Useful and medicinal properties of wild garlic (flasks, onions). Siberian wild garlic (flask) - growing on site Is the flask good for health

One of the most unpretentious plants you can find is the flask. This plant popularly has several other variants: wild garlic, bear onion or wild onion. Each region has its own name. In addition to its unpretentiousness, wild garlic is distinguished by unique composition which is useful to the human body. The plant is used for food and also for medicinal purposes.

What kind of plant is this

Many people are interested in what a flask (plant) is, because about it useful properties oh they say all the time. You can find wild onions in various climatic conditions, even in the tundra zone. It is most common in Europe, Turkey, and the Caucasus. You can find wild garlic both in the mountains and in meadows and shady forests.

Depending on the place of growth and climatic conditions, the beneficial properties of the plant may vary. Wild garlic, which grows in mountainous areas, is considered the most valuable for humans.

Wild garlic flask

Wild garlic is most valued in Siberia; it is eaten in early spring as a nutritious green that is rich in vitamins. Its application is very relevant in spring period when the greatest vitamin deficiency is observed.

Plant species

There are several types of wild garlic, which are united under one name - wild onion. All varieties are distinguished by a rather pungent garlic odor, due to the presence of the corresponding essential oil. There are only two types that are most common and most often used by humans: the victory bow and the bear bow. Many people are looking for the difference between flask and wild garlic, but in general they are one plant. Most often, the victory onion is called a flask, and the bear's onion is called wild garlic. That's all the differences.

Victory bow

This type of plant is the most widespread. Most of it is in Siberia, and is also found in the Far East, the Urals, Bashkiria and the European part of Russia. The Novosibirsk region has large plantings. It can be found in the Carpathian mountains and the Caucasus. Siberian wild garlic - this is what the victorious onion is often called; in Latin it sounds AllumuictorialisL. Belongs to the Onion family (Alliaceae). This is a fairly large plant that can reach a height of up to 0.7 m. Its main distinctive feature is a slightly oblique rhizome that unites one or more bulbs. The flowers are collected in a large umbrella, quite small and colored greenish-white. The growth period occurs in June-July.

Victory bow

Bear onion

This type of plant is distributed exclusively in the western European part of Russia (Baltic states, Carpathians, Polesie). It is much less common in the western part of the steppe region, for example, in the Tula and Oryol regions. Prefers shady forests.

Due to the popularity of the bear bow among humans, it has become very a rare occurrence, because it is listed in the Red Book. The collection of bulbs is restricted in most areas and is completely prohibited in some, e.g. Stavropol region. This type of wild onion has only one bulb without a rhizome. The height of the triangular stem reaches 15-40 cm. At the very base of the stem there are two leaves with long petioles. The flowers are small and collected in semicircular inflorescences white. Flowering occurs in May-June.

Bear onion

Composition of wild garlic

As already noted, the flask or wild garlic plant has a unique composition that is very useful for the human body, especially during the spring period of vitamin deficiency.

The energy value of 100 g of greens is as follows:

  • Proteins – 2.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 6.5 g;
  • Fiber – 1 g;
  • Fats – 0.1 g.

Interesting fact. Contains a large number of vitamins. Basically, it is ascorbic acid. There is approximately 10 times more of it in wild onions than in any citrus fruit.

Amount of vitamins per 100 g/mg

Name of vitaminAmount 100 g/mg
WITH100 mg
A4200 mcg
B10.03 mcg
B20.1 mcg
B60.2 mcg
B940 mcg

There are no minerals in this wild herb, but this point is replaced by the presence of other useful active substances in the composition:

  • Lysozyme;
  • Organic acids;
  • Allicin glycoside;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Various essential oils.

Useful properties

The composition contains a special essential oil, which is responsible for the pungent garlic smell, as well as the pungent taste. Because of this feature, wild garlic is actively used as a seasoning in early spring. There are many recipes that contain wild onions. Such dishes are very popular where it grows. Those who prefer garlic most like to use wild garlic. The flask is also chosen because after consumption there is no bad breath left, which is characteristic of dishes with garlic.

