It is painful to go to the toilet after childbirth. Postpartum constipation during lactation: how to cope

The birth of the long-awaited baby is over and the new mother is enjoying all the delights of communicating with her child. At these moments, the problem of bowel movement will be completely inappropriate. How to avoid constipation after childbirth? What can and cannot be used to solve this delicate problem? We will now try to sort out these and other questions.

Postpartum constipation and its causes

Exists special definition, reflecting the essence of such a delicate illness.

Constipation is a slow, difficult or systematically insufficient bowel movement (bowel evacuation, stool ejection).

World organization healthcare. International classification diseases.

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Simply put, constipation is the absence of bowel movements within three and more than a day. There may be defecation, but it passes with difficulty, with effort; after such a trip to the toilet there is no feeling of ease.

The problem of constipation plagues almost 70% of pregnant women and 30% of young mothers in postpartum period.

Causes of postpartum constipation

There are several main reasons for stool retention after childbirth:

  • disruption or restructuring of the hormonal levels of a woman who has just given birth;
  • laxity of stretched muscles of the perineum and abdominal muscles;
  • pushing through the intestines by the unrecovered uterus;
  • change motor activity intestines (the intestines gradually return to their normal position after pregnancy);
  • the appearance of hemorrhoids;
  • drinking small amounts of liquid;
  • non-compliance with proper nutrition standards ( great use fatty, salty, fried);
  • use of iron-containing drugs;
  • congenital pathologies of the intestines (tumors).

There are also emotional and psychological reasons:

  • lack of feeling of comfort in public toilet maternity hospital;
  • fear of straining during bowel movements. A woman may feel that the stitches placed during caesarean section or ruptures, they will separate if you push a little;
  • increased fatigue associated with childbirth or caring for a baby.

Moreover, in the process labor activity the intestines are cleansed so much that there may be no bowel movements for two or three days, quite natural reasons- the body simply did not have time to accumulate a sufficient amount of material for bowel movements.

Herbal medicine

Gooseberries have mild laxative, choleretic, and diuretic effects. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve general condition body, normalize metabolic processes in it

Experts advise treating constipation during breastfeeding with herbal remedies. Natural herbal composition not dangerous for the newborn and his mother. Moreover, many healing infusions taken warm, which improves milk production, increases immunity and tone of the whole body.

At one time, when I had problems with stool during lactation, a decoction of gooseberries helped me a lot. It is very easy and quick to prepare. One tablespoon of gooseberries should be poured into a glass of warm boiled water and boiled for 10 minutes. You need to press the berries a little so that they release their juice. I took the decoction along with berries, one glass four times a day. The result is noticeable the very next day.

Figs with milk are very useful for normalizing stool. Fig berries need to be crushed and poured warm milk(2 tablespoons of berries per glass of milk). Figs enrich mother's milk iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and many other useful elements.

A decoction of cumin, anise and fennel is very effective for treating constipation. To prepare a decoction, you need to crush 10 grams of each ingredient (cumin seeds, anise, fennel) and pour into two glasses warm water. Let the resulting product simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes. After the water bath, the broth must be filtered and allowed to cool slightly. Use twice a day after meals.

Despite the harmlessness of the herbs and berries listed above, take these remedies with caution. For the first time, drink no more than 30 milligrams. Monitor your baby throughout the day. If you do not notice any negative manifestations (rash, colic, etc.), you can safely drink the drink.

Using enemas

Many people think that giving an enema is the easiest thing to do, but this matter has its own nuances.

To give an enema painless procedure cleansing the intestines, you need to take the correct position. You can choose from the following:

  • lie on your left side with your knees tucked towards your stomach;
  • squat;
  • stand bent over, take a knee-elbow position;
  • lying on your back (legs bent at the knees and slightly spread apart).

It is important to control the fluid infusion process. Pinch the hose with your fingers as needed to adjust speed and volume.

After removing the enema, you need to lie down for a while (5–7 minutes).

There are several types of enemas. All of them have their own characteristics in production and application.

It is necessary to understand that frequent use enemas will lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the intestines and contribute to the transition of constipation to the chronic stage

A cleansing enema is prepared from ordinary boiled water. Water, entering directly into the intestines, softens feces and quickly removes them from the body. Use no more than two liters of water to rinse the colon. A cleansing enema does not affect intestinal receptors and promotes the urge to defecate within 10–15 minutes.

