Vitamin eye drops Taufon. Medicine "Taufon" (eye drops): instructions for use, indications and side effects

Indications for the use of Taufon eye drops are: dystrophic changes eye shell. The medicine stops the development of cataracts, serious illness in which the lens is affected - a biological lens eyeball. The disease is accompanied unpleasant symptoms, which makes it necessary to take drugs that eliminate them. Currently one of the best medications are eye drops Taufon, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied.

Composition of Taufon eye drops

The main active ingredient of the drug is sulfonic acid taurine, which:

  • Activates tissue healing.
  • Stops degenerative processes.

Additionally, the drops include:

  • Preservative methylhydroxybenzoate(E218). Has a disinfectant antifungal effect. The component is biologically safe. In living nature, some plants are able to synthesize it, for example blueberries.
  • Solution sodium hydroxide. The connection creates alkaline environment and purifies water from impurities.
  • Water.

The main benefits and harms of Taufon eye drops

When treated with this drug, a stable therapeutic effect is achieved.

1. The medicine is localized in the retina of the eye and protects it from negative factors external environment, reduces harmful effects their influence.

2. Promotes regeneration of eye tissue.

3. Provides the correct balance of oxygen consumption by cells and tissue respiration.
Stimulates the functional ability of cells to repair chemical damage in DNA molecules.

4. Normalizes functions molecular structures cells.

5. Strengthens the transport of impulses along nerve fibers.

The main benefit of Taufon eye drops is provided by the active substance taurine.


Indications for use of Taufon drops are:

  • Clouding of the lens of the eye (cataracta).
  • Pathological conditions leading to impaired corneal transparency.
  • External damage to the stratum corneum (to accelerate healing and tissue regeneration).
  • Destructive changes in the retina of the eye various reasons: impaired blood supply to tissues, senile dystrophy, etc.

How to use Taufon drops

The dosage regimen depends on the disease.According to the instructions:

  • For cataracts, it is recommended to instill one or two drops two to four times a day for three months.
  • For traumatic damage to the cornea and degenerative diseases, the course is four weeks at the dose recommended above.
  • For retinal diseases associated with a violation of the pigment layer of the retina, as well as deep traumatic damage to the cornea, the medicine should be administered three milliliters once a day for ten days. It is recommended to repeat treatment after six to eight months.

Analog of Taufon eye drops

The most popular substitute for "Taufon" are "Taurine" drops with the main substance of the same name in the composition. The medicine is precise structural analogue, and its cost is about three times cheaper. The instructions for using the drugs are almost the same.

How much do they cost

Taufon eye drops belong to the middle price category. Their average price is 125 rubles.

Can it be used for children?

According to the instructions, Taufon eye drops should not be used by children. Admission is limited to adults over 18 years of age. But in fact, in some cases, ophthalmologists still prescribe the drug to children. Why is this so?

1. Taurine is considered sufficient safe acid. It is often included in the formulation of infant formula for artificial feeding.

2. The disease can be inherited by the baby and treatment must be started immediately to stop the development of the disease.

In any case, only a competent specialist can take on such responsibility for the child’s health, and self-prescription with drops is out of the question - it’s dangerous!

Contraindications and harm

Taufon eye drops should not be used in the following cases:

  • Taurine intolerance.
  • Children under 18 years of age.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

The drug has a short list of contraindications. Despite this, in some cases an allergy to the medicine may occur.

Best before date

  • Taufon drops can be used for four weeks after opening the package.
  • In intact (unopened) packaging, the medicine is good for three years.

Any visual disturbances - serious symptom, which can lead to the development of myopia, farsightedness, cataracts and even complete loss vision. Even the most simple eye diseases should be treated with certain regenerating and therapeutic effect, among which Taufon drops occupy a special place.

This drug not only heals some eye pathologies, but also prevents their development and occurrence.

How Taufon works

The main active ingredient is taurine ( international name Taufona sounds like this - “Taurine”), which is supplemented with nipagin (preservative) and water for injection.