Besides the good ones taste qualities, onion flask also has medicinal properties. It is recommended to use this product more often for those who have problems with their work. gastrointestinal tract that, as well as other digestive organs.

Useful components that are present in the composition:

  • Stimulates bile production;
  • Improve appetite;
  • Normalize intestinal function;
  • Accelerate metabolic processes.

Regular consumption of the wild garlic plant also has a positive effect on other aspects of health:

  • Improves the condition of arthritis, purulent otitis, rheumatism;
  • Strengthens the nervous system;
  • Removes bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • Increases the level of immunity;
  • Eliminates the state of vitamin deficiency;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Prevents the appearance of excess cholesterol.

Very useful plant wild garlic is considered for men. To increase potency, it is enough to regularly eat the stems and leaves of the plant.

Women will appreciate it cosmetic properties wild onion. A mask made from leaves can even out your complexion and remove age spots and just lighten the skin. To do this, the leaves are crushed into a paste and applied to the skin.


Like any plant, wild garlic can not only be beneficial, but also harmful. Especially if you eat a large amount of the product. An overdose (more than 20 leaves per day of wild garlic) can cause the following conditions:

  • Indigestion;
  • Dizziness;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Edema;
  • At peptic ulcer exacerbations may occur;
  • Insomnia.

The main contraindication for taking the plant is an allergic reaction, as well as individual intolerance to garlic. The list of restrictions on the use of wild garlic includes the following conditions and diseases:

  • Pancreatitis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Cholesterol;
  • Inflammation of the intestines or stomach;
  • Hepatitis.

Features of cultivation

Man not only relies on nature and the wild flora. He had long ago learned how to grow flask at home. Ramson is an unpretentious plant that tolerates shade well. Therefore, you can set aside a place for it near a fence in the garden or a wall. But at the same time, it is important that the soil is not acidic; a large amount of organic matter should first be added to it (2-3 buckets of compost for each square meter). Germinate on one permanent place wild garlic can last for several years; it is very convenient that weeds do not pose a threat to an adult plant.


It is best to plant wild garlic with bulbs, but if it is not possible to find such planting material, you can use seeds for cultivation. Since in wildlife The seeds ripen in July and then lie in the soil until spring, so sowing should be done in the summer. The first year the seedlings will be thin and weak, and already the next season after winter they can be plucked and planted in a permanent place.

Attention! If you allow massive annual shedding of seeds, then you should be prepared for the fact that a new weed called wild garlic will appear in the garden.


Agricultural requirements for caring for wild garlic are minimal. The main thing is to be able to reproduce natural conditions germination. To do this, it is worth monitoring the soil moisture in dry weather. When weeding, do not loosen the soil too deeply. It is better to add mulch during the procedure to keep the soil loose and moist. Bulb or wild garlic is not too weed-resistant, but nettle and wheatgrass roots can damage the bulbs by piercing them through.

How to choose the right product

Not all wild onion leaves can be used for food. You can use greens for food from the very early spring, when the air temperature warms up to 12 degrees. It is worth collecting greens only before flowering, since after this the foliage becomes tough and tasteless and at the same time loses all its nutritional properties.

The leaves should be juicy and, when pressed, release juice with a pungent garlic odor. If the leaves look limp and rough, then they were collected after flowering. The collection must be carried out at the correct period.

Important! It is important to be very careful when harvesting wild garlic foliage as they are very similar to lilies of the valley. The latter are very poisonous to humans. Before you go in search of healthy greens, you should clearly understand what kind of flask plant it is, and how to distinguish it from lily of the valley.

Pests and their control

A plant such as wild garlic is characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests. But still, leaf miner larvae often appear on young leaves of the plant. In this case, it is recommended to water the plant with a 1% solution of simple salt, and repeat watering early in the morning, but with plain water.

Wild garlic can also suffer from rust. It is worth starting treatment at the first signs of damage. To do this, use ready-made fungicides or prepare a special composition: add 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water. l. copper oxychloride and soap. Repeated treatment is carried out after 14 days. Leaves treated in this way can be eaten only after 2 weeks. They are thoroughly washed under running water.