Enema pear with oil

It happens that due to accumulated gases or too hard stool the liquid does not pass into the intestines, and then you should not force yourself - it is better to repeat the enema after a while

To prepare an oil enema you will need a pear enema, boiled water and a little vegetable oil. We prepare an enema from the ratio of three tablespoons of oil to one hundred milligrams of water. This enema is quite gentle. Having done an enema at night, in the morning you will feel long-awaited relief.

Enema bulb with saline solution

Doctors strongly recommend trying a more gentle type of colon cleansing than a salt enema. Concentrated salt solution may cause a burning sensation at the injury site skin. Therefore, if a woman has vaginal tears, anal fissures or other injuries, then it is better to postpone a salt enema.

A salt enema is prepared and administered as follows:

  1. Mix boiled water With table salt(per 100 milligrams of water one teaspoon of salt).
  2. Using a bulb enema, we administer the solution rectally.
  3. After administering the solution, you need to lie down for 10–15 minutes.

Medicines for constipation

As a rule, stool retention goes away on its own 2-3 days after birth. The stool will be completely normal by the end of the third week. Even if the situation does not improve over time, do not rush to apply medicinal method treatment. Not every medicine is suitable during lactation. Many drugs are contraindicated in breastfeeding.

Remember that the composition of the drug penetrates into the blood and milk. This, in turn, negatively affects the quality of milk, development and growth of the baby.

Apply medicines only as a last resort.

Prohibited drugs

Most laxatives are strictly prohibited for use while breastfeeding. Getting into the mother's bloodstream and milk, they adversely affect not only the quality of milk, but can also be dangerous for the newborn. So, breastfeeding is not compatible with the following popular laxatives:

  • Regulax;
  • Gutalax;
  • Sennilax.

These drugs contain substances that can provoke in infants: colic, increased gas formation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Allergic reactions and rash are possible.

If the doctor nevertheless prescribes one of the above drugs, then the young mother must insist on a more gentle and safe medicine. It may happen that your doctor will not suggest a replacement for these drugs. Then at the time of treatment it is necessary to refuse breastfeeding and transfer the baby to artificial formula. To prevent milk from disappearing, you can express it and resume lactation after completing the course of treatment.

Approved medications

There are a number of relatively safe medications. Due to their gentle composition, which practically does not pass into milk, they do not have such a strong effect on the infant.

Constipation medications that can be used while breastfeeding - table

Preparation Characteristics Contraindications/side effects Price
Microlax candles Ready-made viscous solution for microenemas with quick action 5–15 minutes.
  • allergy;
  • irritation.
300–500 rubles
Evacue candles An alternative to an enema with a triple effect and immediate action of 5–10 minutes.
  • Individual intolerance;
  • prohibited for children under 12 years of age;
  • allergies and irritation.
500–600 rubles
Sea buckthorn candles Harmless product with herbal composition.
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • burning in the anus after insertion;
  • allergic reaction to sea buckthorn.
100 rubles
Glycerin suppositories Safe laxative during lactation and pregnancy.
  • Acute hemorrhoids;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • cracks anus;
  • bowel irritation;
  • burning and pain.
150 rubles
Duphalac The syrup contains lactulose and clean water. Does not have an immediate effect.
  • Lactulose intolerance;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • flatulence and diarrhea;
  • stomach ache.
300–400 rubles
Forlax Soluble powder containing orange and grapefruit oil. Effective within 1–2 days.
  • Intolerance to components;
  • ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • flatulence;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • allergy.
150–200 rubles
Lactulose Soluble powder stimulates intestinal function. The effect occurs only after 1–2 days.
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • blood in the stool (if it is not hemorrhoids);
  • diarrhea and flatulence.
100 rubles
Fitomucil Soluble powder containing plantain seeds and homemade plum fruits.
  • Intestinal inflammation;
  • sensitivity;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • allergies in rare cases.
250–500 rudders
Linux Soluble capsules white with powder containing active ingredients probiotic. Additional substances of the drug: starch and milk sugar.The drug is well tolerated by patients of any age category, even newborns (dosage is minimal). The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.220–720 rubles

Don't self-medicate! Even the safest ones medicines can only be taken after consulting a doctor.

