What does inulin contain? Inulin from the pharmacy: is it useful? Increases the absorption of calcium and magnesium

IN lately in modern pharmaceutical companies close attention given to a substance such as inulin. What is this element? What are its properties and features? Why is inulin used in drugs and cosmetics? Let's find out.

But before we get acquainted with the methods of using the substance, let's briefly learn what inulin is and what its sources are.

Chemical composition of the substance

What is inulin? Without going into unnecessary details, this is an organic substance, or more precisely, a carbohydrate of a high molecular weight compound. From this we can conclude that inulin is a polysaccharide, the molecules of which are long linear monosaccharide residues connected by a glycosidic bond. That is why the substance is also called D-fructose polymer. Chemical composition inulin is a molecular chain of 30-35 fructose residues in the form of a furanose compound.

If we explain even more simply what inulin is, we can say that it is a sweet-tasting polymer, in the form of powder or crystals, easily soluble in water whose temperature exceeds fifty degrees.

This substance has no reducing properties and is not digested by enzymes. gastrointestinal tract person.

So, we learned what inulin is. Now let's find out where it comes from.

Where is the substance found?

Sources of inulin are common plants. There are about three hundred species. Mostly this substance is extracted not from the plants themselves, but from their root system. What kind of representatives of the flora are these that give humanity such an important polyfructosan? First of all, these are flower families such as:

  • Asteraceae (asters, dandelions, marigolds, thistles);
  • bellflowers (turfy or peach-leaved bellflowers);
  • lilies (curly lily, tulip, calochortus);
  • lobeliaceae;
  • violet.

To be specific, the highest concentration of inulin (the benefits and harms of which we will talk about a little later) is found in plants such as burdock (or burdock), Jerusalem artichoke (or tuberous sunflower), dandelion officinalis (other names - common dandelion or medicinal dandelion) , elecampane, dahlia, chicory, narcissus, hyacinth, as well as onions and garlic.

How the substance is produced

Most often, inulin is extracted from Jerusalem artichoke or chicory. What are they doing for this? First of all, the raw materials from which the substance is produced are crushed, then placed in special equipment called an extractor, in which inulin is extracted using turbulent flows. It is extracted in liquid form, after which it is concentrated and a sediment is allowed to appear, which after a short amount of time is cleaned and dried.

How is the resulting substance used?

Areas of application of the polymer

Paying attention to the properties of inulin, it is used in at least two areas of light industry, for food and pharmacological purposes. Let's discuss this in more detail.

Food inulin is added as a technological ingredient to baby food, dairy and chocolate products, dietary products, ice cream, sauces, and fast food. This is due to the fact that the polysaccharide, when combined with water, is able to imitate the feeling of fat in the product, since in this form it is a creamy substance. This property of the substance becomes truly useful in the process of preparing low-fat, low-calorie products.

How is inulin used in pharmacies and other pharmaceutical institutions? Due to its characteristics, the substance is actively used to treat many diseases. Therefore, various biologically active additives are produced from the polymer, most often used as prophylaxis. In some cases, inulin can perform the functions of insulin, so it can be used by diabetics of the second type of disease. Also, this polysaccharide can be prescribed for dysbiosis, acute or chronic illnesses organs of the gastrointestinal tract, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, bone diseases, etc.

When discussing the topic of why inulin is needed, it is impossible not to mention its advantages and disadvantages.

Positive properties of the substance

A lot can be said about the benefits and harms of inulin. First of all, it is necessary to mention that it is used as a prebiotic, that is, it helps beneficial bacteria in the intestines to multiply, and also removes toxic substances from the body.

Let's discuss the spectrum of action of inulin on human body a little more detail.

Help for the gastrointestinal tract

In addition to the fact that this polymer heals the intestines and helps it get rid of negative bacteria, it cleanses such an important organ as the liver, thereby promoting its healing. Due to this, the polysaccharide is used in the complex therapy of hepatitis B and C.

Thanks to the use of drugs with inulin, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, stool is normalized, slagging is reduced, gastritis and dysbiosis are treated.

Inulin and the cardiovascular system

This substance can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, as it lowers cholesterol and ammonium levels. It is a prophylactic against the formation of blood clots and blood clots, corrects blood pressure.

Provides immunity

Thanks to its properties, the polysaccharide promotes the rapid absorption of nutrients, minerals and vitamins, and also strengthens the body’s protective function. Thanks to this, the human immune system improves, capable of overcoming not only colds, but also negative impact infections, bacteria, etc.

Other ailments

As mentioned above, the prebiotic has a positive effect on patients with diabetes, as it lowers glucose levels.

Moreover, this substance is capable of removing from the body not only waste and toxins, but also radionuclides, heavy metals, and fungal microorganisms.

Polysaccharide is effective means to prevent cancer.

Due to the fact that the polymer promotes the activation and reproduction of beneficial substances, it improves the growth of bone tissue, as it helps to absorb and accumulate calcium in the body.

