Why does a child moan in his sleep? Why does a small child moan in his sleep? Why does a baby moan in his sleep? reasons

Situations when small child moaning in his sleep, happens quite often. For many mothers, they cause concern, while others do not pay attention to the groans - after all, the child does not wake up. Both are right in their own way. After all, most often night moans are associated with psychological, and not pathological reasons. But sometimes they can also signal health problems. So it’s impossible to completely ignore children’s moans during sleep, especially frequently repeated ones.

Why do babies moan?

A newborn baby sleeps most of the day, mostly in sound, deep sleep. But even during such sleep, 1-2 month old babies very often grunt, moan, toss and turn, and smack their lips. This is how it goes difficult period adaptation of a child who finds himself in a completely unusual environment.

After nine months spent in ideal conditions, the child suddenly finds himself torn out of his comfort zone. He is freezing (the air temperature in the room is much lower than his usual 38 o C), he has to work to get food, wet diapers quickly cool down, even a very comfortable crib cannot be compared with the semi-weightless state in which he floated in the uterus .

The most active development of all organs and systems of the baby occurs during sleep. And his still unformed psyche is trying to cope with the abundance of impressions that he manages to receive during short periods of wakefulness.

Therefore, such a reaction of the body is natural - it relieves mental tension, and shuddering and twitching contribute to better muscle relaxation.

A child under one year old may moan in his sleep for the following reasons:

As you can see, most of the reasons are not at all dangerous to health and are quite easily eliminated. Even with a problem like intestinal colic, you can cope with the help dill water, special drops, properly selected nutrition (for artificial patients) and abdominal massage.

Therefore, if the baby is healthy, active and eats well, then before sounding the alarm, the mother should watch him for a while. If night moans occur from time to time, it is enough to use simple preventive measures, which we will discuss below to quickly get rid of the problem.

But if you notice obvious changes in the child’s behavior: he began to eat worse, sleep less, often scream and cry, the temperature rose, other alarming symptoms- There is no need to postpone a visit to the pediatrician.

Constant sleep problems in infants may be one of the signs of a physical or mental illness.

From one to three years

The reasons why a child begins to moan in his sleep at this age are mainly psychological. A period of active exploration of the world begins, the duration of wakefulness increases significantly, and new impressions manage to accumulate every day in such a quantity that the child’s psyche copes with great difficulty.

Naturally, a tired brain has to process some part of the information during sleep, especially if the child is very overtired. At this age, the first childhood fears appear. Sleep becomes restless and persists motor activity, the baby can make sounds, jump out of the crib, scream and cry without waking up, moan and toss and turn at midnight.

There is even one medical term, as “sleep regression in a child.” This is a temporary decrease in the quality and duration of night sleep, a disruption of the usual sleep-wake cycle.

Most often, sleep regressions occur in children aged one, one and a half and two years. And each of them is closely connected with the transition of the child’s psyche to the next stage.

There is no need to be afraid of such changes. Everyone goes through them, you just need to be patient and react correctly to what is happening. In a calm, friendly atmosphere at home, physically and mentally healthy child Periods of age-related sleep regressions rarely last more than 2-3 weeks. Then everything stabilizes, and the child begins to sleep peacefully again, only occasionally moaning through sleep.

If you see that the problem is becoming protracted, the child constantly moans or cries in his sleep, often wakes up, is afraid to be left alone and categorically does not want to go to bed in the evenings, you will have to look for the reasons.

Calm sound sleep is important for the baby, so if you can’t do it yourself, you should definitely seek help from specialists.

Most common reasons According to which a child from one to three years old moans in his sleep, they are considered:

Children who have already begun to attend nurseries or early development groups and actively communicate with their peers may also become more restless for a while. They have already more or less determined their place in the family, and now they have to start all over again, trying to adapt to a completely new environment and defend their place in society.

The child is sick

The pathological cause of moaning may be illness or pain. By this age, the mother has already studied her own child well enough to easily recognize even signs of the disease that are not obvious to others, but understandable to her.

You should immediately consult a doctor if moaning during sleep is accompanied by other alarming symptoms:

  • significant increase in body temperature;
  • heavy sweating during sleep;
  • enlarged lymph nodes and/or their soreness;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing;
  • sharp or suffocating cough;
  • noticeable enlargement of the tonsils;
  • skin redness, rashes, etc.;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen with or without bloating;
  • severe diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

In this case, the child is definitely moaning because he is very sick and needs urgent medical attention.