Reviews of laxatives

Microlax candles

Advantages: NONE

Disadvantages: ineffective, very painful and inappropriate for children

Glycerin suppositories, which help with constipation and are completely painless and safe, have disappeared. Instead, in MICROLAX pharmacies - for 168 rubles, 4 tubes with a certain poison, which first of all causes a burning sensation in the rectum that is unbearable even for an adult. It does not go away for a long time even after washing. The laxative effect is practically zero. Mothers who boast that they have eliminated constipation in newborns and other children this way! Try it for yourself and find out what you've done! I consider this drug to be another sabotage of our Ministry of Health and Social Development and I urge everyone to be careful.

Praskovia Russia, Moscow Review date: 2012–01–11

Evacue candles

Advantages: quick relief

Disadvantages: didn't notice

Hello, dear friends! Almost after any surgery a person has a malfunction in all body systems. Not the last problem here is related to “stool”, popularly known as constipation. I also experienced similar troubles. When I had a caesarean section, after it I was forbidden to go to the toilet for almost five days. Well, if you went later, you couldn’t “push.” It’s understandable, because the seams can come apart. This is all very serious. The hour came when it was no longer possible to endure. But nothing comes of it. Abdominal cramps, pain. Something had to be done. We addressed this problem to the doctor who performed the operation, she advised us to buy Evacue suppositories. This simply became my salvation. I didn't think it would work so quickly. I was determined that I had to wait up to an hour, but then I had to run to the toilet! There was great relief and an end to my torment. Even at home, when I was discharged from the maternity hospital, I used them, since it is not easy to immediately adjust the stool after surgery. But, with these candles, such troubles are solved quickly. I recommend!

lolla Ukraine, Lviv Review date: 2014–09–19

Sea buckthorn candles

Advantages: Excellent product!

Disadvantages: The individual contour cell is difficult to open, the candle can be damaged

I have repeatedly heard that sea buckthorn is a cure for almost everything. After giving birth, I suffered from constipation. I tried everything! The doctor advised me to use sea buckthorn suppositories for 10 days. She spoke about the miraculous properties sea ​​buckthorn oil that it has anti-inflammatory, healing properties and protects against soft tissue damage. The instructions state that sea ​​buckthorn candles will save us from anal fissures, hemorrhoids, prostatitis and erosive and ulcerative diseases. A big plus is that the drug plant origin. Can be used in adults and children, as well as in pregnant women and during breastfeeding. For me the latter was especially important. The composition inspires confidence; Active substance sea ​​buckthorn oil + solid fat + glycerin. I put on the candle for 10 days (the aroma, by the way, is wonderful, real sea buckthorn) and everything healed perfectly, no inflammation, nothing! The only thing I would like to note is that the candles must be placed at night, because they melt very quickly, it is better not to get up, there is a high probability of leakage.

lapkaa Russia, Ufa Review date: 2012–11–20

Only they restored the chair! An excellent tool. I took it every day (after meals) for a week. Everything was fine with the baby :)


Advantages: Natural ingredients, approved for use during pregnancy and lactation

Disadvantages: Price

As a plus, we can immediately note a good safe composition, a very small list of contraindications and permitted use during pregnancy and lactation. In accordance with the instructions, I started taking two sachets daily. The effect of this drug appeared the next day. Since my case is not very advanced. I didn't suffer from this during pregnancy. No discomfort and discomfort there wasn't.

lerom Russia, Irkutsk Date of review: 2015–04–24

There were no problems with bowel movements during pregnancy. I ate stewed zucchini probably tons. Last trimester, of course, there were small delays, but they didn’t really bother me. But after giving birth it became difficult. My daughter was born at 4,100. Four stitches were placed at the site of vaginal ruptures. Naturally, when I wanted to go to the toilet, I was afraid that the stitches would come apart and at the most crucial moment I could not push. Moreover, the atmosphere of a public toilet did not particularly inspire relaxation. Already at home, it was the third day after giving birth, I inserted glycerin suppository and took a Linex tablet. I put the baby to sleep in the stroller and placed it near the toilet so as not to look at it and worry again. The candle took effect in about 20 minutes. I took Linex exclusively to improve digestion, since my stomach ached a little all these days. And then I ate stewed zucchini. I believe that prevention is the most effective weapon against any disease! For me preventive measure steel compote of dried apricots and stewed vegetables. Of course, I cooked everything without salt, spices or sauce.