Prebiotic and weight loss aid

If you remember all of the above, it is not surprising that one of the active ingredients of diet pills or teas is inulin. The instructions for use of these drugs state that the polysaccharide helps improve fat metabolism in the human body, excretion of feces, etc. Moreover, due to the fact that this substance forms a gel-like shell in the stomach covering the mucous membrane, rapid saturation with food occurs, which can last quite a while. long time. That is, the polymer reduces the constant feeling of hunger, which is why a person eats less and loses weight.

Of course, to see the results with your own eyes, you need to wait, and also combine taking inulin with a carefully selected dietary nutrition and physical exercise.

Cosmetological use of the substance

Is polysaccharide used in the beauty industry? Yes, and very often. Due to its diverse spectrum of action, it can be found in such cosmetics, like tonics, shampoos, creams, masks, shower gels, antiperspirants. Inulin is also added to high-quality children's cosmetics.

What can a polymer do to improve a person's appearance? First of all, it can help smooth out wrinkles, and also remove traces of acne and pimples, saturate the skin with oxygen and enrich it with collagen, moisturize it and nourish it with useful substances. Thanks to this, the regeneration of the skin will improve, and the epidermis will become smooth and tender.

Inulin is useful not only for the facial skin, but also for the scalp. Thanks to its beneficial effects, the hair follicles will become stronger and healthier, which will definitely affect the hair itself. They will strengthen, stop falling out and splitting, and become obedient and silky.

Negative effects of the substance

As you can see, this polysaccharide has a wide spectrum useful features. However, this does not mean that it should be used thoughtlessly or chaotically. Before you start using dietary supplements with the addition of inulin, it is recommended to consult with your doctor or other specialist whom you trust.

Why? Firstly, inulin may be contraindicated for you due to an allergy to this polymer. Moreover, it should be used with caution by those with a history of ailments such as varicose veins veins, hemorrhoids, chronic respiratory diseases. The fact is that the polysaccharide can enhance the manifestations of these diseases.

It is also worth remembering that a prebiotic cannot be used with antibiotics, as it can eliminate their active components. Because of this, antibacterial therapy will not have the desired effect, and recovery will become impossible.

Now let's take a look at which drugs this polysaccharide is found in.

Various pharmacological agents

As one of the components, inulin is found in such dietary supplements as “Multinulan”, “Fitoflax”, “Gynostemenin” and many others. Let's talk about them in more detail.

In the preparations mentioned above, the main component is inulin. The instructions for use of these products recommend for what symptoms you can take dietary supplements and how to do it correctly.

For example, from the annotation to the dietary supplements listed above, you can find out that they consist not only of inulin, but also of other important components. For example, “Gynostemenin” contains saponins, carotenoids and trace elements such as selenium, calcium, magnesium and zinc. The composition of the dietary supplement “Multinulan” includes such important ingredients as ivy bud, dandelion, linden, and horsetail.

This drug is available in the form of tablets, which contain dried Jerusalem artichoke powder (inulin) and crushed wheat bran, as well as pectin, amino acids, fats, fiber, proteins, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, iron, silicon, manganese, zinc, etc. further.

This drug is used as a complex therapy in the treatment of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. He is also effective means for obesity, as it qualitatively and deeply cleanses the intestines of toxins and feces, and also reduces appetite.

Prescribe this drug two tablets three times a day, with meals.

What is the dietary supplement “Inulin”

This drug is a 100% polysaccharide in its natural, unmodified state. It can be prescribed by specialists as a complex therapy or as a prophylactic agent for diseases such as dysbiosis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus.

A natural prebiotic is best taken in courses of one to two months. Then take a break of four to eight weeks and resume taking the drug again.

If inulin comes in the form of tablets, then, according to the instructions, they should be taken during meals, one or two pieces three or four times a day. If the form of inulin is powder or crystals, then it is better to take them one teaspoon two to three times a day, before meals.

The dosage of the drug for children under twelve years of age should be halved. It is best to take a dietary supplement after consulting with your doctor.

A little about the cost of drugs

If we talk about natural insulin, extracted from Jerusalem artichoke tubers, then its price will vary from four hundred to six hundred rubles per hundred tablets. If we're talking about about the dietary supplement “Inulin Forte” from “Evalar”, then its cost will not exceed three hundred rubles for the same one hundred capsules.

Many people praise the polysaccharide powder produced in the United States of America - “Ortho Prebio” in an amount of 240 grams. Its cost will vary around one and a half thousand rubles per package. The drug will need to be ordered through a specific online store.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, inulin is a very important polysaccharide, actively used both in medicine and in cosmetology, and food production. This tool has a natural source, as it is found in the roots and tubers of such common plants as chicory, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, aster, burdock, elecampane, and dandelion.

In the food industry, the polymer is used as an additive in sauces and mayonnaise. It also gives foods a rich, fatty taste without reducing their calorie content.

In cosmetology, inulin is used in creams and shampoos, as it can provide positive influence on the skin, relieving the skin of wrinkles, acne, nourishing and moisturizing the epidermis.

