restoration of cycle regularity after childbirth.

  • Excess prolactin. Even before pregnancy, many women face problems conceiving due to rising prolactin levels. The symptoms of this go away a little while breastfeeding. However, after the cessation of lactation, disruptions in the menstrual cycle are restored.
  • Excess estrogen. Increased quantity estrogen changes the balance of hormones after childbirth, which leads to irregular periods. “Hidden estrogens” are found in a woman’s adipose tissue. Therefore, all those who “got better” after childbirth are at risk of menstrual cycle disruptions.
  • Pathology of the pituitary gland. Preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy, increased blood pressure, and severe blood loss during childbirth can lead to necrosis (death) of the pituitary gland. Sheehan syndrome develops. One of its manifestations is the absence of menstruation after childbirth, signs of disruption of the functioning of other endocrine organs.
  • Thyroid diseases. Hypothyroidism also leads to disruptions in the menstrual cycle, since thyroid hormones greatly affect the functioning of the entire reproductive system. Simultaneously with the increase in the duration of the cycle, the woman will notice increased fragility nails, dry skin and hair, weakness, drowsiness.
  • Stress. New living conditions, lack of sleep at night and other causes of psycho-emotional stress do not pass without leaving a mark on the female body. All this entails disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
  • Operations on the appendages. Sometimes during a caesarean section it becomes necessary to remove the ovaries or part of them. In this case, it is impossible to say exactly when the cycle will be restored and what it will be like. Sometimes you have to take oral contraceptives for a long time.

Alarm Signals

Women who have given birth should definitely know how long it takes and what their periods should be like after childbirth. This will help them identify abnormalities in their body in time and consult a doctor. Next points should alert you and give rise to a consultation with a gynecologist:

  • menstruation did not come three months after the end of lactation;
  • menstruation is excessively heavy for two or three cycles in a row;
  • During menstruation, dizziness and weakness constantly occur;
  • “critical days” are unbearably painful;
  • menstruation irregular, with occasional spotting;
  • the girl notes the unpleasant smell of the discharge;
  • a new pregnancy is suspected due to lactation;
  • if a woman has any gynecological diseases(fibroids, endometriosis).

Only a specialist can reliably find out the cause of the violations and prescribe effective treatment and give recommendations on maintaining women's health.

Diagnostics for deviations

In order to find out the cause of the disorders and even how long after birth menstruation will begin, it is necessary to perform a number of diagnostic studies.
Regular gynecological examination won't give much information. During it, it is possible to identify pathology of the cervix (may cause intermenstrual spotting), a new pregnancy, or uterine fibroids.

More useful in this case is to perform a pelvic ultrasound. With its help you can identify volumetric formations(tumors), determine the thickness of the endometrium and predict the time of the next menstruation, as well as assess ovarian function.

It may be necessary to study the woman's hormonal profile, pituitary hormones, thyroid hormones, estrogens and androgens. Sometimes there is a need for laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. Less commonly, CT or MRI is recommended. All studies are carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

Often the violations are functional in nature, and the situation can be corrected by following simple tips. The following recommendations will help minimize various irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

  • Monitor your body weight. As soon as it is eliminated " additional source» estrogens in the form of excess subcutaneous fat, the menstrual cycle will begin to normalize.
  • Have a good rest. Many problems in women arise due to psycho-emotional stress. The ability to effectively relax and correctly perceive negative information will help maintain women’s health.
  • Support physical activity . Physical activity increases endurance and resistance of the body to stress, and also this great way body weight control.
  • Accept vitamin complexes . There are specially selected complexes to normalize menstrual function. For example, “Time Factor”, “Cyclovita”.

Thus, it is impossible to say unambiguously how long after childbirth menstruation begins. Every woman's body is individual. But you shouldn’t expect the cycle to become “ideal” if there were obvious violations before. On average, in terms of duration, amount of discharge and pain, critical days will be the same as they were before childbirth. If you suspect any abnormalities, you should consult a doctor.