Tips to help a new mother go to the toilet

After resting after childbirth, try to eat and drink at least a glass of plain water. Walk around the room a little. Staying in bed for a long time delays your body's recovery processes and increases the likelihood of constipation.

If you have the urge to go to the toilet, do not resist it. Try to sit on the toilet, and not hang over it. To protect yourself from infections in a public toilet, place toilet paper on the rim of the toilet. Sitting on the toilet, rest the balls of your toes on the floor and lift your heels. We fix the knees slightly higher than the level of the hips. You should end up in a position as if you were squatting. This is the most optimal position for the first bowel movement after childbirth.

For those who are afraid of seams coming apart, it may be useful next tip. Fold a piece in half toilet paper and apply it to the perineum, so you can support the pelvic floor and be sure that the stitches will remain in order.

Sometimes a syringe filled with warm water helps. Simply water the outside of the painful areas of the vagina, anus and perineum.

To prevent bowel problems, make sure you drink enough fluids and foods with high content fiber (fresh herbs, vegetables, green and yellow fruits, bran, cereals).

Take walks more often fresh air, do not forget about moderate physical activity. All this will help regulate the process of stool restoration.

Video - constipation after childbirth

So that in the future you will not be tormented by this sensitive issue like constipation, lead active image life, eat properly and balanced, drink enough fluids. Take care of yourself and your health.

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Many women, after permission, complain that they cannot go to the toilet. Those who are faced with this disease experience severe psychological and physical discomfort.

To solve the problem, you should thoroughly understand why it appears after childbirth. this situation, what constipation can be, and also understand what methods would be best to use in order to pass normally.

After childbirth, constipation appears due to physiological and mental reasons. Physiological ones include:

  • muscle dystrophy abdominal cavity;
  • perineal ruptures;
  • pressure of the uterus on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal dislocation;
  • slowing down intestinal contractions;
  • poor nutrition;
  • congenital gastrointestinal diseases.

TO psychological reasons lack of stool after childbirth includes:

  • suppressing the desire to go to the toilet for a long time;
  • fear that the stitches will come apart if you push;
  • stress;
  • fear of pushing.


There are 3 types in total:

  1. Spastic.
  2. Atonic.
  3. Associated with intestinal pathology such as intestinal elongation.

Spastic appearance

The spastic type is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increased activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • feces are excreted in small portions;
  • attacks of pain in the left side of the abdomen;
  • possible nausea fatigue, loss of appetite.

What to do with constipation? This type is quickly treated proper nutrition and an established daily routine.

Atonic type

The atonic variant is characterized by:

  • decreased gastrointestinal activity;
  • slow contraction of the intestines;
  • defecation accompanied by pain;
  • a large amount of feces;
  • possible aching pain, increased gas formation, nausea, feeling of fullness.

This type most often occurs in women who have had surgery, as well as those who have an unhealthy diet or have undergone antibiotic therapy. Often, as a result of the disease, a tear or crack in the anus occurs. In this case, surgical intervention is required.

When lengthening

This type of symptoms is very similar to spastic. The reason lies in the fact that feces pass more long way, in which liquid is absorbed from them. As a result, the masses become hard, which prevents their normal exit from the body.

Only a qualified specialist can determine the type and prescribe competent, and most importantly, safe treatment for the mother and her child.

For hemorrhoids this disease requires immediate consultation with a doctor and further therapy.


What to do to avoid making the situation worse? For constipation after childbirth while breastfeeding, treatment depends on whether the mother is breastfeeding her baby; not all laxatives are prescribed, but only those that are safe for the baby. But before resorting to drugs, you can try to solve the problem naturally. Let's look at how to get rid of constipation after childbirth on your own.


How can diet help? In fact, in most cases the situation is resolved precisely thanks to balanced diet. Pooping after childbirth will be allowed by including in the daily menu such provisions as:

  • natural vegetable oils;
  • black bread;
  • bran;
  • buckwheat and pearl barley.

The best vegetables and fruits are:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • apples;
  • cherries;
  • apricots;
  • melon.

Compotes made from dried fruits and fermented milk foods will be useful. In addition, you should definitely drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Well-established drinking regime helps to quickly remove waste and toxins from the body. Maybe you'll get along well good habit start every morning with a glass of water. This will reduce the risks of atonic type of disease.

