Magnesium and potassium preparations in tablets for heart disease, seizures, for prevention. Preparations and foods rich in potassium and magnesium for the heart

The popular pharmaceutical phrase “vitamin-mineral complexes” has become firmly established in the everyday life of modern people. The drugs are prescribed for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal system, for many acute and chronic illnesses. Necessary for a person daily at large quantities:, calcium, potassium, magnesium, are found in every cell of the body. The reserves of macroelements in tissues and blood plasma must be constantly replenished through food or pharmaceuticals.

Why does the human body need potassium, magnesium and calcium?

Mineral salts are part of active metal-containing organic compounds - enzymes and vitamins. The chemical complex calciferol is antirachitic.

Magnesium is known to have:

  • pronounced anti-inflammatory effect
  • participates in the transmission of cardiac impulses, restores normal rhythm; in case of its deficiency, arrhythmia develops
  • an aqueous solution of magnesium stops the loss of ATP molecules by cells as energy sources

At the same time takes part:

  • in maintaining the balance of the functions of the nervous system, in transmitting oxygen and impulses to neurons (cells) of the brain
  • together with magnesium in acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism
  • potassium salts increase urination

And the one we need is capable of the following:

The power of metals lies in their fruitful collaboration. Magnesium helps absorb calcium, and potassium enhances the effect of the former. Depriving the body of the magnificent three chemical elements leads metabolism to an unfavorable destructive direction - increased nervousness, the occurrence and development of diseases of the heart and joints.

An excess of elements is as dangerous as their deficiency.

Too much intake of vitamin-mineral complexes into the body is fraught with complications. Excess of organometallic substances and hypervitaminosis leads to disruption of metabolic processes. To establish the factor of excess in the internal environment of a particular chemical compound is within the competence of the doctor based on the results biochemical analysis blood. When magnesium exceeds 2.5 mmol/l, changes are noticeable on the cardiac cardiogram.

Typical reasons for the accumulation of metals in the body are the presence of the following pathologies:

  • hormonal imbalances endocrine system(for diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction)
  • drug intoxication
  • malignant tumors

The main part of unnecessary substances is eliminated from the body through the organs of the urinary system. With her diseases (pyelonephritis, kidney stones), the normal course of events is disrupted. In serious cases, with chronic renal failure, it is advisable to prescribe a hemodialysis procedure.

General symptoms of excess levels of elements in the body:

  • weakness skeletal muscles, loss of coordination of movements
  • depression, disorder of consciousness, drowsiness, apathy
  • cardiac dysfunction, decreased heart rate and blood pressure
  • suppression of nerve reflexes
  • dehydration (and vomiting), dry mucous membranes, skin, hair

Hyperkalemia, -magnesemia and -calcemia are relatively rare. However, they have significant consequences. If there is an excess of potassium and magnesium, doctors recommend taking calcium gluconate, since the salts of this metal are actively washed out of the body.

This can happen when:

  • taking laxatives by people following all kinds of diets
  • threatened miscarriage, pregnant women are prescribed magnesium compounds (sulfate or hydroxide)
  • frequent and uncontrolled consumption of mineral water with a high content of magnesium ions (charged particles)

Read also:

How does a deficiency of B vitamins manifest: symptoms and treatment

Excess calcium is most likely to occur in older people who suffer from constipation. They are advised to drink distilled water for 1-2 months.

Potassium and magnesium preparations for the heart and blood vessels

Asparkam. Cardiologists prescribe a combination drug for coronary insufficiency and arrhythmias. The medicine contains salts - potassium and magnesium aspartates. With treatment there is a decrease oxygen starvation cardiac muscle cells.

The drug is dangerous to use when:

  • initially elevated level potassium in the blood (hyperkalemia)
  • acute and chronic renal failure
  • in combination with atrioventricular blockade

The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. During the period of exacerbation of the disease in adults, they are prescribed to take 2 tablets 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Then the same period is allocated for taking 1 tablet. A week break is taken, and the monthly course of treatment with Asparkam is repeated, if necessary. More often when intravenous administration patients report side symptoms (nausea and vomiting).

Panangin. In terms of composition, release form and contraindications for use, the medicine is an analogue of Asparkam.

  • significantly improve metabolism in the heart muscle
  • fight arrhythmia
  • help the absorption of other cardiac drugs used in parallel by cardiac patients

In the absence side effects and control over the level of potassium in the blood Panangin is often prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day, in for preventive purposes pregnant and lactating women.

Magnesium preparations

Magnerot. The active ingredient in the synthetic tablet preparation is magnesium orotate.

Doctors prescribe it:

  • in order to compensate for the lack of magnesium in the body
  • in case of lipid (fat) metabolism disorders

The treatment is long - almost 2 months, and takes place in two stages. From the beginning of the course, during the first week, take 2 tablets three times a day. Then 6 weeks - 1 tablet, possibly twice a day. Magnerot is approved for use by chronic alcoholics and during pregnancy.

Magne B6. Included combination drug includes magnesium lactate and pyridoxine hydrochloride (B vitamin). Available form: tablets and ampoules with injection solution. Oral administration is accompanied by a sufficiently large amount of water - 1 glass (200 ml).

Contraindications for the use of Magne B6 include:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug
  • renal failure
  • intestinal dysfunction (tendency to diarrhea, with abdominal pain)

Read also:

Vitamin complexes for women after 40: indications and types of drugs

Maalox. Along with other components, the drug contains magnesium hydroxide.

Available in the form of tablets and suspensions for oral administration for:

  • acute and chronic gastritis
  • errors in diet
  • heartburn
  • stomach discomfort
  • abuse of nicotine, coffee, alcohol

By therapeutic actions Maalox:

  • antacid
  • adsorbing
  • enveloping
  • painkiller

Magnesium and potassium for seizures

Neuromuscular disorders in the form of painful muscle twitching are pronounced symptom potassium deficiency in the body. Cramps occur when dehydrated due to:

  • diarrhea, vomiting
  • taking laxatives or diuretics
  • colon cleansing with enemas
  • fasting

Kalinor. Effervescent tablets contain potassium salts (citrate, bicarbonate) and citric acid. When taken orally, the product must be dissolved in a glass of water and drunk in small sips for 15 minutes. You should not take more than 1 tablet at a time, and more than 3 tablets per day. The doctor prescribes a course of treatment, the duration of which varies from several days or weeks. The acid that is part of Kalinor can provoke allergic reactions in the patient. In case of persistent dehydration of the body, the drug is not prescribed.