But sometimes regular night moans and bad dream may be signs of neurosis or mental disorders in the development of the baby. Serious mental disorders are most often discovered in the maternity hospital or during regular preventive examinations kids.

Some mental illness begin to appear only with age: the child becomes nervous, aggressive or, conversely, too inhibited, lags behind in development, has serious problems in communication with others.

Only a doctor can help in this case, and the sooner a diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the greater the chance that the baby will catch up with his peers and continue to develop normally.

Prevention measures

Completely eliminate the possibility that the night will pass restless, and the baby will begin to moan and cry in his sleep, which is impossible even with perfect care and a wonderful psychological environment at home.

The child's psyche is unstable and unpredictable, so from time to time sleepless nights will still happen.

Do children's sleep The following tips will help you feel more comfortable and reduce the likelihood of unpleasant dreams:

It is very important to establish and maintain a trusting relationship with the child, talk to him about what worries him, and allow him to “throw out” the impressions accumulated during the day. But it is advisable to do this during the day. And “intimate conversations” before bed should only be calm and pleasant. You can dream about tomorrow or create a story together with a good ending.

Remember that young children are very dependent on emotional state parents. If the mother is tired and constantly irritated, the child will worry and consider himself to blame, even if this is not the case.

Therefore, try, if possible, to organize a comfortable daily routine for yourself, in which you will have enough time to relax and restore your psyche. Calmness also greatly depends on this deep sleep baby.

The physiology of the child’s sleep process differs from that of an adult and has its own characteristics. Should parents sound the alarm if their baby moans in his sleep? Most often, the symptom is associated with psychological issues, but can be a manifestation somatic diseases. Let's try to figure out when moaning at night is not dangerous, and in what cases it makes sense to immediately contact a specialist.

Sleep disorders are often inextricably linked with mental illness or pathology internal organs. Anxiety, depression, fear, fever, injury, cough, itching, pain, prescription of certain medications - all this can cause restless sleep.

Attention! Insomnia is sometimes a trigger for mental and behavioral disorders, so it is important to identify and eliminate the provoking factor.

Main problems:

  • it is very difficult for the baby to fall asleep;
  • circadian rhythm disorder;
  • be restful sleep and frequent awakenings at night.

Correction of conditions caused by failure of sleep patterns during the day requires strict individual approach. Cause of staying awake at night in children younger age damage to the nervous system may occur, and during puberty, lack of self-discipline.

Experiencing frightening events can cause scary dreams. Infants usually do not wake up, but sob, rush about, and begin to moan. In older children, stress causes night terrors, enuresis, and sleepwalking.

Moaning in a child’s sleep: explanation of the phenomenon depending on age

Pediatricians like to repeat that a child is not a miniature version of an adult. A newborn sleeps most of the day, but this is not the main difference.

Features of infant sleep:

To find out the reason why a child moans in his sleep, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s age, his desires, the habits of family members, factors environment, heredity. Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky advises parents to take care of the maximum comfort of the place where the baby will sleep. It is customary to divide sleep disorders into the main problem and the consequence. pathological processes.

Newborn period

The first month is the time to adapt to long road life. The baby is completely dependent on its mother. The only means of communication with the outside world for a newborn is screaming.

A little person may grunt, moan, breathe rapidly, toss and turn, and whine in his sleep for the following reasons:

  • forced position as a result of tight swaddling or an unsuccessful crib;
  • clothing made from artificial fabrics;
  • uncomfortable air temperature;
  • feeling of hunger;
  • pathological conditions.

Important! Most often, during the newborn period, the baby moans in his sleep due to lack of care. Parents strive to provide their son or daughter with the best, and are surprised when an expensive suit causes diaper rash, and the child feels too hot in a beautiful stroller.

Infancy up to one year

Cause when grown up infant moans in sleep, may be the same as in a newborn. During this period of life, sudden awakenings at night are observed, the baby screams, does not respond to adults’ calls, and ignores the mother’s breast or a bottle of food. Such conditions are often caused by infantile colic, which goes away on its own by the end of the first year.