Good day, my dear readers. Today I would like to talk to you about periods after childbirth. Quite recently, in a conversation with friends, I heard that one of them began menstruation when the baby was already 1.5 years old, and the second - when only 3 months had passed since the birth of the baby. What determines the speed of recovery of critical days? When does the first period start and how long does it last? Can a young lady who has recently given birth become pregnant again before her first pregnancy? scanty discharge? How do artificial and breastfeeding affect the functioning of the female body? What does it indicate if your period starts and disappears? We will talk about this and much more today. Join us))

The nature of the restoration of menstruation after childbirth

It's no secret that immediately after giving birth, a woman experiences spotting (lochia) for about two months. In this way, the uterine cavity is naturally cleansed from the consequences of pregnancy and childbirth (particles membrane, cervical mucus, blood, endometrial cells). At this time, it is very important to monitor the hygiene of the genital organs, the color and smell of lochia, and abstain from sexual activity.

If you notice any alarming symptoms, then a trip to the gynecologist should come first!

I think you will agree with me: after everything that has been experienced in recent months, few women who have given birth dream of a quick return to menstruation. The long 40 weeks of pregnancy, the peculiarities of gestation, painful childbirth or cesarean, two-month cleansing - you want to take a break from all this. But still, the questions: how long after childbirth will your period come, what it should be like, are of concern for good reason. After all, the frequency and nature of the menstrual cycle directly indicate the functioning of the hormonal and reproductive systems, and any deviation from the norm can be the first bell signaling a problem. So, let's figure out what these norms are, and do they even exist for young mothers?

I hasten to dispel the myth: the speed at which menstruation appears in no way depends on the type of delivery (cesarean or EP).

I will not open America to you if I tell you that the first sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. From the moment of conception, the restructuring of everything in our body begins. hormonal systems, the amount of progesterone increases, new eggs do not mature, the endometrium is not rejected, but on the contrary, its layer is strengthened to further protect the embryo. What happens after the birth of a child?

The connection between the menstrual cycle and breastfeeding

When your baby is born, a woman's body undergoes a new hormonal parade. dramatic changes. Now the “milk” hormone, prolactin, begins to be intensively produced, which again suppresses the active functioning of the ovaries. Nature is wise! At each of the stages important for childbirth, those hormones that more needed in at the moment. Since the baby vitally needs nutrition, all the body’s forces are aimed at producing food for him.

Nature intended that the period of absence of menstruation is directly related to the time period of breastfeeding, but it is important to take into account the very nature of feeding. If a woman delivers her baby strictly according to schedule and introduces complementary foods early, then there is a high probability that menstruation will not take long. But for mothers who, these “guests” come much later.

I was also able to verify from my own experience and the stories of my friends that the longer and more active woman breastfeeds, the slower her periods return. For many mothers, “special” days begin soon after the introduction of complementary foods. This is due to the fact that now the baby needs the breast less and less and the body quickly “strives” to the prenatal state.

I hasten to dispel the myth: menstruation during breastfeeding does not at all affect the taste and smell of milk, as some ladies think. Therefore, the menstrual cycle should not affect the feeding schedule in any way. But sometimes with the first spotting the amount of product produced may decrease slightly.

Don't panic! Put your baby to your breast more often and lactation will soon be restored.

Remember: the nature of the onset of menstruation after childbirth is purely individual. It is considered normal for menstrual periods to return 3 months after childbirth, and after a year and a half when breastfeeding.

How quickly do periods return when feeding your baby special foods?

If for some reason a woman cannot (does not want) to put her baby to the breast, then the production of prolactin slows down and the flow of milk decreases. The new egg matures and is released at the right time along with the epidermis layer and uterine bleeding. The first menstruation with artificial feeding normally occurs after 2-3 months. If the baby is on mixed diet(formula + breast milk), then this period increases to 4-6 months.

Another important point! The following factors influence the “arrival” time of menstruation:

  • whether the woman gets enough rest;
  • presence of birth injuries;
  • regularity of nutrition, weight gain;
  • treatment with certain medications, especially hormonal ones;
  • general condition of the body, especially when it comes to endocrine system, the presence of chronic diseases.

If a woman completely stops breastfeeding and her period does not start within 1-2 months, then she should consult a doctor. Such a delay may indicate both the development of certain pathologies and a new pregnancy.

Is pregnancy possible without menstruation?

The biggest mistake of some girls is the belief that in the absence of menstruation and breastfeeding, conception cannot occur and is not required... Yes, lactational amenorrhea, in which ovulation is maximally suppressed by prolactin, gives some chance to “open” sex without consequences. But still, a certain risk of “flying up” is more than possible. After all, in order for an unplanned pregnancy to not take place, a number of conditions must be observed. Namely:

  • period after birth no more than six months;
  • frequent latching of the baby to the breast (breaks of no more than 2 hours during the day and 4 hours at night), that is, expressing milk into a bottle and going to the movies with your husband (as an option) will no longer work;
  • co-sleeping with the baby and mandatory night feedings;
  • The baby should not be given additional water or complementary foods, since the number of feedings in this case is significantly reduced.