And of course, inulin is widely used in pharmacology. Due to the fact that the polysaccharide cleanses the blood of toxins and reduces cholesterol, it increases the body’s protective function, easily removes toxins and restores quality damaged tissue organ such as the liver, preparations with inulin are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of serious diseases such as hepatitis C, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, obesity, hypertension, gastritis, colds, etc.

However, it is very important to follow one simple rule: Although inulin is a dietary supplement, it should still be used carefully and only as prescribed by a specialist. You should not self-medicate or focus on dietary supplements alone. Most often they are prescribed in combination with medications. If you suffer from any medical condition, consult your doctor before purchasing this or that dietary supplement. This will help you correctly adjust your treatment and save material resources and will save you from problems in the future.

Good health to you!

Inulin is a substance of plant origin belonging to the group of polysaccharides. It is extracted from the roots and tubers of some plants (jerusalem artichoke, chicory). This substance is considered and when it enters the human intestine it is not digested.

Useful properties

Inulin has the main properties of prebiotics:

  • promotes growth in the number
  • stimulates intestinal function;
  • promotes the removal of waste and toxins.

Inulin also reduces blood glucose levels, making it useful component in the production of diabetes drugs.

Inulin also has the following benefits:

  • Normalizes weight. Scientists conducted an experiment during which a group of overweight people took 21 g of inulin per day. As a result, they experienced an increase in the amount of hormones that provide a feeling of fullness (these studies are sufficient to confirm the fact that inulin helps control appetite).
  • Reduces appetite. Studies show that inulin suppresses the feeling of hunger, inhibits the rise in blood glucose levels and prevents the deposition of excess sugars into fats. This property of inulin is used in the treatment of diabetes and obesity.
  • Suppresses the inflammatory process. Inulin has a weak anti-inflammatory effect and, in combination with other agents, normalizes the condition of the intestines.
  • Laxative effect. It does not allow excess amounts of feces to accumulate in the intestines and prevents constipation.
  • Removes salts from the body heavy metals and radionuclides.
  • Stimulates the growth of bone tissue, preventing the development of fragility of bones and joints. The effect is achieved by improving calcium absorption.
  • Cleanses the liver, enhances the effect of taking it medicines during treatment of hepatitis types B and C.
  • Reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract.

To achieve listed effects Patients are advised to increase their daily intake of inulin by eating certain products and the use of dietary supplements, which will be discussed below.

Application of inulin

Inulin is used in production baby food. Since the intestines of a newborn are sterile, the bulk of the beneficial microflora is formed through breast milk. As complementary foods are introduced, the amount of prebiotics may decrease. To prevent this from happening, baby food manufacturers add inulin to it. It improves digestion and increases the absorption of magnesium and calcium.

Taking inulin is most useful for children prone to constipation and flatulence.

Since the polysaccharide is extracted from plants and not chemically, it does not cause harm to health: it is even included in hypoallergenic products.

Due to its natural origin, inulin is actively used in the production of cosmetic products. The polysaccharide promotes the regeneration of cellular tissue, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes the skin, eliminates inflammation and produces natural collagen. Inulin is also useful for the condition of hair - it makes it strong, strengthens the hair follicles, and prevents split ends and hair loss. The polysaccharide is included in anti-aging creams, face masks, hair conditioners and shampoos, and children's cosmetics.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

There are no restrictions on the consumption of inulin, as well as side effects from taking it. The only contraindication for consuming a large number of products and dietary supplements containing polysaccharide is considered intolerance to this compound. In the absence of allergies, the use of polysaccharide is indicated for elderly people, children, patients with chronic pathologies and intestinal disorders.

You need to be careful with the use of inulin in the following cases:

  • pathology digestive tract accompanied by diarrhea, flatulence and heartburn (inulin enhances these manifestations);
  • reception antibacterial drugs, since inulin can prevent their complete absorption;
  • varicose veins;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • spasms of the upper respiratory tract.

Only the attending physician can determine whether a person needs additional doses of inulin.

Sources of inulin


The largest amount of inulin is found in fruits Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear) . This polysaccharide is also extracted from the following plants:

dietary supplements

Consequences of inulin deficiency

In patients with diabetes mellitus, a lack of inulin causes a worsening of the disease. In diabetes, the absorption of glucose, which is the main source of energy, is disrupted. Insufficient energy reserves lead to chronic apathy and fatigue, and a person becomes susceptible to depression. High sugar content in the blood makes it thick, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of all organs and systems. Problems with the kidneys, heart, liver appear, blood vessels, nerves and tissues are damaged. To replenish energy reserves, the body draws them from the fat layer, which causes an increase in cholesterol - it is deposited for vascular walls, forming plaques and blood clots. Therefore, people with diabetes are at risk for developing heart attacks and strokes.