Expectant mothers and breastfeeding women are often concerned about anemia. The proven Materna complex replenishes the lack of minerals and vitamins. Pharmaceutical drug contains 25 mg magnesium. The calculated dose is not dangerous to the baby's health. Even if the woman consumes foods rich in magnesium. In addition, the medicine contains wide range vitamins, iodine, organic acids, iron and calcium. As well as trace elements: copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, molybdenum. Taken vitamin mineral complex Materna 1 tablet per day.

Potassium, calcium and magnesium preparations

The pharmacological industry offers a wide range of similar medicines containing combinations of macroelements and vitamins.

Berocca calcium + magnesium. Coated and effervescent tablets contain 100 mg of magnesium and calcium. Due to its medicinal properties, the drug is also aimed at providing full development teeth and bone tissue.

The doctor prescribes a multivitamin and mineral complex during the period:

  • children's body growth
  • long-term illnesses
  • before and after chemotherapy
  • treatment of polyneuritis (alcoholic)

And lactating women will benefit from the drug only if:

  • control over biochemical indicators blood
  • no allergic reactions to components
  • severe diseases of the urinary system

Makrovit. Contains nicotinamide, vitamins A, E, C, D, group B and calcium pantothenate. Release form: lozenges that dissolve in the mouth. Children over 10 years of age and adults are prescribed up to 3 lozenges per day. The drug is recommended for active people who play sports and do not have the opportunity to eat a regular, varied diet. Macrovit, if the specified dosage is observed, has no side effects or contraindications for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Compensated by appointment medicines in tablets, food additives, vitamins. A significant lack of macronutrients is compensated with the help of medications. To prevent nutrient deficiency in the body, take food additives, vitamins with potassium, salt substitutes.

Potassium loss can be compensated by reducing table salt(NaCl) in the diet, using salt substitutes instead of sodium chloride. Salt substitutes contain, in addition to sodium chloride, KCl, MgCl 2. Such nutritional supplements are sold not only in pharmacies, they are on the shelves of regular stores.

At frequent use Salt substitutes need to be monitored for K in the blood because of the danger of its excess for people with diseased kidneys. People suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, acidosis, dehydration, cardiogenic shock, or atrioventricular heart block should not take potassium-containing vitamins and tablets.

Large doses cause contraction blood vessels heart, which disrupts the nutrition of the heart muscle and can provoke heart attack. An excess of potassium is dangerous with the risk of asymptomatic instant cardiac arrest.

Taking potassium-containing drugs can cause hyperkalemia, as well as side effects such as:

  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract;
  • ulceration of the mucous membranes, the formation of bleeding ulcers, perforations.

You cannot take drugs with K when treating with potassium-sparing diuretics Amiloride, Veroshpiron, Triampur, Eplerenone, Triampur. This may cause hyperkalemia.

Vitamins with potassium

When choosing vitamins containing potassium, you need to pay attention to the presence of magnesium in the complex. Potassium is poorly absorbed in the body when these macroelements are synergistic, enhancing each other’s effects.

Vitamins with potassium and magnesium

Name Potassium Magnesium Vitamin A For children Pregnant Manufacturer
Vitrum 40 100 5000 from 12 USA
Vitrum Plus 40 40 900 from 6 years old Impact not studied USA
Centrum 40 100 5000 from 12 years old USA
Vitalux 40 100 7500 from 3 years old Italy
Vitrum Centuri 80 100 6000 USA
300 300 from 12 years old Germany
Teravit 7,5 100 4000 USA
Teravit antistress 80 40 1500 from 18 years old USA

Children over 12 years of age are allowed Kudesan vitamins with magnesium and potassium. This complex includes:

  • ubiquinone – 7.5 mg;
  • 250 mg magnesium aspartate, corresponding to 16 mg elemental magnesium;
  • 450 mg potassium aspartate or 97 mg elemental K.

The presence of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) in Kudesan is especially important for children during the off-season, when the risk increases colds, flu. The positive effect of using Kudesan is observed in children suffering from cardiomyopathies and tachyarrhythmias.

Vitamins with potassium and magnesium, which contain high concentrations of vitamin A, are not suitable for women during pregnancy due to the teratogenic effect of this vitamin on the fetus.

The Teravit anti-stress given in the table, although it contains less than the daily requirement of vitamin A, is not suitable for pregnant women due to the presence of ginseng extract and other components in its composition that can cause side effects such as increased blood pressure, insomnia, and tachycardia.

Kvadevit vitamins contain a small dose of K (0.02 mg KCL or 10.5 mg in terms of elemental K). This complex contains irreplaceable glutamic amino acid, which is involved in the energy supply of the brain, which makes the complex useful for older people.

The presence of potassium in Kvadevit helps to normalize neuromuscular transmission, the functioning of the nervous system, and the contractility of the heart muscle.

Medicines with potassium

Medicines containing potassium are available in the form of:

  • solutions, soluble tablets;
  • tablets (capsules) of prolonged action;
  • enteric tablets.

Taking medications in the form of liquids is safer for the intestinal and stomach mucosa. Soluble tablets Before taking, you need to dilute with water or juice and drink in small sips for 5-10 minutes.

IN convenient form For use and safe for the gastric mucosa, a spray containing potassium in ionized form Ionic Kalium (Finland) is available. The spray is administered under the tongue, where potassium ions are directly absorbed into the mucous membrane. This allows potassium ions to enter the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive tract.

Tablets, capsules, chewable lozenges containing potassium, when taken continuously, irritate the mucous membranes digestive system, contribute to the occurrence of stomach ulcers.