A simple, uncomplicated plant, wild garlic grows on many edges and forests, but not everyone uses it for food, and in vain. After all, you can make good use of the gifts of nature. If there are no areas with a flask nearby, then such a plant can be easily grown in your garden.


Victory onion (ramson) (Allium victoralis L.)- a small perennial bulbous plant with a garlicky scent, of the lily family with two or three large elliptical leaves and flowers collected in a hemispherical or spherical inflorescence. The bulbs are conical-cylindrical in shape, covered with grayish-brown reticular fibrous membranes. The bulbs are long, covered with mesh membranes, sit on a small rhizome, the stem is up to 75 cm high, up to 6 mm thick, straight. The flowers are small, whitish-green, collected in an umbrella. Blooms in May-June. The fruits are capsules with black seeds. The plant has a strong garlic odor. Found in the forests of the Urals, Siberia, Far East, Caucasus. In the forests of the European part of Russia and the Caucasus, another type of wild garlic is found - bear's onion.

All parts of the plant contain essential oil and vitamin C. Pungent taste and a significant amount ascorbic acid(vitamin C) give wild garlic nutritional value.

Useful properties

The leaves are the medicinal raw material. The plant contains ascorbic acid, essential oil with a pungent garlic odor, protein, soluble mineral and nitrogen-free extractives, lysozyme and phytoncides, which have a strong antibiotic action.

How medicinal plant it is often used for scurvy and atherosclerosis. She also has antihelminthic effect, enhances intestinal motility and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

Wild garlic is used for treatment pustular diseases skin and other diseases. For the treatment of trichomonas colpitis, the drug urzall, proposed for the treatment of trichomonas colpitis, and the essential oil urzaline, used for the treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores.

IN folk medicine In the Caucasus, it is used for various intestinal infectious diseases. Even in ancient Rome, wild garlic was considered good remedy, “cleansing the stomach and blood.” This opinion was also preserved among the doctors of the Middle Ages. As a “blood cleanser,” wild garlic is still used in folk medicine in many countries, where it is prescribed for skin rashes and scrofulous lichens.

An infusion of wild garlic leaves is recommended for fever and colds. Raw wild garlic is eaten for atherosclerosis and worms, alcohol tincture used for rubbing as a local irritant for rheumatism and drunk for coughs. Wild garlic juice is dropped into the ear when purulent inflammations.

Ramson can be successfully used in the fight against certain pests of potatoes (late blight), corn (bubbly smut) and grapes (mildew). In addition, it was noted that wild garlic phytoncides inhibit potato germination and at the same time increase its yield.

Use in cooking

In cooking wild garlic can be used instead of garlic. The phytoncides of this onion have more strong action than even garlic phytoncides. It has been established that they have a preservative effect on meat and prevent its rotting. Not only the bulbs are used for food, but also the leaves and flower shoots. Wild garlic is consumed raw, salted and pickled. To prepare it for future use, it is dried. True, at the same time it partially loses its specific smell, but retains its taste.

Wild garlic salad

150 g wild garlic, 100 g meat, 1 egg, mustard, salt, vinegar to taste.

Keep young, washed leaves in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, chop with a knife and place on pieces of boiled meat or ham, season with spices and decorate with slices of eggs.

Wild garlic with soy sauce

300 g wild garlic, 60 g soy sauce, 5 g sesame seeds, 10 g green onions, 5 g ground red pepper, 3 g vegetable oil, 5 g sugar.

Peel the wild garlic, wash it, cut the large heads into pieces. Season the wild garlic soy sauce, chopped onion, sesame seeds, ground pepper, sugar and vegetable oil. Mix everything well. Place the wild garlic in a bowl and leave for 1-2 days. Serve with cooked rice.

Potato soup with wild garlic

300 g potatoes, 20 g carrots, 20 g onions, 10-20 g fat, 200 g wild garlic, 700 g water or broth, spices to taste.

Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes and cook for 10-15 minutes, add the fried onions and carrots, 10 minutes before the end of cooking the soup, add the wild garlic chopped with a knife.

The flask is a perennial bulbous plant with a characteristic garlic odor. Thanks to the high content in its composition useful minerals and bioactive substances, the herb is widely used in folk medicine for various ailments. The leaves are considered the main and most effective medicinal part of the plant; they are included in many decoctions and infusions. For cooking medicines It is best to use freshly picked leaves, since when they dry out they partially lose their beneficial properties.

It is also worth noting the presence in this healing herb essential oil with a strong garlicky odor of carotene, fiber, ascorbic acid, sugar, mucus, wax and saponins. The phytoncides contained in the flask have a good antibiotic effect, and a number of microelements and minerals help support immune system humans. Preparations based on this medicinal plant have an effective general strengthening and tonic effect.

Application of the flask

Traditional medicine widely uses the herb as effective means against scurvy and atherosclerosis. This plant helps cope with worms, promotes diuretic processes, improves intestinal motility and appetite. For fevers and colds, traditional healers have long recommended taking an infusion of flask leaves. In addition, such tinctures can provide effective assistance in the fight against rheumatism or severe cough. Due to its bactericidal properties, the leaves of the plant are used to treat purulent wounds, bedsores, and trophic ulcers.

Preparations from the leaves of the flask help overcome exhaustion, loss of strength, various diseases stomach and intestines. They also improve secretory function gastrointestinal tract. High content Carotene in the grass helps strengthen vision. Fresh juice This plant is dripped into the ears to relieve purulent inflammation. Daily use of several leaves of this unique natural medicine improves metabolism and reduces risk cardiovascular diseases. The bulbs of the plant are recommended for consumption raw in case of obesity.

Tincture flask: ten fresh, finely chopped leaves of the flask must be poured with a glass of boiled water, boiled for ten minutes, poured into a thermos and left overnight. For colds, illness bladder and kidneys take a third of a glass of this infusion three times a day.

Ointment flask: finely chopped leaves of the plant should be passed through a meat grinder, add a little vegetable oil to the resulting pulp. This mixture is wrapped in a gauze bandage and applied to the sore spot for 10 minutes to combat arthritis, rheumatism, and radiculitis.

Contraindications to the use of the flask

The use of the flask is strictly contraindicated for patients with gastritis in the acute stage, with an ulcer duodenum and stomach, hepatitis and a number of other diseases. Possible allergic reactions. The plant is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. Be sure to consult your doctor before use.

Flask is also called wild garlic or wild onion - this is a plant that has many beneficial properties. They can replace regular consumption of garlic and overcome. Thanks to the pungent essential oil, the flask has a spicy-pungent taste reminiscent of garlic, so it can easily be used instead in daily diet. In cooking, mainly the stems and young leaves of this plant are used, which are collected even before its flowering begins. IN vegetable soups and meat dishes, wild garlic shoots can also be used as an alternative onions. Some peoples use flask bulbs - levurda, adding it to pies and bread instead of basil, preparing savory sauces from this part of the plant. Regular consumption of wild garlic will help preserve slim figure.

Composition and nutritional value wild garlic

The flask contains rich vitamin composition. One hundred grams of this plant contains 100 mg of ascorbic acid, a large amount of vitamins B, A and PP, in addition, wild garlic contains fructose, lysocine, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, beta-carotene, phytoncides and mineral salts, which are simply necessary for a person to maintain general condition health.

The flask has a balanced composition and low calorie content. This plant contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, ash, disaccharides, monosaccharides and organic acids. Its calorie content per hundred grams of product is only 36 kcal, so the benefits of the flask for weight loss are undeniable.

The benefits of the flask

The benefit of the flask, or wild garlic, lies in its medicinal properties. Wild onions have long been used as a bactericidal and fungicidal agent; it was used as a prophylaxis against scurvy, plague, cholera and typhoid fever. This plant also helps against sclerosis, fever and worms.