And even if all the above requirements are met, the probability of conception in the absence of menstruation after childbirth will be 2-3%. Is it worth the risk? I'm sure NO! You can find more detailed answers to this question in this article.

Features of the first menstruation after childbirth

Dear women, I want to start this section by making you happy a little. Many young mothers notice that earlier painful menstruation now, after the birth of the baby, they are not. What is the reason for such improvements? The secret is simple: very often discomfort and pain during bleeding directly related to the bending of the uterus, which greatly impedes the free flow of blood. But after delivery, the position of some organs in abdominal cavity changes, the bend straightens out on its own, and Hurray - no more monthly pain!!!

The first menstruation after childbirth is often heavy, as are the next few. But gradually the cycle stabilizes and becomes regular. It is considered normal if it takes a woman 3-4 months. What to do if during menstruation it “pours like a bucket” or, on the contrary, they are very scanty; what if the discharge started and disappeared after a month?

Should I go to the doctor or not?

Very often, a new mother has no time to take care of her health, because everything free time, strength, attention she gives to the baby. We probably all know the feeling that nothing more important than the crumbs it can't be now. Hormones are raging, the baby becomes the center of the universe. What kind of menstruation can you think about here?)) But still, I really want you to read this section carefully. After all, children need healthy mothers!!!

So, when consultation with a doctor cannot be postponed?

First of all, it should be strange for a woman if, after lochia (discharge after childbirth), bleeding appears unpleasant smell; if breastfeeding “started” three months ago, and menstruation has not yet begun. Very heavy (scanty) periods over several cycles (and not just once), or if the discharge has passed once and has not recurred, should be no less alarming.

The following pathologies may be the cause of all this:

  • endometriosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • unnoticed postpartum pathologies, damage;
  • new pregnancy;
  • inflammatory process in the ovaries, etc.

It is clear that only an experienced doctor can diagnose them through a vaginal and (or) transabdominal ultrasound, studying test results, and examination in a gynecological chair. So be sure to find a couple of free hours and visit the hospital if something like that worries you!


So our conversation today has come to an end. But I have one left for you little advice. I hasten to recommend a musical night light with projector. Gave it to me best friend when I came to meet my newborn daughter for the first time. With the help of this cute and, as it turned out, extremely useful device, the baby began to fall asleep faster, and I had a little more time for myself))

I would really like you, my dear readers, to share your experience. How quickly did you start your period after giving birth? Were there any problems with the formation of the cycle? How often do you visit the gynecologist after the birth of your child? I look forward to your stories)) See you again!

Women who have given birth to a baby, one way or another, have to face a recovery period. It goes differently for everyone. Much depends on the individual physiological characteristics organism, type of delivery (naturally or by cesarean). Young mothers are worried and ask: periods after childbirth, when they start and how long they should last. It is important to know this, because this is the only way to notice in a timely manner possible deviations in the body to visit doctors.

Ideally, menstruation after childbirth should quickly return to normal as soon as the lactation period ends. Even minor delays in the first 2-3 months should not be scary, because the restoration of hormonal status against the background of an imbalance during pregnancy, of course, must be given time. For most women, menstruation in the postpartum period is less painful than before childbirth, which is also normal, because the location female organs in the peritoneal cavity it changes somewhat, the bend of the uterus straightens and nothing prevents the outflow of blood from exiting.

Note! The method of birth of the baby does not in any way affect the duration of the recovery period of the mother's body. Of course, in the case of a cesarean section, the uterus is unnecessarily injured, it will take longer to return to normal, and menstruation will begin a little later.

What causes the absence of menstruation?

The lack of regulation in women during the postpartum period is directly caused by lactation and the constant attachment of the baby to the breast. This helps to increase the production of prolactin and enlarge the mammary glands. After childbirth, a delay in menstruation in the first few months of breastfeeding is normal.

Women should not confuse lochia with menstruation. It's not the same thing. the postpartum period is provoked by an excessively traumatized uterine cavity, the passage of particles of dead epithelium to the outside. . Normally, they first come off in a deep red color, then gradually change color to brown. After 1-2 weeks, slight bloody streaks begin to come off. Eventually they should stop completely.