A more gentle form for the stomach is coated tablets that dissolve in the intestines. However, there is a risk of decomposition of the lining in the stomach, and cases of gastric bleeding have been reported.

Enteric tablets containing K include potassium Normin retard tablets (Hungary). They slowly dissolve layer by layer in digestive tract without creating an increased load on the gastric mucosa.

Macroelement K is contained in the drug Potassium Orotate, which is used for protein metabolism disorders to stimulate protein synthesis. The use of potassium orotate ensures an acceleration of metabolism and an increase, although not too significant, in muscle mass.

To replenish the loss of macronutrients caused by taking diuretic potassium-sparing drugs - Furosemide, Ethacrynic acid, Dicarb, Torsemide, Panangin is predominantly prescribed. This drug is effective for cardiac arrhythmia caused by nutrient deficiency, treatment with cardiac glycosides.

An analogue of Panangin, containing potassium and magnesium in high concentrations, are Panangin Forte tablets. The preparations Asparkam, Pamaton, Asparkad, Aspariginate, and Orocamag contain high concentrations of K and Mg.

Name Potassium Magnesium For children Pregnant Manufacturer
Potassium-Normin KCl - 524.44 from 18 years old Hungary
Panangin Potassium aspartate – 158 Magnesium aspartate – 140 allowed except 1st trimester, 2-3rd trimester with caution Hungary
Panangin Forte Potassium aspartate – 316 Magnesium aspartate – 280 from 18 years old except for the 1st trimester, 2-3 trimester under the supervision of a doctor Hungary
Asparkam Potassium aspartate – 175 Magnesium aspartate – 175 allowed with caution Russia
Pamaton Potassium aspartate 166 Magnesium aspartate 175 prohibited in 1st trimester Moldova
Potassium orotate Potassium orotate – 500 allowed with caution Russia
Orocamage Potassium orotate – 250 Magnesium orotate – 250 from 18 years old Russia

Most high concentration macroelement K in the drug Potassium-Normin, this drug cannot be used for prevention.

It is used only for the treatment of hypokalemia in the dosage prescribed by the doctor, under constant monitoring of the K content in the blood. This is explained by the severity of possible side effects, among which is cardiac arrest, which can occur asymptomatically and instantly.

Magnesium preparations: properties, when indicated, contraindications, types and uses

The most important macronutrient, without it most of the biochemical reactions occurring in the human body are impossible. Translated from Latin, “magnesium” means great, and this indicates its indispensability for normal functioning organs and systems.

Magnesium preparations in recent years began to be widely used not only for the treatment of diseases of the heart, nervous system, digestion, and leg cramps, but also for the prevention of the most various diseases, improving well-being, reducing nervousness and increasing stress resistance.

Almost every biochemical reaction controlled by magnesium, the synthesis of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates is not possible without it, it is part of enzymes, participates in the conduction of nerve impulses, regulates vascular tone and muscle tone. Magnesium has a calming effect on nervous system, prevents the occurrence of seizures, reduces the severity of allergic and inflammatory reactions, promotes proper operation hemostatic and immune systems.

Figure: foods rich in magnesium (mg/100 g)

The main source of macronutrients is food, and when balanced diet there is usually enough of it, but physical activity, stress, overwork, too much active image life can cause an increase in the need for it, which is difficult to “cover” with nutrition.

Scientists' studies show that almost half of the world's population is deficient in magnesium varying degrees, which inevitably affects general condition health, ability to work, resistance to infections, and with severe deficiency of the element, serious diseases occur.

These data prompted the creation of drugs based on magnesium, where the latter is associated with organic or inorganic acids, other minerals or vitamins, in particular group B. It is not so easy to understand the list of drugs offered today for magnesium deficiency, but to choose a suitable, effective one and affordable - even more difficult.

Specialists come to the aid of patients who offer detailed instructions on certain drugs, and the Internet is flooded with a variety of information, sometimes from people who do not have special knowledge in the field of medicine and biochemistry. If the issue of taking magnesium has become, as they say, an issue, then it is better to entrust the choice and your health to a competent doctor who can recommend the right drug And the right dosage taking into account contraindications, which, by the way, also exist.

When and why are magnesium supplements prescribed?

Some situations or diseases can increase the need for vitamins and minerals, and deficiency can occur even when nutrition is more than adequate. These include:

  • Surgical interventions;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Pathology of the digestive system, especially with bleeding, spasms;
  • Treatment with cytostatics, drugs with antacid properties;
  • Abuse of laxatives and diuretics;
  • Use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • Heavy sweating;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Frequent or chronic stress.

Reasons for prescribing magnesium supplements may include:

  1. Magnesium deficiency proven through a biochemical blood test, even if there are no symptoms as such;
  2. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency - nervousness, increased nervous excitability, spasms of the digestive organs, tachycardia, weakness, muscle cramps and tingling in muscles;
  3. Heart pathology (with arrhythmia, myocardial infarction);
  4. Arterial hypertension;
  5. Convulsive syndrome, epilepsy (for children too);
  6. Pregnancy, especially in case of increased uterine tone or threat of miscarriage, with gestosis;
  7. As a laxative - orally for constipation;
  8. Inflammatory changes in the biliary tract;
  9. Poisoning with heavy metals, barium.

As you can see, the indications for the use of Mg preparations are quite varied, which once again shows the importance of the element and its participation in many biochemical processes. It is believed that an overdose practically does not occur when taking magnesium-containing products, because most medications taken orally contain a significantly lower daily dose of a macronutrient, however, an overdose is still possible and has characteristic symptoms:

  • The disappearance of the knee reflex is the most common and earliest manifesting sign of excess magnesium;
  • Changes in the ECG - a decrease in heart rate, expansion of the ventricular complex, which indicates a slowdown in the conduction of impulses;
  • When the norm of magnesium in the blood is greatly exceeded, nausea and vomiting appear, hypotension develops, deep reflexes from the tendons disappear, double vision begins, and speech is impaired;
  • With severe hypermagnesemia, the respiratory center is depressed, conduction in the myocardium sharply slows down, which leads to cardiac arrest and death of the patient.