If there is not enough fat mass, the body actively breaks down proteins. This leads to loss of bone mass, osteoporosis and joint diseases. Also, a person’s metabolism is disrupted, which provokes the loss of beneficial intestinal microflora, digestive disorders, development and decrease in immunity.

Even in the absence chronic diseases, every person can feel the consequences of a lack of inulin in an increased tendency to depression, frequent colds, intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis.

Tips for maintaining gut health and increasing the amount of beneficial microflora:

  • eat at least one product daily that contains a lot of inulin - garlic, onions, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • drink chicory drink instead of coffee - it does not increase the level blood pressure, does not cause insomnia and saturates the body with beneficial polysaccharides;
  • take dietary supplements containing inulin and other prebiotics after lingering cold, antibiotic treatment and chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

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What are prebiotics and why are they needed?

The future of many areas in medicine lies in the study of human microbiota. That part of the microbiota that lives in the intestines is nourished by prebiotics, including our hero.

Microbiota ( normal microflora) is a collection of microorganisms in the human body. It affects directly or indirectly all (!) systems and organs. Life is impossible without the active participation of bacteria - just as without air, water, food and gravity.

People as a “host species” are not critical for the existence of bacteria, but Bacteria are obligatory companions of humans. Therefore, numerous studies of the most modern laboratories are focused on studying the connection and algorithm of interaction between “a person and his microbiota”.

More than 10 thousand species of microbes inhabit the intestines. Of these, 62% are poorly studied, of which 99% are poorly or not cultivated at all.

3-5% of our weight is bacteria inhabiting the body. Do you weigh 65 kg? The bacteria in your body is from 2 to 3.25 kg.

Only by the age of 7 is a stable structure of the human microflora created. Throughout our lives, the quality and balance of microflora depends very much on nutrition.

Thus, depends directly on nutrition and those key systems that rely on gut bacteria. First of all, immunity (up to 70% of immune reserves are determined by the intestinal microbiota). As well as all types of metabolism, absorption of nutrients, synthesis of vitamins and target compounds, among which there are active anti-cancer molecules.

How to maintain harmony of friendly microflora?

Create conditions proper nutrition and replenish the diet with special substances - prebiotics.

This nutrients, which are not absorbed in upper sections digestive tract, reach the intestines unchanged and create conditions there for the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria.

What is inulin and what are its benefits?

Fructose-oligosaccharides (FOS), galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), lactulose, lactitol and inulin are the most well-known compounds with pronounced prebiotic properties.

What is inulin and what is it for? A polysaccharide consisting of 95% fructose. It dissolves well in hot water, but is not digested in the stomach and today fully belongs to dietary fiber. In the large intestine, inulin becomes a desirable food for beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Deep Study of Inulin began at the end of the 20th century. A lot of information has been accumulated on the benefits of prebiotics in the prevention and treatment of a number of dangerous conditions that shorten life to a certain extent. modern man- atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, hepatosteatosis, constipation, reduced immunity.

TOP 6 useful properties

Let's start with the obvious and end with some very ambitious health benefits. Inulin is truly beneficial in many ways.

Let us remind you that we always offer treat any loud delights soberly. That is why in the iHerb section you will also find skeptical assessments of health-improving products with honest reviews “we won’t buy it.”

In the case of inulin, after careful study and long-term use, it is no coincidence that the scales tip in a clear favor, which is especially important - universal.

How is our today's hero useful?

Reduces constipation and normalizes cleansing

2011, the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition: A 28-day study of the effects of chicory inulin on constipation in old age. Conclusion: daily addition of 15 g of inulin relieves constipation and improves the quality of life in people 60+. ()

Inulin retains liquid in the intestinal lumen, which makes the food bolus loose and easy to move through the intestines.

Gel-like, sliding surface of stool - distinguishing characteristic with a sufficient amount of inulin. This protects against injury during bowel movements in a person with hemorrhoids.

Nourishes beneficial intestinal microflora

Inulin is an oligosaccharide, i.e. it contains several simple sugars joined together to form what is called “fructan.” This is an indigestible prebiotic that, moving through the intestines, selectively ferments and nourishes only healthy intestinal microflora. As a result pathogenic microorganisms cannot reproduce.

He also receives protection large intestine, in addition to the systemic effect on immunity and metabolism. Studies have found that inulin-type fructans reduce the risk of colon carcinogenesis and improve treatment inflammatory diseases intestines. ()

Prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetes

When passing through digestive system, inulin acts as an adsorbent. It carries along triglycerides, “bad cholesterol” and other potentially dangerous and toxic compounds.

Diet with high content Fiber has long been linked to heart health in numerous studies. And although today cholesterol from food cannot be considered the main cause of atherosclerosis, dietary fiber make a significant contribution to the detoxification of the body. They trap excess cholesterol produced by the liver in the intestinal lumen and remove it from the body.

Reduces the GI of the meal!

Being sweet, but not being a completely digestible carbohydrate, inulin does not lead to an increase in blood glucose levels and does not cause insulin secretion. It can moderately reduce appetite and glycemic index meals, slowing down the rise in blood glucose and the deposition of excess sugars into fat. () An invaluable property for weight loss and diabetes!