Taurine is an amino acid that is normally produced in the body by complex processes from cysteine. Due to the deficiency of this particular amino acid, various malfunctions and disorders occur in the visual organ.

By replenishing taurine deficiency in the body, Taufon promotes the restoration and healing of the retina and its tissues, and its benefits for the eyes are obvious:

  1. Improves energy metabolism in eye tissues at the cellular level.
  2. Restores metabolic processes in senile and traumatic injuries.
  3. Improves metabolic processes in tissue cells.
  4. Normalizes the functioning of cell membranes when their functions are impaired and also activates them protective functions, which helps prevent the development of cancerous tumors.
  5. Reduces the likelihood of development and normalizes intraocular vision.

The restorative and healing ability of the drug allows it to be used to treat pathologies in the retina and cornea.

Taufon drops have found their use in the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Dystrophic manifestations on the retina of various etiologies;
  • Cataracts of all types (traumatic, radiation, senile);
  • Damage to the cornea;
  • Open angle shapes;
  • Eye damage – debris or insects, burns sun rays, chemical burns, other injuries;
  • Dysfunction of the ocular mucosa.

In case corneal pathologies are associated with poor nutrition or weak, Taufon eye drops will have a supporting effect.

With the development of cataracts, the drug helps slow down the development pathological processes in the tissues of the eye and inhibits the growth of spots. If cataract surgery has been performed, Taufon eye drops are used before and after surgical intervention as a maintenance therapeutic agent.

Important! Taurine or Taufon helps restore damaged eye tissue cells, normalizes fluid pressure inside the eyes and eliminates degenerative phenomena.

Taufon drops can also be used as a preventive measure, for example, for people who spend a lot of time at the computer or are fond of reading books. But even in for preventive purposes drops should be used only after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Instructions for use and dosage

When prescribing a course of treatment and dosage, the doctor takes into account the nature of the pathology, its course and the characteristics of the patient’s body. However, even when drops are prescribed by an ophthalmologist, the patient should study the instructions for use independently.

Standard course of treatment for certain diseases:

  • For cataracts. Drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac - 2-3 drops in each eye. The frequency of instillation is determined by the doctor, usually 3-4 times a day. The course is usually 3 months, then a month break is taken and repeated.
  • For injuries. 2-3 drops are instilled into each eye three to four times a day. The treatment cycle is specified by the ophthalmologist and can last up to 1 month.
  • For open glaucoma. Drops are instilled twice a day - 2-3 drops. The treatment period is determined strictly on an individual basis.
  • For age-related changes in image perception and as a preventive measure– three times a day, 2-3 drops for 15-30 days. The course of treatment depends on the patient's condition.

Pay attention! Before using the drops, you should hold the bottle in your hand for a while to warm it up.

Instructions for use:

  1. Shake the bottle slightly before use.
  2. Do not put more than three drops in one eye, because... doesn't matter more drops will not fit in the conjunctival sac.
  3. When instilled, the bottle should not touch the eye.
  4. After instillation, close your eyes and make circular movements with your eyes so that the product can be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the eye.
  5. Lenses should be put on no earlier than twenty minutes after the eye drops are applied.

The use of Taufon is relatively safe, does not create discomfort and is well tolerated by the body. But for some people (this is due to individual characteristics body) drops may dull visual acuity for some time. Therefore, the drug should be used with caution by persons whose activities are related to increased concentration attention.

Features of using Taufon drops

Taufon has practically no restrictions - they concern individual intolerance to the components of the drug and the state of pregnancy and lactation.

For the treatment of children clinical trials have not been carried out with Taufon, so the effect of drops for children gives rise to opposing opinions. The instructions do not recommend administering drops to persons under 18 years of age, but some doctors practice using the drug in children over 12 years of age (if urgently needed and provided there is no individual intolerance).

What you should know when using Taufon:

  • Taufon eye drops cannot be used simultaneously with other drops, provided that the interval between instillation is 15-20 minutes.
  • Do not use drops if available allergic reactions to taurine.
  • Eye ointments can be used 20-25 minutes after instillation.
  • Interaction with other Taufon drugs has not been described, because the medicine practically does not enter the general bloodstream.
  • Taufon should be stored in a cool and dark place. Do not use an open bottle for more than 30 days.