Before you start using any drug containing magnesium, you need to study the list of contraindications, although it is unlikely that you should prescribe treatment yourself without consulting a doctor. Contraindications include:

  1. Increased individual sensitivity to any component of the drug;
  2. Profound renal failure;
  3. Phenylketonuria and some hereditary metabolic syndromes;
  4. Children under 6 years of age (relative contraindication);
  5. Myasthenia;
  6. Dehydration, heavy sweating;
  7. Intestinal obstruction, acute inflammatory changes in the intestines, bleeding - with oral administration magnesium sulfate;
  8. Rare pulse, atrioventricular heart block.

Review of magnesium-containing drugs and features of their use

Before starting treatment or prevention of magnesium deficiency, it is important to know the rules for taking these medications:

  • Thus, the combination of magnesium with vitamin B6 is considered very successful, since these substances mutually enhance their effectiveness, and the vitamin improves the absorption of the macronutrient, maintains its intracellular concentration and provides a better therapeutic result.
  • Given the common routes of absorption in the intestines, magnesium is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with calcium and iron supplements. In this case, there will be an equally low effect from both magnesium and calcium with iron. If necessary, such complex treatment The doctor will prescribe how best to differentiate between medications and what intervals between doses should be observed.
  • Magnesium supplements should not be taken on an empty stomach or between meals, as this can cause abdominal pain and stool upset. They should be washed down with water, not milk.

Products with magnesium are available in tablets, ampoules for intravenous or intramuscular administration, and in powder form for oral administration. Specific dosage form determined by indications for treatment. For long-term use tablets are usually prescribed, in acute cases such as a hypertensive crisis, a solution will be used, and in case of digestive problems, before manipulation of the abdominal organs, a powder will be used.

Pharmacies offer quite wide list medications with magnesium as the main component, as well as in combination with vitamin B6 or potassium. They differ not only in bioavailability, composition, dosage, but also in price, which is also considered a significant factor in choice. In this case, price often means the quality and effectiveness of the drug, as patients who have tried the medicine can tell different composition from different manufacturers.

Bioavailability, that is, the level of digestibility and, accordingly, effectiveness, depends on the composition of the drug and the element or substance with which magnesium is associated in it. For example, there are inorganic magnesium salts - sulfate, chloride, as well as oxides and hydroxides. Organic ones include citrate, lactate, magnesium gluconate, compounds with salicylic and ascorbic acids and others.

Information regarding the absorption of organic and inorganic magnesium compounds varies and is even contradictory. Thus, some researchers refute the common point of view according to which organic salts are absorbed better, leading to weighty arguments, therefore, it is not always necessary to rely on the composition when choosing. For example, magnesium sulfate is considered the most poorly absorbed, but it can successfully combat constipation when taken orally and hypertensive crises when injected.

The criteria for choosing the best magnesium preparations often include the manufacturer, the composition and concentration of the macroelement in the tablet, and the price. The manufacturing company is important from the position that the quality of raw materials, the safety of the drug and its bioavailability depend on it, therefore, perceived by many patients as publicity stunt Recommendations regarding a particular company should still be heeded.

Not every one of us thinks about the fact that the dosage indicated on the package does not mean the content of pure magnesium in the tablet. Some manufacturers honestly indicate this figure, others do not, and then the buyer should calculate it independently, remembering the school chemistry course and clarifying daily requirement in a macronutrient.

Organic magnesium salts are considered quite effective and have additional positive influence on the body. Among them:

  1. Magnesium citrate - derivative citric acid- has high bioavailability, can improve metabolism in general by activating respiratory processes and energy production in cells;
  2. Magnesium malate - a salt of malic acid - also boasts high availability for cells, a positive effect on cellular respiration and metabolism;
  3. Magnesium aspartate - salt aspartic acid- bioavailability is good, and aspartic acid takes an active part in nitrogen metabolism;
  4. Magnesium orotate is a drug with good bioavailability; orotic acid improves metabolic processes and growth;
  5. Magnesium lactate is a lactic acid derivative with good bioavailability.

Inorganic Mg-based substances include sulfate (sulfuric acid salt) and metal oxide. Sulfate is used in powder form as a remedy for constipation and to cleanse the intestines before operations and studies, during intravenous or intramuscular injection has a hypotensive effect. Not used to eliminate macronutrient deficiency. Magnesium oxide is very poorly absorbed, but is quite effective in combating constipation.

Preparations containing magnesium and calcium at the same time cannot have the desired effect due to the fact that these metals are not absorbed together, therefore, the appropriateness of their use is questionable. If you need to make up for the deficiency of both, then it is better to use the elements separately and drink them at different times.

The so-called magnesium chelate compounds are considered relatively new. which are produced abroad, in particular in the USA. Such magnesium is highly accessible to the body, but is also characterized by the high cost of drugs, since not every pharmaceutical production can create such a compound.

Many pharmacies visitors try to save on medicines by choosing cheap domestic analogues or generic drugs instead of original ones imported medicines. When calculating the number of French or American-made tablets to be taken for a course of treatment, an impressive amount emerges that will have to be spent on the drug. The financial side of the issue often becomes decisive when choosing.

However, the high price is not only a consequence advertising campaigns, a decent salary for pharmaceutical production workers, a world-famous name of the manufacturing company, etc. The high price hides the work carried out clinical trials, high dosing accuracy, safe raw materials for the production of medicines. And few can deny that the effects, including side effects, are sometimes very different for cheap analogues and original drugs from well-known companies.

Magnesium sulfate (magnesium sulfate)

One of the “oldest” products containing magnesium is considered magnesium sulfate in powder and ampoules. Powders of 10 and 20 grams are used exclusively internally and have a choleretic and laxative effect. In addition, it can be used as an antidote for intoxication with heavy metal salts.

The effect of the drug lasts up to 6 hours, and the onset of the effect occurs already half an hour after administration. The reason for the prescription may be constipation, inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary tract, as well as cases when it is necessary to prepare the digestive organs for probing or other manipulations.