You should limit your use:

  • hard cheese;
  • rice;
  • quinces;
  • strawberries;
  • pears;
  • currants;
  • fatty soups.
  • white bread;
  • wheat bran;
  • semolina;
  • legumes;
  • blueberry;
  • walnuts.

A diet that follows all the advice will help quick solution problems. Nursing mothers should choose foods that will not cause allergic reaction at their children.

Proper nutrition will also help you quickly get your body in shape and beautiful. appearance, healthy shiny hair and nails.

Conservative therapy

How to go to the toilet when conservative treatment? The use of laxatives and the use of enemas is provided. You can also use folk ways therapy, but only after consultation with a doctor. An enema will help you poop after childbirth.

An enema helps:

  • increased intestinal contractility;
  • softening of feces.

You should perform no more than 4 rinses of the gastrointestinal tract with an enema per day.

The following medications will be safe for a breastfeeding mother and her child:

  • Fortrans.
  • Duphalac.
  • Forlax.
  • Lactulose syrup.​

Keep in mind that if a mother is breastfeeding and at the same time taking a laxative, the baby may experience colic, since the drug itself will enter his body along with the milk.

In case of a spastic form of the disease, it is forbidden to take medications containing sena or Alexandria leaf, since they will only increase intestinal motility.

An excellent option. They soften feces, and at the same time glycerin is excreted immediately along with the masses, without being absorbed into the blood, which means they pose absolutely no danger to the baby. But there is also reverse side: common solution In a delicate situation, this method can lead to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract will no longer empty itself.

Traditional medicine

Treatment traditional methods is famous for its safety and effectiveness, since the decoctions consist exclusively of components taken from natural environment, without any chemical additives.

Infusions of valerian, heather, hawthorn, adonis, lemon balm, and chamomile have a phytoncidal and anti-inflammatory effect, which is very important in therapy. If the disease occurs along with hemorrhoids, it is recommended to make baths from these herbs. ​

Below are a few herbal medicine recipes. It is better to drink these decoctions warm - this will stimulate lactation, increase the tone of the whole body and strengthen the immune system.

  • Gooseberry decoction.

For one tablespoon of gooseberries, use 1 glass of water. The berries are filled with water and boiled for about 10 minutes. The drink is filtered and taken 4 times, about a quarter of a glass. If desired, you can add some dried fruits to the gooseberries.

  • Figs with milk.

Pour 2 tablespoons of figs into a glass boiled milk. Milk can be replaced with boiled water. Take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day. This dried fruit is absolutely safe for infants. Figs are rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for a woman and her child. In addition, it helps you recover faster.

  • A decoction of cumin, anise and fennel.

Take 2 tablespoons of each component and pour boiling water. You should drink half a glass half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Ready dried herbs can be purchased at a pharmacy. These herbs have a very good effect on lactation, increase energy and give vigor. Helps with constipation and relieves stress.

No matter how safe the decoction may seem, it should be taken with caution.

The baby may develop allergies or colic to the composition of the product. To experiment, take one sip of the decoction and observe the child’s reaction. If everything is fine with him, you can continue taking it. But if gastrointestinal disorders, rashes, etc. appear negative manifestations allergies, stop using immediately. ​

Physical activity

To prevent the occurrence of this disease, the body needs physical activity. Exercise improves contractility gastrointestinal tract, tone it up, help bring the body into shape.

But physical exercise contraindicated for women:

  • with elevated temperature;
  • with ulcerative colitis;
  • those suffering from diarrhea;
  • with pathologies of organ systems.

Those who have undergone surgery should consult with their physician to determine the level of individual stress on the body.

Is it possible to feed the baby?

This question is one of those that interests mothers first of all. If the disease is chronic, problems with gastrointestinal tract disorders may also occur in the child, since toxins from the mother’s body enter the milk, and with it to the child. If difficulties with going to the toilet are an isolated case, there will be nothing wrong with breastfeeding, but if they are constant, it is better to refuse breastfeeding until the situation is resolved.

We figured out how to go to the toilet after childbirth. Don't let the problem get worse. How much will you ignore alarm bells body, so many complications may arise in the future. Remember that from your emotional and physical condition The life of a small miracle depends.