Increases the absorption of calcium and magnesium

Some studies have shown that inulin improves the absorption of the electrolytes calcium and possibly magnesium.

How does this work? It all comes down to the positive prebiotic effects of inulin in the gut: they grow beneficial bacteria- the absorption of minerals from the food bolus improves.

2005, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Study in groups high risk for calcium deficiency (young girls and older women). Conclusions: “Daily consumption of a combination of short-chain and long-chain inulin prebiotic fructans significantly increased calcium absorption—increasing bone mineralization by 23%.” ()

An effective health supplement for weight loss

2016, University of Guelph in Canada, healthy women The powder was added to the menu for 8 days. Conclusions: “6 g of inulin in yogurt for breakfast reduces appetite.” ()

Only 1.5 kcal per 1 gram of inulin, delicate sweetness and voluminous expansion into a gel-like substance. This gives a feeling of fullness and satiety, and all the listed benefits for the body.

It is clear that inulin is an excellent participant dietary dishes for weight loss without harm to health.

Treatment of diseases of the nervous system and developmental delays in children

Of particular note is the extremely interesting use of inulin. for developmental delays in children and even in the treatment of autistic disorders. Essentially, the sweet powder does the same thing - it normalizes the microflora in small intestine. But that’s the beauty of the body with its unsolved mysteries! Exactly beneficial microorganisms in the intestine are closely related to nervous system, including its center - the brain.

To find out more, ask any full review on request “Nemeczyk protocol”. This is a biomedical doctor who has long observed the effects of introducing into the diet of children with deviations of only three rules. Here they are:

  1. taking inulin;
  2. taking omega-3 fatty acids;
  3. exclusion of excess omega-6 with simultaneous introduction of omega-9 ().

Some benefits can also be expected from the daily presence of inulin in the menu of people with Parkinson's disease and the general decline of motor and cognitive functions as they age.

Foods high in inulin

One way to consume a healing prebiotic on a regular basis is to include foods rich in it in your daily menu. What foods contain inulin? Let's list in descending order.

  1. - 15 to 20% - the most popular source with extremely high concentration
  2. Jerusalem artichoke (tubers) - from 16 to 18%
  3. Asparagus - from 13 to 18%
  4. Garlic - from 9 to 16%
  5. Artichokes - from 3 to 10%
  6. Leeks - from 3 to 10%
  7. Onions - from 2 to 6%
  8. Barley - from 0.5 to 1.5%
  9. Wheat flour - from 0.5 to 1.5%
  10. (especially slightly green) - from 0.3 to 0.7%
  11. Wheatgrass (a popular member of wellness menus)

In which medicinal plants:

  1. Dandelion root - up to 40%
  2. Elecampane root - up to 44%
  3. Burdock root (dry) - up to 45%
  4. Echinacea

It is not surprising that infusions for diabetics often contain elecampane, burdock and dandelion. First of all, this is the merit of our hero.

How it is produced and what it is used for

Most often, the valuable polysaccharide is obtained from Jerusalem artichoke, chicory root and agave.

Oligosaccharides are used in the food industry for dietary baking. This improves the taste, texture, moisture content and health benefits.

At the same time, it contains significantly fewer calories than carbohydrates and fats: only 1.5 kcal per 1 gram of inulin.

Inulin has a very mild sweet taste (about 10 times weaker than sugar). It is universal for any recipe, not only as a substitute for sugar, but also as a substitute for flour, as it helps create the illusion of fat content due to its gel-like texture after absorbing water.

Inulin is also available in the form of biologically active additives V different forms - powder, capsules, tablets.

Where to buy and how much does inulin cost?

The international market is actively attacking Chinese inulin. Its quality is questionable. Examinations reveal up to 50% maltodextrin. Read labels to make informed choices about health products.

On Russian market Most often you will encounter inulin from Jerusalem artichoke. It can be purchased at pharmacies and local online stores.

World leader in online trading iherb allows you to choose from a rich list of health and beauty products brands convenient form of polysaccharide. Position cards have a comprehensive description and rating with reviews. It is easy to find out the source of raw materials and production technology.

It is advisable to compare costs world-famous TMs and a not entirely clear option from the nearest pharmacy. Those who put together a basket of several items on iHerb will experience significant savings.

Consider other permanent bonuses. You can add an item marked Economy Delivery to your cart or place one non-small order. In this case, from a certain basket size even special delivery to your doorstep is significantly cheaper or free.

Our experience today suggests another important detail when buying inulin on iHerb. Pay attention to the offer buy 3 or more cans at a time. The powder is light, and when consumed by a family of 3 or more people, it is profitable to place a micro-wholesale order with an additional discount.