As a laxative, magnesium sulfate is consumed at night or half an hour before meals, dissolved in half a glass warm water. For chronic constipation, you can do enemas with magnesium. In order to obtain a choleretic effect, use a tablespoon of dissolved magnesia three times a day. When probing the duodenum, the drug is administered through a probe.

Side effects are rare and are more often associated with abdominal discomfort, exacerbation inflammatory processes in the digestive organs, electrolyte imbalance. In severe cases, bradycardia, hypotension, shortness of breath and vomiting cannot be excluded. To exclude adverse reaction the drug cannot be taken continuously and systematically, or to compensate for magnesium deficiency due to its ineffectiveness.

Magnesia sulfate is not compatible with calcium-containing drugs, ethyl alcohol in large quantities, some antibiotics and hormones, derivatives of salicylic acid.

Unlike powder, magnesium sulfate in ampoules can be used to eliminate magnesium deficiency or prevent it in patients with parenteral nutrition, as well as taking contraceptives, some types of diuretics, with severe sweating.

When providing an ambulance and emergency care it is used to restore heart rhythm, prevent arrhythmia during a heart attack, treat hypertensive crises, convulsions, late gestosis in pregnant women, heavy metal intoxication.

It is prescribed in intravenous drip courses when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, increased tone uterus, but only in a hospital setting. The introduction is carried out very slowly, using special devices that allow you to set the required number of magnesium drops per minute. Despite the relative safety of this magnesium drug, it is prescribed to pregnant women with caution, and nursing mothers should stop feeding during the period of treatment.

The introduction of magnesium sulfate should be carried out slowly to avoid unwanted effects in the form of a feeling of heat, hot flashes, dizziness. When injected into a muscle, the drug is painful. Intravenous use is carried out with the patient in a supine position, and the drip can “drag on” for hours.

For children, indications for prescribing magnesium sulfate may be convulsive syndrome, including against the background of glomerulonephritis. In this case, treatment begins with 20-40 mg per kilogram of body weight intramuscularly. In the first year of a baby’s life, the drug is prescribed with caution and only under the control of the level of magnesium in the blood and tendon reflexes.

An overdose of magnesium causes depression of the respiratory center and cardiac activity. Acts as an antidote calcium chloride, injected into a vein. In case of lung dysfunction, they improve artificial ventilation, according to indications, hemodialysis is performed and symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

Magnesium with Vitamin B6

Perhaps, the best drugs Combinations of Mg with vitamin B6 are considered to be available to a wide range of consumers. In particular, it is widely known in the Russian Federation and has proven itself well Magne B6 French company Sanofi. This original, but relatively expensive drug contains organic magnesium salt (lactate) and vitamin B6, the mass of ionized magnesium is 48 mg per tablet. In ampoules the weight of pure magnesium is one hundred milligrams.

Magnesium with B6 is prescribed for emotional instability, irritability, anxiety syndrome, increased fatigue, sleep disorders. Tachycardia in the absence organic damage organ may also indicate the need for treatment. The drug is used for cramps in the legs and tingling sensation in the muscles, cramps in the abdomen.

The recommended duration of treatment is one month. If there is no improvement during this period, then you should switch from monotherapy to the use of drugs from other groups or begin to search for other possible causes of the pathology.

The experience of using Magne B6 in pregnant women did not show any negative influences on a growing fetus, so it is considered safe at any stage, however, nursing mothers should refrain from using the medicine or stop feeding.

Magnesium with vitamin B6 is prescribed to adults and children over six years of age. You should take 6 to 8 tablets a day with meals and a large glass of water. If you experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, allergic reaction treatment is stopped.

For the prevention and treatment of mild forms of magnesium deficiency, tablets are prescribed, and in severe cases, injection of a solution of Mg lactate with vitamin B6 into a vein is indicated. Magne B6 forte contains a double dose of the macronutrient.

In the list of analogues of the “French” - Magnefar B6,magwit, Magnerot. Magnefar B6 is produced by the Polish company Biopharm and has similar indications and contraindications, however, the proportion of pure magnesium in the tablet is somewhat lower, as is the cost of the medicine. Magvit is a product of the Minskintercaps plant, which limited itself to indicating only the concentration of magnesium citrate in one capsule. The price of Magvit is more than affordable and almost 10 times lower than its French counterpart.

Magnesium and the heart

Magnesium supplements for the heart are considered panangin And asparkam. The first is a mixture of organic potassium and Mg salts that affect metabolic processes in the heart muscle. The reasons for its use are considered to be heart failure, heart attack, rhythm disorders, and poor tolerance of cardiac glycosides. In view of low content magnesium in one tablet, the drug is unlikely to be indicated for eliminating magnesium deficiency.

Panangin is available in tablets, which can be bought without a prescription, and ampoules, sold only with a doctor's prescription. Tablets are taken three times a day, 1-2 pieces, after meals, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Panangin is injected into a vein slowly, diluted with a glucose solution.

The list of magnesium preparations includes the well-known asparkam, which has been prescribed to patients for many years cardiological profile. It contains potassium and magnesium salts of aspartic acid. Indications for treatment include a deficiency of macroelements in the body, complex therapy cardiac ischemia, rhythm disturbances, prevention of poisoning with cardiac glycosides.

Asparkam is used 2 tablets three times a day with therapeutic purpose and one for prevention. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. In case of overdose, signs of hypermagnesium and hyperkalemia appear - hypotension, facial flushing, bradycardia, etc.

Chelated forms

In Russia, Mg chelate from NSP (USA) is still widely distributed; the manufacturing company is equipped with its own laboratory with high standards quality and has documents confirming this very quality of the drugs. For the production of medicines, plant materials are used, and magnesium is produced in the form of chelated compounds. The drug is sold as biological additive to food.

So, we have considered only the most popular drugs containing magnesium. The choice remains with the buyer, but one must remember that a cheap price can turn into a reception useless drugs, and analogues (generics) known drugs can carry more high risk negative consequences and side effects with lower efficiency.

When purchasing magnesium preparations at a pharmacy, you should not blindly follow advertising or choose a cheaper analogue, but be guided by the doctor’s opinion and official data on the safety and bioavailability of a particular medicine. In some cases, laboratory control may be necessary electrolyte metabolism, allowing timely detection of excess normal concentration both magnesium and potassium in the body.