If the birth proceeded without complications, then there should be no regulation throughout the entire lactation period due to the suppressive effect of prolactin on ovulation.

The body in the postpartum period is at the stage of regeneration and restoration. As a rule, the duration of the period is 3-6 months and a new pregnancy is excluded at this stage. Although they play a big role individual characteristics women and premature ovulation even in nursing mothers is quite acceptable.

REFERENCE! The absence of critical days after childbirth is not a reason for women to relax in terms of possible conception again. Of course, the cause may be amenorrhea, when even after the lactation period the regulation is absent for 1.5 years. But it is still better to protect yourself and not neglect contraceptive methods.

If the baby is immediately switched to formula milk, then lactation as such does not occur, and regulation should begin in about 1 month. In women who do not breastfeed, recovery is observed after 6-8 weeks, when the first menstruation begins after childbirth. This time is quite enough for the maturation of a new follicle and egg, normalization of ovarian functions, and renewal of the uterine mucosa.

It is extremely important for mothers not to interrupt the lactation period and to feed the baby at the first call, even at night. Avoid skipping feedings, and if there is an excess of milk, do not forget to express your breasts in a timely manner so that the milk arrives promptly and normally.

Reference! If the lactation period is terminated, and CD does not occur after 1 month, then you should see a gynecologist. When asked whether women need to use contraception, even if there are no regulations during the postpartum period, doctors do not give a definite answer. You don't have to use protection if you plan to conceive a child again. Indeed, despite the absence of regula in a woman in labor, the onset of ovulation and fertilization of the egg after 2 weeks is quite possible.

Many mothers are perplexed, attributing the situation to a hormonal imbalance, when regulation occurs even with breastfeeding, and a little later a new pregnancy is detected. These cases happen, although the body is completely unprepared for new challenges. It is recommended that women postpone planning a new pregnancy for at least 1.5 years.

Cycle recovery time

Many mothers worry when their periods will start after giving birth. The menstrual cycle immediately after conceiving a child seems to turn off. Critical days will not come and will not bother women throughout pregnancy, because the glands of the endocrine system function in an enhanced mode. Next, the body begins to recover, and with it the hormonal levels.

Returning to the usual rhythm after childbirth occurs gradually. On average it takes 7-8 weeks. The speed of recovery can be affected by:

  • age;
  • internal chronic diseases;
  • course of pregnancy.

Normally, when the uterus gradually contracts and decreases in size, the external os closes, the mammary glands enlarge and milk production begins.

The menstrual cycle may take a long time to recover in the following cases:

  • performing a caesarean section;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • sudden climate change;
  • late birth after 30 years;
  • nervous overstrain, stress;
  • birth of 2-3 babies in a row at short intervals;
  • hormonal imbalance due to development infectious diseases(adnexitis, cyst).

In these cases, there is a delay in menstruation after childbirth. If a woman does not breastfeed her baby, then a change in the menstrual cycle is quite possible.

When to expect your period?

Doctors do not indicate a specific period when menstruation should begin after childbirth while breastfeeding. Everything is purely individual. It is normal if after stopping it again approximately 1 month after the baby turns 1 year old. Although this only happens with the late introduction of complementary foods, when the ovaries temporarily fade away and stop functioning. As the lactation period ends, the production of prolactin in the pituitary gland begins and menstruation begins.

Read also 🗓 Is it possible to get pregnant after childbirth without menstruation?

In the case of a combination of artificial and natural feeding of the baby, regulation can begin 4-6 months after birth. If you do not breastfeed your baby right away, the first discharge will be noticeable after 8-10 weeks. This time is quite enough for the maturation of the follicle and egg, normalization of ovarian functions.

It happens that during a cesarean section, menstruation comes immediately, 1-2 weeks after the end of the process of discharge of lochia. At the same time, the follicle quickly forms, the endometrial layer grows and becomes lush. In this case, it is quite possible that ovulation will occur, which means an unplanned pregnancy. At first, women are still advised to avoid sexual intercourse, use protection, or constantly and with full dedication to breastfeed the baby.

REFERENCE! It is rare, but cases of pregnancy occur in women even while breastfeeding. The reason may be the early introduction of complementary foods, the infrequent attachment of the baby to the breast at intervals at night for more than 6 hours. It is important to understand that milk production may be significantly reduced. In this case, ovulation will not be suppressed and a new conception of a child is quite possible.