How to use with food and in supplements

Two questions remain:

  1. Is it calculated daily norm on inulin.
  2. How to get the recommended amount daily.

For example, Americans who are advanced in the topic of healthy eating consumed with food from 10 to 15 g per day. These figures only apply to those who follow a balanced diet, not a low-carbohydrate diet. In the general population, the amount of inulin is unlikely to exceed 3-5 grams per day.

Inulin is tasty and convenient option. It is sweet and soluble in hot water. It can be added in smoothies, tea, cocktails, jelly, salad, porridge and baked goods.

Useful idea: combine inulin and calcium!

Milk and banana shake for breakfast. Cottage cheese and garlic - traditional original snack. Raw onions in salads with leafy greens and cheese. Omelet with asparagus and grated Dutch cheese. Jerusalem artichoke tubers baked with cheese and sour cream.

Our approach to using inulin:

Possible harm and side effects

Allergy to inulin practically does not occur.

Like any dietary fiber, inulin can cause unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms, especially when consumed in excess:

  • Loose stools;
  • Dyspepsia from the stomach (heartburn, nausea);
  • Flatulence and mild flying pains along the intestines.

With a moderate intake of inulin (up to 3 teaspoons/day) this harm can only affect a narrow circle of people, for example, patients with chronic intestinal pathology (IBS, colitis, etc.). Such patients are advised to monitor the amount of products containing inulin, and administer the supplement accompanied by liquid only during the period of remission, increasing the dose slowly.

To be on the safe side, each person trying an inulin supplement for the first time can introduce it gradually, starting with 1 teaspoon of powder.

We will be glad if we clarified for you all the nuances about inulin, the benefits and harms of the healing polysaccharide, methods of use and products where it is contained in large quantities.

We hope our story will inspire you to use inulin systemically. It is especially useful to make healthy adjustments to the diet of children, elderly and frequently ill family members. And if you have any questions: comments are always open. Be healthy and bon appetit!

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For two decades, doctors, nutritionists and cosmetologists have been focusing on increased attention an organic compound from a group of polysaccharides called inulin, the benefits and harms of which are under study. Like all dietary supplements, this herbal ingredient (derived from chicory and Jerusalem artichoke) should only be taken after consultation with a doctor and a thorough diagnosis.

Chemical composition and properties

Inulin belongs to a class of organic compounds that, during metabolism, break down into fructose and its short polymer chains. Some metabolic products enter the bloodstream, replenishing the body's energy reserves. There are no enzymes in the human stomach that can completely break down inulin, and it begins to move to the intestines unchanged.

Useful information

Inulin accumulates in the rhizomes and tubers of plants as they grow and mature. When conditions unfavorable for vegetables and root crops arise, polysaccharide is added to the metabolism - an additional resource of chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, garlic and agave.
Unabsorbed fructose quickly leaves the human intestine. But even after a short stay in the body, inulin manages to absorb on its surface:

  • cholesterol;
  • toxic compounds;
  • slags;
  • undissolved metabolic products;
  • fatty acids.

Inulin is classified by doctors as prebiotics. These biological active substances, after penetrating into the thin and thick sections intestines create a favorable environment for the active proliferation of bacteria. Short chains of polysaccharides accumulate on the mucous membrane of the digestive organ. Beneficial microorganisms readily settle in such areas. A significant amount of inulin in the intestines is a powerful stimulus for the formation of new strains.

This property of the polysaccharide is used in the treatment of many diseases that occur against the background of a decrease in the body’s resistance to viral and bacterial infections. A course of inulin in the form of powder, capsules or tablets can significantly strengthen the immune system. This is especially true for people suffering from chronic pathologies of the respiratory system.


The benefits of inulin are based on its unique ability to quickly eliminate dysbiosis. It develops especially often after antibiotic therapy, which is indicated for many diseases. Antimicrobial drugs destroy not only pathogenic strains, but also bacteria necessary for the human body. The simultaneous use of antibiotics and inulin prevents the occurrence of dysbiosis.

The following properties of the polysaccharide are also used in medicine:

  • strengthening immune system, acceleration of metabolism;
  • absorption of radionuclides, poisons of plant and animal origin, toxic compounds;
  • restoration of liver cells, strengthening of its functional activity;
  • increased calcium concentration in bone, cartilage and joint tissue;
  • cleansing the lymph, normalizing its composition;
  • increased oxygen metabolism in cells and tissues;
  • elimination of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • production of the optimal amount of melanin.

Regular consumption of foods rich in inulin and dietary supplements helps to change the composition hair follicle. Polysaccharide nourishes the scalp, saturates it with beneficial chemical compounds. After two weeks of course of treatment, improvement becomes noticeable appearance hair.
Inulin is actively used in cosmetology. In clinics and beauty salons, experts recommend including polysaccharide in your diet because of its beneficial properties:

  • saturating the skin with moisture, vitamins and microelements;
  • activation of protective mechanisms at the cellular level;
  • regulation of the delivery of molecular oxygen to epidermal tissues;
  • exfoliation of dead skin particles.