Among the side effects when using the drug, allergic reactions were noted, if they occur, you should stop using the drops and visit a doctor.

If you have side effects when using the drug, then you should immediately stop using it

Analogues of Taufon

Medicines with a composition similar to Taufon, on at the moment does not exist, except for the cheaper Taurine.

Similar therapeutic effect Taufon analogues have: Khrustalin, Vitafacol, Dibikor, Actovegin, Catalin.

Taufon itself has a very low cost - it can be bought for 100-150 rubles. per bottle. Among the drugs similar action This is the lowest price, although the drops have a high therapeutic effect.

– a metabolic agent that stimulates repair and regeneration processes during ophthalmological diseases, accompanied by a sharp disturbance in the metabolism of eye tissues, and in diseases of a dystrophic nature.

In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe Taufon, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for it medicine in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS People who have already used Taufon drops can be read in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group: a drug that stimulates regeneration processes for local use in ophthalmology.

1 ml of solution contains:

  • Active ingredient: – 40 mg;
  • Auxiliary components: methyl parahydroxybenzoate (methylparaben), 1 M sodium hydroxide solution, .

According to the instructions, Taufon is produced in the form eye drops, tablets and solution for subconjunctival administration.

What is Taufon used for?

Indications for use medicinal product"Taufon" are many eye disorders:

  • damage to the retina of the eyes due to disturbances in their nutrition (often associated with age).
  • hereditary retinal degeneration.
  • corneal dystrophy.
  • corneal injury (to stimulate tissue repair).
  • in patients with glaucoma, the drug helps reduce intraocular pressure pleasures in which it is increased due to easier outflow and reduced production of aqueous humor.

The drug is effective for radiation, diabetic, senile or traumatic cataracts of the eye.

Pharmacological action

The main active component of the drug and Taufon analogues is the amino acid taurine, which is synthesized in the body during the conversion of cysteine.

  • Taurine is found in some foods. Helps optimize energy processes in the body, takes an active part in fat metabolism. It has been experimentally established that the drug plays the role of an amino acid, which is responsible for the transmission of excitation in nerve tissues.
  • The drug has anticonvulsant properties, due to which it has a cardiotropic effect.

Taufon and its analogues stimulate regeneration processes in case of dystrophic changes in the retina and traumatic disorders of eye tissue. IN medical purposes the drug is available in the form of a 4% aqueous solution.

Instructions for use

How to use eye drops correctly:

  • Before instillation, warm it in your hand and shake the bottle.
  • We drop 1-2 drops of solution into each eye - do not touch them with a pipette! We repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
  • After installation, we make circular movements with our eyes to better spread over their surface.

The dose of the drug depends on the disease:

  • At various types cataracts, Taufon drops are instilled 4 times a day, 2 drops. Course – 3 months. Repeated treatment– in 1 month.
  • If the cornea is injured, a course of 10 injections of a 4% solution of 3 ml is required - 1 time per day. Repeatedly – ​​after 6-8 months.
  • For preventive purposes – 2 drops 3 times a day for 1 month.


The use of Taufon is unacceptable when hypersensitivity to the active substance, as well as to additional components.

Side effects

Judging by the reviews, Taufon for individual intolerance active substance can provoke an allergic reaction, manifested by redness of the eye membrane, itching, as well as hives and skin rashes.


If the drug is not available in the pharmacy or you are sensitive to its ingredients, you may be offered the following analogues of Taufon:

  • Ophtolic;
  • Optiv;
  • Slesin;
  • Cytochrome C;

Constant work at the computer cannot have a beneficial effect on eye health - various degenerative changes in their tissues begin, and the development of cataracts is provoked. To prevent such misfortunes, you can use Taufon eye drops from time to time. Let's talk about what the reviews and instructions say about them, what the price of the drug is.

Taufon contains taurine, a sulfur-containing amino acid, which is its main active ingredient. It is directly involved in metabolism and promotes the restoration of damaged cells. When administered subconjunctivally, it has a retinoprotective and anticatarrhal effect, and when administered locally, it has a metabolic effect. Also contains: nipagin and water for injection.