Menstruation during breastfeeding can begin much earlier due to hormonal imbalance, if childbirth occurred with complications, as well as with the following pathologies:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • early, late gestosis;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • osteomalacia;
  • liver atrophy;
  • asthma;
  • dermatosis;
  • nephropathy;
  • eclampsia;
  • dropsy.

Such complicated births provoke a failure of the reproductive system, so menstruation may begin earlier or later. As a rule, in such cases, women are under the strict supervision of specialists.

IMPORTANT! Critical days can for a long time absent during inflammatory, infectious processes in the body. If lactation has stopped and menstruation does not occur after 1-1.5 months, then this is a reason to see a doctor.

When to see a doctor

It is extremely important for mothers not to neglect their health after the birth of the baby, to promptly identify unfavorable signs and know when the first menstruation comes after childbirth, what the color and duration should be. The main factors when contacting doctors should be immediate:

  1. The appearance of abundant regula in the first postpartum days is a sign of endometriosis and hyperplasia.
  2. Severe bleeding, when you have to change the pad more often than every 2-3 hours.
  3. Discharge of bloody discharge with an unpleasant odor, pus, and ichor immediately after the discharge of lochia. This may indicate residual effects of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.
  4. Absence or appearance of scanty discharge 3 months after the end of the lactation period, caused by increased level prolactin. Reduction measures are required.
  5. Lack of regularity of menstrual flow.

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting moments in the life of any woman. During this period expectant mother Many questions arise: how to care for your skin, how to eat, and so on. After childbirth, the questions change and now the woman is concerned about how to feed and how to care for the baby and herself (in particular: when should her period come after childbirth).

It's pretty complex process, occurring in a woman’s body. If menstruation begins, then we can talk not only about puberty, but also about the body’s preparation for further childbearing.

Normal periods should occur every month. And the duration of the cycle is 21-35 days. It is necessary to remember the date when your first menstruation began. Your period should begin for the second time in exactly one month (plus or minus two days). If menstruation occurs monthly, without significant fluctuations in timing, then the cycle is considered regular.

Any woman should understand that three to seven days of menstruation with the release of no more than fifty milliliters of blood per day is considered normal.

Critical days after childbirth

As a result of conception, menstruation is “switched off” and menstruation does not occur for nine months. Their absence is a consequence of powerful hormonal changes. Only after childbirth, when the hormonal levels change normal values, menstruation resumes.

No certain deadlines, after which periods come after childbirth. Their offensive is purely individually for each woman. Most often, the onset of menstruation is associated with the end of breastfeeding (that is, when a woman stops breastfeeding). This is due to a special hormone prolactin, which is produced by the pituitary gland during breastfeeding.

Prolactin provides proper control over milk production and suppresses ovarian function, which is the reason for the lack of menstruation. If breastfeeding is long-term, and the introduction of complementary foods is quite late, then the cycle can be restored only a year after birth. With early introduction of complementary foods prolactin is synthesized in smaller quantities and ovarian functions are not suppressed. In such a situation, your period will come six months after the baby is born.

If immediately after birth natural feeding is combined with artificial feeding, then in such cases menstruation is restored after three to four months.

If you are unable to breastfeed(or the woman refuses to breastfeed), ovarian function is restored and, consequently, menstruation occurs in the sixth to tenth week of the postpartum period.

However, the timing of the onset of menstruation can be affected not only by breastfeeding, but the following are also important:

  • Psychological attitude;
  • Nutrition;
  • Chronic diseases and their complications;
  • Daily routine, alternating loads and rest.

How long does it take to get your period back after childbirth?

After the birth of a child, the functioning of the glands and internal organs returns to their previous (as before pregnancy) state. Such changes begin immediately after labor activity and last approximately six to eight weeks.

Postpartum physiological changes:

To restore menstruation it is necessary normal functioning uterus and ovaries, and therefore the time of the arrival of menstruation depends on how quickly these organs are restored.

After childbirth occurs fast reduction muscles of the uterus, due to which the size of the organ decreases. So, after one week, the size of the uterus becomes half the size, and after a month to one and a half the size returns to those before pregnancy. It is worth noting that breastfeeding speed up the process of uterine contraction. In addition, on the tenth day after birth, the internal os and cervix are restored. After three weeks, the pharynx closes completely and takes on a slit-like shape instead of a cylindrical one.