The appearance of the first teeth preventive vaccinations, communication with strangers can cause night moans. Another reason for a baby’s restless sleep is overexcitation. Important! A favorable environment is necessary during the period of falling asleep. Children acutely feel the emotional experiences of loved ones. The child should not witness quarrels and showdowns.

Nursery period up to three years

The time of the most active knowledge of the world around us. The baby’s psyche cannot cope with processing the information received during the day. The child may wake up, roll over in bed, sob, talk, and moan.

Scientists call this condition sleep regression. It involves impaired quality of nighttime rest in young children.

Sleep regression is caused by:

  • fatigue after excessive physical activity;
  • stress and psychological fatigue;
  • discomfort at the moment of falling asleep;
  • consequences of emotional communication with peers.

Many kids go to kindergarten, which creates additional psychological stress. The risk of infectious diseases increases.

Three-year-olds and older children

After three years Problems in sleep occur due to night phobias and nightmares. Fears arise during the transition from the third to the fourth phase slow sleep. This corresponds to approximately one and a half hours after falling asleep. The baby screams and does not react to others. Noted increased sweating, tachycardia, rapid breathing. It seems that the child has woken up, but the children do not know what exactly they were dreaming about, fall asleep easily and practically do not remember the night attack.

Nightmares happen during the phase REM sleep, after midnight or early in the morning. The baby finally wakes up and remembers the dream well. Of course, after the horror he experienced, he couldn’t sleep for a long time.


  • bullying of children;
  • disturbing events throughout the day;
  • some medications.

Attention! Teenagers suffer from insomnia and difficulty falling asleep. This is due to excessive mental stress, puberty, emotional arousal, infatuation computer games, non-compliance with the daily routine.

The child moans due to illness

Why is it important to take any manifestations of restless sleep seriously? Minor disorders go away on their own, but sometimes they can act as the “first signs” of dangerous pathologies.

The quality of sleep is disrupted in the first two days of illness. Why is this happening?

Infectious diseases have a so-called prodromal period, when the body is already sick, but has not yet had time to fully respond. Clinical symptoms appear the next day, and on at the moment intoxication occurs - the production of toxic substances pathogenic microorganisms. They excite nervous system and brain structures responsible for falling asleep.

Suspicious symptoms

It is difficult for parents to decide on their own whether their son or daughter needs emergency care. Therefore, it is better to consult a pediatrician if the child begins to moan in his sleep.

It is necessary to sound the alarm and immediately contact a specialist when the following signs occur:

Important to know! If the baby is lethargic, weakly reacts to the surrounding environment, and sleeps for a long time, this is also a sign of intoxication. Doctors call the above-mentioned condition pathological drowsiness. It serves as a signal of a developing catastrophe in the body and is a reason to obtain immediate consultation with a medical professional.

Parents' actions

To understand possible reason sobbing at night, sometimes it is enough to carefully analyze the situation and monitor the child. The baby himself will “tell” what is bothering him - wet diapers or heat in the room.

Anemia and rickets need drug therapy. Lack of hemoglobin dooms the brain to oxygen starvation, and vitamin D deficiency promotes sweating, which causes overexcitation of the nervous system.

Some parents, having noticed a rash, try to give Suprastin as quickly as possible, and if they have a cough, they prescribe an antibiotic on their own. It is understandable to worry and want to help yourself dear person, but changes in the skin are not always caused by allergies, and before treating a cold, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis.

Preventing moaning and other sleep disturbances in children

Properly organized healthy sleep baby - a favorable environment for all family members. Prevent night groans and provide good rest Dr. Komarovsky’s advice will help.

You need to do the following:

  • take care of the health of parents;
  • clearly define your sleep schedule;
  • choose a comfortable place to rest at night;
  • avoid oversleeping during the day;
  • organize rational feeding;
  • distribute physical and emotional stress throughout the day;
  • thoroughly ventilate the room and do not neglect wet cleaning;
  • pay due attention to evening swimming;
  • choose correctly bedding and nightwear;
  • Choose your night diaper carefully.

Advice! It is important for fathers and mothers of teenagers not to forget that the psyche at this age is extremely unstable. Parental Controls should be unobtrusive, but it is necessary. A young person needs the understanding and friendly support of elders, as well as proper organization sleep and wakefulness patterns.