Once on the surface of the eye, these drops improve the penetration of oxygen to the tissues and enhance metabolism, and may help to slightly reduce intraocular pressure. They are absorbed into the general bloodstream in small quantities. Taufon is produced in plastic bottles with a 5 or 10 ml dispenser pipette. Average cost: 140 rubles. Reviews about it are mostly positive.

Taurine is also used biologically active additive To food products(juices, energy drinks) and animal feed. Especially for cats, since it is for them - essential amino acid. It is also one of the components of dry milk formulas - breast milk substitutes.

In what cases can the drug help and how to use it correctly?

Taufon eye drops help almost always when needed emergency assistance eyes. For example, when:

  1. Injuries to the cornea or mucous membranes.
  2. Ingress of foreign objects.
  3. Chemical and thermal burns.
  4. Damage to the eyes from sun rays.
  5. Development different types cataracts or open-angle glaucoma.
  6. Dystrophies of the cornea or retina.

Regular use of the drug leads to the onset of regressive processes and accelerated recovery of eye tissue. If treatment is prescribed for early stages cataracts, perhaps they will resolve completely. Reviews say that Taufon has already saved many from vision loss and surgery.

How to use eye drops correctly:

  • Before instillation, warm it in your hand and shake the bottle.
  • We drop 1-2 drops of solution into each eye - do not touch them with a pipette! We repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
  • After installation, we make circular movements with our eyes so that the medicine spreads better over their surface.

The course of treatment for cataracts is six months (2 courses of 3 months each with a one-month break); for glaucoma – 2 months; for dystrophy and eye fatigue - 14-30 days (this depends on the severity of the process).

User reviews say that in general the drug is good, but immediately after instillation you may feel a burning sensation in the eyes.

What else interesting can be said about the drug?

Taufon eye drops are not recommended for use by persons hypersensitive to the components of the drug, children and adolescents over 18 years of age, since studies confirming the safety of their use during these periods have not been conducted. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is prescribed with caution, even if the cost of the mother’s health is higher than possible negative impact on a fetus or child.

Side effects include the possibility of allergic reactions. In such cases, the use of the drug should be discontinued. In general, with local application no cases of overdose were observed. The instructions say that there are no interactions with other medications.

Before instilling eye drops, it is recommended to remove them and put them back after 20-30 minutes. Taufon should be stored in a cool place, protected from children and direct light. The shelf life of a closed bottle is 3 years, an open bottle is 1 month. More cheap analogue drug - Taurine.

What is corneal dystrophy, how to recognize and treat it (video):

Have you ever used these eye drops? What is your opinion about them? Share your impressions with us - it will be useful to many other people!

Taufon - eye drops from the budget price segment. The average cost of the drug is 130-150 rubles. Due to its affordable price along with high therapeutic effectiveness, Taufon is one of the most popular anti-cataract drugs.

Features of the composition

The active ingredient is taurine. Belongs to the class of sulfur-containing amino acids formed during the breakdown of cysteine. In addition to pharmacological drugs, it is found in some food products (red fish, turkey meat, cod, pork ham, etc.).

The positive effect on the body is stimulation metabolic processes in tissues and normalization of function cell membrane. In ophthalmology, taurine-based drugs (in particular Taufon) are used to enhance regenerative processes in traumatic and dystrophic lesions of eye tissue. In addition to stimulating metabolic processes, taurine promotes stabilization.

When is Taufon prescribed?

Drops are used in the treatment of dystrophic pathologies of the retina and cornea of ​​various origins:

  • angiopathy;
  • diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy;
  • retinal detachment and rupture;
  • internal hemorrhages and tumors;
  • corneal dystrophy.

The drug is also used in the composition complex treatment Cataracts (clouding of the lens) of various types:

  • traumatic;
  • age;
  • ray;
  • diabetic.