Recovery of the body depends on the following reasons:

  • Concomitant diseases;
  • The woman's age;
  • Features of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • General condition of the body;
  • Lactation and feeding.

Reasons for slower uterine recovery:

  • Weakening of the body;
  • A large number of births;
  • First birth at thirty years of age or older;
  • Complicated childbirth;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Failure to follow recommendations after childbirth.

Changes after childbirth

After the placenta has separated and the placenta has been delivered, inner part The uterus is a wound surface. It recovers after ten days, the mucous membrane of the organ heals after one and a half to two months, and the area of ​​the placental site - after two months.

During the healing of the inner surface, characteristic discharge appears - lochia. Their nature and quantity depend on the degree of restoration and cleansing of the uterus. In the first few (two) days, the discharge is profuse and bloody, containing pieces of the inner membrane. On the fourth day, the lochia becomes yellow-pink. On the tenth day, the amount of discharge decreases, it does not contain blood, and becomes liquid and transparent. In the fifth or sixth week, the uterus is cleansed and the release of lochia stops completely.

During the first week after birth, the volume of discharge is 500-1400 grams, which has a characteristic aroma of rotten leaves.

If the recovery processes in the uterus slow down, blood in the lochia will be present a little longer.

If the uterus is bent or the uterine internal os is clogged with coagulated blood, bloody discharge accumulates in the uterine cavity. This condition is called lochiometra. When pathogenic microflora attaches inflammation may develop, which requires immediate treatment. As therapy, drugs are used that contract the uterus and rinse the uterine cavity with antiseptics.

In the postpartum period, the ovaries restore their functions and involution is completed corpus luteum. The follicles containing the eggs mature again and the normal cycle is restored.

Features of menstruation after childbirth

Most often, after the birth of a child, the cycle is restored and becomes regular very quickly. Only in the first months can menstruation occur earlier or later than expected.

Restoration of menstrual function does not depend on the type of delivery(through birth canal or caesarean section).

Menstruation after childbirth less painful and do not cause discomfort. This phenomenon is easily explained: usually pain during menstruation is associated with bends of the uterus, which interfere with normal blood outflow. After pregnancy and childbirth internal organs slightly change their location, and the bends of the uterus straighten. Therefore, the pain in a woman giving birth goes away.

Quite often, menstruation is confused with lochia. These discharges occur in the first days after childbirth and are associated with damage to the uterine mucosa. Lochia is made of mucus blood clots and have a bright red tint. After a week, the discharge becomes less abundant and acquires a brownish tint. Changes in the number and color of lochia are associated with the healing process in the uterine mucosa. Lochia stops six to eight weeks after birth.

Do not forget that even in the absence of menstruation and breastfeeding conception may occur. After all, the maturation of the egg and its further release from the ovary begins several (usually two) weeks before bleeding. That is, a couple of days after and before ovulation you can get pregnant.

It is worth remembering that the onset of menstruation after childbirth does not mean that a woman is ready to conceive. For full recovery it will take several years. Preferably only after given time plan next pregnancy. And during the recovery period, resort to contraceptives.

When to see a doctor

If the critical days after childbirth despite artificial feeding have not occurred, we can assume the presence of genitourinary diseases. However, even after breastfeeding ends, menstruation may not occur. The causes of this condition lie in endometriosis, inflammation of the ovaries, tumors and hormonal disorders.

Anyway in the absence of critical days consultation with a specialist is necessary to prevent undesirable consequences.

A visit to the doctor should not be postponed even if your periods are very heavy. If more than one pad is used within two hours, then this state can be regarded as bleeding. An unpleasant odor, soreness and dark color blood.

If two or three months after the start of menstruation the cycle is not restored, then this should also be regarded as a deviation and the reason for it most likely lies in hormonal disorders.

How to maintain personal hygiene after your period returns

After childbirth, the female body especially needs hygiene.

Before the cycle is restored It is not advisable to use tampons And sanitary pads with mesh cover. The above remedies cannot be used during lochia. It is best to use gaskets that have a smooth coating. They are changed every three to four hours.

After the birth of the child, careful and frequent washing genital organs using ordinary baby soap, “intimate” gels are not recommended.

After giving birth, you should abstain from sexual intercourse for six weeks. Particularly dangerous unprotected sex due to the likelihood of infection entering the uterus.