A woman’s body prepares for childbirth in advance; usually, shortly before this, her appetite decreases and, accordingly, the need to go to the toilet. During the birth process, when the fetus emerges from birth canal a significant amount of feces is squeezed out of the intestines, which is why for some time after the birth of a child the woman does not feel the urge to visit the toilet; this break is especially favorable for those who have had stitches during childbirth or hemorrhoids. Women begin to worry about how to go to the toilet in a big way after giving birth with stitches a little later. For many, the problem is aggravated by the presence concomitant diseases such as hemorrhoids, tendency to constipation and others. The use of laxatives is permissible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

First visit to the toilet after childbirth

One of the ways to go to the toilet in a big way after childbirth with stitches and a rupture of the perineum is to take a wet napkin, fold it in layers several times and firmly, but painlessly, apply it to the perineum. Such support is important so that the seams do not come apart, the woman is more confident and calmly does her job.

If it doesn’t work out right away, it’s better to postpone this matter, but not for too long so that you don’t have to resort to more radical methods. With prolonged abstinence, feces become compacted, driven deep inside, and it becomes more and more difficult to get them out. And since the abdominal muscles are stretched, it becomes increasingly difficult for the intestines to fulfill their role. Therefore, doctors recommend running to the toilet in a big way at the first urge, even if the baby is feeding at this time. Otherwise, you can wait a long time for the next calls.

If you have hemorrhoids, you should not eat bread immediately after giving birth - it contributes to constipation. A woman should not be very nervous and worried, because this also causes a delay in bowel movements.

For existing hemorrhoids, relief, duphalac or sea buckthorn suppositories are used. Diet is especially important in the postpartum period. To avoid gas and colic, the child should not drink carbonated drinks, completely eliminate grapes, legumes and rye bread. Gases are almost always an integral part of hemorrhoids. If it is not possible to get rid of them, then the drug espumizan is used as a last resort. Sometimes doctors prescribe enemas, but they do it once and in extreme cases.

Difficulty going to the toilet after childbirth

The problem of constipation after childbirth often occurs because after childbirth, intestinal tone decreases due to relaxed abdominal muscles. Other causes may include difficult childbirth, large blood loss, the use of painkillers or those containing iron, or the use of obstetric forceps.

Another important point, how to go to the toilet in a big way after childbirth with stitches and hemorrhoids - when emptying the intestines, you should not make strong attempts, everything should happen calmly and without tension.

In addition, it aggravates the presence psychological fear the woman herself and her fear of tearing the stitches or disturbing hemorrhoids. But here the body again shows miracles of adaptation in extreme conditions: in the process natural birth in women, the nerves of the perineum are slightly “muffled”, pain sensitivity is significantly reduced. Changed hormonal background helps soften the stool and, even if the mother in labor had problems with stool before childbirth, she will most likely get rid of it after it. Breastfeeding promotes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which activates the intestines and, if a woman responds to the urge in time, defecation occurs painlessly and gently.

What to do? How to go?

When a woman tries to relieve herself, there are some tricks on how to go to the toilet in a big way after giving birth with stitches. Even the posture of the emptying process itself matters. For the greatest comfort, it is better, while sitting on the toilet, to place some object such as a stool or box under your feet, and rest your elbows on your knees - in this position the rectum is in the most relaxed state.

If you suspect an anal fissure, you should immediately consult a specialist.

If nothing helps and the woman feels difficulty in how to go to the toilet after childbirth with stitches, and the suspicion falls on constipation, then you can try to get rid of it with the help special exercises, for example, "vacuum". In a lying position on a hard surface, it is as if all the contents from the abdomen are inhaled into chest. When you inhale deeply, the ribs should move apart, and when you exhale, do your best not to let them come together again, trying to spread them even wider. The stomach seems to “go” under the ribs. Repeat this several times. In addition to solving the problem with stool, this exercise has a powerful healing effect: after childbirth, the abdominal organs will occupy starting position, blood supply to existing hemorrhoids will improve, and muscles pelvic floor get the relaxation you want. Among other things, the “vacuum” exercise will help restore a woman’s flat stomach.

When bowel movements are delayed, it is useful to walk a lot, but do not overwork, do not sit on the toilet for a long time and do not strain.

We should also not forget about the diet of the woman in labor, this is the key to health - for her and the newborn. Pay special attention drinking plenty of fluids: in the morning at least 250-300 ml of liquid, during the day - up to 10 glasses. It is very good to include juices with the pulp of plums, apricots, tomatoes and add a few drops of any vegetable oil to them. You should drink such juices in the morning and before bed.