Research is currently underway to determine the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of glaucoma as a means to reduce intraocular pressure. It has also been proven that regular use of Taufon triggers the process of cataract regression, and therefore the drug is effective means medicinal method treatment of this disease. There are confirmed cases full recovery transparency of the lens at the initial and immature stages of age-related cataracts during Taufon therapy. For the treatment of cataracts for more late stages using a non-surgical method, the drug is used as part of complex therapy.

Pros and cons of the drug

A significant advantage of Taufon drops, in addition to the affordable cost, is the minimal number of side effects and contraindications.

Treatment with Taufon is not recommended only in case of hypersensitivity to the active component taurine, which is extremely rare. As side effects Allergic reactions may occur, which is also rare. The relative disadvantages of the drug include the fact that Taufon is recommended for the treatment of eye diseases only in adult (over 18 years of age) patients. However, the vast majority of the “audience” of cataracts are elderly people.

Thanks to a special attachment on the bottle, which allows you to adjust the dosage of the drug, it is almost impossible to make a mistake with the dose of Taufon. Even if there are a couple of drops more in the eye, negative consequences there won't be.

The drug is available in the form of 4% (1 ml drops contain 4 mg of the active ingredient), a colorless solution of transparent consistency, without a distinct odor. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be produced in glass or plastic bottles of 5 or 10 ml. The bottles are equipped with a dosing nozzle.

Analogues of Taufon eye drops

The main analogue of the drug based on the same active substance is Taurine eye drops. Pharmacological action, the indications and contraindications for these drugs are completely the same. The difference between Taurine is its even lower price (the cost of a 5 ml bottle is only 20-25 rubles). In fact, Taufon is a more expensive version of Taurine, although it itself is one of the most inexpensive anti-cataract drugs. The difference is that Taufon can be found in any pharmacy stall, but cheap Taurine is not easy to find even on the shelves of popular pharmacy chains.

Another analogue of Taufon based on the same active component- the drug Dibikor, produced in the form of tablets. The main indication for use of Dibikor is cardiovascular failure, but it is also included in complex therapy for cataracts and traumatic injuries of the cornea.

Based on reviews, in terms of effectiveness, Taufon is a good alternative to more expensive anti-cataract drops - Quinax, Oftan-Katachrome, etc.

Instructions for use

The only way to use the drug Taufon is instillation (instillation) into the conjunctival sac (the area between the back and front surfaces of the eyelid). Nasal or indoor application drops are strictly prohibited. There is nothing complicated about the instillations themselves:

  1. Shake the bottle with the drug. Check it for the presence of sediment: if the liquid has changed color or there are foreign impurities in it, you should not instill such medicine.
  2. Take a comfortable position (the easiest way is to lean on the back of a sofa or chair) and throw back your head. Pull the lower eyelid with the fingers of one hand until a “pocket” appears between the eyelid and the surface of the eye. Hold the bottle with the drug with your other hand.
  3. Carefully bring the tip of the bottle cap to the “pocket” and gently squeeze out required quantity drops Try not to touch the surface of the eye with the cap; you need to instill the drug “in weight”. Maximum quantity The amount of liquid that can fit in the conjunctival sac is just two drops, so it’s difficult to overdo the dosage.
  4. Release the lower eyelid and close the eye for a few seconds so that the drug is distributed over the entire area of ​​the eyeball.

If you are wearing contact lenses, before instillation they must be removed from the eyes. You can use the lenses again after 15-10 minutes after instilling Taufon. You cannot put on accessories right away - the drug needs time to distribute over the surface of the eyeball and assimilate into the tissue.

Video - How to put drops in your eyes correctly

Dosage of Taufon in the treatment of various eye diseases

To treat cataract lesions, Taufon is instilled 4 times a day, 2-3 drops for each instillation. The duration of one course of therapy for cataracts is three months. If necessary, the course is re-prescribed at a monthly interval.

To accelerate tissue regeneration in case of eye injuries, Taufon is prescribed in similar doses, but the duration of the course of treatment is shorter - up to 1 month. For dystrophic retinal pathologies, Taufon instillations are prescribed three times a day, 2 drops. The duration of therapy depends on the extent of the lesion.