After a few months of taking inulin, facial wrinkles disappear, and deep wrinkles become less noticeable. The facial contour improves and the skin becomes healthy looking, becomes elastic. Cosmetologists note the antiseptic effect of the polysaccharide - after a course of therapy, minor skin rashes and acne disappear.

For children

There are practically no beneficial bacteria in the newborn's intestines. By feeding on mother's breast milk, the baby receives everything necessary for growth and development. useful substances. Over the course of several months, the baby’s intestinal microflora is formed, and enzymes begin to be released in the stomach. In this way, the body receives the prebiotics necessary for digestion.

Interesting fact

Mixtures and cereals for children enriched with polysaccharide have appeared on the shelves of pharmacies and specialized stores. Such nutrition helps parents provide the child with prebiotics after stopping breastfeeding.

In order to normalize the intestinal microflora, pediatricians recommend including porridge with polysaccharides in the diet. It is enough to give it to your baby once a day to:

  • the bones were strengthened, the spinal column was formed correctly;
  • improved digestion;
  • the supply of essential vitamins and minerals has been replenished.

This food is especially suitable for children whose tummy hurts after every intake of milk or formula. Inulin helps eliminate flatulence, belching and intestinal spasms. The polysaccharide is even contained in cereals intended for babies prone to allergic reactions.


Inulin has been proven to be effective prophylactic to reduce the risk of formation malignant tumors. People prone to seasonal colds are recommended to take the polysaccharide a month before the outbreak. The organic compound helps eliminate inflammation in the intestines, chronic constipation and diarrhea.

Diabetics should include inulin in their diet. The biologically active substance normalizes glucose levels, optimizes the functioning of the endocrine glands, and has a positive effect on the production of hormones.

Gastroenterologists advise including polysaccharide in the diet of patients with the following pathologies:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • colitis;
  • various forms of gastritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis.

Inulin prevents relapses atopic dermatitis and urticaria. Hypertensive patients who regularly use inulin note normalization of blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate. Inulin's ability to accelerate metabolism is actively used in the treatment of renal and liver failure.

Harm and contraindications

The main contraindication for use is individual intolerance polysaccharide. The consumption of vegetables and root vegetables rich in inulins should be limited to people with reduced blood clotting. In case of chronic hemorrhoids or thrombophlebitis, the polysaccharide must be completely excluded from the diet.

Inulin should not be used by women while pregnant. The harm of the biologically active compound to the body of the expectant mother and baby has not been established, but there is no evidence base benefits as research is still being done.

The dosage of inulin and the period of course therapy are prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable due to the risk of developing a sensitization reaction. Before including a polysaccharide in your child’s diet, you should consult your pediatrician.

Recently, the dietary supplement inulin has become very popular. They say that with its help you can lose weight, normalize sugar and cholesterol levels, and improve digestion. So let's figure out how reliable such stories are. And to do this, let’s find out what inulin is, what its benefits are, is there any harm, what foods and supplements contain it, and how to use them correctly.

What is it?

Inulin is a variant of soluble plant fiber. Prebiotic. Present in 36,000 different plants. In the largest quantities - in chicory root and Jerusalem artichoke.

Plants need it to store energy and maintain constant internal temperature. Since this molecule has osmotic activity, it protects plants from damage low temperatures.

By its chemical nature, inulin is a fructan (a carbohydrate consisting of several fructose residues). The compound has a high molecular weight and can simultaneously bind a significant number of water molecules. Which makes it even more voluminous.

Main beneficial properties

Normalization of intestinal microflora

Inulin cannot be absorbed by the human body. But it perfectly nourishes the beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines.

Improving the state of intestinal microflora makes it possible to:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • lose weight;
  • improve the absorption of certain nutritional compounds;
  • expel pathogenic microorganisms, such as yeast, from the intestines;
  • reduce chronic, low-grade inflammation in the gut that usually goes unnoticed but can lead to many serious illnesses, for example, to bowel cancer.

Treatment of chronic constipation

Once in the intestines, inulin adsorbs water onto itself. And this helps to quickly form voluminous feces.

Moreover, stool formed under the influence of a prebiotic has an interesting property. Its chemical nature is similar to fat. Therefore, it lubricates the intestinal wall, facilitating bowel movements and preventing the development of hemorrhoids.

In addition, inulin feeds beneficial bacterial flora, which is necessary for good digestion, including for regular bowel movements.

Help in treating and preventing diabetes

It has been found that consuming this prebiotic is beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. Long term exposure on the body high doses insulin, which always occurs in type 2 diabetes, increases oxidative stress. And this is what leads to the emergence of many severe complications of this disease.

Inulin increases antioxidant activity in the body and thus makes it possible to avoid the development of diabetes complications.

Taking the prebiotic has also been shown to reduce fasting sugar levels by 8.5% and A1c levels (a measure of long-term blood glucose control) by 10.5%.

Inulin slows down the digestion of food, especially easily digestible carbohydrates. This prevents significant amounts of sugar from entering the blood and the subsequent massive release of insulin. Normalizing sugar and insulin levels is exactly what any diabetes treatment is aimed at.