Ramson improves intestinal motor function, gastrointestinal function, metabolic processes in the body, increases appetite, normalizes cholesterol levels, work cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure. The flask can even restore immunity during seasonal vitamin deficiency, improve the condition of colds, hypertension and atherosclerosis. For men, wild garlic has special benefit, as it increases “male strength”.

The benefits and harms of the flask plant

It is not recommended for an adult to consume more than 20 leaves of this plant per day. In case of an overdose, the herb flask will bring not only benefits, but also harm. Side effects may cause dizziness, insomnia, diarrhea, upset stomach, worsening ulcers and swelling.

For people who have allergic reactions to garlic, the flask can also cause harm instead of benefit. This product should not be used by pregnant women, people with pancreatitis, hepatitis, epilepsy, cholecystitis, or inflammation of the stomach or intestines.

How to choose and store a flask correctly?

The leaves of wild garlic must be elastic and juicy, otherwise it will not have its medicinal properties. When collecting this herb, it can be confused with lily of the valley, since during the flowering period these plants are very similar. The fact is that lily of the valley leaves are poisonous to humans, so it is necessary to approach the issue of identifying wild onions very carefully. To do this, you need to crush the leaf of the plant; if a specific garlic smell appears, you can be sure that it is wild garlic.

The flask can be consumed both raw and pickled and salted. It is not recommended to freeze this plant, since after such treatment it loses all its medicinal properties.

This perennial herb belongs to the onion family. The plant has a number of other folk names: Jewish onion, mouse garlic, bear onion, wild garlic. However, most often it is called wild garlic. The plant looks like a bulb with oblong lanceolate leaves. Unknowingly, it can be confused with lily of the valley. Visually, these two forest dwellers are very similar. Only wild garlic has a persistent garlic smell.

Its bulb reaches 10 millimeters in diameter. It can grow up to half a meter. It blooms in May-July. Since the plant is monoecious, its flowers are bisexual. Their inflorescence is a white hemispherical umbrella. In July, the fruit is formed, which is a triangular capsule with black seeds. The growing area of ​​the medicinal plant is wide. It is found almost everywhere on moist soils in forests, in areas of water bodies, in meadows throughout Europe, the Caucasus, Ukraine, almost throughout Russia with the exception of the Urals and the far north.

Traditionally, a lot of wild garlic is eaten in Siberia. There it is used in the form of early greens, rich a large number vitamins, which is very important during the period of spring vitamin deficiency.

Preparation and storage

For further use of the flask for medicinal purposes, its parts are prepared in different periods. Leaves with stems, that is, the above-ground part, are cut off during April-May. The bulb is harvested only after the seeds have ripened. To preserve medicinal raw materials for a long time, they are salted or pickled. But the best way the workpiece is frozen or dried. It is necessary to spread out the above-ground part of the wild garlic thin layer under a canopy, you can do this in attics. It is necessary to mix the raw materials from time to time. When dried, the flask loses its specific garlic aroma. Store medicinal finished raw materials in cardboard box, linen bag. In a dry room it is stored until the next harvest.

Use in everyday life

The flask tastes and smells like garlic, so it is used at the household level, just like this vegetable. It should be borne in mind that it is not worth subjecting it to heat treatment. This is how vitamins and other active substances in its composition are destroyed. Wild garlic is added to spring salads and eaten as a snack with borscht and side dishes. Housewives add it to ready meals at the very end to preserve the aroma and taste. The flask goes well with meat, vegetables, rice, and other herbs. When used as food in large quantities You can ruin the taste of the food.

Composition and medicinal properties

The healing plant is extremely rich useful substances. The aerial part contains a lot of essential oil, ascorbic acid, and glycosides. The substance alliin in the leaves gives the plant a specific garlic smell. The bulb contains phytoncides, vitamin C (there is much more of it in the leaves), mineral salts, lysozyme, carotene, and fructose.

Official medicine uses pharmacological preparations, which are made on the basis of a flask. Urzallin, for example, is an ointment made using wild garlic essential oil. It is prescribed to patients for festering wounds, bedsores, trophic ulcers. The medicine "Ursal" based on this plant is used to treat Trichomonas colpitis.