It is sometimes difficult for parents of a newborn to understand what exactly is bothering the baby, because he himself is still too young to explain anything. How can he communicate his discomfort, let mom and dad know that something is bothering him? The baby may grunt and strain during sleep or while eating. Sharp twitching of the legs is also a sign of a “complaint”. What do these signals mean and what should parents do to help the baby in time?

If the baby grunts and strains, and his movements become strained, the baby experiences some kind of discomfort

Causes of groaning and pushing of a child

There may be several reasons why a baby constantly strains and groans in his sleep. Each of them will have its own individual solution. What to do and where to start? To solve a problem that has arisen, it is necessary to identify its root, so first we will deal with the root causes of such troubled behavior.

Adaptation to a changed environment

When a newborn baby groans and stretches, but does not cry, then the baby’s adaptation to the outside world is to blame for this behavior. These symptoms are typical for children under 2 months of age. Appearance similar signs at an older age it will be a signal of completely different reasons.

Difficulty breathing due to crusts or mucus in the nose

The reason that a newborn baby groans may be a clogged nasal passage. As a result of complicated breathing, grunting may also appear. You can relieve your baby of discomfort by rinsing his nose daily in the morning and evening. Any type is suitable for this procedure. saline solutions for children (Aquamaris, Aqualor).

Intestinal colic

All mothers and fathers know that excessive formation of gases in the intestines leads to pressure on the walls - this pressure is felt very painfully by the baby. How does the baby signal this? When a newborn baby groans, arches and turns red, it is probably colic that is tormenting him (we recommend reading:). He can kick his legs, scream, fidget, and toss and turn. In such a situation, the baby sleeps extremely restlessly all night. Undoubtedly, parents should be aware of how to help their baby and relieve him of pain.

Retention of stool

When mothers notice that the newborn is straining and has not had a bowel movement for several days, the problem of constipation is quite obvious. She must decide as follows: necessary if the baby is on breastfeeding, or change the mixture if the baby is on an artificial type of feeding.

If a child is constipated, parents should not select a laxative or use an enema on their own. Most best option– consultation with a pediatrician. The inability to visit a doctor for any reason necessitates the use of children's glycerin suppositories.

Glycerin suppositories effectively solve the problem of bowel movements, but they can only be used as a last resort

Physiological age characteristics

Parents may not worry if the baby strains and grunts during defecation, but there are no other disturbing symptoms - for example, a newborn baby does not curl up his legs and does not cry or moan. Difficulty in defecation occurs as a result of the unformed anal muscle, and the baby’s soft stool does not have a very active effect on the rectum. Due to these features, the newborn baby strains during defecation, but he feels good. It is important to monitor the regularity and quality of bowel movements. They should be within normal limits.

Inconsistency of clothing with temperature conditions

A newborn grunts if he is uncomfortable. Excluding the troubles associated with abdominal pain, the cause of restless sleep may be too hot or not enough warm clothes baby. Parents should also make sure that the sheet or diaper does not wrinkle at night, otherwise this can cause discomfort and anxiety for the baby.

The baby's sleepwear and bedding must fully match temperature conditions rooms

The baby spits up and strains after feeding

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These two actions do not signal common problem. Most likely, one action causes the next. For example, if a child makes attempts after feeding, and the reasons for this can be very different (colic, constipation or physiological characteristics), then it may appear later, as after any active actions immediately after eating.

Noticing the baby's capriciousness during feeding in the absence of any signs of colic or constipation, the mother should conclude that the problem lies in the feeding process itself. You need to make sure there is no obstruction in the flow of milk from your breast or bottle. It is important to exclude possible stagnation of milk.

Causes of pushing in your sleep

It does not matter at what time the newborn pushes. Similar situations absolutely natural both for sleep and for the waking period. By pushing in his sleep and without waking up, the child feels quite comfortable - there is nothing to worry about.

It is important for the mother to find out the reason for waking up at night and understand why the child is pushing, arching, moaning or simply groaning. An overly excited state and crying should also alert parents, because the above may be symptoms of one of the problems mentioned earlier.

If the baby pushes in his sleep, but does not even wake up, you should not wake the child - at this moment he does not experience discomfort

When to contact specialists?