Protection of the heart and blood vessels

Once in the intestines, the prebiotic slows down the absorption of not only carbohydrates, but also fats. In particular, cholesterol.

According to modern scientific views, dietary cholesterol is not directly related to the level of this compound in the blood and the risk of atherosclerosis.

However, for some people, such as those who eat too much fat, this prebiotic effect may be important.

In addition, improving control over sugar and insulin levels is of great importance for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases. Since elevated sugar and hormone levels lead to the development metabolic syndrome, and he - to the emergence of a variety of cardiovascular diseases from hypertension to stroke.

Improving the condition of bone tissue

More recently, in 2005, it was found that the use of inulin makes it possible to save postmenopausal women and girls from developing osteoporosis. possible problems With bone tissue, which sometimes occur when rapid growth.

How a prebiotic can improve the absorption of calcium from food is not yet entirely clear. Scientists believe that this effect is associated with the normalization of the intestinal microflora, which plays a large role in the absorption of nutritional compounds from food by the human body.

How does it work for weight loss?

Extremely positive.

The prebiotic slows down the absorption of food and therefore lengthens the period of satiety. It has been established that when taking it, the level of satiety hormones increases and the level of hunger hormones decreases.

In addition, the compound swells in the stomach, filling its volume. And it reduces appetite.

In addition to its ability to suppress appetite, inulin has several other properties that are useful for weight loss.

  1. Almost always, the formation of excess fat deposits is caused by resistance of body tissues to insulin. The prebiotic slows down the absorption of carbohydrates from food, and thus makes it possible to avoid changes in blood sugar levels. This helps increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Which is important not only for preventing diabetes, but also for losing weight.
  2. With a pathological increase in body weight, the composition of the intestinal microflora always changes. And this change accelerates further weight gain. Inulin supports beneficial bacteria in the intestines and suppresses those that can lead to various diseases, including obesity.
  3. Since the prebiotic feeds beneficial intestinal microflora, it helps the body cope with chronic inflammatory processes in the body, which often lead to a set excess weight, although they go unnoticed.

When is it wise to start taking dietary supplements?

  • When you simply want to improve your diet and thereby maintain your health for many years.
  • At elevated level blood sugar, whether diabetes or pre-diabetic condition.
  • If you have digestive problems, especially chronic constipation.
  • At high cholesterol and high triglycerides.
  • In cases where there is a high risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • When a diagnosis of “fatty liver disease” is made and there is a threat of development of this pathology.
  • With decreased immunity.
  • When you want to lose weight.
  • When taking antibiotics (necessarily together with probiotics).

What types of prebiotic supplements are there?

Today, there are two main types of dietary supplements of this type: capsules and powder. The second type is considered best choice, since inulin powder can be included in the diet by the most in different ways. For example, replacing sugar in baked goods with it, making it less harmful.

How to take supplements correctly?

As such, there are no instructions for using inulin. Because you can include it in your diet in a variety of ways.

However, it is important to remember the following.

Always start taking a prebiotic with 2-3 grams per day. This amount is introduced into the body over 1-2 weeks. Next, increase the amount of prebiotic by 1-2 grams per week.

Gradually bringing it up to 5-10 grams per day.

Experts consider 10 grams of inulin per day as the optimal dose. The maximum is 30 grams. But this amount of prebiotic per day should not be consumed without a doctor’s permission.

How to include powder in your diet?

  1. Add to coffee, tea, cocoa. Preferably instead of granulated sugar.
  2. Use in making vegetable smoothies.
  3. Use in baking recipes. Inulin can replace up to 50% of the granulated sugar that needs to be put into the product.
  4. Sprinkle over fruit.

You can think of other ways to use it. For example, some people like to add a prebiotic instead of sugar when making caramelized meats or vegetables.

Is it possible to do without dietary supplements?

It is possible if you include foods rich in this compound in your diet.

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea.
  • All these symptoms do not cause any serious harm to health and disappear as a person gets used to receiving more plant fiber. In addition, the severity of these symptoms can be reduced if.

    No other negative effects have ever been observed when taking inulin. However, dietary supplements with this compound are not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers simply because their effect on the development of the child in the womb and the quality breast milk not studied.

    What is inulin, what are its benefits and harms: conclusions

    This is a type of soluble plant fiber that is not absorbed by the human body, but is food for beneficial intestinal flora. That is, it is a prebiotic.

    The normalization of intestinal microflora, which occurs when taking supplements with this prebiotic, helps prevent cancer and diabetes, improve immunity, improve calcium absorption and lose weight. Inulin is also needed to eliminate chronic constipation.

    If the dosage is observed, the prebiotic does not cause harm to the body.

    You can use it both in the form of dietary supplements (powder or capsules) and in natural form, that is, simply include in your diet foods rich in these compounds, for example, instant chicory or Jerusalem artichoke.