Particular care must be taken when purchasing dietary supplements containing macroelements, since there may be neither accurate information about the content of magnesium ions, nor a list of side effects and contraindications, which means that their use may be fraught with various disorders.

Video: magnesium deficiency, nutrition, medications

A person faces a large number of negative factors every day external environment. All of them negatively affect the ability to work internal organs and their systems. And if a person can cope with this on his own, then he cannot prevent the aging process, only prevent and slow it down. That is why it is important for him to ensure that the body has enough certain vitamin and mineral elements. Preparations with magnesium and potassium are one of the best helpers for those who suffer from diseases of the heart, blood vessels and others.

Benefits of the potassium element

Potassium became known in ancient times. In those days, this element was widely used in the chemical industry and medicine. Its benefits are:

  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • creating a normal ratio of water and electrolytes in the body;
  • production of protein particles;
  • transformation of glucose particles into glycogen particles.

The daily norm of the element for humans is from 3 to 5 mg. However, dietary adjustments do not help to fully nourish the body, and therefore a lack of mineral substances occurs.

A decrease in the amount of a substance can be easily determined by the following symptoms:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • muscle weakness;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • hand tremor;
  • cramps in the legs;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • reduced blood pressure levels.

To confirm potassium deficiency, it is enough to conduct a blood test. If a person is healthy, its amount will be equal to 3.5 mmol/l.

What are the dangers of potassium overdose?

Potassium overdose is extremely rare. It is usually accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • disorientation;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • arrhythmia;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • coma.

Often an excess of potassium is indicated by the presence erosive gastritis, intestinal ulcers, cardiac and respiratory failure. The reasons for the development of this condition are:

  • improper use of potassium medications;
  • consumption in large quantities mineral waters containing potassium salts;
  • lack of insulin;
  • kidney diseases;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • long-term diet.

Considering what an excess of the element can result in, you must use drugs containing it, observing the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Useful properties of the magnesium element

The benefits of magnesium are:

  • increasing energy reserves;
  • restoration of cellular elements;
  • increasing the absorption of B vitamins;
  • normalization of blood vessels, prevention of their diseases;
  • strengthening cartilage and bone tissue.

Healthy people need 350 to 450 mg of the substance daily.

How does the lack of an element manifest itself?

Symptomatic manifestations of hypomagnesemia are:

  • pain in the heart area;
  • jumping pressure;
  • the possibility of blood clots;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • a feeling of numbness in the muscles of the limbs, back, and cervical region;
  • hair loss, teeth loss, increased brittleness of nails;
  • a feeling of weakness that appears in the morning after sleep.

What are the dangers of an overdose of magnesium?

You should use medications with magnesium with caution, as their uncontrolled use can cause an overdose. Symptoms of the development of this condition are:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • lethargy;
  • slowing or speeding up the heartbeat;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • reduction in the amount of urinary secretions produced.

"Heart" vitamins

Magnesium, calcium and potassium are known to have great benefits for the heart. All complexes containing them are produced in tablets, as well as in ampoule form, which makes them easier to use. Their brief description indicated in tabular form.

What does it contain?

When is it appointed?


How to take?

Average cost in rubles


Magnesium, potassium

Hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, insufficiency of the heart and blood vessels, infarction

Sorbitol, hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, hemolysis, exicosis

The tablets are used three times a day, two pieces each, for a month. The solution is injected by drip. The drug is indicated for children from birth

Dragees – 130, ampoules – 160


Potassium and magnesium aspartate

Arrhythmia, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, neurocirculatory dystonia

Dehydration, hemolysis, myasthenia gravis, cardiogenic shock, atrioverticular blockade 2-3 degrees, acute metabolic acidosis, hypocortisolism, oliguria, anuria, allergy to components, insufficiency of the hepatic system, childhood. Contraindicated for women during pregnancy, urolithiasis

Tablets are taken three to six times a day for a month. Injections can only be given intravenously

Dragees – 50, ampoules – 75


Potassium, magnesium

Ischemia, extrasystole occurring in the area above the ventricles of the heart

Allergy to components, anuria, abnormal functioning of the renal system

Dragees are taken orally, 4 pieces three times over a month and a half

Which is better: Panangin or Asparkam?

Having compared the compositions of drugs, we can conclude that they have same action. For this reason, many people wonder which one is better. They actually act on the human body in the same way, and therefore the choice should be made based on the form of release of the drugs and the prescriptions made by the doctor.

Magnesium preparations

The causes of hypomagnesemia are usually an insufficiently balanced diet, impaired absorption from the intestine, consumption of strong alcoholic drinks, diarrhea, painful condition of the renal system. For such conditions, magnesium preparations are prescribed.


What's in it?

When is it appointed?


How to use?

Cost (average)


Hypomagnesemia, arrhythmia, developing angina, atherosclerosis, heart failure in chronic form, infarction, decreased lipid digestibility

Stones in bladder, cirrhosis, lactase deficiency, disruption of glucose absorption

The first week the drug is taken 2 tablets three times a day, for the next five weeks - one tablet three times a day

330 rubles

"Doppelhertz Active Magnesium"

Magnesium, B vitamins

Preventive effects and therapy of heart diseases, blood vessels, neurological conditions, stress, physical activity, unhealthy lifestyle, serious illnesses

Pregnancy, lactation

Not a medicine. Use one capsule per day for two months

360 rubles

Vitamins for seizures

The occurrence of convulsive conditions usually occurs due to disturbances in the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles. They may also indicate the development of a deficiency of magnesium elements, hypocalcemia and a lack of potassium substances. Typically, the causes of convulsive conditions are:

  • dehydration;
  • use of laxatives, diuretics;
  • improper use of therapeutic fasting;
  • frequent intestinal cleansing using an enema.

Certain vitamin products can help improve the condition of seizures.



To whom is it assigned?


How to use?

Cost (average)

"Magne B6"

Magnesium, vitamin B6

Prescribed for people suffering from increased spasms in the muscular parts of the limbs, irregular heart rhythms, painful conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, sleep disorders, and irritability.