Common problems encountered in newborns can be resolved independently, without seeking help. medical care. In this case, we are talking about colic or constipation that does not have a chronic basis. Continuous straining, unusual sounds and crying are signals to call a doctor. Serious illness The gastrointestinal tract, in addition to the characteristic pushing and groaning, has a number of additional symptoms. Here are 3 signs that indicate the seriousness of the problem:

  1. Vomit. Children with narrowed nasal passages experience suffocation and strong tension abdominal muscles. All this complements the existing groaning and is accompanied by vomiting. Vomiting is also possible when stuffing respiratory tract- for example, food. Stomach lesions and so-called “plugs” in the esophagus are another reason for vomiting. Main source vomiting in combination with pushing - disorders of the nervous system.
  2. Decreased appetite. Infectious diseases like viral stomatitis may cause poor appetite. Children cannot eat due to pain.
  3. Weight loss. Infectious diseases accompanied by fever can cause weight loss. Also this symptom typical for children with intestinal diseases, asthma or diabetes.

We treat ourselves

It is believed that time is best medicine for tummy problems in a newborn. After 3 months, all the troubles end - the baby and the parents begin to sleep peacefully. So, should you just wait and watch how the newborn baby groans in his sleep and suffers? Of course, this is not true. Doctors recommend using in such cases various methods, both medicinal and more gentle. Having determined the source of the problem, they begin to apply appropriate relief measures.

Colic (increased gas production)

  • . It is necessary to make stroking movements with your palm on the baby's tummy. Movements should be circular, clockwise.
  • You can help your baby during attacks by giving him a pacifier. Sucking reduces the amount of gas in the intestines.
  • . This can be done before each meal and while awake.
  • After each feeding, it is recommended to hold the baby in a column for at least 5 minutes. After this, the baby should be given the opportunity to lie quietly.
  • The “bicycle” exercise is very useful. Alternate pressing your legs to your tummy, as well as synchronized movements to the stomach and back.
  • When feeding, make sure your baby is latching onto your breast or nipple correctly. It is important that the baby does not swallow air.
  • will help during periods of attacks.
  • Warm compress. Place a warm diaper, ironed, on your baby's tummy.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should adhere to the diet as strictly as possible until 3 months of age to reduce the likelihood increased gas formation(we recommend reading: ).
  • Fennel decoction is an excellent companion in eliminating gas.
  • Emergency assistance - gas exhaust tube. Use it only in extreme cases.

Carminatives containing simethicone will help relieve. Similar medicines must be prescribed by a doctor. Preparations based on lactic acid bacteria will be useful in this case.

Special massage techniques will help relieve the pain of a child with colic. They are carried out strictly according to the instructions


  • When feeding your baby breast milk You should avoid foods in your diet that cause gas or have a fixing effect. Preferred Products will be: fermented milk products, plum, zucchini, vegetable oils, bran bread, prunes, dried apricots, buckwheat porridge. Let's list what it is better to avoid: potatoes, bananas, flour premium in any bakery products, coffee, legumes, rice, rich broths, fatty meat. The list can be modified according to your preferences. Please note that some products may cause allergic reaction in a child. We recommend keeping a food diary in which you will record information about what food you ate and how it affected your child.
  • Drinking should be in sufficient quantity.
  • A breastfed baby should receive additional vitamin D. Its deficiency negatively affects intestinal function and causes constipation.
  • Warm baths should be regular and as long as possible, of course, at the child’s request.
  • Constantly perform infant gymnastics.
  • In acute situations, it is possible to use a gas vent tube.
  • When constipation has become regular, you should take a “stool test for carbohydrates” - a test that will help identify lactose intolerance. Lactose helps create beneficial microflora in the intestines and helps absorb calcium and iron. Its lack provokes constipation and other tummy problems.

Constipation without chronic form, does not require admission medicines on a regular basis - this is what pediatricians say, for example, Dr. Komarovsky. Your doctor may recommend that in extreme cases, if you have not had a bowel movement for more than two days, use glycerin suppositories. Also, sometimes pediatricians advise using microenemas. They include special solution, which is designed to dilute the contents of the intestines. Never choose a drug to treat constipation on your own - this should only be done by an experienced doctor.