Traditional healers advise using the flask for patients with weakened secretion gastric juice. When used regularly in food, it increases appetite and improves intestinal motility. Active substances The composition of wild garlic suppresses pathogenic microflora and restores healthy ones.

The saturation of the medicinal plant with vitamin C and phytoncides gives an excellent effect in therapy colds, especially bronchitis. Wild garlic is also used externally. It is used to treat festering wounds, trichomonas colpitis, fungal diseases, ringworm, skin injuries.

The use of wild garlic in folk medicine: recipes

Back in ancient Rome knew about the healing properties of this plant and actively used it. Then the flask was more often used for external treatment of skin lesions and injuries. Over time, it began to be used for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, and radiculitis. Even then, with the help of a flask, worms were removed from the body by the usual frequent consumption of it.

We suggest using the recipes of traditional healers to personal experience make sure healing power wild garlic:

  1. Freshly squeezed plant juice for treating disorders digestive processes and inflammation oral cavity. To do this, you need to rinse the fresh leaves of the flask, squeeze out the juice, after passing them through a meat grinder. If you have problems with the digestive tract, it is recommended to consume this juice one tablespoon before each meal. The maximum portion of juice per day is four spoons. The duration of the course of treatment for digestion with wild garlic is 14 days. If we're talking about O inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, then you need to dilute the juice and alcohol in equal quantities, add a tablespoon of the solution to a glass warm water, rinse your mouth several times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the condition of the teeth and gums.
  2. Treatment purulent otitis. For this, wild garlic juice is used. It should be instilled with a pipette, two drops at a time, into the ear canal and covered with cotton wool. After 20 minutes it is washed warm water. Treatment of otitis media consists of two similar manipulations per day.
  3. Flask tincture used for the treatment of gastritis and colds. In this case, you will need three medium flask bulbs. They are crushed in a mortar, the pulp is placed in 200 grams of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. After removing from the heat, leave the broth for 30-40 minutes and strain. It is consumed in a dose of 50 grams for gastritis three times a day before each meal. To combat colds, the decoction is recommended to be consumed 4-5 times a day between meals.
  4. Treatment of pathologies of the kidneys and bladder with wild garlic. You will need 100 grams of fresh leaves of the medicinal plant. Cut them finely with a knife, put them in an enamel bowl, pour 300 grams of water. Place the container on low heat, boil for 5 minutes, leave to steep until completely cooled. Filter. The patient is given to drink this decoction 50-60 grams three times a day.
  5. Tincture of flask bulbs for the treatment of bronchitis, tonsillitis, chronic cough. Take 50 grams of fresh flask leaves, chop them finely, place them in an enamel container, pour one glass of dry white wine. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Strain the healing potion, and after 10 minutes add a tablespoon of high-quality honey to it. This remedy should be taken in small sips throughout the day until recovery occurs.
  6. Treatment of atherosclerosis with tincture of wild garlic bulbs and leaves. Take 50 grams of aboveground and underground parts medicinal plant, chop thoroughly, place in a glass container. Fill the raw material with half a liter of strong vodka or alcohol. The healing potion must be infused for at least fourteen days in a dark place inaccessible to children. The liquid must be shaken daily. Then everything is carefully filtered, squeezed out, and consumed three times a day, 10 drops, during the first week. In the second, their number is increased to 15, and the tincture is taken for thirty days. Take a break for one week and resume the course of treatment.

Contraindications for use

The benefits of the flask for the body are undeniable if you use drugs based on it strictly in the indicated dosages. Exceeding them is fraught with stomach pain, dizziness, and diarrhea. If you introduce wild garlic into your diet in the spring to replenish vitamins, then 100 grams per day will be enough.

It is prohibited to use a medicinal plant if you have chronic diseases. digestive tract, pancreas, gall bladder. It is necessary to take into account the possibility individual intolerance flasks. It is not recommended for use by nursing women and expectant mothers.