Impaired functioning of the renal system

The product is used two or three times daily. The number of pills is between six and eight each day for several weeks.

The injections are used for 7-10 days, the order of their administration is determined by the doctor

Dragee – 580 rubles, injections – 530 rubles


Children are advised to take 4 to 6 tablets per day if their body weight is more than 20 kg.

Adults need to take 6 to 8 tablets per day.

Minimum period of admission – thirty days

316 rubles

The differences between the products are in several points:

  • manufacturers - “” is produced by a French company, while “Magnistad” is produced by a Russian company;
  • "Magne B6" is available in two forms, and "Magnistad" - only in one.

It is difficult to say which remedy is better. It is worth consulting with a specialist to find out which one to take.

Vitamins “2 in 1”

There are often cases when patients are prescribed to take two-in-one products, including calcium and magnesium.


What's in it?

When is it appointed?


How to use?

Cost (average)


Nicotinamide, vitamins B, A, E, C, D, calcium pantothenate

Active lifestyle, constant training, poorly designed diet

Pregnancy, breastfeeding

Lozenges three times daily for three to four weeks

Vitamins A, E, group B, C, D3, PP

Calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, copper, zinc, manganese

Mental, physical overload, active sports, poor health, pregnancy, lactation, heavy menstruation

Allergy, hyperuricemia, gout, erythremia, thromboembolism, children under ten years of age

One red and blue tablet daily. Minimum course of admission – 1 month

120 rubles

"Berocca calcium + magnesium"

Vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, nicotinamide, calcium, magnesium

Asthenia, vitamin deficiency, irritability, apathy, anxiety, sleep disturbances

Hypermagnesemia, hypercalcemia, urolithiasis, dysfunction of the renal system, hemochromatosis and other conditions

Used for a week to four weeks, one tablet every day

Specialized Products

"Magnesia" is widely used in medicine, in its various areas. The product is available in several forms - ampoule, powder. This product is a medicinal product, and therefore can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Its description is presented in tabular form.

What's in it?

When is it appointed?


How to apply?

Cost (average)

"Magnesia (magnesium sulfate)"

Magnesium salt of sulfuric acid

Prescribed for cerebral edema, encephalopathy, epilepsy, eclampsia, threat of early labor, hypomagnesemia, constipation, urinary retention, treatment of warts, poisoning with heavy metals

Reduced blood pressure, acceleration heart rate, third trimester of pregnancy, appendicitis, insufficient functioning of the renal system, rectal bleeding, intestinal obstruction

The powder is dissolved in water, after which a tablespoon is used three times daily. In hospital therapy settings, the ampoule form of the product is usually used. The duration of use is determined by the doctor

Do not forget that Magnesia should not be consumed simultaneously with products containing calcium, barium, strontium, arsenic salts and other elements. The tools described are undoubtedly of great benefit. to the human body However, it is worth seeking advice from a specialist before using them.

Magnesium became known to the world in 1695. It was discovered in England and called Epsom salt. Gradually, knowledge about him expanded and was supplemented. It is now known that magnesium plays an important role in the human body. Its excess or deficiency entails a number of consequences.

Drugs are created on its basis, and doctors around the world are unanimous in their opinion: “Magnesium is indispensable for maintaining human health.”

The role of magnesium in the body

Magnesium is involved in many body functions.

It is involved in a variety of physiological processes:

  • in the work of the heart muscle, gastrointestinal tract. It ensures stable and proper activity of muscle tissue fibers;
  • when restoring and replenishing the expended forces of the body;
  • in the construction function of bone tissue;
  • prevents salt deposits in internal organs;
  • fights toxic substances;
  • plays the role of an informant, i.e. transmits information through nerve impulses;
  • maintains stable pressure readings;
  • takes an active part in metabolism. Magnesium determines how much vitamins (C, B1, B6) will be absorbed. minerals, multivitamins. It is also indispensable for protein synthesis. It helps in the breakdown of carbohydrates;
  • affects blood sugar levels;
  • participates in the exchange of phosphorus, potassium and calcium, ascorbic acid, sodium;
  • maintains oral health (teeth, gums);
  • actively helps in the restoration of soft tissues, bones, skin cells, and internal organs.

It is not possible to replace magnesium. It is present in a huge number of enzyme reactions - more than 300! Its absence will lead to a lot of disruptions in the functioning of the whole organism.

Even a slight decrease in the daily norm of magnesium can cause diseases.

Magnesium levels in the body, daily dose

Magnesium levels in the human body vary depending on age category. From birth, with age, the amount of magnesium in the body increases.

Below are data that show the norm of this microelement (indicators are given by research general analysis blood) in mmol/l:

  1. from birth to 1 month – 0.66-0.95;
  2. from 1 month to 1 year – 0.7-1.2 (the same indicators remain up to 12 years);
  3. from 12 years to 20 – 0.7-0.91;
  4. from 20 years to 60 – 0.66-1.07;
  • From age 60, the level of magnesium decreases, its norm is already 0.66-0.99. Upon reaching 90 years of age and beyond, the content level ranges from 0.7 to 0.95. Children need magnesium primarily for formation and growth skeletal system. If its quantity is reduced, it is possible various complications in the form of bone deformations, growth retardation.
  • Gender also plays a role. In a sexually mature woman, the values ​​will be considered normal from 0.8 to 1.3 mmol/l.
  • Magnesium is very important for pregnant women! It should not fall below 0.8 mmol/l. If the indicators are reduced, then this is fraught with various complications, including miscarriage. The level of 0.2 mmol/l is considered critical, because at this level of magnesium the heart muscle fails and death occurs.
  • Daily value of magnesium will fluctuate depending on living conditions, nutrition, the presence of diseases, etc. The minimum amount of magnesium for females is 300 mg per day. For men this daily norm will be higher – 400 mg.