Treat, but do not harm

Groaning and struggling of the baby without other additional symptoms require initially non-drug help from parents. Potions can irritate an already overloaded stomach. Treatment “just in case” is not acceptable. In the absence of serious pathologies, parents are able to help the baby without resorting to medications.

Parents often notice that the child moans in his sleep. This condition causes mothers not only anxiety, but also a number of questions about what this problem is related to. Most often, children start moaning because psychological factors. However, in some cases, such sounds signal the development of a number of pathologies. In view of this, it is not recommended to ignore the problem.

Why does a child moan in his sleep? There may be several reasons for this condition:

  • The baby is teething. As a rule, the appearance of the first milk teeth is always accompanied by pain. Moreover, the child may scream due to severe pain at night;
  • The baby moans due to the accumulation of gases in the tummy. A similar problem is more often observed after the baby has eaten heavily;
  • If the baby was born premature, he will also frighten you with nighttime moans. In this condition, parents need to wait until the baby’s condition stabilizes, after which the frightening sounds will disappear forever;
  • The kids begin to moan when their sleep cycle changes. This is due to the fact that in infants the body adapts to a new environment. Moreover, the process is accompanied not only by groans, but also by sobbing, as well as trembling of the body.

Important: Even newborn babies dream. A smile on the face of a sleeping man indicates that he is dreaming pleasant dream. But if the baby is tormented by nightmares, his behavior becomes alarming. In addition, moaning, sobbing and even crying can be heard.

The main reason why a baby sobs and moans in his sleep is mostly due to physiological factors. And as a rule, when children's body the adaptation process goes through, problems in the form of night moaning disappear without a trace.

It is worth highlighting separately that sometimes children can moan and grunt in their sleep if they experience positive emotions. This happens due to the fact that during rest the brain intensively digests all the information received by the child during the day. And if the memory reveals moments of communication with parents, funny games and other pleasant moments, a smile appears on the sleeper’s face, and he himself groans.

And lastly, newborns maintain a strong emotional connection with their mother for a long time. All this affects the child’s condition. For example, if the mother is not nearby, the baby begins to moan or cry. You can solve this problem by rocking the baby to sleep nearby, and then transferring him to the crib.

Why do babies moan?

Why does a child under one year old moan? As mentioned above, this problem arises due to adaptation. During pregnancy, the baby is in the mother's womb almost ideal conditions. However, with birth, conditions change.

If earlier nutrients came through the umbilical cord, now the baby needs to work hard to get food for itself. In addition, wet diapers and not always suitable air temperature add discomfort.

In addition, a baby may whine and moan for a number of reasons:

  • with excessively tight swaddling. In such a situation, the baby does not have the opportunity to move his limbs normally, as a result of which dissatisfaction with groaning appears;
  • uncomfortable sleeping place. If the bed causes discomfort, the child begins to moan or cry;
  • wet diapers. As mentioned above, wet things can provoke moaning;
  • excessive overwork, due to which sleep becomes superficial. Because of this, the baby can not only moan, but also cry;
  • hungry children also react to this problem by moaning in their sleep;
  • if the air in the room is very hot, children experience a lack of oxygen, which provokes groans;
  • extraneous sounds. Loud conversations in the room can disturb the baby's rest and thereby cause groaning, and then waking up;
  • another provocateur of the disease problem under consideration or painful sensations. These include teething or colds;
  • nightmares. Many parents believe that babies cannot dream. Actually this is not true. From birth, babies dream and they are not always pleasant.

Important: During sleep, newborns undergo active development of all important systems and organs. In addition, the so-called psychological pressure is removed and you relax. muscle mass. All this provokes the manifestation of twitching and groaning.

Most of the problems that cause moaning to be heard from the nursery are not dangerous to health. Moreover, they are easily eliminated by removing the provoking factor. Well, to find out the origin of the problem you need to take a closer look at the baby. If in daytime he is active, eats well and is cheerful, in which case there is no reason to sound the alarm.

However, if a child behaves lethargically during the daytime, eats poorly, sleeps less and is capricious, parents should immediately show the baby to a doctor.

Moans in children from one to three years old

Why do children from one to three years moan? If earlier similar problem was not observed, then most likely the provocateur is of psychological origin. Closer to 1.5 years, children's waking time increases significantly. In addition, every day the brain accumulates a large amount of information, which is sometimes difficult to process. As a result, the body becomes very tired.