Eat fresh, non-mealy vegetables (without starch), non-astringent fruits - prunes, dried fruits, apricots, apples. The fiber content of whole grain cereals and bran also promotes regular bowel movements in the postpartum period. But after eating them, you need to drink enough liquid. To avoid constipation in the postpartum period, you must completely avoid chocolate.

In combination with all of the above measures, doctors emphasize the particular importance of physical activity, it helps restore relaxed abdominal muscles, strengthen intestinal tone and the kilograms gained during pregnancy. Even if it’s difficult to move at first, you still need to find the strength to gradually increase the load, only in this way can you recover after childbirth and go to the toilet without any problems after childbirth with stitches and complications.

Constipation for a few days after your baby is born is normal.
In the maternity hospital, you may feel uncomfortable going to the toilet. In addition, it is quite natural to feel some fear of walking in a big way if you have a baby after giving birth.
As a result, you may experience constipation in the first days after your baby is born.
There are several physiological reasons constipation:

  • Levels of the hormone progesterone that increase during pregnancy may continue to affect you after childbirth.
  • During childbirth, the digestive system slows down.
  • You may have taken medications such as pethidine. These medications may slow down your bowel movements.

The risk of constipation increases if:

  • During childbirth, doctors used obstetric forceps and a vacuum extractor;
  • This is not your first birth;
  • you take iron tablets or antidepressants;
  • you have stitches.

Will it hurt to walk big?

Most likely not. You may feel that the area between your vagina and anus (perineum) is numb. This is because the nerves in and around the vagina are stretched after childbirth. Therefore, when you go to the toilet for the first time, you are unlikely to feel anything. Worrying about bowel problems can only make the situation worse. When excited, the anus contracts instead of relaxing. So try to distract yourself. While on the toilet, you can read a magazine or book. If you have stitches, don't worry about them coming apart. On the contrary, the risk of suture rupture increases in the case of constipation, which stretches the pelvic floor.

How to deal with constipation?

After giving birth, try to start eating and drinking regularly as soon as possible. It is best to eat fiber-rich foods, fruits and drink plenty of fluids. Water makes bowel movements easier. The air in maternity hospitals is often dry, so you may become dehydrated unnoticed. makes you thirsty, so you need to drink plenty of fluids. After giving birth, start walking around the room as soon as possible. Prolonged periods of sitting or supine position only increases the likelihood of constipation. If you feel the urge to go to the toilet, do not tolerate it. Sit completely on the toilet rather than sitting over it. (Some women choose to avoid sitting on the toilet entirely in hospital restrooms.) Once seated on the toilet, place your toes on the floor and lift your heels. Your knees should be slightly higher than your hips. If possible, place your feet on a small stand to further elevate your knees. Place your elbows on your knees. The position you need to take should be similar to a squatting position - this is best for bowel movements. This is why some mothers prefer to use a baby potty after giving birth. Then you need to bend forward and straighten up several times so that your abdominal muscles begin to work. As you perform these movements, you should feel the muscles alternately contracting and relaxing. Fold in half sanitary pad and apply it to the perineum or to the place where the stitches are placed. This way you can support your pelvic floor without worrying about the stitches coming apart (they won't). Once the nerves in the perineum have healed, you may experience pain when defecating as the perineum and pelvic floor lower when pushing. Holding the pad in place as described above will support the pelvic floor and provide relief. painful sensations.

What to do if all attempts to go to the toilet are unsuccessful?

Pushing and straining will not help relieve constipation, but may cause pain. Try the following exercises:

  • put your hands on your stomach;
  • pull your abdominal muscles in so that your stomach becomes flat and wide;
  • then do the opposite: relax your muscles and stick out your stomach;
  • retract and protrude your stomach 10 times, the last protrusion should be longer and last about three to five seconds.
  • During the last protrusion, relax your pelvic floor. At this point you should feel movement in your intestines.
  • If nothing happens, don't push. Try doing a few more retractions and protrusions.
  • If still nothing happens, do some pelvic floor exercises and try going to the toilet later.