To maintain the health and normality of this microelement, you should know a few important tips:

  1. Tip #1. Balanced diet. Healthy and nutritious food is the basis for wellness. For happy life You should include porridge (especially buckwheat), dairy products, and nuts in your menu.
  2. Tip #2. If magnesium levels are reduced, you should start taking calcium supplements. This microelement will increase the absorption of magnesium.
  3. Tip #3. Those people who like to indulge in diuretic drinks should be careful and not overdo it. Teas, decoctions and infusions with this effect wash magnesium out of the body.

To be aware of the status of indicators of this element, it is enough to donate blood from a vein. The results can be recorded, which will allow you to start treatment on time, or simply monitor the magnesium content in the blood.

Excess magnesium – causes, symptoms, consequences

Not only a decrease in magnesium levels is dangerous, but also its excess. This phenomenon is commonly called hypermagnesemia in medicine. Cases of its occurrence are very unlikely, but they do occur.

Reasons that may lead to an increase in microelement:

  1. thyroid dysfunction;
  2. kidney disease (renal failure in acute or chronic form);
  3. magnesium abuse;
  4. malignant bone marrow tumor;
  5. dehydration of the body;
  6. disturbance in the processes of magnesium metabolism.

The reasons are very serious, and if they exist, magnesium levels should be monitored extremely carefully.

Symptomatic signs of magnesium excess can appear in several important areas of the human body:

  • psyche;
  • digestive system;
  • cardiovascular system.

From the mental side, manifestations are possible in the form of:

  • the appearance of asthenia;
  • the occurrence of depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • reflex and motor disorders;
  • development of pathological processes in the central nervous system.

In the digestive system, an excess of magnesium will manifest itself:

  • in the form of gastrointestinal disorders;
  • the appearance of pain in the abdominal area.

The cardiovascular system will react to excess of this microelement as follows:

  • heart rate will slow down;
  • asytolia will occur;
  • diastolic pressure will be reduced.

The consequences can be very sad.

Missing on time measures taken threatens the occurrence of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • muscle paralysis;
  • paralysis of the respiratory system;
  • coma;
  • cardiac arrest (if we are talking about the cardiovascular system).

We can say with confidence that everything is fine, but within the permitted measures. So useful and required microelement like magnesium, it can become poisonous due to its excess.

Magnesium deficiency - causes, symptoms, consequences

A lack of magnesium in the blood is called hypomagnesemia. This condition is even more dangerous than its excess.

The main reasons for this shortage are:

  1. high consumption of magnesium by the body during growth;
  2. poor and vitamin-poor food;
  3. disruption of the pancreas when there is a failure in the process of insulin production;
  4. metabolism is disrupted;
  5. fats, caffeine, phosphates and calcium interfere with the absorption of magnesium;
  6. intestinal diseases that prevent them from absorbing essential substances;
  7. excess cholesterol;
  8. stressful situations;
  9. long-term drug treatment;
  10. abuse of diuretics.

These reasons entail a number of diseases and disorders that begin to manifest themselves in the form of symptoms:

  • malfunctions of the digestive system. Constipation and vomiting appear;
  • the nervous system manifests itself in the form increased irritability, feeling of drowsiness and lack of energy, hallucinations, depression, apathy, dizziness;
  • such diseases arise cardiovascular system, such as angina, arrhythmia and hypertension, sharp decline or increased blood pressure;
  • the appearance of diabetes mellitus due to impaired carbohydrate metabolism;
  • immunodeficiency occurs;
  • the respiratory system reacts with the occurrence of tracheal spasms and bronchospasms;
  • work of nervous and muscular systems is disrupted and convulsions, muscle spasms, chills and a feeling of cold, itching occur.

Due to a lack of magnesium, problems with teeth, hair and nails may occur.

In addition, the list of consequences of a lack of this element can lead to complications in the form of:

  • development of gastrointestinal tract disease;
  • premature birth in pregnant women;
  • heart failure\and;
  • the occurrence of neurovascular diseases.

It is better to prevent the decline of magnesium than to treat it later various diseases against the backdrop of its decline.


You can make up for the deficiency by taking medications and supplements.

The most popular and effective of all are:

Magnesium preparations for leg cramps will be as follows:

  • "Kalcemin Advance" - from 400 rubles;
  • “Calcium D3 Nycomed” – from 226 rubles. up to 498;
  • “Magnesium plus” – 139 rubles.

The funds are on free sale. However, before you start using them, you need to consult a doctor.

In this article you will find a list.

Rules for the use of magnesium preparations

Any medicine should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. The “non-prescription” label on the package should not be misleading.

So that the drugs have an effect medicinal property, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The lack of magnesium in the blood can only be determined by taking a test. Therefore, only the attending physician should prescribe means to increase or replenish magnesium.
  2. The drugs should be used in the absence of contraindications.
  3. Duration of admission medications should not be long.
  4. You cannot self-medicate!
  5. In the presence of diseases of a different nature, the use of medications should be acceptable.

Precautions, side effects

When using medications you must take precautions:

  • At increased load , frequent alcohol abuse, taking laxatives and diuretics - the amount of magnesium consumed by the body increases. The dose of the drug taken in such cases may be increased;
  • If there is a calcium deficiency, then the lack of magnesium must be replenished in advance, rather than having to take substances that help restore the amount of calcium.

Side effects can be expressed in the following manifestations:

  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions;
  • the digestive system may react with constipation, painful sensations in the stomach, vomiting, flatulence;
  • the occurrence of an excess of magnesium (hypermagnesemia).

You always need to stop on time. Even if taking medications does not bring the desired result, increase your daily dosage it is forbidden. It is worth consulting a doctor for an explanation of the reasons for the lack of results of therapy.

Ways to get magnesium without drugs

If you have been diagnosed - and taking medications is prohibited, then you should turn your attention to food. They are sources of this trace element, and consumption natural products food is much nicer than medicine.

The list of foods that will help replenish magnesium is quite wide.

It includes:

  • spinach;
  • melons;
  • rye, beans;
  • nuts;
  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • wheat bread;
  • beet;
  • corn;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • onions, both onions and green shoots;
  • apples;
  • plums

Among all food products, cocoa beans can be distinguished separately. They contain 440 mg Mg per 100 g. Nuts are slightly inferior, containing 310 mg.