In addition to the problem described above, night moans can be provoked by a number of other provocateurs:

  • long-term physical activity leading to fatigue;
  • receiving large quantity information, often provokes an increase blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and severe headaches. All this causes mental stress, as a result of which the child groans and tosses and turns in his sleep;
  • By this period, children develop fears. Almost anything that is unknown to him can scare a baby. As a result, in a dream the child may begin to whine and moan;
  • another problem that provokes moaning in sleep, uncomfortable conditions for a night's rest. If a child runs around a lot, he can fall asleep in any position and place. However, after a short period the child will begin to moan;
  • From birth, children sense well when their mother is nervous or if the atmosphere in the house is tense. Moreover, by the age of 1.5-2 years, children understand when their parents are quarreling. All this often provokes the appearance of night moans;
  • visiting preschool institutions is also often the culprit for the occurrence of frightening sounds at night. The reason is that active communication with other children provokes temporary anxiety. As a rule, if this is the problem, the night moaning will disappear within a couple of weeks.

Children's experiences often result in nightmares. This condition is called in medicine as rest regression in children. This problem is temporary and disappears as soon as the stage of mental adaptation is completed.

Regression occurs 3 times:

  • at 1 year old;
  • one and a half;
  • and at two years old.

There is no need to be afraid of such a state. As a rule, absolutely all children go through them, since it is a natural process. During these periods, the main task of parents is to establish a friendly atmosphere in the house. When all three stages have passed, the child's sleep will normalize, the child will stop moaning and waking up at night.

However, if the parents find that the problem is protracted and the baby is bothered by symptoms such as:

  • groans are observed regularly;
  • crying occurs in a dream;
  • waking up is frequent;
  • the baby is afraid to be left alone;
  • there is a categorical reluctance to go to bed.

If such signs occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps the problem lies in the development of pathological diseases.

If the cause of moaning is the development of pathology

In some cases, night moans signal to parents about the development of pathological processes in the child’s body. As a rule, in this condition, the sounds made by the child in his sleep will be accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • increased body temperature;
  • problems with normal breathing and the appearance of wheezing;
  • excessive sweating;
  • an increase in the size of lymph nodes;
  • cough, suffocating;
  • the appearance of rashes on the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain accompanied by bloating.

Regular sounds at night should alert parents. Moreover, if they are accompanied by frequent waking up, it is not recommended to ignore the problem. Remember, lack of sleep makes it worse general condition child. In addition, this condition leads to the development of neuroses and mental disorders.

Important: Moans at night can signal mental disorders. In fact, such a state will be expressed by aggressiveness towards others. Therefore, visiting a pediatrician should be mandatory.

Often serious deviations mental nature are diagnosed in children in the maternity hospital. However, there are others dangerous conditions, which can only be discovered when the child reaches a certain age.

How to prevent night symptoms

Unfortunately, there is not always a healthy psychological atmosphere in the home and proper care guarantee a restful sleep for the child. And the reason, first of all, is that the child’s psyche is unstable and unpredictable. However, despite these important factors, parents can still create conditions that will minimize negative nighttime manifestations.

The famous children's pediatrician Komarovsky claims that following several rules will help minimize the consequences of discomfort during rest, namely:

  • a few hours before bedtime, stop any active games. The baby needs to be given time to calm down before resting;
  • stick to the feeding schedule and do not overfeed the baby at night;
  • fairy tales with scary storyline or stories with a negative ending should not be heard from parents;
  • bedding for children should be made from natural fabrics. In addition, when purchasing a mattress and pillow, give preference to orthopedic models;
  • If your child sleeps in his room, turn on a night light for him. With this simple device you can prevent fear of the dark.

Important: Take an interest in the child’s life, have conversations with him, and then any looming problem will be solved. However, remember, it is better to ask about what is causing concern during the daytime. Towards evening, the child’s body needs to reduce the intensity of emotions.

In addition, do not forget about daily walks fresh air. And lastly, try to build a trusting relationship with your child. Let him share new impressions, so parents will be able to find out what the child is afraid of and promptly eliminate the problem that has arisen.

Night moans are overwhelmingly not considered dangerous pathology. However, if such a condition is accompanied by a number of other negative factors, the parents’ task is to visit a doctor as soon as possible.