You may notice that if you eat something or drink a large glass of water or juice, your urge to pee increases. A strong urge may appear after about 15-30 minutes. You should not sit after eating or drinking; it is better to walk a little. If you do not have a bowel movement within three days, consult your doctor. He may prescribe a laxative to stimulate your natural digestive rhythm. Laxatives provide temporary relief, but may cause minor cramping in the abdominal area. First, your doctor may prescribe a laxative liquid form. If it doesn't work within three to four days, your doctor will suggest you try laxative suppositories. It is very important that your doctor gives you a prescription for a laxative and that you do not buy it yourself. The drug you choose depends on what medications you are taking and whether you are breastfeeding. Here are some tips to help prevent long-term constipation:

  • When you feel the urge to go to the toilet, do not tolerate it.
  • Do not take medications that are side effect may cause constipation. These medications include, for example, painkillers, so check with your doctor before taking them.
  • Eat regularly and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Do it daily. For example, walking with a stroller is quite suitable.
  • Talk to your doctor if you have hemorrhoids or anal fissure. Both of these conditions can worsen constipation

The postpartum period often becomes a real test for a woman. Caring for the baby, constant nervous tension and fatigue are complemented by health problems. You can often hear young mothers complaining that they cannot go to the toilet. This problem is relevant for approximately 30% of women in labor. Why this problem occurs and how to avoid it, tricks normal operation intestines.

First visit to the toilet

According to doctors, the first visit to the toilet after the birth of a child should take place immediately after the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward. At this moment you just need to go to the toilet and release bladder, to ensure normal contraction uterus.

If you had a caesarean section, you should go to the toilet after childbirth as soon as you recover from anesthesia. If you cannot stand up on your own, you should ask for a bedpan and empty your bladder. In case of complicated childbirth with stitches in the perineum, going to the sanitary room also does not need to be postponed. Walking small in this case is not dangerous. You don't have to worry about the seams coming apart.

When visiting the toilet you need to remember hygiene procedures. Due to the fact that the cervix is ​​open, germs can enter the woman’s body. To avoid this and not encounter complications such as inflammation of the uterus and other organs, after each visit to the sanitary room it is necessary to wash the genitals warm water using baby soap.

You need to wipe the perineum from front to back so that infections from the anus do not enter the vagina. This rule of wiping after defecation should become a law for every woman and girl, regardless of age. This will help avoid diseases such as cystitis, inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

Difficulty going to the toilet

If in most cases women do not have problems with urination, defecation is difficult for many women in labor. Women in labor complain that it is painful for them to go to the toilet. This problem often occurs after a caesarean section and is most often associated with the fear of stitches coming apart.

Doctors call this condition postpartum constipation.

Today, doctors identify several reasons for the development of postpartum constipation after cesarean section.

  • Side effects of anesthesia. Any surgery carried out using local or general anesthesia. Medicines used for pain relief inhibit bowel function. After surgery, women are given a remedy to restore peristalsis, but in some cases constipation still develops.
  • Psychological fear of seams coming apart. External seams after a cesarean section, they are removed approximately one week after the operation. In this case, a woman may simply be afraid to strain in the toilet.
  • Taking iron supplements. If there is severe blood loss during surgery, the woman receives drugs that restore the level of hemoglobin in the blood. These medications can cause constipation and difficulty bowel movements.
  • False constipation. This is a condition that women invent for themselves. In the first days after a cesarean section, there may be no need to have a bowel movement. This is true for women who had an enema before giving birth. In this case, the intestines are simply empty, because in postoperative period you need to follow a strict diet that excludes the consumption of solid foods. If you do not have the urge to have a bowel movement and are not bothered by bloating, stomach pain, or increased gas production, it is quite possible that you simply do not need to go to the toilet yet.

Prevention measures

If you experience difficulties with bowel movements just once, you need to urgently take measures to prevent the development of constipation. To do this, you need not only to eat right and drink plenty of fluids. A good remedy To prevent constipation, massage the abdomen. If you do not have stitches, you can retract and inflate your stomach alternately; this exercise will help improve the tone of the intestines and restore elasticity to the abdominal muscles.

Prune decoction is used for constipation folk medicine. There are many ways to prepare a decoction, but the following recipe is more effective:

Take a prune fruit and rinse with warm boiled water. Pour boiling water over the fruit at the rate of 1 prune per glass of water. Leave the glass with the berries overnight. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to eat the fruit and drink water from a glass. This needs to be done every day. Treatment can be continued until stool normalizes.